HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-28, Page 511::,11:
Las Who Fell Fighting few the
Intl*. M1wsRtbersd•
Taros M..WM••M$ UwueMid M Their Nester is
Qw1er{..--aur Pr.ds.4sk Mrdso, MNW1et r of
Militia. Glees eaaWaaat sad Parristle
or IM average renter he had the
strongest as well as tho lergeat
hand. Mr. Dyment test two, and
Mr. Rendre, two out of an original
entry of ave. Thee were the only
owners to have more than a single
starter. The other owners owl their
horses were: H. C. Osborne'. Golden
Crest, Adam Heck's Hawkins. E. D.
C7ancey's Pkktlme, D. Higgins' Car-
digan, C. 11. Simpson's Jack Can -
Street Car Xesployea G. O.t tie.aw tae
Seempsay Weald Net Arbitrate DIter-
ese.s-G. Week* la Tercets.
Montreal, May 1:1. -At 3.30 o'clock
thts morning the Montreal street
railway employes and elsctrlcal
workers decided to go out on strike
•...4.•. ma,.. ., et. to on 041 not
,.p,'I•l now ham a telepl • seer-
,; roll operation.
k Il• Smith hal, bought the
l.cdrug sloe• in Brum els.
in the Exeter town 144111-
, I4,•) tilled by the election by
1•,I,,,u 1•f James Creech.
I(. \\'.lite. formerly of Mullett,
on, week,. ago with his wife
died at Ciegaa'y after 4
11 m's•.
'r 1 1v at
�h.^• has 144.141 hl yrw1
'01,11 .1.41011 111 N••af,rth 4l Sas.
, 143.411111, He bought it about a
• '11 P estate I) •
Il,nu the l 1 ran to tor
htiton brine( 118181 is loving ir-
i„1 the citizens having conn• to
1.1441 81111 lilwral sm111cripti1,ne.
11::6•.111 I tad Itl*.1 leas gut "O-
s.; Ott.
1r,� Ley hone i,. Wiuglulm has
+1 by Fred. Om. clerk at 111,
• 154,1. 111.11 hi. brother. Mr.
.4 Toronto. Th.•y 'will ttk4-
..1, QIP All4ll.l 1st.
J. M. Perkin.. M. A.. l -.'tor
1I,•morielchnn•h, Exeter.
,nn -1 at I.inds,Iy 4,11 W.,In•s-
+Ih ,rest.. to 14411144, '°illy datigh•
11, %\W. R111•mrll.
H 4.I• balm., late •.r %%i11Kluun.
a, d :n Fresno. (',1liforuia. 1414,1
•.1• 11Js.•11 an interest i,. his
, dairying business and else)
•r ie aug.• gos.t.e.
11ogg. a n111egrr1arh111 Iesi•
.1 1h.' township of Grey: diel on
1;11, inst. He Was a native
aoni. 11. Ireland. where be was
'•a a:Irt' 1.1, 041 3. lie Wove. a
.414 and daughter..
iulrl•1s4d cost 111 building muteri1l.
1'he buildings 41141 l*411tentx were
partially royered by i11xu►•an•I• in the
l'uh4isx MIItU41.
Tuteday of hod week Mrs. (1. A.
Iheul,.lan, of Itrlssels, attended the
444.nien s IIUme141144ry (411414-11111111 111
\Vi,.g)anl. a1141 when their convey-
.,,,, y-
a11/e was about randy for lh.• Nadi t1
start for 1 4ft.•I• the et,. ' g set
vice Mrs. Ih•a111a11 With starting 14*
descend the stairway 111 the I'rrsI*v-
14-rian rhumb lending to the basement.
She tripped oil tile 141p step and fell
1.4•4.111,n) 41uw11 111, kili1',.. 1)11 4.X11111 -
• t. wit. found 11141 the right
-IIIc of her fn' 44'a. broliwsI 41,I1.111*•1'-
4hly 41N1 her 41'111 141111y strained. She
remained in \\"i ugh4w all night 111141
411'14.41 hoops by thiol next. calor • K.
She has 11111.• IMY•11 t•al•1•)'14144 h1.1. 111111
111 4 sting.
An accident .eruttYd to K'b-11PM.'-
Kay, of fuck•;1.ulith. las he %145 put-
ting his lease into *4114- 4'11he stalls 141
411e cl 'h he was attending Sunday
110dor• last. There was 111, 1' h.m's•
iu the same stall and %Ir. \h'Kay was
Wiling t° place his h1,1'e alongside if 11.
