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TilUkADAV, June ll, 1903.
LondonMethodist Conference,theihciWait in ulrrulr. Ayp otherld but«r. however, serviprrc lurch wan au stllall Mr. Ayeat,.t raid xlr hrW loth rnurhtng acid evening, \! ' leers' tnvestigntlon of the eallk qu@s-
tftwt un« Rrewt tearwiu Wax tike JaIK" it watl "urertA+d that some ill tike tion, has Cows to the tollowlog conclu• P*bdea by cot" KuIDclent hot :►sten
emiggration to tin Northwest, wavy l'brpntiAn Yet ill the church give alon: First, a cow yields as rich milk V added to raise the temperature to
Mrt(r" irte leaving Ute variuux din, reldi*mw% at the morning service, Ire- s.:, whet. a lielfe•r ss when she is a allature about 130 degrees F. The opening L
erect. f1r the Ivu(«Ieucr. rides the Iwntor, atter which tikeILY cow; srecwld, the milk Jr re- rich We tightly closed and the "churn" is kept
Rev. Jasper Wilson Elected mike ,•tnfrch r,nt prin,In a aid tu,d uterting he tutnrd incl a gt•urrxl D`���n I first month as It 1i later to the period to agitation with a Jerky movement for
re- 1st rhuwtd tcNxl rxprm tutvw dor. t«rth"011Y alerting. At a the evening Crel.\MC, " of lacteltlon, except durlug the last few about totYy minutes before the buttAga
tug Cllr year ill jl,ll0. W, Of the gen• Iwrvicn the panWr shalt pnvu•h A g1a1d weeks whru she in drying up; /hint, forms. The accompanying photographs
President. real conference *K1 fund pendthere merest te- strong wrnon Imettiu bl forth water there Is very little difference 1u the sea- `Pokey this Important feature to the
erlpts of tpl,K(3 and expenditures u( the "•mmeutiatm f Mrttu"tlNt tavu•hiutt.
Arrant I K,IMM). Th. -re shall lop" it s *r ial pnlKiaw ill A strictly fleet dmfs up to date butte
l sou a■ to the quality of mille. %\'hlle domeestic life of this region. The butter
_ __ Thr Nil e ei-mnnuation fund t u►.Iw the Nlwday m-hoOl for the 41A V. and a maker should be of mature age and oil posture the Wilk Is Delther richer thus Prepared L white and curly to ap-
I.pi,rteel total r•e.c.lilt. f1.'W11 I l4mfrr. mpwvIxl effort. IN' 111x/le W Kot the rilil. have soave experience and coum*rable nor poorer than while on dry feed In pearanee, The best quality retalls at
ence•r SZW,8t1.:1S. deer to take a stand for Christ. Thr dairy education, Says George Danford winter; fourth, the nallk fruw a herd 21% Coll, Per pound.
Coveted honor Fels to a Former Go(ierlch Pastor
The lollfri- m'e dre•ideel 1 meet in {rrgdr of tike church were coun,ellel varies little In comparlttuu from day to '�1
ta,udom next )ear, the a utrh W Ie iKot to ulakeq the bi-erntrnxiy cccarion In the Farwrr's Advocate. !ie should Qay.
—interesting Gathering of Methodist Ministers detidel by IA)f" (,n Milli •ial Asm.o•ia• one of lm*tmttug and vxillKlory, hal be Power ed of a good bract, strong
tion. It in underwttrrd that it will lie one of sinre cepraise And thrmksgty- areas loud willing bands, and be honest A Ilea Dairy will. I O
and Laymen at Wingham -Final Report of the Wrllin n strret church, Of which ing. The anuutitt«I vlmp htattily tad upright -o[ mature age w that The datry mud food i+owwlssloners of
Stationing Committee. etc• It• U• tlatnilU,n is wsG,r, he concurred in the Proposal Gr rai»a wI he will attend strictly to business and Illinois and Ohio, !h c•onjurectioa with
having extended ail In LAt1n11 U, the spvial nftari„r/ary fund of Wf,O110 ill j 7 Professor John llawl)twl, the secretary
contrn•ncr•, couwrtion with the velebrlttiull. JJJ act Ilk@ a mature person should; of of agriculture of 1'emuslhaula, have
Ilea. Jwmlrl+r Wilson, of Hidgrtown, penuiUing Mr. McNair to rugage ill j It wave Ike iciest, um motion of Rev. Thr ur•dlrtatiun ejAN, , Iter. Uro. IV. experience that be way avoid the into- drawn up a dairy and flood Dill which
formerly of Goderich, has hewn el"ct*xl special r"it nge•listI(• work. Richard Hublw, W dO away with the AV. Rivelr., B. A., mild Rev. Job" H. takes often sure to overtake the fnex- it is proposed to Introduce into con-
pnsident of the l.ondou Methodist me following were elected oh the billrtiug NVrt•111, an now in existence, Oxt•rhuut, I3 t)., !1r•srutd ton pe.nr /erlenced. lin should lac@ cuuslder-
rx^II11n(ng hoard tile- theeinai q yyrftr: u(.•/"•h ("•legate Pwyiug iuU,a cuuuuuu dent, Fir\. Jasper `IN -will, M. A. )rest gam• 'I'lla convention of the assoc•1a• Some dalrywen argue they cannot at -
Her. which opened iter mnuu,►P Ker, A. I. Humse•II,H. U., A. KKBirkN feud for his mcconuucrlxtion doting the x phut.,Kr^phis Knnnp sit himself Aull elle dairy rducltlluu, that be may ole tion of the state dairy and food depart- ford to pay fancy prices, and therefore
meeting AL %i'ingham lust week. Mr. H.D., J. %1'ihwon, M. A„ C, T. !(teat, D. cw,(ereme• Next year each delegate clan», ally to apply the uxperlcuc"• of cohere plenta which met at Portland, Ore., last wast ore couteut With cheap crows says
Wilmon reeiv«d IZ! vutre, only l0Y A., J. Philp, Ph. B., %V, R. Yuuirg will anxuge fur his Own ae eolluncicix- The l•ItrIM11er1 Ut 11tNt'IPta N'Pre K1yt9' July delegated the above gentlemen as Dale- ry, g
D. U., A. H. (Join H. A , V 1`', and disseminate the ueeessary knowl- y and Cream" The average cow
i uiiwd to elect, r
leu g ,y reed his neer g tion, It took A lung time to decide permission to erelpluy the follow, a committee to draft a national dairy
Brown, K. I)., J. K. (fund D. K edge among his patrons; posses" of and food bill. It will be introduced D of the country makes from 125 to 130
