The Signal, 1903-5-21, Page 10$ TIICk$DAT, Slay 21, its 3
What a Store
for Improvements
The soul of the business is seen•in this season's
increase of stock and conveniences to customers.
This spring finds the old store of the people
A Greater Store
Showing a larger spring stock than ever before.
Clothing Department enlarged.
Millinery Department enlarged.
(lents' Furnishing Department enlarged.
Dress Goods Department enlarged.
Ladies' Ready to wear Department enlarged.
Small Wares Department enlarged.
Ladies' Underwear Department enlzarged.
Dress Making Department increased Facilities.
All ready for the spring and summer business
now : got two stores full of bright new merchandise.
Values the best we have ever shown.
Besides if you accumulate your purchases with
us we give you a handsome premium free.
Smith Bros. &C�.
1 For teodrr, -wont. fret try Hick - .«era illy
Foot iia der. berte hos. •t:•.
Itrnlrmtrr t het F J. I'rldhene'• I. thr pie.
141 Kel Ir.h4M,atar lat4oel,ea. .1I way'. 4h,• roll 4
and (awl nal t'rlthalll. '
The first cont ingrnt of street 111uni-
eia Ali started al llrrat ions this week.
Thr carroty council will meet for the
Jule wasiun on Tue.elar, Gml plat,
The l'rntral will dome Friday at
neon on aecomlt of the ti. l', 1. g
That rain Tue milay .eve ' g wan
wi,rth t.housindi of retias to this
NC4 tI,r1,
1V.. were pie•astsl to see num..
Harrows out on 'fit.•.lay- for the Hl,t
time Nino. his jllne•s.,
The couue•ii of 1,.Nlrrich tuw'oshjp
ham de•larerl against Ihr county t 11111
improvement scheme.
On Monday K. C. Hays moved to
tow house he polr•hawrl from the es-
tate of the date 11. 1'. tit«-w•han. •
The armj-anurtal Huron district
meeting of Royal Trulpbant will lw
held in (iMleerich nn Thutwdav, Jun..
The et lite app cointrl by the 0.
N. 11'. fill fair hoard to canvas* for
new mrndw►s started mi their rounds
Chita, Blewitt appeared before thr.
magistrate lagistlrate on Satiurlay for riding on,
the Niklew,tlk. He Was let gn on la) • I
nlrnt 74 coats.
The prizes for the G. 1', 1, sports qtr
on view in flair«'., window, and in-
clude articles ranging from a necktie
to a bag of flour.
Me•ver•al old ruins 1i • lank tokens
and am .,1.1 country Willing; were un-
earthed i,i the exeav+alion for the
library thin we*i ki*
We qtr indebted to II. Lockwood.
of the Hank of Montreal. (iw•Iph for
an Medal has to the horse allow to lie
hell in that city on the ith, 541) and
lint of Jin)r.
Next Monday earning the
mound election or (Ake•Is of Hunan
L4111Kv. No. tie, 1. O. 0. 1•'., takes plan•.
Th.• icstnllation will be the that Mon-
day in July.
The Canadian (lulu *,f .Foresters
will run an exenrsion to Niagara Falls
from all stations bet wren Stratford
mai binder -Ha on Friday, .lune 12th.
Cheap fares are pramnimed.
711.• West 11prr.n Farmers' Itot i -
tine will hold a mn•ting at H. M.
Yumnpt s furl in l'ollsn•n.•. un 1•'riday.
J • 1.01. The Women's Institute
will meet at the same time and plan.
(i. T. It. Manager MI•(iuigan and
Sola. J Were here last Ft•idny
morning and looked over a mite for the
new freight depot, t, be erected at the
citation, They also visited the harbor.
E. 1f. Ayer. excursion avian of the
White Star line. Detrr,it, was in town
this week Making arrangements in
ronnetion with the eexrptsron by mtr.
(ireyh*,Ilrwl to Detroit on Welneewda)••
17th June.
Mit, H. E. ('.will organist and chuir-
era)ductur of North mtryet 3l tho*liit
church, in prepwtwl t) give inatnirt•
in pipe -fagot'. pianoforte and vocal
ulnar. I1.•r earl will be found in utir
advertising col .
