HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-7, Page 8I1
It should be easy for people who drink delicious Blue Ribbon Red
Label Tea to say something that will induce their friends to try u
$545.00 Prizes h
"Twenty-five cash Prizes will be awarded in order of merit to those
sending in the best advertisements for Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea.
First Prize S,( -
Second Prize - -
Third Prize -
4th to 13th Prizes, $Io.00 each
14th to 25th, $5.0o each -
1110: ,.s, .•. , $500.00
the -12ek lfldilu Ap 14, a special
In additiest
weekly prise of 5.00 will be given to the one tending in the best
advertisement dung that week, making for the nine weeks $45•eo
in special prises, or a grand total of thug -four cath prises, $545
tat No professional ad. writer, nor anyone connected directly or Indirectly with
the Blue Ribbon Tea Company may compete.
and. Advertisements must not contain more than so words, and shorter ones are
3rd. One of the clods used in packing Blue Ribbon Red Label;Tea-there are
two in each package -must be enclosed with each batch of advertise
ments sent.
The eompetiti¢n closes June 1, tgo3, and all competing advertisements must
reach one of die following addresses on or before that date.
▪ $200.00
• I00 00
• F' 40.00
e : I00.00
Blue Ribbon Tea
Blue Ribbon Tea
Blue Ribbon Tea
Co.. Winnipeg, Man.
Co.. Toronto. Ont.
Co.. Vancouver. B.C.
lth. No person shall b^ awarded more than one of the main prues, but may also
take one or,more eerily prises.
6th. In cave of a tae, decrson will be jbased oz all the advertisements subvstted
by the competitors tq question.
Mr. 11. M. L. Evans, of the Winnipeg Telegram, has kindly consented to judge
the advertisements and award prizes.
A11 adwertlaee6enta that toil to win a prize. but which
are good ...hough
to be accepted for 'Publication
will bepaid for at the rate of *1.00 each.
Unless expressly requested is the contrary, we illi consider ourselves at libs1er
to publish the names of prise winters.
A good advertisegient should be trdthful and contain an idea brightly and
forcibly expressed. A bona fide signed letter with address and date from one who
has tested the tea, is a goo. forts. An advertisement for an article of loud should
not associate with it, even by contrast, any unpleasant idea. The best advertise-
ment is the one that will induce the mat people to try the article advertised.
Seel. your Inspiration in a Cup of Blue
Ribbon Red Label Tea and the
Money is yours.
The Dowager Lady lrermut has
heard the whole story hf Uipey'r ee-
p.nrance from the .ervasntw at Drtuu-
aneen Castle. A little j'Adklour pump-
ing brought It nil out -how, Sir Man -
rice turned his wife •Alt of %he It0051
In the pouring rale, drove her out
lobo the black darkness, on foot and
alone. She hears, with ao unmoved
fare of the mothers search for the
child, and bee lips tighten a little
us rhe Jiutens to the isirrery-mnW's
tearful avocet.
She calve `to viral the baby :"
thinks her latlyrrbip, nod ll.etens fur-
ther white th. servants tell .now Sir
tllaurice has Totted-ilp-htr---wife's
rts.ms and pe the kept himself.
She goes to her .. an, and Itr'ks
&Tray.Iy n1 the havoc Krieg has made
in his face.
You sho.go away,' rho anti,
reet.matenlling the coma.COr panacea.
it little change would dal you goat."
3Ierrlful neaten, k:rv'tti t I change
enough 7" he says. with * passionate
morrow, leokIng armed. at his de-
serted home and massing his
hand neroas ►1+ foyeh Dari ' Mother,
do you think time, if 1 went
to titin world's' rend., i ;mall
ever fo1.1 thin WWI? NO, you Must
leave me to bear nay trouble in my
Iwouki have verily turned his sorrow
Into joy. But. unopened, bo looks It
away ; and the ' letter that Sibyl
wroto with much heartfelt happiness
is .ever raid, after all.
