HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-4-23, Page 8A lot of people Bair ` we're too care- ful in putting up BlueRibbon e tion Tea 1 we ��s'! be too careful when we're repassing the original flavor and aroma or tkass best withered tea in Ceylon. Mack. Shod. (cyton Creon, A ik for Rei Iabel. TOP.TY CENTS SIHOULD BIS WITTY 1 GIPSY'S MARRIAGE toll Mrs. Bryan is titre in ICII gen- ( rebel ; 444' l oD$ not go out, nal thus I.w,rd fl'. Tr of the opildone 'If 1..•rybsty UJutn anyone time. fur everyone fifltr Iter 114 home. Ant the :rtlrn►nt of tet► o0alumel at Bryan (curt during title one we'ak iN MM. at 110 4eulable. The butler (helium' that he has viten out n pair of Wham '.talking up nut down the etairi, un- titte•ring the door, and onrrylug in- trays of afternoon tea. ' Talk away, tuy dears!" Maps uud \Inn Bryan, her little•, iulgry r'y'08 glramlug !ike danger-Nlgn"b. .pare my top!leW !Fortunately one IN nut nttswerable for the [ultimo' of ,.ue'H relatives." oh. poor, childlike, innocent (iipry, ,chat a shipwreck ham been made Id oar home• and hnppinlwr.' \Ire. loyaii, for onett In her lift.. maker. a 'oriole effort to ottani] up for , • 11 of her own sex. • "1 thought Sir Mk.urk,c'r part' ditto .h1rl of an angel," Rho remark&, grimly ; nod then. with ono of her ligghtninc gl iDarm, the annus hate& one • f tho Mistier GrluiNlulw•. "sly .deter eroatu e, It iR all tory well for those t. tali who bevel never been tetnpt- e.1 ; and there tyre wvom•'n who.in ,.n 4' rl•Ilmalance's mutt ever run la reek of that sort." MINS 14tt11141w, Poling the nap fit- ting to a "t," tomes her- fiend, and abruptly changer the subject. Whilst the scandal fit 111 11111 swing nt lirumaneen, lite Dowager Ludy Dermot has transferral herself :011 h^r moll_ and n Inlpply t1f ril- '.I1 (1114 AINI Cradling -Nolte, to I:boo *town, to' moon from every- body nod await tin' arrival of her sun. TOR intoner Ile 1ro toil the het - ter ; and who is Imo fitting to'he with hlm during 'this trying time nw her- self ? •trNl, when the. etnnmor arrive", 11 IC1 Sir Maurine step" awhoro, with k.•en glad eyes' became he iv holler lignin, he meet' n meaNPnger with I to hitelligon•o' tat Ludy i)erno4t OF :matting him at tho hotel. Him fne•' fluorites with la quick surprise. ' "Darling 111tlo (GIpmy!" he thinks, f loudly. "flow guts) of her to cem.' 011 1moot me - Sevin nwwl straight lie goer, ae he - thinks, into tho arm" of 1111 wife, erect noel f.nrtw1w, with a great • . gladness In him breast, wondering • t even 1f who o ill Elko the presents he 7 lune broutrht her, end t'welliog on -the Joe 11. will be to hello into her Ines again. 11., is renown up to n private nil- , Ung-nxnn, airs trio Mollierwt'., heart bolts fart with gladluew., l$e•ausc in I nnuthe'r 'second Imo will Rte Gipsy I t :again. s ICON mother see'* hila for n moment, 1 with him eyes lit up with love and exportation. " Oh, my son, my sou !" elle erten, In her heart, els Rho reel 'the keen e.l'appolntm:'nt that ruelc1 over hl - face and note* kilo smitten quenching of the:raAdiant Invrliglit la his r•yt'N. t " i thought It war tiiire "Ion Kaye, Witt: a 4m le of fir Ilocondary Wel- .stype for 111s mother; and tllon, even -aw-►n► -strop,- 11.7 In htsr fore nrreet. Ism. " YlHl have • bol brought me any hid noon?" he orates, q'tlekl , with a groat wove of ,toptiln8- tken Sir' over him. "Haw Is (;item)' 7" Laity Dermot turns lues h'n'I away. " How shall 1 t( 11 you, was poor S1:•urlr.• 7" elle uinrmurr. f "T.:I me at once•,". ho 14:ly. homily, It I!it qnt' k, nfleve.i toner. "Hair nbv- tli'ng hnppano..l? 1s (flirty I117" Somothing ham happened.' begins Intdy Donm.t, turning very pale ns eke Rht'nk•, " My poor Shittier', try Io thh•k of 1omethiag wilr14' than lhnoRN. or death, or-" For hrnvrn'u Rake," lie tweaks I. lmmtr,"lr, wl1IIP 1!11' Wool eurgen t , his hrniu, "deaf► keep no, In tide auNprnse-toll me what it le at Imre:" • \ N•, w11e telltl 111ni ; and for tomo 6.' ueithor Nl08(11.4 torr Aleve". Tien, it, oho rate.. her (Oslo sled kooks' at the awful agony In lilts faro, he sways f(rwnrtt an(i hall.'lion,' tang Hint oft demi tams at hio norther's' fest. tamely and gray ten lir'" for n ter- rible holt-hour : and