est competitor g was Rev. Richardyfl-ll P. lvrllm, B. U. Ye U., C. the matter, thew• being hat( a duzrrn using u,en duringg the year : .M~,N. a y pounds of butter per anuum, while no
%Viag w'h, ha G] Mixtthroy ores. Fri(lx n au,entlud•rttr whist► Wore all voter! �'tIn), Rubins, iHwirlem. Hart, Allen Ptcocl head, that he may do at least a Senator Cullom. Progressive ,lrlrywaD ought to d,@ sat -
Rev, haw, he having Ke slxwan votes. y flrlv.crm A ci\ ie drputatint, down, and }:Im,n, part of his own thinking and appy It water Is the "Pa. irfied with Iran than 250 to 300 pounds
Rev, N'ewlry R Kerr wow rler•ted c"IIIlr1Wr1 Of Mayor Varentune and The town of WinghAnn was "arty Ur. Daniel and 1. H. %%'aliw•ili over• practically, as well as hr1Dg r6wpetent
■ern•tary of the conference, and Kry rurwhr"w of it'-' G,wn council of lying- ,stir Muntb►y ulunlin Fnuu sit dire•- nhrtnd chwiruwu xnll HnanciAl sr•Iw- to wauugs a bu»Imes nrlulrlug rxt`ep It you have not already dome so, It each per anuum. Suppose two were, A
T. E. re-rimm and Rev. A. K. Birks. haw, wppeal,el, need rztrndwl a public tion" people legal. too H«•k in to att�•nd taey, 1wpectiVely, u( the (Jerb rich die tioual judgment; strong eras soil will- I would be worth the trouble to serlouoly and B, engage In dairying. A believes
1.1111 ill IAmIdon. Arirtamt secretaries. welconlar4u the con(erence (trip ten. the conference• serviceot. The confer- trio; U, RugeM Anil (i. J. Kerr ill Ing hands, that be cru and will do the consider it It would teat pay you well I is stmrNlI g cheap and buys ten cows at
on taking the ollAir, the new ,)real- j Mayor Vanrtnle n•ad an miclleas, elle• love heart wam in char•gr of the }l m,gluuu district ; Ur. lixuuuu xnd work thoroughly and IowplPtr)y; hon- to put in a water system to your barn $-•s-i:. O These we will suppose to be
lent frankly mPkuuwl"rlgel that hr w'hic'h Pungr..Ullxtvl the Methodist I"wtur of the church, Rev, I(. Hultry �VIn. G,dwiu of Exeter district. ret elld upright, tort he can alit will i so that the cows will out have to go out � average cows, producing 123 pounds of
heel dertind the oMti,, notwithstanding C'hun•h of ( nmol^ ill, iw r•nutrkalrle need Rev. W. H. Manning, Clinton, Sclu.r sit the chnugeN Made ill the on cold, stormy days lu whiter to drink butter each I,rr anuum. At :A scab s
the twit that each retiring President P" ivrnrmm its nulllerotis An„1 ^fill was largely attended. At 10.48 draft „f stations are mm follows ; trent all his patrons, as well a the int
runts»art relief at 1e111K utile G, give earl opus) elu*ati,,nnl iuntitutiorl the dlpnl' won- opened, atilt by I1 bridge A. l'. Tiffin ; L4tkuow Tl w: lee cold water at an open teak. pound her product amounts to l�:S. The
sa latlon or cow{rally, feisty, sold el- coat of keeping I 1 the duties at the rrld of the tetra. tb sue,.a ul nnimniolinry work, tile- re. O'clock every fort of sssil^ble spave ten Nillyant; Uorrie, J. W. Holutes ; Ways do the proper p;,r + Minnesota Dotter Lakes. I P g would be about SWI
li ions zeal Of its minister. And it. was taken. y V per work at the I snaking a loan of =5. B has a different
i frit ndingg ill give it a trial. nut- K ArhH.-ld. N. A. Smith : l3alruf, Jmud." time. Jur. Beecher once said that God eoald,
with"tstding that the -v aver• draw• great influrncw for K/rm1. Kra•. (leo, W. W. Rivers, H. A., and 1Valkw': Hr ve, A. E. Junes; He should bare some knowledge at doubtless. bare made a better berry idea of dairying mud buys five cows at
few k»and haat work cuunrcterd with The nuwiriaNng ennwtttr pnsrnt. Jahn If. O.trrh,dlt, H. U., err• or- Gode•l , T. K. McNair added tO atitbwetle, rugtuerrfng, wrchluery, than the strawberry, but he never did. W ,�eh-$'=� They both have the
the position. It was hand for him to wl their rep,rt, which was adopted. drinell by the pr•mident. ammi"terl by Ninth secret church; l'liotlm, Ontario ca Ga] could have made .letter Duttet Same Amount of capital Invested. We
realize that he hat] boon Nu honored axrl,rDterlltR, berterJulugy sad chem- will admit that H will naturally 1be b -Iter rrwry crmnmitter• i. rs (ill- the Nwnior ud oriel,+. the illlpn•Nmive street, Joel. Cook : Dungannon, J. %%'. latry, be an expert with the Badcock oaken than the 11Inuesota butter mak- y feed
lop le rlee•te•t1 u, the pl"ald.-acv .d the low" Ida,v. G. J. Hi11hup I)r. A. ritual of the Metho dist chun•h being R.thiuwln ; Hrnwiller. J U. 1'ellaud ; ■fid caro for lila cows a tittle Defter
Ixn or !. test and be clean, neat and accurate esti, but I low torr hr never did. -W. W.
here;lAinAa cou(rreI though have
had win N'. Kim lie Hwrri,ti B. %vAl!- lirerl inti the Imyiug oD u/ hxnd». WAftan, A. A1rlrewtl IiayHrld, J. A. , erg, McConnell. than A for having better Stock he
f In all lDlu s. R
toren r:{`1w•ting IL r11d would have tltren Ksby. Janus IJyinK"tM, U. lire. Jxs. Hrndrnp,u. U, U., asstmt- Surll ; Kilr,p. eAr $. A. Shaw. g I I would take nd,re Interest in thank.
di»wfgrlintrd if he hall rot b ern ele•c•t• N• M,•('^lith*, H, "preWnt, D". ('role, ant utimsiunar merretary', of Tolofit,. The core reure,chred ,it 1 #&. fi,, „❑ Ills nim should be to produce the lar- I Good Wertc. I m.
ell. Hr. Wilson maid in conchlmion A. L Riessell And J. W. Holmes, anti was the prwhrr. He chusrAN hin text Tuesday, to Moot next Jnrw i:,"','1',',' Beat quantity and the [horst quality of i Time eau wpeu tb@ average farmer iiii could realize some profit tot a little ex.
