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The Signal, 1903-4-30, Page 6
a 6 TInrose se, April 30, 1903. THPI SIGNAL : GOT)F.RIUH ONTARIO only one he used Ile rad handed "1 aavr old." the pence draft hack to Sullivan, Q. -I am Jt/at Irving to refresh and the decutuems he had copied I your memory. That be asked you her Mr. Stietton to that gentl••tuun what 1t war about, and you said with the 1)l•ew•lttle•n °tree he wade• that a wan lit the 410%ernuleut had seated° Renk Trameatiea. Mingle a tuteuM•r by the name of Q. -Did you also tell him that 1f DOM n sur r du true (acts o •th lin n v t the ( t not to r out that your son-in-law Frank Sullivan, war to get live lhou,aud dollars? A. -I never did; ao help rue God.Q.-Nothing of that kind? A. -I lessee>. and Gainey charged Stent_ Sir. George ltartlelt, teller of the Kt never conversed on the /subject Ontario thank, produced •hen telle•r'h tun with the (slow? A.--1 never did. Q. bland up Nr. Davis. 1Arehi- lle di not know d t ko the the m who • Rbookv t h. mu a h covering In filet ar the lu t hall K c monde a ,. Did you 1 1 Davin to i sed C 1 ' direr , 1 t ted h t, h • , m , hotel w 1 to us Sir. i+e•pt•mlJer, if Ul, but net nus supplu- h Luau? A -1 met that •m- aurt that sea fi wcntary cash book. The initials, 1 itrvia,•sud kid not ere%him there at deutan in the City of Rochater, but however, Ile raid wore in his °wu el- all. 1 a•vrr had env eoncrrxntiun with him ter large atuuuntr. I (.t. -Perhaps thin may refresh your on (his eewee•t. Betimes further said he had no re- nt °wry. ('Id you 1.•11 him that you collection of having paid cul ul t knew all about the business. um Mr. •luhnsIsere dues M live•" Mr. Ritchie-11e lives in Ruction - this time 13,000 in hundreds -and In l- your ,cum -in-law, e'rauk Sullivan, had ties, and there was nothing to show told you about it? A.-1 never bud les' that that was done. lle pt'OlnIWd -lu eue11 a cuuvcrrulion. Confronted with Mr. LoNlll. look up _the t('atteactl0n of the 8th ie --lefd you tell hint that Frank At the req°. Nt of Mr. Ritchie, lir. Septeniher and return at two o'clock. Sullivan had Conte up to your olio.. Leavitt, who is in the court r The court then adjourned. at Newmarket and told vett that stood up. At the opening of the court Mins Stratton had bought up Gamey, and Q. -Now, Mr. Wilson, did you meet Robson, portinirU'ela at Yorkville, that the buying had been done Mr. Leavitt? A.-1 never met that produced the book showing a letter through hint? A.-1 never loci any fa1e before, to the hest of my know - registered on February 00 to 1t. It. such conversation. ledge, Ru help um God. Gamey by J. 11. ('rosbin, not A. 11. Q.- Now, did you ever see ■n Q• -Perhaps your memory is a Crossin, as Sullivan said, but the agreement signed by Gamey by very poor one? A. -Not poor, noth- postmistress added that her assist- which he agreed to Support the pre- ing poor about It. • nt said that she, witness, wave hove sent Cieernmlent? A.--1 never did, Q. -You never not him? A. -Not to misunderstood the initial. nor never knew (Jamey's rains mail the beet of my recollection. Mr. Bartlett, the Ooturie hank ----- Q.-1 want you to swear pr11ltiyo- teller, was examined for au hour and Q. -18d you tell Mr. Davis that a half, and careful search was wade Fronk Sullivan had showed vim tee through the books which he produc- agreement which homey had signed, cd for anything relating to the 83; In which h.• *greed to support Russ 000 which Gamey said was given to awl the Reformers, in Aprit? A. -I him from Sir. Stratton on Sept. 10, never told anything of the kind. and half of which he deposited in the Q. -Neither on the loth April nor Traders' Dank. I any other day? A. -Nor any other ♦ Prel.aged eeraIl y. day. Q. -I ani calling your attention to Q. -Now, here is 110.000 that was this, Mranae 1 am instructed That Rent to Teterboro' on the 9th day of Davie will say that? A. --If he says f+eptember-that Would be In your It he save what I never told hint. O wn bank bills, of course? A. -'That te•r•r, • .:ete••r. 'would be 1n our own bank bilis. Q. -Any ascan of telling the do - your this will rrtr.c.h your memory; did you tell hue that •wninatlons? A. -Nu, but I can tell Frank Sullivan had to resign his job It very nearly. I usually wend s in the Parliament Building. and that thousand fives, five hundred teem. he cause out to your house so as to (1 -You do not recollect the bank avoid bong subpoenaed? A -Meer, at Teterboro' asking for large Lille on oath. I 'lever hell any much • ii - ed that tltmo? A. -neo, it would be versution. 