HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-14, Page 5THE SIGNAL: CODERICII ONTARIO TI 1rhNDAY, May 14, 1903. 15 A COOIi MAN IS CONE. Death of Hon. David Mills, Justice of the Supreme Court. or Many Years • Dl.tlnaulehed ParIlaminl•n ,an Was • Member or the blackens's and Laurier Ocwernmente and • Prominent Pig. tore Among the Liberal. on Oppesitnoe Caned Away Very suddenly Ottawa, Ont., May 0.-1lon. David Mills, Justice of the Supreme Court, died at 10.80 O'clock last evening from the bursting of a bl.41d vessel Meath was very sudden. Ile sal on the bench In the Supreme Court yea- terday morning. loath resulted be- fore medical aid could be summoned. Justice Mills moved to Ottawa • few months ago. The family sur- vivors are the widow, sons, Walter Mills, barrister, •l Indigo -town, and hasld, and one daughter. Sketch of Ills Life. The late Judge was • descendant of ao old Pug -Item family. which went from Plymouth to Holland In Char- les the Frrst's time, thence to New England with the Puntann, and to No%• Scotia at the time of the Am- erican revolution. 11e was a sun of Nathaniel Mills, who cause from No- v• Scotia to Ontario In 11417. Dw ceased was bora In the Township of Oxford, Kent (county, in March, 114:11, .and graduated at Michigan tUniversity. H• was called to the Onterl• Bar in 1883, made Q C. In 1800, and raised to the Supreme t'ourt Bench on 1.6. 7, 1902. He held briefs leer the Province of On- tario in many notable constttutloaul rases, beginning in 11472 with the detenc• of the northwestern bound- ary of the Pros ace In 1884 he was one of the counsel employed ,Ie the case before the 1'n,y Council, and later represented the p'rov'ince in the cases rela)ink to Indian titles and Queen's counsel. As a Parliamentarian Mr. Mulls' career Wal equally distinguished. En- tering the House et Commons at confederation a member for Both- well. he sat continuously for that constituency until 1896. with the ex- ception of one ..Bonn after the gen- eral election of 18'42tearing the Mackenzie regime he held the port- folio of Mlnieter of the interior front 1876 to 1178 He was appointed Senator is 16')6. and In November, 1897, surceseded Sir *+liver Mowat as Minister of Justice w Sir V.ilfrid Laurter's Cabinet, which post M held until his •levator to the Sir premie (court Bench on Feb 7, 1902 Mr. Mills .represented Canada •t the coloeia1 conference ',n Lrnden in 1001, when repremtrat•tives were rep- ot together to consider the estate liehment of a new Court of Appeal for the Empire. The 'author of several brochures on poles .1 mantels, Mr Mills like - Wine wrote •stensivnly en public questions ler the nugeeinee and newspaper", and he wee for ti,e mare subsequent to 11434 editor -un - chief of The Lenten Advert leer 'teeny 1.eaul 1f.11 Dor' ,crit pi.,'.s alms emanated front hi. fan T1bRUTE TO DEAD JURIST. aeavle-. at of- 01t ..a Nr.ul.ur. ..1 11.•14. ■ sI. IP*, 1•1 M111 . Ottawa, May 12. -TI.' death ei Mr., Just ire .Mills -wail reran. d leo..• One* yeaterday In the hill o1. Chile( .fuel ire Taarhere'au innate en address, which in Ito bre enlb (1114- criminal Ing Kai*. and felieit mus language reminded the lie*ener• of the best ale•ech•n of Laurier. it■ in is tMrf interest of enurw• Iw f __-ri► Millie-' a A i los /.f b ,rec 1 • 1 a niore conacieotiou. and upright judge the country never hnd, he maid. Servers a$ the Re.ld..r.. Hervire Wilt eonilliel l ul the holm` at 8 o'clock Igoe .