The Signal, 1903-6-4, Page 4LI,,
4. 'NUMMI LT, June 4, 1903.
At Collingwood Thirteen -year-old Girl
Foully Killed.
Body Found in the Woods No Teats vet of
the Murderer Child Wal Blindtold.d by
N•ndk•rchi.f, Which 1 May Provide •
Clue Near. Suspected.
t-ollmgWood, May 2!t.--10otty,loion
has Just been re•,itel herr of VI hal
prouli..•s to les on,. of the lutol hor-
rible atrocities in the uunala of Ca-
nadian crime.
11 appears that a 1'1 -}ear -old
daughter of Zr. henry Whalen. lit nog
three mll.•N front Collingwuod, heft
her home Wednesday morning til 7 10
for school, which was *Mule IWO Intl.s
dislent. Nothing *had leen sten of
her stns until her dead body Will,
found yesterday morning in 1b•
woods by u i«artluug party whet'
had hunted all thr.ugh the night.
The child wits blond -folded when
found, and w'heth.•r she bud b•eu
Maltreated ur 1101 IN not yet known.
As to who t ted the crime r.••
Mains also a mystery. but three
small children who had. preceded the
child along the railroad track state
that they saw a colored mon hiding
in the bush Inside the truck. 'There
hate also leen several Syrian,' pe1-
dling in this locality for a week
A late report says that d.•a11i r. -
bulled from a bullet in the brain. 1t
had been fired from the rear. She
had been dealt u savage blow on the
head, and a three -toot cedar club,
apparently freshly sal, hes Iron
found by the seen -bine party. '1'h.•
child had not been ravished. The
roars. while haldkerrhirf blindfold-
ing the ticlins Ie 1h. only ktluwnclue
to the author of the crime. 'l'h•
search p. still being proecul.d with
the greatest resolution, though *1111
without result.
'Jolliigwool. June 1. -There is as
yet no Tight thrown un the m)Ntery
s'/rrounding Clic death of little Glory
iVhalen. -
On Saturday t'hiet Wilde r,.•ivet!
a'oru from Chief Constable Calverley
at Whitby, that • young negro had
passed through (here who was wear-
ing only one .rock. Chief Wild. at
once got Into rolumllui.'ali.n with
the local autho,itirm. at Inshawa,
Bowutan•i11. Dud 1 ott Hope to look
out for the man, but he has heard
nnthir.g in reply, '1'11e negro Was
said to be tray.lelg fast and to Ionia
come from the north.
As the days puss on. with the _af-
fair Mcontng ail th. tint.• deeper
and more hioioui. in Its perplexity,
there i• beginning to be a hetet that
time .,Leto and temerienre'will bring
retritution to the slayer of the
young girl. 40,pn tuns at first ent.•r-
tiined by the investigating •utheri-
ties have been thrown aside now as
pot' '•lief.
1. the little human Cat butte r.•me-
tery. Which (llory Whalen pa •.,••1 at -
tory day es she walked to Bribed. her
poor disfigured -b.,ly was Ie..; 10
rest on Saturdaytaunting The Iwo-.
cession was • mile and • tete' long.
and It wax ron,pos•d of the ewtntry
folk for tulles around 11... Itm.•ta1
prti..d.d from the 11hetet, :..u• lit
(4t. Mary'," it C. Church. wh•r., the
iu,pressitet funeral err% ice rived was
observed •b•for.• ■ rongt.. t;on W1 ., h
crowded the e.1. nre to t he du..... AR
the coffin wait carried •forward Meng
the also.•• th. »ebtbing of the Won..0
and the tear-I,.dl •d .•v•N end
trembling demeanor of •he men
showed how etrnngly off.+"ed' the
people are over the pitiful tttipeey-
The pall -bearer. were I;Iory's Ilore
cousins, Th s and .lamas 1'on-
n,ry, and Herbert Smith ant Illus
Mee Allen, .John Cowie *nil !Wesel'
Orem Strike of Testlle Workers .t*.dies
0.0 .isms -- wag• 1.... Dally .f
I'hilndeli,hhl. .IoM 2.- A general
ettk,• 111 1••.li1• workers, ineolefug
!10.(0111 nls'rll1l'' , was iuuugnrwted
here y,•0I. r.K•.v Of 1 he 6101 tints. en -
'pupil in the 1101111e judnstry here 47
hate grunted •thn de•lilllnlls of the
u ui!/n, and their plaint.. .employing
about 1:,151,) hands, are in opera-
tion. All of the +lily -7 lire ingrain
.aspect nulls are idle, affecting direct-
ly 18,010 hands. All of the dyers.
