HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-14, Page 4yens..► .....-.+�M�4 --�T,Y�.r tires!. Vii' {y...3. .te it k Lir 4 Tauasuav, May 14, 1903. TOWN COUNCIL OPPOSES Electric Railway Company's Applica- tion t0 Legislature. Mayor Lew., 5.,,, Town *ill Not be Able to Ful. 3,3 Agreement to Take *30.000 Stock u Huron. Bauce & Grey Raolway Sol,c,tor In strutted to Appear Before Comm,ttee of legmlalure. Thr lou -11 lumbi) hell :1 .IN•'i'' meeting on Fritlay e•c,•min), Ni111 all the nminliers i3, .111.. \1:11 or IA•N'i..:lid (bele 33111' some i1111N.rl:till Matter. that 1,r31111r.1 Attention, hilt it ' ur11o11 3111 1 hat the chief pur333,.,• .13' the 111,49 log 34 7. 33. 1111.s1 11ll 1 hr gel 111... Of the plr.ulotel•. ,1f the 1111(",11, 141131 A linty Electric Kailvat-. The \Layer first I.,a,ghl up 111.• matter of a dumping ground. sating that he an offer f1u113 \I r. Fmrz.• wia•1,•ly Ila, town lv Ihr p:3 1ue111 .13 IVO could .3111313' a .131111,11• ph., for the deposit of refit., at tl3 -.rater gully. This 331,111. include ,3,1 411' trance way and 34. 3ss,v•u a quarter and 1\ half Nile. of land :111,1..s111 Ili. \\ .hip. 31.4111. :11)101,1 ample dumping ground fur all lime. The 'Mayor 341\. :nnlltori'Ad 33, dose the matter 33rd) Mr. FLl tee unless he should gel a bet- ter Offer from Mr. t'uh•uaam, with whom he was 111 carie p.olid'1,1•e. 'I'hCrl for an 111,1113,1 • th,• ,own rtl sat in judgment o11 the Illllr•11. !truce A limy Electric Rat %ay 4'013, hMata. Mays• IA•N'i. 3+311) hi. alt,'Int(oIn al )kM'lI 111',13311 111 the matt+•r, and he lead a notice tlf application by the (' Iany to the IA'gislatii r' for an act amending the .1riginal 3'11xr. ler by ,'n,p,44e•riug the Company 111 "voted/111d, 1p •trial' 4111.1 wain- ( Sin it. railway from I) 1111ga 1111.111 to the village.'( Ialcklow, tluougI{h She ty of !truce to the II. IN of Walk- erton. and also through the too n.1i1e. of \341•,,3 a,133) East \\':twano.h or along 311.. 'thl•ru 14.uu1ary thereof 3,• the 3 ovn 4,t N-ingh4,1n in older to r,, •, 1 with the l'. 1'. It.: 13 111 also from a point 111 the lMa111dai'y 11111• bet N'Peli t 1 1. 1'111 11 ,, \ 1 1 •w'.' 1 Intl1' 4 f HuI n and Illll � through the county of Middlesex t.. 1',,' city 4,f Loudon : als1 from it ).int on the line at .4r near Parkhill in the c 3y of NIiddl•41•x and thence through the c4,3,1llyof I,aiwhton 1..111,• 3 1311 of Sarnia in said county : 4(1311 11n'IIle, amending said charter by changing the mum,' of Ill,' 1'onlpuIy Ion, that of the Huron, Bruce :11111 lirey Electric 13,4113vav 4'4.1131401v to 1)33(3 of the I Mari,' \\','.t Sit. Oe kb., crit IL(1lw'4v l'.,1npally ; also for potter to paws it lvla3 1'Ir'nl Ing preference, stork : 4,11,1 to ratify and confirm 1,y - law No. :13 .4f the municipal 111'p4.,1'- Ition of the to to .1f li.del'idl 401(1 the agreement thea.i1 contaained.- .ay,,r 1.3.3'10 stated that if he agreement IM•133,'* Ii the t.IN'ii all.I the Company Neer• (11 134• Carried 11111 it N111111111(•3411 11)441 $3.1(731 WI 111111 hitt,• 1.. 11.• raised yearly to 11111.1 the de. l''i.t,,r•. for .th.' $.i11,IMM1 of stork which the tion was to take in the Company. lie 4111/11111 a clime of th.• slat tes ,rnyilliug that the rate of int 01i.'ipal taxation ,xriuniy,' of the school (ax 43,1,1 3.33..111lpl11%3•111e•n1 eat, '.331,11 he not more aha( I%3entV mill. on 1111'...11:,. Iter rale 111134. lie said. was nineteen mills ,'x'ltisi'e of the s •hood rate•, end one mill adllitir,nal 1%o1111 mit raise 1113' :,1motin111.1133. 101.•1 bar th.• .31111114.•(" 1,1,33.1 33111) organ hu - tory d,•l.•nlurr'.. The too 43, 1)3,11 - for•. co11)11 not possibly meet the charges in connection with the rail- way agreement. Ile had secured the a'tendon.l• 4,f Mr. I)irkinsal. the 3 33311 wllirilor. 