HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-28, Page 22 THUg/D4.Y, May 28, 1908.
Che 4l
UUDkltl('H, OVT.%Itlu.
Trlrph • ('all No. 1%.
Term. o/ -Sabot-ri$tion
SLIP ',or 441144.1111 111 mtra11.1•.
llt. ln.
%Ibwrxrwho ier thug
to • TOE Moo*.u.
n•Kolarb b) 1444411 *111 loaf.,' A rarer by 14C -
414201141111g u. of Inc fact at a. l'Nrlf * dotty
p w.lbh•.
%% lieu is cluing)• of sldr,s- i- JlMind, bosh the
ol,l mai! the 441•* ,Ultimo. -tomb! 1«•
Advertising Matto
IA•.gal and oilier similar mtiertiseinest.. 1q'
per 111*• for tinct ia.rrtinn and 3. err line ha
c wit .n1N44,iue.nt io.rrti,N.. Measured by At
n•.n)wlrll mak. t VA ell linos to MI 1111•Ie
Hw.lnma cant. tot .is lino. x141 under. P IM•S
Adrrn iseloo tet. of Loot. I••n*INI. Strayed. Sit
11011011. Vacant. lattatim. ll•anud. (14,41.44.: her
*01e 4,4. 1.1 Rent. Fano. for Salo 414. W Rent.
trticb+ for talo. otc., • l,( rxra,rlille .84111
Ilnc., ,•4i' such inrrl ( :11 fur first h..44 '
for r,4'h .tiboo . i l•11l Il,t,,.1 •. Iargt•r 1418,H l-o-
u•nt. In proportion.
IAM•xl nidi(. In p,n•11 IN le • :r par 111*•.
N„ notice Ire. than YL'.
.t •0iru1. 814 Imlinary n4%41114(1)1*. Our
„tet p1•r wnn1. Nu !Hate h.. lima YL'.
.toy A(w•lal notice, ttic.Ith es 411 which b the
pranhary IN•m•nl or any 111,1i, Id11*1 4 r a,wN'i-
411*11. to be .'4,11.N1.•n,t 111 141\,•rt l.,•11*'lll :\11,1
10 to. 4.h*rgld ...canting/a.
It.,.r. for 48'444) su,i ,ol,tniel .4teni.,•
nicht. a11) 1.r Klten on aiadl.•at tun.
.1ddn•.. all ro,nmwlbwlbm. 10
VN :VET Fit k ItoH):I4I,4ll
Taw.. *N.%.11.
1 i,d,rirh. t hat.
(IODKttt('(1. TRuJt*t %Y M yi. u%0.
The Star attempt* to justify It.
cont**• in n•gant Ili the F:Iw•trie Rail-
way Company's application to th.•
IA•gl.hature b1' pointing t4e the aid ion
of Ihr town council and to -the
pleallpt new. with ahi.4, those elaoi,is
were .trll/'k 4,111 Inst% ere t h.• 1'11 e4.•
of the lieum•.'• The Signal hasnlr•luly
given its o pinion of the coal'*• 3110pl-
411 by the town council. In regard to
the pt1N%erling1 ie•fom the imesmitto,•
of the l.cgisl*tllr•. The Star is some-
% :•t disingenuoi*. The clause in
qucsti„ was really Out elinemeasI (e•
fore Ihr 4.0 nips', F•
their position withif�:
relent with the *414'11 4144 Net.. ,.{ . ••e1•
4,111 any further action by the .egi4•
I.1Ulr•. Nnd nut w'i$hi►rg de) w*4trllLl"•
1IMP of the r 'tire in parsing An
a point that w714already in their
twlryw4.,ion. as %vas admitted by !•411•
idiot 1liekinw.,l at the town e.ttttt
meeting. the p11an411.•Is *4*r•uek Ont the
ehtlse of the Lilt providing fon 4 tali.
fleatt41) 1/f the. town bylaw, and 11 011-
S•11111.1111 it did nut e • before 1!11•
4',1/11r1(ttr• at all. If Tau• Star consid-
ers this ,1 jumlifleathat let its pw*itifen
it is easily moieties'.
The Star 1(uote% n pg•4gnaph ho111
Nn article in The Signal of Ih,•e tetter
4, written %rill] reference to the vote
G. ie• token in ('o1lilr"e. in supper( ad
its contention 1 hot the pi, .I,Hrl.r* flit.•
topementel the bylaw 141 the people
0.41411•y'i.Ii. Whom. i l.• ion. t*k,•r1 a
Week hefllle. on November '.'lt! Will
a brilliant at•g cul that wo11h1 1e• to
take lwfi.n• a Parliamentary r,Hn
mittw•! And. by the scar, although
it 14 a matter Ot coni -TP- tome,.
paragraph (11 1(IN•Mtion was Ilett written
by • of the promoters of the rail-
way, as Thr Star states.
