HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-4-23, Page 5GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : APRIL 23, 1903. TOPICS OF A WEEIL tfnaon Smile --Lieu fell FColo it pads. 1(plj London. - Lieut -Colonel Temps [AA,U\ West of the Grenadier Guards, who ecently died at Nice, heal left over Wrung our regular aortarpondoiiL.) *1.000,000 fur puddle I purposes, LEEBURN. IrnpOrtant Events In Few Words largely for the purchasi Iff #oris rif art to be placed In the National Gal- MoNnAY, April 211th. Our popular youngt)wtplulat, David For busy Readers Lary. Horton, was pre/Witt at the uuptixle of Miss Barker, who wait married dI in Dun- lop to tiro. Beat, of t'al'low, on Wed- nemday evening of last week. Sae. Chisholm wan at Attrill's sale and pure•haned x heifer for the im- provement of farm drat*. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS 0. suer w "• 1.1'• nesp•rlrg. Cantully complied .w 1 Vat Into Handy and Atired,•.'these Yet the Rootlet.* a1 Oar raper --A *olid Hoor'. Esklaymeal i• rarattraplu. t:ANADIAM. A %ent e•al Stock Exchange seat lien Leen sold fur *26,600. prof. t:oidwin Smith 1s now coo- `s,.er,.ut and able to take a drive ,i.ery aft sermon. l,ahl,rrslun is about buying the .kirk light works from the Bank of Hamilton for *2,515). • trhtreal inail cart driver was GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. The Hague. -The u,ilitlumen called out in consequence of the strike will shortly be disbanded. Paris. -Snow and frost are preval- ent throughout France, and the vine- yards have been much damaged. l'rr5rld. Prussia.--Fittecn thous- and men are affected by the lock -out order of the textile concerns on the Lower 'Mine. Awaterdaut.-The Employers' As- sociation rsociation have given notice that the lock -out declared at the aims of the •ret'ent strike ends on Monday. • Tangier. -The Sultan of Morocco will personally lead an expedition against i hr pretender. All }aero - for driving a hone in an peons must leave 1.',x for the coast. ohs condition for work. MnuSalvadeor.-(len. Sierra, the Calgary. -Thr euntractiag and car- retiring President of Honduras, who ,trstrnrg shops of Mayor Underwood was decisively defeated by Gen. Bon- wfe destroyed at an early hour on ilia, has been courteously received ?mho, at a loos of 14,000. here. •pta.u',ke situation with the Cs - woe MIAMI IC trarktnen has blamer-' e des', to a light and staying d ere w111 COWWIE for the best Meeh. ' de the lh Lead 'ou J•.. iodide F..l, u ibrldns. The hamsters employed by the goeddock Town Cuureil have de- lved their intention of striking for a,\1, a day. They have been offer - ane 5. slsnila•re K - ienThe li' "s of the O. p, Stephens Co... dealer. in varnishes ,ed paints, were damaged to the stent of about *26,(1100, fully insur- e_ Electric wires are blunted. The Sarnia Salt Works has been bed, and the own laid oft indetin. :sly. The aaanagemeut allege that herr I. no money 111 operating the ,le„t, which in a small one, under want renditions. Toronto. -Abner Brown, a painter. omiretted soukide at about 3.:10 Sat- rday afternoon. Brown has been .inking hard for some time, and na denpondent over his domestic rouble.. sued thereby. London -Thomas Lawless. a soap - aster employed at the London Soap °mpugy's' factory, was very seri- ush arald.'d lbs•re Friday morning. Ir accidentally slipped into the tank ad hos body, from the hips down, is adly scalded. Thr... boys of MenuAuw.uk. 1_' It , ,ck•-1 up a con which contained a uant11y oft eatable,., part of which .A. Iwe•n. Ysct1. The children inno- .ntl, ate the remainder of tti' con- .nt" One of the young lads died a w hours late•, and the other two lay rranelr. Yin. SErrth wow a pastime).