The Signal, 1903-4-30, Page 7THE TOWN BEAUTIFUL 4o�,. r.ueetoso.• for th• Impro.um.nt M CAA Ares. At the organization on ieloetugiu of t. he Canadian League iivic IIprove- meat, the Secretary, Major Nuelgrovr, outlined route of the work which lay before Mtwh em organization. The Cenadian Hurth•ulturirt gives the fol- lowing rynoptie of what he raid : Major lenelgtvve said in the fleet in - stoner his attention had been railed to the Importance of this civic motor - met ion in au wddlrsn delivered by Mr. C. C. James', the able Deputy Miuist. r of Agriculture for l)nterio, lwfore the Fruit Urowere• Ametwi*t at the ('ul4mr'K oomventiun, where he had suggested that • holticulturd tier 'Moult, become local improvement societies. The rp esker said that the object. which the prouutns of the League had it) view were to 't' the effort's of all citizens iu the sy,teuwtic development of handsome and whole - emir surroundings. ; to raise the Mtand- 8111 411 •(1441 taste and tidiness ; t(1 oinks the Canadian life blighter, healthier anti happier. In older to ace plish three aim*, they would re- quite organization, Iereevetanee aud culntuuu reuse. Radical trforur along the mune line. were taking placer in KIlg1•tld, whore historic gardens were model* of lovelinr.r ; and yet it War an *retelling fact. which ought to Serve ma a salutary warning to the buildetM of this new Datum, that t went )•+eight per cent. of the {wpuh►- tiot of Knglend'r citing today lived in s..q1u*tor and misery lN,•ausr of un- whol some suy,oundiugs. From the year of the World's Fair at Chicago dated this great popular impulse to - wants nes civic beauty 111 Aewnes. He pnfpaeci that. having effected a prr- t aanwlt Uauadiatl urXeuizaliuu, they slwukl an work together for the bene- fit ul ell. He would like to Nee All PI - pert land/rape artist employed to go through the Province, visiting all the ((14.1144 and mhowhig how the durst !vaults could tet obtained by the ex- penditure of tual labor and in .y. ••Hut." he said, "in carrying out this, work don't abuse the town authorities and 411113'1 Att•lupt b. remake the town. Jost help it to grow more lovely and litamble each year." Hr mem llmlelided them t+, eneonlrage the proper ylallting of 'shade terra and pFerennial planta A4( 11111)11 NN WA/0111e. He clndrmsned the r new of water fronts AM dumping gonnldN for tin (544)44. deaf) rats end other vile refute.. He would like to nee gehin- ized baskets „r boxes provided for the c,dle•tiwl of street litter ; and un- sightly tele -graph, trlrpl and eler- tric light pokes wreathed with vines or painted white. Hablwev Mtatiun grounds the town's main gateway - Mh,edd iM• IN•nutif4.1. Hr Iwlieved that 41141)11 gardens 4.0111(1 hay.' a 1111t re- fining idimme r on our children, edu- eating out of the bora the innate tendency to leilfer fruits and flowers, and instilling in their plastic minds fondness for the 'study of nature. He uu•ntion.'l that in hrence. Belgium. Austria and HuNsia the Neatly of horti- culture *am compubrrry in the public s•h.s,IN. He advocated the distribu- tion of flower seeds to .ehom! children at say a ehergr of one cent per peck - age. with a floral exhibit' in the fall. Referring to tyre../r,1 and how to get rid id' them. Major Slwlgnne scaiet, - 1.