HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-28, Page 6TuuauD.ty, May 98, 1903. WEST HURON TEACHERS. Annual Meeting of the Association at Exeter Last Week, Mane Pedaaoa.cel Subj.la Introduced end Discussed Aseec,alwn Dears lh• M• 11.114eatabliehment of the Public School Leaving E.amuul.on .. At Monne " Thursday Even, mg. s r1'll l'RNU.1\', M4v 21. The N'e41t Httlon Telleherli 4.14.•4,.. tint1 flet 'this morning in the p"W4y 14.111411, I':xeter, the pi'.dsidetll: Mr. (Iowan., occupying the chair. 1►e'yo• tinn*1 exerei. •4 were II111I,1.lel by sinstor Toni. The win,1t,. ,.f the hest Ite*.siun of the A/41114441( 11111. \Ing ler d, 14Kr1, were. rad and adapted. Messrs. Huston. 'Abitibi. Evelyne, l :1Il:ngatnd Ea tett, Inenitw•t's of the tru1t1e twined of Exeter public Slip lilt W4'Ie p1M•4.tlt 111 Wile • the Aw4.I'a- t ion to Exeter. This they slid in bright, h411tpv and inspiring 44.hirens es. The 1,411,1%4 Pig r tee weer• 1111- 100•A44 4 : Rt'., ('44)11., :emus. McKay, }1111cnI41 and Tigers, and Miss... \\'44l - reeled • and' Annie 1'hu•k. Audit. w, Mes.r4. *14444 kills and '1'1.1111111 t. 4l.I4M'ttlrT 1ntr411e:.(4 the sut- j/4.t of spelling in junior classes, Hr 4141 'I14141011 rill' teaching of the tear .I Is 1440t1• the eye sounds, and of oral but never written spelling with pupil. in the Part I classes. lei a very sleet and in'ltrncti v1. 14)44 I. he 441untrated Ute 40.41 of'l rte. 11n the 4 I .of 4u4jacenl letters in the .441111' word. The teaching of 411') 4101111' 1141.1011 shntehl 4e41111'I 't ' that of the spelling. 11. tiorri.h In1r4111)el the subje.•t of 11/41.4) in public !whim 018. 11e• woteld teach sitivi ,g 44. 1111 aid in teit,hing 11101.141. and Iwtrift( I111, :4)441 411 ppe4•rl'In( 4,Mwl disci Hine. The songs should I. a,1itable. The subje•t ' was further di4Mlewd ' by Meese-, T. Johnston, Anderson and Hogartlr,.• The M)1ljeet of (141ba1.' 4•h/ol l t'.'illg 4•Ia444.•. Nall examination. WAN 111(141- (1111141 by 11. N. A11de•Ist4t). 1n ,ii intereding a4ldrrss he elaii rel that .,1)11 41 clash 1411011141 lie 14.41411141 i4) the p*lhli4',,.eh.s1I, as it 11110441 their s411 11. and WitS 4411 ills(lirat" tee 44)1)11144, He thought the old program of studies for the clad.. was ,t glee NI elle, 111111 held that 1111. 1001111111A( 1.111 811011111 11e restored, an 1t W011111 1144.1114' better at• re•ndhni'.• and intereet 441141 give the pupil a 1t4411(1anp by which he evade! 1111.4411114. 111,. 11111g11.14/4. ' Mr. McKay followed and 44upp1r- melltwi the hod 4/14•,tkt•r's n•11uu•ki4. He regremeel the change which did away with the eve iii iuntion, IM4411/4e , manly of those who 41111' the entrance now will not 41(114111 11.• leaving 1•1114..•M, and Wise who do do not work 41 .1i14 - gently riv`er with aft '1/ interest 41, they %• nul)) if thele NV'Ir• a 1 eXJllllbe - llM. Ile advocated 44 return to flap 141.1 jesegr41 4)f studies, with et ex• a1114n*th en 44*1le. n4. tw11 part..