5o unusual that 1 Would rew,'wter Q. --Aad never suid that frank was tt. to get five thuumand dollars for Q. -Now, these are the some. Pet- swearing this matter through? A.- ' fel.oro' again, $10,000 on the 8th Neier, of Septenits•r- is not Wit a little unusual that this !Mould happen - (10.000 on one day and $111,0011 again ria the uyxt? A -No, that of- ten happenN. 4- And these• would be small bills. el -They -would be. The Dopnslt tweeter. (At this stage an examination was Made of the deposit ledger, which had been brought tato court, to- g ether with a bindle of vouch,vs and Slips, showing 'returns to clearing Q.--'1'hfe slip produced shown the Antario 1(ank rrre•Ived through the Cleating house from the Traders' Bank, on the 13th of Septenib.'r, 490e. len fifty -dollar bills and ten o ne -hundred -dollar bill.? A. -Yee. ' Q -.Ind theme bills would be bills ItI1 the Ontario Bank? A. -Yes. Q. -This 11,500 was in one par- cel, was it? A -Yes. Q The same day the Ontario Dank received through the clearing hou.e sixty-nine fivrdollar' billy of Rhe Ontario Bank clrwlation'i A. - are.. - are.. Q. -Forty-six five -dollar Lillie 37 tea -dollar bills, 25 dollar hills, 12 tea -dollar bills, a twenty-dollnr bills; RI Ave. -dollar bills, 25 ten -dollar bills, and 5 twenty -dollar bills? A. - Ilea. -Ilea. Q. -Now that 1s on the lath - Otero is the 14th -the 14th is Sun - %ay? Then apparently the 13th was in Saturday? A. -Yea. • (2. -On Monday, the 15th • day of September, the Ontario Dank appar- 'atly received on that day through Abe clearing house seventeen 1100 1111. Ontario Dank circulation? A. - Well. -Wes, Q. -Then on the same day you re - /rived eight 950 bills? A. -Yes. The slip did not show where they tame from, ' although twenty-five of the. twenty -aux of the parcel did. Mr. Bartlett said he thought 11e could and out at the once what the bunk was and would do so. - -T-.Q•= itakli:ll a __19in-9t 41.E 00. ti(ow, what bank did that tom,• front? M. -There in nothing on that sllpth) 'how what bank. e. Mr. Ititehie.-Q.-SIi)J,ct Flo your getting that information, } think hnt io ell I eish to nak you. 111r. Riddell -1 shall not cross-ex- amine this witness until he has the Itraitind.'r of the infojination. Thos. E. R. Yates. !Thomas E. B. Yates, dimcount auk of the Ontario Bank, was call - / IL\ Q. lave you gut with you the tllscow t register of that blink for Beptem r. A. -Yes. (Book produc- ed.) 4:. -Turn \ up the 9th 13eptettl6er. "hills of dl ount remitted," what do you mein by that? A. -Bills payable outside ,ot Toronto. ',Q. -The other 'honk -what does it ..how? A. -Bills Payable betide of 'J' nto. Q. That hi probably the one we Went a \ The xatnlnatIon of th book was s.•atcel begun, when tour adjourn- , tl at o'clnck, until 1 o'clock Saturday orning, To M Ca ed for Contempt of Coud. Moneety, A mil 27. An attempt to 1.15Tnb.rale. (aanuey's stetemenl 1.1-11 Mr. Mli'*)te i gave l!liIll $:t,I14111 .n Napet• eentb 111 b • 'tient'' el A Vets item in the Bank .lf Ontario bottle. 1111 ,'ieetemllrr 1) *eat the subject of roil bl lint Ly MI'..1.bn4Mln on Ss1111•dnt •1._ linen The Maio end l•;mpie• and Thr T,'in•Itl. The item, in the bank beet. of September 11 refereed t., it pt, y,1Ien) rel' j•(,100) 141 the '('11144144 x)111 (i,a1•antee 1'nlpany. of which Mr. 4l !Atha% is preni41e111, end the insintiaten *Ar beide that thin wits hew' l ill i u.'v get his Viten, The Come slated tint'I'lu 11:1i1 and F:n,4 ee end The World would be tented Ilp,l, 141 shone eau. why the writer. shnold not he emeriti, fent for emit corp) of -.,mete T. P. (.1'.r•, general n„anagel of Int 'l'rli,t. 11,141 Guarantee 1'ompuny, note en11.4,1 at1(1 befitted that the 103.111% t ramoket inn in hi. (Molts wits with ref 40-11111 to x 1.11101 1,411,' in *1'' regular (limey of humin.•,,e and had nothing whatever to do with this come, T oronlo, April 28. -Little progress teem made in the •(Inlney inv••stig,- 1Ion yeel erday morning. ante Int.• court ndjournd from 11.30 to 2 30 Out' of rretloct to the late Mr. .luI- tiee Loom... 111r. ,1nhn,lon---The notice dirert,•d lc he served on the new44pap•ree ny Leede, could not be served until OW ring. U II. itihon, lather -in-law of Frank Sullivan, wee rralesl Ex. .mined bty Mr. Ritchie he Reid he V4/111 in Rochester t him mole h. ile ons there on Friday. the Kith of April lie recollected meeting a man a hese name 11e dM not know, and vile, went with him to the 'hotel lie nee et spoke to him after that ile hed ,w.vor mor if to this men that they were having a great time to Ontario. Q. -And did you not tell him that you were to get foie hundred duller. him? A --I was going up West Main to get out of the way to avoid g. street- l ing evidence? A. --,--Never; for 1 would The Chancellor -la this evidence not attempt- concerning the last witness? 