As he was doing see (110 al Li. LeYd.
striking him 1,11 the wide 41141 ku.s'king
him Iarkwaarl. iver44Ili.• step. -Th4-
hlnw for all 111e hoarse 111141111141 I Wn
rilw awl in falling he iij*ii.d 1111 back
in 1lie• step. Asti+talc.• NYI1 promptly
at hand. /11111 Ile• WK. 1:tk1•n to a boas.•
41.41' 14y 41141 Medical aid pencilled.
.11thongh (4ry severely injured. he
swats suMrle•ntly Ircov4-r.Y1 114411 the
.hock 110 lNe•wit of his removal to his
hu111e• the afte•rnm,1 r.f 4h,• 941114,1 ty.
a1141 Is doing as well as .1411111 Ire rxisct-
1,1. 4
•4lexand,r N1,114401' of Stoney. +1141
4. 111111..111e of Ih.• first w•t114 4-, his tau Ibulghtl''. h:ut 11 4l'ry 11u-
,111.)Iip 441 -West \\ aawa 111s11. Ileara111 1'x IM•414'l4-.• S111111a1 Is tilt•
Ile hail bell i11 .i11'• I•'.Ilrll- last. As they were 15•1 141. ' g tt.1111
1.........1 44W14y •N1 \T eshieul:ly i'lorr•14, drit in4 with x t *4411144 (4,1'..• Im
• 1.. age.! 111•vl•n1 v -HV, year.. a 111ver11 buggy. 11141 wh.4, a .bort
' .1 took pb14*' t.. Kin1.e.8 rent- distance from llu•il' 1 • 11 11.1g j 11
1li4by. .1I 1.11111 the side of the 141441 and
.1411111md5'I K41,548 g:lt1terd eaugh4 the lease by the heels. fright-
. •11.11-.• of Joh,. 14,418ton. Ith ening it 1441hall it 1104-a 11,1)4 solIn•isi111(, N,4.1. f 14-phant..
N11w icl, on \\"IYI11*'U) *% rep aide. The huKKv w'a• ul4s•t, u11J \h'• Hmei.- what., 41•.•1•• 1 "Ar 1o. -,,..-Y;
4o willies. 111.• N'e,iding 11f II' Il••a*t'1 :old *h.• `''nmgt-14(41( . we • 1•.•ili 'I Is to Nhil'h fott•11 ,en
1 1 1 1 flle
w ns 1.•linru4Y1 ply I4.•v. t etobl'•. Firs h.•1' than A s••%ere fright 'In.' 11"*". in "'EY K
1'1 the nursing rn1.44 to 4.h.• gigantic
and .clod t ,•' ,'rel *". 11 T 1•
I l 1 h U 1 i. t rl. 11
,• 1I• ivory.
1,1,1j..., N', 14- Il4t ilijulr,l, hat Mr, \14- ''lephanl, w's,se• n I i
Morning i{ last stork x11 ,deal• 14-11 11f hi. 1 11441 1111 mor
Beath efts nil .11 fortuate. as he 8111
1 Ligh1)' 1..Y•t•YI r.si41.•nt "'",` 11f (.1".114e.
his ankle 'severely injured Host will he toarn.bip pawYl /IN'N\' 111 I In
the nun u
If fo .•.r Ntnhhs, who, r•- Ixu11• for t ,..• ,,,,t Tito. hope• Kut productions. both ,41111ilat' and 1114111i-
+1Naat', 11111 N'N1 Ilii N•1'111111I t' 111 IIrYI.
' o He had 1 � tante, Wrest whirr thrt• are 1,f it start -
TI.utiaDAY, May 28, 1909.
All that you want to got is
what you pay for ; be sure you
get it ; It isn't' just enough
that you get a shoo that looks
l t►u
have a revival along this line. Pall
wait willing t1, give up lural if his eat-
ing it caused offence to 'Ahem Mutely
N1. 1.4,04l 1111 with it good deal lies« to-
bacco. I am only ream ' g this mat-
ter flout its iutu•nre and 'example,
and my -appeal is to thosewho stand
in the wav of moral 'reform. This
matter 1114415 411 the help it ran get. It
needs the help of the dowel) not
alone in prayers. but that pwrrinal
and praetic41 hep) which would 1e ef-
fective. 1 ask the thoughtful atten-
tion of those. rhumb members t/ W1114111
these Ware may have 1pp111at , 4.0
this question, assured that if th.•v all•
guided by their (Unw•ienres, instead of
by their personal feelings, they mill
oestrone what I am pn•nl•hing.
The Walter L Main Shows.
Th.. •11,.1. meting. rid ell 1•urio
11.•la11111ent 144L114114'41 (1. the \\ 411.•,'
1.. \Iain Enormous Sleets. combined
with the, grand military spectacle.
