HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-21, Page 8AMS rt No cheap paint is as good as Ramsay's Paints, nor is there a good paint so cheap. Every can and every color has the salve bigh quality. Peed m s prw4 r..A, m•nlien,„- Ihk tap•* 1n,1 •.• II .end m.. b•oldrt ,bowies bow sante haat,! d hen,.• •,. t,•, .,1 with n•” paints. A. PAietSAY (n SOH, paten rusher., ML"NTRtAI_. Peet ski' 'A CHANCE FOR CLEVER PEOPLE' It should be easy for peop'c who drink delicious Blue Ribbon Red Libel Tea to say something that will induce their friends to try it $545.00 inriCzesash P 1 i rnty-ftve cash Prizes will be awarded in order of Merit to those sending in the best advertisements for Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea. First Prize Second Prize Third Prize - 4th to 13th Prizes. $10.00 each 14th to 25th, $5.00 each - $200.00 I 00 00 40.00 100.00 ▪ 60.00 $500.00 In addition, beginning with the week ending April 4, a special weekly Oise. of $5.0o will be given W the one sending in the beat advertisement during that week, making for the nine weeks $45.00 an special prizes, or a grand total of thirty-four cash prices, $505. CONDITIONS 1st. No pmfr+.sional ad. wrier, nor anyone connected directly or indirectly with the Blue Ribbon Tea Company may compete :nd. Advertisements must not contain mer. than 5o words, and shorter ones are preferable. d. tine of the cards used in packing Rlue Ribhon Red Label Tea- there are two in each package -must be e1clused with each batch of ad:eone• 00:45 Lent. 4th. The competition closes dune 1, t11gt, and all competing ark ettisentents must reach one of the bellowing addresses on or brfoie that date. Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Winnipeg, Man. Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Toronto, Ont. Blue Ribbon Tea Co.. Vancouver. B.C. 5th. No person shall be awarded more than one of the main prizes, but may also lake one or more weekly prises. 6th. In case of a tie, decision will be hoed on all the advertisements subni.nal by the competitor in question. Mr. 11. M. E. Evans, of the Winnipeg Telegram, has kindly consented 10 jcd;•- the advertisements and award prizes All adwertl•ement• that fall to win a prise, but et I . h are good enough to be accepted for publication will be paid far at the rate 01'81.00 each. Unless expressly requested to the contrary, a e w:11 leitsider ourselves at lihel,, to publish the tames of price winners. A good advertisement should be truthful and contain an idea brightly a:, 1 forcibly expressed. A bona fidrsignnl letter with address and date from our wt., has tested the tea, is a good form. An advertisement fur anartick of hood shot.'„ not associate with it,' even by contrast, any unpl-a,ant idea. The Is'st ads I tricot is the one that will induce the most people to try the articie.tdvertia ,! Seek your Inspiration in a Cup of Blue Ribbon Red Label Te .a and the Money is yours. ]I i •'F 'F +F •F 1,-J;l-10+ 4F *3'^ •+F• +!a +It• "sw sC7 1* Iff! GJPSY'S IUARRR6F ALLOW Floret takes eft her hat, and meters little to Ludy !trim . is 41 Ira Int IN_r Yltltltll.head back agaiort id'a'oriduttri- t title •task rr chair, watching in silence bnt.w muth'es ether than morn the tall figure leaning against the fr etellh0•s4e to the Makes Is also .t window, hla 1,atuds'lutiu.ely lucked be ' Ialiter of 4tulifferenee. Ike that amt hind hen bulk, hie shapely head beet It any, all the county discovers Aud- it billI', looting out, anti pusm•,+sing demly that 114:'y most g•, and r,•r that dlecreet virtue in n woman ire denr Indy berm rt, and that know iug when not to speak, 14110 rapt pte,f, unhappy Kir Maurice; and all berthing, but w•nit• for him to break unite la the laudable obJ.•ct id rou.•s- the elen*P, whlcli lie doe■ prmietully itig him out of Ida elf. by rvmnrking: The Apgars f.rimshaw errle.% len- "1t HWmr settineg in fur a wet ,1'•11 and chUlllkr, *Vlil.e Sir Maur' lie night." Mile eon lived, a1L:.. (Irlmeliaw had Mo.v Blnke rises, tall and graceful. 'item wont to mule at book up,n the '•1 had better start 1f 1t is not going management of Infants. Its 1411 prole. to ek'ar. Will you please order my Ab71ty the fnther'i IIPellflatr heart horse, .t,Iurice 7" . 