that he would rather he ptwident of Moment- J. it• ChApmnan, T. U. Stanley, Aet"'2:i :-"Aral they were All filled city of l,,,ndon, butter at the least possible cost, and Time
ewcreamerymast ear light a the t tra fled mod thus they would get a tot
tile 1,011dou conference thmif of ally Jacob Taylor, Thulium Hostetter And W, with the Holy Ghost," from which hr b tie .letter fare than A's. B's cows
MitNiu G, the nearer he approaches this standard � work done by agricultural colleges and ' would just as easily produce 250
,other ron(erenc e.his whole if,ini.wri^I K n• pneae sled nor of his characteristic ""I'- the more valuable are his services. and, ex e
life having Mrem "Pent within this A cutrnmterlication w^.nrMl fnnii the -, ,11s, thoughtful l►ndpathetic,clotbelle S. S. AND C. E ASSOCIATION. I { rimeut Stations. That tliie boo Ipounds of batter u A'■ would 128
trtifrlrner, British and Foreign liiblr Mac -sty with ill `run• diction And grac•.-(ulh• ,tette- so ter an he L cou,•erued, the nearer Roar by, ups l'rrawery Journal. The M
Rev. K N. Baker, n( Stratfoni, who n•frrereer to its cenu.timry celebration (•fir . Suadwy m hpd ,uldresNim earn• AAamal Con t" to w mold at 6,rtm on perfevtlon has moderd butter nlakiaii men In coutrol of these institutions no pounds. "'� pounds at 20 cents equal
next ,year. lhiril, , vee ..d.r . e r.,a.r teat become. $50 each per annual. With cost of
gg�(isU, Hn,eelw^y Tal"rrnrc Ir, Te,ront,, R the hundred \ran+ Irlivrrvrl in the Aft rnooln b Rev. I longer seclude themselves (n their of keeping slaving been transferred t, Turont,, like mp iron in"' 1*-') in eximtenceIt hxs 1)e-. (trok And flees. Jacor" I"van tour, On Thursday Roll Fi,.Iay ..f next Most anybody tin make good blottse lime and clansnwrus. They get out and P g $W` the net profit would
oinfrmnee, trade farewell t, 1. ndoll dimtributed INeMkII11,00 Billion, in :8111 w'kich ween• appropriat to the prem- Meek (June IN and lu) I he Ilsri cull. some of the lieu, but few can produce mix with We farmers ud tndrtlmrh amount to $15 each. Remember, A's
conference. Mr. Baker nwit lu• h lel 1^ng.trt�Pa, .At pnewnt Bilins Are bring inion. vrolion fur Sunday se�ho of wnil batter at alt finite. and conduct their experiment, along toes was $3 a raw, whlc h makes s Iter
during his *even year) nmidell(r• in !,ranter in m humped now tong tem. In the rvening the chue-11 was again Christian Kndeavor workers Of litenq+ Mlea Great care 1■ NeeesNrr. I practical business liuce. to dairy work tereuce of j:o In favor of the better
Lindon ep[ferenc• rwrivel nothing Thr "'"'er(y x»kr fur rspre•iAl OftprinK crowdet, Th«!on•Reher wax tart•. !h ''.)line%. will le held in the Prr^lyter The elaboration of milk Is out a vol. I such men at I'ruftmuors Cortise arid
cow' Th{r stateweut b not an oveF
Imlt kindnease from the ministers awl front CAll d1A '.f OV"I AINwr the Young. Of St. ,onuts, who pr m-hrl tan chun•h. Blyth, the public teiuK drawn one. A few good cows are worth
the Methodists {[tenerally, And I ". lim"'Ll Riving.,, xn,l au cordially invited to metered the mewl• rotary acct n. !t Is • process of ma- McKay fD lows, Hrury, italm,p k, Far-
K7rfS' KKt".i that on nn exeng t sennas f Tie the snbjtr t, ternit Q rlii a StAbtrfut of cumnwu coca. It !e wise
swan with hardo� "rf `i'enrve p,lin h chi N tw•ixl w•rmhat ing 7 to V}uvlde nourishment Ux oR- Klan and Wotl lu Wisconsin, Err and to select the lest individual animals
feeling" nyln•t. w• p •'tinkiuK to Jereun." '1'bne• sm(•rrndml In Ewer ' Glover In illlnolN, \'nn Nurwan lu In-
ronfrrener pwrued w r,mdutiu11 within !'r fm,'eo'herl in the shun her And that '(3 the hind's Supp`r (ullowe(l, con- ThulslAy will for devoted to sundav Spring. y d sturbauce retards the
w s ir•ix! coU•r•tion M• txkrn up uu that ductd by Rev. J. (ialluwap, wmalsteri it'hNd intrlreAls and Ansel U,pilrx Its the actin, of otic milk functions. A volar dlana, Ilae•ker lu allunemoW and a obtainable from some of the dalryy
Mr. tinker pnlapeM.. in hi" nrw !feel 1 broeds. Moreover, while pedigree in a
,of work. Many ministers spoke on the 'd^v• tea wvrral of the (Adorn pn•m•nt. following will be dim•ummrl : •'Thr tary action Interrupted may be re• dose•n others In different states have
r,",rhltion, referring t, the dr sorting it+ y. J. R. Gundy pr.ri•ntrl the re-- �txrly x!i the pulpit" of the trwn Trac -her'" Material And How t, %York sumeet, but not an involuntary one. A accomplished rlrlults of Inestimable good thing to rnuNldrr, individuality L
ierxyertah (n the Must ru�l,gistic ,,, cif the sustrntxtion (slid cum- early supplied (rum the conference. ('ism It tike Mond#&y St•hlid and cow ma Ile down and nam value to the dalrp and agricultural Ill• of far wore Importance, it takes, an,
ntittr. A slight dec•reawr was n•• Monthly wornifi the Tem wtwretr.. ^How to Make the y bend volar- expert however, to tell In all cases byl
friar"' K eroptled work tory action, but the lungs, the heart terrsb of the whole country. Not only
Are art mss oil Vicl ria ('Iowa- pi,rt"c1 for the year, ibe1 an appeal R the conference wxa prprrrlrl with, Sun/�Ay Mrhol FPI. Irl In the Mtatr, t)ntward appearencee as to the radii
(wllor Eurwa"h un %'ietoriw (ldlego. Wan made for trots lil.rntl Mllplrort. ►l•'t'• J. N'ilw,n pr•r�tilrg. After the (ill In Mlmirt " I••) In the• Huenr" ; •� the mammary orgaiis continue In methods of breeding, feeding and
This )Par there are 415 students intnmr by (li"tricts: - Inmdon, $(:18.81; reacting sit the minutes, x .•olmm,ni,•^. "Normal Training"; How the Mun- their functions uninterrupted by the manufacture have they rendered valua• value of a cow.
