HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-21, Page 3—
.4,0000esoaeoo oeeMeeeoseeeeeoseeeoec04MtK000000900op0 edva!icing marknl during elle hate
of lila (fret moveweut from the
Kew, crop.
I fFlaunt D. Heenan mum; In the
Inst fifteen yours roma of tie Inert
"nmtlonal advances we (lave had
ware In September wheat. .A hit; intermit in the first step la
tient direction. Without It a mater-
ial ndvuutte In any delitery le out
Goopr'000000 I of tin qurwtlon, Tlutt 'unlit 11 how
thew Turk Sun.)
Mot who havo actually been on l)w
powt of ewrvatluu, whothur 1n the 1
atreeta of n big city, in the Jungles 1
o(S proem America,
Doe suety an
te ofat Au ` t
treaJut, tilt" divergent ao('ouutr of
their fi'i•linge.
Tyiclr storied go to prove that dif-
ferent men feel starvation In differ-
ent sty's. Soule suffer ittuhsely ; oth-
ers handy at all. Sumo feel acute
pbydkaa path. while the sufferings lit
Diners apples to hu purely mental.
A genitor wjrasu semester war
wrecked on a voytege from the Cay-
man eremite to lit to u.Wfew
it in
age, tails y
en open boat without food, was cork-
ed how he frit during that time.
"I Jitrdly felt at all after the forst
tau duye,' lin raid. •'1 stewed to out-
's -row the Tonging fur foo.I. itud I du
Not Niemeyer buffering any pcutkcu-
lar µalt.
"I drifted along in a dreamy Nott
of tray. nut curing what happened.
Evan when 1 slaw the &lip whtelt
pkkel me up 1 was not wildly ex-
tent. 1 waw too faint to worry.
• ••1'he only oi•uvlug 1 remember •iks-
tlni'lly w'i4 for a gine* of runt amt
s 'dime, of tobacco, and that was
rely strange, hormone l ata practie
ratty a luetotallcr and du but
greatly taro for wuuokmg."
A man who W naw It.ceivInc a Mg
stb.ry• la Now York 1i.u1 u hard dila,
whew ho first cattle to lhir city, and
mealy eturved. Fur .hays and works
io.Fethe r Ito did nut hitt a. el teett
meal, and. by lair own tu•cOiut, tie
stuttered tortur;sx
"1 could not keep titlll," he one.
Often, when 1 wan frightfeli.v hun-
gry ane hadn't u rent to Ivey any•
thp4t. 1 would go to ono of the free
Meloier and try' to force myself to
Int .town and re.t.
' I:lit it was It use. some Irrerlrt-
Itda impels, wont I .It Its me out into
the streets tweet, aft t 1 would pace
then reslierely for bourn, /lunge ly
watching the re -titrants and wnu-
deritg when I w•.obl gal ninth °r
peewee heal.
'Teo faces of the people In the
crotvdre *tree.* got on my nerves.
Ford -4, fad er, notlong- lut faces! They
etr.:uaewl by Inc ctettititmlly, day anti
might -not one of thtutt familiar , plot
era of them kindly.
"R'e'deemed n.+ 11 It was my fate to
s:nn.l eta' and see that awful pro-
t•nnttrl of Aires flit by furevcr. They
est not etrlke too us belonging • to
nal people; they teemed Ike the these
of eptorts. Mon 1 dropped off to
Merit at ntgttt 1 used to wee those
fame to my dreams, and for months
after 1 btcnme prosperous they
laminae -1 me day and night like a
' My hunger causal me the keenest
ppi6ts,cal torture. Etery Lome In my
k,ely ached , my 'tenet throbbed vio-
lently ; I had terrible pains in a
stomach. and half the time 1 felt
as If Tway tint going to (alnt.
Alt sown as hunger fairly got hold
ei me flout every conace of energy.
1 could not book for work. as f had
barn doing ; 1.-00.1 not even keg.
" Two or three timer larked men
ter money in n timid, feeble way, but
when they turned nettle 1 .l{'1 uuo.
persist. .1 poor, ill-dreiuwd woman
ears mea dime one night, although
1 did not sok her. 1 got n good mail
'kith It. but afterward I telt hpn-
crler than ever."
An orchid hunter whir nearly pr•r-
ta.sa an a ►enezttelnn Jnngln two
yenrs ago and Met five of Illi men
►n etertntlon would night after
melt when lir went to sleep (run -
toted tend exhausted dream of the
'n,:arket* that he had seen In varlone
Forte eif the world. Ile would behold
it•n.tenhail mnrket in London piled
h el, with thoutarele of enrcnsres
an•1 tune of meat ; and ktat an he put
nut lits handl to gra n Ing of beef
or n sirloin steak. the ti -ion would
hale, and in 1In weep tvt,nl'l L' Ihr
grtyly colored market of Panatela.
with Is minas. pn, rate ie. lit,! or-
anges, gllstit:leg brightly In the
tropical sunlight Thor, ten would
tnniith when he trl •'I 10 snrttett 111°10.
end he would nwrtkn hungrier and
meri mbrera bl.' than ever.
"1 rowel have loran the real hor-
rare of the days n thouean.l lime°..
hotter," he mid, "if It lout not been
6,r the tan'alfzdng miseries of the
Tbla anme explorer. during the
month of semi-rtarvntlon which he
etpw'rlanred. ,offered constantly from
Vlnlent headaches, dull gnnwing pains
1n the itmmnch, and Mad attacks of
gminrlal fever . Anil all the time he
winked think of nothing hut food.
which Inerenrrd hie misery tenfold -
A graduate of Oxford Universal,-
' nye
gnre IW all itis prospect.. In life some
• emirs eg•, to become a iocIel Worker
among the poor of the east mei of
Lenient In order to get nn idler of
what it felt like to he renlly poor
ile lived for Mx days ott 12 cents,
seting nothing more than nae tiny
two -cent leaf each tiny. .1R n re-
- silt, he nearly Marvel, nnd wan 111
for n week nfterwnrd.
