The Signal, 1903-4-30, Page 8LA CHANCE FOR CLEVER PEOPLE ! should he cJa% 1..s' tavis 1 Oh 1 Tel to ..,•: -, :1,, 'bet ne del Lieu; hhte 1', I;un J.Ld 1 in Ili, e their e'I1 td t , try it 1$545.00 15"J �zes 'fttenty•tive task Prizes ei l Io;t+t,trshal id or kr of m rit t„ fere: sending in the best atIv rtisements for UluetRihbon Red label Tea. First Prize Second Prize - ,t - Third Prize - 4th to 13th Prizes, $110.00 each Lith to 25th $5.00 each - $200.00 I0000 40.00 I00.00 Ga.ou $500.00 In addition, beginning with tine week ending April 4, a epeei.tl weekly prize of $j.00 will be given to the one sending in the bed advertisement daring ihlt wctk, making for the nine wicks, $4$.00 in special prises, Ir,r a grand total of thirty: `our cash prizes, $5•: j. CONDITIONS i.1. %o rrote.,aional ad. writer, nor anyone tenettel directly or itdiritly with 'the Slue Ribbon Tta'-'wrpuay may ttmpet.. 21»I. Advcrtkenants ntllat nal contain ttu.re than So vmadd, and short:t ones :sic pre)eral,le, jnlr that of the cash toed in packing eh Ribbon hal label Tan --there a', two in rich package -must 1,,e t%cl ve0 with rich batch of ad.eite.v menu sent. 4'h: The competition lases lune i, leu;, and all competing ails crti,emeh . nnrt r.. .. one of the l,iluw t, adds,,., on I- „• that date. Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Winnipeg, Man. Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Toronto, Ont. Blue Ribbon Tea Co.. Vancouver, B.C. a take one or more weekly prix.`:. 60. 1n ;ow of a tie, decision will leo bawd on 311 the :& i*erti.cneent.wb: co.l by the c nlr•titun in quc.Ii•,n. Mt. I1. \I. 1'. I:it ..,..' Ihr 11'iwupt•, Telcgrae., l,.n kin.11y cen.ente•1 to judge the advertisement% and award prise'. A11 advertisements that fall to win a prize. but which are good enough to b._ nccopt•d for publication will be paid for .st the rate of •1.00 each. c ouruktss at Wbett* espre,.ly u•1 - • ,! .:. to pa.l.li,h the nam., od pore %Muer,. A good mhertisruw•nt should lee truthful and r'mtain an idea inightly ani •toruli;iy etl.rc..eol. .\ 1•.19 tido Menai letter 41101 auldrru ani slate from err who 141 tcfted the tea, i, 3 pogo! limrni. An adserti,enttnt for an article of f%.,I 'should not atraciate with it, 'even IN contrast, any unpleasant idea. The best .1 , ri ,e•• mens it the one that will induce the nu,ar people to try the artie'e adverti-rvl. Sce!t your inspiration in a Cup of lilua Ribbon Rt•d Label Tet and the Money is yours. GIPSY'S MARRIA6E ,,u, nI(,•, tt,h•:- 1.' ,n.'9 in I,ht nngunih. Would that Bussey could hrae the. exceeding bitter cry, and knee• of the nwful mistake that hat crept up Bich by Inch, shutting her out froru her !Model tat forever! • • • • • 'While lair lfrinrle" lw bre'akint down easier 6M+ bawl of strrrow within lilt' nom, it n.1 away from the slight of mete Gipsy is speeding house to her darling child. Tint rut' IN falling in a ecaseleaw tidev npour ; the tree.' to tho woods sere dripping, and the withered leave• tie in sodden prviiie. But there !s no Hain. no cxy1.1, hl t;ipap''9 heart. Glee- fully, e-hIirliwltly stint', mite mines., and hook.. up 0t the; burgeon• wiat.low, and stun(;es to rev the light thcrt' 119 ut- lall. "sty bats. my on la:" (;ate yvhlyp"rw, �Liirlly, and lung.. to kat her child -pi litre again, to holo his warm, dim- pled IM,tl•t int»ti on her own, and ranee more to ltntr the Coring baby ♦•tilt•(, With a wilful hiurilhmh nt lbs motlfe•rlike 'wish to .urprl.e her .taunt's. elle rings the bell softly, and then Ntnndt in the rein in the Nulkrw of the deep doorway. wait- ing. In two eeeon•Is she will fly up to the rmrtery rind creep In. to ser two little. wee lintels . tretrhed trot, to pee her hay's face, dimpling with tom I Ie n. 'And Maorlc.'