who ■r• said to control the 0itlin-
tion, arc ion strike, with the exre•p-
tlon of theme of ,h.• Ik"rk.hir, Mills.
Thirty-nine br.n.ln•s of the teats!.•
trade are effected bee lh4 strike, and
the+. interests affected are worll,
$100,01!,000, Thr deity lose fn
weg.w will nnit(11nt 111 • el 27..000.
While the dyers runt lune on strike.
the mills moot rem,ninbib•, no -
ter what the other *,'y*ib• worker*
May do.
Winton the Slag D.11ahte to Moser Wilk
NM Savor.
London, June 1. -The namre' of
those in the Civil Service who 1 eve
been honored by being appointed
Companions of this Imperial Setvira
Order appeared Saturday. Mi. hi-
ve. Tully. the well-known consulting
engineer of the Ontario tovernment,
N. W. McMichael, chief inspector of
Custom,. for Toronto, are two of
the few so honored. ,1am.R Barnes,
a local letter carrier, is granted a
nl,dnl :
The other names are: J. M. Court-
ney, the Deputy Minister of
Finance ; Cherlea Jerotne Junre,
clerk in Governor-(Irn•rsl'e I et -
re ; l'ul, yiardonald, superin-
tendent of stores; Martin Mur-
phy, Provincial Engineer -of Nova
Scotia; .1. S. ile•k, Auditor-C,n.•rn1
of New Brunswick: S. Power, K. C.,
C'hlef Clerk in the depart must of
.justice; F. Montleamlw•rt, M.11 , F.
n.C.S., 1lirector-General of Public
The following are granted nt',Iele:
It. D. Winter, .lean Gauthier. Rohl.
ethers, light -home* keepers In the
Department of Marine end 1- seherlee.
I'atrkk lh•nnery, lorkmAn, In the
Department of Hallways and Canals.
Albert ■.1110* of forest. Milts Jetta
Bee eassmrestpttay.
Toronto. .tun. 1. -Albert Holden,
Mill hand at the Gotta Perch^ and
Rubber Co.'s factory In I'arkda'o,
was thrown abut 25 feet against e
brisk wall, by the force of the bricks
dislodged by the flying part of a
Mont 18 -ft., 20 -ton Ay wheel of 1M
rnolalming factory. This happened et
11.41 Saturday morning and es soon
M pe.Rlble Drs. Bunter, Dunn and
}low* were summoned to give the
i ltwary g.elstaw• They Inemem.
*troy sent for tow *luminance, but 11
wax of no ■veil. as Holden died on
his way to the Western hospital. 111.
skull was fractured and several ribs
broken, besides he sustained severe
internal injuries. lIoIdt•u was the
only Dian who received any practiced
injury. though amoral small brut**
and cute have been reported from
others resulting from dying bricks
and atoms. Ifoiden was 25 years
of age and came ft' Nobleton. Hol -
den's brother and sinter work at
factory. Ilia two cousins were killed
in an accident *Ix years ago in the
sane factory.
Did Not Stood t. Their lat.atfoa te
Strike at Ottawa.