"It w-on'td not Itat•n been vert
trying, ho add. "If If Iliad nit seen
fool all hound nee -In the bakers'
' Mote, in the t.alnuraute, In the
huleltet n' nhd In the green -grocers'.
1 world w:Ilk ;hoot tin strect•, for
Amon, wntchtng the pxpple g" In-
to the 1.stttltrnnts for lunch and
wondering what they were going
td eat
MY the end of the third any 11
was In n half comnttele sante. Ptac-
lk•all?. i had lost my Identity and
my memory.
I Iran always thinking about fool.
hit in (,tile n detached sort of war.
at if 11 wee' nothing to d0 wills
tM. 1 thonr;ltt of It as an untra-
'' llel man 'meta titek of In iia
'M'• tendon told me that Io three
eLtys I mall c,tt ns iunoh us 1 lik el,
but my mind could not take (told of
that 1:dr1. it jeemrvt es If 1 stem"!
alway. he eating one tiny loaf n
day end watching other people go
Intl. testanrants.
''Or, the fifth day i woo utterly
Ionia if .t turn *poke to me I trem-
ble.) awl could not ',newer, hat
slunk away. Every hit of moral
ehre 1rt.t ioery ounce of physi.•nl
Neck wait gone."
After tins. ..tpi'ri.ntee, the gradn-
kin in the school of .tlrtation to tk
keen interest In discovering the
renanttona of otltrr min whn had
tone hungry, lite mit many lit thntn
le the (mire of Itis philanthropic
t►oik anti Ti. dltaroverrti that in no
awn r°n gee were their emntinne
".•tnrantion," he wits fond of mav-
Inlr .1' a tutntal rather than :' ,.I,y-
J n. Iia principal terror: err
Milne' leve whit the m.? and the Iia-
Tito elnefttitl and refined men. hn
Who hart prep tetter days, IR th.d
tl(nn lino rifler* wont vt ht n hr goea
elmfe lit tont Tie auffering-t of a
„artier mail are really a natter
M 1• notionm"ttt. 11 lie has not :t
klcLit sl, mag tsmprrnment, he
«' 1' stifle, emelt.
noon anitlaai a ass le, the
motet cewfurlubly he can riitrte.
,time lalxtlt•rs who nearly turd of ex-
a,sure and luck of fool luuvu told
un that they hatdiy seffet'u•1 at
They warn drifted Into a rent•
t•onw•iour •tulip wine!' dulled their
physical pain, turd tilt/ had not
rufficlent bacillgtnee to rulwlitut.:
the, r Lige of the hutglnmn
A dlret ncgnlite to Olio theory In
given hy a pt•oftesor of an Aurtrst-
u miterwtt , ,tin narrowly er-
eaped dung of 51t rti.tion during an
expedition into tie dcrert country
tM Central Aurt mita.
"I am sure," he said, "that I felt
the hang* of liutger much lege keenly
thew inr Mark tracka•reand servants
did. 1 had heard they could go for
long S1periods wltliuut,-food, but the
second) day we pot ou•w'Iten on short
common.. they complained latterly
and appeared to 11D fu extreme pain.
'•.1t the time 1 buffered nothing, nor
did 1 suffer until sone days after-
ward. helmet, although two or three
of pay men wero almrwtt death from
lark of fro 1. by the time we rachet
the marert settlement I really suf-
fered very little.
"The only uuplenuant senratlonei I
can recall Were, oecawtonal bad head-
aellcr,' slight pallid ill tho stomach,
anti now rural then a feeling of faint-
uestt. At other nice I felt exception-
ally rtrstg, nItItnugl. I Fad eaten
hardly a wrap of foul for days.
"Il 1 were to beige of my own feel -
lugs, I should say that the ugonten
of /starvation are much exaggerated.
But the wtffertuge of my men were
terrible enough. I asked one of them
how he felt when he was lying on
the ground one evening, too weak ter
"Burg," he replied, "me full of
devil. classier lit we inside."
"I gave the poor wretch a little
hrnndy, but he declared it made him
feel worst.
"I did not find that hunger In any
way affected my mental pohere. On
the contrary, it seemed to Improve
them. I was ails to take the keen-
est interne, In my scientific work.
"less My Dye fact tlttt 1 hadsome-
Uting to occupy my mind Navel me
from suffering ae the others diet.
They, poor wretrhns, had nothing to
do but to think of foo 1.,1 believe that
sea. why they rtttfered so keeply."
Joseph Hamel - offered Long
Belpre tie 1'.::d Dodd's
kidney Pills
been Nuel to n rtundatlll, and it
is rumollule since the tete:ttion from
a pit rtluttlpuiul her been NO Lav-
uruble fur.a quirk upturn no taints
right now in Septemb-r wq°at. It
foilowanl the July thin week, alio It
, war only sutural that It thuttltl,
for bull mown of every keel wits
brushed nolle while the market was
declining, no In n' way.' the tetra
then pit conditions lire the par-
amount factors The September,
however. will hate Ito hultag. and I
snake the prediction that It i.' nut
fur from tho bottom now. Judklon.
purchaser matte right here or un-
der 70o and added to conserves/hely
will bo more likely to 'dhow gored
profits and in the tory hoar fu-
ture titan will til art wiles.
Had fest All Her F;,tinct) and was 1)ir-
t•d.urarred. Ttnrl,reat kidney Item-
edy Curie Him Completely.
