HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-21, Page 22 TimkenAv, May 21, 1903.
?his $i nitl
(1u11CRIe'H, ONTARIO*.
y,\N,\rry:lt a HOI1 :ItT44) .
Teleeisiec esti No. Yi
Terms of Subscription
$1.111 tier annual iti 41111 61100.
01x 11111111110.. 31K ; three umnthe. tha
1ubseribc11 who fall to ,000ile T111; 4110111.
regularly by until will confer a fat or I. *0-
g1nti1111ng us of thaw feet ut in. early a dale as
I s
%V ibk.
\1' hen a chit tmgr of +uldn•w. i. 1104.I014I. IMII I1 l h.•
old and the new eldies..huuld la• gin rm.
Advertising Rates
lariat and cher similar el ernisi.ment.•, It'
4)04 11110 for nowt insertion and M' per line fon
each subsequent insertion. Measured by a
uonp*nil sale. t we're lanes to an inch.
HILIIin,. canis 114.ix 11111 all* unlace. IP per
.tlI4 * inane nes of list, Found. Strwyld. rib
mittens \'*cant. '41111(1(1(411.. WAD 110,11.0.AW
Sale lg. uo It1•nt, Fern. few Sale or (14'
Articles for Sale. ear.. not axe,'. Itng right
lir (ash insrniou : SI for 11111 41.:411•
fur ce'h subsequent month. 1.erger eh 4.01 1.1
leant(' in propur41)44.
[weal maim.. 111 ug11sn•11 I)1.0 3' la•r ltiw.
No not tel• less tlntn tic.
-\1)nuunreeMms in onlinary reading 4) [IV 11114
lent per surd. No not 1.'1• Irss ()tan tr.
Arty .h'e'al 1101101•. the od1)1441 of which Is the
Iawomiary benefit of any' hulk ideal or towel -
titian. to be ,('nonan.' all 11111 iwusrnl and
to he ('Iwreed ewontittgly.
Hates for l'op's)' and conlre'l adtert14t-
mleetw wilt Ile y1%1;11 011 windiest ion.
.tddnw *11 eoumuwaist Ion. 10
THIS Shiest.
4loiIortcb. (*11t.
tuntCRI('H. THURHIL\1' MAY tI'111&
Abut this 1111(11 l',u•nry;i1. If he
thinks we l'anadisuls are going te.take
his talk ahellg with his libraries. he is
slaking * bigger Mistake• than when
he gave up his Ir' Bering to pose
as an oracle. Why didn't he at ids to
his Pittsburg fief.? Then he might
have the ptrsp4•t of Iran ing till. ('1(13h
With 1111• reputlt11444 of al prince sef
industry N'hien. sally'• shrewdness
and 1 usintsn gt• ' hall missed hila
(rein )MWert y to fabulous opulence. Or
'WmdN 141 that effect. Now the bio-
grapher Mined likely • unt• will get
Mit 41 Life of him. 01 bw $41113 410 14(1)1' -
sl iptisn only. twenty-Hrl• rents down
and the !whiffle in steno' uelnthl• in-
slalull•ntml - 1hr hdlg'•:Whet• 4)11 1111u0
to add that in his 11W age he IIenits •
rlrrun'ic and garndunand lc5.k a
1111.4•1' 11111 ion for giving away libraries.
%Thal does %Ir. 1'at'ilogio LII,,4' allNall
Canada ? '•1 A 1'tIe114 has 1111 f11111r"1•x-
cepl ns a pu't 1.4 the. Toile' Stales."
"Canada dal can never ler • - it great
indeedri1d nett i en." There the tn*n's
limitntisns Nhenv. Wh.' stria (•'nn*IIN
%%alnted to Isere ttttt • n great industrial
nation:' She 41 i11 be .,Nin' slily. but
we hope the time will rte 4'r (mile
when her chief beast will Iw the 111,11.
fuer of toms lef pig itr In she 'lar sledt1).
In' the extent c.4 her trn.Ie and
men,. Canadians have .seal's 111amye
dollars and rents, and Canada vomits
her snnm 111141 daughters for their qual-
itiesuf heart and intellect rails.. tient
for their nimbleness; in turning A
penny. Perhaps Mr. ('nrilegi4• (night
Tw Nm'prriINT if he knew a little more
about Canada than he diN'*. 'lyes he'
know' 44 hat it contrast 11.04' i4* b•14'e1•n
( 'a nada't III 411111)40111.11114' 111111111x111111 11111
the hybrid mixture in .the United
stat'•. •• 111 N•14 h1' know that pe.1' capita
1'x1114.1.4 has more money in the INrlk
than the United States) has, more
miles (4f rnilw'ay, more business, more
freedom. more health mai IINpppine1ss,
re lot env women and brave lawn,
r• brains. • everything except
luillionair•s, timidity newspaper,* and
general 1.11411141111.744? If the 1401' -feasted
Scotch lad had turned his steps to this
(.m10ry instead of to 1)Il 1'nitgl S1404.11.