1bul1 but wan through oho child. But, I ss 111 ,,eel you haute its the ear. when the baby died, her k,,ow'1 Ogre gauge, 100 your heorse ran go hark of nrromrvo1 iin,1 s,srlhing .y ra4,v tomorrow. You I..innet ri.1.' horns in nae rewires, and 8 r Maur;cr sues, be that rola," marinate, In another wary. s., it le settled. and after n spine t;ip.y's weir lulu baby 4..uff-r.'11 the cartage (tome,' 11NHN1. The thus laden at the hands of rligil4o wi'l'- der is rambling away in the distance stets : he ten, kits •.1 and chirps -1 at -1 nut w1 .1 raid of thunder.' elle ::11.1 sighed over i ! 411.' drawing -wenn awys. looking out of the open ebur nt, at 111.' Due,', 11411 11! ern; n time. the stormy sky. "You will ere wr 5,8011 people said he died flies to, ante home, Maui -tee 7" much kissing (rain many au.rhl't Ile cometspell reb re, and to goes, lyenll l -!r• slepm:)4het. F b though this ,teal (f a thunderstorm 111.4 a grim face 8r Mau:1 n b ere I• a now Idlest' In Miss Blake's char the barge of the castle. He i4 u.ver niter, and 14e'111,1 to pawl away as tern by, vishore., and no -truce ever elle iiddrnly am It venue for preeenlly er0fe411ter. fdm 1 %colt, perhaps, Flora nidehe wilt latter the l;I:ke, who, lIkr a .ter. 1.,nut11,11 0lwelImnn to drive to the village lame cat, • frequents Dru :lee, flet, as there tyre m)mo important resit. at all hirers. lettere waiting *t the• rod offlee. " aur11 a'r.enfor4 its us!" The lettere elk, mot seem to have it:rmulr: Lady Dermot, nod urge• her arrived. l.ow•nver. but Mloe Bake has favorite to come every day awl rill *tlni114.I her Repel. she has been thee seen tir'i'ng with Ste 1(;burr•* Per sir Masi.•" bears it all Its silence, Oat. And, nithough IIs ,armee WM. sr,•w Flora's bale immix Rinker( pressing Invitation to Hely Kn.4ni In and dine nt I(Iv1're, it motterw 11111• the old *owlire nal putting sting In -the thin edge of the wedge line Ut..old tuovvL, seen. her flitting to been forced In. 4111 3 ere, wet, gentle. and eyntpalhetie 'best this time the howngrr Lady Iliwnys, her Lyse fall of a wistful Ih'nnut Is time the te'izr01 w'llln n tnelerneee. I.adv bermlot I• 110r - mania for papering and painting, And mighty 11 wl 11 pleases!. IIk }ler oma ('lancet t11P Ibw•ngrr Ilam.'#' M given into the Ins tell his Illy II it is a m must lintels of workmen and atmast Ito- marry again; uhl it 1, n matter of mrelkltely 1111* find* that the smell I"'P•'t'n(11r ne'rsnlly now Ilea hie of paint disagree,' with her, end 1041 nn I heir Is dead. forthwith trnne,,fere tweeter anti a :she ,nh,i ltr•N the a to hila pile of hove end baggage to /Prune 0111• Pt(hil'g. it ie niter dinner; anc,u ('*tell*, P11 (uppingdownuponran 1, alter wnt'hing his and, moody Sir Jleurlee like nn avelnnche. ilI'0, for some time, PIM pats her fir cnrine,t tarn his mother nut ehoAght1 into very iho.e:e, delicate_ I 41410)111 wools. IIs listens so gldrt- ly that she 1Wilks rind npproven, d e vettgeatlee. Nos toner ie her taQe- warms to her plan n,eonlingly. Hud- sMp estnbliehr.I 1: her edit 111Mht- Il " he robes Ids fiend an d Nettles ire ilnnn the Mete family hurt them- thi" e sn'hJrrt rrurr nod fo,r•cer. pelves lino the bunch, enol mine- ' No eller woman' tdeill rive tithething like tit" *rid (1'1:0,1 of in l bandy my wife 14 Mime.' An 1, before she seem* to begin over !ignite' herr time to Ifrit,g forwn'r.l even one ^w Tint the entsldr orld ie unkind of her unanswerable arguments, he enough to any that tho painting and gets up mei haves the rrwem: and ehr pestering 1.f the "totem. 'louse wasse's no 'bare of hien that Wald, a retro to get back to the eaglet, The nett day he dome* t Iter, and6) mennita: but the thin end of dee wedge 41144 bnP11 driven lu with " Mother, you wsro tight wheu you reed I wanted a change. 1 menu to go away somewhere umd knock about for a (•uulrle of years. Vuu reu•'-with u sutldwl quiver of the bp -"I here luta. Moth wile and child, end Wino has us uttruetlons fur me now." CHAPTER XXXIX. 