* on a !entreat trolley car, the fuse of hich was blown nut. Start lel by ✓ sudden glare of the m rotary ant•, Vie Sl.. th lumped from the le- She 1.11 on the roadway. strik- ol her head and fraeturinF the bane 1 her skull . She died Ih twelve AT OSOOOOE HALL ours. Oorneliug O'llrarn, a teamster, gut lghtened when returning from the ornnto Island .about midnight huraday in a skiff and jumped out. ile fellow -workman. .Inacph Cassidy. nye they Wain side by side to with- in feet from the 'shore when 'Warn sank. The body has not arm recovered. Ta Orangeville on Friday a nuns ..v of young chaps about 12 year., M se went of shooting. armed with 2 eallbre rifle* and ale guru: One 1 them. 1tu11e McPherson. eon of ougald McPherson. was .bot trough the hack with a 22 -calibre le, the bullet penrtrut ng the right The Sultana eore ttrousrt%ufteffet,i, Mt- The doctor have hut*, of re- (Having puir•havel at yard and a ever.. h*Krti Toronto -A petition swatted the Baa,•gaini, anti. now, tarn of George 1d, (:rant as mem- See the rollMierlt low -Lute ' •r for North Ontario in the iter Not A mml of them venture to taffeta. anon Parliament was tiled Friday Th. ih•lin.atur, 'vroom. The tome' . charges of 11.•ry and corruption by agent■ are ode, and th.• court 1. asked to de - are Mr. Grant personally guilty of mother (five minutia afterward) : •rrulit peseta...it and to ditiqualify «(midis•--iffay„ t.00l.«Ir W.)Ot*Ir wiik h im from holding the seat The n4'- tip ; z1.• "tatnnin floe )o•ttir, mu hr Nary deposit of *1,000 was *lade. N'AN." 6RRAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. They were tw11 wretches of men, London. -Tb• Times has had to who tort in the wettish on of their club. append its Marconigrem news oar- "VI -hat ere the three markt-et. modes queried one.a idiom tee "wing to a break in the ape 'Teleran. tele ) of 1 and I able - a Y' uen g.Uu, l wrong lad m. ' "No, ten n in the laone. G.+:Jon -Vitt-Admiral Lord Char- ("Well, what are they '" "Telegraph. T:enehord hart tuk.n over the ' telephn,ne, and -tell a Woman !" L.il- 'mmaad of the Channel Squadron don Answer.. - Port amout h. Liverpool. -Mir Charles Rivera Wil- e, pretidrnt of the ld.T.11 H. and ads Rilnon, ■ailed on the Campan- tor New York on Saturday. Gino,; w papers say that the Fair - id Shipbuilding Company. the wake known to hi. follow-.nfen'r. the moan. !Kent nn the ('lyde, has decided toof rare. To the' ewho dr.ire it. h• will cheer- did heer did a plant on Sydney, C.11., har- I hdlg' .,end I1nr of rlmrgel x ropy of the pre amps sun .i.,rt. which they wilt and n sum ren• 'r. for Censaptlea. Asthma, Catarrh, Broach'. Lnnrinn.--ttuch cold and snowfalls I sa Do and throat ,end lung rialadloo. He hope* All t were experienced 1n tMe United__ l mutterer,. will try hl. remedy. no it i. In udnrble. I Thom drwlring the pre'•riptlun. whirl, ei11 Isgdnm during the pest work are tet them mahing. and innt onwr a rarer Nf ,preceriented In twenty years. The f will pleeee rehire.. Nov. EDWARD A. W. me tonditiolaa Drevall on that sane- ' aeeeklys, New York. lierrN . I,a,.. Judgment on r meal by de- fr•rNlrtrt from .iadgtuent of Maeahun, .1. 0 It. W. 1t. aut. fu laver ad ulrlut Iasi in w'tien aro.' at 1 io ,lr•rbin brsght b. 0r41, er da11lyp+m for br.•.ui, of a eevrnant by defendant nut W enter into l,wdnu a. r .1ruggi.t and cat W open it tion! or further drug .ton. 1. tine ell u• Inu•l'nuu, slot for an fnjuuntloll. The• trial J,stgr grin:el an lnjum•tion atnf dlrated a referon•e W .N. e,• dainty/v.. llefetrtrnl wow .ellbie lint to pl'lntif Merry one of the only t wu tit lug .t.ir.-n in I.ueknow ; it was ,nnuklvnd n•.•e•rwry that he ,lneikt not for eve )err.. either open a new drug ,bre or g., Inbt hu.l. Hey. wulh the tither ,atntl.4. nae. After are surae he might go Into blunt... with the other 'elastins one. or buy It unit, ,out he nowt net, for a futihur Nike id to.. )Iwo, open a new KINTAIL SATURDAY. Apt•il 111th. John Griffin. who for a good - bow of years lute been the travelling lepreneutxtive in the r ties of Huron, lienee and Teeth for the Saw- yer k Massy Co., of Hau/ilti. maim. 6•t(were of threshing swehises. halo Liken a positas traveller for West- ern Ontario with the J. I. Case Co., of Racine, Wim., tone of the Iergestthresh- ing machine firms in the world. We wish L) es .algrxt ubttr Mr. Griffin on the appointment. SHEPPARDTON. Tt•Kane, Y. Apr;. 21st. Win. Burrows leaves this work for the West. Mims Alice IAougherty op era -a flew days lastrick at }it•nmiller. Miss OI •r Floater, who is attending the (heireh (:collegiate, spent Faster holidays at, h DUNLOP. DUNGANNON MONDAY, April 2(Kh. TL`Raitty, April 21. The fauallisr faces of Mr. anti J11r1. Putin ll Navrg, The puttee of A. C. Mau•lhonakl are again with Ism, things and 13rlgtavoe Mrthobliast after nearly four the' stay with chulr•hea exchanged pulpits liu.t Nab - their chlktleta at Windsor and Detroit. hath. While in the latter city Mr. Mtu•Ihrn- (ie50) OPKNINO.