HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-28, Page 8Because we arereat believers in qual-
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L" e� Gwsv'sMARR1A6E
/r yaws utuster 1u? 1 wort ren .\ 1 11 ps,r t. 1,,.: ,: u, .,-e•w
hila iismtxllutely.'. Wed gtoapa Tits Malde beglu to oil
letter starts back with a stifled SIP
Mauro bo and ide up
lour very
rtdfr to
rwtiwtLtln. Iierc, of ail sten W the
work' to ask a.lalttaue. 10 thio wordy tette the story of the uuhnfpyyy
hours, stable Colonel Bryan! mistake. and when be has finished
Tile o41 Lutlrr Mutters wi.h excite- there are tear," In hie own eye•
meta ; he feels as if the honor of the, alta ked rules come from the r.rr
1..•rm,N,e were lyimg in his handl, The tatty. Tout a ruttier pretty !muse
pride of the gooi.h 01(1 mem.' trod the luald re.lulrer bemilf support from
bit a of the oW trios* ricer hotly w(th- the stalwart arse of Stu attractive.
to hunt. Ile draws up her frail old lig- yWllg footman. u hardly to it wua
are anal herr the passage. dered at in the tery trying vie -
"I do tout thfuk you can took for a twmrtunceee.
wet' t Iu title huuwe•, sir," he me)... ' old Peter ie the first to break the
proudly.• eil.•lece. Holden,; up. tide wttbrr,d hands
t'.duurl liryun, laying Ley hands on ho cries, In quay. ring neeents .
tit odd mat's *houldore, pushes him "Thunk ltent•cu for this flight,
forcibly ou our tilde. thunk Heaven.'
"Yoke me to your maeter r' 1s all "Amen!' .oho.. Sir Maurice, Solt •
he setae; nod Peter, •luwbt,•uutled, ly ; uw1 thea. 1$ 11h a murmur of u.nn
erlrrys, andleads the %ny to the lib- . meet. and Weavings. the tbmerties
teary, teaming with rage,file out, and r.-tireto dlrcuse the
"And U out wart tour death, 'alawonderful event of the day.
only what you dhwt•ry° r he mutters, Peter remoter behind for a mo -
tin he hobble. along, with Colonel
mt.+et and npptvemohca hue .sutler
Bryan stelkiter utter him. •tlmi Sly.
Throwing epee the Itbrery door, l 1 want to tell you, Mir Maurice,
Ute •
(J•1 mar unnieincew, in a voice that ?tier, /r out one •,1
Ammo uuurt.iilgttIt' tar ham this night but wile
"Colour{ hrynn, Itis Mourne!" ofu our Inumtlle 'sewn to - h,•1{,
Ye, m.nnrnt the uhf retainer user dear young mLtrwe• to forget
watcher %bile lele master leapli,terhie all idle taarruw ted treble tete has
feet. 11x• seam the awful look 4,1 rage uh" e'�,w)• teeter, thank yea!"
mei emotion sweep over el rye'n dhekiitg the esti matt aardially by .the
fnc.'; and Int hn:arr Colonel Bryan Ino(. And then Mr llaurle and lite
,•teialin in quick, mike,
Iuatr tomes 1e'Aher are left alone, their minds
"1-.t( hmvett'r rent.•, lkriuut, be- whirlwind et t•xclt,•o•nt.
fore you speak, hear me!.
And `then Peter closes the door ler tier latae? ranral Jtr•rluel u.. almost
'putty. nod retiree to the dun B, iu
allcry at tie. et
stge earn matters
la. tltlak •.stases- q..rtfy._urer-:Ly+heap taken. The atom• wows nu wi41-
hinw,•If. ty• supe 'sable. Two eleterie sdsKak-
en id...t att y, send 'secreta •cret marriage!
Tififteen,n, fteen, twenty minute,lluw incredui.Ie! Whnt will etery-
eletpee. and no sound prt'rwle from body way 7 How will the world take
1chlih1 that eltwtrl deer. it 7 g.s her thoughts run.
"1l. Ids-geltleaw41,0et-Lira°,"a-1" «C+-Annrt Bryn h=ferret mart'iatte-
orf pistols %•pull liar° nettltnl i1 !" Sib)" tls-.•rt.d-erreutrie uncle-oo'i-
thinks the old man, mu.,ng madly iv•ulm. ret of nnarriu(•.• : 1 Nee it art'
over the degeneration of mnnk:nd. Merritt ti.fts frim gib., to idp.y --
"it woaW teat° Meeh all flnirhtrl be•' unsettle,' Huntley ! >ly dear Sfaurlc,•
fixe •hreakfiewt, nal' the. dtegrnee the wIut 'm4eta►kn to rarest ?anneal
to the faint name Wlha1 out ret but wily your wife ell• u.I have *howil
btoa.l. Oh. dear, tenet. are s•ldly ouch all utter avant of confidence in
rhustgtet 1" - yew 1 cahoot imagin.•."
