The Signal, 1903-6-4, Page 8Most scrupulous care is taken in
Blue Ribbon
Ceylon Tea
It is hermetically sealed in Ceylon and
again sealed in lead packets in Canada.
An aristocratic tea at a moderate price.
blase. Mixed. ('ellen (;reen. Ark for 1 . 1 Tsbcl.
)11 i + •i• -F •01 et1- 1 •Ile 11 dF •rig aF
Everybody Is very ready to atulte
now ; but how m•tiy realise In their
hearts the agony Seel sorrow of
that broken -up, dererttd home? How•
manly ever tlauk arf tie bitter trials
endured by husband and w'fee of the
Weimer alai sorrow that might have
been sparred if the world Intl truly
held its League, If people laid been u
little leas quick to believe the suet?
• • . • 1
Out OW or law quiet won tee church
bells etre ringing for evening ser-
vice. Softly and 'sweetly the fnmlllar
sutttel tnsvele out, to die In the lar
dlrtrulce of the golden sea, There are
great reit awl harm icy all over- a`
en ee4, oedema' slimes h.utgs in the
•e a .•
. t tmn • sir. K. oleos h r ate far
aerie from the hose work(, it weenie
Imp.•ONIble to r)111114 that teen aro
wuekol and wlnftd, and teat the world
I* n world of tzars.
The bell steals . til • 'service !Ute rem•
we.:c,d. Very rami I • and earnest I.
le, for the wor.heoper., are nestle
Asher -folk
A 'armorer eases cater tit.• ►It'trt,.
lurid grass, pastas the nisei. gra le-
stonrr, and euts•rr Uu• ehaduw o1 toe
,little rhumb. He uta dope .l 1111/ far
Coerce an ID 1 'mitt yul.-kI: over the
Lomeli h.•&dr of tilt' tittle c'ligrrg.r
t10:1. and hie heart giver it great.
l nasml0:1:114 sob.
There •be he -hie wife, 1114 Ilttlr
Gipsy ! He wtul l fail g•s and take
her In 1114 item.. H .w till elle I. -
how Mw:til ut:.i; sate 1.nikaitg. Ilow hr
expreseeibi;• t uurtJnl hp the droop-
h•g. dejected figure!
Maurlitee swarth quiver. as h -
!meet and look. and tries to see her
fuer. II • It a gl leer.• at Inst : he
Mt.•N the ►hariee d c!Iri•k4, 11111
entries u:u• leek of her 1•,11$, IN•aU-
liful art of old, tut full of :se un-
spent 111, sorrow• now. Then h • Mars
her voice . bill 111 lies there 14;I. heart-
breaking ,An1111 in i_ , awe lee W4alr
. she %%levers at Its., 1 ill i;.; ie'r face
Dort', ••r ti 1. ot' UL' VulseN of 1 lid i-11:1-
. "Iron he henry her, c11•ar and true,
with Mutt bretkeu-hearted wail, stag-
'U i', (1 Paradise,
Pito wt•rtel Is growing old!
VIM. wLAtdd not be el root and free
Where hone. la never told T.
Ile hetetw till the Dant letter of the
lyse di,,. uwny, allot when he raiser
hi. Inc.', It Is wet with tears.
Very wetly he mettle sit, anti
wnodo•res in &l•• eel." 11 111111 1(1 await.
T1s• murtuur tit the preinr11er'r wire
(einem drowldly ttlratg:t the open.
wlnlnws. Hut Sir. Miturlce bearw-tush-
lig but tows voice tlutt sung:
"Who would not le• at r,.l and free
• 13' here love is never cold ""
Ili' walks away, (k,wn the quiet
soca, and grow Into Unek' li'n'e
house to welt fur Gipsy.
And by end by etre -aenw skttnly
itoane. Very leisurely elle reeved
nk)w, never dreaming tri who to
watching and waiting f.r her at
(net; aril Ito wiUtiu etiinds- Ire nib -
blies. Only n eeaxixt 110W -111141 11114
reached the dour. Ile heard tliollaie
deo turn ; mid Gipsy, ea ruing iu sett -
l), levers up to war --leer 'tweeted ed !
010 instate Is w 11, 111i •
Then she Ir ut 1,11 army, rubldag out,:.
" Muurlcr, .,II, Maurice, as last -at
Iasi !e,
Hr Min rime beck to Jlcr ! jt 1.
Mt she rennins ut'slte fees Ills urine
hel UDC herr toutulsivel,. 11' dome nut
mgvek-hu Cau,tlot, Ill til.: face of MT
faith and trued . he feels he dares
rot leek into her ever even.. •
"1 koro you w01t1 1 come WIMP Any,'
.►Ion whispers nt Lest, Lfteig her fare
from lis breast and raking 'sweet,
wet eyes 1(1 his. "My 1111.1N1,11/ -my
husband :" h r %pees qute•erlug nI.h
. I motion.
