HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-5-7, Page 22 TsultaDAT, May 7, 1903. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO the eicignul UUAISIth'H, oNTARI'. PUBLISHED E 'KItY T((1'HSDAY sv VAN Arrlat & 114/11ER'u SIN. T'elrpbune Cull No. :la. Terms of Subscription SLIM )N•rationii1 10 ,1i1, Mae. Sit nlul,lhs, :As ; three 111011111.. 3L•. • 4uhscribeN wh, fail 10 n•crt„• 1'111: 444.,. regularly by uudl A ill confer a farm by ae• g11ah.11ng uo of the fact al .4 early a Ib.l.' a - p Usable. When a change of address 4 desired, Louth I he old and the new ahlnes. +IIouW 1.c elicit, Advertising RM.. Legal amt Other .dluihtl .al, ertIn•.mento. 114' per line for find insertion and :1• per lime for mach +ntra•yuetlt Insert 1011. Mea.und h) a I*n•il scaler t web r Tines to 1111 loch. liminess cants of .ix Muses and under, $ii pr year. Advertisements of taut, Found. Strayed. Sit - 144n11r1s \'want. Sit nations'. .u.nrl. Houses for Sale or to hunt. Fortin. for Stile ,.r to *trot. Articles for Sale. etc.. No ex.rr•liug eight Mies, tic ea.•h bperti..n : 11 for (*,.t 111, .514. for each subsequent 1ttttt . - Larger aGertlw- ment. 1n proportion. 14.x1110110+. in nn,lwn•il tyle .N• per line. No notice Irv. than'L... AnIounceinei 1. in onll,4er) wading type one lent per .4,40.1. Nu null.; Lem. than tic .411y special n01I, e. the oryeet of which is the periiiikary benefit of any bndi, ideal or a.vsr-1- a11.n. fit be aasklonml an auk cn b,e,rnt and to 14 rh*rg.41 Mr•unlirydly. Rate. for display and 011111 nal tunerlis'- ments will be given 011 applioat ion. Address all w 1•atla)s 10 VAN ATTlin sc ItUItI I4T:w0N. T11K 44.44A11. Hldertrh. ( 1441. 0010:HI('!1. THL'103I1AV. MAY 7. Ito. THE SCHOOL QUESTION. 1'111 actit 1 of the public s'11(4411 IMNaI11 in soil 'tting its building plans too the time cutncil ham Materially increased the probability of a w(1i44facWry M)In- tion (If the peg/141.111 .1 improving the (4 (Wll'M 1.11101 HA•1 111ti. ii. Ik•- twe•n the 4111141x• 14414111, Which ham IM•f111r' it. mind chiral' the twirl 4)f such improvement, and the 4 which is hooked 411 to I11r)vidr the 1110111•' *11)111 !1 dl•ph•te1 treasury. there i. apparently 14 4•111114111.11111I1• divt•I'g- .•111.e of o) . 'on in the matter. arising naturally from their diff.•n•nt points 111 View•. Now that t1.' two boards have 1•oull• 14.got110r in ennfeeell e there is a teas 1(Ir hope that the vex..) question will he mettlerl in the ma •r that will lie 111(4,4 a.)Ivl(11ta glolls a(11 1 1. The Wu lopes pie who are the roman la of loth r 11 Hod tr11Ntle• blanc would depeeate any strife bet wise' the two bodies. Thele i44 a ghat deal to be said (111 loth 14((1/•44 of "the question in dispute. That s.1uething niu.t 144• door W put the central +chi). i11 better coonditito4 reeogniz(el by ill. Thr children of town st pursue their studies under )(I')1pM•I' A11)) wholesome ser- e ii(lgs. and the trustees are 1)111 . doing their duty in endeavlming W provide ra nh Mer Lato11 as they think is nle•rwN(ry fur their- charges. s. On the other luuld, the rl il, while not disputing thv..l' Guts. has miss! s • ohje•t• to the specific scheme Which ale board has adopted. and is, we believe, entirely jlatifl((I in mess- ing these objections upon the notice of Cie Imam]. In the peseta -financial c lit ion of the town, the ex1wndi- tnre of any large num of Money t he the Mubjeet (if carefulconmideration. .old the propls(1 W vend $0,0011 main the old central school building pre - lents teem. teatimes which *rill. W hes faire open W criticism. %%lien the necessary expenditure w4,' estimated at only 11 1,0110 nr $.4,1MMl !helve WAS wane• oppleelle to the *•lieue : now, that the-1*nm . has mounted G) $14,0110 the case IM Mt111 more serious, ,11H1 1n M 11111' 11111111.01'S the proposition to pot the sum mentioned into an old build- ing, which will still be an old building after the 111(1111•)' IN spent, IN regarded Rs 1411 41w11edit)'. An14th.'1• feint that is well taken is that the present loca- tion of the school is not cen11111, and that pupil,' living in the southern law - tions of t1/• town are thereby Oared At it disadvantage. And pw,ibl' the 1111Mtpressing objection of all is flint the town has not the mune)" The Signal has ahead) expressed ilm preference for 11114.114 irely new Kele i11 n mole central location. The to cannot afford to build it this year. but is it tell possible. Wit), 11 11111111'1'1(1. 