The Signal, 1903-5-21, Page 41',i *'i kt May 21, 190 3.
From Owen Sound to Sarnia.
Ontario Nest Shore Electric
WIII Extend from Georgian Bay to St. Clair River,
Connecting with Important Inland Points -
Legislature Grants Application of Huron, Bruce
and Grey Electric Railway Company for More
Comprehensive Charter and Change of Name -
A Boon to the Lake Shore People.
The sllplieatdon of the Il4(rol, Hence
& lieey Electric Railway l' patty,
u asking for extr))o
si'e .4 the littleroul
1)umgxnnun to %'aIk.•Itnu, front f)un-
gement to %'ingham.• and from *
point .Its the boundary Itetw•een H111nt1
and Midd1erlex 141 Marra*, has bran
grlI1,81, And the l' patty now holds
the best chatter that tuts been passed
by the IA•gislatutr up to 111. present.
The lake shore rem* trill 1110'll from
Wu•nia (o Ow,tl S. 1, and will serge
a Met, of ',.(1nit•y that has hrt't•to-,
four• i'4..1111Psm1•I1r1, to 11 large extent,
hr1111 railway fateiliti.' : the line from
Gol4•ric11, via Iinngn,1(on and Luck -
now, to Wa4lk.'rtu4( Will isle.)) up ra1f-
N'ay e1 'at ion wit IVa large area
114 country to the north which has not
11.241 the Are41111111414114111/11 is needed
too llevel,p properly the 1r*iI.' t4 that
prosperous feline of Ontario: and
4Iie line t.. Wheaten' told the emote.,
tio on
mote. -
tion wit!) the C. P. It. will net. erially
assist the r•,i(1rnts of the nor1h-
�•nst.•rn !sire n( 11tiro 411 in keeping
in touch with the enmity tonIPIIl 1he
matter ,.f legal 1 other 4 1 lousi-
It %ill Iw olsl•t'y.91, els... that the
1144114e of the 144ilw14y hate been (-hangs (I
from the. H1114111, Briar. A Grey El(.. -
Oh. Railway to the Ontario West
'Shore Electric Railway. TIM. has
I46wu dour for two reason(.: First,
1119'allwl the (•xt41n1i1111 to the 14,11111
besought in the c tie. of Sliddle44ex
and 1an)blo,, which the old 1(414(1.
0'101111 out identify with the under-
taking : and, %•c01141. IMVstllm• the capi-
14411g144 441(14 have Ie9•I1 interested to
finance the project pr•fl.n'91 1111• 1111we
t•.)I oei v
1)otw11ti i(ali,.n 18ith the rite
of London will be %','nest by 11..14114* 11f
the 1i,udon, Parkhill A lir t,l Ikon!
Electric Railway. 54111, 11 will .on11,9*
Wil II lee lklta)lu West Shure caul at
Grand •fiend, and will thus 11'.4e a
41(1114(1.1.- feeder Io lh.• trunk shale
N\'.. ungrntuhrt4 the 11111%ioal di-
n...tol. of Thr tint Ariu Weed Shaer
Electric Railway 1' patty 1'l'1(1 the
Mur(('4$ t het *411.4 1111144 (al','I.ow'IMd 1111.11'
efo'ts, and we look (•uufld('lltly for
the 4o144lrurtiet of the road, which
will IM•. undo dit:ally, the greatest
IMM,11 111711 can IM' IM•$t1We9I Igm.11 the
114ople who lit.. on the eu,.t Shur• of
Lake iluton.
A Little. ineidsnt Over the Coal
Supply Contract.
Mayor Thinks These Matters Would Be Bette.
Attended to by • Board of Commissioners
Another Request for • B•ndsl•nd
ease, E•tenseons ,n St D.,.d's *wee
The Meter Pur, have
Mayor Irwin and all the 1•onucillom
Were ptlwent at the reveller meeting of
the town 1•oun,il on Fridley ('te g
.After the reveling .4 The minutes, an
incident arising from the an aiding of
/- . for ,'l 1. • the t 4' .
a0 ontul t i n .(I t h t,lt t and
light 19 1t9• oteetn'r91. Win. Lee
4444 114.1'1111*1011 111 114k as 4111tat111111
Iwkw1 why Fairmont roll Mh,uld 111•
given a pr'feteme of tot r1•nt4. '1•h.