Lady 11ormot wntalie(t beetle hint, w'nitlug for the nwfuln...e of the aWakIng'and the inevitable rxplatiatkrnR ' (Mot must ((141018. They lino. t•arriel him tel hely and dm mother Iv -Mellow tool wait" Ise" at the orricdkon faeo of I r h 114.1 Moro, curving hl her heart th girl he Married. .4111 the flog e n- eoti wor,le ls' otters nre-"Wife, wife 1" • 'HAI'TEIt XXXIV. Sibyl ' not die. i.Iko t ho w•enry who pints To death. she le ptlte•1l lige, inti awaken ' find tilos; watching her with n sw 1, 'Nmlling 1,441'. iI Ilam been n long, torrlhle weak, but Sibyl will get well , non. a " Care nail t.elrl im.'nt." the doe- nl fur tars. "Nothing renlly wrong. m 0,1r complete Proet1stl f ment and budil,f,' " ind care and uourhlineoo. 111 elm II h:.ve," Oipoe declarer -alt rrlth n proud sm 1.•, 41111 informs Slby fiat Mnorten mart 1►e told every thing now. " Why didn't I die?" cried SIto convulwlvely-"w•ny didn't 1 die o did !tight yell an11 1'.mll came and 11 brill good -by T' " trust, deur :" w hh.per', Gipsy w.f,1,' ; but SIby1 Will not Retro. " fie has gots, ti'p y- gide [o:*ter Au.l 1 nm Ie) weney Neel tired -:In t1)w you are going to Oil: for n little time, darling, Cyl.; nn.wers-"11ome to Maurice an l Ilion we will 14.11, c*)111" lo- )'ort 8111 you Will 11 11(14 meutthio petting well In fleet• into rooms; no Mee. Mrl'Iiersou b. eo kind." Sibyl tike up, with wild, w)rrowfu eye e, '1 want to get well only for C 1111'N sake. prove -to r k to pro t to prase Out Her mooch- owls In ,bit(* weep ng. G pay putty her arms around her. ''I know, deur-1 know ; and Haurlee 8.1 1 hi Ip yu.l, Iht will know whit is right," 'Yon will tomo back to mel" Whim p rot poor S -by', brokenly. An.l, will litany teary nn•1 kisses, the tattier (ay gtJJ-h,, 1.tt1,1 dreaming of al that will happen befor't they Mee ayotht. If I could only di••:" wurtnuE14 SI by1 to hermit again. utrnlug in the glonrn'r1g, 1111 Omitting et her fruit hoe yu.•At t.. prove her Scot^h mar, - ring.•, Site weudcrs, whill' the leant roll down her wasted cheeks, why Paul, who tote,' her 140 dearly once lrratel her to cruelly. oh,. starts nil the door opens and dist loser ht the fire -light, not the pli•n1ing figure' of her lnu.11ad . but n hoer oral forst at eight of wltleh her hf art lmps almost to her throat, luted, weak and weary from long ill- s' a , situ burets Into a paseioO of teary,. There nre mhumo and repentance In '(*1unci 1-11711.0'a ince nm he sellas orwnrl un,1 b one over N.by.'s chnlr col take. 1111 wanted luurle in him own. 'i11v poor Sibyl. my INN(r' %tiro!" f' WIIo-wif.'1' oho ejaculates. With 1 Heiden d:nvning of a great light, ho poor thin. girlish foto Woke up It turn wildly. "Your wife!' elle trove. "Oh. Paul!" 11'• mono to be .t,ugglit:g with iim.Yelf for n Kneed or (s( before 1e epmnkN; but he promotes her Bands •L►N(•ly, and ram, poor. heartalek -and. wnt•ly. fade n great tensa In the ouch of him hands.. even before he ienkm the wontm that mond the life. Mot 1 cunrsing 'through her r1Jns. "1'em. Sibyl, my limo and Inw'ful wife" And he continue" hurriedly. we if lou• won1N were choking him: I lotto Colne for your forlrlviotiose -to ask you If yod could over for- th.. or •Ivo nod [target rill the troubles, all hp--" . S by'I halm risen, wavering Jowl hu.Mwy: In the firelight. "You have corny_ era,',. NII tr(mu'true with the dorm that forgl'et, and forgives ,.11-18 net I...rm,... IJ Ie d, 5. u e nod I drove you away a,ud rent you kilo. Men of pax "OG. Paul! Paul:" iiob. Sibyl, liat- lug ter too the awnabasement and rtwwtl isle telt fee; "do got tell me any more!" ' I Mutt," he answers, gloomily. "1 tell ,y111111. 1 fluted you often ; and when I raw your tarter. Lady Dermot'r, face for the first time. 1 thought it was you, mill -!reason forgive mel -1 war glad to think you were an- other Man's wife." Sibyl shivers 1.11 Over, but rays no word; unit Ito goer on: "I kept promising my uncle. to look out for a wife, 14111 all the limo 1 could 'lever get Yotir (neo out of my head; and thu Lely Dermot moue to toll ma you Were dying ; raid 011, vole, eidi you forgive Ino now'? 11'hwi 1 thought ;lint It w•(xild b0 tooled Ho tint nay, null vthe•u"-lowering lite vide„ -"when 1 rrt,W your dying faoe, 1 Went nwity hear 1.