The Signal, 1903-5-21, Page 7'l IIE SIGNAL: GODEItICH ONTARIO
Important Events Recorded Briefly
For Busy Readers,
,,.pp.n.ngs Throughout the Werld the Waal
week Canadian Occurrences. United
.•tee Ennts and Doings in Great Britain
end For•,gn Land*.
Windsor, Nay 10 -The funeral of
the late Witham Ycilregor,
yesterday, wsa largely attended.
Ninntpeg.-J. S. Crew, Dominion
Immigration Agent at Yorkton, is
deed at St. Boniface Hospital, aged
t'ollingwood, May 18.-Maleoon
NcYicul of Nottaw•asaga died Sat-
urday night in bed. Ilia wife found
Nur dead.
Halifax, N. S. -King's College has
Invited Lr. Parkin to become Its
principal ett a salary of 65.000. lie
will likely consider the offer.
Halifax, N.S ,--white fishing from
a punt in Yarmouth Harbor Thurs-
day. Jesse Amiro, aged 14, and
Henry D.veau, aged 15, were drown-
Ottawa, May 18. -The insurance
agents of the city have been noti-
fied that the underwriters pave rear-
e,red tlr rate. 50 cents per hundred
ranadlans have been given a chance
to tender for food and forage for the
Imperial troops In ('ape (colony, the
Transvaal and the Orange hirer
Montreal -Prot. J. Marlowe. of
Cambridge, and late of Pennaylvan-
le (college, has t.tera appointed pro-
fessor of Ma%hematlr■ at MclLll Un-
Toronto. May 15 -Wallace Nesbitt,
K.C., of Toronto. has accepted the
appointment to the Supreme Court
beelrh, as successor to the late Hon.
Justice Mills,
Their Elicellencies Lord and Lady
MInto and their daughter Lady Ei-
leen Elliott were rnthuslaatrcally re-
ceived at wpoodatock, Brantford and
Iiamlltoa on Thursday
St. John, N 11 -The Veronica mut-
'neeers. were con%icted of murder,
Thursday in the 14s.•rpool court,
and were sentenced to dual h. The
prisoners numbered four.
Winnipeg, Man . May 18 -'11.e wea-
ther throughout Manitoba was ahuw-
ery yesterday. The rain coags at •
very opportune tour. and will prove
groat good to les wheat fields.
itrllevllle-Patrick ('lute, Bell, -
villa's oldest resident. died in ttw
hospital Friday 11e was said to Ise
ore, 1(10 years old lie w.. horn les
Ireland, and had lived In thin city
over 50 yeera
Isaac Walter Romaine was Thurs-
day sentenced in Toronto to four
years In the penitentiary for shoot-
ing Louis Oold•uuth and Mc(:rain
was given eight yearn la the same
institution for stabbing Geo. ti't1-
barna to death
Oitawn• May tri -Fred Iteg.•nuh of
Hull, aged 13 year,, wan drowned In
one of the (•haudi.•re Lumber slides
yesterday nun -hinge He• Was play-
ing tag in the bulk -head building
and fell through. the stop log open-
ing In the Boor.
Montreal, tau, . May IN - Ther.•
was quits • novelly last 'timing in
Protestant (church etrelee. When the
leseti;.g medical :nen .ettt ,led the
vulpine, and addressed the coetr•4fa-
tions on the ramie rune and { 'rete -
tion of tuh.rculo..,
Oraeehrtdge. lI.y la. -- The four
young Men. Edward Hunter. Samuel
Burley. Albert Inking and Edward
Dunn, round guilty of the man-
slaughter of Hobe' t Johnston, were
dismissed yesterday morning by
Judge Britton on suspended sent-
Toronto, M•y IS -The body of
'2ohn Van Fleet w•s found floating
on the Day on Saturday ,(lernoun,
near the spot where inn .ad ;its noel -
hew were drowned about a mootti
ago An Inquest at the Morgue has
been ordered by Coroner Greig for
to -night at 8 o'clock.