Nicolet, Que., lifrty 1I.-(tipeclal).-
(N the many people of they nefghbur-
hoxel who have been brought back to
health and idrenglh through.the use
of iodd's Kidney Pills few ars in a
better postilion to give the public the
benefit of their experience than Jos-
eph Hamel. He kutews both eJider.of
tap questtou--tile muttering and the
''1 suffered from !Olney Itinerate for
throw or four years'," says Mr. Ham-
cl._."1_''c►r two years I would take
or three day. oft work it week./ waa
ooutlnnaally sick nnd forced to walk
like nn old maul. I lost all my en-
ergy rani became dircournged.
'.Alter trying n I..t of medicine('
that only gave. relief for a while, I
waw fortunate enough to try Doxld'n
Kidney Title Aller noiug three
boxes, I was completely cured."
Mr. Hemet Is entbudastlo in ids
press of f),rld'e It Miley Pilin and
there in not the elighteet doubt of
the, r,t'r.etneon of flip 'et:ltertlent 111
ddneuo of people c:ut testify to las-
nee cure.
MotJt°rs all over the Dominion will
Ise ep.'aretb tautly till auxiO.s hour if
they will keep always tl hand a box
of Rairy's. Own Tabl.:.ty and give Utetn
to Weir little outs us occasion way
require. These Tublot r have sated
thousands of littlo Wiry liver. and
grateful mothers everywhere too
knooloage the good they have dune
their little onus. 'sera. l:. J. Mel'ar-
burl, '0 lie trot.. writes: "1.cauuot
praise Baby's Own Tablets enough.
When 1 gut thein my baby girl was
very Caul with whooping cough, and
cattytg her teeth besides. 1►'1th boll)
them troubles; at the mt.nto tires sate
waste a teal way, eel slept but lit-
tle either day or night. After thea
.dcond dome of the Tubletr 1 found
there was already a change for the
better. the ,lept well through the
any tad nearly all night, and Mita
was a groat relief to tau. as I was
natrly worn out, eyeing po much
roe. at eight. Shin cried almost in-
ceossantly before I began giving her
tho lamblols, but in a short time the
coughs erase', sin cut rix teeth. grew
cheerful. and began to gain wonder-
fully. in fact, I believe I owe her
life to Baby's Own Tablets, its I do
not think who would lefty° pulled
through bed It not been for them. I
oen reaommantl the Tablets to any
mother who has a crows. fettle'. sick-
ly ehlkl.
'nese Tibtieta will cure all the
minor ailments of little ones ; they
aro guiiraateeel to contain no opiate,
and cap bo given with advantage to
the youngest and moot delicate t•btld.
stria try ell dretg•'gistst or sent by
until, 'et ":'C a. Itox, by writing to
1 11 Dr. {Intents',1etIi'Lne Co., Brock-
ville, Ont`
Judiciorr Pedestrianise le the Best
Exercise for All l'la-see.
Walkiltg Is the simplest, and must
natural and tho most wholesome of
all exerciser. No athlete ever trainee
for u coulee, to matter what its
nature may •be, without walking it
considerable distance In the open air
each day. Many keep In t tg or'iN
health by titin alone, and no matter
what other exercise you take you
mast walk. But, first of all, (earn
how to walk. A great many people
walk in an admires, shuffllttg man-
ner and secure but little benefit from
the exercise. In walking for exercise
the effect it/ better If the kind Is
directed toward some pleasurable
end. Walk with cottsvinunly directed
Movement until you have brought
mewl,. "Pare isrt et cuuirul
of voter will. Moping along In an
mimicso, lackadaisical manner dura
little good physically and harms one
The necessity of maintaining a pro-
per. erect poaltion of lin body must,
.nye n writer in the April Cosmopoli-
tan, he borne to mint. Bear the
weight on the bolls of the feet, keep
the iehvulders tack anti down, tho
chest high, but do not hold the abdo-
men inward, ea he taught by many
athletic Instructora. Let It iit re-
laxed for thin port of the body ehonid
'neve in tint nut with each breath.
There should be perfect freedom to
',tenths. normally. -Naw York World.
Ile Hal Reasons.
11 dttimnre Newt.
".b titan In n profession." l►fa the
matt hanging on strip Na. "mint
leave it w tele circle of friends Ile
enn't nfiord to cut bin acqu'llhl-
anCee under any circumstances."
"i etou't agree with you," mildly
remarked the man on strap 4.
"Yon dot; t ? And what in your pro-
fession ?"
"1 am n eurgenn."
A 1
bar Si ht, IGny /'heck.' and Bright
Fayre l' pet Admiral '0 t.
No winhart nertla to be lull the
Murm of n clear compie\fon. No
roan can Ito blind to tho beadily of
r►+y elrebm or the power of epnrk-
ling eyes. Anil every women, n:, rnnl-
ter what her tenteree may 1R', riot
here a perfect conaptexion. Height
eye.. and a perfect co mplex:on cone
from pure blood -and pure blood
comm trout 1)r. Wllliau.i Plnk Pills.
By enrichirg the beau Dr. t1'illiamt(
Pink Pills gitn Vigor, etrcnglla,
stealth, hnppiirsr and beauty. Her'
le a 311 o proof : "For upwards of
three yearn I ,ntffered frena 'thee -
mkt," nay., K net Mary Jark.,on, of
\ornrandate, Ont. •'f had no rotor
In my Ince, my lip, and gluon were
1100.110 e. null i grow so weeny 1 could
.touristy walk nbgrit the hollow. i
do turd n gotta (lent, bait got no
benefit until I beget) toeing Dr. I\'ll-
Ittna.i fink Pilar Before i heel token
them more deal et couple of weeks 1
weld me a change for the Reiter,
num continuing the IMP of the pilin
for some time longer mt etrengt't
returned. the rotor came Mack to my
face", and 1 gnln0l fourteen pone I.