`liyln lendM,.�'Ellli.dt .•xpintnwl thatthe../s auu. i t 11.1.(1 oculi .t. l 1...
of it test by t he engineer, . who bad
I.1tii1 t1'n verge.. of Fairmont 1.0(1
mud 111u1 (0(111(1 it 11g1•I•IIII• 114 ("cr):
each .414114'14.4. 11 the M1004l1011. If they
had not bought the Fairmont* .,a(1
they would hays betight the Mwwillon,
44WWelt Nits still higher in lei...
lilt. Worship 11.111 the 'import unit v
t'1 expresso him opinion i)) favor of
plowing the w•7/ter and light 4rr41118 du
the hand,. of as e soden 114 three
men "like the .heirt4(ai of the water
and light r 'Gee." Tine !ow'tl
would nave ue)tret' by it. '•%Vied (lows
any of 1114 knew stI8,111 .-..t1:' Wahl ilio
\\',.11111111. '1'11.11• N1•le large e•nit•t'-
plti1l, ill%,fti)g large expenditures (tf
111o1*v, 1411(1 110 ,.11.• 1,111 (111• ,'h14 1 411114 11
and the engineer knew• n4(ything
4(114.11* 111.•1),. (*1h. -t• t., -n,, were '
ing to 11 (•olllllh4.Io1. In the vitt' (If
I/.1Illell, 1811.11' *h.' N'at48' iit111 right
d.•l(44rt infant.( 111141 hewn running behind.
they go! A ,011111i#10ol A,11I ill * Will years.
they had A M111'lllus, NilIIIIIy IM'I11IIM1• (4
emrient management.
Mr. 14 her urged a llange in the
-,ln,thol of calling for tendete (n! coal.
They should ask for tenders for
evil lin grades (1 (1101 whi,Ii haul hetet
0.11011 And found metINfx.•t,ry by the
engineer. The dealer. would the'
kn. *1'115• to tender.
The Mn)'s'1 repo tried r.•gariling the
jetneh41444 (41 a 41 ping glrsuuh RA
Shrilly !VINO/91 in Idle Signal. lie
reuse •6111(11 ant At•rulggelll.•Ilt for
carrying the 'Pipet. frown the drinking
fonhtatin4 on vita Square inside the
rater, atm that people .1(1 time therm
wh it l theIlrlpl1111eamant amtem•111to1
with the honer troughs. The matter
wase left with the wader lull Tight
114. %'ot/4hip else elated tent a
her of the rotinrillunl had attend-
ed xt the central m•hod and 1,1.41.• au
Inspection 114 the building. His own
,indgment WAM strongly AgninM* spend-
ing 7111,1111 nn the 11uil(lir1K. They .,.old
rput htl •1(Iw•tM, healed N-ith A loam. -
burner am those in the 1911x* Menet•
were fee fife years, and have the 41144
repaired, sit a rust of a few humbly!
.1. (1lxr..
Itwas derided to have Anel her 1101 -
With the ?whim ol heard, Sol f.e-
tido mine's.. 11 reference w'xe he to
the public works. eel /'n itt411.
It w'as decided to ask Nor -tender/4 (o'
tau• grenolitllie sidewalk 1161 Norfolk
to veva, and ins. .111hme*o0 wow appellat-
e 1 ins(1.• -tor• ter thie purpose.
IC G. (Reynold... IneMitheit of the
M,Mi.•,,l M4eMly. twain went.
the emitted in vef1rn.e le a 1u(nd-
M141nd. The *M1,11, h( K4141, W0111,1 M0111
Ili Will its evening •(ln,8•rts, mid .4
(•.1111'441• at 11•11114414 11111 18.rllid he tieo.o.Mm-
Ary. 11.• eteggembel that n temporary
pletf'r11 .((0111 easily he pis* up at 1111.
P111111 111000 1.111 11 ilit• .((Itt 1101144',
which would leo 4ltNfnetery to Ole
tonna. Th.• public work,. runtn)ilCPO
WW1 lnetnetld i(I refound al t h.• 111/21 101'.
1. A. F"5Iet, ('. E., %rn)t' ((.king
Gott pernlimei(u be given far Ili.. de-
posit of building materinle in the
etost nt tea eral points. where Wilding
op.taliod. are to In• Islrr*ed /h, 11114
we there i8 a byIAN' 61)'l.rfllg IhIM
Mattel' no 414'* 11111 1'91.14 II(•1•I4w14(ry.
A leuiem*from thel'ehr'Kiete Instit-
ute hi VI 411 foil' 111.• 14fn4trl,' .r( n
cetnent (Teasing on Waterloo) otrerl on
the anti h nide '1f I*rit(1nix 011041, 111
1' '4 Wit 11 till. 441.11•%1(111 11,11111. 44',01
pill( of %'*lrrlor ldr•,1, 12411 tefeltrd
to the public wnl11 *' 't tee.