• • • • • •
The great wares are ruahing W
with n long, hoaow' boom song the
whore. St whito Ileo of foam breaks
tho darkness on the bench in -the
ruptdlydacling afternoon light, and
the green billows look black no they
oxime rolling In from tho wkio sea to
hurl their white foam far up over the
With the waters washing up to
her feet stands. Gipsy, looking with
strained, tired even out user the
waste +o whitecaps/cal_ waxer. The
wintry p.lnd fowls far- Tammy
over the. sen. aml dies moaning and
subbing screen the .item.- A , small.
dark figure she rtande, and looks at
her old friend. the sea, which can.
not' comfort .her now. At her feet the
shining tangle of ern -wreck in tome -
rd to and fro by the rush of the
returning wavew, ,,,the shingle of
krone stones lit dragged np again by
the next white fringed mountain of
water. further and further, Inch by
Inch. higher by the tough teach, till.
by and by, the spray will be flying
up against the face of .the cliffs.,
Great, ragged, black e ' do awerp
over the sky. with patette of white
Miaowing through their torn edges,
and one glertm of rod ihlnen t ough
the blackness where the sun ent
slow n.
11le the third ,:ny mince Gip
went out alone Into the world. Yrs
tenlay elle learned that Sibyl lin,i
gone, no one knew whither, nod to
day she ham arrived, faint at heart,
old home --alp tine sett, --
Between her and the dark, tossing
waters she ee,nus to see her baby's
faee; through the minifying wind
she Dinette mite hears her - bun
111111 a voter. deep and tremu
tiros In its tenderness, calling her
name. Ali, no --she will never hear it
hut in dreams again, never feel Ida
.hand holding lora hear Ills voice
whispering fondly in her ear 1 Alone
Nile fftnmlr, shut otlt from home, from
love. from nll-.Ir'eolate, with n sense
of utter d es'olation that makes her
sty aloud In mho agony of her despair.
Uncle Ben's ugly, white house
'entrain ns t1 -yore, Weak and dreary,
booking out over the sen. An okl
woman Ilene In the kitchen regions -
the mime nkl woman who opened the
door for Fir Weller, Dermot on the
first night lie came. She opens it now
for Gipsy, and starts as she rroog-
Dirres her vislt,rr.
"Miss Glpay I Deriver] have mercy
nn nal What has brought you here'?'
"I halve tome to atny, Ann," Gipsy
"I am giro! I todik the child." Lady
Dermot remarks p repent is,. "KIN" -
she hesitates for A ereemd, but Crtn•
sot bring herself to .penk Ulpgy'w
name -"mother vreuld have stolen
him, they say. Yost will punto um1
OOP your boy, Yrauriee?" - -
"I will not." he 'answers, with it
quiver In file 'voice. To see the child
__�tilablielt (llray-tllnt_ in a _trial he
hon not ecru cempinterl yeL _,
"Of course. Nile came back for the
child," Lady, Dermot says. calmly,
still jpnui.ng the subject. "lien of
faction for. the belfry Wal undoubted ;
there•wne no (mention about that."
Icer ia4 sisip ham gone it little too
far. The noiebre flee. Trap to life In
Sir 11a*rice's eyes.
• "Excepts me, rot>ter; but. once for
all. let me tell you that ba twee.]
you and me there can be eo discus -
Ston of thls subject."
Hoa she Is fnre•'d to leave him to
isenr, an he sri(.1 hldnnelf, his troubles
bi 'tis own wit).
Gn tho table bvikl, 1111,5 ilea n pile
et notes rind If -tiers darectr.t to
eilpsv. Without to mucin an looking, tet
I' •m, ho takes nlr the packet next
1..'k, It way In n .lrasver; rind
among the letters in one with the
lalinhorgh postmark. These ern the
letter, 1hal lihyl has written to
Glpwy. i ,
air Maurice has Milo ilea that in
los .hand lean Iain for a second what
What are poor paints made for ? For
Sale. \Ve don't make then..
(Jnr paints are made right- they
cover the most surface and give the
hest protection,
this paper
wd semi yens boots'',•ow.ngnns. onto-krut /uI
home. haw here trialed with on, !rinds.
A. RAMSAY a Sett. Peet makers. • MONTREAL.
aniwoea, opdsakiug In a low, weary
taloa. "1 don't want much. What will
th�for you will do for me."
tint Bir kLience, my lady!" erica
the old woman, remembering her
manners, and dropping a oourtery.
(Hpry's white Moe quivers.
"1 have left my hu'>barwl," she es-
piallw, painfully. "Please don't ever
ask me anything about It ; only let
we Inas here till 1 MO."