In weight. f min recommend i)r. WII-
linme' fink Pills to every weak. alt -
Ing girl or woman."
These pills are good for nit troll -
Wee inr to poor blood or weak
nerve*. ion't take any other meli-
cine-mer that the full name, "Dr.
t1'dllenrie' Pink Iridin for Pale Pin.
pit/' is found on the wrapper nround
every hoe. 11 In (Ionil wend direct
to the I)r Willi/inter' JI dicier t'ont-
enny. Braktlllr. tont• nnd the
pills will he mulled at :A renis per
{ox or Mx Mitre for OS.CIO.
Wheat F'Ittten'a-
flatrge II. Phillipa Napo; The for-
eign wltuntion has been confirmed)
ate generally quite poor, and 1m-
erten in prbmtN."l a moat exeell:ent
demand) for wltnt it ...tit ip.art, and
le mkt opinion It will 1n-' taken at
r lit., mea nu
Inca !3
^rrnly e
good 1 r
n low vitae for wit 'At. 1 fell t h it
WO maty nen ns low a ''flee am ItTe
for i(.-t(rmhr?' w•baht, if til- pre-
vent prnnpi•et Of winter Wheat 1
hnrveelel et an rail el Ile Nltll
it la n fort that exporters hive wokI
forugunt-Sept'mle r ehfpnrvtt
motion* ofj hu+he1.., and th- move-
ment of n^n wi•,lrr w Met to fl'1
theme en len m lr not only pre%es!
IOW prtcea, but give ea a ste:diy
Well, most .folks du, and this Is why
Ceylon GREEN Tei 1s making Japan Tout take & back twit. The people
recognize "Pure" Tea. Sold In the same form as the evlobrulOil "SAL -
ADA" black tea, In h'wl packets only. :Mc and 40e p:,r Ib. Dy alt
`grucorr. , ,
The Funny Fulk&
bile had twee telling it story.
"After all," rhe 'til lit contluulitg
Tills was the spiteful one's chance.
"Tees," xho Interrupted, •'wee know
you're after all, but you needn't
think you can got them."
Trlplete had arrived at the home
of little four-year-old Oracle. and
when It war lilac for her to sty her
evening prayer rho added the follow-
ing; "And, Lord, we're much oblig-
ed for the kids, but next Uma don't
send 'em In bunches."
"Why do you think site ought to
go abroad to rludy music• ?"
"tkcause I Happen to live In. the
next taut to her when rite'e at liomet"
"We women," - she wean raying,
again, "Nutter in 'dueller."
"I can readily believe that you do
puffer in silence," the moan refills].
"You tote so much pleasure In talk."
Kra. tlppson-T- our grandfather tit
an octogenarian. 1s it,, not"
Mrs. Neellcll-Indeed. let isn't any,
thing of the sort. iters the most
truthful man 1 ewer huutp.'d lip
"Tee. our s,ielety'r new president
ccrtulnl,v In :a busy women, but they
any she Is neglecting her duties ne n
.wife and mother."
"That Is not true. I know for n
fact, that she nwtnages to sen her
faintly almost every day."
".A woman will bay a thing just
because it's cheap."
"Perhnpn, but Mlle doesn't make
nrleetions on that prinelpie when a
ratan Is footing thebill." -
A tramp rang a doctor's door-
tioll end asked the pretty 'woman
who opened til. door if rhe would
be so kiwi as to ask the doctor If
Ile had a pair of old trousers he
would kindly give away.
"I'm the doctor," said the smil-
ing young woman, and tate tramp
nearly fainted.
He -Yon meet admit there's noth-
ing delights a girl so much as the
devoted attention of the man of
her choice. '
Rhe -Unless it's the devoted at-
tention of the man of some other
girl's choice,
Iie-ikons your father obk'ot to
my making love to you ?
t:he-Oh, no ! He told me to have
an many innocent and harmless
amusement,. as possible.
The •I;Irl-Do you know, Mr. Ca-
poral. my heart /Penn • to beat In
perfect sympathy with yours?
Mr. C„ much nlnrmed-II.nvent,
Hate you gut a tobacco heart, too?
•• _- ilia nnR ey-
ening, "is given lip so reluctantly
hy tloso who don't expect to go
there." -Love and the Soul Hunt-
ers. ---
There is n young man In Achiton
who Is such a good dancer that
one of h1a recent partners etoep.il
in the mete of to waltz and 4n1:1
"Elates me, but are we dancing or
o reeding 7•• -Atchison Globo.
One teaspoonful of 1'100t11ler In h,.1
meter .weelrord w ill inn' almost any ruse
,.f nntut•.nrt :, tut ooltt,'.tt n. Aiot.l .mb.tl-
tates. There I. only one 'Painkiller '-l'erry
The thilpheres Paradise.
I ask but Ilttlo when I'm toad
AN recompense for earthly tines
No gokien crown upon my brad.
No harp to wintry 1110.14 and toes;
No ludo wmddi I wrier, Indeed.
No purple robe beyond my rnrnns-
f only risk n well -rolled teem,.
With eighteen bolas nal putting
A moldy with ft lynx-11kn rya.
And wings upon his shoulder tips,
Shall watch me whack the lwiiu,
theta fly
To follow on hair airy trips;
Anel When I moon' on gentle wing
Jfe'II luutd me then, the watchful
• Non,
A' palter fit for prince or king
That's gunranlrid to mak!) the
The wlulteentdratmte be the .,rt from
One (rater two 1Walred yards :at
Whilst over hurdle, bunker, ditch
The Ballo shall rine tin though of
The yeast niblick, mnuhle and the cleek
Rhnll never mins or make n stip,
While only those who Soottlah
Shall have n oatd of membership..
