HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-28, Page 10I
8 THUI:SUA1, May 28.. 1'J( 3
Often represents hours of arduous toil. When
that dollar is spent it should command its
fullest buying powers. To give it that power is
one of the vital principles of this business. Our
public know this. They appreciate the efforts
which this store is constantly making to give
them a bigger dollar's worth than they can get
elsewhere. We ask that no assertion made by
us should go unchallenged. Apply the test at
any time and you'll find us prepared to back up
our promises. We've made it possible for your
dollars to do extra duty on the following lists of
Shirt Waist Bargain
Nice hba.'k sateen waist..,, all sizes, re-
gular 75e line, going Jd SyM• ca• h.
A Good douse Waist
All -vA•-, a4, oitel 4.111.re. 111:1111• of gI MMI
print, regular u,tk al1I ".N•
tet 31.• each.
Handsome White Waists
11'1• are .hew ing extra udnl .111,1 1411.
-1\'e 111 11111 good waist* from $1.111
t.i one ;anti ave them.
Ladies' White Underwear
Extra value skirts. with two rows in-
set -Ina( 54.10 n and (,1.l tautthr 11 1.
at $4.25.
Extra pilot; e1.r.e1 ....ave. 511* 7..
Extra 1111,H•g.li its, 75e, $1.in nod $1.25.
Ladies' Kid Glove Bargain
domes. .Ie• ...f kll tin.. I nu•., I in tan..
111418 114 and hla.►s, r•gub.i 7:.. going
at nib-.
Ladies Hosiery
1..,.. t 1.11-.• .•If.v'1.. in h,,,4,. 111Nr•k Ana
.1..i-, ,Lente ..r 1.1.1,• I)at'•Itt. 4IN1-i8I
at 141...
Dress Goods Values
lbAuds.alu• black silk strip.• grenadine
and cheek pattern., regular 7:N:, fur
Hnlrwe•k effort theta weals very
sightly Jul/ dural/le rnatr•ria,. in tel,
intro•, taint n and res entla. gran
(odors, wide. lasting at AY,
Hams • waist gelds, ,ill.•. 75r and
gist y,1. _
Ladies' Sailors
Fames- Mixed str48,., 1,iee lands, hay a•
. I,-. t1. 8 .,Ike Ill/e, going :at I:.' , 8.h.
\ire shades 11( linen Alin. stripe
rices, also linen color with colonel
Arita., at Ilk.
Colored .1(111 white en atf 's
at .Xa
) ;IIH•y I.Isek /.,.)Alin.., 121e. 1.:r'. J1• and
('h:unbr•v ginggcluuns in plain *tilt s,
r..e,ula, •.x Ida..l. (author. pink, blue.
nlak,-theLeettui.rIto tvtiasranlaw,
trinities/ a it!. 1.1....pecinl t•it- yd.
Ly\'V11..t are iwtitaw1. W .tisit tour • Iothing Idol,Idol,any
la. 11 AMit tin.N•. 1'1111
•ly Weir/ ;told 111xe 118
• th,•'
styles ine• Hata. Snits. Shirts and Ti,,.. SeeSeethe values w.•
givvat for every dollar 44. 11.-
'rhe (tight lima are here galore. 1'ii.... flout :111. 111 11.11(1
Th.• Right Shirts aro here. I ,..n :C1. to illi.,Iii.
I1e4t yalne in Suite we have ever shown.
For the Men and Boys.
Important on and after July 1st, 1903
WI. 8 111 hal• e' I.. 111. re•,a••• the Ivil.• .11 tt 1111'11 8.• gi. r our piewiat furilitllre
bra' ., owing to the :whence i11 thew t•IAs*s Lf mlaterial.
The chair or table we gia lin 11fa.41) tarein ars will after July hit he given
on $:15.111 pinions, '- -- -- ---- _
The chair or table we give 1111 $15.11 Will after July bit lw• given on
1 bar rusts, •t,. ah•slll take Neh•antage of this HOW, and fill out their
anuaults Md,H,• that linty.
Smith Bros. & Co.
A Fountain of Pure English.