•rtrlekeu; tint 1 sw air to you. Sibyl, it all returns( to me -the limo when you were my Iiltlo childwlfe and my love --and 140 1 have noble back, deur, to ark you to begin n flow Sfu •I y t'g 1 with mtl twain." In hie heart he known that noth- ing can ever atoutl for what mho has suffered; and y0t, manlike, Ile feels that her 10vo will lay a veil trier the last, and thu fact of 1,114 miming back to her ut loot, will b0 AN OPPOkTUNIIY !f you a.'o FOR if for OfOAESEEKERS a home ani. to' Iwant visit the west you can do to wltb very little ex- pense. as the ONION PACIFIC will sill One-way Culontet Tiokets EVEI;Y DAY until Juno 15th at the follow- ing rates from Missouri River ter- minale': $:.3.00 to San Francisco, Los An - gotta; tunny other California 11010.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte, Amtconda and Helena. $:=-.7.o t0 Sikik:one and 1\t•,atcIee. $25.00 to Portland. Tacoma, Seat- tle, and many other Oregon anti 11'ItahIrn, ren la.Inti. From C:lio:1 ,:7 :17.45 14(. Louis pro- portionately low rntetf aro In effect by Ione connecting with the Uuiou Paolfic, The UNION PACIFIC has also ex- tended territory to whlch round trip Humnieckor's Excursion Ticket. will be A01.1 4414 follows: , From Miwourl River terminals t To many points in Kanasu. Nebraeka, and Colorado; To mar, • points In 11'yoming; rtlib. Montana and Idaho; To many I:olnts in Ort'gou nnJ 11'arh- Ington. (tele fare plus $2.00 for the sono! trip. _ Tlckote on Rale April 7 and 21. they 15 and 111. Juno 2 awl 16, 1011'1. For full Information call on or ail. .dress i1. F. CARTER. T. I'. A., 11, Janes RalIding, Toronto. Gamete • F. B.' CHOATE. G. A., 126 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mich. 14 t mit her frail male towitril 14'ry 1 Daddy 110. p:441:•. • 11 RN/1' tt' last('11 hallus about hie eek, and lower.. hie face to Isere; lint t11e•y 'peak no wool till she sal -es lu'r 111101 laid I1oluf into our ryes. "My hu banal:" hl thio nue Rec011.1 all oho shame nal agony, all the weary look of eef- (cr.ug, wont to pare away from her face. '1 do not deserve thio," ate' says. 1.bv I --oh, /sibyl, tlitnk of all I have mode you softer -think of the diet It, the trrarhrr)- -awl wooly even you cannot forgive!" "Yob: have conte buck to me," Note olaisp'r. (again, to if this one act atoned for all, ifi' face fluehr.. 'Whitt will you think 11 hen f tell )on that you 11141 I were married 1ep4/11y', ue'c..r.'log lu t .u7,It Lav? We ;tee _se_trsiy-Veal and wtfo no if lore hail Reims mnrritd by a dozen bldtopa You rime, ,•r how happy We were?" Sibyl b:•uda her hood. "1 remember," Rho wlttepers, softly. ^AJud then," he goer on, "I left un, falsely and ('nlct1) ii•ft oU, boruwse 1 wets over head and , rare 111 debt ; b'- nure at frIPlrl to►I1 Me it Maio quite tem to get out (If a marring(' like Mille. and 1 lint.. nothing to say in my decorum. My old uncle nmd0 P "wrier tern's tio marry any bn. n wife of 111R choosing. Oh, Sibyl, i wen n nlan 411 the 8nr1.1, yon were n y ng, ignornnt chill! 1 thought afire t time you , mail 1141 happy withou me, tend f tend it Mort of vague 1( tlu.1 Nrllle Oily, when nt,v uncle wan ONO] nml left me every tiling. I lolt1 coin., hoick to yon gain.I hero boon se, NPIfINh NI cruel. laThink of It. !•111q! -you. 1 y wit.'; for you ranee to Ile often, repo ratilts enough. 1Ie ham taken it tract of laud In Australia, lin tells her, and ho w' :alts h1'r to 'tart -with Ilia tit O:lre for -a new world; and Sibyl ir.ys "Yes" Joyfully, even ohm he dells her that too whip no ilr oa the Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years. It pays to use the right stuff. " Men of oak " are men in rugged health, men whose bodies are made of the sound- est materials. Childhood is the tiny to lay the foundation for a sturdy con- stitution that will last for years. Scott's Emulsion is the right stuff. Scott's Emulsion stimulates thegrowing powers of children, helps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy consti- tution. •;i .'`'1 ei r. -, w.,•: L��Ffree M . Send for free wample. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chet -nista. Toronto, Ontario. 