Hero on lilts field of perfect strikes
I'll (piny n winning gorse with all
Who bent me what nu d t t h. the
fonts - 1
Who any i ennnot lilt Ihr halt;
Ata boat of all, the gain at itetveen,
Mien o'er my nectar I nen Ite:,til
Afy triumph+. to reeonnt. I wren,
There'll not 1) • .ate to .lt tlbt my
-W. W. Whitrldek, In Life.
A tnnn'et diel+. Inst longer than
his words.
Few Flies last year
No Flies this year
If you use
Ply Pads
Some Forgotten Fashion Quirks.
It In a little short of a crime In
these days to he old-fastutoned, but
there were Nome styles In vogue
long ago that still have clalnta for
theme who remember them. There 1n
at present some talk of an effort
bring made to revile the bonnet for
young women. Tito little puritan
(spin and deep collars. the dis-
creetly gptihered skirts, the girlish
simplicity of Nome of the new hair -
(lemming liner the Reay to thiw retl-
vnl. There wee n perktl when It wren
net connidered correct for women to
wear batm after early youth and
many who now never dream of wear-
ing other than hater and toquem re-
member with nmuuetnent that they
bought their firer bonnet when
they were about itt The modern ele-
gant° known absolutely nothing of
tido ,form of headgear and alludes
to It an nomething nrehafe.
There nae n few gixd old-fashion-
ed Router however, who ell! "Mirk
buck" longingly to the old 'tyle end
lament that we continue to turn a
deaf ear and a blind eye to the
quaint charm of the bonnet. One of
three woman rhapsodizes on the
ruhject after thin fashion: "I was
born hunt 10 1itne to remember the
bonnet, even In time to isear tee
bonnet In my teener People In their
teener did oto then. In were teen' one
may do many thing' -most of them
inappropriate. bo one worn a little.
prineen 'nape, nil of violets, with
little prim ducky velvet string', tied
under one's (bin, or what practi-
cally came to a wreath of pink rib-
bon and morel over the old,' In
their teen', of to -day, who are enn-
demned to Mg MDR and nothing else
Iet the way of headgear!
'The bonnet lend it charm all itm
own. It was gnnkerish, a savor of
'thee' and 'thine being about 'It. It
ani 'pretty behaved,' It could fro
nal.chlevotU and it eonld be ahw,-
Intely adornhle Now we only mee it
on tilt' variety Ringo adorning a
m•o•k `cnh'nllon 1rnty Into or panto-
mime midarea, n while Katie towel-
wcutllr, with wild ostrieh fhert
nnd nl ringu wide. 1Veenttonus
forgotten the bonnet and we ars tlj�
week. A good itt (not loo stiff)
and lukewarm neuter used after
every meal of your life. not forget -
ling to scrub Chu back or lander
ado of the teeth. The fit .,t signal
of disease Is your surnmine to sci-
ence for r,•ilef- nut to a quack for
"pink tooth powder" or rulnoue Ischii.
For the Hands awl .arms-0:d•fash-
tont'il earth.. soup sh:ttcd lulu hot,
VW l water. 'feta' hamlet Immersed, the
r:am,' th;orou►Iy 'crabbed with an
iuditlluul llrrh brush ill the li gln-
uigg. If they etre rcbelr tlhr Intrad+
'drop the arms beefy, olive old "QuQ l"
will -in nine out of tin ea:cr mak,*
them soft and partly. Cold cream
often "yellows'tate skin and is sure
to promote' hair o1 the arcus, neck
or face. N•iture is an old -school phy-
siclan, but, after all, the bent. •
Some sensible advice to
women passing through this
trying prod.
The painful and annoying symp-
toms experienced by most women
at this period of life are easily over.
come by Lydia E. l'.inkitam's
Vegetable Compound. It is espe.
cially designed to meet the needs
of woman's system at the trying
time of change of lite.
It is no exaggeration to state that
Mrs. Pinkham has over 6000 letter's
like the following proving the great
value of her medicine at such times.
" I wish to thank Mrs. l'iatkham for
what her medicine has done for me.
My trouble wan change of life. Four
years ago my health began to fail, my
head began to grow dizzy, my eyes
pained me, and at" times it seemed as
If my back would fail me, had terrible
pains across the kidneys. ilot flashes
were very frequent and trying. A
friend &deleted me to try Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Cont.
pound. I have taken six bottles of it
mad am today free frim those troubles;
I cannot speak in high enough term
of the medicine. 1 recommend it to all
and wish every et:Bering woman would
give 1t a trial."- Derr A Ross, 88 Mont-
clair Ave., Bo.lindale, Maria-ga000/ee-
felt If *Hera) of above latter proving gangling,'
menet le prMuctr.
T •h or Style.
Etery woman knows what its im-
portant finisit to a gown Is supplied
icy, a pretty bit of neckwear. Never
was that Iltxttry more easil)r attaln-
abie than now. To begin with there
'rover were n) many dainty stock
collar* ohtnlnable for Lei or 50 cents.
Next the leftovers, of whieh every
wurnntl has n flux or drnwerful
tucked away, the hits of ribbon and
Ince and velvet, can all he utilised
in making lip an nttMctive ndorl-
went for the throat: imrertiorn .111Jd-
, Ing strips of gay colored velvet in
'0nr pretty thought. Medallions of
.mbrddcry or lace; appliqued , gpon
Retie ribbon, form .another pretty
dock. Freuently emhroideriem
bought by the yanl ran be .eparnt-
n1 into medallion., which are Piet
now no popular. iiy the way. these
tops collarm are terribly tricky things
liryott wear one. be Rare to attach
It firmly where It belong.. Not In-
frequently one noes an unronnt'tttn.,
Malden Iv hone top collar hate wriggle 1
one end free In the Irene mid flare
therefore, craned to he ornamental.