1 did not tell him the( I 11,1.1,1'1 Mr. Ritchie -Yes. ase Lord. the agreement, tier that my weft•, The ('hancellor--You are going fn- hdure she left Buffalo on the return to a matter that 1 do not think.. we trip, bud got a 01e111orand in re- can touch. This is ..beetling that gard to 'baying five hutidr..i dollars Fronk Silllivun told G. 11. Wille n n case 1 kyle away. 1 might have and G. B. 1*,I4„n told somelaxly brew at the National Hotel on the ; M,s k•Idoaeo \m tee. 10t1 or the leth, I would not After a lengthy dieeeedon between swear wbicIt, I 'Mr. Ritchie and the Chancellor ace to •• 1 Sever Saw Them" the propriety of admit 1 ing evidence fee -110 you recollect peeing Mr. 1n contradiction of Mr. G. B. Wil- le•a'itt of the City .4 'I'uronlo R.n'Mevidence, the Chancellor rules, there, and Mr. l4avia also? A. -I after referring to two leading leng- n.•ver saw them. i limb rases on the point, thalt this eve u.-- 1)n thin occasion` en 11.' 1Slh donee is im,dmisalble. ef April, ur whatever day it Was, at! Mr. Leavitt ('ant Re called. the National 11ute1 in Itorhet.•r, Mr. Ritchie -That is the only pur- wlw,u Nola and le•evilt were there, ' poet 1 have for culling Mr. Devi s. did :t ay 10 1h.•n, that if you did so he may an well 44t.•p out of th.• not get that live hundred dellnre box. Mr. Leavitt wee Alen here for you were g.d0g buck to Rite• up the the Same• purpose. and 1 totes • i whole. conspiracy and Nut44Mh the Should no (-4111 11 Oil under guar (level Marten? A. -I ne%i•r told them; llorlship'm approval for 1 never held such a cenversaliun '11,•• l'hanceller--'Phare (1414, same with any gentleman. other evidence you uttered to roll Q. -Diel you on this occasion, in Mr.. Wllws's homers... the (.reser of Leavitt, w•hily he and Mrs. George 11. 11f1w/n told that leek is were together, make any of she left with her hutileind said her hoe• statements similar to those I daughter. Mrs. SId111 un. for 1(1R4ln •r .7CAminig( yet"aliilat`a.' hncing on April -M.• the tiny befnr,• Good 1 •n made to Davis? A.--1 never }'ridgy. 11er de'. hh'r went ter df • I )Newmarket, their home,- the day Ise- -NewQ -Nor anything to that effect? A uanything to that effect.I fore and made arrang.ments.eov t A. Never.lwrr directly nor indirectly?1 M tropolitanconveyae to Railway than toem Yonge Q.-11 'they state that ft 1s no, 1 street. The following morning her Ihst is * fabrication? A. -It is a ' daughter maid they would take a fanciest ion. I trip to Buffett,. iter daughter heti Q: -Ill ytns know a man by the been Remaking on a previous visit name of Palmer, of Rochester? A.- I about a trip on pond Friday. leach 1 woes stet the name. paid their own expense to Toronto, Q. -Perhaps 1 can refresh eeeir but her daughter bought the tickets memory, 1 am instructed that Mr. for the three of them from Toronto 1'alurer, the onset referto. IS the to Buffalo, though she paid for her :went or manager of the express own and her hu.han.l'S. She did not company 1n itochtef(tr? --A.-1 never remember how h the fare was. In w him. . She only intended to Stay just for o•t Meat', 1�reat--T"r a� Radios.. ' Kite - --the day... te ..had had tieeonver.e- ((-Ynu rcolket your Sen -in-law, lion with Mr. Lloyd, 1Nvielon ('curt Clerk, although She saw her leis - Frank Sunken, being over there, ebs art talking with him on the Wed - A. --1 du, nsday before at a Inmate. She Q. �ttay'ing two or three hours did not sr either him or Mr. Lloyd. and (heti going away? A.-1 dn. the barrister fn Buffalo. 114.--1404411u n1 after your Sun -,-pow d.- 1■ !MOW.. 1y? A. -'That is a rather hard that h. Q. -Bid you ever speak to hin? A. -No, I never did. 1 Q. -Did you ever speak to hint about this subject or any other ..ub- eel? A.-1 never did. To Mr Johnston he said he was not In the habit of proclaiming to strangers and to the world generally natters connected with hiwself and 01Ik'r people. Mr. Davis mf R.e41•et•r. Arrnr C. Ravin sworn. By Mr. Ritchie -Where do you re- side? A -In Rochester, New York. Q. -What is your business? A. -In- surance agent. el. -Ito you know the (ant *itnsts, George II. Wilson? A.-1 el hint. Q.-Where'?Q.-Where'?A.-1n °ttocheeter. Q. -flow 01 ten? A. -Why, I tort hien-1 would not be Just prepared to say how many times -It may have been over half a dozen, half a dozen at the (.•amt. Q.