•sening, by Iter'. A. A. Cameron, after which the holly wax con,ey.d to the Union Station. Inc treimport at,on to Ridge•tuwn The Governinrut ear "Mont real." Wet placed at the ae'r1M•e of Mrs. Mille for t purpose At Toronto the Grand Trunk Itnilwny Imak charge of the body. and f Lon- don it wax tran.pert,d en the Mich- igan I'entral to Itidge•t.wn. From there the final journey to the t,m.- t,ry will be mode by road on W'ell- netdav morning Ite•v. Mr. Walker will conduct the burial 'wrviee at the gra'.• side. A floral wroath front the judge's of the `supreme Court 141ood a4 the heed of the coffin, and at the Mot repotted a floral anchor, sent by the Preto Gallery. Program, Was Net R•... tiled. TURKS KILLED FIVE REBELS. Bulgarian Revolutionist Rlagle.Mr One. of TMs. Washington, May 11.--'1'he Turkish Minister to the United States ham re- ceived the following: On the 616 of May, the Bulgarian revuluttumlals attempted to ruuuuil, at Moaast ir, enart:Meth' ou rages analogous to these p erp et'ul e(1 at Salunlca. Thanks to efficacious measures, taken by the IIulM•rlul au- thorities, Mows, et, they hucu beep unable to put their design,' into ex- ecution. Stoutsheff, one of the ring- leeders of the Bulgurtan revolutimo are •committee, perished, with Eve of his accokiphcet, 111 oke Village of resisting (Florina ) fewer. Net Freselag. Constantinople, May 11.-I1 Is de- nied here that the powers have lodg- ed claims for damages resulting from the Salonlca outrages. The Turkish liovernnuut has apol- oglred to the ltulgerian dip' tic agent here for the domiciliary (1111311 made by the police of 1'unetantlauple. last week, when about 60 Itulgarinns Were arrested, .0a w•fsen the palmars of the S.cretnry of the Vulgarian Diplomatic Agency were seized, et his residence The agent threatened to leave C'on•tant 'mode,, unless sat- 1en,d the■ action was given. The st at wu.ut that the forte hus reoulred Auetrta and Italy to with- drew their war•.hli.s from Salunk'a has been confirmed. Two Meedred 11ewa Cp. Vienna, May 11.-A mosque at Kin- prtul, In *bah '200 Moslems had as- sembled, wan, according' to a afe•- patch to Di. Zeitung from Sofia, Bulgaria, blown up with dynamite on May 2. The worshipers were buried in the ruins. The perpetrator of the mileage, a Ivan named I'uppuw, committed suicide by mhonting BRITISH MONROE DOCTRINE. THE COMMISSION RRSUMES. Mr. 0aeey Zap.rted le Take Mud -will Zed Thl. Week, Toronto, Vuy 12. -To- ay seen 'the beginning of the end In the matter of the Royal CuuuutNsion into the Gainey chargee. It is out unlikely that II. A. .lone* of !baton will be the first witness to go on the stand Ile has been called at the n•quest of the (bmnluNioners W explain for - tions of his letter to Mr. Gamey dur- ing last August. Mr. (Jamey arrived in the city (ruin (core Ilay yesterday morning, and h•i will take the stand perhupa to -mor- row again to give rebuttal evidence. A number of Manitoulin men aro al - no in town, and will give evidence re- futing the assertions that Mr. Garvey, at hie meetings, gave any Indication of supporting anyone hut the Conservative party. The argu- ment on each side will consume the beat part of a day. Following the tuition, Mr. Blake will speak first. and then base an opportunity to re- ply after Mr. Johnston concludes. At all eveitM Ihitt week will Kee the whole mntter finally in the hands- of the Couenieslonera for dlcimiou. Lord L.aedewao Declare* Serb l■ the '1 Perelaa (Ia11. Landon. May 7 --F'oreign Secretary Lansdowne has proclaimed • British Monroe doctrine In the Persian (:u11, and has practically notified the com- peting powers that any attempt on their part to establish a navel base or fortified post in those waters treses war with Greet Itnl sin "i say without