3ho 3,111,1 set.. 3lie far3', in connect ion ail h th,' cap % \f•. I)ickin.om said the uu.sli.1n 4343.. Is the f1.311 %tilling that the agree men, shall be c.1nllruaYI : if not. it will have to lie opposed d iu,,,.nYII.t,'ly. The most important 111teet 14,11 IVa1. as to the ability ..f the to3 n to raise Ili,' rlpw(11d . . u• meld 1,1,11 by (he \h.y.1r, 3ith only 1111,' Mill In nock upon. '''. 33lith meant .3,1,1,3 hat less than /1.:1111. 3 hilt $:(11711 44 410 111 (33 1.011. .\11111 r.11.i1.1.1 1011 Sas 113, the ground that 41•r134011 Ini011•pres•nla ti.1n' had 13•,11 111ad.% It 3311. *1;11"11 that th,' loi13341), 133.11p1.• 11a11 11.11,• Senterl 113,11 if the Colborne 34134n.hi1, bylaw 3e•r• not ea tried 3lie• .1lligalion 3,` 111,' taw n N.1111.1 laps,'. Thi. .tate Intent, if mail'. %%as not 1'311•, :Is Ihe bylaw" gi31•s only the 4'111131:1t' :an 1.,diun 3.. 31113111':13' (1.1.1,1 113,• 1331,','- 113,•1,1. If these lI0'I'e' Ites,'ntations Wee 1041,1,• this 3331114 133• :1 '.316111g gr 1 foj• asking the Legislatelr' 1.1 invalidate the ag11Y•I14•111. 1 'e11111eilloI' 1111111133.1' .mill wont• :lel ion 1141111,1 be taken in the matter. I,('.unetllo,Elliott said h1' had IN•.•n opposed all the 3'iy 11111,113{11 to talking stork in the 14(1134 l%. hot he con'. 11111 war on N 11111 glo31nd' 111,• e.131nci1 1.3,111,1 opts1he hilt. They 1.111114 not IN I1% that the 133•.1pl.' 114111 IM•,'n 1,1101,41. Mr. 111111.1.•1. I think it,. ran, Air. Elliott The bylaw Sas ad%,',- 1iwd; 1 Was 111,1 nIisl,'4. Mayor It'wis. Whitt the IN•11plc W 1111 Nhonlll IN• 4.4nr. Mr. F:llt.1t1 The peopl,' toted for it. l' mnrill.1r '1'h11lnpwlu though( Ihe 1,1,11 ter SIP .3,3,) 314' left in the ha tills .3 tee solicitor to op1ose the lot Ian. 114• W IN 1111'1130 .111)1110.4 14, 3113. 1.114331. Mr. Elliott tooted In leen',' Ih. platter to 311.• s'Ii.-itot' I.1 intestig:de and 34, OpMNI... 3311• pits.3Ige of the amendment. Mr. 1)irkin.o1i said that .0 ,'.n if that p3311.1n of Ihe a'phew ion should he refused 3111. agreement %%mild 34 ill stand n. it is. 11,' itas afraid. h 133333x. that the I.gisl,tite smut ion n e1.' aMk,'4 for 33.1111,1 lank.' it iny11w..i hie t4, hotalli.lalf.• it 111 ally 1018111111s. T 1,' I'•If3 11.1.1 31.1.11 I ll'auiiilg;,I Isl. !11111 h • did nod know' Shy the Company s timid seek to hay ,• it 11nlh'11141. ex - r d an an ,3,'t of further pleeaml 11111. It was pointed .1113 111111 t3,,' 4'on,- p.ny'n application Wits to be 13'f.4re t me • •r 111 Talenlo this 111 ft that if any action N,•Ir• 1.114• taken 1 111111.1 he taken iiiimodiately. The c . 'illol„ 4huwlll a great 41.11 14 I' •Inrh4nce to take 3111' responsibility definite action in opposing the. a plication. and on the other hand t my 3%ere• unwilling to Ica the matter p141 s .. They diw'nNw'd 111,' g1.1 1ti114s 1'1.31 (night IM' taken in opposing 111,' 3ppli'at1n, inclu4ing "3113• change of r .1,1..•' 1411holigh there is nothing 3,l the soh in 111,• appltcat 111.. Mr. 7'I p.m 111.111), s•1•rapled It' Mr. Murnrv. that the natter lo' re- f'rr11 to till• special rolnnlit too 1,114 th-• solicitor. ''ith iwlweo' t4, deal Will, 11. The Mayor pointed out that actio0 o le wsv In. the other t M' taken i ,t1131 Mr. Thoo.fw.,n e,1 that the conn- ed 1•IIIIM4w3.1'tfe'..13.'I(,t' "113 take such 'de•pe Nm will 1,,i11 Ihr last inter/44Y11f ti toow•tl.' 1'h IM was 11111 4ry'11t111e1, Ilio \\•1.rhip stating 111,13 the solicit+o' .3 IM• inst 1,3,11 by 3111 1.1ttttt Finally Mr. Elliott 1nlssd the Huhi- e'tl sol n4.t-,•l a n•s,hlli.m that eh,, te.heltor apneas before the 141 lllll lit 1 P3• Of the Blouse o11Mnng the rsfifir*tn11l ,d the tell. This Ives se,'.1n,1+.1 by Mt. ' itrown and wits rfistereci carried with - 13313 it vole. Th433 distlml.40g gtle.tl m hsv4eg bet.