And he, with one look into tlrise
lege. upraised eyes, puts her Wyk
from lobo embrace. Faithful, levleg
little Uipsy does not dream of the
tlg0.1y Df remorNe that shak'r lois
rind) now Wilt n hu turtle awne. 1 Fug-:
Mg himself upon (Ire 111' rhinos Nola
(vhereoe (tipsy ham N, often wept,
he we've tears 'hot bring eller to
ills dde whit the nae womtnl, ale!:
to comfort hhn, her sorrow Jill
forgotten In the inuring dt•-
utre to slop hie bursting sols,
tier frail arms draw hie head upon
her shoulder ; she lay's her cheek ep-
ut his hair and carcases him as
ftually un in the Moret days of wife-
hood; and every Tvhirpered word
4rntle1 tem like a blow.
'Row Flinn I tell you?'. Ire like,
tlparm•ly. "(ifp.y, my wife, who n you
kuow all you will turn froat•tne.''
"Maurice, my baby 1e fiend,, nn•1 you
nee with m.•; 110 trouble easy touch
mo now," the sweet, childlike voice
answers, bravely.
"Alt, you do not know le he whim-
per,; and site, womrinike, grieves to
ane him like this, and .draws his face
down to her breast 'again. .• •
'Tell me how," , rhe - says, • meetly;
and slip, 'one email hand .Into, his,
•.whish 'tlghtwut and holrin It feet.
$1o, with hie face hi hien on her
neck, he tole her of filo cruel stigma
that haw beets cast upon her fair
'UMW. Ifo cannot IMu 11111 dawning
horror uwi wonder that came into
herr eye., the iwjlltstoes that creeps
over her face, err he wltieperie bb
•furye land tette her a little of the
awful desolation of ills 11fe. Onceshe
►lutcrw ar.1 tato ham' lu hie turn.
'My hu.baltd-and you thought that
of mel
slowly the words fall from her
I:p•, spoken as If against her will,
She breather a long. shivering sigh,
tial then. true, faithful wife, 'met
tool) in her se'n't- uu•clfishiss., for-
getting the bitter tiroug that line
been t'oNc
rr, nal u II feeeng ler
hue t_uw in his humiliation ant re-
nuorw', .she raiser his fate to hers
41.1 peewee her 11ps In one lung, 'd -
lent kion. to hire
• ,• •
Two hours later Gopsy and her
Itulban.l sot side by elle upon the
whore: Itis ane Is arouse' her. her
h, alt lire upon his 1ho eller, Blt by
bit, wring from hie bursting heart,
ML• sorrowful story 1F.. all 'Pali
told -a story that wuu utlgulth uu-
:Teakahee for a wife to. bear. Yet
-lie for lllm so much, le 40 full
of pre for what Ile tnum have ref-
fensl, that she seem. alwoet to fur-
l'.. the nl:."•r: a s1 grief elf. liar
Rose through here' 1f. only once her
,orlow wake's utld er•rti ill orae bitter
welt from the dements. mother -heart,
am 4111' w4.111 her noun round tum:
'Hy baby, my little. baby!"
.tit the -pent-up sorrow,uf them
weary months le fueling
voice at
lust. (h' he: remembering how he
1.14 sal heron• limiter, that. she shoulo1
nert•r ..•e their child again, feels♦ !Ike
le uarderee melte- hub'+ her In silence
to hie• breast.
-My 'hiding. my own!!" hn whin-
iw•rs, at Dart. brokenly, with a world
tf plty and teutMrweee in -his voice.
"tepee, do not Pry lin bitterly ! Oh,
me !eve, my wife, witat can I say
te make you happy agntu? _
She -looks lip at blur Ie the fading
light• with tears upon her check.,
but a wmHe creeping into her dark
"1 have yon. M.wrlee, are I 1 am
happy. .ell, dearest," with a little.
retell 'In herr %,rice. "whet, I hod lust
both yon +end my baby, 1 11.1 not
think I ...met ever be Iuipgxy again."
"11e1 1." h:• answers back, bending
Isle tree to hers -"oh. wife, ,von will
never kn.d whist. my Wee waif with
eat yea 1 11.144 elle, ,hurling; I ,can
hardly believe ,%00 are really Mine
1t Is Nome weeks later -the wea-
ther iv still lovely, and the flowers In
the gardrnn. are g.rg•'oltr now --wiles
tail Mr.. 'try lul ittlntuncrr to lila
world that Phu will 11., at home un
Thiseoday aftera.nt Demo four
de.•Iock to seven. .Accordingly at the
time nppeinted every one aril%i.;
01141 u g eou►v crowd Is assembled In
the drawutot-rtuur ut Bryan Court,
nutuug the rare culInction of old fdr-
:Oterc and witique china and brie -
nitrite of all Norte (hitt are sc:tlter-
, I ubtut everywhere, uppnreitly
With ere idea of erratgteneut.
The gue,t" throne their way am -
'mg tabicr and claire, 14 WI greet the
eel lady. and open their eyes at the
ttppttritie e al her wide -a email, lit-
tle figure with crearntti hair and
Targe brown ryes.
