The Signal, 1903-6-4, Page 7.5 THE SIGNAL: GODERIC11 ONTARIO BY FLOOu AND FIRE: Many Lives Lost and Much Property Dsetroyod M Western States. Two Muedred tither* Mite et Territory Inure• dMsd W Flood Firs adds ne Stirrers to M. Dsosietlen - Theueande of hoot. New.Moo• Irassaa Ottr, Mo., June 1.-.-A sec- tion of the Western States two hun- dred miles square has been flooded and mors than two buedred people have perished. The property lose has eaaeeded two hundred million dol- lar. deny more Uvea and vast pro- perty Interests tontines to be threat- ened. The appalling flood covers that victim o1 Missouri, Kansak, "ebraskn and Iowa. radiating from the corner, where the four Status Win. Railroad traffic Is paralysed. The Miwourt and Its tributaries are •wt of boueds and sweeping every- thing ir. their path. The weather In- dicatloOa are for eontlbu•d rain all over the dl'tnkt. The deluge con- tinues over that watershed drained ty the streaa;a now contributing to the ruin. The heaviest.'ose in both lite and peoperty is at Topeka. the capital o' Kansas, and Dee Moines, the capital of Iowa. At the former place more than 160 lits have been bid, while hundreds are cooped up In public be:tldh.ga around whkh the door'. rage's. At Kansas City fifteen have p.+riahed, and at Its Moines wren are known to have been drown- ed Ali eat Toted.* is lauad•t.ed, and from eurruumlfng We tons special railroads tralrra are rushing to the ;wens with gat ears Idled with boats, .steam launch,•, and other lite saving contrivances. To a,id to the bistros. here bit lum- ber yard* have taken Are, and the b,lrnitu,• piles hate drifted in every directlor. communkating the blaze to many residences last night eight distinct Area ante turning In the flooded dietrtet. All of North 'To- peka is turned The capital build - Ings hove thus far •.•aped. The na- tional guard is out at Kansas City to prevent 'melee. rind rescue people. 111e lower part of the city, 1. the iieart of tit. subbing district, and O mer the packing house, Is fifteen feet under water. Dig steam boats are pl; Ing around the Union Depot, le here I h tusanda 1 r Were r'gtie passen- g er, Werlad o the trains t levy herr -occupied 1 • the flood auddealy surrounded them. The ca - 'amity is threatening to reach new lions) :MoportIona, and fears are en- tertalued that tee worst ke yet to conic*. That section, except the upper part *1 t:ansa' C it> Is a great plain swept bj the Missouri. 1.w Moines, the two Platter, Kansas, Grand and matter even now covering the whole country. Th. greatest Good be the history of !Canaan Clay, kan.aa, and the iot- toms of Kansa. City, Mo , prevailed here yesterday, and 15 lives and mil - hone of dollars have been lost, blot IN TOMICA. 1.see d Lib aseeeas lie sad Moray Others are MMaIag. Topeka, Sans.. June 1. -There is ground for bole that the worst of the flood situation has Irttse,•.1. 'rh. trr.cberoug Kansas )fiver, which lose• during the day, was list night blow. ly receding, and the nve mile wide stream- U settling back into its rightful chtutnel.