he.lt•tien '' maid the Foreign Secretary, dealing with the subject In the house nI L.nrd* last evening. "that we should regard the eatahhshment of a naval ham, or a fortified port in the Persian (:all by any other power an a very grave mrnar• t• British intereatl, and we should certainly resist it With •II the means at our disposal Lord lansdowne'1 attitude in this matter general's m• -et. with approv- al, although the answers thereto of the other powers interested in the Gulf are awaited with m e *oxiety Remiss* larceny Nowekwaag. Pekin, May 9. -The Russians, it is announcedt have re -occupied New- rhwang ath a Targe foreand ales hove pill garrisons in the forte at the moth of the Liao hirer They nee furl her reported to be n.akuflg 4*' 10,,, wnrluke preparations & ..tae. I.et last •gales, Pekin. May 11 --The official at New ('hwang who m.n1 Saturday se news report* of Itluain'm alleged action at New ('herang and elsewhere in Man- churia.. telegraphed yesterday that the occupation of the forts ■t the n orth of the Liao River-wastem- porary, and that the Russians have now withdrawn. . (Itlleial circles at Pekin are myet Meal. Their subordi- n ates at Naw- Chwang have not re- ported -Ported the reuprating__-ace _- _01iMt< place. in the haus• of Conlluunm It was generally expected that !Antler and Borden Would make addressee* of *outs length, but a1 ' point th.• arrangement* :li lm'a rridIt *a1 are pe rent ly intended that routine butt- n.mm *huuld Ire carried on until Clout half an hour before 6 o'clock, but when R o'clock came, there wax only time for the briefest possible refer- ence to the man who had played o0 large • part In public affairs for n third of a century. At R o'clock last night there wen a gathering •t the hem... on Concee*ion 'street The choir of the church sang one of Mr. Mills' favorite hynins, "I am Kneeling at the Threshold." 111r Cameron, in his address, referred to Mr. Mill*' conterientioua diorharge of duty, to his .inenre ('hri,tianity end Me careful Molly of the Scriptures. Sir If The pall -bearers were: 'itr WIr td Laurier, ('61ef .lusttce Tnwrherenu, Hon William Peterson, Charles File - pat rick, Mr. Justice Sedgwirk and Sheriff Sweetland Nearly all the Minlslere were pre- sent, with Speaker Power of the Senate and Speaker ilrodeur of the Commons. After the service, the cof- fin was conveyed to train for the West.. Cewdelesee Troia Maar. Many nametape* were received yea- 1erd*y. Mina Mills, da fighter of the dere.s- ,d Judge, woo on her way to Mexico, hut wan intercepted at Chicago by a Mlegram announcing her father'" Aeath. She arrir.d herr veiterdny The other children are Mr. Leila Mille, Port Arthur, Mr ilake Mille. barrister, Rl4gpr•town: Mr. Fenner of Napdrnl. Mexico. and Mrs. Watts of Chihuahua, Mexico Pully b(8) were praa.nt at the fun- eral, Including a large r*preuent•tlOn of the m.mh.ra of the House of CIMenslrNM, Senate. Supreme .curt 1„daee. and oltlelala, loading mem- he's and officials 01 the First Baptist Church, of which dereaoed Waa a ntrinh.r, and many other preeminent role** of Ottawa, and the members •f thus press gallery WANTS SAME AS C.P.R. The ■aalberts Csnatined. Parisi, May 12.