HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-6-11, Page 22 Team)4v, Jam 11, 1903. gibe #iottat UOUHIIII•H. uNTAKI". PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY a1' V AN.(TTKR k Kt)HEKTM(1N. Telephone, ('all No. 11 Terns et auYseneriia rare per „Inllr.) Iii awlrmu7i. . • SO aeonlh., A. ; 111141' 111.41111,. L4. • Sub...Oben.who fall to r.r•eit T/111 141411 tI r •gulur1, b) 1.a4 w 111 •oo(,r a fator by 414 ,a 04411,1 g u• of the (Act all A. earl) n 11.11e .a 1 %V hell a .'IY.11re of itaarl e 1- deaire1. both the uid And 1118 OVA- .elfin•-- .huuld Ire gic ell. Adwrtsang Rates: legal awl nl her . I:er 4411* cu i.ruI I4.. l r n flea 11, .•n 1144 � alai 1. ' r �r Itis fr •1 a•h et i..rliwee. 4w-nn. b nol,rreilwale. Bnine laaueh• , a . RueLnege cant.. of .i a line- and wa(nr, at p44•r Yo4r. A'Iterltaegoen1. of 1.0.1. F 1. Kingwl. Sit uuhm.\ 14*111, est oat 1.44.11'4111.d.Ilno-e.fol • or. t, Hent. H Js' e1' to kSit Foetal. 11.1 e•IvearIi4K eight 1(11 '. • w• for Site, Or., 1.' ca' h ulra•Vewnl loom tion ;81 for ?Av each .laugerawl i'1'y.e•. user.(. in I4•*1W7i.4,• type y. etc Ihw. la)..l w.. in ro4elwn'il I)1 No 4M 11,111. Ilion Xi. Announcement,. in unilnar) n•.wlilyt U Iw 1411' Cent 4.'r word. No not ire let'. Ihall 3P. .tit) -ism hal noes.. tie..te e% of w1e14 h b [lir pr•unw)el-'••,en.lere411111 awta•rrire'Itiliri•n1l rMl a 711.'. 1.4ll • ala• All, 11'1'1 x...14.* atn. - kale'. e1' .li.p,lly and ,vntrw'l atilt rrtt.t•- uaeal4. wt11111 114ru 411 medication. A.yln•-•:file •.it ion. to \'.1\.%1Ti:It A 14mHKltTs4iN. Tem "ruin At- .liedielrh. t int. (N)UKltIt'H. TH('Rena Y. J('NE 11. ion THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO is IlllMwl''$ organ. 1n this matter it haw taken its own course and acted till its own I'esIwIhibility. itis interested ill the electric railway 0111)' as a new's- loiter l.h,uld he i11teleattl in a eroje•t Tike this that iln)uili w4 to benefit the [WWI and distlie•t in which it is pule Mahan!. Not 1101lattn ally, we know pretty well the Neill ' 'rets til the pre 11)144114'regarding lite 1. Sts lari'ounw which The Star hos taken, but. 1411 far from_ the• art irk in towel it halving 1141.11 " illerlir'l or written by twine of these -gentlemen," they did out, wt tar as we Are await.. know anything about it until it was lortwal to the Ind4k' in the regall/r ties)'. he Star is agent entirely tetra)' P K when it calls 11)1011 Mr. J.'I'.Guldthorpe to testify So the (1isinlrr•4tea bl1Ys of ism ut)tivrs, Mr. Goldthorpe authorizes IIx to may t hat The Stara ststeuu•ut re- garding hie is rot hi•ly unwarranted. and (haat hr fully etiolar+w the 'moil i'11 which Tru. Signal has taken in this tier. Tile Starr would like lotto get into a quarrel 'with the ernN•i11(tr1 who aatt'ibtite to MI•.llclillh.Ud/dy M,'tatt� own( which he rut phatlea I a-diwavuws. Our contemporary should know that gentlemen • differ N it hotel any of them earning the epithet of "liar' Whish it w) readily nese. Evidently mime one 141 mistaken. Int fairnera and )n M'n$r Nh 11 wrplit Mr. Me- lint-nth/1y o-iftir•nthtr of the charge trf snaking statement which he would know l . 1w untrue and for which there WAS nu 4w- clasion. -Thr Stir's )N)$IIion in rr.14an1 to this isauuply ridicld4(14.. It charges one Ilan with IIIIMn•pn•M•11(ill14 and a001114r with sneaking through the nowt' council a chow Of the byelaw which is most obviously nets -wary and reaw"Iable. and to which there is ales. lutrly AO 'irritate object Mil. The rail- way win les jtlat as Valuable. to Ghia town without the township of l'ul- Iwrne 4s a atwkhu11Mr. Thal tetnaid- e•reti(n did not give the townspeople any concern when they totem 4)u the bylaw in November last -there was no le'I uR)n why it should -and even now, 11 gh The Star has been 11launderhtg About it for aha. it e t give any intelligible r•irant why the