1•X- IM•nditnn•, 4.. Make 1.111111 ahrnation44 in the plon,'nt bu111111g 4(44 W111 serer for a 1.•w' year., Willi a Vi(•%4 to the 111(11u11 !(e SINAI 4144 )111SMilll1' 11111 11111• Ill's1)1u11(1- ing oil modern lines, or two buildings, o. le 1411 04011 Nide of the town. as 11111)' b • considered Mil isthle ?( In fhr mean - tine. the board mightperfect plans for such n building 141 buildings. s. that when the torten is in a 14411441(411 t/1 raise the' 11111111•) it 4)44)' 144' expended to the very IN'+t possible advantage. ,kV'. Must not lac 144144fiet with anything 1 'we than 'h -at -clam wheel. in (lode - rich. CZOPS AND LIVE STOCK IN HURON. it its manyear' since t) 5%048141,1e a 4.4141111 for glring Meelittg wait tarsal t:w faruw•t•a cif IIuWn. They were a*,le t' gel upon 4111. 11111(1 early, 411(1 the mortal- cultivation that is nlune I)W 1 N Irl'rrillll' 11 H bl{ n With nnmt allVittlefill fRi ,1,1. Naas practirnlly unhindcrel. NVhrr• spring 441w'ing was 11 •, the */i) tmoel to the slier.. In a mellow 111111 Miti14fa11•tor0 fns)' TM• s•el•M') nm 4* true N am excellent, Intl since sowing 111114 (440.1) dolor (11')' weather. at it'll rat)4(4 unfriendl- w•intim, hos ensues', land helpful thins have (1111)• r•cl•r1*1y (41114.111. Tile 1•11141 night* of the letter part .,f April alai) t'ndel to delay vi•getetilln. N.'ve•- t'.lelesm the )mM(we•tfor spring grains 14 raid *nay, flt•at-1'In mm, 4411,1,11(1 May turn (wilt She 44.44141 (11 it alit -4441y pwrndmlri W Iw•. M.wl 1)f the terra 1444 in the pprnmd /w'f.lt• the first of May. A few who (amid not get help were delayer(: and. of entitle, Item 4411• lax)' fellows (o Iw• 1.0 Ind ewe and thew even in this hostlimg vomit c. psi! the*t io looking hole fair G) good, 1t came 4hn'(Igh the winter in petty goal conditio11, 41111 (h..e will 1M• 4.('I') - 11(1(1' plowed up. le rather dry, windy weather of April has che'c'ked it a little. hilt 11u•ee is every prospect of a fair average ('top bring cut. 1,'lorrr•s)ou(1(•uls meta' only a slight injury from wire -worm; the Hrsja(n Hy lapgwHls to have retired 14,11111. `land is already beim( prepared ed (141 1141tm, 111111 the pn1s110et is that a huge area will IM• got in earlier than us1u(1, 141111 ill a well-prepared sietai 1Nd, Thele is an al baler of fodder for live It1 M'k, a11(1 thee are 111 good 0(111• dill ion generally. Few fat rattle low on hand, lint a fair Iri' of attic:ken' for export are boring gut ready for finishing tiff before J The hired 1111411 is at d pre•mi , Hr can make his own t•I'ms 11 '.(14414 '44 if 111 has any ability. In fact. ashy he usually regards himself 111+ the loos. 444.4.4.4(1141)•, the labor problem IN 11111' that is creating touch anxiety among oro agriculturists. The Northwest 1x441111 is nrluring many Ontario f44rIIet* to wire sUaite in oilier t4) attend to the pressing work in loth stable aud Held. The ((over •111 should Immo' the gen418 who Will solve the pt'o11(•m. EDITORIAL NOTES. 11 'I1 Input. now, Mr. Gamey. where did yon get that npfnry ? H you want t) bother a true-blue ('11n*•rv1(tvr thew• (111y', just 1111)' "Gah►ey" to him. 'Twill be it monstrous pity if we have to go down through the rears without knowing 141)011• that money came ftom. • The Hamilton Speetatt)r Hceuws The Globe of heflwiug to print a letter foul A. W. Wright. The Spec. should know that apace for fiction' in N live newspaper is limited. We offer a • r)py of Thr Signal for one• year to the Person who Mends its the best, local fish story Iwforo the 'cat of J • Every story taken at its face value Hod no quest" iske.l. ('ritaijl 1441.1)14' 111 Stratford and Owen Sound have addressed a kind invitation to Mr. Nelsen, Affidavit Maker W A. W. Wright, Buffalo 1'. O.. Yyrk