Ottawa, .1line 2-11;Io1N• Mortal 1
--'I'1111 printer's al the• Bureau were
at work 'yesterday 111111'i,ing, and alr a to hate ubandole d the Idea
of a of rik, Stith tieing the tits,•,
IIS. yu,st ion of coneriting the Itu-
1,1111 from u iii ion into on open of-
fice will not alis•. Why doer •Int
bad luut.utplalel 1h.• acceptance til
the ..retic.•' Mf prinl.rx Wino did not
hold ;.lion tarda, 1e11iding it strike
lied Iak,•n place, i•ut 1h.• 1ku•,•ntr etn-
'pley.14 tipp•e0• to hate regarded'dis-
cretbm as the better part of valor.
and hence the 40.0tion of Wutduy ing
union or. nal -union men will not, it
fes thought,. arise The (4.o'11u,n- of
1h.• printer'. is, fe the I t of
%few of self-interest, en admirable
one Neither 111. G11t•'•rrlllie111 001
1'a'Ii ute•et ere, in t1..' t.• / to
brook any (belie. (rout rhe Otta-
wa 'T,vpu_raphiinl i-uiiii i, and it
would not taf..• notch to bring about
it determinist' to dome the Bureau
ehogether, *1111 hate the printing
dune by out shit• nous.
air Tb.a,ae 1.1.0,.s.e.
Montreal, it .tun.• 2. -Through the in-
tertentinn tit Sir '11.,111as Shaugh-
n.Noy, president of the Comedian Pa-
cific Hallway, the inftereutco between
Ute 1lontr.•ul lunglhor,uten end th.•
shippers. huts been wetted, and 1I••re
will out be any furter trouble on
the wharf au threatened.
raewager Crook.. tate Vr.lg►t
as *pea Solicit. -
Kou.oko• June 2.-'1'h• London IO-
o-cal ran into an often switch and col-
lided with en extra freight train y.•s-
terduy Morning, injuring four traln-
u5•n and giving it number of pass•n-
germ meter« bruise.'iio•unultives
were much damaged ed several
freight carr 'lettere! to pie eye Thum.
Injured a.riuudl) are: .
1'orsluctur Adorn lh'ngles,'•London:
Feigineer ('utile, 1.,'r.lon: the fireman
of the local of 1.11radon and "Irak,-
man Carney, London. Coot. and his
fireman were the t arri.Nusly , in-
jure,,, fr .juuq,ing to !Neal.• death
fruit their rapidly noting engine. Dr.
Brake .1 l ondon nam un the train
and attended the injured.
The wrack way the result of a mot -
placed switch, left open, i1 'Nyberg -
ed, by section mien.
Cot Prior'sO .r
.v wm•at OrubA Dissol-
ution 1n nrItl•h Columbia.
Vivien.. 11 1' .tun. 1 - A report
was * steely ri•.•uLslel 1.1.t night that
the• Limit email I -U o'I 11101.. has Kiran
1'rnni••r Prior u 'o-.ulliri.n and that
110 ite.ul.dint.• (1115•,11 will he meds
1 e
the ('1,MOriui1 purtv linen. Cbl.
1'riot v-.lI .Onn1111 or deny the
Dewily nal red Windows.
London. June 2 - Two boys, each
14 y.•nra old, nese..• burned to death
in a ere which gutted on.. of the
minter's houses at loom renege ear-
ly yesl.riny Mourning 'rher,' were
shirty -three xtnd,•nte in the house,
,and the mart it urs, rind in their
night -1bile•*, hell great 40111.1111y it.
etee •irne, Many s'rnnlbling fr the
wn,dnws down the 1%y -covered walls
on the house. Thr work of rearm.
woe ronstdernhly delay's!, owing to
• of the W11111,1%0 of the house
twine barred. The in•in.rution 01
the Iwo students is attributed to
the. fart
To Otr. ►arop. aim Plage..
Landon, .1 one 2 --A • lurid story
from ?folia is to the effect that r.• -
e obit ionatv 1.•adt•r, t her,' have in
th.'er pots.•.teem a lunge limed ity of
!whim pl..une bacillus, with 'which
t hey t en t o infect I'nn,l nnr 1-
nople, Kaloeita -laid even Ce41111, 11,
within eight day's 1' 11,11.. id wort-
ingthe powers do not agree to the-
e'e•nliun of the Berlin treaty. "We•
shell not die upon,," they soy, "for
there shall follow us into the grave
ulyrinds 01 people in le -Imola. .which
robbed u. of Mur libe•rty.-
*easter 0•111rl.a Doti.
