The Signal, 1903-4-23, Page 108 Tnvesnat. April 23, 19' 3 TIM SIGNAL : GODERiCi1 ONTARIO. This Store Contains an Ideal It is our constant effort to attain it, always seeking to better our best. Want to be helpful to you in your merchandising; want you to feel that your best buy- ing interests centre here, that for every dollar you spend over our counters you will receive a just equi- valent. THE NEW SPRING STOCK invites you. We are proud of our purchases, and feel confident that they will meet with your approval. Haven't been study- ing your wants all these years for nothing. Good Black Goods \11,1'tll•tN".•at 1•s net el' (.111(141 n .)111 on a 1 tailrr'. e• ter. Tile, were to •lectel with an eve to quality. to style, to gruee)ua width. and extra volar: th following ale honest speci- mens: NEV HI, UK VOILES. all wood. JI inches wit special at (tike yard, other qlu. 'ties $.ie. $LIMI $1.225. EXTRA F1tl1It FINISH BLACK BROAIX'LI I, wide width. al. ready shrnk, $1.IMt, 511 inches wide. /LEA VY BLACK SEROE, the kind you usually pay 1111.011 fol•, at 75'. SPEC! A 1, FIN ISH HI.A('K ('H K \' I - (Yr. the hem. valor out at $LIMI, Great Clothing Values 1V(• rousidrr lh,• W111(1 \7allle to 1K• a combination of ex( (-Hence of anality and I•*wni..ble eas of price, ainI when W. way great clothing values we mean an extremely low price attached to men'. x1111 boy's clothing of pies - [hosed x)1 t. I exewllencc. MEN'S SPITS. niely maelr, gold g, good Mtyle, /MOO, POW and SKIM, BOYS' SPITS for all *Idea. pries x,8 low aN SLIM up to $.),IM) aid $0.(11. MENS' and BOYM' SEPARATE PANTS. MEN'S STYLISH RAIN COATS for spring wear. thor iighly w'atermss)f. $10,11) and $I2.1M1. lewving your cash with us assures y1(11 of d baud. •walw pie , given free on nhMws of different amounts, the larger the amount the better the pre ' . Ribbons and Trimmings New Wef%'Ph. 111•W tailors, better vA111/a, s1e•lal fancy reek ribbon, at Ilk• vd. t NE1V DRESS TRIMMINC), in black Anel cream mwlxlliunum, new braid. new (irnauht'nts, fano 1de yd. to UAL PHKITY I.AI'ES. low prices, new tbatgtls. front .K• Yd. to $1.(1) ytl. EMBHOi 11EI1I EM. extra valtw, goyid edges, 11 incheM wide. At 11(1 yid. Dress Making Department \1'i11 t.'k.• tom olt11•1. shave yo 1 luta of tone and trouble, make ag( dlsty- li.h garment, satistu•tiun nteeil. l'lillinery Department 1f /You ever had occasion to cake eimitstrisimis between this millinery store and the bet that exists (subside of it., you are buying your millinery here. It would be remarkable were it otherwise, for we are certainly em- bodying re style and noire quality into our tr. et' hats- the retp•e•tive pricer conNiderel--than any other umillinery store in the county twen1s able or willing to. • -CHILDREN'S. MILLINERY, right tip to date, stylish, wearaltle styli•.., low' prices, Smith Bros. & Co. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. I Wick'. turn Cure reliable. dlr. a bottle. ( enlist I)ntg ettnrr� This 1. the 1114 to order your rail) un,mer teaming. F. J. ham Maar. makes st )Il..h This 1. the llye garment.. Iteu,enlber 08(1 Monday, May'Ms. win 1* H.by lav q/ H. HSallow.' pMen t,MH0. tering along/the bride.. to hate their Oct uses ht*en. _�_� The. Hi!4yal Templar. will hold their nisi • monthly meeting next Mon- day t. G . 