8lr kluurlco has wine to 'livers to a.ay Coed -by, tied Vise Iiluke, reeling him sluing, betake* herself to the garden. •' rel, him where to find ape maul - Ilia." OW Vele. her violets a little tremulime It Is a mercy that -tllty it at ti training e1 the Cuuuty elllltla. FI a galea motes away gracefully amoue Ilse a,hrute Aar& 'Ulmer.* to n sevlude»l • 11441. 1t 114 a lovely rummer night, w4h alto dusk creeping over the sky, nue •Ito 1:111414 siguluvt n tree and walla Sir Maui leu has put ,off his %lilt to the Met moment -1(c reggsated ever- writing a note; but Lady Der- mot 01 (.1.T•41.41 all ubJ x:tluur. And now, its the purple, shadowy twi- light, lie comet:, thuaklug uul of the w0lnUti who *funds, tull uud white, walling for hint, but, wondering Idly if foreign rirlitr au.i•.eues will help hum to forget ler wife. "And you are really ging 7" Miss Blake rays, with her face upruinc.l -'a face white gas her Metra; rami yet ha *lever mulle'cr the leek Its her eyed or the tremor ua hoe vul:rc. •'Yes. 1 am twinge' he anew.'**, louklug not nt her, but out over the wenn, sler•p:ug a orld ; "mud I won - ere if *hall ever care to see lite old place 1ag01117" She 1, 'tient fur a second; then he looks up at him in the gloaming and her eyes ere heat with Detre. 'But eoto will merle back 7" ' 1 uunuot tell," lie auswers. "Per- liop)e 1 lute. some day or other; at ereee 1t 1 feet, as If 1 should like best t0 day" good -by forever to aha old • And ;our old frieude 7 " t he whiep,•r., with bent head and lowered eyes. "Maurice, du you think It ratty for us to let , um go ?" The fragrnmt tress blowing tit tho garden remind.' him of (tip. :41541 W twlllghl walks with her, a Ilia sad face grows sadder still. "•l,'ou al's MINI to illy you will ml me, Flora," he snys, n 1 the unetra ily, he cannot tell why ; teat Gipsy memory Is ever prareut with billet( right. T1w11 he adds: "Ilut 1 n Isar corilpiamy for anyone now ; nn sit" -with nn ettemp. at cheerfu el1e404-'1 wr111 try what knocklu tln,ut will do to set me up 1K:1111. Sha turns away in the half -dark 11(104, and one hand Is raised to he taco, '1 thlaik I will say eeNNlbye, now'' 4e. ary, gently, never dreaming ifle pardon (11111 i, 1'11115 UIs1 lig 11e till, wllh tt Moret of weeping, eh mime two w b:itn IMMIX and lay them O'1 bin brunet. "Maui lee, Mau. eel. i c:amot to good-bye! 5f,lurlie-els let tn'' V011 fort you. S e-1 a1Mtsc myrell at you fee't'-s,W,leg oe the lncoheren word* anti kneeling at, 1,1* - feet Her lora War not like mine." Ateethen lie speaks words that ar agony to her to hear, as .with Mottles' clasp he raiser her t0 lu feet and puts betek the hands that noel' up to him Imploringly. "I 1101 e loved twat our woman. and site was my w•Ifr!' het says, omitting in low, quiet tonne; "an 1 1 cove burr ,still." Als1 }lone Slake. gazing for nen seeord up Into his grave face, cries out In n sold, hard votive: '•lin, then; good-hy,'," and (Wee away through the Clark shoes. ru1Pe. Ile deists( 1 • to heck Unlmnneeu Cast. Ili.._heavy and mld'hearte1, thinking t() 1 P l 1 S the we w M1{ of prass:onntP love lie had just 'tenet but of the sweet, v1111411ike voice that used to whisper "Kati rlce !" • • . e • • , • 1n Is)or tater Miss 111.ke weeks into the drawing•room. where her mother is nodding comfortably over :) Wren of 'filmy work. -nil Is too sleepy to votive tlint Flora's eyes :ire wide and feverish, that her face is %err pale, But, w'hw) NIP' :p"aks, MrN. Blake eterts np. •'Mamma, how iron eou11 we leave Rivers 7" ' Lenve itivere! Flora, my dear child, wheat do you mean 7" 'flee Blake Irene her bare whitr- rarms on the Iwe-k of a velvet chair aual laughs a shorts; - unpleasant a,K. "!lo you know what I have darer, anima 7 IL Ie. Is •thing that so- ra don't. db every day -women with ell-regnb,ted minds. I mean; 1 have M.aerlce that i Iovrd 111.1,, 1111.' offered m,44411 to him; nntl-hc- • eefusel me 1". . • My g/oodness, }'lora, are yon mad?" "OIL die r, me! 1 wile r► creel foul ; I,V Woman It who dares' for a men, eluppo,se ! 