Ho ale takes up her home in the
white &towel try. the sea, and for days
anti day* ices In her own, old bed,
with her face to the wall, literally
spe'echlee and preatrate with mis-
Ohl Ann, who, for all her snuft-
taklug proponeltles, Is ' n good old
rout at heart, comes Into the room
often and looks at the stark, curly
head burled ru pperslrtontly to the
pillows; rho notice* that the mall,
brown band that seems never to
tomoe except to wipe away tears W
growing thinner and thinner, that
the outline of the cheek so resolute-
ly turned from her to getting trimm-
er every day. But what cnu rho iko?
"Leave tut alone, leave me alone!"
le nil the weary cry.
So elm contents herself with bring-
ing up cup* of tela and howl/ of whey
and leaves (tipsy, at tier own deslre,
adobe; and the days lengthen into
weeks before Gipsy creeps Clown to
the moldy parlor sad begin* to live
• • ;• • •
"What between the doctors and
the timet Wind, one has not much
c'haace this year," snaps Lire. Bryan.
"My dear, the east wilds make a
beginning. and the doctors very
soon settle lite end, f can tell you."
Sho it very eros, and the cold
has made her voice very squeaky,
and she rails at mankind inc 11 she
were talking into a tin eau -no hol-
low her vessel sounds.; and the
word of It 1r she cannot talk half
as much as usual because Iv'r cough
comes on; nal it is actually a fact
that Mrr. Bryan has been talked
down once or twice In an argument.
Smothered in tehawle, Rand with five
Woolen "cloudd' tied over her
mouth. a hot-water bottle for her
feet. a hot-water bag fur, her lap,
rho settee herself hi the depths of
her brougham and drfves to the
Urumanutn Dower House; for word
hay come that the cant wind has at-
tacked the Wfanti)e chest of Sir
Maurice'■ little .son ; and old Mrs.
Bryan Is determined to lint out the
f t rt herself.
truth o e r
c h
131. Maurice In an object of nn -
ceasing iute trot to the nelghhorlioad.
Ile iv mon a t as metal; be hunts
three times week, riling a little
more nrkl ly than he did hart
year. but bo dotes not. speak very
much to any • ter, and pimple keep
as ay out of d rt of This grave, stern
face. \
Every Sumdny
church 'standing
himreli, not rte
he can be seen In
dark and grim by
-body has a fine
c.pportunity of a tieing how • much
changed he is. On their knees the
whole coigregatlo pray to be de-
livered freer malice tel all unchgrl-
(ableoerr, and oopte me and won-
der over varions use -hewn -tables
-eeJnen Sir Maurice a .lag to get a
divorce, and•if-he will marry again.
And they sty lila wife, a* always a
horrible person, and t ey knew it
the wls 4 e time.
Hy the -workl wage; add with the
biting east wlr..t comes 11 news that
tho heir 01 Drunsarteen lie is sick
unto death. The cold lute ken hold
of his little frame with an Icy grip,
and irons the first the dnct re have
lit tie lIcpa.
lire. Bryan Mule Lady De t Ina
Ante of excitement and ng ation;
cite weepy a: law becoming tears.
touches gently on her sons rou-
bl:•, nail hint. dehcattly that he tole
the chilies lettere far more than the
,tcrert.ou of his wife. Personally the
dowager haw no affection for 'p -
NYE' baby. She can never for
hila for not having' blue eyes, n 1
for having inherited his mother's dor
beauty. But, an the heir and rep-
resentative of the Dermot., lie in a
person of Importance, and his poor
little frail life iv of -much consequence.
However, all the king's horses and
all the king's men cannot set the
poor little creature up again. A
vey feeble struggle with' the cold
that has taken such it fierce hold
on his chest, ana then a messenger
emit In hot haute to Drumaneen
Castle to tell Hlr Maurice to come
at min, for the child 1r dying,
Glad) s Blake, `as sweet -looking as
of yore, gases with nicest, pitying
.yew fit Gipsy'■ baby lying flushed
an I racked with serer -dying. -,Ke 1A
'yang lu her arms, ami her teary hill
on hie poor little troubled face.- She
Ir thbcking how (tip+y loved
this c•hihl, and it 'mems a
strange thing now tel see -him dying
with no mother's kiss( on his Ilpr.
Tho isurNo site near weeping ufre-
wt r:aln al ly.
"Poor lamp, poor lamer -and. yet,
with no mother, 10 le a mercy he 1.
going to leave thlc4 world 1"
'Tee," wht-'pr'rs tardy,. putting her
finger Into the hot, nerveless little
Mend and tinkling it' gently ; "and
tum' his mother lovas him !"