Andrew 1'rn•gie slight 1111W be a
kindly old gentle -man retired' on se
r11111)M•t'111.e. 11)11•11111*g a heart 4'1* age
In Ihepleasures of pl•uniug and spray-
ing an errhattrl or raising thorough -
Neil horses. and rattly ,1n A fa1.111 just
out of town. acting *N chairman at all
the public meetings in the neighbor -
hese', b'lovel aril' respected fly the
whole 4 •, 11. 1101114141 it when
he went l.' Pittsburg to spend his life
piling up reins, making .Iwnli(s and
gathering burdens for his old age.
What an. ave to ile elan,' his gift. to
(liwll•r'il•h? It weal' be a fine revenge•
if nobody in ('anudn %mild touch a
rent of his (Money. It would vitt the
gild man pretty leer', we should think.
Bat Olwlerich is 11111 the
'')411x+'*, and if our Mayor were to Mend
a p'lite' mite the )s41itor the nippier,
as Tommy Sandys slyn - informing
Mr. l'at•negie that we wouldn't take
his library, (hilt we t•onldn't think of
imposing oft''hic-- en.rmity. 44e only
two ml' the•. )woph• ill the town ruled
rend, 411111 we were 111 t410 busy trying
14, 111• willionllitrw to Hearn how the
quest' is, Neild he ever m'e the
loner? Likely net. ity return (mail
would 441111. something like 4)1)4 :
Skarn Peelle, S.otla,wl.
!low Ind.
'platen lee is.
nerNlr4c•h. Ina. 1'. '1,
Hear Sir.
1'04,4•' M tend, ult . r4,ei t 4d RIM
41101t 111 31)111 town strn.'k eft Inst as requested.
Tsars, rt.'.,
.1. 1t. M,N1tefth,
f.w Mr. I 'armlet.,
Not' what M114IM4actlIn would then.
be in that ? Nor 4'mlll ver gain any-
thing In the remised of err ".ig11111r4
in ('itnad44. They would just piny that
OcwIe•rich was 1 ry ing 14, get some (-hemp
glory end that the real na«elt we
didn't Dike the library waiN that We
Were 1,141 peer or 11111 1111.11 II to raise
enough manly ti keep) it going. Ile -
;tides. the excel -sit ion Ions been made
for the ',Milling. and i1 would cost
«)IIIfthing to 1411 the hole up again.
No. it leeks Its if we .junll have to
hr.ip elals of fire on Mr. l'Arn(egie's
head, and keep him literary. Who
(Anse 11 rip what the oke fellow style,
New alma Nano fish 14111144 ? N'r
re. elves' No. 1 the other day. Th.
1• ',et it ion clowns Jumps(.
They am raying in Oft*wa. 'The
limber piles mast goo." We thought
they had been fired t ('011)414' of times
W. T. Strad whines King Edward
to visit the Ht. Louis exposition next
year. Wouldn't that tickle the dente.-
enserTrane people aernm the 1111e 1 The
whole nation would rraue its' neck t0
get a glimpse...1 top*Ity',
N'hat we hae we held, iucludin' our
1pr•nion that tle•re scute fool like ata
aulllf,N.1 ; .1111 a ((1111 an' his tiller are
N o111 partial.
P. S. -"VVe lt• no (1(1)15. whatrffor.
'MYN Kap Thew Clothes On.
Toronto Star. •
The Jews of St John are *skit/
(panda to use her influence in behalf
of the oppressed Jews in Bulimia.
Thr idles of Andrew Carnegie's' pre- Au)thingpl 441 u )w dour in that d)-
rt1)n shi'e'1)1d 11,'dun4 11 the intrn'*ts
tending he knows all Altanit '`*etch. of 4.111 1 hun41ulily, bud, after
We'll make all r%rll cwt ;our t11(4(114- trr•ent VSp•li1•ucTN N•i111 the DI*I►hu-
*ndth part of our estate to nue !kit's, this 4 (1')' is 11(41 din 1111541 (41
iw111.11. *u)' mute uppr4Mo' poplr
thousandth part of his that if hr 41,1.11, Rossi*, unlr the)' will )14u-g*iu
were to lw asked 1w couldn't tell Where t, k,v.ir their l),1111,"4 on *flee they got
1 liillon in. here.
Caned* •'Stands Pal."
M*tienlay last was the fiftieth *ani- Toronto 3((*r.
e►w11)' of the running of the first (`*nada Is nicely mitu etwl at theprrs-
Iwssl•uge•r train on the (wand Trunk lent t' • in the m*tt4'r of traule, for
11*Ilwxy. The engine that hauled the I the "mu"is doing x ;hrnwurn*1
Ill/11i 11'M, and two great rat• are
disturbed an to hew thry Call make
Iwtter*rr*ugt•lnrnts with her. (drat
Britain y' cousidet•iug the advisability
of giving our products a preference.