"Will The Signal tell u. why (his
,1x*11lanee'that the. 71gr'.1111•Ilt wan t4ll
be. binding on the. town only in the
event gef the eairying of Ihr ( •41111* *111*'
bylaw) was given by oar ,'f the pro-
moters i11 »Howe• to fittest i lµ•
neenilmets of the. 10w') emuncil Y. The
Migtlul Vann"( believe that any such
NMMllr4tn l• was g1 yeti. There Wan 1141
11.4440141 why the pt, tits Mh1,11161
make ;my 1411111 statement. No one
was going to rote for or against the
bylaw IM•eNll*• 111 the the sl91hh• fiction
of the township of Colborne in the
"latter. Am ha* already leen 14441491,
Nnd as everyone can Nee who looks at
the matter in the" light of r•rynrluon
*'near, the risuw• w',Ix In44•rt(91 in the
hyla w• *1.N ner•Nwu•y provi4i,,rt for the
prltr•tiorl of the Company in view (1f
the 1 v
h n N*it'u 1
( t that, was 1
w ,1•
( t w mule
"littrl (11'o IMI • 41
( I I IIY t ea l« '
1 hip. Othrt'-
WIMP the tlwn,hip W1611161 have ex)e4•t-
ell the. Company (o be 4'lIllp•Illrl tom
r",1Mtn1,t the Iiwtd ' in Collslrne•
whether they got any lr'Mi*tanr,' from
that ' •ipllity or not. M"r.sivei,
the )y1lw %Ds 11.141 14.011• the inw•II
4.01111411 null lnlblislel in The Star in
nevem! mll/•1.1•%MI1'(• issues, believe the
taking ief the Sot•, amid the promoter
w•onld have n9plinNl Van*ide•nhle
temerity who would nutke such 11
statement an The Star alleges when he
(.0111,1 be r,'nftollt•'•1 with the 1•Iett•Iy-
explessed provision of the bylaw in.
Cada tyle,
The Slat Want% to know The
agte a 's-opirlimn '1f the '',l lmn lotimetlt
of the line to .1 'dawn.- When was 111t•
line 61 A111141111 a)M1"d,m•11? Thr
the Star talks Ihr m,'e,' it dim -
playa its hack 411 e,'tllprehe•n,ioti 1
its iggon141(•4' of the whole Mattel".
Viet Wee!' itis w'(wkly twinkle', it really
'should t4.♦• to1('m' d KnnN1 1 of the
Nn11j49•t 11(14111 which it 406%11111'% to in -
fora' the t4W0 r,'llttei)+mad the reals.
anoint y in general.
What is the reason for all this quib-
bling by our rnnlenpornt'y
Muggi•Nti"n of personal live* is in-
dignantly resented. ialI if thin i1 not
the true IRillatinti"/I of it. ,nudnet
then the editor of Th,. Star is the vie•
tin ,'f a 1111*) 1444414E 11.111111111111 1141 14
1.1te11ntmhl noes• Not WI yPry long ago
he wax a strong Mllpplrter of the elle-
tri* railway project, 10 the extent '14
taking the )1141/arm hr ndr(N•a4%' of
the M•heule, font that, tiro. at ,l 1' •
when 1h' prrj,.,1 Wien in a •h lean
inatpollh• *1/d Lumineemlike *hope those
it is (11 now. 11 is recalled nl4" that
The Mbar /11x,11• N *111111411' tigllt-NINNIt-
fner In (1.. p*titt'1n fo1411111.4 Me Oben
mAyor)l'*n1,.r')11, who 1s .one '1f the
promoters of the road in mga,l to
tnnnb•ip1s1 a aIro. During the first
(4.o t4exl .A last year (1A Nppll.um• of the
then Marrero (rw„s• rWan hearty land
enpar IItly eine(',.. IIItt there scot« a
thane to an attitude of criticism and
antagonism. W hat intervened to
Interrupt the hitherto friendly ra•IH-
Just a yam'. ago t row
there war, It I'xrlian.utary ele'liot,,
"n which 1N•ra ' Mr. (4'a►Iu'rou put
the editor .4 The Star 81) a *Hole, being
materially ,assisted in the ulwratiou by
oar or two of the Olen who alms. 144)1-
i/ell 1" heg the
4'ts of the
railway, '('hi* 1n the r 1)• ac-
cepted explanation of The Staten
change 4.f heart : if it can give a better
oar We shall 144• rurioW, to hear it. lit
the uuwul 8111,• the public will cow
tinue well, tl draw it* own conclus-
• anti The Mdse's air of injured in
temente %'il1 not derive'
the evidence in the l' •y -Stratton
investigation in all in, thr(lnlnw•thavr
delivered their lu•gument,, and it in
expelled the judges will make their
IHrlunutlrruM•nt in n few days. 'I'lu•n
the fun will Ie•gin_
An 4nlge"lohtl, race in France hots
Ill/lilted in six deaths and N large
her of persons seriously injured.
It w'111 now lie in Omer for the Feench-
man VI Now homer fuss been touchel,
instead of nr4hing into s duel, to
challenge hie enemy to 4411 Pitt) COn-
Is it not Mout tial.' mnuethi"g was
Ii•ing done about a ncepion for the
Ilm,ln ((1d Keys. or n Iwklinst. of
Ihnuini4" 1►,ty ? It is lens than five
weeks tee the hal of July, aural that IM
none tie. long a thew for getting Ilp N
pnlgrun if we. are to ol*.1•rve either •.f
these Ic•I•asi„IIs,
A New South Wales num conies
forward with the suggesthen tin t the
eldest ant 4,4 the 1'1.8"4.1• of \\'•4(e' 111'
en11er1•(ht. Prieee of Canada and the
*•4','1111 *111 the PIi111•r of .taatrnlia,
If ,tILrtr•atio wantsany Of that mart of
thing Wm w•rle to i(. As for Yam-
ada, we'd rather not. thank you. '
;,•&1111-.74. • the j Isiteeti•tf titan?-''
eels, 'rhe Malntll•11I StOehato. -s
l vat '•nl.u"Ifai.t m111 article. *4 almost
every description a4.• "IlI,'h cheaper
111NIer th.• high tariff of the Il11(491
.*11111•. ►114,11 111111••1' the low tariff of
(1)ituola." That is wily the Canadian
lunnu:4'tlu','l', want a higher tariff.
n 111.
