The Signal, 1903-6-4, Page 64. Tiniest) r, June 4, 1903.
At CollingwoOd Thaetanst-year-old Girl
Foully KRIS&
Body Pound in the Weed. No Trace Y•t
the Murderer Child, Was Blindfolded
Handkerchief, Which 3 May Provide
Clue Negro Illetwolled
--- - -
. "
1. oilingwood, Mary 29,AlifOrtiosti MI
. .
Iltill just beets receitisl hAre of. what
promises to be tow of the LOOM !ter-
rible utrucities its the annals of Ca-
navitan crone.
It appears that u -1:1-yi•ar-old
dalight,•rot Mr. Henry Whittier lit Mg
t hum Mlles from l'ollitigu mei, heft
Ir home Medineutay riarifing ut 7 341
tor school, Whir 11 Wan 1 .• 1 Wo /nth.,
distant. Nothing had been %.'..n 4 4
her since until her dead body wits
forum yesti•rday nieriong In (14,
woods by u ...arching party which
had bunted all through *4,,. 1116011
Thr 1'11 ild Wm. 111 1 1,414i1141.11 11-11.11
1,111101, 401.1 Whit 11,1" she hail 1411111
Wall 11 -real nd or ,not IN not yet known•
Aii t., W110 Col iiiiii ttiel the crime ri-
mains also a mystery, but three
small children who Mid /'ceded I lie
child along the railroad truck state
t hut theV saw u c,,loreil mun hiding
lin the bush beside the track Th••re
hate also le•in set oral Syrian, pod-
dIIIIK in 1 hitt locality for a Week
past .
A lute report guy is that death re -
suited from a bullet in the brain It
had been fired from the r••ar. She
bad been (ll t a savage blow Olt 444,
head, and a thresefoot cedar club,
apparently freshly cut, hits heett
found by the seerchteg party.' Th••
14,1 4,4 .had not been rat "died The
roars.. stifle handkerchief blindfold-
ing the y ici MI il,s the only kis/tern clue
10 the author of 44,,. crone. Th.
/search is will being,....en-ou•cul••il 11 1 4 14
(4. great e•t resoliat ten, 4* gli .4 ill
Without resit'''.
/*ollingwood Jena I. -There l• 141
yet no light thrown on the 111.% NI 01'y
trirrounding tot. death of little Glory
On Saturday rhief Wilde '.'.'.I .,.,.J
wort, from l'hief Com/table ealv•erley
at 144,, l,', that int 11K 14"1
lieseed throng's there who wits Wear -
trig wily one sock Chief 'Millie at
once get into communication Mit h
1141 lorgl mill liorit le* at 14/sinew&
,.u( Hope te look
out he- the Intim bill he hits heard
nothing In reply , The te•erii was
/said le be traveleig rust and to ha%•
4. inn 1 he t
As the siii•s on. with the af-
fair ts coining ail 11.. 4''.'' deeper
and more hmeims in Its perplexity', 0.. heirintotog to he a belief that
lime eli ne end • onscience 14jII irilig
retritio ion t o the 141014"r of t
young etc' Susi" ions a/ firm enter-
tained by the tritest Igat mg authori-
ties loi,. been thrown aside now a,
Past belief
1n the little It 'en Catholic rime-
terY. which Glory Whalen pa ev-
ery day NA she W1111.04to sullied, her
poor disfigured Imily .was lo
re141 on Saturidny peti-
te/0ton Was 41 mile and n' '.air long,
and It Wait romposegi of thil\ country
folk for tulles sivoind Th.. „tiii•erel
P1414 "elle,/ bona the MlieletiOu •• lu
1.-11. Mary 's II l(loin w hero\ t
impress's e timers', 'ter. Ice cil tYlis
observiel berets, a cengrom ion etih
crowded the tilde, to the /leo., Aft,
Ilia coffin W4,1 iirried• foe Ward ailing
the aisle, the sobbing of the won.. n
and the 0•01-1.sll iiiiii •14 und •
I r• ing demennor of he men
allowed how etrongly ,loci'.f the
licoldes are over the petite' !teeny
The pull -Newer were Glory's flee,.
