HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-4-30, Page 2. 2 THURSDAY, April 30, 1903. THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO i!ltc ijni1 tuf4at14 II. u\T'.0:m,. 1'1'I1I.ISIIEII F:\'F:Ili' T1I1'I4si).►1' Nt v.\\ \'1"1'4:1(& 1' ,114:ItTMo\, Tr I. ideate 4 ..11 Nn.:LL Terms 04 Subscription .Lw iier nuuuul iu Alt 3111,. %i1 1110111I1., se• ; three mouth.,Me. StitHerItn•t., Nilo fail In 11.411 .' •110. ,11.\414 r,'g11bai) by 11 Nill coact a Lour by Nr- Sileetitll' will le the IIsi. 10411111ns 1s of the fa, 1 „l A. earl)' a dal,' as tM .ihlr. \IN,u4 the duly shim that can be \1'heu a ehnlg,• of mltn•.. i.41y.irel. 1,111 h 1 hr K 1.1141 and the 144* ...t,ltr.. .11111141 IN• 4:It 111• till/1 Wit II certainty of the 1•y144a•111•a' tlf Advertising Rates the chief Wit Hessen in the (Loney lu- Iw•qrol .44411 the, .111411.41 mit lin' Igul'c i, 11141 somebody IN lying. torr 1111, luf II RI ul.rili.ni Anil :4.- per !ire for 1ae11 .111,%"tll.'IIl 111 w'1'41,111, 41l'l1.11 awl b) ,, Everyone i, 4.11(1111%1 to it gill',, ins 11, IIIIntNn'll -,',111'. IN,'ItC line•. to.111 ani'' w hi,'h 1)i.• il' is. n Y.Imvm. 1'•Inl. of -I\ liar. ,wd undo,'. h, IM•r year. lillerl of Lunt. 1'nnud. Sl ay.41..a The St.af''rlh Sou shines again afire talus(,%%' wt,ult. ell w.110n. \yan1411. Moises for Malr'ur 1„ U,nl. Farm. for sae or to (tent. au eclipse of several week,. The office •1,11 Irk. for M.1!e, 't'.. u0t e\reollug eight Imes. qtr earl. Innis too :.1 /tar Ilr•t 1141101, air tyle earl. .1111.44 1111•111 u4'.111h. 1.111(4r ,Nit 4111•..• u1r,.F. in pr te,n inn. I v,l nutlet. 111 11.14.01'il 1'14. :N' y,•r 11111'. \" 4111114' le.. 1111111 'tee . .A111.4.1111.1•1111•111. 11111slum) nvN11u/ tyle• 0111 real p'r w, n1. Nu 11"1111. 11' . IIWt1 YYSS.I \,I) .IM"'i.d 11111'-1•. l lie 01_1e4 1 1f wlhirh Is the v •enidAr> benefit of .111, 111411, tdnNl or Nws'1 14 Inn IU 141' 4,111.1414•1141t 1n .ul u9ln•uu%II ,old t • 1140 011A1'104l ,1'r 111111gl. l(am+ 401 .11.1613 1,1141 4•4411!4'04''4 00.11. 41111 Ile go.•,, on npplt4Nlion, hi. .u0(...w11' Will take a 1111e'ge11e1- 4n1, view of 1'*aIIlM1a's posit' regatrl- iug the emIMlrgu. Whitt a hear garden the Hous.' (11111- 111111e1• w11111,1 11:1%1• 64•11 by tilts ( • If liunley''. charges b,(41 IM•on Meta thele• 111/..1 4•1111 n1' to t he judges! The 'Toronto \Y'I'I11 was the first 4'011w•1'\'xl iv,' paper to .1,•s•I41r• no ''ontllerre it (l:ano•v. The I111111111011 .\d41rr...411 401111111111. 411 444. 10 • y.\\.\'1"rlat K I(oliE1{T4,N. 1111. ,111% 11. laelerieh. 1 hit 1 :0t1:IT1l 11 '1'111 list) \\. \1.1111.:,,. 0sf1 THE BRITISH BUDGET. The British taxpayer is beginning t 1 111• r•liec.d of the rnorinnu4 I,url•r1 of eXperldillire. which Wit. 111'111%111110 11 by Ih,• Si 11111 .\Nicer war. The hud- g •4 introduced at Westminster last week by .\h-. Ritchie, 1 he ('hanel•II, of the Exchequer. , onucel re11,is- sions of ttx,t it tw i .litrctiuur. The inrnuu• 1,1x h.. reduced from • shilling :11111 4 he/ 1.11.111',• t., l•Ii' '.'IIpw•Ili'1' in the imolai and the 11111,..14 tax 4,11 grain is abolished. 'I'll• 1141111' tau ni,iiIi,'eilll'llt i, of especial interest 111 l':uuuli:un, ill view' of the holo' in- dulged in .. • gum ten. that (h,' tis would aKorl 1, 1110.4114 by whieh Call:1- dims grain might lie g.n1111e; ,a pref•r- en,• in the British lear'ket. 'The people of (i11e4* Ifrit,i, are not lore - pared to depart from the INdicy of non-inlerfer•nre) 1* trade 11lallers 1411- 111.1' Which they have pr elp•r'l . 1 marvellously during the past fifty year.. 17tuuh all% 1111 a no 11':1,1111 for 4 1111/11/1111 in the 11111141 n( the III -dish Govt' •ell to tax its 4e1111e for the 4,•refit of this r,nntry. l :11ulIt fix.'s it, tariff t., suit itself: Great Britain is guided by the 1411114• prinliple of welt-inte'r•sl in Pauling its customs laws. Those Canadians who were w. 1111,1- 'r11u% in 1 Ile detil3nd t hat the 11..1 her ('.01181 r' .h''old . 11u1N,w• a 1:141 11% foreign pr11u11s for the i1.111'lit of the 1' d''tlirs (,ailed 111 1e0''grlize• 11..' danger to our 1 rade which lay in their pro- posal. .\ty enr''Ita1gel114n1 of pr- y terti.n sentiment in Great Britain is simply•the strengthening ter an '.I.