The Signal, 1903-5-7, Page 108 THURSDAY, sty 7, 19(3 THE SIGNAL: (IODERIOH ()NTA 10. This Store closos at 6 o'clock after May 1st. This 'Store Contains an Ideal It is our constant effort to attain it, always seeking to better our best. Want to be helpful to you in your merchandising; want you to feel that your best buy- ing interests centre here, that for every dollar you spend over our counters you will receive a just equi- valent. TIIF NEW SPRING STOCK invitekru. We are proud of our purchases,-and-feel,confklent that they will meet with your approval. Haven't been study- ing your wants all these years for nothing. Good Black Goods Great Clothing Values „rt )11.•1 lr.'.tves lever f 1 room We consider the wiped value to he a oil a Ietaile•cs routat•r. Then were etembinati41m of excellence of ojuadity b •(cried with :ul eye to nualily, to and rtasmsbieneMs of price, and when style, to ge'nelouN width, and extnt w0' sty great clothing values we Meath va111•: tJw following a0'. 141414144. spec(- an extremely low price attached to mens netpus- . and buy's clothing of pM- NEW BLACK VOILES, alt wool. 44 thene4 all omni cxtrllenre. inches wide. spuria( at Mk- rani,MEN$4 Ht'IT.'S, nicely made,ggoeod other nualitie•s Min•, *IMO t/11.2i.Ili /IMk, good style, $S I), $0. and ik)YH' SI' ITS for all ages, priers AN low as $1.1111 up to UM) and WM. EXTRA FINE: FINISH BLACK BROADCLOTH. wide width, id.' rawly shrnk, at *1.111. 59 inches with. IIEA\'7' BLACK MENS' and BOYS' SEPARATE rkind von usually ay PANT'S. HEHGE, the p $1.01) for, lit 75e. 'SPECIAL FINI4111I81.At'K Cif K\'I OT. the lest vale tett at *1.411I, M EN'S STYLISH HAIN ('OATS for oplting wear, thoroughly waterproof. *110N1 atnl *12.11). Iw•xving your cash With tae sssutrs ywl of a hand. anus. pre , given free on ppurchases( of different xnluunt1, die larger I he amount the better 4li,' lore ' Ribbons and Trimmings New' weaves. new 0, .to., letter viilues, •special burley tneck ribbon,. at lllc id. NEV\DRESSTRIMIIIN(i, in blae•k and errant medal!' . new 1laiel, new ornaments. frau let.4 yd, to $2.IM►. PRETTY LACES. how'retires, new designs, from :11• yd. to SLIM yd. i EMBROIDERIES. extra value. goo el e !ger. 6 inches wide• at 101• yd. Dress Making Department \\-ill take your slier. Piave yoil ods O time and ti ,ialde, Ilsake• la good sty- Ii:!1 garmu•ut, satisfaction gwarantril. l'lillinery Department If you over had •oras• to make competitions between this millinery store *nil the hest that existit outside of it, vel, are buying your millinery herr. it would b0' remarkable were it otlu•rw•is•, for we are vertainly rnr IN say'lllg muss et vie and moil• quality into OM' tr. el hats -the rtslsrtive pore. considered - than any other I millinery wore in the county souls able or willing to. CHILDREN'S MILLINERY. !Arid up to date, stylish, wearable styles. low priers. Smith Bros. & Co. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. M. Mau•kay was at llunkton, Perth county, agein last Numbly. For s•verai Sundays oast he ham t11r'ti sup- plying in the Presbyterian church I then'. Next Sunday the Baptist slouch enters upon its enrol year of work in ' Oulrrich. The s'rvies will be appro. prints. tothe erasion. ad wil lie conducted by the pastor. The public ate crrlially invited. The following ia.li,s trim' town and vicinity have been attending the cun- vention of the I'rebyt.' ian Wom en'e Foreign Miasionar)• tkwir•ty alt Ourlph thin w•or•k : Mrs. (Rev.) Hamilton, Mr's. l'arlrton. Mrs. Lawemr tf.rr-imrrtlkMh1e Maggio Mnnagsand Miss Polley. Clinton N•t•wm-Itronl : The cunglr- gsti(m of Willis church were Mvons' last Sunday evening in listening to Mr. W. Glenn l'amlplwll. late organist of North stmt c•hurc•h, (icdcrich, who officiated at the organ *Wrought eat the service. His playing suet 1 his previous