It ennnut be sir MnurIce'N wife,
fe•r Noe 14 over beside her heehaw'.
"(VIto IN elle ? Who 1s she:"' every -
Neely, whimpers. looking from one to
ti, titer, and wondering at the like -
)tri. Bream me .eing. the Prone, fin•
troiluce • 1311+.1 (ffu4ty: ly nes "My 'lee,
Mre. foul Itry aa," and everybody
fe.14 ver;• unr.mfortable, and hoboly
4/rme ler kolow what to Nit y.
':8eel:,g its ltRs'ing," rinlckles Kra
Pry -nn, presenting Silty I to Mrs. Lal eke
sad Flora.
311m lurks, tell ami unmoved, gives
..•e mverpinn(; Rhuice nt ,(lie twu she
toes' facie, and teems away.
11 le a trying or'en1 for Sibyl, ohm
w 11 never forgive all theme pseopF' for
e lett 1 h •e have made Gipsy suffer.
She hem her chit irside her, while
Gipsy's baby tt •ep4 11 the cold vault
of the Dermot, nod Sibyl, looklne
,town at her b,,'r face, , hulls hie
warm, suit hand tighter, and her
c. es meek OipN.y's wletWliy,
The D.owag.r Led"; Permit iP 1017
,hoot aria ngreeall', nod keep* Mpg/
lhrrlein her it geed lleal4 and Is very
keel and 1.1.'amntlt to' Sb: 1, for, after
ail, Colonel Bryan Ie very well off,
n•a1 has n lovely place In the rll.ltl-
try add a town hone. ; no he and lib
%libellee quite ulce, useful people to
k .si.
It le It gr'ee'n ).arty nitoogelher;
and. If the principal none' do trot
...Ivy Il meal, It It all the memo to
1116 HT
1 � I
And do it deeply tee, hese.. they're the
purest 41.1 14.11 11 the way of paint mak-
e,g. !Ivey outlast cheap paints snit rest
lrtul to pal en- ease quently are remise.
.:.vers • see 1 n" envies. Yonl deeler will
tell you til • 'res; anal it imn't h;gh if you
want a 00,1 i .b.
Wr•r' to um for net "Booklet A," free.
thrones ho^, +nee houses are painted with
Ram-*yer fain s.
A.. Rt•.MSAY & SON,
i'nitit Smite+M,'d 1442. MONTREAL.
leve hostels She has given the nelgh-
burhouJ a flee surprlte, and people
wale) know her best begin to wt•gwot
further mlrohicf from the twinkle In
her eyes.
Among tiro Ortntslwea there ie a
host n4 u1 bees going to ++warn. AU
rix tf therm are preeet►t, and In the
shirt of the 'romp, looking loopelew
awl uncomfortable, stand. a real
live rpeclmetn elf the. male rex who
by ltoo or by crook Irl+ become etl-
gugwl to 1Jaby UrilnNtlaw. See Ir rad-
iant, and with dancing step+ ambler
beside this limp creature, Her left
billet ung►uved and fluurlwhing an en-
gage•meut ' ring -pink tamale and
pierlsi. Iter five Meters fulle, as five
daisy pickers;: autl they talk, of
teething but the wedding.
Mrs. liryuu, wtttl tikbyl til gale site
ural Lady 1)urw.rt, revtoor, gilding
griuefuliy on the other, teepee upon
the group di.perting Gems/elver ou
true of the term's gerunds, and leveed
her eyeglass lateediately.
"My dear life, leek at Lite Grime
*haws! A_mtul may mot marry IoW
gntndm.rther, yet that two le goigg
to Creak the law. And tiro
way the . creatures drew! Two
in 'crudted . etrot w'berry,' ew•u
ler 'electeke blue' um' two in
'ropes orange,' Heavtals, what fools
people make of flu teeeltes :"
Actually, tun, the 0 Wegener are
lure -Miele 0 Hag tt1 like 1111 innuendo
'uruehed strawberry," parasol, bud -
tet and all!
Ltuly Dernetl shudder+ and ',411• as
if she wasted air.- Thu Jlikrtitn,
how. s.•r, mr:1114 to nge•ak, a ed eek+
aceordh.hl;, halting Ito fro It .ii her
"•(lo'rl meeting, nly lady -gild to
wee yogi kook:ng ru Stela, ant that Si-
14lurke fain got has pretty wife batt
44,:i l e. Otte slwxll 1 110101 btl.•ne ne-
t ort., m: -never.•'
Indy Dermot look+ (would In an
aseciy and hurries uu. -
'Itaofferal.f • creature!' eltr Valine,
")j deur Mra liryuu, low can ''.°4n.k 0.40.7111401.11 T'
''011. 1 eek everyisely II •t Diem all
slime to these (wail -air entertain- i
moetM! .3 tattle weak tea 11n.1 weir •
fruit 1141(41 11'1 rust mush. and 1 fake
ere ( fu
w the n vete I." 1-
t ow•s c t
' Oh, cos .sued amu must ku 1
dreadful people I:i Ilio• count+.• !"
murmur. Lady Derma -t. and then
deuces the Nu1J •rt. " S t the Idako+
or, real:? haftlp Revers? And Is.e
Mr. Ker le here with ell:ul a. 1 hope
they eel! make 11 up at Inst. He 14
tent .gr to New ?ort' 01.l. 1 hear."