We an' warranted in saying thin since
Mt'. l'h*telberlain mash. his Hi '
Ian 11rc'h. '''h4' Unite' States e
/Y lllsi,IW111K the necessity of art -ringing
some kind of reciprocity with us.
11.dh these nations have c • t. Mw
thing+ in a urs• light within the past
ilalf deceit yoa0o. Each fears the
other M. far as ('*nada and her swiftly
11ipl))-)ug 1'144)1' lute concerned
Oars' Britain (1,111) not want tl Mre
('anal* enter into a eumpleh(usive
scheme of ,reel recit' with the ne•igh-
ImoIing Republic. *The Washington
4 1ove•1nlwut does not wean' to MY•
fall I* enter MIA)* 4'1,.4'1 11:01,• •
with Great Hrititiu. And 444 business;
is 1*Isinews, faux** 4'1411 just go ahead.
pretty mese in the knowledge. that
4anrh(W she will get w•iele•t• and better
'markets out of this growing appre-i-
atiun of her importance in the world.
The Landowners of Groat Ordain.
train has Igiug 'Nen wit of ((4uum)'4s'
but 111rn• is a surpiciuu that 144/111e (11
the c,'*i'I14'N are 14)11 in use.
The appeal in the Sault Ste, Marie
elec-tion ewe. has Iwe•n dismissed and
the seat, which was carried at the
genrlal elect isms by A11drew Mi4vuup-
Iwll, l',ns•rv*tiye; is vacant. There
are two other vacant orate in the
Legislature North Krnftrw and Mer
kuka. both formerly held by Lib•twls,
The Eau..ltiln Department is (o -
1111 4)44' 14 plan for the intealucti,u of
•'1a71rt1'al" IIINLr111•t1(4)) in agriculture
in the rural schools. Isn't this ..rt
thing Ias•unlimg a Tittle ridiculous?
A county Is1y rail get 4411 the in-
struction in Nettling he walls fight al
13.'1114', 111141 se1141111g 1 • to school for 1t
seems H g,MMI diad like "p1111113g Uhl•
lhu• advice to any newt' that is con-
sidering the acceptance of it librat•y
grant Rona sIr. Carnegie is, ''11*.n't."
It (cads 1.1 heart 041111011414 and other
uueoslferlable feelings, including ,1
1, t senstt)on ler the loner when
the Pittsburg )ronullsinger says things
about Canada. (icdrtich has taken
utw of his gift libraries, and -we iinow
all about it.
Now Jewish l'han11w•rl*hl i,4 Maid tee
Iw sa minting at Imperial perilal protection.
As 1'ha►ad5•rlli1 lines de•M•1•td almost
every 111 her principle he ever 111141: we
should nal Iw 111110h sul'p,•i„d if he
turned his buck .'n free trade. But,
clever null as h4 is, he will have a big
teak to bring the Brili,lh temple 11) the
p.iuttef giving up the I)w'al NyMtrnr
which they have. fumed me i en4'flr)al.
Th11M• Toronto iw.rplr now terribly
fussy. Just, 11414 tlwv Alt• 1111 in a per -
spits( ism over their "(NI 11,41114' Gath-
ering." that ilyn't to ((4ni(s off until
Jul'. The llunrn Ohl R.iys 1111' ruur
iug up tee sec nM the same month. and
Goelericl► is not in a lit of al tlnste•r.
though 4r 1110,- the exlst'aon 10
14*1ioit and n meeting 4.1' the sides.)
. 4' 1 41 in the
hoard 1. attend t
Toronto .)11,0111 (/111,.14 11111' 1•x,ltllpd0 of
quiet dignily-
at 1'(4151444111 iv,, to tilt 4'74I'*IIi7 1111 the
Stamens. Court bench camas' by the
death of Hun. David Mills 11101 been
very fivietubly 1114•e•i4141 by the•
sl•rvntiv. press. The Mail and Empire
mays: "Of the 4.)1 Myra Gieve•rnment's
1144.111 M14111011 IllY1104 11/ 1h.• Iwneh 'wee
are !a 1 and g11(11 t,1 gay that tht'y
have earn uuule with a careful regard
t1, the puhlie interest and to the high
reputation of ter judiciary."
lost' Mtlner. High Commissioner of
South -1f,'ie14. addressing a meeting al
lolut llml•shurg l)ie 441 her day. ace vancel
the (onlenl)en that "natives 4.1141
1104111 themM•1444 111 a civilized level
with the whit4'N were entitled t, equal
privileges." It i44 14 ( o wntary upas
"lir boasted ('hrist.ism of y it i z*titrl 'niter
the British Hag that them 5h0nld be
0e0/041111 for such a statement, 4r that,
1141411g beet) Made, It NI 141 be ea1,l(•d
round the world as startling in its
The Hamilton Spectator produces
an invenitns argument in 7411 attempt
to prove that it is. the most popular
newspaper in ('analis. 1t rlayl that
Tion 11)14) 1144)1115 five times the popula-
tion of Hamilton, but it hasn't a piper
Kith Rye (lines the circulation of The
Spee. The I.tter'" circulation be "lim-
ited only by geographical and time
oast ales." Applying the 74/41114. rule
le. The Signal, we 4'('11111 flatter (0*,-
s'lyes 41n A much higher degnc sf
popularity than our Hamilton (on-
temp.rett•y ebtiu144. Ev.rylw,dy in
Olaler•i,h takes The Signal -or hot --
news it. Now is tlw time to mithecrib•.