Kingston, Nay In -As • result ul
the forest tire. in North Frontenar,
the Catholic 'church on the Snow
head. and adjacent to Orupah. wee
burned Tater, 1.1 narrow eta••(•w
with life and property come in from
all sections 'of the country, and ev-
erybody is praying for rain
Hanging from a bes:n of an out-
house, with the fatal noose about
his neck, t1. wife and deter of Fred-
erick L. Dar, a young French -Cana -
diem, came upon his dead body at 7
a m. Thursday, In Toronto. Deceased
leay.'a • widow end three small chil-
dren There will he no inepseet.
Winnipeg, 'fan -The unions afill-
sited with the Newt Tradea and La-
uer Council threaten to boycott the
('.P R., and the step, it carried Into
effect, will mean stagnation of husk
news In almost every line. This pro-
position will Anally come before the
Trades and Labor Council at Its
tsext regular meeting.
Halifax. N.S.-William Gray. •ged
010, an oiler. in the ('onaumi•r'u l'nr-
Inge Works •t Dartmouth, wee
whirled to death Thursday 'After-
noon. Be was palming the hig fly-
wheel, which was moving et the rale
of 1110 revolutions a minute, and
his body caught up by the telt Its
was carried around severs) revolu-
tions and then dropped.
Tali i 41ITED STATga.
New York. -John Mitchell, presi-
dent of the United Mine Workers, Ie
In the city gathering material for
his new hook.
Chicago, May 1A -Six thousand
employee of the ileeering Har%•.ster
Company, alter a strike of three
weeks, returned to work veeterday
53 Louis, Mo , May Id --Senator
Intsrhe yesterd.y confronted to hie
connection with corrupt deals and
implicated many prominent persona
Chicago, May IA --Two lives were
lost in a Are that deefroy-ed the
Wean -heater Apartment Building ni
5.017 Cot tee. Grove avenue earl',
yesterday One other man is mise
Refrain. N. Y , May 1.1 --Williem
Lane, aged sA yenta, whn. on last
Monday, was sentenced to .pend nine"
Years In Auburn Prison, for crimi-
nal assault, committed andeldr yes-
Denver, Col , May 15. --Thr .Inint
Executive Committee of nrg•nired
labor rallied out 1,000 additional
union men yesterday, Increasing the
total Matthew of strikers in this
elty to more than 4,000
Alheny, May IR itniand B. Molt -
44.11* acquitted after two trial* for
mnrler, now demands of the Hemp
'Prison Department the raturn of
hie photographs. lt.rtlllnn mewaute-
tarnte and other twrsnaal rrnrd•
A special from Norton. Va , says
that the Rritl.4. steamer St Oswald
•rrlved Thursday with the 11-1W of
Owe MOM& brig It.rth• Gray. TM
Urfa wan lNM. at seta. Tie MIN
Appllealie.. Tor hl•rf Trial Denied -Wife
and /dead. kap•rtad Acquittal -
Wife Una Goan lases*.
ltochr'atrr, N. Y., Vey Io.- Leland
Ilorr Kent wan yesterday morning
sentenced 11, .1nleera Prison for twen-
ty 3ealti by .fudge Sutherland.
1n eentencttlg Kent, .Judge stutter..
land said"For Ilk% lel( I will ,ay
that 1 concur •ntidaly in the cuuclus
stun which tl►e Jury arched at as to
the foamier by which Lisa titigle love
her d,,th. (Under the statute mak-
ing the act of aiding another in the
rowuli. ' of ..ui.•Ide, manslaughter
i ill the best doges', the supposition
i Is that she was the princiuzal actor
and 'hut your part in It was sule
' salary and incidental only. But 1
Nice no-duubt that her wink to die,
her runeent to die, and her partici-
pation to ,ulna extent in the prelim.