60c. and 6t,00: all :lrut(glst.. ('umplk•ated I'ru •e'r. - \ out ll'e ('nm pm. n if Boston people who trate wen a hong line of hurrying people 11.11 up on the .steps leading down to the subway statl(i+l whit.• some woman extracted a 11111,'1 from a puree lu a pocketbook In her eu.l»rsklrt, will appnrlato the humor of what et ttr•itor In the Brooklyn Eagle raw. • 1 444W a woman in a street ear' 0{17.44 41 mite1e(J and tako out a -purse, close the satchel and open the purse, tato out a dint, and clown the purr°, own the Rotolo.' awl port In the purse, clomp tit macho! and lock both ends. Then elle gave the dime to the eon- du^tor and tort a nickel In exchange. Then she opened the satchel and honk (test (he purlP, 0100011 (11: .e1 - chef and opened the purrs', pat in the n!ek.'I 14111 cloak,, the pante, open-; tel rhn satchel and put 174 the purse, clueo,l the--aatshe1 and locket Loth olds. Then who felt to see If her hawk hair was all right, and hint as rww't: 'T'IInt was a woman. A N. WEDDING CUSTOM. 10.0,.. AtS Attempt 10 11114• loon N ith a llrldal Couple on a Trait. A passeeger .t1 a train out of New Pork the other night olsr,rvoil the mood elaborate attempt to hate flu with a ou(I7 tuarrie.l ctinple 111.41 IND ei tax►uuterent. After' troll loft Treutou the Mau 1 t11ra'gh 1110 cur awl laid on two seat a print0.1 hand1ill. It announced that at l'llla.k'Iphta n ytrofyr mart -tot couple then iteate! lu 1114, alanvlug ('0018 01 11 ear of w''tioh the lane war gluon. Were to leave the train. They {vele doss$bed briefly and uoltce was give= :that they Weald 1114 worst (lowly Itlltcatlld when the into. stopped. The handbill a•lotesl with rue an10seteemeut that rice would ole Wirtrluul•e) among 1.110 p1.l i.40I7 eM. itn I 11My were requ*rte l to mute the eletumnry'too u. It. 11 ! n 1 ' cee nn nuts with the notla' the d4ttrihutur of t11'•orlgiturl announce- mentN a411W0rel 174 a few ml lister :111,1 laal on tie heat of every pass - cagey a pap»' lag of rive. The train soon reached 1'hila'*Plphla awl some •u( the pcome 1 (err went to the plat- form to Kiri what effect thaw eluhor- aNi uttsmpt to hurry the young peo- p'e would have. A tl• it w ppnl+co y .4n r failure. The brains coop:e alighted and a party of five or stn (Smote ',one" them with rine. But *tot nut of the pars- eugerr pail no attention to the mat- ter. Miserd'e Linlssat Cures Dandruff. Knew Ho Itusine's: • N. Y. Nun. Sie1la-W11at 1N a Real.•d propoanI? Bella -Jack realist Ii1N with a kleo. Mlranl's Liniment Cures Burns, rte. What Ile Should Have Ir Baltimore Herald. Beryl -Sorb tubae m141114 x why. I hear flint Jim eats the pie that him ore lakes with n knife. • Ntfiy I -If you 14$ W the. µea you'.I Inwtgile he•'d have to eat them with n stns. n cutest nu.1 it sloe, cruslrv'. 4l3y after tomorrow, and the par - nigger nre taken. T1. (1011er the where- p.lrt �i es ha a OinTe twerp. tment lean rtain of IIIm 1'IRdee'sIOII, wlter.' the Helfl ill- and absolute cure for each neem tar Ili. Rotor. is' diricimiel. and every fall of Itching. 'ef want to keep it all Secret blordlntand lerotn4ling plies, asst,' Ito w'hi,rpo'rr. ' M 011 auclo { the taennf!. (4*. a has^ nand a,'kl u. Ileete.- y •1. tlmoniala In the dally crews and ask your neigh. II) lug; old, if he thought I was bows 'Whet they think oflb Yon ran umItend wanted, he would ort qu)tr capable t11ealttr,(irm7 baek44notcure,l. 18eabo.,at of a:1,kittg :t pow oil. You MCP. 11s EDraNRON,NATzmRC0.,Tbo%,.., am n beggar, Kibyl, hampered with i re Chase?* Ointment (101)4.. un (!Trey Rlde,.�a_{u•ty•ort . 1:. .tustraLa belongo to rho ole lamb nod I have told hien I 411 come back hi n yestr and marry vrhdan he likes." Ilo has got the difficult part .Nit. and looks down at her. "May I tell (tipsy ?" elle looks, Freshness Taken Down. On oho road to. Epsom, a mouo- tarhel youth on the top of a drag, evidently ambitious of being mle taken for nn officer, 'saluted n fat coachman, who war gravely driving gently, looking at Itis gra% a fucu (a hl" mnstor and f"'"11), with" ''Hale lilt to weitfully. Ion! you, ROI Whore's your Nhlrt- '• Y(w," he renewers. " 1 "uppoin collar ? How (biro you rome to tho Ludy Dermot and her hueb.uld must Darby without n shirt-^oltnr i" Jrhu know ; but they must keep it to