-111tb 175 ..r 2't0 lives lost,4ittllllons of dollars of pros pert; destroyed, the capital c'1y has passed t1., most memorable `v.bbath day of Rs existence. The arduous work of the heroic of- ficers was not abandoned in the least by the conditions whkh confronted them. For long dreary hours. knee d eep In water, and sometimes ,ap to their necks, tbey-worked-with ;tight and main. Last night they cyn point to 200 or more rescued I cr- Ilona who otherwise might have -Leen 'inept away in the current. Driefly stated the present coalition of the flood is this: Seventy to two hundred reelle drowned; 8,000 people without homes. Loss of property 884,000,00o0. identified dead -5. Floating •,todles *we're -20. People ml. ,ing i.r0 ilouses burned, insult of )umber from slacking lime, 200. Drab cpilapoed-two. Wholesale grocery stores flooded - two. Dig Mistiness block' almost ready td crumb11-50. Wholesale coitsmiseloa house.. FIRE PlEJtb MOLDS CARNIVAL tire 1n 1 robabby asistaw Qu.b.. Village D.vastated- otber Blae.a Martel/11o. Qts„ May 80•- Firs wiped out over sixty dwellings and caused a low of over $100,000 Thursday night. The blare *tatted in • hay barn at the south of the village, and, tanned by a very heavy wind, spread rapidly to the many wooden buildings nearby. Th. in- hahttants were asleep and many of theta bad to make their escape clad only in their night attire. Within half aa hour the houses on three streets were burning fiercely and Montreal was asked for assistance. As there is no water service in the village, however, It was useless to vend engines. The villager* got to- gether and organized bucket bri- gades, and after a hard and div-. towing battle with the flames, fin- ally got them under control at 2.30 Friday morning. Montreal. -A large hay atoreh'ouoe owned by Crowe k Mon, ten C,P.R. freight ears, several sheds and a dwelling house were destroyed early F'rlday Igorning at a low 01 $50,- nalnaboro, N.W.T.-The Northern elevator, With 4,000 bushels . of wheat. was burned Friday morning; esus* unknown. Ismer Oats ■1e Threat. Llai war, June 1-J, Knot, a well - (o -de farmer, about 80 yeah of age, living near prtton, and abort sight miles 'rota here, was found by one of big fc4ily near l a bark about 8 o'clock yesterday morning dead, with hie throat eut born her to ear. He did the deed with an old table knife. 110 blame • •Idow and several of a Not have been the a nwdli in (stteltlance at the Walter L Main Knnrtn4wu Rhows, combined with the military spectacle, Navane t1. Africa., that the ate awgeteent- has legntw$M, as far an prwdbM and convenient, that the ballet and children attend the afternewm perfottltance, and thea avoid the crowd at night. 'CYCLONE STRIKES GEORGIA. Two Mus/red Deed and Cram Thousand In Meed of AN. Gainesville, tla , June 2.-A torna- do of terrific force struck this oily yesterday afternoon, causing fearful loss 1,l Ids in this city.and Nee Rol- land and White Sulphur. As near as can be calc•ulatsd, the ferult■ aro 45 teen, woMen and children dead, and {whops 40 wore fatally injured, With a property .logs of aotmdhing like tWW,000. The death sat ie yet lu>perf,r•t, net all the bodies. having been recovered and Identified. Many Of them were mangled beyond rscog- nit ion. The storm appeared suddenly a lit- tle before 1 ,o'rlllell, and, within two minutes -it had killed nearly 100 per - *ons, torn two stories from the five- fioor brkk factory of the Gaines. ilk. Cot ton Mlllr, donyolishod a1- luoet 210 cottages, rubbed two brkk storee to the ground, and blown down innumerable outbuildings. The lint of the dead is confined mainly to,upend ives of the (taines- ville Cotton Mille and the I'urolt Cotton Mills, end iwo-third. of them were worn.',, and children. The tor- nado did dr nppttlling work in such aa incredibly short 011ie that it Is 411111411111 to obtain a coherent descrip- tion of its character. It appears to hat a swept down f the :Hirth - west, striking the t:uin.stille lulls wi'h a -ruur like the report of arlfl- 1•ry. Alter lilting twit stunts from this ,tr,uti,rr•, it %wept on to the northward.