:•Lavagi• South Attie*. which will be w'•Ir•ttl•y. 11f 1111. hoard. TiII• 5eY•tr-
.•xhibil 111 (i.el.•ricll on Monday. June tale). shall. 41'h4-,, reiple4ted, i,.4.. I'4''n,•
141 11, 411• the most r°111141e•te i,. exist- in 1/11/0I dlMeulti. n. 41111 shuldd hr fai1
env,. 'chi: drpuutment is made doubly to bring adman a sett lenient the bard
interest log (1111,1 4411 • ,1114Htii*al .141111- 811:111 1111.11 :art ns al•hlU•Htol14.
Ibl T111841ay \Ir. Irat'hf41d '111111.
dubs! a hill providing for 11111•tin4 the
4•,4.4 if 1•°nst!Melion, elluipml•nt and
lliallltettanr4• of th.''r.'Imsk:uuing Rail-
way, which is being built by the t:ot-
.•rnml•nt• by the setting apart of a
tier of townships 1111 r.u•h sidle 1,f the
railway. and other lands in Nipismin4,
to 11N• extent of 'rI4,4441 11.11.1 (l•1' 11111..
Unbind %hlth,•sill drew' attention to
1111.,'xi.t1•Il,e .1 1111• 144111441111 H1 1'1/-
nNlti Junction anti the• holding of
prize tights at Pott Elle. 1'ulnn•1 Gib-
son 841111 that. While the Mattel- teas
w•nr•e1V rl1v:ult.' he 444u1d Kay they
were 11oitlg their best_ 141 eradicate the
evil I;inyilillIll4l of at 'ror oto June.
tion. It W11114 Very diflteult matter to
*yet with. :\ N•'Is,•rulion had just
tliken place and iti(e.l. The t.roi1.1,'
Nith the Fort Erie 111stilur- W11.
mote the lesrJt of a weakness in 4h••
peal of what -is known las the ('°n111e,(
Art occupied the attention of the
House on Friday. The debate N'n5 111-
trMllll'ed by J. P. Downey 044ll1th Wel-
Proceedings of the Week at the Pro- linglon► on a Illation for the se,•ond
rending of his VIII luMIIN•tld 1113• Mmli-
lipid Ari. 1f p4assed, his bill would,
he claimed, Ieiitissluce' the old order
if things which existed le•f..r• the
Mr. Lalehford's-Bdl Providing (pr Arbitration (• 4.Y! clauses were enacted. Mr.
in Industrial Diput.• Opposi"on Criticise* I h,wney's bill gives power t4 1'o*lllrl14
Colonization Ro.d. Crank eating Evlli at of cities and towns to construct gam
Fort Erie and Tor, 110 Junction.
:.1111 wat•I' works and I,'v,' 11111111a1I spec-
ial rates to 8n4nce IJ1e111. 11.• held that
leer the present 11111^ 1111111 a,1 I4a kites
5.411'HI1AY, May 4is). w.•Ie• held lap by fatly
'• An Act (.. Meats m Provincial and were (.41rw1'tu ley 11111 and w4rn-
Boar1 of Con, Illiltiou and A,nitration •Nit plants fur than they were '
for the settlement u' differences Im•- worth.
tow•,. ren(d°Vcrs and employees •' i Mt. l'on,.11s• detfende41 the Art which
the 1kit. 11t a hill n)111eluced by 11..11. 18,4111111 114111e, Chiituing tluat it pre -
MI.. I4It'11f,m1I °Il \I* nday. The 11041111 v. Med the improper use of ,.l11nl•g181
is to ,'uusist of three 1111•,.11101., •,,f f 1s in competing with private co111-
N'hnml Must I*. 1411 rngdovel• of Moor patties. The repel of the l'I,olso+, 1111-
+4+1d inieJ111 e•nnpl4yee. !rhe director der which a huge• 110.1• of i
of the I'IY,viu,•ial Bureau of Labor will Ia1itie-4 144) 'gone int° the lighting
,uNinrw:,' would benefit neither the
municipalities nor th*' pril:de 1'1,Wr
1 a llieh. .
MI-. 1)4144l)1•y', hill Wes went 11114,444-
MittY• for discussion.
• NI /TY.11.
vincial House.
11111111, fur the eh:41111e is 1,114 ell 1.. 511141)
the habits. industries. and m11.1r of
Iiri11K 11f the inhabit:ult., of That far-
ifT torrid .linos•. The Zulus, Kaffir.,
M.tnble.. Bestow.. and sturdy'. reli-
gious. in*ustri114a11 14'*.'ls will 110• w•el)
IIs they nor at h°t1N•. Their imple-
ments of agrieultur•, of uarfai1•, and
household utensils, for the ti411t time
in this •'*41111114',. may be exnolin1l ,Ind
tln•it ass int'Iligently rx ih* ii.Yl.