growled forth, without lifting tela thr•mseh'p s." I('yeN i. from hhorse's: ' Ow the dooce (Prov puts l rffiromims acs ehn .i --Th4Pru11 motltrr have. ala t hl sent Il home or when year" gone 'by owl vet how JH 'milling?" ferent are icor feelings how i Gu 4111e e.1'r put the 'mule trust II hint again? (Om 1.11 the atonement • 1I Beware of Olatments for Catarrh la tho wort 1 ever quite take away 110.1. helrlaoh07 .UPI yet mho toy hoe pole, tlrel face on he breast with n ;sigh of contentment. "Tell me;' ho whimper''; "tell me wife, about our child I" • '',ur dial!" The nortler'N heart 11•41 WO wilily wllh tt new happiness cl ser elle ereepr to him. find her eye. Tight op :In for 111,' first time' she fecI, the Ineffable pleasure of pour ing into his ear all the lot.' and pity lar felt for their Iltlln chill. i Two illy, later they sot Anil, and rho bury is in his litho.'r'■ arms; akar, If SIht1'e (Tee filen hen1'y with (rare. they aro not tnaar, of morrow. CHAPTER XXX1'. Society ham prunounce.l its ver - Owl. The 1(1•l0ty of a whole couu- Ll:a._ duos teat Ju - juetlt+tt(ettl, ,e Mel the Jure, wtlhnut ,0 Wick not even mak- lug n Moan of retiring for ouneultn- iLit 01, lave hun.l.-1 In n v.'rdktt of "Guilty;' and the m4nteno! Is rwl(t- ly pxtsM(l-baui1hmcnt for life. • Throe wait Ila de(1411so; I:eallaxp th(r.' c:uld be roue. 1'ereumston1111 (vid,•noe of the moot convincing cher- rater 114114 muff:c.'ll for rho conviction. It i. alt awful crlmoe and tho pun- lotiment moot IN, etmruelnlhlg. Mro. Iirimstlaw forbids her dough - tors to molter Ltufy Uermot's moue ..11,1 tiro 'hos not fail to Inform all h.•r frionde of the fact. That the ',wool young things do discuss the beloved subject in the sanctity of their own ruomn Is not only poeeItI . Pat highly probable. And Bir Mnurtco being, Mr to speck, again .11 the mar - 1,11, hoe netel like n tont' to 11:.' n"tghlstrhood. That he has onme home (11141 has Mout himself no In lilt name le et try- ^s" that Contains Mercury , a. mercury 4111 anr.ly d..tro♦ the eerie of e melt and completely derange the whole "To- tem when entering it through the mueoue .nrfal•.e. Hach nrtielre should never to used except on preeerlptb,us from reputable ph u1- elan., nm the damage they will do le ten Bald to the gond you Call .,wilily derive from ; them. Nall'. thin, h .•urs, manofnrtured by F. J, dreary k I Toledo, O. contain. no mercury, and le taken Intensity, acting ' directly upon the blood and Marna. .tHne.• ref tM •yetam. In baying h all'. ('ntnrrh -, Int* b..urs yon deet the tannin.. 11 le taken Internally and made la ToMdo, Ohin, by 1'. J. 4'heney 11 Co. Testimonial. free. - sold b drugnlgta. Price Tae per bottle. Hall's 'Family fill. are the hest. . ln,iy knows, Anil thosq fore who had Idle good hist to match sight of bre ! Change) face during rho 'Mort tract-. .It from the raliwny atntlon to his ow•n cora-Ingo nre moron's of Import- I atom White. haggard ram! miserable, he (.(oke, 111,1(011 wretched enough to l Menne Ms dearest tot,, with it .ort of ; pr(wwl Indignation .mnllering In his; 4 tor**. � Bat filo world onn only game at the Sham" and !wooly (hot Tooke this trublp nlmoel unbearable, and how 1 %t;il.ly he ha. laved 111e wife no (Its w Al ever know hot ' Rime' 1'. Though only n few .Inas s. 11 porno n Wel Imo minor, he AAPpoM on shore with n light h.Art Aol glad rnn7R•lnit,now, that hit *honk! worn (neo hlo little, (IIiI►ay again. slip be Continued.) The New Rook. I'- Toronto star. Inst after the publication- Of the ingertimor "Owlet( fir eblldndfl it Choi leo Lamb and 1,I. Rioter Mary wool. In collaboration, Lamb asked n fellow--trnvrllor onn day: "Moo ynn rand Lamb's ta1Pe T' "No." repined the -other ; "hut I have it black dheeps.kln rag!" M nanl'e Liniment !toilets, Neural- ' ZIA. A man may bo as hone"t AR the Inas IR long nod atilt hoe n lawbreaker Int night. THE RiGHT PAINT TO PAINT RIGHT 1' our name iR'nt c i it, you'll have Ir., title with it. 1 Roomav's Paint., paint most end paint to 1 Ready for use and price just right. o Its nee een(leeing the paper. kir howl. let .8.... iris brew some beautiful hoses are palsied we'. rn'r paint• A. RAMSAY g 5011, NIM wskeva, 0111011171111114. Rol. Ram. I'rlecmrr-My