HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-28, Page 3„-.-.J�c 1i , ..
• ted m” if I would hoomior him with M this mini«ter world ty, a refl•+utlunI Children'- •-•a+;•'ldrito• Dealt ttJr �� tt��lt,1ea>Ittti��lt��le JL.
It Has That Clear Liquor bait with the fulls,SayingfoU that hu uu thaoki, at . L.
I tho All aulthnrhart artfeeWeg Arl Iv a the n, 0"A they fonund a AT THE FOOT OF THE PRECIPICE 9
that Ur. Churchill luau klndl 1-11 J them• Icer Al au + q ow o t +tot + pt,vi- rYIIJ/On'g R(dmtl(.--kll i01' ChIPdl711a I
N ,rypr.alated Dy J aynu t,"i drfle►f•1a Mw the key to U.r roll. d'arms. 1 tine. All t4,�u Ideas had Kut m,xoat p
actledexl readily to Ilia request, mud up, wbfc'1 Dv4r'v Wattle aouleaso h
we aLrlied leach to the chateau, clear; as+l mutters wery sot iw. t1n,u,tLek'nachitUDarles Finer•) 4
ohattfug of fencing am we went. S proved by th,• kh,dly nr eption tkwy t- I la
found h . tie Luv.al eztl•au)oly %011 taut. The Painful o"'We t had let toe 1,,.,, rtr�r,.,,,,.,. -.,wwwow7PJit71r�7! 71P r.
%e-I.ed vel the vab}xll, and made up faced, mull an old eldri• atuu+bled Into
If wy mlud that Iw wtxald Provo no that middle or the+ senteuee be Paul Oise boautual aliorpuuu to tie i "Do you think, Idiot, ttL►t i I)ID
este adversary. I been mentally prepau•tng, uututaa, 11, ULY'a1 Mall,lrtutl sad l,la yet helpless. Infirm or parnJyse'd V'
Arriving Issg tat Uw Wtaleaw we der- I ^It's tuft. way, you sou. We, din+ca tel r urdrrly, bis f,.iLli(ul BrWuux, res demanded, the genera! angrily.
,ridded at oloc t„ the former room. want to Ir+ hard oil yaw. alai Wt' tirtal Ilk.+ alwsedf uJx! rAlsed to the "1 beseech you. sir. and
lily WMI.xt,u/Na unlocking - time door, t+nine let the gloamlu' just to ban a rank of lieutewtul Leray�eryrbl. Hrkfwz grasped hold of his matter;
and standing politely Agldu for sae to inti crock wY ye Privately anent I were w.tlkl+uit al,lc by .ltn,, with u but the latter jerked himself free,
first No so'ouor• host we 00-1 w hat's guru route the parish, the' we4 _ st(p uutt _tvaat .Ufl etcrt utd vlga,r- uixt gripping the projecting rucks
tered, he,wever, limeit a uoarked' uurs+l'r dlnstt tWILP%" a wont u't-" 1 - t otic, along the I.totuttiALUO txYtks of I with both ttaaxfr aogd feet, oucceedo I
Palen Olt,;Krof 'Mala, will displace JupfaJI 'I�sa Just ail "$ILLADA" LSlark chauge came twor film, and carefully I The minirltr here Interposed. � 'meati en I11+► 700 tine !cele. 1'he wrvwtt ILi.I Jremesel let reaching a llrn spot. Wlt4 an
y dl@Plnoing sli other blaot tons. let ktul {xu kilts only, 1.,c naJ sill. luckfug the door Road returning the Iteafly I do out know what you I-IVWJ 0% se •lope •+JJ vas lnduloaJ Pe ,hie+1: ve:y finely fur tray.liug. And even more ugile leap. Brlduux fol -
lie eq Ills 'reale JIM Jo Igl!tap fa y lowed Mal, silt% haste reouverr,l Ids
kyr to 41r trwroer pocket he be awe I rotor tat." , uivluea "v v 'i1 '01g310p•lpld uotunpl the, geiraral ver etmP►y, ++, that, In g
W Ib. hay, all grocers, to curve me violently, declaring that , .. Oh It's the Ikklliu' we hue come I.a� of p0axa+Vp• raluell Jlruesaad s (their hb)o sults meal ild ti Iwlr, they g(axl !ower, said;
_ -_ at last he had we Lt film powsa' and: aboot. It's ruwurul true Dan tol 'Joe solid puwu�l, int the ryt'y of the latsesottr "Whom there In why danger, my
— - . - ------- _ _ ___ --- ,that I wwlJ never ie►vu ilia ruuns • too a dm sxvaav put 'vtuow of AtivwttuN fur uli uuwradw out on i
--- 8 xbeba that you play tilt+ fkklle." no) 0f M V, 'o too un{t 41 roomette, fn KcnerRJ, 1 110 not gat ,titre out of
For a moment I war too dozed I
1 0• ria
.. Well, wy Iriendoei said the mlu- ,
trios, "l buys yaw will nut cwrit•uuI
"I hope ill 'l
nwd elu0.0Ja unp — i their vatuatltal. Only )e
- s,uariunp� her lntttoalJltde dL.tlpgul-fled the em-
r ,yq 'ear•, emwlVaR dR ' 1 g
pulltaneas, but 1 follow you."
Although NOruuw•bat tout of breath
to understand wllalt he meant, and •
lino . u uuh ; and, els-
'lmiasPI$M f1.NoAl+lnyt
glad es,ly, after +a rdarke turn, they
lionerul Mandr'11id laughed titbgh.-
then, notictng ilia wllduess of file
eyes, flus awful realization of mya
hag, left the room. `
Tile dol,ututluu, It W n mlmt before,
I A ••00J •Art3op tuew •M
Daiwa u)xai uu ecurwtou.e pilo of grata
ID" u druLrly free
(ell aa1 Rrldwx, \rho waw 110
Y• of
teasel tpulled(�tilm. eclluur-
ptosltlexu rustled upon me, nrld ! know!
were duuubfouatal a,w, and at lad
pas 'mr+ntlap 7o rtlavr 0noa0fu•p Veto ,
ewe wfl+ 041 .IV ue•if
ate rucks it {,erp
Ule river uawl blrrllg the rued. ave
thrat I war alone and unarmed with.