lora- graph iii quest' %tumid nut' 144• just an it in: Yet it ham the sublime 'in- )M•1•tinrqt4• to 'charge that • of the pruuloterm 1,11.k ault'Natage of his pusi- •tlain AN Nifty, r /1,t Ile t1WII to get the 41*11n44 through the . •i1 11)• 'stealth and that another added and abetted him[ by misrepreNenting the facts. But this d.wm not t'xhalust The Star's capacity fur to(di 4hm•am. It objets to ally cl1411ge from the tonal bylaw and ag,w'lue•n(, sal for t hie moon opposes the 111* 'wear of this tame bylaw Anil agreement 1. ft-rntrjnres rep e horrid t 1111111 of '• the abanolonplrnt of Ili, line to Auburn," atilt to prevent the remituien. from taking this action it oppose, lin• 14 /1f11 ' g of the bylaw and aglre•Ilwilt whish e'xpns'sl)- pYr. sides that 1be..Cunlpany "Niall eon - strut, operate and maintain lin ele•- tric railway hi -tweet] (iamb -rich and the villag+m of Sh.•ppardton And Auburn " 1 It would he A 1Lm•Ir144i expenditure of energy to attempt to follow The Star in all it.. twists And turns.. (hit- refer- t•ne•e• to it in the fin41 place wean simply t1* warn the people .id(hsterich against its pretence of puhlie spiritelneMs in its pulley of obetrunetion towards the electric railway. That ubje•t having now been thrrntghly itec(MnpliiMel we do tint intend to waste any tine on It. This tittle Affair with our contempor- ary has rather ditto ttt 1114 tow our maid contention. .15,44* a few words) to make The Signal's poMition (leer. 4.'e 1111111 no brief for the Electric Rail- way etimpttly, nor 1111 WI. lifter an opinion as to the Wind nnl'ir otherwise of the town's nnde•rtaking in regard to it.. That gnwmt ton warn Nettled by the qualified electors 'n (11e 2S+th of No- Ve11lwr bast. when by it ynte of I!'1* to 1111 they etulornett the premonition that. Ul. ulunicipa)iyy should take $.A),l 1l of stork in the ent'rpl*Ne. That man- date in clear e•nuugh, and itis a Mere of pr'sinuption t. (1ai111 that the people did not know what they were doing when they gatVl' it.. 'Phe town t keep faith with Ile• 1'dnnpeny, with whorl it ham Virtually e•nte•nMI into plrtnrrthip. mill the repleeent►- tiVe•S of the corporation, while guard- ing the public intrrelts, must extern) fair treittnn.lt to the promoters of the enterprime which the rate)raye'l14 have wi 'dr( nKly en(ll)I1 ell. That in the stand which The Signal takes 144 A public journal, and we Is'liet'e it iM un- assailable. THE GAMEY FIASCO. The overshadowing event of the week in pditical circler, Was the p1r•- M•ilatiou in the Legislator of the re- p at 'f the rwlnli*siuu in the risme)• charges. a • of which will 1w ✓ 1 in 'then1'..1 f this 11A11er. Thr judges find that Mr. G,/ul.)'e claryp•s *re disproved "1.y• a great Indy of evid.•mce which morwals, to he re accurate 4(441 ('rdibli• than that adduced in support thereof." Thr Government. and the Provincial Seeretary in tiler. uy ex- onerated) and the Illrulle•r •frr•'\Iani- tnulin ill dier'P•ditanl And hie rumina comer• described ill no un(ertain man- ner. The commissioners ruu1(1 not well 1141 i• 111'lught 111 any other termini than they did. There wo.s not a little of rvidenee in support of Ga11n•)•'s state - meta w11 l4) the pitym,ut of money. and him dnuh11114t night rd to the brink t Buffalo and .terwwit dip. other in tam es 141 with the inveetigation. an well as his own evidence, showed plainly enough that he had not been telling a straight story. .11 he hart any coneeptiun 111 what Ie right and becoming. 111• would at once vacate his plate in the blouse, but iwtng wtlllewh*t lacking i11 this tempest hr annoy ulll•en that it is his in- tention to remain in his Meat. - - The OpIDOSit 11111 m•weplp'r4. Iran• of them at tenet, are bitterly di.a)gsdnl- .d at the failure of the rharg,' which they hoped would (Wont an the 'v4•r- thrlw id the Government 941441 U1.