Montreal, May 30 -After an Illness
of eleven months, hon. Joseph
O'llrir•n died yest.tedny shout 1
o'rle'k, Senator Il'Iiri.h nam bore
at Aughnngar, 'rebind, In 11418, and
elnnsme•d a tory large fortune 'o a
Whel,stde tlolhl.•r. In hart, his .s-
tMe is \alu.d el oyer a million dol.
Inca. 11. wee called to the Senate in
itte5 and ens it very close ilend of
Kir 1lark,ti,i, Itowrll.
):open to flake a■ Arrest Now.
Toronto, LOX, Prot Metal De -
teeth.. (beer returned to Coiling -
weed yr•.1••rday to roof nod. the in-
t'e»tI 441 ion of Its. Whalen weeder.
The ror,,..r'm jury trill hold another
w•.don 1,-nl,n•roW. 'rhe IMpu1y At-
Lurnt•y-t1 •rn1 essert.d yesterday
that en at woo •spas -I d in a drys
or two,
'Tie a 'Doming la I/Inga1M,
London. .lune the lath
lett to full apprueel of Col-
onial Secretary 1'hn111b•rla111's /mit-
t flirehl
t.lirIn pine is Premier Smelden .0
New %euland, who declares that (ler-
many'. ,edit!. toward Canada le
a h1,NRing in disguise.
Tom Murray DyI
Montreal, .lune 2.- Thomas Mur-
ray, a well-known Iarrusmw player,
1.11 off a gallery at his holm here
hod Iwnight and sustained 'a fracture
of the skull. he is eXilrtM In die.
Murrey WAR formerly on the Toron-
to end Shamrock femme,
0111od by a Fall.
Otlaws. .lona 2 -Thomas Dorsey
of Manorlak. aged +(1 yearn, met a
tragic tk•eth yesterday. He was
drlt big into Mande kk Village. and
was thrown from his twiggy. Death
was almost Inetenten.•ous,
tb.ef .as Thr.asese Goaea,
London. June I.-Qn.en Abates -
dee'. Increasing deafness Is causing
loch anxiety to the royal physie-
anashe la threatened with complete
deafer**, for the ailment Is Mot prov-
ing aaenabla to treatment,
Called Upon by Li.ut.Governor Joly
to Form New Cabinet
Psr.wente el the Soo Administration
Mmur'• Cell.* um Are Two Liberals
sad Three Coa•orwti... Col. Prior Ad-
mit. Indiscretion in Meprd to Bridge
Victoria, 11. l'., Juin 2.-Iticllard
Mellrid.'wua sulk+I up4/1 to foray a
(iue.• cut by Sir Henri Joly ',s-
ew1.rduy, after IN. 10 11. I'r«ulier, Pule
1'1101.. tt'as d,0u,i.o,i by Uw 1.f.u1,11-
aut-uutl•r . 'I'll• dionusaul of thee
hate l'relni.•r was due 10 him ruluur-
'1' with the contract for the rut►
ply of a cable for l'hiinlwy Creek
The Governor, in his letter Of dig -
unreal. :idyls the late I'reeni1'r'o con-
ception 111 the Indet,•nd,uc.• of Par-
t en, Act ire mucin that 1.' tan no
longer give• luta hie romld.n•r.
Cel Prior maid. "While Hie honor
%UN 0atiNliel that l had ooh !LIMY
IVO thing intentionally wrong in
connection with the 1'hunmy Creek
ront',01, he considered that I had
g(ye,ay • 11011411.• the Independence of
(Arliuu.•nt- Act '
11.• said further that he was willing
to admit that his r •w• in regard
to the (ontruut in question had, per-
haps, been IIIIINdllll'.-
I'remier 'McBride's Cabinet is elat-
ed' in reports as fellow's
t'. w 1'uterw111 uu•ullier for North
Mr. McPhillips, member for Vic-
It. 1'. Green, member for Keeb.