1 know Ili. mother trite ms (11i marry him, bet lin % sweet Inclined to tusk' me, 1 re- •ree% matters, nue mrke,1 him." War rptvl,ke In u hard Metallic voice, r ey4.. glittering; and Mrs. Rinke I f'ne wit h n horrified face. "1Vhy' 411.ln't yowl wait 7" she stays lard, a11•! Flora rejelne i14'ttlnhly: 'I lied wattle' long enough. What fond M:aurlro Is 1 He love* her NtH1." :e Mee, with Midden fsaeelula-"that b� of n wife! .114 If *Ir' cou1,I earn •r any wan !" Mr*. Rieke Ie rather m'alndnli%Plh • 'Me deer Fleecy I don't think .vett He know wlu,t you are talking ;eel, eel.: e.".•ning. :•key lug eosi- n to Mimetic hag upset you ; yen 11 thunk differently hl the morn - 4"! Mlw* h'ake's beautiful fan,: i* eon - 11401, 1111,1 ehn burntN Into alt agony weeping. Voll meet take me away, mammal •cruel not live here now that I ve -hat lain!" • • • • • t ll the some night, repeat toil lack. lair Maurice, an het return 141 lever', Melte himself up In the eery. ; lie ►e to start oh hie tree - to' -morrow, and his luggage 1s tipped and ready fn the, hall. .tidy Dermot, deep In the third t blur of n et Interesting novel, quite happy in (lot drnwfag-room. ghosts or bogies of dead hopes wtgrb her pace. ditto never ,thinks the pretty, dark-haired girl who goal nt I►ru,naneen Castle for Po est n tints. (ler novel le, Ily delightful, and mho has only Inas few chapters to rend now. Through the wile entrance gate. Urantnneen Cantle a earring° V1.14 furiotuly up the nvelem ; It erne beneath the grin, dark rem, dnehest under the archway, 1 pull• up at the hall door. 'he bell ring* 140 frrt:oanly that Peter hurries to anewer it 4, a start of nervous trepida• :t. lel tors aro uncommon at Of tiwe or night, and some of the emote have been known to nee rinses an(1 coaehea on the eve drnth or dls*.ter. He he not a mot, lest et ns conal tie one, logs lived 1111 lila 111. la the OAR. find Po, with Ilia heart knoek• eget/1st hie e4•l ribs, he opens henry portole elle, and prr- rre nn Mtn ntom conch, bet a y :nhatnntlel brougham, with n. ✓ of 'foram' ste aniiI g and smok from the peen they hnve conte , nlwl Ott the dootret0p, with hi• ureic in shadow, n tall figure Ill n rNhhg. (To be OsoiIasad.T er ' w-011MA who termed them, an.l here. nd they are: "Thai ilea( not he thy ins m i Three Stomachs on a Week's Vacation. Sat, drtak and M marry wall• giving the digestive apostara& a belling, wholesome rest! It can e• dune by the •w et OR. VON STAN'S PINEAPPLE TABLETS. Pineapple will d:.:eet meat ,n a dish •t IOD*. 1 he rest cure is the Met Cure. the only cure tordyapep- ua. That'd the whole story except the/ the large t.•bts digest teed, tN small tees tone up the etestive apperstaa, --Price &Scents. Dr. Mass's Catarrhal Pswder opens a new tunnel in a t hoked up nostril and lines .t with a new mem. brans. 111 ten initiates will relieve cold or catarrh or care the most obstinate headache. A quick ears -- a safe cure -not a slow remedy. 17. Ten Precepts. '2ti+t frrecepta are set forth for rotting women in the girlie Issue 0i Northwestern, 11e ,'tu.lr•n4s' 11thece- tion of (he 11Ptho•Itst l'nlversity. War 1.::11141 Bronson in t 4,e you a,• own god. Thou shalt not /mike for ss thyself gee's of teethes. IIIOU,'t', 0.04181 d• loaltiou or high ,nnrks. TI *batt 'is not talk for the snips of taking- * meaning nothing and Inline noth- m ing. Remember U11 training of thy 11 044ibllnnwl. B-. 1101 a•Irtlltr,l 01 1hy 1 father atsl naother when they come g to visit tl•r•r-nor of the girl from thine own town who del not make a - feat. T'esu slmlt not kill time. Thou ✓ albeit blot seek after the attentions of the young turn -let them do the weektng. Thou alutlt not ste4,1 illy nelghlerr's work. Thou tlatlt not 1 e -vmn.ceawarill Thole •hall not covet (nor borrow) thJ neighlur's finery." • oL e r. s! ' Piles To lie T* you „thee 4.e ain Y Maar Ointment baoertaln 1_ and i absolute cure for earls r and leery form pf Itching, Aleceineend protru,tint piles, t the manufacturers have guaranteed It. See ter timonlals In the daily pees* ant a,.k your neigh" bo,, what they think of it. You ran ua0 It abet def your money tack if not cured. ear a hot. at e all dealers or rem asnoe,its rot at Co., Tercet& e. Dr:Chases OIf'Ptl'nent 1. qn ai by wi hu. vii of 11 ha • o'c hr lit lel* N tr vel Iv Nu ,It of rut e h, ren thi of 111'1 era tr 11 1114 7 ol+ 55'44 tlo bbl De 011 of err lu,t flag the rei or on x114: ;it fen Ir Bob's Appetite. I)urtng teem dinner 'tour at a certain large works some of the mon were I111e:u1•&i1 h eu' Pl -gardening •d, a k g.tnl nlllg Ar ra profitable hobby. Nr: ••r.11 of thrill bind allotments ■scar at Land. and each, of Calli'N'. l'utnilder(• I , .it i,:s .r% 11 par(4culcar plot of grout I 4,a* oho 111 t M kept. •*1 think N'!h' re tonrke 1 an I11 1 'tart . .