-et/here did you first meet parted you went to I'eml04d? A -i Witness said they arrived In Butte - intended going there anyway. fo al t noun 011 Friday. arid 1 hnt Q.- Ile says that Sullivan remain- with her husband She 141nyed at her 1d long enough there to give you daughter's ,the night before in Tu- ef ne money; is that correct?.A.-- unto. Theyregistered at the hotel That im correct. right acrosin front the mtation, and Q. --And Then Frank Sullivan tout( she stege^I until the evening train the Sleeping car at one o'clock cal and came hnmu• mune, her danghfer Sunday moonier: fur 'Toronto? A.- seeing her off in Buffalo. She did not That is correct. Will you niton my .knew when her dpughrrr ceti,e beck. to explain the• money port of it? the didn't ink either her husband or le.-lf you wish It? A.-1 teethed daughter when she might expect them my wife to serol m• Rime money, beck -they had no dinrnsnion about and lobe *lit it Icy Al r. Sullivan in it. She had not heard from her preference to sending it ley mail, and .daughter since. he brought it. 11synod the Letter. Q.-tt Wei five d°Marie was it1 A. ' --Q.--e-Alhen did you next hear from u ushers fir tun. A.-ri,•I -I think no. your Mistimed after t le The Chancellor --Wo had that 144- I rec•riv,d it letter, but I cannot tell fore. you the date. Mr. Ritchie -It wart n.ce.mnry to 11. -have you got that letter? A. - have a merlin mem.eng"r for the five No. dollar's, and Frank wxh t1,' special Q. -What bernme of it? A. -I Rule Ineseenger, post it wee. learnt. (1 -Yon recollect the night that Q. -I see. Sensible *union, always Prank loft for Itochreter'. A.-1 du. burn the letterslinw long after you Never Weal to r.hoer•. Keen.. had left, hits in Buffalo wee it . that (J.- Into you r,cnll.•et going to Mr. you received Ilia letter from hien? Palnu'r'0 room the! eerie In the Na- A. -Oh, 1t would be about a week, ti.usl }hotel, ur Ile,t morning, maybe more. shout ten o'rl.x'k in the morning, Flaw Praia Sullivan in Rw5M1tw. end telling him OHIO, the interview Frank Sullivan met her in I(uffalo that yon had with yore, Ron -in -paw, et the hotel, feet the visit was relit.' A.-1 never went into him room. un.'xpe•ted. She did not. know how Q. --Hid you .peek to him'I A,--1 Sullivan was ewer" they were at Ray 1 did not speak to him. 1 t him hotel. Aske'rl If Sullivan'* vise* might have meek,• to him in the Ives a eturpris,•, she replied Rhe never 114une at the table. thought about it at all. She And (1. --Wen' you up lin 411 one o'clock her daughter were Sitting In the in the morning^ A' -T `4.110 up until Mr. Sullivan left for Toronto, and then] went to my room And went to led. Q -flow long *ere 1041 up after Sulllvan Irft? A.-Prolnlhly *w•,•nly Minutes. l ing wan not pr. -arranged. fie was Q. --Did von hoer any comvereetion I in Duffel. *hen she left .1 She did from the Ihm• Sullivan lett until not think mile .nw Frank mince the you retired that morning? A.-1 did I visit to Mittel. She had vi,11,d not. around .time fence Nh,' rem* beck, Q. --Not with (Invl„x1'.? A. -Not nod went hone. :in henring they anyhnd,v. I wanl,d In serve het with w suhy.l4� Q --You did ri.) tell lir I'nlmor en nae that night I lint Yrenk led rna. l Never Saw Memo. to Pay Her ■...lewd there. to move you Harty, end y.41 Tor alsrlwg Away. were going off, and the) herlank seed Q,.hid you gat nay u,em.randum t he Reformers were ironing in win? I•rf.rr 3'041 kh Inters ith.wmg what A --1 never, on oaths meet purl Inn- g.*gw o the city of Rochester.(*en 10 he paid to Mr Wilmon If he ry,mxirlyd away? A.No. --- 11 -IoM you tell Palmer Adm° flint Q - i1(4 Ynu get - An -y paper 04 any Frank had got nn serer t from 14l 41 A- Nn, mow no p/ttpw/ n.r Donley by which he *an to0 templet. heard of any. . - the Government, end ev he afters*ren Q,_. Nevem Menet any dfacnaNinn els 4tMr•Irory1 the eierenI7 A. -I f- er. Ito what wee to he ant? A. -No. Q -And tam did not tell him that. te.--Yert swear to that? .A. -I vela were in move Away (straw 7ou "weir to ths* were In Ref 5'-. 1.111141411 drib to Q-111rer Any dlw•nsalnn *a to wee. keep nut of the resell A- never titer vele husband was to g"1 *5(10? Aid. 1 AM not terror. ( A. -No. Q lt you 4M in ty VNlRaSM? . Q -.Mho was to upply your e -Ihbur A. -Yea. but 1 did ants••• ' MM w(4 taws•► W14 v sees iv Milo* of the hotel after dinner, when her daughter mew Frank Multi - en getting on a car in front of the hotel, raised the window and ealhst. to Fronk, who then CAM.. into the hotel. S4e1 far no she knew the meet - sway? A - Myself. }i I did much 1 en? Q d vc u tend hien? v,• r .n -i ,- w to A-1 • h t. r r la K my wend to hint when he sheeted it. Q - }low such? --1.15 4J. --You heard ur hushaod may he only gut 115^ I hoop"... that Ir all M• did gel the time Sulli- van You Frank ulli- 1 heard t Q.