1 Mary prepurnt' for death would
not hate n.'t•a.Naar4yt absolh_d you
from the gretu'r ergo of murder,
Ir•auile 31114 wilfully anal knowingly
inflicted the mortal Mount'.
Wife Ras u•aa Swaim. ,.
Itudalu, May 10...Mrs. Leland
Burr Kent has goneM ll.' 5.e the re-
melt of IM cuntkttost of her hus-
band. Her physicians dacrit.c her
condition as acute dementia, and
offer no hope for her recovery. While
her Ilfe is not in danger, it. is ex-
tremely probable that she will spend
the talars'., of her day, in an say -
1 The Keele .had confidential
holiest for acquittal, in which cam.
Mrs. Kent had agreed to forgive her
husband and Assume their hone life
as it wax before the Kent -Lingle
4111ee.4 ..f Appeal t'paada
D.1.1•1015 .1 Trial Jadges.
Toronto, May 111. --The appeal o1
Andrew 1Ilsrampts•II (runt the d-
c15ion of the sludges whet tried the
petition strained him and declared
his el.cti.jn cold, Waw dismissed yew
terday, and Sault Ste. Marie is now
The learned Justices fully concur
In the upminn, of the trial Judges
and express surprise at the appellant
hating any hope of con%irwing tlhq
court that the election should not be
voided They r.Incur in the finding
of the trial .Judges, that there had
ben sullku•nt corruption les ut,•r-
rde Buy ...,'only This disposed of
any hula• it the saving .'suss The
4'u'.ms•nts 111111ty and Ielarg,•t 'Were
held to ha t,• 1lt,t, prut.'u, and the
derliel e( Morr•ault regarding Hoy M
not rr.r1,I,•11
014..r Illegal Practice.
Movers' arts of bribery having ise•n
established. 1t hey upon the pipet-
lant to discburg.• the est satis-
fy ..g the I rLLhuo. l I , not wit le
standing such art*. the .•I..•tion
should not lie toid,d •Ther.' sere
other ill,•gal practices nut of • per-
sonal nature which cannot he titer -
looked in runsid.•ring w leer her 11s•
appellant has succ.eslcd in dis-
charging the utttt it is not Inn,
416b• to .5.3 4hal the arts of brils-1"y
w. -r.• of a trilling nature . 1 thew
sett e. T1s•p tt.•re el u,11tst ter' uud,•r
show'u.g de-hts•ratmot
and intent The inapt irtat of %tor-
r•uult front 'Montreal and him peril -
111 .at tun in 11114 election" run1,•sl in
the manner in which he did partici-
pate are not satisfactorily accounted
fur. What haw lawn Nhta'n as to
the appellant's part tt► the. wuf.pty--ol
nor. -his diffir
money 1 .!sew ullflee. //i,
account of his dealing/. in regard In
then d•rnonmtret,- an entire. disre-
gard for the plain direrliene of the
art The moneys were not paid to
his fineltrtal agent; no account Waw
rendered to that gentleman, and they
did not appear in his publianrrf
We quite agree that the illegal
prerl 5.'1•. 1/f R,V hie ti 1 hey retell, est
such vis id impressions 'In the runes.'
of the trial drakes it tmp.w+iblc to
Bite the respondent the benefit of
the s5.%, mg clause of the art. The
appeal must ts' dlsmis'e•d with costs
L arasalew rkewtd Re Sued en fleets'
Ne•never Or.aada.
.Iohnnnc-bnrg, May 111 - Lord Mil-
ner, lligh ('omrnis,idner ..f South
Africa. Nddrelseing a meeting yester-
day on the narhe eppeetion, contend-
ed that natitl•e•who raised them -
!Wheel to a ci%'ilir.,1 level with the
wht,-n were entitled to equal prfvil-
ewe'•. Ile eympathired, he said,
with the ...elms in South Africa
ignited an influx of Asiatics, but
that Influx ro,,ld he resisted on ee-
rie' ernnnn.y wro,.nde, and not on
the 11,11re 114 color.
ion► *.ge•.et reels fferee.