u madman (A much mon {x,werfullyi
(low fuutxl tech to Ila "Hran1 0u
,� y' Y
Ilke u' that T"
soot tu0uad t1tr
Lpetu0J 141(104 61111 641 Jo sasop r0J v 'peau
0vi tet Du01+i Juapr fupiv)ua I
Well ale hidhlJ; the nluuuur, rurlUag
lair. placer where he might rest need
rucks against w•hltb hu might Ir+ul.
built wan than myen+lf) let n room
ekes She
"I duet It's been ower true, after
Jo aroyy
o• OAoJd Illi 1saao s1gJ,`'raalsatr •.not
0uur+w Uw heifers
IIOw {'uvuklaiy to meat rRiO11 an
retch alcor many struggles they
where I war out off from ell chance'
n'," sold another.
anis pus wiwR e.uetunis'1u0ww10
u• misar •ean� auo:ts 'etnD vonsdllruo3 !
obstacle,' grwab;ul I;,e wrul iter-
reached u rock about W+lt-%caiy up
of help.
Noticing my attitude le stalled'
The minleter reappeared with a
Old Hundred,
�.J ) sarglon •aalettia •aan� dnoa;) 4301
drauiL so lie rtopptxl ahurt. "!t outs
flet excursion right In the
the pugu pilo goolke was 04 urN,ugtt
fur taw two nu+u to rtraad uprltibt
o fend switching on tile'
:oDrolestle 11gh1 rte{,{osJ let ale wall auu !
tame from the fartruLag a txxaplr of I
brew viollu, arae pin�ed
u,xl the "own mucic so acted Oil
the worthy elders that they erre
y„og vel duns It°aa0>t of «•a +iter p o,�i I
pat• 1say� euwipeA tRt'"Jt uo�unal I
Off our
IovelhsR spot. lint w'u won't slop at
t (qt, Urj,lOux T'•.
..we A►r." Brldouz•
upon. ones there. Mandreull guav1
od ;
"I *Just to rest n bit mixt gilt
d,vlll)g ratans, one of which heI
ouuatrufuel to add their volcse
the fine old paulw tuna
aa•4 Dwuar aegtow 1nJlvsnog7
•nalwaeg ilailluO u• tagl Ieq Ides.+�
su111118plitt11 I
nl%wt. replied
hiluwu e1 ,a11Y. li/tir, tuuclral by the
P {►I
s,mn breath." A41d looking rirnvnat
tM\ew buotmptu(wNly to ver, tell-
Ing me to defend myself with It tel
At aha coneWrlwo the ruling elder,
pus ennaall0 •J• o0rea43p `
ani •aepawaa tR •r+onuasaf0p tlga
belulhvr Oi nature, '•T11e rues! atolls
the road ash talo riveradded; that flow -
beneath film, he eddet;
ale Gert of eat ability.
Y y
grasping the wlul►trr'r buJxi ex-
rf g
W 'a'o
pu• avJlstgd )o x•IJ 041 1• taeaplWJ 0t I
f of emuJ s bowls 43 1s total
tare, coir. Atul, b'elJ"r, the, inial
out tel'. aaJ we are a good two)
I pilo mY wont, it Is coati ulgh-
7•Ia+ U)@tent levy twind gratified the claimed, "Ab, that o u rte It. o w►v1 t e a ,K
one tal,le+xxrn tet suit legal one shake The
blit I A•It that I was war bawl a holnfoeinmL Wo ulxlerstood It gplettoame l 1nq VUV gogaeq 30 $1 0)111 'M loss 1yv► 1 wihve free the Uri.ytn at linnet. II c er thaw l thought ; It iauknn we feel
TUE HARDY SEX ter of the xltawtlun !•ivarcely had was une u' thar wee, I ewnnwu puv strap f+allellitgep 0Va w
Of lx•ple•r. lteptarce the meat In thhs )anlruSegt, skirl funs tlusoggngr tits 0ldoad ueo:f tuert %%Ill ❑tet rr1aJ1 Ile tun IN•fure dark. wart of +)ogre."
ttctukt At Once, mixt let It admo: fur I maulu•d thla hurried conclusion Ilya. rque•uklug, mbrhlaf-making, du- ter, It b. Suet heal eatN.lu(LIY dear poutded flim tucu grew white n• tar hill
I, a the Oue That Rear• Low abasia -I *OJ pus Jat10J Jt041 01 rot{• • 1 Jos Nim le ax,vrr.xd It with both Ids
at lural six hteurr. Teen the wrist wlwu tris sword• crowed and the al- provoking Iluulw u' thee tk•la flip ploy (rout the wt:y;;eatmwl, text without
rndOpenwurk nruehlnlar. over u;:.l rltr It o•ea.iunully. 'Plw, Lattk began. I ut fabs vel'. That war the enure u' uaapllga Jo oasee•Ip 0tit tpn10 0l eve Joy rv,.-n elupP,tig to unf&ptrn ilia trunks IwIAIK
secret of ting Nuce"m" with this dial I He reacted with devlllrh cunning. I our veeslt this nicht. Ar lung tie ye e•ol Jo aoq•t • uoag tipaansr• x04 11 I... . ever urraiiKiyg wlth the land- •;ypPrlstl! I eke believe Iam tool
,tc Is yet to ilia proved that women •six slow cooking. When finished It , knew from file very first lass that stick to that III_,, .ou.io, holeedt let- •uoLunkil, tur,1, )uu threw your overcoat Oulu u ouough to be dizzy I" He tottered
wl,v wear low shove are nture •unr I mh(ouW Ills as telrler a• bread. !'lure' he meant to kill me. Fainting, doua etrument yo are In Ulu richt w•.ty.' «'palmomeg n uopsu • to fulaq-llaaa x41 quer • . un,l away you want. 1 backwanl as he spoke, ead $rldoux
),en to colds than doss 'A hu wear I tie meat On a hat Platter, strain lltrg and dirrugaging, his point me- --W. O. pus sannus) Jla4l 10 4llsa4 a41 Jalle uu r„a+U' to wagon Uiat you lllda't• gr:arlre,f ill• arm, a mesal I
lllgh ehue• As Y+VJ it 1• to pfte prove, (th” gravy over ft newt serve garbldbed racing me In n11 ilia different Inner. IIhl Lltuafllle)ul 0,1 lua4tolu utoJ,I. a vw, take. your {Nr•kettxwk or your ••Attention now, general I No tool-
thu,ro who are wurlautlY on � w ab sliced ledlul oarrut0 led sprig. lie forced the altakok from the start COULD NOT WALK .-_ _ ___ private tapmQWr" out tet your .oat T". Ing 1 I told you how, It world be.
