HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-7, Page 47 4 TavasD.(v'; May 7, 1903. WILL THEY GET THE MONEY? School Board Asks Town Council for $9, 1, ` to improve Central School. , Trustee Ball and Inspector Tom Present Board's Case -Councillors Are Somewhat Dubious and Seek Information -Conference Arranged to Dis- cuss Improvement Plans -Other Business Be- fore the Town Council. The MI•hlNll glIe1111111 was on the car- p •1 at the town- council meeting 111141 r'ridity eve g. Aid though thee/ was shown n great divergence between the s'h11411 board Iepees•itatVes I11141 the In"IIIIw114 of the c •il . at least those u' the r •il who gave an opinion 0.11• way 111• the other the Way was terenel for negotiations whish k is to 1,. ho1NI1 will result in 1111 'Able 14 •iutiun ret the problem. Meyer Lewis was all the chair, and 1411 the r441111(111or1 e'er• pte.M'lit except Mr. Islliolt, who was detainee) by ill - Hese in his family. lite Worship read* letter from Fred. :Ifo twat, r.f Toronto. eon yey ing thank,/ for the Message of sympathy went to the family 144111 father, the late Sir Oliver Mowat The MA y. 1t• reported the purchase of the St. David's street lots, as Ahead' Mtat.11 by The Signal. And said the public works committee could now• pterYe91 with the opening up of the street. He etatel also that the organ factory debentures had not been sold. the Fweeott faun tt hilin an offer 11611 IMe•e received nut lensing been able to e'rry it through. His `t'ul•Mhip said that negotiations were in prlvr•.ux reg*piing the cults la' Ilia• $•cund HuInIrN suit, 411(1 Mentioned' that Mt. Holmes hail paid the Ira) •e of $1118 milling to the town in connection with 1'i• first shit Tse way was cleared for the (Herm, Aim Her ,- Nin. of the school quest' ley the leading of a I ' ether ftni,i the t sister brand Asking the council (o p snide $9,011 by the 1st of August next for 1111 addition and repairs b1 the errand s•h.od. Trustee Hall and In- M Ie•tor Tont were heard ill su)'I int of the Iron d's applirat" . 111a11 c'aiil.d that fur t he sake out IN•lping Ge - 1 11 nut in its financial entail-,/ the Io Marl hail for s•y.•ral years been put- tini( off the retrains And *iteratemle which 14h. here been Grade. :t year age thcv were1 mart irally the•yyt�- enel by ex-Mr ayo1t'ilsal fust Wei' would be brought up for maintaining a public 'ranee. The tt:tlsteer felt that in the inter•st1 of the health and the morals of the rhildr•u the plans they had adopted shoal! Ins emend out. The reason they slid not have a public meeting for the dis•it1w' of the matter was that the work would he delavel. Melnlw•te of the board w'114. 1111111•x l-eerie/I their Approval /1f thescheme were elle•tel by *Celli 11114 - lion last year W0114.111 a word of 14p- position 4)rposits 111 to the s.ho•Hc. The plans adopted by the board would 111141,' on.• of the best schools in Ontario, end w • little in the, ruttier tIn' board alight ask tot' It sum to build 1(11ntrt•1 school meal' Britannia- 11111 I for St. David's 441111. St. Andrew', wards, do. ing away with the present ward pw h.ods. With the Addition Chet hal been m:ulc to the asM-slnletlt for school purpose's, a levy of II mill,. world pr,vide for the it Binary ex- penditure of the s•h,141114 and for iH- te eeet And sinking fund for the pro- posed expenditure. Insp14e.tor'1'41111 {H his 11•11Hlrk4 laid . ,.t,i1IhaNle 11)14111 Ore statement that t h. Alt•rationS pnl)Mlse1 10 be made woad! make the. ventral a Nt.t-HAAs s••h,N,1 in every respect. At1 extetulel rollieply fnllowe1 in- 14)wrtor T ' remarks. The Mayor Maid there Wits no doubt 4114 10 (h.