HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-14, Page 8GRAND TRuNL
$ Teltla %r, id ay 11 19( 3
What a Store
for Improvements
The soul of the business is seen in this season's
increase of stock and conveniences to customers.
This spring finds the old store of the people
A Greater Store
Showing a larger spring stock than ever before.
Clothing Department enlarged.
Millinery Department enlarged.
(lents' Furnishing Department enlarged.
Dress Goods Department enlarged.
Ladies' Ready to wear Department enlarged.
Small Wares Department enlarged.
Ladies' Underwear Department enlarged.
Dress Making Department increased Facilities.
All ready for the spring and summer business
now : got two stores full of bright new merchandise.
Values the best we have ever shown.
Besides if you accumulate your purchases with
us we give you a handsome premium free.
Smith Bros. & Co.
elle, 1.1 run,•-I•sul. n• a of The rlgnsl.i
Moxn.ty, May Ilth.
Timing the peat. two months Lis-
burn het sixteen of its. residents. who
1 dt for the A,winiboia and Allw eta
The railway gnesetinn will again Is•
vets' ort(n the :illth of this th.
Tlw bylaw published in lest week's
Signal is Irving closely noel and talked
m•rr among our fanners in thissec-
s TI-H1L4Y. MAY ttth.
--A Gitlin M.tt.r - .tamps Fatter. of
t -bis place., las add to John T. !tick -
tam. of `te•xfot't.he flfiFf o s eta
th• hands • sum of $a,2$1. Ass
of thew• seer, are just rising two
y(a)w old this is a i)siilend as vet.y gime'
pricy. This he the messed Int of sects
that Mr. I)irkwen has 'sought frim
Mr. Foley : Is' evkle•ntly knows where
er get grad cattle.
MoNI1.\Y, May 11th.
The following report shows tM•
standing of the pupils in R. M: No. 1.
Gsah•rieh• few the tit of April :
, 5th OSSA - E1111a (titian'''. Harry Hillier.
Inane MAlkeld• Eddie His.. 4th class
--Lillie. (initiate". Ionise 1)rywla1e.
- Sam. Andrews. 1.izzie Salkeld 111141
Mary Malk1•lel, equal. Maggie Items.
Ienni4' John ices, \\'illir 1'hishohu.
Sr. 312 class Russel Oke. Annie Iltys-
dale, Robert I llId •n. David Aitkin.
Jr. 314(1 class - Carrie. (Irala11a, Harald
Ne•wrunhi• and Alex. ('hisho.m, equal,
In,v F.nlen, M4'rtle• Johnston. Reggie
.Johnston. M 141111 bid 4.1444444 Nommen
Msentgeamrry, May Westlake. Elision-
lislowAitki11. :hid r'Aaw, jr. -James KeM-ran
And Wilfrid hicks, (Nita'. Garold
scan. Marian Drysdale . ''art 2n1, sr. -
Wi'lie F,rrilen, Mary Berke. fart
2nd. jr. Leat Salke'I4, Violet Iw•wth-
waite. Part 1st-- Myrtle l'hsholnl,
he 'ticket May Chisholm. Llzzti
IM. Tntuatfi,N. teacher.
Mua'%Y. Mat• 11th.
Miss Lily Cumming. who has been
itt home few the p11t• 4 we me mtler. haw
gene .n A visit to friends At Ptrkd»ie.
-Abor Day at our !whim,' WAN dilly`
obeert•ed a1)41 the bell. which has leen
ant of onion, has heist' repaired by our
Sevt•1•*I of our Ilatr)tis were not
forgetful of the. baby show at R. R.
Sallows in (iewle•rich, .n the 4th inst..
and took their habit% in for their
Soniw of our r•sitlenta were in St.
linerip s church, Gsderich, to wee .the
tonfr11nat' serviet' h•hI them. o/
\wisp slety night of halt week, three
of them (wing eimflrut(MI.
Lea•nlsiele5, the ltsidence o1 It.
Inw's,n, has leen Lately painted ley
lite Ps. 'loll 1, of (ierl,et•ith, and A new
e•ntrn ets. garter at the rind At the snit It
end of the farm is leing lint up this
Miss haat )'newer, fnr•nwrly teacher
here. 111141 new attending the Normal
ntmmtttmmtttmttt tttmmttt tttnttt %
No. 9 Coiled Wire, $2.63
E Barb Wire, $2.75
We hate a hill stock at present, but it is going not fast at
theme priest. --
t) trwin• hi extra good this year. it Is herd and well galven-
ilial. •
14' ...in give You a eillophett' fente for less than :#'x' per 1(141.