counins, Thema" and Jaiii••• Con-
nery, end Herbert Smith noel L.nui -
mice Allen, John rowi•• sort 1Zuesrell
Ore& Tr•Ille ai orker• Beeline
600 TImo• Woa• Minty of
• 1 13,000,
Plitladr11.10a. iine 2.- A ireneral
evils, 01 t••••iii • w•irt.,•,,
!lotto!' 01.1-,11 x ineugurated
liere yi.nft raiiy 444 the rilsti tirm• en-
gaged in the 40'.' 4)' here 47
ha i,• greeted -flag agglutinin of hi,
ninon, and t heir plant 14. employ mg
nitwit I .1,1100 100•11., 1114. in operit-
lion. All of the .ivly t ingridn
rarp.e 014. nre• idle, tide/ling direct-
ly 13,0, 0 hand• Ali of the 413•0111,
who are maid to control the .1*,.,,-
* 1.41, •re on strike, woh thy. i•xe•m-
Hon of *home of *1,. 11ml:shire
Thirty-nine tire/wiles of *11.' 1 '.4.4,
trade Mn' by t sl ,Mil
the inlet -1411N (1 11,1 e.11 ere 144111 1,
5100,000.000. loss
Wag • 11 11 11 111011111 III ft l '.(NH'2.
the dy•••rs centime. on strike.
10f1 1111111. 111104 P.01‘101 011.., .110 111et-
ier what the' other test de werkers
luny do
Whom the ailing Delights to Molitor With
l$ Ta•or.
London, June 1 --The naiwis of
those In the Civil teen ice who I ov•
been honored by being illipoigited
tomonnions of I he Imperial M.-,
Order appeared Seturday Mr. 1% 1-
Y14n Tully, the well-known consiolting
engineer of the fintarlo 444,;••rtiordit,
8. M. pleMirha••1, chief inspector (.4
'list ,on, for Toronto, n/•• 1 WO of •
the few no honored.Jaattee Barnes,
a local 1••tter carrier', is granted a
medal :
Thr other names are: J M. COMA
any. the Deputy Minixter of
1' ('4), Charlet' Jerome dimes,
clerk in t:overnorr:encrarii 4 01-
ce ; (01n1,(1011yli1, einieriii-
tendent etorea. Martin Mur-
phy , Provincial Fogineer of Nova
t.leotia. J. S. Beek, Auditor-G..11,14d
of New Brunswick. S' -Power IV.
Chief 1.1••rk in the Ingiarl meet of
11(4, I'. Mont Dambert, M 11. F.
isireclor-General of Public
Heel, h
1'),. following are granted or-dals:
It Il 14 infer. Jpen G a et bier. 'Rohl
Miters, light-houtte keeport In the
Departmeet of Marine end /shortie:.
Patti, k Denmey, hsrkinitn, !n
Papartniant of Itatlwaes and Canals.
Illold... of T•-roato Moiata Mita
bad Death 11•1••4ao.
Toronto. Juno 1 -Albert Holden,
Mill hand *4 the Otitt• Perri,/ anJ
Itubbor Ce 'a factory In l'arkdnio,
was thrown ithertit 25 feet against •
twirl/ wall, by. the force of the bricke
dielodged by the flying part of a
burst 15 -ft , 20 -ton 5y whole) of the
reclaiming factory Thie happened at
11.45 Seturday morning and as soon
tweinithly. Des Hunter, But n• and
Mow, wore atimmontell to alto the
becesaary nmistanca. Timmy liameauj.
rimy sent tor Ine anomie/we, but It
Wan of tau •••111, Ns Holden died do
Iiik way to the Western Ilmipital. Ills
1144,44 Was traria/ill And Several Elbe
broken, boaideis Ile SUSI allied IleVrro
intermit ituuries Holden Was the
man who recievisi any Practical
Injury, though 1/sorra'
and cute have been reported from
other's resulting dying bricks
end armies. Holden was 25 years
tif age and cause from Noblet on. 1101-
clett's brother and sister work at the
factory. lltis two cousins were killed
In an arridi•tat mix years ago in the
same factory.
Did Not stand to -Their I•toutioo
Ittrlit• of Widws.
Ottawa, lon,. 2 Specti•I
- proitern 444 th, 11014%11 14..1•••
lit %kink 3, mit eriluN' morning. and .l"
jimiCed to base abandon. il 1114. Mess
of a h1,110. 1.0111K the 1'n•••,
11.• 4111e1.1 inn iff vont tot nig *4,..
1,411 Iron ti 11,111 an mem 01-.