• nec'Nsity for A change in the sanitary arrangements ..f the s•hlwd, but there Was a fallacy in Mr. Haire remark re- specting the returningof 1h.• trustees l.v ardent/AC . at that time the people did not k • what Ih.• isund's piens Were. There 111x1 been w.11N• talk of'14)tN•nding *3,14(1 nr $1,1441, but w•ne•n *f1,IM4l wit% ii•m1111Hle1 )eo)1, rorlsider11 it MI al1surlity. Mr. 7' said the in'erlge attend- ance of s pupillast year was 11.i less than in 1n411, but at the latter date the rennin wire 1',•1.11.1111.41411. His Wnt•MhiII 4)1.ke of the Iar14, Sonne of expenditure for which pro- vision wood have to Ire mode this year Ned 14,111 1111 I14•li1'v1el s111 expen- diture such as that 1)1,4)144411 14honld he pronorneel 11114.11 by the tat •)ay- et1.. The Mayor said 1i• had not met any • who favored spending *11.11(1 on an old building that w'111 not rent - rally located: on the other hand. Mr. Tom and Mr. 131111 said that the hal c • 'lrrllxs haeilly anyone who eppNlsd the board's ...helm-. __-.S.'taun4 SILO' 'fh111letti u. said it there Was In he a large expenditure to school should he placid in N central 1,calit 4. Some of the pupils new had 10 walk a mile and a half to 11i.• rent tat He agreed with the peeps tel (or two 144'hl)tie, one un the north soul Sete on the south 14ide. (Tanta for Iluillwr said that the ei mmil could net dictate in the matter, tilt with eel/tem' an expenditure pr4- )14ael they 1411141.111 be 111.,e:us4)1)y ne- llilailltel with the farts. $11.Ontj.l,,. l,l not be anent 1111 an 0111 building With - 11111 a 1.11114111 inve141igalio1 of the testier. It wou111 rest Inonl.y to have a vete on the question, and if sm.' s.1lenle lendd be found of testing )nhli.: of ' ' w'{t1lott1 Mia elf pimps. he w'o411d tacos its adoption : there Mhmild IN' some expr'Mien of opinion frau the rat•lwly-ety, 1'e:we lnell' Mllrne4 44)1414 stfd hr, wire in ignorance Ns t4 the plane of 1h.. trustee boned. eine 11y i1 was decided to have A )hint nkat ing of the two finned., on Mnnl,yevening and to have the Nr1'hite't's plate. on band err in- N)srtinn by the romne.il. The heasnmr's stet fluent and andi- tol'1i r•)144r1 for April were seent to the finance r ttee•, The r'I•etpts and expenditnr,('d for the month were as follow-, : NN/ xtt't's. Masses fritts Match elect Hr 11Rh1 r1re. I,,.ns e �rn4et•ry M1.se11s1eem. 4xe1.x1,IT1 Nle. ‘11111111.11..1 ixl.et Printing. adrrtitslng and 'Mtlnnrry win *11r insnrnn.le 44 .011 *'Ito ,rpnrl anent : %mks L7RM1 malt• t 1,1M1y Inns letrshle totems, Waterworks tiIpltal ronintena,W1' *:keret. Batt meinMnanro 14.•hlyd weenie 111M1•Ilan ens .... Interne on howl the fire brig/tile was sent 1a' the till• collll11 itt•1• w'it11 tMlw'el•. A e /item front the Packard Electric Co., St, ('nth/rines, eirea11Ia111- el of the -lwivtueet of the iucount fill' 11141.1114 ,1411(1 stated that interest W011141 is. charged. The ]layer wild hr would reply to the letter. A 11 • ntI..il from William Campbell notified tI,' council that he haul completed his work as aniwe44)1 at141 gave a e y statement of tin awessinent, showing a NulMltanti14l increase 40Vrl• bait years. An inquiry regarding the nutieeN of sidew•i4lk assessments 1091 to it dis•us- don NN to w111.4. duly it wits to wend thews notieeN out. :1a' One .4)JMard to IN' i/111e• to may w'h.a.