.1 a t)-w'ire Ideal fence• for Etc per rem).
test ifies
to the
• II►F::11.
.1 hers.
Why :•
11 is l.s•kiil
so that
• nnnr4t slide
on 1.tfe,al.
II is made
4.11 N... u
Mod steel
We sell i1 at about the s: • figure band 441411 fences are
sold at, w•hit•h are woven with soft wires that are• light ,nld .soon
Oily nut. .
If yen want 11 we1ving Machine we se11 the Zest n'Ike At
$t,:i0, .r 211.7:. for complete outfit..t' if a e•he,lts•r ,noel ' • is de-
sired't'e sell thele at $5.1411.
HOLLYWOOD PAINT gives sedisfaeti,n, gees farthest and
Linseed ot1, (4'. i, gal.
I'mr• while lead. $5.511 ter cwt.
12-11. gats, 1.(mple•tl•, $,i.IJ( each.
Nails, 3c a tm,utld..
one -
And everything 'Plow in hardware ,,t. prints 10 pleas.. We
sr- are in a letter position to N•II hardware titan 'Ohne. Hardware
Me-- s our blindness. WAS endrxvur to gad the hist semi Nell the heat
at the hist prices gluing. -
The Goderich hardware Store.
is Toie'el, wrote A letter of condol-
ence to the Tobin family over the
recent break hi their circle by the
death oaf the Late John Tobin, who was
(11114 of her wheelers.
Our papular friend, John Ryan, the
well-k11own tlue.her, net iieverul of
our residents in nesilerieh bust work
and showed then, a new stacker be
gad up b • train that clay. which he
will work with the new• nuat•hint• he
Is aught last October.
Tricsn Y,_ May 12th.
Miss I. Galleon is filling the postilion
of clerk in her brother's story.
(1. and Niue T. leve visited Mrs.
Ma eliuhe, of Kepley, on Friday.
H. Reed and i). McNe'vIn, of Dun-
gannon, visited this place on Friday.
M. K. Beckett ta)ek Rev. Mr.
\Vhaley's . pulpit here tin Sabath
attenuant Hr prlweheel a very iri-
s rue•tirr ter .
lanes has developed into quite a
Hahne' village. But we would renew
ulemd the correspondent of Mifeking
to The Signal as An excellent writer of
flsh stories.
Friday, May 15th, will Ie the fiftieth
Anniversary (d Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Scott's welding. A large. number of
guests, resides all their ew•11 family.
will spend the' clay at their hour, A
her of the family have already
arrived. among wh s a nephew of
Mrs. Scott's from England.
Tt iwuAY.. May 12th.
Brett. Finlay returned from Laurier
The wore throat epidemic bi still
inthin sec•t
prevalent '
One of our young bloods WAS nearly
getting into some trouble with a lively
home Sunday night.
J41111es' Kicklry is rreuvrring slowly
from his relent illness. We hole to
see him quite well again,shortIv.
('uuncillor Kickley was on the 12th
line Tuesday in connection with his
wetion, letting jos for gravelling.
Little Blanche Jammies)u returned to
Laurier Saturday after it three weeks
visit with her aunt. Mrs. Aliment
Some of our stalwart young wen
were at the raising at Mr. Red's eon
Monday and kept up the honor of the
“ninth" by being of the winning
MoNn.tY, Mir I1.
(i. llru11unett, of (4srerich, Sunday -
ed at home.
Mrs. T. Johnston is visiting her
pueutt in Sculley. •
The fanners are busily engaged
preparing their torn land.
H. Ireek' is aide to attend to business
after an illness of a numler of weeks.
The luilditig COI 'iter of the new
chur•h have let the contnet for the
Seals and itl sit• the stout hong MISS.
James McKnight is 11110k lug for A
driver. If Is' sllnywls in purchasing
enc there will is' joy aluingst the fair
1V111. McVittie has solid his fine farm
to Mr. Janne, of Essex. The AUDI paid
was $5,(111. We welcome Mr. Junes
and family to Nile.
As there WAS no service here 5111611A)'
evening 11 idle n sunder of our church-
going iwnp1' attendrsl N•t•vi(e At
Ebenezer and farina.