It was the r an • anent day. and
Miss Ennio•.• N'hnt,i.t hal taken on.• of
the principal prizes. :11 the chin. of
the exeryir,•s herr friends 11!1 10lwalwl
round her to offer their .4mgra4ila-
"lira weren't You awfully afraid yon
IAouldn'1 get it :11.14,41 • .f shout.
••1dt. n((." M(id Mise Fanner., with n
bright mode. •"1 just anew that when
it cane to English comlpw.aiti.n 1 111111
-esu all skinned alive."--Vomth's
The Signal to Int Jan.. lists, for 8th•,
Nrttmmtrtmmrrrmm tttmmttt mum
E No. 9 Coiled Wire, $2.63
[Barb Wire, $2.75
We hat I. a full stick at present. but it is *.ing mot last at.
• thew prices.
Out wife 111 4x118 gOINI thine veal. ft i. hard :111.1 1••11 gad%att.
17ANI. •
We rain give coli a ci,nlplel.• fent... 1.111 4444 than :Vic per rod.
11111 %-Noir• Ideal rent.*• f,r Ilk• per rod.
10 the
"(111p11•11).1.11 y
0f arm.
tit here.
1Vhy ''e
Imp limp
it in locked
s. that'
(limn a slide
on lettere I.
• it in mottle
of all No. 11
hard steel
W. s•tI it :ft about the same figure Nina -woven fences are
=.1.1 at, which ane woven with sift wiles that are light and M*Itt
plat; Inst.
If gent wallet n 8141'. ing .:whine we sell the best intake at
0350, or \{11.7:1 for ( 1.1.11. oUttit. or if n 1•be beeper hint is I1*•.
shoed we 4,.11 thrill, At /KOMI.
Lai v,.wllisfac*i4m. goes farthest and
sea's twat,
llinaeel 1111, (tae at gal.
Pore' white leant. $:t.:011.•1 elle
12-h. gates. r pled••. $3.11) each.
Na1M, Sr. A pannus.
And everything else in tlnniwa.n• at pr•iees to please. \1'.
aro in a Lotti -1- position to a1e11 hanlwnte than othrt,.. 11.III 8auv•
in our hoarsen,. N'.• enleav11r 111 gel 1 he I,•.t and sell I1*. Iw•.t
at the 111•Mt prices g . g.
The (iodcrich Hardware Store.
Colborne Voters Addreee.d al •ureori of the
Electric /Wear •Ila-.
Thr railwaay 111141 11114 lit Shel,lrudtuu
•,11 'rlle•Aei4l)• 1•11.1111111 Witte vet's 1411,1e•t.•.-
fol. '811.• itteInda111.1• was g1 MMI, 4411d
the widows... gival Wr18 instruct ire
an the extreme,
F. Hayden wars walled to the chair
old explained the ubje•I of the 11we•t-
ing. after which he ladled upon
Seeger, of (1•11. 1.8 11. w11,. (amok up the
y1..-'1,111 of the 111111111111111 Charter that
had r.•eutI 1.r11 uhtained filen the
L„ iJaemr•, and .1.1.8,41 the advant-
ages that 11811 183111 obtained by the
right to t-11nn.r4 with Luck sum.
W01 141111111. Warui.1 and 1 1 u
g I14nt11.
A. E. 1.V,I.114 g.111111I tsuaapprr 113
the Southwestern Traction CO, of
1411141.11, was 8111-retit.*I. Ile (said
a 11.11104• 141 the s1'1Ho1 •1f 1• 11•v
1;11.4,'11 As the H.14H1 'Ct•atrt Nod M11,1
any farmer who did mai Ls14l• iur
pn,lvd traiIl1I.1-tu11,ll st.N11 its his
(writ light and did injury to his to' n
pilgr•ss. He •lv,rIt alum the ey1.1u-
1114(1 41( transportation from the bLtzivl
tail alai 111( elect 10 the • st.vuu *1111
rl.,'iirk 131at1. and 1.1111V *I that NA it
nab -awed stage by stage the people
haul Iw•u lament tel. '1'11• e t of
extra taxes would be small 1111144,41.--
'1144 $1.1111 o11 every 11.11111 of 4es4ee44-
1u••nt and this would, after th.' first
year or 14,(, be largely met by the
14,11• ora Nilo 8011111 beat* *10118
for lineas haul leen the 471*0. on his
(1411 nNul and every cleattit road that
• was familiar with. Ili,. benefits in
inlp el1a.•r . •tion t.. 'market.