- 'caning ,i Dail or de- etrtu•tion alotig St ' steer', which is inhahit.d 111 1 viola/hely l.y t)1egrd5a. Nearly 1110 Col 1ag,d. 14 col- ored people on this mitt were !melt- ed to the ground, but l,% a fortu- nate cir•umstam•,, t1.•• tenant is were mostly absent, but ins 1.11 the city in the morning to take- part in a !deltic. Says age Are Weed. Atlanta,- Ca, .lune 2- Governor 1'orr.•!l Not night Msu,d a lreclam,r Iben, sating about 2I44 wee., dead at (tain.wt Mc and 1.11(4*) in nerd of aid. 11e calls on Georgians to gond relief. N.r•namet berme Belle*).. Washington, .lune 2.- Although the rests 111 the Hood. in Northeastern Kansas and Northwent.•rn Mammon Were apparently r.nch.,l yesterday. yet the ••‘ remit grainy of the situ - at ion cannot he lover t. t vvltl'.1 1'he stag. .,f the water a1 Kansas ( it)' 'test..A:t interning esus :t:, reel. bat 2 f.,•t tows t hare, the brew high water Stage of Jane 20. 11 It At 6 in, the water watt 1tationarv, 3t.0 fol, With light rain atilt falling. FIERCE TILLSONBURG FIRE. alar•. $ichor Place, and 7• R..1. drive. B.r..4 1,.w■-T►re. Item new a Sleek We:t.. Tillsonto. rg, June 2. -The worst rontlagrat ion in the - hint or - ..f 1,11- aonburg tarurr.'4 y,sterlu), wh.,, 001441 litedn•ms Mania and 1w.t4,• r••- xid.'nr.s wen. ru7/441 lar t1.• ground and an many more connid.dubly du:u- ap il. The lire nlnrt.d ulout meq 116 the rear of 1ln.kIN•rrnugh;x large blacks...th 'Mop. it ie aup>s.w,l, by souse childrei, play lug w it Is mooches, The fir,. 1h„e sprvrod to 1hrruw.s i.u.tulry, and thea to the {erne of W. Porker and E .1. -(Dowse In -K very spur* 'liar the (lade•s had crept to t1.. r»sid'•nc.a tf ex -11.0 or Sinclair, Mrs. 1t. 11. Ari,,troog. and 111 lour na.ld.•mv•s uwndt I,y N.ilb,uil Porker, and occupier' hr ('. 11 iMn- ton, Mr FowII., lir.. W. Ilarrts, .1, ilillman. and one new house, just completed . Three teres swept. fly this time the rear of,!lfr. Par- ker's own r,aidenc.'and butcher shop, and the attire. of .1 kir ('lark, .1, F:. Weston. P. 1'. New,•1) residence amt More of Th am Vero. ,,flit. of W. Dearly, \'.S.; and Town ('l,rk Iiayn.s were in flamebetide of t wo hours the lip.- brick !lock of hr. Sinclair artti buildings covering over three erre. were on loomed' to the ground. The high wind was carrying great duke,' of cinder. to the west. and many dwellings were igf,it.d, Foot fine residences on 1lnshington avenue relight, end were nisi dist rio'-,) 'I'hev belonged to .1, i:. Muse, S. 11, Met tn.1. 1. \1c11.hen and A. i1 Dole erts.v.. Heroes work of the t•ilir,ns 5nv,d the homes of Rev, Mr. 1100. - wort 11 and (1. T.. It. Agent Stinson. In the block west of this. .1. F:. lb•4•- lin's barn end George Carle*. ,'table were elan ennsun)1d• Carried Two 1111.N. -The cinders w.re carried for miles into - the count ry, and caused great havoc nn the farm of F' Nnnd,•rs, at least tact milia away. Dim barna and sheds wore destroyed, and his holm. was only saved by herd work. The wide et reef, nroadwnv, reeved the west side of the town from being wlprsl nut al*n, Several plaree were on fire at different tlmee. MciMti- ald'. and Law's blocks. had 1 close call. The plate glass windows in the stores on the Wein Side were nearly all rained by the heat, .1. 