trpntati,m ne organiet and delighted all torment. The nnnnnl district inim.ting of the Mrtl)uliet church. Oulerirh district, will be held in Ontario-st. church, .l'linton. May 111 and 11). Ministerial session 10 a. in.. T'uraay. Turelay evenin n nthlic me't.ing In the inter- est of t u• N. *wiry bicentenary celebra- tion will be held, when 1ul(Ire'se,re will lie given by Iter. 1. B. Wallwin, B. A., of Srafort h, and H. W. McKenzie, to Goderirh. Annual erosion May Bb 111 A. M. For the first t' • in several weeks the eone tion of Knox church oc- cupied t main body of the church Nmmm►nmmmmmmmmn►nmm Na 9 Coiled Wire, X2.63 = Barb Wire, $2.75 Aai,:.dy \\'e have a full stock at }nes'nt, but it is going out fast at t'u',w price's. Out win. is extra gond this 1•e;II. It ie hard and well gallon - IL •d. ..FENCING.. FROM 25c A ROD UP. \\"e eau gi• a ion it conel!,let• feneee for I.•.s than :k;c pa'r o1•a 9 -wire 1,1..') fell..• for 13.. 1114'1.011 Every trot 11111.0' t,•at.ifl,n to the_ miperinrity of our IDEAL FEN( '1 NO o a!1 n here. WhyP Westin* it hi lurked MO that upright cannot slllee 1141 lettere,. Recliner it is tnaole of all No. ) hand steel wire. We Nell it at slant the same figure haml•wnven fences are N"h4at, which ate woven with molt wires that *relight Md upon play out. If yon want a essaying machine we m41 the hest rocks at *1.!M), nr *11.7:0 f.,0' eonithat. outfit.. owe If *cheaper ttaachlur Is de- sired we s•II t lelo - HOLLYWOOD PAINT sire. .itisf*Ctllwl,ries farthest, wind weir. I s •sl . Lirlwrd 111. (tis. :1 gal. ---- 1'..t'.' white lead. $:).:ale•1 cwt. 12-14. gate., complete, $:0111 ,•ash. Nails, :2,• s 1•ound. And everything e1'..4 in Imolaalr a4 prices to please. \W,• are hl ,o het lel I..itioll t+, se11 hardware than others. II:mitt-am s n m lonsinetea. We eodeatVotjo- Tr( tilt. Iwst and sell the lea.( at the Imsl prig.•. going. McKENZiE & HOWELL The (ioderich hardware Store. a 1 a 21 a a a a a lll�lllllll� 1111u11111111111U1 21 a a lust Sunday. 'I'lne pastor, Rev. J. A. Andersen, gave expression to the gratification of the Itmgrrgal1011 in being able 44) assemble 4111(0' 111/e ill the are'Wt.,liltnl pleats. after the dis- turbance .anwd 1Iv the work of re- decorating the sails. 'lie new decor- ations glue on the whole at pleasing app.'arume, and thecouglegatrom tasty tlljustly take renewed pride in their lannstlll a ehut•eh. The work has e,e.t abut $IMN) atlli a special rollrtou will be taken next S lay to rater a pot - titin of this al11o1111t. MI. litsn•gr s s•noad 1.10111 was filIA1 tan M lay eve • g. when itev. Mr. (i of 4'11111111, grave his lecture ou witr•lrls t•Icgraphy. 11e was amniote( by Mr. Brewer. also °f Clinton, in giving plwrticid d.,uunstat• Mutt - trotting hie address. The speaker ex- plained the working of the ordinary electric telegraph. and then cause the t interesting part; a receiver plans' iu an apposite corner of the room 611411 the transmitter was made to sound when the key of the trans - matter war utnek, an incandescent, lamp placed in the circuit of the !v- etiver WAS ululate to Hash and ,t entail electric *Motor wait °twisted 6.141 the transmitter. sitter. The ualurr sued Opel.. ntikm of the eoliere , the tear of which has AMAIN iossible the application of an beloved torrent of electricity to the c11ut'ryante of intdli$iblr algns, mutate() explained. The instruments used being to Mr. Brewer and have been aubjrctrd to many testa, soueerrs- ful comtmunl'ation being conducted one day recently at a distance of about a ouarter of a mile. There was a veal arse �•oe�egtt- tion at the confirms on is rviee »t It . 