Ie 11
*1ietivellr*N by (11114.1t,g petty 11I4.taiee w'lll
ill the Way '1f 1111 e•nterprine for the rr�
7wl•11nrrneent .tithe town' ,inti 4munh• they
which Mr. ('ntnrr•a1 and him associates. the
are 'Cling to carry through. It is th('
petty ,mull Inlxln•n4, old elan. racy
to of
Eugene (1. flay. e,'upm•I for the and
we' MnplpN•44; -
I'n,yidrt 1' sen•ifTh' a}laye a Verlag
ear' (or tits. Elitism Tn, -t- While 1'hr
mast aunt mantle ha%4• Iw44•it
Mg till fur 'au11 of Olin. w.• have
a lilmenel *amply of midst and �~
tat igen im 1 A IIM,"t KAl ie(Nctlicy run- '•'•
ditie4n. twminy'N mitt. heerverrr• Int
'r•Itts ten la1•r. )Nell pmt(4' gene'NI ext
over Went4 •n O ( p'p" ones
rhe Star .1.s•. amt think that Mr. t1,.'
( antenna in entitled to ,1/•y rnrlit for
pu►1iig thetuw•n's hill through 4l.. flu•
IA•gi*I+t'1 Prrlu1111. it scan turf a Pa
very oar bleak. 11111 11 get•, 1.1 *how• illg
that Mr. N•rltl i, arid)- 10 d" him rail
linty to h 4udit'lents I.% 0.11 in mind' I
►natter., le tile unit" whom 11/• dr- uli/•
,''nth. -for. -LIN. ,44,444._ •
the Hou sent. lain foetw/nal vin• rest
There'll be Cherrl.e for Somebody.
Michell Adcw•atr.
1f blimemails are ally itldieetiou of
fruit. and eseuietllller they ale, a lane.
crop of cherries will he gathered this
year hy the Ostrom ---u4. * • Other
fellow that get's his eye nil then.
caws Do Anything Without a Club.
(iaw11t1N1 TIuw...
Anti-swrwriuK� elulml ale tieing
formed in England, it aptettts that
*01411)emjde ran do nothing of their
own motion without the aid of some
1rgauliz,tiull. It is the ertnie44t thing
l.1 the world to form .•lube Of Otte to
Nwtlat' off .Wewri4g. The ,,l•g*nilwtiou
of rills and w4•ietie. 1M (1114' of the
v'ier4 of the age.
Dry Weather in New Ha.npsllry,
Tonto Star. •
New Il'ulpwhile, it (N maid, was
never sal dr)• h•' N pt,dlibitor•y law
as it ix now, ler lic.•nee. 1'h,• ,
Inimmiuut•n4 have imaged only nineteen
hotel late Ueruwx in the whole State,
I two saloon licetimen, Our ill t'un-
eonI NMI tone i" Manchester. A tele-
gna)'hic despatteh dnawx a pathetic
``netine of crowds 4unet using the
Manchester saloon tying to get a
drin•c. '('his nppats 4) he another
rase of the spout tieing t1, xnIa11.
Where to Apply.
l'hl'agn 1'44 Nd.
hru' Miss S1•nd4bi444," wrote the
wine Mother to tier mltt',i israeiler, "if
)'flu want au ex(•uw fur \Vinic',,
a(we•ule from whaled, mak hint for one.
H.'i, the beet tory for eXo•n1es that
liver.. He Kites them 41 "Ir a di/Zen
tittle.. a flat'. Hr ran give au ('x4,48*•
for anything that h►pp•nm, whether
it'n a rip in Ilia tr011Me l4 Ora light with
a n('ig)lerr's 14.,)•. AN hang AM yon
hider ilius in your 1914,141 1 du Out 4e•
why it 'shield! Ir• necessary tK apply
t4 1114. for An excuse. At (811,'•
, Today Forgers.
Imoutoh .td cert bre-
President it,MNwy,•l(, 111 his sperm•h at
Sul Fr,tici*o, elos•Intrll that the Ma`-
ket in the Philippine,' aluodd he. le-
44•rcel far .3, Ille•icn11 gloom 10 the ex-
elal.en' of Japanese pal Eungewn
competitor.. 1'he 1'n•*id••nt ham (fillets
114114- sadly from the true ideals of
194"I1u11 p111, ), The "111 ther,rt was
that tllr colonies existed for Ihr tem -
fit of the mother 1 try. i1 wan.