- nent that w•''tld 1111 .11144 short' of playing tariff 4.1.st rm.( ions in the 4,e' of 1'anadi:n, trade with Britain. .\ few years ago a pts utinent t1•ptew•nlR l iyt''( the agrisult Oral int erl•.1 ill Ih.- I)141 Country Was credited with the Ie11u11'k that They did not want 1.. I.• 4l " %1 by Nlltilt "1st w114111 any more Gott by Minnesota 4'heal. The true i iterr14144 of Canada. which for (,taus' decade, Inlet find a market for it, •nw' surplus pis oduct+ 1111 tIle lther ,ideof the Atlantic., lir in the prl•.- •',-v, tlotliniarj-cif-The 'T4,Tir'Tiad,. Ii.11- icy of (creat Rt'itlin, and for this reason ver ,41e pleased that Alr. itit,hi, has decided 44„IIM,lish the war tax on grain. — — IT SHOULD WORK BOTH WAYS. I' i 11,k 511111 1111, w1111 4.1 01411141 141 11, neg''tiat ions on behalf of t111. 4ecern- 1111n1,imforned 11r.1/11111ey.111t11epre.- 1.1141• of three witnesses, Ihat he had Stratton where h„ %yarded his, and would slake him pay up h:11111s,111•ly. 11411 is (11411 f''r reflection ! .\ clerk in the Provincial Public \\',rksIle- btar,tit openly boasts Ihat he has ,1 )disinter of the 11414'11 111010' his 1 1111t11t.. and that through this \1ini#ter.he 1111114.1 t.. 1'1.11 the puhlhr trrasnry ''f large slink of money. The clerk looks 11 411n flu• d,•al 114''110 n( his ).t'ivileges. Ile is me son Of 11 1111111 Who is the 14, '4 Bill:ineet .t the "machine'. and his shay, ''f the cash lta,,,l,s1 t'' NII'. Gamey was f12,IMM,. This is what the Liberal party has d • for the Province of 1 )ntn•io And so un. Thi, 111 110• Wily Opp, 4.i. tion ne4'41pa141'rs are building up charges :gained the G"t,•rnn,rnt the ,Illegal it 114 n nnln 141111 is 4114 .lis_ credited that the chief I',insert ative • outset in (h,• investigation will In. yl• not nnoe to d' with Ilia. Suppose Ihr Liberal press .11411111 x-1,1,1 ,1 similar lin.•. II' what (blow) say's Sullivan told hint is to be he. lieyel, (chat Sulliv,11, Iu,s said under lath most be at It•ast equally wordy of C1.1111.111.1•. \\'141 :1)•r 1'' IN•Ih,•yr, 111•11, that (:,41n0ytold Sullivan that he was promised the portfolio of )sinister of Mines in Air. Whitney's (.:linnet. that ills chosen associate 41' 41e w''HI,l-he Plr•mie•r eel 11111 4,, hails. Sullivan In holster 1 1 1' plot 1 IIs \\' '0 1' I,1 1, a,ln 4111 ., � . - 1 tlr thrn4' the present Government. and that Mr. McPherson, et lending ('on- •4rv,,tire, was to arrange to pay $2,111111. 111141 $.i,IMN, 141) iop of that, if Sullivan w'nld heck op the story (honey told in the 111011.e. A nice Int of fellows that were 10 lir And Indy their way into ower, according t4 I K the story 141 the num w•ho .. ,%lien,',' is considered Mnf&.ien1 tt damn the pr•m'nt. afin- Isfl'y. flow aura It feet to that frust EDITORIAL NOTES. When 1',411. leftism, 40.1414 ih144 the British (ioyertown, had al$,lishlwl the fax 4n grain it is said the shock neat- ly killed hint. Mr. Hnnlnn'y, prrsidel.l of the ILI'i- t.ish Boom] of; Agri'1111nr•. the mien who kept. Canadian live 44111' .NII of Blfitain, is dead, and it imexpe'ted*al was burned out in Mardi and the intervening One has been .pent in ren,g:otizing the plant. N\',' hope The Sun will hat,' no 111111',' 4urh u1i'- f41.1 •., but 4.4111 rnll(11111C its prol(ress serenely in its a,eostlimed orbit. .\n exchange propounds nds the query if . •thing r: t lot • dome 41, 441r- 41,•nt the t 11f IMtouu amp ..ritg.• skins tau the pavements. Th.' only thing we can suggest is to kill off .Ill the fonds. Auld all ,s 11.4' • is said to 144' 11411.11 ,'*,•1•y minute perhaps 1•t e'11 111i. 4.0111,e• w0u11 nut be effect iv... That ,InestitIII. "Where did the moue) 4'4 • from 1'h 1 as , 111.4' .1 . K odicance. 4•111114•V hail Moue money. that is eel—tato ::and /ell to his 'N n .l11ry' he 11111 111.1 r • by it it1 :111 onliluu'y 111111n14•1.. His ntrl11rM, that he got it (torn Alt.. Stratton :111• drat -edited by his "wit ;teflon, 111141 ,11'4 1,4terly denied by Sullivan, The lat- ter say. 41114 Gamey. talked of getting surer front his Conservative friend,. \\'111.11. 11111 the 1111 1111. 0 • from :' 441 coots.- it is a1 shocking stale• of atTair. 1hat. the 4;Inu4y investigation i. disclosing, !tat the average neNs- pgp•r trader ,.