The Signal, 1903-6-4, Page 28 Tllosan�h Jabs 4, 1903. THE SIGNAL : GOdERIUH ONTARIO ?ht' C1 IIu11i:1(11'1. 1I\1'.U; l'. Pl'RUSH El1 EVERY T111'It411:\1' 144 V.4\A'fTF:It '1'rh•ptear 4 all \o. Yl. Terms of Subscription $I.44 111'r anima, In .411,..1',•. ,I% a1..nUu.:ss, . lhnc 1111411111••, 2.4'. S iilssri141•es who full 1.1 14.111.• Trot Mo., u 0'1111.111) 141 Mali w 111 iter a boor ,).4-. qu"lwf411 u. 41 the 1.444 4,l 14 r,0'I) .4 414414. •. p .....16144. When a ehangr of aimv'. i. dr.inrt wet, Ihr old mud 4114 law alder.. -(.4,4414 411' gis en. Advertising Rates I ''�gtal and other •,n.,L11 sols 4'H i.1•nlrot.. Inc perI1 (1e for (1141 I11-4r114u and a. Lor liar fie x4.44 .44111.4,44044* u...'rl iuu. %Ira..u0'.1 61 it nonparril.este. t 4.4•11r (.a4'. 144.0l 114. 11. Ilu.il.•.., Ant, .l -it liar, 44,444 11111111. II, fel yew. Ads .rti+•,ural. of IAvt_ Fomes .,,,rood. 'a mations V4\1•41.111 4,44,A \4,1111 4. Ilotoc. to, role or to I(t'il, i'Arill, for .'*I4' u, 10 1(01,1. Article. for 9,.lv. rte_ ilia rsee4r1lag right Intr.. '6L; emit inwrnuu .$1 for lie, month. for each .4114.a.lnrnl 414411,11.. Larger al, ret w•. (111,141. 111 144'4,1.4,1 . Ln'«I non.,. 111 1441444441'11 1) 114• 'x' ler liar: \011,4111.' 14'14114441.:t , 4.-.111111 1) 114 Au 444,444,., nu'latie. g 411 o tent 441'1 w.ea. N11114411.-,. 44'+- 111.111 .\111 •1.,1.11110111-e• the 114.1141 .d 41)44)44 t. the pm-antan I.ea4at of .11 1114111 14114,1111 ,a iuu, 1.4.14•• 4...11,01.41,1-d v. .4144444+•11w•111 mud to M• . 44.rg,•1 e4..,rhuw11, 1(414-. (or dl•pl.o .m4)•.,,triol w14rr1i.• 114,141. w 1111.' 4441'n an al•pli-nl• he.. A.h1'r.. 4411 . ,111auaui. al Ione 1111 V.4\.%'tTF:lt k 444 11(i:ItTs11\. Tw.:l.: (1ndsn.th. 4,w. u'44.Fat11 R. Ti11 ltnll.\Y. JI•\Y. I. i'an. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SHIELD. Protectionists Are vont inu:rllc hold- ing 11p the 1'1i1441 Stars ,/s :4,4 .•v' ample of the'uc4',•.nful Nnrkin1olit of thrid theories, Alia to three ,t 4,e, :4,Y• 4•,111411* 44'1111 N .e11N•1'tf1'1111 10.44" 111.' argunlr11l seem.. to 111• 4 .41014( one. More logical Ibiltkrl•, hat ,u'gu41I that the n•11111'kalble industrial de- velopment in the 1'11*11'1 State.. 1A. been i4, spite Id. 1101 16.4.1111,4• nL 4*' fiw'a11 *11dirv. 1411(1 111,11 its rich 1•n4141wm en! o/ 114411u•,iI 114x1111, its (r'''oom 11.4.111 the hilrileiling .441 11(1 41vs11.1114 of *h.• 014) vvnr141, 111141 its iminunil)'. :1 least until rler11l )•ems, from the tax *4144Th militarism motets from its ri4 els. 11r• fat -tors *n it. r •rcll towers,. %hic11 hnv.• up to *11.' p1r.1•n1 • Ulan 1.0111111'1-)Ml14rt1'Id 1)11• 14%1114 II( a high tariff. It is one of the charm-ter- i.th, 41( a "protect system that the burden. wh44t it imposes spoon Ihe• Masks., lase•4 4.f the people le )414.411141• More x1111 1114141• iiMile,si%4• as t1mr woe. 1111: just A. a disease At fl'l lightly regx1911Y1 in time 'wpm J the strength 4.f the Nhole holy, so 41141.1, i4i11u. t144•11I 1)',419(44 gra1lelly patella it. blighting effects until 1144 whole industrial and ('44444' III4'I'.'jlll ,.*'g14411z414 1111 41f the net ion is vitiated and eiter,'a11,r1. In ,pile of the wave 111 pr9mprell v which 511 pr••s- rnt semis l4, he 4,t high %Ater mark in the I ',sited Slates, Ihem Ore Ind wattling sign. „f di'tr•.. mill of trouble to c41 IiigaIlir '411,11 then• .hiug inmost newly made' ., policy 441,1,•11 pr. 444(4s (14(9.14411 ...mist 1* 11,11, Hie 4x144*:, 4( it *1rriblr Iti*ut4 flog.. the 14 and side 4.v sill' with 1.111• pompous display of pl in4.'I) wea41411 is to be s•,n the horrid .111.4 Iwo le of whet'IYI and hopeless pot - ,wt y. It 114x)' slat**, toe."' %hum• at- tentinn ha. never 1e'•11 dr1144n to Ihi. aspect "f 1ridustnal life in the MI14*4. 1,, read t111' ni'*1,-),• NIIa'h w4• rrp11hl*sh this week teen TLe \hint real L'r.. 1'811:4411 may well hesitate to (4114,44 the example of her nright",a 111 44 My.t4•111 N hll'11 has eVen permitted. if it hrw not hronght 441114111. .111'11 ,b' - plowable 1•undilinns.e.4119• therein 11. picled. BUDGET DEBATES AT OTTAWA. '4'I,, hteIg,* 41,•1MIte14 of the past 141', years, NWelt 1144)'4 been pro1onge1 for earl* throe weeks Irl each occasion, impress the Iisleui in 4,h.• Ileus' and readers thr•nnghnnl the eo111144".' Ni*14 the 1..'k of ,Ins systematic 4111,1 speial- i111Y1 handling by 'how. Who take part. Among the bark -twitchers. loam after (411(11 gets up and cnmmiirl.•9, nu an average. All hour• And A half ,ash. nn) for whet p'rpoae? Not. i4, one (Ase out of 4,•11. to rnli)'inee t h.