The public work, 4.01111111( 100 049.0111•
ntrn.lwl 4.41x1. a newer he Mid from the
(s)nu•r .4 1(1nek4 street end Itagl4n
'street mouth 11 P111111rretol 11*n9•t•
then..• not h on Pm Interwton et natal *,.
Htitennin t,w1o1, themes Neal to Smith
hest : oleo from I'Amlloria tssd on
T.r.ent, oil Mal *.4) Hritwnnie towed.
The rivet woe referred hack to the
'HUH (od19•id. ui'In til• 0i1A4 of
pile le be mid, to ...k for lenders and
to report to esllllll 1.
The water mud light (' 'thew te-
1411.1,81 that after linking for teedl•1, a
11'1111 11101 1101 189.11 1101151.11 to %-'1.
Campbell for three-quarter 1(111111 West\'irgmin K0011111111 141411 t14 110 delivered
04( the .leek 111 the waterworks lalil11-
1ngs 41t 71:1. op per ton in 114.11(1. 11'hl4
011111 11101 i1' (((1' '11) ue• lest tome) lane
.-, 't ler 141441 rs•lumin(*411 that. the
Lieutenant -Governor .4 Ontyrin be
asked lu 11111 1111. the town In issue sttfll-
tient olehentlII'$ to ...over the 1.181 of
the Marrs p1m•has91 I. the lew•11:
also that the applica*ions of 1). rel•gu-
411)1 111111 K. N. 1.ewis for natter 4(6841.9•.
he granted "n the usual 1.01114.
8.•441.. Slnrney lend R.i.l wllnterl
the 1•l. 1• ,•,' ..
1 oton e .
1 1 11 eau .• .
1 Lr 1( n.w -Gey ..-
1 e
ter Go mnl•Iudl• the prlr.ha.isg of 4111-
1 'n
U nlal u46•t1•. as 1 aril 11M pitying fee
I Ilene already get. It was argued that
this might prejudice the tow'n's raw•
114 ouch a0 extent that p•11111MAl111
aright not lie granted even for the
1u(y1u.u1 of the bill ilreluly inr(1rlsl.
A rube wee felt -tit trent *tie romea wee
100414(ine1 Mr. Elliott 41.thlg with
'(I,M10Stun.y and Ite411, end Memos,
Ilurd1•r, Thoulpwo toil liroY.11,-with
the. Mnt'or, supporting (111• rept. lit. '
A 'motion) to IlI(•rVls' t111. Wage.' of
Jn...1ohnston 1(11,1 1), 1'1011011 to 781.:111
x 1111y wens referr.l to 1 110 pn111i.15urk44
'• '1111•. -
191, rollowing OW1111111(1 wore 81•feer-
1,11 111 the finamr1 lonunIttie• : 'thud -
cilia' World. St. Thiols,., blank es-
.M'1M1i11.Ilt 11111, 761.711 lis Mune, imp -
Ova, 711:.7:/ (i,Mlrrirh Engine 1',,.,
L c. ; ibmierd,II 1. Iver Co., 1 Iver
111111 44. 11[14, *1•4,(N : The Star, printing
•(1141 autcrlUMulg, n111,Ilk :\.*•11111(44 of
*2.511 e11r11 for too workmen "lemu w*
du altering the fence at the du'lp61,g
gtomud wets. ordered to 1m• loadd.
The public work4 • 't tee N'101
I IIlt111rte91 114 .e11111111e•r 1111• (•1)11111)' 11)1141
int n1)vement M.114.1111. $11111 rel. wt.
The comet then adjourned.
Care of Neglected Children- 1
The nation of the St p•rint.•ndc1* 114
Negleett'eland I)epe• Children of
Ontario fur the year 14102 eontsin1 the
fullowin4 tr4Nn•t from the 1'hil(r'll'$
lid Society 114 thin ce))uly :
Though orgxnire'l for several year's
the 4'hildten M .Aid Society for the
comity (4 i11,11un hilt. not. (4611•)) very
1t•(it•.e, 11111 0124.11 year 11 few I,8M•M 1111'1•
111141 411.111 Wil 11 x6111 the needles i1i al-
most 1111 t'.•re wltief,u•tury. IMe d1fli.