%•Ins to he get4ttlg a 101 of entertainment out of it. There is nneh uncertainty a, to what 1.11'11 day 14 /11 bring forth. One dray the dye1-in-the-wind Tory draws a prize and pe•rh1141s gets a blank the next .hay. 1411, toe .ures•nnugh Grit when l.1• parks . up his d,lh' patio doesn't know' wl11•ther hr is going to get :t smile lir a frost. 'The nubileation 44f General Miles' n•Iclrt of his invest Ural' in the I'hilippinr, dis'low14 harrowing stories of the brutal t 11%at lM•tlt of tilt' MO ivy. by 11110e1 Slate. 41.1411.14. At ons• plan• MIX 41111,11.141 114.4.1111. 411141 ft•11n1 e111r04%1 i'' 1 from being ''''1111111%1 in a ''n4'-4I401.y building eightr,•u or I wend feet 4 id, and sixty 111 wrest y feet long. Thr "Witter ,1111•.” burning :Ill whipping to.lealh and oflm•t' Methods of torture :111• Inenli''iii in the :.•nl'rl'.r,•ptat. '1'111%d,e, the laud ''f liler.e exten11 to the benighted island tart' the Ides44hngs "(civilization. This .\. \\'. Wright who is mixes up iu the aMila%it inlhtoglio at Buffalo is the sols• .1. W. Wright 11,144 nua,le .4111•11 1111 exhibition of himself ,It the nominal ion meeting in the court Iunw' 1,4 IIr lint.• of Mr. (rar•rlw'. last .1 .1 ion in 1)•'•'•'tnlo•r, I(Mrl. A 1111111 sanded Nessus Made 811 aMilitvit, i1 ,e•nl., %baling that 1':111. 11 engaged him *4. bring a moldier of oleo into "the three N.t'tlas.' to help the. Liberals in the bye-4Ie•t hclfN and \Own h.• had fulfill.•.leis contrail the Liberals would not re'ugnire his claim for a considered it 'Those W'it' k \\'righl'M lying proclivities will not pay 1111101 14 l,'tlt 44,11 t.. the N.•1s'm 4,1111. 1'....ildc \\'right ronsidrlr it :1 .0,,,111111 thal the I.ilw•r:11s will not pay for dirt' work whi1.• lie gets his salary right along from the Tories. Certain newspapers affect to make nervy at the expense of "his r•yer- en01" of Thr Globe, but the lurrrilt,•nt is clearly ,Is4lnurd. \Ch.•n the op - Ilea al in 'i'1.r411t'''M j''nrnalisl i0 eileles took plus at the beginning of 1110 year I h,•1'• was sonde doubt as to The (:I,,iN•'M hying able 111 maintain i1M snptr•nlaly in tIo• lo•wsiaper field, hot Ihat doubt has been Ih''ruughly dissipated, Th.r I:Iohe is a teller paper than hl et et 14 as before. The elegant c,•Ihiage in which the edht''rial ideas were ft'lnn•r- ly disguised may Ie unis4iI'g, hal the 11111r1,'', nee shorter. 111011' ', 4(411Illlm :Old 'sallied NMI fill of pnrIMso% and The I:I,.4 ' is • • fully than ever filling the plat, ''f a 14141e1. of public npitti''n :unl 11 tribune of the people. N' doubt a iii ' share of credit for the improvement is due to the ne•4e uunl- agi%gelilnl', te10 M.rnl4 til Ice in the haply )eosin''*, of the 1111111 Who has f.mod his work 111 the lcorld. N\'' publish 111111 week an n.1dt1•%s given at the ''t'gnniz/l1i al nl,..titig of the Canadian 4A•ngnr for ('iv -i,• hn- or, v,•mo•nt. The speaker gave mane cxluable hi11t$ which might well he Imbed to account in the further tw•,n,4ttv,ng of ''n1' own town. An npl44mt1lnity for improvement which wee have r n n•g140te1 f''1' yeas in G011- .•, -i01 .'xistsill the harlIm park, 4.'r '1141• continually herring remark,. Igen) its... ...unlit ion fr.gl people who 1 leer That a. •thing it not .1 • to sink.. it 111w1', attractive. It would .-.144 very lilt.' (n ina11gm'8te M plan est' nnpr0yenu•nt whi0h could lie r;ua'i,.l ''n front you' to year until the park would he one of the 414 'tthe•at slots in the lountr'y'. A person doesn't Ms.i to he t','t'y old to remem- ber 41vh,•n 111 S,1ua•e Waw not h het ter- looking 4411an R hack yard. A sysfemelt 410hroe of improvement. in.luding the planting of 411111, trees and the cutting out of "they+, and a few year'.' 4411e• W Use all that w•s•r• needed to make it the delightful ata.4 it now ie. 4'Nnnot a like 14ntwe Iw' taken for the hrantifying .1 the hat'Iwm dark :' Hr•tw',. a clone.. for the nlrnitlme (if (Mr parks 0omtnithe i... earn the gratitude of ,'(,ming genet.. 144IIIII$. \1'14.11'11'. Bohlen refused to glo• any credit to the Lilw•ral tariff policy for lyesllal111', parlepM•1'ity 141141 increased U'xde, ,tittiii,g I hat the Lade of other count ,'ies Ilan increitaed in like 111411 - nor, hr Wasn't nuking any flu.. r,lru- laliun,, 1144 it Nr11'. According to offi- cial figures, l':Meda', foreign trade ,i lse.