• ilous' with his erg. '11t.. 11111 to reiterate the 4ir4'4 expressed by the leader from WI he takes his 411.', ,imply int' Ihe ,alk,• of using Hansard 44.4 n 140111111111141*11' 411 1)11111144)1 N')I1.'ll 4.. *,walk 141 111, constituents. \\'lien a n,enlLq' alddr,•ssl•. the Hoose his words are I•eworded in the official journal. end 1 he mitotic', how Mena—eel eery 1.44(4' 411 memo •r"' using this as a meals of reaellillg the people. A 41pe,41l of am hone And 11 111111 44..4, ter count')- $2.:4)11, w ?meas the u4rtul.•r 4"1111 a411ns4Ic 411,,1 effectively etpress hnn81•If in a cop better in his weekly 111•W'plpM•1' 114141 line h*r vWe's to be expresw'1 in oho 114114,• 1v his Vote, except in ''4lrenle rases. If he 111•eirl'r 4,4.• ,•alight,• ail of his eon 1.1 1II,n4s it i••• open to hila to furnish copies of hie lenders' speeches amt I he division list. One Web..., 414' r1•.111t of this 1•nlnw1, (1'11111 he 41.1114111101111 411 the mender. %'0111,1 Iw 1eever enuptl' benches 111 talk In. T811 observer all I ie noose the preset'' )$phg7a1r.i and Unenlightening method of c Meting ' Iludget 41,41444, npp',11,4 14004111V in 11.','1 of ref11rm. It insight Ile 411.4411191 1•1nlr1 that ninny tallow:Me pointers Are brought out ,stun if the 4)4.1114(4' is greatly pr,- t.rIrtY1 by ,1 sntrl•ritinit dnn.l• 41/ 4heti. \\1•fi, Mgein.1 that ,4n..Tyat*4'' IY•He4• I inn we put the quest inn : Are all the "t'aluxlde" pointers 1•nunnelslna4,' with the value of Ih.• time of I'Nrlin• 111e•tl) et $24 tier i11itten•. which le tieing freely (iu"tel as a fair rndlptlt44- til n. It 1s well kilo.*n that men)' "f Our I. ry(1• (1i4Y•IYM• ('41741 anis elements are represented on the fl.wu of I'erli,unpnt by n' 111,111' particular Mends .. ,. For inetenl•e•. the ('11 Illi MNnu- fertl11•ets' A *Ylw•iet.i"I4 is hooked After b� (iermgn Taylor, M. 1'.: the hall..' element *e well repr•wntd I.y Mr. ^••44444• Il\innipo 444 and Ralph Smith e) ; the C. I'. 11. Iy Mr. 0.1e• and Hon. Mr. Tarte ; the grangers and farmers getwrally 114. .I:IIN•I I1,li*iso*L 4411d Mar 1111. \\')l%' 111,1 utiliia' this, condition and encourage 11119 1111'lllle'Il' to 4)441114' their a*te•llli4,rl 111 44441111' )Nu91.111441 p11a.,4 111 the quen- tion, lu.arad 41( wandering All over it for the ..lake of comieumdllg or praising solely 04, party grounds? A fair trial along these linen wo1141 at least 111Akc for 1114114• intelligent (1is•oseion and *1s t,u11luail,•11, closer attention gi,.'n to the 41M•nkrt•8: there would he more nu - s1, 0.111411 111141 II•ss''4(iti.4)1," 11. %%. • EDITORIAL NOTES. \\'h.et is so rare a.% M day in Julie \n4) the r1111w•ierlee•lenl joke' replies, Use in F',•bru44r)'. The 7411.4/1110 'I'eI,•g*Yll„ declares that Free e T ad e In IA.m41•41. \\'hick, c nig (loin The '1'4'11•gr:(111, is err)' rn- cour:lging /114 4,44' Prude. Tli.• Toronto Star remarks : "In eitch separate part of Canada,1111there appeal. l.. 141• 11 .4',41144 local (ening that sub- sidies .honht not 114 y1'4411041 to rail- N'ayI else% here." — \Innnf:t4tulr•Is are 4.0m ill14i11ing 4,l ,I 1:11.11 fau1i(4r .11141 ray they 4,(111114 gel turn without paying higher %'Ages than they ate worth. Mater clap 1111 ., higher tariff ; that will bring the N .l,{I•. 411144'1,. ----___.- The ('toss 11 Lanai.4Department In naming :1 pot of 114.44' (11N'll.hlpw in Northern I lnlario after lurlulo•ts 01 1144' *Ae4is*lur•. prominent 1lergylnl•n of the 1.1,14iurc, 4,111.111,•411, 111411 4,f 'I'orn11lo :11141 4141.•r ,4I•llril *1•m. There o ill be a I11'Io(4 tow !Ishii), in honor of I re inetei M•t' for I'41s1 111119141. i. :4411111144.1' iudu4,•nlcul 44, the imitations y 4.' 11111' tar plena ,1p4a1,1 4411 the 1,14141.4; of life if he rea,•h,•s the raln44 of succi". he may 11+141• a (11W11s11141 named after 1 . It 1s el. 4i111e1 by those who uphold thankful for our uuu1,unl blessings And psi v ilegtm. The A1i4%e 14' from Thr 11441111114in Spectator, which w1)'N so 1411111)* things With 44'1111.1 w'i'4'1 t Agree that We Ale All the 1114114' ple•1ts41 to express entire e 'urlenrr With its remarks 111 this instance. Ontario is the rhlic44l part of the earth and (*1 MI1.1'll'II IM the finest slMlt in Ontario. the duty 4,44 agrirultu'NI implement. I11.14 4h.' tax ie (44,1 paid by (Ito. lathier Ihat the foreign 111Aiti14'*11111' pays the dol)'. A return brought down in the 1141111,• at Ottawa the other day shoo.. t11111 111 41411• )'1•a4' 111411111 $I' l,Il.11 4Ae paid to maker's of egrieullnrel implements in 1' It 1144 te•lette of .111t)' 111 g..Nls IIIa1111fU't 1114'1 11y them for ,xpnrl. If 4111• 11111r•h,Ve1' doesn't poly the duly. these maumfal•tiove. 