The' nurse trios her tears.
'Minn (.lady., if an angel had toll
ane, 11wonitin't have believed a word
tinct my ndrtress. If ever a lady
w w wrapp'l up In her huslwln'l and
ohi , It was her. Why, mins, if yogi
had-nUr.UkdyL.w1t t thet baby Inv•
her n a, kissing him and talking to
I:11n, nn telling hlm father was conk-
ing Lean and holding his bite of
hands k tiler every night, and
praying fo Fir Maurice to bo
tr,:ugiit bond fo, you would as sewn
think of dould tit an angel its her."
Gladys sighs: he, too, believed 1n
(;Ipay blindly t11 . „ rone swore to
freeing her on hon 1 an Anetraldnn-
bcwnal steamer wl Colonel Bryan.
Silo Bends over the b. , y lovingly.
' 1 know elle loved th •m i10th;' she
raiyt., quietly, ns a hosst of 'genes rise
up In her memory ; rind she seems to
neo G1pay . oneo more, lovaty and
trinedting, holding up the baby with a
pined smile to her haelunnd.
"Loved they.]! Mine Gladys, 11 wan
last worsldp ; am! my lady was the
.wexetest, nicest little iaO that ever
breathed ? and I never dreamers et
anything till the night she came to
the nursery, nil wild and lnnrrl-
ionking. and cried s.0 bitterly over the
chili. Oh. mien, there was witchcraft
is something at tho bottom of It ;
nml poor Sir Maurice Is a changed
man I"
Changed indeed.i Haggard and
livid his Mere mots ns )in kande an
hoer later 411 .eis his ehlid for the
!not time. It will all be over Noon ;
the little sobbing, gasping breaths
nr•t dying array. the dark rye. Neem
growing titin. finch a short, frail life. --
a Raw brief nwmthe so dearly loved,
nn.I now to WO!
Rndhicnly he opens hie eyes nide.
the grant, brown eye*, with their
curling Inohra, en like (hone other
e•y.'.1 AtrnIRtrt and clear they look
up Into lite 1ather'n Incn; n emiln
amen his lips frit n mooed ; and than
even an Mr Miturice. In a ',widen
agony of it n,1 rnr•a nod recollection,
bends down low over lila fir.t-horn,
shaken to 11er soul by the mngle of
the look of thee. lustros. .]yrs, n
r pnswra Ihrrwttth the 114tte
ram^. the 'nether, fall imehlenly, and
fitp,3'e tnhy la .lead 1
(To be Condoned.)
'gent -This reaper and binder w111
de the work of five hired men I
Farmer .lnnea-Tinh 1 I kin do mnre'n
that myself, h'gosh 1 -Puck.
Scott's Emulsion is th
means of life and of the en
joyment of life of thousands of
men, women and children.
To the men Scott's Emul-
sion gives the flesh and
strength so necessary for the
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses from
any wasting disease.
For women Scott's Emul-
sion does this and more. It is
a most sustaining food and
tonic for the special trials that
women have to bear.
To children Scott's Emul-
sion gives _food and strength
for ,growth of lh and bone'
and blood. For pale girls,
for thin and sicklyboys Scott's
Emulsion is a great help.
Bend for free sample.
SCOTT & DOWNS. Chemists,
To bOc. and $1.001 all druggists.
John Ball le O It.
Toronto Glees
During Tho fiscal year 1902 the
Vnited Kingdom exported manufac-
tured goods to the value of C2;10 -
000,000. Oerniany to tho value of
L150,000.000, Fra nee fet5,la)t),-
OUO. and the United Stu ter, ;180,-
0 0, 00.
Her Analogy.
\t'a.hinglon Times.
sI wiali,"-paid tis• girl thoughtfully,
"that they would.] t use that ex-
pression 'launched upon the sea of
matrimony.' t'
"And why not?" naked the yring
men anxiously.
.Yell, yew anew what kind of is
time I always 1►ave on n sea voy-
Ot1 City, Feb. 5, 1903.
Massey-llarri. Co., I.imit..1,
Toronto, Ont,
Gentlemen, -Please send me one
of your 1903 catalogues of farm
machinery. I have' used no ma-
chinery that gives no good eat is -
faction as Massey -Barrie.