1.1.11)' 1111. been to etiliMt the 1•.,-1)4N•1-
xtol n1• any 1111* a flag' 1,'1M than 71
d(z.n at 4111'4 meeting held, and 1.1111-
reque1tly there ham leen * lack of
funds to imus Bute the work through-
out the comfit v. The annual ineetit*K
far BMKi, howryrr, (ride fair to be the
praline for a more active career, and
through the press 114 the county
operation is amk011 8•1111 all who are
111sympathy- with the work, or who
know of needy and d8fnmd.rlt.hildr(•u
15)10 x110011 Iw Looked after. Thr
comity rnutt1il mad. It grant of 712.1
twat years *g(, 441111 this year 11n%1•
again helped to the ,'x1,4(*, and the
Society 11n1 11044 Afoot 6.,1) to CHIT)* 111
110• murk Willi. A 111401g4t 111e (nw•M
whirl, have 189.61 dealt with simr the
IAA* mention of our benn(•1) in the. tie
1111111 report of Supt. Kelm(, may IM•
il)Mtn61..11 tee following :
.1. K.. int orphan lul, • 'tt431 t,
the S4..1ehdM 1ulhlstt•i4I *4411101. NOW
doing e 41 and bidding fair to IMeoiuc
AM in(111,1(4nll9 •1111) 11400,0811110 111x1).
Is. 11., 14 11'1 0 44 01111t t) Iw re'1-
Mit 1011 t(9 n reformatory, through ,.nt
11111014' 11101 been Kit ell n11 111411 'Il Blit y,
and is now nit/•nding echoed nod doe
Mngg well.
.1. If.. n Ind w il11nu* n home, who',
with 4he help' of .\l,'. Keds.. 11044 (meld
A eottftele)1. h. • in an Aust."'
4 tiol !MI)Ill'.' iI)Atadoting 4111.11 mime Mg
the 00111 of an nrg,(11irnti,.11 10 look
xft•r 11elwltlent rl)tltlr•n. And 11t1
several ,• .14444m . Ili. onto -ere of t i r
Soviet ' heel• attended the Magistrate's
(',hilt x1111 niche! i11 dealing vi 'It II first
offenders its a w•Ay that would cluck
Ili, m front Iwrenldng . •' ' Is.
Th,.oalc.ta for nom ane : President.
fames 114!9•11,11, Geolerieh : vice -plash
dent, .1. M., H. A. : serretAry-
treMt)r•r, Mem. ,tame. ('lark :.•x1•'h-
tere rnn1111111re, 111.• alwo'r ,.111.•,10 and
Mr. 1,544 And %', J. ('ex. The oflicer4
of the Society acknowledge with
8i))r.•Is Apple(•iafion the prompt end
1.•l1is*(nt IleVOM 144 Mr. .•Is., 1n 1104
eR'1rfa 1.. hate 111(• work extended And
eArried on more actively * hr. oughtn't
the whole 4.011111 y.
Be roiling! 11 0. only nee4Nary so
141 k, 11101 .• ('onl100111 11,01 I'il(a to
retain j od.hf4l a 110Parise and vigor.
For male by ,len, W*ilson.
Industrial War Breaks Out at Bridge-
port, Conn.
Angry Mob alone• Sin Cars Which R•dway
Company Attempts to Run- Several Men
Injured Crowd Dispersed by Fin De
p•.tmenl With Streams of Wafer
Bridgeport, Conn , May 18.-'1'h•
attempt trade by the officials of the
Connect icut Beltway and Lighting
Co*j.any to run th,•rr cars with non-
union wen yeRtnrdey re1ultrd in •
riot. on %Inch at least 15 men were
injured. 'lire Sheriff hopes that It
will not he necessary to call out the
State troops, but says thus another
such outbreak will make that atop
inevitable. At the present time it
is poesiblo that the County Sheriff
will aup•rcede the police In the con-
trol of the city.
Shortly before noon sig trolley
can were started. There were large
erowda in the vicinity o1 the car
sheds when operations were com-
menced, but no violence was offered
at this time. The cars were manned
by twelve of the 130 strike-breakers
brought here Saturday by the Trol-
ley l' puny. 'there was no disttort-
ance of any kind until two hours
Thr first ear had completed Iia
third round trip, cud was directly 1a
front of the Wheeler & Nilson fac-
tory, where a crowd of at least 1,-
000 persons had gathered. The car
wee runningslowly
owing Ing to the
crowd, who -ft, «tones began to fly.
Deputy -Sheriffs llendrue and Plum:,
who were on the car, saw a man In
the crowd hurl a stone. They. had
the ear e*upl.d and plunged into
the crowd tit g.rti t lie offend.•r. The
atone thrower was a serge roan. 00.1
struggled su fiercely that a !1011(."