4*" mortising a fraud on the ('4(1110inu tr149ury. The..14)41,' firing., the news that fol Ihe present at least Germany Will make 1141 fort h••4' r•pri'als against 1'.1,1- ada 111 r•t11in*ioo1 for 1144• 4'anealiaul surtax 4411 1 144111a 11 44114111.. `tonic 1 iulndi:ul join -Vials 1144%1• 4401 it into Heir he,i,l dual in wrine way of 41t1e•1' 1111, I, ,1 %i.-*ory for Call/14111. 1•144 11•'1 1,•.1111 4,1 Ihr surtax i, that (',ulllli.ul goods me in n' lea toe 'emit ion in *1,,' Iierinan In,uk1.* Ihnn it,•y were be- fore. 411114 Canadians 1)1(1 11 111:141.' it Mole 410414111f for It.•nlsel yes to filo 1119. 111e 441.1141, *141')' *411111 f14.111 1;1.1'- 111,.14. If is 114.1 1944.) 444 /44' 44111.11• 11,.' 1.411411 t 14 111111141a .•11f11e4 111. It 1,44,k1. :4,e if the tfelf, iii"('IIa1111M•r- llin Government w*11 have• a lough time of it 44111'' it 11414•(* the voters of the 1.11(1481 I'iug,lom in a general eh... - lion. Its 1'1111',at 111111/1 ppd1/•y has Aous- 441 lhl• ti.•1Yr atila4oni1nl of 1141• Nof1- ,mt.:eluisl., and there :11e threat. from many a would-Iw Hampden which i eli,'1le• that the Government N -III L• 111 alp 444 kweird !Nisi( ion *4I,,YI it :It 141111)4* the r„1141•t' of 4.1144111 rales u1141,•r 11.• lieW l,tw. 1'han111•1•- lain's 'whey of Imperial protection 111111 carry the Mupmmel 441 the ,lgrield- tural interests. but a 44 the nm4rw•1 of 1h•• people it will 141• Ircrive1 with stern resentment, if %'e may judge from *h.• results of the,•Irrtions lately helot in which the 44raito tax was 4411 ism... The wily l'ulunial Mt,'Ietery 1. .1,ingling his old age )14•1141i4111 scheme before Ihr cuter* and is willing to make use of the anti -foreign feeling as a1 1•I,rt ion:wrillg agency, but John 114111 hats g*'nowally reftlw.I to 141• ulin- led by catchpenny (1••4•i4r4, and his dislike of foir•1glels d,M•,n't g4, s, far ,1, to ball him to inflict injury upon III III W'I1 Plot t11 spite 1h.•n.. The Gin'. 4rnl40,ul's clli,I strength is the weak- ness of 1141• ( (p1 ,44it14111. The Educa- tion (fill awl the preferential tariff proposals may have the effect 41f - Mng the 411%41441 fon•rs of Iiritish Lib- eralism. 11141 in this .'%cut the 11441,1(1 41f Ihr• 1119.4411 11 GoVer11111r*t w11uld Iw s4.4 led. A Prayer. 40.41 ' do 4,•N Irl 114) bort (Inc s114:. Ihi, rather wait until the 11141 That 1 and gn,wn In purity Enough to enter 4.h) purr c* Then lake ate. 1 will glwll) Ila. .. 111441 111) 411re reuses below. 11, 141 her slay ' she I. lit birth %hal 1 through (b»4th 114444 barn 111 be : We mast her • on our poor earl Thanll '.n.1 nerd i4, heaven moth thee : „h.- hash her alna, already. Moat 1.11,1 the. earth .1.01 en• 1 fly: '('h.•n. 11,al, take u.•' 4Ve .tall he Orme. Mone near than rs-er. park 111 row•I, Iter angel ear. w :11 and • clear M) hens evil than no; earlhl) speech. .ted .1111..1. 1 .In4w 1,141, 1 , Owe. Iter .,ml shall el,. 4'r be. Jane. It 11,..•11 Lou ell. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. E noes Noe.. 1 'hl'»w' V,•w.. I -s • nes er+ren a •11911 ma•, \4,r 1.1 a lmlar leaf fan. \n.I .101.11 •stn• .. )on 11,1,4, 1 don 1 1104..4 a 114') ren. *11 Outside. New York Pre IA•1 114 call A halt 4411 1111• ,1114!144.' .% re they lo,r'ling ,Ind 1''. 6.144 4 4 11144 for rind :• thong,* now l4, tl.• market 111151. rinds 1111,1• -eight 1." of Ali inch Ih*4k. On 1Ile fruit *lands 114.•)' ,u,• heitut *full 141 I.o.k et big, fat, .olid, lu.4iolw. When you get theta hone. enol start 10 eat • you find *u- .ide Iuisetabh• little kernel of 14libl4 pulls. -- -� -' - MoW s Thr'. for Juggling? Sullivan, whew• alWapp•Ir 16fewgo G'w.. 5(111''' from 'rntont' was 111.• 4.41414.4• 114 \11 eye -witness 4,(n relrbrnt„1 fent 11111,11 concern In Ihi• 4)1,4,4sit14411, .,f 4i1rnt:Il jugglery told the following tuned 11p this week a11(1 wee ex,lmintrl story of what he thought 111• 1.11w' * 'whore the public 11141 I..-.lentiltee hand of dud*;4,l flkit. a,4ing1Ilh *1c41111.'l'I n 1.11:1111 I.4'. i.Y•* 111 411 lin. 4.441«11414' in 1.441(11) 144 hie ruts- 1.'11KIlt 44114) in .414' presence threw nn.• Ile. lion with *h.• SOU u1"rlflintier deal. 41141 of it 11v4a1r1e *he sky, %'her• if 111. .WInr• (111(1 his p6.11'1 nil' in he ( rail.- 1' .•tun ire) ow if fastened to minuet hing 4, 419111 wan 1111,' 'I',1slnr, a 1.144.14 in Ihi• 11:1,1.1„,l'.'17,1111.1.-.14, .\ .log %.'13.11:...t1:14141111 lor.IKtt t 'Irlw'll lewd` 111• Nlrt 111411, ,11111 thnl 1 1:1.174w 4, 11144 (Ill 141%'- 1 •r 1.414* of the titan!n l(4unel*444.1)' 11411 lie plaid '("11.11' one-half tllr• profit., upend. r1rI1•hiu44 Ihr nowt. *aid. dim- 1'tMrn Mallow Itis evidetwe the ('oil- nppan'l 111 It, ,air. In the W11111• 1111..' 't' I.