--Our village is in a1d received a visit froasi his cousin, want at }})reae•nt 1s1 n carriage and wag the Rev. Jas. MacDonald, it leading gnu Maker and repairer. Thele is Methodist divine of Oakland, a sub- plenty of work in that line for a good ,u•b of Chicago. The reverend gentle- mechanic. utas has a thousand membership in Petty/fleet. - 3hrw, Paul _ Slmeltzer•, his rungs, ati,n, has he and SI r. (wing au•cuuiluulilr' by her daughter. Ma Donald had not met for many Miss Martha, of Lucknow, visited rel- yewe:, they had quite a that over old atives hole 011'1\u•alay. ..Mar., John times, (:lazier, of Aslatleld. having obtained As the Usslerirh pN)ple ate pushingggift tickrte for the put -clothe of rods forward so many improvement.., fain 1-'. Elliott to. the aiiian11t of $'13, would it not 1w well for the township, revived a handsome paries tiRims of Co dim trytryand l's*v►t.xat'tNO.-- %V.%ehmg with the make an arrangement to have threw numerous friends of Mars. Jas. \\'alkrr, tire -trio- light.; foo,a the town in Salt- are pivoted t. know that the ve•mai-able fotel, • at the 1Naduflice corner, one laly, who has been f1' about thin• ou Dunlop hill. and the third un the weeka we'iuusly ill, is gradually rr't•ov- topofKmita, hill % These lights would ing. Her Nino,l'olville, ofingewdl, be a great guile to the e ' g s and Charge, of Gini.% who have for new visitor* of the Lown who go to .5mge day,+ herrn attending to her. left He Het. and the Black'Hole ur to for their r,'spFective fumes, via Lurk - Ha ,ilink's and the Point Farm. It in now, yesterday, aa well-known fact that rot Saltforl has IN't•EIt)IKNT 01+ .\ PtoNRxa.- The re. no resident clergy thriven. nn• uutny of mains of Arthur 1)raney, of Kinlouuh. its people who are regular attendants pump Maker, were interred in Kul - wird menders of the Oodri'ich church- lough cemetery on Tuewlay, 21st. The 4'4, anti attend the weekly prayer- derex+wd was for 111auy year,* x reel - Meetings !wajdes, and we don't think dent of the township of A'htleld. they will object- to the lights, arid Quite a number of his relatives and there are also others who have fame at'rpraintoauet•s here and in the vicinity in imaith'a1 floaters who won't say attenders his funeral. He wax much nay to the pvsgtestal. There area rem' esteemed toy all who were aeeq.ahited many others living in the townehip with him ,o. as shiner. Who Would be Is•Ilefltted by having My Idol op Muse -teat l'ul'N(•i1.-'- AVE su.- On \Velne•arliy even- i lights where We proporw. Placing ati In pursuance of notice given the fath- ing, April loth, a small gathering 011 electric light on the bridge, we are errs „f the ' • Mal c it of Wed rarities.. tirN and intimate friendser ugather- told, might cause Iu•cio eutN with \Vawa,nsh met in the 5ownship hall eel at the hold,• of 'Air. and Mrw. Jim. holden. ria Wednesday to receive tenders for Dunbar, Ashfield, to witnens the mar- .4 happy E,u.ter wedding took place x team of horses ti. work the mad tiegr of their daughter Mary to Angus at the resdeire of our well-known and grader during the ensuing *rinser: Urolrbia, elm, of Ashfield. The rete- popular townsman, John H. Barker, Thew were two terriers preeented. 111011y was performed by Rev. Mr. on ‘Vettliestlay eve. ' g of last N'erk,'-atnl that of Edward Johnston. of Ash- Ruthefolrl, of 1►ungatnon, The d'• a hen his eldest daughter, Eliva4eth Held. was aocept'd. It was decide) to Jane. gave her heart mid hand to hold a coot of revi ' of the *ss•a• George, eldest mon of - one-time nor's roll on the 21t(h of May. t,wrt'nuan. Itotier Htan, now of Car- l'Huitea -- Easter S hay low. The wedding wax celebrated in WAS duly uh,raved in Er.kinr church. the lm.:,race• of the telati Vet. And The pulpit and elude stand were Iwxbt frirm n of the y g couple by Ilse. ifullydeeurxtel With thecl:tiered of the JAN. 11 'Ito*, .11tetul' o1 Coebuwagon's won's flower t. Tile SaMa(h schiad church. The bride was be - ' gly '.'Molars seamier! the choir stand and attired in 0 hanlslne ,-root a acquitted themselves in the sisal _ of Mur cloth with white silk waist part of the service with gnat reedit.' PORTER'S HILL , and t ' ' go. After the leer.