,tan went to the assistance of the
Immediately Mayor kluivthlll went
to the policeman gid ordered him to
keep Mie hands off the prisoner. 110
then went to the Deputy sheriffs,
mod told them that they had better
let the man go. (luring the argu-
ment, the stone thrower wrenched
himself free, and was soon lomt in
the crowd.
In the ineanrinu• the atones were-
dying 1n a shower. and one of
theta struck the Mayor on the head,
causing a large bruise
The two Sheriffs then jumped on
the car, a1.1 nrlered the motorman
to locoweed to the tear Ah,8ls, a quar-
ter of a toile distant. Thr bombard-
ment dud not 'bate. The stone -
throwing soon became so furious
that the Sheriffs drew their revol-
ve l., and fired five shots In the •Ir,
and toward the ground. Fives other
can received the 11111110 treutalent be-
fore reaching the barna.
When thealas* car had.pasa,91 with -
In the doors, there was a crowd of
4,000 people gathered in a vacant
104 upp.Mle, •t.1 tiol•nre once more
broke looms. Brickbat.. ston8R and
everything that could t.• thrown
h rid at the barns and any-
thing that- belonged to the company,
In the vicinity.
The Fire Department was called
out, and several 'streams erattrr(9d
the mob. Not one of the IWeive men
operating the cars escaped injury.
Another at tempt be mud to eu
cavi to-d.y.. ----
The ILMI M.. R•.eb.d 1•h. 4418 ■ac • 1204101411.
Ottawa, May 16.-T18' Canadian
team for Braley will mail on May 214
by the MS,' Tunl,ian. The tram has
been completed, with the exception
of two men who are yet to hear
from. Tho list has reached the
44th man this year, further down
than it over went before. The coin -
pleb' trate will be as follow.:
Pte. E. C. O'Brien, 80th, Guelph.
Capt. J. Crowe, 10th, Guelph; Stafl-
Sergt. J. II. Simpson, 10th R. G.
Toronto: Capt. A. Elliott, 12th, To-
ronto; Sergt, W. D. Armand, 43rd D.
C.O.It., Ottawa; Pte. J. W. Smith,
21st Fu.11lers; Capt. J. M. Jones,
82nd, P,E.i.; Aryloirer M.•rgt. 11.
Morris, 13th, ifamilton, I'te. .1. T.
Peddle, 5th Royal Scots, Montreal;
('apt. W. C, -King. 45th, Durham;
Major 1l, J. Spearing, 53rd, Sher-
brooke; Lieut. (: V. )loom, .Nth,
Middleton, N. 8.; Capt. J. Duff Stew-
art Both D.C.O.11., B. C.; Pte. R.
McGregor and Pte. O. W. Russell,
G G.F.G., Ottawa; Staff-Rergt. T.
H. Hayhurst, 13th, Hamilton; Staff-
S.•rgt. .1. White, 69th, N. S.; Pte.
George Brooke, 48th llighlaader.,
Toronto; ('DI --Sergi, W. I1. Sproule,
43rd ,
The last two have not been heard
from, and the following are waiting
men: Sergt. W, IlryNdale, 1st 1'. W
R F'., and Col.,Mergt, E. Skadden;
13th, (Hamilton.
Owes w.. %..Aral Families N•e•dese ea
Lake 181.01146.41.
Winnfp•g, May 1:5. -Word reached
the rity yesterday of terrific forest
tiros raging on troth .ides of Lake
l5innipeg. The fines commenced ell -
drolly about three day's age. The
dteetrkt on fire. covers *hnumands of
ace.. of talue6l• thinker land., chief-
ly prop.e•rl 141 the Dominion (:o•ern-
'The 4.'.111 of personal property i•
tren,rminue. and over a hundred fam-
ilies have tont their home* and stock,
CelleN.r Me(1r.4.r Deal.
Windsor, say 1:).-('oll'ctnr of
l'u.tomg %**flue McGregor diel at
hie home here ymoderday afternoon in
him 18th year. The de'eam'd was
taken suddenly 111 while addr(•.Piing a
public meeting about ten day'm ago.
lie WW1 born in Sarnia In Okla. i1,
wen educated at Oberlin College and
, ft.•rw.rde ennui to Win,lsor and en-
gaged In the hnnking feminist". He
w'ne Warden of Ease' County for fire
110e0s.11tit1 term*. end Nerved four
*441 n144 es r•preeentntive of North
Lige. In the Dominion Parliament.