Only $1 in advance.
The 1'reshyterian svnwl eif Toronto
and Kingston 11(441 week unanimously
loused the following resolution : "Thin
1yn(11) eApremw•N its appreciation of the
eneounlgeln/•nt which haw attendee
Christian work g the ('hinl'se in
(' ht: that the synod expr'wN'M its.
convert lest national dish 1,r1,11 411/111111
. • 14. • 1hnninion through 14111-11
anti -Chinese Iegi41111t 11,11 11s violate, 1Ile
Oolden Rule and 411114.0111150.1. mien'
anti ;spiritual to merely .1)1111111e6111
.,ns'deraf-)ots: 11171t W101141 11•(•1lgniz-
ing the 11ifllculti.s arising from 1144(1
con d111o414 111 ,,'it11)11 «Mt1(1111, and
from applications of necessary restric-
tive Iegisl*tion, the synod w•.'ull 0n
Outsize the llllpwlrt*nle of giving doe
recognition to the law of 1'hristien
love, and of 11)1• rights. t4 All 1111.11 to
the b•n.flts ..f Christian.)yiliyatimn.'
Returning the Oempllment.
Toronto') Mail em1 Empire.
•'Th.• Net thing 1 know ab1t11,
aIle im that it is intently Me'ntrh," mays
Andrew ll.rtlegie, snit this is the beef
thing that anyone knows ilenut the
m*51rr of Mkilw,.
Hamilton Tiun•.,
In view of the pro*isi.'ns of the Irish
1.11141 Bill u good drill of interest at.-
1*rhos to the ownership of the 10111 es-
tate elf the Green Isle. It be pointed
out that at the Dublin 46/111ft'rrlce were
Iwo landlords, lord I3'.i'r nn re and
t'olonrl *44 lease, who own bops''
ti'e•Iy '21,11111 and 1.2,:31,11 Xeres, Them
are 4went y-lw'll Irish tanello11144 own-
ing 1111114• than fifty theme/tint nerves
awe of the•mm - the. Duke 1/f Ih•vonsehire
and the Marquis of 14%11.1ow'1lw being
mienllwrs of the present British Minis-
try- Thr Marquis, with his 121249
twines, w•o11)11 s•1.111 to I5•, 111IM'i"' 1,f
acreage possessed. the Inrgost Irish
landlord. kindlier Cabinet Minister
4411e Is w 1,1.l v regarded as 71 typical
Irish Iaudleoi is Gw Maugllis of IAut-
dnudl•1't'y, who shows quite 1/111/111 by
the side of his lordlier 1111111110%. fur by
a1N•na •7,1111 11411•4 1/111•, 114,4 1144 t hey are
in lister they {p1'51114' over $1:/1,1114! a
year. Sco111,1141 i5 11(11 any Iwtt•t' sit-
uated. Folly -nevelt landlords own
T1),1lu ;wren e4111 or over. Premier
llalPalr owns 4111,1111 acres. and has a
trot 0111 of npw-*lrfs of $I4I4,INI1, The
Duke of Mutlwrlanl lyes l,'Ii1,I44,iu•n•s,
and a rent roll of 10.10.0111. There are
man)' other large holders ; in fleet the
land of the t'nitrl KingtI.u' is invited
by a small percentage of its people.
Bobo Mar 24(11. 1519.
►ie'n Ro Gst 141s e1wh.es Rack.
I51aw•1 1' there.
Maar Monter Carnegie : 1'rr gw11e
richt.. We're o Rcotlh in thin
ealntry 111 10 re no wen' 1.' Kies beak
1h' seller Just became Ii per pdwvsra.
"She Noddit N t Me."
It i1s said that of 1111 the panegyrics
and 1riln,1.14 in prose ,11• verse veer
written of ljue•n Victoria the oar
that pleased her must was the follow-
ing quaint little )Nwnt id rout. StAnZAK.
entitled "She Nlaidit to Me," which
originally appeared ansenymounl• in
alt obscure VI•ottish newspaper :—
"I'm hue an mild teal)
1.1.111' rip In I11osl.le
In a 1 wet -rimmed 1111 110oeie
10.4' • toots' topside :
44 4 my 4111) and my gr ply
I'm a. happy's a bee.