- which clearly showed their morel tlrlall- n1ouy a s ptuulls repast was ing .. Dust Sabbath Rev. M. Geld - Mos 0.vv. April anth. Nerved, followed by social illtelromlra•. beteg, pastor of St. Panel's ehtreh, .1nn.'1'onruIcc has putr•hawm( x new go11Nm a 1111 dancing. The wielding preaehel 110 ap,n..pr•iate se• to 11,1•.5•. presents were many and us•fnl, the the members of the A. O. U. W. Mims Nrllir \IrUonxld is in Llndnta Pride re eivin several fromlrlativr•s society. at present.iu Detroit nm! Ne •w 1 ori. The bridal I)IAmost) V\' ND. --A huge H. Pilins, of l'lindon, N'N 1 the gifted lair who have entered lifts journey ter of the venrrehle 1 ' .eels of thin of hisone,friend. S. Clint/no. McPhail. . he giy, together are popular and well k,uown, village end • .lint• vicinity ..tweet a and have a large circle of friends who very enjoyable time last Friday after - \We are pleased to hear that Mrs, wish them a meet happy future. noon at the reeklenee of Squire Nfld- ./an. talion is rrcove•ing from her ill- 7'hee• wax no hest man ..r bridesmaid. lough, the• event being the (eteba•al i 114'5.5, Mie. Lola Harker, one of the bride'. of his diamond wedding. The vener- Mhwa Porter. of the 4th r ...Hahn', younger misters, tiller the duties of able couple, Mr. and Mrs. Mallotegh, was the guest of her sister. Mrs. Jno. meed of honor and handed the ring bo thoroughly enjoyed the event. There }flair, on S bay. the ger am which bound the two hearts were perinea elsiut seventy-five, Jtow•Yh Rlr,w•n, 551 liayHrpd, Neill Iw- t.'eggether. Mr. and Mrs. Bean heave : g w•1 suite a Iwo Weer up - gin this week to build t11e fn111N111 Laken Ilp residence sidenle on the tarn. ward's ION o of threere mai tea year. for Jas: \Iclfvlt. hni1d's Iwru. near ie.yal, recently purchased by \1r. The esteemed poasturuf Erskine chun'h, , Rev. C. Ruthrtforl, was one of the Mims Luella Tichborne, of the G.C.L. Bean. ruupany. R. Sallows, of G.,lt•rich, spent. he• i, holidays at the home BAYFIELD, was torment end took x photograph of of her p:.n•nte. (1th omeresmioni. o the gathering. It'KNIi4L2n, u DAY, April l. A phonograph entertainment will Io• held in the town hall, Hxylie•!d. Sat- urday evening next,' ' Largest :and best ph ,graph made. Don't fail t.. hear itAdmission only 115. ST. HELENS. LANES. Was guwne1 111 tint blur ('loth, with um•..104 t1i114•1,41444' t lr,smupet it in Luck tri utniing of whilx sell and appligte. now. 'there wen.. thrn•fon'. for the ar.t ave Alt'' the ceremunl' all sat down to. a I year* two concurrent ,•"v mart,, nor 4'r w 1, llk•INnlllt lfla I -h. the triad.. Was Iwa,i- Irmtllrted heynr; the ate )ern, fur .. bather pN,nal of ace )ear.. Held, that the resent of tiredly (14.r -ureter! with I1Nlgtletx of eitr- piniunitr Itco•ry u. drft-tsla"t . carrying nn ow nations al141 111\'lite. The gtr11r11'n gift original bud,., with 'terry'. cam durst the t., the Stride waas a grail watch anti ar.t ace ye,rr..did len Atter t ala• e411ve.ue11 INA glum with a setting of peal1.. Ant, 1e open a lhinl bu.ine..'• in Lue►now. The covenant f..rp1marnblr int"two ;ono, ami one It111.•5hy.ts. The beide received from inert clay .urrfre 55,' older. .1 cot rnaut noch f'il•nas ulaliy Iwxutifll pnarnt. aw lhi. f. a.ulgurblr, s11A the nail 1.1 rufl a it Ace•. not trrudlnr(t'04 • by I t.t1 f plaintiff v• Mg g gone eel f Inwlnr.. I 'If ; Ilib-M'I.•k .1.'uk,r. a/.. H. I:W: tor. v. Putto, mnt'. H. 1 24 I Jacoby,. Wn 11toore 19 1 T. S,ti. Judi( metth.lend, am1 defendant to in. n.irwfn.d (0,111 WIN'nhelt. carr)fug 0,, ur lois ing Iain In r fon her bu.in... in t.nrknow d.,ri,,g tlir p•ri'd Of t•., Near. fnnu Yl•I Ncldend. r, l'Jr•. Nu n'fa'n•her w+ to d4l1mlg•'.. 1h4e111lr„t to pny nylons ami a•' gqW'aatl. J..1. I'st.'r'on K. 5 d ter . iendan. . 1'nmdf,t, K. 4 for plaint In _ NEWS NOTES. '.Ve'rr pkaa.-.l w Aare ttwt lir. Wren And wife are bark, *Id rt ' br hi, e.. The rubhi..wrl.py again Their • •r loan' at 11.E .1.