tlwlr guard AgAilwt what le ealhd I of parxiey. Tho, :gravy .1UTI bat arnl In spite of all tlwt 1 eogld du • laralUpon uV' wui l (Ue1a'l !' oiled ting I,e.l•1,(+dyawilicuitior crib ub ernY roal
elpamtru Ilio lunger than thorn who thick alit of a dark brown color. 1(101
mpelld nip to give ground. 81ow- GMmrnl. wpl a yawning preclpke let treatdo neat Care. walwi women out only Iipu surely hr drove' ire back and AYounaftlady Tellmable Torture blaetNNOGeaootlosoo7G9oG0� Just clef I thuuttll ! Ruch' a uI ter; thin fr tau thou to rake up
receive r ❑title climate, Ie+t c0wte THOI'8ANlNiOF MOTHIIGKa uthough eraeinl times 1 saw open- guaeredfromIthesmatNm.` vpi,uJant thlug to du,toIteuaorale,aillofspa-rtckiuesr. Upon wytout tet Ihr met limatrying d, tet c let I4r fur it final thrust, I could not JEAN Sf►1A AND I.+ok"L-book lying arolul d. Bat all !tail before le couki finish, the
11lulahug of u welglat that mute wuulJ brlg w)w•It UP gice it, tut sought Yaw MYrtlp Mnjur, IiartYsnd. N)D, wet were 111" erg of waN t41+ [s- general fell .car agulnrt Brlloux
UeLrJAUXUy fed Lt it difficult toseebowRe+t•ommeol Baby'i Own ilablets. "I vale let tllwanu ter dlamble. AffieltN w one of Rhe lhuuratwls who hove THE GtiBlNE I BATN1 utiles ;Uuut1l nIll tow you well. to, with Illi• whole weight. At this
U,elr hneltb rias rttfipr jp•cuurr they w•uuW not inn without them." 1s s were t•npidly approarhfug a crisis peeved flat Ur. Williams' Ylbk Pill i „ � ,girt to It ale tpiit•kr+vt. F:1,. well, now ruehSen, waezpeetod .reit flu
wear lour shoes. l very fam Ilar so•utonuo la their int- when f„otrtepv were leand runnInK will cure rheumatism. -lode Major. VJ000G00000C04f � 0:000000 t11eat you have e+•ou these ravined, brave servaamt lout tits or{uillbrlum.
Nuw, tato n carr—tate the nvoh tear to us. TJI, Tablets 1�•t this down ale staire, and a 7hoFueut • "Luys: "I &uttered from the trouble •wild and rolit&ry enough to r wall-' reeled and sought to regain hie foot -
Ago man. He putt on floe thicknesses pralre simply because no other m Jl- later the doctor's voice repche,l ate fur nearly u year. I haul the advice "I've gut 11, Jt,aJu !"—•a�uo-ou-(N' !— auy unit shave , )et us go Uaot MJ lig, but he only nipped upon tb�
Lot clothIng on a cold day. lee Ir not I eIns haw ever June so much In le- Wel a heavy weight war thrown of a doctor and toot tits medicine. ,•l,ro gut It :' crio d F-als, ole \thee seek the pocket. book end -our sup- treacherous moss tile►t eOveeed chi
...test If the temperature In billow i U(n ftig anal curing the wirer rllmrutai atLainwt the lucked door. ' but tt dW not lelq we. The trouble biahf. IN•r. stones.'111ae melt hung for a moment
*;t l0 her dfloo. Hu would not thick I of infants and young children, I IdeerrkW—_Thrat he war likely to are , ova■ located cldefly W guy antler, "e+sen, meati ! I haven't seen any- uu tlw tdgo of t110 precipice menu
or stepping agrwx the street with - i lies. Lev) ferry, ltoseway. N. B., halltedof hip$,r,•�, the maniac threw j uiwl the pain I suffered at tlult•e, w'Llt tae ye Rot Bon?" s+yx I. tiling!" declared 'Ile general oat thea, amid a clatter of falling
out putting on hiL► overcoat. In most aaym: "I take great pleasure to re- , caution to trip w'in1s and attncke,l war ihte ilia. As u umnttor of tact 'd,i t anithur Fret+tnaunw's bib, or rdnatcly,,='or at )cart, what I I atones, they fell down, down, on-
onmeg, b0 woerkS out venture out I IomnerxlluK Bnhy'r Own Tablet• for me nt$IeemN �, s'rvvminR carr"" un 1 eat ileac 1 was quite unable to walk whit 7" ° have at -on Is nothing In tontprart•ron I to' the cowl below,
w1ttstot his mndflor anel overdoes. collo and conallpitlon. i have n.•ver my heath while a bloody foam (,room the room, and for some tit%. •.laOe ts' yer Imyiionce, Joao. Tell with „hat there is on the _ other ('..a"rnl llatalre•ull was the (fret
AJsi talker that lna►n'r wife. tilts wears, found anything to equal them !or . !rotted from him, lips. p to open Qin cyee, awl in & feeble
two or iterate thin thl,tuemsss 01, these troubled." Besides curing cut-' Suddenly the dour gave way and Munit's I wet otrnflned to the house. a,O, boo"—ahou-oo_oo_— yer awn laug. ° these nNhe' t'omr• tem'+. Brt- • t
douz, wo nraY be, retired, but vee i ,voice, le whispered;
ck,thlug She tlaxsl)'t wLnl the mea- j tronrtipeuon noel ladigertiun) ix Churchill atul two atttndaatr 1 used liniments +old other medl- !'ve got tow W-frae-Lenzie." ` Wankel eeareety, be Afaaud to cumU
thus. She wall m(wt tl)e hlaertr Ifof i Baby's Own Tablets pmceut cropP� , fang into the room. Fur a moment I cities prescribed for rheuwatlem, but Tywtar y(x Suterdsy t1PplW', use a Brkduu: ............ aro .......- you .. .