Ottawa. May lee.-1,,,cedntion will
be brought down providing for the
creation of (Wo now military depots,
one al Montreal. and one ,.t Edmon-
ton, N W T., of mounted infantry.
Provimion will he made for the in-
creaeing of the p.'rmenent force from
its present rstablinhiuent, one thous-
and men, all ranks, to fifteen hun-
Bertha (fray of Yarmouth, N. 5
sailed from Jacksonville, Fla .. May
• for St. Kitt., She was of 320
tons reglater.
Copenhagen. May 1n. -Henrik fo-
am. the Norwegian dramatist, is
again seriously III.
Santiago, Ch11i.--A11 the banks and
Wennels, houses at Valperaieo have
re -opened their doors. The strike te
over. e
Manila. -The Health Board is pre-
paring to Inoculate the (chine•• colo-
ny of Manila with bubonic serum in
order to prevent a spread of the
ping,& it is estimated that there are
50,000 Chinese residents here.
Manila, May 18. --The deaths from
cholera now average about eight n
day. The authoritlee are delaying
the enforcement of a g I quaran-
tine, am they hope the virulence of
the diseaee will soon bei modified.
Edinburgh, May lA •--1110 Lorene,
•n ocean-going turbine .urht, made
21.88 milem an hour at her Trial on
the Firth of Forth Snturduy.
Portsmouth, Fang , kitty 18 -It im
reported that the royal yacht Vic-
toria and Albert has been ordered to
be toady on .fume 18, It Is said
that Hte Majesty will visit Germany
and Rued• In midsummer.
London, May 111 --King Edward
and queen Alexandra returned to
l,nndnn from Scotland lent. evening
Their Male•ties drove In Buckingham
Palace In an open landau With po.-
Millnns, and .'erorl.d hy a detach-
ment of the Life Ovarfil.
Fifth Congress of Chambers of Commerce
of the Ernp.r..
Aileen; the events est the pr•erent
year in the wu1•114 of trade. and cunt -
will he of greater 1lu-
p111'taur'e that' the meeting of the
t tuuufr•r, of 4'uuuurnw of tile. 1Swpire,
to he held in Montreal during August.
()nee in ever)' thaw yelu'N 4614 h•a<lits{['
I'('pllr'Ia•Ilttt(1%'l'N of the business w114111,
front all parte of 'heat Britain and.
her itt•if-governint I'oluu es, gather to
discuss the great eta •r't'ial. Indus-
trial and eatin/a11Ir questioned of the
day. Their delilaer.tieu, are followed
with iutehe,t throughout the entire
empire. Never lwfure haat this eon-
velltyn hero held outside of Ureet
Britain, and ('anode. in .1w•uriilg the
h of rnteila' ' g it, ha., won it
great privilege and °Idolised a grand
np4N,t1. 't y.
The idea of L4auiug out 4. ('•nada to
attend this meting is, from present
advice -et, proving iupulenerly popular jn
British routuerr•ial (inlet.. Already
upwards of a hundred British
hers of Co mie•tee. in important rem-
utervin1 centimes, have signitted their
intention ,If ,ending delegate•. The
Montreal H most of, 'froth- is in roue
Iilllnie•atelti with similar Nellie.. every-
where throw! t the,I), ' ' , ur
twirler that the delegates, niter the
eartrnti,D, may Iuave ample 15pjila•-
tunit y of visiting every part of t'an-
ada ; end the• railway and steamboat
rumpe4tier, realizing the importance
of iter gathering. neer grueramly CO.
o11Prsti.,y-to this end. it is propored
Brat to /ondu.t the visitors for a
week's trip over fertile Ontario, which
will, brwwrd, the end of Augtat, be at
its twat. T.w Toronto Exposition will
next revive a visit. Then the grain
Held, of Manitoba, where, in the that
week of rirpterulwr harvesting will or
At its Iwight, the rsnche•, of Allwrta.
the forest wealth, Hie Hsheriee and the
wines. of Mi'ith.h .1'et1 Iiia will next
!x• !veil. itrtur g, the t'iri4ml will
tour Quebec and the Maritime Pn,v-
ineett. visiting our chief n'fetter
lug eenUr's and the Atlantic )nota.