Re.)., ('hloa and M..rh.rl.,
r -'kin, Mey 1'1 - Chinn, In reply to
further representation.. of the United
State( and •InI'aneee Minl.tere, h.. pointed out. the iullens'sIbility
,.f including in the rom nlerrtll treat-
ies the "peeing to trade of Men4hur-
in towns on account of Itumaten op-
poRh foe.
seer at 18.11 Plant.
London, feley 1 tos---A 'marts) de-
spatch from Medrld Rnne,uneem that
'luring a 11011 fight Sandey mt AI -
err irae, the amph l*heat r.e enI*xpaed
anti *W.'1,. pereonm were killed and
fifty were teemed Seteral women
and children were gored by Use
Tea Care ..4 a.a•r. uee(r.y.a-heglaeer
Probably hl)Id - 1.t.► Celliseu
hast .t ml. 7beam.
Quebec, May 18 - At about noun a
freight train co east over IIIc
Great Northern Railway, while puss
ing over the (:rand Mete bridge.
went through the bridge. which
was burning at the tltne. The
train runsietrd of len cars laden
with grain. '1'111 cars were r011x11ur
ed and the 0ngine totally destroyed
Ktotiu,rr O'Brien 1s missing and was Silted The rust of th,'
crew escaped linen. The bridge
et. (4 ve uwden I res/4.'I all 144 1111•0
rata) Railway Cellist.. Almost 44 M14..
Feat of sl. Themes.
St. 'Thomas. %ley 1a -A •erlouu
and fatal rallwey collision occur-
red Su*urday morning uu the Michi-
gan Central, ghoul one mile east of
Perry, a small station 110 1011044 east
of the city Engineer W McIntyre
of This e'ty lust his life In the wreck,
and Fireman Alexander Robinson.
also of tins city. had his foot badly
crushed. A driver was slightly 11.-
The wreck occurred at 1,44 0' -
clock, and was caused by Conductor
tat titan's extra ,,tst hound freight
g [ne mUl► mlg11141t., Slid,
while under • full head of alae..,
crashing into the rear cud of l'011-
41uetur Luca*' r.s*huund Uredo Con-
ductor (toodae'. train was maimed
by Engineer Nllliam McIntyre tad
1'Ireman Alexander Rubin*,,. The
latter sew t'r A•ng,•1and
but had hie foot barfly crushed The
former met death at 11(8 1100* of du-
ty, and it was out untl' about 10
o'clock In the 414m'uing that his char-
red remain,. were (wood by the
wceeking err% m the esti .4 the en-
Charge* ageless 4agl.eer Cepeleae.
I(rlawte, May 18. - Instrw'.tiuns
hate leen sent to the Attorney-Gen-
ei•al of No% a Scotia to prosecute
ge.e•• r Copeland. who is alleged to
hat• be.m responsible for the train
r,ck "n 117. lnter•ulonia' Railway
..ear ttindsor June, IOW The invest t-
eat ion e'unducted by '11w (4overnulent
40,001, a shucking state of affairs
It is charged that not only was
t'opeland hineeolf Asleep In his esti,
a1 the need* o4 a drinking bout the
night before. hitt his fireman and the
bent etunn el the train were undo. the
influ.•nee of liquor. In fart, ail •x -
re.( the rundu(twr ars said to have
'M aro Ineal'able of • performing their
dotty, Mr. Blair has donuts/est all
the guilty parties
t.e.lpb 11*19 tinea.
Guelph. Way 1:1. -Th• young son
4.f John Carney. who fell bet ween
the front wheel and the box of a
wagon yesterday morning, and teas
badly crushed, diel in the hospital
yesterday afternoon. Three years
ago he wax run over by a G.T.R.
train and loot an $rot.
acetic* Nesbitt swore tn.
Ottawa. May
Balla.. 1\ 1•n_
Empire to be Preserved by Preferential
Trade with Colonies.
The Monor.ble Joseph Thinks the Empire
Will 0o to the Bow -rocs Without • Change
in Its fuel System Say Me Is a Free
Trader and Claim40 Follow Es•n.ple of
Cobden and aright
London, May Iii - Addressing his
constituents ■t Ilinningham last
night, Colonial See .nary Chau4b.•r-
Iain nude an tapurtaut epeec11,
• (4ha-h means to forehaduw the di,-
e-* ratting of the question of free
trade (emus propel et the neat
geol.-al election, and propuuuds a
policy of reciprocal preferential
trwtnt•nt to th' cul
l'Ime ('1,l000le1 Se-I-'*sry proves -el
strongly' to urge the necessity In 01 --
der to preser%e the great Fenlace,
that the trade of the rolnnire should
he secured Cement had offered ex-
ceptional ad%aulages, he said, which
Great Britain did not dare accept.
hcause of the narrow Interpnla-
11un of the dot-1,1r.e of fete trade,
the policy of dictation, and inlerfee-
rtne by fnn•IOn powers. Mr. Cha110
11091.Ju MOW (4• eta44 justified by the
belief that Great Britain was M)
wed11.91 t0 1U fiscal MyNtet• that it
could riot defend 1116 01,181111.21.