• The Ilbrery dior upeus, tend bar "It wow my fault," he arrwera,
.laudse roue« down flu. emit ror• walking up 411.11 down in strung ngi-
rt.irr. ttatknr. "liip.y teats afield to tet as..
"Peter 1" and to think of whist mho Gottat have
"Yes, Fir aluurc.." suffered, mintier !" hu crier, pu scion-
" t.k le•r ladyA.1p to scat,• herr ,1t,ly. "1( tile tt retched tvr►guea of
n Lsunent•"- our nmashi,ure IwI been keen busy
"Yee, ter Muuri•.•." about my' affair's, it oven! never
R'lutt nile the master? 1Ile voice tort, 1•.hnppenid. You knew what
is eh lef a tremble! l.a.ly Dermot you told tut, 00 the day 1
o'mee rwetllt.g out of the drawler• reached{ atueeilntot. n : you know the
retell le enewer to the ssmwuas, sad ,d1. of 'Itinnili ; et 1 t. we that hod
tonin lit• neveterious pair 1n gees lib- tees collected. .itt
r c. It all, •very word. And
fol 1 1',•ter 1. more fogged than over, When she came to m.• -my wife, my
.Ohl returns' Ince more. to the cult- ",Iprling-I dr,v0 her away, awl
'.1•IeraUoo of the olden times. He -would not let her speak ; and 1
the cnrl*Ity o. ono or tee mala. minas! 'her. and rent lice out int.,
in the Ind. They have come prying at th•, wort 1 al in • . an 1 I tee 01 a before
the dilutes, anti, with a reprimand, he heaven -that she should never see
nismi..a• a them to their own region., our baby agree. Aral hook bows no
Ifs nt•,y rant 1w• quite In the 'octet. cure,. came hack to me. 011, (Lpty,
•. the atm;ly hlm+n•If : hue h. halls (aptly!' he cries, bitting Blown and
the iter:or of the Dermot• to be a sob- hidipg Ills fare and writhing with tau
Pot above dbcu.rfon in the ser•uut.' ,loony of mentor,.. not .elf reprotcle
lutll."1, Wiwi 'Mould Into. believed In her
At Lut the deer opens again,'and nit 1 believed in Heaven -and to
Fir Itinerate awl Colonel Payne come. thine 1 t•utee.1 1.rr."
out together. Nay, Colonel thy:sten "I eonrlder'('.dunel liryun the On,
arm fn rveu Bittern In Sir \Rorie,". 1 to blame.' putt In Lady Dermot, pre -
old Peter•abrolately reel. In his a.- m.ntly. "It wag' n most extraordi.
1 .tl.hmrnt. an -1, for once In hie life. .wrry proceeding for him to con-
fe•.dM a Retina ttott nearly akin to can- ve:al the marriage and deceive his
tempt for the Planter. And yet what wife to he. .141. dear MGaurice. The
has come to Nur Mneirlee? Ile leek* whole• ml..ernt.le beetneei Ilam been n
trauif.rme•l, radiant, and excited, chapter of accbtente from twgin
rein file vice -what n 'glad ring it nine to end, anti how'we are to ex -
h e when he "'peaks ! Peter cannel plain it to everybody 1n more than
teach elle words -he hs ton furloua to 1 ran un.ier',tnnd."
is? so. lie holds .pan the dour. nnsl Then the bring, ferwarl n prnrtl-
w•:etches the tiro men step Oat Into rad gneetlon. " Heve you any ',bet
the elmfinw. where your wife Is ?"
"Gear!-ul.ht Ylnurice, my p.Ier. fel- This• 01w01 n net.' fir11 for wonder
low, gorge -night 1" end enh.$ eturn, Lad: ilermot calmly
"(hind -night, Itrynn. Iftpven hkam ',trailer', the postfhlllt;; of Gipsy'n
yew 1" 11:ialre ded-Iu 111.' meantime.
1s Mir Maarten arses whet, giving '' If she haul linen living. We ehoti'd
melt n hn.teigrip to the roan whir tine r erIoti l Ito to heard of her," elle
ruined hie happiness:' The Ilght eremea, end nlmo.i hopes Ilya .i.-1
shines full on hie fere nal Ile evnnet Is sal be 111.4 eau.: it woul•I..hnplIfy
fowl' lata the WI. ile hooks like a mnttere grentl . to It le, the es -
min nit.. line mon*. through sawn I I:teatim a will be to metlting fearful.
great mental excitement, no n man 'h. have to prove teeldeel.' that a
might kfok wlo•ham steklenly Ilford man's wife never ran :away at all,
teat meete .Irr•Adfnl wows, Iw etrt, tree• teed that lips tvhulr has b'.'n n Nino
He entebo teigthtrA't1P heli nett,
regarding hbd ulp''u-miestle I nnd he
make, no he. meal t. du long ago.