-- v n de •sere rip to Rochester al IIIA I { toK ive it to him Mr. Ithki"11-That is not Nn Mr. Itl*eh(e.--(1.-UI4 you hear that? A. -Ile had ce•ea.ma to 1;0 t here. Q. -leo you know whether h.• had occasion to go there or whether it was a special trip? A.-1 do not know. Q - For anything you know it may have been a special trip? A -Yes. •• Ms.ba.d RId of Nom..... (3.- Why didn't you Send 11 10 him yourself? A. -My' husband seas kind of nervous and all that. (y. -lie didn't look like it in the witness box? A -I only wanted him to have a little at a time. Q. --Why, afraid if he got 101 'h he might conte hack to Canada? A. --Ile would coma' if he wanted to; he wanted to visit his 4,14 fr•i.•uds. Mr. Johnston objected•. The Chancellor allowed the exami- nation to go on. Mr ititchir.-l} -Did you ever of- fer him any money yourself? A -No, I gave It to hint to send. Q. -Where was 1t that you gave I Frank Sullivan this money? A -In Buffalo. Q. -Where? A -At the hotel (4. -What kind of bills did you give him? A. -There were Canadian bill., Ontario bi11i. Q. -Ontario Bank bills? A.-1 think so. Matey Data,$. Q. -They neem to he going around quite proltlfaeuuumly--were I hey i5 bills? A. -Not all of thea. Q.-Ilad you at that time nny idea how long your huslt,ud would stay away? A. -Wee told hue to stay a month if he could. Q. -You thought the invest lgatnon would take a tnunth? A - I did not think of 1lw investigation Q. --Yo', tele hien to stay a month? A. -Yea. Q. --Was that agreed to between you? A. -Not particularly. Q. -Was there any diw•uosion about that? A. -No, i sold him to stay a fount h if he could Continuing, she lin 141 Nhe gave her husband 115 at the station. and oche told hi;u 10 01ny away a month if it agreed with him She could not re- member what wee. in the letter she rerei'.d from her husIand. The estter'. Coutes". Q. -Did he write complaining that he didn't get 4M' 111on•y? A --1 can- not remember. 11e staid (lc war think - Ing of coming hide. Q. -Did he tell you he wanted money" A -i do not think hr did. Q. -Didn't he also may that unless you sent money he would r • lack to Canada and expose the whole con- spiracy? A --No, I never heard that hofor (1 -rThat he was not going to may away -h' might Plat ex well have had $5,000? A. -No. limy Wm Meal More•, Continuing, stir said the uon,•y rhe sent her hushand *4411 per of 1200 she received iu 111•• spiting •a rent for a farm she owned. The tete xnt who paid her farm rent war'Mr. 'ferry of Kettl.•by. A Complete Owls. Q. -Will you undertake to pledge your oath that before leaving 11, 1- falo you were. not told that if you would go quietly away and your humband remain out .el Canada you would be looked after and would get something? A. -Noshing of that kind) *an ever mentioned. Q. -No sugg.wtion at, all? A. -No suggemt ion w ha fever. Q. -Was any money g11•cn you just as you were (-1'.ing Buffalo) A. -No. Q. -Nor while you were in Buffalo? A. -No. Q. -By your daughter? A. -No. • QJ. -Or by Frank Sullivan? Continuing, she said she had not even Mrs. Sullivan since returning from Buffalo, and that it was a Younger daughter that read the let- ter before it was burned. She •1 - *aye hurmd their lettere. l'o Mr. Johnston she said the hills were twos and fives and a ten. She had been away about her ordinary h,sin,.m, and knew nothing about the case or the she *nn wanted at this investigation. repel -11e asamlao Mohs. Regarding the hank books, Mr. Ritchie suggested that an .expert ahould examine there for the first part of September. and If he di,wov- ered anything whish he thought rrl- ""34nt "r required .explanation it should be pointed out to counO"h. ile did not want that the expert should go into the lox, but that he should pimply go over the books In the way ouggestcd in order to rave the time of court and counsel. The Chancellor- (til, Ih+ollgh the (.0oke and say If prisma facie there se anything that appears to he rel- evant. to his enquiry. Mr. Johneton--Mg. Barwick may or may not consent. The Chancellor-Counswe can ar- range with the bank. Mrs. Trawls Sullivan. • Mrs. Frank Milliken said she ac- companied her (other and mother to Buffalo on flood Friday. 