• placing of Mr. Whitney in power. and in their desp'r)tion they fall opo the judges and Violently Ad411M' them of perti4lity toward', the Ministry. In their aninuulvt.raiun,' they Apparently forget the word's which Mr. Blake. the l'onM•rvatl4' mowed. 4lldnssel to the judges in the chiming portion of Ida address, When 'remold : '•(h► the pail of the people of Ontario 1 leery this nuttier with ulurh ronfidetwe ill the hands of the 1'11 111siutlallh, mien known and honorer ,n our (o11tounit y for their high pc onion, tot• their honor and nobility: I 111a` say with horn with *b 1 have twee: in runnlpau)' all r.1)• life, 4.1111 know• whereof I 'meek." Thr l'ora'n•*lit•ee press would no doubt Irulawrilw• heartily to Mr. Blake'. high 'minion of the emu- toiswonerw if they brat ileliveted A finding more to their liking. Thr 1)pp,eition newspaper. are AIM. Making all the nw• they can of the vtni (14114)1 V. •ofIhe00110 ?" e•iriwnl• leane.11 Mr. Stratton amt the ,(dole relNti•ter. and lite. giving it an 1411,114.•111er 4xaggrrat.d impw.ance. \VIM.. it wet certainly nn )xtt'lumdir- - art. remark for a Minister of the root 11. m' ;111y plan. to make in regard ttestimony to he given in court. it mold homily have haul the mini,l.n• num ' gwinch14('ons.rrati4e jinn -nein attempt io Id 110•11 1,. it. - Mr. 1,1au1- mlomt was recalled, lint find nothing further to way that eats worth while format Mg if hr hada haul any desire t. Gall in with M,. Stratt'r;N eugg.stion. Thi• whole affair Will IMMIA into hi4- tort' as one of Th.1 ntlste)ilnurdituary incid)nt..in the plait Wel ann4IN .of the ,•o'ntry. Thele inn a•idalgli•ewd belief that llr. Garde)' •+'111(1 tell a KINK) .Leal .none if h."• only wind'', but that the p*blic will ever know the wale truth regarding the career of the Matlitnulin nlendwr during the twist . twelve monthe is exceedingly donhtdwl, caused such a stir in the British world, The proposed is a tel•V fitting and the l'anadioll ouhullrre of the brave wddier x1111 111.114140 general will doubtless respond with ru1h141ias111 to the call tar funds for the pure. We, Si • of • public men anal some 11.'WN)4l)w•Ir ale (Tit il•I/11114 the 111/111. 111444.1 suffrage system 1411(1 ane talking Of a reVe •aiutl (o the 11)41 ilIth.d Ire 1hic11 the fnanrhiow *444 1111 11 p1•1144•rl y. owning or 'ywerniug lawns. Any- body w11111 t'h'.. t. I111'11 14u'k Ill,. 11e1)11r a lot late (►t 1114• clock 111 this N'a) ' will 1 tit trouble un hi.. hands 411(1 will out aden1111rt11a11 '11. Ma11111MN) M111frNgr . alt.. 111 w1' .t. t 1 THE ELECTRIC RAILWAY AGAIN. THE WEEK AT OTTAWA. Progress Made 'rani( R*ilw*y Com- mission Bill and the Estimates. Mc Tara'• Relations to the Two Parties Opposition OQiont• to Judge Sr,lton's Appo,n(n.ent as C..nm,w•onsr ,n Yukon invest4aton Railway ScMmes Before the Nouse Senators Oat Interested. Irlprhal cor r•.I4441rnce of The 14ignal.4 l>wtawa, June 11911. Mr. Blah r Hail way (' Nm Hill 111141 the esti nutter. took up must of the time of the More this week and fair practise/ was Irl e• 1(allwa • (+,111 th. Th rutile with ) The, uuelulier for Wm., 11.1, , n his mission Hill haus over MO ('1x1144'14, and a1' Ism purpow• 144 to create a )w,•Im111el1t butt it to till a letoraity raiment Iry Canada's increasing railway t•nlsprr r is. 1llelll t it '44 being 1 �u11 1 tiler g t Nt i 1''r Il t'Ut rynum•l• the (t 1 ri 1 • xn.nt I 1 sal .. showing no desire to rush it through the 114.14 e'. Wit It regard to the eetiuult•r (I)e- pwr'tinent tit Marine and Flatten -leen the Como.' Native* saw it good opportunity to toady to Mr. Tiu•te, and they did it. Mr. liefoutaigr saw through the little 14411114' and showed tight at the concerted policy of "blocking" even nowt iu11(oent-looking ileitis which generally goo through as Gust an the Drpatly *Speaker can mead they' and t11itlal them. One night the House- *** kept