The aid of the national ge.twrume•Ilt
Inas Imen intelkel Mat every facility
1nay lee provided to phew all that is
west interesting thoug►wut ('wn,ulx
1..14 /11. these dist intro hilted yi,itotw,
leered Boort!r of lice•'• at points visited
Neill ee4tiwrate in the way of Ione oris•
1 -helm, and either h.spitelit4.•...
Literature, giving hill pet•ti.ul*n, re-
gsnling (mate a *r a Held for profit -
/tide investment, is IN•ing 'repand for
,lietribut enwrap( the delegates.
It is irhp,w.ible to estimate the vable
of this visit. What it will memo for
Canada to have among the members
of each Chamber 15f l' 'rev in
every city throughout the Empire,
.ale or awn- influential persons who,
may he competent le metal iron Iwr-
metal exp rimier of her rev...times and
tsf her 4.1..sibi l itiee., cannel he oyer -
.est baht!'.
It 1..•hes,ve,. Canadians everywhere
to gilt.- the a 1,1,4.1 royal Wel-
, 11111'.
Robins Earn the Cherries They Eat
An 1.1,111utlist at Fulton makes
congli•int against the robins, or "Jack
nehirts,- as he rano them. He stye
they are nipping all the IIloss,lnn off
his cherry trees. 'nowust strip the
trees, and tlw ga1,HI'wreath them
I14 whit• with h1(I.ewrnl.. He says the
wicked I.inis tear the hearts nut of
the bl,.NeMIA and then Lite the !tots
in tn../am/ 1.•t them tall. and he fearro
that hit..berry veep will lie 41'11•,.
A member of the John Hunonghs
Society wilts wee eppli.-4 to for in•
Lbrrmatiun on this. rtll)IlSt says the
.4 reline*
orchardist ' mistaken. f r i
n less 1 1 take'tl. I h n n
410 rut .ff enyld(.lwanus it is only the
defective lines. °r slirh ;5.w carve 4lls• t s
in them. and that the hinds are doing
good instead of harm. He sats lie
pude tip neat IN,xem Alin lug the threes to
enable binds of env kind, even spar-
rows. to tneke their homes tin his
grounds. Ile hays the birds help
themselves to A flew cherries when
ripe• but they are welcome to thein.
as they have earned thane by destroy-
ing inset )114111. it is heed that this
ir.forn..t'ion will ,eatisfr the• orchard-
ist. It isdea;11t1.s.,correct. for if the
.+thin, We're ws 4 efettaletiye an h.•
imagines there would long age 41444,'
„•emeel 141 Ie any cherries produced in
4)rreg.n, while the fart i, that the
cherry crop 1. dare•• •host every year.
and of great value. The biro. t
not he ,onelenrneml on' or mis-
taken tiwt.inl/ny.-PuMlend ()resem-
Well people ell nut worry. , Tait e.
Miller's 1' pound Iron Pills end be
well. 50 des for a quarter. Fel sale
hy Jaw. Wlknn.
His Complaint
ennui Seta
i alit a baby, eleven months old, and
nearly worn out already. Please Int
ale alone!