144... 141414,4,4 ar114.• The Guy liniment
bad coetemplated the isce•eitiosee
lie set.% ice of prine
t rn who 1)1,1 1101'
hold .41.14 ii Card,*; 1040, ailing a /strike
lind I akvn plur••, bid the 'tureen eili
pley,e/ ppear hat e
rel Ion as I lie bel ter part of %elm,
411,11 henee the (piesturn of Mind.* ing
union or 11011-10114111 '111011 Will 1111( , II
11 llioigl.i. no,'.,' The clecowors
the 'winters is, Irmo lie point of
% leer sell-stilerest, whin:11114e
‘.140 N.•i 1 li..r h.. C.111•1-11111,111 nor
are in *4).' temper to
111'4•111. any 1111'1 4•1 0;11 (foul h.• J11.1 ti-
ne 1.........Tnohirn1 1;014111. and It
wi111111 net • lel••• to tiring about
a delentiiiiiit ion to l'IOSe the Bureau
&loge( hi.r, and hut, the printing
done by outside liclus
file Th..... lot
lilt e
fay o
cowl 14
1,1414 44
I "III 1
lbf II
(0 It
ed 10
I one
Muntroeil, Juin. 2 - Thriiiigh the in- Mt
ter, ention of Sir Th iiiii ati Shaugh- Isom
iienny, president of '4,. Canadian ,
MM. liatilWay. I he iliff.Telieen bet Wg....n mien,
he 111° longshoretnen aild t he *4..'
slaf,legs ha% leen wet I ld, and there al
will riot lee Noy fort her l'iiiildu 011 181144.1.•
the wharf 1114
ramoomer Crashes line Freight Through
oil Oyes Switch.
Komoko, .31,111' 2.- The Immion lo-
cal ran into nn open switch end cid-
lifical With an est re freight train ye•-
terday 'looming, injuring hour train -
and PC11 Mg a number of passen-
ger. me% en* Ill ,11•4. ILA II WM-01114a I V es
141. 1411144, ilaitinged aid •••veral
freight rare bet li•red to piece,* Thom:
'Mitred nerionsl%
1 media' t Ada/it 'toughie, I..endon:
J.:nal/wet* Coot... 4., the
of the local of 1,,ridon and 'kaki. -
titan Carney, Londonl'oote load his
n••re the t eerioindy
fr jumping to eiwais• death
bon, their rapidly HIM Ing otgine Iu
Drake of Loralen was OM the train
and n I ent)...I the 4mm...a
Th.• wreck was,. 4(1,' result Of 11 11111-
14111E.11 /switch. left weer it is charg-
ed, by sect iOn • 014•11
Prlor.• Government pronto.' Dissol-
ution 1.. Ilerlil•h Columbia,
11 1 , June 1 A report
lees ',dere ciociilated l•i•t night flint
he Lieutenant -I :et • 111,,l- has gi
1 rend, r Prior a and bat
00 114.1.1.•liate al lwal WIll toe
1., t % 1411 Moly 1 tol
III i 41011 111 or deny the
Dmidis itairod Whitlows.
1.011)1On, June 2 Two h. finch
111 a *1'''hich gutted one ef the
11 Yearlii\;•;11, Wore burned* 1. dent h
master's hone,* iit On I '11144:41. Pit
I morning nide
thirty-three s Went% 111 the I iiiii
and the .airt rs, chid in 'liner
Hight ..1441.e..4, btu gr,ett 411111(1111V in
101o1111g front
window,/ down the i •-•••sii.r,s1
On II.. 110104c The 111. 1.4”leiii•
/04 -onnii14•1•41 lol 11.•111y4 , oWiiig *0
• • of 1 he WI 11111iNN 0 t h.• 11,,11'o'
10/•11.0.11, 1.114. irocinve loon oo
44,0 4*., st odnitis is t •d to
his tact
To 04.. Torop• the lel.....
I..ondon. June 2 - A lurid stoey\
!rem Sone in to the effect that re -
'olio ornery lender% there 1111 0 its
their 1141%S. nnioli a large onion it y of
Indian bacillus, Wit 1114-11
they fling/Jim to infect Como ant 1-
Snlenicit mid e. ff.
%titbits eight day s (1.IIII 1111,,' 111 %Van,
,n•1 t leo twort• 4,, not agree to f lie
••ineitt ion of the Ilerlin nutty. "41,
shall 1)1 I.( Itit. *Orme... th.y ...v.
there "hell follow us into Ile. 6.
myriads of people in Kiirope whet,
roble 11.. lihertv ••
a•oolor 0.11r1oo Doad,
Montrnal, Moly 30 -A(ter an Illness
of eleven montlim. lion. Joseph
)11rien died yesterolny hout 1
o'clock. Senator trfirien was horn
at Aughtingar,• Ireland, in 1/4:10, nnil
$11,),,•••••1 inn' large fort line as n
aliolestili. clothier In trod, his is -
t is alms' /II 11 ler m1111011 dol.
Mrs. Ile Was called to the Sonata In
I and (% /I vers close friend of
sir Mai 11,11411.
&sport 3114141' am A huh_
dime 2 Pro, MOH: Pe-
ttie.••• 10torned to eolloor-
wood III ,mititioto the In-
re,t1.00 het of he 444,, len murder.
The roe/mei-ft oirt %till hold *neither
se•simi le-neir row. The Isepill y' At-
tie neyd lenerid ed YONli•fday
that an sorest wiis ea/extort in a day
or two, ".
