HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-14, Page 3�.,,�— �---_
f w , " e«--v.r•'.or• •1 17•••--,-•t , . .
URTSHIPS Of - ____
CO With all Japan tea drinkers
, FAMOUS MEN. Iry-J pi
r.iM !
ere to noatwounting ?VT eke
tit I
µ•„entrlcitim u(1loverm I sulwdrlltn
ly proved by
wblrl, uranyl of the world's great
suen ,save woad &Ad woo hely calve,:.
lslton i•ll begs Late heels
relit Ceylon CREE(i Toa Is pure, delicious and healthful. It
foil heu•J over ho)elr fu lisle
:*11I , C.ta,m wleck, hid wnricr'ai is as far ahead of Japan tea as "BALADA" black Is
d,,,g1,ter hki [)nth of uaiurtri t „ ' ahead of all other black tea. Lead packots only. 2'C
b W U,;" one of row r, fnr (f. , r Ind 400 or Ib. B all rOCCId.
Yn'Iwck h,d no wietl to Ncu hln only K
,llieck r- the wife of u peua'I•-� - -.--- _
s.uruluu, rnd he torbirda Lite yvuu) 1'in"r Itavr l'bruK.d• I BRUiCS GIVEN
lu".l•r to hold any oouwaaliatlou
•h But ut love laugh" At Tlmvm have cl'anaed allies thednya
"vial eaL
fro van ; uud, 'INti,Jntwauu
alien "a grant novel reader" lour
rI trait even write to Ills lady-'
a telm of reproach. Nowudayo novel I
juve las potire-I out l,mr miul to lit*" I
reading In n duty. No longer In a
to A Periem of "1-1,11`1711 to C'itu•.x"
diel of poelb likened to n dirt of
p,'lutrd lis a muoltul Journal, of
awetts. Une due" not Lear of peo
wlwl' he was ed1Wr. I
pAe "k1lln); away !heir limo" or
ltlr n the time war ripe fur rel- I
••uccuPylug vuc,utt half hour" by
tU'ipf bla deotlay, 116 made mesio the
,►f LlI pnmrlou, euld i4cwa11)5
••irlckhtg up" light literature. The
crural rrn,irr of tIs -day In respected
,of a
prc"vif to Ch4ra un the pluuu cal-
no a ►criuud worker with a steady
err tilevery nose of tier father,
jlOb• Tile, Oki blotter of tho starll••i
,v,tLout s sulgio word txiug uttrr-
-read'r detected to the perusal of the
rJ, "fail received tier joyful arseuk
forbidden novel are told no iuo.e.
ton„usi the masse wetllum.
Not to (cava rtbeorb ad u certain
of modern fiction in now to
};iib1)u'r method of wooing WAS nu
tccentrtO. One dray he strolled I
ted drteetINI lis it fault.
pito one of oto workroumr "till blood
In her were.
behind the chair of a pretty a pia''
au,r who war Absorbed
1t'hcn tike `Irl gtunctd round uud,-___-
1"41116 rbyly up ht titan. said. .•f
.k woman's Iden of a eonvpnlent,
k:,.•w it Wer lou, Mr. 1Aloou. I al-
IM.Ii lvli crIsEAT lrreaTw1 A1010
W11013 ways knowW11013yeti are near,” Ile
TNI51I5c No1E1.
",a%vered, to her ttmarewent;
LuLatt. ta% the regub►r
cuwt of a U:l•co•.k'ys' visit, si'd tore
.1 -vu -been tltlukinK it groat deal
Inrrpruve In weight while nAtng thin
abvui you lately; and if you are
.,Uiug to marry ms,. I would like
-luuligh Wu w,irt aLlfwult-of all
--bridge" is played title lot reduced
which of
I,. Murry you'„
royal vlrllurd to ulteituiu. Told
x,causo of lea r,dxiat taut died t:uu•
to half Crown pointe,
course comes out very high In each
t tuoath tater the pretty em-
ad, aurattlu i, for l e doem tout earn to gnu*- -
put a fri"ud toad subjtct to too grcuL !t it altogoether forbidden, by the
I unhesitatingly
Laver troubles a discovery of the high-
I.I,.yee lvato promoted to n "partuer-
est importance. rlusslshnem of that
brings on biliousness, sick hand-
mu..rh luure 0xp"3N,ve,
VIWL that tine Kanpur pull to I.urd ; sign and breaks up the party by rlb-
loub she hanever nine* re-
&4,{i • w y
LwurSLLLe, LaNtiug u We"k, cost sutue- i tng hll�vvlf: When goes upstairs
I Klug rdwar•d Tae supper in Idn
ills whlelt follow those coaditlons, 34Y
l.lver remedy arts promptly -purines the
landill Vit ete
King. its fd rupia in tlicury entertainer nue
r)polnr woo bit wife with equally*
t0_bu.abti_ttt t"kd u. ever w• two of tion men 1,0 join ate
makes Yo feel loss a new prrsom. The
d:1,matc suddenness. After playing
Liver is ono of the most lendsatant tor-
puvvQrfui uud friendly Leer can du ld, caO,tm about iIB a day. Besides Ills
la duet at is court concert
to !plat tot tit" aielittlit 110 would hero i ,.epierrl••r King Edward always takes
to neglect It.-Menyon.
„;tit Burette Hel►e.dler, a beautiful
2G0 vial.
toot►►►► �
Idunyon'■ Liver Cure, •
Spu„yoMr ototod Cure ersdleetee all Int.
,.lid gdte I ilarludt. and while th'•
purities of the blood. Yrloe y,.:.
Idunyonis t'.lit Cure prevents pneu•
monla, and breaks up • eWJ In a few
tuutllt or apPiauae WAS stilt ring -
hours. Pried Me.
)funYon•A Female flemedies are a boat
torose. with him. All thin vo,tlmld an thouRb
to all women.
Munyoti s vltsuater restores teat power
i'rt' arallyild /tor llaa• Adwrilt• { the vikit must ba a cotlbtapL nox-
p 1t t and rebtrictlon on the host
The (trill net-a-w",ly of tiro IW"t la to Y
,jig in their surd. he saki to II A
lluetleully refurIlLali the ruunly th•• , and the other guests. whereat, Ia
'reality. lite K1119 1. tllA WObt piupll-
Id un)'on. Y)i0adelphhl, U. Is. A., eont'tm-
Ing detalla o[ ens, wall W Answer-
jtanlf Will lire, Jur' It la nu tsuivrlttru
- ousw
cue lr h
r• all p
hu• uud tit cr of 7
Wed flat ca-uut the Kw;t tu:e� hu:Ul v
r.,lupnnlou : •-ShAll we play t.,-
tl-Icon" uti4 ltd ever fat our••.
lar new•. Lvury Alien ul wa l Iatlxi' uud IN everybody
less anxiety
fneut will given.
pawl uud gAL. iug unit Ix.uturad u, d Ii.a visit gives Lunch
flint of other p4rsonr not quite
t;cuirr thus through life?" 1'or tui -
..,pr, "the lady burst Into tear,
I �-- .
