The Signal, 1903-5-21, Page 6Tlillnel,tl, May _I, 1903. THE SIGNAL : (;ONERICII ONTA RIO Froin Owen Sound to Sarnia. Ontario 'Vest Shore Electric Railway. Will Extend from Georgian Bay to St. Clair k Connecting with Important Inland Poll Legislature Grants Application of Huron, E and Grey Electric Railway Company for 1 Comprehensive Charter and Change of Nal A Boon to the Lake Shore People. 11.. alrplivxlloll .f the 11.,,..,.0 111•11ce A (.ley Electric Railway Company, *.king for extensions of the lilts from Dungannon to \\'nikertom, lrnn Dun- gan, ttttt 1un-ganm4il to Winghxlu, and from a point on the IN int y Iwtw.en 111111111 111,.1 Middlesex to Sarnia, has been gymntel, rind the Company mow holds the last charter that has 11(4.11 fuawied by the Legislature up to the (Itrawnt. The lake shore yowl (rill teach from NHtT11N t.. Owen 14. 1, and will NeeryY a ,*'•tion 41 country- that has hereto- fore been .thenal, ton 174 Me extent, from railway facilities; the litre from (1.derich, via Iha,gann411 and 1.114k - now', to N1-alkert.,, will 11I1(•11 up rail- 11'My l' 'at1o11 w•111, A 1111'1(1• Aned d r,unt•y to the north which has not h.ul the *twin uuns1atiu11lhot 1. needed too develop plr.wrly 111x• trade 111 that p wpermis portion of /hllariu; rind the line to N'ilIghln, 14111 list. Tonne 11111 with the l'. 1'. It. will materially a.N.ist Ihs Ir'sillellts o1 the mirth- .•astrrn t '1.1 .1 11141,44 in keeping in touch 111th the ,,nty town in the mutter of legal and of het county binsi- 111•M1. 1t 11i11 111 41101erye4l, 111111, that the 1111111e of the railway has been ,'1 f • the. Huron, Bruce It Gley tris Railway to the Ontario Mhore hkrt•ir HaiIWay. Thi been done for two ,eam441M : bvallM• the extension to the bright in the r lira. of Mid and Irlulbtri, which the old would not identify with the taking ; and. 114. 1, 1)444411*' tis Lall,tl 1111,1 hake IM'e'tl IntrreM Nuaue. the project preferred lh1 44nlpr•h.•nmicr mune. 1►ietrt rutmtmnmicatiun with 11 of London will 1.• Brutal by Ire the Inndon. Parkhill el- (hand Fa.etri- Railw'a1•, which will e said the Ontario N'e.t ?(hole 1. (sand 1ie'nd, 1 w ill thin. p1 valuable feeder to the trunk bur. We congratulate the porni.iun rotors of the Ontario West Electric 1(11111x\• 1' pa/111' 11111. sH,•law 1 hal 1111,, t nus fay eilov net rat at.. and wt. hook 14nHder111 the •-.1411t,1etiom ..f the road, 1 1 ill be,. Ioubl.ally, the gra boot, that 11111 lie I...stowed 111.1 peopt.who live. lilt the east sl,. l.Mke 111111111. I ' THE TOWN COUNCIL. A Little Incident Over the Coal Supply Contract. Mayor Th,nks These Matters Would Be Sender Attended to by • Board of Comnoss,onere Another Request for a Bandstand Sewer Extensions 8t David's Ward The Meter Pur, hale May.l' IA'w'IM a1111 all (he_n ,Idol„ M'er• py'w•Ill NI the regular meeting of tile• (41 11 ,'.,until. 411 Friday rye g last. - After 1111• sapling of the 1ea.1111 incident ltrixing from the awarding of H eot111'xet for ,a Nal b1' the water 1,1ud light .y •Itee IN•ru1.1,41. %V•III. Ler WAN IN'1'll,it tett t. Anis 74 4(11ent , 111141 askwl why Fairmont 1,44,1 ,huutd IN' given it pn.feerle• of ten rents. The ]IAyor And Mr. Elliott exp11.in.41 that the rulnulittee livid meted on the result of A test by the engineer...xi ho Inul 1.«1(44 two-carg4.444 441 JH'aiaauuuCUist :olid 11341 found it miape1'h41' to every each cal exrepI the Massillon. If they 1114.1 nil bought the Fairmont void they would has.. 144mglH (he Massillon, 11'111/'11 N4I(4 still higher 111 price. I11.' '.,.hip 1..' .k the 4ppN''lmlllly 1. .xp1'.'