• Iwav The Garden. n•.taurant n•ts,n, A fn•.h .upply of anglewonu.. Thr elm. that fav'rtte of neat. Ila., bougie. to rent on la.y,;er n, N',- Irani that Mn.. l an , Ihe• 1. dill quite laule with foot ed ring.. Ve Kdil..r thank.. Cherry Tr. -r Yoe .modry aural offering, IIownJ i.tern-way a water •pont Ilae been the conn,' of many Moot.. \ye hoar 111..• rumored coming. unt turf -unue of spring, 11M'. 0100 ..I bald-. In eel... )lig nm terns. linen Irwn. Don't wond. r why he looked .,, queer - 1 TI.nnly that he', nmlu-rgonr Hls ant .bon hair rut of the year. EDWIN I.. !t•Ate. Young Mother it.. herself) : "I don't mese why it is that baby ,iwen't talk Metter. He's very )ore•kwatd." Seine To CONSUMPTIVES The umkr„fgn ha, ing tN•.•n n•.tnrd to health by .nup mann+., after -offering for oeve•ral year,. with it or, ere long afetion, end that drlrul dtu ow• Ceaaueeptloe. 1. on afouo tut watery mains ittr nit new nn1151' on Elgin ane. T. Maloney, proprietor of the Ant 1i - ran lunch nouns, wrote with reference to rxeltaive privilege of hawing n le Hale stand at the Hatdtor 1'Ark during the anomer. His rtn»mnniea- tion was referred terapoe'ial co,ntnitter. Aeemnte of Mier. Spews, An'I Mins M,•Key, raw each. for typ•writrug, were ordenel to he paid. The followittga/rounts were w'nt t.) the finance committee • National t'Arbon Co., Cleveland, soppties, $12 Kidd k (o,, entppdins, $4 ;(lnrem ('its 5)11 ('o., i•tl., nil, 813.5411 ; Wm. Kirk- hridr, nupplies and repairing, *tial: Comedian General Electric ('o., ill) in- anlAtorw, *8.011, and 217 1).,. wire. $11.- 21: N. 0. R.nlgvir, supplies, *17.13 snot *11,40: The Signet, printing and ,ul•.rf iang. $40.21; R. ('. Manning., shingle. and other Nnpplit'e and wall at61the cemetery, Anti other repairs, The finance r 'td•h reported tint they had examined the monthly Mtete- mrntx of the treasurer and fo oitote, nm1 elm the r Ilart•rly Ntet'lle'tlts of the Rank of Montreal And the Bunn and Bruer Loan and lnyeetient ('o. and found theme eorri'et. The rotnmit- ter reeimonende) the payment n' nnnher of Arrout.a, the larg •at being \Vet. Lee, $sit ; and F. 14. Nolen•.. Mr. Elliott. naked if Mr. Holme, had P"14 hie law c(stw. And the May.n• g '.'.' the information thea he hal drpwit'd . cheque with the Sheriff for *ns'i. and earl he (the Mayor) would ondert mks Iso mer that thin *Aa earthed before pay- ing Mr. Holmen hill. The report was adopted. Chairmen Thoenpw,n of the puhjie work.. rnmnnitt a Iwrwsght up the matter of a )otter he had reeeeived fnnu R. 1'. Hay., solicitor for Kdgsr B. Hale. who had prarehg,p•l a rouph• of lot" meth of the elarldpip' And wanted the odd (alaey ditching machine re TONI T. A. \.Donald h,ul an exciting t' • the other night in trying to smile a comb which for rune time Hpast lied iwien visiting his hen haus•. loweve•r, he was,tarlr'esftl and killed it. - - NI, sDAy, Apr. 2111h. TreND.1y, .April 21. Miss Jam• Rutherford visited friends Jas. (iilsNn1, oa1•ir'h,utt here, was in in this vicinity last week.' lwndron for it tare .,ayes. Mrs. Mrllonald end children are Mr. and Mos. 1). McNevin, of ibm . visiting at her father's, Thee. Todd's. Kennon, visite) • village or. • time Mr.R.lasockhxtt (rave. this week for AK". Manitoba on a visit b, friends the:.. tire. Wm. Reid, sr., and her mm, T. J. O'Loughlin left Saturday to re- Richard. visited friend*/ in G.1leirh oume the charge of his school near Iasi. week, New Hamburg. Mrs, Hetherington has gime to Myth t, work in a uai)liue•y eatablieh- i,,,', t in that place. Minaem Jean Todd end Lily Clark and Rev. S. M. Whaley for the past few days have been 141 'Nitta iwlisp ss' 1. ,htet•r Jan. Sturdy, who has leen seriously ill with lung trr,1)1)15•, 15, we are ,t(11111. to way, slmiew-hat impar,vel. - N111.1. Valnac Miller hits again got at.ar'tRrl IN/INDAY, April 211 on the road for another ses,rt'm work in supplying the Iwnple with things Ike elated f•iendsxtCarboy recently. necessary. Mira A. (iron lllll •tt, of 'Tor onto, is C. A. Tehbntt has returned to re- h • for x few days. N • the charge of our .511,1,1, after \V ,.i l,'• h'inrgnn visited fiends in standing him vre•ation at bis hotnc at }k• 'lSu6day.' Ifnilm•svilir. •n s tr d crmrt- r N .Ini ut n \ 'r text• th t 'ss Etta Murat-, 1 • 11 P V h MI is who hastai n a position in Eatno'm store, was paw- Ing ft fends in Stanley x11 xnewly