DM 1'01 far prouder now
Since she nolldit to 1111.
nae sae far test wl't. -
I'm ill' trig an hie..
('an plant tree -three tawllo ,
An Mork after nay kale :
\ ' when nor Queen passes
• 1 run mot to owe
Uln by Im•k she might notice
'An' no(l not M me!
'Bit I've aye been unbwky'.
An' the MM,de ern• aye anon,
Till boot week the time
1 r her crest rare' 10110 :
1 w.o'rd my bit apron
As brisk •e 1 11),114 dee,
An' the Quem botched fu' kindly.
An- mddit to roe!
"My alerts In F..g y(
11son 'm oar rase 111 fret*
.An' yet when 1 think net
I'm ask like to greet :
She may feel for my snrrow
:these wither. ye .04'
An' may be elle kent opt
When aIle nn4*ill 40 no!'
Opposition Wasting Time of the
House in Fruitless Discussions.
Mr. Prsfontain.'s Position in the Cabinet air
Wilfrid Laurier Makes • Statement In This
Connection Richard 91sin's Teapot Causes
• Laugh 0. T. Pacific OM Progressing
I*pela1 1'orlw*pnndemro of The Rlgl,nl.l
Ottnwn. May 111(13,- The ('onw•rsa-
tiv'1•s ss'nl dete,vlineal tit prolong the
seashell. They find the living s) egret. -
nide. here thin sullener that they ap-
p•artl I(N)k upon an early prorog*t'
with regret. This week they were
n'113MInMilsle for ever half the time 41
the Ifiews' twin'' tak.•n up in dealing
with their fishing expeditions, and
with the waiving of exp'*nations, the
average Tory M. I'. here stemless Kneel
chance of winning The. Signal's prize
for the Is'st fish stery.
TIIK THK\Iw1(4Ln ('IN1'KHMtv1N.
Mr. l'is1grain opener fleDe hp pictur-
ing the Tn•a(lgiel, (one•ssillnm ns n
uk11n x11 4
m(' IiFI, and N•RN About
(.essful 44,1 a Tory ex-Mini14t.r 444(51/11 a
plrviou11 4,•ea4ien, 'lis debate Iwlvalte
general *rid the (love •nt wise tit)
held on adivi44iun. The charges matte
were founded upin •'«•ntp)-b111k" evi-
dence. 1)aw«rn papers were quoted
to show that file (iovernmentluul
entered into the Arrangement blindly.
All the 'nines Were 'pp es 4'41 to it..
114m. Jim i44,514 4.011 1,iN P11'01011 plain-
ly on the premise to SINve it all re-
s•h)*1M1, All it was ('limed. The Oov-
0r 'tat, 111/, wits writing off valuable
mliner441 lands to the a piny, they
Sir N'ilfl'iel 'auris rebuked the
('onM•rvAlites for raining 11 t•Iniwstin
a teapot, There ween• no much whole-
sale run.1•1M)o115 AN had been allege'.
Neither wan 11111' alone (1f land celled to
the company. The miners h,ml 1ht.
unqunlif1,1) right by elder -in -council
to tap the company's minima for water,
which 1.1444 a genal necessary for the
111in0rm, and the (ie'ernnlent had *b -
«elute cannel of rat'* to 111' 1h*rg0)1
for the water. it was a great. Neon,
The wb110 oppsithen to it was mainly
because 11 was a monopoly, in**mlwh
laA there was ne'nther eonipen) In do
the work. Them Ness rte ne.lj to get.
worked up tinnl•(re«tl
MR, MINK *KKK* t1►"RM.\TIt1N.
The next, day Mr. 51. •.k, not eating
tail otltatone by has rival behind him,
raiwd a breeze over the intet•nal
eo111,lny I,1 the Liberal 'warty told
NthotMl up a 1111414.'N 11044. 111 1.1 It -
tee of 11,e whole he referred to the
campaign 111 M*iasu,euve, where !loll.
H. 1 efontaiue Nought and won re-
election as Minister of Marine and
Fisheries, and sakes! if the (lovern-
nu•It was going 411 ,-'distributee.. the
branches of the Public Works and
Marine and Fisheries Itepartlruts, as
slated by Mr. Prrfontainr, Sir Wil-
frid laurior; who generally ►'t•pdi(w to
Nr. Mwlk, Was not ,low 111 penetrat-
ing this *imply demand for informs -
t' , told M•urid Mr. Munk heavily for
going *11('01144 the people 1 telling
them he (Sir Wilfrid ',metier) had Iw-
traved Qurlww by giving the portfolio
of Public Works to ars Ontario Mall
Whelk it had heretA.(ole always 111.4.11
held by Quebec. He wits lila Excel-
lency's chief 4dvl*•r and wee lrwlpun-
aible for the choice anti *Retribution of
his colle.agura. It wits pies FFr
tion fur Mr. Monk to tell hila what he
should do. The l',IM•ryaLivem con-
tinued fanninyg1pr the race word iun. It
N'Aa iIIl)111Ns1b1e IIIIWalla)'N t1 dis'lnms
public *Rail's without dragging this in
Iaa a factor. He aj,15•x1411 to have it
stopped. He 4'('118114'' his remarks re-
garding Mr. Prefuutaiur t/ staying
that he believed he Rutile 111/ mistake
ilk his chitin. He said Mr. Sutherland
was the 'Wilt 111101 fur Public W(rk$,
and for the ,etw"ld tine• since entering
the l'abin4t the Premier highly rulo-
gized him, anti the chorus of "hear,
hear" Owl • 1 hila must have tuade It
is proud day tot. the 111/51(1)4 and utuut
seining Minister of l'ethlic Works..