"Peter, bring NN kir• nert'0rl•1r tie
( t
the 1i rwr . I have s+aht n t tell
b Y sem R
yrru MI to -night."
in trey nil come troop -lam, to wee
her ladyship in a bec.tniug ate of
agitation, sMate
tamling try Iver coo,
w'h.isee hat•e fit pale with PIM tion,
"You are all here, every one of
ni 7" M• b-.riitt very insetradily.
".Yes, [3T Mlanrbe."
Inity IK•rese.t tanks down and cave
mil her eyes, with her linnet
"My friends.," ter Mntarlee con-
tinues', Will with the eetre:ere trem-
bling In lite voice, "i want yews all to
-help me to undo a gent and cruel
wrong. 1 wna,l,le. tell you all that
tvrmerrow 1 nm Roans to bring
home meet oak pardon and forgive,
new ref my true end dear, dear etre!"
wlwtt a brute he had been 1
lireat drops steed out upset Ills fore-
head FIN ho mallow went (limey's fate
mighthave been. Ile hears lite
nest her suggest lug advert beements
and detective officers, an•I, I,ke a man 1
le a dream, he listens, but cannot :
think. Then he one tubers the let-
ters that attao to lately, and opens
the drawer at etre and lays the :
teteket in Iib mother's lap.,I
" Read those, iv Insall, If I •Itii1
(lame! them long :mgt, wunld have
loll the truth They less from Sibyl."
Then ilke a flash oemies the thought
of Uccle den's hours.
" I will go there era," he ears,
derisively, roused by the thought of
action. ' Where ,-Iter tonna rhe have
ttetne ?" I
Lady Dermot rheas it few trace over
the letters.
"Pixar Gipsy 1" rhe Stall. gently. I
"Ilow we all have nil=ju.igenl hers"
By ndait!ght rho hate written et
pile of letters to dear friends, giving
too earlt and. all a sketch of the real
fuels. .them by her ,ReneY there will
tett w••.'k appear In the society
(rapers an account of this motet re-
li ,•. Her won
: t u effete In hl t
m as t gh
wife Iter twee publlely condemned, and
mist ba public)=• received once more
lutes the arme of a penitent comm.t
. • • s • e i
That. night the key turns in the
leek of Olp ey's room. which has nob
been opened since the afghl that Sir
Maurice turned his wife out bf the
lma: -
11..tnn.Ir with hushed breath now
up,u the. threshold, and then enters
very a.,ftly. looking In tar if he al -
newt expecte.( to see the sweet face
1 y nig Rin the pillow,' to in the 01d,
happy days of married life.
Alt, nu -the room, strikes .Lamp awl
chill like ti cluembttr of the dead 1 The
white tr'eanliglit etrigglee in through
the 'shutter... Ile open.' the windows
wide, tend the white rlghtl floods the
It it all tt11 ober left It that night;
the dinner -drew still lime atonal the
bet and the light falls on all the
little ornaments and knleknacks that
speak leo forcibly of (lipey. A gro-
tesque toy she bought for the baby
stands upon a little treble in the
Mir Manrtee looks ell roun•1 at t
everything; and sorely all (lipsy rut- I
feral cannot equal lite torment of
•.elf -reproach he le enduring now 1
"11'ilr-my wife 1" he groom, think-
ing of alt the lost mouth* of leappi-
nes. "Oh, (tipsy, litpryr'-whieper-
Ing her name aloud.
Ind then he thinks of the poor.
little dead baby, the child that Gipsy
Inver) so well ; anti even- 01pey will
never quite understand all her hus-
uebaud goes tltrongh this night.
1'TEH XL. -
of •mlwtak,'n ldrntft , sa%ore too much
of the mnrvi le of romance to knit
i.tuly Dermot.
I'ut Ph Mnutt'.' llel k+ of not bine
but hie two. To fly to her nt .ace
Is him eine 1,1en-to rearelt te, the
world's end t111 he. finds her Is the
smile thorned tient occupies him. He
thinker of her ret he NOW her Inst, her
fere flllel with n reproach it:miter-
nlrle he thin/se of her as elle knelt
n 1 hie fet4 and pleaded( for her efil:d :
and Me hs•nrt .well♦ to burnt !rig, and
he feels thet n lifetime whstld be too
short to tri• to tetter.. 1.r sada n
wrong no that. 'Ho thinks of her
as, on that awful nlgitt, she went
out Into the rein ani' darknena cursed
by tin lip. she had loved no well.
lir hie srlf-nbisrment and remorse
he makes no nllotvane.n for IIIa uwtf
heeling. ret 1 hnt terrible time. Not
money, and no home! Geed heaven.