* his opinion in favor of pI ring the water And Tight seryie•lt in the hands of a 14 'NMion of thew' MVO -like the chaino,ul of the Nater and light e4m111litte'.- The town w'o11141 Mice 111411)4'' ht it. "Whitt does Any of ns 11114'11 nl44rmt 1-.4.1:'.' still His 33'urwhip. Thew. %ere huge ent•r- ptti11 s, i11141yMg large ''!" ex 11ture,. of money, and no .4114. MI • t elle rliait•tnnn And the engineer know anything about them. Other town. were rotu- 1111( dr A 1.o ',initial. In 111e rite .41 143141..11, a here the *Adel' 71114 fight deportment. ortnl'nt. haul he • g IN•hin41. they Ina R.',. 44111144 and 1111 W,. 1(441•. they had n /4111•1111174, *imply berm.... of efficient management. Mr. 11 her urged a change in the method of rolling for tendert; for coal. They m111x1d ANk for tender,. for f4'I'taln grades of /aal w•hie•h had Men t 14641 And f4Mmd anti.fartA'y by the engineer. T111' dealers would them know 11411- t4 touter. The Mayor reported r•g.nling the pnr•Il1Re of a d Icing ground, ar. Already reported in rhe Signal. Ile reran 3111.11 1111 arrangement fool• carrying the pipe. from the drinking fountain,. on the Square iti.ld.• the fenle, mo thatpeople could use thein wit' t the nnpl4IMamt A.1MM•m4t1''11 with the home tough.. The matte(' 1'4.11 left with the writer and light eolnlllitt4•. Hi.. Worship Abs. *told Mat „ nu1111441' of the 1•ounri1141Is hod *1te•nd- rat nt the eentl'A1 school and made an ins M'ction of the hnilding. His own jn.1gm1•nt WA1111h11nl(t•,Agnin44t spend- ing 04,111( ,n the building. They could put in 1104.•t,, heated with it I/M1t•- 1ittrI er 41.11 (111/11' in the 1•olll•t 1141111• wet,. for five yews, and have the rod repaired, at it east of a few 1.lmdnd I I•,I IArs. It wA,. decided 1. have Another con- fer'ne, with the ...hr.)! lusted, and for I his prlrj14111'' a reference WAS 1111111r 14 the public wut•k,. c IIIc. It 11-111( deeid141 1. MA lot tenders fur the gimn4lithi, sidewalk ..n N41rf.,-k N'met, and.11444..luhn*ton W744 nplNant- .e 1 inm ect'r for this pltt•INH e. It. (1. Reynold., pta•millen1 of the tin lrri.ls Mlaieal N•wh't '. again wrote the .11nneil in rrb•n•nr1' 14, 1t bald- mt.HI1,1. The land. he mail, would M.14m I) .gin its eve • g r•.ne•ItM. and of estme A Iand'tand 11.1,411 Iw twee.,- HI'y. 11e m11gg1'MIeI that 11 telllp1.rHt'y plstfl,1'n, ,'.old 4.a14itj' 11(. 11111 1111 At the MOM hes.l 1.141 of the ro11r1 boos'. which w.nkl IN• 'tli1f1etory to the band. Th. piblie works 11 feta• W414 i110lrlet 491 ton•pw11111n the 11170 el'. .1. A. l''' -l.r, 1'. F:.. Wrote asking t11144t )N•rnlism' IM• given T,A• the de- posit of building material• in the ',Beet 111 several point. where building 11per1t4r144 Ate to be feurrieI on, but as then' i. it bylaw covering tIim nuttier IH. 1Het Inn 111144 nevem /try-. A request from th.('41h•giat• Irtatit- nfe (Nonni for the emearv.fion .f it cement COMOROS,/ .itlg 4111 Wsst•r1.44s street un the north side of lhitn,nia 1114111, 1,, connect with the sill.'% -,ilk on the w-e'9I. mid.'.f 11'MlerhM, street. Writ referred to the public .-.-h r• 'flee. The 11111111e 114rk11 committee 111','11I- mewlel that. A newer 111• Mid Iran the 4.rnHr' 11f 11ilIek11 111r1t and Raglan sleet smith to Palmerston sliest, thence noel h ontralmentton .tr'et to Britannia 114441.1 ettee went tot Mouth street : Ats. from ('a111M'ia rad o11 T.,r. .14(4, .4 ,...'t tAl Hrilwnni* rood. The r•i"1,'t vim referred bark to the (.4' (41 111 de 11144.11 the Mi pipe to he 11x.91, 1.5 k for Ielltie ' to report to 11. 