Net et. ham, iu Au44•i4:u1 hist1,t'v h1,1
this oddest unity 'seen afforded. Here -
tame 11111' knowledge of Ike Naltltll
Rosati deer anti his life has been to,. -
Hoed to what meager a1rnilll4 hall•
1e4.11 furnished by explorers.
The :tali m4l depart ret• 111••,.aK,•-
rie. Is the personitlt'i'ti*n of complete -
'tics.. a11141 IYIlltallls *414411y rale speci-
14,e4.. .•111• 111 1411111.111+41• being all!
\Ihiai Filil' hull; )h.• 1Nly one if
its, kind klu•w'4 4.1 he it, existence, 1'14.- criminal 1,444, fn1' which this 1in4rrtl-
41/ue• cillta111 aniln*ls ft1.n1 .441'y II,e10 Was not r-' 1.ln.ihll•. than farm
In1441 of 111e globe. and iil4hIlle tigress- any w'a1t of assiduity or energy it, ad-
,'.. T ale. •. and leopa 11•awithl-11te1. 111 tnini.t.•ring lite Ina ,,Ven'y pe•lrnpaol
.Ill tier, are over one I lied and iW.te4'ti*,.5 hullo bY•11 giV••n that no
lift Instin. t spweinlen., and not only breach of the 11445 .It.111141 1*,. pe'1'lllltteal.
the 1111:: 41 ones, hilt many taught and although it Was 1111s•ne i,fa,tory 4,
to perform N1t11 4*11 intelligence that I. know' that I11•t•f.N'111a411'1.5 were given
there wind* wen• prlhihhtesl 111 But -
fall,. .1 i11 w'• *'..troll nod di not. 111411
.nfcllce the 1444. If Ih.• rrinlinal 1481'
was unequal to meet lhr111..-4111.1in1-
.4.tunlnt Noe. 11111 responsible, rhe dib
H4u1ty Was ill distinguishing bet ween
it 1''1,4• tight :11141 41 Iey1ltlg •11' warring
uult..h. 11 KII the slier utl41ings 1a,•r.'
.lend as Iced in *'041..1:451', Iteeenlly.
hating him•.•If 411mi'•Vell 411441 +01 evl•11t
M115 to take plate. rel Fort F:ri.•. he 11141
r ' that
given Ie•Irw dory in-'.114..'t1t 1 1
111••11' 44 11 'l4. 1111. 1•II-
fn1s•inK 1,1 th.• Ia8'. \\•hm? had taken
pine•• lie Was 1141 x54-1411•, The 111111.04 1011
With N'het hel' thele 1h,11111 not Ie• tn4re
peremptory. 1111N1• s•au1•hi144 leg19la-
'. s I/rrt As re• -
11 u
11 wa ntlu
tion u4. ttx J
gnolf•.I the Toronto Ju114ti1,n institu-
tion the limtrnity wits to. bring it deal -
h' withiW
Ore late. :All wl11• of effort.
had leen made 4.4 obtain that eyideltre.
It tori a rinh, mod !Windier. al..s•,.Ibled
there, and lei with 1,n,' another, and
that did nut 4oW11. 4 -it hill!),, Ii4N'. 1'he
1*w 4111)' reached them when the pro-
prietor 41,nduet41 the betting. and
even 1helrit was almost impossible to
1,htain (h.• necessary evi.epre. herons•
a place of that nature was carried 1,n
With 1011,11 eXt11411111t*aty cigi)a111'*'.
On Wednesday n breeze sprang up
in the N11us• oVet• the I41y'111ent in :May
last .1 $17.1 t4 a ('nnw•rvatiyr in \\"esu
Nipissing for ln141iiZltti4in 1111111 put•-
pen«41. The ,N,itIt which the 1lpplsi-
fair e1,IWO14,n of it f.., his .1 . tiin tried 14 make was that the pay -
her. The short stories Are all by Ment w,*4 mad.• With tine Wiliam.. 44
Canadian w•I•iters and not less bright influencing the vote .1 the Wall N'1144
foie that reason. The illustrations. received it. • John M.'Mast1.1•. Mr.
s •of'w-hich An• in 111141. .h11N' 144t•ht4wit explain..1 that aimed Mit!‘
great l414' in their pI141Ultion land 11Rh 11.1•„ 'mint itm for M, Master's
indicate a ....Minuet improvement in 41p)11111tliiel11 ,1s overseer' was received
the work of Canadian illustrators:. b)• the .1►1•Iart1(14nt fr.nu the present
Frank farted opens th1• number with lrllreaentxtiyl• for West Niptasing. Mr.