• 44),1 has increased 1441.44/ pp•Y yew.. Japan's MOM, A'ustralia'n 112.21, 1'uittsl States' ISMS, and so ou•l41w't the list. Penult leads the procession 111 increase of 4114411. 4.11111' she *(4141441.%1 a 111Wer tariff. 1'rotts.t. th,lt'i.'s dclu't carry •h weighs in fare of flu' (arts. 111 Ili, speech on the l.ulgel land w,vk Sir Iti,•lu11d Cart right hull SI lam• fru 4'it11 4Ile a1y(tuml•t11 of Ah•. Bohlen that the Canadian fa1'1,101- Nils bring injured Iy h iiiiii use importations elf agrh(111- (url plaallrls from ti,.• Plaited States. Said Sir Iricharl : It i, quite true, Auld 1 make hila it t' al ile 1111111 iIt11 r 1 ll. 1 .. '' th 1',t . Inc rut f ,(,(,,hilt of llltiahle gt.tls coming lnlder I hat head 4 !dell %Vt. 1tag101'led (10111 the 1'11ite1 States •111 the year 114442 4.;1, wouethiug like t1'.',ht,IMMI,IMMI 1,114 ..f what 111,1 that consist ? I will give the 11''1111• our item. perhaps th.- largest. \\'r iln4co•t.Yl flow the Prided Suttees in 110r2 w •thing like $ti,t4C),144M1 worth of wheat, au11 4.'r ex- ported ...Mlle $7,1 1:i,111111 worth. to the great (letrium•ut of the fusels.'l'xn: ala. 1lil't'1nlnetlt cheers.) N e lit- 'm)1'tel (1'1.111 the United States 111 1111• N1111e• 111%1111111 ,1 VII HO t- tl( other ar- ticles, ,onoruling in all to $11.1:i2IMM1. Of these we 11•0rx11,111441 :1111.Mt entire- ly to England $1.,O:LiMM1 worth. leav- ing of dutiable ' 4,4 ides 141 Inch may be slid to It,Ito• entered 10 11. 41(,, 1•Xtellt neo co1111N•lilh''n W it II the 1111141/1/'111 of our Immo, 11 Hatted' of $41,11411.111111 wort 1. Now, I Wallt (n gu m e1' then• 11111/4 n'l11 i111144 44 little in detail. I want to .how' how' lea't•ibly the fu•tul•tn in Canada have 4,,.•n 111ttad1/'appw41 by th11s ilbi...Oation of 4vhirh he speak,. Thu first important item after Ilr•ad.tltfs is fruit, of which we imported $1.1147.41111t w,.1'( It. 11 aelert'e 14,4' hat (41,44911 t'xreed- iugly' large peteentag1fe runsisINof nl',I lig- es which it Nan u1) IIIImhi %l•ry' 1111144 to 111,•41et1.11111•11t of the farmers 0f Canada that tv.• should import. I I4tetgtit.'1' ,old cheers.) The next largest iters. nearly three-quarters 'f a lnilliun. r''11sid, ..f rlti.iu., .'url-:t11., 31111111111% 111111 p1uue4, 1%1101 141.11• a1%11 kill. n't- ed, very much f, the detriment of the f:urel. of l :411:411. who, I x111 ladled, Ince of late gots.. Ill•gely into the lnnnld' more 11f 114i,ins, 1111111114.14 and J11110114, I1.I.uI litltghter.4 In i, final analysis ,Ideon the and ,1 half millions only of the imports of agri- lillm aln'N1u4ts :111.1 " • I% ,11111 111,11 1111 .1111'11, (111111 the 1'1ite41 Stat.•% lila g11 into rompetitiun with the farm products of (',111,41,1, while we 111 ttrn sell the United States ,about $:I,IMMI,lNN1 of 411111111/1' prolu(t S. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Ta TaI Si. Man. Sine.• The G,tl,•ris h Signal p*ew%I Wider the ...Writ! of Nes.(,,. \':Hatter and 41o1.•rtwm. They have greatly 1m1- plyol its tyls.gn,philll appearance, 441111st Illallltaiiii Ilg its other features at their usual high standard. The new proprie•tols evidently have busi- ness exexperience. energy and enter- prise : tie three E's that an• n.ceMmary to living 1111 "IgM\' street.- and we wish th.•.,, .111(1•.% ill their vent ills., Cannel Tell His Own Name Right. Toronto Star. N'hen the. Maul ft'oml N,tnitnnlin. on IN•4011111g hi. evidence, said his 11x1114• was ptonsunrrd Gay-ne, n''t (l*nlnly, the r'nttrkel that if the.,rest of his evident, were not more reliable' than this w',,o,1d not pelt ntH.h faith in him(. In Grey comity 111111 Nfnlitllolill 114I11111 the name is always jInntouucnl •Y:a Yesterday in a •t it N'N, 111.1.illell 1 1111 1 111:11 1111 mv1tl,1atl4ft shod(' I.• used during the Iuil,uee of the pr.