State,• to route to 01411114111 31111 Ix; taken care of. Trusts*. Ball's pathetic appeal to the town c •il last Friday night almost drew tm114 from the eyes of the :uuli(u(l, but tear., ales: are rot (he trial of which improved public .ehlol buildings are matte. tVhrre did the tonine)' c • (tum ' is the question that is puzzling the politicians, but the problem is asimtple till(ltIing4ideof that which 'is troub- ling the public school lame( of thir •41(1 town, to wit : Where is the mune) to come front ? . The News, of TolonW, ought to IN feeling pu•tirulHrl• foolish about this time. 1(44 Attempt G1 apply lynch law to the Ontario Government has utter- ly failed awl 4)n the other hand ham mulled for• the ilgistr, the hearty ill - will of many N tjtitn who was formerly inclined to be favorably dl1p seed to- wards 1t. IVIken ping Edward goes through his [wickets after his trip G) gay Pattie It's ti) le hoped he will find H 11111144.4)1 or something arranging fur the Aet11r- meta 141 the Newfoundland shore )uesti1n, s. that Fr(Il/e'N trmty rights may IM• ahmgatrd and the 4IRy4t. 11111441011' t1•tnuvel to the round- ing out of the Canadian 41mre ler14tion by the ad11ris$' of 1114' island prov- ince. The latest thing in dietetics is that l'ttue is now guaranteed to be an .►11110Iute pi•eventive 41 smallpox. The .e1itor of The Helical; News, whoever he is, mays: "We are• willing to stake •ar profemril.1uil tllnitrlti1111 ' on the bead statement that nnytone who rats lettuce daily will not l'at'h simel1- sN.x. Whelhra-Ile be %nl'l'llmltel 111• not." The abbey is that smallpox is n 4411111 111110 disease, in the tame class am 4(11ryy, which ;Macke minima at *'n when deprive) 14( forth vegetables. amal1pox 1, always at ire worst in winter, when nowt pet p)e have 44 1114 without flesh Vegetables. Therefore, if you would avoid smallpox, eat Irt- tu''. This. pn comm "tight'•t4) prime it boon to 'ket galden(•rm. V. hlav ne1•Veit a copy of The tier - 11(1, plblisht at Toronto, and "(11411- 11 to pts dation and amended From n beef rental of the 1111 Wart• we aridity that the idea is to let •mel•ybd7 steel eny old way he phrens. 111.11• ar muni munpls i "Rational (or te444,141 l•), M)N'ling 1.11 help dialed ignn►•- oue and mprel no1e1g1• *millet than anything else." "Naturally. teacher( lir 4 1111 in advance, Inst the p iaipl 44'1 *tole." "Ther is no teawn at all why IL 0111141 not (m' pout( 11 within 11 lit1 While 114 define a Ntandarl pmnunci- lf' of • (ung." How wood y41 like, deet' lerler•, to 1144 „-ecru) in thin Whim : "Hart hut wi1hes for happy l'hrisnam and a j"yla New Year"? W144441en1 that jar yu ? No reformist Tiding for us. thank yu : after hav- ing the present method of ap•ling trilled into um at seed we don't think It is the skw•ar thing IA. 11P *mkt to drop it all Mid take up thin new - (aright 'therm. We ar to old a dog (4) leen near mks. The Wingham Advent•.• has 1,4111141 44 msl1 a nest.. It publishes a statement of Ow population of Htlron rown1.y compiled from the *mm('amtltent rolls 14f 11$12, making a toles) for the county of 57,AH7. and compares this with the (Yna1111 r•t(lrn' of It1111 gi.ing Hann 41 priltiIhill of 1 :14,1441. Then it argues that 1411,1,0 connt.y 1. have been nndenvtimittd in the remota and g(ws OR to 11111Wr1 that "lhitati" generally Ulu, not glen fid) credit *4)t' her pu1N11atltl anti that Qurbe' Woo, If anything, (verwstiu►ated." Ontario haft 111(14 ltwt six Parliamentary retire mottativee, ayd it thee not require h iwagittatfuu t/ wee 1)44 ' g up visions of Quebec rule and Ftr•,eh thanitatio1. 1111• fault with Tlu' Ad- vance's lug rut is that the (vomits figures it gives are for the timer 111111.11 ridings. which by 11•*N1111 of th4' Tory gerrymander (14) not i11cludr the towushipe of ('slortr and Stephen, ur the village of Exeter. Athling the figures for thew' municipalities. the census of 11141 really gave Hilton county a total population of tSl,lr'll, ur about 4.4*4U 1' than the 4ssemo411' figtuee quote) (0 1111' Advance. Epitaph for a Husbandman. He alai .4011111 start and rise Before the crowing corks, - N0 more hu lifts his ryes, Whoever knocks.. He bo before the stars %Vitali ...ill the ra111.