•Iiin,• 2 - A mon g *4,0 lat•
est to ) 1,11 toppro.n4 of
Seeretary 4 1.4...ther1M.... Zoll -
f• Premier, of
New '/ °Mend. who .14.4.14.•,.. t hat tler-
wady at I it oil* 1 orrery! l'anada 111
it loh.ssing in disguise
Tom Marra, Dittos.
Mont r• el, June '2. Thomism Him -
ray. a well-kmiaii lacrosse player,
fell off a antlers nt Mottle here
last night end sustained •ei fret -111r.'
of the n14/l4'eitrx(1 to din
Murrey woe formerly nn the Toron-
to and Shamrock teitti411.
by a Pall.
tatett, June '2 -Thomas Dorney
of blaitol11-1„ aged 70 yearn, met a
(*144(4.' dent h yesterde•Y• 8. Iran
girl% Ind IMO Maim, ick Village, enel
was thrown from buggy. Death
wee almost inetentaneoull.
DostioHla Throotoo• Quo**.
bond/no, .1i1 no 1 --queen A le an-
dria•n Incroaaing domino/0w la retooling
inerh envied./ to this rival 'thy air -
no Shy. is throetenyel with romplat•
deatieers.•leir the ellment its ant pron.
Ing amenettla to treatment,
IN 11
of 1
ed I
I. I
in 1
coi.o.irgi, Were with liar she
Dotter onrsting otto.
!'iotil real , June 2 -- aiudeon Mir -
ren. enginonr. wits ki11•11 y•esterylav
1•• the esolosidn of hoil..r nt Mont -
i•%1 Tight, fleet end Power f'rs eta -
Agin Anol her workman was loydly
J 11.14 dowel! U•nd Doeloc• K•d•••• Pine and
his Illooldo. CoonplaInt and Lumbago
are Gems
Ont., Judie let.
(Special.) Jame, Atwell of this place,
a Ito had boell I r 1111114 d 1444 4)
and bladder (militia/int for venris, 414 11
W011 ION 11 /Ind Khltiey
1111V0 4 me more mutat kettle cure tip to
their idssillit, Mr. Atwell mays of his
cure :
" I had I Ingo and Kidder tentthIe
for :eistIrs. For the last five
the pains in my Warbler were severe.
and in passing my urine would hart
1111' no am 1(1 allnont 11/44` tnn1,11 1 4 1 410114.
4. lity eyes. Medieinex and 44 bandage
Trc '.h4 by thethottow bought
"111.11 I tried Ileidtfe Kidney Fill,
11t111 111% bladder tr int/de va(4ishes1 and
my I ham) as well."
Capital Invested, $5,000,000
Daily Expenses, 3,500
Savage ti•inth Africa, Diriwt fpr,*,
Earl's Court, London. First time in
this Country.
Soldiers if all Nati•ins. A !Asti f Kmoth /4444)',.',, tibitory.
Ilrnat Britain's Artillery, American Scout*, Trieme of
floors, Union (lattling (iintri)s. Elephant Artillery, Tribe/4 of &thin. Ma-
Slwannaa, ltaantos. Homhilien and Kaffir‘.
The Battle of Pasullehtirg; (1.44..1%1 ('rotljt•'.i 11411Trenderto LOH R011eTtn:
Major Allan Wilson's laud Stant) ; Atta••k on Chlelo Stage (Wee+ Burning
l'ortal Station.
Ha t t his ity .1 itvialleiva the flriginal l'articipanta.
l'ositively More Performers. Featiirex. Arta, Horse*, Anintahr
Merit, than any other ,.how in the Wot•1d. , •
Unequalled Street Parade, Mika in Length. Kaleidescopic in Natinv, will
leave the Show firtemde at 10 o'clock. (3t•and Free f)implay Ihtylight
Fireworkm fl1 11.311,
Tdr.) IP••rforninesres Only, at 2 and /4 p,m, Mors open Imp /tom. earlier
All 14•111•14 ni11144 1111101y N1111 and water proof,
AflVittlefi Nib. Tieketa, Actually Numbered Reaerved Maim, at
klUUCI 1Leill•
After a year's suvassful business Mr, W. P. Wes-
toby is giving up the handling of our breads on account
of leaving Godench.
We have been successful in securing Mr. P. T.
DEAN, Grocer, to act as our agent and he will at all
times keep in store a full assortment of our different
brands of bread.
Mr. Dean will put on a complete delivery service
and by giving every attention posible to the trade he
solicits your bread patronage.
Remember, Mr, P. T. DEAN, corner Montreal
St., will handle our breads on and after June 1st.