• 141 b •etas t r r ou beim; r S 1 b a V• IN.svlet to, "plat Ohl Jim li--'w la lla.' IM41. bit." "What t "' n rlwutesl nue of the men. "1'11 guarantee to Pet all Jim has In tho place!" At that mo - Went old JIm X---. himseltappenra.1,- aawl at once took up the vitalism/,•. "'Though:" he added. ' In doing an 1 dhbaa think ye wad turn e•lnnl?IIL Bob!" "Cannibal:" ejaculttol /tote "Wot dyer mean 7" "We•elr y'kuow." said the other, dryly. "Sty aw.t don- key's down yonder t" Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. Epigram. by Helms D*,k*i*. Nothing succeeds like distress. .1 lent In the Irtt Ie worth two la Iho cage. Things are eoalttlalaes what they Bins of a feather occasionally pre f1•r to flock apart. You marmot ?donee' emir waist ane and hers it, too. r 9 EARLY LONE THEIR EASE. Mrxlt*u 1'rasamte Have a l'hrunle Averelon to Work, ol'Ass) riorl. The Treem', or po:arr,uet, of 1lesieu 111 probably the Inaleat menu' under sur 11111. He w'11kr.0 leaves hie Mune rind uuly under the nitwt_ealraordin- ary cirouwrtauuer teen he be Induc- ed to perlorul any !ales. It le very Idifficult 10lnduce one to gu lt' a pare of 11N, republic where labor le retiree and wetter double that of hl* own district. Large contracture tiny., therefore rerurted to 1111 expudleut to scare labor. They often) go thud en- gage a w 1101e V liege of pennantC.17 tanto' the Interior anti more thein ull, tort, women x11,1 children, to 1 h &Roue of their labors. The welathyl rarn:111 au haw often to resort to this expedient to *mere laborers to work her kind or attend to lug rat- tle. For flus limine reason every ranch of large dimensions lu Mexico luta never/A' smut) villages upon It which couplet wholly of people and their fawlli•e employed upset the Ivaocl'. As tine Mexican peasant IN careless about motley matter's, w he is care- less about everything he doNer& t'ery randy has he any interest In hie work, and MO 1t Ir usuntly very- bad- ly done. Ile eentiot understand why. 41(4704441 •110111,1 wait to hurry ur to du more thou he actually bar to do. If you leave him 1110110 and, expect his to work Tu your abwenoe there are nittety-nine eJ7111(PH teal of 100 that 70(1 will be mistaken. In all rrotanbiltty he a i11 sit tluwn and pat- iently Walt for your return. and emote. the Inevitable ctgii1 to tiara /Sway t lie time. .1N the penitent Is with hie work, no 4:" ie with Ws family nod him he • 1n moist meet', though he Iurer them in lite own way, he takes no thought of them. The wife has there- fore to exert Iwrself to snake bulla ends. meet and ■lie generally d.**n. Stratford. 4th Aug.. tette. efl':>slN, C. C. It [CHARDS A CO. (tout emen.- nelghbor'N boy, 4 year,. ohs, tell Into n tub of honing outer and got scalded fearfully. A few days later hie legs swelled to three time* their natural elite nInt bloke out In running sores. Ilia Inr- eulr could get nothing to help. Mut till i recommended MINAIt1l'a hIfs- efE\T, wh(N1, after tiring two bottled, completely cured bins, nue 1 kcuw of %eyelet' other cases uroule/ here almost a• remarkable, cured by lice (lute legatee/It and 1 teen truly sty I never Ilan - died n medicine which hits had as good it. wale or given such uniserra) ea (Selection. M T[IIjSiRT, (ienerel Merchant. )1. 