,,,.I batik tato Ido normal:'
One day when Mr. Dawoon, all
, „'luent preacher of It century
u{te. culled to red Mfrs Corbett. it
;,',' • ,
,, raLWY . sA usurer sof glr urutury.
': r whom b•, hair coserivA to nut
Mrs. Frances Stafford, 01243 E.
mltogether pllttonlc affection. h
!„uud her rend[ng the Bible. Steal-
1l4th St., N.Y. City, adds her teS-
mK nil t>whind h •r, be looked over
tlmonY to the hundreds of thou-
hrr shoulder to w•1` whet rhcal�,I
showillx Mrs. Pinkham'S fileS.
leln.11,1119. 11111u, Without
uny recognition of We Prerrure,
I ho lady's fort•finiger rested on the
SandS On
I I1'llen hy'dlia I?. Pinktiani s Itetne.
„unlm of Nntbun to David; "Th w1
I dY•s woo first introduced skeptics
„rt the man," Even its, lea mnrke•1
all over the country frotvlled upon
11 Lilt Would have beep sufficient fair
their cUratit'o ci:tima, but as year
Ill'. Baws"nl, "I'd w'1` cannot WOO'-
after year has rolled toy and tho
,ler thrIt ]lira t'urb''tl Noun rhaug-
liLLk-gr,ltlpuf tvl)lw'Iltsholu►d been
.d her Same,
cured by the new discovery hm"
Br, A►lsrnetlipr, thwtnmens pity-
since grow n into a Vast fumy of
&,clap. was as, abr,Ult to Itis court-
ttuntlrcda of thounffILr, doubts and
&fall) a in ,its troatment of hie pa-ske
l6cisms have been swept away
uenls. When. utter is blugle m'et-
aq a mighty fkarod, until today
Ing, he derldwf that Miss Anna
the great guat'+d that Lydia T.
ThavIfall would inuko a desirable
Tlnkaew'm V'egetableCompound
life partner, ie Pro fitly wroto to
Wad her other Ilredicill(8 are dohs;
tell kale 1`o in a .Urect, budlnwnKlilie
wu-. H" told tire frankly that lit-
among tite tt'utnen of America Vt
gr" too boo, a man to b ave
atttAetiug the attention of many of
tilde: 49 •pare for love mnklaK";
our leading scientintlt, jthysiclang
but .1111 oil-, war wilting tit marry
and thinking Itaople.
him 43►u miopi .lei film know, sad
Me Mateo to!n� I orifi Such fame;.
tied gjld%vrr w,ka fa%orubl••'
wine, therefore, is ilia wri{plan vdio
for a enre relies upoii Lydia E.
palusborough's wooing was -a-le
alilaOrt absurdly envy for him Ile
lied couggetnl a portrult of '!lifts'
Derr, a ehnrmipg young Indy Of biv
matt rummers, whes Jus fair liitlrr
was 0.. delighted wNh ker [Mese-s,-
m(sst that site more than Lluttd that
%hile'she took the copy Ahe artlht
mlight vinlm the orlainal. oulum-
Is,roas gh did not decline such a.temp)t-
Lag offer.
For constancy it worts lie diffleull
it) final a rhn► for Jeremy Bentham.
In early manhood Jeremy Ilenthattt
proposed for for hnnl of n voring
I,uty, who promptly refused him.
forty yenre later he renewed his
offer with the same result ; ai of Ill
loyally cherishing him love In old rage,
he peopowid ngialn at the age lir
A In n touching letter, In lrhk:h
be wrote: "Since tine day when you
Prperntwl me with the flower in the
nne. not a singlo day line pans.Vt
Ili which you have not engroentd my
Ila, tight&"
1•roisbly no gallant who Over laid
1'l. heart nt a fair lady's feet wenN
more undecided thin Lord Ryrun
%hen 1'p wrote fnr letker which rolu-
mittrd him to tier unheppl marringe
%Vitt% ),JIM lailtnnke. Ile land }let IW( -
posed to, another IAJy and• no, he
lipid her letter of refumal In hie linn1.
he 4fDld to n frlond : 'it Ra -vent; thnt
It 1. to be M1 -m Mutinnke !'flrr till :
1 will write to h'•r.' llr' wit ,lean
and wrote tine "fatal letter," hnrnl-
Ing It to his frlcnl for pr•rn.nl.
" A very pretty letter," the friend
rrmarka4 afb•r retuhng It : "it Is n
plty that It rhomldn'. go." "Then It
Shall go," evctnlmal J, ron and theft
o,r•rle,l line of the most traffic elinp-
term lir hln chepuereal life -.tory.
l't nk Ixa fn's �'ege table ('.onu led unl.
Many Anhnalb Ifs•wtor Intoxicated on
Nature 'r Beverages. f
Allhuug,h It hay uftuu toeen Sam.
when I.1waking of .h•uukruuesr, thnt
num the _emote of the ficial do not
gut drunk, It is nevertheless a fact
that u grout many uwwulr do loot
IntoxicuLud. Take the elephant, Jur
lusluuce. lie la particLaurty fund of
Uro fruit of thu Unguuu tree, ural
ulLhough fie- tyopxare to have some
Idea that It is not good for hint he
will go On eating when hu Tab once
begun until Le In wiKlly exelted toad
ru intoxicated that Ile will stagger
from aide to vldat. Every auw unit
that he 'will pull himself up, shape
Lir bugs head and tear wuJiy through
lite furcet, lrumloeting ut the top of
lair voice Land terrif,)lug every llving-
crouture. It I. sold that he will ovvu
dura and defy Lir must dreaded
cut -my. the tiger, when its this cou-
ditfua, but We WOO no mcaur of
verifying Uiis. It Is well known,
however, that on eleprhunt it In u
Imost dangerous condition when sut-
feriug from Lilo effects of eating this
Aeautiftal fruit, ural all.whu can take
c' u i v% r 'touch
are to k- ►nut [ Ilia n u m
y lir pur►lWe. • -
Tlle sloth bear is another animal
••ilea to this fulling. Thu nativist of
Indo are 1n the habit of bal)glna
little vowels on the palm trees'for
the purpose of catching the juice.
