The Signal, 1903-6-4, Page 9• THE SIGNAL: GODERICII ONTARIO T. UItRD.AY, June 4, 1903. 7 MEWS OF TME DISTRICT. DUNGANNON. MARKET REPORTS. TUIWUAY, June 2nd. _ WZATIntit. laud Week's fain hits Liverpool Wheat rotors* Closed I.ow.r heel) of great benefit to the culla. and tho fanners arae t11elef(Ite Int Mol*- two Saturday - Alaerl.aa Ya.ha. fol of K(MK1 (Toppi, and if John Fist used Th. Quotations. (Ilea nut put 141 an appearance the Saturday Keening, May 1111 biNMiLLEA. trees that were blown over are very fruit *'pep will IMP All average uur, Idrrrpool wAe.1 future* closed tostay hid n1111Mr ws. A veritable hurl•iesne (*newt' N,rrIW. Thr s.w'Ia110.nt of bate 1411) t+'rtrrdr4. Nod +'uru lutur.1 nu t Ks i y vNIt g b mews to have starter) near the lake the let's Sniper will be die wnrctl +wrusr't to !su b114re. }tri der hi vlwaug mil -11 1 ♦In•r1,x1) 1)i. ). a w-4(4 rF1 49 to atm+ 1141.14"1111t4 cheer, over to Porter's Bill, crsMel 1)U. V.) in EtxlCune church next Male tlecorsUon prey). t'blcaao nth he close,' boo j,1i'1 ".1' t, s•fitlfffly rte 'um toe* to the Ilth and 7th c e'sions Iwth, the 7th inst. I'Ir wratory wore- o1) Mo1lay, a will leivrlwl, toiluo run. Ker. Ps itH and u1, to Ih•luuillur. 041 the Haetleld i r• will be held in the (hued' uu Fri- the cou(lueytrl t(rrkrt.. week ,tttakt( nv'e'/(etr•imCt4 in Wing- ,rein L. Aldworth hest about eiglten (lay,iith. (.0 111)11lrue,.at K o'clock I). TOI0VT41 Sr. L.4wai:'4'r: MAKS El. hem. MegKiw Valium" viriis7t }IlPl /kite trees mid IAonAldd hi Mr Kenxtr'M In. prep. Mr.rat ry nee isg will a 14/11.114- 4/11 III UMh t red. bllllh "07714,4"11:::: 10 T45�to 1.... Train wee uurIlo(((1 *1111 him beech grove the preparatory r+•rviet•. The n I» • aisMls ill IldrrtbB •kid 1'hautsfonl lere11rt1. At Porters Hill the hall mental nervier will 4' •net• al the w'4wt, whltP, hush 0 7e,y .... 114141 Week. War blown ()VIII:, the top Was* taken usual time on Sabbath •wing. were( spring, Moab 0 r] .... John N(h «1111x, 1(yt 1 14 1(41J'Nr kll41'7 off Mr. Tnrl•anee'e Iwrp mud x NIrrKN, Nuptial bells are pealing Berle,, Lush oee, lave u 1.7 0 % lightning (7urh4g tar • %41tr1 stOnA of *ureic wall at Mr. McI1+,nald'r their joyful notes Our N idle it It r,u, hush.1 :MI 1 to Inst stn• • tarot, where they were starting uuI'Ming a M)1r• hand, and in 4'41111+«- Rrrrr. 4a"d-plck.d 1 75 M1s. tient" P11t!1P hall i' tui'ii *I t. build a new bairn was de belted ; queue.. is* linable to Work in the Mbar. Pra, bu'e 0 78% .... hone after spending a Int of a lal•gr pima( of hush itt H.dit. l'ux'e Miss Ryan is aetinpf in hie place iutht• 51))4' iuu A. 0 0 ly%t{I e•ti weeks in Clinton. • Was* le'vellel, 141111 the 11w41 was 'down Meantime Quite a large number Buckwheat, Inman. 0 113 •••• Mrs, Jerre Nnyder, who luta i eeu off Jas. Cox's barn 011 the sixth con- of teams are daily . p esiing through may uW d oe,. - under the doctor's 4'141r. Ii. we mor reunion ' on the nrvl•nth41e'e 1.11/rhere4 hewith oat*, Mw111e. cattle, tete., to Hay, per ton 1(40(110115(4) glad to star. ago W 1)M' *1•+44111(1 agKiu. Nixon Mtur(1 's slue•p h0us' haul the the Lu4'ku(w ulark.•t. Che elect i'' ( ai rNr k" too , per fou e 7:4'511'. Y(4) A stranger In the pr►wul of a little top blown off. Aft(1)•n apple tires were rlia4 4'auuul tuns*• Lento nsul The glraw. Mbe:,f. yrs tun.. a qq daughter came Sun ay evening to the blown down at \1'm. i'atton'l, at I). Signal under its urn regine• is (wing rwu• urn '4raet*bI' _ home of Mr. and Mrs. John Long. Wilson's the r.Mlf was taken off that apgllrciatel by its rolls p4troni, Apple.. winter, bbl 11 00 to 52 50 Congratulations. I barn and honer• anti the driving rhes aid other.; who (read it. Petah ata, per log 1 Ix 1 ss 4Prom Weiner eurre.)4o denL4 nla1 I(ttt part of the roof. \Vial. 1'NHsoN.tt.. 