,john Oliver, member for 11.11..
Captain Tatlow', m,•utIN•r for Van-
'1'wu Liberals and three Conserva-
Mr. McBride. the new Premier, wax
brtterly' a member of the frier Cab-
inet. but r.tir,.l front the Govern-
ment and watt placed at the head of
the tppoeiti Since hie withdrew -
a1 the party which he leads has Won
every by.eele•Iion
Msiy so a Nerds.
Belleville. .1itne 2 -tin Saturday
afternoon some boy* discovered the
dead body of a own nailed !'erste
under a bush on Lung Point. In the
leek 0141, a large hole, mutt,. by Node
kind of sharp Instrument. Tt•. ellen
,s '•ing int'e5ttgalel by the author. -
the, but it the meagre detail,. al
present obtailiable it is impossible to
stale whether he cutmmdied suicide
or not. Tho unfortunate mon Wes
about 45 years of age. urtd testes a
wife anil ia,f.'aly. il• bit home about
two w'et %-ag.1• to look for enploy-
Whiter Wheat 1a Midlobe.
Winnipeg. Man , .lune 2 -Th.• ques-
tion of the mucceestul' growing 1.1 win-
ter wheal in Manitoba hes leen solv-
ed by William Martin, owner of (tope
farm. Saint .Ieee ltaptittte,' It a
,hurt d,slan(e filen Winnipeg. Mr.
Mannri ham it field of Katmai' rel win -
wheat. Willett was mown in Aug.
1, I1002. which is now 22 inches high,
1m twat l.•gfumng to head. and will
be[[[ ady fur the hinders in another
six .wks. '1'he plant is strong and
Kites every etldence of an abundant
7tl.rarder Prows Dead. .
Ottawa;•. .tun. 2. -airs Alexaider
Vraw•r, one of the plt,nw•r hlitber,n••n
•J_yltu" Ourwa t',.H. di.rt_paunr-
day at the age of '74 y,•nro. Mr.
Fraser was 0Qe of Ottawa's mill
uir•s, and wa,t cunnct,•d -ntth many
Iarg.• enterpriw•ii,. '1'h• late Mr. Fra-
ser wan a Iligtlland K4olchman, him
parents having . tignited to Canada
in the nineteenth itury. His sone,
John 11. anti W. II B . are known as
the I•'raw•r Lumber Company of Ute
t awe.
Wbel• family Meld Up.
St. Thomas, •lune 2. -With big re-
eolters ..a'kel and ready or time two
mashed burettes held up the Knit on
family in their Southwald'home rar-
iy Knndev morning. In ejiprot'eti
urst••rn .tyle. 11e• liettr•rud,N•R robbed
the ie amiss on,. after another. The
family son-i•Is of Mee A. Son,
tore. A. t\nlbrr,'thr.s• Sutton Ikb,
.rid tie• hired roan, Fres Oshoyirti'e.
The robbers forced the family :a
-hat with them fpr an hour aed then
Oepl.•I.•• Captar•d.
%lenna. June. 2. -Thr. Nene Frei.
Prase rorr.Np nde•nt at I'skub says
the Kilt htritf.•s at K..•pru,•Iu,•. Pro-
vince of Sale aerie have raptured
nine kilogram. of -dynamite and
gntlntith•R of tither explosive's in" the
bolters of two men named Alexo Mi-
noru and If. lh'gu'•ntw•hi.•w, both of
whom have 111.•13 ftrr.Ited 00 etrspir-
ion of r privily in the r..•.•utdy'ua-
uul. out rages at Salon. n.
0roatrue Crape Spelled.
Kinest.,n, .lune 2. ---No anoint of
.'ain will wave the hny crop in this
.rl i.ct,grain crone hating 111.41 prar-
ifvall. 1.1111 waste by the grolrrut be -
me rent asm,nd.•r 11,y huge fissures.
I'he fruit .rode will he a failure.
Thum• and 1't'err will he particela'ty
•,'nr'r, etre theme are dt,t.,ing fro,.