date. ?Netter with a purse as x token of the Rev. Mr. Wileon ex,'hangeil pulpits appteciatinn of her .wryirle its organ• with %i r. Kennedy, of 1iondesloorn, iost in Colvin et it Sunday Inst. Mies %Iinx Hmtherfoes , ft. Miller and •V new resident lute moor to Nile, in J. Met'trustir, of litoderich 1'oilegiat• I flie !1.111111 of II. 1 .iwll•r. He ,'occupies Inatitnte•, uft'r spending the Exeter the home. of \Wet. Morrow. vacat' at their homier here, return . t11ar to re. • their studies, (:eu'ge McCartney 1((1.1 his sister. of Hulpuaville, ale. vita) Mg friends here The aas'asor finds tint \Winghnul at. present. They intend starting for lute n 11ip11latilo/1 of 2,21111. The allay Manitoba next week. aaisanntrnt last year war. $fP22,457, rand 1 Our redeemed blacksmith ind•ndn this year $60,217, (wing an inrr ane of fitting him fine driver, Ihrke, for the nearly *12,011), The A11At • figurer fall show at Ihurgannon. We huave no for last year were 2.11,31 and thin year doubt he will he ildcceasfnl in allaying 2, 6, an increase of 13,5. off first prize. PORT ALBERT. S 'KDN65D.1Y. April 22114. Edward Mr('onnel1 and family leave for Toronto next week, where t hey will reside in the future. Mr. and Mem. Geo. Hawkins attended the iliantiul welding of Mr. and ties. Wm. Melluugh at Ihurgan on Fri- day last. Welneslley evening (of Inst week, the Lith inet., at the home of the btide'N parents. Nx. celebrated the marriage of Mies Mary W. fhtttMtr arid Angles Gordon. Rev. Mr. Rutherford !reformer the e'etmltbv. Outside of the inuneliate rant iVies of I). Farrish and T. Drennan, who no, Ithr runtnuting partite the fullowirt1gg attending the G. 1'. 1.. agent Estero. 141 ' Iuets wen• pn•s nt : \Ir. And Mn. lf. ,ntlend, Id Nile: Mr. and Jllx. A. Johnston and family ; 15. nod tire. J. E. Toni paid An ufllcial visit to out' (billow, of Giolrr•ich ; \1n,. Baird and meh.sll jurat. Is•fu',' the Eaet•r holidays. won, '11 s, of HI'uceflels, rind 31t•. Ile expre'sse) himself well pleased, 1 Mrs. Jaw. Hayden. of Port Alle•t•t. with the efflcirnry of the pupls ansi1 Ttal• many friends of the Initis and the iullproyerrlrllts ill the s•h.N.1 pte•r11- gr.sall rXte'tld ti thein he'au'fy' cong -at- ise. Inlntions.-.----- _ - thrix repwctive homes. on . nqt wee -nerve t(1 •,ran Ire qt nr mate anal six ins- M ch'lnw the provirus the cost of the deed, *ai, break. The fracture was set, chlor- oform bring administered for the purpoar, . and the neraasary splints were applied. Ills Honor stood the iunnrdiate efsctn of the injury well. and no alarming symptoms develop- ed until 'Tuesday night shortly be- fore midnight. when his heart's ac- 'tlon brogan to fall, and It norm be- cnmr evident that he could not re- cover. Since that titne he has been growing gradually weaker." Trlbnton to air Oliver'. Worth. 5.1C11 comes from all over the reentry that flags fly at half mast tr. honor of Sir Oliver. In very many of the churches hers yesterday extended reference, to his career were made by the pastors, and from many puddle men tributes were paid to the deceaseds memory, Iwo of the most nntnhle being those of the 'inn. G. W. Ross, Premier of (int Ar- lo. and Sir William Ralph Meredith, for 15 years leader of the Opposl- tha in the Legislature. SHAMROCK ID. DISMASTED. Dao Mau Drowood sad air Thomas tiptoe and Othon Hurt Weymouth, April 1R - Thomas Lipton's new rhnikmgrr for the Ain- crira'p Cup, Shntnr,wk i11 , woe dis- mnated in a squall yesterday, short- ly after hooting this hnrhor prepara- tory to another trill spin with Shamrock 1. Tier matt, as it fell over the side, carried several of the crew and all the; gear and ennv'ns overboard. one tang"ons drowned and nevrrnl persons, including Sir Thornton, who wee knocked down R hatchway, were hruined or othrrwias Injured. RORRED THE POSTOFFICE. •1,0en ..'l ae.000 worth of rapers Takeo by nnratan. Winnipeg. April 1R The pnstnfirr at Arcola, A•VIA ., wens entered by lwrglars Thera -ley night. The IN in - nitwit mail hag was cut open, An(I two th,oaand dollars tnken from registered letters, elan other popes. to rho value 1,1 at.nut $A,n<O 'Thera • s no clue to tho burglar, an y t Mor? rolosa•u Arrle.. Winnipeg. Mon . April 1R First train load of the Barr colonists .r - Overt at Se'skat non yntrrdny tunrlt- ing et 11 n'rleck and nil are nasty under canvas. They were received with cheers. _ _ Meet- young 11,11'' els, were snp- (p1eove41 to Its going ippto Irrlinr have been motored to health and ,Igor boy the us' of Miller's (' ponnl Ion Pille, For tale by Jae. Wllmm. Mdea-rowelt at Ottawa. Ottawa, April 21 .