•eelings. They will not 411'11 accept his word 1144 411 the /t 'i- NtloIt 111 4114 tw'll 1141111•. It' 4144, It'011 discredited clog% in this. (Lit' -tat• was an alias. The World Owes Him Up. Toronto lyorld H ',maert alit, 1 The \\'orld i. an strong NM ever in the belief that the Gainey "hnr•ges have substantial foundation. It is re- luctantly (need to 1lie belief that the m:ul ti 110 ,made 110.9,' ehat•ge% i% 11.4% worthy 4 his earlier act' s•enu%1 to (nark hint. Ah'. Gainey appears to 11• ,s'l'at l0 ltt 11141 moods 41111 gl'tlel'al 1'1 111111111. If seems to have sold him- self t.. the (:o41,'t•IIII11'lll, or entered into ,In ngreemelit (11 well himself t.. IIr ti'')ernlnent. There is s • r•a- snn to It•lirt'r that he reeh'wI e than $1,:.lM4,.. the pt'ir•1• lef his prnn- ised desert hon from 111e Opposition. \\'helhl•r he and Pis Ilk Sullivan dichd- ed $„,IWMI instead 041 *1.$I. ,14 MT. (ohne}' alleged, o1 whether Frank Snl- licall y(,'t less than half. 111. 111Ihlrll(, I% 1111/11111 which cannot 1e deterntn,•d 11 1 i11i/ stage of the enquiry. At ant' rat 0•, it 114111,1 very much 144 if R. It 11411ley 1x11% bought with N larger amount than he specified in him public statement. The conduct of alt', Gamey in connection with the hank deposit slip finds n4 shadow of rx(uMe in the eX /111h' which he has 4.4..1..41. Illt i,.c.tntentiot that the de- pNlsit'MII)l w'RR his own property 141 top, absurd to require ennMideralitn. 'rhe tinkering with the hank deposit slip von. the action of a.f'«'4 or a turn who WAS trying to(ir'e•r up his weaknemm. . Spring Song. nods of 1Ile eller,'`q mitt Ilea4h and pl Nlnw'ly to tw•rfer•t IILI•Mnm r•onle! Eden-Rke a{gllrhloral... lInger Inng, %%'heM ye l int Ill• enn-a, mrd key Ihr For n hen yunr beatific. have nl14'nld W Ido, .1rtIst anti poet and 14(1l1.4,, That Ih1 tot ply things of the fresh young Mn' t Hist r Wrenn/id to rilp•new. and 1 'hl%1 deeny. W'b,d., move eohty, Mat yr shnnkl blow I), er the May time the Ihonghl of ...now ; i', 1'n' htnswal that light. the spring. Ily away with .4 tartly w'Ino. l'hlkihrwd of Nat,ro, Why, far more, IM 1 cling to titre than 1 clung herire'4 14 It 11r.•n,ise 1 and `(410W 44,14 aid 1 11.141 tiltday-. with n lynch. and hold Ikw'ause the rurfrw of IMI' has rang. Ido 1 .lily' in beauty 0, fresh and young! I. If ermine! aril nearing the night. 11rwve w4 keenly thy preebium light f Bather, If ,.raring 4a.•rnml to -, t'hy do l dealt boa m.M.4l M*'? Vet sn I dn. fedi 1 hnkl It fast, Inst UNI -,wm It he est etymon. 'hiklh,,wl of Nat are 1 1oc1 thee an, With "IMO gnMlging I let thee ;fn. For 1 Irl In nn- heart n moistly. pain %1 hen 1 by hods ane n year at,'ny 111111111 • 4'harlol le Flake Rotes, In The f littk.lk. 11.'n4htian \\'414 makes yet ml nam d.• '1.•••f Inn wasn't mtuat.•, ale 111,411 ? Mx 4'alldidt14• 4444 ell, it'. like 11', I didn't r'ui'n Fit PIM many vlylAst as 1 paid ter. 1►at . s11. THE WEEK AT OTTAWA. Speeches on the Budget High Tariff versus Low Tariff. Sir Richard Cart -.let's Reply to 114 Opposi- tion Leader Mr. Tarte Reiterates His Belief in Protection Reciprocay or Re- taliation is John Charlton's Platform Is There to be a General Election Soon r l$l.v'i,d ,v,nr•.L,uJ,-urr of The S,gnxl., 011'14',1, April 31. Y,Irlinna,•ut Hl - tingly' paid ids tribute of honor and respect lo the memory of the late LieuteuMll-Ouvernur of Ontario. Sir Oliver M4wal, Ude Premier muss the leader of the llpl1l,itholt speaking f1)%' the House of Commons anti Hou. Mr. Scutt, S.•,tetary' of Sale, ,bud Serllur Nlit ephers 11 for 1he potato, 11114 R11'11 \1111 ON •1'114: Isl'1M:Itir. Sir Rirhxrd ('at'( w11ght resumed the debate on the budget, replying to Alt% Borden. Although Sir Rieh,11d was not quite MI Militant :1s fnrmi•tly, it was because of his graciousness rather than R lad ease, ,a. the Opposition members try to male out. 110 Nile e (11 Ms- • h ' 1• Iradw t f Il. N .• •, 1 Ua fl,ltl 1 1 t FI It.,11, w Ito was constantly referring to him thloughuul his speech, and regretted that tier %la1e,14 taVrellt 111 111111 tour iteeeptiug his kind invit- ation to I1•1.1y' to the budget. Hr fell for his hurl. flirted, and offend hila tome '&tillable ppointets, which were tincll11111 walla little irony. There watt this differ,,,, be•tw'e•11 Alt. Ikad,•1t'4 speech :4,1.1 that of the lit. Hon. Minister of —rade and Com- move. that Air. Horde!' s was as 111111i - fully pt•r'funtttery rue, while the Inter runt ' I 'h sound flnasteia1 in(.11'111Mhill :11111 While. 