1ntv91 for lnrk of alias been. to sustain
ifs Berries w11 abo Is• a light
Meta of Mr.. elbb..
Toronto,' .lune '_.--Mrs. Gilts. of
Pert Arlhfir, who was Rlrkken with
pa•Nlysim 'net 'week, white attending
the meeting nl the W" in's Nat' I
Council, h. Id here, diel yesterday at
Urn,e ilnopilnl. ,ler hnsh*nd and
.on, and her setter. '11rs Osler, of
''obonrg, were with her when she
nailer NwrMleg 0111.4 01s.,
”Orli real. .1 nnr Mar..
rens •ngin.+•r. Oran killed eesl.Mny
he 1h. ...plosion of a bailer at Mont -
Light, dent and Power Co. eta -
'ion Another workman wax badly
J smut Atwell Ur.d nodus Kidney Mlle and
his nadd.r Complaint and kwmbag.
are O.M.
1'einph•IHnnl, (hot., June lat.-
(` s i ill., - Jame. Atwell of (hie place,
w n
hail been Ir nllded will lumbago
111111 hlmhh'r ern nlevenni.n
t (lir venni. is
well nen end Thsld', Ki.ltry Pi11.
have one • remarkable cure up to
their credit. Mr. Alvin say* illi. hie
, 1 had lumbago bago awl blearier Irnithle
for yeses. For the lest Ave months
the pain* in my bladder were severe•
and in pawing my 'trine w,nikl hurt
toe so sit to aimed ranee tsar, to conte
to my eyes. Mealtime' awl s bander
ner•tnntnrnd'd by the doctor hrmght.
tole no relief.
"Then 1 tried Diald's Kidney P11la
end my b1srMer trouble. vanished and
my lumbago as well.'
,oma_..-•+.- � ..b... � � '.'��k:
Pitiful Lotter. *excised Oily by tM Sser.tary
of th.. National Seaaanum Asaocfeti.w,
ilow great Is the Wed for the fns
httepih(I for rl tiauulptivet. at tit'aven-
hutvt, established just x year ago by
the National Manilla!' Aelewiatiuu,
it 111401. very uwDi(rmt 1.1 anyone who
is given au app i•tuuity of outlying the
dally budget of lettere tlutt leach the
wrrelary in the head oilier of the As -
Mt Whit IOU in the Mall Huilding,Toronto.
1 rs•1 t lettere are truly heart -b
ing. They t• front all et totem of the
Ike ' ' , 101' the h.11+pihl 010.115 its
11101114 (o the needy ru11*u11iPtit•. of
l'anrala, wherever he may reside. Not
at mingle mail or W(eu1D haw ever hese'
refuad Admittance because of his Or
Iter pot'ert)'.
Hrr• is x letter front a t-itirru of x
\\'t•stern tett 11. pleading on belut11 of a
155,r neighbor ltt•ickru with this
trouble. It reads : "1Ylere is It 110111
here, a murine engiuw•r, who i5. I
think. in the find stage of enuxuugl-
ti0u. Hr haw laru i11 nearly a year,
anti Iles nal earned a dollar in that
thaw, and has sold everything he could
*pale to keep 1 ' awl( and family. Ile
ought 4, go to a r,wamuplh'e wlui-
tar , but is not able to pa)' any-
thing, so far am I can tem 11 ; he is m
mrDllwr of the oddfelliwe. and has
' t.,t getting !Kia week, jurat enough
to keep him and his family alive.
Whet steps. are iso ewwry to get him
into the tree htwpital ' 1 do not know
how far the dimmer has a11vaue+l, but
he sap. the doctor, can Indy Hud a
5110111 spot on one of his lungs,:'
A11114 1104- trill+ of a widbwel titer
who ham 15.111 depw11ding largely on
the 0111'0 wage* tor her suplwo•t.
has alwdutrly uu mwVln... read the
letter. "tila0' anything for him main-
tenance. In fact, cogtrilmti.1115 from
other ml ttieve will ha Lr 10 1 p1'llv.ortl
It/ scud him d, the h,a1iiTfT!'