--ah. when 1s • comer home, will she not lett her nrma ntrout hit neck and whimper to him, ole, yo 'softly, lhestory of poor NA,yi? Anti, namely, purely, he cannot I9• merry with bur. 11.' hi Ma near. yet elle knows IC t 1:nknowinglr alto ham penned 1114, itinebw. where, Ilk hie study alone.I Its' ellesees .111 ens t+l . with It gile•f that neither time 9 u• _h1tt I lasthe. C ua r vet' 'IMO. Aryl the. light In the aur .cry, nt. whip!' elle look.; No 'fondly. silliness in nn .'mptr norm: no baby leughte•r breaks Ihr .thin,•NN there The (kern IS 'opened wile, ;Intl to the netoniahe»I tyre of the butler 1a revealed the prt•esner o! 1119 mi'trepo rtnmling In the insuring rain (light islet him NII.' goer. at toilets( ort owift, with n 'strut dual for the obi man, who elan.!, transfixed. Then °v.ay e.ntehes sight of her huabntsl'i overcoat tying aerate a •lxeir In the hall -the very (seat Mau.. leo wore on the tiny he went n w-ny; noel nt the familiar obJ•rt her heart cesite fast with a midden and tumul- tuous Joy. "Sir Maurice has cone home?" liege angle, gnlckly, with cheek+ reel eyes 11 glo%v. Mit he 011 m'ln interposes: "I will tell my -miller y. a are here, my Indy," lir imp, .k obi fully. Nil t, p,. 1;.s'» p,.dt I , 11. "I will go to lam nuy-•ir'If," Rite nrts- wert, nil tremulrut with glad aur - prise, y;•1 wntrlrring what Maurice .:111 be thinking of her ab.ence, and wishing that she hal left a 'little . mute of expinnatlon for him. The baby-everytit list it forgot- ten in the }ay Of the moment. Only n ilaor•h.Rwent her and her hue- hnmll She turas the handle soirily, with n glad, expectant face, and then pauses cm the threehottl, ruche, r::!.Ing hie heal, turess h1., stricken, tuisentb;e Inc, alonvly to toes who in- trtrle% upon his rlolitutk?. In nn ttrstant all the jay diva out of her eyes, real th„ face ho seer is white n tat frigtttnaral. File kl.owo:' is her first tltcu,ht; ten l then. before ahs con realtto the growing' awful wroth In her lour• (Ran i`R ac's. the knciy collar liOartIw her ehe.k.i noel ail. hold* out her omen with one word only' -"Mau riel•.t' White seal wrathful, with agony tilts M .' distorting e i nknbl hlr feature* he points to the Barr. "itot" be crit*, 111 n role, menu- Ida nll.'eta own. "Leave tar sight. 001" and then tune away her fare. ns the red slowly Balis. 111,1*., awl her grunt eyhe gaze at him with n klisi of fate omitted horror. -White anti fao,t with fear, she stand• 'erectile/us with sneering throat. and tiniest Indignation against him gathering Ut her mind. "Jlnurke 'crown about 1411,;11, and tele IN how he tak.'N it," ahc thinks: and thhrtgh ear brain finish hie own wools: "If through you should comp disgrace on tint and mint, -1 would lour -w,' the day I saw your tare." Rho Omelet and hx,kn nt Id9 lowed h.md hill open him enriched hand:,, d a great, fear t, ! 9. and ger as' k .(p stet client. Th -re IN on awful silence; dmly his lined, deep breathing ran' be Weird. Then enddi•nly, with it buiret of :'mom. (lipty- goes to 111th. M:utrlee, Maurice„ spook to ate I" 11, his feet, wht,ra elle hale ney'T ku, 11 before. die knce•IN; and -he nh tk,•e frv•nt Dual to foot RN her !1',n,lr teat h else "174.1 oar rhll.i'N make 1" mho '•rlei, brokenly ; and her poor. nnconoelons little p'.'n-briny(* to hen the knew - :edge of watt mho Ie, and What ahc npiet In. - Roughly Its draws( /drama( front her, and 114n ,Iigh1 Million oat th^Ir two faces, here,nil gnlve•ril and p:e:►d- bur, lily hinek with an nwfnl peetlen, all the 11,'lt rend lendrrnea,, gone. "Our child'" he mayo. In n rule, nett I+ shady from intense feeling. I1% Heaven.- Fent ah•:ll rnvrr os'(, my ne:tItt RAM iAY'5 FA�'�TS IC plsi1T PAINT TO p.h,t YOUR MOURN Int4ii and not wile .t the r41.0'1 tooth ef solum fro free•' new. I,.uty and st rengtb To k -,.p v011n NOUSE cheer Ind and bete:1' throughout mint our end winter. tO brand YOt1;1 HOU•= with • quiet doom, amougrt Ilk fel I,,'wa, Prise Inst right far the pnrrat •wet beet. rite for nnr booklet 'T' telling all ,Acme It. A. Ramsay & Son, Montreal, E.t-ledi TAINT BIAKIeRB TQ PAlllt,llflfl: ' My won I' -out burr any u/ore 1 11'ltlt wild ryt•n, uu•1 subbing pain- fully, no world* will come. And thin is 1luurlce, he -r !turbans!, who draw( hiwrrlf away.. who rpeakr words that h t nt•%elf decimal could have fallen from hl. lip(. nail that wrung frons the hitter ury. •' Olt, that 1 had died whelk nay baby wee boat "Would to heaven you had:: be exelsima. "Go--leu*e , me! What tl,tlit hove you hero 7" M.tur.co, M:turieo`1'' alt: et1 . will: 1 y. 