lawyer to "'Irk 1 nnk n b.rinitrhht'. delay. ll igl'lrnlo-I'nl yewlr ono. O'f for tl r'trtnlgM 7 Why. yesm raaeal, yon „ore ennght with yo1r 'elle► In a hpntl.'mnn'a pick.'t. Who onnld venom lawyer My ? Prlenner-1 also wlub to know For a Cold that hangs on For obstinate coughs and cetyls there is nothing equal to that old reliable remedy Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. Prepared from Red Spruce Gum it is soothing and healing; to the Lung'* and Throat. it stops that tick- ling in the throat, and after a few dose% that tight feeling in the chest ie relieved and the cold and coif I) pose :*way. Try a 25 cent bottle. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum Ir rr e r v • • • • 0 1 �3 417 =su•r, The Cate to Health ...LW, heart, and the better the blood pump the more vigorous the vitality Some know they M,. weak beirts nihers only know that they're 111 and don't suspect the heart. Hut cure the heart cures every pert No heart as tone sound: ninety•nlne our of a hundred are dia,4r,lered id dl.eased. Doctors Y .n p•( le 14 Wen of the subject; to he effective ' hat is what med. it ane must do. Dr. AONSIff's HEART CURS enthrones health where A"ease reigns 101M Treat center of 4', system, the heart. Then geed blood pumps in full measure, sends new 1.1r quivering through reran and uwue of the body. It meting new courage, new cheer, a new lessen( fife. Dr. AQ�Isw'* PILLS sceveagersol1 r ',festive system and healers of the disordered ipperatua Purely vegetable and mild, forty dose. for tea cents. One -arch the pep of the neat best competing MIL tg C'iGCCnpe e. f9('9.'•tt r • F r • r f. r 14 • • •• 14 n 14 • • • r Cr A Calamity in Drier. Ilcllmore New-. A mon once °wool a balky mule That blandethments re misted, Aral. 1 owing Iattielbee, be gra blurt Upon his tail and twisted. When•on the Mule looked hack at him n In mild, reproving sorrow. And 11 this and . rt menieo *nese..lsw•u, . The ftmeral's to -morrow. I was curved of a hod case of (trip teas MIN.(ItDB LINIMI NT. $3.10e7, C. B. LAO F, J tyre eared of IOW, of voice by HINAI1D'8 LINIMENT. Yarmouth. CI(AS. PLt'MME:R. 1 wan cared of Sa•!ntion Rheumatism by MiN.tRD'S LINIMENT. Burin, Nfld. Lf;Witi li H1'TI Fa.-. 'ro ('leans+ Straw Matting Straw matting shoot! never 10 velvet'', I with soap. 1 large, rOar.,( elmth whotdd I'' dippPd lit salt, fuel then 11111)10e1 the way of tIto ;draw. The mat s11o,I'l thou be thoroughly (trlyd, and if treated 1:, this fashion will not turn yellow-. Papier-mache artlrl.R, ton, moot not Ito trent.(1 to ,onp. Palsy whould h• lightly wpotlg1wl with cult ostler, then dredged with fin, fknlr, and finally nohfbwl w-Ith a raft flan -I. Before and After Marriage, !)orf hat -b1,• r. A -So you've married the tittle wllow'1 Doom olio Amile• ns much an 0110 11140f tof and allow her teeth? B-H'm! She doesn't. smile M' month but Nile 11:01•" mo her teeth oftener: Minard's Liniment for pale every- where. About the House. thin plate made of whiling and sold tend to a splendid mixture with whioh to clean mirrors. . ' To restore an etdenlown quilt to (tr origlnii fluffy IIghtnesR, hang It out of doom In the "llnshino for sev- eral boors. 'Do renew old iodatend", barefoot. tables or wawh'tnnds. poli.h with 2 ounces of olive all, 2 ounces' of tin - (gar nod 0110 1n1r1Pepoonful of gum nimbi= If In exrvetB,g a kltallun t'tbh, with ollrloth, a layer of brown pa- per u pot on hrlt, It will prevent the oilcloth crocking 01141 wen three Idiom tot long. .\r old faetlionr(p 5,117,,1111 drink Is called trunk en:foe. Over til,' 'node - :dont of two flee of breed to•Ist1M n gold"n brow,* In the oven, poor one pith or hnllli;g w tter. Stoop gently for Fitt• en mInutex, strain and nerve, eliding Rngnr rind crrom to taste. Won by a Ilrkle. A r(cnsl bet.:* worn n %crychnn! bug gown or rota crnlm walla wt11, MM s 744 urdrowo' chiffon v c lies! *Ka JA'webd tole•. 'Tl, eh'•mleattp nal tlol'th.