-Philadelphia Ledger.
Excellent Cosmetics.
For the Throat -Pretty throats
ere never yellow ; they are w 11te.
round, flim and swootlt. Let Na-
tive Nom, to the rescue. Discard
tight ithhnl. 'thee make wrinkle..
aleep nn small pillows to 'seek' "three
tidnt.' "lathe the throat nejxu'ate-
ly once n elny 1q yeny warm water;
then, niter n few moments. In very
sok, Thin Is to make U firm and
.,11p,ptJeif dark. 114e lemon Julep at
ntdtlme. wa:dting It Off next mora-
For the hair-enn to Padre 1t , wa-
ter to reams 1l; rubbing to Mime-
; late the. root', nnd gosal nightly
hruehings to krep It glossy.
Ier the T.e It -1 p 1r of to Prlei- PIrotate tttblot 1. .nil to Ir 1h,
L1 tyro to Will -11 n op es Or tiny 1110et dimity iwd.o•e in . :Ill h 11 1e
.-'iicotton. thntt •' 'rental' milk to matte from ran .`h i:•:. n p'1:•tit ly a then
„n h tween alt • m•t!nu'i twine a awl alcohol.
la ti,,• 1iitl ir•udont mJ April liltli 1s - u„• „utdr-u( teen. Awl what
as utLtela• int the 'Annie of war, by else 7 tierartujx,l -that Se%awtnpol
Count LeoTilestOy, now printed in
America for the brit time. 11 was
written in 188'J as a prefrue to a
toltnuc''of "Ihcollectiour of tlovario-
h+tl," by A. O. Flreltof, et Russian °t-
iecr, who retrad with Lleutouunt
Totality In the Crim.vut war, but It
nail , bol approved by the iturslau
o•itwr, end PO It war not printed.
-Recently It Isar been published In
Euglrutd in the Murrina language. As
It expreimem Toirtery'r uuattre fee-
ing about war itt general, an well
taw about the particular war Ili
which In. wtls engaged, it is of more
than passing in tidiest.
The reading of Firltot'r book made
O very etr'oug itupreseitrl on Tulsloy.
It intuited hiss to re-experiedn•t a 1, It
the author what they both had lived
through thirty-four -year. before.
"Wo then experienced," Ito ways,
"what 111,, 4101 bit.- describer -the hor-
ror of war -but we also etp..'rieneed
it•meuhtl etudlticu the author hard-
ly describes at all."
-t lad, ftrrlt Irma the Cadets' Col-
lege, Rude hlutrelf 1.1 Sevastopol. A
few mouths ago hu wan at. merry
and happy lie girls are the day af-
ter marriage. It seem but yesterday
that he first donned the officer's uu-
ifortn an expert tailor had rkillhtlly
iwidded with wadding. nrrangfngthe
thick clout and the shoulder-strope
no us to ot:tsk the boyish and milli
undeveloped chest and give it it brava
uppenranee. It 'rear but yesterday
that he pelt on that mature eel
drove to the hair -dresser's to
have hie Ieulr curled and pomaded
and Mr Inclittetll Inortslnclu's atom -
tooted with fixative. awl that. Blank-
ing the rasher attache' to his gilt
belt agulnut the Steps, with his cup
on .one sale, its walked down the
d isci • •
Only ;et lelday he mot a lovely
girl; they spoke of trifler, the lips of
both were wreathe' in smiled. fined
he knew that elle ttpd not she only.
but hundreds of other girls a 1lnlu-
st:um.ede hen
w,bgtdlut,tiandes binetertert, isnkiern I:iw.am11
Krems to have Itapgened but yester-
day. It may Imre been trivial and
abetted and ctinlceited, beat it war ail
innocent, and. therefore pleasing. -
"Goand lel Nourw'II' 10• killed."
And now he is In Sitattopol, and
Le suddenly sees that something ie
tiot right; 4owethfng 1e happening
that ie not at all ne it should Wilke
commander calmly tills hitt that Its
--he whom mother wo lutes him, and
from whom not she Alone but all
have expected) leo mach that is gond
--that he, with all hi. 'special and
Inconel/amine bodily, and mental ex-
cellefcle.t, Is to go where then are
being killed and ('rippled. The com-
mander dive's not deny that he Ir
the mime youth whom nil love and
meet love, and w•hoso life Ir to him
more important than any thing else
itt the world. The 'commander (Imre
not deny this", but simply &aye: "lie
aril let yours,'" be killer." Ilts heart
roottacts with a double fear; the
fear of death and the friar of shame; The New rood.
but, pretl•ndittg that It !e' all the
surto to Ina wiwther he goes to
'tooth or remains" here. Its gets
ready with it 'show of inter -at in
tv.last he Is going for, awl even in hie
belonging," and bed. He goes to the
place where mom um kllle•I, awl
toper 1t le only raid that m. n are
killed there. Inst that Haply that in
not the crime. awl things will turn
out otherwise Blit 1►a11 an hour at
the 'station IN temple to allot'q that
the reality ire more terrible and till -
1 Parable than be expnctel. Ile sea
a wan radiant wlttLeny. anal binnminv
elite health btaldenly something
spltehei and tir' man tnmldea over
into a neighboring I.wtp bei exere-
wentia-n lei-r:lge example of suffer-
ing and renews, and an e %podium of
:Ili that is boring done there. It in
awful -It will not tko to look at it
lir to think alma it. But it Ie Im-
poestblc not to think.