( (44144 n ia(1Ids in11n.,I*at•- 11144 t A hog. n pusllu•r, as lino. and 1v .".1".11111111 TL' 1► 1 41,414011 '1 *11(11 Nv11' ntmre•Me*)'4'1)• w•ut "(4 u1*' p 1 I kinin ;11141ell d*Wylp''11el 544 Ihe up. n1er11L•I" se111,hel (141 w11111' 441 •r- p•r',•nd. .\t hist they pulled down tin,, lea ween this affair and t he (*411111')' t I11' 411411,1 and 11111 11 in at ling, no 41114 uultler, 1.111 soled diw'4141•r 111,11111144 41f ever 1111•''e•in44 in what manner the different nni'mle were 111141e to theaanisl... of theme stair/undinge 111 Mad i4, the the question of Government aas1Mtance exteillr, (4iowth *a id Wilted, develop- to 14 144' 1 tn►lw•u11tineltal railway need hindered, end the little 4111ee 441 • which cuttkI lw derided off -hand d, •d to 1411 14411y death. One doctor 111+ a matter of every -day .wcurt'llt•r. rays that t•11 per rent. of the children Tito MLitt 'r.4 LK1514, Who engage 111 this work eontrart 4411414.' 4441141 pt11411 heftier. they 1114, twelve yearn of- age ; mother states that (twee at work (piny wi11 all be dead *11 two years' time And their Maces tints* by others, :f the Ny144.11l in 41111 permitted to exist. A horrible (ural of (1rop 4'y is pn•valeut among them: the change (1o(41 the heated at1141144ph,•r.' of the mill to the chill morning u4' night air often bring. 1111 (4ue•uuumix, w11iI,' the lint 11(kem m At every lir•aalh (114114' M 11.4419't lipreading ground for germ. of (IIIM•ar'111ew11. .4. -(.idents with the machinery are, 1111,l','•V 44', very frequent. 1114114*' s,uth- e11 eity n doctor s(411,1' that he hote permo11111'. amputated • thorn a loneliest fingers from childre11 whom. hands 11:401 leen (aught in the ..machines. Siehable a4' such a•,idents *14 oerur that 111 111 • fa,t.,ril•' applicants for eupluyltenl, or their pur•mtl or glmudiens, are obliged to sign A contract that in •'1(W of injury in the Mill the company will not he held responsible. /)4,r %4,111.1 imagine that i4, fllm•1•M like thew, little incidents 1,1 negligence 4,u the part of the Irby nutlet,. would be treated IenientIV. 1,1,11. 14.w'eVe•, I4 11111 the 4,(1119. (411.' 5444*''.' In told of leu little boys of ' • and eleven who 11,401 to walk three miles to work on the twee',• -I • "night shift." One night they wire tiVe 11.i1111trs late, laid were shut out, having to (realty the whole three miles lack *gain. Others tell of little fellow's tur11el out of the tailor)* al two in the morning for N. • trilling fault. 'timid t4, g4, h •, end twigging pennies! to sheep upon the office floor. The blame of this stair 411 things, rut., of 411111.*', primarily with theparents who offer their babes in sacrifice• to the Gifting ten441•l( they olltain for their *resin•*. It IN IIIIpMmlaUlr 414 fell the d,gra4111- tio11 herein Implied. These (M'1ple lived 1114111g i11their4,N11,hiftless wary before IIIc mills furnished tIe op Mo'lunity *o 411x1,' money' out 411 their r�lildr•u, and could du 4, still lout (4,r the trlu ,1.ti.I of at litter gain without 141•,s4naleffort. It 114 rl4irlleil 1111 behalf 411 she p1444)11e 1.1 Ihe South that it is not their fault that 4114 leo 41,4194 1141( pn11rM't t111' children front the rapacity of their parents. 1'his is 1111 doubt true in 4444 (144' an the 114•46.14 • • g force. go. The despicable wire -pulling b)• 4'hirh the wtet,1,11 le44ielaties are• Iaratl)'zeI is door in the inters( of the owners of tile wills, Willi are largely respectable Iss.ple in New England : but it is the poopls in the South who elect those.1egisdx4ue4'1. If is, indeed, not only i'1 the Mont 11 flat child labor IM we'llnon. In t he amt hosed.• region. of I'1•un.ylt mina "th.• childr,•n of the (4441'h:4duw" at, e,(1'1)' inured to the life of toil. In,iu1- in44 4111*' picker.. 111?' ea, r •as, door boys 4411.1 helpers. :11111(1( 1 *4'1.11* )' - Hy, thousand Ions 1111111 nine year,. old 4411(1 upwarrle are ,•1111/10'141 til /11111 about the ndnt•n. Tlwir hour. 44re lung, their work hand and their Wages Alm ilit w 1:4,1 4,y cents 14"' 4144)'. Their sister.. 1110111 the Age of IN. -lye yew-. or thereat.eata, are generally working in knitting mill* 114 silk factories for ..(rue f,t•ly owed. per Ila)'. A .Ilullar state of Attire ••x14144 1,1 1t1N11' other ',arts of the won:ar)'. Aew .'ling to Ir. %'4'illieto, '. H11nt. chief slatistici,lu fur *h•• (Toilet Staat,•4' p i nl:atoll, the 2, 1.4,41 of the fast 4,•n.us o ill show that ninon Ili.• Mainland 411 Ihr 11,1111111,' ,Irl less than 1.7:41,11(1 p•t.wnls from ten to fifteen ye"1. 