0.orgo'r church laps vening. and the. candidates muubeled forty-five (in- cluding l�avev,eral aslul ), twenty-nine females iutd sixteen 's. After ex- pl ' g the meaning of the apewtolic rite, by which those who had los• • members of the duurh b baptism r•nrwel their vows and m r a public confession, His Loutish' s B1shop Haklwin went on to outdrew' the cl•n- ditixtrs alum directly. world was compered to a slava market. Satan, ►hr world and man's nettimidly 1)1 the corrupt nature Wore a syndic,{ cruellest of slave owners,- tam the Savior had rumle into the world to ala\'es, we were Nought with the iil•icr of His blood, we were Ilis, our t and gifts belonged to Hine. our 1 war at His diap:sal, lend it was on when we ler'a11r. shaves of Christ the we became truly free. \When St. Paul said he was the "servant" of ('hrist the Greek word tweet meant ••slave•' and it WAS this idea of complete and ever -continuing ownership that the slwaker wished to emphasize. The Bishop its a tarot ra'ue,at Ulan and is never re so than when conferring eonftrmat tun. ANNOUNCEMENTS. A. J. (00101wr expects a car of reed cure this week, Hick's Magic Cloth-eleauer iemuves grease or oil stains. 15e per bottle. WAvrtcu.-Carload potatoes, 65e per bushel fur good stock. Om). E. KINO, \Wiuglluta, 'cry ferry (Mens. Perry & Co.'M iwu 801.4411) is the hit -gist tar the world. 11• Our to , u r f p um unci( daily. Ask your dealer for them. le cn•xm parlors. For tour fruit juices and gore' pure Jermey ice (leant go t. the `'icteric It•staurant, West /street. !test attenti and every irrpuisitr fur the public contrite. Fruit, confectionery, t,lru•t.• A00 cigars l'. ptn)prieWr. 1. W. Caters, gr.uluat• from the Institute of Science, Rochester, also 611111 College of 'Hypnotism, Mitch.. cures by hypnotic suggestion Olt• - atisnl, elatra, neuralgia, dyspepsia. weak hark, starmurring, ilia° diiasmuenioa, cigarette habit and all nerve troubles. Stili Adelaide St. West. Toronto. Xi -1t Having returned to town I have de- cided to open up suitable Premiere ahortly for the display and sale of the F. E. Karn l'otupanya (of Toronto, Buffalo and ',melon, Eng.) medical preparatioxns, electric belta, etc. 1 AM also agent for Gloria Tonic, a re- liable remedy for rheutuatient. In the meantime onb•rs Irft at McDonald's bsarling house, St. David's street, in tear of Craig's hotel, will tw prompt- ly attended to. Agents ensu( to MAYANS the townships. J. W. WE.\Toi- Read all The Signal ! It Is hill of Good News ! NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion n issue of same week. bwly PERSONAL MENTION, F. Weld, of London, was in town on Ttw•mday. (icor. Graham made a trip to [.is - towel Allis week. It, W. McKenzie took a trip to \\'inghaiu this work. Fred Shephard has been spending a few days in town on a visit, Mee. Brydges is spending a Reek with relatives at ihingannon. Rev. l'. A. Seager. 11. A.. of To ionto. is in town on a brief visit. , Harold Rho -ketone, of Clinton, visit - 'eti at him benne here during the' week. "Rev. i. 13. \\'atlwln, of **forth, has been in town *vend days the plot week. Mrs. l'arnhaun, of Ik•Lnoit, is visiting her bather, \\1n. (ins•°, Trafalgar street. 1lu•Ilet1 I.n.yis, of - Clinton. spent Tuesday nn town with his brit her, Miss McIntosh. of Nile, spent gator- derail(' Sunday- in town, the gland of Mrs. A. J. ('.mlper. ('leas. 1)iuganan, repreotrnting The Montreal Herald, west in town on 1{1w'ne'as thin week. Stuart lane returned on Saturday from Toronto after the t•owp'etion of the term at the law School. Mrs. \\',titer Hem, of Elimville, is visiting her p arenta. Mr. and Mrs. (in). Tlm,,sn, Elgin Ill Mr. and Mrs, 11. E. Bothwell and children. of Toronto, are again making their holm• herr for the r. Mia. A. M. Shephard left this morn- ing for Buffalo to take a short trip with ('apt. Hhcphald on his bloat. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Graham. of Toronto. are visiting at the Redford. the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Heslgt•ns. Mrs. 1[. Martin and two children, of ilemiltn, are visiting at tha home of Mr. and Mn‘ Henry Martin, Newgate street. Mil. Albs), of 1ielifax, arrive) on Tuesday from Tortmto, waere aIle had been visiting. to m end a tow weeks' visit with Mrs. A. F..1. Mittel. Mr. ,ancisMrs. (bantiner, of Exeter, were in town Tuesday and Wednes- day on their wedding trip end were the guests of His. 1'. T. 'bah( Mts. MacMeth, of Dmngennon, was the guest of her daughter. Mls. IIs len, last week on her morn horn a visit to Clinton and Heaforth, •leeseph Healer, who ham Imran attend- ing the Central Iluuinerls College, To- ronto, returned home last week. lie ham been on the sick lint, last Is now on the trent(. Geo. W. Fonrmt and family have removed to London. Mr. Formats IIdem as express messenger between Iluffal)'atd (lode deb in filled hy J. A. Triter, Tate of Harriahurg. Mhw (laden ham returned from an ex- tended visit to her p err•nte home in Toronto. Her nephew, Masta•r (buten Daniel, returned with her after a visit orf -a few weeks in the city. Mrs. R. P. Andrews and two chil- dren, of Winnipeg, are in town on an extended visit. Mr. Andrews has t iken up land near Ynrkton, Asea,. and will Is. in that district for no - ImKnths. Miss ('another., of (Ottawa, spent a few day's visiting Mies Uiekwm, \Waterhs, street, and left Tile•sley morning to attend the l'rembyterian Women s Missionary Stwiety mooting at Guelph. Rbc. 1/r. Ilanlilton, of Stratton', spent a fee ,litvs thin week with his a on, R'v..lAC. llnmilton. Thengplh not far from the fowra•orr• mark. the r'remit 1gent lemon isstill in 11atwswion of it gt.rlt f 1 of health 0.11(1 vigor. and Mrs. Elliott. of Nairn, ,vele in town this week• and in about a fortnight will take up their ,-,siden.e i,, their recently la'r'ch"'.,sI 1144,15,' 1,11 \West -rot., former '. ,srnpiel by N. 1). Rongt'it'. The Il.rgvie homily an• now living in (.heir new liotoe, 1111.1ler of i,ighthoioe and EMs'. streets. Mins Clara Mhat•noan returned past week from Prince Albert, Mns- katchew'all, where she had been stay- ing daring the fall And winter with her mi5ler. Miss Alice. Het• many friends are delighted to 'pollee the im- pn.,venaent In her health which has rwolt.rl f. the trip Mt*, Jennie *Motown. who was '.-fatting n•lat.ivca in (*Wag" flu a few wreka, alwa re- torned home. Another \Slash 1 Wall Pap 1,000 rolls ew Wall Paper, clearing • t 4c per roll, very pretty. 2,000 rolls new Paper, cream, blue, pin 'tn(l olive tints, 5c pe roll. • If you wish higher grade papers we have them from 10c to 50c per roll. Genuine Sanitary Tile Papers, suitable for bath- rooms, kitchens, c t c., usually sold at 50c per roll, our price, 35c per roll. This paper can be re -varnished, washed like a tile floor and will _last a lifetime. Geo. Porter. 'Phone 1008. RAND TRUNK NAVIGATION NOW OPEN ON LAKES North TM TraujerWios Ccs paly Steamer heave,, Hernia Mondays, 1Wednrslays A1141 Friays, at 3 p. In.. for Sault Ste. Marie, Punt Arthur, Fant \William and Ihduth(Wednesday ate, •r runs to Fort William nnly.l Northern Naritatios Ctarysy Stenmrr le•avr•,, t''„Ilingw,11d 1:a11 p. tn., Owen S,nnd, II p. in. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for Sault Ste. Marie and int••rNorliat.P point. Magda Narlgatia Gu/asy Mf, auu•r leases Muskoka Wharf 2 p. 111. daily except Monday for Hal*. Port Manfleil, Bosses(, and lntrnnnnate prpinta, and on T\,esdeys, Thursdays and Satunlays to Pert (in eklmlrn and 1sorts on 1.site inuelth. s*tnille t lake et lays Nari`atia Cewpq Steamer leaven Huntsville 7:15 it. tae. and )I:M p. ni. Tuesdays, Thuneleys and 44stnrviaea for Dorset and inter nndiate 11,14... Trout t Reason for ).,,ot fishing now open !?or tickets. information and 111us tralei Ilterst ore of s. - Mantle in Highlands of Ontluin, apply to