M' Ian 4 wet, lvfe•11e(I 41, and
evidently appreciated by the
•1•, . s a 811 way r,Al,.tnl.tur
'el• saiid he *amid Int give
y proposition t( the people
us 81113 if the people did
•Ills\• eta of it they meet
• from 0utsidle,• in the
The lawn 18.111141 the
were 11x•111 111811 8ho
r its their headily,
argil 14/ make t11e
the els-bore, but
I 41 care a N11ap
moved only
Irn.ls ('api-
to go into
enterprises of this kind ' ,1.h• when
they knew th;at• pu14i1 al niton Was
with them. and he could tell t r4, that
s 11road
hl w 11 . 4,.l k1. never '.e had
t h /
1.11• hide of construction hail the,farml-
erl .1lolig the, }'loposed rotate met ...n-
triMlled the first $.i11,1Ms1• 11 W. 114
1.1,4 111
L llv • v 11. ) mile 1. build a d
► 1. l a ,u! t 11 1
email) , . r
n this electric neral 8114 its t1*
1 1
present case the people were *eked to'
t i.itrileite only $7,11311.. rid in Wild -,
ten miles. or 1711(1 a anile, 1.r unr-
twent irlh of the 1•oat of cunl/ltvtct'
If they did that outside .apiuslistA.
•ails furnish 1)1, olh,.)- I.,4•teen-
t8rn1i4tlua. The offer should 1a• 1,,..
tellttal, fart he, • as a rlil% ay roan•
could :as4gn them troy Wou1,1 neon.
get :l i11•IIer. The si,eak,r 41..+41 an
,able ud,l1-4s .f an hours duration by
pots ung :1 3111,1114• 10 the *..rage and
gae'.i-dct,• 1• of the pr tel( of the
project. who now had obtained a
charter NIlIt waw Nee 1 111 11(1(14• in
Ontario. 1:1 ppdalls•.1
U. Me(.i11icud,l said tlwt after the
ably Iuldrees of Mr. %1'elets little more
need said. The tea4.,n why the
't 'jet.t.na had 1114111• , ,.I,1* au1 easy
1,1111(41sitiul ill the 11144•Ilt r4t48 8 -ire
that the people along the 4hut ' (tans
AtslMe•14'% no tin' Maitland had at el by
t1*.' eau, by von, and 111t• from its
ineepli411 and if any glean thing Nile
1g1•edrlg they deserved to get it. 11eo
iTn ri 1.lwrn upon Tl' fact that the-
a •1111441 ehnrter 8.111141 give the 14,x41
art rxter.MI.al Raul Owen 5410111 to
Sarnia along the lake shote, and in
addition 4o the Mot line Okla the
."linty. tit extend by Liu IW (41
Walkwrtun, and from Dung* to
1Vinglianl. there to•w,t.,lw t with the
1'. 1'. It.. thus giving *11e people all
along the line in Nisi Hemet th.'hetlr-
fil of 411n1)elitinn betW'ln the two
great steam lines, He 1•LMM•d by ask-
ing ph,•'1114•ro 111 sta11d 1,v their ne•unl
of the past and .show that they haul at
hwu•t II.ic own welfare• and that 111
11,.1,48 4.1111 4011111 come after 1hetn by
piling up n majority in favor of the
1.y lea 11n Saturday next.
A cote o1 thanks to the chairman
brought the meeting to a 1•1111.•.
Anther meeting for the discuseinn
of the bylaw Naafi held at Nile haat
night. There 4.111 be one at beet ern
this el ruing and ono• at Nanh,rd (4,-
(alorta.w evening, etch 811 • itin34 111
Pi o'clock
The vote will he taken on Kaatunlny.
high h I
Mallet i rad
spr k
such au
of this wet
1111 A% itil t'
rxpMel•t nu o
1 • 41 (este.