-Megintrnte Leyden has concluded his investigation of the Humbert fraud rasa, and has decided to cumuli 'Therese iluuttrert, her husband Frederick, and her bro- ther for trial 00 the charges of forgery, the use, of forged documents and swindling. The newest rate dl,- miMses the cases gainst Ev• Iluml- ttert, Therese.' d■ hter, and Marie Aaurignac, her Mete States •f 011, OlIv r Mewat. Toronto, May 12. he Ontario Government will erect at atueo of the late Mir Oliver Mown In Queen's l'ark on the east aide of he main walk, opposite the statue o the late Icon. George Drown. The evade - tura will he *eked at thin se on to vote 0.000 for the statue. laawox Clew APll,o•L Toronto. May 12. -The cross IN•t se. tion awaited 111 S. Madole, the de= Pealed candidate in Lennox, In May, 1002, will formally be dismissed to- day, the petition against Mr. Cars- callen, the sitting member, having failed. Grand Trask Tarlac Railway Project Discussed to Rallway Committee. Ottawa. May 8. -Th. longerxpected (.rand 'Trunk Pacific Bi11 came befer. the Railway Conimtttet) yes, erdly This bill says _nothing of .ulaeuliee. That matter, 'if it coulee up, will t.•• dealt with separately. Sir Charles is aesertnl to hese sold to the Grand Trunk eh*rehold- ers that the Grand Trunk is not committed to ',refit, and will give 11 only moral support unless Gov- ernment aa*1•t alio, is forthcoming Sir Charles answers that he must ' peek with rrn.rve en to that. This question of public airs would come up later. Ire had assured Grand Trunk ■ hareholler■ that it was their policy not to go Into speculative enter- prises 1le did refer to assistance from the Government. and he expect- ed this enterprise would receive the swine eld as the (' P It and others hoot don. General Manager (lays 'aid -"The Grand 7'rnnk wente to giv'prefer- ence to Canadian porta, but the Ca- nadian ports ha,e no facilities. The (brand Trunk can. in .ixty-.'Ight hours. flood the terminals at Mont - reel .nd Quebec, and the lntercolon- i*1 cannot handle pnte-third of the (:rand Trunk freight. The question is not, Will the Grand Trunk use yore pertne but will your ports pro - ie.. Nullities Inc all we can deliv- er?" Miller'. 1;:impntend Ism Pilia. only 25 ,vents for Iltt•y. dews. For male try Jou. wuaon, fle•oer Casa/Haw Editor Dead. Winnipeg. May 12 -A Batleford despatch announces the death of 1'. li Lauri.', editor of The Itattleford Gerald. Laurie was aged 70 years end the- pioneer editor of Western Canada IMPERIOUS CHINA. i — Ne farther 111.ru..l"n With Aimgrleae Cemmlwloser. en Artlele 111, Shanghai, May 12. -The Chinese treaty rev talon cotmui.afoner' have receive4, from the Chinese Foreign ttflcn Mit rltef i na.o decline further dlsrnsslon with (1 a American com- 'Menimn on- amici 2, of the propos- ed new treaty, which refera to the opening of points in Manchuria to foreign trede. A Swltehm•a'. Death, Wind*or, May 12 Tilton Munn, a Grand Trunk *Witchmen. wa1 run over In the company m yards herr est 5 o'clock yesterday morning and ler Ably mangled. The onfortimete 1'? low died at 8 o'clock at the lintel Dietz. AUSTRALIA'S RAILWAY STRIKE. Caesium Neck it,o.trenl.ue•-Case. 111 - ting. I'..trone41, MelMrure•, Victoria. May 12. -'Illi. train XI'rvirr, awing to the railroad .bike, i14 m0Mt Ilulita'd, and all leis* meet is hampered The ,tittI,.gs . of the C'onnlry and Circuit Courts have been pea [weed. and the principal titular yards are closed. TN MNlr.al 1.11 ins Over. Montreall, May 12 -Tale big strike i* 0401% and by to -day probably 4,- 000 earn will be at work loading and unloading the :311 steamer,' now rh1 wh n e .. 