F. F'. l.Aw14EN('E. Town Ticket Agent.. tl.wlerich J. D. MI'ln1NA1,I1, District Passenger Agent. Toronto. FARM HELP. if tumors who are needing hired help will wend their 1111111(+1 to Inc let (Ottawa, stating whether they waist single tag married lawn, English, Irish' tat Scotch,If they have a preference, the lett l of 4' • they will engage thecal, wages they are willing t0' pay twilit Ward of (Y,urr,el, and •allow me t4 use my Judgment in making a choice, 1 will neem sone of the incom- ing immigrants at Moutreeti, and do my best to got the help they require. (1f (Outs' 1 04 t gguxrantoe men, but lav services are at the disposal of all who wish them in this consoled llll . Rtraoarr Hoi.m*o, M. P. West Huron, Ottawa. Looks Like a Good Idea. Duettists Danner. Tie plan of having proferw'omd judges of stark aL the township fairs was found to work well at the Arca.. ter fair and at the other fai,s which availed thrulselves of the offer made hy the Ontario Govenunrnt. The (Plan is being extended. This year *3,011111 ham been set apart for the par-' poste, w1 that every fair which desires 1 may have professional judges who will he aide not only to deride on the 15Mt *Mutat but to give intelligent reasons for their decisions. It is much the iuore satiefat tory way. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. --- (riven our regular nuns, ndenn..) [Additional rorlwponee on page 1 this week.' ST. AUGUSTINE WRONttan.ly, May 9th. (',RNER *rano 1..1In.--Thr corner stone of the now Rosman ('acholic church being built here was laid ou Sunday afternexm by Ht- Rev. Bishop McEvoy of l.a)ndun. The congre- gation was a large one; Winghan and other placer were well repr .'std last the unfavorable weather prevented many 111111 Ialtsiele print. attending. Rev. Fr. McMenamin, of lawan, preached Lite sereno and the other priests present were Rev, Fr. Hellion, of the perish, Rev. Fr. Me- t'onuac, of Ashflrld, Rev. Fr. l'ilwonneault, of Clinton. and Nev. Fr. West, of (icxlrrich. The church will he a tine stone edifier and will est about COMM 1 Oct /rs and druggists pronounce Miller's Compluud Iron Pills the hest ou the market ; 51) doses 15 cental. For sale hy•Jas. WiIs..n. ot `Complete Your urw Spring Attire is not yet complete it you have not fitted yourwlf with A PAIR OF STYLISH SHOES FROM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOOK Not only in the F.I NE LINEN have we the BENT makes, but also In the DOLLAR- FIFTY, TWO DOLLAR AND TWO -FIFTY LINER The goods ate all new and are uwexeelied in value. Each ppaal• tears the etxmp of quality. THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES coo - /Astra with HIGH GRADE 000D SI Try apair otourMEN'H RUBBER BEEN B A L S, for every -day wear. These oboes a'e waterproof and don't get had. REPAIRING NEATi.Y DONE w COLBORNE1' - Tt?isDAY, May Doh. MARRIED AT Haw'Ali.--The fulhow- ing from a Trent number of The Soar Times refers to a young lady well known here, a native of this trwnehipp and a former student of (ilxlerich Col- legiate Institut.- : Announcements have been received in the Scor of the nlarriagr March L'ie'd in Pahala, Hawaiian Islands, of Miss Mary Irene Trwslry, formerly of this cit) to Albert Kelogg Harford a civil en- gineer frons Californie. Thr (,ride re- sided in the MOO until *hoot three yeas age, when she went t, the Hawaiian Intends to trach s•hosrl. Hite has been teaching in Honolulu and Honuap... Mime Tewsley attended the Collegiate Institute here anti later taught successfully. She is a uiecr of JAMAS Mtra•han, 11 this city, and has many warn hiends who extend Inst wishes to her in her now home thous- ands of miles away. This roarer Soo girl 'e a lady of fine rharsctet• and very popular in this vieiuih', FIRE AT AUBURN. Flows Molle Completely Destroyed Gash Tues. da, Morning. The Manchester flour mill at Au- burn, operated by George Toms, was dr.toy?ed by tier early Tuesday morn- ing. T%w fire started from a lantern which Mr. Toins left on the upper Hat for a short time to attend to th,• machinery on the lower fiat. The budding wan turned to the ground std the machinery was totally de- stroyed. The litam in partially coveted by !insurance. Cull's Bros. atr the owners of the property. 