Op altitude 1)11 the part off (ireail
'Iriihil Hirer let to the Anlrricaul
rev. tun. 1!ftit ixh Natalie« 1/"w
le.gi*lat' for thrmmr,lyer4, aunt ,Tnaallt
their own interests fireet. Thr new
ism e•r141i*n .4 the United Statre will
end dixaxtloil%1 • if ihr p.4i. "•.•.4.4'1,
t11111 the 110.4 iemsesm411114 an. 10 4
(1loud only for the ,wlt:ultalgt• of the
Unit I .ri1,'.
They Need Mora Moray.
'funs»,, Saar. ,,
The nleule•Is.Lo h• 4 )ntmio 1.?•i.ea-
tam are ilea tied in m44'kiner•:411 (4449 ':...-
mind schen he ais'(1MM.rl the King in
this way, Olde Might Mu4ple•t that [fin
Majesty had begun to exert wane In-
fll r
1 111 4' I
1 11
British IMII N1'•'
p IN) over NIId be-
y 1 what was expected of a Prince
of %1',de4 who hN4 m, Mtudiolaly 11('U.
pled hiwwlf with 1144. merely social
trifles of life (1/t• nearly sixty years.
Hut that there nl Id lee any elufllet
e'( auttto ity is *nit of the (Nertlon,
so definitely outlined ale the privi-
legqen of the reeler and the right'* of his
Nnl)je•tx, That King FMlwanl iM n
tactful man of the world !inn hdlg been
known, and that hi. influene• on attain,*
will Ie• cunrfde4hie (•441111,*t he 40044%1
11/1.44 uluult•nt, 41/1 this 44111 probably
Is' l•alls• for r,'nglatolation rather
ti n disluietl4de.
A Short Week, but a Good Deal of
Business Done.
Private Memhars Mad a Busy Day on Monday
The 8t. J444 Wharf Vole Premier
Laurier on the Question of Aid to the
Grand Trona Pacific /cheroot 8hramtwat
Eng.neere' t:ertfncate•.
b"p.".4 cornspa%l,4.%,•'01 The S4mal.1
Ottawa. May 'rAd.
Although PHt-lixul,•nt wit only three
,l*'*, considerable hu*iness w'114 done.
\Vitt, the exeeptiou of one item the
Public W,rkn r*tiul4(••. h*vt• !sell
ptm*w1. If (hie new (w•1• 81 kept 111.
pll"rogit 8,•11 In nut %, far off ax is gen-
erally "''Ot5pened. The of herr,
*runs to 1W that the first of S,•ptem-
her will *e Putiianu•Ilt still in %•rasion.
that 1111,1 is an 01,(x0,1,. rot 1gute,
)'HIV.ITR y/6t(HHHM' 1).8Y,
en Munale •. 4,H 1 he "mets oft he day
being called. Its. Spend,. called at -
tentless' ti. Mr. 1'halole•rlain'wltinning-
11A111 upper)) i11 (alo1' of plr•f6•t•IIti41
tnwle, tool naked as In the attitlale of
t1.'tiov,•1 -tit in "speed 11/ it. Mr.
Fielding ref4t•nr) hill. t.. the.urlfee, e
Idea.Ie'rk, while 54:1s easy •.t a0'er.%
to 4411)'14111•.
Mr, •')nacho+" wa,14d e(. nliod Met 41
11•.1 in regard 1o' the le)N4•t that (ler-
mault' intended ...paling n tot Of jail-
birds t.. ren4,1n. The Pre • •1 maid he
had n,' °Mein' knm rlesige .A ouch It
mt•11, INI► If MII(•II w','4.• the cam. 11111•
immigration laws emit! 1e• applied t.•
keep1 heel mol.
Mr. Re 1 asked : ••Fr I luau
d.e•4 t he (:"t'elntent 111,1.41111110.11111ply
111 0141l'ieity for lighting the public
buildings in Ottawa." Mr. Sutherland
maid : -The town i'.IIr•I .n• Co,"
Mr. I. it lunrndm('Int to the
anini"n' Election. Act was I'.'4111 n
a tilos- Mill pu4sd. It deals with
xstimi1i4ms (!f weak-kneed ruin
�Hels, making it 4erim.• to
• ,ulymn.• regarding him
•••-• ,1 Ola 111 pen,. t ti e% (9Mt
'r• than they time! t,4, Nnd more of
111 have to Ifs bought owing t1 the
eisilm of the franchise Nnd the ..,.-
*• 44 imlputation. 1(41l tent for
i114'i,ltne•lingathat eoliVet nolwnh',
prier of rigs that drive• people to
polls who amild crawl thele un
it hands and knees 17111 her than
4414 11. Ule rr*1 of urganiZells mut vale
i,w•Is who are kept busy doing meth -
fen 1111. side for fear th.•v relight 111.