• 110111e. - They wait about the bats For him to coos. Hilo at whose heftily rally - Thu farmstead woke 1444.1141, - The hors's In thine stalls krpeel in vain. Itosy sme bill Ise anti bold, H • babemrl fur tike morrow :- Tar plough his han d.• would llu.d Hosts in the furrow. It1 fields he hal to Wa).e, Its urehanls cwt alta 11.111 Thr clods 411. 11Mrl to deity.: Nue eel. yr 111111• Hut the green. growing thins - Loan kindly to his sleep .- White roots and wandering fifthly., ('Iu.er the) creel,. 111%1111 0 he lu.(r1 them long, And with them bore hl. twit, Tenderly now they throng About 11(44 heel(. ['UE WEEK AT OTTAWA. Division on Budget Gives Government 54 Majority. Member for West Huron Contributes to the Debate Points Out Opposition Inconus- tenc,es and Declares for Revenue Tariff - Jabea Robinson Rebuke• 1 t Members. 4$i.er al correspondence of The 4igna1.1 Ottawa, Mtly 211d. -The faldget de- bate is over and the Oovornh,wnt is sustainlrl by the hand* • majority of 51. The division took place at 2:33 N. 111. on Friday, ate•- ronlf4ulhel by the cu14t41111ar)• frolics of the 111011111er, while the etraggiers were 1N•ing brought in, inelmling a Natple of *Ings in French by the member for IlelIe•luarwe, the whole Hench contingent joining in the 'II.II'lIN. This is always )044ke1 for 11)• t hl Is• in the gallrt•ies ot1 such (M- pm-nonN. For the late hour there were x Lu-ge her of ladies 1111 hand. mostly members' wives and friends. Thr tone of the delimit.. N'i 4 deihied - l• improved overIHst week, and the member for Wesit Huron N'AA in the front tank. Almmt fifteen took part in the debate, *Nat lidded c141111ar•ativr- l• little W what had already (tern +raid. Thr ('uns•rrativ1.1 1(1loptel and ((Mowed throughout the unique core e )f r•ganling a budget surplus ws •tiling undesirable. That Was the -1111' wry they could attack the Finance Minister -1)v arguing from fitter pn•tnit'N. The Liberals tried to draw the• Opp*ition into a declaration of what they called ".ule4u*t4•" pro- tection, telt Were uttsuccesutful. The Opposition showed the luck of +ineerity in all their siweohes. Mr. THltt" s pat•iotc phr•a*', "('*nada for the ('anadi*ns," failed W get them into Weal fighting form, *1 they did 'heir lest merely W save their Tama. What little hope they had in their efforts Waw dashed by Hon. Mr. l'ater- -441111'.r innst•rl{' speech. Ile hits bectinit• the tvrntirth century Sir Richard l'artwvight on fiscal n1ntG•ns, 141111 144 (('141111 1111)11' by the ('tonserv1tivrsthall my other member of the (iovern- nlrnt : his resonant. and powerful video. totalling every sore •44pot of his impotent/4 and milk nig 1114/11. than one of them *lui1111 in thrix seats. WIeJ.T IIFH(N'4 M1i)1RKR. 11. 11o111us (IV.st Hurml rtontinutd ter delay on the Li1N•ntl side. In replying to Mr. Hiehanl*/n (L'kulth Grey), he twitted that gentleman on his 1/avid 1114 • pn44'liyiti 14. when he de•lartal we should treat the other *0114.14• els he treated us, Anti do it Prat. (Mr. Hicluulls.1{s Stolidity mehlol A11 - Vire a G•N' weeks before was to 111,- w•rye the qolden rto1e,) Jt r. 11011114.e +aid the inference to be tiken from a gwe'h of M►•. Ilorrden in N1114(1 On- uu•io when (14ng14aig g for the eX- ('inallel• MiniNte•r, 1441(1 Ileellteillg that Me. Flwtler's presence in the 11(mme • 1 effectually 1./'1•am f ff tAa. w1ts4n 1)1M n)1) 1• Mr. Fielding, was that he tacitly 'a(1- (111tGe1 111+1 (.w11 inability to undertake that tisk, 111• that Mr. Fielding's Midget. Was MI fair at111 jest that it wee beyond the• tette of objection. The l'uns•rvative' were w,'1e. iw to either view. 11144 ideal course for a (1m -em- inent to take in the matter Wats which would nake it4 er•ature) best eontrilni'G' to the well -Icing of the gtre1tut nnmller, and not of 4 few manuflutln•114 .114)ne, Ile did not 1•lail,1 fol. the (iovernnu•nt all Credit for the existing rrlwp•rity. but 111• hpictured Nov the l on*'rvntive* would ave worked it. for all they were