I44•M'1t 1111111,31•t
1•videutly had pre
and hello. 8e1e p
pr\•54•11t 8:any offer ti
outside capitalists di(
f411' 1(11141 p11411• 14111 4,1
by prospective goal alit
tallish. vandal 11t• 11Nhll't
Miss Altus, left ut1 Monday f.r
Toronto after visiting for a few week.
in town.
nets. (jn•ig, of HI•afurth. vent a fea
days at her former home here during
the week.
11. H. Pollak and daughter, .f
Ayhn4r, were g the holialns
visitors in towtl.
Mrs. 1'. l'(1ebh left on Tuesday to
spend some thaw with her Mln, t''t•ed
l 1101t1, of Jersey Pity.
Mims ,111(•1' Pates, who has been at
tending business college in Toronto.
WAA home for the hnlidav*.
Mimeo. (1 Wen l'o11Nn•ne and Ma
Dunlop have returned from Tormato
University for the holidays.
Mr. and Mn.: W. 1La1.1and and ,•hil-
(r'n, of ('linter, were holitt • viMitors
at, the home of Mr. and AIM
\lints 14,1(i4 L.Ig,ut left 111 1'ue1411Ay
for her 1 • in Buffalo after a visit t",
her grandparents, ents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
K irkhrid..
Mr. and Nita.. 7'. 1.. Wood and Chil-
dnen. of *rantford,'isitd Mr. 1Votal'M
Mister, lent. 1'. T. Marls. for a few days
t e'pnMl week.
M114. 1111111g141.111 nee Itri4•gel1. of New'
York, arrived yesterday. *0. am:units)
,143. her Mt•llMm and I111ad, to Vend the
54.111(131 in t11w•n.
Bert :Martin. of 11'innipeg. in visit-
ing 11114 1,111111.14, Mr. and Mas. 3. 1'.
Niko* al, mad looks *sit life in the West
agreed with him.
Mrs. John Ache11111 haw n•tsitwt
horn n yitit to her e11u34ht4'ts at He4-
iclet Nnd 411 lii shy, Mr. Ach4sm also
spent a few day., at tit ir,,Mby the plant
N'e were pleased to hat( N call this
week front our old friend 11(1141181.
Stands, who Cann. op !Hall (i1,t14,N• to
41.4111 II few alar. with the tn,mberat 11(
his family here.
Miss Hattie IMn.rglr went to Tor-
1111to 14. hear the elate concert on
Mosley night by the Ikea orchestra,
with Mn*.'. Nonlie. anal Mooned ph'
1teazke ale 101114.1114. She 1444 delighted
8it11 tb. 1.1•110141)11 111•14.
Harry M*, -tin was rip from llanlll- 1
ton over the holiday to clad* his,an
eat,,, Mr. and Mts. 1I. Martin, and re- I
turned on Tuesday 1141',nrlpllrlied Icy '
111. Wife at111 r•hildr•n, who had been
akiting here kyr at few' weeks.
E. jr. (1. 1hm1.1411, In4'.l.lrnt, and E.
Moody, %ice pr•Mido•nl, .f the Huron
11111 Itope AMS M•1at 11111 of 'roront.•
13118 111 town for A feel hot,. on Mon
olAy on M,aitle,e. in •1n11n'4•tion with
the pnljoeted rex ,it*inn of the 11. O.
R. 'a to the rtalnt.y in July. •
4 41 1.•1 •.(1 aeairb1 gi4w) (e4, 1 044 ((41119 7.1
Tricall.Y, May 211th.
The Rpworlh League of Nile
..nMethodist11'ratitu Irl ofteMr. lawn
luul Mrsmedal
Charles (1it-vin Monday evening .d Ibis
week. There was a lam-ge atter141ance
f141111 the morT.4ylling nrighirichtM/.1,
not a few IM•111g present frau Dun-
gan lll(il mid several from (ilde,-n I1.
K1.4/11N131. I1tseIhaII, (•1'.411(1•1 ,4111 other
341(1111.4 wet'1• 1uiihdI t.I 111 11y Illally. A
p14.34111111 rel 411 ii t1. by members of Nile
choir and several grunl•gthune "*loco
II1.11w a luded an enjoyable social
galherimgThe gale Iv4rlptr auu)unl-
lel 141 towel'
A l;KK.IT KNT. 1114• corner 1141111•
Laying of the new )II•thtsl►sl church
w111 take plate oil JIM.' lith, at 2::11 p,
111. 34(411348 will 1M• laid on 11411413 of
the eougr•gation, the trustee !sand,
Sabbath se•hlad Anel League by Mr.