1', Weekly. Old Lady -1 feel awful nervous. Ars y-11 `-0-.1.en1 NUM. we won't here shay meal. dent*? ('uadurtor ffund of rlatietiesl- Every perso+l who rhlrs ou it rail- way tmkler ate elienctl_hl 1..4`1J,,AIO chants of hr:.g kine((. t0141 Lady maker! Why delt't that rascally agent tell nu' ea be fore I 'ought my ticket 7 AMron4,g Figures. HOW'S THIS? 4 we "der r,ne Hundn.l bonen' Reward Mt gay car or intarrh that resent be cured by Hall's Catarrh F. J. It b:y;EV & Co.. Tondo, 0. ae . the uaArnl n n 1. bete k Wows (7,e•e r theta[ % r : t, ,ears. nr. 1 Irrltrr • ►1 /H•rMetly hnu•gabl. lu , II LnAn.e• tram•. actions sort lsaurinlly abM to terry eat ay obllgatiesa nandu by t4.lr nem. weer • Tat st, whel+et& Uregglete. Tu w.1,,, it. Wal.,,.,, KIs<.v • )burls, W14u54 v Erregg►stig-Towcta,-*1 tiniest at•rrh 1 'urs le taken lalernnlly,ee6 fog directly noon toe Weed and mucous n1r. laces of the •y■l4Tll T,aam"a6, he sent Imp. Prep -711c per bottle. gold by all dregabta Ball'• Family 1'111• ars the beet. Fond of Varlety. Kimura Telegraie. The Dams -1-But thea is so •11 n queer, unromantic way to propose to a girl, Mr. Willute In for daytime, anti 011 the way tan tuburLan train 1 The Nekover-I know It. Liss de Muir. lite grurralle propowevf whilst yoking a mouuliyht elite with the girl, but I ihouaght -14 go 41t It 411f- ferent this time, jw.t for %Ariel). Lever'. 'V Z1Wire Read )4isinfr.MantSnap Tnwder is a boon to any home. It duce - 1 feet/ and cleans at this sans team at 'Rho pan0084' Ie not paved with good Intentions. lihe 1Arphs Inert who laughs lets( Handeoetn hen'( unleau handeom. does. Virtue 1* Its only reward. .11 yen trent to things happening the; *111. Don't whine Mud look 1rl.gic and ndrt to the weight of the world. t I) e 11 people cannot know hew we feel w•aen love first routes to ao. I Ismael, in Ilea 1 married, to (mine ltsto prs{cr. Yrsa :111.1 your ,rel --ane knows yon reel yet one da4an't. Tilers seems to he set much a uu don't tell. L. 41matter of fact, who rarest for the *naw v of }'ester -year? When In Rome we e1100111 do as the 'Romano don't. IL is Mnellruee too late to mend. (inod wine Pelmet need• n 1111101. jt Ie posrlbt0 to brave too much of Looking Under the Wrong lied. IPhiladelphia Ledger. "Poor old Mies leaden came near w getting henget!' in trouble las: night. She started, .cconling to her usual ' habit, to look under the bed—•' "Yoe, yes. Well 7' "Well, her bled at the time hap- pened to bo 4141 upper hertlr In a sleeping -ear." a gew11 thing Fortunate Boys. t'bl:ago Sewi. Vec14 ('llarles-(toys, how can ,you associate with that Dinka boy-? 1 nndcretuut he's the worst scholar le the .4714(01. 1VIIIk-tluh I Ii it wasn't for him nee or 'ILrumy 'u(1 be at the foot of the ('lewN. 11, Why should you pay 40c to 65c for your woves% fence when you can weave it yourself at a cost of 11.50 to 35c per rod. h b dld. (4' .,,k Pence ?decider. will ' Saw hay I, a.lyYwoven. Darr Pin e•1 (Wes ,le Ptrwnj, Imrs',111 11l(11 Chea at. though fasptm•h I Pt er). 111!7 am en •ue„rer Or., luferl,t*at • w,lt• l.,r n ritammo •ett.KIII.W (T,SICL CM* wetamlgememgn•tenni. Ant. Hb own renectk,, nluco rnes the nn ' whew. Ince in hal nded w 111, Lesenin. Let hip nnolnt ills Insumrd Itrhlug akin with Wenv- , tee Create and panty 111a blond with wea%- er'• ayrup. Feminine W M lent.T Chicago Tribune. " How din you ever manage to get on the good Imo or that crusty old uncle of yours?" asked Fan. "F'ed him the thing• he liked When he came to vine. us." 4.1p44P,1 "The good Oda W any man is Isle ineete." Melanie d's Liniment le used by I117- A New standard of Honor. The (worst side of the Prussian spirit of arrogance ono brought out In the Hummer -Da rtmann Casty which Is now bring tried by court- martial. 'The story le this: Two boys, Hummer am! Hartmann, were at 'reboot together, and were, pro!* ably. eery good friend,,. llusenor l studied for the navy, menet! the 1 nerpssary Pxnmin*ttone, and Iwcabt.• l that lordliest thing on earth. to llornphraae Klpling, n lierman 'OM - (ter. tin Minim'. under the national I system of imp eras; military service, was drnftei Into the army. They i net ronually, froth being, of Nemec, i i, uniform ; and Hnrtmnnn, delighted ter ser lute 01 4Ch0ol friend, nppnr- entl) forgot for the moment what dl•cipline required of him, and made A motion to 1141)40 lintel* with Hums - nee; then, remembering himself, turn- ed a gesture Into nn Imperfeel *elute The high dignity of 1.1(utenant Ifues- 1 ner. by the grams of firs' Prussian ' ffleer. was mortally mit regret, an.!. drawing /Is sword, and remarking. 