worth, whereas they' had flouter) the surplus R14 a calamity and roundly eondrmnni the (14overtl i•nt for 10'- veptin[( Mr much tete There wait the evidence that we had a tariff for neve i. The ('on*•rvatives never tier'.) of hokling up the dry Innen of the historic N. i'. am a M11Mtlttlt' for the present tariff. AO he was juMtiflel in referring to it. He showed how ita cnmton• had utterly failed in making i taxation .aur Their f t k. Th erree o n wpm higher theft the Isilwwr's) tariff, yet they rained trete revenue and foiled W Nti late einninere ; and he wits en- titled to slaitulw that it was their Id(w 14f ''Ad r)Ititt4' prlti'rtlon. TM•wflnr• the ('onservat.ive party WW1 4 failure am a tariff an•hit/•rt. "ad. - (p)1444." prof fort lion the mitiun'm f11reign trade increased in twenty yl•14I'm "1111' 10111.1111111,11011, While hr (14ntd 4)111 that for the current year al • its increase• would be. {41/,4$1[) UMI. Speaking of the ('4)n*'rvative con- tention that. I'ans.ls'N pmsp'rity wan only incidental to that of the whirl.. world. he saki : '•1 ant not prepares! t, admit, air, that our pnwgrrrit,y la dew moiety t. the feet that other nstion44 are pro(w'r041a. If we sce'pt that as a suitable ar•RIllaynt, We ate thrown hack ren the propsittn t.hat daring the eighteen years, the ('Am- ' *•rust ivea were in power 4144+ other nalion44 of lb" wnrkt were net, making (.hal programa whh•h they tel.tlely should ; and it, slit follows that 1.hfm 'edit* of 'a4erpalr ptutectlon, In whMh the (Yn*'t•vative potty places *. ,mach etnfkiepe now, slid hot pro- duce the good 1144(11(14 they claimed it would during their eighteen yearn of )ower." Hr Wats nut Kurpliwd that (1*' Oppwiti 441111(11(1 rnd*esvor to underest11l14te• and deprriate the re- luarkuble financial rerun of the GOY' ru111.•11l.1es•laillll i11 Mr. Fielding's apwee h. 11111 the ('ouw•ry*tier« hewn in office and h**i a similar retain! t4) their credit, they would hater pieuelainl• el it fro w the 1 growl and in duuMl.• Iorul(d ty N• in all their newts - pope's, Anil Windt' 11110e extolled it ms vetwavel evidence of their inherent 44tateenutt shit) \1'htelrver they did have a morphia- -mud it was very Mr1- (1 they took full Measure of credit W th(euw•Ires. Why should it be it blessing (miler Tory rule and all %lung under I.iberal auspices ? That wilts a sample of thrid' iucuuaisteut•)- ill this delete. He did not regard anM11ereaw' in the national debt as a lad thing, privilkrl it Waft * legitimate intlet w•, by virtue of the const ru('tti11 01 rills pub- lic wnrhs of a IMeluctivr ch*11u'trr, and provided that the y was honestly expended. The ('DuMrrva- ti{'Ie who combatted that principle were out of hail• y with the twat thought of their ()VIII part', and en- tirely at variative with the pr)grlrwive spirit of the tiule14, The ((ovelttnrnt h,ul leen w) thrifty Ira well as lilwntl that they w•rr• able to pay off 85,1100,- 00) of the oat' 'a debt this year. WHAT (4 ".4.1)14141' ITE' PRtrr1C0TIUN ? When he asked the,Ciousrl'vatives what they meant 1))' "adequate" pro- tection, they could not tell him. Were they then rlltithd t) ter confk hnct.of the country 1 Decid(rlly not. kir. Borden's amendment {wait it milk -and - water plr)peiltltoal. It meas negative 111 its character - m'vatiVe INl•aIlw• it (idled to propose anything. '.Vault '•1441(1ivate' protection meas to 4)111' mind {y(44114 l* entirely diffeeent 111 A1114111•1was Naked W v /te fur Hn lnlendme•ut the chief 1•ha1•a0t..'IT14ti(' I,f\at hicI* watt ,the multi- plicity of cInl$trutyt" to lx' plactal upon it. Looking tit ur ptrwwnt tariff he found it renewal `(nun twenty to forty per cent. In hitta l ' ' thirty- five per icent. WAS 1411‘1,1„alfflcient ler uwilal • lit' f(our uanu- factulr•1a. It simply clean that on Ian article which could le hot ht for $10) in the world's market t p►r- chaw•r would have to pay the manu- facturer $iii in l'anaila. A pnittt like that ought to satisfy any busine turn Mr. Borden had ratted hint as a pro- tectionist. Well, he assumed that we urn' all re or lets protectionist ; but if he were