• wnrk It should be. In the meantime the Outlaw 1111' not being beefed. It was decided (4, pray \h•. l'anlpliell $110 off account until the aminint of his remuneration as assetis1r is Steil. A letter from IE. DArlre•y coml- plaine/I that refine- Was 1111111pwd oil the river (rank Hear his teed -Oce, -The chief trau,gr senor," Mr. Dance) said, "ie one of 111y weeltlie'r,t neigh hors, who Nl Id 1w cmppelle) to 1e- 1111 t't' the Iehls• placed there." Mayor Lewis said he had 11.1.1 Mr. 1114nc.•) to sur the twelfth-. Mr. Brown mentioned that there wins nu place IrM4vided for dumping refuse, ami (lir aser 14p4.1.' of a dace at the end of ' Blore .1 114.1 which might Iw•1441411aa)14. Tire whole matter was left with the public Workst- ' ter. A tcINlrt (11,111 the sexton of Mait- land cemetery showed that there had IMeen 1.14•41•11 interum -fits during the Month of April. ' The St. Mary's (own eoeneil asked the 1.11-11111•171 6on of the 'council in s• ,•raring legislation enfur•ing the use of wide tiny,. The 1011 that wheels of vehicles designed) to carry 114441144 of one 11,1111r n\'rl' shall 14144,• tins at least rive iitehee wide. The natter was re. (erred to the puhlie workI4 a '1 tee. The corporation solicit1114 ,..ih, itteed �t draft bylaw for the nu,ue of detw•n- tules for *K3,1111 for the purchase of •1(rtric light Inetens. also A /haft testi lion to the Lieutenant -Governor fol his approval t ene,f. The water and ,ight rolntritte• was authorised to all in this natter. The following eceounty were referred 4 the finance I•omulittee : .1. F. 1311b•s. wheelbarrow f.n' cemetery. $1: .1. 11 Women, Supplies, $35.11: 1t. H. Putt. .,•lief order.., #11.11. The eepwa•t of the theme(' r 't tee. 11•c ending 11av,m ret of a 111.1 d.u•counte. WAS 1141.111 VII. The )1/1y01' and the rhairmlun .11 til, dnnn,•e rnttmnitle.• Were appointed 1. 'rte. 1.1 1411:11114.' sit s•tlIrlurlit ul '11e (au•row- nail's 11i11 for law eclat*. rhe bill arllenultn 141 $2,1.11. '1'lu• eminril then adjourned. FIFTEEN KILLED AT DETROIT. Orae Trunk Pse-•esorles. Iyer Crush- es rkre.e t 1.041 People. Detroit, )fey 4 -The Grand Trunk Pan-American Flyer from Chicago ran into a crowd of 1,00,0 people at the corner of IA•quinder and Canfield streets at 14 30 last evening, killing ten to fifteen men• and seriously in - erring about thirty more. The nna- Jority of the killed and wounded aro from Toledo. Fifteen hundred Toledo Poland.r•s came up to Detroit yesterday morn - Ing on a special -1ak• Shore train to celebrate a holiday. They left the train at fire corner of Dequinder and Canfield streets and went over to St. Joseph's Church, where they spent the day with the congregation. The Lake Shore tracks run out lee qulnder street and • valet train was to stop for the Toledo excur- sionists at Canfield avenue at (4.30. Accompanied by hundreds of their local friends, waiting for the train, the excursionists Jammed Canfield avenue some time before the train was due, in readiness for It• When the train watt sighted the crowd pushed across the track, and on to the ()rand Trunk tracks which inf- eriors those of the Lake Shore, Just AS the Grand Trunk Pan-American Express came thundering from the west. The people were thrown into the 11r and dashed to either aide of the track. Many of them were ground under the wheels.. Lantern* were procured and the work of rese•ue began immediately. The scene reflected by the light of the lantern, was horrible. (Iradually the mangled and cranked bodies were recovered and Rent to the hospital when there wan a flicker of life left, and to the morgue when there was none. FATAL FOREST PIKES. 11 harrN aeseal.s .f•armor'• Daughter Food .t •y mer. e Ottawa, May 2-Mis\n'-Addle Perry, daughter of a Itul1 Township farmer, was burned to death in' the forret fire north of Aylmer 'rhursney. Her cheered remains were found'. yest-er- dny morning. She was 96 yaws of age. 40 Fas,llles Hem.lees, 1lurkingham, Que.