„ put out .,f the way, the Mayor again ,,•fund to the h111 Of c.MllnOW11133(11 111.• 1.11,' 14131II solicits•, A1114111111 inkI(( t., 11,•4311y $2,11111. 11e snid he had beim notified that if the uuululll wan paid a1lhoul h,•tng placed i3, the estimate,. :triton Mould 1.• taken :11.luitnsl 3,11 the ruma'illol.. 1).' ',elle%.rl ;1 set I lenient 1.1111,1 14.. 13,:1,1,' for $2,1N111, 31111-11 m:,1n )$'I..nan runuerl.rl N it II 1 he law ruusi,l- ,'IrY1 a g11. NI Mil 11.111,111 (111' (111• (.1311. Ile'p1v)Il.03l11hat 3131• :,1iorilit of $Il13 (",'cite. from \1 r. Bodine. he paid 3,u 111,• .4131.1,1,1 1111,1 111.• 1MII:111,•r IMO 111,11,11 in the ,'mutate.. Thi. 4343..31110(41.' tory to 1111' 1,1u11ci1, %%1001 Iheu ad- journed. - -- KING IN BONNIE SCOTLAND. Land or Brown Heath and Shaggy Wood Ores Hearty Weltume. IA/natal, 1114) 12 King FAlward and Qu,','u Alexaudl;,, altaupa01.d by large 33,11*"., left 1. ton yaster- day 'ulug to pay their first rec.- 100l lxl '1311 to st of laand. '1'111'', ur- rn,Yl ,,l Edinburgh last evruing Their btu),•ntRs were greeted by lig 1'roads N'IIII.'tdflt nig 111 (",•1111 -'.tale 11 the railroad Station, ..se u (IA M to detachment of the lsuus•h,1d ('ntal- The Klug and l,u.ta arriyld at Ed- inburgh last to ening, and Were 1.;- 3 husmint wally weir •d. They were met by Lord Bailout. of Uurl.•lgh. secretary for Scotland, the Earl of Furcal, Lord I ligh Constable 3,t Scot- land, 1..1rd Rose( ..•n• , ',teat -Gen Sit- Archibald irArchibald Bunter, cuuluiuid,ng the forces in 11011 1, mud the Lord Prot '.ust. and uleilib•rs of the Corpor- ullon 333 their official robes. %%hit,- a salute Was tired from the castle the keys of the ell 3 N"w',• presented 10 t lie ling, who ret a •n.d Ihem. say- ing they 1uu1,1 not M• in bet ter hand,. than thus.• 3,i the Corporation After the ceremony Their 71 ),'xtl"* Warr dr.%en 111 a .3•1131-xntr carriage to Bulked h (last le•. DEATH OF MR. A. M. DYMOND. Was ser 20 Veen Prl•elp.l of t•• 1.111 - lute ler (b. Dlled. Brantford. lluy 1_ -Aller • brief illness Mr. A' H Ityu,,rlld expired yesterday. For '20 years h.• had been the• principal of the hist mite for the Blond. Death wee the rl'sull .d pneumonia. '1341 derras,d Was an Englishutan by 1,1,1h. his parents 11% mg at Croydon. Surrey, where lie was burn August _1. 114_7. Early in life he was engaged in tuercuntile pursuits. which he relnlluish,d 3011d - %orate the abolition 3,i the death punishment. with which movement he was lung ,dent,oed, brturing throughout I: rent Wham and writ- ing many moophl•ts In 18.47 he mired The Morning Star,- a J,.undun. England, dully, anti later 1e reto,. Its manager. He was closely ,dent - tied with the emancipation party 111 England during the American Civil war 111r 1lyn,und came 3., Canada in October, i Stilt. and Ir that time until 114714 was on editorial writer On The 1:10133•. In consequence of his except natal power as it public sneak- er, he contest...1 successfully Nur11i York in the Liberal interests at the general elections of 13371 lowing his tern In the (loose of 1'onutons he ,look an act ,t,• part in the de4,ute•s and ass,+l•YI Inalerooll•r an he r111.,11 - of 13.• 1e•uelk•t unrr Ineu*ure known a. 11..• Se'4t1 Art 11,• Mateo the following l,Inuly A \I 10 mond, law 1'1.'3 k of the I.'gislut ice Asw•u,- hlt'. Frank lot mond of the 'Toronto General Trusts Corp.; at 11111 11.•v Ernest 30unm.1, furl Ilop•, lir J4•rlha tit motel, 'Toronto, 'Miss Nei • Ile By moral. Brantford. The Moll will lin brought to 'I'urunt0 for buri- al. CARNEOIE SLAPS CANADA. snot 51•r'e '1101.3 P.ored 1.1. Tim Ironmonger: Jo•raal. M•utreal, Slav 12 --.Slur ruble )- London, May 11 Andrew Carnegie pour* vitrod 4111011 1'uuudu 411 nn in- lervi,•W w'131, The Ironmlong,•rs' Jour - hill in 11111141 1101, w 11 II 1 he pr'.wtdrn- % Of the Iron and Steel lust nide. 1% hen asked 33(1.