Him thinking nen,' niter thin taelafon:
"That time it Immo-nod to him. spoon
it will happen to mot How ie it ? Why
its It 7 Why .druid they do It to rue -
to me silo woo no gook. no nice, no
dour, nen only to my Hume, not only
to my mother, not only to 'her; bat
to so many people--alntort to etr•ry-
I•ouipt 7"
tad a moment Inter he reflect.:
'Whether I Mint' touchy he 'lint
Ito now in no fine shieS; en the evn-
trlry it semis atheist no if ydiey
iv -hilted it. Yes, 1-eten 1 -nm ' not
wanted by anyone. Rat if 1 am not
wanted, why atm I ht re 1''
Ore_ War Suimaed 1'p.
No ono antweta these quewllons.
They Ball fray to spa ak owl '.t mutt"
an the Ind does. 11 will not Weir be-
ing "Token of. And after erten
nloullw the .td is not crippled, is
not, killed, tush -lila war 1r over.
whit hoe happenel,7 .
Tt'te: That for seleti mnnlh+ 1
pato feared and ',offered -(tiding ttsv
-itiitrrhtgs from other,.. Of e tpinitn-
thnt in to bete, deede of which f
could be piOn(I, or itt lenrt rreall'
with pdearure-thore have been none.
1I, only exploit was Hutt 1 stood
an fowl for confirms, and long re-
mained In a place where many mets
were shot In 11'e hint the bretnt
nnd In all pail' of their bodies. Alt
that, however, it it poer/fonnl nepect
of tin maWT. Iw°siden wtdrh i that
is *Mara (if but an unimportant onel
in it rommitl cause. 1 common catlne 1i
Itut wltnt was it 7 Destroying scores
Tolstoy Writes on War
An Odd Waint.
An 01,1 shirt-wnied whlrh In sure
to appeal to the r, .; tclto linen things
orlginnl, Is made of linen. with
cinched linen strops in n contrasting
color an the trimming. 'rho walst
Itself In severely plain, but across
tate iind and half way below it and
the waist line there are five Rhythms
Net Inrge enough for it etftchod linen
hand lobe nun through. A itdrt-waist
made In till' unique etyle wan of
white mvreerizel linear with the
"ditched ramp" In light blue linen.
each strop filth/lied with a narrow
blur cotton fringe. The ittrnpn were
fastened at the neck and eherulieri
tvt Ihr walk, and then were drawn
through the two tlnshet. The tipper
pnrt of the Sleeve was slnieel In the
Rama way an the fttmt of the walst,
and one 'trap Nuts asst ns the ele-
(oratlon - May 11'otnan'n Home Com -
pan ital.
Skirts Mell Cut.
fitters•-Ja hardly anything en hn-
portnnt in dress as the, cut of tate
'atria nal here are w.me hints which
will let you into the secret of 'the
new, oven; In the first pltoe, even
the no -called tong gown.' are short-
er both hack and front. .1 four -Inch
elope IN the right thing. awl they
nearly nil !:•tic the yoke piece,
withal requires the most onrered 01 -
ting. Wei renlere the petit hn-
pp((peible• for tee home ,renanrnkm.
*tiny of the .klrle have a pointed
vote bnek and front. awl almost all
urn Infiniteeimnlly tucked ond'gath
rrenMrft mile nt elaboration.
R leeetll P.
i6 I n1 It that they be
r r per-
fectly plain nletnt U,n hip& lett from
that point they-.fIsrn In the amnio•
eat fnthlon, wenn measuring quite
fltr and n half yard. at the hem.
Weep Kier.
e filch we -defended -was abandoned,
enol the feel 'dunk, and the key.. of
Uat church tut Jerusalem remained
In the hands of lhure who had them
before, and Russia Ir dlmull.'bee.
And what oonclurlon taunt one draw?
Can Il Ili tbut it all comer to title
That 11 waw owing to km1111hnerr
and youthfulneer that I got Into
the terrible sail inextrleulrle poel-
timn In which I remained for seven
months, and from which I was in-
eompetent to liberate myself ? Can
that be all ?
Why. asks Tlulstoy, did the author°
net no he dill ? There Ir only one an-
It was because I was enli,it•vl
While still young. or before lila war
began, or because owing to Inexpert -
core i chanced to dip into a posi-
tion from which I could not extri-
rute were' without great effort,
I was entrupiteel Into that posillin,
roof 'when they obliged me to do
Cho moot unnatural action+ Un the
work, to kill my brother men who
hail down me no harm, I preferred
to ilo thin rather than l0 suffer
ponlel went and dingraoe.
Tolstoy'e conciurlon. after read-
intr F:r ehor., hook, Ir lhlr : " We
rimed be told what 1t. 1a that
elf ne•e hotellt•rr to suffer and die.
that we, may know, aid understand,
and destroy these cause&
tutrerhug and (Math Nul the %%orst
''War! Hire terrible," people way,
"in war, with Its wounds, bloodshed
;aid death. IVs, meet organise et red
, ,o tt socloty to alleviate the wounds.
suffering and pains of death "
It lie not the guttering and mutila-
tion and death of man's body that
most needs to be diminished -It
Iw the mutilation and death of his
e.ul. Not the Red Cross it needed. taut
the simple cross of Christ to dentroy
filleebosi and de vept on. • • •
Tobetery concluder by afeakutg of
•ills advise to a cadet of the military
melee*• not to drink wine. The lad
"But in military- Reimers It la Wave -
times uecemeary." I thought he
meant ucce.aary for health and
strength, and 1 intended trl-
Ntitplutntly yr (overthrow him bet
proofs from etlerlettce and rclenee,
but he omit timed:
11'hy, at lt'ok-Type, for Inildl►ty
when rgtohetef had to mateacre the
Iuhnhltantw• the gradient did not wish
to do It, and he had drink served out,
and then--" Ilere are sli the hor-
rorn of war -they are in this lad
tv,ti, lila (remit young face. hla little
shoulder straps innderwhlch tbeends
of 1,1.. baahlik etre no neatly tnckedi,
hie well -cleaned hoots, hen naive
eyed, and h1, conception of life en
Tithe 1■ the real horror of war!