% were o: plotted rhltt(.1 nod o tdta "klrt was draped w1111bol►sti- ful 11 ,, tk 1.1 Inotu11' Ince yell wra 1 errnalgo-1 over a colonel of ottani- . Idlrte010 sort ohs, Mori' n Ifltmmn•1 ' :111.1 salppphlrn (MI•tr. Rr•r Irinquet wne uhf wl.lte (leather, of:lnae' blossoms .T andI"Y-hht,. Thi. going on ly gt',vn wars of Wow p14ttt4.1 fnnlnrd, with MANIA Wap' worn '. p alit, I blue An t '1141 polo Mu" coot viol, Whit.. fne- tngle4 Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens. NUM OAPnfLDVCL3 EXPENSE, Aak far (be setas** tar. ear -- 111814, Georgia Nuggets. Atlanta ('oast it et ion. .1 man •kho wan t• tp rine 174 1 h w orIJ tear got 1.0 foot the bill fur the dylwmitto Ono pact of happltieset bonito ten bul,lta'Ibi of money, but Winn pimple are still (after tow b.iehel ult'uNurr. 'rhn awn who wove this out to Is a how141g wildoniee ought to ■hoot r m a et 11a too J and 4 Kt 'pas . l t1lf I Nuke hay when the uuu'slnier. and ps.antuce Whenit 1.7411144, but 1401.141 folks can't stand hot or raluy wea- 1 Itor. Not 11'., Mod He Wanted. Buffalo kiipr•es. "1 wen )011 col vert lea for a 41011- • ( 11{{.1 1110 1111611 w'II, looked nN ifn o h bad .• mothinw for rats, "Oil, t(Ne," 0/1M1 11*' buoy Ionil, e topp111,( hie work for n minute to lo•rk up; "(tut 1 want 0110 with four' lege." A HE('(,:ONIZED P'AC'T, It le uniterenlly coneo.1ed that to properly nppfeciatlt a trip to New York or Boston, one moot take the loot road. T'Ntt road Is the .!11 011 Yost ('tui11,1. Ylutw•er lea)... - David ltivtutvly, senior, luta 101.1 experiences lu it Iwuk With filo above title. ole was burn (ll Meot!And. nod CURIO 10 Camera with lib parents In 08 e, w'h(11 one year .l.1. lived near o.uelp h (vont Id O to 14431. sad *hill sturt.nl to .pas out the land and fou J a new home• nits the mouth of the satigeoin River, in BI ace (,canary. The jOulll'7 to Owen Sound and thence through lite wool. to Southampton Is vivhlly de4.eribe.l, said the methal of reletting Intal. bu11.11ng house's, nearing. ,"tinting, cooking, roc.. Is made 1I .In. "We mutat fed to ton: 0.11' raninty with dui bark, and we t•illuk- . l the cracks up will, Motor's of spill hM.wuo.l anti (4,014., 1111.1 w n mad , It Ilrepltee with *limes from the river. WO t► c!limuey idriee of bent stick, p.111tered with mat. anal a floor of Ieu4otwy)(11 ■labs, .pill 11,11 111 wu "illi an tido... There were n 000.1 many I.eolde looking fur laud, nod wrldunt u day or 'tight passed wilnout hav- ing romp to rote' lain." Tile (mw n- 4hip In whlctt the brothers settlel waw surveyed by Senator 1ldai, and Aletarder McNab was the Intel malt. lire KetraNty left 11 is brother In Bruce after a time and 1Wt•nmt' oh•nar of his father's tarn near taut lath. but communication was kept t1{, bete -pen the two hrancliee of 1h.• family. The story of pioneer lite nod its ttifficultie. 1R Tory well told In this little book, of whish copiers ern he obtained from the author, host i•1 Kennedy, senior, Bronte post-ofilee. I'riee 75 coats. I.ever'a Y-7, (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than, other poo d.•, s ISSUE NO. 17, 19 , Nos Wa is.w'e boolhl.( nota {�� .�►s 4 /sr Cblldre�aa tyro") ol cede M lie bO+t erthremedy !w L7 oa f't'�'kssa LEARN A PROFESSION IN FIFTEEN DAYS by 111411 sl, )-,a• (nn Wake from coon TO Tem 41,LLa1111 A I'A1. Fur particular. write A. HANSEL, Me H.,2r; Nortit Hamilton, Ont, LADY AGENTS WANTED TIII ALL- WAYS READY Best Selling Skirt Supremo ani Waist Altera WIN Inlydecea. Sella et slain (:nod proet. Rawl 25 cons (or waft sad Nese. N stents. �fC CRsI cc r1AVL NO . BRASS4. EYELETS SOFT LOOP 'EYrGtEi`S- NEVtR SHOW THROUGH THE GOWN ` • h1 ! HER CORRODE NOR STAIN UNDLRGARMENI'S AND WILE NOT RUT. J THE HORSE MARKET D*.eawrs Sound Messes 0441y. laws Imam ••r •1 tow ,h.e 4.11 t1,eb a. • . ..• are .aster ds.mgs A 4. boatsd1M" ,.' .,L .rt • p.m . , ...,e er ryas W, 4 acres. artists, C.ebs. ,.. an d , f t .o:.. 1 IwMMu 1, .,,s tiloo.•ad. •I eases ...Or. Staab .w.b,..,... • ▪ 14 sae l.,le.l.g area 10• at or 4. Cunt use Sens Spades a1 Ter Yarn' droning. ra+1.:1. N. oe. rowM. s. I. 1..4d 0.., ... .et..s:a -woo nee, ...el • 11.,.,. Kendas•.w,:' Len.Mhallo 4.1.4110. *One en la.nail tooled am S t.. r w• Fa 1 t ewi •e bits sawkr N, 110••••• 44 ,w• Y'.e u.e.l..r. 1•••• hew. efts AI • 1►.A tit!! •,e ")'.'d qIWN4,4. • INi�A. uJ a,• Amy( I. r„• + pk t *411 1. a S; 1 , nee . In,..-..• 1'me a espy •4 yen. „ 7 nava a .4. 11 •,..1 4.. o.gra , Vowel r, u /mal. Tele. 111 et. M la A. • nee.