111cintyr,'s being the only one to escape. The roofs of houses nn. the West Side all suffered ' con.idr'rahh•, Mit the bucket brigades kept the fire see- der control. "Will You Read to Me Tonight'?" IPItMbnrg Tlie>rtch.l The dinnerdnne, the lamp to lit, And In Its yellow glow ...en. • And talk of matter, grace and da>-. Thal went to Wake enol het dA). (maim Little chs, a bookie hapd, t1'I111 (his molest na>t this colnuu.nd I Poe thrid galnwty the little sl,rllr1l: Tion.. will >oo mel tonne tonight r Real to > on, Little' One f why, yes. What shall it be tonight t you g11'sa Yen'd like to hear relent tt1e•bcnro - Their Iswls of perrklge, hells and chair. f Lyell, that >'nn *hall. There). that tale done - A ill 1104 "yoifil like Another one r Tomorrow evening, fort Heart It's "haw -pas" M4 en 4116 to bed ! So au•h night Another slay - WIcked dwarf., and glanul gory �1rwa�ns,.erce old p�rrlinres daring, , Fortin to fame and ferl.ene faring Wandering tots with Mateo for bed, Horns made of gingerbread. WItehe• had end Mlrlee gond And all the wonder. of the woltd. "1 like the wftrhaa 1,00?,' says doe Who nightly nestles on my knee ; Out wily by them she .0G such NMe Pnyehobngleta meet pout.. o'er. Her likes are ,,,lite, aml I Agr# With All that .he mond,* In aro, And them we travel hand In hand The storied evade to Fairyland. Alt. little one, when mars hove Aed, And left their ellver on my heel, Aral when the ,tlmndng ryes of age With dlmenitr seen t e rege. On yon 111 turn tlt1 tievlee then : FM 1 .hail put the mien len ehen , 1 borrow o(pottr better stghf ; "Plena -will you .ad to we tonight r An lypl.ieopal elergyiman of Cincin- nati wan help *bayed by a h arh'r who was addletrd file erca*ional sprees. The roam manipulator cut the pat -eon's fate quite n,nniIrrslrly. "1 sent see, Jackets', t lit conies from taking too mn•h drink," wail the roan of (lent, "Ye*. sub," replied JAekmn, "It make* de Ala very %elvish, *ah. it do for a fack," Ti UI,$DAY, June 4, 1903. EAST HURON LIBERALS. • - Annual ." ra.ld at araet•1. fait Week S u m m e r Shoes An Intenseness re wring. Jordan The annual meeting of Kart Huron i3lock, I .ila+tl)lat ww, held in the town hell, rulwe•b, ,'t1 7tiuwrlx y • xltee•u/xrow( last H �e�tcT score-i�� Your comfort for the next week : O. F. Blair, president, in the chair. The atteadaneo war not„ as largo an it usually t he vitae, - yet it ,frit„ teplercntative. After the/ 'Monte. Wel'e fetal. and the twit/niter's 1•t•p,l•1 adopted the election of oMrois wits proceeded with and 'vaulted its follow.: President, It. N. Duff: int vire-president, \%'. M. Sinclair :2nd vier-peuid.nt, M. Morrie; Heeretarv- trexauler, %V. 11, Kerr: auditor, W. M. Sinclair. Chairmen of uup101- talities-Howick, Alex. McLaughlin l Wroxeter, N', M. Itublw+tln: Turn - berry, Alex. Kell); li•wy, C. Bernath; Morris, 11'ul. Mlat,,i* 11'„Ighaln, Ric hard t'tegg; Illy ill. Jas. McMurehie; Itullctt, 7111.,. McMillan: McKillop, ' Jou. M.I)ow,•11. , ir, Sinaail were appointed x resolution ed.unlitee. 1Th.lt' repot was adupt1,11441u11nws:- M.n,sb by J. Leckie, se,•ulttl„ 1 by N. N. Duff, that it is hereby resolved by Kest the i3Owen!. of nit. Huron at this their anlltlal meeting that we desire to express tout' 1 co''Hdeuce in the I .b ' ' •teat' of the Ih.uini,'n and I'lot'incisl Governments and in t' le abiljt ', "nl•sly and integrity of 14111 gifted h leaders, Sir Wilfrid Ixuri,r 'mid lion, 0. 