Mr. Plrfuutaine starlit. tows. Ile
pointed to his lung • •ipal career
In Montreal. 111141 twill that for Tighten
ye•*ds he was never 1/114111114•11 las a cam-
41idat4• for 'skiermulll or 11uIy11r. H.•
drew Mr. 'carte Into the discussion by
de -elm -Mg 11at 144 I'at 1 le 11x41 010.11140d1 • A grim 101111. beamed ,1n the
oz -3l iuistrr'N fare at that. Jar, 'Pante
had his desk piled %villa file. of Abed-
r'al French papers. ;11111 said Mr.
!hefted ' • 411(14 a little mistaken.
Referring 111 the Ira14 question, Mr.
Tarte hinted that the Liberals, need
the name of kir Wilfrid later)4r as an
nag cut in the elections, 'The
!Ishii.. of the 1'r' • Minister is it very
peat rfll in • in the Province 111•
ljuebo'," maid Mr. Tarte, "15x1 1 would
teal he afraid t, meet hint on the plat-
form and diw•u114Iuhlic g111Mti0nt un
t heir merits." This seemed vrry
•h like a declaration of hies inten-
tion to take up the cudgels against the
Idb•rals Nebel tae time etm14•1.
Mr. Lemieux (Gasps'(, who i44 pro -
(meter 74 law' at 14I al t ni4.411lity,
Montreal. 11h/.weel how in the
days I,ilwntl, in Quebec Well' 15)i utile
and ' Irligitunl 4latru'iwl. 'I')14)11'1•,45411
454ed inns the rhnr'h 4ons.
'I'1NilIy they Wert. 11.11110.41,141 /11141 h
el. 1141111111,' a vigonlu. spvr•h and
was congratulated by 4 h'• Pre' •0 and
many others ellen the. Speaker left
the chair at 11 4; 04.1.
Not sttisdlel with "washing their
linen." as Jahr! Robinson* 1x110(1 It,
'Wier... 1h•, 1‘111•10. IMarpm'te) Mw1de1-
lv n•niir4'e1 that in 1441.3' there were
n•wsnewspaperreportstf urtica part Nein-
ship of mouse 1hnuiniuil civil servants
in the 1,1lw,-a) cause during thelinen-
w'•y-Mnelontl(1 campaign. Ile diol .
not Irc4Il. t any 1'OlisierVafit'en guilty
of such1•nnduet, but T. O. Davis, 4he
N'tr-lois,• from the West, refreshes!
his nen1ury. This debate was cote
t' 1 for hems.
.t Teurteer IN A TK.\Ir rr.
When the Mill set•r of Customs.
ame•n*mtact , the tariff t is in-
(,11111lraie .he 1•rtllatn surtax te*t11n'
rnun• lwfo rr t Huulw, /441/•)14141• (4n t
tin teapot razor a razr was opened- 1t
n•ferred to a traps mmule 111 O,•rnany
which Iv*N maid 111 lute,' ('(4ul0 into
Canada. ler the British preference
notwith)tanding the vigilance of the
detectives and Appraiser's. of the I)e-
'tartlnrnt, Mr. 13letin, of Peel, .arru'l
this teapot with him on hies Western
trip last fall. The laugh the affair
provoke' 11114410 M. Blain feel like the
price of the (rapid..
If the Hog-
uMv makes nu )wtter pr)
rem than it is 'tusking at present,, the
withdrawal of ninny- iln)x)rtant 1)11111
Ment! inevitable, the Militia Hill 'wing
1110. likely to be laid over. Although
Parliament has been sitting for over
two months pt•a4•tic*lly nothing hasi
leen me ;dished 'peyote'
yote' the passing
of the budget and a portion of the
supply bill. The Senate• which has
sat for about tell days thief far, 1s on n
three weeks holiday, while the ('our
nsuen' are working late every night.
They have not yet armnonel the
audacity t, hand some of the k'giw
ust hotlgoodla-
tion over to that augwly. A g11
way to 'rake then work and earn
their money another year would b e t/
initiate 110/111. of the private bu*ineis in
the Senate. This em' t. he the
,meet agreeable sort of Irgisl*tinn to
them Ind Weald leave the Com lllnnss
free to deal with public billet 111110.