Myer*, of Saginaw. Mich., and of the
titan of lhluglAs & Lacey, New York. a
f rising ability. :ea old friend 11f
111uo1, forint* oM,•ial oto the Iran of
Wesley ehur•h, (iiuteon ; 11'111131(
Dollen y, „f the frill of !hater, y k l'1.•,
ut•gau Illaitiifate (tone's. mai 811 famous
everywhere (Mr. Doherty it1 a s4and-
aI'Ibtwary its Methodisul, with loving
thought AIM deed for the Hatters
kingdu,u. but especially known and
es4e tied its 11'esley church, Clinton) ;
4'}uu•Ir.l;irvin, of Nile, whIwe loyal
heart sod gencnAa 1141111 have hall
lunch to do with the ertrti of the
Ilt•14 churl -11. a loan w'htse presence is
Nn itsopirati111 in the ehun•he who
hold. aAriolua of her ter slnnible 11�1114.4
and a member of the Ibuilding evn11-
mlittr• ; John Joy»t, .f I.ucknuw, 4111
h11ll1lw1 Ili tttt in Met lexlis11,, known
at ha and atrnsul. Nh11 Not been
charted and attended Intl- General
1'onferenyes, 4411d A d.•Y,ttd follower
•,f Christ. A notable feature of the
p ri.gra111 will 1a• Nele tiun4 from the
Latnesls 11..shall V yuatiett•, to Iirntiun
which assures as feat, And Tyudal
brother.. of Carlow. The laud (If
Auburn. Nile choir, and others will
rulive•u the proceeding. with nn1!*i4.
A411114•10.44. from Messrs. Juynt, (iirvin,
e, a•
1 11 Its. Mvrrykres A. . O. Ha
1.urknuw, S. M. 'Maley. Ht. Helens,
Iq. U ' •I. Gotha -telt, And R. McLean.
H. Holmes. ALP.. Jan. Mitchell and M.
(1. Cameron. H.P.P.
1)1. !Mantel c1.
uuruwn of'*
t1*r dim(
has consented to take charge of all
le•lelmutlies. A mapper will be 1wt-t•Id
by the ladies front i to l$ p. II.. at 25
vents. leo ctealu, 114111 made. rte., at
nd,.. All heartilyinvited. Sur-
to tiling ' i11t•1s of all ,drn(4uin-
atiheartily1. cordially invited 41 la. present
sad •copy a seat upon the }})latfonu.
1)uildl dot
'tits : has. (i Irvin, R.
\14Ilwanll, Wln. Bailie, S. Sheppard,
H. Iiaid. H'as4,r, )1. J.'1Vilslu.
Tt'tt..m.4v. May ]1D.
l'litf,rl Pug1, of Hr mbebt, spent the
24tH at house.
14,(1131 Molter ,t*, .f Pordwich,
spent A flow day. at his bora. this
\V.sl•y I)rnmi.u, .1 1'lintim high
s•h,Nd, spent a few (Les at his h.u1e its
tllut.tale this week.
\h.. and alts. Jame. Stewart and
c6ild,ell, of Manitoba, all \ isit lug her
mother. alts. l'ollu•.
Milt Maggie • 1'x4•(14,(1, fr. t Niagara
Fnllx, N. V., {N visiting her f 'end/. in
Iilu,•va*.• and Wingl ata.
Miss f.• 1a ifnrgess hats g r to'
\Veadst,ck, where rhe intend* to
1{1({t her brother for *nue time.
The Pnsbyte ' Huntley is htld
held a picnic tots Monday down by the
river. they all haul a etjoyablr time.
quite a 111111(4e• of the yuwlg people
of lett• village attended the picnic at
l.inton's glove Nay 21(1* and haul a
very nice time. ,
The slaleauletlt of the I.uadb *uppper
will lie aid ' barred next 3441)1,ath
snorting. Preparatory service owill
be held Friday- 111„1.11111d• , 4, he roto
duet4d by Rev. Nr. Iiia -sir, of lie/
Tt'w.m.t v, May 31th.