Thin juice IN w attractive to the
Muth lieur that, although such a
[sur climber, lie will scramble up,
ulnl go on drinking Ute Juke until 0
is so thunk th.tt 1{ppp can only . n
he4olewtly to the grXn d and lie there
In u drunken rtupur until the effects
have passed off.
But the sloth bear b not the only
animal who is ted partial to thin
juice of the palm treo. The curious
fruit, or fox, lulu (family 1'teropotil-
.b►e) aro Quarticularly fund of It. This
peculiar little comtrhlatlon of beast
anti bird, with Its foxliko face, red-
dish furry Ludy, and black, uncanny -
looking wings. the delicate memt)ruge
of which b ulwuyr quivering down
to ilia very ti+w, will fly to these
vowels In-eomprany with some hun-
dreds of his companions and they will
buck the juice until the grootd below
tJw tree will be -Lark with the bodies
of the"o lute, W]'". Will Ile there too
laWplenbly Inloii(snted to" more or
defenal thrmKrl%es no matter wont
may turn ftp
The biggest drunkard of all in per -
hope the palm civet. Ho athlleted Is
this animal to the drinking habit
that 1t has been term(d the toddy
eat.. And a more helpipme, foolish-,
kxnking creature lhnn be b when lie
Is thoroughly Intoxicated with the
palm juice It would ban difficult to
fire!. There nr.• many other animals
given u) this falling, last all thew+
I hive s{o,k, a of live L-1 India, and It
quay lie that ths• heat, which induces
extreme thlrat-+4 frequent "cube
among mon-IA the direct owes of
\of a Flaantdal Fallum
' • *Idl'ttlrlpbia Ledrrr.
Me4icery-You re not "o attentive
to Miss Ilozlry an I thought yon
would bar.
Ilunter-No.' Yom' rive -far -4111" tOtt
me die .lkdn't tfo-An for socia[ ple•-
eurals' sinif" .her father had fnllal.
LlcOue,•ty-V1noor old man ! Ile IN
failing drendfnlly, 411to a p11ydc.tl
Hunter -Cee tvhlz! is that whist
rho meant ?
11ABY'K ItENT 141W.N D.
The best friend batty can have 1s n
Simple ms,tillrinr tlat will relieve and
cure the minor nllmoitm that make
Ilia little life often very nrlmeralrlr.
Buell a friend to liiby's own Ttsb-
lets. They enre irmfig,•ALlon, motor
stomneh, cunstipntlon, simple fevers,
diarrhora, .'Hall &I!&), the Irritation
necutnpanying the cutting of teeth.
all mnlherm ivlto have used these
Tnblets•pralate them. Llrs. F. -L.
llunrgeols, Enntern Harbor, N• K.,
anyA; "I have used 18aby'sOwntllah-
IPI. and honk ,,poll them as to tay'r
Mmt fslrnl. I ,have fout)d them nn
excellent remedy y for colic, land they
have dune our Inhy match gool in
":Wily wnyoa." 'T,Iltlo case. take these
Tnisletn nm retullly an candy, find the
mother line n gtmrantee that they
rni,tohl no opfnt0 or ochry Triomf I
dr"a. Oncp "mrd nlwaym u,4-1 whore
there fare little ono. In the 1101111".
Hok1 by draRgimtm or- sent lay mill Pt
_.. ret.to n Loc by writing dirpet to
Ten ItulrA of Politeness for Children. ill t Mr 1b Inn ('o
1. To be polite in to !cave a Most re-
gard for the feelings and rights or
. no an pollte to year parent.,
brother., .lours and achoolmiotes aA
you are to mtrangrrs,
:1. Look people fairly In the eyem
whnu you speak to them or they
A1'enk to you:
d. Do not bluntly contradict any
it 1/ not d1Arourteos. to refu+e
to (in wrong.
a. Whlrq'ering, 1Ang111ng, ellowlag
grain, or rating at lecture. in School,
lir fat plaepm or nmusement, In rude
en -1 vulgar.
7. Do (doubly oarefnl to nvold any
ritdenres to strnngerm. Aurh n. call-
Ilg out to them, itaughing or mak-
b fat
1 e e Ji
r mn . t lit m. Ika
I, rk oboe
stnr" at vialtorm.
4_ in passing a Pen, Prneil, knife,
air Pointpr, hand tho blunt rnd to -
want the one whg revelvr,l it
v. Whon a rinoommaln t. recitln{f, dt,
not r.lso your hand until nflrr h,•
lis). finlwh ted.
to. WI,on yon panA dlreetly In front
of any one. or nrrklontally nnno.r
him .ray, "F.xtmne ms,;' nn.l npnpr
fail to Any "Thank yon:' for lh•-
Atrinllpnt favor. On no aceonat may
"Thanks."-ftob'ool Rules for .innta
Sarbnra, Cal.
Her Gentle Hint. .
Chlrwgn taw-,
•'Aro you fond of ill rain'"' Aho 11Ak-
M, Innocently, no ahs• st000l it, illy
PI -Ino fumbling thw mnale.
"i dearly love them." he rpplletl
will' never a shallow or anriPlebn.
Then .lin ran tier Slender fin rm
over the keys and lwg.in to do , 14
,Would I Were a tllr6" .
the Dr. o btmm ••
Drocklllle, Ont.
SAlad brewing.
Tile pale pink wind is blowing,
'file gl,My grace IN tall,
Tile river it Is flowing,
Tate iceman Iwo his gall.
Tile birds are ekwing bluely
Away tip In the trees,
Tate wilkwaW she is happy
Out pltyinlc with the bees.
The cows are anally darlciog
Amkst the buttercups.
The butterflion are prancing
Among the little paps.
The hers are lon.tly ringing
T7lolato"t ragtilno tunes;
Tho loararders they are clint;irl:
Tu Iru-Idinge wade of prune-.
Whrn Actions lolkak-
Cblrftsal ro•,t.
"John." silo raid. "how do you OWll
"That'm WhAt I thought," she, sald-
no cillo tore •sap the letter she was
Writing "lid bean" fall over again."
.end mlte couldn't understand why
Ito laughed.
hazy' old .ores will not will long itilTr
ntwiasm�i wuh rnlluee with 0*"t'All (or lunl,r nil
ekense the blood with weaver's 13Yr"P.
The fi"ll(w all are jigging
Cion the river bents.
The ft"hernion nre swigging
Alnf s rutching their rhauk..