Service was held in the Orange hall
•ltuadl+4y anun)iIAg. There will Is'
prta(•hing service in the- hall every
Sunday morning at Ilk:*Iiurtilour new
church in erected.
since last writing there has leen a
death in emir st : Albert Smith dist)
suddenly of heart failure. It is nearly
six years sitice he 4.a111• ns reside herr
x1)11 (baring that t' • hr heel made
(Bernd! with all. He will lw missed in
the e•hun'h, as he wits a fervent worker
in tlw faith. Wr extend our sympathy
to the hi -relived wife and family.
1Fees mint ser currrspuu.Ient-1
Testsn.ty, May 12th.
The cooler 5trne laving of the new
Met.hidist a httlr•h will be held (en June
IINh. Full Articulus ha next ,reek's
TI•KsI..%Y. May 12th.
.1 valuable 11mr•. the pngwrty of
\1-111. \Nuseme, was f 1 dead in
her stable One day last week. The
loss is a heavy ole•. fear the prrpritt.n
had Is'vn u8envl 1'211) for 1114' animal a
few days before. The rnnw' of death
wits ale'rltaitied by tile' ve•te.rinar)' er
beis-e been infl tion of the lungs.
BISNMiI.I.ISH IfHllwi M.. -The incon-
venience calms! by the washing away
of the cents• spates of tlw bridge has
been gnat and has plru'lically scope's'
,all inter -outer with the. ne•ighlm,nng
111w•IINhI) of (14141a'rie•h (111111)5 the
period that the water wail high and
clod. The contr n•ns' for the new arn-
erete abutments is e•xpt•ed here next.
week to r •ore op.rations and in
the meantime several teams have 'sem
engaged by the nalnty engineer t,
drew gravel and fill up the harks in
the liver Fret) s1 rim in make a pourable
mad for vehit•les during the • simmer
months until the new iron structure ist
eo1np14'14M1 this fail.
BRNM11.I.ISR NVR,e6RY. -The u*ual
spring de ivory of trees from thin now
wa'II-known nnrw•r•y took plate (luring
the pet two weeks and the proprie-
nus report it large increase .4 maks in
all lines of dock, hut principally In
e•v4'rglelns., What ham rattan) ranch a
heavy run a .)n that particular .tw'k
PA 11 only be ,ame'nted for front
the fact that farmers generally are
inglrovIng their ferns and are now in
more pew en,ll! 1'Ir'11111MIN 111•e•5 51)11
desire's of following the t in the
snarl for lltlterecellletltr• WI. noticed
several Merits 'wooing through the
village that were gong (111te A di's-
twnce 'linty. and especially n tw,,-
horse load that went ►1) as fit' as Rin).
Fry, in Bruce. enmity. "'radically Thin
nursery .•.introit the hulk .f the e*t-
nit of nutrwry meek in these three
tewneehipe, which re. prove that
honest dealing wilt carry the day•
whirh was the nmtto of the late .Iohn
Nte.wart, the fealndet-.4 the. business,
and which has leen strictly a lhrtrtl
to t1) tel the moven, time.
THIS FRUIT O1'TLIN)w. 11.rit.ng
fern this early elate It 114 not pessihh•
ea nay with «,'rtainty what will Ise the
propeeta for „ fruit CPO') for 1 he coin,
Ing fall, ,for alths
n i h appearance
may look promising just now there
are many drawbacks that might set
Mindy interfere with the estimation ..1
the wish.., of our (nrhanlista. Hon
ever, we may say that the pate siring
hate been very favural4M an far and the
fart that the fruit tads have iwen kept
hack until this late dAt.• f5 pee-emit-
1•ntly in favor of A f&Total'l• t' • fnr
the ,ettterg of the teksa nnls. From
twlro'tal inspection ere find that the.
apple hhswmls ane not as thick of tole
trees as the)' wen• last year, and not-
ably 'inch I. the viae with the late
winner varlet lea. which perhaps may Is
Ace feet for by the fart tlint they Intro
heeyiI in 11111E Anal this present seas,,,,
1114." Ile• rimmed 115 An off year. The
n11N.1 prom(9(1)5 varieties that have
rnnw endo ono' metier Air the spb•-
IIIIulUlU1UMSM 4 M 1111111111U11111 t RM1. wilhaveryrlightahuwldn$uw
the baklwlna. The early varieties
show up well but little altentbo s I
paid to them, for they are nut clamed
41s profitable to grow any lural'. The
liver rues' are now in full Nyman and
hpretty eatich all the varieties grown
ere protease well for an abundant
crop with I lw exception of the lwttlette,
which are decidedly scanty. Pluua,
cherries' and prachea never hm,ktst
neer and the trete are now N muua of
1400111. Throw ur four days 1Me of
'Ile Pre/tent favorable weather and the
crop may be looked upon 4114 attained.