\\'1cul4u oN Tttt' or .t Vuu'.ttvo.
(ha the 1 of the neat active and
the largest voltanti in the wot•Id, the
wedding (ve•rluusky of Mary 1. Tews-
let•, 54'01111 daughter (11 the'late•Jo1M'pll
Ti•welev, Colborne t.1Wnsllip, x1111
Alltert-Krli,+ggg34 Harford, the only eon
4 \Vol, IIaliolII, Iii Almada,
wets pM•rfornud, the happy event t4ak-
tll$ place its the Volcano Hesse on
Kilauea volcano, Hawaiian Islands.
11p• Ivwllus were Itan.le,utel)'de•or•rled
With Hewers And greenery, and the
Hoot, hidden beneath lrt•Ils and nes.
The hridr wax attirel in white (am
feetiett 0a -enacts! With chiffon caught
rip with white %iulrl44, and carried a
bouquet of white new. The tine
wedding take had hero provided, it.) -
scribed ltd 1188411*n language, Aloha
nui ,a•, which *14811x, Pn,vllrrityy and
I4,`)piness attend the (leapt... The da
(ollkw•ing the party 1fi)ali.'i, the
Minister going Zack down the vuleatro
oto one side to I (it., and the ((there on
the opposite side W Pah*la, Where
the br*dtgr tams hall a beautiful home
pn• pawl for his bride, Miss Teweley
and. her 1)14111144, James S., w -h11 8.4344
Ises nt at the 1,1441.1•IIt ,•. Are. Well *111(1
attar - o
1 I knl w
n in thin '
1 ) h licinitt•.
MnNn,y. May 26th.
Chas. Miller, who 11110.a position to
1'linton, spent Hut*bay and Mobility at
h • IM•n .
\\'. Sturdy has tn.vr-1 11.1 IAtcknlw,
where he intends madding for the
hltale. 1
iter f,
n hen•
I'resbyterial meeting of the W. F. Al.
Stalely 1(e1.1 ill 1Visglwul Let Tuesday.
Misses Annie and Mary ('I.rk and
Messrs 1'. A. 'feMwtt anti J. Joynt
lt. ••
h t :u•Lc:,: e,tltrntion held
in Exeter last Thursday and Friday.
We are pleased lel know that lets,
11'. J. Ttd-I. oto h.,. is en •what
itsalia(sl0I. is getting heater.
Mr, and ,lets, Nunl(ek visited with
friewla Iran• ! 141 are •k.
Noe are pleased to are. IJ. Webster
hawk from hie a sal spring Mtsinriw
trip t. the West.
.l 1111111.«•(.3 1.h•• young people of
this' vicinity spent \day ph•fieing in
( 7.111rric*l..
Mr. 1111 h. .f Winghani, 'spent
Sunday with fri,-tele in tine vicinity.
Mist. Jean 1110 Mt•. 11', Todd spend
Numbly and Monday in Treswatrr.
A'.1THInt Ptoxttxp OoNR.-Amit her
of the few remaining pioneers of this
li*triet, 'in the person of isdwih
(:aunt. on \1'rdei swlav of batt week
011v41 AN ay to that -hole front which
its. traveller ever Ietllrlla. MI'. (;aunt
N;1* A 11)1111 Who WAN 4il,•I% A1111
f:tvrably known• having ieen for 31
ler of years r'M•t•(• ,If N"e•at
11 awan4ah. -Alain( a year ago he
moved 31.4111 ilia farm here to the
illage of Lttrknnw and wale a resident
of that placer at the time of his death.
Copy of chan1e of running adverbs e
meats must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
Golf supplies
Tennis Etc.
Close Woven hammocks
front $1.00 to 15.00.
Colina, *lel, Omen and Yellow-
Spalding's Golf Clubs,
from 85c to $2.50 each.
Golf Bails,
15c, 20c and 25e each.
Tennis Rackets,
from $1.00 to $5.00.
Tennis Balls,
25c, 35c and 50c each.
Croquet Set,
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and'
Sue show window for
the newest things in
Wrist 131gs.
Geo. Porter.
'Phone 10011.