attending, an inctra^ro(righteen Over Sttxttnnl, til11l.a;f; Wingletaul, SM.IMt; Lion was received (no,,, thr Methodist day Schooll4houhl be Conducted." Ad- comes pllsltior. If fur ally cause the ble service, but they have Invented Walsh the Da11
iAst rear. The t/tal number of (Joderich, $•i:i.,a; Exeter, jw),IMi: Historical Society, amking that the drrmrrl will to given bythe general Involuntary actions are Interrupted, some of Ute Hest creamery iuiplellleuts Always keep an eye on the bull, ad•
studeieta In mets in '277 and in thedoKy Str►thrty, $:Itl.:11; Sarnia, j5l.ky., mifiutem of the Genual Conference in Suere
Sunday fei"•h,rrl m•tary, J. A. Jack- the result As serious and cannot be I now largely used in modern creameries. The" Dairy and Creamery. A pall
I Wirlelm,r, 11153.,:4: Chatham, $dfl,l5. refe•renre to the collee•ting of old re- earn, Jt. A., lo( Toronto, will a nlunber remedied. (;rest care should therefore Butter Msktas In south Dakota. should always be regarded as danger
��A,lution, lt"wed by Krv. J,)Nr )h Ridgrlown, 001. Ito; Me. Thouiam, $89,• ('"ills for p rem-e-a•alioll in Victlria (,Ili. (d the Meat speakers (null diQurr"l• be taken not to Interrupt the full I I dot Coder certain celudltiuus and dt•
1111n11p se ttxltlert by Hrv, Dr. (him Y. 1:1 Total, !)Nsi.lr: suavity le hrintol in the ulinule,s of Uterus and villages n( the county. ! Pacv Dalry Commissioner Rherwcsld of i cumstanrn he fa Idke the Run that L
wAs p"t(ase'tt instructing the nominAting Tt++' f,,ll,,w'ing distriMnti,,n wean re-• contrn•nee fur the information of it. On Fridayp C loo i"tian F tideavor tolo- given to the lacteal function at time of South Dakota rrp,ort% 153 creameries not loaded, tb41 bull that L harmless
(onued'n(t(rt : Thannsfunl, u,rudr e-1.. its will 1e- 1limru,ssrl and the pnpgrxiu maMro't7. Every dlaturbanm or lrrpg- !r operation In that state, and hr esti- usually does tnJury• The bull that M
r„nwitbe t, nomreinatr weowmitUw sit $l13; nlarltl will surely cause a dePnaslon
seen mintst'rs wMl laymen Up ncgcr N'roxrt•r, $kit; Tiverton, ills; Eth"•1, AL w joint nte•ting of Epworth Ica lie with one• and one half mat`s the output for the Past year of known to be cress sad dm
tin(.• with any eallinittoo for rNlllllitr $N); Hayfield- 82i; Wntlmul, $:do; Ar, Iw•^gur", reture •sting MaM1ia, Strath- hnurm of mltid Bible stinly fondles. In their activity and a shrinkage In 7.3':,7,Q1S pounds at an nverngr of 175( wO� w -
a"•• xpPN,intld by any either ra'wn_ konx $3n; MArthmville, "); Wilkes- n,y. Bxet•r And Strstfnrl districts. by tell- It*-*. 1). N. McCau,ln, Manlim milk Dow. cents a Pound. Thin Barr hI'l!11)0,(K)0 for $� QDa/ ��y' I�HLa Im sataPM
11••li.,d church having for their objevrt "'ri' • $1111; (itstp, fk)'1; Bothwell. $1:,: $Y,I1111) wait vptt,l U, the general flus- If n-inerfy of C otmon .1 Beare the Jadarer. tr_y tfiofalf, __
the milk of cows contributlug to the - __ = - - _' : -
(" -•' arrange h,N111• /I1WtIm murk 1m'l_llrt', j tl; Straft,,ldVdlr, $Jit; Prle• m,,n Merril for the Illlt'poe,,( pllr'►DYt- T'(P'('" 'If Morel^l Intrre,,t t1 Chri"t- We are of the oPloloq that our friend cre:lmrrles, while he .estimates the t0 Tmis M•r{•I,k tip HAIR 1VoRY-jN Alt
wlthl,. the M,ultldA ,If this r,nferenee inland ti,1, Ing
land ,.t Chintl, IArI i,ri dea\'„n•fll vtrlll lie di.-llv"rt ^rid Moterad dant ■ul,'L;IMtr1 ■ butter score wl \'AIIIP of butter sued lu SontD Dflko• 11111`"rl•tant 1.11 fir yo produce W w -. Ifo
M I•. prevent Aue'h overlApping as 14•mm Wv. Jamp er %1•ulm,n and %1'. J. ('hill- to In- limed A^ x site fill' Illl((si,,n It I" rxpNr'(el lf1Xi the y,,,.ng rYlplp lnR copttyt for llll(er judges, and the illi) n•Hn1r1 (!Ur• shit w N'1a younger
plxn.h hurtful UI the ,u1a'wncewent Of FPrKllwrn earn ele•trl tore I,Mf•nt the Initlding». wtM M•" rept, w noel by targe clrlt^' tr, IDPIud1uR that made at i+uwe, to be pfd
titin" frau the difteetemt mKirtitn Its Plan L sppan•ntty ill admirable one, over$4,lxAo(l0, head M xnv Jul{ .,f rntlrmxn. Pto(,
I'hn.r'r kin�Kpttorn. Loudon confrtwnce on t gl•rirral Otl mwtion it WA" de•ilrt that Inin- writes 1 1:. Klutee iD Crrauoer Jour- K
K• v. Dr. uZord. Ro.l . %%'u.. Ket- mtmsioharr Ito*Led far the next iNtrnr moving to reN 1,.n"ible /or their Ihr rrwrnly. J d.aeau et Dal I)'uenwpncl. who will i1r at UrilPlicit;
cal. it would certainly work no lo`Jus try aeheel. clot 11ru►unstt•Ale this tranyone calling
Ilene❑ sto1 R+•y. J, ! . Furl earn• #&pr 9uw v. R.nfin. a JuI circuit* un t r first Sunday in Mr. altiriday will Rlmp gips Art Ael- tice upon those qualified to act, and !f It has become a recogLlaed tact that "" hien At him show lc"remm, He has
plhlt•rl to fill vacancies m the L.Ind,,n Pira'• R. J. %%'arose. U. U., Principal ,hilt•. dtvsm on Yritims .•variate And the Rrc.