'1'618 was a position 1801 1111014110.1
Iry rhe pioneers of fro trade, who,
if they w.'r. .lin,• to -lay. would
agres• to s treaty of prefer nee and
rtclpro'Ity with the Vomit -Wm rhil
dreg. Thr .Iweker Bald he !.•Iles,'.*
that an rutlrely wlung ieterprl•t•
Guo had 1.0011 pial .d 'seen the dor-
trine of free tr.'I.. but that the
country ought not to he 1 o(nd M
this. and 1t 'hu•4d not h.litate to
resort • to . if necessay.
, wherever the 1111'r.a 8 lo•.ween the
' colon4•' (ld the bons 1.011ntry were
thn•at•nId life Chamberlain avow-
ed himself ■ hew trader, hut I.'
()Warted to the artificial and nar-
row i *.'rprctalion of 1,.w trade.
Ile 1 ltd out thud Cobden had
mod,•, and that Bright had approve
ed, a preferential treaty with
Frame, and said'
i "There err two sllernatilea before
you: Brat, to lualnlaln the free
trade policy In ell ifs )nterily, e1 -
though it h. repudiated by every
other nal ton sed your colonies: se-
cond, to limbo that we be not bound
Itv any purely technical definition of
free trade. While we seek the one
thief ul.jert, the free interchange of
volunteer. * I W,'•n onr*.I%en 0114 all
the nations of the world, we will
ne%ertbrlr.s re00l01( our freed r,•-
rume the power of negulletluu, end.
it necessary, our r.taliatlen •
In conclusion, the 1'olonlnl Ses -
retery said he (heit'ed that the die
curion of this subject Should toe op-
en It was an issue eraser In tie
con8144$ enrea than mere Loral die-
put(s. A mistake 1• legt811411un
could he corrected, he said, but s
mistake in the imperial policy wee
hit ('
t, K was .worn in and look NPw life for
his seat on the Supreme Court he•nch
Compound Iron
yent.rday morning. 'Jas. \\'ilMrn.
, rr. M NIIe i r
Pill's. For male I y
Ought In Iw clothed from 11111' Mt1'k. The M•lamrtl M rhoheet pwl lerlIM, 111/811
d 40101110 eH.1't4( do light, dark 14(141 In.'d' 4hA.le1.
and Meuse .lilt( 111•• the pisper 144 ylt•M for flim seamen.
(Mr clothing ie good, elegant and cheap.
B .y4 Mhirtm..mhtrt w'x)4t1, 1'.IIlI(I., ('ape, rte., it large Mt,M'k of the very 1x41.81
styles to chose from.
1'1en's Furnishings
A few mpeciAIM for warm w1-ath,i.
Men's i'alln•iggen underwear, ".4(x410 in France". terry line. *1.111 per meat.
Men'm flnr imported cashmere mix, M11k Mplilwt heel. And tees, extra value dime.
Regal lu1p•nder., ••a dressy ,llmnl,r breve" 21.w.
Mrn'n flnr negligee ehirtw, latest pattern,, *1.11)
If it's the lAt'Mt you wxnt yu0'r;Mt1r' to get it here.
Black or pearl felt44.
Straw hats, all sh*)W$, sire' and prioete
Mens ('1o*)i.•, - Fin ndsher.
of furniture for the spring and summer trade is large and
well selecte'.l,
While fresh shipments are bring opened up every week.
We carry a large assortment of dining room furniture.
Also a good variety of Iron Beds and Bedroom Suites.
Extra values in springs and mattresses.
A large shipment of Parlor Suites expected this week.
Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Cottage Rods and
Sham Holders.
Picture framing, repairing and upholstering promptly at-
tended to.
Beckett & Staunton
I'rltetto nl I'n41,rtnkl'r' And Etele11m*et1. Night or (ley (All4 promptly
et endoel to.
Night Bell at Store. 'Phone 89.
Seasonable Millinery
Lsdiea will find here everything that in de.iralle in
millinery effects. Th$ changing fsahions of the aeaanrs mr. 1•p
fleeted in my display, which comprises the latest novellirs its
the most MNt.ful designs. An invitation in extended to .11 tea
I.(1iea to visit my display room and inspect my stock of hats
I21111 trimming..