-Bush fires heel. swept the country on the (wet Rid, of the Lievre, 140114,4 40 families aro hnmelren and destitute as a result. The village of Noire Dame d. la Sit let t• narrowly e'caped destruction. . Crates can't Get Through. Belleville, Ont. -Ruth llrw (n the T'(in4F,ilis of Dungannon and Fara- day Friday reached the line of the central 4)nterio rtailway•n)ne n:Jen from Bancroft, and trains have unable to pals through. Died Aged tea Tears London, May 4 -Another Into Mfg centenarian has passel( away, n nldeet wh)ert of the Xln 1A.Yi I years. This was William Mtlui,`e- y;". 1.mum Whn tiled at Vert ley, Let .7. �4961 Ireland. When a boy he saw Ailed N'- t"mut.il twp al Warren's heittleehipa In ngl4. 14 Rlellly, In 17(141, after he had Aetna s ed and reptnrM the Preach *mime*- . 11tt.M ren, with wh(eh was Wnlfr Tone til,\ s'r.w nntnrinla Trlah 'r.Ml fttuart Melly h.fu14^ I h. 4 the iota of cantoaarl•as. -who A Ilet of rubber goons needed fur , have died till. year. • - •- TIC SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO MINISTER ON tag STAND' Hon. J. R. Stratton Gives Evidence the Gamey Investigation. Oen1e. Giving Money tither to Dame, or fl4411ivan Aeries of !solicit O.ntradiet of Damp's Story-- Oamey'e visit Wes No4 the Minister's fleeting. worth suggested 1t would be a good Idea to got Gamey to write a letter of his Intimations to support the (lov- aroment. in Mr. Stratton then explained his connection with the Sapphire Corun- dum Company, about which he had the interview with Mr. Boland on September 10th, and why he resign- ed as UTI, Haar. Mr. Bosend came Into his ol&e shortly after 11 o'clock. Otter Net ■ e Own la•n to ions of Toronto, May 5. -At the open) of the forth week of the Royal Co mission yesterday morning M Johnston asked that 4tohn Galbraf and John Hillier be called. They a witnesses who have several ti been absent when wanted, and they were again absent yastarda worning Ube Chancellor directed til warrants be issued to compel the attendance. A eHMet.. Tsstsaoe. The Ont witness of the moral was Rev, John Francis Oulgon, Mi later of the Mennonite Brethren Long Bay, Manitoulin. • 11. said til after The Glob. Interview appeared on January'29th, he saw Gainey bis home, and he said he would on support Government In such one w sures as flr• for the good of t coustituesq; that he was as good Conservative as over, and that Glo interview looked stronger in pre than he latend.d. To Mr. Ritchie said Gamey bad denounced Clove Rent policy very vigorously, an that he made the strange remark a ter Conservative meeting at (lore B that "There will be something mo later en." ng m- 1. th re mei a' y at Ir ng n- .t at at ly a - he a be nt he rn- d ay we To take th'. Dry ./wee. Mr. Johnston put in a letter writ- ten by Mr. Gamey, dated Feb. 16. to the editor e1 The Manitoulin Exposi- tor, after the publication of TM Globe Interview, telling him that be had net gone over to the Liberals as completely as possible, that .ei- ther party properly represented the people, and that there would be • big shaking- up of the dry bones is the near future. Mr. W, J. Boland, barrister, testi- fied to hem many business transac- tions with 1rr. Stratton, which call- ed them into close relationship. He had • business interview with Mr. Stratton es the loth Sept. begin- ning a little after 11 that morning, and that be had not lost sight of Mr. Stratton until after 1 o'clock. To Lllr. Ritchie he said the 6.1,000 cheque paid by the Ontario Bank on Sept. 9 was on a bond transaction} of the Rlvlere Du Loup Pulp Co. of which Mr. Stratton was president and he a director, and that 1t was paid to the Dominion Permanent Loan Co. Where Did the Hili, Came a'relr. "Can you enlighten us on the ques- tion that is going round? Where did the money come from?' suggested Mr, Ritchie. "I know nothing whatever about It," said Mr. Boland. Ile add.