AS .L O.,(J MP AM-
Deckle to buy whatever 8111x• yon like Zest, 13l'T NEVER FORGET ONE
THING -that if you are p*rticulrr and want to choose from a very wide 411.
Mortinent of different etylr1, thele is one shoe that ORIGINATES all these
*Lyles and offers them to you before they are copied by others.
Sole Agent for Goderich
1.h. ()yens, I.. k. t'. P., M. R. ('. H.,
M. It., •rr t -
h w 11 k11uw-n $111-gron atld
/a•ulirt 1.l London, and x ape•ialixt in
rye, ear, now and thrmt trouble*,
will be at W, C. (iuode's store Tu.siay,
June ''bid.
Ice cream parlors. For troy fruit
juicer and guard pure Jersey ice errant
341, t4, the Victoria Restaurant, \\•est
',dread. Rest attention and every
re luisit• for the /uhlk• (omfu►i. Fruit,
confectionery. tobacco o and -igen,. 1'.
BLACKVTn.Ntc, pOPrietur.
P. T. Dean, the g1411er, has se.•u1e41
the O11d.rith agency. hitherto hekt by
W. P. 1VIst4.by, ft r the Parnell -lean
scram bakery. of L,tulun, and hoiws
W retain all ("enter rust •(11 41111
54.11131• A tlutuIN•r of new ones. Hi.
luh•rrtiNlleut Will appear in next
week's inane ..f 'ruts MioN.li..
J. W. fates, gr•acluate from the
loetitute of tl(•irnev, R4wheat .-r, *hs)
front College of Hypllltirll. Mich..
corr. by hypnotic Mtg34g34estiun r•heuru-
atian, wintry*, neuralgia, dyepep in*.
weak Lurk, 1(t* *ring, Mammas.,
dipeanania, cigarette habit and alt
ner',e troubles, 0411 Adelaide St.
West. Ttlront11, 3341
Pr4.f. John A. Niel.I1(4 will deliver
his thrilling and graphic- lecture, "A
Night in the HI 1.1 New- V.rk," in
Victoria tat. Methoddist chinch on
Thortelay eve g, Julie Ith, lour
11511//034 at 3* I' ciM•k. Ail i,s,iuu 15e.
The l31•tllier Is 1411 ellMpll•nt and popu-
lar platform uMtor. t)on't mina it.
Nock,, 1*. (;r.e'ne's reliable int. -
proved Sarsaparilla drilla iN m.4, ..441 at the
fnli.''ing price.: One *Atte, :11.: t Wu
h.(tie. f..t tsk•, or three IMotlle, for
only =1.25; nod you tslltst hay wool if
you want t.t take advantage. of thy..
1431111ce41 prices. (1..!141 r•hahl,,Ir•t•i1
M•Iti for i'2, $ (end *14 each. Try 'Inc.
J. W. WaATttt[n.u.u, K*•hei,tl agent
fi4 mayn't-11r14.Nialt'.
hranNng home, Ha. David's ,.t.
Niagara Falls
Under the auspices of the
Canadian Order of
The .io'. o-rlan,ed erxtety will run a n4nn.tlr
exrur4aon to Mager. on the 1c,',' dere at
chiding alt .ration. between I.dernh .41111
`4n1t.ea. et the tunnAing 191111ed Iw4e1
T4mUsM Adult" Children TMns•..t
lea. 11.31
(;OIIP:H ICH !k 1S$) 105131
HOLM EHVILLE 2 ( I 2 Ynri 11 Il116i, 0,a
l'l.INTON 7 43,
SKAFORTH 2 06 1 1217.31
SI)T. (x)lt1N'M11AN _' (1.6 1 067.34
NITt'11E1.1. 213►121 11 (3)l7.11:t
NEH}11N(1V1L1.1T 1 Ml 11() 7.:8.1
HTRATFI►R1) 1 tlo $&$.I:,
Tlrk.'1. Ea(44(1 33111133 4M 'p.•lal Ilwln t,.1..
tu..rnin) .141 rl•turnon Prlal ►twin )(1411.