Good Paint not only beautifies
but protects and preserves,
Ramsay's Paints have brilli-
ancy and durability which make
.thein the most economical to use.
Ramsay's Paints are good Paints.
verde ns men.neing ilii. paper. fnr hamlet shewiq
hoer some bee, 111u1 home are painted with our pa lnto.
lad. 0142.
Shouting Isn't Proving
1. the matter of the .-.railed Catarrh
Cueec Others prate a:,d pr,.m'es; we per-
form and pre..
k. Atsew's Catarrhal Powder
t.. p.wdei put In the ll -s ru, not ,n the
mouth. It Is not a remedy but the cure,
•n4 the healing effect i• felt at once. The
breeth will come lire:y tilting the system,
with • new vigor. Colds and Catarrh are
relieved, and headm he fully cared 1n ten
Catarrh of twenty years' etaadl.g
aired in • few day/,
Hoa George Taylor, the well knows
polltWWan er Se•sstee. Pe . writes:
ma truly say wee eua hal. Fast applica-
tion cleared myy bead Instantly, .1 mod it
wesediss to direcoona, and 1 lays sot
had the su btest symptoms slime."
mate even • hurt. Iwar a long liver.
For dullness of the skin, eruption&
languor and bowel Irregularities.
•very p111 Is as good as a physi-
cian, although they cat only i.
ten cents for forty dowse. m
The IMarrlage Man
Washington Star.
That love 1. blind the poets goy.
To platy us worry tricks.
When t)elreeees lou far away
To purchase there gold bricks.
Liniment asked for at my 'tore sill
he only nes We keep for male.
All the people nes It.
Pleasant Bay, C. B. 1
The whole country I.1 repenting la
Sackelote and ashtw. Once more the -
enrrenges bowl along the cue,"hint'
roils from house to house, and
friend. cud ncighb•tre threose and
•eiu.•eit on tine must extraordinary
turn that effairs have taken. 014:
Bryan Greet of all tfrlyes ,
straight to Hirers -no one shall tell
the Makes but herself. TIte bitter old
erwture tots arrayed horse!! 1a .a
Pompadour sateen of gorgeous col- 1
ors, with erinteetru ribbon* in her bon-
net, and, looklug like a demeotetl old
maid, whtrlr pf1eefullly on her errand. 1
'DS see bet chnekling to herself is a
sight and yet why could think that i
she le the ramal oil lady who told
tilpey the unlntppy love -story of her 1
Mrs. Bloke Ie at home, and listens,
,tbwiut ly p.trays•d, to time account
o: t14tt nwlul oast o'., r.. htmniltu ua-
tiler wlech everyone has male, n
hit. . Piny; smile curling her Ops,
shall b.•Ileve it wheat 1 Yen the
two deters together.' rhe remarks,
whereupon Mrs, Bryan tells Iter with
alacrity that she NIH mon have that
pleasure, as Col. Berm lie bringing )
111s wife to Bryan Ceuta Immiellately.
"You see, my dear, hie old nnt•le
demi. told has left him everything;
no there 1s in need- fur him to con-
ce:al hie marring., 41uy longer."
Accomplished His Purpose.
Brooklyn Katie.
Grace -Mr. Crud/Amok saki he
wanted to waltz with me the worst
Pearl -DW he do KIP
Grace -Tee. Ilhe very worst
Mrs. Blake turtle livid. and lantana -1
"How fortunate that Fiera re-
fayed 81 r Muni leo ,' she remarks, w Ith I
is tort of gas
"Very, for F'lora." snaps the old
lady; ticltw.ly, swtppnng Iter et lm•
Nall r•WNitr valiantly.
111 another relr.nil the belle at Rlv•
ere :are ranging ttolently-sMrt Blake
.Ie in hysterics.
".1 fit, my 'Imre', declares Mrs.
Itrynu, bruising at the stt,ny, mot
countenance of MIs Blake. "Throw
toms•• Pohl water over her, and tad'•
tier her not to publish your re•
fugal of our friend Maurice
to the world " - set.11ug at
the some time .gm lightning glance
t,0caarl the white, •lisllalntul fade
I, okutg lock at her.
rice lac. heard, and knows, nnd i
.t.y.. nnUdug ; and the Bryan Court
1vennghient robs on, on int 11111011011 10
I)rin:et en t'nstln this time, to con -
.1.•1e or rejolce *IUt Ieady Dermot, as
th,• tale may h•.
The drntnger ries eginl to flee en-
venou, Perfectly fireweed, and with
itodi.tirl,nce of manner, mile green
her comet and taken ax,th the old
Ittti.l. in Jeer oboes steady olary.
"My dear o41 friend, how good of
ser to come! And now i want, to
herr all about Sibyl and your
nephew. MY bol line -flown to hie
wire -.n a poor little Gtp.y 1 What it
Orange' thing t all Is 1"
h 1 1
g R
All tins I. beautifully Nati'; but the
.01h -tiring .1 her ladyships', lips trite
liar tiwteurr Hutt her ease of man=
nre 1. assumn.F.