•slk at pen lack yard! 1s it ti,ly and flagrant with flowe•r%? Or is it A denth-trsl., uuhNlnrrus With the swell-iarr 1. with heaps of decaying garbage, and its bane ,,-e1nmd ahmy with goes) dish -water Y" In mn- rlu ' he mail that the Civic League was designed to serve Aa A federstlon 111 I!mall ural 1(11114 aiming to pet/Mete munlcgal ialpm VellIellt, euphemizing the ieat 111411(444 for attaining d'nited ends, and ...eking to bring about unity and harmony between ell the forces making for the highest public goad. He eubMuittetl to the conference a draft eonstitution and bylaw for the new IN•ag111•. THE SIGNAL: GODERICII ONTARIO T. ulasoae, -April 30, 1903. eionth'r trial flee from arty mal rwrtraint he seined willing and aux- iuus to do right, and a farm home war rticured for hint far Irluovel from his futlnrr wavilr)umlrut. One day he for- got his gosei n•molutions, tarok 111111111 'money IwIunging to him employer's' Nom a11(1 bought cigarettes and totter - 'o. The young main moue discovered his Ilan and tweeted the dulprit to at downright good threshing. The in- cident WAN loubtdly discouraging, but then. has been mo owl,• stealing reported, and las other directions sUvNly repent luta been intuit.. The strong Iikelilu NMt IN that Litho Iatio11a1 trattslwnt and change of scene will rove effective. The boy', int sid of (Ming an expense to the •ty, with return uneertaiu, Ir living twat nul,lusl sul•nnuulings and is an indus- trial unit in a country when' the (ey- ing meed is for manual !mime., and use- ful, self-reliant citizenship. The same tallier has been to rwwfully tritest with twenty other 1141m during the West year in order tee de trate the (*n1ibil- itis's of this chugs of work, sod it is safe to say that I 'retie could he dealt with in a • ler manner. The ..,-called bet! boy is usually the pr,• duet of ulsl,nigr11ial rw-inundiulgg1(s4( and ti115v1mlathetl(' relatives, 811d wintt he 114.115 Im nest lrllllillellrllt Irl an insti- tution but a elny)Iete titans# of seem• atltl flee scope for his activities. With a little me co-operation between magistrates and the Nhildreu'r Aid Society, Illarly ouch 111114 might 1*4 succeserfully handled under the tooter - home plan.- J. J. Kelso, Toronto. This is but a temple of what Wight be dune in alumni every town or township in ()Mario, and it if' part of the work the l'hildren's Aid Society of Iiitnel will Iw glut to assist in where ekes Are bontght 41 their notice. The officers of the Eils•iety in li.Mlrrich in- 1•itr curr•sppNndence and 1.11 -operation from friends of children in every tart of this nmty. Addr4.r JawrS .part president, or Mrs. James ('lark, eweirlary. - ---.- --- Weeds on the Highways. Their is nothing much 11115re• u11 - sightly or slovenly -hooking then a public highway grown up with foul wrens. But it i» not only unsightly, but it is efittally injurious to adjoining proppertirn. The statutes make pro- vision for keeping the neat' cleat) if the overseers of highway,. would only avail thein elves of the power% tlw law gives them. As the *4.4'11 /stele) will mom be 411, we give Is•low the. law on the subject, with the hope that within: of n. and mad eeb•e seters will profit by the infonluathen given. Chapter 11 r2, erection 14, of the Hryiwd Statutes, of Ontario nay's : "It shall 1e the duty of the overseer of highw'ay's in any • •ipality to set that tin.- provisions of this Act relating to I11)1i4N15 w,eds are carried out within their respective highway divisions, by cutting down or destroying. or rousing to (w cut down ur deretroyed at the pngwr ((we,e, tc, prevent the rips -Mug of their need, all tie noxious weeds growing 4511 the highways or reset allowances within their respect- ive divisknu., such work to lw pP1'- for,nel as part of the ordinary ,statute labor, frrto he plkl for at a n'aw,n- nblr rate by the treasurer of the mnni• ripality, as the council of the mlun plily .may direct." Section 111, mule srti4n 4, ways : "Every overawe. of highways who refutes or neglects to diseherge the duties imposed upon hint by this Art khat!. upon