•t her ('uuuda, grown (populous by immigration, Mplfllnnllt Itritish, but materially American, night not Irl'iig .1111.13 it moon 4,f Englund With America, Carnegie n- I,hed' - '1 'el- Iuoely not Canada hits nu future l'3l '3l as u part of 1113• Stats. IL•r nut .• population in- creases more slowly Shan that of Slot laud yell,' uflly misled :.(3{,04333 to leer population in teen 3'•are, and .3 1 hes; 4111,1410 ("lune frut11 abroad. ('a, lladll, 4tnndllig MI.In1., calk 113'%1.1' 1.e'.'outl• a great indu.t'illl fiat 1011 'I'Ile 101.•l industry 1. a lignl,•nl 13011 4'xpe Itr.lon it nnroit, Not long 1her,• meed et,•r lllnlhl.• the Cnilwl slates In no cram.. .41,1• circum- stances ran your col.. . e%er Mute w populal i.1n approach, 1 hat of the Stales, and your role 1 1•;nylire, what is it but 1.0111.'..•,,3' .',,11-h- wor(1. A well known Anglo-('anrdtal. af- ter rending 111,' inler3fe33 ,•v.l3,u4.d'. ' loon -t !nary Canadians will alere•pt DM., her tent of this moan's money." KILLS QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY STUDENT. Ply.r Nose Dew■ 1'o•ng Domani Ifelhw.11 at I.••raat.r. Lancaster. May 12 -Ronald 13oth- Well was ktll••d 3.y the Chicago flyer at he .tat ton yesterday lunrning 11,, was riding loet*.•n the tracks it law )-ard' west of the station. 11e and it companion, Brown 1'•n. both tiudente of ilue.•n',, Lnivrr.ity. Came her, from I<ing.tin Saturday intend- ing 13, ren, 11M 111e Township of l.on- r,ste•r 14,111 ('herlottenhurg with stere- opticon thew. They .ep,u',t..d in the t illlge•, each to take the harm• and ,1) to his 3:1113(3.. Bothwell's dl.- trrt Pyi,M•nlR Wog 33, be 3'hnrlotl•n- hurg. Hud as 1 h radioed nflorded good Wheeling for about a orale of hl. 1011111'•) he started we.Iyw,rd on 1h.. track. riding betw.s•n 4 h rails. when he erns oterlakon by the limited. A strong wind f" the west WA.111oW- ing at the time, and Bothwell .'.l .)"rally did not real,• how neer the 'rein was. His friends have 'sen ronr1nun fr 13(0.1 with, hie home being in Perth Donald in Bothwell hnd just com- pleted his lint year in Arts at flnnen s end wax well known her... Ile W1\'. nephew of Bev. D. (3 Mc- Phail, formerly of I'icton, now of Frank. N W T. MEAD -ON COLLISION. P•ew.(.r Trains crest Toroth*. while Tr•e.tllog at (Blab •p.wd. Strewn.... N.V , May 11 A epeeist to The Pool 41andord from Malnna lava A head -nn rnlllainn ,("carred et Nelson Lekn on the Mohawk A Ma- lone Rellio*d rt A 'o'clock Saturday afternoon Two pa*a.ng.r trefoil fres.ling at • high rate rra.hed In- fo .ash nlh.r and eye persona stn reported' kilted. 1 n...��.-F•"-11 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO OTTAWA SUFFERS AGAIN. Another Bis Blare at the Capital on Sunday. A Thousand Fannies Homeless Confusion and Panc Reigned for Some Tums 10,000,000 Feet of l.,mber Went up ,n Smoke Fore Luted s.o Hours C,t.eens Say IM Lumber Poles Must 0o. Ofluwa, 007) 11 A. a re•tult of • halt,• 1.113,• 13, t)tluwu yesterday al - lei n3Oa nue (13111x141,:1 families have 11.4.11 3 endued 1 ,'l..4.. 'Elie flames swept •a arra 111 the city est uude'd at ut.131 .*tent. -lite l3, one hundred a3r,•. The loose is eat Ionated l3, he some? 101161 of er half a 111111 dol- lars, .11114,'.1 wholly insured Thr property destroyed culneiste 3,l reid- denrea wad ten 1111111mi feet of lum- ber Nearly three h,,odred buildings W.