u(, till 2:15 a. In. Rufus Pope. M. Y woo (111' lewder of the Intsouesr. It is he who 1)114* the jollying of Mr. Tarte into the Cuuarreative fold under his special c. Mr. Tart•'s use for either party now is measured by the extent to which they concur in his Views. It is he who mw•uls W he noosing the Oprpwsi lion, instead of its (wing the usher way. as many Conservatives imppxee. Another chane for Mr. Tertr and the ConnerVativem W stand upon t'unl 111011 gr. d will iw given when Mr. Borden's medial0u regarding iron and steel duties curlew up Monday AS an Nmr111ur11t to supply. It is a cleverly - worded motion calculated to lwfool the Literals, who will oppose it, but they can Iw eeliel (1))0u1 t) maintain their consistency and intelligently dispose of the want of confidence notion. THfi shoes mARKN weekly Parliamentary letter to his tapir, The New Era, expiwees his dis- approval •1(w rel r Sea of t 1 ofthe t1 appt•Iovnl K uw•m•nhip of railways'. He is afraid that it would afford it 1111441ls 0(corrup1- 1n14 the e1er1or14(4' *111,11 141)01(1(1 1101 1444 pla(rd within the reach of any gov- er11UMnt. Thur 141'• 14uveetiment• owned railways in Attar/dial A11d New• Ze411444111. 111141 *r 14) .1(411 hews of any railway ',caudal. in th'.'' (tituettrt. Are l'alu.linns ulun• prone to corrup- tion than other pi-0111es ? Tht.re is nothing in ('an44148 exp•rienr.• with the Intrnrllonial Railway which sin eild drier it from an ext.•114ion ..f the prin- ciple of inIre"'ulllent ow1wrship. A gentleman who is pnatuineutly connected with • of Lite great ttans- Iw•eanie steamship liters 944 repeated to have estimated that l'anaaliana going to (:neat Britain this year will spend at 'cast fie. million dollars on their holillty trips. - (hilliaa I'weket. Anil when l'anaula ships $' 0I I,C 1 ) worth of goods arrow the Atlantic to pity for 1111(4 merry -Making it will swell the export figures and help in ua►ing a ••favorrble I*Nlauxe of trade." 11 theme XI:median travellers should take All additional five tailbone along and Tose it All in gambling• at Mont* Carlo, the evidence of our prosperity would he all the greater; if, on the other hand, they should spend it in Italian art goads, Parisian dresser Avid such things, and kiting these back with them to l<amida, their value would be includes in the imports and the country would 1w supremed' to tore thereby, Areonling to the "balance of tram." theorists. (N *11 the fantastic ideas on which prlt.en•tinnists 1441114 til) their theory. that of the "favorable i)1' "unfavorable" latency of trade is about the queerest. To one who h,ia been long In city pent. Th vey :*eel to look into lht. fait And open face: of heat en. to breathe a prayer Full in the e.inlu of the awe mrneatnent. w'ho is mors happy. when. with heart's 41••• tent. Fatigued he sinka into anee plca.ant lair 11f wavy grit... and 1x,41. A debo,sir And gentle tale of for a and huegui.Mnent t Returning holm. at ...ening. with an ear ('atrhing the note. of I'hibnna. an eye %Vat. ling the ...ding clundl.t' bright career. Hr nenurn-that da) 1'1 wan luta KIw1.r1 b). i�ell 11kr the pa.wire of mg angel'. tear That fall. through the clear ether silently. J. Kr.ATS. Fmr pure' and unailultiented Isu1- .om14' 1'm lend nes to The Star 1 Inut'adl of A twurtnalde explanation of Its ,•ondnct in reliant to the eleetrir railway scheme, it give. nes A col 4)t froth and fury and non*rn).•. It calls The 'Signal a " wlllflnl liar." quakes w • 'slimily plesant.,enINrks alwnif the pt nets'nets' of t he , railway . and titters Moe silly threat,' about what it win do it (ha• editor of The Star is not left Anne. 11,' rage furnhile es t -he mold palpable tined of the ('mor- rn•tn)MA of The Signal's diagnosis of its CAM' AM one of rw•nwmal.pite against the nun who are connected with the railway project. We ,'hnuld like to publish the whole thing, Putt .how our reader, wII*t a jolly RNa oar rnn• temporary can make of itself when it tripes, hot, our Armee im really two vain. his to he used to Mitch a plrpo.