" Anti rhe wilt goo with him," pro-
litMeer"eine. Bryan, with decision.
'•1 nm sure she hne gc4t over her
grief for that mads I.elroy long
"Tie,t boobs like It, certainly," as -
struts Indy 'term rt. Rlttni'iug At Mr.
Ker nod liladye. m,v►ng slowly down
A 411le path, apparently in deep aa►- ;
ter$iItlul►. - • 1
Mrs. IU-uILO sp^nl4 a great part of
the riflemen' t•xpbeiliirtg that elle la
',bliged to lave Rivers on account
of her health and 1i ipressi•s 011 every
•ser• that the ,keotore have ordered u n I
e. •r w �e.
Never seller dex+s Flora Make .peak
to Sir M, turlete. atttl he, 411 rl•urt-
lived are sates emote erne In human
rsiture, ((xgves 04e11 to notice the
fact. lies to with tlipey again, arra id
happy. He stank bewlde her proudly,
nal notices with pleasure that the
color has omen tack to her ch,wkr
lignite though pltrltapl flirter will
eyes 11 MI lip. senile an of old, for elite
memory t•( leer hairy wtl ever
he like it eluutow &crow. leer
hard. lite luso put off her
neourulasg-to-day to plea.. hen. and
k4 all in white, a raft, creamy dream
with I.0 slur tiny% Isere.
:Society lute agreed to act ar if
touching has happenel; and sir
Moura:.'. wife Is greaten as if elm
eeriest with her !Emma. but yester
silty. That aloe Ivan never fe.•I the
.umd toward thew egad" in only na-
tural; but is 411e meantime a pa
tete crow.' knet'I. 1 gurutl'rl, at herr
feet. yet b'tweu., her ant Go f .
.siting 011 her limey stem+ l
11er Lille baby lying dead, noel loci
heart In heavr aml slid.
Thy whole scene Ir inexpremlbly
trying to It r. 1 mover emu lug and
Interesting It may b• to the 1•e.t of
th., wor1.L To thew the case of no
('null)' tel•tnk•'11 Identity 14 as good .
Tse 11 it lay; and to duel Ilryan's Scotch
marriage Is euwethltg " vine luxe
itehghtfull) remount M. Hut, then,
lee:o el Ilryau hart (dime thuarand
a year, ant oats a heli ar•.urd
bite. Alt are delighted wile hi.
-*What a sweet, pretty. • d:giefl•.l
little Indy rhe iia!' they way, 111:!
.aib,)1's Idly. a young gentleman dt a
osteo r Ispat. gets mere calors- un.'
kisses them ore good for h.111.
T.e•re are plenty of toes, YAW there
14 much chitupitgac cup, as well us
the "weak tea and sur fruit," err the
t 4 1 lady elwre to cull tht•n, but the
Irult Sewn sour -Ler from it. Such
peewee ulwl grosieve are out to to
wen every (Loy ; au' certainly Mrs.
htyttu utas thtugs web.
.111 the h cal "wclote" is here to -
due. old Lora, and lady lluutar•I,
mere rlpupitctic duan ever, and .(Ir..
llook• r. prier tiling, dmper even than
ueu.t from the very long drive, and
r.1.lucee ttlute et to tears at the eight
esf baby t,r•me(litw, triumphant with
her louse 1 •
1Ile yarn. UOmelet w cot:Ld, 1 to
evcryiwooe that "clear .ltuby'. in al -
n set uvie ,).lung to marry yet, 111141
tiukte It great deal tel'the eouog in•u:
9,o'n 411111nttt tt ; :uttl the Dully flirts
telt sin ice, to hie ccurt'n I•onteute
at lido tilt, lit 1pte: n ut_in eirIhks cham-
paglt-cup w•akch seynclao,v On Dill :r
mem J:ot seem ln, rear•' 1o14'apiriti.
l;apey gets Ul etyr ubnte Dur 11 1130-
1,1, Ill
o-heap at lust ; and, with ryes full of
w tsifulnreh, alto whimpers:
"Ghrdys,,wtll pet mime fir mo lo-
nu,rrow ? 1 want you to tell me about
my little child." with melee pittnous
"lc tr elf the lip. that tears start to
til re whispered word td sym•
pithy. she preemies (litotes bend
"1 w Ul• ranula tomorrow."
for Mrinrlce notice.' the shadow on
hL+-wife's face, and ootnce to her side directly.
"Shall 1 order. the carriage. dar-
aoling 1 I think you are tiree•I."