of Alma, College, Mt. Thomam, I/1e-. p Mr. Mawr 1 a man is not fit to perform the lm at least one dairy school course In abso 1allir7 mud
.,Infv.•n,v delegation to the (:ruerxl 'K('. hr rnnrrrenc"• Iw,rwrl w rem,lut;on rw, n Hroe•Neld, will speak l"' pow- Ke•ntli w•igr, Uwptee,
F,.nf•i,l-t r•. r" M, Hunt, tictRtsvllle ; s`nterl his Annual rep,rt, and gave A intnplteeel by He•y. R. Hoblss eollvey- ,in the mord K•t, ••Permmtal Effort ht the Cant duty o[ morlug butter those tnter- lately essential to the /rlu+•ation of the hmngm, Navy' and ((Hain fronts,
%%'..S. Clew, Aylner. And U.C.Taylor, stirring addnroa in behalf of this ing thanks UP the Mayor, R. Van"ton/:. H^rvl•mt a alerilloo." estood should be ro Informed. It would suc•.-p.mful butter maker. Only a few sw•Itviles int.uvt•ry length and-erhltdee
iAeknOw, wen• appopretrd W the inrtitutiou, and urged more hearty for him hl•wrty loeleome in the name of It' ill exiected that every Sundmy certainly result In strrugtbrning the short years ago this Idea was s1•Idom that he'A'illglaellc adjust on anylydyr -'_ -__
support. The rnnMi Bert wax the he c,,tencil. And the flow of the town g Iter de'" !(IK•irty iii faith of those inclined to be credulous hrael free- o charge to )meso' this.
racanci., in the lay delegation PI t Ncht",I and Young present lu the mental collection of the ihm't fail to me-• him. It ie his sir)
Thr board of examiners Ip( the Pon- Iwrwfwt in the paint• nevvn year,. the hall for w MUMIey Aftermo n m•rvicr, the different church"s lot the enunty aboht the absolute justice in acoria ar"ge creamery man. How (lost cos- ]�
Coll.- flavin Rev. U. N. Mi-Canitem, Sarnia. pre- 'kill we'll delegates nd to those- who g vomit to (Jtdrrich Howl Bev!(utdt
fvten,r war elected as follows : --Rev. KI' K xt)jIr,rent 151 student". { P butter and would satisfyeverybody dltione and the popular Idea et is
A. L Hartel!, A. K. Birks, Jasper Tho' confrrcnre wlloPterl a unaniu,ouN ,writrl the report of the committee ,m tarvel liv rail the Pouvent ion vertifi- y Y fhWp Thtrrsdoliv, June )th, thim aralmm,
Wilson, J. It. Oundrv, 1V. K. Young, and hearty restllution, pledging the state of the work. It rxprrmmrl n,ttiN- rate plan will le umrl with which All that the scoring was being done cor- Ifs cheengel - -
rectl7. dive ua a butter -'
1'. T. Scott, A- H. Y tmtnR C. P. 1Ve1ln, ipe"t w»»i»tine• iprsailde during the fA.•tirnl int th.• ndnc•tion of church the monitor agents Nf1• fxuiilixr. 1►„ lodge's scoring
it If Philp and C. %V. Bnrw•n. (smiling year, debtA, #&fill n•fem%l t, "y-mt:nwtic Bible wK shake tilt- mistake of buying a n•. contest BUTTER- MAKING IN TURKEY
I'll,-atirn was the topic dim•umlArl A report was received tn,w the study and evangelical Agencies floor the turn ticket, for while it dOrs not makt• tatsertasee et j'are. -- __ -- -
at the evruing mPrtinK on Thurwlay. t'mpe'ranceecmiluliltt•!, n.Pou,llending roc. �( of "pifltuml lifr ; neefTnizinK lunch diffen•ncr to all individual it- It li cot loo much the q&Zlty of duld crude method. rw.Pnoyed-rroaae11 7a ww
Rev. S. J. AlInt. of Loudon, wean the that w trl•gr^nn Ie ant to Minister ''nt*dlis against MahMtth Ilay / epNr•tw- makes suite m difference- when a large. In the milk Pall that counts an does the Not Like Alwertea■ n■ller.
first Np•wker. In hl* opening nmlmrk„ Fitx{rttlick, and Another to Sir Wit- tion, pt,unhling And' PI arettr traffic, wnulerare Attending thr convention. number of butter globules It rn11 I The bureau of foreign commerce of
he ,,mid tllete were two key wools in frill iwlnritr, reptutiwting the pee pe"41 Milli the large vote ;Iitd in Ontario Ark the station agent for m single Some cows are older and !ra^ proritai•1@ the state department bas litsued a s{,te BRODERICK'S his addnrr-Ieulture and rhwract•r. age limit law, and Askin for tilt- on,• for the Ligoor Act of If YL Regret ticket and a r,nvention t•t•ttiflAte and
K i R at eight leant of age than others are at I stat report rnutnlulnR the fludingm of
HP re- korltrl siltingg the gnat whirr• hibition bill re PiKAn•ttes mov"I by wait expr•smrt while there are approxi• if fifty fir more travel by riLtil you can twelve. Difference in care 1s We can" ('01191112 on the aubJe't of butter malel09
- ti(mal fOr een rpt to day the dally pns", Mr. Hick.-rvdike. of Montreal, And rnmte h 81,111111 children in connection mr•ure your return ticket fbr oar -thiel of It. In foreign rnuptrlem. Thomas 11. NOr-
and deploreI the fxt•t that uo gr•At mewonded by Mr. Hohfiem, of (Tinton, with this conference, only i.091 An• fie- 'fix -#"i of two-thirds. ComfortAble Little Thtage That Ceaete ton, counul at Dfrzreh, Turkey, fur -
1 daily had roan tet ehwnlpion the callse A special ctmullitt+w for , Appointed porters an enndINI in catet-hurtien Ono.., homes will 1e s ctlrwl for the• (trio- y.