• One or tion of it remarka perhi)wa earl for tonne repartee% in the first place, The Star is en- tirely mistaken in its ,n)t)I4ttie 1111 t„ the origin of The Signal'. article whi,h bas M /voluted its fury. The Signal EDITORIAL NOTES. 'FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. labor unions, who are charger will. di/turbtng the peatceful relation's of employer and employee. The lel* r men strongly oppose it and 11efen(1 their foreign brethren ; while the 111almlfal•tUrtost an' auxlotle to have it )IAwoanl.U. W. 7 he nut(•hil- tm at the organ fm.t)ry hater nearly all been placed and the motioning( two or three arrive th'. week. M) that Manager Saunders 1'l' Isms to %tal•t the fat tot, 1• again early y next week. E. I). South (Wentworth),one of the Iargeot fret -growers in ltatlalw. had an opportunity to dismiss his anwndment to the Fruit Mark. Act Which nought to have fruit inspected and graded by a Government appointee• at the place where, it was 1uu'ked. His contention was that this would facili- tate shipment, imus •h as 911.' fruit woukl not have to be detained ten innpe•tion ell route, and it wan clainted also that the itl,'prtion by the (1ov- errm11ent appointee would give it pres- tige anti strengthen the cont4lence of the buyer. Thin Nees Witte plausible on the face of it and haul the support of the O psi*' . Holl. Mr. Fisher, Minister of Agri- culture, replied to Mr. Smith, and pointed out that our national repute - (ion as fruit -growers might 11e jeopar diad by the pomade laxity of the in- nprl'trr. He also th.141Kht nn aunt• of ilwpe't)na at the on -Molls of the shilo- p•rn *4s a thing to be avoided. His who deestnne and sensible advice t1 the fruit-gn4wen'4 was to. enemies. 7IN)m' care in packing and grouting individ- ually, depending upon the jealousy of their reputations( to maintain a high standard. 1t was the coma nnrr, and not the 111x11 1464) n►Ark,Ml the 1wukace, that wail the real intpe•t4)r. Ile asked the Howie to reject the Amendment. which warn done. Is air Thoma Mestreetie(It sr. Louis (alnbr_1)emnrret. Sir Tllotivas Lipton has stipulated that of the yacht triers *hall he run on Friday or the 13th d*y of the uulnth. tritl•Mn the Reliance.*i11 be nh1i1401 tea N•111 on her S11e"•rits. An Honest Confession.. ('itt.bw.g Gf.patch. (':111x•1* ham 500,01%1 'Mpale 111il.m More land available than the (United Staten. and herauuw of it* enormous quantity of mineral*, and em wo•ially lWclli1Me of its inmlense Ansa of wheat Innd• it is Iwlirved by ('ulaulianN t) tw the n•ich.•r: and, Iw*ids*. Canada' hash control of the (in•at Lake., ow ' 14 am /the dawn A canal of her own at the SoHo, the Welland ('anal and the. ,est. lnwrence River. Nen-un.Yere in the Cabinet. Christian tused inn. The recent Parliamentary dies out/ion of the cigarrtte question dsl,..ght out the fact that the folltrwingg 111ru►hen of the Du ' ion l'atrinet do not use the wee() in any form : Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Meson, Fielding. Midi wk, Scott. Flasher, Fitzpatrick. Cartwright. mill the late Minixtvr of Itullslic Work* Mr. Tarte. Hun. Dr. Hoyden might also be put in tht• 1)11,114' claws, because he very rarely ass trainee) in any form. Sorely, this is a creditable hawing for public turn. Where taw is Better Observed. The 1\'in,ls n I(ecorrl says:, *igni- H,urrtly : "i( w'. Incl (twee trade with- in the empire the 4 14tomw wt.wff41* 1)e- froit would have to Iw largely in- creased. It W01114 he a 1111Ny time for Windsor men'ianl4," A Methowli,t minister of the Ilainil- o)IJ*8T TI) JI'faTI4'R I(RITTON. The Pre '•r announced that the Government hail asked' Mr. Rustier Britton t1* act as • u*iuner