'Pretty is excavating for a sG and 'a half dwelling on Mt. iii'. strut. Edward Hays Is having his house on t. Patrick mt.. raised and a stone fnnnIntim] placed underneath. The Detroit Joni -mil is now welling flower 8(8.41. at • peony a package. Fall particulars art will lie (mind in that Fab'l'e We learn that Rev. Mr. Salton. of Hamilton, is mita-ming ire health )reit i. noW able to Mit rip A little wh1Yc\ every duly. The inItllatien of the recently -elec- ted officers of the Woodmen of the World take. plata- next meeting night, Friday, May let. Mrs. James I :rtigie, William .tenet. has had x *every at•tc•k of infest,. the. week. We trust to learn of her speedy recovery. An eight -page supplement to the )1111414• library 1•M(al,.glll• IM heIng is- sued. Th,• I11•W Iwwaks comprise n wide y.t iety Of literature. ladies and gentlemen who take Millers ('1•111)t 'ond Ism Pills always grow younger in emir« la 11 re and spirit.. For male by Jam. Wilmot). The outNide work on the ognn foe- Gn•y Imlkling i. couydeleal, 111111'1 ' •t•v ix being installed. and in a fete weeks the factory Will 10• in r11nn1ng o.l,r. Geo. Aeli. n )Il iN at'rnuging (01' material for the cvonMtvclio( of the new Banknf Montreal building but the leek of brick is likely to delay operations wm)lwhnt. Only two nlemb•1's of the (inl ('Int Wine pm..rnt est the th•Nt of the weekly .11(.1(. List Friday evening. Next shoot take. Sialic at half-Iw4Mt mix this Friday eve g. :UI IIvew of the gun invited. Mit. Lewis' many friends will hear with the deepest pest egret of her arond accident a few days( ,ego. Another flacture 1Me•tlrrd, a couple of inches above Mie of the former breaks, Piet A' *h1' Was recovering 111c'l', Gen, W. Wand... of C11101111 111. And Major .111.4, Reck have leen doing woo d work in town in the interests of the Inde w•tulent Order of Forester' dur- ing the limit week. moulting in right new m11m11w•Is being added tot llourt (ilslerich. No. 2.1i3I. 0. F., butt (Wed- nesday) night. with the pets ort ox f smother of (othersbeing added 111 a short time. The regular monthly meeting of the 1'71114 will be held next T.eslsv evening. A. Mel) Allan heft on Mondan• aft•r- n,w)n again for the lower Provinces to (continue his work in 1'40nme,tion with the preparation of a report for the Government on the fruit shipping in- dustry. Mr. .111sn It also intersat :1 in 1 'gl•atilm. having met 111A nv rt1- Kpwtive. inuuigrents in every wsl1 of life when in the Old Country recently. While waiting at a side station on the C. P. it. a abort t.' ago Mr. AIInn heard his name 1'a111v1 a11.1 148)18ingq n 1 IMtw one of his ronvette to the•otutiM1- fthw of thin r)unt,ry who maid, "You age i did emir to Canada after all, Mr. Allan. An 1 told you 1 infold sl Woreerhatnpt ah." CHURCH NOTES. Thin evening Bev. Pr. McKeown. of !Smith -mil. win preach on the wlhj,rt, .Christ our Only media few of sal. Hie feiA•ieltip Bishop Rahlwin will g+hwinlstet the t•i'e ut confirmation in St. George's " church on Wednesday eve g, May lith. Service at half- ppult 7 (hi Tuesday eve g next the K )- wo•th League of \:141xim street Meth- oelist church will have x pleasant entertainment in connection with their mne•ting, in which Mina (Mum, violinist, of l'lint..oq,:and local talent will take part. Owing to the illness of leer. A. G. Ilart•is, Uf l.lrknow, who was to IK't•npy tin- pulpit of Ninth street Methodist church last Mnndav,the ser- vices were conducted by Rev. F. J. Oaten, of the Amhfleld circuit. Rev. Or. I) ' •1 preacher at