Id molal reflrrm in the recent temper- tO devise mora• no•en. of ,.rgAnizAtion /r, : (,la).i were received inla, the (-been ^fes if the nano•" xre meat in w the Experiments Show that milking In a olshes the following description of the
A^f,• (-Au,pai He gave w review Of xnlnnR V,, mg nMn And boys, The dorinK the year, ►Alt After counting r•- '"'^t mrn•tAry, Mlm» Willey. Hlyth. stable where the el"Istfon of air Pao metbnds pwpluyrl in the Harput ills-
Neth,slinm nmll All "dl1eAti4llO l stand- naules sir the ,oulnlitter are : Itoor (;. utovals to the nuhlber O( I,Mli i, ,,rely ^ J. Figin Tom. ,,f Gorirriche is pi,•eoi- carry the dust out, wiping the udder trict of Turkey, fn Asia.
pQa^int, and a"wng other thingm "aid H. Cobol"rliek. Chan. T. Mettle. W. K. net iucn•o,s• Of 1U ; the large wiltrio•t• dent And J. 1'. Stuncrnan mr•retary Of with a dau,p *16th and mcaldlug uten- I Butter In romoe here exclumlve•ly from
hrhn Wesley wax the great figure 1'ounle, 1). N. Mr('w"nte,ti Tholm^s who Ali- going tl the Northwent is the A".wm'iation• oils with a live stream of boiling water the thlckeuel milk known an "yaoort."
since the wpppcossttes. He maid then. w•Am Manninv, if. %V, NcTaviwh, C. 11. ,r,ulewhat re"pfmsihlofor this standing. -.____ will not only reduce the bacteria) con- I No attenilot In made here to collect CHEAP
u mach differenve between A turkey. %Nell" And Memoint. C. B. Keemlry.id, , % spirit of worldliness mull ,IrAsur,. District Missionary Convention. tent of the milk, but larream" the keep• cream and use it for butter making. In
tAlza:tr,t and A" ArchAn et an between K. E. Mi-Cortnit-k, }Alw•anl I)ww'. ul a'" deprevatrd As detracting 11•nn11 the• The
R and dike. Thornton. ,o riritoal life of the church. Rev, S. eth mt, c tAn's i,,h of tot• log quality of the emilkery material. fact; on account cc the failure to eco-
John t\'r"try and Ilrpwir. The two 1 Meths*fi»t %Gamma's aiir+i,,n#&ry Dairy Luhaae 9'leld Werk. vide abundant succulent pasturage for
Proof f,orce" that are destined t, wave Tb•• rreption mery eo ofi Friday .I• Arlin wan th/• chairman of thio ry
!oi Till'i of O,ol.-rich district ens heels( The d
th,• ra• r are. elucdtirm and ('hlintimn- rrpniuK wxn wee tin m�wicr nail inter•• rononiter•, el/ariment Of dairy husbandry cattle, but Httle c•rrnm separates from
(( , on e. Thrly. �lAy 7o Re lit Holm('" of the ('n►verelt SALE
it v. seting ICPiui,,n. (:r,. W. W. Kivrn., Rev. J. 1 hilp. R. U., reprn•bd farthe villr. Ther• ween• two mssionm. worn- y of Illinois has for the the milk onllmnrlly obtained In this
ltcl, V. A. Hr(rwn. H.1) , of Nit'hell. B. A., and John H. O"t•e-houf, H, A., educational board. The anneal ezanl• ing and aftern-lon. Alrmt seventy-five Past yesi toren conducting field work country. A brief neeount of We In^thod
,mid Ihev,• u111mt tie emselitiAl corm"•- H, 11., wen• prem•nted to be n•- inntionm "ill Ie held next April in 1 e- Per". 11n were n.w•nt thmnghup( 1"oth among the dairymen of the state. An employed may lip of interest to Ameri-
tion Ir•Iw•Iwn edea•^Llan And 1'hristixn- ('.-iyerl into full mnnerti(nn And to be. trolrw. [Irv. J. Philp wsm r Irarl me-• ,,.,,,,,inns. }:iKK�t Anzili,trit`a and two attempt has been made to get them to can dairy(�ru end Poesfbly mugR('mtive. .1.1' T11 I•;
ill-. The first emphwaim intent Ir Paid 'ordained on Snndwy t orning. Rev. n'tat•y of the Iirtnl, and Rev. A. K. ,fipmit In ham to wprt il. the following + weigh and ^ample the milk of each Fresh wilt 1n heated In kettles to the
ilpcm hOlne nurture in the hi hest ed- J"I"er %%'ilmm. gtivean ncldnsN.-xpl,li,,. Birk. and A. It. Using deers• mele'td leitwa snnunmry : ,Xtonberof rnendwrie ' cow In their herds every seventh week, boiling point and then allowed to cool
ncAti,on of (dor [and. Ile re ernrl 14, ing the stime Ivalling lilt to the m•rvicr to ntldn•"s the public tlnr•ting At the lo•longiag to aoxili^rilr+, 716; andrurit the object ►oethg to determine which of to a temperature of about KO degrees F.
the h"liei college, and urRwt x ul,,n, and PAllwl Itpprn tot• yrnn.R nen U, nnfinnl .-zxmineti"fi"' Of money meat to Irrwnch treasurer l the Individual cows are the n.O"t g G O D E R I C
librr•MI milppurt. %Ve ulfirl have in- Kivr An m "nett of their convl9,ch,n. Tie.- co"unittre on "relatiotl lir boys dfiring year. $4eL7R: Fastrrnft.-rin s, I profit-
. ^ H
which they did. Rev. (Jlrr. Hn"hO ,, of ^oil v,inn nen to the shun h" rennin- K able, so that the termer cony Ile able 46
er,am,l iutletratt in nelvnn,wl erluem- K j1111 411. (Joolrrich u,ilwioh hand to weed out the BARGAIN
tion. l.ondurl, floored and ItteV. �) o rnenliel that gwater eff nets should be reported 94 inemilers, 77 of whom are 1 P pow cows and keep
l0•v, T. R. MCNAir, of Dungannon, McDonagh, of Stroittnul, mrvrudet the IRA forth to reach the lm,•n and yourqq Annfial anti 7 life- memberm; ainoutit oily the profitable crest. Mr. A. J. :� e.r
Asked permission of the c•nrIlpnmee to mrN.fon U, trtreive the your rnpn into urea, aMl A /„11n111ttY• eprlrp/al,l of Glower In looking after this work, and STORE
meat Up eauxispary tr.,surer, jilt
I ergs ! in evar ellstic meraicem And uo the miniatry in full r nti ectfiun. Rev. (I. H. Cobbletirk and C. T. Mrott offering {';Antro' all necessary ^ I tiry
Rt was Atli' pinterd to rn area plan of R so linlnu•nyillr reported 12 7 i Paratus fa furnlehed J.