0111110111111.6 'mutant/Ng Ne. u. DO WRIT HAMILTON STREET. A Saturday Parasol Bargain New Parasols, 98c Each BRAND new goods, fresh from the factory at a price that means a saving to buyers. We cleared the lot at a Iibi rat discount from the makers' regular price. To start parasol selling going we put the whole lot on sale .Saturday morning at the low price of Ninety -Eight Cents Each Parasols, hill 13-ineh rih, fast bls.•k, twilled tip, will not rut, st el rod, hollow rib, patent n,nner, fancy Dresden handles. momultrl 11n psrliehed wood. A paras.' Omit will wear well, auitable for rain or sunshine, wood( 1e• gess( valine at *1.25. This lot on sale Saturday at each Ilnc. IIINITIR PARASOL4. AL[, NEV.\011.511, *'LINT, f2.11, k $2j111, Ma Whi day. that is b worth seei single garme never had. week. Come you wish. Six sample whole stock by. 3 Gown Prices. AT 79 CENTS. 11a(1e from gond English cotton., W -shaped neck, trim- nud with hill of 2 inch enllm,ider-y, yoke of tucks and hemstitching, ruff of cambric frilling, hrn,Mtit•herl. very spwc•iatvalue at each 79c. AT Ski (•ENTM. Made of good English ,rhos. cambric finish, yoke a duster of tucks, insertion and hemmtit'hing, neck and front trimmed with 2 inch embroidery, warp bettor, elf, s embroidery , each.... 9ir•. AT *1.0M1. Made of growl English eottm, low epuatr neck, insertion and embroidery, cuff, baby ribbon tri act, pearl buttons, each .... *1.00. Whitewear Sale wear selling has been good since Satur- have got a stock of dainty underwear nging us lots of business. It is well , even if you don't want to buy a t. Better goods or better value we )ecial display will continue all next (1 see it ; no need to buy unless rices that you can judge the Better gat -1114•11t. fine quality. hands 'Iy ta-im- mel each *1.:141, 92.I0, & 3 Skirt Prices. AT t1110ENTS. Made from good English cotton, with draw Miring, finished with three row of tucking, outer frill of 7 inch cambrie embroidery, with sod edge, each (Mk•, A' *1.00. lair from good English ant n, draw Miring, 4 inch duet IMP, 14 inch outer hill, with - owe of hemstitching and to ka, 4 inch hill of splendid skirt to wear, ext gold value, each *1.4N1, AT *1.225. Maude from god English cotton, 12 Inc ft -i11 of OTP row of 14 Ire tine liter insertion and on of three inch lace to mat . Dist ruffle, meanie drnth sewn, each .. *1.25. firth- garments, qualities, hatorbeme• tri slings at fon) *1.50. 52,4 np to *100. r Tapestry Carpets House-cleaning days a r e here. That means thoughts of carpets. For almost any room there is nothing much better than a good tapestry carpet. Get a good one and it will keep its color and stand any amount of hard wear. Our stock of these serviceable carpets was never bettor. We have dozens of new patterns to select from, all good quali- ties and good value. New Tapestry Carpet*, Ole, New Tapestry Carpets, 874e. New Tapestry Carpets, 50r. New Tapestry Carpets, 900. New.Tapcstry Carpet, The. New Tapestry Carpets. HOP. New Tep.'stry Carpet, 4$)e. Corset Clovers Every size in corset covers and many styles to select from, plain or trimmed with embroidery or fine laces and insertions, all the new styles, . 25c to $ 1.001 Drawers A big assortment here to select from, all made from good English cotton and handsomely trimmed with embroideries, laces and Insertions, tuckings an -1 hemstitching, --S3c to $1.00 r HODOENS- BROS. 1111111111111111. 4