11 hiss
dal talk next week. They are t p-
ing up for the second time the conduct
of the l'anadian Government regard-
ing their stewanlship of Iwlwrial
Ninth, for army supplies during the
Beer war.
avid M. ry is president of the
National A.ietiou of Manufacturers
of the United States and hill nwent
speech against organized labor excitedage wad deal of adverse critieisu, lie
told during the New Orleans conven-
tion et little glory that W1111 11411 n•pmt-
ed. "lit the church that I utt4•nded am
a bay," he maid, "there were flex betweenueut
betwen the Minister anti the
choir. The minister thought the choir
irreverent and unmusical. The choir
thought him a back Iwr. Each,
trie41 to give the other a dig 011 every
plssiblr occasion. One Mmlelay, 1
reme'mtw'r, thele was a clash wherein
the honors were x144111 even. Thr,
minister, after the choir had sting the
opening by , said with a siggnittc*nt
smile that his text would be from
Acts xx.: 'And atter the uproar wa
ceaMd.' But the choir, at the nor-
'* '* end, torted very neatly with
the anthem, 'It i* time' to awake from
sleep. ' — —
'The .Ino, F. Stowe's mammoth ',Twits
T 's Cabin ('umpan))•, which is to ex-
hibit herr next Tn1•mlay, May 26t.h, i*
Wader the tFwnmanagement anagement of
Mr. Jno, F. Stowe, which is a guaran-
tee of a first-class ent4'rt► 'nt.
IMn't forget the date, next Te
May :kkh. (Meg -mild night pWrflrul•
*ace. Admission 15 and 25 cents,
-.\Rltllie M.4TTKIts HRF(IHK THK
On Thursday Hon. Mr. Fielding
ed the appointment of a owlet t
em null ittel• of five Liberals and four
Conservatives to overhaul the Iris -
minion Kleetions Act and report this
Reardon. The committee will be emit -
poen! of M1r1M04. Fielding, (lharltln,
Rummell, ('nl. Thnmp«m and Ih•nlers.
(Mt. John's), and Meows. Ua4gt•ain,
Barker, Northrop and lngranl. Thim
will take the place of Mr. ('herlton's
Election Hill.
('cn•resp,nd('ne brought down in
connection with the Pacific cable
shows that Canada Ilan been hood/Med
by Austn,li3 through the latter's ten-
year agreement with the F.a*tern
Extension ('Able Company to hand
oyer all business in Australia t' that
company- This is a direct breach of
faith 111 the 1part i d AMat.ralia against
which ( an.1(1* vigorously protested,
Th. Finance Minister predictive to
increaser the mubNidy t) dry-docks 011
the bk.'s and 14.4'111* whish 0141114' 11),
to the requitement of the Public
Works IN•partment. Although the
whole of l'anmla is included in the
bill, the Government has the dry -.'sock
at l'ollingwissi and that at St. John,
N. B., iwarticularly in mind.
Mr. MacLean introduced his ('an -
sullen Sea Bill amid es general "ha'
len." If Mr- !fernier reaches the North
Pole first he will aim he ready to
(none it the Canadian 1'o)(l, "Hilly"
Mae1w'sn owns the World and Parlia-
mentfeels g1•11t4•f,ll to hits for allot-
ting to n11 tlu41s nes clay.
Ni rrE$.
The Howse adjourned at fl 1ic11w'k
Monthly out of resprt 01 the late
Juetle,e Mills.
The ftng en "t he tower" WAS at half -
hoist on Saturday Iast, because of the
111x,144'1 drnt11 of Senator Cochrane.
N hen the S4rl1(or heard of It he be
Iran U) improve in hessIth. Ne 13111111
Ilea I'onoiryntiye.
The (4. T. l'acifie 11100 In (rwnmittee
Mole * march nn theirs tents *nil
got the preamble Paden. the
latter were i
opposition sitirrl harder,s aait erenh,taaf he
rnmmlttee to the whole hill. It le
lupine e,mt4ea11111 lite Ivy line, hot u
"getting them,"
The Oplw>Nt ou j roads. store *taw
Send to us at on011
your name and
On receipt of same
we will forward t0
you, entirely free of
coat, our new hand-
eomely illustrated
This Folder illus-
trates the moat con-
cise list of extra
value Wedding Gift
offerings ever shown
in Canada.
Write Now
115. 120, 12"1 and 124
Yo.$. St.. Toronto
Everybody', 'mind turns to
house decorating this season
of the year and the great prob-
lem in how to hale it done,
that all will be in harmony
of color. The good old styles
of our grandmothers are again
popular—and it has led to
Che reproduction of the
beautiful old wall papers that
adorned the walls of the
famous Colonial residences
built early in the last century.
The greatest change in our
papers this season will be
noticed in the colorings. The
combinations are taken from
the works of modern mural
painting., like Turner, May-
nard, Walker and Alexander
so beautiful and pleasing.