• 1'he• 44efireellssie to Wale 141111it, rd in• 11/',.41x, T , Gowan.; and Tiger,!. Aeljeturn• hent. errgitsames Easters. After tontine 11,1Mi11 .4. Mr. Howard di44'nwNMl, "How' 1111.11 v 11104401e (1114 efficiency of our Teaelsin ' Institutes 4' Hr Augi{(',test that the Wert.. ;lie - viewed Iie- ' 1 viewe1 l.. f411e the A4wN'I411 In s11uu111 he 11144111. 114414• 4111.441•1 kill. 1 hat at 141A1 one 14.14441111 ,11111111 1M• wet 11141N` ,wh1•n the 411111111. 4.11144.1 111114144'iinglt \M• in need to attend and diaries,. subject. 141•1111111...11 .11111.11.41 fu 11111• )1111,141.141•111111141•1111111...1r1141•1111111... ,11 hould take 1. lively part in the .1104.1 4nn nod 41141t all A1ou111 I1.1y their rex and thew become IIIPl1114.'r, u e '. 1. 1t 44.401 111411e• diht•uMw•.1 by Mesa,. Tons, Hog ilh, Ilelgetty, 13)I,.'t. .11 41111' 1414.)) and A depart'. A her .1 little girls in white, from NI 4,u4•s 1:414 aril \Yahb,,11'.M classes. then h fig mesa 1weetly the ming. '•111rak *41 ICewm tee Mother." tied. Maw04otpt •nt4d the .nlejevt. '•Patriot144,, 4th Pei 14i. Meh,w.14.- and very ebb'.' 11111ve/1 its 14411 iug4ntanre. He 414)11111 11111 leach 1 a. a1 1pMec4a 114,404411, 1111* by Kiting `(t proper 14/11. Veil( ion 4,1 amt. great 1.1.%41.1,;4,„ 11141441•y of mut' glerri11)1M hest. the K114r44plty of our land and empire 1.1111 th lnin71I 111'1' 11f 11111 l.'rit Writer. along Ih l line. as 44'/•11 its by singing pal 111'41 ' songs and displaying imitable pictures .4,1 the wall. 44f the 4.11.1411 14441141. The subject neater •11 Peered. end we.. pate fully eliw•llMMel by Meat.. I1,1,Amn, Johnston. Toni. I►4'Iga(y, llogarth. Anderson and Iiluett. \l44uu•M (:ill and \1'atlr/11d'n••(4$44'4 ring again and delighted everyone. Alfie and exhaustive reports of the 0. E. A. were given by .1.1 11. Tigp(1.M and P. Ruwano for the public school section : 1J. HIIst.1I1 *4.r the trl1Mle'ri 44't1)111. and Inspect.er Teem for the Papeete/IT.' wrti1111. 11i1•4 \\'atmnd took up gelgrylhy for third el41.4•e.anel very clearly ex- plained in 4411 1.%e*.lien( paper what she teethes in that 114454.. T. H. Hlow•nle • eli4'uss.'d 40'14.411 of the U. E. A. resolutions. He w44M opposed to reining the ewe. limit 1111• entering 11147 teaehing IrofeMMion. and to increasing the Model term to eight. months. He 04'11m followed by .1. \V. Hogarth, Who ably di4•ua441 others. Ad jeeirnment. KVKNI\o Mt+d45111\. (11 the PVI'lling a very M)1e)eMaful "44* home " W*n held in the (hhlf'llnw:44' 11,11, At which many of the barbers end their friend. mewled/led. The Chair Wad .4441411(41 by the pIM•nielent, Mt'. (iow'44(14, s•h11 deli1e14MI44lex)ellent 1441 - dress on "Character. or Estee/Oink to Steve.. In 11114. 1'11 1f1.4141. 