IlumssKr saggrmt ionm.
iferr Pre )tlbt A few hlntA for the
etrnl�t•T girls of lvOft:
i;at`lobkt,•rm, bill ski not flirt Willi
Bolsa In Ltw-n, Kul ,lo not all on It.
it.•Wal•o tier lynv nn lhP links.
Tip tl,+ p ,'rtrr, bell stoat 111" hiKhMlll.
Only a I.Otnto Ims tiny Morena(• to
nrnke gena-9Oo Pv(!r'.
It dro'w tool rrgaire n higt,t:nynnua
try hold iqo a trittn.
R•tt cl!ttnv, but .to not he ono.
B^ careftil net to nliv Sour team
w'lth"your teem. -From "Celt 11ockvt
Cosltid urfrok:;' is F )a •Tntvk NevvA for
Tyln pigs are 1n the clover,
Tho !'hes are to the Soup;
The lom)ple ell turn over
Itighl In Ilio hoop We loop.
Tho wh!Akerm they are sprouting
1-lKm the fanners' chins ; .
Tho likumball cranks are shouting
Ani clapping with their fine.
711e Insects now are bray
Anti laying many eggm. .
And everything Is dizzy
And wobbly un Its Ings.
We have that tlrort feeling,
And feel like thirty Oehth,
Atld If we'pe In the country
We Imn nbuinmt a rrncp.
Anil it worn 1n the city,
We Imll as;ainht a bar.
And drink until ,re au"n"t
Walk very fivit or fur.
plug certainly deserve tho sympa-
13 of tho public;
Door Madam; ,
Kind lyy excuse Tommy for being
besot. He ell down the sellor starer
Int before school time. At first we
1,ugi,t Ids Internal tabldes were lu-
ual but the tLuetur said It was the
(using of Wo eppydurmys of the
utnilko was much. Ilowever he uar-
owly resmlred notal deat4t•"
Dour Tuueber:
' !'lease rxcube James for being ub-
out. We have a pet goat and he et
1) Ids Jamoo ev pants. Hlb fathor
uuWto't get him uny until yorter-
ay. Mrs,. ---.
I'. M.- We have tied -up the p,eoat."
-Now York Tiwer.
The Passing Jrra,
Le -]luny a girl weary a sallor hat
rho can't row n boat. lihe-Y'er;
„d mauy a luau vvourd n silk lint
rye Can't set tis) a htme pliaw
1'hilomupldn Murphy (recoverinq
rom a twenty -foot fall) -Watt, 1!sail
to come down for Hallo, anyway 1
"Do you may you gravers every
nlght, hobble f' ' No ; ,tomo nights, I
don't want anything." ,
11lion Fortysummers-I bad a pyo-
pcsal last night, and refuhed It. Dorn
[:rusher -You are alwa-vs, thlnking of
the' welfare or others, areri t you,
deur t
First DITlaity Studeut-What Is the
subjPet for 41sc"oeton at the I)ebat-
hqf liuclety to -night ? second Ditto
-"The Influence of Creamed Trousers
on the Decadence of Prayer."
Cn►lor-I am placing title work,
malum, In a few of the very firmt
fawlllea Ifoumttholdor-Well, this
hapens to be one of the very first
families where you are not placing It.
"How clean ani freeh the landdcupe
looks to -day," said Mrs. lltland to her
husband. -11 read something In I I •
papprn about detectives scouring tote
country," explained Mr. llilanl.-
711P gentln spring too Willi up,
Itight hero arith both her feet.
)lark, bow the frra+w In Hooting,
Ani don't the ground look sweet
-Nowt York Herald.
Some school Excumes.
AA Following are n few notes that
trechers In nn (amt nide School hav
recently received
' Dear MIAs H.:
1'10nd excum Minnlo and Lunn fo
Willi;nbsent they got a wtddhutf la
n brother.''
Wf4ldingn' Seem much lis vOlP
nnlong the Tnmilies of titnt "retie
for smother [)upil wnikrd flemapo•tel
h.to the cinms-room after a day
alwetlre ran.] prevented her trarll
with nn (•[lintl0 that' rend as fol
sown o
" t1ii.m
l'Iraao rxcute my daughter I,en
nbr,•ntA. Rho went to n wakling, t
Inst dny 1n•iure by her niOther'N al
.k lnr,ly pupil brought In this pr
- livor Sri" F.:
,,,,be ren,won Iry wl'teh our dnngh
comem Into. it ronsisto In iter Insine
10 Imre the. io•d in the Morning
wo hopn h"nveforwr'rd to make h
ton eager and diligent.
"I was yours reSpPcttUl."
The heroes an•l heroines M the f
•- --- - .
' a si. eti ��� ♦ v� d�o.�•� o e e c � e o 0 0 •��
Clean Your Liver
When the King is Guest
Tbose Entertaining Royalty Must Have Big Bank Rolls -
Munyou s Liver flemedye
, Nothing But the Best In the Land Should be Set Briton Kim
TJne . tlrtrl,, 1wipand nd delaw
P�►�Ho oo�ef��Nd
Pride goes Tricor, n roll -and It goes
lLusnluu Au,rworr.) than an hour, for King rdward dlw
nrr0 of Ips. Chasm's Nerve Food.
Tina un.61 tuuuto ihtutn4r of the K•ug, I laked dawdllag for • 1plg time over
the on,twnr.l h"Ilcation of tiro wenk.l
w•lucL vik"od Liao vlbtt to Couto- i derrert and wine, as the Ooeor9lap
brlugd to lwbit war Ito drinks little, but Of
a[inculntrn'. torr doge -at Ipttet
worth to Ix) purtfxwtd,
wuld lite enot'WutLn cpdt wLL:h bur
tow ituert quality, an4 the dispel'
w lo) barite by. cutertta,uers, of rv)-
.Will cont u ckutr LA a head.