'rho- water and light comtrmitt• pitied that after asking for tern; contract h1411 been awards( to Campbell for three-quart.•t• 1 !! 3'i1•gm,i11 Fairmont raw! 10 be d.'li• in the shwls at the w'xlerw'orkx 1 111gx 1st >i t. iI* I*u' ton in 4.114l. t et/Ott/Hi in 14.1. ./)1 111•, 111111 1.111141 1•.x1,1111111• A 1041 Iwo 4141ed the 1 ient.•Haut-4:oVernur of Oman. l.kwl In .'HanIe the town lu issue rico( debenture. to 11',14'1' 1 ht' 1111 the Itlet ern I"'"' 'sd by the t. 11)04, that the n .plical ion. if 11. Ft ..11.1432LE. N. Lewis for nailer mer IN• gr/11(44 1111 the 11x,1111 terms:" Mes,.n.. M 11rliey stint It.•1.1 11'11 the t1•fe91•ne.• *4,1he I,irutetl:all nor to include the pnrrll.4img of .11*,, a1 un'ti'l.. 111. well lis pay int I1,.so. alreauly gut. It wvamargu..1 thio might prejudice the town'. to such an extent Clint permit might not lie granted even for payment of the hill already Mem A vide was taken rind the IepN xt 4u41Aineh Mr. Elliott votIrig,_ 1(.111.1-1. M 111711 C Alti11 i•1_IT. Rn,1 Nib 11111111N'r,'11 ps,1 and !hewn, • the Mxv''r•, inipporting the 1a•j14114, A tion 111 increase the wage .1111..111h111111 111 find 1). P111111•n 111 ft a day wit. Ir'fl'1'ral to the Ir111,hr w. 1 'tee. 9919 fnlluw'ing arrnnnts wet• 11 rel t., the fbnlnee r hitt,,• : 41 41(1411 \Vivid. St. 99 ran, blank s'r+lment roll, *1.711:1{. Hans•, pile m, fl+,7 i ; Oulrrirh Engine L'...: (axlrrich Lumber ('u., 11111, laud posts, .4.It1 ; The Mtar, print And ails erti11ing. 810.19. Account. I*2.3ll rant'31for two workmen ruga in altering the frame H1 the .1 p g11 1 wen. otdl•tw1 to 111• lurid. The public w..rku e • tae in'ttart. 1 to emsidrr the 1' t' r imj111 r'ement w•heme and MIN rt. The roun,il then Aflj.itirne41. Care of Neglected Children. Thr r•IMa•t of the N,pw•rintend.nt. N.'gIe•ted and Ih•Iwndent Children ()Mari.. for the year ltftr2 contains 1 following report from the ('hildr' .t1.I Society of 11,1n.' ty : 'I91ough organized for tteve 1,l ye. 1he 4'1uldr'n•s Aid M.N•iet(S`- for t r ly 111 111111)1) ham nit 1t en 1't indite. hitt each year a, few rases ha I149•11 .1,.111 will, and 4lie retains in Inose all nen. Mntimfau•tlry. line di rarity 143. Imre ti 1•111i44t the r. -4p alio!) of any hilt a few ; le11.a then do7A•n 1,t any meting held, and e4 w1p iently there haws 14,4.1, a hack !1,1111,4 (11 pr44.rmte the work 11411,110, out the comity. 'I'*'' /stoma! meet(' for 11)444, however. Intim fair to be t prelude for 11 mot• fictive (arer, a, through the 1111•.... .1 the comity operation 1411 IM rimk•d 1 • all who, a Ill MyII111N1hy with the work, or wi know of tiealy and dependent "I,iidn 11'14 Alt 11141 lie I.M,kel after. T. roln,ty •unwell 1111/414 A I(nitlt of $ two y.'Als Ago, and this yens hA again helped 4o the extent, and ti Nodes y lu,x now about taw to carry . the work with. :1111111141st tis•• end l hirh h1,,, been dealt with mint•.' tl last Mention 4.14111' braneli in the A 1.11111 report 4f Supt. Kelm). 11111y inmtalrel the folhaving : .1. K., an 4rphnn hut, a 'It'I the St. John's Industrial 11111(1111. N4 doing n.•11 111i41 bidding fair to beim. An 1nd1191•iolly '11111, h411•a•allte m4134.