ttyy, a hill of pl•fobler like this." I ..•.....,Uiere T"
winter with unouncern. In hat home, break up mbar, cx{rel worms• &IIay1I �ootlatdbeo0sdpyen l ft mine old i my Gdid egged gomoood
to try Un Wil- ` Bulera:ay tipalln'!' Yu tab tine, "Te• but I am afraid." rPplteel Brt- Ie a "till weAier, tumbler voice, tits
she a►th Allow the tlarnoce fire to thin irritation Accompanying the out- I in aha trico , sprang forward, I llama' ndPinPills. I acted on their wumuu"-allou•uu-oo-"I find uuly douz, rpuadiy xtialrlwrn. "I'm not a honest fellow replied: I
get Sow. She will follow a caller to ting of filet!, g\rewlen the •tomncA lad of .0. auu it maker me dimly to
the aloes, out uu flu \erendnh and I struck tap Ilia Meal•. and seizing file advloel and before i Ixad used three two or •throve a;ltuer 410041 tat italry•" I am hrrA 1 can hear you.........
and promote henlih-giving Vii+'P ' sword with my left luted, torn it boxes, I DpRnn to teal [miter. I tout Jo tar folk u' lho ftutllte@, Stab— int hfgb up In the air. I'm not going INit licamnot see you. I world
talk and talk, owllr•ly unmtudtul of I (luarantrnl to c0ntnm neither o{i _ to break my troller, tuulbhuK of IL !ace to turn my head and .........I am
from his grasp i little boxer of the pitta altogr-there qct 7^ (( leciplee like that."
wrap& husband lute@ c�ldr�ll kllxla stew nor other harmful drugs. SOO, The attendants dIRRR,d the ma ant before I flnlahrrl the Tort bot ••ye'U hao me twt,a rfeltdoou hall P not strong enough.......... o
et .G cents n txly by all druggllts also away, dao that n1 ht the dile-: 'Ruh! Where Ir the difference`' Can you stretch out your hand?"
of colds -every kind that is gu11lg. Or may M• fin l ,xtoy y all the Pr. nor told y. and out aloe He had, not 4 trace of the trouble remained, lttinJ next, Joan"-allots-aw-o0 "Ili t, eat I delpnnded title go n:u'ad, lcrtlly. You •. My baud? I cannot feel It
Hu xvonelan whc L.• taker rold H's y' ]t to r,ow nearly twrr years since I ouy rate, I've, Rut •a archil ;won • '
wllllnml Y.11cine Co.,Brockville. kitlod film best frien,t In a duel I will Iwvo to break thew rice tlwe, Any more. I ennrot filet atly-
wife Is goat euu,yrh to wonder with R toot the Milo amil um there finer not could, or, raltiwr a gracile' ylu'— ••
Ont. th h e miwunderstandin and on Rome lhlnK, sn why sol thlatt' thing............ Our account is rettlexl,
film oaf teals him hu must tie more . rotes been a symptom of Lilo trouble educe riitx,-ts0 uu. ")tit Ile guru tae Lau n S rent for Vourm V, sir,' .replbrl my general." .
rarWul of hlms+df. Maybe she will I the shtx3 when he roan I that bid it rosea that the pill@ make per- I ru•le:+al cure tats LiIcLt, en' that Ir— RrlJoux—"Y011 will !Lave n gran -1
that In a,llitO.0 to nil Of hill' Meet" mek's bleeter. fr:rnl mens innocent, uus,•ttlttl him P u caiWnol baU)." fah"rill. pine will: there will be an -"But It lit all my fault, -fool that I
reason. He was aR timer almost i41aanent cut ea" "A whit 7'• was• with my crazy white to play the
lethoi ll we uta client
at proot oxpOeura mtc.dl; h nm•rMen. escort sal (lowers and Crowdv of
iw etlall wrap n rhrat pnptertur or n t (sup, but the le.ght of n rwtml or Rheumntl►m i. a silicas. or the, „A calbinet bath:" + troy sgnln I Forgive mo, m7 Oki com-
porav pluner. ltut shat takes Ito A farmer's wife In i'ertbehirr, wive ort allusion to sword play was apt Mood and can only be cured by treat audl ! Hoo cull yo mainage that?' p'vryde• nal ntllRary inti: why" ratio, forgive me."
(wielr ilei In, inn aehlum Acre, and was much tr eiblod toy her huxband'a to bring on an attack of Mader.@ lIg It through
bloat. IMat le If yo t1.v! aatid a Ttxw ('ewi1c11 both I
to site. Ilk" lhtat would IJc winning •There Is nothing to forgive." re -
it aIle tSa a etc attrtlJuta• the cold rhe' drunken ilabtte. arrantied with her .trter lunch tilt• doctor tied perforne l why Ur. II'illlrmr l'Ink \'ills arrays' at Uie \fatter Trip, I meWlu cottJel me Indgreat aim dee"led Brkluux, breathing heavily. "It
W ahn met tte cwt• riblui some t'tl to the• brother to play the 'ghost" up,u nn q,erntlob on one of likes pntlrnt@, cure this trouble. 0004 blvd make@ Lao uu'erokdood ye ; but a cafbinet )In •'\'adult one, 1t 1•m Arad, what will Was wrltteii eo. Our lady Death. the
fret that she has leadve•rtputly ell- her husband one dark night. Wiwi- and fu rhnnging Into hospital garb every organ In the basely strong and bates me. llie't orlylalu' tae dee vel' i khow about ell -flet!" cr1eJ too tr Itreas, the ■narer, was wafting
Jnrtxk u to sirs tot, careful of hermit( oat the way home from the ken the lie had lett the key to the fencing healthy, and as every dose of Dr. Paurllamellit T" I grherwl• to
ter Dern I felt her, I knew
II eAn mer any other avomnu-fln•W farnx•r Raw &A a{rpurltiun eu+1J.•nly nom la tells other (,loll)"@ M. lw 1.•1- I Williams' fink little mute pure, tricks Bit t!w freta war+ /one rot. Swnr l:ut, ug U rarrlrvl on by sumo Juinl- tl/.tet aha Wake neer ......... It wile pre
greater comfort in low than Pito dues i'!xe behind some bumhes. "Wha aro %ill muxt have @u.Ien the key, which blood, it follows that they cure Ruch crude o' Ration that haul rhetimaticr Itpnt idea, the 0111 orderly added 1n w,utlraent that made me nwre-k of