•d that he knew nothing about a cam- paign fund being got together before the election. MR STRATTON'S EVIDENCE. Though' tees ileettea Was Cleee We DM 7fot Seg.rd It ea a Cadets. lion. J. R. Stratton, sworn, testi- fied, that, though the last election was closely contested, he did not re- gard 1t as a crinis. in the previous election the nicinb •rs were 46 Liber- als, 45 Conservatives, 2 not heard from, ane 1 election not ,held. But the Government was sustained. Fur- ther, for three months after the last election the Premier and Attorney - General Were In England, and other Ministers were away at intervals. The wattles of prutestN was left in his hander Some protests were with- drawn, bot he had nothing whatever to do wink the Manitoulin protest. After the third meetieg between the Parties, early in June, be determined to have )nothing more to do with the protests„ and left the matter in the hands of alar, Grant, acting for the Liberal 'Association. 'rhe first he knew u6 the Manitoulin protest wu from tie papers, the end of .lune or beginning of July. Ile knew noth- ing about the Manitoulin protest un- til he saw that it was transferred to Toronto, which meant it was settl- ed. This was in October. Inuring all this ten» he had no consultation teeth Mr. Grant about It. He never employed. Jones or the Maltese's, or anyone elm, to approach Galaxy. lie never employed those or any others to approach Gamey In any manlrr. Ills t4.wwge .f Mr. Gamey. Ile had heard rumors that Mr. Ga- mey Waa going to support the Gov- ernment prior. to the et Sept., when the lw•mber for Manitoulin camp to nee him. That was ablol•tely all the knowledge he had of Gainey then. Ile did not know an or prior to. that dad• that Gainey was coming to see him. O1 all the patronage referred to, not one appointment recommend- ed "hy Mr. Gamey was made by him, and only two wen made utherwlss. Ile said hp abet ('apt. Sullivan once at a hotel table in the "Sew," It was casual, and he had not met him since. Ile met Flank Sullivan in the same casual way. lie knew nothing about Frank Muillvan's relations about the North Shorie. The first he heard of (latae, wan when Frank Sullivan introduced him on Tuesday. Sept. 11, a few minutes after 10 o'- clock. . The Osney Interview. , Neither was ever thorn before. Sul- livan came fleet and maid Gamey wanted lo see him. Sullivan then in- troduced Garry. They .pnke a few .minutes In a general way aboutMan- 16ounn, the trope, the rallwpy, the cr,nditlon of the people, etc, (Iatm•y said the pollay of the Government was approved by this people, with the exceptloa that the administra- tion of some of the officials wan bad. Gainey spoke about the Flesher ap- pointment a1 J. P., and was referred by him to the Attorney-(leneral. Gamey also Said he would beat serve hie ctlnstlt,rats by supporting the (%oveiameat, and that Me contest was conducted so aa to enable him to de sit. - In reply to • questten, Gamey said he had carefully conalll- wed the Question, was surd the people would bark him. Gamey com- plained of tbs administration of the raining law. but approved o1 IM law as • *bele. Gamey was in the office perhaps