to in- veptiggate the situation created by the '1're•ulgold .un,eiwiuns, The OplelNi- ttun quickly showed its diwrtisfaction with the Government's choice, buts- -It as when Sir Hiblwrt nlTu r i m1* the ;my- ernent about two year', ago Mr. Britton, in particular, had lo•ke1 borne with theex-Mi,iste•r of Jtestier, tieing a member of the HouM• at that tint.. The I're ' •r, with an in ' •al smile, asked if a 111/111 WAS t) iw cen- sured for defending a just came. The matter 144 not nettled yet, at ,ludg. Britton hes not been neUtally appoint- ed. He in about am lu'4rptable a e - nlia14iover to the l'on,wrvlatiVew x14 Sir Hihlwrt. Taptwt• would iw to the Liber- als'. The Appointment of (Moth gentle - Igen its coal tiliMMlmrlere Ilan been nt rnag14d. RC R 4' SONS U('.1 It4NTPO. N. K. The Guver'Iml,nt has decided to gnat rane the bomb( of the ('atuutian Northern Railway for n distance of *lend 79M1111i1)n in the T,ITitdon•ie n. The greleaseC. N. H. a01 U. leasor sell out to the H. T. Pat•ifli. in brief, the (lovern11irnt pre' 'm to anybody or any iwr of people who will pend nine -million dollar, to the ('4n,ulien Northern for fifty yearn that the t nrley will be repaid in full at the end the term.of term. and in the meantime will get :4 per cent. int. -relit. In return the (1overnul.nt wi11 hey'. power secured by mint Vag" to mutt the company and take p.Ru•Ntion 4,1 or sell the nein, If the principal of sloe moor)' or, we presume, the interest at any 111,14'-- 'Mould riot I4• paid when due. • O. T. I'At telt' HI t.1. RR1'1RTRIl. Th. (i. T. Pacific. Hill ban partied rn n- Initt'e and has beenn'portefl t) the Hmltw'. where it will again encnnnter Here omitl imu. Th.eye'son'which en- gender. mot if not. all apposit1tn to the charter in the port of Portland. Mayr., which in the (trend Trnnk'm Atlantic vont. It in to get the (trend Trunk " where they want,em" we to guaranteeing (•arria14' on all Canadian territory from trepan tan to 411•(nn that wsi members ars proposing aln.ndineuts .•w by the whullB e. Both lad.* are de- terinined that th' l'. P. It. charter will mot 1w duplicated and each tnetnl.•r wants to Me credited as the champion of the people in the nlatt'r. PR01.1FCIAt. et'ntlltl Ft. The M.•net' put ht a dt sy di.nittihq se the demand for Increased sulw11dle) all round by the Provinees in au•eorlsnr(• w/th the ennfrtenr. of Provincial Premiere at QIu'he• le)t (all. It was( a very interesting discussion : so 11111(•1 no that the evening paper. lay on the Senatoni desks mltontehel. It took or the tenof a story of Canadianpditi- ewl hillbillyform pre'-llontederetion One days. O intereNting point brought .nit to iie 1144.11 AA a club againNt the agitation wna) that in the Unitedstate'', w11ieh iv a federal 1[014)8, 1105)14 of the States received a lent from taw netimn*l treasury, the We*hington (lover •ret controlling all exIw5)di- tur', and 9111. cOuw' S rASI advocated for 1'anwln. The majority, howet•e•r, increased increas.methal IIe,l. The whole thing iv a question of 1110i -den km of exp•tulitnre by the Federal and Lowe)Government*. RM THE I'. R. IV tt.RINn PRI..%TR. 9.•n,'tor Lougheel bra. a hill before the tipper chamber which he hoqw. tried t) make A caeca ageti 4 Western 11,101sh Amerlean. thins/to. l'1•utier RNlt4)ur of ()trest Britain has leen fitted there tines , for over - speeding his *utom1011le, while the ){l0Iicetllall at WItghingt)n who Row the I're'ident'A denght•r pass the limit erectly looked the other way as N41011 a4. be learned her identity. Perhaps we may take 1ffor granted that it wnn'native gallantry ,which prevented interference with a lady's pleasure in the \Vashingt n cane, hilt w1' neelknot inquire in whit•h (s wintry the lath's 414 the better observed. in (treat 13ritah be oboes -vest I?), the laws are 111411e to ,), all alike. the rich 144. well x14 the poor, the