. clnrlg, wlth the loris (lett* ,f 1.41.4lnu•1( 4e •'r
4041 0) arninit on an) regular Irwin on .114,
de). 411 141 train wilt azure .1 Mage.* e1
tlyl x.114. 4M Flid*, and 11(ave a M P.m eh.
441.11 r, ening. giving eight Amin' time In wet
the44111. 411 one of the „reat.,•t wo*den 1.1 t1..
woad. spas 181 .n naveunl. have been 1,4.4,
. I n tts• (.T.34 4•
for sant** w oroa4d1m441 .441
A••4 roawite . Ka eryh.t) notate 11041 ut.tr (lo.1
the event ml the wean•. Mrrnre y.eur M 1.. r.
before "'Ms yy ►norntns sad (4. mil .•mwdIn& .4.•4
delay. At alt of the .1M, a named 4.11444...
r IN Seadr4h. t$ke4 n,n.t he procured fn.u•
the II. 1'. R. Ticket Agent, anti at Seetor11.
Innis (be ,nanabees rf Ms rsmmttee.
AtttR Treat. N. •►[A*E Sec.
JOHN MSINTO.t4, Chief' Raengsr
iaturday Skirt Day
4,E are going to make Saturday, May 30th, skirt day at this store.
There are two specials we are going to sell under their real worth.
We bought them cheap ourselves, and now pass them along to you at
prices that ill save you a little money.
White Skirts 68c
Black Sateen Skirts 68c
As good skirts we n ver sold at this money before.
White Skirts
Ladle's white cots( under s rte rotate
from strong English 014 , draw
string*„ full width, three . wit of
narrow tucking, and outer fri of 8
inch etro 134 r•amlri,• embroide all
ekes, choice on SatntdaT *Ache..... .. elk
Sateen Skirts 68c.
Ladies black lateen skirts. ((lade from
wax] totality black sateen, brigpht.
Hninh, will went well, full width, wide
frill and ruffles, special bargain at
each HBc
Better White Ski s 11.00, $1.50, up to $4.00
Better Black Skirts $1.25 and $1,50
A lag assort Nr1,1 all real good value.
More New
We have been doing 't big shirt waist business;
that is not to be wondered at for there is a stock
here that is bound to win trade. Many new lines
were opened up this week. They are now and
exclusive, and today there are dozens of shirt
waist styles to select front. Isere are a few of
many lines.
At 7Sc
Indies' white lin shirt
%aisle, two Headers of
narrow tucks', and one mw (1f
insertion down each aide of
the front, two clusters of
t ark, down the park, (all uses,
each 7:c.
At $1.25
White shirt N'AlNtaa Ill/lllt.
from fine lawny., r•hlatl•r$ of
tine telrkt down 3e011 nn,t
la4•k, fair ',trappings of
inaerl ion aeroia front., inert --
Gott and tucked }deeyra, ruga
tucked. lawn tie with ie,,,.
allih811 enal(4, *4141*. $1.270.
At $1.25
P iii a muslin shirt waists,
hark (linden. of narrow
t arks, froth. alternate 14/114 of
leve and emlea.idrl•y ins•r-
lion and forking, hidden
buttons, 1nw•n tie hem -
'ditched, (ticked cuffs, rash
At 12.25
St ylish shirt W11 14 nlndc
fnlnl whit*' vesting. and
mat.lnlln, 4.1.111tel Lorry
(43ri)w11, three large pearl
putt ria, very sl.ylieh, each
Three Good Lines of
Summer Hosiery
Hosiery business is good
hese days. We have a big
sortment and good values, a
coathination that is bringing
the trade this way. Here are
three popular lines we are
selling a big quantity of.
Two Pair or 25c
ineu•k (•.,tto 1(t eking., all alma,
fall fa.shionrd, t color, two pair
for Hni,•
At 2s
!adieu black cotton kints, very
fine finality, teal Moro , Herma-
11.1•f dye. apllc(d heel toe. all
sire,., per pair !Bc
Children's Stockingt
Children's fine rihM4i rott.otl hose.
American make, made from 1fnrr
Egyp)tian rime,mooniest. fret., f/1tt'
black, a 1•plendid stocking to wear, all
RisAn, per pair 35 and Ark,
The lantana BLACK CAT RTO('K-
(iMLR, SS, 85 *ad 40r.