et lion, (w liable to a fine of not Ilse thin $10 or more then trail. NOxb)ua weedy include Canuht (hi5tlee. ex -eye dais)-, wild elate. ragweed and bunbiek." - SeafoHh Expositor. Meeting Departmental Store Competi- tion. • Ha5dw•re end Mrl.l. It is obvious las everyone that these department stores Ate largely rutting int() the field of the local inesechwuta. not only in Manitoba and the North- weest. Meiin every part of the Ihlmin- ion, through the medium of advertia- ins ni(1Pe advertising in the ordinary way. the dep ertolent stores ere Always looking aiorut for ways And umaen5 of reaching customers. We know of a iu14tanre of a daily paper in A certain town which supplied • department store in Toronto with A lint of iia oalh- writrts, the list being required by the department More for the pure ne of ,najling circulars and catalogue.' to that paeticuler 'tepee'. metiers. The pricy paid for the list was $1:11. There is no More effective way for mini naizing the influenrP of the depart- ment store than by the local mer- rhantA giving all plhlicity that is within their pewee to the good's which they carry in stock. The department stones frequently idvertiew bargains, I,ut the great majority Int the )rices they quote would not, he sufficiently attractive t/ get the I,.i,in.'ms if they Were cam{wrd with the Note, at a 14)1(414 the local merrhatit' can sell their goods. It is this fact that needs to be im- pressed upon the Innmlner. and the only way thst this ran be done is by II)Mna of publicity. One o1 the beet. nrrd' fine this put -pow is the localnewMpap•r. An N(lvertiewins nt in the I(s al news atpere, its A rule, is the rhPAletet thing which the count try mer- chant get*. Besides advertising in the heel papers. ulen•hants should elicit the svinpathy and co-operation of the towel pil)liallers In educating the con- temners to the fart tint their require- ments ran be 'implied Just as cheaply, if not more tel, then hy the large de- partmental 5t4lres in the chief t.male centres of the c,n1n(ly. A Boy's Reformation. 'We hard a boy of twelve in the garb here, (pm-let/41 .d stealing, what would you advise Y' was the Mewing.. received by wire from 0114 (1f nor county judges. The Nn*serer sent lock was,"Delay Action and write part Wu - lam." The )artieulit. Caine in due Nine. and frena a police atatl(11N11tit Gley were serious enough to w.uTN nt. N long terra In the Itefornlntn•y. The judge, however, toll been studying modern meth,Mlm In child -saving work. and re/011y consented in transfer the oanlianahlpp of the lad 111 the sup•r- teodent ld neglertsl children, there b'-bng no ('hildr.n's Ald (44N•ietyorgen- in') In the dlaf.rict. The boy cause to the city under the close mrveillance of the local constable, end was daily hendel over. "Well,' he was NAM„1{, "where do you think you an. going now ?" 'rhe R.forr*tory," he r•- p'beI without a smile, that being the only pcnishmrnt that, he eeuld e4111- 1'ei4e of. Hr weal anon enlightened, 1 h i ted theHie* the more MANCHURIA. Great Britain, !Baited States sad J•Paa se Make Forcible Jalai restesl AS.115.1 B.wla'• O.aasd•. Pekin, April 240--Itussla has de- panded that China sign an agree- ment practically ceding to her the e overeignity of Manchuria and ex- cluding other ua(101)s from the coun- try. deb! Pretest t. Be Maae• London. April 25. -Them m in coutumphsstlon a forcible Joint pro - bet on tho part of Great Britain, the United States and Japan against the Russian demands In the Matter of the •ov.relguty of Man- churia. Ste Ernest Satow, British Minister to China, In a despatch to the For- eign Office, has confirmed the pub- lished synopsis of the note addressed to China by M Plancon, Itusna Charge d'Affaires at Pekin. Further official advices regarding the inten- tions of the Chinese Government, and explanations from St. Peters- burg, are awaited anxiously. 