'When I(Iron my sword, Monti Inusl 1 4,,.14 he ran ION okl Hrhoo1 fries' Illr' agll the hod). HIs nehool Mend 1 promptly !'rd, 4 ,1 4 l.leut. /1111111101•. I going home, AP ',remedy wrote to i the m0111PP of the deceased, snying th11 Ie bad kilted her wan for the tenor of the Prussian -lwervlce. Aft ]wirrntly tb,'re Are sr)Pra, differ's'', 1+,7114 of honor I11 the world, ire.; !Aunt. Hooromer repr..Korff rein" .,f Them. It will ie IntereetIng to me whether he• imp•rl .1 master 1:11 t 1 -rent eielapinr will nrqult heww fheuhl the (•,earl martial* Ink • ne eNtrreP 0neri, ane' urntene) km 1., n le* menthe •''mete etenlreste-liar- iesr, Weekly. - " Pure. soap!" You've heard OW words. In S u n l i g h t S tl a p you have the fact. LZPE'vSZZL ata Per tele eeya•rnar op denied theF'ooitig els..:. t'hlcasts Newt. Jack -!lire tUwpe lelgh Made her de- but 1454 a burletalue queen lust night. 'r:nm-Uhl she route out with honor? .1aek-Ws 11, she didn't Tawe out 1 vt It11 any too much on her. A ItECOO1v1'IU !'ACT, 1 It•Is unIrsreally conceded that to properly appreciate a trip to New Tort or Boston. one must taketbe Inst road. That road le the New York Central. h. J i� the 1 ., Ma,.ut'. lured ,,,,,y„,,,y by A Very Hard Helrlawa•e. ' ISSUE NO. 11, 1903 11R Wiesbw'a (S�ulnegg u4jru alw•ys be Weed IkeehrTe.t�,' 'ke„ly resettles this clod, asftatrs eke fuw �, curs. code an a e bed *swede Ilot � i yl LEARN A PROFESSION IN FIFTEEN DAYS by mall so reu eau make Iron, ,,,, nul_1. A H. A 11A1.. Fur particulars w,,,,, a` A. HANSEL, M. H ,wat ' Ave. North Hamilton, Ont. LADY AGENTS WANTED e Semis leen asssernr daboos, WMhos e. *linb.w••sso1 alb as sena asst melt, ease ZS seta nk twee Wes es r illltll•YI! • CO.. DEPT. U, TORONTO, us/ 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE ft Has No Equel THE CAMPBELL MFC. CO. al of HAMILTON, ONTARIO- . ise se b 011esdle e• 1.1.111111)' 1'141. n .}i:uuunwl wall rent-- - via •s, will It 44ut 7 • Tonuuy'N Pegs -Yes. my sun . nM 1t lute even been knows' to make nil impression ou a w•omth11'. h,•nrt. Mlaard's Liniment Felted- , • 1.11 italoneran n'e I i , reed to Hsieh 'lee*.(,.wat., Borman clergyman, wit,. miss tra- velling. slapped al 1. 1,0101 much irgmeuteri 41, .wage riot,) The port not eyeing used 11.1 hcavala :a clergyman n( his table. li:uki•I n, l•!,,. w IIh surprise ; the goes*[IOWA all their raillery of wit uponh- ut eliciting a remark. The rhino - Mali rite hie dinner quietly;, appar- ently w,lh..ut Osiers lug the Jibe.. Ind Meer. of, his n' l,tl1s/re. One 'of Thep, at Inst, 1n dr.gNalr :.l hie furtse:tr- nee, mail to him ' • Well, I wonder :it yutlrt )aticeee. Have you '14x1 heart, all ghat Isar Men saki to you 7” "Oh, yrs, but 1nna toed to It. bus YOU know who I am 7" , "\n. sir" " Well, I .U1 es(orm sou. f 410 chaplain of as 11Yeattc they 111111. much remarks have no effect upon nes." 1 Ask for Visaed's and takesolother.t Could Harr Waited, A pet Lain eutNtrluullte ops nevus. tossed to billion b..411P *aloe Ilttl., re- lilemtwnnee, for hie little girl. who (•'were ran op to blas and put hen han,l its his pocked. exprctautly. Once, however, he With '4411 yed,aatd at lite last ssomeaat footed that he *Rule' not catch the expirese trete that he nlwuv• tonk.N he rtr/ppe.1 111 p(ueluane unythin 'Wheel, upon 111a arrival home a41s • little (tiughter e poc- ket ell bee heed !1 t 1 11 e ket hie _shOo)4 hal hn.l,t i "1 hall to diet evident yen 1o.111411. (tear" he et. 4#1, and teeing her quit - .' ie t 1 u• I I uta• , ' K ut rn P "1t Otte e wa w,e, r U (h,•• ':tial moment , Milli e 1' W711 111t:, 111 ,1 ( ' t ee fl which 1 1 kept Me enter lh ',.l I only just had time to much my Nuw, if 1 bed atopll-,t is aINH.l 1 ***Alt lupe heel to eit'iIt a.1 wl'' for nn- ether train which *dal,' i1n1,• m,.1e 111P get 11(0111' two Irate *,rinenrr." IUs daughter thonghttea moment and Lehi; "Well. pip 1, I rouhl heave wait I." UF:AI) 111.11:11 T1('KLk 14) 1osEs I, et the little *Reels,. that Moth- er tie. and nothing is more annoying thea to have flies busting all around •vm. ret.ahng first n., your ,•nr, then on your norm or face, partlrnlaril when lou want 4„ test. To brush them (111 .111 useless, Der return air trews. The nee of Wilsotes Fly I'.tds M ifse noir sore way to get Ho of the Iltlla trslr.'