"if Plhyl Is no oleo as Capel, i shall
he delighted," she says, heartily.
"1 may le a crew" old soul ; butt
Lady (rermnt, 1 always liked your
M111's wife."
1.ruly Ilrrm'R turns away her
rdnattli cheek and sighs softly.
" ryesed 1" pMaurice-what he hat.oor
• • • •
It Is a etranie and wontlerfUl time.
altogether. Mee. Blake Iles Innen-
eIble, with two doctor! In attend.-
ttend-ease•, and Flora with a marble face.
watching her. As for the rest of
the world. they do not know exact-
ly whether they ought to forgive
tarry or to tr.. fork,:vnn thrmselve.;
anti the tenni. etnb doting three
shays 1e n hotbed of emit -potation. A
perfect babel of tongues riser end
fella from morning till night. it le
it r.nbj.ct of engrossing interest, nnd
1t1100 town wnnder'f,tI to hie hellevei.
Thou, who were quickest rind hot•
that to condemn Air Maurlreee wife
nee fleet nnd foretnott now to re.
evolve her again with open none.
"Perhaps she won't like to mime
inset," armelxwty "'nye; and Mrs.
Bryan make. answer:
" And why shouldn't she Ike
to come heck? 81r Mati-
nee.'" wife did nothing to be arias -
of. The emotion Is, dare we lace
her 7" 1
TI t. otout 'vation gives rise tc A
perfect hmrrteane of other remarks,
nn.l every r.ne etnnd. em M. dignity
for selene moment(/' '
(too be rte,.* ie,l l
A', n feminine ••ntertnlner the rev.
rrnge man 1. not In It with a sheep
looking Orme.,
Is neet direct to the disease.
pert. Sl taw Improved Lwu"
heat' Oe ulcer. (ears (0. a••
paaaag•e asofn 40pp.ngs ie rM
throat and p•rmanen• . cures
Catarrh and11 .y Pere', :lower
Ire.. An dealers, or Dr, A. W Caw
bedlam Co.- Taros• sad nails
HM Foolishness.
Dlgge-{llmkins gets a good salary.
yet I.r Ie nearly always broke.
Iirgge-What dors he do with las
Degge-tepentle the most of 1t to
trying to get something for noth
Ing.-Cbleago Newt.
Are you humiliated by a silt covered
with foul• burning and H firing eruptions'
F-ndthe tr.,ublr and restore your silo to Ita
natural (oneness with w • (', rues.
His Argument.
Chicago Prot.
He thought the mother," of the day
were inclined to shirk their proper
reeponsibIlity. and he was arguing
again.t the employment of a meld
for the children.
"Eve," he arid, "had no aurae girl."
"And Cain went wrong," .he re-
plied, promptly.
Ant for Mlaard's and take no other.
1.1 OAl. ST.% 1 US OF WOMEN.
brig •-Iutkut Nivea Fre Many Privileges
Theis hullo -Hs Old Net lwujov.
Advocates of Use .loaoolpatlon of
avowte trout the leyral tttrelkiom to
emelt tWy have I*Wt &object ever
slaw . tit bshedug ui the wo.lTl yr
rtale,u to congratulate theme( Iver
upon the ptugrewr mania In recedt
ytard. Thur Curly but gradual unci lu-
w•tcutiu retwguitlou of the legal
statute of woman has evoked much
latinatlort It regard to the domeetkt
tcliatit*ia, Ute result of wltlult lar
been to sweet fealty ittxrlleb the the-
ory of entity of uttu end wife. SO
Itntg it popular fiction lu legal ter-
minology and practice. 11to phlluro-
Wafler Ilium setter that "lretwewn
ute.rrltvi perosis the *moment of
friendship Ir by the Itt.wr supposed
eo rtrobg as to abolish all divt.Ios
of pxrestwdlone. and hue often In real-
ity the tome moisten to it." In his
criticism of this rtatemeut Huxley
apeuke In the more moderate. spirit
wheat he Nape "Fatally affection in
the eighteenth century may have
been atroltger Utau In the uluelet•nek,
but liume'r bachelor inexperience can
anlrely .lune ex14nln Ills strange sc-
oount of lbs suppoeitlous of the mar-
riage law of that day and their ef-
finta. The law certainly abolished all
divleloli of poesessionr, but It (11.1 w
br making the busbaud mole propel- In
Sunlight Soap will not Injure A. HANSEI , M. tt,,' i"
your blankets or harden them. It Hamilton, OntAve.estNo,tA
will make them suit, wldte and•
t�Sj1F N'' �', 1943
Mrs W•w• emlittuag s)r•,1i1
alw.ya to used for Clatterer Tendert
seethes tL• oUla settees Motes sues
reale and es the hat rowed, ser
bbyln,all au ra A 00 car n Rinke tr,,,n e.re ru era
{„irtlrnn.re aria(
Tete Joyfulness of Johnny.