T • tabu this 1 'hold of near-
ly 1 Iced that heel their 1
iegulu'I*' within thew- '.:1115, oil out-
lay of $'f,It1) is repniivl each Month.
The only s,urre of revenue is all aver-
age eft/gill/ front patients who sue able
to contribute is.11a•thiiig towards their
11uli llt•t11111r1•. either directly ' or
111tv0gh their ''ilalit)'. and allied
$1511 from the ("overumteat. leaving a
shortage each month of $I,3w.
The burden has belay teacheal very
large prport iIllN, represented by an
w'rrlrawn honk ar0I t of some $15.-
1tsl, made lip ill part of the growing
shortage Mt ulxiutt•nn11e• aet•o nt and
lir eyt.•ns' and furnishing'. in the
effort to meet the incnwsing calla for
10111 at loll.
The [wok i0 making file: a ,ulb.taritixl
The following are a few of our leading
White Waists'
In the well-known "Star Mak.." They are
the lest made and the lust fitting waist on
the market. Made in the latest dlwlgna with
tucking lace and embroidery. Prins, 751•,
41.1111, $1.15, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.40, $2.211.
$2.511, $2.75.
Dress tluslins
our ,back never 0401 so complete and PO
v,u•iel in theme goods as rw,w. French,
English slid American ttwkee in the latest
patterns+ and colorings, ant at prices that., -.-
make them easy .Akers.
(sown., Skirt*, Ihwwers and Corset Corers.
AM tp[110 1 am can he found for the price and
well 111141,',
linos : -
In mors'*, huller' and chiklren's, in ell the
leadin nuttier. ChIM's from !rc ; Ladles'
from r, or 2 for 25c ; Men's frcur 26C.
If you want extra value in cotton how and
glovers come and see us.
Dress Stuffs
l'tea11ta, in.IS.rgea,'noire . cashlnetalr, nun's
cloth and gl.noadines, at popular prlww.
i4rinle specialties in black talk grenadines
that are extra value. ('owe and see them.
Curtains and Bobbinettes
Il.e us if you want extra value in thews
gismos. ,
reluctintl it the Recount, making the
yutsati 11 vel•)' live and iinineIiatr
Otte fat• the trhetteleX, who may frankly
their while trust is in the public,
('outributiol114 titer lie sent to lion.
Sir \\'111. It. Meredith, Chief Jitmtire,
\'its-Preeidrtt National Ma11ititr•iuut
A.NNN•itati11n, Turu11t., \\', J. (cage,
l'hniruiau Executive l' flee, 00011 Attentive Service,1'or onto ; N. ti•'u:al Tnlst Company.
Limited. Treasurer, 1'os 'nail : ur they G(141) Pure Tested Urugo,
nl'l)- he handed to It. S. Williams*,
l':uintllw Ism:lk Oft' t1IInu•ree, (bslrrich,
who will forwent thrum to the hospital
t roisters.
Everything Good
-t llielE'S'kat store
.N0 gambling or eatch-penny device
of any kiu.1 will 1e tulrrated around
the \\'all r 1.. Vs:n Ennrrttmis Showte,
combined with the grant) military
sitertat•II, Hovels south Africa. The
altos. holm IIa own esp. of t•xpwtientert
d •te•tiv.t0 pndet•t til+ 'puttvns, and
1'11' light-Ifttgered gentry' give it a wide.
heath. st 4
of furniture for the spring and buuuuer• trade is large and
well seiecte"l, - -
While fresh shipments are being opened up every week.
Wo carry a large assortment of /lining room furniture.
Also a good variety of Iron Bed's and Bedroom Suites.
• Extra values iu springs and Mattresses.
A large shipment of Parlor Spites expected this w9ek.
Window Similes, Curtain Poles and Pottage hods and
Sham 'folders.-
Iolders.Picture framing, repairing and upholstering promptly at-
tended to.
Beckett 4:&c Staunton
Practical 1'ud,•rtiiker,. ,and Em alniters+. Night or day calls promptly
attended 4,.