'Alla. Wil. "1'loulpwuu e'abhaar, per dna.. 11 Wo 080 THK Naw HHIIM.IL. The contractor 'i W'hitel s hi barn Was aeu11 • shat- and won Franklin trt1111w1 1 + on Qld+w.. is -r Ink .., 11 7� u MO y K )Tnrulpw, parr I..g 0 25 0 16 for the conerelae piers and abutment,. toted, his windmill and about a aeon. Friday last after having a few days'�e*Itrr- • •'teal hale next week. In the i- apple td and Nome bush were F'k•arant visit 4o Mrs. "Chu1uIM«,ns 4'hit-ions, per pa!r 4(11 1* top 23 blown down ; at .11114. 11'hitel'M for nughlrr, Misr Tilly, at lit. Thuwxt+, tpeincrebb-kens. per pal/0 71 1 21 harm rote( I'et.eivw{ x NeYere shaking up and 111«, to relatives at other famine Kerne,: durk', p41 pair2 00 lknlald 1'. Hose,w 14 0 1'S i 15 and * building adjoining was slotted south of here *bout eight Inches of the foundat' . M.1).. of MtoughWi, State of Mae Dalry Pr,edaee- Butter, 11. rolls Jar. Hay's house and barn un the Aaeltimetta, an•ivtel hereon Friday, the Kegsnett laid Huron toad lost their roofs and the 2 th tilt,, via O1wl..rich, 1111 an extended top win. blown off li. Parkwood's barn. visiting i..ur to relatives herr and in Char. M1L1er'a barn wits blown cum. the vicinity. Hr is in the neeentiulr pletrly off the 1 *tion at lien- visiting his routine ,J Hose, our miller. veteran and plpuhu' iulplrlurllt argent. Hr is highly pdeaMei wit11 thn. meet ell AUBURN. of In)untry, it teeing him first time to FItI11AY. May 2{►, travel through Onterits Province. (1. F. 1'unghlot, of Hewell. paid his Thr (14A•tur is a native of New Ultimr- oi(L h 14 visit tot the lith. wi'k Wi11i*u1 J. .lohuwm and Our Miller heti* Male last Tueslay, wife, of Retrial... who have heel) visit - and leav'e's shortly for Manitolat, Mg Mrs. It. 1)uvid61111. sr., r•tluvd The Her. John ('14141144'11. x (11.1)11•! home on 11o114ay, J• • Is( Mrs. resident of our vithere, is* visiting his Ihrnn*n, r•Ijct of the 1111+• Jae. Dien - Meter, MIs. (•Aldse•11. 'tan, of A41hn1•hl, Mund44yel with Mrs. 'met M lay 111.• 111+ -tubers of tit. .lames !tow Mts.. lits.. N'rrt- Mark'A chord( MpM•1It the Afternoon brook. uuw• of. East 1Wawnettah. and in attending to clearing Upson! loe*nti- furulrrl a ettir.•n of 1)ungannus. is tying the grounds 1uuund the 4'41111,h. vi1itint( herdaughter, MIs. M'. poen. of Ilevid Wilson was busy during the West \1 awattle(h (Mr impute'. pts( week 'wising hi. luau nearer to jewellet- visited hie 11111,111 A. Mr. and the 4' •es1ion. It is now raised and Mrs. Mitchell, in the township of tol- l -rally for the masons, who 141.• expect- borne, for • (Lays last week. 1 al in af•wdlvs. - Mr. Kirit, the former miller here and owner of the eiectrie plant recently burned *tong with the mill, was here u1)l the ISO( trying to tun.k1) • 11Ta11 g•• tnrnts fol' n•lld44cingtImola. rnusidrtiug it better linin 11 'ing (hr Wires. ms 1'1' road for lemma games t& been thiole in the ind of the river and traMc ii going on as usual. FACIT ratiettin Iwo -Thr fruit has s,•1 int the trees, but the Drop of winter I(pplrs Will Ile decidedly light. All slimmer fruit * heavy and the show for cheeriest. wt rawlWM'Irn mad all genlen fruit is uupr 4'4dentedly largo. .\'t N t'.0L MKll" 1/'R. - The l'allN.lin 11 Onle1• 14 Porrrtrtw will hold their annual *ern lllll at the rhurrh at lien - miller on Sunday, the fuutiAenth day of June. at 7 p. 1)u. Thr Harv. Mr. Slaw, incumbent (d the circuit. will dellen an appl'opriab• sermon to the member,. And visiting ft•ien(1M. Sretee RY I.I4)HTM101►.