Along tlw Maltlatul to,etaalem, when+
every flan 114 a cherry raiser and where
the roadsides' err planted with cherry
trees. the sight is a grand one+, and all
vert have to do when the fruit is ripe
is to draw up your buggyon e aide
of the toad, getyour fill at
l e4 cherries,
ask no ytteatiwn and go on your way
rejoicing. --------------- .
TI'ItsnAY, May 12th.
SKssIoN civ Corselt.-The tunnict-
pa1 Gathers of West \Vawamsh will
meet in the townadd) hall on Wed-
ieslay, the 28th. All c rued may.
govern themselves actordingly.
Marko psaible, VG- -Willie genith,
428 ; Henault )'are, 412 ;. Prouwm Mv-
Nair, 837 ; Roswell Rutherford. 819
Reay Ooidlwrg, 278 ; Birdie Durnin,
280 ; earl Little, 241: lito
Karl thrs,
241 ; ("orlon llltntheers, 1118 ; Lily Mc-
e -Arthur, 181 ; Deana Bice, 1tC2: Warner
Begley, lti2 ; Jas. Begley, 177: &titer
pickle, 172 ; \Varren Little, 171: Etta
St -others, 1211. Thule intertatad should
know thew are only results for arith-
metic, 281) ; spelling. *00 ; (Irawing, 70,
and granulator, 1IS. , tkrlw pupils this
week have low o account of
work's a su int
weakness in arithmetic.
BARN R.tUMINII.- t)u M lay even-
ing. the 11th, quite ■ ler of the
stalwart nen of Ashfield and Wawa -
nosh gathered at the premises of
James Reid. concrete' :4 Ashfield, no
assist in raising the frame .f a new
Tarn. Two of our prounine•nt citizens
were (homen AA captains, viz, T. K.
1)urnin, county louncillser, And Ih)n-
add McN.vins, our papular livery
keeper. The ,len ler each captain
worker' like Trojans. l'aptain 1)ttruin
and his ern being through a abort
• ahead were declared e d vietorieus.
The rale was putty clime hrtween
them from start t, finish. There was
gleed representation of Dungannon
.'itize•ns prMent, pnnuinrnt g
whom were Rev. C. Rutherford and
sun and B. J. Crawford.
PKtualN.,L--Mr. Anderson. travel-
ler for Bro•k & Co.. o' Toronto, wax
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. ('raw-
fonlcardiRev. Jos. Philp, D. 1)., of
Kinne, and T McNair, of Ihmn-
ggaAnn4n circuit, exchanged pulpits last
Mabliath_. These. Ariderso. who
ilaa hewn for sone days s•rioawly ill
with poet nisi. is nicely} recovering.
The nonny friends of the venerable
gentleman sincerely hope that he may
continue,-tnf it`upnn'r in health and
gain his former strength On
Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. W111. Mc-
Nally and children visited Mr. Mc-
Nallv,'s brother at Blyth. Mr.
and rs. Malleeugh, of IIinlollgh, vis-
ited his ppwa►rent.+ last Sunday Mir
( Tara '.S hysirl returned Mane last
work after -having a pleasant three
weeks in l.ru•know Yt's. 7`. H.
Welke,. ,f Ingersoll, *1)4 wm, Stan-
ley. an. visiting relatives and renew-
ing funue•r acquaintances here
Mr. And Mow. Stephen Shit hers, of
I1.1Aerie's. visit(' M1s. Soothers'
mother, Mn.. R. Darielam, sr.. *1141
tither relatives on R lay. tine IHth
:Iles. W. H. MiHritle, Id Owen
Sound, on her visiting tour t. n•Is-
otzvje: f..- ti,A-,, .:...4ut,,,tr..47a• ,";,..;.- , ArLslrattextlflt,
IMP.. ,fa•4 - 1'• o...ti-_'elf+•.+-'at, .v l Z'
Copy of change fat running advertise
menta must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
1,000 rolls new Wall
Paper, clearing at 4c per
roll, very pretty.