1n the meantime the British Government Is n ot taking active measures, al- though Foreign Secretary Lans- downe intends to circulate pour par- ker' looking to Joint action from Washington, London, and Tokio, provided further information sus- tains ur tains the present abstract of the Russian demands. The Foreign Of- fice F fice states that it the Chinese Gov- ernment correctly represents Rue- 11a's claims theme claims constitute an absolute breach of all the under- takings nder takings given In connection eAth Manchuria and utterly abrogates ex- isting treaties, The 0.1. rade!... Washington, April 25 -U. S Mhr- inter Conger has cabled to Secre- tary of State Hay a synopsis of the demands made upon China by Russia reapctlnt control of Manchuria. Tem account agrees precfeely with the press report of Itussia's last coup. Secretary Hay will t,yle no action in the matter until he has communi- cated the facts to the President and has learned the latter's wishes. The present impression here m that the Russian action is a distinct breach of faith with the United States. rime Coal Miners Killed. Glace Bay. N. S., April 25.-Re- serve 5.-no- terve Mine was the scent of a sad fatality yesterday morning and four 'men worked their last shifts An ex- plosion took place between 7 and 8 o'clock In number 5 level, French show of Reserve Mine. and of the fire men who worked In the Immediate n eighborhood of the explonion, but one was brought up out of the pit alive, The bodies were badly mangl- ed, Name Your Farm. Nems your farm. How is it that sl few farms (n this dist riet have mimeo ? Of emirs.. in the far ' g district, everyone knows where everyone else litres, yet it dells lend a dignity and n value to A n try»isle if every house it individuelixe.l by A well-ehomen 'tante. Of coulee each farm has some ,qw. ialty, and this should Iw embodied in the name. There ore always p,•u- 1iaritie'5 on every farm. Theme may' not, le apparent tee the owner, but the 'eon trout collrgo' or the neighMas will be able to tell you of it. Then you 0.111 nrlest (he name. Rut at all events name the Gann. It is A gIMNI pngerty, stands foe h in the country s life and in worth nan1- ing. -fit. Marys Argus. A Problem Solved. A Baptist and n Methodist clergy- man were by Accident dining at the sante home. in A Western Ontario town. AN they took their meats there was an embarrassing pais', the host- ess not knowing how to ask one min - Utter to may grace without offending the other. The small stn quickly grayed the situation. and half rising In his chair moved his finger rapidly around the table, reciting : "Env. nleny, teeny. , ('1t.e'h A nigger• by the toe." • He ended by pointing his finger at the Hapt.imt. ' ' ter' and shouting. "You're it I' The reverend gentleman *crept - Id the deciMion, and maid grace, but it Ito -kelt the usual solen(nity.--Thorold Pnmt . _ LIKE AN OI•D MAN. Joseph Harrel Walked That Way Before ha Used Dodds Kidney Pn1.. Nlcolet, Que., April 27th. - ISlsseial. ) -thee cif the marvelous eons Duelers Kidney Pill,. are ctwlittel with in this ,,..lgliIisn•h*mel is that of Joseph Han- el. lie tells of it 1 ' •If end dozens of Jmopl4 cr1To)Nl1ste his statement. "1 sufferd from kidney disease tot those or four yearn," says Mr. Hamel. "For two yeal•N { would take two ova threw days .off work A Week. 1 4.14: continually miek and for,N1 to walk like ,an old elan. I list all my energy 1.1111 15,•f • d 1M1.11111'ilgl•11. "After trying a lot of medicines that only gave temporary relief I wine fortunate enough to try Ihwld'n Kid- ney Pills. Three (sows remit n1.