But Ubdys edifies the pesNiot,nte
kriging and regret, and endive nt-
m•o4t the erode of D1.1, when .he used
to tell him how happy line wurid
w'exrld be with no parties and no 40
"If you like, dear," she answers,
"A11 right," he replies. "Irl a guar•
ter ut nn hour, then; and Paul and
Silty' are coming hook with n,."
1 MIAS (flair, passim;, hears both
i tlmeation and reply, nntl nee' the
gn;rk 400k that passes between hos•
bawl and wife, the, brief expression
of perfect trait and reconciliation,
and her checke pile suddenly. One
l eu't who given them both, and turns
_ • . • •
0111134 1.1:oke enol eipay are ram.
and both .Hines bear triers of Learn.
till (119',)'e even huto.l Ito -n (Awl llttle
-milky ring. 14 dhrk hair, an,! her
*lever( melte n' .he gale., and her
lu.ri fah thick reel rose _.
"'few long ills hair Mel grown 1"
elm whelp, re, enol elnelys teeter/Mee
her fnols 1 I I
ITV. be Coettnned.l
One hnndr-otl• and trhlrte'` kind/. Of
wild flowers are foind tw'nt' Nome,.
The (treat South American
Rheatta.Usm Cure; the kind that
cures in a few d.tys the must ob.
senate sad painful eases.
If you have a friend suffering
from that horror, or from lumbago
or neuralgia. it is your duty at
least to offer it to hint. It will re-
lieve, with the first dose. You too.
N'illtam Marshall, of Verney
Post Office, County of Gray,
Ontario, writes:
"Pr theist yrs. 1 was tont inual(,
in tied. 1 sprat h•trdrrd+ of dollars
doctoring ant meds ince wheat prnved
of latae nitef. The teat, 10•• u( s•etb
A weeks. Rse
hsetk Cls1. ave m• 1,,
•tant r.lef. 1 am . mpleteiy cored."
builds up into vigor and health the
most shattered systems. It is un-
matched in femaee vemplaints, or
ge•oenl debility in either sex.
ll.edrds el testimonials hem the
cored mak It
Limerick intelligens.
Mr Pogworthy rented a suite,
ler a 'seeing without any hour.
He lived there for sic Month..
Dail netcr kicked oaths.
For a Burgeon had eat off has foils
Piles To Ireve to yen „that flee
aeb�a.te's Ointmeot isaoortal
and abo.LUte caro for
and every torn' of Itching,
Mee ingeod Idol ruling!r 1'llr.,
the ma iiI•el ore, amt .• 1.•nwrsnteed if. $ecte.-
tlmon4.04 in the dally pn•oe and aek your neigh.
hors what they tht•k of .1, l'ou can two it and
. 11 dealer. r rnney r krnw.if ti.rt-•, B. (o.,Tonuito,
Dr. Chaso's Ointment
rhe 11114 Again.
Columbia Jester,
College Idiot (tndeflnitele) - It
stutter home doesn't 112
Kind F'rleud-Er-what .doe+?
College Idiot -Why, 1 waw Just
thl.kIug of 'our parlor clock.
New York's J'Ulh 1 ear Was Cele-
' baa:rd Yset.'rday. .
roil mettle' In 1014.. lout nu
Dud liege trete put up 410.11 4110 b e-
g1itulug ut the deet yeur, 1013.
keret flour will eel fit•..s lawyer.
ll rigyinuti uud zuliuolnutrter ap-
'entrei in 1(1 J. and whipping; poet
in Dile, when first artl.'t also ap-
poured. ( • .
keret phyrk:l:tn Is reeutded ay of
k'Iret Lung li land ferry, 10.7.
bite( bonging. 1011. •
Fire' built:lt►g lel, 1012, melt fur
t ).OU, worth a tuillluu OF two new.
Ftt.t public helmet, 101e. •
Filet clay charter. 105:1,
Pity Hall 0pc4101. 10 ti.
First ututrur. Iupulatluu 1,1100, 16•.10,
banal Are uum,:.tuy. 1037.
First poet, Juocob Steedman. 1619.
1''ivet Muyor, 10115.
Merchant'' eselwttge estal*i.hetl,
First 1• torr e,u•rier route, 167.1.
io niutl.
w uuht•tl to 1
1"II•st regular sleek. 1077.
First pr feeelonul undertaker. 108 t.
Fend I'rlutleg prase, l:ntdfolv'r,
Furst rower house, 16141
Slreets'lir.t Il;(hla1. 10117, lantern
hung 011 is polo at every .uveuth
Fent De+wirpapw'r, 17'25.
First public llbrury. 1729.
Feed college entnbllrlted, 17.16.
revalue first city lu the union.
CARRIER 1r one of the many good
features of the M.1t1+EY-IIA KRIS
1',tu can are by the rut howl very
,Aspin and light It ie.
It line great repaelty, aeverth,'-
Imes :Ilii is strong titin well -trade.
It drop, luck from under the sheaves
when dumping. without damaging
the heads of grain.