'rbI' credit 1)r set- tling the the strike Is givers to MirTh0- mem `(haughnesay, lion. .1. Ietnel Tarte, fir, Ito1.4t Itickerdtk,, ieedom Cigar Mabee *trills:. I.ondon, (Int., May 12-Yeslg•day morning the local Cigar Makers' Un- ion went nut nn strike, that is, those nsemh•ro of it who are em- pio ed in factories where the em- ployers refueled to pay the scale of prier* - ine4ud/rte In iter 7'xi,t-ivale which has hen int rmluced. Over lank hands and live factories ate affected. Lerall arida* Ilia Melke. Chicago, May 12. -One thousand mem employed at the l rssig ilridge and Iron Works, • branch of the American Bridge (company, et ruck yesterday for recognition of the un- io( 'i'vro hundred electrical workers in eight concerns also strvrk for in - aniseed Wagon. Tartish Tree's. Marilee (lgrl.tl•ea Cnn.tentinnplu. luny 12-t'on*nler despatches roe -eked herr from 11tnnn- e*lr, European Turkey. any 111.' Men- .,ilmano and Turkish troop). are mur- dering Christians in the *dean* of the OhrlNtian quarter df the town. Qeebw v.14. Cb3d Doe* e• Teal.. St Louie, May 12 ('opt Frank Pennell, chief of petit,' of teuelsc, Canada. died on a hobnob Irvin be- tween Toleedn and SI Louie yester- day, whits nn hit way to New Or- ient* In attend the rnnventlrin 01 Chi141 of Police Acting (chief of retire GHBeeple hes taken charge of 4 h beefy and has notified the *me hat authorities. Nlg lake Combination. Chicago, \ray 1'2. -Twenty linear trig cnmpunie•1 for the Greet Iakra hose leen etrhlttineat in un Asmcta- t,on, stud to -slay *111 open offices in l'htc'ngo Stretch Your Money Perhaps you can't really stretch your money but you can stretch its purchasing power by getting your footwear at 'The Latest" Shoe Store We offer better grades for the same price, or the same goods at a lower price, for cash. CaII and see at McKIM'H Old Mtand, Jordan Bloc k. C'.1. Cattle Totaled. Washington, May 12. -Tho illrrctor et the Slate Department ham noti- fied the Depart need of Agriculture that tho foot and mouth dunces• hat again broken out in n herd located eat Framingham, Mast. lie .aid he had runt•mpinteel lifting the quaran- tine altogether iron, New England in • fortnight, but that act topeemgpmt now be pont 9(10.11 Indefinitely. •J. P. KA VANAGH Stop! e 1 ' 11 Jd on ! Direct he inn 101'11' ' The Ontario Fence machine' 1m the grwte•NI wt eider 1.1 (I.. age. It 1/1111.1,. (w., uprights w'111h• °therm build one. It Mavis tithe. It „avem lame, 11 #lyes umney, IIE SUltE-.YOUNEE IT I*KFORE Pl'ItrH:IsINti. Paints, Oils, Dry Colors, White Lead 1 hanl11.' nothing but the purest and hist grades of Paints, Oiler 1 fry Colton., N'hit.. Lead and Var,iishe•M, and Illy etAN'k *MOW 1' plrU'. 114' Nu,e you get the Isst in Paints end Oda. It cd,stx no u14m to put on 'peal faint than it IIews txsh, anal you don't have NO put it un so often. Remember, lay 44111(61 is, "IIONEMT GOODS AT HONEST PRI('E4," (°IV): MIC A CALL. I CAN PL.KAFIE YOU. GEO. L. ALLAN '1'111' 1.E.I 111 N 1. 44.41* D 44' A It le s'1.'elope I 4,1re• your Rebate. Au, k.. \I \ N "CANADA Prof. Shorts A R THE CANADIANS." • Much -used Catch rase. f, Shunt, .if rein's 1'nice Icily. in the *rent flue, I', Quarterly i'u..w•s the real mean g of a ct•V which lute been employed If late in the attempt to give a patsi. it ailment—one.. (11 a me111146 31111 section movement. He hay,. (in tette I : 'The cry of '('allall for 'itnaeiiNllm haw been raised with such vigor of late, and by inters'„ which r• 1101 k it.1011 to 15. zealot* 1111' leer all othels for the imbibe welfare. that . le is 14.031 3441 to a,.k why this inure Ate :0111 ,..•linnet devotion UI the pea Iio• gambit? Are the uuurlILet III ing t trn•.t.,, which seem to lie lb.. - .idiom. with patriot9' zeal. ht... ire( Alarmed the. miniber outeidere from the United St:1Us. Hrilain and leul'• 4w w'ho are at tn'.•mrnt rn'wding into 0111' cutulh;V and appropriating to thetiw•l•.'a such large eeetinu14 of Canada? Are they afraid that if the innlsh nmtinues there will .M14m be little ,If v'Nin.