-- Ihtl'ing the storm of last week a valuable horse 12,414ngin4 to Michael Yrhwani. Maitland • • esion, which was out un knottier. Wan killed by lightning. It w t- insnrd i11 theN'aw*ilm.h Mutual, and the keel agent, hulas. Mi,+hei, smiled the claim lien•l• to the sat i4.o't14)1) of the owner BI's1NRaw Li VIOLS' 11 1.144* Ht•H.r.a. OtMele. tie noted lime INu'nrr, has his lime kilns going full blast. He ha. turned trait two kilns altetly end the demand will keep him busy all . W(M,111. AM a 1:11.ww4itietwe our Tom o /• w 1 1 not •h feels -goiter tll,e, -Net inn*1 Policy" talk 1111141111 him now, fur he is be, twiny horning lime (or his ,•mat •1s. Etettet Te or THE. STI.it44. • 'Tit- rc' I • ilial 119.•41.411 oyer (i,nlerlch town -hip bawl 1\'ee11tesiwy Af ,'o lel oar 1 ill1gr but alightly uel that by op- IssAolg a few trel'.. The only real 114111age (hhate that we have heard of wile the drnt(dit%un of a driving 'del on Ore \1.4'mloe farad And the principal e ntfen•. wan l'has. Fuller. the next neighl.ir, whom.• horn wag • plrtel blown off the 'stone fourwbltion and is a 11)14(1 *114'•4. 14HN'h M:4KtNo. The firm '•f briek' 11lauiufa.•tur4,.. M,•stre. Mel./rty & Hoyle. are now in the fill swing of Iru.im•'a. They have jll.t built two kilns and (oInplet.•d expensive midi - tem. to their ()bant, and their estimat- ed output will he MI,4(4) bricks weekly, Kis 1141 rnlph tym4Itt to a ,Malt ofNf t. • u hand r The wra'nt season 1 o is en- 01141ftth •,1„nn..•s l0 Ise n bury tepri.in nein and order* are Mnkelt Ahead which will keep thefts buoy onto) late in the fall. lone kiln just Wm is for the neW (1athnlie'church now being erected d at Kingsbridge. Ashll••Id township. They have elan - 410111044(4.11 W multiply the trril•ke for the new Methodist church at the Nile. Only premed Wellman. trade hem and the tine quality of the clay which is rich m ISM • pyrites rn4blee the l to tarn out an article that is very little int,. lot to the noted rel II„n Tricks of Totem.. They *Iwo make drain 1i1rs end w ill have 0 las'Kee 1uvply for 1 he fall 1, td.., A. E. I'unit,. prvlprirlor of the Kriel mill here, left fist him home , t the (4,,, last week. He de•ide1 not to trloiltl the mill. Instead -he is,1e•tiiga ft: building And petting in x lbuppe'. t"'teetering it Iwst to unitize the water power, ,as the thou ,old race all' 111 glMsl repair. Mtr*m(r 111ht all warnings should be dimneganlei. 1,1 cnwwing the Midi - bind bridge to walk in the extrp(f4111 rather pointsrequire.r1 uire.. an 1111 *1eems t 41u,•1in11 1n uni• ilea11-e of the peace. ...Ir village ccm)tabbe Making true in- lnaluctiou ellgohatic by acting 'drt' the authority of Itis M11j,•n, y. She liees% Mr. Edulunits gave A grand I.Alriutl, 140111on hat Sabbath 4'r ' g show'iug the growth o1 the Briti,h Empire, the 4llvanl•rmenl tlf r AN Mt 1• lo• 1 r t ul 1 • e• r nun l I f II r s•i. no , 1)h during the reign of our sat.• Queen. In the 11lornin4 the Krv. Mr. Muesli gar' nt1 ellm ural liM•hnl".e nn the live. of David 'And Jonathan. And 1he lost. that rxi.t•d 1oetwe•n 1111sm• two. A Inrrcge tier of improvements are taking place An1uul here the ptr•M•ul s •r. O. E. Errant has enlergel his barn. try putting eighteen feet in the (entre, It will now he ad feet wide by Qnfeet long. Tumidity was 'trent in jacking up the whole pr•- fatato'y to puttingin a vement oundation. 'Alr. Riley, of Lnud+•m- innongh. ham the contract of liaising f1 e , Wilding,N I k that f 1)h t( n framing part. A large Mn• from this locality attended the f teal of the set, Rich- ert) 11'nl. • \\'Airlast Moldsy. Mr. Waite Accompanied by him wife left herr about three weeks ago for the Went. He Was Pondering front a severe cold at that 1line. Arriving at l'al- gat•y he Nees unable no 1 r '.l far - thee. After• font' days ',offering (bath came t, itis release. His life . was brief. 