high as well as the low. In this ',ountr' the lawn are null)e to be ob- served by either or any 1'111.41 chi -Fifty when it ix convenient, or when 'tonne - trimly gets a little more than usually n yet end prods the Nnthoritiea t little. Thi* is A free country, people ton runferenc•ef 11.421 resigned in order to .lima nn:dreen and, And apparently juin the 1)owlritrs, Th. Conf.lefee1 everybody should not take Gull advnn ateepted his resignation, Mut slow of taw of the feet.f Rex. the brethren got even with him by I new Use for e.. " rxp'e'seing d(nlbte as to his mental Toronto New,., condition." I The reported discovery of a nwthod of making binder twine from flax ha* ('hamlwrlain is getting him bumps drawn attention to the extent to over in the British Parliament. '1'h. Which that crop is grown in Canada. Honorable R(ecph anal Mr. Tart' I in the West ifin planted for its Reed, eha1M loran a pu•tlerrhtp for the and 1",.;',4;1:1`,1(1„,t14... 11(1 fur *)wing ( n hf th i 1 � t. .e ' P pp one's. n convention of the Brit nth Empire. (Mtari, it is grown for the fibre an How wnt*M Israel k Smn do for the well am for the send. Their* are about flrtn name I twenty-five flax -mill* in V) ('MteK11 Ontario. 1tis now reported (.het. linen The Halnilton Mpet4talr argues trills *re 414)111 to 1w eePet4d in elaborately that a lit high preferential ihAd'ehtl.Ige and H411(rex. The 11•117i1 dutyon hreri wheat would not raise rondifions m( ('4na(1fnn itW)n1trj' pn•t*i1. ('anadien tow, Asx the price to th1' British cons nnlyr. .tr4w *red flux Meenl 0w•in14 h.wci1 Thi. Iw'ing the raw•. *1)11141 The laxed by the *'niter States tariff. and tippet *tax' kindly explain how the these things r hag into ('aped,' for. prefemnee w',w114 Iw of Any Iwn"fit to The 114,flat-gn1wen•N Ste Ihr 1lrtinrip*111,on11gw'tilorw of the• 1'nmuli4n. (Jamul* 11 in the Anlet-nail mit-krt. There is. of Phe proposal is n1wrlP that a /'(1111.' a large entuutinn demand for 1114*14 1111 And for tows, fib's anal m('nthe erected in Canada to the ferns. 1f tint "A11 I4• Ittilit('d for memory of the late Sir Hector MAC- 'ander 1*in'' ms well, their• mh4.wld hes ,rill +1111 an Pnd to the days of he (1umaid, whose „event tragic dl►ath 1`r. opening fur• vuoiidrr4We itldumtry. L'i:fted SWUM walking delegate lot• the A • 1 f IN DELAY IS DANGER A fatal ending often follows a neglected weakness of the kid- neys. Watch their action, and as soon as it changes from normal, or you have any of the following Symptoms: Backache, Pain In the region of the Kldeeys, Puffiness under the Eyes, Dropsy of the t:x- t realties. Bowel or Urinary Irr.gdatity, Rheumatic Aches or Pates, Use Bu=Ju The Kidney Pill That 4 Cures All Kidney Ailments and Rheu- matism. Por rheumatism is due to excess of uric acid in the blood, which is expelled by Du -Ju and the disease eradicated. Dyspepsia, neuralgia and head- ache are often caused by disor- dered kidneys. These organs are the sewer of the body, and d they become clogged or weakene,t dangerous results follow at once. The poisonous matter re-enters the blood and passes through the entire system. UNTIL THE KIDNEYS ARE MADE WELL, YOU CAN NEVER ME WELL The latest product of medical experience and skill in kidney and allied ailments is found in Ber-Ju. All the old and tested remedial agents, and all the new discoveries, are utilized in Ms composition. It is the up-to-date remedy for kidney diseases and rheumatism of whatever character. Be -Ju is put up in red and green boxes; 5o pills, so cents. All druggists sell it. Do not ac- cept worthless substitutes. NEW TORR, le. Y.. ARO WINOBOR, OMT, 4 ILO r Carving Set We send, express prepaid. to any address this fine three-plece Carving Set for sa.5O. Es 10 -renes a 1'a Kroh. f.4 Mt•4 1u)( lade J.01, Laurin • err inseam ha Nene sea Pert auk Nal wma t1' w1' aim'sloe I R & Pain Wakes EYRIE BROS. JEWELERS 118. 