• left for Canadians? Them Nr', indl*vl. 1411111• I 14 1111.114111M who have misgivings 1111 thio 114,i01.' INIt, /4t lige 44 way. the lnen1414 1 ur•I' wfw tint nine. W4lwu1- 1hs_the tuntriu'y. they se•t41 (11lite 115 •h rejoiced at the f act of Canada being distributed t,, the for•ignme RN they arc wdieilb11114 about the Geed,- that Canada *honed 1w %tritely reserved fill. the ('iuut!lians. \\•e ale thereto*. driven 'b. 1•nqui(1• ..tote fully into this theoretic. expect of the gnlstion, and mak what, in this connect' . iu meant by Canada. ,Imp who ale the ('Nn3di*ns for whom it i* to he *served. (ht investigation we 11041 that the Canada °leant its the phrNw• 'l•1natla for Canadian.' no not ('*111u11tat NIL either in its ,simple i,hysiu,il Street NMN ,'°111111'4', 111' eVl'tl 11) its gust natural n'm amen. T41 t lyre,' ,uV foreigner is more than wile. •. It iv not even Canada in that higher ,Ind mon' Mpll'It1141l Menet• n'hich swells Traa.,aal Lo.■ Parsed. London, May 7. -in moving In the House of Commons yesterday a for- mal resolution guaranteeing the Trun*vaal loan o1.a175,000,000. Co- lonial Secretary Chamberlain deliv- etecl a lengthy, optimistic *perch on the future of the new South African colonies. 1ie explained that it had been decided to purchase all the ex- isting railways, which would absorb $655,000,000 of the now loan, and $25,000,000 more will be expended as quickly as possible 011 the devel- opment of railways, $12,500,000 world he event on land arttlement, and 810,1)00.000 oat public works. The l'hencellor of the Exchgiier, Mr. ititehi.e, declined to reveal the rate of interest in advance of the laeuing of the prospectus. After moms de- bts'. the •ss:•Ition Was a(tr.nd to, The Highland~, of Ontario for Your Holidays. With the knowledge of what America 1111,4 t0 eager the slnnuler lolll'iNt and the reef and 11,14111. seeker. the thous.n.IN of mummer travellers eh., *pled their voiention in "Tire Highlands of Ontario.' unh,mitat1nglt' 0431°n0e, the M,1ok04 1 Inks regi the ideal, 4 h perfectly mat i*fylllg sunriner meet, Much an ideal is A combination of two features pr. •v'NI miter, in 11 perfect Is'wild,'rment of IN'alit3', elull'i)l8,1(1 variety, *thong with the facilities f..*' meetof the inexlern i1l'('f4M4111l'm N1)11 111,1Velli1•t11•e•M. 111 1111• dit1131 441 Ihrm', the eceti tcnllw'ratn1.', the 114(t11 /1161 1011' 11,1)11 feet ,,Leve the ass), the heNlth-giving 0741111' from pine, h•ntlew•k and Hr, end the (leek, *oft WA tem of inn *aide likes teeming with the genlieet, of fresh water Hnh. Whet mune ham a verity, /111.1•V1.-rn,kl'.I HIND or lover °f !intone t ,desire ? 11an11- wame, illuotnitnl, dewt•iptive puldi- catio,e will Ise meld 11„' ,101I1{gllil'nti'm 411 .I. II, MI'16111NIII, i)intl'i't I'atm,a'n}7e1' Agent. (:rend Trunk HXilw'ay. Tor- onto. — 1ltllrr'm Worm P/lwderw, the nm„li- eine for children. For male by JAN. W ilw,n. All Work And No Play. The srahl'n having /, • art iiiiii 1 for the dis•weaion of the old question "why the. young folks do not 'slay tin the Guam. Th" Montreal Stine eon- tendt that it ins for "want of rs•- 'tient." The *mint.' is 414111 for the a%erage• yuuth. estate 8114• where the old folk .1.. not Iwstir .hems •Ivice les pal tea the formation of lihnu•ies and pr,vide• I,•ading ('1111s,, ceaucert, 111111 NI w•111I gatherings, 'elle want elf innew•ent diver/Mein Arid good rum - patty aeronauts not it little for the al- ruhu1 habit, mince the bar,a,m is ton often the only sx'ial chub in the rounll'y fowll, The old folks are 1., hdann• sou10't1111es for not le msidering th' VoUng perinea's earl Inc sw•ial iu- t•trourse. ••bill the young turn and 11," 1411y14 The Star. '•tllw•k to Uu• 'c ,•I .1 'e o °b 1 s, 1 my t t3k any kind f n j mr Ong am it enshl,, lhlm, to live their 1.1.11, 1t. Ina). • *neral,. and the cheap Decree MN of the town. A little more perdu (Niched to terming will sol e (e .