441 Age 4119• 1.11- )(Agei in gainful e,,'lupati.ne. Aleut* 1.1.11 11 worker, Ilrn*er• (",1148 n year. f 44441• 11114 111 New York State : Illinois Ilan 211.1111, (Wire as many ,1, in It417: Penm44y1414r1ia exeludinI( ,•114(4111%'(994 of the 1'latl hags :?'4,1111 and M,ls444rhtmet(11, "the 1191111,' of lilwrtv," 1141/4 9,1 4, In all the north- ern eta, e law's to regulate an "age limit" are 41n 4,h.' statute hooks. but they. are practically a dead letter. In sots,• i4d114*rie, no pretense of regu- lation i41 oda...reed. Tiny children s•II n4'rp4p14'(s till lweI''r li• ' o'clock ,It, night, %inter and 4 ': 1411.411, from ..-11,41,1 time until nearly 1 - night, cul and paste paper liege ; other., again, 111 19111111M wlie•Ie (lir f 'I)' 4141 Anil sleep, ..lake welding .':Ike looses ; other. sew button. 4111 the 1•1111 111144 whi(h "Mwral4.rr'• hove• given .141.1• to their parents, some rhiirhrn ,4. young 144 four years being employ -- 4.1 in this ulxnnl•t•. (Me and ell Are 4;11114' IM•in44 robbed of the (ileo -given iniyilegos of 411iI41h.ww* and in their tweinet1114' 4444.'4 fnr.es nod shrunken flame,. revivify the weird legends of the fairy 4ha144rlin44. People have not been wanting who have said that this stale of (hinge is inev'ilahl1 and 144 part of the ge'netal ...helm. of 1ndu411r11 evolution. The Wine• W'IIs Wl141 in Englund 111 the early part ,of the last waituly, It w'iM then that the immortal lewd Mhaftelhllr' entered open, his great work and won his noble 4144.14)' after A lift)• -)•rare' (111'41lr. There i4 110 donut that the Manlrrnllronl( will be the result of the (present agitation 14,, h.. United M4iti' . 111 Ihr 111V/411%4 1111.• 11 *n 4,h, fitly 41( 4'4- lry41tle to give his •nl MIglp or•t (4, the nlov,•rn.•nf, and it 141 tone than W011141 Meeul to 1941111,• well Wit .h*n *he sphere of the labor union14, seeing that IMI I w 'e ' 41 cheap b4, r al 114 e 1vni 441*lit f rola 1 4 Towers the price 111 laalorr, Meantime philrrdht•11phole are 4114 in the natter. Otte of the nlerk11 that dilTrr- tonti44los ('hrietlenity from all tith,•r re- ligions *m its appreciation of the sact„i- nese of,hi11h11411. To 111911)1 he "little 41nea' 141 1t religions dolt)', and if the ••cup of cold water" given with a gen- erous motiveIleV)l' trail. /1f 1414 reward, 4,h, single -hearted effort of many of the beet men and w"Irlen of the United Stales will without doubt is. recomp•ns•d by it public nnowirnc,• i'. lk,n4d to Ihr demand of the hour and 1144 all "emancipation" 1.41911 Inure thorough In Its effect* than that of the negro fort y year. ego. ;;rowers. Real Nerve. If the. 1141.111444' 1111111 were 1441419) why Ar'onnul. he• w:a,toxins that the (*rand Trunk ••,41 uakiug 111111114 nl•rcr,' n•nulrkwl Vacate Railway should be Will. hl• "Ned- 4;I ,,.,.. "1 m1•t a 1111411 the 44411.1 give the reason that \\',•tern 4.1 her night N(.4, hoe it in rul,Nsll 4'anm414 relines An xddit*onAl "ill 1.4 'rood*t v. Hr 41 ,4 nn 4,151a4,1qua11*int- allrr. .4111 ( • 1.. wY• ns MIMWo for its pr.11hlrls. 'Phis 114 (cru.tinh' the %. •:11'4 (4441, aid niter pouIring 11111 A 411,• 11111*r1 1.114011 1114' the ,'molt)'', itller4rl of wow borrow 441 14,111, :\ font' nights in the ...nonlethal of the .'lad, 1,141 if :1 (o I happened in t he IA114111 11.4111 of rhl,uld not 1,• Inst right of in Ihr dis- 411.' Fifth .\1,•11,.• Ile.t.•1, Nod 1 WIN" 1114' (nssiun of the foul N(14y'm 11111 I11dn1.. 1)clrl44r pla)iu44. \\'h1•n I le•;lrnrd 411.• 1 44,14,•4 were $.111 x 4a11• 1 4514, 1111%n Parliament. 11 i. all ver)' nice ("have flint wAh'hel the 4'ntert. My 819 .411 4(11-4',ulnli,n rout•, but if 11 memo. epnninlanee awn hod 1(144 $111:*, and as that the (H111114,4 of the '44 (91 will get 11"..1'.1) 111 his rr 1 en*d to him: :1 rent or Iwo Isms for every Imeliel ') nl'l c41'nthink yon'd letfrr have paid Ole that $.1l1 titan to have *4114''1 Ihe' ha41• 40 sell the)' will hard- post three t' •s the nn.here?' 1% 1.•4' Ihe 114,1111' 411 the 81.1141111•. Thr "11.' g'o'rse nl Int• for a few weentels. I11,1r'oi.alnll nail: ',ay. is en 1114'ane111- •111'1 Ihe.. 4,,..,k nl)' hre:lh "w3)' h)• ro- an road, w. *11,11 Wt. a11•not nnpnoVi11,'/1 join'(* NNp IAnd. man. lutcen't yon f41r• w*111 the nm•:(1141 of reaching the ocean gotten that yet ?' 'N beetling United Ir4WI*.. terra- ''Ni'.'.',that'. what 1 nall nerve." tory. - Child Labor ,n *M Slates. Mont rro 44-ilnr.. 4'rn11.•nt 4011 n4r41i o of 1'11*I%flys that In 11r191tre'4 for •4pri1, M,u')- :\ ,- 1 plew'hi*.• Ravin,1(1441 a pathetic little s1111 311 andel laking mooch "tTne1 the of a seven -year -'Id martyr to the large opportunities for p•al:leti al by Mol.e•h of eonllnerl•lnlimm 44'1141 bloke r"ntrlo'tol" Irl 11.444,11• with nnw•nlpl- down 11114)et• the strain ..f mixt v -Mix I,1us .d*ticia ns. and Halt the stn. holms of night work per w,9•k in a 1 Georgie factory. That this is no i111- 14uvrer of Ihe rnilwvn wnnld form It a44in44r• "t' exreplinntl 1.111.4• iM V11110lell huge elY'InraI Agency for the support for by nu ni...Hess witnew81•M. One of their e1np1.yer44.the pert)' *n power. j"nrmllia "1 t1•pnt• tell" "A *hal 1.1y. 