411 111usU'ate1 ,,,.•hint of the rapture Michaud. Bef.we sending out A grant
41 a 1111Nw1• alit,• by H party 4( l'ins'•j, it w141 the cimt*nl 4f the. 1h'pm'1nit•nt
1113 , 'sl in
1, r• 1'i1y .•'V, +1 11 1 t
Nlw,rtsnlrn, The "'many'.f the { t1, ask tote I receive
*•Il1 9'+14 w114111
Of Nf•w \Ve.t1lOnNt1•t•, the site of which 14 • 1'4awte Where 1111• gran
1 ,/ Y• the
1 "11• 111 w( 1
(i1 111 sent 14.
was s•hcte4l by the British It wens sometimes n
Hirai and the 11111114- 1,f which Wan given 1.111(1 WW1 received. It was ell 111111e ill
lel -: 1N well tulli I4' this rase, the grant he•i11g 14 very .. 11
George H. Malden, This is pnlfus•ly one. The lllm)eY't/r had 1'I1N'ti•11 that
illustrated. John G. ,O'1) Khi.*'' the N•nt•k 9741 N'('11 Il
replies t4 Professor Shir•t1 (warier ' K The (1 gwei'14(1 charged that.
the necessity for inr•,n•ienating the the• Puh�ic R"1,rks Drpatiuwnt
trades and making them legally was using the cllnniz.al ion mods
responsible for their acts. John A. money in attempting t4 corrupt the
Ewen writes moat happily and clearly electors in favor of (ipVel•tonent condi.'
,, the progtees of "Current Events dale's. The Premier At 8r.t did not
Almond," while the other regular treat the Opposition (•ritieis11l1 serious -
departments are hrightiv 811.41. Iv. hit on their pursuing the matter
- Mr. RIMSh,,tl)' resented the. impute -
Lines to Sir Wilfrid. tion 4f a coir'ipt intent_ Nr charge)
The following line,* have been Ap- the Opposition with dragging ',edifies
pealing in English paper,. under a in the mire by the imputation of minim -
portrait of Canada's Prime Minister : ter motives for every action of the
Fir Wllfrkl Laurier, as his name implies,
bourn; French and partly otherwise: Mr. Latchford had previously ex -
In speech few statesmen can with hum coop pi/tined that the platter had been at-
paretended t l b hi.. ,lec4et14ry while he
And fewer still hate nnrh a heed of hair: Y
Hell telk In French and English. as you Dlen.w. was out of the city, and the point w4aa
With so much ekgnemee, and e0 Hine{, ease. alter brought Out that colonization road
You wonder listening to his declamation
Which of the two nicht chane to oe his money waft usually gent out at that
natio,. timnYrf the year.
Rut If ro�a� want to clear up every doubt, A dl.C1Meion upon the proposed re -
Aimee Lac EMMA& and mall soon And out
1. `11.1 ,Mie, 4.111 iayia • 1'a KK4Y x 1"l ell.tl era I I• 1 1. ,H 11.1' rel o. ',tains alik..h4Ve4*4ntribiated. .\ 1s
Imeth if \\Ingham. 1'h.. '.n*u' )*.-1. ,• Ih,•)' g11t 1tY4• fn.,.l 1h.• stn if 111.'. frau
y�.y,� 5 11' n,Nun • sHlange
• 144 fill' 4'44.1111 year., hilt Ti1P Ilulggt•T•n8 With 440\, 1.19. {t,.� T
-It `ill for omit' 41Mait n week.
and tit.. 01.11111 4401'414'*'.
1 alias 111 his set enty-.eighth
x,•11) Jane M,u•tyn. daught.e-
Irl. T. R. Malign. M:x••ter.
soddenly /11111 •xleY•l.Ylly
• .IJ v, IIt11 1,1.t. She wad. en -
Ugh, h.uw•hol4 ditties
•1,. 4'a. 9.'iZ4d With N w•4•elr at -
ti• a14r•ha a -4f the lungs. 41111
,.' In141 ail! arrive) life was e•x•
ll..' y 11111144 w••f111111 w'a. 1 went t' -
•.'a. of age. •
1, .141, Harr. w•h.rw' 1111111e 11144
1 I' .Illillvlltly before the plll.11l'
n '14nnction with the Barr
4 'grants. wits at 1114•
-,n ..f the Anglican church at
He is it 1'asa.lian, h144'ing
•, ret Haltom,-olRty. 11.' was
J minister of the 4'hureh of
x wonder' they were not all tllul1h more
seriously injured. 41111 they aur to 1e•
e4ngtlttal14t*y 1 1111 their fort mint.. es-
cape, \1'e' 1 ilcrstasl11 that the 1,1(••41,1- "'he 1 1 1 1
1 0 11/19 s' el• been deal , -1Y 11
in I h1 m n 11 ret 1 4
114 4w'ml'.
ling ,431 surprising .undone. they 1 4
not offend. Tiweri,.g giants. little
(gets, sinal prodigies, deft wire.
wax. and paper wol'k.•1.. the laugh-
'1ltlrh au11 rel 4-, ll**tgiclalt5,
,• . ,It1144111e,
gtacehl buttrrHy dmu t f
thiol Ie4114)11', 11114(414411'.•11 pet loll•. I-
T'he Cigarette Evil. reader.. hell-ri11K1•n. Iulgpipwl.. and.