-Own. Haden - Powell arrived in the city yesterday morning, end Is a guest at Govern- ment Ilona,. lie said he WAR in Canada mere° to renew his ar- gnnlntanre with Lord Minto and Inn1 Ionndnnnld iia thseat lla for ome nn Ml,nday 11..std h. Intrudh- ed to return In Canada shortly and to Make an extended stay end study the ilnminiew from a minter; eland - point. (11''4' ('oyrtice of Clinton, heft, NAaa. week for the Wed, being compelled by ill I1eslt5 to resign loin position with Jackson live., which he had hell for .even y.•ane, He revived en Adds'. and pnete'ntation from the ata( hen., leaving. MAiE11tINA. Tt IssritY, April 21st, Lanes Court of the 1. 0. F. mmr•ts next. Friday- evening. Hubbir rl'releavl•n in on the silk fiat, laid up with a aeevere cold. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Will. Finlay left this morning for the Not-lbw.et. He intends to remain u year. He will Ile greatly mimes', taper -tally in the et . •. Miss Maggie Kilpatttiek return. 1 yesterday to (111lrrich to lr•.II n N' her studies at t he G. C. I. She missed her Easter exattli1Ntt ion owing LO all attack of illness. Sclula tr•r 'need here yesterday mot• ' g with ati inrreaas'l attend- ance. If we had a flew 011.r• oleo in til• s•rtion like Mr. Stanley, there Would man be lime f(ot' the 011'1,11/11'1111111. om- :reet ies ; d to n -- TI U...=A`ril 23, 1903, Jordon ,. 131uck. (inc K l l-9 S Underskirts Unde UO(lerich, Ont, This time a lot of very stylish blazed underskirts, both in fluted and frilled, fast color: prices are 65c, 85c, $1.00, $1.2S,. $4.00. Millinery • Ilexes o1 Howes, IN1X1•a of feathaers:alta Imoxes of foliage atilt! ti'' . K. at a half 11. n lltuu'trr price, There is • t(4tt1 ),.eking in these boxes. They are not the nee vet g.Nsle but they are Mine than 'aIle. Short ends IV,. have ,a kit 44 short ends, (were) 1(m) bite 11,e'Ku fur 5woys )cants and Nuits, 1141thi11g the mat ter linty there is not much of any 0114' r,f them, but there may be enough for that boy and you will wave on the price. qv White (foods e ct a lot of those amt. .'.irts and night gowtis, the gat Melts are (11e Mut you can get at ,a elltarte• alone 11141114'(•. Thee are ar \ little soiled., for which them are re- dut•ti.n a rtf 1:e to *1.01. Will pay you well to investigate. fluslins ' el'is time 1'ot were thinking of hot weather diems. We never h.ul ux goo,i it range of pcicem and the values Lever Wen• 1114 gloa). \'cry special lit 10., twelve patterns to select f1,)111, others at 121, 1111' to 35', To cash buyers only, we have somethin for You which you will tppreciate. It's not "somethingfor nothing' but a reward for your cash patronage. Colne and see how it's done at M°KIM'S BUSY STORE. •111•1 Bial)( 19c £= Wm. Sharman e> - The Arch Support of a "DOROTHY DODD" BIND IT UP Ever since men became weary and %outer' 111111iNtetrel to then. it ban heel) the 1.10410111 to hind op &iy weak pallet of the 151111' Ito the beet prevent toe and relief for f 1 xti \Kw•zee the "Dorothy ihe1d" Nhlw• is tunic ill au,h it 11I •r that it binds up the weak put of the fleet, which is the arch. It utnmgthrns rind sustains the• ove•workell • 1. •l there which etrett•h at rattly step. lilt it 111M/ nut itself yield ! Ex lllll ine a '•i).orrothy 1)Iold" after two month's haul s'•vie• and you find the shank hos Lout none of its cut•1'r. Examine any 1/1111.1• ahoy after only two weeks and se how the shank hmte hat Ito sl ilTllee.a a1111 lends at leach dep. No Nurpnt to the arch then'. And tha result is that long walking bey -owes weori-, .5nmr•. ' They Cost $3.75. Has Exclusive Sale. 111111111111111111111aaaaaaa1111111111111i 1i1/11/1//:1111 1 50c DOMESTIC ECONOMY. 19c PI. $1 Moat of the farmer+ h,evv' finished seeding. They have Ise•* plea/eel with the weather and the soil in in exi-ellent. shat`.'. 