Cautious Donald
A doctor wan attending n danger-
ous ease where a Scotch butler w'nr
re asgrel. On (falling In the fore-
men. he mai.. to Donald ; "i hope
} oar master's temperature bt much
tower to -day than it wan last night "
"fan rine ane vera sure .]boot that. -
replied the butler, "for he deed this
murNn'. •
Port elIalgrave, Atari 5. MT.
C'. C. jtJCIIARD.g & tO.
Dear airs.-MIN'IU'.-i LINIMENT
Is •my remedy for colds, etc. It is
the bed liniment I have ever noted.
ONO Knew.
miter Senna told to a irony
cr fellow senators the other 'lay
this tory : "In Lisbon, where I was
born, they say it black man and a
a were once riding tup;etii-
er .long a lonely road. The road 1. , I
pad a jell, aid in the courtyard
of the jail, lhcy saw, rising itbone
the high and dismal stone wall.
gallows. •
'lbw' said the white man, "it net 5,
would you be 1f that gallows h:a.I
Ito due f"
"Geese ah'd be ridin' alone, rah,"
Jim replied.-Waabington Star.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder dusted in the beth, softens
the water and disinfects. 3S
Continued in Our Next.
Harvard Tam poise
Mundt -Say. oar baekbonrs are
like serial Merles, aren't they ?
Thinwlt-Prove It.
DInwit-Comtlnned la our neeka.
Kinard's Liniment Lembermao'e
Fricod. 1 _ •
Another Tender Hea
New York Weekly.
Clara-GoingIn for charity gain.
are you ? What Is it this time?
Dora -We are going to distribute
cheap copl.w of Beethoven's eynt-
phonlew among the poor. Muds is
such an n1,1 to dlgertlon, yon know :
The beat guarantee of STA RI LITY fnrntah-
M h7 any I, RA•1'ERNA I, SOCIET'T la the
ability to .how-
.] growing RESERVE FUND.
a growing MEMBERSHIP
up to date features In every reaptet,
Tbe following table exemplifies briefly nod
romprelien•I.ely the .htndIng of
The Ceoodiae Order of Chase Moods
1Mm the nr,t ,wo painter of vlew-
T.'ar Membership. Reatep.
1017 176
1100 c47
111!1 159
111'1 1 1410
1171 :14J
1 *112 51,32
1 *t.:i 71u:!
11!14 !17111
I1e5 1314
1*1)1 3172:1
11(17 35,27
111,0 6132
item a;tA
1Uou Un1*
1!111 221M
11112 -. 12
Up to Date'eatures
I) An InanMnee In ew.e of death of $300,
51a1► (11600 0r 52,00.
! f) A ellanhnity henefit of ane -half fan
rales. of eertinenie.
(3) An '7! !' A011 RE%REIT.
(4) A FTN E1(ALBMFECIT,thl, IaoptMeai
(1 A SICK RF .\ EiIT, Oslo ise,s„ optional
Toy MroMr p teilenlnr tends' -p,
\t. 1'. M O TA'il E,
1;r:,nd Itrrnriliwilnmlllow,npf.
w. F 1 ,ill'ItEI,LOrnml terganlr.r,Nay1.
Stew, dint r,rgnul+,•r, *-anted.
55 1.44E ma
4,481 fin
11,0415 61
21,1114 77
62,711 4,1
72,501 es
101,784 tit
101,1177 73
159,254 27
154,'280 63
201,1147 51
214,254 47
184,171 o6
*13,7435 15
PARIS' NEW FAD. • What shrunk your woolens ?
To Eat Cold Food Only the Latest Plan Why did holes wear so soon ?
orlleducing One'r Weight. You used common soap.
The ntw Parisian tyre for too
utuela Ilcwlh la to tuko all food, or
hourly all. mild. 'Dm early break-
fast of toast and eggi is tuten ooki,
ted the fecal W wnstt d down with
-.old coffee or milk.
At luncheon there W nothing brit
Id mtmts and cold puddings. with
Laced. cllnaer.e coal wtndr. At night
the meal eueuente of only ui* uu-
haiso of fb,i, mold entreee and entre-
meta; 11u hot vegetables. but per-
ttaps+. Ike a bonne bouche, a iiut out-
let, lean, of course-
Mauy people in 14irts who are in-
clined to be stout, especially among
the 'seinen. are a/eYduouely follow-
ing the new cure, and moat of those
who have. tried it assert that they
tunno obtained satisfactory rebuilt.