14 •.N,1 ribnted by the w', C. T. l'J in fart. almost everything w. lndel•fml.
All the tents of the \\"10114.1' I.. Main
The fe11nw'104 letter appeared in n Et11,10141n11 ~31481. 111111lli11e1 with the
t'e4'1,1 11111111N•1' of Th.. Christian Guar- glan11olilitnly'spelled.•. Savage South
dims : Africa. are 11111 and water 1)114141. One
Dent' Nit'. -.Lot el?11rt 15 being mad.• ticket IIs adtuissil*n takes the holder
t1, '01101n -ems the fagon•tt.• evil. and 1 411- time:K11 evet'y department 4f the trig
.non• oat, w'h*t•ver may be 4he attl- show•
tilde o1 fih•'n on lhia. 1114t1,'l' the CURRENT LITERATURE.
great Illajlf'ity of Methodists. at an)'
tate. will app41,tr *4f l*'gislal' •141,1• •-
Iat.•4 to ehe'k 411,11. lint it •soles to •11•cr: 1'.414.t111.4N JLtu.\zI1l•:. The
,.Ie 4hat mush (night +lel be dame by i'e1w•Ie14 1 after• good reading
example, Orem am Is rhe g,„4 141.l.11111- matterIs a 11111111••111 furl' both ••• It411*
!dished by restrictive legislation of °nil tl'a41et.. The .111tir 1,1 the
Canadian Magazine hasw'eul-Yl n v4l'y
.1, holt 1,n e,in sortingg hi, hl- any wort. it is well known that such
Is . stat'e'd the Church of -Eng- law's are haul t* enter,•. 141111 what
legiilathon w •times fail. to 144•
plish entirely might he attained by
other means. Iw•t me illustrate. A
member of the M.•t11*,*list rhun•h is
n4t,,.qtplrn«d 04 smoke. exreept in 41441'
1.4.41•14 'Where 4trletrd 441 d° MI by n
phVsician. This is one 4f the sires
w•hi,11 men are expected to give up 4n
plr,feami4n of faith in Christ. But, as
*1 1 ,, 1 v.• it
matter f fart many I not give 1 1 and t hPlt' weak excuseIN " There's
11• ail
n dl
n harm It, it."
In the cigarette,iw•ilusinn in Pat•lia-
melds I noticed that oneof the s
rte maid. "If m ken. would only prim.-
tim•...•If9h•nial forthe benefit of others.
It would do ,nueh to le men the cigar-
ette evil." This in true, and, while ale
Nesbit. to all who to ke. i.. particu-
1\-inghe11l Timm. wan•.: M.
t. of the ItIlle'AI.' mad, *aught
11 114• Maitland river et the rear
'4'i"t' y on Thursday laid that
rot 4went y -rive Inches and
41 Nie p1mads and mix re.
+h is known as the red flu
. 1113. i• a trot. eel' yarn, as
41141111 pie.ente41 the• 8nh t4 the
lean on Tlnit•wiey evening. �I A
this size 1. net taken out o, the
lel every day.
Peter M11agroye, bids of the
.tel hest known clergymen of
Item P1•.hytrry died at the
• Ilk Killep, near Meal. rth.4.n
••'toes Nat J)th Rev Mr.
14.'. who hid ppn111,lwd the three-- ho-ly wr to Methodists. How can men
n't n n mark, lo441 i4•rn PAAtor whoa ke exwet their (•hildren 4.+l
abstain 1 The dimculty of convincing
yonth14 of the evils of tobacco 14 great
enough. but 1w a .N greater when
their nen' rs smoke. If the "a king"
mr1111e rod adherent.. of lour ehun•h
1ml t en example of abstinence,
t e would. in my opinion, benefit
themselves, hut they would benefit sr
ciety as well. and particularly the
tieing generation.