11r only having rarheI his twenty-fifth year. While we drop a myinp 111tH)' tear r+'la• the grave, we are reminded of our inevitable fate, and offer the relatives 11111' sympathy in thin their dark, hour of affliction. MAv the -v. and •wpna*Ily his young partner in life. lie euMLiimMl in their tn'tng tit, Thee remains were interned in 14111'e cemetery. the Cana- dian) (toter of Forrest•es, of which society deceased was A it 1111N•t', offi- ciating. MirNDAY. Ite pet. Henry iAW1n1• left lot Week for A y1M1t 14r -the MOM,. Ilse hat al m1'!I] and two daughters there. At a meeting of the public li tom' l,n*nl It w•aw derides to have A int r entertainment in the mate futon*. The wind Montt last week made .A41 hav,N• lin sale of the fencers. Will' Neavep had him driving shed blown down and Ids cutter was lsully wrecked. The 'V.v. Mr. McMillan, of Toronto. i1 expm•ted to preach in Knox rhurrh next. Sabbath. at heinit the anivereary of the 'Lev. Mr. Mundt M indnetion herr. William Davidson is treating his house to m (eat td plot at present. 1Wr offer no comment. Ere 1nngg It is 01twet'r1 that the hinter Mts. David - tem will take pwrussi• n. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. M,,ro%V..1une• 1.1. 1)111• of thew unique evimte known u 1 birthday party waa (elrhlrsle•d 011 the 'reh. on the flats ..f the w'rll- known Jervis faun, when the owner. "lire telpa-Jerviaxelebtatoal hiselghty- eiplhth birthday)- anniversary. Hill children, grandchildren and great- grand.hildrent to the number of sixty -tae. noel. and After wl.hing hint many happy' returns, enjoyed them- selves in howbeit, tug-of-war and other games. C. A. Trhlaltt, who has Mnc4'ewfully taught et Mt. Helena for the rant two and nor -half pretty, hex. we under- stand, tendered his repented i.e. end will farther puma. him MtIMhh•A after Runnle•r vacation. Mr. T. -blunt in a. sun of Ford 'rat"ott., of Oo derirh townships, and in one of the In.1Mt pmsglr'1•tive young p e d*glognes of the county. He will probably attend a Muin,'MM collet and hes t he nmlemaary •Abhlity 11r snake his* mark in any line in which he a:p4w��p' a. H 124'msp. iP/BT.-The followiof the ng pupils (4MN.N. rN 1. 8, (3(rderkh township, r, fr the month of May : 5th claw --Lillie (keen, Annie ilutledger ' lir. 4111 chow F!Ilir M4'Duhyw, AKA" Hewn, Albert. Harrison and Mit 14' Me(1'trir• (equal). Jr. Ith claim Molle W1.104111, Lulu Weaton. (7liffmd Weston. F'1nsane Han•ieon, Frank Verdure Lluvile Aids - worth. Mr.:4d claw -- Will Halstead. Viola Wood', Josie Weston. ('Inns McClelland, Loin Mtevene. Jr. :lel ',IL"' Kittle Perdue. Lillie Thornton. fore•.) McClure, pelt ale Mc(%hlre. Peau I Udew,rt h. Repair Weston, James }-(rungg, Minnie Westin. 2nd deem Moo ltieatm, Irene 1lxtrison. Pi. 11 4'r. --Ella Harrier, Willie Mc - Guile, Daley Thornton, Lonna AI(le- w,lth. 1.. i,. MAr•M ATI', teacher. H itatrayll.Iu* I'or l.THY MT.tTInN. - Mr. Harr, i)ominion P,mltry SupNerin- tendent, matte a *lilt A fere day. ago, to the experimental 'weary etatinn at Hohneevillr, and wa01 moth pleamel with the excellent manner in which MT. I?If(+nl la e(nntueting the wattle. It has nite*tly done It to 1tin11tlate 1)h" Peeltry business in this locality, nod nlAwy vlrltip'a,eln)* (4l get pu,inters and Ser the antic that is hslgg rani"' '•n. Mr. Rlfonl is collet obliging and ronrtf m* to all, and will gladly furnish all Rvallalde Information to anyone wishing the same. Nome people have corner stmt .lune 111149. the idea that It ix run for the benefitCone To Nn.R (In .Inn.. 161h, at '2 of the • 011(1," but t.hie ie a almtunlity• m., when four corner 1114111e)1114111e) ail' le 11 is I1ein remanent(' for the entity laid by Mehra. Myers. Doherty. Oir- communityp, and Mr. Elford will jun vin and Jo •n1) on the new Methodint. R. tenthly pronounced information fere the There -will 1 I pro. mom( prmomnrel Conservative as fen• ihoa( eel him own political faith, and him *tailors are n.1 many of one political as the ether. There are no pol- ities in this, as 