Roosevelt Texts,
Some of the humorists are No de-
lighted with tha notion of (01. Roma,
vt•It as President of Harvard that
they are !.outing up texts for bis
'ammonia of occasion,' if we may
Lee the Impresulou- The Washington
Post offers (Itis little collection:
"Tlix eerveet Anew- both the Hon
ilial the bear '-I. Barnett. evil ,38.
"Thy children, like olive phut+,
round they table,"-Pruhuo, oxxvill. 8.
'•WIth thee will 1 break In pieces
the ttorae,"-Jeremiah. II. 21.
'Kenos W. why weepest thou?'
-I. Samuel. L 9.
"Fie Is my strength now for war."
Joshua, tit. it.
This Woman is Unhappy
her breath is bad, because of Cate -
it Is A morel t" tell her th.st
w i 1l su rel y ten b•r.
Some remedra are quack -Agnew',
cure is quick.
Her life ha la danger from Pulmonary
disease, which so aaer,tably follows
Chronic Catarrh.
TAE- cure complete only costs leets a
bottle. Relief instantly and the gement
stays cured
0 not only soothes; 1t heals. Colds
•nd Acute Catarrh ridiwed, sod 5..d -
ache cured in ten minutes.
.teem L,vls, ed a.waback a
.]akar, ebaa.kla, Pa., write.:
"I have used a great many Catarrh
em.d,es .ad have never had any relief
until 1 used orae boa of r, Apse's Ca -
tarred r.wd.r, wh!,: h cured me after I
had been troubled with Causrb for fifty
yearn I am M years old.
kettle the Mart going, which keeps the
nerves two& wh ch set .t,.nach and
liver and the whole system In order:
and that'stberigbt way .ted tae only
way to deli. 15
J. At
A rnigae Bridge.
One of tale mowt enrinus bridges,
ever hmilt; perhaps unique In the
history of the world, wan that
made by the British troops In 1RAe).
They were mnrohintg on Pekin. but
(scrod their progress barred by a
flooded river of considerable width
and depth- A timber party waw
formed, but found nothing to Trot
down or borrow suitable for a
bridge. At last a huge More of cof-
fins wan dlecosered In the village,
end with these the woldierw built
t►ssle bridge and eremite(' alive over
the receptacles for the dead.
s Tb peeve to Taal that' Dr.
Chasse* Ointment IS certain
and ah -.late cure for each
Piles and every form of ft.•hing.
bleec',Ing and protruding piles,
the manure -tearer. have gu•rent' ed It. Sae tes-
timonial. In the dally promisor' auk your neigh-
bors what they think of 16 You an are it and
get tour money bark if not cured- one bee At
all dealer* orPCPs' ISP, aot,BATrak (o.,Toronta
Dr: Chases Ointment
Tret►ful hie throe.
Bates Tnsseriel. •
Miss fitayler-Ever7bedy ears I
dene't look my age.
if .r Peril Irl. -O' course, yo', don't,
dear. It would b* simply init.emtihre,
A sprained ankle la notan nnrommon
aevident. I'ntnkltttr roli, ea nudeur,a nlmo.t
as If by roagie. The gr' ate.t household rem-
edy. Avoid •ub•tItute. There I. but one
"Painkiller"- Perry lin' 1.•.
'Reason IF:neigh.
N. r. Weekly.
Friend -Why d1,1 you' refuge that
handsome youg widower ?
Mien Mnlnchance-.Ile hadn't tiny
rel:'tion, thflt I eould ae•nd his chil-
dren to.
Asrk for Mlnard's and take no other
The Falque the or flitorcew,
In It not time that a little book on
the etiquette to be ohderved by di-
rotoe d persons was pit blinhed 7 "Note
to be lenity though Divorced" night
nerve as a 1110 indienting the hell,
fill character of the work. t fess
reflections Ise the Boston Journal
will perhap.+ give the Author of
much a manual a few hint... it
seems to ter that a divorced Muslin lid
0lss1ld treat his divorced wife when
Ise Inerts her at a .ocin1 gat !tering
with the dist ing i telt d .aonaidern-
lion dont lir lhr/idd fury any w 0101111
Ile ,should net prr'Nnmc on any form-
er Intia
mcy„ Thea fin oho,dd not
wink at her knowingly or poke her
wlyly in the ribs. Nor erhould he In
the Colette of general conversation
city in nggre.sively cherfnl tones:
'1-rnt remember, Elisabeth. I .never
easel.] eat Itrnsselg responder. It woilld
ethos he hi bad tante to nsk: 'Who
kerbs you in mind eaf yotu' engage
merits nmr '7'.