to 14- called a protecti(in- ist un ge•netal principles hr denied the soft iulaw4u'hulrnt. Hr believed in fee elom of trails. consistent with the neeel14 of the rear Speaking of the pr*p•rity of ter ('cited States he 4/41/1411 1(111 thl(t It 1.1.11 the greater-it [Hole area in the world. The comparison against Canada wap un- fair. Imams(' the l'i (ted States had a great variety of wail and eluate we did not have. He shim -el up (he in- consistency of Mr. Hicharlwon (S. limy' when that gte(tlei an complain- ed Ng14lnlrt the increase in tariff againmt Geruuau glsxl14, while in the ver)' next breath he l(IIVIM4Ge1 extending tl)4 same treatment W the United State'. That posit not Was illogical. If the Clover •nt were urged to increase the tariff, surely when they did wr they should not 1*' ciin leinned for it by these who t'Iaisewd rot• it. They could not have been sincere. The (iuvrnmwnt should Is• guided solely by existing conditions and pet eed CHlltiO(lN1y. Retaliation, for 11. town mike, against the United Stater at the present time wti1111 h1• a 4411(01144 hlun- di'r. We stool to gain 11 by at least deterring it for another year. The caw• of (iernany Was different. Our (alienee had nm its courllr ; the (Jorernnient hiul exhatultAd all means of diplou(acy to/ obtain fair treatment, and the aortas was an act of salutary pun"Mhnl.'nt which was cuumwn(lel on all 41((1(14 PRITTR(TIONIIPT AROO CXK:TN RKPtT4D, Again. high tariff restricted imports. He pointed out how, if we did not im- port proportionately, we could not ex - pea to int -saute 4541' rxp)ttm. The "'balance of trade" theory Wall a hut. 141440. 11e s1111wei that the balmier of trade hail boon etA•rnidly against (creat Britain, and w•"uk! Hny1411(' Kay with reason that she Ruth -red from it ? Hr u1141•t Mr. Tarte's contention that tour cotton industry was Iangui14h- ing, and (noted the cotton manufac- turers' punphirt, "Canadian floods l'heap t.. the ('onaunwr," in which it Wife initiated that they eland under - 'tell their foreign comp etitor1 4)1. shirt- ing1 hyrdl centH per yawl. That spoke for itself. There WAR nn indication of insufficient protection then•. Sleeking of the (looernuu•nt'said to the farmers, he declared that the abolition of the duty on American 414111 4410/4 n great Io,nn. 1t enabled the ('auuulinns W compete with the Americans in fat rattle in the British '11111.1(1.1. Mr. ('lancy broke in and doubted that abatement. Mr. H4)hnes was willing W leave it for the farmers then(*'lem to decide anti chalkenglel Mr. ('1at11'y to Meethim on any rural platform and prove it otherwise. Mr. (Taney wisely let the guest' imp. fouling Gi the Government's, I ' grottos) pulley, ht. Raid it did not lie in the mouths' of the (lotlaerrative GI Huai fault with the Liberate. It WAS true the Tories had island nul('h money on inunigrinte, In1t where writ. they ? Speaking of the i)oukholwn's, he food the assurance of torn in the No thw.sl. thatthese people were rapidly adopting Canadian customs and throwing off their old and miM- taken ideas and would flake com- mendable nettle(*. 0.4RMRRm ('Av T 1(44 FN/LRD ADAIR. ('u ' g once • W the ('onRer- vative Hrgmnrot that the tariff amNi1te141 the tannest, he related a dialogue 1.•twet•n him*•If end a farmer who came into his ()flier shortly after the inauguration of Ihr N. 1'. The fanner maid : We are going t/ have higher prices for our wheat. now." "S ea?" *null'Ily queried Mr. Huhnev. How are you going t4) get it.?" "Why 4" exclsinad file Iran, r4)nfl- dently, "didn't Mir John go over to the Old Country and orange' with the British pople to pay 1144 14 higher• price for our wheatr and he went *way unshaken in that conviction. The farmers) had been hoodwinked a by the ('onset•velives along that line and they would 41144. he 'aught !again. lir mats not turprismi that the Tori(a should turn a1no114t green with env'lt the 'magnificent Nhowing of the PIM( ()fuer, the 11ailwnys and I'anal., the Agriculture and in fact every 1 h•part m.'nt of the Government., whom administrative efficiency heti Itch greet.ly increased mince