4.1)411)14 Ise apparent 10 eyeryleitpy, The eMAhllshnlenf of the statim haw been a moat adventAgetrua thing for thl. meetIon of the eonnf.ry. and nn one known It batter than the LEEBURN. Mo11111Y, Junr 1s1. We w•rtr' please) with usher friends to ser Ja.. l auuplM•11, of Shop wrltm, able UI 1s*• 0111. He ie slowly � building up hie strength gime hiss sever illnrAs of nearly four montIla. which he thinks wits IorlIg111 on 1111111 x lanai.. of lightning last a 'r when he and several men were wt 1 its a henry lain 1Iatrt11 near Hamilton. '.4I• wet* also ple0sel ("Nee Juhu l.ltlklxt•r, W1111 IM nrncering 1111111 hie I'hrulnallr attack. The third vote on the' electric rail- way wan taken un Mantillas' last and *twenty votee Were pr1111, just the mune nutllls•t• ex in the March election. The vote this t11,).' 141101411 a slhplld change of opinion, there toeing x majority of six *K ' t the bonus. Thlrtyright vides were puled against the . bylaw anti thirty -twit in favor. Jaw. IWAtn,II 144141 Agai11 M•111tlll.et' against and this time Jaw. i,iiklater was acrid Meer for thous• interested i - pt. ting the passing of the bylaw'. r • 1 M. \ linnlw was sell I. fk Anil A.'A. \ 11 K. Willi*urn VIM deputy Ir•t411•ning "Meer. Noticing the mention in Thr Signal of Ker. J. A. •1n11+•rwin r flfts•Illll a 'rrxat'v we might ssv that he that (4 orat•hel here as our pastor the that ley in June,lf0W, where 0m' church eat colllect,e1 w' it h the Goode1•n•h rhun'h, a Targe eongl4•gation greeting him. As a rule he usel to p e t'h herr three M (Aye in the 111. Rev. Ur. 1)1.• tacking the other Sunday. His first welding during the nit.e•n yearn wee At Leelalrn, %wh.',, Jnhtl McAllister married K141h.n'ine ('unmlhng July 4, 1)00+, Since the rev. gentleman n•vered + .• hal pastor 1n 1ttNl h hw his connectionp often 114+•11 in 0111' -midst and has twice pi -emitted ws r 111Vellrt• of Presbytery in helping the elms egat14111 111 the rh.i(•t• o1 a pt.t01'. 1\ a hope he 111*y' long he spared 10 lath his flock in Oo.Ierieh. 1lirha4•I Carney And Jo .'ph Heal' attended the f •rel of the Tate Mr. 11'elsh at Kingsbridge. The dee,asel 2*illi his wife resided herr for several v..ars till the death of the Letter hen• four years ago. 500 13 0 41 TOISON1'.1 Lien .(41014. Kereipda of lice stuck were 1114(, 33 cat 1411. of Canadian 4(0449, ciathpoer.l of 441 yale1r, IOu1 hop, 3144 *hetp and !Logos, with 130 e, Fru. Resider the alsrr'r torr. arra 41 earl u. 1'11!..140 ":1111•• .mel un. the market to (+•.1 And r"9t. nil d wk:4b were consigned to 101'.11 dea,eK Ratters- Best Inds of exporters soId at i 10 per cwt., mallow to good at Allou( 14.75. Export Bull► -Choke Quality bulls sold at 4 to 54.13 per est.: K'+••4'( burr rod et • 50 to 53.143 per cwt. *sport Co,• *spurt cows sold at 54.00 to 1:4.78 per cwt. Butchers cattle- Choice picked lots of hut(•4erM', w.•1(blu1 trot.. 1103 to 1150 Ibis each, equal la sooty to best exporters, a• 144.71.91y o lua 1' of W a to N goat sold at 64.75 to 14.11); pestle ll g+""I (sold at 54.00 to 54.71; (air to urethral, 14. as to 14.10, common, 5365 to 53.75; ro,h(h to Interim% *1 rig to 54.44) per cwt. reeden-steer, of good 41111117, 900 to 10110 lbs. each, are worth 54 to 64.4) per cwt. _filbert keep Feeder. --Coal steer,, 1100 to 1w*. 1114, rack, ■rat worth 54.00 to 54.00 per eat. ' 'teeters -0n. year to two-yearold steers 4011 t. 700 Ibe. rack. are watn 13:4. 10 5.1.7) per cal.; of -colors and of poor breeding nor r quality of same weights •n worth e 1 17 W Ileo Cows -Milch alas ad springers are worth 1.111)1, 5141 each Calves -Calves sold at 52 to 110 Pack, or from 14.7.. to MA. per •wt. Sheep- Prlter, $4 to 11.35 per cwt. ter ewe., and 4911cka at M to 1.1.10. w`'rinx (..04144 ('((' 1 Rend, at 43.50 to N se eat.'