The Mithodimt district meeting wean
held at Clinton this week and was
No. 9 Coiled Wire, $2.63
Barb Wire, $235
"We bare a full stack 111 present. nt. 1.tlt it is going out fast at
dE thew• prices.
um wire in extra good fhb. year. It 114 )m, 1 and %elf galaan-
�' ltd.
we can give you n roln)dele frac.• 141r 1e:•.r4 than :fear per nal.
or a It -wire ideaal fence for lily per road.
to the
superb sit y
of our
FENI'1 141.
tit 141.1.,
Recta tow
it is lolled'
�•• that
t 6slicle
'm I:Kteral.
I kr,anw'
it is maple
of all NO. it
han1 ogee!
)a in,.
W. sell it. it1 Altilt the name figure hnu.1-n4.4en fencet are
..1.1 at. which Air woeen with soft wires that Are light and asst
play out.
Want A
l the best ifutke
tQl.:d1,04- $11.756 r co weaving
Mfg tattflthorlif ittcheaper machine de-
sired We aril thetn at IIf),(1H,
HOt_LYW000 PAINT give« sathdac•ti,n), gives farthest and
w'.'ar's Ie•st.
Ieinseel oil, Ws. 11 KAI.
Pon' crone lead. $1.1.:0 )ser cwt.
12 -ft. gales, complete, $,i.11fl earl).
Nnils.:k• N pt 1.
And ever• 1)11,144 els• 1,1 hanIW,ue at priers to
.ire in A 1.04 posit to sell hAnlw-arr' than others
im our I'laim1)s. 1\',. endeavor In get the iw•.t And
at the twat pA•icer going.
ills -se. 111'1•
well the 'test
The (ioderich Hardware Store.
attended by Rev. 1)r. 1hwiM1 and J. 1'.
Brawn from North i'tIAet't 1+m...1a and
by Key. J. 14'. R'l,ii1W,1 and It*,bt.
Young from 1'It•turia street.
4*. aaen ham, in thine hoof of ere.
If un the. 'Amor )ten .IwMkl .r.
fain l.ur 1.11111• /11111111/14:4e 33),
AndIu lht.pourtu.l adl.•II;
You 11 11.141 that IM.Vta-t of 01111 111111.
Neglect .•w. 4144.1 no.xgW(-
Irl' a 1.s• ,.t .M1•r• (**.4. os \',,lar .ti4W
A .ik•ul bu.iuu.M esu, ilk kk,
(leo. Stewart is luring plum Alla
estim)at.w pawl sired for the given houw•m
he expects to build this t.munWr up his
property, Hritcre sl. Two huluaw each
.111 ft. lung, of the unit modern con-
struction and ep4iprru'nt, are e4,ntrn)-
A twenty -four-year-old mare belong -
MK to (" , 1ilsh•rich Watt -
/ship, hits given birth to twill e01114.
Thr) are smart littleiuiuutim
Are thriring. Thus in All rare an
occurrence in the "lulu.• Iri11 as to he
worth etworling,
Judge IA.yle as ,at seer, .rt Is on
Saturday acting as Master in l'han-
r•rry its a stile of a hunw• and tot under
mortgage. As the offers did not tench
til.• lew•r% hid tie 111.01!bel )' WAN nut
add. 'rhe 11un'tga n• is heldl by a Mr.
Shur], against Mr. Me it.iug+al1.
Port Huron Daily 'I'Iln,tl: A mur-
ntlse parr) w.ts hell at the h • of
John 1). Omits. 312 Huron street, on
Friday evening and it moat enjoyable
t14414' was spent 11, Planta, lllntle I
louring. fie Mismes Minnie and
Lizzie ('..ntls w i11 leave sholtla• fur St.
The rrflcigerator oar merrier by the
0. '1'. R. is to lie tea I for the slim -
liter months. A coli *14,trage ear win
have this station every alternate
Monday, with the 7:1.1 a. In. (111111, for
'1ontr•at, carving IMitter Air export
t.. Great liritani, It is expeteti Dud
4 he first ear will love next Muu,hty
At the nwetiui( of the Alimeek
l'hApie' of Daughter. of the Empire.
lM•la Monday Aft•rn,wn) 13*.t, au eX-
e'lle•ilt pallet nal '•Enu
Wats I''Ul l,y Mune Ilrllee 11'llseil and
Mas gee/Illy appetwistet by the mein -
Isere present. .44 rho next meeting.
in J , Mins Flulrntr Hall 44111 gi *4' 44
isiper on ••Our King.'