Lucknow, 111111n lodge, No. (rl, 1.0.0. F., will celebrate the xnni%esar•v of the (minding of (hldfl•Ilowshi1 in America next Sunday :by attending divine ser- vice ill 1'i,toria-14. Methodist church in the morning. The brethren are re- quested to Met in the hxlge room at .an. The Woluan's Minion aly Society of Yllorth street Methoiliat church gave a teak in the lecture noon of the church un Thursday evening last. The affair N'!l' •11 e•njt IVIYI 'ole these• w•11(1 att•ndcl1'trcwling the serving of left a 1ca1 and literary program was rendeed. A fluty hours' devotion wvas con- du,•ted at St. Peters church, begin- ning on M lay and ctnclnlling yest•rby ening. c Rev. Fr. Wt. es was,anointed by Rev. Fr. 1'innnmrnut, of Clinton. It,•v. Fr. Noo)nan,of Dublin. and Ret-. Fr. Northgr•avts• of Sea - fort h. eanforth. Rev. Fr. (Irian', of Henson, was. '41 to deliver addresses Imo w•nM unable to he pies•utowing teen severe 1ttu'k of la grippe. On Tiles - evening Rev. Fr. Noonan preach - 191 on the subject of "(.mfeimio11" and on 1Vcdn slay morning Iter. Fr. Northgqravesspoke 1n the "Sacrifice ofthe Matter" The meting orf the R worth League of North street Methodist church Tuesday evening Wain part ieularly Of a ,.lino and eltertaining character. A pit.*/rain of vocal and instrumental music. nvitwtion8 and n dialogue wax p!renent81, in which Miss Knox, Mins IMtlor, Miss ih•ydg.n, Miss I.t•w•itt, MIMM 1Lo•Inud, the Mimes 'Allis, Mt•. Cooke, Master (nil Mem. ik•an. Mr. Allis, and in the dixl)gl14•, "Why \1'r Never Marry," Nellie Colborne. Ir •4'ant•Inn, Edith 1'unfired, (hely,Whitely, Nellie .lamirnim, Kat by McOillrcuddy, }try lirvdges, Thos. MiOIllieuddy. Roy Thnet son, Aralen Aitken, Owen Mltiilliouddy, Tlus.l'18(for1 and William ('antelon tow.k part. Thr b•r1 were all rend- erMllin an effective Manner and m•ve•nl well-d,'s'rvid cncumn were given. M. W. Howietl, president of the League, occupied the chair. a1141 11)14(1,' an ap- propriate aeldrePa. At the n InaiIn of the program the young ladles and gentlemen of the 1engne aervetl n'- fn'Mhmentn, of whirl A large 111111111er partook. The Al1erldnne WAS hm•gi•, and all appeared to enjoy the enter- al 'lit' _ NO KNIFE NECESSARY. meshes Draper Preset b, Experience that Dedd's Kidner Mtn will CuM doom. liristd, 1'. Q.. April AI. 4Mlwcia1.l Reuben 1 b-iw'r of this place i5limed - Ing twoatica*t, the good news that the operating knife is no longer neceseary (0 1.1111• that 1(1)18. dte•,ub9l di8(sse•, gravel. Mr. Ih•alter war taken ill with gra vel and two dlotioty, consulted failed to give 1 ' tidier. Ile was *d- elme■1 to try Il4old'o Kidney 1911.. Hr did at and of the Deem, hewer' : 'lust • week sftet 'farting (44 use Ilethl'. Kidney l'i1l1, I pseeed A 14(411)4* AN large MN 11 441118 II bean, and four !Wye *Stet 1 pen • slued the size of A grain Of Iwt-ley. This gave me relief and I began to 18.1 oodles' awl gnitt s1 r•ngf h. "That happened four } eels ago, sold 1 haul• had no ',turn of the trouble since," PERSONAL MENTION. Thos. Mitre returned to Btantfu on M lay. Mitis Sophie St•w•tan has taken p. tttl at Clinton. Owl. Ellwer.,III matte a wit in to again the pull week. F. W. Duty returned on Saturda from a trip to Petiole*. \1'itlte•r Buchanan, of Toronto, witill ttwm during the week. Wm. Kirkbride and family left th morning for Vancouver, B. C., thrl tatter home: Mitre Kate Herd returned to town haat Friday after