Ili lueoton Thier.
Ilietb.r--JobnRy, 1 am ashamed of
you! Ll'hat did you mean by 'meth -
Ing and t1figillog at your dear wicket
J•.hnny-(Ire 1 1 was JO gI•►.l 11
%ain't lay owe,
The New York Central, with Its
numerous trains, Um four *tenth!
tracks, and Its depot t0raud Central
(Station) in the heart of the city of
New York, ruddeobtedly hue no equal
the lwseeuger traffic.
c ew,"
Coder the ol.i Rum'ta low there „Intense a !pronate At't,
were three voles of marriage's-eon-
furrtratio, a aacramectal rile, only Ilan, rd Lampoon.
permitted to patrician*. where tee 111wv De F'yro-The Hey. Or. Fourth -
ceremony consistent of the two F.r- ly ear d..noewel dltorce 41 it pru-
tler eating it wafer together ' co -4 fang ua't•
rmptl°, where a wan purclladed u Mew U. Mwuor--Hees right; 1t cer-
wife In uwtricot. And twos, In wretch ' tautly ewwUtutee taktug rotaw.•uac'r
Ixttw. In tool..
Keep Minard'• Liniment
The Annual Rush .
N. Y. Son.
Friend -You seem to have as man)
customers now as during the holl-
italerlawher-Why, those Are rel-
earning to exchange the necktie'.
their wives bought them for Chri.t-
came he peritonea her, and time form-
ed the bond-legnlly rented as " por-
saetloo under lee statute of limita-
A Ltle Talk on a Great Matter.
The man .her intends to get it new
Birder for next hrarvegt and hasn't
yet pineal Ills metier will he Interest-
ed In what follower
The Kn.Rter 11 it very Important
feature of the Binder. If It Is mem-
To Remote- Mildew.
Some one site m• to give direc-
ttoes fur r,•u,oviilg mildew. I have
peen garment. that were badly
marked with It eotnplelely freed
from the •talus by Busking for a
long tine. In milk -say twenty -tele
hours. A friend of miue wtoe had a
very funny experience with s mil-
dewed dream It war In the mummer
time and the dreew was a Utln ma-
terial made In smelt a way that In
many placers It was double. Otte put
Itt, to soak In a large }ten of milk
and left It t111 the next morning.
when Nhe found Uwt the milk had
tbt(kerted to a solid mass, even in
the double parte where it raspy pen-
etrated, when fresh. That dress was
a curiosity. for it while, but there
la little danger or este laving a
similar experience at this season of
the bear, -Hartford Courant.
Ylaarl'a Llalmeet Is used by 1'hy-
Kerosene Staler.
To take out a kerosene 'pot from
woollen fabrtce cuter the plain oh
butte eldest with Frenell chalk, and
leave it so overnight. Preen between
eke° blotting paper with a warm f
Iron. Candlegrtase spots are beet i
removed ,by Olteing blotting paper
next the gonads on the side where the
grenee la, and bottling a hot Iron 1
clear to the surface. 14 the fabric'
1■ ',routed the grease will run through'
to the. other .1.14'. -Tribune.
P4.e annual report;of tbt Itegu-
tray of Insoraoce turniehra Indis-
putable evidence regarding the
STANDING and PRO(:Ite8e of this
purely Canadian Order. -
VICAR 1902
Total assets .. $ :1(14,0120(1
Total membership ", 23.(410 _
Members adkk'tl ... 3.201
Amount of insurance
w rotten ... ..• ie,505.000 00
Income. ... ,1188.110100
Increase of aw•te 1':.i,tlti..011
Increase per $1,000 at
risk .. $00
Information cheerfully lives and
Organisers wanted. write
W. F. Montague, Grand Recorder,
Hamilton, Ont:
fit', F. Caml'hell, Grand Organiser,
iln,milton, Ont.
Ills Odd Mistake.
Helbre the Errant.
Penn. Punch howl
Is lunoheou ready 7" asked the can•
eibal ohlef, arrogant')
"Nut quote," auswera.* tate cook,
txwrtevuriy , "he is just rouil1ng lir
tau l r."
in the
Iflinetrd's Llntmrilt Lumberman's
The ltulb,a'Delbert.
The ruling Inatlnot of thee hover -
limper suwutlmer persists under rlu-
gular clroualetatwer, 11 1r teat of
01141 meareas of an eAquielte,y kept
home, eaten- never seemed to her
quit.. exquisite enough that her
firms remark one morning. tau tee-
ing Informed that the home. had been
entered by burglare during the
night. wan;
'This houee really meet be kept
in letter eater,. it peeler are go-
ing to drop in N. uneip.•ct,rlly.'