tftvt•1 at large pn the confmmce. The report tot t ie rohtulKent fundf ! 1 ,11elnl, aril $7AI Mimed during th1• by the University. The farmers who
Por A. 1. Russell intnxlucel n re- show'td the following foeviptA Isom work to he nivinn1tI/rt to nextwnnual {•1•Rr. Alter the lllnl'ning m•ssion the take up the work are rrpllrPA Pier] (�•
oldhtinn tltileeffert tldttthc mtxtiun- d{ntricte:--i.emdnn, 6187; Stratton!, crpnferencr. latliemAdjour'ned to the htwt•Inrnt orf serenth week to weigh and maniple the Ir js attY
^K collim{t4pe he pennitt^1 to lefty $91.90; Winghaw, $7G8i: Goderich, %Vin• 11. Osborne wam arrived AS a the rhun-b, where the Ilutlnesvilll• I milk froth each cow In the herd for , '' acting a good
Nr. McNair withunt A atatiufi, to 1•n- W).Jl l: Exeter, $TL:ii; Strathrn-, rA11didate• for the winhetry on nromf- loulics had pmloard R very inviting fourteen cvloeecutt:e mllkingt From :0
�g• m evAngKeellstir work. $tM1,87: Marnim, j"i'L'DI1: Windsor, $eti.- filendation of the 1Vindm,r dimtrict. lunch, tour” results are estimated the J
Re,'. \l'illiam Melloreagh, of Strst- :g3: Chatham. $119,70: Hr;[ ItAlNn. Thr secn•tary of the nttioning clan- At the AfteMNNrn session Mrs. David- I ([ea6 Of attention, and
fOTMI• "PJ","e1 in A most cigonous w(1- jfifi.9ci; St. Thomas, j)CL.i'. Mxking A miller n•,ul the recoriunpnd^Lion that mpn, of (icKlrrich, teal Avery Hine amomlb of intik and of butter tat
paper on the sob e•t of mymte•"n^ti,, each cow has produced for the three 11 ) L
dnsm the idea of mpttinRR w wart• Any vital of $K1(i-nm I)tsburm•nirMin In• Key. T. v McNairIii ie-• Permitted hI pre• givij weeks before cud will produce for the �+ !uany a S lendid tarn
man far splPciwl pvmngelimt�c work. rident.l ex�n•nm•m. jLil.ffi. Mineral gage to c\AngPlimtp, work. which NKr Rising. ov'rr which m,mt• time \a,em p
°laiminK that the apgpdnArl imitator rx enmN, 110, Supply expenses, ,tr•repI by the conference. axnt in profitable dim•fi*sion, A three weeks following the test. The _ _ '
NA" till, Anthorisel evah lint of PVP fi mKoZ Par riot C011mrtxton l.11rfifi cow'" a gala Zs deli titin
g,r ry ( NelaA! ezienm•N, $NMf, Tntxle The few1"•lx"re cuuuuittr reported K I ) my record fs made u from D
rin''lit• $K(11.8,i. Tie c,ommitter• nr-nhunen'd(d and urRlrl Une imp"ortanPP sit p1lKpng wan a ndlicterl by airs. One", (if theme tests, and In thin way to total • b g
Rev. ('• P, �VrHe opposed the trio- thefnllowinggnan(mtodi"tricto: J,on- they mth to total AIINtin.-ncl• fmnn all Clinton, after which Mrs. (Jidle•y, of I amoants of n"Ilk end o[ butter tat that f. )
I11 f rlatminpe that the .tots can do don. $187: Mtrxtfont, $!)P.: , 1Vin Blyth, nail An tntcn•stpng rt er ,in produced during the entire t/IC Itearts Q the
ell that i" clailued fur the r\wn list hwni, $7'L'Li : (iodrrich, R' those plea s : thxt the sign^f oleo of j she has .
gt $ i i.K1 ; Rz• threw pdelgrrl h• twrnr,lwl fr,,m year the etlucxtiolutl "'ark of tot•%. M. N, lone aro determined. R. Th 11 n el the nerd of mix h .-tree, $72.: i ; St.r„thmy, $80,:p1 ; Mme• tr year : ^lint that ihOnnnfr n' v n r A pAtwr on the subject of "Tiff• Rome-
A man in the confe,rceerp• iiia $•i'2.21); Wh,dmr, VA.33 ; (.'hilt- fit of the R^st r OR.-rivig" wam n,•.ul The milk Strainer. _ 1114 urchasers.
ire\. swoon of the h•hgN•r^nc.- chr•tor,lfr le — -
i1r. (;unity elm, approved the barn, $,17.711: Ridgetown, $iMb•9t1; Mt" p1h.d rd to nipper". only mush candi- by Mrs. Hi,wm•r, of Holl".-ille, which I Filters and straine" are of great Y
"Itintment, Thomas. $8167. dates for PArliAlnpfitary Avid iflnnh•ioil woo,
KIv'^tly appreciated. A few I value In purifying milk mechanically, -_
R a, Jim. Philp ^Ir oke of the Rey. J. A. AF eats. ellinfitee" were three ol4ant in appalling, are to CHUR19INO IN HARPVT DISTRICT. )J
'"W"cy „f the {vrm-k that could not statistical rmnmitter' s n p >fllHnterine depen rateou ► I" tl ill�pmhibitiSnl: Alit] of thtaw` of the '"e"llers whw•ithilll tion of the flithrfrom inn ilk 1frnP1 0l d At this int Boort a da It ?uQuld
! t !>0 7 day two old is _ he Odd
Rev. T.