In tPlgh Nhor, wh !lam« hor ►(or Yo? crfal tilt- fanner 'Tut Auld he could ramify have doom• as he j troubles ns ainlenda, neuralgia. In- hitut got a fresh, cure. It w•lN this new- n strangely bitter %nice : her and ....... I ... of .........our burial "
In tj rl, ihn (t,Tlu,•r': ):vin id ml n+ N!<• -k. was tbm reply. "Gie's 8 was at that time M)oytng eompara- dlgeatlon, heart trouble, kidney all- fnnRlel caiblbet bath. An' hP hwl ••ll.•ing stead doemn I nintter• It's -But soldlers do nut J4, fuid %cellae
weary tow gloats and Openwork •tin k m!++ank o yer hand, them!" exclalm- live liberty, being in one of him saner uaer,tei, eryApelres, the after etreeta pro cued tae ren' up the APprarl'tON when You know you are leaving this entirely," r•pllt.l the .general, siekieyt
Wage impel euro vanity. why bluln• ed the tlivmy MILT) "I tie married tar goods. ' of la grippe and fevers, etc. They that verA nicht too Rah. 1 can tell ,world forever that counts. IL'a to comfort him. I
her? Are neat the women of America a atator o yourm. Hhe'll tie waltln' Dr. Churchill lead Dot alleged the oleo rl•IIerA 61x1 Cure the ellint-nlm ye, Bafllr, It wile a,diduedy, an' Lisp eonvolinx to think thaeven when "Oh I you, sir. You will ret 110
herlthyt Asp they art xtrnnK^ f}rra up Ilya Al the talism, an'll bail kny, and It wile only when he from which o many women co" mlostak'. vote artdeud and ove• you wall still here forever ......... they will Luke you
Arn they not hnni;er than the men ti(KA mak' ye 1welcom:•/' , learned that I had returned and gtantly suffer. See that you Rat lip \ata dtwt yell IN►e seen the flux. hnvu Your pisco In the sunlight that „
. ay a rViu? Wen why not let them t lwld not ice found and that urn of . nitre Ile with the tall name, "Dr, ten It's Jua+tbin' uuunir aur leas then the, people, am they pr►s, will read awry t
- — W patients wag also incasing that Re Pt When T -
-� r tople, am they
lPnill real.
have their l.ww WILY about dnw ehn"w, pa-� — I du tx,t trebw ...... �9T alloy w11T
1•:vrrl me of semens t nt • fin the& underground
mP' pie," or.
the wrapper
for 1'nd very kssow whole to cotae t sill say n
tit doew them
Wild comfort
or il t Crew. l for a one
riles i ande!.n ,.cahoot k. ; rgrwnd a m t and pip," or. the wrapper around every errs It 1aJnp. wt' a dldt o' chair. on tm•eit for yw, they wilt find you armd
r sn that giver tl)rm romfort ter I ulm..e. xuvh n on It, Painkiller. t: rwbottM. !n the nndr the to u't, Put below Ihr• chair. Ab' {)ltle, prayer for you Aa! as for
found me fighting for my life with flex. Fook1 by n11 medicine denim" nr P P you will have your ,flow lntrinl Just
plose,cre? .1"Ilfcago Inter-Orean. knive—Perry ha. rh.n 1. but o^. t mail- t,be meet du+•IIIRt Rent Pont ball at f,0 cents a 110x Or U)nre yw are, bit cheer are ye 7 Int poor fellow, they will toms me the- Blame y,
six boxes for $2.50, by writing the week, I lookit at the droll affair into a treacle mloug with ihn "All very well old man .
1)r. Williams* Medicine Co" Brockville, 1% hen It cam' up, an' for the ilio o' wretches front the gu1110t1ne and tial how arm, they, to know ma T I
♦++t++++++++++++++++t+i COI,LINGWOOD IS Ontario. wet I ng,til wee iwo on earth Rab from the hospitals. with n handful xtwill be den,f, I Imre no {capers with
wW gnim ten time s hot loth 1n ale li time upon Noy y Instead of nip, acid I ran, feel t1x►t my face fa
a ere drop matter. loll' water. No, my' to g --neral. mail.
t%hpn ditiiigured." .
THE MAD ff[[1�1 __ 1 "IYt, Itab:' oth I, "hao ye re gena ly an Ir Inks :1►at, It fr mud, pitiful- hThey will know A.nd, s It
WITH THE REST INTERESTING RING TRICK. ter gat n bath Ina thlmbtefu` ily ly rad I'! wbJ@pored Bridwz. And, a@ If Gla
waiter like that. Dates me." •'{kit If you have much horrible whole mind were filled with It, Its
How the DIApd stay tee Plaerd In "Ye're" — shoo -w,-00— ' no up -tae- lodenJr am this. why don't you bay em murmured - l
10.►ss++++++++++t4++++++e++•♦ tp'wcer wit hoot WrI II11 [ It. (late, Joan. or ye wind her tent a' private lot In tiro cemetery?*' axk- • Ciii.ringes . . . and flowers . .. .
114Y fro I .aii„ •rt NIakP•IM.I I Retnarkable Cure of a Citizen by A hay of our acqualntaLMO &Vice- abet this fine Invenliun. Next, .ve'11 oil Mandrpull, palatally astonish -it and ooldler@ . . and military' .
11Dodd's Kidney Pills first of a' Pit a gull warm pig \'the that this old (•(1mp•,niu-
n should be hies"lo .phi . Uaat Is ha4.
MonNleur Iteaupre, the notal twilled his boat and the guests at sIbed Hyne yell Belot the Lamp V thinking of mettle terrible, thingil. fol! But the trene.11 with . . all the
4� mword@mall asset duellist, and hl@ tarty the other night by asking the oalliinet, nn' ink' yer wey !)tae "I have then •tit of that, but I'm
r trlpsd, Capf. Mnntinr, of the hue-� 1 thieves . nisi utIfull ere .
_sa� mars, sat at their Favorite table At that a bowl or water De Drought llw, paurlour till h find my lxaXll not ably tat; It sella too match. Ifj that n sad {dli whispered
I Valentine l Ishrr's Terrible Selene ' into the parlor. —shoo oo-oo. "Oh that cnutti I .I'll parents have nothlrita to Ilse on ex- 1 Then, lower xtlll, toe whlaprd -
he Cafe de In raiz one evening• Pain• speedily Vanished HeO)ae p►' 1xr deist iI this dbnxa cure me."