Tim loan who minks hl. Witt. In
WI*u t116 Ladled have 90,30 the
h11n(i to )Iraq faults Is entitled to an-
A wcukawuJ vLbtt from Klug Ial-
Klug awoke• hia fourth cigar of the
otlwr tlllnk.
warm, If Ila Were wt yuur vinlllug
day, Iva oull for the loot thing
.k woman's Iden of a eonvpnlent,
Ilst, would cwt you jubt uliuut L'.',.-
at night. Whorl the party inures for
UUU, exclusive of bpcelal eutectuill- alto drawltl9 room llle+re will be some
-That vs,ovrage I willell settler down lilts Cards
the wlrola mystem. Ry noting y0,ir
LuLatt. ta% the regub►r
cuwt of a U:l•co•.k'ys' visit, si'd tore
1 until bedtiune• 'In must games the
Inrrpruve In weight while nAtng thin
K►ag of Engin nl ib the (curt ourll)'
Ding stakt-d LS units, but when
groat fon'! cure yon onn prove that
-luuligh Wu w,irt aLlfwult-of all
--bridge" is played title lot reduced
which of
.people should the ouly.from old
royal vlrllurd to ulteituiu. Told
x,causo of lea r,dxiat taut died t:uu•
to half Crown pointe,
course comes out very high In each
age Or by accident."-biunyon.
pronounce lay Curr for
ad, aurattlu i, for l e doem tout earn to gnu*- -
put a fri"ud toad subjtct to too grcuL !t it altogoether forbidden, by the
I unhesitatingly
Laver troubles a discovery of the high-
urapaxn,e. EV4tiall &vvereigum ere way, fur anybody to withdraw for,
Ain't tee reoeut t tit.• evening until the King gives this
est importance. rlusslshnem of that
brings on biliousness, sick hand-
mu..rh luure 0xp"3N,ve,
VIWL that tine Kanpur pull to I.urd ; sign and breaks up the party by rlb-
acbe, indigestion, constipation a,,d an the
LwurSLLLe, LaNtiug u We"k, cost sutue- i tng hll�vvlf: When goes upstairs
I Klug rdwar•d Tae supper in Idn
ills whlelt follow those coaditlons, 34Y
thiing take x3LA tA).
cailb, you n)ured nhtr1eenttert
l.lver remedy arts promptly -purines the
landill Vit ete
King. its fd rupia in tlicury entertainer nue
Wood. Clears the tongue sad skin Slid
t0_bu.abti_ttt t"kd u. ever w• two of tion men 1,0 join ate
makes Yo feel loss a new prrsom. The
Ito chool.u,, A.I cleft even /61` wuhL ;pulling -epi' the Plug's eervatrts
C sou' tfiU' '
Liver is ono of the most lendsatant tor-
puvvQrfui uud friendly Leer can du ld, caO,tm about iIB a day. Besides Ills
sans of the human body. It Is dangerous
to !plat tot tit" aielittlit 110 would hero i ,.epierrl••r King Edward always takes
to neglect It.-Menyon.
In eutl•t•tuiulpg l:th rut'erelgn. maid two valets, two royal footmenaml
luttr. tyle King auuo:lrn•cr Ind intra-'' n pw6e. u4 !yell as, 1dd cOnfldeatits l
2G0 vial.
tion ofOil Y
Srtuyinig Willi las subj":t font >t'II'glKuer is
Idunyon'■ Liver Cure, •
Spu„yoMr ototod Cure ersdleetee all Int.
n to or two --which kis u,'vvr doer ; the local ehdurch, ape
baa u chapel
purities of the blood. Yrloe y,.:.
Idunyonis t'.lit Cure prevents pneu•
ucdLAS;certaits lou is Weleolue in every loss the •hoot private
tray cunt that his hu^t'r huuk'ug u+'- ; of Ise corn on the estate, and i's-
monla, and breaks up • eWJ In a few
cuiult Will not W hurt by tit* cI- , quebtr illi the other guests to 90
hours. Pried Me.
)funYon•A Female flemedies are a boat
torose. with him. All thin vo,tlmld an thouRb
to all women.
Munyoti s vltsuater restores teat power
i'rt' arallyild /tor llaa• Adwrilt• { the vikit must ba a cotlbtapL nox-
p 1t t and rebtrictlon on the host
The (trill net-a-w",ly of tiro IW"t la to Y
to weak men. !'rite V.
Parsonar letters nddressad to Prof.
lluetleully refurIlLali the ruunly th•• , and the other guests. whereat, Ia
'reality. lite K1119 1. tllA WObt piupll-
Id un)'on. Y)i0adelphhl, U. Is. A., eont'tm-
Ing detalla o[ ens, wall W Answer-
jtanlf Will lire, Jur' It la nu tsuivrlttru
- ousw
cue lr h
r• all p
hu• uud tit cr of 7
Wed flat ca-uut the Kw;t tu:e� hu:Ul v
rr. promptly and fres advice a1` to treat-
W 118
tl-Icon" uti4 ltd ever fat our••.
lar new•. Lvury Alien ul wa l Iatlxi' uud IN everybody
less anxiety
fneut will given.
pawl uud gAL. iug unit Ix.uturad u, d Ii.a visit gives Lunch
flint of other p4rsonr not quite
-- -
rtniowed Unituti unfair given to u to,,;than
Gral of lurnihhers-ge•uvru.ly Meabrh. Nilo cxal vd, because, as he arrnnitee
Wartagt, of Luuduu-tis relurd-n fat alk' "sub""t6" everything on
ltogrLamnu• down to that menus for
Tr FLETCflERIS owe►u lLth rery Ionto style. r' i' - file 411111"rr/. wldch are suhuutletl to
INTELLIGENCE- tt•tocdxtl[rem�_,ut& toilimcc, t,ry
GILD NESS Attar flu' wliulr hul.$) iLvrLaur:u, 1, lilt before its combs, he tr reuroiubly
too, but in ally cake tit* loyal ru:te 1 baro to be pleame 1.
Do brains and beauty �e to the must Loe. Them the whole slut[ tot ser -•j As n rule KIuK Edward Jlacourl9ra
va itx, from chief but.er to ►flyby u , nnytlunp ike sa' c1a1 pextrarngnn:e•
earns soman l I cod fellow of 'uuuid tual atablo buys, Bove to have i thollgi l "firma agl blmyto Illot'
)Odd's Kidney Pills Cured His The everyday }ally : Ile Ln/ neve lives". wnlwl urn not to I"' l ,l"e" fat 1)ec Ione and the btt r -*Our
Lumbago and He is a Sound town laughs at the query. v%oru till tile, tints or tlw Klug's tor- p -
answered it opo hundred and one rival, tuid tittle mean" auytl,1ug from 1 to C18,00v. When the time comas
Man. tltnee -In the negative. To his mind, 1=X,U to LJOd. truly u famous chef cua I for the King to leave the tlpss he
bis give" touliau90 u[ .tit* kitchen, uud • belitowr bomrtlllug prodigious. We
it to quite as Iwpomyible for'br' ' till usual cook givtn I•lucu to x4.1 usual alp for a week -slid visit Is
Jranton-fan Shouts the Good News and tx•uuty to belong to the same Frouch "urldat;'. whore votary In L'1:•O. width he leaver to be divided
that Tbctro /r a Cure For Kidney women as, it Ir Imtmx•sible, accord- from CLO to LIUJ u week. 1•bually tints i up amour; his Inost'r servants. un-
Diseare and that Cure is Dodd's ilia to the regulatiunr of the play- clilef carriage that mill" the !Ging 'IrOr cher are reached very biK ■tuff, when
Kidney little. I "icists, tat' two obJEctd to occu y the h„tx Lu bis i4 pety apo, nt1 t cu lr L -lit, I( ii,o avo r go st,pa 9'00 co more.