half an hour. Gamey slaked about the protest, and he replied the Government had earthing to de with that, and re- ferred 1[r. Gamey to Ayleswertii and We. Grant, irks heel Chargg,., of the pretecta. Mr. Gamey anted abort Patronage. aid he replied that if Gamey nlpperted (lvertteasnt M welild gra aha 41415the eoanol4mratto. a' any ether Government supporter. Af- terwards he *peke to Yr. Ayleswerth .eattaet tbs protect, and bile. AA's - , alt } `.A. While Mr. Boland was there Mr. Aylesworlh's letter was dictated, as suggested by ler. Aylesworth. and the substance wits the pith of what (fanny said the day before. Up to that time he had no knowledge of the Manitoulin protean or the evi- dence about It. The letter was not his own idea, and watt not addressed to anyone. Mr. Roland was in the office from about 11 until 12.23, when he (Stratton) drove to Do- good. Hall to see Mr. Ayksworth, and when the court was over at 1 o'clock gave him the letter. On September iOlh Gamey was not In 1,1s ofMe ur room. Neither was Sullivan. The next day M saw the report of the Conservative caeca', and that Dailey was present sup- porting Yr. (Whitney. - lie did not know what took place is Mr. Aylen worth's oak* until October 18. He knew before breakfast that Gatley was at this caucus, and *a' surprts- •d. 1Le did not rely on Gamey's sup- port thea or at any time. "1 never had any confidence In him," said Mr. Stratton, emphatically. On the moraine of September 11th. M dis- cussed the Neva Scotia Eastern Railway with Mr. Boland. About hyenalelilel un sate AI ANTED IN A HURRY. 64 MEN AND 38 BOYS What For ? For the purpose of buying the above number of suits at a BIG BARGAIN. (The Reason We have decided not to carry so many lines of clothing, bat simply confine ourselves to strictly high-grade ready - t tilored clothing. Therefore ree have placed on our tables 64 Men's and 3s Boys' Suits, which will be sold at a price t'lat means dollars saved to the purchaser. Listen while we tell you some,of our pricer.". $5.00 6.00 7A)0 8.00 10.00 lien's Suits SUITS FOR .4 .. 41 <f. •4 33.75 4.50 5.00 5.50 7.00 Boys' Suits M '' $2.25 SUITS FOR $1.65 2.50 •• 4.00 5.00 6.00 4t 1.90 2.75 3.50 4.00 This sale will last until every suit of the above+ is sold - we are determined to go out of this tine of goods entirely. Come early ulld get your choice -the best always goes first. W. C. PRIDI-IArl P.-rfect Fitting Clothing Holm-. Alen's Furnblher and Hattelj 1'. S. neeides keeping a stock of the 20th Century Brand of Men's Fine Tailored Garments in •toek. we/ A1110 take special orders -over :PI samples to chime from. W. C. P. The Macey Book Case • The finest thing of its kind on the market to- day. You can get it in sections to suit the sire of your library. We also have a full line of all kinds of Furniture, suitable for every room in the house. Special Values In Springs and Mattresses. We have the celebrated Hercules Spring, Rriaranteed not to sag One pound of Wire woven the Hercules wiry in as dtmg as five pounds woven the old way. Come in and examine them. Beckett & Staunton Picture Framing and Repairing promptly attended to. ff►m1111tIMftfltfttit 11ttflffittlftlt11111t1111tN1fi1N1ff11111116 The Big Sale - .. of the unro Stock of ry Goods Is on. Great Bargains in every line. Every- thing goes regardless of cost. A large quantity of choice goods still unsold. Now Is your opportunity. NEXT RANK OF COMMERCE. uwwuuuu�w�uwuuuw J. 1-1. C 'PHONE 86 CASH OR PRppUct A FEW LEADING LINES Dress Muslin A large x+i4)rtturnt in main), of the new creations for the coining Muslin 4114441(111, White liaise and cream groun(IM, with vita end Aural effects, French Nuel American maker, all new end xt popular prices. Ladies' White Waists The well known Star ne.