The captain had just tidd of a flpnd- the Great Kidney ltemuedy You may have the bowl of water, cept what I send
them, and 1 re "i axannert .talk .aryl
�- I lab rcaptai which drat ju„t been coon or course;' raid the host, "but may "1 hope It'll euro ye. I'm chilli, attll trying to play t11elr debts," re- more; It r . . not words.
knit mu by a man inhume the n c m • . laab," nn,VR 1. "Frit it looks, mals piled Brldoux. I spent . but . blood . . 4
Collingwood, may 1.8.—(d"cfat)•—, I mak what you are going to d '141e general was Went. fall of @Or- good -by, my go .ne . rah"
ssaerted must hnce been Insane' Bvcry city, town and village 1n Chn- I Y K qi Ilkn tillln' d an curls'."
.� p � for •bonlho prevkons, but who had • with It t' Neel, I did an [ elm telt, h1111r, row that be, too, wax pair and had In the hlgavy silence that follrnvsd.
i�1F I hkldou fila Infirmity err stcrevllfnlly oda Is reporting releNarkAIlld cures nothing he could give. Overcome the general called aloud. There was
�' tial it ens not even no
un- by Dotid's KI'll"Y I'll"' and Coiling- "I want' to show you n trick," an- I the hetlinnlfianwelxtra p fir orb anrets with a nlddi•n indefinable Renee of no r•Lly. Tien Mandrwull, with Doe
Nirs. Laura L. Barnes, ash- all tot late, whin Munucur fA:a,l_ wood Is not behind the reit. There gwereNl the boy. "[ promise not to oil the inp. Ftvne i atapplt bon in-
arn acorea of people here who havlr ll tho water or mura nP nnytl,iu;, til' the irlour—no', h(oever, until I the river nt the rocks
aspect of with hi effort, raised olonn n d
ington, D. L., Ladies Auxiliary t0 i pro remarkoNl : ' Did I tier tell You rf►i p the river arN% the rocks And alarmed with him orueh(N1 rrNf brnknn hand
y of my flKlll with a madman? No! 110"d the greet Kidney i'etlredY and w) you ue-dn t be afraid to let me 1 bnel warned Rob that It tho hex,@e qt the turn to their conversation. painfully took pa,mothing red out AL
llUfllSl(ie 1"OSt, X10. 4, il. A. R.I I Well. In •oma rrm{wn+t@ 1 think that valla aro not •low to toll of the try it." win Wnwn up It wrdrN► b+ my foul. he was eelurl with a bratwl rear- his but
OroanlnR feebly with
recommends Lydia E. I'inkham's h wail my strangest encounter. ai mpiendld remullR. Valentine 1.1Nher, • Now." ho a•►1+1. ''1 want to bor- pleectetly 1 heard a lot (i hechdn' )ton. many pauses, be lit Inst Ruveeetled
'•When a yonteg heutenant le th welt-ttreown In the town and sour* row 4 finger ring. and Yin going to an, peeldn', nn' a mew while natter ••Noll, that. IN s subject that ne•,d in reaching film cxrinnule'• side nna
del etattlC Compound. I WIlth Haan e•s, :1 wax tet nue time roweling cwntry, Ia one of them. It It Into that Lowl and then UIe,) ram' a rumor free Rah. hardly Doe decided upon now. Yes or fnntrnt-d the rod rv,eettw In the
statluni-I with lily ri gleam at ; "t was,troubled with Kldnay itis out with my !Hila without 6'i= ' I rushed Intro+ the kitchen, an', lodhl no. will you climb these rocks' fel ba . rvAfh m It Then, not he
"Iu+linesseethatcometowomenunly, ting my band wilt.' toll boat, with fila last breath he
a• a Wile, the doctor is called fin, some MnrseLl,a, where l formed a groat 1 may for thirteen Years." Cu lir. richer ,ill cant do It 1" orled a It elm a quads rinht that mot my hen. ••,y,,, air."
limen @loathe doctors, but still matters frierlJrhip for nn Amerman due- onyx In telling of Illi corp: "It dei 'ph, y There vel@ my ante n'rt held, vel' n tL•1' •••Ysr�,.w(•11, then," cried tins Ren- cnarmureti,
yo from bad to wales; but I have tor,
who w:,x In prrcllcI) there. I veloprd issto ScIlLttca which located dozen of hhr mmpablone. "Whoever n' igNlln-rulrM•r nicht-tip on, attekin' oral, I am Rn11rR np nWne. Oocx1 I. l my poor 'D-rlthux, It In all 1
,,In rower Of time my rrgimrnt , in my elde noAhat i ctould not wiLik hrantl of pattlnR your hand ipso ws• rN,t at the tap o' the box/ An' wlilt evening.'a ern glow thee, but thou shalt have
never known of a case of female weak- a could see ri life face wl@lua face )try hearts" desire, a mptandld bur
now which was not helped when was order•ol elsewhero and the doc-; without a cane. [hnd to u@a by- ter coal t I 4',I l g It Weil' "Ohl don't like, that. xlr, It In till tat s
v 4
r A Y
Lydlw F. Pinkham'f rlft't&into for ant i pit It" l• Wt, kept up a de- I podermie Wee tile of morphine to ' Of coon a, I dl In t young
t z Yout') avr, bit )IRs n rid Pertik contortion.