. Hogs lte.t select baron bop, tot 14'1141 than 1110 16... nor mare (494(11 7111 !hs. tact off cars. Wold at MI per cat.; 11(1414 1411 fate at ono.. 14 M 14 to per cwt. and wags, 12 to es per cwt, YAK BCYIALO o47Tl.( NAIaUR. F.amt Buffalo. tiny 1141. -rattle --Receipts Bight, steady. %eats- Receipts. 75 head: 'Sc (ewer; tam 5625 to $43.10; curnoM'u to good. 14.10 to 16.15. Hoc. - Reerlpta, 510$ head; active; 5c to 10e lower; *espy, 1421 to 5111; mixed. e.In tgl 1478; Yark evn, 56 14' 6110; plats to 1(109; centuple 11.25 l0 ;514; 5stags. to 4430. ahe.p and 1nd,t� Beretpta, •1500 Mese; steady top Mohs. 57.2.5 to p.m; •anal to .*o4d, 44 to 17.15: vrorlinn. 14.50' to 151'. ewes, 14 to 5{4.21; .h. -.•p top. tolled, 14.73 to 54.50: '111* ha go1.l, 12 to 54.50. • LANES. MoNn.t1', •loot' 1111. W',ulxn'M Mbutionary Society met in the church on Friday. llav •13Ith. H. Reid in spending a taw daps at his father's h • before going 1,1'rmt. Wm. ,l0('0nnel, of Crewe, spent Sabbath at the home of him sister. :Mrs. S. (fitment. ltobt. Howard has pnn•hasrel the handsome driver of Frank 1*Connel for the nun of I. O. E. met Friday evening and Ar- nu1gelllo'ntw were made fur having a m MY'lal set•vire for the Foresters on the 21st.. We are +leiteed to note that one of out'old ,,child Imiy4 here, 0. Fairish. who is attending the O. ('.'I.. has ken such a high standing in the athletic gmnta+lrf that in41itMinn. v4' Mr. Whaley bele farewell to him (eit(gregxtnet herr on Marhhath last. He ie atking a nest en -acrnnnl of ill - health. #n the mt•ant' ' Alex. S. Kerr will take ehal•ge 0f chute!) work until Auguset when we sin(rn'ly hu)w to ser Mr. Whitler lark again in his old -t.' "viteor And Mtl ength. NILE. IMoen.4 y. June lit. Mr. Melia parrot parrot im a muiicxl wonder. The wind of bud Wednesday lift the fences in a poom'.haw•. Mise Mnvtier•, of 'deer. is visit- ing her brother Henry at premed. `Ir. and Mem. W'i1. \ oreland. of New 1'nr•k, are tinning r1•lNaves here. Quit! a her of the boys ant pr•- penring for 'unitary tamp. which is tet held at lnn(1nn from o.Inne tht. 01h titter.. .r. r. M 4nw -r ('KY ethe rt•14•vtll Mar :e. A the malting Of f 1 �r.•ee Board here 1r.Jav, :7141 white, ;1)4!{ tallow•' natty In'enh•d. FAIN were as 1.1i Iowa : Watklna, 5.40 at )4(,4'; magi -nth (1110 ■t 1044(•: H.idgs••o (Ir.,.. nil at K ,'e: Alex- ander, :eta ■t 30 7 141•; balance u49s14d. 4'owi0'c1lle, Que . Hay ln:=-AT-r1i-WN1• ly meeting of the Eastern Towneilpe Dairy- men's A.o,eiano* Luce today, 4.? fuetorlea o(•rad 2107 !lessor of rheum: 111 (•r'nuterteS offered 1176 boles of Duttpr. F: 1)11:1041 bought 117 hose. of rlrP11t at IOW, 167 at 10916c. and .Sul 1..1444•: H. AIIas,M.ught nil at 10 v 1.1•, 4WMt at Mice, and Yl .rt 1014X. U. A. M,l'Lerww k Co.:bospAt Ml. at 10%c sod 142 .1 101.4.• 1". Yowler bough( 111,At 109114•, and 167 at 101ye A. W,•,' Crwnt, 4'1 hoasr.e11 luso, Ca -+Id, 70 Matra 14. Allaa height 145 holes butter it 1M'4.: Jiluea 1)41- • nd 49 angle 1 1*14 ll:t A. r! 1/pbc • Dots at 1 A. J.. Brice bought 4•N boxes at 1144',,• and 1)0 Isamu at 11r4e. white racking l'o. bought 144-0 here. at WYtc, awl Whilst* Nivel' 1(x1 hot••. at inane. M. A. Mt -Phonon k 'o. bought 4( 1o1.•. at 181144'; 90 Noma uuaold. Cornwall, (int.. May M. -There were 1040 ellee.e hosed al herr Io -Aar -1104 white and 477 •.!nn A. .tit add. Th. "Anr'4 hrqugl,t 1':1. , anti .. hllr• Wive. _ to 109 sur T1,e sous wore • 111o1g"rm Raton. eras; A W. Brant R 114.