*( (.how Ie .. .al. r coag* Din. Was "4'Tyea n* ea O•w Wk. u. Lea h.., or aloha• DR. e. 1. NENDALL CO.. tubers Fan., K a, it is both timpani! disia(e, taut. ,1 USE Lard Alveratnra. The Loll Chief JILstloe of E1171.1ml iw W) years of age. 1t in too yotto «Uwe he ceased to be Sir Itd('han1 , Webster, anti became font .tiv,r- stone. fie was etueal.d at Kiug'. College, Chartt'rh MOP. nod Trill Hy College, ('ambrkige, at whirl, uniterrtty ten graduate') ae "5(1 11'ra'lgl.r, awl with n third 01st• lu the Classical Trt oe. 1(0 spent juga tot years KM a stuff gowns- man, and took .alk in 187*. He was then 'only :t8. and was perhaps the yolrgewt 1;. C. of the nlnetoe(4tti century. At any rate: -1t1F enrn!r-te j n Junior was the di ,stent on re - vont., ', furttier unique It )nor wee to to his, for In 1883 he wee np- poibled lttorney-General, though 1141 hod no Meat hl the It'tuno, A hong record of sneers! In miring an Norte of mote, borne ant brats., nn well nit all bowel complaint.. 1e held by Painkiller - over am rears. A solo snbatltrt4,. There t. Tout one l•Palhktller"-ferry Davie'. • No Kirk to the Dentine. Detroit Free Pre... 1trialut-Will you take gas? Patient-iR there any risk 7 IMntlat-Not for me. A cull bore to pay in n(ly:loco. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladles, Favorite, Is the only safe, reliable regulator on which woman caw depend "In the hour and time of rood" Prepared In two (logroom of Strength. No. 1 and No, 'y No, 1. --Fur ordinary (nasi to by tar (ten skeet dollar medlrlcn known. No. 2 -Far special rases -10 degrees stronger --three dollars per box. i ad1Ps-aRk your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root ('etwpes■ . Take 110 other as all pills. mixtures and Imitations are dangerous. No. 1 end No, 2 ere sold find recommended 1y all drugging, In the no. minion of ('ann.fe. Mailed to any nddreaa en receipt of rice and four 2 -cent postage ,stamps. The Cook Compnnr, Windsor, Oat. • 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE It Nap No Equal Nanufaf lured only bt THE CAMPBELL MFC. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. for sale by all leading dealers. Blood will tell s e' 1ti r 1 Whets an animal is all run down, has a rough coat and *tight hide, anyone knows that his Moor' is ont of order. To keep an animal Nemo 1ninR) be must be in good health. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER 14 A necessity where the bet resines from feeding wot,ld he obtained. It tones up the Rycten,. rids the stomach( of hots, worms .cd oche( parasites that suck the life blood\ away. Nothing like Dick's powder for a run down bond, 50 cents a package. Limning, Mlles & Co.. Ageete.... MONTREAL t'o111emene al 1kMtte. I: v change. ' Mamma, dont, why don't yon 'M* i'411(R to your little Jolmuie, jest OUR PR MOO RR yon are to vl.itnr4*' nakarl the pride „f tin family. "R'hy, it tint elrnol,1 1 do. Johnni''?" "tell, mamma. rl.,k me 11 1 won't 1111 down and take. Ritmo rialto St. Jacobs Oil is the greatest remedy in the world for all bodily Aches and Pains for %Inch an external remedy may he used. •aa' Price, 25c and SOc, $200.00 IN COLD GIVEN AWAY FREE LOOPS OPANI 11.4100* PCYR(H UPML YORAPRSRi ATSWRY.EB.4 (APA 14.4 !e% unease ,ten e,en wig( 1. MM I04m In., a, stood eft e444 1.... R.11 If ew. IM, e AN SHAItH 48 4144 lrl!17RIft'T1r10 (44 1164. Abut , 1')171 le F se m, ei pe t/ M,Mw... awl pm, � nI 111. t p.09u4 Inf. out 4 ey 4 et Am. 1„I . Fenml *los .MLA•I..4 r. lage•I Naw,.w ire .111 ra:e•��a� Te .9 •'•4 1.11.N. to 1M owes.. rally .a tM�rr(re.d one* .sr•., r1s ..w M Filly Fan., Oaf/lat Me Wed l•.pM woo.. 17. mr el 7Tlrty fte,lan. 1,. O. p.n.s r•H•g Ow 9,011 hlse•14-111.., Me •••• ,1 fear Dalen, R► -„1.,,,n ...a. •eeaM! rNre Man 1., 4.a1M .slaw. Ora 4•er4 woo e,,..•Men ,l le .. 1 stow. t w .w. t.s ret rose pine Ml l 4•o. In 9 Awliol, (eat oro lost en . sod•. earl eewsn, n. 1^ .'4441.•., '.f/.» 1111 /.• .run (err 01 ..11 *add F.w.h ire IR. abeefetr,.N+snt.... edam. r rt' uRR •.M •• MMn..n awl••e. ural,• ted. el t .w.,'�A!.7nA,N�y:[NT nF Yul'R Mnm r,. craw • R.IW.i "AINf YestM11RT 1 tem t � . WRITli Af (IICg.r A.tls .,I9A1,MAN egaalCb«MNy kew. 4, , .s ftp , Ima s ur wM a(, t. _ ..,,04„,17.. LAT, ANNUM i