I am 14151 a pn,ligy, PX('rpt (1) the
extent that, not having anything to
wry, 1 don't talk. Two big persons
<'Iaim 4, IW my patents- why isn't
they Int it gel at thin.? 1 harm never
denied the charge. 1 haven't tooth
data to go hy, Imt 1 don't think 1 nr1
either n dnap(mall, n learned pig or a
rirttiono. 1 don't hanker for Applause;
mer it will i.- an appreciated favour if
you neon'( put me throngh say parlor
if 1 have my worthy Fn -le Ezra's
Ii,,',,' congratulate Chyle Ezra, bell
don't blame me. 1 may he a klepto-
maniac, fur 1111 1 know, tett I can't help
1)on't rattle rattles at me --they
rate',' alt. 1►rn't goo Fon and owe:
sir-k.N.t.4,• nt tile. 1 elan t underIltsnd
it any letter than 1 can the English
The linin I have is not in my stool-
,u'h, but in my neck. I donl want to
4..' ,',,t ,'rt,. tt,,'.I or ,yeti4nl ni mesh -
(sited or applauded. And, if you don't
want me t.1 grow up to he a hyprchon-
drba.', a *teunp-ev)Ihrt)r, nn awful ex-
ample, la ping-pong .ntMu+init., or a'ope, you just lana• le!
L. e1 Bt. Thomas, Uwd Dodd•. Kidner
Pitts and it eansh•d his Paint for Good.
Thoma., Ont.. May lath.
(M)eriall I.. i)ake, proprietor of the
lhtke house hem and one of the beet
known of St. Thomas hotel men, is
a g these who have luted relief
from the terrible kidneyyy troubles In
thrill's K Wiley Pills. Mr. Dake t*yyA :
"1 had been tnmhled for over five
year. with my 41i(in.•ys, and lain in
my hack. Nothing 1 11..81 ,-,nt)4 gine
torr any relief, till thirdly on *dyke of
a Mend i .t*rt,4d t, ase !Nicht'. Kidney
"Hy the time 1 heti Hnimheml one box
the painm end kidney divas' were
gone. That Ina titer Bre years ago now
and 1 have had no return of the
fmnhlee nide••. 1 think 1 ran safely
say my cure was A pernlanen( one.
"1 Alvis• all my friends who nn'
t.ronhlel in the !tine w•Ay to use
INwbd'e Kidney Pills."
The %t -Ismer Cambria which made
,craainnal trips between Rochester
NMI To111nto beet '41)1111,w•r, has been
p.. MIm4.8l IIr N.1 A lnrri1.14 n concern,
and will rein this year bet won Huff*ln
and Crystal Dash, Dent Fort Brie.
ark-4r:overdo 44-5.erTr Z5.
Mt'K I M'S 011 Stand,
Jordan Block.
1 UI.euAV, May 21, 1903.
Our 14ayl
All that you want to get is
what you p417 for ; llo surd you
got it ; It isn't just enough
that you get a slow that looks
!$3.30 worth ; it has to wear
Awl- feel up to the price. You
are losing Money, losing time,
and losing comfort it you are
nl t w'eLlriug our shoos.
From Goderich To
Wednesday, June 17th
Only $1.00 Round Trip
Leave Goderich for Iletroit 8.30 ant., Wednesday,
June 17th, (canada time.) Arrive Port Huron at noon,
Detroit at 4.00 p. in.
Returning leave Detroit Thursday, June 18th, at
1.00 p. tn. Central Standard Time, Port Huron S.30 p. m.,
arrive Goderich 9.30 p. m.
Friday, June 19th, at 8.00 a. m. (canada time,) leave
Goderich on the return to Detroit.
Fare with baggage $1.00.
A Special Excursion Train will leave Stratford at
6.40 a, m.,Wednesday, June 17th, stopping at Mitchell,
Seaforth, Clinton, and Homelsville, connecting
with the morning train from Wingham, Blyth, etc., at
Clinton 7.4o and arrive in Goderich 8.15 a. n1.
Thursday night Special Train leaves Goderich on
arrival of steamer from Detroit, for Clinton and way
stations to Stratford.