11'. 1{44s:, and the 1..•..l r•pr•..•estatives of our INmulini"n autl Provincial Parliament N. Hou. Peter dl Jin,unahl And A. Histo i. Moved by Thee.. titracItun, ws.nitl,l by Joseph that DIM eon ve•ntMu (Intim that the pn•s•It isilway law' Is' mo rntto.led as to permit the proper drainage of laud. arrow. the tree•km*1ml property of railway companies obit, its s to require the ImilM•ay t• Joann44/11011•41111.•Go Ise tes,ll44/11011•41111.• for damage *4 sa'k, etc., injured on railway tral•ks where 1)1111A•rl•att16guarls as,• nut nnititaiusd AN required by the Conan and Lan- caster bill, ''1,w !whirr Pall , alor 111411 111• are so in fav..f t1.,• maw.lnt- meth, of ,t railway 1 M.•.sn1. lt,•k and Fluff '.siun.•r x16 1{p,.. Merl by 1111• Inti of the Mini+ter of Railways. We els. '11.4.41111111i./111 1(1i4a6n11 fur the .,(unable Menthol 6,1 frall.hi.rs And railway p,.p•rtie5 ro alum( the limes proposed floe present (love!, 'tit hill lief, bor•thrls' islatute, And Mt•. Pet typier,'s bill of the same nature. A remittal i. of thanks v'iu.'unwed In Mr. !flair for his valued Nen. ices dune g flu• 144.1 two yearn (101ptwsident of the r..I:ng, Mot .,l by F. S. NI'ntt, seconded by Dr., J. It. Macdonsld, that notic, of tion he 'now giv411' to change date of lulrnlxi meeting from lust 7'uesility Mitt' !o ,.rood Tuesday in 1 h'' - Hood Alslgore not treo1 tion. that art the next anwiel meeting he would move that article 11 hearing on bylaws he amended h3' asking that all pr/pmed alte•nitMu. lw ianhhsll.,l sl As 1" make the Litteral. acquaint.,) with the pr fh•rd Ann•nlhoent,. Both of theme will Its dealt with At the next .amlentI ifie 1I lg. On ,Motion of W. A. 1*'w'in, seconded b)• A. Ilielop, M. P. 1'.. 11. R. Keir. ;cert*ry-U,•asur'r.f the Awrs•intion for the wet twenty-two years. we. pr•se•It w1 with the sum of 11r2:1 Ns A -1,t'ognition of pied ee•rvie•r.! 7116 *1- '•ipicnt: expr•s-..I his very ph,twnt urptise• over the pr•s'ntat1 in and le - .'trued t htnk.% f, it the generous gift. Retiring 1'I,•sidr•ut Iib,ir love a .hots add...., couched in appropriate Irt•n,,, before inviting the new oven- Iu,11t lar the. hair. Mr. !hid thanked the meeting for t1.• hom,l• d"ln' bio ar,d I .I",l t11e• el i,lity now, prevail. ing would long continue. A bitter of ,•x I,IAriilt 1011 wad mail ite- vounting for the inability of I)r. Mae - mold, the wuitIts M. 1'. of the (tiding rend I h•ret)• Sp'ekw•, from being pt,•w,d, hi, duties at Ottaw'A piev'.tt- Ing. Short, iiltet-stitlgiuldress's Wen it• - en by .1. Leckie. T. Strachan, M. Y. Mr- le..11, :\, lfislop, M. 1'. P.. and oth411.. Nit. 11i.16.p made r'f.lenre to the work of the pte.s•nt session of the 1A'gislUnl.. - 1'he meeting was brought to a con- clusion afoul 1:31 p, in. Itnlsei. Pls.t' The 1 -ate Edwin Gaunt, Tine late M1•. FAiwi11 Moult. tylia, died at his home in Liu -know on %V.A. tles'Li'. ,.the 21)th inst.. Ivan 116414 in Str•11ot. on Filmic, 1%'artyiekshile, Eng- land, on February 1st, 1t'14, H.• emigrated to l ;uuuln with hi, pr'nte• and brothers in the year ,iK;.'n snit Tent s • tin In the ,'.,only of 1 ork, In the fall of I6,12 he rnme lar the towtiS1111) of WeSt 11'aN'an.sh and IlleAte,l nn lot 1 i, in the 12th eo111.1.5- niun, wire be i't )11)111, m.ly te's»1, l till a few month. ago. _.. fl. woo" 1e• of the Mind pry rlr•ssivr and 5ureessful farm- ers in this section, atld formally years, in company with him *Wit 14)11e. W144 let die for'nnst I,rdstt'r,' of nhorthorn sant. and IA'il•1•.t.'1• Sheep i1) the rnunly, and Di,. Hocks and herds fid il11 Ample Shade St. .