• P Tho av, ruga guest, paver or common-
nt heist.
Granton, Out., May 4.-(Speclal.)-1 sam" nt in space. lie way enjoy C enertnlly jlne country oouro b car, btnyinK at n country -110114 1n
rhoro to no ultcertuin butiad about Ids even,ng. with the talented young sewn way from n trhgrnp,h ofrlc,, tilt) shooting' seabua, get/ eft with
taw statement of John }'letcber, u[ _(!fain woo he•rsifies, or paints, or cunt It it uti obeolutl, cul• that a l from L3 to f. 10. but when tile King
this p)Iaco. "I am glut to let oho oonductn a selsuul-room, but lie r,K•clal telegraph wore mint Lw Ini.t i Come)-CvOn the atmble-btnye 99t"Ing-
know that Dak1'm Kidney pill- quite accepts It for grant -ed that iia IIlee fruits the iwarebt nue, ain't ! pN t" In the Jlrtrlbutlon.
hate coral We of Lumbago, alsd stow rile tr plain of feature, apd phil(ot- its thn h err tau in., ruatrnt IA filU-1 When one sovereign vlrits another
perfectly soutsl." 'flint is the orpihl'ally, .eneoq■ that the fates ,,p. Thin usually cuo;,tw (runt L100 It' tits the tnlvrrrflnl hRlr ltstill
at W1n11
I nm per Y
way lie puts It. Questioned as, to attempt en equllublu plrttibutldxl L_0U, mail canrrol Ica dtys•n"•,I willt, K b
lite lkorticularr of Kir case. Mr. lir their gifts, awarding to thin 0110 s.,n it in Imlturtl(nl UlAt tow King uui) sol' awl'Osborne at the time of the
Pletcher said: be+aut-v, au that onu a sweet,lent- �, In Instant much With sol iu,_ tato Queen"t in"er"t lie Il,ft LtOW
cul worn tr(xlLkat for a year {rr, to Lite third klttella:t, and ro ps rtnnl otent, each un llw death off IN-tween till, two %(all@. When King
I h ? F:Jwnrd war blnying with his SI -
with Lunisliagei and Kidney Trouble.. on. :4 fumlgn uwu:urla lir ally Lig afralr, I tor, 'the };m rear Frtdeilck, he left
My urine was of a very bad color, Otters avow that beauty and lis- our a rave blight lis euoh d rnipr p
stoat I Could get nouling to help me. teltigeneo hairy nothing to du with it very grave, :titd th,e King erirlr i-C:.,vU(1 nft-( alp for lwr servants.
" I consulted doctors, but ttley ouch other ; the beautiful alrl maJ^ ilia tundolence at brace. - ,
could not he me, sus! I WaS not In Ile intellectual or elle may not bis. Brio Hid Own Scrvantr: NIR nm Wisdom
a very cheerful frame or mind when Others declare haata a femininity
} lie taken tWith him everywhere ids I
All tralta late long to the laity.
I (decided'to try I)odd'n hldney Pills. may be an leas private tri nu rhlrt, who Tar charge I M )
-But it was a ImJty day for me as It w11) W.J. long am It does not do P 1 Match talk, man • Ilea
When Idkl. Almoxt from the flrtrt loiter tn. the world of producers, „f the vilso, lcirc. Trion, Its to tbv 1 •tyle wildcat's teeth fare cluvo to
they gave roe relief atnl r was Soon i begetting art and rcirace; that as, I.
of iho. huusr•„ you c:%nnot give r•
entirely cured. Soon as, it begins to create beauty the !Ging what you like, however chances sever leave any
MV folie" away• cvotly enl excellent it is. Lotti
" Yet, ms, Iatialmtgo in genu : -
Kidney Complaint Ir gone, and Dodd's Director !'tench, of chs Art [n= nury, f rite Y,tua t e����L
IlImmt, i tare-mber all you see, bnt forget
Kid y Pllle did it all.,, stltute, is of tIXss whoo eniphatically+Init11 w•rtur to thebutt, glatin�of what you hear.
T)odii]'n Kidney I'tlls never inti to hnt br,3uty Increase$ with In- the smallest rh•Lallt ecerytitlno who live In yeoterda
1 nT1-tli�rfim err-tsFw�ty+r-W-dltTpd.
cure Kidney Complaint, whether telllgeoce, a to lite *rrekardlsllkt*^ . I _l- k[+ajesty tnkrs Ills. otvn
that complaint takes the form of it" intellectual loaders and examples! Tleo turkey akwo not tell the fox
Bright's lliseaoe, d,lnbeter, p)ropny, for all time o[ pliyoical perfection. li ecigarr Jaid llnllaid m ; Ica is Only allowed
Itheumatl.m, Sciatica, Lame $ack, Tlio itliva that women h as ssinmoo p>dsln- not Ito int rv(1 w th'Jnllaut Ile sunlit
� lhlt taker alllong eti time to tell Of
etc. [ 1`r of feature n1` they the more silo- xeterm cite China k►naL Tea, b)• the ' what you have, not done.
tr.efully adore thctr mind. he flouts i
Op I an absurd. way. 1. tho first nuccrnity in eseb I The biggest brave does not al-
'reaehing alloys, Mlme Caroline 'Wade, of the Art In: dity. and th.i •hurt la Inbtructed to ways ,,sake the li net chlef.