5 Witty Berop.
A ei stain laymnn,'who 01.1 salt np
prove ref lite iligh Ulmer!' doctrines
of 11s t Isar, laid n complaint again .t
him before the bishop of the Illorewe
In Intking him iudlr tar u1 h^ reserved
the won't till Inst , "Anil would yd u
believe it. meg• lord ? Mr. A. nt!titnlly
ktasew his whole e. Whether the
hieliop waw hlms.'11 dtatrrewe.l et
this Ititnnllidie practice, we do oat
kaMw: Isat 1111 mime i.f rumor, tet
nil events, cense to his nevem,. fur
he replied, ' We. I. at.-. ('hurt-hwar,k',i.
rnu will he tee first to admit tint
it's n good deal heft's' tkas If IN
stele hoe kiss s."
sat arr W eNassa ear. •+1
111'. Inclination,
A genteel carter always ells wile.]
he carves, says a work on eti-
quette, Perhaps. he thew; but It 1s
,pretty certain that there aro timers
when he yearnfully yearns to pet
ono foot on the table and the othar
on the bled while struggling with
ole roto I.
Keep Minars'a LLnimeot le the
The Brave Sr•x-
\ra+bington Star.
"Do you think that wornon aro as
bravo as amen ?"
"Braver," anewored'i ter Cayenne
"Yew will obeervo that tho scientists
who kpt•p talking with terror about
the beset... In a kip are ell males.''
MLuerml's Lhnlment 1. treed by Phy-
Jrlfrrroa'r Mollies&
'Tho 'sage of Mhnutkeello' has been
called an w►Idel, but tier charge Is
a libel. Jefferson wan not a devotee
of any particular form of ucelentas-
titisw, but ho was a believer in lied,
tit tele higher life And in purity ilo
practiced. the golden rule far bet-
tor than manly statesmen of a later
date. A fine etatuple of the studious,
futlustaktug, neatirodieal. persevering.
simple, eeouowlual. turd withal pow-
erful man of affairs. Thomas Jeffer-
son will rentaln for et11 time.
"The following len rules of fondues.
front his pmt might well be prated
Wk. Cha-1u►L of every clerk, steuogra-
piper, bookkeeper -employer and em-
ployed-ln Chiang°. rut out. framed
and giv.dn a plane on every desk In
this great heart of American ortn-
nal r studied as
er uallsm m rime. m c , these
wen hustle, would make at. all wiser
and better:
' Never fart off till lb -morrow what
uu cnu do to -day.
"Never trouble another for what
you clan do youri.Nf.
"Never ripe d your motley before
you have eeriest it,
"Never buy what you do not want
beenuse It Is cheap.
"l'ridn-,,costs more than hunger,
thirst and cold.
"Wo seldom repent of having eat-
en too little.
"Nothing La tPc*ible•sonte that we
do willingly.
''110* mneh pain writs tutee o(st is
that have never happened.
'-''Take tiling. always by the sa,Ooth
''When angry mount len Wars
you apeak ; 1f very angry count a
h n ted r. d "- XIs
1 Heuer Way of 1'utttng it,
chicanes poet.
"Would you rah her mercenary r
\yell, perhaps it would be latter
to say that In matrimonial matters
she displays good busite n. juJKenent,"
We offer (Inc hundred. U.1tnn' Howard for
sol rase of Catarrh that rannot be cured by
Hull Catarrh fuse.
1'. 2. 11 EN Er d t o , Toledo, 0
We, the tmdeMgried, herr known E. J.
Cheney 1,,r the last 15 year. and 50114,0 hest
perlrrtly honornble In all bualnew tram*
tenons sod financially saris to carry out any
obilr. tion. mode by their firm
w'aer • Tnr Ax, A'bul+al• Druggi.ta, To-
ledo, G,
W•i.rise, Kttt•f • than,, W1,1.sal•
Druggists. Toledo, U.
Hwll'a ('ntnrrb ('are h token Interoally,ae4
Ing directly upon (11•1,10.• mad mucous 'sur-
faces of the system- Teatdm,tnlnla sent free,
per bottle. Mold hr all druggist.
Hall'. Family I'tt . me the beat.
Another %et.•ran.
1'bl.'ngn New,-
"Ikw.n," said the wanderer. i "went
through 1 hree lust t lea."