•rw consumed. The Ammon had con- trol of the city for *la hoorn, owing to the water main bursting. Mont- real was appealed to Th. militia fon rx were out. The tire began •t 8 30 and Was extinguished at 1) 30. Than city yesterday had an exper- ience tit ailing that of the great fire of April, 11$11. The whole of the west end of the city known as Mount Sherwood and Itncheat.rville, was by the flamue. The blare started at 8.80 and was extinguish- ed at 11 30. Hundreds of wagons car- rying the household go,Nls of the inhabitants streaulld foot ward all af- ternoon and late into the night The Forty-third Hiller, and Gover- nor-General'. Foot lluarda were call- ed nut to add In lapping order. There are rumor. of Incenda ism. end John Whtt• is in the police cells In connection with the lire Ife was Mitt 1n the penitentiary by ('1anetd- :ur B.4yd l3, January, 114L5, for in- ewndariain. and released on ticket ,,1 legate 'in October. 'Mil. . ler is said t0 hate a craze on the subject of fin•n, and. fs suspected of habit of ringing false alarm. The boundaries of the fire may he described generally as the ('anada Atlantic tracks on the Routh. Rich- mond rn•d nn the north. First avenue on the West ■04 the west side of Di•iuon parer' nn the east It hi about three-cm•rters of a Mile long and • quarter of • mile broad The Lumber Polos Must Go. Ottaera, May 12 --Now that the lire ,s over, Ottawa is counting the 3.141. figuring on r,•11,1 and bent on get 1Ing huuIN•r piles outside the cll., lunifs The cost Is 2141 building. bunn.l $341 I. rsm,s 1 'le.... 11.- MM1,0MM1 let of lumber burned. 1e100.- 00 gone up ,n . ke. insurance 1'oIIIpaanies hit to 1h,• extent .11 *:t.4,, - (M331 to 1114. the city will alt.. 11.511 to ete•r' family That lust Its house- hold good, 3,1' 111'u(1•rty, and w,II ask for 1,11.1,1 a11.1•riptiun'. to a r.'l,•1 fund, and no uul side hod NUI be re- quested. Out W1114 t1e 1.•mb.r. The 4'I17. Council 11131 night was well attended 1.y A Mennen and till - /ells The hat'1,• try Was. '- Ilooth 1,11(41 gel his I,,I,,IN•r 41111,11 outside 3 he ,'ray hunter 4 M Alderman mot 1'11 that .3. F Rooth be given thirty duns in which l3, get his luml.•r pile urn i 11 Walt '.1 reel .0 ser Ihr rtty limits 'Twenty of the rntepayers hod sour.• 1 011 haul, and des... Hied 1nillie 1111,1,' MI1011. A mass meeting will be held on Friday night I3, db.•u'.01 the whole yue•st loll The people are i,3 earnest . and It is evident that i11r. Booth and other huuls•roe•n, wh114r luu,l..'r t•'%- ers in all 12:1 acres of the city. hale been gi'.en not1.'.• to Milt 131,1 there will he difficulty in g ((314g thein t1 uuvw out I'h« public sent intent expressed 4,n the street Is that 3111xalt does; not dewire the 113 ory to g3, nut -that the fir,. has been it dis,lst roils one The eft'lel, are motions to Minimi(",' 1 h lose If the truth was told. it might he stale) that OI taw• was "Iir,, Charged Wolf ■al•g Drama. In 111e I'oli.e Court test... ay morning, With A1.1. Ho'•nl hal pre- siding )1s lingistrate, lthOe. was Ihnrg.d with Lying "drunk on he outfit- street t" and with a show of i.e./1111111.0( he 3,1,1.1,1 nal guilty 11,. 4,tele e'xp3'ems. •41 Moll gnat ion chi •3 I',wrll asked for a remand for a w'.ek •«rad got it. 'rhe charge of dronkrtlwema is only u blind -w (owes - eery •.i3 of Ihr Workings of the po- lice .ystem. Within a week the p4, - !ice hope to have discovered 1111m- ri.•nf '•34(3.0(33 to [init.. While guilty cif selling 1 h first fire, and 0f Ewing u a ('in•pir.4ry that I,YI 30 the sec- ond. 1.1.1 of Company tosses. The agent• of the verbal' insur- ance companies gate uul the• fnlluw- ing **,dement of the lessees las! night The 11 • lusnr.nrw Com- pany, y.•,,.mHl; Law, Union and 1 ,'own, 117.1'($1; ('onne•tic,t, 1A,- 1,4111, ,Nano 1, -'.ter, 115,(1($1; Anglo-Am- erican, eR^, ,INH 1; t;nion, 1113, 0041, I:unnllan, *41,1300: 1nndun Ass,lr ane., 1,27,01$1; lit lawn, 135.1001 London and Lancashire, 110,014) , Queen's, 11roam3, British American. 112,00(; Norwich t; $n M$3 Phoenix, Brooklyn. en.01$1; Royal 8111,1100: Sun, 111,,44$); Nationnl. $a.M). Nista, $3o,000 1'erth Mutual, 3)0,(I04), Phoenix, 1nndon, SI Jam Northern, 12,21$). Etna Insurance l'nml'anv, $11,101: Hartford, $11 .