Irlhin MI 11,.• ounce : he honorer -
paid 111 orals Ws ft,.w "MAW.. Who
mil 1,4414) ;eV,iN1190)1 (1111( *-/tn' away
1• %faers in N night than the email -
Lark in N 444.461444 : 4-11e•
of eeKi1trrjng Soden, shoe• 1141114s
1w struck ,nit hy Ihe• judge, 1/r who
of nw(leet fur 111e %madly of the
ret ballot will vole llgnima1 the 1111411
cheer for : the fuel malt • roundd to
1 b1. homes of the adding and
orifi)an, which. owing t' ihr deli -
w'1111 which it is dome, in credited
u%m pditical /Wrerwtry and helps,
•au1se not N little:the ,ullma•riplimu
e new choral) w'hi(•h earns emeriti -
the 1 emulated,. Ie•rallm• When lie
at it hr alight have *ulNe•t•i1*91
et 'dog worth while all dhow•
Its vast N n1I•n111Y1• Id ihr LegIm14-
-111ore than in the•4innt/ f• days that
It mete a man N good Ileal
4 into the Legislature, and it
hila a lot to stay thine. Bis
• convention will not even let hint
.11t of it without incurring an ex -
ye defeat.
Kona Edward on the Rampage 9
Toronto Mao,n1,,) Night.
e A ln,•rll,11 ,1n-rrrspinderlt4 111
,,n ore sending he • startling
About King Felw,lnl, 'They way
Maje«ty has taken him seeptr• in
,11111 F
IN. wt f,1
Il t/ Ie•
> rill • a
king. .U1/• o
1 IINI9.1 11
K 1 f his realm
It wens rather etnlng*. to 4 4*011- tris
Cana -
dime., who have Malaya been 101•nN. it. th
ie•n I(
tmnu91 NI elehrritin the 24th 4,1 Muy Wlu4
a(' ,'tee of the Lig 41.4V% of the year. NI411
that in 18n•µ( Britain the (lue•n,i Iii"
birthday ha, never leen oil erveI AN arc g
H legal holiday, 41111 Meath in 4 to in
letter to The London Tithes *uggl,t«
that. Canada's example he followed g.'111
nyd that Victoria t y he hereafterde-pcnni
ehm991 a public holiday in (treat Rr•it•
aitl, It will be N long time Im•f.ne the
21th of May limes t« Nignifc*ter,• in 'try)
thiscouMry a..4 an o • •asi ir' of 4.ullllll •m: 140111
oration of the good tlue.1) for whom new"
( '11nafli11flm baud m, true and deep all dim
/Meet .
ff 11,,
_. _ . 1111 '
:uul amt the servant of Parliament
M Nola IN•ntlr•h of the NAtionnl /•now'
H,r'Ipn M•it, !Amino. of the ('11iter tools
States.. ham leen *t tidying the ,van-
merl•ial trbltion* between ()mule and .owe
1111• Mtlt'M 111114 ?sees 71 good pn*)N•et of of •u *11
Ih• tii'gntintion 'of a recipes -81y treaty ''841'.
betw•e•en the 1441* 1.1111111 141411: Ile• 14 not 11441(4,•
so hopeful. lurweyer. of its ratification
oil an
by the United Mtatem Semite. Mr. part n
tiny repport4 that he found Tooth the 1w1)•i1
Inman and the \\'a"hingtun ted ',. IN',t 1
tltions strongly in favor of a rend- the nI
11114•it4 t,Ziitt', and he believe* that a T11r)
,4•*/44111 of the ,1"iilt High (4',,I tsnl i4*ion vl*it t
will molNlhly be ilnlVenerd tet OthlWa with,,
early- next fall. - ,818181
111m Ministry. They say lie was
rel. not after the modern
.ml, but ley his "ion W1411. in ihr•
t and • r•1a1N,rat• retyle f"1•
1 in the d4ym when the Stuarts
rules 1 11111 44 9 1. The C eRg11,,nial
1• 'TOW/ling wao ornate anal ne-
7und ill otNrliene t4) ancient.
Itim Mnjenty was anointed with
.1 with i'heimm. Thera'. alariniets
"•t her that the King it war, whip
n end to the Rose war by flatly
K that it nn14tbe /dripped ,'n the
4111m ncxilablr 1/r• he would take
•gutiati"n' into his (1W111 halm.
way further that the• arranged him
• the Italian ('onrt and % atiean
tet Sharing the (aditieal respell-
%• of his course with his Minim -
and made him 1rcent viral t1
An rude. NI nnth"rify aul11,144 1',uim 1411111*• -It mailed 1114 Royal
ing flee Hoy:11 Itr441itnti"n in [Amelia), hllt I, nlhlsv, m»• aha g,inderrlIx. 1
England, ff•4 days fig.. 41Nt.rl that if Kbl Erlwarl se *
rer nm til•• 1•"t.-, in i
114. 4811 t.' oro e• for
*row tram) ea. live eere'1k
vThetr'W* . en.ieht*4.1 in (e44
he whole. It a ' x to ram444
mhl).(N•Is Ant (-farriers to keep antaItler
x AIN like tt.u(N or sheep in a mime.
Pte apartment rr,,01 (•:tit t4.,
Mr. (itlttir•IM N Lill 1•. tlllm/1-e all rail-
way employees fame the cltn(lany'e
inaslru„• that Nhey , Balt l•ihllte from
their angers to a pal irulaar in/meaner
f1n1d Wax 11•.%1 24 %91210 time.