'I'hir i4 94,07* -righted W'''''''ing• aid girl'( six yrarN,111 apw'Anls Nur rny)l44v„1, '*14.•14' 11'411(11)' *4'114 helot The Canadian elector. nerd 41 • big '4141. 41,m k in the nor ' 44 until st'e'm iss"e 144 111.4,111.11 them t" 441111.IIM at night. At teem they. soma on the thought and art inn, and if they had t1/Nor and dev,nl' their food 4,r 111'011 441 11111 n1An,144en.'nt 4,111 1141t i"nnl 41111 WA 11:::44, 14•(4 11111411 thl' fnerlla 11 I'I,IIgld 4' N1111kfW th,•n4 inln .'4.nsrl4,)1sne•4144, when they on their hands they would M' 1114111' senor their nn414.1.1nn4141 tisk. Thr( alert a111,111 gotl•rnnlental offal,* and work is generally watching the w,ul4) we 111111 hungry contractors sI'indlrs un n *gent )' -1,41,1 1,111,"• and and self s•1•k*ng 'editieians kept their t*'i1144 the hr4.krn Ihnall4, 1,4114,1' w'hirh ne,Y•rm1tat,•s re•,Iw•lemr paring la(k Nod 1411,1114 4,H. Let the pr"plwl of puh4il' forth end moment; v'igil:fl e4' best II owner -411p of 11111%x1'4 *1• Illw'Ie41Yl 4141 flew go Into the Illet•1'mll. It ie .'all.11- 1*» met its. feted that in Smith('arnline there err twenty thnu411na "f *114'.4• *in4' work - people, mon)' of *item laboring for ten (wife per 11,19', 441114'' ever for five or '*x rentA. The feet, whet 5111• kept run• 111Ilg day end night, ,(1111 ars 1.411 ,lel 114' (w' (11144414 "f little toile•1elter- tnlely. The "night 14hift.," 441 might he ex retro, reneh the 44'1119' of suffering. (hoe et -titer 4e14er114es the children *4"r'king from eh' .i rliw'k in the evening 11, six 111.1.41'k Mott ' ' 44 111 111 141nmm4hl•r1' 'mental sary e..4) 4(4,111,11 with h 'day and lint from the 11N`Ilil1. Al4'l "kept 11 wk4' rola wat.•r *wing .1/tithed in their fares." Thr phy,.irel, mental end moral effect 11 is 111.4(11411 again., the *ern n( K41.- The longer we live and the • w4' 1181 of the eelettliti,a which 1)111ke life A /1111114,/1 in other countries, the w1• know Ito% well Prot-Mrnce hoe al- rnn44el Ihir'gs for 4,M in thin Onteri" "('nn,. TN. 11'14*11i1• fl.Mwl. 41111 4')141 111(1111)11 11. that %r r144r) 11*V4' floods here. Nor 141 w1• helve eeringnwkl•M, nor I4114141lides, nor eyelom•w, nor 14414 wattle, n'4' 4,11x4a1.1s, nor henvy hail. mit grM«'h'pp•r•, not killing dm114hte, f wm4, e• o • r w• so 4)h, 4,r r x h nles nor un d n I , IY "( h4'•141 And ,'old, nor ilis•a).• 1•hy(nes. \\'e err the rh.rs••n iw, 4)e x1111 we live In a 11114411114444441s•.'I colntry, ,S'e oughttat be • Mr. do den, when the liutme re- as1M•4nhlyd after the holiday adjourn- ment, undertook to force the hand of the A,mlinistrat' by r (( laining that the teflon). ( 'tetiou all hough eel ir the speech front the (1111,111' tll•arly three 1114111th114 ago, had not leen appointed. \\ iii(,' thin is 44)11,in,ll); true, he mlighl have g (111.411..1', 1111041111.1441 1111 4,111911• w'ee ,1a1)' other *111)444.411)4 11119440119'$ 11119114l011,d i4, ole sp'Y•h which have 114,4, yet horn narhel. 141 x large extent he, or at leant his follow.',"., are much to blame for this. 'Che budget delate wag worn threadbare the first week of its exist - 1 -1111., 11411 in the 1111(1,1tat1uu .41 a gen- mal ele•t1(n there was a rush of M_ P.'s to untold themselves upon) Hous 44111, the campaign repreluctiuna of which block the corridors of the hare. metaand keep mune then 41)11' privet w•1•lr•htry busy addressing and frank- ing the "'perches" to the u(n41tit1- YIII.Ie.. Ry t11141 111e•N11M 1114 ,,•dirte wits kept alive fur 1114'4 t%'u weeks. Then. 1.k,, it is a ruumlun i44.411144•111.4' (or the Opposition. putieulerly the Ontern , members, 4's, to laidg.r and lieckl,' the \lini1*rrs by the hour upon a e114411 ite111 of espenditulr•. This is the way the wheels of progress are (wing blocked, N'hile on the face of things ever) -t1(1144 appear:, do hie uwwing 1481(114' fa. 'I,,i-iIv, The 1'0111111')• is growing (*stet- than m • of its leadi4iane, but thee ere :Gong hulks for bigger men generally in 411. next I'arliauu•nt. Tint RAILWAY Ie,MMIen1"N, ( g back to .\Ir. Ilorlell's 1,114'1' p•1144ti1n of the Ministry r.'giirling its !silky i4, 4441111441 ion with a ne•1/1141 411144111-ime111a1 mile,(', he au,kld for 51 statement front the Premier Ilwre- up44.n. Sir \% 111r*d laturie', after to alluding the leader of the Oppwitiml that he 11x.1 tot given en)' (4u*Jc* of 1.11,-h 1111 i11111.11.u,1 1 ue•ltion,'Iolkr ulT- haud ,(1Id nnllinel II1e .o'live the (lov- er •nt hail txk.