White Star Line Steamers
C. F. BicLMaN, T11111 r,C Mc.
E. H. Arta, t4co..,o. 5.r,.
N%cBlock. K I M'S Ooderich,
English Porcelii1e China
Instead of giving so nate+ W the printers we have doter ' el to divide
with our "1 '.1811 HI'%'KR." by giving them a lovely thew blew English dinnet-
oad Or any hart of it. Vial do not have tee buy Any stated seureuet.i-hget this,
you ('1(11 get any pati•(-fof it tet arty 1' • after you have futir`e'eagsos- --Veal can
etch =not fur every 1t. pltw' rrha4'011. it► NMI let use tell you about it .nd
0.11• releasin prices in new dependable goo'n's.
Emmmptimmmmmmmnmrmrrr►tmr►rnmmns m
Invictus Bcots
at $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50.
Aft.',• s-• retti►Ig investigation and der trtial mer Are ton -
%1111e1 411:tt the•.1n'Sl•Itl, IaMdN IIUw11• by (lel. A. Minter, of
Miattred, is one• .,f flit- best itierr'N 1.4,1 rade. and at oar
4- prier i, easily one of
the- lewd %Ales. 1 t
IN a besot w 1' Mal
4)011111 tots
44rni8'ftl in de'Nigyn:
l,'rie•t in Ht atld fin -
e4 li
e*.i f4
tattle, ,anti her wear
t1h' espial of any $5.($)
trout y1111 ryes new.
' The new• ,i mer
Styles err' nvuiy mod
Airlift your apprerai.
Size -s B le. 10. All
,lues'• with Uoeidytawr
.1.11ell e.xtenshn
'des. Price *t:.ti, *1,1ti .nal BL:d1.
tiny a pair and try then*. If 1h.'t fail volt rune •hp.'k
and get your n11)Ilry or n.ew• pair. '!'h:e, •31..w, our mind -
deuce in the Invie•tlw l,.w4, s
Wm. Sharman
l'l►1(\hat F;.�ti'l' 51. and St,l1'ARF
11111111111111I1tUlillli{11t1i111u1ulU,iJ1NNNIN4Ni 14 US44
Presbytery Meeting.
The I'resb)•tery of Huron held its
regular twisting at ('litNun ..n Tue•.<Ia y, '
Ma%' I21h. IIr: Fraser, of Klyth.ld,
and John Balfour. of Kippers,
WPFeal,p,iirtd <'tmimis,imier, t. the
(iereral As etilhly in place of the
n•presatelatives for iAudlrotorn and
IA4.1111111. echo resigned. The con-
gratulation,: of the Pie8hyter-v were
tendered to 1)r. Areh. McLean on hi,
reception of Ow degree of 1). 1). foul
ttinsoi's 4'iliverr$ty. Jas.. Pante, of
Hrucelhdd. was reported as the only
student within the jurisdiction of Lhr
Pr,'Ahi•ter•v and Hey. E. H. Sawel's, of
Hnmetleld, was appointed to s't a
then for his trial diecottr,w. A letter
waa reweivel froze Rev. Mr. MnIglave
asking leave 4) mire from the active
work of the ministry. No action was
taken, the letter not being in ester.
W. W. Aitchison received a 1be•nse to
pprewe•h. The nest meeting of the
Presbytery will le held in Clinton the
first Ttcwlay in September.
Worm Powders rake the
children healthy. For eakt Icy Jaw.
Send The Rirnal to your friend..
will be appreciated by theme.
A1.1.-1 .4.)A. it I'urrn. .'.11.1 OK WIMP:
M. Bryson, 132 York St , Buffalo
The Big Sale 4
Munro Stock
Dry Goods
is on.
Great Bargains in every line. Every-
thing goes regardless of cost.
A Targe quantity of choice goods still
Now is your opportunity.