the 11iIN•1w144 ete(11*4i in. }1e *g11ri) with the member for Alberta (Mr. Oliver) when 11.' maid the (iovernnlrnt might have goon.' further in mincing the tariff. Balt thele wets. exc•ptions fa' every ole, and in the Mae of the milt industry there w*a good reason for 1 better condition of affects,. The duty on malt woo' 74 rent* per 14*4 patnd* in packages. and R dent* per 11111 ptwtreis in Intik. What he objected to w**, not the ein4nnt of duty, but the amount of duty os the Malt nutnuf*l•tutl•114 law uutterial coal. It took two tuns of cowl to Iltlail►ce a Gin of salt and, figured out, this amounted G) a tax of rants on vel of salt. The Maritiule had 14 double -1W/ led iu this case. 'Titer hat the red oil English Malt, w ich ex(lu'ively, osttmaibly for every l' oyii 'Wyatt duty r they malting it, but really fur all purposes, Mud it was they will) Ik•u.'fittrl (1v11t the duly on slit real. That was doubly unfair to the malt intltuary 1'1111'14 wart w) extrusive in \Vestrrn Ontario. .Tu the extent 4)1 trlualixiug theme c4)u- ditiona, hr admitted he was plotMe- tiuul41t. He was hraltily applauder) when he tea ed his twat. Ua, loltANT'a I4 Al DKV 1PYl4'14. (ie.). 1). (brant (North Oulaarto), who defeated the ex•Mi11ister of letilutuce, mole his maiden sleet+ 011 the bud- get.. It was a risky thing G) do come wittering that ter grluuml had already lawn well covered, lett his rtvi1041 was that bring the latest member to win a bye-044t1lon and his being Il rural con- stituency and the election having bean fought lout . u the tariff question he felt justified in bringing theme (Nits t/ the attention of the 110111W and the c tr•v, if'flMtttal of the contention that the electors Well. just itching Tor the opportunity G) float the high tariff men to the right of the. Speaker with au allryoat' Majority. Ile is a pleas- ing speaker, and hold,, the attention of the 1 ,sw,e; in fact, mutvulcanisers were in their seats when he atldtrswrl the House then at any other time during the whole debate excepting the night of the division. (1144)1U44bath 4(444044411. Jnlwl Huhiu*m WAN geiryet that there urn• not unite IIIr11.IK•r. 111 their Meats during the reatling of prayer's by ter Spxaker and weal H newepwper clippHug which quoted 11 To1o11t0 Prete bvterian ter in (rand 14011 4)f the l'ouuuo11rrs for their I*ek of rev- erence. He wanted to put hinuwlf on 11eeissi am voicing the same views. It hada good elPet, as there were notice- ably uu)re .* P.'s in their places than 1)41141. By the way, JMhel's .•ah•ula- t' as to the rust of'speeches in the House are 11'ing quoted as authorita- tive. $'14 per Minute is his (simpuf1l- tion. 11. W. GRANTON MAN'S GAIN. John FNtcher Found Dodd's Kidney P111. and Lost his Lumbago and Kidney Disease. (wanton, Out., May 4th. -(Special) au► glad t1 let the public know that x1(1'44 Kidney. Pi114 have cured lilt' of 11e}►,ilago at1ii i am ROW perfect- ly Mm11l►." Such is the ltatel)rnt of John Fleur of this plate And there hi no uneert ii) t)und about it. And Mr. F'Irtt•her h{d MOM W say : ••1 heti leen`/11111001 for a year with luulha4ro a kidney trouble's. My urine was a re had color and 1 could get nothing to el me. "One lucky day I eeititd Le try IhMhl's Kidney Pi11m. lomat front the fl 1.•vK ave 111e rel f and now my h1 ti is gone : Inv k Rey com- plaint is gone and Doddls Kim ey Pilin `lid it ell." Lluulw►go (R eau*rl by uric in the blood. If the kidne•v's are ht they will extrut the uric 14111 f 1 the blood end there can be no 1 hago. a11 Paper Tall Everybody's mind turns to house decorating this season of the year and the great prob- lem is how to have it done, that all will be in harmony of color. The good old styles of our grandmothers are again papular -and it has led to the reproduction of the beautiful old wall papers that adorned the walls of the famous Colonial residences built early in the last century. The greatest change in our papers this Beason will be notice'( In the colorings. The combinations are taken froni the works of modern mural paintings, like Turner, May- nard, Walker and Alexander, so beautiful and pleasing. Our papers al..! away from the hackneyed colon and have a freshness and harmony of delicate shadings, so soft and pleasing to the eye. Kidd & Co. READY TO WEAR CLOTHING Mail.' up from goods in Mock - well-mamle, gtodl-fitting gar - lot tetter than the or- dinary --at prices that will make it to your interest to BUY NOW. FINE TAILORED SUITS A Npecialty. N.'weMt 1111orta- LionN in fine clothe... 