511. had visited them within et week hdnre that, and had spoken to her mother about • trip to Buffalo. She had maid her father was going to Roches- ter and they would accompany hie, as far SA iBORnln When told that her mother had not told that, .he maid her mother woo a little forgetful, end mhe 1hooght her memory IAA bettor. She had MAR- ' ed her mother to go to Buffing. Thn \Collet. adjourned until 2.30 In the i afternoon. The n■5411• Trip. In the afternoon Mrs. Sullivan said that she had )seen out to 0440 her mothele on Sundny. T.eodoy, Wed- nesday and Thursday of the *ark of Good !Netlike . She said that .he find telk.rl with her husband during the luncheon raere0N. 1,ut not shout thin Affair, in reply to Inr. Ititch*e's re- mark that her me,n,ry had Men freshened When told by Inr. flitch - in that her 1'h.'r said mho had net. Peen her for A week or ten days, etre Sullivan Sniff her :pother had a poor memory. It wee not nut of 1110 ordinary for her to *eve her mother three tinlr44 within one week. She hod no other object than pled to nen her mother. )ler husband, who huff spent Sundny o ith her at her nr,th- er a. left en Monday for Neeth Bee nr Sexlhnrr, Nnd she thmrgh h.• welt Mill here when ,,,�the left with her parent' her ihlfalii Her tether had been talking Memo going *way Por W Health, her husband had nnlhtns to do with her lather's movements. She would not a w r whether her r r (i father's trip was the subject of dis- clr•sion with her husband, she did not recoiled. She was surprised to sae him come out of the clition in Buffalo when rho and her mother were In *1e.• hotel window. Me said '"surto 0 Good • hadreturned Ise r•lto 1 n (a Friday, and being Informed that wax in. DuR to, followed her there. She saw her hither off to It.what.'r the stone evening She and her hum - bund stuywt40 Buffalo over Sunday, arid they cattle back to Toronto Mon- day u,urning Mile had not Meen her anther until this morning as she had not been well. I,Irlse la Torment All tele Time. Continuing witness said she had been round the city ever since, and did not know that people were en- deavoring for • weeks to serve her with a buhp.44'na. She had leen in her own house every night. She thought her husband went to bee her father on last Saturday. She said her husband had no lank ac- count, but she had a small one In the Hank of ('unluterce on College and Yonge streets. She was posi- tive that she did riot get 5540) or any such sum from her husband lent Christina. She never gave her hue - band power of attorney with refer- ence to her back account. She nev- er bent • telegram to her hunrsind or father when they were in Itochster. T4• •• rattle" Tel.grame. - Mr. Ritchie produced a telegram aigned Mattie, to her father, George II. Wilson, in Rochester, dated April 18: Will be to see you to -night." Mrs. Sullivan said ala4 never sent ouch a telegram, and •t Mr Ititrh- te's request, wrote a copy of it, and signed her name, which in Mattie. 'rhe copy and the telegram were filed as exhibits. She knew her husband's handwriting, and the telegram was not his. She did not know that her huabaud went over to Rocineter on the 18th: she thought it was int Saturday, and did not know any- thing ahem the date. Mr. Johnston did not crone- exam-ine Mee. Sullivan, RS she Held Mtn had been unwell for some time aye was unfit to lie out of the douse. PROSECUTION CASE CLOSED. Defeat. Resins ID lease, Rut *Dome** Were Mut ea Mewl. The Chancellor -Now, it that your Case, ]ter. Blake? Mr. Itlnkl-Yea, mw Lord, eubj•'et to whet was said In regurd to the bank. Mr. .Johneton culled Mr Howarth and Mr. Smith, ,,phial, o/ the On- tario (tank, neither of whom an- swered, upon which the l'hanc,•lIor naked that Mr. Johnston call hes next witness*. Mr. Johnston then stated that in exltrtati..n of these seances•* lo-ing here, he had no oth- er witnesses; to go on with. The Chancellor 1he11 Nugge'el(d telephon- ing for these gentlemen. Mr. John- ston retired for tins purpose. After a twetity-w,nute wait at 3.30 p.m. Noonan W. Linton was called and sworn. SSW. Deposited April la. Mr Linton Said he was collection clerk in the Ontario hank head of- fke, and wily employee) on the led- ger for a few days last September. but said he could not tell from the ledger who made the C'rowsin Piano Company deposit of 11001 on Sep- tewM•r 11 Ile said that it was the cust•m for the receiving teller to put him initial.' on the deposit slip, and he put on the folio number. Mr. .Johneton produced a deposit slip showing nine $100 bills, dated 140pte:nle'r 11, which, Mr. Linton said, never went through his hands. It Torr a blue mark which might be taken for letter N., hal R 4400 not the initial of Mr. Howarth or of ](r. Kelso, the two tellers thee day. It was possible but most iny•rolabin that it could go through his hands without the folio number. 