•1 thin 1111,•. Nothing will. except 1' • Aare. of a brighter and more mein life on the• fa1'111. When a village 'puri up it help keep the young p*.p11 0( That neighberlem*I nntlemtXl, l', beets 313141 punt(',. wad cell ,,•e w -4'4401411111- Im Huenfe. Even t 1• In°rh-4bused 1r9- vellinl( eine* Inky ealtiNfy It longing for ghlh'r and exuill 'lent. Plenty °f gINMI reading. e4114y ee'NN to 111/.14 1 - dale pip•(„ are tawny fl sirens on the right .1.1*'. 44'hatthe rut weds is more soodal illunlinat' less gritel and moire gayety." - Ml. ' imbues Times. Jordan Block. Nie K I M'S Ooderich, Ont. Tear This Out Miller's Grip Powder„ cur wale by .las. "\Vhy," iu.k, an !ewe 1Nt114'1'. "u s Mk*..ini stsnfiat the hl•iul in les?" •'I3lcaum••" replies the Paw Paw ('lor'ne'1• Havel. "that, is the only eafl' place let etan4."- Kan*u. l'ity Star. For With pride the bte,ett of the puddle i ndta• or after-dinner speaker. the. which freed and roar in HOSPITAL FOR ,\'h itch I111'lill bittern**, the tytluitty of labor, tial graving s'lH,.hnea* of ra,ital, and the pdltiral 4431'110ion W0M r N PRIVATE, which ere 14411111111g the vitals of the C neighboring relmhlie ase 11nknow'rt. SECLUDED. Ev ant theme priceless Calllleban Idly- 41.1. fiber', .0'l tIrrkl,. u (1.i, 11•t *'141.1,: *i Igm the foreigner may enjoy to the M. Bryson, 132 York St,, Buffalo (111, \\'hen• then shall we seek that. _ _ _ Canada which is to he am z.'..l°lint}' Read all The Signal ! Plilltifig (•X.'1'\'1,1 the Canadian*? Mt, ll(1• Good to may. it turnat out to to ei reply the right to well good. It Is full of Good News 1 of certain slweitle kinds to all W:to corn.. within the range of --- ('unldia, .,,ve„•ignty Ned W1111 y Ca For two reasons we are going to give a lag die - e ' t on MEN'S AND HOY'S SUITS. 'Woo want to gut rid of a lot `of clothing at any price, and we want to know if Mlveltimeun'nt14 are read by the public. .e ��0; 4 illi illi II/ Iu t1f pili liilr iii iii tb III III Ib OI III IW Ili II/ 11/ 46- = Lip till Saturday, flay C. the Twenty -Third \\'e s, ill aeecpt tide big dml•Iar a, .1 dmll.l' 011 s -3 212 '3 si Any Suit of Clothes 1, Ili, .1 ore /It *3,IM1"1'neer for 1,,:,,, or for bnv. w ftIVIVIVri.f,hrhr'r�h�hIhrRfhrh�hfmm!0f.IV. �• • McKI M'S BUSY STORE. mmttimttmmmmttrrttrtt112 The Arch Support of a a "DOROTHY DODD" BIND IT UP ,'1' mince men IN'eiti,*.' weal'y ,11101 w' •11 Illi llist•1„1 to thein, it its been the 1'10410111 10 1' 1 up illy weak lend of the Iwwly as the hest preventive awl relief for fid iglle•. NI Ntt' the' ••16111.111' 1651(4" 14110e I. 10111ein 4411411 N ulauuet' that it hinds 11 ,the week lame of the 115 tt, which is the an'h. It idretl then.. 311,1 s(iNtaills the I overworked W ole', thele whieh elven+ Itt every NU• t:• Rut it does mot itself yield ! Examine a '•Ihn,tthy I') uhl' after ill;° 010adh's hate] s'1•virl' and you Hnd the shank has lets) none of its cuany rve•. h:xa - • ay otherAlive after only Ince. weeks ,11111 het. 140*' the ?thank ha. lost it. Mt Itfiteme and 110.1111/4al 144,11 Step. No mime art (4) the aryl) then•, result Hie sult is that long walking beet N we *sine.They Cost $3.75. Wm. Sharman 1 Has Exclusive Sale. Ilei II�i1111f11�i......N1uli�1N1i� ii�It�/11NNesea�MgNeNIMN � ttm►mmr rmmttmtt ttmmtt ityn t rmmmmtttttt The Big Sale o! fhc Munro Stock d� Dry -bods u on. (Great Bargains in every line. Every- thing goes regardless of cost. A' large quantity of choice goods still unsold. Now is your opportunity. STURDY & CO NEXT HANK OF COM1(II'.111 u uu�uu� uuuwwu►Wwwuuuu+w+►� Ways and Ahva's al The Sigoal. F1• Iw• g'l lll)�w•Ileri Iry INih tr 1 11tH' Sail t11 ter 1 l 1 err ltd l l r 111'111„ tri Irl Itt!lrt!tTMMln'r1 "brit 1T1 tt1 tit Ire, by hanglose tel eats fat the u' los,' 1,,.,• 1514 N n 11 111 9 .