1f the weather ntxn would only semi 'hiring s • nice warm showe'a now everyone would be tattinHed• waw, 1.ypewriter - wiworn tw. rtnwtty; it Was admitted that lettere of Oct. 2 Oct 10, Oct.. 2, and Sept. 10 were all written nn the same ma - cilium in Mr. Stratton'. other. Espert Without Suola u.. Mr. McPherson --That covers the entire serira and eatabHNhes every- thing I could hope to establish. • Mr. Osborn stepped down. - ' Mr. Blake said he would proceed with his rase to -day, and the court adjourned at 3.50 p,m. Meese to Moot Ta -Day. Toronto, April 21. -At A o'clock to -day the Legislature will meet. in view of the fact that the funeral of Sir Oliver Mowat will he held nn Wednesday, it le thoughtthat the House will merely plate on record itt regrets, extend its sympathies to 'the family, and adjourn until Thurs- day. Premier Rots stated yesterday that he was ready to proceed with the butlneM of the Holm.. and Mr. Whfttliar east that he Is ready, tno; so that a further adjourotnnnt 1s Im- probable. • MR. MORTIMER CLARK, K. C. tuee.ods 15. Leto 11r O11vor Mowat as Llo.traut-Oororaor of the inel... of Oratorio. nttawe, April 21. --Mr. W. Morti- Household economics has becomes scientific at Ay, and oneof its , most important lessons is that the foods which enter the body slinu'd be the greatest purity and best quality that is possible. For the preparation of these w holeasoutn foods care muet be exer- cised in procuring first -clam Groceries. and it is in this branch of the housekeeper's work that we believe we can help you. Our stock is good and fresh and extensive, and wo fill all orders promp 1 and carefully. (sive us a trial. S'=vR=Y aZ GO- THIC OROCF.RS, VW ST SIDE S'1UARE Telephone No. 91. i'fIllt!!!!ttIlltilt!!!!!!!MMT!!!1111t11ttrtmtm a )pular Fence Days THE ONE BUILT BY )ON Fence llach i ne a mer (lurk. K. ('., of Toronto, hoot E 15.50 appointed Lieut. -Governor of E Ontario liie rommtt.ion was made nut lana night. end Mr. John .3. Mb- E gee, Clerk of the Privy (lnonril, will carry it to 'Vernon and edmini.ter aha oath of Mika to the n.w Oovar- nnr. ' i')ioll t' Because it Is the Cheapest •, • An N -Inderal fence of No, 1) lelnxon roileel spring steel weir•. N10'1.11 With Ni,. 13 soft win•. 1.1 T-inlp rns.t. vyou iYc whin if is c' _ plete'f : or en N-5uttveal fenceof two No. it (lop and bottom) and nix No. 12 (es-titr'), ell 1,1 Condon o oiled spring Morel wire, woven with No. 13 soft wire, will only Port you 35• per rrm1 when it is 00141,Because it. i, a fene,' that ham prov''en its dttnlbility by the way a. hex at.swl through heavy weights of *mow and other elms . and .5'yere tests. Because • .•it is a fete you eon lot did un 1411 and down hill and it, in elw•a\'s even and minder, ter the simple 1.1.11..1011Shal your nt. eral':tn'sttedched l)t•st and the weaving ti • afterward., Because it in a (sore you can Indio' yonrs•If, and the nlonry you save over a woven fence will pay you big wngee for y'ronr W. Money wave) is ►,,ones maul.. Because • y,nt keep you• money foryomrlrl1 instead of narking the sa' tokboldere of • hoar ory rich. • a 1 have le arrangenu'ntt with Messrs. \\`th, V4ansto' en() 3. 3. M.wmr', of sl'nmille', to handle the leindon pone Maehioe end l,.on/1.in 1'01541 Spring Steel \Wiry• for rale. If yon litre only n few•rwls to pmt lipChia year AWLWant to latishrs • yourself atm towhat the fen..., really in, they will put it up for you at. the Alp n•' mentioned prime ; and /leg Vl an• when yon Ate satisfied that the fence in All t1111. we cloina for it yon will Inty a mmchimr and put up your own fence, 1 will have n ear of No. 9 London 5'oilel Spring Steel Wire in this work and will supply yowl r• At. *3.Ofl, My ale„, end a r-to-eletc mock nt' Hartle -an. Itis ,jest r t A•ia•el and 1 solicit your trade, which will have careful Attention. If yon )any 11 ;wound you KM n', IMI. I have .111x,1) 511 111 y and rok a hare quantity Mean' St of Ur. ork Fowl. ('a11 and try x sample hag and get oneof his hooks containing ptaetical pninta about horwe, rattle, sheep, hOge and poultry. a MiII' . Worm Powder. Luc n u,nl- 4erft11 nu'liei Ile for ailments of rhil- drrm. For .ale by Jas. )Wilson. Ir l' n ) CHAS. C. LEE \., iyl.11fllilN(i, HIiATIN(i ANi) TINSMITH1N(1 .. a ?1UIIUl 111 1 U11u111t11111U11 I1u1 11111U11111 1u .