Our papers ars away from
the hackneyed colors and
have a freshness and harmony
of delicate shadings, so soft
and pleasing to the eye.
Kidd &Co.
111111 oe
1 have the largest
stock of hand in de
Dairy Tinware in
Goderich, all made
heavy English
Also Eavestrough-
Iron Work, Metal
Ceilings, Roofings,
and Sidings, Fur -
naces and Plumb
Sharpened w Repaired
Have your lawn .era Attend-
ed to early. It is better to keep
them in good rtndit.il/n than try
t1 worry along with thele AM they
are- 11,11 worry enough.
Sand your mower to the Vietorit
Street Machine Worile. 'r dnlp
me n pswt*I caul ano will have 1t
railed for and delis -ere', (4nnd
work at moderate charges.
W. Acheson &Sori
Our stack la 114)W complete with aid the newest fabrics and designs in
linen and mercerised. PAt41SIAN�WAISTINON, PANAMA N'AINT-
RATIN STRiPIC 1)ELAINKH, et•„ in stroll, floral and conventional last -
terns, at 181', 116( and 51><•,
Exclusive High Class Mualin3
swiss Mlstnw. hands( • embroider* designs, in all new '4)3114104* and
tints, at '16e, 25e and :35'
Sommer Silks
1'rintr/1 Foulards, Tweeter and Shantung silks, In new (1)1,11', 1(111)
ilk and 7:5
minaret' slimier, at per yard
Japan Wash Silks
Heavy corded, fast codons, wash Atka, 10 and S► inches wide, in a great
variety of colors and attach, a very stylish and .tarvbeable 'silk, at 1*1'
yard, si5r'ial
Japanese Xattings
H1) 144110* of M) pulls each, JaJulnrsr matting. Hs inches 4.13)4' in fancy
checks and autistic patterns, in s umlea green, )due, rests and browns, spec-
ial vxllie•n at per yard 124e, 18, 215.and :Sia,.
Wool Carpets
Heave. all pun• wood, yard wide, ri•vl'tslble cal,wta. in fine rant'• pit
terns and colors, at (1140 )aril tllk', 744 , rill..
Of 1►AM-14K, of LACE, (4t CHENILLE. The l*rgr*t NUwk we rye, hi4.
The most select, tasteful and exrhsivr. Tow' beat values we ever hiu1.
W. Acheson & Son.
"In the Good 0!d
Summer Time Is when
you need a SWELL SUIT.
Be ahead
of the warm weather by
leaving your order now.
Every piece of goods is new
and we have a fine assurt-
ment to select from.
Spring is coming
Dunt out your Bicycle
1f you haven't one, cal
around and we will sell you
"ay.,l op"
"Berlin" etc.
1f you have a Wheel and it needs repairs we have everything nerd
ful in the way of Tires, Pedals, Rims, Spokes, Saddles, Enamels,
etc. Our RIPAIR DRPARTMRIIT is in charge of a Repair man who under
stands and can make right any i11 that a Wheel is heir to.
Our Musical instruments still lead.
"Dominion" Pianos'and Organs.
"Wormwiih" and "Berlin" Pianos.
Guitars, Violins, Harmonicas, Mandolins, Gramophones.
10,000 sheets Music -Vocal and instrumental.
Write for a Catalogue.
— TR! 1.1411)11((1 —
Fun4tx&L Divreetorg tart'►
r , .
eNwro areftll • 1 .4144 f. r
• ell
boars. alight 4'r Say.
'..bre. scree,.
Superba Cable
I'•itclit 0,l 1st May. 111111
4,)))iI':I41' II.
Tell your Merchant
YOU taw his
Advertisement in
ScraIl[ou Bard Coal
AI OW we4lbad as Oa Warl4.4 Nnt11e*
where point's' SAY lbs fora ave
Orders tats es Lill • ILD'8
flees prewMll stlselld M•
The 'onAr111gn.tl 1114) Int( Morn rr,Inrn) 4"
hrwlth M .impar n.r44n w(rr 1)frerint f^r
.01-44* 3,411 wllh Mw•c ere Inst sf*,4Inn, and
1.hni Arad 411•044.0. C*.awolptla., 1, anytime 1"
make known to ht. fell...1119.11011 the mains
of ern, To threw when MMn It Ar wall cheer
nilly mewl Owe ,d ehargeo w rnrw 1.f the pre
e�1y1inn 'opal, whleh they vel 1 and a stn ruts.
frit Lswthrum 111 A.t14 . self, 11"1"1.41)1011
..ea ll
Ila 141111 tlmnwt 513,1 t.w( R,, MMS'
nAa•trrm .111 Lr.�ym haw nslwwhy�. 115 444 4, $ ookirm whnitr
".'*t 14M1e ri ;+(•g Ww'ARM to vel►L-
i�ii. °• ., ter' rti