11111444'(4.tT11111, 111 a well-th'Iiverell add14w44, pte4ml4d effectively the. des- irability of e5t*hHMhing 4'hume( fibre - ries. Hr. 1leyeteed and Ile.. And,rn n sod KinHn144n And Mi44's (1411, 1h104- 4011 And Mertio. with 111104.. Medal' and Martin a44 At p*uiMte.. emett•i• Intel conch to the enjn%ni'nf Orf the evening by their excellent singing. A reading by Mi.'. f'al'ling wee. pvII Ir'- 14'4c.d. rami'(. K,Ic11't4'M ehilimeet 44)44 4de4404d Ptv'I•)'11n.'. Theta 111'14t. 11f nil ea1111. (11. darkly 11i1e11 of i4'.' errant. rake *11(1-1et1111114,11.' 411414411111 by In• 14n•)t 114. T end the Exeter t.'114'het. and their friends. Moons Des's Prec.4*sings. f•FRIO.%,', May X1141, Tbe A1404w•i1tion filet. ,t h 44,111. H. 1, Strang. ILA,. .•11nd)1ct4e11 dry n14r41111 1.3.14'14e%. Tile t'.4 m4.Ihe after- noon and evening nenidem. were. read end adopted. 11e*rt' rote, of lhnnks *'.rte tender. 441 the (kl,llello4). for the els' of their hall I*.* 1141111, 11 1111 In144xteer Tom for providing the. iel' crewman(' leinema.lr. J. A. McNe,,gleton I 1111 diM.'nMM.41 14.•'1.1141 of the I1, E. A. paean, ion.. He thought the arithmetic a mod in1- p ortant subject and therefore 44141111)1 Iwwiye we notch Attention re. it has few/newly. fl, Mr14141e1111 pontjnoMI *11.'41i4'na4. inn of tier of renol)114nn., Mt. Tenn Irate t11.' pnlpw"sd regula- tion. r' the high w•hool enlivener and ('(Im(lfn(ed briefly thereon. Mr. Strang flirt hel dimmers., 11a•4l, and, as be be w menthe** of the coin - Mitten• t4 w'ho111 (hese reselettitnee al'f to t4• aler/wI tut 1vnlNide•rrtin, he 04041 di1 lleutimn front the traellels Ih444 a/t'rms111 4,4) thew' r'guletthaw for guielanee. The a1114i(oty tr•141rt waw received and +411)*4ti.tl. election ect ion of offerer wear then proceeded with, with the fedl.w'i11gen. Kull : Ihrl4dent, Allan Rowles. ; vice. Npresident, Mita Pringle : e. -e$•, \'.resee.-tresee.-tsee.-treas.,11. Job/name : 1.uur1 ill/Is, .4, Iloa:4d, 11, Me144.ugall, .1. 11. Tigert, Mi.. Hamilton, Nina, I'lallelwon. Eighty -Kix teal'hels were reported ple4mt. Twelve little g,els 441111 I4ty.s from \Ii1....l Carling told 1114'*lhllll'. 1114.11,, e41411( a. kil4lrrgiu'trn sung i4) 41 4111aM- 11111 11441111.'1'. Allan Huwlpw took up the suhjoet of '•11i4•ipli11,.:" ilul.r•sKing its 114p011• 41111.1., I*M'allIne It 11 1 he folllll 11q of character. As ail. to .1•etne hr w1g- ge.ted indirect (net tl.444, through the Anion -ter of the teacher, clean plod., Hower beds, els. Ile esentenele4l that it fu early years a child's instincts and t.•neleneie, he dinner in the. proper direct' , then when rears en 1Tre► 444. ire dt4')4 what 4s right i4e- 444u1e• 4t 444 right, ' '114• class trained by J14sw•e Yarling 41111 Mr('n1111111 Mang 4111401 114•1' kinder. g44 4.1411 441111 w it h great acceptance. lags'M Mr:1Tlos. The di«•usaem undi4 iplin1. WAS ('4111. 1i11uel by 1b•.Igs. T11111, Strang, Deb gate. lilu,tt end HI.g44)111. Yfl. Ih•Igaly IIIIIMnleteIMI and .poke against td.'-114.4ri11g told of her evils. H.