Nigflt Bell at Store.
'Phone 89.
GOOD Reliable Guarantees.
Sassafras Bitters
114 A
lis$l4•PRrifhr *fill Tisk
Guaranteed to banish boils,
11k. .6 for $1311,
W. Ce GOODE, Chemist,
is BLOOM...
20th Century Brand
of Clothing
In buying a suit of clothes, every man desires
three things :-First., a neat, stylish pattern ; second,
an exact fit ; third, the careful workmanship which
insures permanency of shape.
With the 20TH CENTURY BRAND of C11;ing
a`e are prepared to meet the demands of the most ex -
..feting customer in all the above particulars.
Prices of this high-class clothing, $10, $12, $l:i.
Special orders taken for the `loth Century Brand.
Clothing made to your order, costing only $1.00
more than stock suite. 200 samples to choose from.
• ' See tool 2Ot1i Century Brand of perfect -fitting
- tieurieta, solid wuratutl, at $3.50 and $4.00.
W. C. Pridham
Only Circus to Visit This Section This Season.
(' g 1.11 its own Three Tlallls 11f ('a1.1, equal in 1 ' tit U, tiain
111 til ordinary i•xt•s.
\Va!ler L Mair s Wig Circiis
Double Menagerie -and Sublime l'liiitary Spectacle,
•• Savage South Africa."
yS,r�llJlt.t(d iW
jpjj F ,
arr'IMeet tr
The *debut Owl* Mall Coach.
eoneuica, MONDAY, JUKE 8th.
1111 Perfbrrners, in 1(1) Acts; '1(10 Ilene
of Animelo, here a of Elephants. ('am -
els. Buffaloes and ()ostrich's. 41 Funny
Clowns and .1t•Nter•R.
1.000 Man,' Women and Animals
Engaged in Grand Military Spectacle.
Capital Invested, 85,000,000
Dally Expenses, 3,600
Selvage South Afrles, i)irect front
Ka•I'm Court, London. n. First tine in
This Country.
Sokllrrm of all Nations. A Leaf from South Afrieni a Ni*tory,
!Canadian Cavalry. (,neat. Britain'* Artillery. American Scouts, Troops of
)ko,rw, t'nion'(iattling (inn Huard'. Elephant Artillery, Tribes of Zulus. Me -
bawler', Swansea. Heautsm, Bushlu.m anti Kafre. -
The Battle of Pmanleburg: fitmernl ('rinje's Surrender toilino Roberts:
Major Allan %Vilmin'R Iwai Stand ; Attack on (holo Menge Conch ; Rtlrning
of Portal Station.
Battle,. Repralneel by the Original Participants.
Pooitively More Performers, Features; Acts, Honors, Mueie, Animator -
Merit. than any other chow In the World.,
Unequalled Street (tared., Wen in Length KaleMew'npde In Nature, will
Iesve Ihr Show (mounds at 10 o'clock. Grand Free I)4xplay of ilttylight
Fireworks At 1IAD.
Two Perfrnmenrem Only, at 2 and R p,m. .i)utwa open rine hcn,r earlier
All tents ahrwdn(s•ly min and water ptunf
Advance I4*M ,If Tickets. Actually Numbered Reserved ()hairs, at.
the Air
And keep out the ' flies,
bugs and mosquitos.
We have screen doors
and windows, some made
up in standard sizes,
others adjustable to any size.
Screen doors complete, with trimming. from 85c
Windows 20c upwards.
Cash Hardware Stote, OODERICH.
To the Citizens of
After a year's suc3essful business Mr. W. P. Wes-
toby is giving up the handling of our breads on account
of leaving Goderlch.
We have been successful in securing Mr. P. T.
DEAN. Grocer, to act as our agent and he will at all
times keep in store a full assortment of our different
brands of bread.
Mr. Dean will put on a complete delivery service
and by giving every attention posible to the trade he
solicits your broad Qatronsge.
Remember, Mr. P. -T. DEAN, corner Montreal
St., will handle our breads on and after June let:
Clean Sanitary Bakers.