Mrs. R. R. Smith is again the owner
of the Ir1)ide•,ee un l olix)r)r street
wi4i,11 was her humin for many orals,
her w.n, H- H. Smith, of Mt. Iambi,
Ilan-Ili(ptllr•htmd it Haul F. Jordan
I presented it 10 her this work.
Tlw pries aid wan *1,1111. Mr. Smithcabs, Itlt4'IMIN making ,a is •1' 1.1 1111-
plavrinents js the per.IM•rt)•.
14'111- hliwden, of Esxeter,.,1Ai pur-
ch:ame1 ten acres 4.1 fluid wroth ul the
Ringluawroperty from the estate of
the late John 1)avulson, 4. 1'., and
Wait In town 1111 'i'lleatay ,q butanes..
in eonnla•tion therewith. Mr. Haw
lien's intention 114 to have the lgnd
sut•yr)•e1 into town lista and ,s,14,1.
The Nile will be early in .Ione.
Thr need of more Mhade thaw at the
h:u•18.r park wan painfully evident on
Sunday. A great ndwhrr of towns
people visited the }park during the
afternoon and evening, hut whip' the
win wan up it wax anything luta aur
Aortal*. 111a4r. it im a Nhinle sprle
thirlg is nut done to improve what
alight lw made A v.ahlahl• Ore. .,f
t)Wn property.
The that picnic of the sea«on
held 4111 Saturday last, when the girl.
intermediate1{31,1. (41.1...44.f knee
church haul their a al gatheringl.Mt
at Pilwr's Mill. The pupil". to leu'
number .4 seventy-five with thrid
teachers, Miss Pulley an,l Mittel Morris,
spent a vera' pleasant afternoon in the
woods and armful the river, and *Ret-
ail excellent hrnch returned hewn.
*boopting,lt dusk well ideates! with the day's
Thr West Huron Teat -her' Awap•i-
ation will hold their twenty-edxth
annual meeting at Exeter Thttrwlay
and Friday of this week. H. I. Strang.
R. A., J. 1s. Tum, J. H. Tigert and
Mims Sharman, of town. will take part
in the program. Mira Wiggins and
Miss Stewart, of town ; Miss Johnit,n
and .Mimi, HIlt•hfrnd, of l o1borne :
Mrsmis. Hawkins, of Mafeking Knox.
of Dunlop : Walker. of He•Ifait : Stew-
art. of He 'nor, and ('uwran taboo are
attending the minting.
The blaze in Smith Heim.' drr'nnnnak-
inl( department. which «rile) the fine
brigade ,mt about five o'clock last
Thurwfay evening, WAN quickly nnb-
duerl with a few flails of water. The
ns.1,) upetnirs d.vott1 to dremcoaakinlp
was un.cru diel that.,aft.•, and it
w'/as not till Mr. Smith smelled the
41114k•• that the blaze W444 discovered.
Thsflr• started from it pail in Which
the ashes horn the mtoye were pi/Wed
And M�,n•al to a wooden partition.
Some .larlk.ts and other peals were
dent rover (.
(i. M. Ione, o1 the Hattie Creek Kan-
1tAritrrn. who has been in 4"1rempmn-
dence with the H&MON/ 44 Trade in re-
gard tolhe propsMrl establish/Rent of
n sandal.' in (iMlerich, visited the
town on Friday 1111 the invitation of
the )Icsurl. H. was driven Aland dur-
ing the day by menits•rw of the Hoard
44141). nithnugh he 'mule no definite
111 .legion. he ext.rested hinite•If as
nno•h impresser) with the prlpe•ts of
the atu'cerw of such an Inst itntinn
should it 1M• established in (iMlrrich.
In •111 probability moor Will 1w• heard
of this matter later on.
11iek'M Magic ('loth -cleaner removes
grease or oil stania. 15e per Ip)ttlr.