120, 122 amt 124 Yonde IH., Toronto Ole • W. Acheson & Son �--=r_� a1' r -__- - --- IMPORTSALE OP SILKS aad MUSLIMS. We have just to hand a consignment for June selling of over 900 yards of heavy corded Japan wash silks for waists and dresses in a great variy et new patterns and colors, pinks, blues, greens, grey, rose, cerise, turquots, black, white, cream, widths of silk 20 to 21 inches. ()n sale this week at per yard special 35c. DRESS S riUSLINS _ English and French draw wurhtla, organdies, and dimities in every e''dor, in floral, dot, spray (bulgur and silk (stripe effects', at per yard Inc, 121w, I:a• and alk•. CORSET SPECIAL 31 dozen pairs fiuewt American email', steel filled comae, new remodel, 141•,1114119 front, lung wain( and fu grey or white. Sixes 18 to 27, a regalar 1111.31 eoraet and guaranteed by us for wear and perfect St, o11 special sale at per pair 47,c. CARPET SALE EXTRAODINARY Saturday nod Monday cleat•ilg rale of short 1en14W14 of tapestry and Brussels and Asininst•r carpet.' length's of two W ray 18 yards. A large tut has ale hated from this Newton a cuttings now on special rale. Tapemlry t•arpe•tw, lengths of 2 to al) yards. This nwaron'i designs and colorings, regular values aitk• ala(l Oak•, at per yard 36c. Did Yon Riad What we said 1331 week about Wall Papers? Many callers and made splendid Sel- ection*, telling, us that our papers were beautiful. Out papers are the product of much careful study and designing by the beat artists of America. Each pattern pos- sesses some specialty that interests you. When we say EMROSSEi) CORDOVA LEATHER, AT 25c A ROLL, Waving Lilies, Fields of Puppies, Climbing Roses and Wistaria, AT 20c to 25c a ROLL, who would not marvel at the price of such decorations? Our upper third papers are sellers. No ell - pensive border to pay for -and daintily pretty. Kidd &Co. Ag••nte 1'. P. R. TELEGRAPH, TIC- KETS, and suit es' ORZ . {, 'f5 F ,r•arT�.t atYl,r x�><i .•. 'y. - .4 . Brussel* and Axwi11rter• ,au -pet ends of from2 to al) yards, regular value and prier $1.00to 111.-‘3, male price per yard ((14•. INSPECTION INVITED. W. Acheson & Son. 11 Quality in what )'o4) are Itlbk- ing for, and if you W IMIl(1 .11Nv. penOmal amsllralNe 4)1 Perfect Work bays your order with AS. From 441r .tock you can obtain the high- est grade at Moderate Prices The or weed (mimics for outing por•ptse% on hand. Frank Clartin 1 CEO. W. THOMSON & SON MUSIC DEPOT Spring is coming hunt out your Bicycle It yoa haven't one, cal around and we will Bell yon one. "Raeycle" "Brantford" "Orescent" "Hyslop" unease "Berlin" Me. If yon have a Wheel and it needs repair we have everything need ful in the way of Tires, Pedals, Rims, Spokes, Saddles, Enamels, Pte. Our RSPAiR DIPS RTN IT is in charge of a Repair man who ander stands and can make right any ill that a Wheel is heir to. Our Molded instruments still lead. "Dominion" Pianos'and Organs. "Worinwith" and "Berlin" Pianos. Goiters, Violins, Harmonicas, Mandoliaa, Gramophone's. 10,000 sheets Music -Vocal and Instrumental. Write for a Catalogue. 6EO W. TM/SON 1 SON J. BROPBEY & SOB - THE LEADING - V%vat,a\ 1i2kytt0tort arta trnoa\tl .tya. Orden earthily a4tea4•4 M- tY ail beevr, .Iif1t or der. die*Mee Wert. Superb, Cable WiRE BEDS Patented let May, (114114 ARE GUARANTEED. tuff sue RV J. BROPHEY ec SON GODERf('lt. Tall your Merchant You saw his Advertisement in Ttth SIGNAL. HELLO 1 • THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND T11Q RiaT Scraiitoii iN TIM Il ARClr cot ♦I COM wdiettel ea t4. irsstet Mow *teams realm son ria ter a tea WQ•1M. LEE. 0140. Inti as len 1 SWEAS3ys Mess a senM/ sisseind as'. l7 s'8 ALL RIGHT and Andante try enter **ay thaw. SPRING TSRM h Rias Marnh 80th. Two .e.eese,•)srs' awarlat and chartered. Mead few rot legs *weal. U. A. iLRN1 NO, A. 1. McnfTYlt1;, Illwowslle