•11, ,11111 was quick to 41•nr• his opium -111s for demanding x11 imnnel i.tte the -lotion IIp41/11 ,1 (matter whlctl 11:111 formally been brought I1•• fore 1'a•Ii141te•ut 41111)• n few weeks ago. II, 4+1111 1t 441141 11 Wield 11111 *41)1.•11 di.- el.•- 111and.Y111r 1114.41 thorough consider - Mt bill And careful handling, and (em- elt/tied by intimating that he would call M 411114414 41f Ih,yerllir•11* dupp,1•t- et. Iwfole fin,? ly a ',ting (h.• (1.,v.•rnulcnl.� Regarding the pk•r4mnel of the ma*1- way rlmmnieeinn, Ie• said dolt owing to the difficulty of ...eating the con- sent of Sir %Villi.ns \'AnIl.rnr to act as 4'4 ' '11111, I hal gent 1.•14hall not h.tv- in,( yet 4.,•41 I is way 1tear to art. 11„ aloe eim1•nlent (null he 111114*,', Kir \CiIft•i,I ,Ito nl,•1111 • 1 John H. 114rtnun. 11 large shipbuilder at TuW,n- t,. ns tone of th.• melt ''h'wt•n. • A. 'fHE WEEK AT OVfAWA. W. Acheson & Son IMPORTANT SALE OF SILKS and MUSLIMS. We have just to hand a consignment for June selling of over 900 yards of heavy corded Japan wash silks for waists and dresses in a great variety of new patterns and colors, pinks, blues, greens, grey, rose, cerise, turquois, black, white, cream, widths of silk 20 to 21 inches. On sale this week at per yard special 35c. DRESS I1USLINS English and French deems Iles, organdies, and dimities in every (olur, in flu,wl, (lot, spray designs and silk stripe effect., at per yard ilk•, tote, 1319 and 21k-. CORSET SPECIAL 211 dozen pals thirst American y)utill,'tee! filled eoraeta, new model, etr4ight front, long wand, and in grey or whit.. Min% 144 to 447, a ream, $1,15 u.nwt and guaranteed by us for wear and perfect 41t, on special sale at per pair 7:0•, CARPET SALE EXTRAODINARY Sattlmdsy and Monday clearing sale of *In ea lengths of tapestry and Rruwwls slid Axminster car)e(N lengths of two to say 114 yards. A 144rge Int has ecru IllIIINt1Vl from (hi. eemoon a cuttings now on special sale. Tapestry carpets, length1 of 2 to dl )'*4144. This wesnn's designs amt colorings, regular values ,ilk• and 4184•, at per yard Mc. Brussel' and Axminster carter ends of from 2 to Ig) yards, regular value *4)4* p1iee $1.111 to $I.ti. wile price per yard tile. INSPECTION INVITED. 1'.444.41)1.4\ TR.\INC IY,M11Ms11VItH$ 144 KNO1,...N)1. ?Ir•. Kemp Wanted 141 know what we. being dont• regenlitig a Caruulien trade 4onuuis'iom'r 111 IAo11,11, Hon. Mr. Peter -stela in' the ahs•nce of Sir Hichonl ('atwright, replied that it was now 441111• it 111441 ter of w8•uriug the right '11"1 81141 h•• li11rrrrinl.'n4, hoped 441 III44kr All ( nm)re•ment ill A few dales. 11.' 4411(1•81 that a trade 444 ' riun•t' Si 011141 also he 11,•444'1 Al lfit•- minK1(44m, England. ex emote 111M1•..4411CM %'11.1. 44144' RF: 14411.1'1)4411. \\-hen the Railway 1141 'rwion !till range up Again Mr. M4(,Ie441, and his following put up A '1 it! fight In 11'..4k.• it imam' rxpl144 c,on4anie'n, but the Miniet•rthought that railway *r,fl14 and ita ll,Alrtltie44 would keep the 44.n11n i1Mit111 lousy without inrIndirue 1•xp,11•MM lompoutir4. whirl). Mr. Blair. poent•d nut. roil.. he (*4111t with, if neceas 4,•y, by 44 sgklrate iwt Orf I'itt•IiA- 111,•11l : whereupon' the Maclean wing threw tip the sponge. Mr. Barker 111 Il'i..) wanted the• peot)le'' I',441 llnitlght ler the mop* of 111e 4 '*.inn. It was,intel ant that if hie vi1414 plrroil, * the 4'l '814141111.1x, ''U4, of equity towards the other I'ilw*ye, womb! ►w obliged 441 114• 11111 an in1're51Mr of height 11111.4. Th111 seared the Merit nue Province own out .If their boon, end Mr. Blair'', 411es'retion proved a "knockout.' t0 the Member from Hamilton. Irrl'.%W.\ 111 NKIIVO*'a. Transportation Questions Occupy the Attention of the House. Members of Radwav Commission Not Vat Ap- !wetted Express Companies will Not IN Included Within Scope of lh. Commission Candlelight 1n Ih. Mouse Notes hem Ih. Caret*. 114)4,''1111 rnrn•44.,n.lenee of The '44(1111.1 Ot taws, %Inv :11th. Thin Sean' 114 earning A 1(.1114.1 spa*m 441 he called the 1rin141114rt11*ion session. with Mr. Hleir'e !toaaw•ay 1' heoion 11111. the (?rand Trunk eppl*cN*' for a trenw'ontin- enlal uher1 'i'. end the (lover •*11'14 44nm1111 'in,*114tl"n of their nearwg. meet of the 1.1',11.. Along with the . muyeemeey. etanding readiness of the Nnrthweet l )ttswa hint been without rein nnw IIn't,L•lw to 11p,rin4 Slme .lmplein1 p for nearly sixty tiava, end ninny lawn,. again41* the ('.P.ft. Western service ; anre Already looking (mite brown. detafee 'sport all of which conclude Meyon'-Cook prop:woo to fltr• off all the fig gun. nn the 44nlperte 111 Nep'in feint, to fry and induct• a eh,,w•er. 111. Worship evidently i elle%( , in hind praying. '('*4.'a Io r 11'11 tri 1fi m if fee is keeping err' quiet., end little fa heard of it n.wndeya. 