1411.1 111•(1111' he eat duo t l.1' had made short work of the 01 leader's fallacies, /11111 11(,441,• 11 h:41'ler t haul ever for the l'lnw•rt al it es to get their pinclella' ler 1 h Government. Speaking of the theory ''f etlriching the f11•neI. hi by gh u, 111.1:1„,111t...1161114 rk- ed 41f::,1111,1,4:1.11.1 n1 11f The JMI,IMMI,IM11'iffI of heal gnlw11 ill (',uua11911111' d 1,.MM1,444Ml Iu,h,•I, were 0''11,11111e1 Mt Y(41111e, 11111111 I he 11111:1111, had 1,, he disposed of 4111 1111 1'1111/,1 f.tding with all rat' . Far this r14Mn1 the present duty of 1'2Ar. Icer !mallet 4111 wheat was 1144.111414, II had not ruhanrel the valuer of wheal a lithe, The .41111e might i1)• said of rhe•M•. \Ye produced $'1JI,IMMI,IMN1 worth and ,'4111,,.111eI but $2.111111.0,111. I1igh tariff was not the f11r ,ret. hope. It was merely a retch phrase dressing himself 141 the iinntifx,t ,'ere, who wattled the duties r.aisd 1e•auw• .( the e1) ' g depression, his 1441411,,' 111 [114.111 wets to depression, 111 tom -11 with their bank ulxnagets. maintain n geoel n•.w•1-ye•, sol recklessly nyel'•pin.1ii't'vel to .11044• a glut 1)11 tIle market, and Ie, tarn the slack years togood account by preparing for the good times to follow. If they heeded that atl'i,r•, they might then have weigh) in again appealing to t111• (4,,y1•,. •111 w'IIi.'ll had its hand 1.n the public p111.e. Regaining Canada's disty to the Empire, he said flu• most ',*Mehl,• coon -don' Ne could make w'ad to develop our military str•ngt1* 411 its highest eficienry, :uud that was the polity of Sir Frederick H.od.•n. He said it would lir the 1111411 ,IT,%•tit'.. and :at the wane time the cheapest plan. MI(. T\HT4:'4 $PEEc II. Ah'. Clancy and Hon. Mr. Tarte tont• at the same time and Ah'. Tarry was given the floor. He Was 1111 loll -,11111-11111 prlee at ; 144• 1, 14.' e1 and .e•l1r41 that Canada's industrial position would Ii, mar!• impregnable 1.•,- that policy. 11, his l ther•...old be nn t w0 opinions :alwmlt it. \That (umld 10• ,,wire - Simply' ntaake it inq.lsMilldr or of 1.4.4 unptoflUlhle for foreigners to sell 10. 11, and then w%' sur tall chi n111.•y's belching out clouds of eloquent I.1akk smoke. our mills x11 r ' g hill tilt new 011114 springing ttJl all '4141 they wu111d have 40. \\ a would lust',• 1'Ronda (nn 4'HuadinnM. \\',s1.1 not that patrt/lir 4titntw• worthy of w wo'rifl1,•? Our impwu•tr world coati,' down ker-,-hunk. Of course then' %%arida be less t1•vetme. That was a wwrnolary consideration to the vital: end iIII 'f 1%11• 11111t0'l• • 4 principle. \\'r would lav ,• the luxury of paying a pr'i.e equal to the additional did N ell, what ,,1 it ? the (,lain thing was to kr.. / b11.y. What 0111' Inlsner• Wanted 111,1 was work, 111,•y wo111d Is• sl"lnr'v they would have nolhue to think .If tariff. If their plllr•Ila.iIIg power Neta diminished that watt ,all an incident, the rnanufa,tiitr•rs would get it IN'anada edittld equal the United States. They had bi,4 trusts and c 1111- 1 's. we must not lag behind. The high tariff 441844 the thing to create 11. - *141 1101 satisfied with disewt$itlg this question 4'1411 the (ether parts III the budget. ire gave not 111. 111 his int'n lion to nlnye n net luti.n, the 4•na.•1 went of which wait to mettle the question of our industrial s4rnrity 4' 4114• satisfaction. if not to our altallll :age. MH. 1'41.4RhTtN'44 Then .14,hn Charlton tecst•.led h , ci44141,. Mr. Tarte watt all wrung. A year had snm4ed to veer the mender for North Norfolk fr Ivtalhal4r' 1114%4111.14 to nnlr'atHet.d reciprocity. It 44114 no ('ane' for rept 'I fora n1:41, to (+lo • his 1. Ile W1114 inde- pendent and that w'a.. his privilege. The (roy4rnnle•nt had taken the proper c1.ur•w• considering the interntlhalal $Iluat• . 11.• tt'ail in favor of giving the United States another •h,,n(4', a. wee did Germany Inst. yenr. This was 441 he undrn.twtl by Uncle Sall. HM his bud chane... NO matter whit were their trade Ihl9mie4, the liberal Gov- ernment he thought would he JuRtifit'd ' in playing the 1)inglet' OTHER 441'4:4:('IIF,M 4iN THE TARIFF• Theo Mr. Clancy spoke. He ha. a Oct ilre of the next political nap with n4 H4thwe'I4 nn it. The pt•nptr are there, hnwet'er, and he Juggle) and 4.w i44fadt the figures of the Fin als,',• Minimt'r in a manner that t have surprised hirllm'If. Thia was for dis- tribution to his cot,MUtta•rlta, He (sada v1` 1 la written x r1'm them i u ro lar