- smite )3'olHsh Torun, 17,51$1, North- ern, 1$,11341: (laeen ('31 y, 81 .1100 , Fire in'.uranre Exchange, $2.000 total, $:412,21044 Thle list will be augmented, trio Mil l3, any great extent. A cons.r- telite w•11111113.1 is that the Inpur- 13111'e 1'ull1pa11i.T coat 13:a1,01'() by the fire. Y.as•r.s Per 1.11.1. The city council got together early 3ou1s, to dt,oriout mentiore. of IncrnYil- .1e relief. They retooled 'That $511 lee granted in each family. •pinlle•r, Widow, whoa. property was deetrov- ed in veelerdny'n conflagration, and that the so f 1,. final a. far as this Conran 1. concerned " i1 wns derided that it woe not neces'ary to appeal for aid to 0u3.,de CP tem, Ap- plication will be mad. In the On- tario iegtolatnre for power to ex - fiend $10,41110 in relief Newspaper* and hanks here been asked to open 3uhsl'ription lids for ton day* •Isfeel•e or the Kell r.. (11ftiara. Slav 12 --The Bell Tele - 'hone t'n had many of it• poles burnt In the fire it ham stoked th. rely 111 allow It to replace then.. poles Leaf night Alder man Payment fathered a r.molition before the coon_ cit. that carried, out horiring the Council t. site the hell Telephone company 1133 power In erect new pole. until hotter terms were enter- ed intn bedtimes the elity aad the Den eemp•ny. WILL DEVELOP LAKE TRADE, Ood.nch May a.n.fil Largely Freest 0. T. P$c,ftc Scheme. 'I'h.• transshipping iule11'Mts of God - .'i.•11 may ' la affected materially by 1h,• buillling 11f the lilawd Trunk Pacific c Iladw•at', 111 the 'r inch rated 1,v the 1,.11ow•ing extract frau a plat violent of the company's plants :' "Last year the I\�eslerld wheat ill op ,'elected (M),,MMI,IMNI bushels. At the pee/stud Irate of settlement it will w1311 11.1\111 11111,111111,11110 hus11e14, w1111 .'IMa•1 rattle aim rug l3, 114,,11341 head. 3.:'.-,. ,e k 4 that once tltfll' takes 1.111 particular rule it is hand to divert i1, and if the older 1'Ivv iIn,'1. x111111111 ('ver (s•rulit the Americans to gel the 11a1's shale of the 'aur'y111g trade 1.3 the 1',11nwlian West evil r1.11s3r3ur11'e•s ;night result to 1 lltl41In i3, Mins. ways 1114111 une. The I:rund'rnlllk I'a3ifir may i3, this light 11.• saki to he It national enterprise of invent moment. The (,rand Trunk proper ca ret.N ellsl tirluull' all the noel fittest 3311,441 Ihnl real'iles Can- adian lake voids on the Cosa -Finn Hay and Lake (lun.u, and ham. facilities for handling an iid.•fiiitely greater yuan- tity. The intention is when the firma Trunk Pacific reaches NVinntpe•g to put a Neel of slew) stet •1. on the upper lakes, i3, 111111.1' to teed the lake Ie.it'., Mr. Hari plain also is to make the (fraud 'Ilriwk ('13lifle a 1111ve cell stauld:1111 1iur, with east' grades, gored r adledls told heavy s s1\ 1 e 1 a t 1x11 Knell )N: the Brand Trunk proper now las, i3, ade•r that wheat mM ' be eatTiell (4) Lake Superior expeditiously and at rates that will e3(111p113' fa3.ol•abl)' with these in forte 113, x11)' of the older linep, east 3,r west. ''Further, it special outlay will le 0uadr 1111 .•Irt•*to1. and lingo. centred s14n•hous., 11,13 only in the interior mutt at Port Arthur but at lake (sorts like Midland, Collings text, (i,derieh and Sarnia, the idea toeing to +attire as 'h wheat as 33ssible at those. pints before 1111viga(iton chose*, and then rant' it 34. it Canadian Willter (Mart. \l'. Halt's is of ..pirli11n, in shirt, that with as first-class main line traversing the west and Hour branches col- lecting the grain, a• well as with a well-equipped outlet W Port Arthur, he will he ably, in l•.Illj .t• with all wletpuate fleet of lake mteawmla and with the Din's of the Brand Trunk 4.