A pbllanthrople friend had been atitute, Is qukto nn ready as Mr. 1111" ,L service of It taken to the it Is easier W silence a ahlef thus
teaching a clitee of boys for some French to champion tiler beauty Kirig'n Im•drliambor at 8 a.m. to answer a eltlld.�
a clog cause of futpllectunl woman. Breakfast inw-t be rewity to the I If the rattlt-mnmke did not stop to
time, and he war now holding
Ing meeting. Anxious to fret 1f hl. "All Intelligrlice refines:' Bays Miss minute )ft !, nn+1's)ry cd In the King cycle ho would tx) ten time■ more
R'attic, "and whatever refined IN a private room. Lord Knollyd wntru•ets I dvlgerotts.
teaching had borne fruit a hundred- means of beauty. Doesn't every- the hutit [bel King Edward b not A long .portage makes a heavy,
fold h0 wild : "Now, I have a book one find that the faos that appeals I allow ell broad, but, 1,v k' 1`p Li. Welgut i Q11;ou
here, and shall present It to the Icy to Jolt, or tier is the intelligent fuc0 down, must eat rusk" InbtoaJ. Thr 'Pito [;rrnt FlQlrit Is too bio for any
who has shown the greatest kindness -tbap face with expremslon, am wp King :akfut'tm by liAnmt It. and Mort I church to holt!.
to a dumb nnimal." There was utter say? If you want an example of a lof ifbre0 moruing Ir-le,kuw pp) with ( Tho hulgrr ,von lhnit tile strrpo,r
nilenep for a space, when at Inst one strikingly beautiful woman whohas etate hubhli tt:ht•n that IN Itnlvbnd t1i(i mountnln grown.
little fellow, tpv%tit out a hesitating s ate it tnte)Ieetuality, take the Ills �bijenly fi)Inr tha h(K19P party. when 1 navy the oak walk i may
hand. "Well, Ned, what have you \'Gnaw elft Milo. Certainly, no one A lint of alt+, ether gac'tr, by l6e tntilt n pnlefnee tongnr.
tk•ne ?" .knit the youthful humanitar- ,00kIng at It could acc,see her of wily. liar to lo: vlbmitu to oho King
it. answered, "I once chlppit a dog:" tial" n weak-mindr,l woman. Tat before lie comes, for his aprprotnl- if you 11.ivo the courage to keel
g in fact, be stlggestrhlmdOi[ the num- still you are a truo brare.
I her features and iter figure hove l,cr illat ehnll bo nrked, and isomo You will drink' dirty water you
THE POOR DYSPIEPTIC been a standard or heauty for can- roil your rel iborr a rin
tarles, ani stilt "rte taken am a type "( the namrt4 If )Oto are amketl to g '
l p R'
Which we au"n"t excel." Ia house tmarty that includes the King Do not chitalleri[go fate anle" vols
I/ the Mo.t ml6erableof Mortals-Oniy 1it Is arqunl to nn nnnounrement that havo borrowed the Groat 8plril's
Similar Sufferers Can Understand _ UteKing lvnnto to Ave you, and It rldeld.
His Hours ofAlponr. ZERO AN ANCIENT TERM. Ili J;, At am tirgrni that you should go When I rim taught that the pale
_ . ion it wtoul.l Inn If you wore cure. fnro who ,I- ,I the worst he knows
There is no mortal more miserable ata+in I w, flytileItai.yl„nlan•.Thirly- inawled to ,lindelor. htrw Is better than lite Indian who
ti,:ul the poor dympreptic. He in never sit Hundrrd Yran Ago. Arnumrnlrut Must Is• Provided, d,wa the tx,.t lie cars, /'tall l J"'not
healthy, lever happy -always Ailing, lieSlJee thin the host must "send tell tai" Missionary to Swallow his
alwar out of a)rint. Every mouth- The tetra zcru, w1, ch Is umr-1 to tine king a list lir thn annisementa brook ?-('Ilarleailitow. 1n New York
fill of f(olil lrrilytm houror (rt (11111(1111111`1`96--sK1.1egigaitteO a cipher, and In meterol- lis, im preparing for titan tit -forehand. larvae.
every mompnt.,or the day it spoiled ogy the entire absence Of Iw'at I At tlliN time of the year there Is —
anl soured. the atmosphere, wan, accordingto pare to be u day'm mit-)otlng, and If
If you tare n dysipeptle, you know a mnthemationl hintorlun; Moritz t1wro in ivnything Interesting In the short bread.
the signs; the contort t0111,911", tlu• cantor. n,.",1 latit-' Babylonians , ln,lghbo hood an rxcurbion must be
41,11 headache•, the hearl,burn, the about the year 1700 8. C. Thu, 1 arranged to go and ace It. One-quarter lo)nnd of butt, -j-, on(-*
torment m invrel • n Au o Aiilon. It " I quarter pound of !lour, three ounces
blllounl"ay, the pietsteten(i rm Iroworrr. 1 ) tip I,uttch, at ., oclo,k, oomtn, with �
after mealy, the hopelesP despond- )an" not been definitely e.Labllohed Willem, about L peer head. Only the of Sugar. grated rind r.f lemon.
ency. Any Ono of thew+ slRlty lx)lntA that zero wum In lime any enrller fliw•At and costliest vintages in the i c 11*11nd peel- "lit At" tine Ingredl-
to indigostlou. The one Pure cure for than 4110 A. 1,. About thin thnn world nor oflrred to the king. Then entm into n howl. work them all
nidl'gestlon Is; Dr. Williams' fink It wall used In India. and meieral coulee the afternoon's Shooting - Into a Prieto With live hands; the
r make Beiv blood -that's centuries later the Arabs W-gan to Kin Fwlward Int one of lite bent shots I butter will absorb them graAluahY.
Little. Til Y R
Lite whole secret. Through the bloat employ it. Through lite Arab" 11/1 in Ih•iUth' -and !vier" the mhooling I !Gilt around to "bout a gnnrter Inok
they will bract' up your strength, cme became known to EnroPratile, pearly retnrnm there Most be n goon . t11lsok, prick and mark Into alleys
lvaken your liver and wet; your mtom- during till: twelfth century. it was ' oulld ten really f•,r itlm Ila itis Lpoma I with n klllre, Pllt ('an!led peel on
neh right. I[ you asfl your netglr rot generally ndoplwt in };utope oil- Dinner la at fi (!clock. It is call
and bake b) n w(rth•rote oven till
Imus you will find proof of tide right alt Re%erallceaturirm Liter, nolwilh- f,eckivy Isom dew+% before the visit I light brown. (',it wbitnt lint• and
fat your fawn home'. Mr. (Marleto mtanding its great allvantcgeA. Por th+st dinner sunlit not last longer lint ankle to harden.