Another woman. u tillage huuse-
keep.•r, devotedly nitaelted to the
ui1 hument,•nd u1 which she (it e•1
stents'. the lust of h''r faintly• Weil
the er.t Ating misfortune to los.. 11
by fire, Only the broken t,Ittt of
tie main hel:.ting, awl tke eherred
s11 earl kitchen rrmaintrl. The fire
occurred In the peening: early tit-
twit uw.ral.g. before any ere was
astir, ria• Mll.peal oat 04 tku neigh.
torr Image. whore she 4*a4 partr'tt
the eight, returned to her owe, and
proceivkrl to sweep the kitchen as
clear as petestble of .0,t, splinters,
water nit.( the ringtsl feathers". fly -
Lug about from burst bele Then
elle khsllerl a height firo un the
hearth. bruin:ht in a few broken
chair* from ti• Iltt,•red yard, &nil
whit. -ter tet.' knew wou:.l happen
-friemis and nit Milt.urs began In
visit the yet marking ruin* she
was ready, atilt th • le .steer of her
Ione, to roc mita t tir eowlnlences
with engulf y -Teeth's Comp nslnn.
The gtuah of Perella 1s meld to have 1
told the Thlchet" of Wegtminiter that
tho fame of her beauty had reached
T,4u'ran. "1h." fetid rhe to tonne 0110
.leo stood toy, "he taker me for West-
' minter Aleh.y."
plot 1t wilt pt'.*t buy give trouble.
The e one
Th . elm 1° Knotter It the n
to be (airmen. The tritest -Fleet Knotter
we know of In the M'anery-n'arrts.
Mlmpiteity 1, to A0 droll -ea in all
farm machinery.
Another Important feature of the
Mersey -Harris Krrvtter Is that It Ie
so con.trtictnd that any weer which
may occur in course of time can he
readily taken apo No other Knottpr
cereals It In this particular.
The Masmey-Harrle Knottier 1. a
great twine . e too. It nese het
tittle twine In tying the knot.
The Flevntrrr Chain out the MA agar -
Harris. room n .lmpin emerge. with
all the gpr.wkrta rnt ahlch It tra,ele
lacettt: the elinIn area Tittle r.dnre@
friction F'rietlrn, hs every farteop
knows, mikes iwurvy work for the
The revolving ',pool ,"'lawn In the
rut is nerd ii et chitin tightener.
There 1e only a , oiling frletlon hen.
Use Lever's Dry Snap (a powder) to
wash woolens and flannels, -you'll like
it. 3:
We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for
any rase of Catarrh Lb aa .t be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. 1. H EN EY k CO., Toledo, O.
We, the nnde,.Igned, have known E. J.
Cheney for the lust 16 yes,. and bolter. him
perf'rt'y honorable In all business trans.
.euros and financial) alit. W carry oat any
obligations made b77 their Arm.
Wear • Tar al, Wholesale Uragglete, Te.
led., O.
WALtI'tO, Memo 11 • It lavas, Whotsaks
Uragaista, Toledo, 0
Hall's Catarrh Cure to oakh•trrnally,nrt
Ing directly upon the hl noel and warms• aur•
face•+ 01 the .7.1.1. '1' ..Umnnlel. tent Iroe.
Prite-75r p•r bottle. Sold by all draga.b.
Hall's Family 1'111. an the beet.
One on the Drummer.
Senator Clark. of Montana, 1e fend
of telling of the Mg game. Of poker
they not In play in the old tidier
Pow Club In Ilrlet.t vPara age On
one oreaxlon there were vetting in n
go nen ]fn, 1,. Doti, George lien rat,
afterward Herat... from California,
and .1. It MIK/0e, the millionaire
h.,rne• owner Ina Iu tpt n fresh drum-
mer tram the ears It ivies herr prr-
vitled with a Ilton`e we,kr' .•nre r.: ad-
mleelont to the In,tltntiun, the ten. -
..lime loan nlnrrnr.l u), to the earl
1111a3 Pre and ratI 'r pntronitingly in-
quires% If he might loot take a hand
in the proceeding..
"t'rrtalnly, Gape rigid In,•' *aid
13 easel.
Ter drvtmmer pullet reit a roll of
hills need trwprnl a. hundred -dollar
note on the talote "Let me hove chip.
for tint,' he neat .grandiloquently.
Then lie w,•nt to hang rep hie mat
at*I hat. When he returner tiro bill
01i11 lay on the tnble.
'What'. the mailer, gentmn." he
he meetly 1n•lntt'nt ' isn't my money
"Wily, y.st, ei'.l man." Mail th•• grim
Garrett' "tlearrt, give the gentle-
man n white chip."