• wp44ke eloquently Oft the iiNuen.e's of 1 liristiau character in the teacher, a1141 strongly atoned tu11r•nl1 hhifting the n•114rnsibihty 11f ('w Mora! 4 11liniug 11f their :hildiM•n (440111 their own ediemlelers to those of the (earlier. W. 11. .1. lnlstoh spoke or a number of p41ilds of interest to male teacher.. A11jour •111. LAM K:i MEI-ri'v. The vire-president, _ Hiss l'I:u•k. oc- cupied the chair, while' Miss Edith \t igycgi,M acted as secretary. Mi.. Vo.p•1• opened the die inedi n 4)u "Discipline,' dealiIlg especially w1111 1rinttery. The ,i lw'Ilsao11 was continued 1.,' tbs.... hill. Stewart, ('Lurk and \\iggins. \hiss l'onsitt rad n very interesting pipet on the ' subject, wlll.h was fly 44 114.,'t discussion. M4M. .%li,, ray read :1 very able'44141rr 4)n "Moral 'Ptailsing," 411 w'hic'h she Ipade vehiable suggestions of way. in which 1111r'11ts :11141 1,1011111 ''4411 dm 11111111 along 1Ili% line, Thedi4at.eilae following this paper wA. taken part in lex Hisses Gill, 't•a11*4141, ('lark and \4) rggin4. - In the alxenes. of Mins Shit 1111:1 luspwrlur'l'olit Kayo' a talk 4)u w I41int« 14 interest to f1 male teacher 1 hi. talk limit' ant several y11.*ti1111, 14) which M,• -To111 replied. 111.'4'h.i11:l thele a.lj.earneel. E. %t'i#o 1. s..4e e. AV rER !it Meg AI:1411I11A. The AMwwii,tieon 'het 1.1.4 p. tn. Tho- u he( Hn4ltee .4f Ile. forenoon ,44Ysaoni were read 410.1 adopted. In the IIIw91444141 4111 the 4114/ 441441 le tuhtti11lt., Messr44. Mural fuel Ibegarth held that it was unwise tm have sub- ject. o4) the p41grt111 for which 1111 examilitt ion 444 pun 441.41. Mr. Tigert t 61114ht 111.1,4)',',' 1111,1 nature .turfy M11onh1 not IM• Mnleje•-ts for ex:wlimltior. It was taleiv.'.l lel' 4tl.14rlo1' Tien. e4 M"411ded 10' HI'. H.'4all4(I114n1, that in history *Is' limit„Mheenlrl he the Stuart and 4inelpb periods nod all 'of the 1'.1144111m history. ('nn•4e1. It w',t 11i0'r41 he 114., lr111e(4. w4v4n1.1- 141 by Mr. 1}140404,11, that J111 141hj,rls 111 114• Itreft'1'11441 1- w• for 1•nh•anle• IM• 441141 444111je•l4 of ex ' ,diol with (4).• lowep(mn o nature dud) arch `(N iny. on the didetat44ndirry that th �•1111rie•n in literature • IIII4 eel as sagged's! by this meeting; hiale .as isi the foregoing Iewdnlion%, and in liter:11t,'.' 1hill the 1•.111)04' r11n.i,t• 4,r ten or. Ywelvl' w•144•li41411 *141111 the reader. 11r. Baird read nth exr1.11111t paper on the Me114N111 of 11 tarots during the hast lift y year., 111 w'IhII•h he I tesl•1•1beel (11e'4•ltls,(-1in1444, 4n141MM•tIon, 11111111e 1•1011/1//»11 410/.. and the 4'e•rtiH- l'alle4 11f 1111• early IIayM. Ile then ('.4,,, plead the methods of l4•uehing 4n the schools forty years ago with thew• in ease in the pr•d.