Hamilton Street MISS CAMERON
A 4)1.41441 1 aweortmirit of IAl11binrl
wide with. At du, di., 310, :111, 374 and I6.
new. Sour perticul*rly geed( '4x111418
dr41pvte4l 6o• hay windows, new dredges.
Dress Iluslins
A large esso tenant in many of thA
new cereal for the • ' g lin
Momet, white Iwire lull cream
goo 144, with vine and floral ete•t4,
h'renoh and Antra -u -.u, nlakee, n11
new and Mt popular privet..
Ladies' White Waists
The 18-011 known Star 'lake, direct
(non the f.u•tn•v, 75. tel $2.75. liter..
are better mimic., tl1lrlle*tly trim-
ruel, and finer uutterial for the price
than other linea.
Kid Gloves
Prrnu',, make, the name Perrin ds a
Etarcnt a of `erfeetiou in kid glocda,
1•51•, SIM/ a114 $1.25, in white, ostler.
and Week.
In ec.tLtu hale at front 3 for lir 1411,
Static snaps.
t window (Irap•riee, $o11 fine flet weal
1'110% sir Parti. ds:s y gime* value, all
in lair eurt►in$, a few arts of Ilei art
Dress Materials
Oremits, in Mettle., numb ('1001, kerges,
and raahulerrt.. Our Nark satin
royale, poo .plimM, granites, vuilt*,verve.
dr -(•hent. and xvlwlintw, are Stuart.
hug (4(stn4(rre ([ally. Valuer right,
White Wear
gamin are as gold as the leer
and ('{limp. lu gowns, skirts, waists
and (*11440,814,
Dress Skirts
We tare iia.] at pig Male in three g(.,, ,,
and still there are about lit left in
Oxfords and Week, 7$2.50 too Ip3.:a1,
10 per rent, (tiate lent two clear then'
mit this. %seek.
hu- 1411 Iwir Int now down to Its.
('nnlr And get • pair beim". 1l e, ,u,
All gone.
a Furniture Polish Iwo 1.111,811 81ugdy 41• -
',tor•. lustre for a time then the "(tate it.
venter thwl at heft• a s 41-1*4 t• of 4(111*s*
111.1 dust.
Every Time
CLIMAX IY)LIMH it. 04491 it phi.%ee its
111rierity. CLEAN.CLEAN.HRI(i1{T, 1►1'K-
AB.•LE. Make. 01.1 furniture hook new
and stay no. llle IAI•ge• sale Pliable% us lep
redutr lriee. 2..- osier for 31i . 1'w• the
hast. Take no mullet duet..
Hrf,o9• putting thelpipea:aw'y' est them'
44itIt that shine, lihu•k rust-pre%e•nt•r
Beatemall Stovepipe Varnish
Give your Iw11'ouy radii., ereet111g1, Bron fen. -
111 etc.. the memo. tn•wtulrnt. The world pto
(1(119m nothing better.
larks Sheds Flower Snots Ilisnlectasis
Tone up
Horses and
Dr. Scott's
Stock Compound
A11 :(1t to tench ah.n.l et et
11111ar,' ...bock Immix
At shout 18081110 100 0.
W. C. (}OODE, Chemist,
the Air
And keep out the Oaks,
bugs and mosquitos.
We have screen doors
and windows, some made
up in standard sizes,
others adjustable to any size.
Screen doors complete, with trimming, from 85c
Windows 20c upwards.
Cash Hardware Store,
delivered to all parte of the town
every day.
Try It
1(1141 you will %yard n' other.
%1•are heed ull4I't,'l',l ((11' 9411
Cereal Foods
Til44u'e Rolled Oat+(, in Indk And
laxel•r O Flake Harley,FIAkarley,
Pot itarlr.,
Rollo( N heat (Molina Breakfast
('ream of Wheat, (Entine),
Cracked Wheat,
Cornmeal 0told11,t I.
Fome. MaimsFood, Granola*,
Hire, Tnpioa, Sago,
Graham Floor, fine Family Fheir,
Fee Pastry Flour, pure 11(xnitnh$
Flout, all grade...
We sell the best of everything that's good to eat.
W. P. WestobY]
There is nothing better than the beet, and in the line of
Groceries therelin nothing better than %Rat you can get here
every flay In the week. if you have never bought your
Groceriem here, give nft a trial and see what we oar do for
you. Everything in newton, of gond quality, and at the right
S fie. . V=Mie d CO.