• ar, to I Ile at leant :111,111.10,01111lroorlmis of wheat ("very s•4s)33 before lake nit%igati el.a'., and to at.ole 20,0011,11110 at Ontario lake initial, i3, readiness for tlauap ("tar to the l'anadian aealr,at'tl during the winter." LIKE A MIRACLE Nelson Lefor Vouches for the MarrMlous Cure of Mrs. Thos. Hughes Dodd', Kidn.y Pelle Agan. Morley, limy l'..., 4)ut., Jlx) 11th. (SpeYial.3 til, ularvelluus is the elle of M1.. Thos. Hughes of this plass that it seems almost ne•essxry to pre- fix the Ntltrlm3Ilt of N,•Inon L11fur, J. P., '•1 1.411 vouch for its truth." Mos. Hughes mays : "1 h.ul pains up my *piwal ,rdunui, in 3,.y head, over my 33)•31(, Ken 16114 111y IMu•k, through my left side, and 1X" e sionall' through my right aide. 1 would for thaw nights at 11 t • never 141001. 111\' 41'"m ill sleep." Such was Mi.. �ugh,Yi r titian for (raw year.. Fur mvtl•ly three years she was i3, Tedd. Five .,*'taus treated her uusuccesedull)-. Hear the remarkable stpurl in Mr's. Hughes' own words. '•I have taken him -teen boxes of I h Kidney '' 41d+a K113, I111+a and amlaw• 1 strong and able to du x weal day's work. Thanks to l)Mltl'r Kidney 1'1114." '•Haw I'.!'g will my chop 111, wait- er ?" '•A rout five inches, air." New life for it quarter. Miller's Conga I Iron I'ill*. For rale by Jas. `V%114011. Vi.iGu•- Mor ' g, Mike. 'lewdly Ila)' -though 1 suppose the rain dire good at any ' •. Mike True (4,1. you, slrr. Sure, an hoer of this will do gravel in (rave minutes than a Month of 3,t 333,01(3 i3, it week 3,t any other t,,imr ! WANTED! IN A HURRY 64 MEN AND 38 BOYS What For? For the purpose of buying the above number of suits at a BIG BARGAIN. The Reason : We ha\'e decided not to tarty so many lines of clothing, but simply confine ourselves to strictly high-grade ready - tailored clothing. Therefore we have placed on our tables ti4 Men's and :311i Boys' Suits, which will be aold,,._a price tlidt means dollars saved to tTie purchaser. Listen while we tell you some of our prices. Men's Snits $5.00 SUITS FOR $3.75 6.00 " 4.50 7.00 8.00 10.00 44 al 44 (3 GS 43 5.00 5.50 7.00 Boys' Smits $2.25 SUITS FOR $I.65 2.50 as 4.00 31 5.00 . 6.00 ' ,. as 4J to 1.90 2.75 3.50 4.00 This sale will last until every suit of the above is sold - we are determined to go out of this line of goods entirely. Come early and get your choice -the best always goes first. W. C. PRIDHAfl Perfect Fitting 4'batlling Hilus•. :Ile'u'm Furnisher 1111(1 Hatter 1'. N. Besides keeping a dock of the 20th Century Brand of Men's Fine Tailored Garments in sum k, We alsl take HbMcial alders 11%er 211) maniples to chose from. W.C.P. The Macey Book Case • • The finest thing of its kind on the uulrket to- day. }'o0 can get it in actions to atilt the 'dz.. of your Iihrmry. \\'1• also have a full line of all kind' of Furniture, suitable for every root in the house. Special Values in Springs and Mattresses. \\'e hnyr the celebrated Hercule. Spring, gu*rantavd not to Nag. One pend of wire woven the Hertileri way is as strong n4 fire p1 1' woven the old way. ('11111.• in and examine thein. Beckett & Staunton Picture Fra g and Repairing promptly *3.34'ndel Seasonable millinery Lu(ios will find here everything that is desirable in millinery effects. The changing fashions of the seasons aro re- fracted in my display, which comprises the latest novelties in the treat tasteful designs. An invitation is extended to all the ladies to visit my display room and inspect my stock of hate and trimmings. RVADY-7O-WEAR HATA A SrjOIA.TY. Hamilton Street MISS CAMERON *41,..,4 111.., • ' 111444, grtl J. H. COLBORNE 'PHONE 86. CASH OR PRODUCE. A FEW LEADING LINES Dress Muslin .1 large am4)t•tuu'nl in many of the new (nation, for the coining muslin ReMtan, white Italie and 11.x111 g1 dm, with vine 111141 