•nt. 11 wen moved by 11 r. Strang. Net, 0111611 '- 0111411 *.y Hr. Torr. 111111 111111pt44l, 1ha1 a hearty vote of Ihallk44 be tendered 31r. iraaird for 1,4,. excellent paper. and 411111 it be p tl.lishel in local paper , and nye of rater 44l110411i11nal jo,1r741ls, InspI4't+ll' T11111 1011k 1141 the snhjet•t, ••\\'11111 M111111111 he taught in arid •- tie %• . 11.' would make the subject in- telr'nting by giving simple (4114.4tion1, and a1.1 inane relating to everyday 11'4411Wi'111)11M. lir would have at men- tal ori •tic paper at the entrance. The 11111 eel 411144 interesting and the disciessiel was continues! ley Meseta. Ile(gx,tty_ debut*, Ile wart band o(leers. NIP. 4t 11111 theft t.a'k tip "Difficult 4,ft in alullyMis 711 1 pnls411g•" and explain- ed many di tellies with 1144 usual flea MIeM.. The resolution 1Ire Ir4411ght 411 the following 1'1.441 time. : 1. That in the ilp lion of this Anse - (lett hue nseelatin the public441he Ileg vhlgrx1lu- in44(ion Nh0111(1 414' re -en hlitehel in two part.. indicting all nu ern' 11 the volume. - 1 that the exon 'nation 41- p4•I,4 1M' pmpardd by the Rr111Cation De- part mild, and the ahsmer offthe can- Ablate,idn l by the hoard (if4t)( ern. consisting of the High 1!4. hr541 •principal, the insph•tberatedHvethlu'h- e'rn, elected by the Teaches Institute of tele' 111M11e•tol'at•, 441114 that the 4411.11.4, Lary of the %V.•.t !loom An4M'iatior4 r(1n)1nunkcet• Nit )the4'rr•tti•y of the other As4Mi,(ions in the Prn•i11ee. oink 4nj their es'appeal keit 2. Mat in the opinimn of this Ammo - Hat" the topics flit• enc rine.. 1•(ml44.. niti11tl nho,II.I In. given me the paper. '111e AM... -11,,1 mn 4 accepted ( tll.t 14.0411111 it'll 1111 n• ert.41 lite 4.041• 1111. 11 WAS 11111'111 4q• 1f•: Te dealt, w•4. lel by %Ir, illoett• and adopted. that a hearty veep 4.f thank. lire tendered the president and other offdcerN for haying he*4M4I 141 111/1 kV the Institut• ruen101g 44,1,1, 44 44)11•)1.4144. The. Institute closed ley sharing the NM hum! Anthem. I*..lmuv,i'rmx. Ser. -Treat... \\'. 11. T. A. UTTERLY HELPLESS. W. 1. Elle Could not Feed Himself Ito walk Aron. Dodd',, It.dner P.11. Cured Mho. 1'ehn41141e, (lot., tiny With. IMpeciall W. E. hllt44, of thin plata'. whoa. teIi11•knhle. rite of m11I11111*r rhe tint wet *114' whole neighbor.. hood talking, 4', out with 11 statement 'MANY PEOPLE 11011 F:L ESS merchant. a member of the Leftists, tors, in 14101, who diM.tpt4•ared irons Ho oh after placing ,he runfe*.ion SL Hyacinthe, 111. Mr, Moran'a hands. Ur Murata will at olwe lay Ids evident* baler* the grand jury. THE SIGNAL: GOOFRICII ONTARIO Disastrous Fire Sweeps Quebec. Throe Quarters of a Milo 01 the Pr,nu,.al Part M the Cay Reduced to Ashes 250 Nous*. burned Monetary Lou a Ouarter of a Nun Pool 'Fetf Meet Diet of a1 $t. terrib :testes deet the h the cc broke 4 u'cl quart. and b war t 14un 7'04, 144'11 ashes the tl flour boom, volute isted. lel r. in no Mt. t TI/ft less. court the 1. - not t pte444 warn that vete/ early from out f Col effort wan reach boort had 1 Bente alon. Antu