• (nnlplet•I1•." ihelrl'm kidney fills rntr all slave of kidney dimeric end cute to stay (11n'd. SCHOOL CELEBRATION DAYS. STRETCH YOUR MONEY Perhaps you can't really stretch yoi:r (Honey but you can stretch its purchasing lower by getting your footwear at "The Latest" Shoe Store We offer better grades for the salve price, or the same goods at a lower price, for cash. Call and see at \M• KIM'S Old Stared, J.,rdnn HIcoek. Circular Issued by Mm.•t.r or Eduoation- Progrem for Empire Day. Hou. 1t. Harcourt, Minister Edu- cation, 11114 1M4111d N eirrulur to Inspect - on, regarding the ulslrr•nnlr of Arbor 1My and Empire Ihly'. The former falls on Friday, May 1st, and the latter on Friday, Mny [.hid. For Bulpire I)8 . the following mug - gem/ are 111x41.: As in previous yearn the forenoon exercise may he devoted to a tautly of the extent and rrsenr•/s o1 lite Htit- i*h Empire. the EOM (onshire of the vat1u11N outlying 4151.1' ti. the central authority, the different races owning the sway of the Hritish s1V- errign. Stirring in4illents i11 the his- tory of the Empire ; great atabeine 1, wdilierc, sailors 811(1 anti),( t mho all receive preeminent attention. An ex- cellent program for the afternoon may easily be prepared. Each teacher should Uy to roust the en -operation of 1111e 111' • of the trusteep, the 14N•a1 clergymen, arid all who can aid either by mfwech or song. Suitable res.itatione. rending1 and songs should be prepared by the pupils. Thr pub - lir lir should be invites'. A few suitable selections for refutings or recitntinns Ar' given. bit ninny other's equally good uuay be clubmen- " tierce Biel.' IBrnwnln,(.( "The Englishman.- IRlls. 1',s,k.1 "The fetter W a '.' IM. (•,mlk e "Tim Homes of ..neinlal.- 11 emam..) 'Thr Futon. of Canada." ilhim'ria.4 '•'•Ilr hew Hnm k to his :seedier,." ,MAir.l "The Maple leaf Forelvx." *Mee Britannia." •'Tit• ('pante of the Light Brigade." "Thr National Anthem." - an( P 011- A 1 11dl 1 sl it thet t , Im The Hired Man. %Vim 1a the -hap to n.4n , e.t s ghl. Whom +rel Ir -e cannot he hnngh1, ll -ho moo, en. short and fear•' as nM t The hlred man. Wo hunt for him both dry and right. TO motors him Has all oar n,ltht. And glee him wore. out of .Igld. MI,. hired man. Who ne'nr from work will let Its roam. Whom howl nal.(n!., rel. Peter', dome. wTn Is the Moe around our honor I The hired roan. %rhn t Onib. notion n Inn y' ,M•reh. And soy.he11 Lw'e ns In the loth. While we wet wood. who rte. to .-hill' h ( Ths hind roan. Who ham A m111ny, stiff front shirt. And h*A4,rthwt show no signs of dirt. And *Si" a look serene') pert 1 TTe hired man. To h(e'1"h.. profits of ear toll are .1' en. Hhn Will w, fres J. Pk 11Reekiati la Tia Mem. J. P. KAVANAGH Stop \\...i ' 11..1.1 u' • 14 nt 1 1„ The Ontario Fence Machine is the greatest *,ruder (11 the :age. It builds two uprights While others build one. It stye Milne. It 441vla labor. It saver. m •y. HE MURE YOU SEE iT BEFORE PURCHASING. Paints, Oils, Dry Colors, White Lead 1 handle uothiugg but the purest and best grades of Paints, Oils, Dry ('abuts, \Vhite'Wallx1141 \'artibli•m,aud111Vst.M'ki5noW c pilin. He sure you get the lost in Paints and oils. It .o*t.s 1111 inure to pit 1111 good faint than it dome teeth, end you don't hem. to put it on s/ oft'n. Re ler, my motto ifs, ' HONE$T- (100118 AT HONH.MT PRICES." GIVE ME A ('ALL. I CAN PI.EAIyE YOU. GEO. L ALLAN TelKLEA1)-1NG HARDWARE .149MT()VI? MAN ' Save pew Relate Checks. Jordan Block. McKIM'SI' Ont. Another Skirt Event This time just 48 dress and walking skirts, black, grey