lett',', but it wend.' have twwn devoid 4f '•Alt•, Speaker" and "4.'h',', and 41111414941'ntly insipid reading ntlt- t•r. He wanl,'.I R high tariff. The l,w4t.rinn. ih'. Sproule ales, had his eye on the Speaker and the empty Ieneh.'s, and him mind on Fast (irny when he spoke. Ile, too, wanted the tariff met est the "adequate !mote( - inn" mark. He didn't may whether it w'nR the' m,tnlltorturer or the eons ,r W110 Wam f1) deride what was •'14de- gnnt"." If make's little difference, however, HP he Will have no chancy to share out. &seal policy, 4,. it. Heys, ,A i,ndon, 0,,tn1. next, Ile had the attentive ear of r41ert' Mind*tee present., while the Prouder kept. him eye on the Opposition to nee i1, effect. Mr, ileyd th"Iighr it Alfa 1' • enough to deal with tronttle when, It 44111/• t.1um. 11 w',4. yet afar •. Th.• tariff ea,, wmiciae sati.fRr- tnril• under present i.ndi(1n.. ' He had N little (Kith in ptod.w•fion dining M Iw•t•fwl of dehtdss,ien Intlwould not triad it to the ears• of the `cotgat't'w- ilrlw• Aexedautk lit. Blain, of Peel, Iltgen 1.) Maintaining 4111:at the N. 1', wan the tardy •atJae 111 tsar plwNrrlt Klaad tittles. '1'11 read Huy ('ou1*rt'14tn'e ba*1gt't Nlwrl•h f1' tri 114)41) tl ItAtil will give the Naulr 4t•4t•k-iu-U•wlr at•g utt44•ut1 ua,vl ley the twit her for 4',vl. Ile walled %III' (I1'1 1Iw%d. l'Ro'1'i'l IJ UNPOPULAR 1N TUE wlttrr. Mr. ll r, of Alberta, c4ugrat'datd the 1.1V5rn11le11 on hat•irg fittest "pat- a ,.l the 11sarufatet111er., 111• ...ides.. he h,441 told (4.4,1,4 of the li41y- er •stem 4•apitillttlug. The \\'est would taus stand for an upweatr1 cini11u of the tariff. The prairie um•11 Inn) all winter to Hgun' out the elle, % of x tariff on coul.rtalilir, and their de- ductions were it favor of a low tariff. It was a waste of t' ' to try Lu Io11- viuee them otherwise J.41o•l 11,linsol ever kola before hilt the fact that it et mt'4 11'*4 per mill Illy to talk it the 1io11w• 1411(1 w•ao a,- 0utrlingly brief. He waned agrit•ll lural ilnpl,•menlr, ph44•e1 on the free list. As it w'ius now, the manufacturer w'ws the 111)1,' Iwncteixry of the duty. He wanted the G everttrutIL to divert sone of the English 'grants to Ontario. \'trwn11an, of 1.indwl_y, had his spet•1'It writt4•11 down, x1111 ,•yell (hell its delivery would in euulpartstln put le ub'I vel 1. o J L 1 I( 1 1 a in the front •x11 f rank orator.. The main point Ile 111x111• was that the G,)e •111 should introduce free mail deliyl•trHe said that then the Illy nn the furl would not have to go to New and hear the Iat,114 dirty. stories. 111 also thought rural tele. phone ex,haugeM would he here soon, with the electric railway lotwting the farmer's doom in a (..w ye,11s. Mr. Sutherland (Essex l will runt' • the debate on Altman y. 11e (belay is x seg• :w1w' hunt protection to r•t'enite tariff alternately !tell 1. he thaw. • Nl 1TNt1. 1'he N'ewt.•rn um tlllo•Is have another. grievance. Thi, (lull• it in the 1 Iver combine the Noel wM t. It 1 11.1441 letters . (tout Il. • 14. . l'. Luu)tel- Mills Association w herein they frankly stated that they would not well to any- one west ,1 ,• SI p''l41• n t flak Il 11 1 . xrrpt l.1 members of that 1111e,•iatitari. The prim Id 1 Iter foul been increased by VI per thousand feet. Ah'. Oliver Mskel Mr. Fielding (41 make the anti-41)tul clause of the tariff u41mtive at once, Ale. Fielding asked (ora test case. Mr. Oliver dissented from that i'luit'•- nlett. Htlweve•r, tilt. Pittance '414111.41.,',' announced that Hun. Nr. Greenway had in '1141 to du this. Mr. Borden and 1)1•. 41nr,ule wanted the 0r' ' 1 1.4.110 / I/11441, Me. Fielding pointed out that this wax x 1.a1• for the. 1atlot-u,•ys-g.•ueral of the IRot'incem affected. The name 41f Mr. 1). M.'( 111icnddy. of Giukei,h, 0. freely mentioned Int' 14 ,111.1./111,1 11. to NI r. 1k.t•r','H in the dislri- 11111in0( 1•w0111. Mr. Iitltto-ell has re- ,ignrll. \Yhat is considered n pretty good sign of x11 earl' general election is the (in.