2,000 rolls new Wall
Paper, cream, blue, pink
gnd olive tints, 5c per
If you wish higher
grade papers we have
them from 10c to 50c per
rives in. thisvtelnity, %lilted her sties.,
Mna'W. McNally, (luring last week.
invtaloo (lover. 1 ►ivislun l'11ult
war Iwki helm on M Inv. the Ilth
lust. Hhe 1 sr Judge 11.11 presided
and the 1 fraternity want repre-
sented at coup by K. ('atm"
anti A. Me .odd, of li,sh•rke•h : H
Mea•riann, • ••k now, and 1). 14ohnes,
of Winabal it was the first session
til wldch 1fil H ' preside clau)11 by )mit
impartial decsioms and kindly lent clew
wanner he ahowetd himself possessed
tsf the abilityto fill the honorable p
Uosa. Ilia o Honor's air friends
hour he may he spared litany y air+ to
oteupv the pukka'. We were pleas-
ed to have a pleasant interview with
the genial county clerk 4)1 Huron,
w'1141 au•c(uapaniwl the Judge W 1111•
Mosie.tr, May 11.
Henry Morris, of Mort•is,lale farm,
1111. Fatten raking Milne seine of stock
recently, including two von ig Dur.
hair Mull calves our. to Mr. J4u•olme, of
Blyth, the other to Alex. Chisholm,
(ltxtrrieh township ales, a nice young
Jersey COW (y Tbew. (iuntlry, of (iesle-
rich, and p tlt•nl of Jerseys (four ft•-
naltu and one orale) t, ll(ol'ge 1.aith-
waite, Gaderich tint. 'ship. Ile• realized
you d ptrhys on these sales. Mr. Monis
ales) Ines purchased d ala goal prier two
tegiater d Jersey cows ami a thirteen -
1 hs-teld
ht teen-
1hs-,,ld Mtll hoe Mr. HyiIdllan,
of Gretna'. North lerland eieuutr.
Ml1An.tY, May Ilth.
1). 'l'.sld, jr., intends building an ad.
diC to his house this seamen.
Rev. C. Rutherford, .4 Dungannon,
visited in our village last Wednesday.
Inspector T paid his sterni -annual
viten to the *chime' in this vicinity last
Rev. Mr. Dunn and Mrs. Daum, .4
Whitechurch, visited in 0411 village on
Friday bust.
\Vt• are sorry to hear 1.1 the se•riou„
illness of Mins Sarah Smith, hitt hole
aeon nr hear of her le•oyer',.
On the eve ' gg of the Itetlt lust. the.
Krv. Mr. Mitchell, bate of Horan, will
address A meeting order the auspices
.f the Wyy F. M. f4.
D, Macl)enald and R. M,•liuirr i'on
tinue nut -king their (laity trips t.
Lucknow with their traction rugine
and in* train of four truckloads of
maple hogs.
S. E. Beckett, B. A., A fist -tun.
student of the Ga4.'t•ich l'Idlegiate In-
stitute, but late of Queen's l'niv,•Iwdty,
took tlw work of our pester, Rev. M.
M. Whaley, for the last twee Safilatits.
A. than is now living on giant. y *t.,
having te1114•e/1 to Mrs. Mudeth's
Meuse. His former lease ton Krays
street is now ocupieel by Mr. Y•ning,
who has mored from Stanley steer.
E. N. Lewis' fernier .Mire on Haulil-
1.4161 street has been fitter) up as s sem•
and is now Ixt•tlpjWl ley T. Hsu. The
store Mr. lull has just left will 1s•
putlhtl ddw•n t, make mato for the
new- brick building Mrs. I. H. Wall -
win, of Sewforth, is going to erect
5/fOE,v4Q HtJJJY
Decide to buy whatever Ml, .• y'ou like best, BIT NEVER FORGET ON t:
particular THING :--that if you are ►►rticu ar and want to choose front a very wide as
No tment of different styles, there in one shoe that ORIGINATES all these
styles' and offers thrum to you before they are copied by °there.
Rich. Jewell, of l'oltlorne, has pur-
chawMt Mrs. Rich. Rowden'14 47 -acre
fano. lot 3, ttxace'aaho 4, E. D. Col-
horne•, paying $2,880.