spending the winter in Toronto. Master Otway Hayden spent a two weeks' holiday in Rtdgetown, returu- inK this week. Miss Ethel Adrenin was in Toronto last week to attend Ute musical festi- val etc Massey Han. Ke th )lorton k•ft last week for Prince Albert, `4wk., where he will run a lather shop, *'apt. A. M. Mhephgrl left yemtrnday morning for Duluth to take charge of his boat for the' station. Austin 1'hisho m left Monday mottl- ing for Arthur, where he has a posi- tion ill A printing otnce'. Ilia Vales r•turuw1 this week after A three tits' elan. to her sister. Mn,. Nelson, in RIdge•Gown. T. 1', %%'right, of the Notdheiu)er Pismo k Minot- Co., London, has been .pending a few days in t4w'u. Mien Maisel Farr wits h for Kaat•r from Alma Collergge, lit. '11 as, and returned ton her8141(1ies on Montt)-. Miers Jeanie Robetwos ,n hreturned from Wall aceb)r where she was e l teing, and will rat for a few months. Misty Je ' • .laudine left o71 Monday fur Indian Head, N. W. T. Mhe wear+ accompanied by het: mother as far as Toronto, Mr.. Paterson, of Uxbridge, was the Burst of Mr. dud Nix, Cie,. Acheson for .1 few days, returning home int e Wednd ay. Mr. and Mn.. John Salkeld, who n were at Inn,duvisiting their daugh- ter. MIK. Jos. Merrett, returned leen.- lust levelling. M. (1. Cameron, M. 1'. 1'., left 1(n 'I'urwlay for Toronto to lesuuleattend- amce at the Parliamentary session tel atter the adjournment. MIM. Will Green and two childnyt.areBc lrort Aad Anis, of Detroit, al visiting Mrs. (ir•een'M Mother, M1.. Bedford, Lighthoww ML I). McGillicuddy has been at Mil- lington this week for a few days onue• bunies. He has not yet quite re- covered from his recut severe told. Id TYSKA/AV, April alk tuctlun sale of Imuaet• hold furniture, tondo/dugs, s, e.: aloe a INdyy aty ; wheel : at the Tana, of the Mimeo 1.•0111! cuddy. opener of Klein ava mid Wellesley a1., w emrerwing at I *duck. Taus. 1.7 us ow T. auoUonw,r. ton AUCTION SALES. tt•su.rsepr soil Ti.. AAI. v April teeth mkt 31104 Auction Melo d M)u.a•M,kt furniture, furnishings and effect., belonging to the ...late y of the Isle IL ('. Mtltw•han, at reaid nee, cornet Wellingt.K, and I.Ighthoiw. '.tnv,l.,. rktle w 111 c.xluurnee web day at Ye to. 1'."t orUur & liars, .«,lacaturw fur e.Knte. Tuoo.,s tit's I Dar. *U1•tlm,0er. Is r Mrs. Rests A. Rastall and children, Reggie and Ruth.. .1 Brantford, have been visiting friends in. town during the paster holidays. They were the guest* of Mrs. (Capt.) «nn. Baxter, Lighthouse et. Anionic the passengers on Tuestlay morning it train were John Andrews and .8)715 and Henry Johnston, bound tl \\'imliprg, and H. B. Guest, whom• destination is Maple (reek, N. W. T. %Van. Burrows, of ShrppariUon, also left for the Neat. Mr. and Met. John McTavish, of Huron township, county of Bruce. acre visiting emendot and relatives in (Tinton and Goxlerieh. They retarnel to their home on Monday. %%•hilt- hen• they aver• the of guests their brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. Henderson. Chas. Ball. who was with N. 1). Reigt•ii• for a short tinny, has now a ss gll poaition in iwmdun, bring em- ployed at the new Manning Organ far - tory. Thio is the concern that was talking of locating in Giderich when the factory here was burned down. Jasper Nicholson is now with Mr. R4n1gt-ir. Stratford Herald : Mr. Robert Boyd is now on the O. T. R. run from Ooderich G) Stratford with