•k Fern', own ed by E. (taunt tC Sons, y4,tr•lycer•iisl o*T many of the IN•St priz.5 in the 51111w• rings of ticleading ox nine in the Dominion. F'iv, y41111. ago this large herd of cat tle•and sheep well. dial.wed of, mine.• which time M •. (moot lived A Vet fired life, 1,1)11 i11 Oetoler host he And 11rr, l:amnt 11.,k rep their resi- dence in this village. Mr. (' t uses prfmlincntly Weld (Hod will, the muni- cipal Affairs of %Pest \\'nwnnsh, and for,»netl.6II year. ,thh-.m4•ipied a sat las ,rnln•illnt' shut 1111110 y-re••Ke at t) , 1mvpship and county un,hoards, w.ithottt intermission. when he-v"lun 1.ir•ily relire,l from public life. 111 the early days 6.1 railway agitation he was a string'llpp rter of the ' 11'411 ing ton, (11.11 A.ItT1ur 1nd.j.•cl and **.sigh his tildehe ctforte wits largely' instrumental. in gal ing the I'id•s'nl lino of railway tilt -m ggi) this part .4 the county. In i)455 Mr. (Wink w,,w married) to Miss Isabelle Por'is, who snrt'iy.s 1 together with one• mitre and • daugli. 1411 Mr, hls.ph Gaunt, on the old liotnia,tend, ntld Mn. .1, Ott, ('lair Walker. ,of i,*eknow. He wfun an ardent and life -Jong Reformer, find in religion was a member of the Church of knglan(1. Mr, (taunt watt trickly known rend greatly estPenu•d, and the f oral to the hinl"sr cemetery on Thuwlny lust wean largely att,ende,l, the nervicas ret the house And grave being conducted by the 1{,y. C. H, 1'. (Nen, of thin ,t•illage,-l.urknnw Sentinel. Monday,•June 8, is the Date. The parade of the Vt'nll,r 1.. Nein Rnorwo isMhows, ,• biped with 11.e grend military Apnr't.acie, Savage pSouth Africa, in . of the feature,' of this gigantic exhibition that should not be overlooked. Even though y"m do not intend 1.11 A'isit the show, pen should at least nee this pantile and give the little oven a chance 01 *44 it.. Thrrt' i5 finch to intete•st them and y.mr,'elf, and It is a n•fteohing de- parture front the old-time ramie. given by trental exhibition,'. Over a mile in length, this mighty. pagonnt will have the shins grounds at Gen Were.* precisely on the day of exhibi- tion and pea through the principal streets., Kighf. Winds of medic, cats M.KIM'S Old Stand, Jordan Block. few months depends on your shoes; think 'tbout that. No ar- tit:ie you wear affects you so IIIUCII. Ono doesn't work well or feel well or look well unless one's shoes do all these things. lie sure yours do. Make sure by buying ours. J. P. KA VA NA GH 1903 WHITE STAR LINE FIFTH ANNUAL ONE DOLLAR EXCURSION From Goderich To DETROIT AND RETURN Wednesday, June 17th Only $1.00 Round Trip Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.30 a. an., Wednesday, June 17th, (canada time.) Arrive Port Huron at noon, Detroit at 4.00 p. m. Returning leave Detroit Thursday, June 18th, at 1.00 p. m. Central Standard Time, Port Huron 5.30 p. m., arrive Goderich 9.30 p. in. Friday, June Igth, at 8.00 a. m. (canada time,) leave Goderich on the return to Detroit. Fare with baggage Shoo. A Special Excursion Train will leave Stratford at 6.40 a. m., Wednesday, June t 7th, stopping at Mitchell, Dublin, Seaforth, Clinton, and Homelsville, connecting with the morning train frost Wingham, Blyth, etc., at Clinton 7.40 and arrive in Goderich 8. is a. m.. Thursday night Special Train leaves Goderich on arrival of steame'J(r' from Detroit, for Clinton and way stations to Stratford. GODERICH /AIiO MOONLIGHT, TUMMY (VINING White Star Line Steamers C. F. DItLMAN, TRAITOR Ya.. mower Air McKIMSQOndert. The wholesalers and manufacturers are getting into shape for fall by clearing all strictly summer goods -when in Toronto we secured from them some big bargains. Millinery .1 lot of $upuil.