Made up loan goads in stock- -
we jl-mode. grad -fitting gar-
menta- a lot better than the or-
dinary at priers that will make
it to your interest to BUY"
.1 specialty. Newest ilupxta-
tihae in fine cloths'. If you
want ,s,nwthing real good, the
phew to get 11 in
MAY 24th, 1903.
ale First Gish Fin
Rstwssa alt swiss r ('an.A., who In 144.4
Mtetss, N. Y. Detroit. 14.
oras., •h.. etc.
OW king Illy Ikd, MS.
Yam returning from d,-(inatlan on or before
MA, esu. ora
eaue ora) tickets .t bieltle• on ole 11..1,1
June lath. to point.. In Mo„laa , 1'ek.r.do
t'W. 441 Oa. Waddington. IMtl Coltman.
and t' hseat.
F'or tickets and alt Information apply to.
Town Ticket Agent, (inderil•h.
J. D. Mcl)ONALD,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
MANY lines of handsome white shirtwaists came in last week. Buy
your summer waists now and you will have a much better as-
sortment to select from than if you left it till the real hot weather is
here. These that arrived last week are specially stylish garments, and
of many of the best of them there are not more than one or two the
Carpet stocks are better now than they will
be later on. They are at their best today. Later
on the assortment will he broken. Even if you do
not want a carpet right away it would be best to
select it now. We will Intake it up, lay it aside
and put it down when you want it.
Tapestry Carpets, 28c to 90c
Ahn.eet an¢ price you want to ley in tapestry carpets le-
t wawn'lAe and i1A', at every price, new patterns, WAN! coloring' and
velum that are right.
Tapestry Carpets, 28c to 90c
New Japan Matting* in last week.
Union Carpets, 25c to 50c
Theme A/'.' the Is•st nn inn carpets we have been aIle re. find.
The yarns are clean. They are well 'mule. and the rolots well not
rim if the carpet gets wet. New patterns, and gl ltiitine that will
Union Carpets, 25c to 50c
Genuine Sanitary Tile
Papers, suitable for bath-
rooms, kitchens, o
Usually sold at 50c pole
roll, our price, 35c per
roll. This paper can be
re -varnished, washed like
n tile floor and will _last a
Geo. Porter.
'Phone 10013.
Wool Carpets, 75c, 85c and $1.00
We will stand behind every pint of wool carls•t we s•11.
The best and biggest mill in caned* mule every po•ce in our
staw•k. The yarns are thoroughly scoured, ahmsdute'ly clean end
few frim grease. Not nn on.re• of shoddy .r rotten in thorn,.
1(111411.11 115 ,,11111 FIN Iitils (Halt 2'111Mt and henWPM'.
Carpets, 75c, 85c and 11.00
English and Canadian Oilcloths,
all widths
Have you seen our big dis-
play of new white underwear?
If not, come and see it. The
garments are so pretty and
dainty that they are well
worth seeing. You won't be
asked to buy unless you wish.
This week we are selling
Mkirtw trade Fran good English
cotton, draw Ntring, shard yoke.
seAtnns *11 well News. wi a 11111 of
white muslin, with five newts (4
tucking edged with 4-inrh cambric
endmudery, extra, good value, at
each ... $1.1111
i..ulte•si skirta made from strong Eng-
lish cot Gin. draw string, 'Maned
yoke, s.'*niu well 'sewn, 12 inch frill
with fie rows of tucking and five -
inch handsome cambric e,nlm,ide.ry,
very 'special at 111.18
Indies" gowns made of good English
cotton, V shaper nark, tr' ed
with own inch camtwic embroidery,
yoke of dnntets of bucking and hetn-
Ntie•hing, pearl buttes, (-I N trim-
med with 3 -inch frill, each 75c
(iownee shale of good English oaten,
swam cut neck, embroidery and
inso'tion aeries front and over
sholkleret, sleeves trimmed with em-
broidery, pearl letttooaa eacb...$1.e0
Brussels Carpets,11.00, 11.15, 11.25
Ni. Metter «/•pet to west than a good Urinal'. 1f yon want
e511e1 1.1 a ream that gets a lot of line, nothing better to buy.
'flu•,,' is n. doubt ahead that. New designs, in this stark, and at
twice. reel
„t h Brussels Carpets, 11.00, 11.13, 11.25
These are
val nes.