M from Pircuft wreak, total menllwrship of tor- elfin h in flit, ulKlrl the co rrpentttm of the people. the IsAt yPAr hate gone to swell the before It has gale into ^station. A I added In the proportion of one table-
PAe'• T. Manning, of Mt. lilitry'n, spm, conference IN 49,244, of which 71,1 are Thee report nronfiuendel that support rank" ( tilt• Heavenly host,. Mie. milk strainpr nhnuld by slnlplo in its ! spoonful to a quart Of the milk. it fa
"tr"kP a Ain*t the appointment. on trial. Thin in An inenwsov in the` fir iven to the Prim,ner,' Aid Asset- i-11, (re- 11(drovii-Ile, WAS Again Me•t- in deed tf tjtZS Sa
Pt ed As organizer for another year. The construction, all {Arts of it should be thoroughly stirred In. The tempers to !e
�''�• %•n. P#&id, ane ,,f the olllp"1 Onlll Ill. Poor
Irt'er pa.1 yrltr e- r•ixtloh, The committeey Ilrl is for
that 4111!117 necesellle to 1ruilb and cloth, its ! it malutalnel at 80 degrees for three or
ministl•r„ ,,( U1r r,,hfPMnrP, mRld try ,/spy' tett. Fur niimsi„nA $: e'{,:M e-3 N'aV re-•- the yet• �tt'Prl I^wt {'1'Ar ('NII* f Ir till- nle`t111g N•Aa thl•Il /'I/pmd in the In+llgl
"h'i"I'v'nR (•Van lint first., it dew- rrhed, wn incream• of 2.897 : inn N•r- inldiwtr 1 w^y• The ladies wale Again Invite) I meshes should be fine enough to re- four hoots. The fermented mnaab then were not wellpatron•
Re 4 $' 1 tgimlAtion in full wccotd with t,thP IpAm•nrnt, worn• w dAinty tem, Anne All the sOIIA forelgn matter load l Pla(ed In a trxpl Place And allowed to
trays the c(mfldpntr of the oplp in animation, SKW)K, An incmmm•• of >: til; the Molu rr Act of IMPI The n•ixtrt
0irP11"t""-itdeestroy%th.Pon denceof elfucational, 83fth8, An incrream• ,,f aitrectione) the rge-nerml conr.-mnce awaited them. Bef, ”' 'Akinqq at the "amp. time allow the milk to stand for twemty-four hours. When old t
I""Pl' in fhemNp.lvpw and it. deatroyet $271 : %Vohlen'm Missionary soeicty-, appointment of FteW. Ur. Chown wA th -rerlf, ^ votl••of thanks wan femdenrl :nam Ihratgh the filter with a reason- ymoort in not rrAdIlized b e e a use the
the faith of the W the Hldtivesville Inldiem for their, 7 Proctitwd to start
IrrP"Cr in the leord. $7,198. An inetwtne of $8.i ; ;-uwrgeoi-; otrretAry of t r Ihibition and mond kind wPIr11111' U] the delegates, chis degree of rapidity, the lactic acid fermentation the juice
Again, dO the P twil psy" for work it fund, $28711; (rntprtwnrr, $W7, An in- t.fonn. fM "' ^r'el Ker@ Aeeeaat■ With year came• of the wild "limas bfrrlN is employed. �1NQo(is are %tQZli (Zn(�'
rend . ipI. P ell.. their K@nrerKim hospitality. Pn•. ar (d he- M St• mem' 1od A $h,- The Sunrlwyy mere i reptti cre^trl df farmers would Open individual me. The thickened macs thus obtained,
' K''v I'. P. R'PII* Intmdficetl on earn• lKI. Of the St. inoses' fond Aeon- i Anne dimcnsNlon m suibwtitntingg two -'_- I the lAoort, 1s largely used throughout )
h(tmpnt, thmt ire the exigencie* of the miderahlp num i^ reported miller the I nnimetionAry Sundaym in foleve of own Struck by Ligtitninj. co intm with their cows, a groat many?f)e are selling t/iettt
'w,lk we cannot w to w Awn fmm the enrrsl fond, nn the rnnfrn•nce rained t`mperance le"m,not. it wan tempived _ _ _ of them would dOubtlPse be surprise. the orient as a (Dorf. It has the con-
m(tt• at (Ain tams. _ at the numbrr of animals the sl"tioney of a custard without whey, or
Kti, e. K etwrrn jri,I11elxnd$7,(RMefnr that par- In continue the trate d)mtinrltvP fent- Gorrie, Out,., June 9.-i)itring the y are
rte" Hlrkw Ativ,"ntlrl set' •ora•. 9'hl• U,twl for circuit. put7Nws �M`rNnPe tlrl",lnr clot the year. A thimdprmtol•in which passed over thin kPpPing mprell as luzuritew. it la nota Ot "Junket," and a slight acid Jamie. It at a great sacrXce.
�y fon evow Ists. was'
j2:I,KI(, of which the Inelle,e' r e('reAm• of atte-nelance wqm rep rted. M r't.inll Monday Pyening the llt"C" harn R y general Impmetatons. highly nutritious, eamil digested and
N �`jhMr' MPNwlr trl.wh` A r•Pi,Iy _M,J•- Alit- rnimrl SM,Y.t2. For ministerial owing no doubil to the large et,niW.- f nn tike f^rn of \%'u,. MrontRtpt+lPry, T fhtrlw who have tried kPPPing atrnhntm very refreshing In warm wpatber. it In
that hevflt* w'^(' taken, Ile ,I..r., ,nnppmt, $p:lLllet Ns rximri, which tion to the Nnrlhw+,rt. Thr holler I wh,I't ^ mple need a half went of h(•n•, hmve found that In many cam`s the a to the preparation of various s �,'cZal elan
ttlwt rhe Ilrliwel la evo,niferliots and IN it" inrnam/• of $Y,f79. ih,r•ing the d.-p.rtment And cselbp roll wr`i. n•- , was struck by lightning mnd Mrr•"cll to cows that erre rhohzht to FpP .hp. Tnrklsh Alahes, bath mpaU roil vpgP. p
A/trr� h„ ad aP�iA Ah,�ua"inn, Rev. AyPvwlnrno/ pea (httrhP* wen• Inlilf, Al I,•nnwntndel and the jndicioo" um• rI/ tbr• Kronnrl, t+.R+thrr with A IAIKP money makers Of the herd did not to tables. An a rule. torplRnprs BpttlfrR ) L
" µ- Rnrw moved An am- reined for w11 poIIKp. rhe nKthhrronfeel I Thee hi arm en^r Pnnuniftee bmll ht on 111m. (Iluifipy of hay And all ops thin Ill- fact yield any profit, whit^ Others In Turkey become very ford of this sale is on this ween.
i ,I I )P n' B' � 1 tl1f1e(' I � 7 � I plPnrrnfn. Two harm s. w 1»Iggy Ar"tl „ which hmA tlp.pn rnnsMprM IP"t •thea- Preparatinn.
a;•I nnht• to the anlehdltteelt that- it lave Pne• fin• the, y "mr waw $111.7W. an In• 1 in A n`pprt, In which it n•cononrm e1 m»nlim. of pigs. "hich ear ie in the When need sa the Du1B of butter
the tAbll' until the staticmling .ream• of $19.491 over the pr.sinum that rpNr•ial wi-vlMn lie held in All the I mtshM At the tine of the Pnttlh, wP/,• bl41 provlAed a gas. P"eh Inrnmp.
°MeewliUer•'Pppmtee chore =tin Junp 1114th, the, sprvlrr fn I all "acid. The lues is rnyclted 1)y in- I DbeutN Ynenleu■. making the pnarri, usually preps
�0 original yP^r.
■►ot(gD Wild
Cathed, On A question bring a4ed is to lo, by roc conducted by the Pastor of some tmrance% ji`19fawt C, jJ, �� (1L1Rf Oy. I from sheep's milk. to Intrcdn(ed into e •
�e g9lit�r or.y Urtben 1u Its
Klin •