'MY child spyeltlid-1 marmot leave my child!" I 11 all bit. 1111 to come will he rc- tuembeee the agony In her lovely, ch.Wlike face, the shrinking look that fol:ow:', ns' rhe Ileteur to him while he tell& her to leave hist hones for- ever. And yet oats her suffering be t*te-tenth of what iia must •bel With it burnt of such 'misery uefew cost toilet -eland, hu turas on her he haw l0*e'1 w,th the cry: "curse you: 11111 you go?" With tete awful gook up Into els foo •, site goer, '1'h:• door shuts utter her. She bre lett hew; yet will M ever rete 'esti oared, wounded expo ;rriten in the hart kook (runt the eyes that hither- to have worn nothing but sums for hits. 1t Is all over -the love ,uf their •hurl, sweet Married life. Never agabt well her Murky eyes light up at lila ttppreutelt, never again wl4 Ito hoe! her 111 ler arcus. The touch of her rob, clinging fingers 1 11 their lust appeal for mercy, (till lingers' bn hie band. 11, rents tag hv1 tittg,irnw• upon tt, and Weeps the ;sitter tears of malthool, alone is hid desolate home, alone with 1110 sor- row and plume. ' Li the ger VMS (O hall the talker( wet x tdnquent. Iter Indy ship come lseek 1 WIII tiltaurien take 111 k Lor hack. k, nod all go on ay unuat ? Doubt nn'1 wontler_are expr es'ted on every stele•. Gipsy's own maid hurry y to her mistress' room, end leys colt her evening dreier on the bele She starts fns Ludy Dermot coulee Into the room. with at face. tie she afterwards ex - proceed It, '-eat If her heart Wee bro.ken." Like a 'Teeter it van - Pled ; al- Itdest; tut•I with a bursting heart Gipsy ass: edr like ghost sling the corridors, toward the nursery. (1h, the cry that oreake from the .teeulntt mother'( heart, the hitter cry of InJ,tetico and grief. an rhe finds the' newt empty. Iter own wee blr,l pone ! • Tee n.trnery maid rite by the empty fire. her ap,yutl over her bead, Nob- bling loudly (the Dowager Lady Der- noo. lithe .11spcurtd with her servicer, atpa.the poor. girl hes heed crying In (tibung,mn epty nursery well-nigh ever "Where Ia baby ?' tin mother, In it em-th.r.,1 sa e, asks, look neo ly rotund the toutu, Thu girl stares nt her la »ur- pilee nal fear, then 'Lauds up nue delete her teary. . ' lier l,idyt li p took him away: toy lolly 1'' rite' rob's, and then rashes out of the room, terrified at the awful look h, tho,b.•reavtd face of the out - vast wife Lill mother. 1,r a molten!. Moly elfin.!(, turning her sorrowful cern from object to .,hJ ct, one han I 1.1,1 on h••r pant- i:qr, leap n,t heart. thick tears hang- ing ou her lassies nn'1 falling un- heeded over her t becks. 'Oh, !cavus, bow shall 1 b • it it?'' she mottos, "My . baby, toy I:ttlo baby:" With a look that, had lie seen it, must have toll 8.r Maurlre the truth, she gase1 ut the vacant pace when: tine rosy-Ilue1 cradle always rtoo1. ' He cur»e.1 me --he citron! ns'' "' COI 1 nu death she crown: an') the Mantling ram destine ngahn-ft the widows, - A 1 the knitted ohm 11,. oto -the hearthrug, b: us' ng •11.1 the roan led hnprl it u/ the buby'b foul.. Uiply picks It up, nal pba•es the poor reit, 'a- stir. her dress, over her heart Ova loam nHnvr beaten bat with pttselonate love for her huthan I slid her Child; and through tier bl:4t.1- iter titirm one takes one' long look round the room, and (lowly leaver It. bilt, goer brick to her owl) zoom •ttuetl and heartbroken. The bright fire molten u:t tiro glass and m:l• ter kt,lcknackt tint the to•J't table, the wax candles are lighted, her dreg( ilea r.'eteey ; and she :s going into the driving, pouring rain, curs- ed and driven Out 1 Another Ruiz gi