F'01.1'1 No 1 D13 IDF:R4-Sbuplrrt 01
all. .1 chill tete unlatch them and
turn then) In. Moly other manufao-
lurerr nre trying to °ape this fold -
Some Fences
are Good
Some Fences
are Cheap
Tor a fere. both good
end cheap, write for our
catalogue. It alio 4.11.700
about our New Stool Gates
• Welland. Oo►t.
Tabby W111110 the Cheek.
DA y'u ever hear of a cat that
wirds a clock? There I• on. 101
North Meseta, Ht r nelilt' 11I Tnh,y,
mast she never has to lie tokl when
to nhel Dile shirk. Mho flint elle 11 .1
It Ile DIN' time draws near, and when
the lintel. are at the right place she
r111ptm nes nmI ,L;leen* to the mutter
Of more Ahs. • ,4.141 t have a key. It
:an't that ki::.l of clock. There are
estate. moll Tabby draw.. the weight
down that ham gone up during
twenty-four ;entre That kettle the
clerk going for twenty -rote hour.
Sta.oneidr Speculatlnn..
Montreal Star.
MiGs 6wrllmen summered at the Pier,
She wintered at the 11a11,
Now, ehonM site .prong at Ligonier.
We wonder where eked fall.
by loot] npplientltrnn es they rennet tone'
the dimmest pontoon M the err. Thereto only
ran way to tare denfnrn., r,"I that Irby enn-
■tltutlonnl resew.. Ienfnel. 1s erased by
ma Dermal e.rndltlon of the mnrolln IInlagof
the Rgtartdrut Tolle. When this. tube le In-
anmp,l yen hnre n rntshlgng 1•,00,1 nr Im wr-
irst hraNOg, nett 141.41 It M 40110017 rIo.F•1,
Meninges In the r,aolt, and nubile the Inenm-
matlon tan betoken out owl this tithe r.4tnr-
e.I to Its normal rendition. hearing will ire
deetrn ed forever; nine engem not oil ten are
W r e nothing tint n
roused hy •l'ntnrri., hl h 1 n R n
Iallnmpd eunditlon of the tnOeou. surfaces.
We w111 give One Hundred Dollar for soy
taw of Delaney. (conned hy eatnrrhi that
ena.nt he cured hy Hall'e Catarrh (•ure send
for elreslare, lea ,
T. J. CHEMIST 8 CO., Toledo,
Sold by bracelets, 15e.
llall's Tawny Pills are the hent.
One Draft Never Dishonored.
N. Y. Pres
There are no draft* on the Rent
d Motherhood which are not hon-
Oted without discomfit`
Ina dcrlcc-lrecnnse it le ee good.
(lot M.1FJ+EY-HARRIS potents pre-
ro-tent them dupinealing It.
Remember It Is the Massey -Har-
The Carrlul Burglar.
The cot.t grey of the dawn le steal-
ing thnitgh the witektwe
The burglar Js, stealing inside the
,}its foot ,trlkes it choir.
Fntm the tytrtedr rooms come the
anunde of people moving al4eut nal
converting In sleepy tones.
:1cting with the quleknene •tf one
who has n trained mind and under -
Mande Nyman -nature -the burglar
w.i•rr the call bell on the table and
rings the riming summoos of the
In a moment the sounds of snores
till the house. .
LIltthe teeing hell le better than
OW knockout drop -Judge.
will IMO! every eels of Diphtheria.
b(118. RF:I'I*F:N RAKER.
I believe M1\AltD'3 LINIMENT
will produce growth of Bair.
111114 ('RADS. ANI)111MON;
Rtnnlry, 1'. F. L
Is (Inc Inst leasehold remedy on
earth. t. M1TTIU(S FOLEY.
011 City, Oat : • r
Toe annual report of the Rents-,
trar of Ins'irason fnrnithrs Indio
potable ovklenoe regarding the.
STANDING and 1'i3OGRESS of this
poreiy Cnnadinn Order.
YF:Alt 1000
'Petal newt.... .. t 38l.012J10
Total membership • Setts
Members lidded 3,201
Amonpt Of tlieurtnce •
it ritten .,. .„... .. 4.',1+0.1,0001)0
Income' e8e101 00
Increase of a.,e(e 126,88'_00
leer/ism per $1,000 at
reek ... don
!0(orantktn rhee•rfally elites ntls1
Organiser, wanted. write
W. F. -Montagne, ((road Recorder,
Hemlltoo, Ont.
W. F. (:etni{br11. •Ornn.l Organ:Mer.
Naallton. Ont,
Gent. F'rotn Famous Anthers.
The world's! a bubble, and the life of
Lowe than a epi.n. -Dation.
Truth Ie the handmaid of in.lioe,
freedom is Ito shad, peace lane corn -
melon, antral walks In Ito irtepe, vic-
tory follows In 11. train.-HWnee
To know, to esteem, to love -and
then to part,
Make•r tip fife's tale to tetany a feeling
hen rt 1
If thine enemy hunger. feed him;
if he tare, give hhn drink: for In
.no doing 1110,1 Ph:olt ll'vtp coal, of
fire on 111' hrrid.-New Testament.