•1• breis, 1,.W murals, but the wholesaler wax auxin''. to fit ri,l•of then) ; 114•11111144.w. huge 111, Ing' xtlx•k of .•xl'Iy o1N•tting g1mels we qtr. 11.811)?• for *114111 at our price. N'. gut 1114''1, ('nine• and got n.W ulillin.-ry at half prio,•, :111 7:N' um/l *1,IM> huts for 51t•, All I01.'Si 1.' *2,se1 hats for 751', PLAID UIth:SS t{(M►I►.1 half pFile,., 111 6111116 pew plan .lo',,'gttolls 8k• t+. 7s•, all itt tk , Hose at IOc .\ ool her lot of those feet Week s..1to1 kw. 41.1.1... hose, Vie value all art 10c. • Collars half price • :11 doz. laid :Y roller., 11 0. 17, hesta shap•.t., blit set -ends, ail(' if they - N ore not 1441111NA b.'VI 4obi you would Ma know it, the regular pri/ew are 1:16• t, i u, your choice tic or {b for 255. Shirts \nith.r and the last lot frpn A f»,•tory. (ant rotor r aull1ric rhirta, W111 111u1. Sixes 125 to I05, all art 40e or 2 for 75c. Muslin The herd lot of luese muslin.. blacks, obit.. 81111,.1,1,'1,+ we have ever .h,'wtl. Prices are He, 10c, 121jr t,.:*,'N'. CLOTH/NG Some bargains yet in men's and boys' suits at McK/M'S BUSY STORE. Nrmttttt»t►ttmttit+rttm trtnt tttmmornmtmttr Invictus Bcots . at $3.50, $4.10 and U.N. After 'searching investigation and lar.• trial we ail. 4441- .41 111.4* the 11141.1 ms 116.115 111441.' 1,y.(:00. A. Slater, of Mii111lint 1. i5 on• of the best ttt.n's boot made, 1 at our Price Is easily one of the lest. values. It is it baslt We i.,•1 111140 1.i. (11,4.4f111 in design; ta•tfw t in tit ain't flit 1.11: llr'ssv, comfor- table, aril rm. wear 1 hr 1,111111 of 411y $.1.110 1161611 y1111 .loci' S411Wy The new s 'r .tyls 8r• retuly and 0w80 your approval. Nine's (1 to 141. All wade with (o..1)•4ar welted extension sd.s, !1.•i.. *i.:11. $1,141 (eel $1...41. lily a Nit. and tory them. If they fail you r • lack .int gel your 'v 1,r it new pair. t)utt shows our cnnH- denr,• in the Invictui, h1N.t. Wm. Sharman CORNER EAST ST. I Ste' ARK. t eeeeeee�eeeeeeeeeeeet��llee��u�� ���tee� � j{ 1V Ohl T/NG BETTER There is nothing tatter than the beat, and in the line of' Urlcnrles there is n'tthinh batter than what you can get here every day in the week. if you have never bought your Giocerie4* here, give ns a trial -and see what We can do for fou. Everything in seawtn, of good quality, and at the right prices, ('AL1, ANI) )4F:I'; E. H. Ayta, cssoaslow Aar. refers, 111e fenny clowtln hand, cl a 5, 1 ,s1 ha l i. . 141gpip•t., 13, ttIg Isnni strrrrrr rrrrrrrrt�rrrrrrrtrrrrrinrtrtmrrrrr�rrrmrrrm mmrr�mt� ,dl 11sb,i, allll Ile pa N' 1.' .11 11.4 furnish nnsic. Thr parade i5 11U -hied into tnvelve sect 4.414 and head,' by n Iwwly of .,1-ulord knights And truul1.•t- er•a to ann"unr4 11.0 cumin 144ely and gentleman rider., coming. Lithe., iInsttlis, :Itatatelce, •oldicrn ..I' all tar• 41''t1s. the sturdy 13, N'o'm. open dens o t f animals. 14•r.i, of elephants, remelts. zebt•a,'. Nutter h''ITa111, allegiori- cal th ail S. 11Ist1 Ptaeill tat,b'allx wagons, hand chariots. raring /•hnr•inte. 5up•rh horst•., the South African slagi• roach eas- eful oxen rads. I+IrSwlwl 5ks m k, ount- 1'l/l1t'll., iallly 111111 W.