and , '41444414, Inc ed al (tee 1 the t Br,/n. .I, It 1 hoot. fur i, 1t w better The ts'rn they and tierce On. name not been At nowt ware atter the 'fug. burn the , tarter undo Ila: More haul' veale prole ern. show of • tight tubi, plumb 14411 , alder New Ott Mule Pren Ins. to th plytn tor ian t Walt Aust went on V then teeth of tl per I calla etre. of 111 111117, betty Stitt Lh that st 4.n( conn dam. lost, east field, hope is al 1.(1 t LI pons nun- Tapp trTapp t'ow t hre poly line tots L THE LEOI3L4T1ve ASSEMBLY. tree ■crus Agrees CPoo Ball., Parsee., ref Ssaa.l 1NP.01.re. •14.1)4., .t w.ta. 11th 'Moines, May 46.-A tornado struck i(alt,, sweaty miles went of here, late Monday, killing nen per - thief hie re11ver% 4*'Ja. entirely dew to 440)4, fatally inJuring n .hied sod 1144.111 M Kidney A'iIIM. wrecking the Meat.. (tank 14011 1lwveral rw11 yeal•s 4811," Mr. ?Ilia at,,,,,,, other budding. 1 Kot •)1144r rhe than, 1 .'.1)11(1 Ket no relief from the medicines. 1 ( ANOTHER BRIBERY PLOT EXPOSED. fried and in 44nswer to my direr* pee4 1' , 'IhM•te•, ran yam rnr' •ttlr r ?Me Ttse• at.eeber,, of Yauar►uate the t.iarl?' the d.M't4 *n44wc1141, loglel.ar• ars fo•aleed. 'No,' 1'{04'$) 1 1•11e1 '\'141 Are ret Ito 11141' eet font/•.' nr., tiny 2A.--.ioht4 11 Moran, '•1 nl w4. Ise. a 1.w'el, Announce* flint hw haft In K 1 i markt not. feed 141y- his 1 Ion * written Tont.Mlalnn reel* m4. walk dune. Then 1 w'Me in (nrel lo try Ihr(1d'.. Kidney fill.. I of a wholesale bribery scheme• rasp. t..,k six loxes and they drove n11 the ws ad 01.1 1'y af14 151)14144)44 ptet 1.1.• fist)) mit or t4).• and left no. in Irhkll inenkre seem prominent leg trona health once name. f 'dilators she are In the combine Tha satekenJen was wads b a Boston NEWS IN' BRIEF. I'urt Arthur, May 22:- The duck employer v( the C. N. 1t. ,,wet out un ntrike here ye•eterdtay. Uttawa, May 41.-Itue.ael Parker, a Mil 11 ' e'urs of ere war caught 4)a a Ilse aur ml Mumleraet street and I ilkd teatioltly. '1'urugly, May 24.-Cruahcd in as • Seasonable Millinery !Adios will find here everything that is dretirahle in millinery efLet1. The changing fashion, of the *manna are re bested in my display, whieh comprises the latent novelties 4o the moat, tasteful dlwigne. An invitation in extended to all Ile lades. to visit my display room and inspect my stock of hat and trimmings. READY-7O-W5AN HATS A •IKOIAL!Y. Hamilton street MISS CAMERON 1 J. It COLBORNf PtIONE 86. r CASH OR PRODUCE. A FEW LEADING LINES • . A/011 TING BETTER There is nothing better than the hest, and in the line of Yroceries there is nothing better than what you can get here every day In the week. If you have never bought your (lroceriea here, give ns a trial anti see what we can do for jou. Everything in eeanon, of good quality, and at the right prices. AND MI•:I•: > zlv1W-Y- iriz Co. THE GROCERS, WEST SiDE SQUARE. Telepboae No. 91.