Conductor Aum•brw,k, and -ed his family to (Ihsle•i -h rse•ntly: Mr. Boyd's friends are glad of the impn.)venrnt in his position ; though wary to have hint and his family remove from among us. Mem. Boyd was all active lady in the good work of the 11 •\1r tial church, having IMY•tl a member of the cthnir, *teacher In the !Sunday ach(N4, secretary of the lwdieti Aid and nee Mintel regularly in the decorating of the church. The H M ria* choir and ladies' Aid united to give Mrs. Boyd a nicely -worded addte)n accom- panied by a hendwonhr oak rocker. u•inr to her leaving Stratford. Moo. Hoyd will indeed be nonmed by ht•r late associaGs of the• Hottle Menoixl. G.Klerich will he the gainer from the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Iloyd and family. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Hick'. Itutd,s'k and \i;andrlke Hit- ters, lest and ,•11eap•st earring (4 • . In.•pktmake. taco pint.. ('IIK..1r TRIP To T'onoNTo, $I.51. going April ttth, returning rip to \lav Mb. F. 1•'. 1..(N"ItEN11!, town ticket agent. We Have just reeiv.M1 Mt the Maple tree? (Irociry a car of the best granu- lated anger, \1'e will sell at lowest p1•le•. It weir ply 7011 (sr Meller (4 barrel now before prie advances, (4. M. Ki.i.irrr. ire cream !tailors. For trite fruit juices and gcoal Imre Jersey iev' CPP/1111 go to the Victoria Restaurant, West street, Beet attention nntl every n'Iiuieite fur the public a fort. Fruit. rinlfIM•tiotle•y, tol.u'o and cigar.. ('. RI..\1•KM'rr. R, )mppriet)r. BORN. MKKKkTr. 1n London. on Mnnda). April bah. to Mr. and Mea Joseph Merrell, a soma MARRIED. KIINMT JIIHNMTON. - On April BKA, lank at the Maitland House, lbidet-kb, by Km. Ja.- A. %A derl.on, H. A., William Charles Ernst to Elizabeth Jolu,atal, both of (l dcrluli. DIED. LKTOI.ZEI_ In (1.sterlch, on 'nastier, April 31.1. MAO, Mary Veber(, wooed daughter of JILUICA (.. and A. IL LeToasel. Another Slash in Wall Paper 1,000 rolls new Wall Palter, cl(arieg at 4c per roll, vel.y pretty. 2,000 rolls new Wall Paper, cream, blue, pink 'in(i olive tints, 5c per roll. If you wish higher grade papers we have titeni from 1Oc to 50c per roll. Genuine Sanitary Tile Paper.}, suitable for bath- rooms, kitchens, e t c., usually sold at 50c per roll, our price, 35c per roll. This paper can be re -varnished, washed like a tile floor and will last a lifetime. Geo. Porter. 'Phone IOOB. HAND MACE DAILY TINWARE I have the largest stock of hand male Dairy Tinware in ericb, all made from ry English tin. \ W A Iso Eavostrough- illy;,(iaivailized H11M Iron Work, Metal ' Ceilings, Roofings, and Sidings, Fur- *: ning.acerl and Plumb- * Worsell's Spring "\\•ht• I Papa, volt gotthat, hat st McLEAN BROM.' it'' the kind they ore all wearing this spring. That'm the place where yam bought rimy new clothe8 ; and th:'t new 'suit you got the other day Rn8 made there, too. N ,Mn't it., Papa ?" "Yen. Johnny, that', just where they 1111 ('x1114, from, That's where I get all Inv clothing and furnishing,. They know their hnsdne,a, and their stock is right up to the minute." SEASONABLE GOODS A . M•cinl line of 4ustrian Collars. specially made for our own ern.1,• rind 1101.01.1001 direct. Newest Novelties in Easter Ties. Ser• the new Roxbury Tie. UP-TO-DATE TAILORING. READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING. Mc1.EAN BROS. ART TA II AdM and ivATTY HAMM. The Square, Ooderich. Spafford Cartoonist, amorist, lannosatald IN 11I TERTAINMENT OF Crayest y sad gamey .1 mo s- I 1 • 11'. MISS LAURA ACHESON, Violinist AND MISS EVA ACHESON, Soloist At Victoria Opera House ON '!' H F EVENING OF Wednesday, April 29 t'inlet dpaspur•s of III venires Camp SONS OF MC'OTLAND London Fran Prow : "He carried the Audi- ence from inure to gay and from tear. to biter lou, 1au11►tor throughout two hours of cnyon- 4sw, melts*' anal laude.'