`142: Jaime. Alexa*• der, Mt; Lv*I'k Christmas, .las. week. Fencing And general Ie firing is *h.' order of the flay. Our beef ring will be in working order in a eompl1. of weeks. Isaiah Kilpatrick returned oar from lllerlin Monday night.. SAM. KilpAtt•irk ie having him 1 rtl pd and is going to have a wail built under it. Wm. M(otherm has purchased a Do- minion cream s'prator and finds it 1 14' 1 c'1•r) .111 Lf•lrtnrv. to the 2)th. There is a young man here who ran A ;lumber of the cement blocks for bier 11nympi dr.1(.ittg th s the anent. of the new (•11nn•h ark p ointeri in poultry. laid. Don't forget, the laying of the some of (air Young people 1418+11 in fhr show at IAnitnow 1Atunhly night and 'mitered th.in,wl •e.inlnwneelt•. MAFEKING. Tree 4T. Junr 211. Treleaven in it Toronto thi- DUNLOP. stn( Tt•ry,t*Y, Jun,' 2n41. grant atrh, 111 w a Kt' The t,wnihii' r'1Nnteil Wert` on the tettehr the fban41 : i nh'u,'t y' 1111$11:- n; rrmtl'nn Theret e ' !set in a INa1y in- tern• : (Bnto land : Auburn land T�ndAl Brea.. Carlow : lotion chair• of 11pe'o•ting and letting Jobe .d ..gain in Nile , Sntith'. 11111 And Illmganmmn. the neighbwi hl tdf Wednesday night Mp•akerw Hev. Mr. Harriet, Lticknnw•; I g Rev. S. M. Whaley, H. A.. Mf. Helens; nettle Amite gala In rail fences and in Hey. i)r. Daniel,: O,,derich, and R. acne rftie ent ie wee se of trews nning n anylyrpnl.. away. Mlt,ch s, M, P., I. McLettn, .11e.,, Mitchell, M. (4. (;Ano•rn, M. p. P A horn tem had menial breaks male farnwrs ref tl►a Immediate neslm��her. and others. Nn err oeaverl troop 1 to in it. P(ntunstely no horseet, rattle h'sm1. Mr. H*rw 4.xrk a number of fl 1n.. 21 rants. lee cream and or sheep were killed._ PhMo ►• jaws 1)1 the v14pl(nu buildings. 'len rmnde n1 Mandl.. I Better remind* follow from the nor of which will he puh ivo/4 In his repot. I►ts tsTRnva WIa BAR•IRM, - The Millerm 1Woru1 1'owd1.r+fur lrmllrw Millet 1'�NNmrl Iron fills than Wlndmform I*at week Mita a very da- nein end pevi.hnnis. For Male by. from any (Altera. For sale by Jas. Iltructive one, and the hulMing. and 'tall. Wil,«►, Wilesm. mitationt' o/ Dodd's Kidney Pills are legion. The boa * Imitated, the outside coating and shape of the pills are Imltaled and the namw-Dodd's Kidney PUL * Imitated. Imitations are dangerous. The original * safe. Dodd's Kidney Pit* have a reputation. Imi1*. tors have seas or they wouldn't Imitate. So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There * only one DODD'S. Dodd's s the original Dodd'e * the ammo 1* be ws. ful about - n -o -o -n o -s KIDNEY PILLS • Although the medicine business should, above all, be carried on with the utmost conscientiousness and sense of responsibility, the unfortunate fact is that In no other is there so much hum- bug and deception. The anxieties of the sick and their relatives are traded upon in the most shameful manner; impxdast- hle cures are promised; many prepara- tions are When burly worthless, and some are positively dangerous to health. As a consequence, all proprietary remedies are regarded with suspicion by many people, and the good suffer for the bad Por these reasons we announce that our proprietors are the principal share- holders in MIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED which will, we are sure, he an ample guarantee of the truth of every repre- sentation made concerning IRON -OX TABLETS The Iron.ox Remedy Co.. Ltd. walkervlll., Ont. Solid Sterling Silver Tea Spoons Full Size, (1.w Imp.'rtal Pattern 1140. 124 Ili Mo. 124 $2.50 $2.50 per per hills halt u- dozen dozen en III READY TO WEAR CLOTHING Mndr ups from 'goods In Klock .11-1111(44.. go N1 -fitting gar - 1 tuts a I0t Iwtter than the Or - di 1)•y -at price* Ih11t will nuke It t your intetx'st to 111'1' N4)11 : e Errors. prepaid to ■nr If not perf.rtly gentled new es,.s.), .41 ►P refunded in full waho.t questa... Write (x nue new. illustrated Polder el sates va1440 .(w..gs. RYRIE BIOS. JEWELE_UY. 1114. 