( that the leather trunks for the members of the next Parliament have ahwudy leen ordered. The Quebec 4,•gi,latur• pas goat• nut of it way to Inoyitle for the 111'41%41 Ill of the voters 111.11 1% 1 of the Province thin year ins(rtul 111' next. 1). N'. Ahs. Allw'rt Mug(4441 and het. sat N'illi4•, r•tllrntdl home• 410 ('ollillila 111/1 Sat 1111111y. after having x pllena:oil . i,it with her brother-in-law, Snpo•rin Iendent J. 11'. Ningbo -41, of Nt•wmt- elst44'n, ()hit, They ale... 41isit411 relatives at Niagara Palls and Hamil- ton. • Business vs. Biliousness. The man who is subject to biliousness cannot attend to business — biliousness demands all his attention. Bilious- ness arises from the re- tention of waste and foreign matter in the system, natures drain- age being clogged. r I 1 0 goes to the root of the trouble and eradicates the cause — persuades the stomach and bowels, in a gentle but insistent manner, into healthy action, Abbn%eclears the bile from the system in nature's own way, bringing health, a clear head, a clean stomach and energy for work. 1 1 • • WALL PAPER New Patterns ir—New Designs !land -painted Florentine, ,'mixed Velvets, I is, iwwther'1, Satin, silk find Ile(tr,tiye Panels,, Imitation Nat- ural W.o,l and Marble Pet wets. Also all grades of pretty at141 ar- tistic designs. F'1on1 (0 a roll t4 $:4. Inc fl.( first to offer Nall Papel' in el11r1I11r1at11111,4, N'1/ de•erate cant' 411414' rooms. We are ititnwlue- Ing em •ThinkK new in etT,'rla this sea- man FN4044' Pat lernm, t•ats•fi,lIy eth,ubd Silk Nnrl Panne Velvet l'att.•t•n,. (hit. F10n'ntine•rt and Stripe,. Mee nlat'yelm of i,•R11f t•. (11,1 E 111 h r o i d e r 4,, am! antique Textile',. all at very low (lint 411 N•lHl. \'Ce n• m'm'nt th,' lest nlatlufat- Inrer•s, anti If yid htt•nd to d4 Mny tits -ranting a Ilplk at Our Mantplrx h41 all we tank 441 ,4nvltu%• yon that we tbeld I.he pnw''wllltl this MeuMm. Kidd & Co. . 'Tfat iromplete Your new. Spring Attire i1/ not yrs complete if you have 'tot fitted yourself with A PAI It 41? 4TY1.I14H 4HOISf4 FROM OUR NA' It1,1. AMORTIC D STOCK Not only in the FINE I. 1 N IC S have ver the H E S 1' 11utk,w, but also in the 1)01,1.A It -F1 F'TY, TWO DOLLAR AN1) TWO -FIFTY LINKS The got Ill are all new and etre une=eellad in value. Each {air (ewe the stamp of�quality. A) 1\\'E4'I' POSSIBLE PRI('F:S ton- simt'llt with H I U H (1 R A I) R O O D I) 1 Try a pair of our MEN'S HUMBER H .E I' N H A L S. for every -lay wear. These shorn an• waterproof and don't get har4, It F: P A i R I N (i NEATLY 1)ON �. gowning The Stylish Garments that we aro turning out is evidence that we can give you the latest and correct fashions. Our garments are a pride to the wear- er, and in fit, make -111), style and goods we aro unequalled. all. Wo have the goods and the prices to suit FRANK H. IIA TIN TAILOR. CEO. W. THOMSON & SON MUSIC DEPOT Spring is coming Hunt out your Bicycle If you 1) • v e n' t one, cal around and we will sell you one, "Eacycle" "Brantford" "Crescent" "Hyslop" "Regal" "Berlin" etc. if you hare • Wheel and it needs repair we have everything need fnl in the way of Tires, Pedals, Rims, Spokes, Saddles, Enamels, etc. Our it'MARI DRPARTWRRT is in charge of • Repair man who under stands and can make right any ill that a Wheel is heir to. Our Musical inotruments still lead. "Dominion" Piano. and Organs. "Wormwith" and "Berlin" Pianos. Guitars, Violins, Harmonicas, Mandolins, Gramophones. 10,000 sheets NIusic—Voest and Instrumental. Write for a Catabgue. 6E0 W. THOMSON & SON J. BROPBEY & SON — TRR LRAnt40 — %my(o . DvYetkort (and Orden earefaily •'Iru/ed to w be.ra, angst or /ay. eeebee sweet. an The Division on bet wela g.t•e awl IadlM'raat Drury and Medial nee 1s atreaely &&Rawl kers. 114• WSW format Sled at. M.4. *oilseed and a.Yw pr.ri\t•d to 1*., pert N •sI► meet. Osly foods •f ..de.nt.d parlay an ,.1!..d to eatnrsers. 1)•r Wadi 1'f Proprietary Medi oldie to vary larva Prier ah k w, F. JORDAN MIIDIOAI. SALL. . pix. t IT'8 ALL RIGHT I and students may enter LZSTO et any time SPRING TERM b g/na March 30th. Two coarse*. tem' mercia and shorthand. Bend for col- lege journ,l, 0. A. FLIEMING. A. L. YcINTYKI:, LaROW IL, HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF ' COAL ALWAYS ON HAND licranionCoal IN 11111 11iARRIT Al OW weltate ea tete Parfitt Peons WINOS tw•YtMe& ION lea ter • ter WM. LEE. Ord... Ise N Lulls i BEIIMANYd Stare weeept4 asssldd W. Teti your Merchant You saw his Advertisement in THE SIGNAL