. Admission, 25c. Reserved .Seats, 35c. Plan of Hall at Kidd's Book Store. READY TO WEAR CLOTHING I Made up from goods in stuck - well -made, gloat -fitting gar- lurnts--a lot Netter than the or- dinary -at prices that will make It to your interest to BUY NOW. FINE (ot omp1ete Your new Spring Attire is not yet complete If you have nut fated yourself with A PA1It OF STYLISH SHOES FROM OUR WELL ANSORTBD STOCK Not only in the FINE L 1 14 11 14 have we the 11 E M T makes, but also in the DOLLAR- FIFTY, TWO DOLLAR AND TWO -FIFTY LINES The goods are all new and arra unexcelled in value. Each pair bears the *tamp of quality. THE 1..OWEi9T POSSIBLE PRICES con- sistent with 11 10 H ORA DE GOODS Try apair ofour M EN'S RUBBER 14 14 13 N BA L 8. for everyday wear. Thew show* are waterproof and don't get Yard. REPAIRING NEATLY DONK �. S6wning DUNGANNON. I At a tweeting of Huron Lodge, No. 3843, A.O. U. W. It was arranged to have a misting of the brethren on Sunday, 19th, to attend St. Paul's chuhcll to ha spetlel sermon by Rev. M. M. o!berg. The Clay waw llllrar1d Shone present werewell repaid for attending Th11t' en M•I It tN ittquent1101110111/011.r {ph re at went, and many of theme were in the illltlltdiat• rieinity, Certainly mimed an office.- . which should have provrnl of TAILORED SUITS great I, ncflt Gt thea ispintlaliv as well as Gr do the partwhich every lone narntlper h,w undertaken in his obligation toward his Ildge.--Geu. DT's A O40U THING. -A brand new and up-to-date stock of bots and sin we has just arrived at the Otxierich Bargain tore. and will he offered very cheap, We will ale, offer at this cheap sale about 3(11) aaeorted pictures some very choice ones. A11 for half prier. Alen A lot of lees and aline time, wakes w•., at & hargain.--J. W. Btuntzm K. A' specialty. Newest iWptrta- toms in file clothes. 1f you want something real wood, the place to get it is DUNLOP'S S t NEXT RANK OF MONTREAL. NILE. Our t)wnnulrn Mattbgws and Jack- man had McKenzie t Howell's fence builder one day this week. They haat IUD rids of McK, A H. heavy uptight tenor put up. It is called the Ideal. They Nay they never saw a better fence and are inure McKenzie & Howell will sell kola if it to theme who want a Hist. clams artkelr. GREAT IEJOVAL SALE AT THE HAMILTON NT. OHO('ERY AND PRODUCE $TORE <'Iaanw.nein11 Retarder April ra Kitt w hen we wilt offer theour truss- er,' emelt. onn4..tlltg d Ororerle,, Canned Gonda, Tea.., Coffees, Sugar, Hire, Tapioca K1,'ult and ('onteottoawry, 1an ner and Tea Sabi (*hp.w.rs sod Toilet Seto Potatoes. Apples and nonrated every - thir.g kept In a rsta1a.r Teary .Sark. We be W move, And we Teary tee moony staler .Lan tiN good... Rrerytelng rawh. Hauer and Sign taken aa mak. ('orae (weir and get a bargain. WILL. J. r'IORROW. (irEu!PworuE Ne 2S 1 HODG ENS BROS. NMI DOOR WEST et HAMILTON STREET. Travelers' Samples at Bargain Prices H EkE are some .Saturday bargains in travelers' samples. We clear- ed the dress goods and