@nitorl tort of s corse"pralebce for . ileo. the pain. betlev , tar," salt the young upgrt- dangerous. Theon rn it naw ell
Compound was need faithfully. For "I-1—Je—Jw/an I" he gnsprvl. "i— painted And covered with eltppery
))hung women who are subject to a while, but finally even that ,II -vel "l trlpd different medioel men and mAnGv,'but wall end I11 show You I'M bainin'I Pit oot the lamp. Ohi genteel, they are Impineible to get Then (Berman Oelet'nment operates
headacheR, backache, irregular or pain- out atxl i Ixul not hcaid trusts anrvlie'lnp" with no goeed results till raObe o thaor t Kt I@ hard •d Dim A r 84 —oh I I'm sinothert I" hold off. And there may fee huge 1R•2W eo0trnl telephone RtallOns,
tnl periods, and nervous attn•hs due to him let &by tray for several yea:a, I wag perntsalrvd to try Do1d's Kid- ami having pot it Into a bowl Ito "lilt not the lamp i Hoo did ye cracks among them I" persisted Brl- tilnclore nin the Itargetit holies of
the severe drain on the my -stem by when one day I ran Across him most neY Pilin.. '(yiree boxes effected a riled hack ail that lhry might nil get In T" douz. crystalline structure known.
e organic trouble, and for womeInieappctaxliy In L'toua. 1!v was perfect mire. I can recomvpnel Nee It. Wien he took w little papas 11:7pore's—a—n. Oil I ihlR In aver- _.,
Jrlighted to see roe unit iurlstnd ikxld'n Kidney fills to nil who are _
of advanced y)ears In the moat trying upon my being hr guest during my from Rheuniatem or an3h tiedroom
package fieri fib► po'k •t imt amp fu'. Oat door e, ler knees nn' hMw
time of lite, it ner.@s he, correct every fp otlfcrlslg )ltd from It n piled. r, dlxtribulluq flat ort I line, enmt-tlan', Ji.Ir1, + Weak Stomach i n the Spring
trouble and restore a healthy action of alay ill the city. H,. ln!orml.ti M" that Other form of Kidney igaanne." it over the n arram of the water. lasso, or I'm a dAid ran."
all organs of the body. he had left Mnrsrtllr@ sod ut14•ni'ti ,,What,g that ?' axk,d file h0xt• "Can ye no' coma Dot ?"
"Lydd&i:.I'Inkhtam'aVegetable u iot'v&te insanl, a•ylutu '"t nut "Oh'. that's MY Plltent anilwet," "Ont? Qh. wuman, I'm locklt in!" --_
Compound Ss a household reliance ,lie of Lyonm, and was, he am,eu•ed e•NNs•raee•eeosN•+egos
P ran, Oiling well, I Accepted till kind Answered oto boy. "Now, watch out hock!) In, an' let lido ala !coin inn.
fa my home, and I would not sire with- orffer with p:casure, for we erre THE MINISTER I'm going to trio that ring out I It vel" rete' tar gm him ticxln' by
out It. mall my would
with with -
this hath anxious to renew our old with cloy hand and if thn hand gets inches afore my verra opn. Indigestion and Dyspepsia the Natural Result of Exhausted Nerves end
medicine, which Covers years. I have frirala nxlil p, and that name ecenol(g AND HIS FIDDLE at All wet i promise to drink this In s Jerry I went doon on my fleeces Weak, Wotery Blood -Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
found nothing to equal it and al- maw we comfortably settled In Ilia water, n di powder t and whu , an' Mew for FL'le I was wort! Ui idea,
waysr"oommend it."—Mau. i.avn♦ L. l;0mr, iii Atilt hw did inti the rlbR out with a was keyhole, bit the Ilrht wldn,a Most people matter more or ,loam M1•rt lt. w< Isizsrp. No. flrte Dublin
RAaxzs, 607 Second 9t., N. i:., Waith' T7e ucxt morning Immediately, ar- eHt'esNS"I"a"' eeN•Nse lftg hAnl soil he dna tot get Ilia !mild IRang cot. o from stomach weaknrmn, InilgeNtlon street, Ivetorlxrrouglt. Ont writes
ingta,n, P. C.—pail.. /.rye" r/ erryraar el ter our coffee ctrl rolls the do, -,tor A Ftfr inirJ has been dnacrib"J In wet- Oh. Jeran. I'm felntln' 1 Try an "Pini r0tno years i was true ped
abw ht. D. C. — mita eaattsr coo-lotf N prea„e ( and low of appotltt- to ihn sprinR.
,r. carried me oft to 11114 private sally, Of loonra,� pile went to know how !In' the latch." with 1ndlgertlon, wh'.Oh dpvp be -
finch tratimony Should lea ac- Warms, for ho wa@ Ihr roma enlhIt- the
prat nR "the owner 0t a pickle. h did It gn that pile mart aatonlSh I I win nearly tl,intin myaeS'• I grew but many du not realize that thin {moo e•uffe g />{yspepela, end be-
by w1I w11111en ilia rnnttllC- rfpmtlC fPACar tae iris l- Nl waN most lanil• a illaip O debt' a docket, and some of your friends., T71A powder,sae excited watrhln' Ilia contortions. eonditlon Of nfflllrg is dw+ t0 ftsw pkdAµ suffering from nerrouvn,•aa,
In Py,tdenrm that i,ydiw H:. r.nvlOnm for n hoot with the fulls. ' Ru1•i ganging law pl^n;' not- to tl,At fin threw on th'e water 1v en Mair nor(lh. %i find binwn sen' he vltallly, pi4ornrMn of the bkxd.and over
dizzy gpt-lls he ,gould colo.
Tinkhrm'g Ve ethat ('omp0ttad IL was n fairly with
he foimrnt, mention ether small p.roullrriticstet- lycopo•iium. and no he plonged hint new ort o' terih tryin' tan Irl) the nxhau@tntl nrrvoa., over mea 1loAring of the .Root re-
atan Il wdth0ut w (,leer as w arm- reorhwl by faire of as a spar mtent. mention to the native" which havq haarld Into th" water the hyroln+ll,om lirht not. A' eortn o' thochte went Tlto dlge@tfve (organs. like the sults obtainod from Dr. Chase's
edy for all the distressing a-4 trent- wry, and de e,ans J with a splendid rorerrvl It II4e a waterproof Rlove, through my hei(t--folkg k111rd by rlre- I other orgfarl' of tid+ brxly. are en- Nene Food, i dontded to try It.