•'M. 1- • -" pr•ivileege. Anil who there are the diuls for whom 1hisIwriMglhl t is - served lot, might CasualiAnmngellera, nor ryes native - naps liardware Ixnn ('anadiaum, but *imply that linlit- 1•d her of jH•Vm11111 W110 11111114.11 (o b• engegel, iiermmally or by MIIIIIIIt investment of 111pi01, in the mnnu- flll'tlea' of tiles' specified gill alt the right no sell whieh ie* de,.ignnt.i*l b\' the terns 'CatirelM.' Now they nlanm- 1native-lawn,u G11•tlln•fle may Imo Cana- dians, or nntnnllizfrl foreigner's, or merely resident foreigner,, ear *Well nom -resident fnlrignl•r'N, who rill• eiull,h looking for hand. • preatitlu on their int'.Nllllents. Thum on In. '.'e*l 4)0444,10 woo Hnd that 114.. 14I)PM1'mlI' 4'.' hu'uileeo and even broadly pin riot i, phrase 'Canada for the 4'atutliene' ,.imply rover, the drain• of a 1' 'h,l her of p•rsmM, p.Irth' Canadian,. and partly net, to have the !wieilelte. eIn'Mdv hugely enjoyed. of foiling the great 111N14 1,f the people of Canada to pun•hase nn iltu(s,t'tallt part of their means of life inns them, at. wrli Hcinlly enhnneel prices. Verily there it virus ill an admit pl11'a..•." EE A Job Lot Nowadays. Two wono•n sitting opp•'ite the. 111110 -- writer - writer In Nn clertt'le rear pitched their, voices w, high that every wool of their roue eteet inn ronld be heart by thew• elf trag near them. Matrimony was evidently the *object of their ceanVertNt 4011, for one of 110.111 sNilV '•M1 •1' '4 1 thirsk that. if I slut. thigh., 1 would not ,(early the Prime. 'i \1'x11.4 hinow'IC, and then Agin, 1 fl 11 1111°," "Iles, ihat. is so," replied her com- panion. "1 feel just that way my- self, sn' 4 have Nm Froin a husband AS the ereridge, tows, "Me. have I Ghat ie, AA men 0111 nowadays."- IAppimeott'm Magazine. I have bought for cash a large quantity of the following seasonable Hardware at A Bargain and as long as they last you can have them at the following prices for cash : N... 0I',oil.,l Mining Steel 44'i(' at $2 Portland Cement, ler barrel '2 Page Ferlee, t( -win', at, peer nal Page (fate', 12-flsit. at 1 Ply utonth Hinder l'a'in: le'nv1• vola' Mt leis in \%'hire Lead. Elephant Brand, per', a4 71) 'While bead,,Rldw•1'tsi In'M, (4111'.', at :MI Baden Linseed Oil ,tt, per gal. 52 Nail. *t, per potted (fold Medal, I6'. (:e'en Sheaf, 1.11.', for Twine. Praire g anteed. *'•, :111 • 511 (kV i)on't forget that I can buila you an jS- awe London Fence for 35c a rod. Ready -Mixed Paints 1 handle the ":Irk- brand. It i. the Iw'eI ie bee NMI wnte'e piled, If y041 me it 'e von Will not WS 111 any other kind. 1 have handled it for the pond .ix veru'.. It hies been ries', 44,411,1 ,Ind 40111101 mitivflart.n')' In rv,ry W9v : and the nu1(19(eetairers clave the ',Isn't and 'spiral loo t.,n•n nal the very I1141 Millie nn 1110 market. Yen Will he shoo to watch their paint* in future year.. 'they sea• 11111 likely to he part out of hominess. iWC YOU WANT GOOD H.1HI)WAHIC AT,I'1444''♦E 1'HI('EM ('A1.i. ON CHAS. C. LEE '1 '11,141e Int:1 ♦0. 4.• 1 i a 3 PLUMBING, HEATING ANI) TINSMITHINO . . 111 iUlUlu1111111111�1UU11UlUt111�111111U�U1�11111U