,114M..,k'4 in44elveney hill cane up
.4KHi►1 for A s r•/.Il,l re/tiling 4.1(11 after
4.o1114404allh.116.11m.iun wit. r•je•td ley
a vote of 12 t1 71. )arty him. tieing
LFF/tette , lowly followed. Mir
aurier printed out that it wax a
y"er,ttmn mote relaid t. the P11ov'in-
,i41 IA•gi.hUir.•m, oe•avrel gef which al-
=a!y 11/ul effeetitee ilraul♦-t•ncy, hlw4,
11141 'breaded Any further -meat t0
the Provinces,
MTRAN",).,T RN(i1NRRHH eltuTIFY(',tr ',
Mr. Mll'arthy moved the oecoral
rnallrlg of hie 1.111 ' g tl(,)yTrl.t
an evil which *44.11« to have grown up
of late in the. Mat•in• I)rprrtment in 4
•ertain I•e1*mesm in planting steam -
boot engineers' 1•e•rtlflrater to liken
who have not sufficiently giuslifled
themselves the►+•fur, The Minister of
Pnblir tt'mrks p,int,11 out that, even
•1, t11.•r• We)r ink/mart/ire in the Ite-
pearttnent whose. duty it w44 t, look
After such geanta and, if found uh-
le)iahle, (o cancel their ee•rtifleats fet
E. F. Clarke ( West Toronto) ,pllakee
it his httsine,sl t.' keep tab on *11 rai!-
wa)• accidents in ('anada ani gives the
Hous the iwen•fit of his information
(4141 *dvirr. Hr wants An ofH,•rr srs
pljntel whet 4h111 rrllrvr him "f th14
•luty and re•(ourt to t.h• Minimt•r and
through hint t, PArli,nio•nt in him
:Annual tef*In with a view no improv-
ing the railway sen ie• by obtaining
All official report of each A4cident, *1
that ta•i r
4.l xru tel
may call wd the
ways M t) adopt 1 to I•
1 t 1(
yy gilnrlN tee ,,uunend-
ed by the ,�ee• mr theme/elves. The
idea seems to he a good one.
All the el4,ye is oar (1.1.4,'4 work,
Nemlw•r, %mete little time on private
mr"tiwra' flay, emit ie•ing anxinuu to
,ucelrr,4• h14inl914 *1 that hie own
pttl.ieninr bill ,,r motion e'tn obese the
order paper. 'They' are m1114) les Px-
wall*1/11N when It. eH11es t4. flovern-
m,•nt "ruts. However, it ie their
funeral : the country can 4tand it, as
they get no (ay for overt(tnw,
TIIP, THISAla(l,n (YI1f(91a401,)Na,
On Tuesday afternoon Mr. linden
eu4k491 the (loverntnpftt for Tight in re-
Alted to the report that a 11/11111111 44104
WAS to Ile appointed to investigate the
llrrgg(d ••enne•ANion* " to the Treodgold
myndicate. The ,u•ting Minister of the
Interior, Mir \\'illiani MnInek, maid he
crash' not answer fully off -hand, Inst
stats! that : "Thr commix/dm a -ill
•pnlpr•he•nml•e and Gtr -retching
to work. It will apply not only to
exhaling Von(('mu.i(.n4, .art it will
wit.h the hydraulic newts of the
Het • in connect1401 with the de-
,Hn,.nt of thenuin4m."
MT. AI41M.1'11 W11 111{".
f1, ehq aid nmnlll)* wren• imatll length- ns)wmlettlmmny,d,•t•rnlinerl4.enl' any
,. rKe' deal
tying nod Ih. Ione would r . 44h,,,, t1,.• panelsof the throne and ein•1n,1- Ii t
t.h• day would he 11111111 in length to m'1i thfw• "1
Ministry• t, "1"W•
acs' 4.,e'11
two prem• 11 day.. though the n1"nh
might he lin long N only
gg In
present day,. Then the earth would
spin round nlimt eighteen times n
Month. 'Thin gradual change in the
duration of the rotation ,/f the earl,h
w'(111111 pewees' 1111141 the day woo e(1111)
to tilt')'-flye present IIlt% . I(14 few of )
these lien( days. ',mid •}we handed out 1
114"111411111411111y right now, they w•/Nlld
fill n long -felt want in *him loiter world.
i n *h1,rt, the sI '*%nigh. that wan Carrie ll
mn Iwwtw,r'n the Ile, HMI th4•N
?Mem tNiPs
Melt o1 their time. Itnl f.rtunat•l
them i4 no iikelih.Msl whatever of nn
snr•h r•nn4irt at this late any, Tie
King and the Parliauu'nl will ge
along very well together. T. P
O'Connor recently (Helm*d the King
'n a very lank and inter•«tingp( w14)'
Ie.ribing hint Al 11"1• alto, tlo,agl
his ing tutelage AA Prine.• ,,f \Voile.
hal enjieye.l imparee44lentel opp'rt♦ ni
i•' for studying the pnhllf• Olen 1
Europe. and watching the cnrrml4 o
!•.IIs, Mean p 'hey. Ihlring *hone hat
Soak the pn•m'ttt King, by the. free
dont of him mmvement« and the varied
rangy of h1,. M(•((IIn1111N11f,•, got A rnNr-
retionMI' It'lle• hien of the Nand hut'
arid the hnnlan 13.11410 441111 h114'n•ott
Intl Originated AMI ,1natiflrrl it. In
*)tar Much way T. I'. O'l'tlntir al-
11*41.s to the King, but he grew on to
may, however, that His Maj.st • lle-
ing son rxteriencel in the affairs of
Knrn(w•, m, welcome a grim*. In foreign
Inutrt'. i n twi (gm1 ale y acquaintedawith
world, the King the
naturally he
more (of an Influence on pthhe
Af?Nns than any of hie itnm4diafr
( .1.4lw44,fs, FIM• this Isla hon pro•
lotion pmpsred hila, While (ufv) not
take` 11 4tlPk in what the Amer'.