mostly caulmbcd b •fore the powor of for tleet sib tanew and writer ha,'e trielty In a tenth ; terrlhln guledde n' tlrnly depondent on the nervwin i Alter a pretty t rero»gir text of
women. collection of nettle nwd armor. mystern for tile) energy or power ! this marllcino I call may that i
_ I finlil"1 my work for the da. the strum Anglo"• no affinity for Pwrh other. Try It' jntlelenzsfttn aJlane wrAdpsr nn' I ml)fclt pnnblrR them to perform' never nwvl anythlnlr that did me
8p1oeA Wrt. - sooner ihatt I find eztav teed and It TJ,,, real garret of the "kingdom*"" � . fiber awfu' thingm Ifooprn, alfter e
Ono Pico. at the -ef. of Is -ref own early in then Afternoon when I {orfrLtlMWr wag the Influrs;•p of tat' vll�_
int Be examinin' the concern, I sen- chair funeKamd Ito not this the very
mVr ROAR It gvttailr l0 be null
eel ef write ear to tht- chrlenn. Being In- t,ik nod the.( Int rick intro In -W r' ile' InAed to Ret at the tate11, whichw1a,llgentivo fhgkiR do not ane, tau very treatment that I nr(rlrvl, nodQnown as the "pot toast^), K �!Iina11M1 thA tilos nlftpr a' (Rab In Illsmtiw•nar retntraction and motion as a result of ItR uwi I Ram quite
Ir,gfmm three t0 five )xoundA I'utformed by the rdrwitlr ailsof lhl@tl{le- %fl at p.•ttnined thereto in fornrr Ce>r'I Y `lit ale gtomncdil Ip wPat otxt irregn- rrvgtorpcl to tu\nitdu'
twotahte not of hatter In a mlrw-I tMwAR enRAg ars Titlemagthe,Montp11 _Itortare o' heat forg/tttin' a' shoot I far. nnl consequently Artie isdh- By noting yer Increase In w••lafht
Ing kettle n hot fire; whAn t•t1pnU I did not renn(x)nor 111Y ^r- factor Ili forming the Steady, m,- ,wh•Iur 1t wim), nn' drARR(i1 hira Intan I geatlon, hcatlacbes, dizzy spells, "fin timing titin great food nitre
bottler meas, brown ten mint on ! rivet, but InylnR ami,l" "IN love I a. I0,lie an,l sips I nA gtlallticr wh c. Contagion i 111" naltural air o' tip kitchen. aloe deggnew awl other distressing rm) can proves that new. firm ae,aM
DDM sleleg. RptnOsw ,the mint tem- ; started A1tt for p ntr011 through the g Then I hnd tan hent .missy film tore I symr,toms, And tleoae is bpfng sidled to the
rnrity mud e,ld flour to the hatter;' extensive Rrannda \chic! mnrroun,{r,{ nu+'h• hike what Il IN. Thw rn ar -. his bad. sp' jilet tan prevent him
ppoo am. I hhd not g(rnr far when 1119 An"(,,tuts, a, n,d many penin nR''• vepsi� ( Digestive tnhlnls, pepsin and snob foody. 'BhS nppntlte fa •hnrprned.
Mt it brown and thirken, chin add tate amyl Ilii+trntex thlr (ntereat in kirc fw011n' c1ocN'nwei! ginddwn 1 ori him trnntmento can never do more than dignstlnn llnd vaaairgllnt,�n nre im•
Ulrep pldtR of DN,l11 th water, e n any t I wn" eOCAgtrvf by n R'nitl,maI, 0 I ' twa rrtlxethfa's Be toddy. That did stforl t000mp orary relief. Dr their proved, the form rounelw Out, tekr
Sant. anA sprig at ewlerp, amine pArs- I wltn 1Mrnrinmd hlmm,•If tM MOnmirnr tat 1:, nye minister had not K1 en long Wilson's thin trick. a continued use to effect digestion rdojy gllslwl ratwtnl to the elWeka,
ley, andionoo InrXp, anion with wrlove do Lnvnl, and who, nrtera(Rne',light' till. many• whin It wnm whim- The halve , thot me ala a tarn,
atnet to it, two enrfnta, one, tnrntly, conversation on gent•ral topica, nmk- ,„,red about that he p1:Iy.•d the rW- cleat .yin s ,e "It, hivnA Rot own't the 'forlra nt ihn stomach waste that
to n mW .any titer. g restored
— r 1". an,l sumo'. Ilkr the p oma 'irr want 0f nl[rrotxn. thA rat- that tbn 4strwr► in being restored
nrcerhi.il Fly Pads )'pt. Tta rmnil, hn+i tMt him it wag f
snowball, R+,therd In hit" an,l . -An nAfy An whngtltn' tnkin' the bath ural dlgngtivr tlnlda rondo to YOnic urwt built spa
Wire r, encs snow ali•se ?h • pl lora erna•I not i e In the raLldn"t, Mkt Rnb In►eere he'll and ihn n4mrnt bPlrrrmes oifronlc Dr, Chase's Nerves rand. till tents
Pagewo"n Ilam• the enure,.. p ditrrn thneashorw nMl Rnrlmu n box. A Dotlnr far g2,!SD, at LII
with ire ronLinnon. mal (nnf rrimp+d l I. the WAin Inneiki. InOgAr. 1`lrey fin+\ n hill the flee end Dr. (Ttvung Narvw Hood crow@ in- ,Myler•@, or :Fldmransnn, Hal. -n a CO.
ptiigte m' ptl'ig. I a I diN•lo;el got •e n ! disease germs iso. imw NNtR film*i•I' In els n thing nRAln. (tlgpgtlon and drspepNfa )lm Aa It Tnr•OOto. To protnot r(1t) agalnst
Wiest ata,nk !.Mina bore wooer aenm nn r de ulnflan to a,+p It there wa,i Tn rnnnp iN• ower eyrrhP' vel' now
i.vire „)eAdaa t, 11-11, iatraln- rnmm^n r i Invention, ihn 1111^. cn roe oiler nflmpnts, by making lh^ tmltatioos, the p\nrtrwlt An.] rigne-
Nee, T wire ne T l.'7(rr Dao^da. ('nmmrn etre i any tr,ntN In till, .tory. By all Ills - - ..._
wail not roll M 0110p h1 a,•e ons aaraln it + _- hlaol rlah pad CrwaLing OAA arise inn Of Dr. A. W. (Jeri., tb,, faunae
r trmnrr rag• ,.irr+ baa. otheor Actions It, Wool npprosAvlAlinf't we mnva. tato the current when ft forme -the vital power vvtlak run" racelpt boot e►atlllor, sJY on i.ety,
;. h•""TM o►. s"ejly. rosette Co.. Lotted• . self a •'fel o' grace
t �wlt1. pwrvrr, or bee mfr vpntllrer. thin mactklnery of the Dotty. boL t
w� ••^'I 6.1 that- anything R0 R
_ • eed�t. Jetem w.n• 11