and navy, at $1.95, $2.75 and $4.00. These skirts are worth one half more. They are first-class goods, well and stylishly made and bought away under the regular price to clear, elegant skirts $1.95 to $4.00. Lace Curtains \\'e air still at •.11,1 trick of kiting the IM•sl V4111e14 ih Nottingham! lave intones to 1e found at lie to $'2.:118 ei• special this yem•.04 t dandy at 81.051. Window Shades 'l'he g,M51 kinds that you 1.811 4.14441*, the 1101' *t)l•)' and the best t'14ltleN; the low'cd priced tr'e not always th.' ehea1M'nt. New Idea Patterns all styles in st,c•k, Celt only "DISFINliUE", a new French m proof coats, "American Lady," are most stylish and lightest, but the bed, Millinery „Mine• new q( ommis tl, hand. \Ye !have new- goggle „every week, and s ous- t' to ice t neck. IN•elllllw We Ila\ e no early opening stock to prevent um front getting all the new,'mt. Our bawl/oil) boxes of dowers and feeth- ('1'ti are a /h•twiig (•al,1, Mowers rot :Mr and 11k•, leathern at Ilk; and '26c. Shirt Waists (hut• line of many we will tell you of. Fine mercerized fast block, looks as nice x44(111• silk, sod will wear twice as well, at 111.110 Mid 111.:11. alert al of a bleb our new rein cad dust male. Theme are no' only the newest, goods ever imported. M°KIM 'S BUSY STORE. W. Acheson&5on! Velvet and Axminster Rugs We have just opened a very complete range in hand-" some art rugs, very heavy reversible, in sizes 2x34, 3x3 and 3x4 yards: the designs Mtge in otiental and conventional in colors of crimsons, greens, browns, blue. Prices range from $18 to $30. They are among the highest class of fioor cover- ings shown in Canada. See thea! in our carpet room. japan Matting :11 piles+ new Jadmu1Ps•. heavy entfoh warp. revemeilehe wettings in c ,l. ors to suit any rn1111. at peer yard 121e, 1:s', :!k•. -'.M'. and :KN'. lace Curtains , MUNICIPAL AUDITOR'S REPORT. Reference to Lad Tear's Investigation in This Town by Mr. Williamson. Th.' anneal report of J. 11. Laing. Provincial unlniclptl audibn•, t, the .'tttot•Ilcy--OI•neral for the peat. 11(.2 contains the folboWingreference tee the town of #iesberirh : This minlicipality having. through Mayor !'enteron 45n11 the cuunr(I, nlquestsf 1114• to consult with then) alt 10 their financial matters, 1 went up there on January :and Inst, mid after An exhaustive dite'u5sion with the Mayor and council, 1 maple a curNot•y' examination of the lsiluks of the nuulieipality. The treasurer appears o eel•. to he a diligent and c p•t.•nt flu The week point in the towns financial rweitiyn appeared to be the low assrMs- mlent, in order t/ remedy thin 1 441eified the Bluniel eil authorities to employ Mr. T. 0. Williamson, cher- t•nd Accountant.; of 'Forfeit°, to go oyer the a4wsstnent 7111144, and where the assessment eras tato 111w' to ranee it. Mr. \Villiatlrvon his" 'yen engaged since In -t \tareh thrnughoul the year. at intermittent p etit451*, 1 4(111 gl14tl to learn that his aplplilltllent hes Ilene the 'ripality goal, As wi11 14(• ..,•n foul thi' 1111iowinj fignnn: 11(11, bard areesenlrnt >F1,itki,tl(1 It) 12, . " '• 1,3(1,1171) Or an Menem. •of $1M1.o7o. Of this imereose, $11lt,tVM) eat Kell.• to he Assessed for:)11o'd lex only. while the 'idents *11,9(,), was Iinhie for 11111 tones. (le44i411 1lie cor1eel (111 of the a•,ee.euit •nt toile, Mr. Williamson hoe Heade K 1'term d' 1.811111 in it into the waster works :old eletriclight systems of the hewn. In feet., it Wendel Npp•as from him report (hot no department in the civic government of (bidet id) has escaped him Attention. The rood of the different luquir'es Sp,•ial �) mils only, heal y Nottingham liar meletins, white only, :Vl yards long end ► i lobes wide in (fora! designs ; r'gnlu' price per pair *2.1111, Np4.