H))tev Memo ('owe.- On hand thin
week. A larger quantity of Hailey seal
eoPn, and all other varieties of corn.
1 want. Mk 111. of w.w,l, for which I.
will lw; the prier, Large
stork of feel barley. A. J. ('414,4-,414,
Illnnilton-st. It
lee meant pailma. 1•'rtt•tte fruit
Juices and WMtl lame Jer•s,y ire cream
go to the Victoria ReatalIrint, west
s4 rel. pest at tenthly, and every
requisite for the p(ublicennifort. Fruit.
confetti •try. 40144.'•,, nrui cigars. ('.•KM'f,V4, proprietor.
11'.'YTKn. lith (cane, eggx weekly.
11c, Porn ! 14'.e are aide selling agents
in the country fur the only Ohio
1i.iHey Burn the best silo rr)rta of to.
any. Potato** 1Ve have the heavketit
cropper unit, 11 11101$5.1111. special prier
by the park, (Ono. E. Kine, Winghern.
111,, Snow l'11MINrl MAV 21140f.
Thr .ran F. Stowe's 1'nele'rum'a ('shin
Company. the llrgest and best of its
kind, travelling in their own l'alatjat
.Ars, will exhibit at Oalerieh ender
their h tent« next Tuella)'.
May :gbh. One grand night's perform-
ance. Admission 1'. and `Li cents.
J. It', ('ates, graduate fern, the
Institute of Srienee. Rochester, elan
from ('.41ege of )lv)notism. Mimi..
cones by hypnotic tolg(pg.stion rhatnn-
ati.m, sciatica, neuralgia, dyspw'paii.
weak hark, stammering, insomnia,
diptiolutinla. cigarette habit and all
nerve tr)uhles. :DRI Adelaide St.
Weed. Toronto. :*4-1t
.1. W. pnwl.•ri,k's cheap sale of the
Stratford lwnk1got stork is a Trig sou-
rest*. Special cheap male this week In
black aIle) retard silks. dtr•og,tw)
mpnlin*, ribbons, )1ar,/1.11,, ce tse4s dna
lace tort/dna- Abs, N job lot of IMMds
and ahnea At alt prlre. The Outlet -kit
Bargain Pittner in the spot for Mg IMar-
Iaina, wr 444.11 cheap all the time, J.
'. IIID 1UKlt1t'1t, ^-���
4 l l.titsw,at IMelahlwMi.lud naw. on nage 7.,
1'hinholm, lastweekBkith.
atch ase)
44 11 II(' iml ,red heavy -draft l'Iydew-
II:a11• 144411)4 D, •'1"rilice of Taehoho"
17,1041. He is a s dendirl quintal in
every way qua will tut doubt. Ile e4
value to the r ity in the lm
Inovrtoerlt lot nttm-k. Ile taxa already
proved hiu)arlf n Keller of tine natal
Ile will )l4u•Latt IAN OW11 snakier on
Mr.1 hlsholul'nWait, `'
Mow).ay. May kith.
1h•. Iwnagg, dentist, of filyth, lntrtnls
giving Auburn ,a pnofewiunal visit on
Talalday of tach week.
A. R. ('aullji., of Sault tits. Marie,
how leen bele making prepou•gtiuus
fur the r'l.ai3liug of the Hour mill,
Thee was **.5141 insurance on the
mill and machinery. Thr people of
the village .41i1 vicinity our• gnstI$.tt
t. know that thus important unlit/dry
in to 1)a• coat' rl in their midst.
Mkt* 511e rot -re eciodrIMr on page 7•0
Reuben Spindler, of Lalcknow, h.4N
suiur)ntracted from Mr. Stddwelw for
the erp•tiorl of the fotitntatln rani
Ita)emrnt of the ortw church. The
walls are hei,g huilt of cement lalocks
mane by a patented process which Mr.
Mptindleri/as the right to manttfactcir,
Th.. blocks rine hollow and are cast
with a "" far. They are test
inches in thickuew and of various
lengths w, that they will build into
the wails in a. uniform matinee, giving
the aPJM•aranet• of cut stone work.