` IINIIiIIIIIIIU�U111W1�IUus ��• 1
• l
I2gv. Mr. 1'lrtrher re)w4111dthet the Ntttttttttretreattttttttttttttt!!!!Itrtttttttmrnttttttttt?ttt trttrttrr
eltKlnenfwtlun cn thele h,ul ptr•ahf+81 •a►
the reiuteets of the Peeshyt+•ry for E
grantee to retai1,_weak-congregations. •
J'he Humility school report was i,rement - gr• -
ed by Her. .isa. Hemiltrn. Circulars
were road with referents• to the
application rrt.s•4Ptal clergymen of
the l'leshyterian church in the i'nitd
States for a<lulisaion to the ''anal'
church and the Utetteer will 411)111• up
before the -Gene -rod Awwmbly in Jun.'.
Rey. A. R. McIntosh, Rev. Jas. Nichol,
Rev. A. C. ritrwch*n and Rev. los.
McNeil are the clergymen in question.
Jews (Moot Be noteneer.,..
St. Peter -burg, kitty 1S-Lient.--
Mineral Von Peahen, Uosernur of
Drssarahin, the capital of which is
Kiterhlnefl, hes been Minlmoned to
St I'rterahurg. A Ministerial cir-
cular forbidding the ice's to *Tend
them:whet ham been hsuowl Thrrn
thousand snits for demos,. have
been Instituted ligate'( the Ptah% at.
Ki.rhinefl The eianrngre'demanded
etnot,nt to R2.5lt01,4rOO,
in Hardware a
1 have bought for cash a large quantity of
the following seasonable Hardware at
• A Bargain
and as long as they last you can have
them at the following prices for cash
N... 33 (oiled Spring Meld Wire al *2 Ili
While Lead. Elephant Iir•and, pure, At $5 543
4"nl.hand l'3'nte•nt. per 111117.'1 2 7n Whit+•'Sand, 11nIN•rlsm's, pule. at
E 1','Kt• FONT, tea in., at, cert reel :Mf 11101 1 lJnsl•r11 (In nt, per gal. stir
Page (late, 12 -fes It, NI r/ 52 *4alln nt, per Iwotttttl :{
Plymouth Hinder Tivin.e ; (told Medal, Ile, (,4awn Sheaf, 124x,
leery, voter ,lni.'re fur Twine. Priv g11Nr11rltewwl.
Don't forget thac I can MUM you an b- wire London Fence for 35c a rod.
welted.. so nranlflM.
Brantford. May 15..-E. M Aettl-
hone, of Nr* York, a stranger. Who
has been in Brantford since S•ner- '
(1t t rortlmlttett .uklde -at the Com din-
n.srrisl 11ot,1, late Hst4May morn-
ing He left nothing in ,how what
had driven him to the degerale curl,
but there 1e every indication that he
had hie death most rer'fltlly plan -
nett, lee had been drinking all week,
and took an overdone of morphia*.
Etay wear "paw 111.1..
fttt•an, May 1K, -A militia order to
day notes that snits performing. their
Anneal Brill In camps may tiring to
ramp end wear a etre." 4.144, µi111 ping
gave. les stmortl•Me wI141 a pAttern ep
proved end d'itnskM in the Quartet,
master General'. Departaw.nt,
Ready -Mixed Paints
I handle the ••.1r•k" In. 1. It is the best is weather and water ptt..f. 1f pm °s' it.
Utes•• re, (With not tt:rot any (.thee kind. 1 have handled itfor the Istel mix years. It inc., 1144.11
trice, tested and fmmttd 1;:itimfnrtory ite every way ; and the nlenufe,tnrerN hay.' the plant and
capita? to Hirt) metA1, a very h:•mt nrticl.' on the market. Yin, all) be able to ;notch their mintsin futon- yen•.• They are nen likely to be pit out of l.,sinene,
1E Yid' %1.18'r (Unlit II LIti)1WAI(E AT ('IA/NE PRICER ('ALi. ON _
f `•Te n t f;. No. t:.
He11'"{; .Ir. "', AND TINSMiTHING . •
mut tli A0•14ti! :li1.1u�U1