Waal, Mrs".,
ont., one of the thou- a oonvlderablo time there ware two _ _ _, ___ _-- ____- ____ ____
minds of dysp,rPtics eurwi by the umC parties among tho Enropeau t'da- — - ■ - -
of thean pills, says: ^Foot• upwards catorm. Ono party, known ns the Al-
? fe twelve ye
ars I wan f great /nf- Illoaloo fitvoreel the adoption of 1,h '
(erre from lhigelateand nervous. ly cnll l Arabotem ), Witt'
pans. Everything Int- tortnrprl me. lv Cn11ex1 Arabic), with its PoAklhle
i (loetorwi nlmoAt contdnitously, anti valuox, while thio other, known nm
t it" nlmort overything r•,sommenled the albaelsts, favored than itomnn
n for thin trouble; but nevv•r gv)t more ,notation, without zero or paomltlon ■
then ooftemporary. relief I b0garr value. ' Spring
the nae u[ Dr. Williams'e' Pink PIItm. The gormrnl adoption of lbs llid�
r gorvls cannot express; th)P good'thf-w tieto system lune grratl7 facllitneo,l I -
Y pills havo done fnr. T am to better) by the fnetm that It WAR explain -'al
health than I have onjloy "' i' years lit most of the calendars for moral
IP before, rind I have proved that Dr. than n century beginning with I'2
In, Williams! I'Inkd'111. euro token other heal that than toerilaeval universities It Is Looking the, Essential Lifo-Caving Principle which
,v M -1h! arm frtll.'e frequently offered cou"vol devoted
s nnel bloat 1s the mother of fifty to the use of this notatloo. i8 Bost Obtained by the Use Of
rr ribrnneS, final Ur. Willintris' PI 1W -
r.,n. ,rill rurn I lepm nit, to•eaume tiler as. — air t,ea i Pointed. n Q r-I•i A� r- r Q N i- R V p F[1 n n
its t;
May. _
-- Page Metal Gates
Single or denhle--llisht. Mr'ms• dnrable even•
Will not AAwwl� 1`r set r ty. 'fltt.ed
with .1f ftrtinis lat+•hee. wnrk norm Ntner
- war, A r1,11,i ra/ ,rp.•n ow slow' In a .tmnrt
wind—no AnrfftM to r"irt• •Ica`' , "Arm gA !w
r,ar 1'n Rs, renrR„ A fad 1•nnit ry N,•ttinge.,
.Y-C:.fl.t"ItAa'1TQryAwall� oat iodtrM P QC sad IILUJ" Is, X.L nN
rel bloal, without which there, enn
be wither health tar atrontfth. TN)n't
top licrwrmled to try sompthireg elAe-
tnke nolhin[r but the it"rjqInn Dr.
Williams' fink Pills, "OId•''by all
meilrinr rb•allorn or sunt frost pnld at
-.Oc. n Int or MT h(rxr•A for $"-.:'o,
by Mdren.ln,f the Dr. W1111amA Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont_
A oined ]Monkey.
A gkftel monkey to a London men
maaria dleel recently. pre an.wrred
to the name Of FWLU aMl wan f"nr
and a half yenrm old. Illm the lrnr In -
toured for a Large Aum and the man -
..ger of the mrnngerle nAArrim thnt
like oiLgnntore for his life pollvy Irmo•
},sQu,A oWn Ant(ogruPh, whWh Ilk
trainer, ('art. Dela.clPr, had taught
him to write. F.aa», Indeed, had IIA
own bnniting account, him earnings,
amounting to w)m0 the tionanle a yrnr,
h•Ing credited In hiA own nnme.
ChaoqueA drawn against thin nim
were droed by Beau.
It takes money to TOIOA the op,in-
fon of As lawyer.
AQQ00%1 man t.n't necessarily a de-
mlrablo nelghb(rr.
TJne . tlrtrl,, 1wipand nd delaw
you, atrwl all can be aIt voldoil by ;
Pride goes Tricor, n roll -and It goes
fpeUnRA oil: h rnron with gyring nor
nrr0 of Ips. Chasm's Nerve Food.
ranch gnlcker Aftpr ono..
the on,twnr.l h"Ilcation of tiro wenk.l
-'beers is nn prepnrmtlon to oto onnl-
a[inculntrn'. torr doge -at Ipttet
moot ron.flllon of the blood and tha 1
pnrp(1 to Dr. CheawdA Nerve }boot fav
they aro fond of good polntrr..
low Stato of vitnlity.
a Ppring reatoratvp. It does not
Tim loan who minks hl. Witt. In
willm the 11'7„1 gnu thin Anti ant-
Ptlmulale and can whip) tha organs of
h11n(i to )Iraq faults Is entitled to an-
cry tilt, w-amle or the humnzu Cooly In
tho horny to ovsr-exertion, but by
otlwr tlllnk.
more.,ropH tiumi thn pr(onvse of re-
(nrching the bloal. Inal111A new
.k woman's Iden of a eonvpnlent,
comwtrnotl:,tt. Crailua)ly the action
vigor into the nervem thrid buildm tip
houwo in one that hait three eloAets
of lite hrnrt grown weaker anrt
the wlrola mystem. Ry noting y0,ir
W each rOOM.
wpfiker, the langs; ,lin not work to
Inrrpruve In weight while nAtng thin
if n fnol poao,emwnm taint r►nd Amour-
their full c-gxiclty, tho slomneh aril
groat fon'! cure yon onn prove that
anon Ire will dhtt:4neo the WIAO $flay
Otll0r dlgexllve orgars fall to per-
new, firm flesh rand Untrue to bplog
who [osara.roll nrlther.
form their dutlex, food the rpmnit is
nrhdrwl to thw body. If
' woman Ikn't inPermtnrlly fnn.1 of
fall Ilnl•(A of him IIv drrlapirrmrntit.
To awakm the liver, Invtapr•te
flet!on heaanne mite li.tsnft rntlrntly
AchlnR head. dirty Appll-, Indiges-
; the kidneys and rpprtiintn the bowels,
to her haebotnd's exrnmpw.
tlen. ftellalor of we�kno-a rated de-
use Dr. ChfuWs Kklnpy-LIver Fillla
If ytvn hnv0 ilpvcr trim) In make,
apoindettry. Iru•k of energy to pm r-
. .all datlnrti, or Edntmsne. Amps A
Any onto happy yrnt lave no idiom of
I form the dnllrw of till' day, teat ' 1
CA, Toronto. To protect you
*last you hero mimmeil.
apportlte, Milling memory and poiv.-r
a gralaket Imltnitonx thw portrait and
tar A. W. Chow, tho
Flo men who net the hog mil tbelr
n eoneentratlnif the fat n'l,
wlgnatvre of
lives haven't anything tei.how for It
Ity, nersooWmnaliand it el lcassi'N Are
fames! t•Mlpe honk nnthor, am es
ozeept)the 111 -will of their nelghbore,
samftgj the wymptomr Whbh dlMlwab
evet7lett Of like remedleA