Asestiming that smoking is simply a
habit of pleasure -though i think it ie
touch mote -would it not he a step in
the direction of moral reform to give
It up for the benefit of others P Are
there not eotoe sten connected with
the church who are willing to show
their devotion by go doing P Let us
+ .1,11 (Tinto rh Irches, Mr.
far over twrnty•Mr tenor*. Ile
e widow, a dsteer of Rev. Mr.
f Ihilieh ( rel Ida, formerly
Kilo, two ,l;4. ght•te and twn
deter IlleDohakl, of the 7111
111 .4f T11rnh cry. met with e
1'rw, 4n Monday evening of huff
thee his 11,44-41.4 were deetroved
The log horn win almost 3.011
and all the impletnents except
were under cover In the shad
were all hunted. The harness
ealt'1e in the main barn went
Yt. The four horses were
°1K• The lose will tie very
0o Mr. McDonald, owing to the
tlh. 1•rtaeN Stable Gfv.s Pablle s Sur.
Pelee sad Wise ,1101 sad Seemed
-Tb. Sewed Day.
Toronto, May , 413. -The Ontario
Jockey Club's spring race meeting
Mira* on Saturday. The grcatMt in-
terest aatred la the Keg's Platt
race. Of the arty horses whom
name were on the let day of March
Inscribed 0n the entry iist for t11e
Ring's Plate of 144041, affirm surviv-
al the trials of training with tush a
skewing as justified their 0wnows M
sending them to the post. As is gen-
erally the case, Mr. Seagram had the
largest representation, three out of
*lift t 111111111'*, kind r .rest. Mama
watrfrng rn4 pawing hntomnmleu 1U
m11. A from Dord,,.nlx, when a horse,
frightened by the noise, bolted and
overturned the lady, whn fell under
a racing sotto. - !loth her saving
rut offend the hopes i her
lite are slight
Welded Is rk.rek. '
for ars township collector
of North
pyl,ycheetar, well-known
throughout the county and In the
city, wee found deed yesterday in
the Methndlat Church at Putnam. A
revolver that ishowed
at he had a oMmiteed Welds.
Miller'. (-rip- Pawdere cumtitJae. wI le by Us.
pounds. The live wiry i ng -nee (spurge,
At Nile, ('apt. William, of Portage la
Prattle. Msn., and John, .lamest and
Tl ens, Id Clinton. Mr. and Mrs.
John' Sheppard. the parents. passed
Away about seventy and twentyflve
years ago, and were laid tar rest In
(}darn ere ret. Holnn'srllle. The late
Jacob Sheppard Was not it man of
many wemle, hut. during his 1iwl4 life
he wast ever feithf,l fen 114111e and
moontrY, of brand views and tolerant,
mind, with a bind heart for hie Idl-
iowst. HA was one of the pioneers
whn helped to shop dews end make
the filed roadway on West' street,
(i.xlerit'h, end Alan assisted his brethrre
In 'limiter wink lore what le now known
AA the Huron mad. Ihlrinfr his whole
Vs his humanely transactions were ex-
wawarll1 . --. _
((owl going .1 ' (111, .1bno 314111, 11• -
turning Withal Mt days from date of ge,--
b* ie. Good going Jul • Slit, valid 411 E
return until Sept.. Nth, 1 11.
Where 1S Spesd the Selmer
The honors Muskoka lakes, iake
.4 Bayo, Lek. Nfpheeinp, Kawarthn
Si11rr ( 'onfeYlrillt 1011 111.• 14811.111111 111-
4 (y of memb•l.nf the 1,'gishtttire
has been *MOI. There 1s Alii :111 a};ita-
lion K the members on 14 it II si,1*'$
if the Hotilw•'fot' its increase to $.deed,
The 41,.rinittee 111 chat•ge• •i1 the newt
tax bill hats les.11 h1.14rin4 d.pitlt ions
representing various interests a4ft4-etett
by the h111.
Laughlin hlin Fountain
Pen Holder Is meds of fin -
co qualityhard rubber. is
fitted withighest grade,
large ai*e. HE. `old pee.
of any desired flexibility,
and has the only perfect
feeding device known.
Either style, richly gold
mounted, for presentation
purposes• S1.60 extra.
Purely you will not be
•hoe to secure anything at
I WM!lbs tta p hie that won
give such continuous
pleasure and service.
For Me by
lie Square CMDEDICff
Dunlop l
Ton can plass full reliance In Dunlop
Detachable Paeamauo TIM -they will
sever betray year trees, hardest (o rine"
tuna easiest to repair. Tears of excellent
service have made them of almost mei.
veesel adoption. Every wheel with • repo -
tattoo V fitted with them. Every titterer
experience indite on them.
Dunlop Tires nuke bicycle enthusiasts.
They Incr.aae the pleasure K wheelies and
minimize 4.M troubles. HleydI.g M an
assured noose with Demo,
The Dunlop Tiley Co.
Toronto. Ont.
Grose M U/MIw1. K has, Wlaall.a frNwes.
RAM ye. fiend A Doigop Coin) la
• Block.
]'Ic K
Our Buyer is in Toronto
This week after the latest goods and on the hunt for
Bargains, which will be here on Saturday. There
will be money in them for you.