S1vrrOw•P remembered. .wester pre-
sent Jury.-11oltert Ibllok.
The man may hod. but never lives.
When much roeelte,, but nothing
Whom none one love, whom none can
t hank,
Oreatlon'n blot, creation', blank.
-Thomas Glhbons.
Censure is the tax a man pay. to
the public for being eminent. -Jon-
athan Swift.
Mltard's I,Inlmlmt Is used by Phy-
Hle Crmpleint.
I ane a baby, eleven months' old,
and neat Iv. worn out already. lemuro
Ilet me niotle
1 am not ie prmligv, except to the
extent that, not having anything to
e nv. 1 don't talk. Tno 111
claim to be my parents -why can t
they lel It go et. that 1'i have never
denied the chalet.. 1 haven't much
data to go by, but i don't think I
ism rather a magician, a )earned
pig, or a %telecom 1 don't hanker
tees nppinese • to. 11 will be ell op-
prNt'Iatell Livor. If you won't put mu
1 through any parlor tricks.
if 1 lets my wealthy old Esre'e
!loose t•ongrntnlate ene1e Kira, but
don't blame me. , ( many be a klepto-
maniac, for all I know, bat i ennet
' help It.
irnt:'t rattle rattles at me -they
1 tattle m^. Irene goo -goo and not-
sle-koettie at inc. I can't ulMeretnlel
It awe better than i ran the i3ag-
Ilrtt language.
fi'hn It tin 1 have 1e not in my stow -
rude but in rely neck. I .b a't want
to iee rnlertntmvl or my'tlfled or
medleated or nppinutled. Anel, if
von edOn't want mo to grow up to i it
n llypnehonnlrlae• a elms `oflra
tor, nn nwell returnee!, .i pnretyping
Ate/oldest. nl as jjnersehtitope'. rue
fast ketone ore ! -l/ i int -ort i
A Mirka f et
Results from common soaps: ISSUE NO. ,?3, 1903
eczema, coarse hands, ragged .ate r 4. a per°(I Il,r s.� �1'� �: o
clothes, shrunken flannels. earl' r d iN, •ogler+ lhe(Ilm pees Vt,�
(elle sat lathe e..t nmadv a Dlarrh.aa.
Ask M tae erlae•. net
His Hadule Hegl,tning.
Philadelphia Record.
"I began life without it cent In my
pocket," rant irked d the self -wade eau.
"1 didn't a ten Intra it lmx•k'•t when
I was born." retorted the gilded
Are remelted by the train. of the
Now Turk Central Itallway'. Title
great four -hack line enters the only
mtntiou In New York (ally, the timed
(ventral Mallon, corner of ill
avenue atsl'42ttd straw(.
He Doesn't (o.udt.
"Well, Itow do you like marri••d
life.," empulrtd the friend.
"Not at all," replied the 1111111 w110
itad married wuuey and suis suffer -
lug for it. "I'm • cast tit wntrlmua-
bl dyspeprin."
"Mat r ennonial dyep epsla ?"
"Yo, Dile never agrees with me,
she's too rich."
Keep Mitwrwl's Liniment in the
No Excuse for Me Bosch.
►'ltese•de !)Letter.
8110 (who arrived an hour late at
u relrieavour)-Excuse me for cowing
so late. You suet have had a lung
wait., t
Ife-Oh, no! 1 hate just cotes my-
Sale -{that, you would tints haat the
impede -bee To slake w.' wait If I had
been punctual:'
MLnard'a Liniment Lumberman's
Poland. ,
Thr Naw can and llrr Mirror.
Mow much Oleo do 4 It W(m,tq
spend before bur looking -glass? .1
Germane with true Tleotonto pell:nn0.,
hay not Minitel(' to answer tole trl-
elal question with eclentlflo ae-'
curacy. 1111 estimate' that a girl
of 0 to 10 spates :ill average of
seven minute.. a day before the mir-
ror; from; 10 to 15, a quarter of an
hour le comms" dally. and from
15 to 1x1, twenty-two minute*. Le
dies from 110 to :2:5 oeenpy twenty-flvn
twl.ut,s from that age to 30 Ther
are at lent hailf an hoer at their
toilette. Their, he alleges, there
la a decline.
Painkiller fr eta the remedy 11e4ded
I■ .eery househo t. Ynr rill., hunts and
,)•411.0,, Arsine and 'protns, dt.bp,.e s Hot
wish It; apply to the w"uu.l and be put.
!env... 11roh1 enletlluten: there *abut one
"/'nlnkmlrr'-Leery Unvls'.
F'elllre of Leong Ago.
Ndladelphin Lodger.
R11,11. -Nu rtutn knows himself.
(til,be-That'e true. i hart' Just been
✓ nn.hng over some letter. i wrest.• to
my vette before we were mnrrlol.