•ifal Nitie at $ 1.35 81) lair* white Nottingham curtains. 3.1 Verde long l.i inehe4 W1414. 111 4.11111 d.sign». o' plain panel gide», with floral 'natter. Regular $1. alae. Special per pair • $ .001 Floor 0 1 Cloths MIM) yards heavy. well seasoned floor oil cloths. heavy quality, in floral. bee w•k, or ale patterns, in .,,I.lrs 1111, browns, gtr,ella, fawn's. tet'., ill W141(h.4 1. II, 11. end 2 vanis. !textile. price 2.-x', (him week at per yard.... 19c INSPECTION INVITED. W. Acheson & Son. mn/mnmmnrs The Arch Support of a "DOROT Y DO DD" BIND IT Uig Evt'i' sine,. Men he t%1111':weary and w' •n ministered las (h u, it blas been 1111. custom! to bite up any weak punt of the body as e beet preventive and relief fe fatigue. • Noes' the •'IN11„illy 1)14511" shoe is made, in sn,•h s manner that it hinds up the weak part of the foot, •* 'fief is the 44.'11. It strengthen. 111141 511*(1111114 111.• 11ys1'w'111'k1r1 1111n. rtes then` which stretch at every Nt•1. ! ` 1 rl Dodd" dint it deryN not it.M•If yield Examine x "IA 1 th1 w after two ti's h1a►ei wryir,• land you find the shank ham 11gst mule of i(44 rur"e. Exaulin,' any 1116,'1' Nh,N• after only two weeks and se how the 'shank has lost its stiffness and bends at each step. No mIpgN,i't to the arch there And the result is that long walking bee es weari- 1 51114'. They Cost $3.75. Wm. Sharman -Has Exclusive Sale. imuutimulliumemouumuutututuutuu Seasonable Millinery Lsdies will find here everything that is desirable in millinery effects. The changing fashions of the seasons are re- flected in my display, which comprises the latest novelties i11 the most tasteful designs. An invitation is extended to all the ladies to visit my display room and inspect my stock of bats and trimmings. READY-TO-WEAR HATS A SPECIALTY. Hamilton Street MISS CAMERON SULI,iVAN mgy ,trrrrrtrrrtrtrrrrttrttrrI rtmIT! m1mrrrrrrtlT nt rrrtmtrrttnmrrl G:%MEY THE LIE II •,,nelmid frons PNgr 0.1 OW - concerned, Lsxhlhlt "67" of course could not he right from what you have told us? A, -No, sir. Q. -Aust "88" m not right by rea- son of what? A. -it is not my ini- tials. it has not ;ay initials on it, and It is not checked here, the de- nominations are not checked, there is no tick mark. Q. -Then the long btu. line would be made by whom on the deposit . /lips? A. -it is made by the-tccount- ant. Q. -And when does he check them? A. -In the morning. The cross-examination of Mr. Ho- warth was postponed until the morning. Before adjournment at 4 20 Mr. Johnston asked the witness to ask Mr. Drown, the accountant, and Mr Berton. the messenger, to he present in the morning, so that. there would be rn detee , as Mr. Howarth would lot be In the box very long. g1111111ntY1 t.b IFif{4.11). Mlller'A Worm Powders cure all ell. relents of children like nteg1e. For eel, by Jai', \Viler). He --Miss Workman, 1 am going to palppracte to 44)11- She- Really, Mr. i'hoxy, I'm snTy, but- Ile- That we have telnle lee cream Mph. --0! 1 shall Iw delightet1 to Hao --Morn. evening when the wrist her gets warmer. w' Tommy had a new little brother. and was very disgust's) that the ter- tem r 4.4 71 ,'Iral was ns,t N mister. ()ne day t1.IAdy Andrew Ikons. Mo,wstitlg Mel "Well. Tonuuy she i John •.rk.r. grnrrlling A .IP ' The engin.(! adlenrnod, In meet worsen on May ':7th w a mart of ►erfalnn of A enownen1 roil nod of her !wean es. Tinton "1 Wanted mother to send , Y. W, zMo:ltnaaaa. Sleek. COLBORNE. C.I.tow, !pelt ITh. The townshipi' (stone1, n,e1 hl (h4 I nwrNblp !melt : all the nlr•mM+rw ATAWn(. '51 inn' r. et ,.re% Ions mrrl 11111 tenet And telupl rd. l'. Meager, (i,rleriel . rm.