+ 1., 14., lyhu was About to ter cul rnillel t11 fi Il.l4cnw,14ry. through 41 ct(ill 111111 beet, gives( nn ppm* '1 and is now attending .4•1‘..41 and .1 ing w1•Il. .1. 1t.. a 11141 ail 1141111 n I4h1e. 11'11 With the help; of Mr. Kelso, hos foul 11 ,•nr11f4,rttble 114 • ill an •4044'1 county 111)41 in doing well. Thew• are only instwneea. 44h4w•il the 111191 .1 an 'rgani7Atinn to I4* after dependent children. And 4 s'ver711 414.1•111441171 the ()Oliver. of 11 Society Imre attended the Magintraf. Court and aided in dealing with fit- olfendels in a w11y that would cheek then 1111111 becoming rrin,in/1M. The 4AIr.•Is 149 111.441 ate : 1'I.•1iderlf. h,1ue% Mitchell, U,Mlerirh : 'ire p1•e.i dent, .1. M. Field, 114. A. ; Secn'far•y- t1ea7111rer. Mts. .11t11,em 4'1.rk exeen- ti'e r it tee, the *More 11f leets find Mr. Ilaya and N'. ,4. 1'4x. The .fflrl•Ir of the Nlm•iety Arkn.WIelge 1it11 mineral. appreciation till. 't111111110 and pwlsimtent services of Mr. Kelm,, in him effort,' to have the work extended and 411E1.491 on num• /tenvr•ly thr..ughrn,t the 1holet t1(. Be voting!! It le only fleet -wary 111 bike SI lllnt's(' room] iron Pills to retain youthful aJ.114'A r,u111' and y'ij(nr. For rude by .TMs. loon. MOItE LABOR RIOTS. Industrial War Breaks Out at Bridge- port, Conn. TRAIN THROUGH BRIDGE. T.. 4'..'...d LSalo. Yeelrereld-aablaeor /Probably *111.4 - /fatal C6111N.a a..t .r .t. Th.isae. gusher, MII7 111 -At about nuun a freight train cowing vast over (he Creel Northern Hallway, while foams - Angry Mob peones Su Can Which Railway mot earl' the (:reed Nme IH'idge, Company Attempts to Ron -Several Men went through the bridge, whirl, Injured Crowd D.per..d by Fin Oe- wan burning at the tame The partm.nt W,th Streams or Water train cot atite1 of len rate laden_ a./la, these ..m ■eassswi, r.•I.In, flay lA.-f Linn. in reply to further r'epretten$Hti,n44 of the United Slate. and .(,,Lane... Minlaterm, halt again panted out the impoe.411.1lity of lnrll4ling in the conlnierrial treat - ie. the opening to trade of Manchur- ia towns nn arc.•1nt 4.f Itu11alan op- po1II ion. wires N . 11.11 ►•e►.. London, May 1') .-'A .poen*( de- aLalrh from Madrid announce% that doling a Lull flghl Sunday et AI- ' ll,raa. the amph fthes lra rnllapa.d and 111.1,.• (•er.nna were k1Ih'd and any were injured Several women and children were gm ed by tis bulla, - s CIIAMBERLAIII'S IDEA. Empire to be Preserved by Preferential Trade with Colonies. Th. Honorable Jo.eph Thinks the Empire Will Do to the Bow -wow. Without • Cham. m It. (..cal System Say. H. 1.. Fr.. Trader and Clam. to Follow Eaampie of Cobden end ar✓l,4 • Seasonable Millinery Indies will find here everything (bat i. dr'sirabto in millinery effects. The changing faahiona of the u44aanrs are re Ilw•leal in my display, which compriaws the latest novelties in 11144 moat baleful deeigne. An invitation 144 extemind to .11 1)344 I.d111 141 vi.it my display room and inspect my stock of hats and trimming*. READY-70-WIAR HATS A SPECIALTY. Hamilton Street MISS CAMERON J. 11. C 'PHONE 86. CASH OR PRODUCE, A FEW LEADING LINES Fart tFIFIIA/c7'-r co 1V Ori TING BETTER There le nothing better than the heat, and in the line of (irot:crieq there ix nothing better than wRai you can get here every day in the week. If you have never bought your Orocoriea here, give nn a trial and gee what we oan do for you. Everything in newton, of gon.l quality, and at the right price+. ST`T.71 =Y dL CO. Till UHOC1RS, WPM MDR tIQUARR Ta pines No. 91.