••N8H d8AAVA0Ow•00iN•At00VtVdVA•A•VVla.NVtA480t•NOVABNNNVONV•44 FYI i'll'hl)'-/'a1Ja11'1.,,IIId1 e r gentleman art isle, and a number of new feature. that .will he seen hell. 11.,• the first Iim4•. lu''n...li,t.b• nlNnl the 11'*41111 of the pie;tde to the show ginnnds there will Its given A free "inside exhilbitled. of d:t-light fin -- works. This 15 n morel(y That no one should miss, The 1Yrtll.r L. Main Show., Enormous cumhin.d with the •ft•A''11 military sp,•tael,, Salvage Smith Africa, will 1w• in (ilwlorich ,m Nikon's y. .fume H. • STT...7RI7ee51" Lit CO_ 7'IIR (lI1(t h:R�, 1\ E41' SiLE 1QUAItI: Telephone No.'J1. FREE! Free to the laden H 0 S P i T A 1 FOR F1rr> telt in I:, 16lrri.�htirinilt i- bit it.•d ro '. E. NICK'.. Drug Shure 111 r,•..f a ,• n -angle 1.,r of REXALL 11)47- DYES 1Thea Ir>, sill 1416 w',1.,1. 4.011.11, `ill,.. Jill, 4A ,oixtd g.ewt, in lath, I:r,.11 1y, - ,I I. , .-I . 6 , t..,t.u. , .mil, on w KIT). .nn•Ihe tali. -t nod Mont ham -m..1 the lit rhe• world. Ft:; -t h>• f. B. nick. Nrnggi.l. M. Bryson, 132 York St., Buffalo WOMEN PRIVATE, SECLUDED. Prices are as Interesting as ever Mill.r'S .Imp 1'.wdrr, cute. For wtlr h)dam. 11'ilsm. - • Dunlop Reliability Toe an place fall reliance In Ihlwlofi Detachable Pneumatbe Tires -they win lever betray your %rut,)IArde*t to punc- ture. eaeleettterepair. 'years of aso.l0'n( service have made them of almost uni- versal adoption. Every wheel with *repu- tation la fitted with them. livery rider of experience bidets on them. Dunlop Ttma make bicycle enthn seam. They Increase the pleawn of wheeling and 'dalmise the trouble& Bloyenrtg is an assured atoms with Dualo/a The Dunlop Title Co. Limited Toronto. Ont. .Arte tl nre,na, et Jae, wl.et,q, Treuemr, Hoe yew foor.d a Dunlop Cain? In t- dr The • Load fr! Fence 'stile popular Fence of the day. •l'liis is clraI-ly d•ln- • (IIIst.i'ateil try tll4' fact that I have sold nt'arly two car loads of wire and two dozen machines. ~ ▪ The Cheapest I)..nst"n)1 r tells m,e than, with ter* • little e air,• than his neighbor took to and NCtltl`3t put up his woven Ienre, he hos !milt 1 wive ;lm much h•nr, with his London ntaehint', nod his f.n•l,(which is dno1Wi the 1,ngtlit hits not Vied. hint .i •h AM his ne'igts,l'M'. n-tlfl, w'hnL i5 more, h,' 4l)'5 tiler. 1. 1111 1',1111JN11.151111 161 the al/p Aellll1',' ,)f the bile's, as • his i. perfcl•IIv lighi and even, while his neighir's is baggy and YOU ARE THROWING AWAY MONEY 11 yon do net lel a I.i)NIM►N M'WHINE and build your own fence. or if yon hateq't lime 1 can hn{1.1 for yam all 8 Wire Fence for 35o s rod. a a a 3 a wN�-,4 I 1 IN_ ,,- ...- „,._ ,,______, _ .,g►_;______1,__4, _:.: ___:: *� -+-a -�-r _-d: ,, r._ -e _ -. __-. ...rygr,, ,16,dhJ••,l 41 ,1sp>tur n,4.c4y',r•,,,V,a 4"4$ 441,,,wl!k4',.l v Hardware 1 ha v. a rotnblilil. lin ltml at p1i.1•4 that me very interesting. Screen Doors and Winnows • 1 hays n largo. assot•In11 111 I 1111011d for IMM)RM FROM dile• TI) $'l.(s►, ,4'REF:NK FROM dl t. To :f3C, E Cement • •' l'nrlholel t'enu•nl StAr' l0,,n1 t1.0 liesi on t1.„ n►nrl.Pl. :\ flesh lar just nr'iv'esl. Let me Tigan h your Plimbiug, beating; Ligbtieg an/ Tinsuitbiag. CHAS. C. LEE -1 a 3 a a 1 I'hf►n© �ififwFi� PLUMBING. HEATING AND TINSMITHING . . U11111Uu��1uU11u��uU�IU�U�u1�UiuUjlull11u1u11�1u