(1111rofl•1'K wln11e11t. III 1.rn1(14M teat'
alwnut 1.0r*II*.y, 1 shy not doubt that T.
P. OrlAtieos bad const sk g Ian Lie'
1n committee. when the item : "Mt,
. Jorieph, bake Heron, wharf, $,8,(44111,"
, ears up it. w'as 1pps,d icy Mr. Me-
t Ewen, the member for Smith Huron.
'The notable feature of the incident
waw the opposition (4.f a (io'(•rtlmant.
4.0 opH1e• to expenditure in his own
riming. Who MAr•m the world in not
getting !setter 1 'llle if4•hl )lnxw•d nff4.1
•h , is n,wi4ru.
The :killer ailjonrud 111,11 Wed 111.s -
t. dsy to Tul•*Iny, the �It1L iu41., the
K 1011(4 ygr•nm INdhgg nn A('(•4,,lnt (11 A(Mr•n-
1k1n Ihly. whirl% PArlixmrolt al*44,
ollm•rv,n, being m4. 4.1,14' to Empire
Ilay, Till 0. T. PACIFIC M('HEMR.
Thr (io'ernme•ntM 4up`ea•t•r' hl nn
Ontario and Quebec ha,( ronfet•nee4
with the Prime Mini/ter on \\'(ritres-
day 4x) the M11bje't of the aid to tw•
granted the (trend Trunk 4'arifl(• Rail-
way: They did not go collectively,
halt in two *'pMt•ate trumps. In hath
instance* the dist illainn was frank
and free. The Oovernnu'nt have not
decided upon theirpolicy, tat Mir
Wilfrid enlightened him etipiMt•t•re 440
to hie own pl•r*mal views. Apparent-
ly the l'rlu,P Minister favors gu4o•mn-
teeing the int/11wt, nn the hon44'4 the
prglrmerd tran4e ntln('nt4l lin,. 4Atnd
Mnh4idkw are out of the yn(rdinn Mad it.
w414M appear that them. will Is. 4.u,
(ioyllrgenentrladk line. Mir Wilfrid
A Life Lenon.
The,.- ' I1111e earl. d*n'1 •414' '
Thl•y bs i a• IN„krn )mor dn11. I knew ;
.1 *1 yon �'Irr +of bine.
.1141 your odnyll000r. LN,,
4n• 1411144 of ihr I.m1 age:
/tot .8,1141.4, t runlet.. *III snot, r*.. by-
rherr'. 114,1,• giro. dont cry''
There ! 11111, Rlrl, dol cry
They h*', broke..) nor .late', 1 know :
And Ihr KIM, wthe way.
Iif your a h."dglrl.1*y.
tn• tidily. of II* lona *do
Ib., life and In.'s M f0 ..1494 .,mor by
TIour 11111., ctrl. .1.141I r•ry 1
1'hrn• •
little girl. don't cry
The ha,, broken y4tlr he1n. 1 know
And tar rw1Ahr.w orients.
(" y,ntr coni(,,? drown.
.\n•taloa. of lin tang *R., :
lief Own)ph hold. all for whirl. )1111 ash -
These ! 11111.• girl. dml'1 cry. '
- Janie% W11ilie .lib s,
Laurier',, statement am to his Owu
viewA "let with hllifty approval, and
a tee i*'ious *,lutiun of the yuewti Is
likely at mu early date. The probabil-
ity of the ((1wu,1 11•Imk I1uilr deliver-
ing theproduct'. of the \Vest at the
ularitinlr ports of (')U1aal4 in winter
was discussed, and it ,w•111M leaatNall,bb'
W iuq{ pews• that 7111 t1114 (hand Trunk
['nettle ale pledged to build to ljurlec
they will find it to their eul*Mntxge to
Ko (111 10(111 there 41 Mt, JI/h11 and 11411
IIIplefr•Iwnor to Portland. In any
c,41.•, however, the soy4'rulllelt 111145'
iI' depended 111*al t1 du what is 1/l•,
('«wiry to 'plot/ct the i11terrwt.. of (4'1111
44.41. __ 1), \%',
M811rr'w Wurzel Powders for sallow
akin :Ohl or young. For wale hy J**.
Sour Stomach
-Bad Breath. 1
The Dody depends on the
bowels to carry off all waste
and poisonous matters from
the system - It Is Nature's
drainage. If the bowels don't
perform their functions prup•r-
Iy and become clogged up,
the system gradually absorbs
this poison. It is thls lvhl*
causes sick headache, biliwta-
ness, sour stomach, bad breath,
inactive liver, lack of energy,
heartburn, etc,
Abbey's Efferves-
cent Sett will cure you ty
ckaring away the obstruction
and thoroughly cleansing the
boweh. TbJi brtnga healthy
action to all the organs of the
body and rids the system cf
the cause of Illness.