handkerchief samples of a big firm of man- ufacturers' agents. They were bought at bargain prices and on Satur- day we will turn them over to you at away below what they cost to make. Here is the list. Come in the morning for first and best choice. Dress Goods Samples Travelers +wu)plrw of black and cdomd draws goods, all double fold materials. lengths ; to one yard. Of wane them are two or three alike. Ltudgast. cashlrlrr.n, sedges *IA fancy mated*ls. Goods worth from 35t• to $1.16 per yard. liseriog the ga111plew 0*) Sat- urday at your choice Ilk or Three for Twenty-five cents. The Handkerchiefs For quick selling we have divided these handkerchiefs Saturday put them on sale at 5 and 10pts each. Sample Handkerchiefs, IOc Travelers' maniples+ of fancy- lawn and linen handkerchiefs,-heust.it'hel with drawn work, lace trimmed and fancy embetridetd. All Irish manufacture and in perfect condition. Handkerchief. (hat would mill all the way unto 2rocand 31k e.( h. Clearing Saturday at each 1(k or Three for Twenty-five cents into two lots and on Sample Handkerchiefs, Sc Travelers ol moo e. lawn and linen handker- chief,. hetnstit'h..I ,and plain edge* Julien and gentlemen's ,1411.•., nIMP,'1411) in this Int, worth from Me to Alt:each. Your ehuice on Saturday at ,each Five cents Sample Veils at l6c Travelers' sainphoi v.jIa, Aar quality of wash net, plain or with vote. rmlHoiderd ends and lowlier. Vella that etottkl melt from AIe 1.) 50r, Jlutt a few of totem. Your cht,icl• on SAtnrlay, each Fifteen cents New Rain Coats Fashion has set the seal of her approval on the rain coat. It is one of the most sensible garments t lady can buy, and is more in demand than ever this Mason. It is stylish, serviceable and dressy, either in or full length, and is growing more popular every day. llere are the prices of our !)est spring styles. Ladies' rain cotta, fawn or navy hone, wide mkwvr, full skirt, will not harden $3.7r. And Ladies' twin coats, right fawn, all wool, shower proof cloth, herring -hone stripti in grey,. and fawn 8111(1eN, will not hard- en or pull at the wean1M, full skirt, new• Above An(1 will wear well. each 57,4(1 [Althea t COMM, made (1,111 ahowcr pnwlf mwferials, Hees• hack, flew Nide idee.•,•, mat t•nllJ I, grttyM sol fawns, each .1:.1111 ladies; extra good quality rain flats. Inwle• from high grade materials and the very latent *tyles, full skirt and newest aler.•Is, f and (till length $11) to $15 Skirts Ready to Wear You will save a lot of time and bother if you buy a skirt ready to wear. Better made skirts than these tailor made garments you are not likely easily to find. They are this spring's styles made from good ma- terials and fit and hang just right.. Just a few price hints Black 'mitre 'skirt*, made from gore'Dooley hasty,. , lined throughout. born with velvet., will keep their' ruler an wear well, each . $tZ ladies' 'skirts, trade from all wood home - spurn'. aprhlg Wright.', sttrhed eAMTIN five mem 'ditching around the bottom, unlined, stylimh andZse1viceahle gar- mentA, fetch 011e75 lacli.44 *skirt., le from extra good qual- ity black broadcloth, all pure wood, tatl- 111 made, nine Iowa stite•hdng around the lo)ttotn, very stylish garment that will give aatiafactory wear, each . • .11 ‘50 lwdirw' mkirtw made of floe navy ladies' cloth, narrow white stripe, ,it in the 1topnlar style. stylish, dressy and aim � vkvwhke, each , HODGENS BROS.