The walls Will have .a 141eki11)4 111 six
inches of solid ....meant in addition to
the annual 144.41), Thr pirtWel,
window sins aid «rat(a Inc alai) 1111u1e
by this pyre -ems. Mr, Spindler built
the em'. %,a
irils of a gos*I.*isaw1 house
iu Imeknow bast year, a handaurw
411111 plraciing effect being obtained.
Cap., of ehinge of running advertise
menta must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of salve week.
Golf supplies
Tennis Etc.
('lose Woven Hammocks
from ;1.00 to $5.00.
( plots, Rerl, Omen and )'.allow•.
Spalding s Golf Clubs,
frotn RSc to $2.50 each,
(;olf Balls,
15c, 20c and 25c each.
Tennis Rackets,
from ;1.00 to ;5.00.
Tennis Balis,
25c, 35c and 50c each.
Croquet Set,
1.2):), $1.50, $1.73 and
See show window for
the newest things in
Wrist Bags.
Geo. Porter.
'Phone iOOB.
Made op from goals in stock
wen marl., good -At gar
menta a lot letter than the nr
dinar)• at priers that, will Make
It to your Interest t. HIT
A 8qs'-intty. Nested imputa-
tions In Ane «Lahr•.• If you
want stnwthing real good, the
place to g.( It is
MAY 24th, 1903.
awn. ItN 'I'Ig'Ki1'S 14'11.1. I11S
15.1'E1) AT
Sigk First Class Faro , , HQZ-'
11.1 neva all .Kation. 111 ('Kiwi• Also to Nut
fah,. Mat_a{wnaw, lirkl(re. N. )',. betroil, )4.
Ilurwl, Miele.. etc,
Good fitting May 23rd, 2l01 or Mk,
v..lyd n'ta.long rrm de.•lhlnuun un or before Decide to buy whatever whew you like boat, Rt'T NEVER N,.) ilii, iuu aw
THINK :-that it youare particular and want bo choose fn,uii yi akin
COLONIST Iwrtnlr11t of different styles, there is one show that ORIGINATES all t
LONIST ECIllICYstc stylar4 and offers them to you before they are eopiad by others,
one way ticket,. at low nates on wale until
June 4.446. lo point.. b, Hnhtaaa, ('1,1011(10.
flab, 1palpa, Iranhlrwtton. Itrlti.h l•olunebla
and 4'allrornia,
For ticket. ►1141 All 1nfontuatiou apply ye,
F. F. 1.4 WHENCE.
Town Ticket Agent, Ooderich.
J. 1). McIK)NAi.D,
District Pa1440Iger• Agent, Trront.l,
THAT 14110E Is
Sole Agent tor Ooderich
THE wrapper we are selling for a dollar bill is a big dollar's worth.
There is not much use wasting time making them up when you
can buy them as good as this all ready to wear for so little money.
Ladies' wrappers trade front good quality dark prints, ted or blur gr 4.111111
with white pattern, waists lined, six-inch In'il, fast moors, all sixes. very spar dal
value at each .. . .
Two Better Lines
For 25c and 50c more we have wrappers that are easily worth the diffeil•ni e
in pi ice. They are well made from good materials and cost less money than 1o11
could buy the material for and got it. made up.
At 51.30
At 51.25
Wrappers. male Ina) fprwal quality dark
prints, fast .*,lots, waists lined, yoke (rin)-
11)rd with fancy braid and frilling, 12-inr11
frill at bottom, wrappers that will wear
Tills im a ge11l WApprr, and one of .nor bent
.wIIe w. It is made from gond quality
prints, comer in »event' patterns, fast col-
ons, yoke trltanled with brraid, nd-
11.' over the Mhuullee and t wrlye-Inch frill
at the ho4tolm, waist Ii11.-,I, extra good
value at eru•h SI 'rt
Summer Hosiery
t This store's hosiery business i.q
built on the foundation stones of
good quality and good values. Our
r nim always has been to sell only
hosiery that will give the buyer
satisfaction every time. Of course
sometimes a pair goes wrong. If you get one that
does bring it back. We will make it right -with
you. Spring stocks in plain and funny, cotton and
cashmere, are here now. The qualities are good,
the values:are good, and you can depend on hos-
iery that comes from this store. Just these few
price hints,
iwdiete and children's Mark
O(tan h.r«•, soft, finish, stain-
less hire -k, fashioned, stainless
flet, pier pair 124.4
Ladies' plain and fancy cot-
ter hunt., seamless far•(, full
fashioner), Hertrlshorf dye,
embroidered or lave effects,
alai plain hl'k with wood feet,
a big range and good values.