Not !dry!: short of tree fnith will
e.•pn Ate a lel -le a•led man from the
hn,r,leratrne I price of n bottle of hair
Tate New Century Ball Bear-
ing Washing Machine en 1'0'
h,.me stand• for clean clothe*, light-
ened labor - quick and efficient
result*. YOU est while using it, and
five minutes is sufficient for • tub -
if your dealer has it have him
show it to you. If not write w for
descriptive booklet.
Thr Honor -made 11.1.
A girt Nevins good taste and whom
nbrrrvatlon of the smartest hat
models (earls her to fix In her mind
certain modes of trimming. nt:,y with
very little expense, rind 'nee, rib-
bon or a Wray of tlow.'tm, to no.
really -made molter or mnusgeUne
hate, wed at no mh.lernte n prlre at
the department shape. Title Is the
to secure n reit
en rt way
ebn d
hat. Those who wear them nn they
nre mold, novelly npprnr moot com-
monplace In therm while those who
Invest them with a 1ngidolwuble ntrt
are never seepeete.l of their ',nearer
cleverness. ',o profenelonnl floes the
hat look on their heaths.
The urea f s11W lsnedy,
1. an old, well estate
Indeed and reliable
preparation. Hes beno
preacrtMel and need
ever el years. All drop
gibe In the Dominion
of Cnr,ad• sell and
recommend ea being
the only medicine 01
Hokin,' that entrsand
viers universal .atl.f ettna. 1t ptompt(7 and
permanently toreo all forms of ivereotis Weak
n.at, lime•, en*,, Nprr,nntnrrhi't, hegureenev,
and allefecle of ;,hnenorrzoessr; theauonehe
ntnrtf Tnewrren, (prom of Primulanht, Menlo.
and /teals Wnrrm all of which lead to infirmity,
Insanity. Conmmptinn and en 1Cwrty Grave.
Pries SI per ,ae•mee or .e r for 15. 10ne real(
pinus, Nr oaf rurm. Meit•d prompt, on n•
amps apnea nerd for free tamphl.t, £ddrtw
The Wood t:o,,o'asy,
W tadeor. 001, o...eft
[Wore and After
east some Qin repe•nw see Walla Alarm
seer telrolowel r m
Della t (:.ed pest
arae Si sesta tea same. are taros to arena
Itltt-.vel a rU unci•' 11 'i'riltOtT0.
It Nits No tqual
Manutaeturnd ,,, y by
of HAMILTt)N, (oNTnk!O.
/or sale by all lend. e•
May Excursions
11 n.,, , •.,. 1,• Yuab
'.{`'anal.• sass
1.1 sit 1.041
1 oraa,do h•M..atre•p
stimgle Da,l:rlijai
A,.,. 10 Intermediate stats Mehl. and arse
tut ludrl. Steam, w team
'1 burtdaya Is bey - Hamilton l t• t. , TOrw
to 7.341 1, m. Forth. r Inform e11 n „pi,lr M
errata n. fl. FONTE1l cif AI FLt , Neau,.
l'•.*.rnK• r Ascr,t It. a 11 ,'rw,.nt,•
Summer luncheons
11, I.at wtal„er taunt, volt .I
r.ghl. WAN ser• da,at. a. eo
Libby's Melrose Pate
a deltcal•-!seaeen.d romtn,... • . • ....
Ilan and T seRtar; or MO, A, y -e •
wy .er .,r 1•,eaklast 111.0 laM wrsedeoe
IJy'• tl•we•es•de Park and Bass
rt like all ol UM"'• :?Mora' FY.s. Fast
s, as.led rred, 1., be
Convenient ser opening un.
■ aim ke.11.t "Now u, 51.h. ,.sad
lige to '' Need M. .a
t. - e , . nes
Mr'. lamlamAlla•of 11.15.4
Libby, McNeill & -Libby
646tOoon000a 0000Oaoa000aoa
T 0.01
Mind This.
II mak.% 01 illtiene,M
*twitter 0 la chronic. 0
•ate of Inflammatory
d t0 o•ux,. or )dela
tibia ..a
ares and c.,.. prnn'p,'r
price, 2bc. and Sot.
Camphor ler•
White vaecllne, 8 stance., hard
paraffin, 5 ounces; camphor.
o,eneee. if at the eastern" nal noir*
Ila unlit melted; then Add the Hale
phot 1ppirltul of camphor is eisede
awl stir .lowly until cube k•en
in n porcelain jar. ['anaphor 1.•1. !s
u.rtl for many Ills • for roughened
hands, for ilotherhirritatiotion of n he off the
or fon any
It Tells in the
Show Ring
if yon hope to exhibit your stock .t the
Fall fairs, start now and get them in per-
fect health by using
Dick's Blood Purifier
1 writs help you se carry off the
lase ettbbern.
fifty Gerrit per paokage.
dr.setNO, Mtt .A A (0, Montreal, Agents.