1'en that 1w• .*M of in regard to the fot•tiwr. They treat the sewltilm "f fifers 1• I)• W, W. Acheson & Son. A little panic prevailed in the minds of the rnpitnl resident« loot Thurstlty ell day: No (ewer than seven fire Matins w'1•re wounded, and owing to the terttfle gale whlr*l wee Mowing all day the people e'en• naturally unenny, a. "fine is n tender end seneitiv*' emotion to the average Ottawa citi- zen. In the evening, just after the House had r'aw«4'•m41efloor recess, all the lights in the building went out And 4,111' whole sit)- Wag in derkn.,w for' nearly All hour. PAndenluniint reigned for x few minutes in the ('om- .1•hAl11lM'r,. All the candles in the hnildiil44 were e•o'unand,'4rd by the aergl'xnt-A1-,Ir11111. who eu,'r4'•(11d in 4401*n44 five, and these, with a vont- oil hoop upon the table of the }1411181•, frt'ni4h,'l1 all the Tight obtainable. The Speek,•r 1,411111111) MIIMp'rn11Yl the moo - for half a11 11.1111% and the'manlier,' whiled away the t' • by singing, tell- 1nKNtalIPM et,.., Mete .. Archambault and Tailed Loving the leaders In sing- ing the atm'. 41111 81111448 heard at every division. A (all wad male upon the reporters, whereupon Mr. Mo•Krnna, ,.f The 111411f,Ix Herald, r'I1«pndlll with at 1114419 Ming. which 44'119 well re- ceived. if it devolved upon the 1411111' berr, of the prem gallery t, furnish f• 4'i 4)1 such •• •1 1.11 41 4,h In in non Int I'4' I ti n K K K I of business. they 1'I,Illl *111.w t11,' M.P. s A thing or two d M44sr44. Mr; Kenna. Meyer ('.14,k, I',weinghatl ,Mail et Empire) and (i*d*h)' (Toronto Star) w'el' 44i4en a flew' hand. ('411. Tisdale statical to tell A 1 ' story but the House did net quits' "tumble.. to the point he w•iMhel to make. Then• Were a 141 of 1441i444 *n the ggal- Irr•ieo, but they did not get wu111h' excited ; in fact, they held their wads until the Tight« were r•Mtnr'l "and seemed to enjoy the efremelata11ce al. h as anyone. at(YT em. Mr. Dart. Me(lillicuddy spent A few house in the city 41n Friday. The flag on the Tower fliess at half- mast on art(lnt of the death of Men*4,.r• O'Brien, of Montreal. De wowedwas n ('.nw'retive, and ens ('*114'1 to the rel chamber in 144111. On M*turlay Afternoon the ('on W'ry:dive II)'Itllw•re and r•plrtere 111.1 portedthrrn81'lime i4, a genie of cricket on the ('nnlm.01 side of the 11w11, w'Iti1e4*) the SellAt4' aide et the Name time 'he pages of the Hollow of 1' - 1t1ot11 engaged again«t. the I)itavya 1'oMew. Juniors for the lw1aehell with a diecu.'inn of t.reneyortefl4n generally. Any party going to the 4.011111.'7 with a pro 144n'11elVe trails - p,rt*ttnn 11114111')' NInng with aM.11ran(• of tariff potability . will heel. a pt•:groin! herd to heat. The he ('nn.erv,t feet' *41* el present. "tooting' the (Iowa/Intent simEtsEsmsailiMAIIMMIEMIEIVIMME11% "In the Good Old Summer Time is when you need a SWELL SUIT. Be ahead of the warm weather by leaving your order now. Every piece of goods is new and we have a fine assort- ment to select from. FRANK H. MARTIN TAILOR. CEO. W. THOMSON & SON MUSIC DEPOT Spring is coming Hunt out your Bicycle If you Il a v e n't one, cal around and we will sell you 0x10. "Recycle" "Brantford" "Crescent" "Hyslop" ',Reiman "Berlin" etc. If you have a Wheel and it ser..'), repairs we have everything need ful in the way of Tires, Pedals, Rims, (pokes, Saddles, Enamels, et'. Our I( 'PAIR I)1P.'RTMgwT is in charge of a Repair man who under stands and can make right any ill that a Wheel is heir to. Our Musical Instruments still lead. "Dominion" Pianos and Organr. "Wormwith" and "Berlin" Pianos. Guitars, Violin., Harmonicas, Mandolins, Gramophones. 10,000 sheets Music—Vocal and instrumental. Write for a Catalogue. 6E0 W. T80111SON & SON J. BROPHEY & 30N — TER LOADING — V%metfa\ D•'`y' etotft anlJ4 *mere ear.yally aftea.N le at all bare, slab( Ar day. A..bee eireel. !aCab1e WiRE BEDS Patented 1st May, 11111 ARE, GUARANTEED 4'„a a\1.4' 114 J. BROPHEY & SON (1t)I)EII1 11 Tell your Merchant You saw his Advertisement in THE SIGNAL - HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THS R[llT Siiiiitou ilail C iIf THE MARKT AI Coal •roAshad on 164 Market Welts wbfre retreat 17011 Ib.. for a lion WM. LEE. Orden 10f at LIM • $UPL>RD'e Beare yeemut(y atisw4ed l.. IT '8 ALL RIGHT I � and Students may enter Lis 4'o It' agony. tiros SPRING TERM h en. Msrrh 30th. Twe nnarsae, earn' mere,e and 11 o,rthos& Rend for eel• lege jowl' 1, O. A Pi.RMiN(). A. 1. MoIiNTYRM, tasmwtr. Good Pin1ing All Ways and Always at Thr, Si • 1'