1e'r pair t .
Ladies' flue lla-k (NA 1on home,
high spliced heel, •11111141" sole,
foot of fine white cotton, is
h .'ooh', than the black,
llrrmslorf dye. guaranteed
absolutely black, per pair 35c
Children's heavy rib.lwrl rot-
ten h.ww, double knees splice)
heel,, *.rams,, feet.. it 'dock-
ing that will stand any
amu11nt of hard wear at.
t 25 and 30c
fndic's fattey lar«, eott)n and
lisle thread hone, fine quali-
ties, in new designs, dye
Ktutrante•et allsdutely fast,
splendid wearing qualities, at
per pair ..ilk, 40e, i0c
Is/lien' hest 4 -thread tilde
hose, double 1101e and high
Mp licel heel, atron;; thread,
Ilerr111M1or•f dye, a great
stocking to wear, per pair igk
New Parasols
Our new parasol stock is here.
Nobby handles, mounted on strong
frames with tops that will not cut or
turn rusty. A big assortment and
good values. .nudge us by these.
Our Special at 98c.
This line is extra 4IMM1 value, 111,1 in fart in
-ty d4•Ni(11N in fancy Ihrrwf nl nature IwMt)Iwith 'he hen are d)Iry r
tIlt.unt111g4, The top is firm and strong, will not rut and
will hold its color well. The frame is ,tang, the rile
hollow, rods steel and hat. patent «Inners. Taking it
all round it is the 181)4 parasol value we Pert 84)1(1.
carved black handles, a good
mourning parasol, each *2.24
At 52.50
A perasd with top of good
Owl*. fast black, will not mit,
strong steel rod, hallow rib,
polished wood) laandiee* with
('ar•asds ,rade of gots! goal- gain metal and pearl t,p.a, A.
it glories, will not eta, very Mtylish parasol, each JI
runt nr IMM" their color, strop $2.50
steel 4'1141, hllllllw' rill, hand-
ieM of p.r,liM1.d wowpl, with
horn and other pretty tops,
gaol value At Pah *2.t%1
At 52.28
I'ara*nl* with tops of good
Mack *ilk, combina-
tion of silk and wad• will not
cut or loose rotor, hollow M1*,
At 51.50
.4 parasol with good quality
Owns. lop that will not turn
rusty lir rut, hollow rib, steel
rod, nice assortment of teary
handle*, each si.ri0
At 52.00
At 53.00
Ladles' black ;volved, top
good quality gloria, highly
tempered *steel rpt, hollow
rill, patent, runners. it nice aa-
tortmentclf handsome handles
in pearl and silver, .New de-
signs, no two alike, extra val-
ue at each .413.1%)
for Spring
The new underwear for
Spring and Summer is here,
here in generous assortments
and at prices that make the
values right. At any price
you wynt to pay we can give
you garments that will be sat-
isfactory in every way. These
came to us direct from the
maker, and better values we
never had.
I44Iie.' and . hiklren'M ribbed 4a1
ton rods, unhleacherl, light
weight, will wear well. each
Ladies' fine cotton vents, with or
without short Mleeves, bleach-
es, will soar well, each . .. . (rs
ieuljes bleached cotton vests, fine
quality, melhun ribbed, nicely
trimmed, hall or sleeve.
lean, extra value at each...... 12
iad14',, fine quality cotton vest«,
pure white, nicely trimmed,
many different style's anti good
vainest at each 20e, 'blit
Finer god. and better qualities
at '16c, 40c, 6111
Slack cot ttlraepl
iltsiir Galway
/teaks, ale.
Have you seed
the new B l a c k
('at stockings for
spring? No bet-
ter stockings for
boys and girls
are made. Over
in Wisconsin, the
home of the Black Cats, over
700 people are kept busy all
the time making Black Cat
stockings. 1)0 yon think they
could employ_ that many
people if the stockings were
not good ?
Black Cat Stockings at
25c, 33c and 40c.