What millions of Iced Cron work-
er* could heal the wounds that
swarm In that remark -the result
of a whole education.
1 hear the scientist 1s grief
With all the strength he has
moan -
"why wall the public feel on beef?
Why don't they take to plasmas ?
Give lip your pork and ♦Polson,
loo; '
Giro up your lata, and mutton;
There's In it penn'urth-nae, It's
t rue -
Enough to gorge n kiutton.
"It'a naturnl organic sett.
It's nutritive albumen
-1‘144 rank. -the. sick sou'ml, ititi the
' halt.
And make the palsied new men.
And 11 fnitils my dearest wish
O sing Inn matinee louder !
Yon need no knife or plate or dish.
You take it to a powder.
"Buy it, and see your imams ex-
You'll spend len and you'll wit et"
It Chaves the oust of cooking -and
i guarantee It tasteleon.
'And think as It new stresglh Ian-
And with new health you'll throb,
Soon inks your alcohol to pitta
And btnakfast 1n a globule,"
Dot thong!, for food 110 plaamoo 111,
ILS praises In me gtti.koo
Fitch cravings that the thought of
Mateo mi' feel (amine-itrleken
And think you then my ureal WIND
On plasmon 7 riddle-faddle 1
The simple stickpin atllli for me.
Aml now end then fife nodal..
-From the tat. James' (impute.
hard on the Mlnliwer.
, A RCottitll parish minister was one
day making culls, and t' hen alont to
knock n.t n Collage door ,tan hail -.I
by a childie t voice thee: -Theer'n
nnrbol7 in there," t.n.l, turning
round, Irocamn aware that et ,nx-
y.nr-o41 boy was behind him, hnvtug
run up from where he bad been ',lay-
ing on the •minl4ter's npprateh. '•06,
there's/ nobody In, 1,1) little man,"
"sold the mIitnter. "No, thorn's nae-
lwdly 1n there," reiterated the hay.
Then, sifter it good look at the mint.,
ter, came the dl'xtncerting query,
"Fat lel ye're scLin'? feet since 7'"
The Broken Health
of School Life
Close Confinement, Over Exertion at
Toe threat a Strain for the Ne
too many eel 1 gtrlt and aehcol
boys, loo, are pale, languid and rut
down In health, inila-et to walk
petlln awl nervous heninchr, and
vIgtim of alecplritrness, hail we no
longer realign the folly of devel>ip-
ing Chi mina at tire expense of
the body. '
it to on the mothers and fathers
that fall' tar' retapnnslbIllty of
looking niter the health of their
children, awl to them we wtggent
too tapetum of having the health
of their children kept at the high
water mark by nsing Dr. Cha.m'a
Nerve Foot.
Till+ great food carr Moo gentle
ental tinter/II In actlon nn In bo nd-
mlrnhly sealed to the require-
tnnntn of Nineteen The benefits to
be deprived from Its use are cer-
tain nn1 inoling, An It goon' to form
new reel corinkaclon In the blood. and
create new nerve force.
Mrs. 1L Da z 1I 21 Charles r Ir
R st P i t
Kingolnn.. (int., Rtwteg; Me
.Innghtrr aufferwl very mu.# with
hmMlaeb1en, roomed ito doubt from
over -tautly nn.l n ran damn cope
clition of the aortae., system. Three
attack.. Oi Ittn.Fi 1/ •n were very 1 ry-
ing o:t her, rind 1 noticed thot she
wax grn•hru 1y grow net week..? nn(I
more ninon-. 11•ott two moldier'
ago I got her 'n bat o; Ur. chasr'R
• N
Study and Worry Over Eraminatlons
eves -Or. Chase's Nerve deed
Nerve Foot, nod ranee she has been
using titin preparation we urn
more than phased with the Im
pr,vennent welter' ban been mad. In
her health. hila looks one hundr•.I
per met better, her nerve., are
Measlier, Rho IN pot hothwrrd with
hweulndthes, turf la gradually In-
ereneing( In Nett and weight."
Mrs, iia Warnhnm, 207 eherbntul; •
,treat. Teterboro. Ont., slates:
"Ono of ped chiklren hits sifferr;
a great dual with nervous bea,l-
nchen, dlzztnona and sleeplesaneiee,
unci, In fart wan all run down, pal,
owl languid. Tbrear t mnMen tt rr'•
nl t ri hnttt to overfeed": and eon
fhtomnnt at enhnol She began lie
Ing Dr Chner'u Nerve Fond, an,l
eon Ray that tan brave roust thin
t run t mt•nt expert -tingly helpful. I'
hue relieved her of headmelte.elra'I
lel her nor, en. awl built nl' It
R 'ti wonderfully. M.
V m ill W n emu w
it great eltnnge In Her, en the ce
or Is reiterating to her feaa, at
she In waning in fleets and height
Dr Cbruw". Nerve Fond, :.O re,i•
n hos, a boxes fors$^.SO. .t
'Interop or ?dtaamain, ante,
t'o , Tomato. To preterit •
gnit,nt imitations, Ihr port? .1.•
-„snninr' of inr. A. W ('les .
remelts; t•neelpt-hook nnehorr lir
lit ery box of hi. remedies.