Lever's V -Z (Wise )lest) Disinfectant
Soap Powder is better than other powders,
as it is both soap and disinfectant. 34
On (Doing to Cherub.
"It was the custom of Christ to
attend the uyeagognos, to )oto in
the googs of poralee aol t hanksglving,
to listen to the resoling of the old
testament and to its lessons as en-
forced and illustrated by the ap-
bpointed header. From (f1e earliest
oyhood to the entering mean Him
MInirlry lin had been a regular at-
tendant upon the horse of God and.
waren proclaiming liie Mewalallshlp,
still both as a hearer and preacher.
He wee thea keeping holy the Sab-
bath day. Christ himself set the ex-
ample of going to church. The Chris-
tian's rehlgl•wts needs demand the
house fir prayer aiwl the attermhling
of (hod's people regularly within Its
walls. The disciple Is not above
ltlm Lord."-Rlahop Fellows
Let for Mlnard's and take no other.
('omen Widow.
Peellnr=Ma(Inm, i have here a file
complexion Irenutltler which --
Lade -No. You don't work any akin
gnnle en me.
by matt so yerr ran Bake ria o r ,„
.ut.t. ♦,. • err. For parll.
A. HANSEE, M. H., AtW WOr;h
Hamllten, Ont.
MM Omteaa Stet Seete•wer ead wale Mture
A rnes.,.A 1.1, ei rant Com 1,1041
raw en 4.118 and tea b mono
11111kS11 dt CO. DEPT- B. TORtifeTO
1t N.s No Equal
Manufactured only try
Ter sale be all lltiti e•
May Excursions
Hs.nla,.w d., 11,e,1-
teaJ *Dual,, Loue
1:1. 111•4.011
ure41to IoMeelre•t
/Angle Ir,lt1,SI I *0
Ala. to Intermediate Mints. Metal. and l.. -nil
Included. stents•,• Ira re 11 nudnye ,• n4
Tbrratiiyu 1. May -Hamilton 1 p.41t. ,Teres.
to Teo p.n EMI her loloru,atluu n opts err
1111•1141nr 1i FAINTER l'1I AFFCI'., 11 rater,
Pao/reser Anent K. • 0., Tomato.
NO .
drag weer es.•d rogrew. lltreli•:(. . .•.1 len. .NN•. -..
e few„ee• sly. tr•• s.r • b. Mamma. r ,b•• n..:..
belhls Care Ise 11'sas Ms•kr
4..1.804.4 , len... Ms
De R f Real•re . r l.rr
, , 1 had to one • •.y
ter amino , .. •.. rear, are• 1.4 • sem arar►a .•.•
nM soon* 'of Yr III leo 1901 4r., so had
1►. ►.d . 1r.e• ,• a IM. p,4.d Awd.:•
Spools cue. 1 hod 1 rrM-d i.., do lame •an•n ..d •
MIM►wd.n • ser.. l' rte talf•.i.ece anialt ,.,. -
d•..Ir.w•kunrnn �ewh k.r ens..+)
•M It dd to. .•,•O.dr Yu.
l w� .•r.\... the►. n.d
• Ween : V r.., to. ,•••..
ven.n.l,. root,. 01[0. L HA•Rta
float 111.41••••••• , 0.. ...neer N.M
I ,1..a Por Sh M. o•
O•e•rl II A•lse e•
,area's 77•ai1••e. t.. r..,ta. . .,..,.
OK.1.1. KENDALL Co , (403811(0 FALLS. VT.
Cook's Cotton loot Compound.
Ladles. Favorite,
le tbn only safe retlabll
r'ewulator on whish woman
cats 4(1)41)4 In tits hour
and tlntg of need.•'
IYagr.d h two Regrew
•trea$tb. Na 1 ■ed
No. 1. -For ordinary rases
1* by far oke best dollar
mellr•Ine known.
No. 2 -Por .po•1a1 r•sss-10 decreer
stronger -three dollars per box.
ladtee--eek your druggist for Cenk'a
lotto. Root tewmpeee . Take no other
as •11 pills, mixture" and 'intestines are
dangerous. Nn 1 and No, 2 are not.1 end
recommended by •tt druggists In the Do-
minion of Canata. Mailed to any altrose
en re4elpt of rico and four 1 -et poetess
stamps 7lhe MCook: Company.
Windsor, Ont.
ALL. OTirl 'E RS
Far .11e by all first class dealers
e- INSIST ON OK -r -r. EppV't -ewe
With Out old surety.
St.jacobs Oil
t0 curiae
Lumbago and Sciatica
Thera is no suols word as tau. Prier, lice and 30e,
Dick's Blood Purifier
1s the best Tonic for
Horses and Cattle
It pets tows in perfect health, end increases
the now of milk.
DICK'S gives bort.* a .mnnth Riflery coat,
and puts life and remit into them.
Try a package wee my run-down sniffled
you meq have and you *111 be convinced.
60 cents a p•okage,
trttlHQ, MILKS • CO , e, •