11 that did happen the slip would be certain- ly returned to him by the supple- mentary man at once. The hedger folio on the slip might Pete be setk- efl, and then it would red with sup- plementary ran and himself. The deposit Slip was tiled an an exhibit. The slips after being entered are fil- ed, but thin one was never filed. The deposit *lip produced did not repre- sent the transaction, and he never saw It before. Ile saw Mr. Gamey In the once on Saturday, April 18, In the morning, but not in the after- noon. Another Dolmen Slip. Mr. .I'ohnnton produced another de- posit slip of the Hanle date. Septem- ber 11, which he never saw before. The initial on 1t was not that of either teller on that day. There were not two trannartiona of that amount, $9000, on that day. That 4414(4 never passel through the bank and *an never on the bank filo. In emelt examination he said de- posit slip, Exhibit 06, *an not an original deposit slip, arid 1f a copy had not on it the Identi(Matlons thnt would be on an original de- posit slip, and would not be a copy that had passed through the bank. It was not a complete copy. 'The Initials were not their teller's Initials, and If it was an attempt at a copy It was a very poor one. That dots not look like an' attempt to duplicate the banker's slip. No one in the bank would be misled by this es purporting to be a copy of the deposit slip. The same remark would not apply to exhibit 67, i which was not totalled, and the inl- tial. were not their teller's tuitions. Neither o/*hes' lips would load wit- ness into thinking they were copies of anything that went into the hank. The genuine deposit slip would be a voucher to the bank. Af- ter the customer had signet his monthly receipt for him pane book, the *lip* were of no value except for reference. To Mr. .lohn*ton he Rind the hank dorm not destroy the depoelt Mips as they might be needed for evidence. Ile did not know what th.'y were doing. In him bank. Tolley Howarth's It•/dsw.'•. Mr. P. R Howarth, teller of the Ontario Rank, said he •nw Mr. Gamey on Sept 11 with Mr. ('romo- In. and Mr ('romnin made a deposit. of Sieg1, which went to the reedit of i F: (Yostin k Co. '1'h. depn.it Slip *ea in Sr. Croein'. handwriting. The original depn.it Slip was In the hank vault. on Sept. 1N. Mr. Gain- ey came into the hank about 10 a. --in. Sept. 18, and asked to Nee that deposit al(p. lie told him to seethe accountant., Mr. Brown, het at Mr. Gam.'y'' request, spoke to Ur. Brawn him.eIf. Mr. Brown had the manager, and told hl;n he could show the slip Mr Gamey Neel he wanted to make • ropy After a couple of minutes et the /leak Ilam- ry rolurned with the slip, hut. the Rap poised hark was n01 the same. The original was nim 11(x►, where- as tba retureed ane was Ise teen S. twenty 110, thirty 1:10 and one 150, w not added up u The ...turned tie f one u R1o1(0 num- ber. hd and ad no total up lie called to Mr. (Jamey, who was two or (hre yards away lie thought Mr. llstney was near enough to hear, but he dM tAt enamor, a1,d went out. Ile then spoke to the Barton, who reported •r Mr I a messenger, tr• w , to n and he the sea r t M r. Drown • V (yr - Mr. Gamey cause back hall an hour later with Mr, (•russin and held he thought he had returned the origi- nal, and could not account for 1t. They searched, but could feud no trete o1 it. her. Gamey said he might have loot It on the way to the factory, and they returned to the factory by the sane route, but could find no trate of It on the way. •osrehod Au MD Poekat► to -But you saw him at the Cru.- sin office waking a starch in his poc- ket*? A.-1 did, Q. -Which pockets -all of them? A. -Yes. Q. -'The you parted with him - was anything said between you, do you recollect? A.-1 asked him who put the Wittals on that rl'p and he said he did. The Chancellor -On what slip? A. - On the rep he handed Into the bank. Mr. Johnston -Q -Look at Exhib- it -67"-is that the slip he handed to you in place of the genuine one? A. -Yeo. Q. -And that Is the slip you asked htm •bout who put the initial one A. -Yes, air. Q. -Aad he told you he did? A. - Yes. Q -When you got the slip was It just freshly written or had it been written Rome time? A. -It looked as If It had been freshly written. -light blue Ink. Q.-11as it changed in color sing? A. -Yen. it han got darker. Q.-Jhd he give any rearms lar put- ting the initial on the slip? A. -Yes, he saki he wlmhed tee have • copy of the original slip. Q. --(lid you say anything to him *bout that? A.