1f you want 'thing real good, the place to get it is DUNLOP'S S eet NEXT BANK OF MONTREAL. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened ald Repaired 11.110 t ,111 1.10 n nn'•e cr. altt•1111- 141 1/1 early. I1 1. Ili ler to keep Ihem in good condition than try to worry along with them is they I are -it's worry en/4ugh. `end y("Ir wer to the V{ocia Strtst Machin' W rhe• (•r drop 1e A pestle.) can) anti 1 will h "ave it called for and deliv-ereld. Grow) work at moderate charPes. JAIFS A. SHAMAN W. Acheson&Son Velvet and Axminster Rugs We have just opened a very complete range in hand- some art rugs, very heavy reversible, in sizes 2>}x3i, 3x3 and 3x4 yards: the designs are in oriental and conventional in colors of crimsons, greens, browns, blue. Prices range 1•ronl $18 to $30. They are among the highest class of Noor cover- ings shown in Canada. See them in our carpet room. Japan Matting fill piece. new Ja)anem, heavy ('Marl ward, revertible matting', is colons t/ suit any 11141111, at per )'add 124e, ISe, We, 25e and y&. Lace Curtains 44441•ial :111 )nil's only, heavy Nottingham Late curtains, white only, rod(' long and 50 i whet wide in floral designs ; regular price per pair $LUI. sprial rale at $1.43 fin pairw white Nottingham cu►trhlr, 114 yards longg 46 'licher wide, ill M•roll dredging, ur plain panel sides, with floral border. Regular $1.LSrales. Special Ilrr pair • $1.00 Floor Oil Cloths 801) yalyds heavy, well sawronedl floor ()II cloths, heavy quality, in ;ha.' Mock, or tile )atte•rm, in colones reel, browns, greens', fawns, tar., in widths 1, 11, 1i. and '2 vends. Regular price 23c, this week at per yam..„ 19ci INSPECTION INVITED. W. Acheson & Son. The Stylish Garments thlit we are turning out is evidence that we can give you thelatest and correct fashions. ( fur garments are a pride to the wear- er, 1(411 iii tit, 4lak(,-1111, style and goods we aro unequalled. all. -We have the goods 141111 the prices to suit FRANK H. 11ARTIN TAILOR. 1 CEO. W. THOMSON & SON MUSIC DEPOT Spring is coming taunt outour Bicycle Y aY If you 11 a v e n't one', cal around and we will sell you one. "Racycle" "Brantford" "Crescent" "Hyslop" "Regal "Berlin" etc. If you have a Wheel and it needs repairs we have everything nerd ful in the way of 1 ires, Pedals, Rims, Spokes, Saddles, Enamels, etc. Our REPAIR DEPARTMENT la in charge of a Repair roan who under stands and can make right any ill that a Wheel is heir to. Our Musical Instruments still lead. "Dominion" Pianos and Organs. "Wormwith" and "Berlin" Pianos. Guitars, Violins, Harmonicas, Mandolins, Gramophones 10,000 sheets Music -Vocal and Instrumental. Write for a Catalogue. 6E0 W. THOMSON & SON J. BROPBEY &soa - TH. I.1AD1xu - ' urutro.\ 1'vretetora cm& FJmoQ\mertt. areae *40.41441 alto*m i to r .111 Man, a1ent •r dal. 411..b.e NMM. IIT'S ALL. RIGHT! and students troy enter L/STOW at any time. OPRINQ TERM h gnu March both. Tw. I0urwer, • nm merria' and aborthaod. Send for ,off lege joarn.l. Q *, FLI(111NQ, A. 1.. M(IN'IV IU, L1gl'Ow111.. The Division b•1 mew emel sad ledIllereet Drugs and Medleines le atreeelf defined hare. The 11((111 hreet kid u• meow *aimed sad neve* p.►a1Ut•d Le form part tar eer .reek. (Melt gentle .f ltaaeantmd purity are ,sterid Ie wat0le1a Ilar .teak 11 Proprietary Medielnes Is very lama. 1`.1e.• are kw• F. JORDAN 9 MXotoai, Rall,, HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND Till ASR? SCraIItol Bard Coal 134 TE>e 1ltazwr 14441 u .opal wa�g�a� sly tM 1t.rk.l P' N LaMar >QA 111 1441 a tea WM. LEE. ordere left at 11.12 b at .Ti4k.Il p Mora r*olly e. Tell your Merchant You saw his Advertisement in hE SIGNAL-