Window Shades
are \1'r hut's 11)11 many of these in the
g111111 kinds, they are the beat linen
,*deal opaque, newest • colon( and beet
1litict., and we will sell
, the 31k• ki,.ti for Nk•.
.. (1x. .. " 341',
ILS•; •• 1, 70c.
r .
L i
Muslins -
The kin's that not In1)' look enol but
are cool. The kind that do not hook
cheap but are IoW priced.
10e, 15e, .'.N' a1141 3.M'.
rlillipery _
!'his has been the t'c(ld la'*iM)n for us
in the millinery depu•tnleut herons*
we sell Millinery at dry -goods priers
and always l*tv'e the ttcweet because
we were not loluleal up with a lot of
early opening goods. More new
milliiery this week.
Nee our flowers 1a1 Se. 1(k• and 85c.
•• •' feathers at 10e and I&.
Merl N And hpyh' white and colored
dress shirts at 111- anti two for 75e.
Men's and boys' straw hats 3c to 73c,
Special et 2k'.
We have clothing to sell not to keep ; our low prices prevents us from
keeping it lung.
Men's 41111 110y11' 5(114.x, all p,'11't'M• and the (Leet for the price in the markets
li ly4 knickers, men's pants and overalls. •
New Idea Piattclns Ilk, Ask for tickets on China.
'Zo Good holiog All Ways and Alwap at The Sign!
nmmmmmnnmmmmnnnmfm tnmm
ps in Hardware 1
n a
Invictus Boots
at $3.50, $4.90 and $4.51.
After m•mehing investigation anti due• trial we are con-
vinced that the Invictus boob., lll,yle• by Geo. A. Slater, of
M4nUrnl, is ala• of the hod men s (soot mode, 41141 at 1)111'
pike' is easily oar of
the iwst V4111/4. It
Is a IMM)t We feel
proud lof.
Graceful in dtsign'
p10•rfeet in tit +1141 fin -
omit: dressy. comfor-
table, anal fur weal•
(111.141141 Of m1).1115.110
boot pedalo ever maw.
The Il4' W s*lIl1titer
styli's+ an. ready end
Await )e,lll'approva1.
Siete 6 to 111. All
111411' With 131441yeear
welted extension
°la•4. 1'rice $3.31), $I.Ull 41111 $l. 141.
1311 n path• and try yhenl. If th1•y fail yell ,• • hack
and geek out y (a x new pair. That shows our clmfl•
dente in le IlvivWd Inn rt.
The Big Sale
o, �h�
Munro Stock
I Dry Goods
Is on.
Great Bargains in every line. Every-
thing goes regardless of cost.
A large quantity of choice goods still
Now is your opportunity.
u�wuuuu�utuuuwuuuw uuu�uu��uu�w�uuuutuulu�C
1 have bought for cash a Targe quantity of
the following seasonable Hardware at
and as long as they last you can have
them at the following prices' for cash :
\Vin• at. $2 63 \\'hike 1neul, F•lephent Brand, pure, at...... $5 ill!
rel 2 711 \\'hit. Lend, Robertson's, pure, at 6 Fall
r rod :Mt 114111/41 Linseed Ioil at, per gal. .. Iki
i ill Nails rel, per prime! l :1
n*ith 141n4144; Twine : (:*4141 Molal, lie., Green Sheaf, 1.2441.
IA41 Ye ('4411' ,,t'ders be. Twine. Friel. guaranteed. ..
r call nulla you an 4.s- wire London Fence for 35c a rod.
ir:at:e+il. ;�4U1 a��rek1►M, .nixed Paints
1 I 111• the "Ark" brand. 1t is the best -hs weather ant water proof. 1f you 41.44• it
1wkps. and t he' Magnetewan River are or -
reached only by the Ormond Trunk
Railway My,ten). Exeellrnt hotel Ar -
ca ,dation, healthy dinette, 148hin4.
Pte'. Descriptive literature and all in PLUPIBINO. HEATING
formation fnm,. )It110h0 i H�i1Lh4�:.Ni,,111.
Town Ticket Agent.," Gotierirh.
J. D. MIer)Agdat• ;/7 Mi►luMluiliiuMiuiiiiilli��liUibliiliilil111 1111
District Pauaenp;et• Apptlal,'!`�xtrnt,. Qtlf
toner Yon will net w:mt any 01 /WV kind. I have handled it Int 4teed six years." It has been
tried, tested and f4nnd Satisfartn•y in every way ; and the int alniflee•tun'rs have the plant and
rnpit al 4.' turn out the very'stet art irk oti the n)ark+'t.. Yon will be 8111*' 1r ulatrh their points
in future years. They are not likely to Ir put out of Imsinrss.