120, 1.r.1 and124 Yenta St., Toronto Cid Yuji Rcdd FINE TAILORED SUITS The Store •411'1 The 04 Pods 411tecpiug with 1114' 1' The PALACE Clothing Store contains a PRIN('ELY- stock of the best that's made for amen. We can tit you out from the crown of. your *rad - to the solei' of your fent with cloth ing .and furnishings that will please your taste and suit your pocket book. In wearing, apparel we have every requirement for men and boys. It will please us to have You call, It will plow.) you to awe our goods. McLEAN BROS. TAILORS, CLOTHIERS. OUTFITTERS. The Square, (iODE'RICH. WESTOBY'S GROCERY AND BREAD DEPOT HAMILTON STREET, - GODF RICH Going out of Business IINCLUCiNG GROCERIES, CEREALS, also CEREAL CANS, AT A BARGAIN. What we said last week alwint Wall Papers? Manycalledcalled*n41 11114'14' splendid sel- ections, telling u9 that our papers were beautiful. Our papers are the productof much careful study an ddesigning by the best artiste of America. Each pattern pos- sesses some specialty that interests you, When we say EMBOSSED CORDOVA LEATHER, AT 254' A ROLL, Waving Lilies, Fields of Poppies, Climbing Rnres and Wistaria, AT 20c to 25c a ROLL, who would not move] at the price of such decorations' Our upper third papers aro sellers. No ex- pensive border to pay for-an.(1 daintily pretty. Kidd BSc Co. i'veryihing Going at Cost We sell the best of everything that's good to,eat. P ,Agents t', 1'. It. TELEtilt.1l'11. 'I'It' 44I':TM. and EX I'l4 EMS OltIP.1(1. W. Westoby FINE FAMILY GROCERIES. 1903 Buggies and Carriages FOR 1903. Every 'Buggy Up-to-date in. style and Finish, and well made -they are all w a r r a n t e d. A 11114,1/1lI.y. N1'14 eta 1114101-1A- 1111114 in fine clothe*, 1f you I want something real' good, the' place to gret. it 1s* DUNLOP'S are NEXT BANK 1)11 MONTRMAi. H T ND MADE DAIRY NWARE I have the largest stock of hand made Dairy Tinware in Goderich, all made from heavy English tin. Also Eavestrough- ing,Galvanix(441 Iron Work, Metal Ceilings, Roofings, and Sidings, Fur- nace's and Plurnb ing. Worsell's LA VIS' WAREROOMS - HAMILTON -ST., - GODERICH, IS TIIE PLACE Tu (:ET TIIE RIGHT GOODS at RIGHT PRICES \1'4' handle ,tnu goal4 of the following well-known makers : WM. (Agee 1)k Sons, Chatham• CANArt3c CAIKIACI Co., Brockville; T UHOPi 131.100Y Co , Ori111L. Call at our Wsrerooms and see the large stock we have on hand. .Vlro all kinds of FARMING MACHINERY and IREPAIRS. LA VIS' WAREROOMS, Hamilton -s1). 1TLJI_. I''S ""'"""" BICYCLE and KINGSTON - STREET REPAIR Shop We handle all kinds of new high grade machines, among them the, CLEVEi.AND, E. tic 1). and ANTELOPE. In our shop you will find pothiug but the best, which is none too good for you. We can fit your wheel with a "New Departure," "Cinch," or "Morrow" Coaster Brake. They're all right. Try one. Our BKCOND.HANI) WHEELS are all thoroughly overhauled in an expert planner, aid are sure to give good satis- faction, even at the low prices we bell at. Colne and see um if you want tatietaction at very reasonable prizes. We rent w'heelm---- - 1Nt x11 kind*l f trpairs-- ll•11 Iciryrle sundries- -Make old old W1114.111141 good as new•, \W4' know• how to do it -but only on 5(41)1 Glah tempus, Come and bat how good the big repair shop sod livery can do for yr.u. J NO. YULE, Bicycles, Repairs, Sundries, Livery. KINGSTON STREET, NEXT OPERA ROUSE, GODERICII. Iii/1ii111i1i11111U1u11111u111/ i!iLL .TBI USEFUL BRANCHES are tau ht in the f tine mtndents hie not gnxrantls'l nice John, last atter a r"urne 1n tali. college it will to no t7nn140 for them to hold any'sition. We aid them• if p ommibl.•, to obtain ens +Inyments 1,111 we nes( equip them to maintain the high reputation them irl„y1+I hits *4e11►lnel• J W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Use Printed Stationery In your Business* Correspondence. You can Read all The Signal ! I get 0001) PRINTING ON GOOD PAPER at 1t is full of (food News! . THE SIGNAL.