Inthis way Abbey's
Effervescent Salt per
intently cures. A teaspoon-
ful In half a glass of tepid
water ovary morning.
One Dollar
Wb.l {I 00 .,a /•'r,h..r i..
1h.M.,44 1I,a
A Beautiful Bohemian
(Masa and Sterling
Silver Vass
Ye 141
fl le
Tan a 1*4 deo em . Lee sewage
Boar ..Mfr sift *maw ase r
N tleerete4 /din, Meta we
•ta wee Per et ewd 1. 4.y seems
Write fov a Coq
Ila, 120, 122 and 124
Voiotia St., Toronto
Did You Read
Khat we said 1411 week
about Wall Papers' Many
called and made splendid mel -
actions, telling us that our
paper* were beautiful.
Our papers are the product
of much careful study and
designing by the beat artiltR
of America. Each pattern pos-
1ea,e'4 some specialty that
interests yon.
When we say EMBOSSED
25c A ROLL, Waving Lilies,
Fields of Puppies, Climbing
Roses and Wistaria, AT 20c to
lac a ROLL, who would not
marvel at the price of such
decorations' Our upper third
papers are sellers.
No ex-
pensive border to pay for -and
daintily pretty.
Kidd & Co.
Agrntn 1'. P. R. TELECIRAPI(,TIC-
Sharpened aN Repaired
11,110 1'„u,Iowa) Immo-exm attend-
ed tar 1•Ayly. It ix Wetter to keep
thrall in grant condition than try
te. worry Along with there RRA they
nn' it's worry ernaigh.
Send l."nr mower t, the Victoria
Street Maolline Works. ot. drop
Inc a (M,**A1 e41n1 and 1 will h %c• it
oiled 1nr and deli,,•,,,I, (1,Nld
work 91 lu,elerat• ch41'gPa,
Reed all The Slji!►nal !
It Is full of Good News !
W. Acheson& -on
a1Hf it ereeiow rfar(f, PAIlete RISIAIth N WAIS (!F(IS PANthe newest fabrics AMA
`t`1'Ai i
RATIN STRIPE tK1.AINEM, etc., in scroll, floral and elMVe•r ti,INl (4(
terns, 4411. IMtI-
25e, '•tbl' 411/1 jiff'.
Eaclusive h Class Muslins
Swims Murlins, hal tar embroideredtints, at designs, in all new shades 0,1
2:34. 41114 f8c
Summer Silks
textural shades, at i#•i 14(4111
Printed Fuulxnls• Tu..4114' 111111 ShanttiK n dlk*,
in urs ellui's std
litk and 1G1:
Japan Wash Silks
1 teary 1',lnlerl, font codon', Wash wake', IH And b) Inr1er. wide, in 4 greet
variety 14 ('(11.,,m HMI efte•te, a very stylish and met•vi,lelahle Milk, at per
)'Hal, Nitre -int
Japanese Ma
lel bele. of IU yard« each, Japanese 'netting. 1111 inches wide in 11141
che`km and artistic patterns, in shades green, blur, tide and brown. owt., r{ .
3441 values et per yarn 'p,. ,'
1744 Iii, til awl Ilk.
Wool Carpets
lien% v. 411 purr WIN II. yard wide, reversible
torts .moi I'olor14, al. peer y4i.1 carpets.In Ape range Irt•
Igk, 71k', 11[Ic
of 1) 1.►IAs4, of LACE, of CBI ENILLE. The largest stock we ever had.
'rile nest *•I,',•(, tx,trful and exellrmiv,•- Thr beet reform We ever hlMI,
W. Acheson & Son.
"In the Good Old
Summer Time"i. w h e
you need a SWELL SUIT.
Be ahead
of the warm weather by
leaving your order now.
Every piece of goods is new
a.nd we have a fine assyrt-
Went to ISC1 •ct from. J
Spring is corning
Hunt out your Bicycle
if yoe haven't one, (al
'round and we will sell you
"Berlin" ace.
If you have a Wheel snit it newts repairs we have everything nee,'
ful in the way of Tires, Pedals, Rima, Spokes, Saddles, Enamels.
etc. Our HrPA,R DRPART..RIIT is in charge of a Repair man who under
stands and can make right any ill that a Wheel is heir to.
Our Musical fnrtrements still load.
"Dominion" Pianos -and Organs.
"Wormwith" and "Berlin" Pianos.
Guitars, Violins, Harmonicas, Mandolins, Gramophones
10,000 Shrift Music -Vocal and instrumental.
Write for a Catalogue.
- THa LIADtwo -
Varlltte& D•1rte ort alnd
F/rnocAvfm ora,
N -
ars *, al 4t day. N Y all
be1■re, ■11111 e/ lar,
it■ehoe $4rwet,
Superb» Cable
Patented amt. May, 114*4
me M1.► 4444
Scralitoil Hard Coal
AI (7091 esiVi444 N ,be Market rlealn
wb•eo Two Wet flash lbs. fie a lee
O*4.,, 144S et UM swita3D's
Stars t>MOsty aHwried 4..
ar4f fterlanta may mortar
Tell your Merchant
You saw his
Advertisement in
at any time.
b•glna March .80th. Two 0 -memo, rern.
mare's' and shortage('. Nee' kir rnl
lege }(sena.
O. A rumina, A. I.. MdNTY1IR.