$uy a packet end clean. 70144''0 Metre In a few hoses. Jest Fen. Johnny -How old was Nettie..1.h, auetle 7 r Auntie -Vine hundred year,. (ed. Ansi how old are y'OU, aunt le 7" "'llalirty. my chill." • Then )talo rr4410ned wrong I.y eight Marsh (441 and e0vnnt,r yeers, 11m aald 70x1 weft. A` old 4*" N.et fu•elall." Jew• -Ie she No very plsln-Inuring 7 Tess -Well, I'should think .o. 1111y, the iris who omit e g t 1, a• 111 h )I w'' Ilh her time 4t't even Ire her airway In the photograph taken of nil the Inipit.. "it t.mrsle funny to hear you tatt- ing that way. When pea were at college yeti .11in't believe in eternal punishment at nil." "1 know, hart I (feint have any env. meet then." -- -Do you a:low drunken ie nnle on the hath' 7' onkel it (n.. - ri'rgylmen nt n NOW York eleratoi,wtntlun the other day. "SometImot, lent not when t a, y are tat !Hank," replied the brakeman, "Ju*t take it tient near the tuitions of the oar nnr' keep golet, and you'll he 111l right." A man who Ingests upon 000IIpy'ing two mate In it railroad troth) night to feel like a cannthal when he le eport- n May Excursions Hamilton to 1...1.1 rr1.1, %Into,. .: uu 11.1 •) 4.011 T OM1,10 lo%I, 11 Plush-Plus$D.1:I-4.41 . Ali, to lutermrdlnte ,ole le. firs . tnrluded. Steams. a Ira,• 1I i,,,, 'rbur0Jays Is May -Hs mit.,u 1 p n.. to 7.1141 p.m. Further ethosatee ,,;,, . wgrnt. or 11 VOST li 4 ILII')':';, N.. 1'n•.•uger .4(e,t It. A (1,-TTureen. The Old Reliable Remedy for 8p antis kin:bone , Rp: r. • ( and all fo...el Lanisem e• awire( rsII IIIIthrttlshay al hay t 0000 WOK INV - oxo nth, a) EL'D.t1.L (O., •*4 . .- 1..1l.1.,., W M . f •. - 1 *,r v.*14.•611'• t,•,w t . •. .l ,.er.r 4., epee Ilerew,•• , ineste. 1 marl • ,Memo `I= yew •• Trt.•,...eft • - It, w' 1 .. T•saswM sr Mee hew, Isla g . a reels Sts dls* 110',0 1 r • 11 . t s serate. •r. .. u• t 't address D• e t KENDALL Co tie di*`el,aan i re •, M Ile• Me r.e,k(w , r F•nseuIke DALES, VT. r-_ O . R �s ET 13/ C (Mit V I BRAS.`} `t I.YELETS • SOFT -LOOP EYELETS' NIAp ER SNOWTHROUGI('flE GOWN WITHER CORRODE NOR SIALNUlIDE45ARMtNTS AND WILL NOT RUST.' • Cook's Cotton Root Compoant', Lala..' IPevorIIe, Is the 01,44. safe, r• ub:4 regulate* on r. Moh carman can d,•p*nI '111 the 4:044. ani 4,1,41 of adds'." f'rwlNred 1* two d.gree..7 streeste. Ne. 1 Ind Fr Nn, 1. -Fur ordinary crele f ,T I: by hr oho beet do44at Nutech tine known. No. 2 -For ri'se41 eases -10 dentes etron r -I1..• IP r e doftars pet Doi. Larne's -ark your druggist for realer' 4'.$t.. Neat Eatteuented. Take nn nth.: as all pills, mixtures •01 Imitation. ire dal gercun. No. 1 and No, 7 ore poll er..) 11 tecemml'nde4 by 14'1 114.0(04441 411 tae Ike 8'111011 or (mads. Mstk•a to any rather' alroroc•tpt risk -Ice anee fes:r t -rent nt • pa a Cssicads** O*L Pr.sl'rut Rreewevelt and hln w,f. l met tech other for the first lime t , f DIM !turnery. 011.1 played at "horses' and trundled their hoops together. 11e and by Mise Caren wont to lee rope to finish her (Nluoralaon, nn•I 1,100,16.1 Olt w0alt to ru'le'ge.nlel whru be left It to brain his career III, nil P• rind is Mine Lee. who cited herrn ii yearn later, limy' ng 11111, n widen'. l er with one lit lie girl. Then he come 11 acro. Mian Crime again just ire f('hence. 1IF these 'yveer,' 4he '4e(% leen faithful to her fleet .pinafore love. P h rev merrier, hoc n nr1 f h n In true story-M,i,k style have tired happy ever after Jttt;t what It was 25 years ago, St. Jacobs oil !s now. The prompt, sire cure No SORENESS AND STIFFNESS Price, 2Sc. and 50c, Dick's Blood Purifier ft the best Towle for Horses and Cattle it put. c(xI in perfrct health, and inrreeses the flow of milk. PICK'S gives hordes a amnetll gleamy coat, •1. 1 pets life and spirit into them. Try s package with env nin.dnwn animal yin may hive and you will be convinced. 80 dents a pae4aas. Legging, Nave a CO., *stove, AONTa11At