flora) effects, frenal 111141 Alueriean maker, all new. and at popular price'». Ladies' White Waists Thr well known Muir make, dltet•t from the factory, 7&' t+) $2.75. Theme are latter (mule, more neatly t1'un- ule1, and finer Material fur the price than other linea, Kid Gloves' 1'rrrin's 'Mike, the 1141111e Perrin 111 11 guarantee of perfection in kid gloves, 7:x', SLIM and $1,41, i3, whit,', colutw x11.1 black. Specialties In Cotton blow' at titan 3 for She' up, some snap«. Dress Materials 1`11•x11114, in 1(lrtem, nun'M cloth, serge.. and excel e1er, Our black math; toyals, (k)plhml, grw111ieN, unites, ('11.43., d.' -chews and sy)N•lines, ale attrset• rug cust.xurly daily. Valuers rigid. White Wear Thea' goods are as good AM the bet, and cheap. In gown+a, Skirts, waists and drawers. Dress Skirts 1.'r have 1#'l a big sale i3, thew mewls,411(1 still there ale about 10 left in Oxfords and black, $2.51 to $3„5II• III per cent. dila-omit to clear thea 3111t 31114 week. Corsets Out kill raj air lot now down 10 :t;. l i/u1e nwd get a pair before they are all gone. J. H. COLBORNE Sometimes„.., a Furniture Polish 1.411 called) 'simply te- atootem lustre fora ' •---then the state is worw tlukn at f11.1, a surface of gTe"+w and dust. Every Time CLIMAX POLISH its camel it mven its 'superiority. riority. ('LEAN, HIGHTr, HL'R- AH1.K. Makes old furniture look new and stay ,1\o. The large sale enables us to reduceice. tie mime for etre. Coe thelest. lest. }► Take no substitute. Il.fore putting thelpipee;away cost thew) with that shiny, black rust -preventer Beatemall Stovepipe Varnish Give y • balcony rails, rnstiwgm, iron few- est rte., the sante treatment. The work) pr, - duces nothing latter. Darla Seeds Flower Steels Disinfection Tone up Your Horses and Cattle With Dr. Scott's Condensed Inorganic Stock Compound An article much ahead of .a (hoary at*•k (".1. At about name price. W. C. OOODE, Chemist, •LOFORO• (LOOK... Paint i8 to a Building what clothing is to the body.It is putt. Yoe should take as lunch nue in selecting u g the paint to clothe your property, ate you do in selecting the 'materna to clothe your peraoa.germs the Paint Labor costs fbeauty tho tin lit paiat. Mao e buildMe. Ie idl bets pm dra Mit ;abatis aat it a& THE SHERWIN-WILLiAus PAINT _ 1. Make fee painting buildings. It is not a tow -priced }11il. hal 134 lichen; because the best. It is made of the purest m.Mridrt;r war t1. Waged. The Wars are bright and handguns. We also carry in stock fur.: Linssed 011, Turpen- tine, Whitelrad, Dry Color3, Paint and Kalsomines, Brushes. PRICES RIGHT. N. D. ROUG V I E, Cash Hardware Store, - GODERICH. WESTOBY'S GROCERY AND BREAD DEPOT HAMILTON STREET,- GODERICH T H F: P A 11 N F: 1. I, - 1) E A N STEAM RAKING CO.'S \1'e ars howl cart+.Iv for SII Cereal Foods Eureka Tih..,n. Rollet Oat., in bulk anal RIIaReseer (MGM, Bread Flake Harley, Pot Harley, Rolled V' heat (Molina Breakfast delivered to all parts of the 'town every day. Try It Food), 1'1%111 of Wheat (Farina), l'Iaeked Wheat, Cornmeal ((ioldn.t), Fore, Swiss.Food.Fod. Granolia, Rice, Tapioca, Sago, V Graham Flour, fine Family F10111.,Erie Pa.try Flour, purr Manitoba .rad you will want 00 other. Fl , all grade's. . We sell the best of everything that's good to eat. W.P.Westoby FINE FAMILY GROCERIES. , TM. There is nothing better than the best., and in the line of Uroceries there is nothing better than what you can get here every day in the week. If you have newer bought your Groceries here, give of; a trial and see what we can do for you. Everything in season, of good quality, and at the right pricer. 1V OltTJN G BETTER ('ALi, ANi) SEE EZITI:71‘="1” d CO. TRZ UROOSRA, WEST SIDS SQUARE. Telepieaa No. 91. 1 Paling InTeltment : In ldtertbement in ?he Sign&ll 445