•ke, direct from the factory, 76e• to 6275. Thew are better made, re neatly trim- med, and fltwr material fur the price than other lines. Kid Gloves I'emn'N make, gu*ramtee of 75•, $1.a► and black. Specialties In cotton hose Moues snaps. the name Perrin is a p+rfet•tion in kid gloves, and SUS, in white, colorist at from 8 for Ilk up, Dress Materials °manta in lustre., nun's clot and poplins, Our re hyk� do -chane and syhelines voiles, eychk• Ing customers dally, duel i, White Wear new goads are as good as the uddrawers. In gowns., Aitts, e� Dress Skirts we have hada big .ale in they, and dill there are about 101.11 Oxfords and black, $L&1 a out this week - 10 per (tint, discount to clearCOrsets Omni Our 11 me and lot now downto all gone, l{et •pal! before they y J. H. COLBORNE Sometimes`..tf. .e/.4 a Furniture Polish (to called/ simply re- stores lustre for a time -then the state I. worse than at flat, a surface of grease and dust. Every Time CLIMAX POLISH is used it Iver its superiority. ('LEAN, BRI(iH 'DUR- ABLE. Maker old furniture J/Mok new and stay res The large rale enabled us to reduce price. Se rise for lilac. Use the hast. Take no substitute. Hefner plotting the/ pipe.: away coat them with that shiny. black eater-pteventer Beatemall Stovepipe Varnish (sive your balcony rails, erestings, iron fenc- e s rte., the ".ane treatment. The world pi o - duces nothing better. limits lab raw Sesis Nlikdrti Dr. T. OPENS Specialist on EYE. BAR, NONE an THROAT, will be in our /deer eon Mote on TUESDAY n A Y sth AMIllenstMe AND 'clow, Vflon'te; neglect this op prrtnnity t. are a higk.e)r, specialist at home. =All ,operations undertake& (ousel fitted and .npplil� W. C. 0OODE. Chemist,et diLsort... Paint f iatoa Building whit ehtWg is to sheen is jest me e3dper� You should take ao midi tars is the palm te-elh. yo r property, so 7'w do is selecting the gill. to clothe your parses. Faint pre- serves tie MOW* la Os Latter thhPan the plat.his'p Id11 N •MISwflAs • es VS - l* set used/ T qiir Iliesmiraues PANT -s- leor-prieed plot. bet it. is th.ap )same beet. 7t is Zile d the pint tsstselolo -that . Wood the Ie. The Wetsate bdibt mod hasitome. Mk We also carry in stock pure Linseed Oil, Turpen• tine, Whitelead, Dry Colors, Paint and Kalsomines, Brt shes. PRICES RIGHT. N. D. RODUVIE, Cash Hardware Store, QODERICH. WESTOBY'S GROCERY AND BREAD DEPOT HAMILTON STREET, - " GODERICH THE PARNE1,L-DEAN STEAM RAKING CO.'S Eureka Bread delivered to all parte of the town every day. Try It and you will want no other. We are head uartera for all Cereal Foods Tilton's Rolled Oates, in Milk and pptencc•k Quaker Oats,, Flake Harley, Pot Harley, Rolled VI heat (Molina Breakfast Food), ('rearm of Wheat (Farina), ('racked Wheat, Cornmeal (Oo)dnat), Peirce. Swifts Food. Oranolia, Rice, Tapioca, Napo, Graham Fkmr, fine Family Flour. Fne Pastry Flour, pure Manitoba • Flour, all grades. We sell the best of everything that's good to eat. W. P. Westoby FINE FAMILY GROCERIES. NOTCHING BETTER There is nothing better than the beet, and in the ripe of Uroeeriee there is nothing better than what yon an get here every day in the week. If you have never bought your Groceries here, give a a trial and see what we an do for you. Everything in season, of good quality, and as the right priem CALL, AND NNE "2- 00. Tins GROOSBM, WRIST BIOS SQUARE. Ultimo No. 91. 1 P$ i( Instant ; U linrigund I1 Its Sal,