-total a Imtltlon •frost by sow. se;,•n1), nests. ask(115 Mat a behave Is• sub, ndtf0,1 In that oecti.m of 1 '.thorn- kn. own is, ironing 461.1 ms Nes. '2 and 1 and n rnrdl fe- d No. 3. to 54 tilt a Moans of $7.(r41 in aid of tie !Firm, !inner R I lr.y Kleelt le Bailwoy. T'b1 Merl• was ap mood (, se • 711 .10wp+hip nalh•N. et In regnr,t to the outlier. TT,e r(TYP Al 51 eonn.illor Itd5•tts(w, rrpirtPll na ro goo 1 r..ds meet ing (,.4.I al 1'Ilnton nn M,r.•h Ili. and the foll.rwlo resolution was 11101.0,1 by It,,I•'M stet. seisindeil by Jewell : That thio mot n,Jl mrmoe pion,' the -..,only '•n, ra•II of litho, to tempt Ifo opp,opMnon 1lade hr the l'en foetal (lar• remittent for owl humor •nt•otw, and that said .nunelb flake applk.tion few the amount mn: Ina to the coin1)- 1)1x1 t .e,Haney .ra)m•11 attend the name In INeltt,lwnee with the Art making sold apiwo trlatIon. tarried. A dr'ptltatl.m of I,,"( Snider and .4her* from the NMattiami n(mlrvtahm of 5'nlh(wtle ovule Ap- plication to the mnmtl for a grant of homey fn aid In eutten` the hill in (Wretch township at the Itolmesrlllr twitter, The rnnn.•II (wont t tem tlewaoftlmdrpatatl'm. Hill no, .P.,ondlrl by Jewetb, that this ,rrnneil grant 1)4n for maid rue o 1 roalltlon that the enmity Aeon, Vet (lectern•h Inwnthlp ,igen, Clinton town lin. M,,,,,l In amendment by Mosier. seentwl r.l by nnhrrtann. that no cellon M' taken until next meeting "arrtod. Reece voted for nmPml- ment. The /.11. wing *wn.IntA ware p1awkl. Thotnns llornhy, breaking .tewle A dsya 1 7 141 Andrew Breen. repotting cilrert 1 •Mal J. H. w Illianra, mutt t) 117 nods wfw fent,. 17 Al i'erey Stewart. grant tq ((14 tees wire SPtN (en shNres wills "r grog s.•r,eM cal " be And In hraren? '*nd how do yon like (�y.e ne4'' tM1h'I Thr blrnl tan "Doti t like him at ,111, mild Meader e ` pas ( y• on ie. ems . e pie sly forgotten : for the faun, r Take Nill 'a .. ..,xetnd 18Nn bark an' ehengs hint for a girl, W )Irby and eOmIM'44 ale. a l �P� f Snaps in hardware 1 have bought for cash a large quantity of the following seasonable Hardware at A Bargain and as long as they last you can have then! at the following prices for cash : No. O ('oiled Spring Steel 1Vire at 112 Portland Cement, per lea -rel. 2 Page Fence, !i -wire, at, per trsl Page (Sate, I2-fos,, at "io Plymouth Binder Twine : Leave your •)net's 114 \\ (1114 Lead. Elephant Maud, Imre, eit.... _ lin :1( 755 \\ II111' le•x/1. It111N•1't*1111 s, pure, xt...... .... . I r • :did Baden Linseed OiI at, ler gal. 42 Nails at. per IN 1 (hold Mci141, Ile. (11„•11 Sheaf, 121x. for 'Fa iul', Pelee gliarente•el. (1;, L E Don't forget that 1 can build you an 8-wlre London Fence for 35c a rod. Ready -Mixed Paints E i handle the "Ark" brand. It is the hest is weather end water prod. if yon use it otter vom,*111 nee. want tiny other kind. I have. handled it for the last six veers. It inn been Well. tested mel fennel netisfnclor'y in every w44,v : nnd the nl+ultlfautnr•r4 halve the plant and capital to tarn out the very bet article on the market. Von will Its aIle to thatch their paints In future yews. They an. not likely to he put (nit of business.. 114 YOU WANT (KM)I1 DAM/WARE AT ('i,()NFt PRts l" CALL ON E 'CHAS. C. LEE A 4p4 life fen he trusted, .that, tel• Ladies . A r er Nided Anel rmrAtlwg.d in All that, was Inn fills if yon smut! !(tett* t,kp, clear . thought. of ifs, nowec uillo'j M" !Store 1 side jay Jaelq�4lillmnwrlrrm curve. For I� I d 1 After • c nlpl«#l/qy. bbd teak; by J•A. \wVileos. `�''`g''� MTf►B Yn. !t. PLUI'1BIN(i, HEATING 'Phone ((41,1' lNo „ ANI) TINSMITHING . . Uu1111{11111111111111111♦lll 111 111 111 llllulll 111 111