"Shake!" exclaimed the man In the
voltage. "I went throngtt ,hr.'s my-
self "
' Yon did
"Yee, 1 was married three (Inc.."
TTetierse, Jan. A. 1202.
Mnseey-linrris Co., Limited.
Winnipeg, Mao.
Gentlemen, -It gives ties very
much pleasure to ,Inform you that
the No. 4 Dinder whiob I purchas-
ed from your Agent here laid Som-
mer Ilan given me the very beet of
rntoda etion, doing its work to
perfection and drawing light -very
-mnrld lighter than I expected, My
snip wag very hrnvy noel some Of
it very badly ,Town, but your binder
did Ito work splendid. i had to
trouble whatever. 1 hope you wilt
Nell Iota of hinders for 1901 anti
mane my brother farmers Iota of
trouble. 1 wish you every seeress.
11, M. FERRIS.
ISSUE. NO, 19 3
Ara WIWow's kite_ qy►_ -
always be aced far C Rag1l ai• 11
w it and 015. .t dd rsr Dtarflunawtl
by mall ao you can make from rive ro Ty
tlu/.Laaa • o•r, For particulate write
2 West
't Ave. North
Hamilton, Ont.
Beat S.11leg Skirt Support.. and W+'st'Walu
over Wudere& rens as slgbt Good groat
Sera/ IS suets for suaple and terms le tans
Tactical k CO-, DEl" 17 11., '1'ORO!17'0.
It Has No Equal
lfanutactured only by
Fur sale by all leadlua dialers.
AND lylll NOT ItUSi.
ilorse health
is one of the most imports '
things for every farmer •
cdnside r -
Blood Purifier
will build up a run down hone
it tones up the system, rids
stomach of bots, worms and
other parasites which under
mine an animal's health.
So its. a package.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Ladles. Favorite.
T. the only Safe, relaat.le
regulator on which woman
can depend "In the hour
and time of need-"
l'retsred In two drgn.s of
atreoatb- Ka 1 and Nt.7r-..
No. 1 -For ordinary run
L by far the best dollar
medicine known
Po. 2--Fnr 'ones hit risen 10 degrees
stronger -three dollars per box.
Ladles -ask your drogriet f. ; Peok's
Cotton Root Composed. Talc- ,, nth,r
S P all p111., mixtures and Imltatlnn,. , r4
dangerous Nn 1 and No. 2 are .nld tend
r enmmended by all drugglat• 0 the Tor
minion of Comm*. Mailed to any ad.le-1
on receipt Tof prie. and fair
SWAM 2• • tet po.+h�tr
smps. ae Cook. pony Oat.
It Ie uni %cranlly conee,led that 1.
properly appreciate a trip to Ni...
York or Boston, one must take 1)'
beat road. That road is the Ness
York Central.
When n idov appear* In half
mourning We the sloe bnrhelur's c.•
to take to the tad timber•
cant iimes to be the sure cure d
g Neuralgia
O..d te sou Tessa
wetw',ah,.•.ew. U.a., et
5.sm. n,. ands " Tm,y '.
,a. 11, asal I,t, re.s•..a' Nr e
rte.Kendl 1•,t COO b tea
T..,.. -e .bdq ,..,,p re In Mrh,,
Town truly, C NICs .
rive massa of epatie
Absolutely Curse.
5, 9,M. N ~
enter, In. 0 ,.
1 Mn t...d e.. M•..' •hW.,edy e'
Spun ann. frot r.•r.-nh '--•
Sonen•speer'r,ei; uaa..'.:
Voss, truly yours errs
And Moa Sut'oaasful Romany Door Discovered for goe•Wna Rbssben05.
span s arta call La nansm.
Thi. 1. the. ungnallr,d erprrbnre e.1 lhmlsands of hnwm.n and .t.here In this and other
onuntrae, and cher. 1n no mason why yoke a;rould not share In then henefea Yea road
what the al.,re pimple say about " endall'a," Writ.* to thorn far ye., r own saNsfaatien.
In add dine In hrin`` the Teat Matti rwnMy
known, t to dln.nillalesd M a tlulmeet i tis house-
hold and lapilli ua+ Bald gen'ruiu hl all d".
state. Price II; Mx bete. be vol
valnahlo honk, 'lA Tresses es 1b. " pro-
fusely illustrated. NW upon req i.st
Swoortistre rail.. Vt.