-1 told him it seas not a copy. Q. -Bid you tell him in what way it was not a copy? A -i did. Q. -What? A. -I told him the de- nominations were different. Q_ -Yrs: what did h•• may about that? A. -Ile Raid ho could not Un- derstand it -be noted have had some other slip to front of him. Q.-Ihd you bit him what the de- noutinutionN were nn the substituted slip? A -No, 1 did not. UN.'t Make Lay 11045Mewem. Q. -Now, had he any other slip from the hank excepting the 1900 One that morning, so far as he got from you? A -That Is the only one be got from Mc Q. -Then did he say anything mon about it? A. -Not in the office. Q. -Did be say anything more any - whore else about it? A. -Ile did on the street. Q. -What did he env? A.--Iis said It didn't make any difference. Any- way, the amount totalled the name. Q.-Uad he ever got a deposit slip from your hank before to your know- ledge? A. -No sir Wetneto. cohtinuing, meld he re- ported the circumetan.s to the man- ager, who requested him to see Mr. Barwick, the bank's solicitor, 10 whom slew by reported the circum- stances. UMW 1541, Oamey yds. Q. -Then did you See Yr. Gamey again that day? A -1 did. Q. -About what time? A. -About two in the afternoon, I should' think. Q. -Bid you hear him say anything that day when he came back? A. -I did not. The ('hancellor-43 -Where did you ser tan? A -In the honk Mr. .1ohnaton-Q.-What did he do? A. -Well, he handed the slip, 1 be- lieve, to the accountant. Q. -Do you know that he did? A. - Yee, T saw him. The Chaneellete-Q.-You sew him hand the slip? A. -.Not, 1 didn't hoe him hand the slip. Mr. Johneton--Q.-DId pen Me 1110 bend a paper tp W. Drown, tie ele- coeintant? A. -No, 1 did not. Q.-I0d you nee Mr. Brown after- wards? fterwards? A -1 did. Q.-Tlld you ere Exhibit "66" af- terwards that day 1n the bank? A. -I did. Q. -When did you nee that? A.- .lunt shortly after ler. Gamey had gone out. Q. -Who showed you Exhibit "66?" A. -Mr. Drown, the areountant. Q. -That is the deposit slip of the nine 9100 bills? A. -Yes, sir. Q. -And that seas left In the bank about two o'clock or so? A.-1 would not he more of the time. Thr Chancelior-Weil, Gamey wail there about two o'clock. Mr. Johnston -Q. -It was shortly after two o'clock that you saw thea? A. -Yea i' 1 think so; I am not just positive about that. The Chancellor -What I. that slip; Int me We it -b the Other slip there? Mr. Johnston -Yen, my Lord. The Chancellor then compared the two slip.. Not the OrIglaa1 sap. Mr. .lohnston-Q.-Now, In that the original slip of the 11th Sep- tember, 11012? A. -it Is not. Q. -Was It In the condition In which It is now when handed In when you maw fl. Saturday after- noon? A. -Yen, air. Q. -Crumpled up in that way? A. -Yes, sir. Q. -You see Rome marks in blue? A. -I do. Q. -In that your initial, if It ban Initial? A. -No, sir. Q. -Now, that was Exhibit "66" - not take "67" -is that your initial 1f It be an initial at all? A. -•Nn, Mr. Q. -Do nil the dnpmelt slips have the initial of the receiving teller on them? A. -They have. Q.-Ileve you got one o1 your tips herr? A. -No sir, I have not. Q.-11ave you a blue pencil Imre ? A. -No, air. Mm tantalum Dm Slip. Mr. •lohnaton procured a slip from another gentleman of the bank who WWI pr•Mrerrt. Mr. Johnston -Q. --Now lake *het slip and 0Srunie that to he • Apes - It slip presented to you, It is not completed --would you let me pee What your art In regard to That de- posit slip would bet when It conies (n. Witness* took the slip, Initialed the Name with a email "h" and rheeked the dienothinat Iona of the hills. Mr. .lnhnston--Q.-That is all you do? A.- Yon, air. Q. -11n you woe a blue pencil? A. - Yee, OM. Mr. .Tohnstnw-Then this slip rd - titbit "M" 1s the standard of this reit lman'a Intl fel Q. -Then an far as *hese ..Iles ars • IttslakaMI ass pelta 1.1 Great Bargains IN Boots and Shoes Tor Comfortable Footwear, Dressy In Appearance, Euperior in Material, Stylish, New and Up -to. date Shoe Coods The Godirich Bargain Store is the spot We illten(l to (10 a log shoe business,and will do our best to please 0111' customers by selling GOOD and RELIABLE GOODS AT A LOW FIGURE. Small Profits and Quick Returns will be our motto. We buy all -our goods for spot. cash -that means we buy at the lowest price. We sell for cash that means yo - will buy at the lowest pr;ce posai ble, and the place where you can do it is at The Q od©rich Bargain Store 1 WE SELL CHEAP ALL THE TIME No trouble to show goods. No one will be importuned to bay. REIII MBRk THF PLACE : Four floors smith of C. A. Nairn's grocery, The Square, OODIP.Wt. 4•e•