HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-4-23, Page 3It!tt?'i�i'rla'k ; 1r .-4 "e ... . __ _.. ___ ..-. -_. -- �- - ■ FOR THE SAKE Of GOOD HEAITN 1.1 DENM�A a";, ren „: Et�RULdEfL �h1;tlalren's A//mems. BED -TIME STO►tY. GHOS r s TORIES FROM DRINK if 11 MLIDA, Ceylon CREEN Tea. It is pure, dollcious and health- ful. It is as far ahoad o,' Japan toa as "SALADA" Black Is ahead of all other black teas. In lead packets only. ZOo and 400 per Ib. By all grocers. OIVEN LEAVE TO REM MY. I anque Prtitson Preraentaxi its an A la I.,,,. Judge by ulvure.•ed Man. Alllingtsnn, the h;xeculloner. Billington, the Engllrlt executioner, W part proprietor, with 11 to brother, of n trtrbor's chop at !lotto.. Ito la --I hero been leracticlug low fur x cohort, stlffly-built man of W. and P,I,y peter ,tial lave wur wu„y ye Is uarriW. Uls mtuluer In lgiveut,IC; I til Imports oil file but btu sti►yuu 1 g I V bis rpeweh typleally "Larteumheer." uvu erre rte u molt til lq lir 1 1 il k tele Ile tie < U min uIBillington. tile I t for - Lu lslrwagLum, Alu, lbw othl,rday," Ila mor executioner. Billh oI still M. of Atlanta, -It t5 per exeuullon. lykhl tutees Llneetce Willard. the New WlUurd. "1NtO {.(per w�a Aoo, of Illi edeoessor&. Berry � y alud I thoroughly unlquu reel original Marwood. Caloraft, who preceded so I had lbw Clark of the Court Wako it Marwo0l ('a -IS to 1871 t, pear paW by copy for lee. It woof a petition III -'4,11 this eorp+rntion of London fl lm. per I., 1891 by it nvto Asking to Ino •I- week nr is r(dainh,g fee, and Lt In, loava■1 to rowirry, him first wife lute_ for ca•h eteeuthin. amt LIO fur all b„t werured a divorce. It ready. Oveeutit„% in the country. "'Tb he IlonornWu..li. A. sharp-, fly tine elm" i bid taken lhQ ose bolt le my e.d.l V% al, gn11e, 71 nit `1h OAT) Jwlge of the City Court or Blrmtng- ��!! M VOICE FROM ltu , Equity; Your pytltloer, -- iuhn did remedy for rvnlith.+ Awl roldm.' of 1lobilo, Alt.. woulI deferentially Diem A A V.%shnmklrk, Robinsol reprerthat on the loth of ttritsi MonOtnn. N. if-, and whose 891. ,tauuary. ry, to ilio year of graceo 1d!►f. PRAIRIES your !Ancor d%sohod the connubl•tl 11,,j lberefore exlrtlug belwera rk- I- uUaler and kir convert, -- grant- I Tells of the Ureal Work Dong b Y 11,6 her divorao A vinculo mttrimonil, l with tlr beatific prl%(lege thereto, Dodd's Kidney Pills •,,,ertat of marry lug Again, a priv- ilvgu which It goo ,without saying - - .hu utnlld berrelf of with alacrity Thor. L. Ilublr tells how his Kidney of ,.yirlt and a fuhUdloum lovity Alm- 4,1111119 pulrult. fiat on thin %flat 11,11itafn t'auJsttrd when he used lbs pdr.t your honor extrdfad to pr- et .m..l d Kidney Itwmedv. titl000r only tLe charity or your wl- Kta,liw, N. W. T., April 13. -(Special.) Imice, "'His bays rapidly verging on tt.e -In this mew couptry, where metilcul att,,,k,,uu W often.liard W get, the axe• awl yellow leaf. the fruit and action (if nlpselal prerarhtlonr Ir 11"trzlp of love till going• the worts. pA.rerully tLod "d..the-.resutrr..as the conker and the gih•f Le K1sht. _WkSlA ou.cadu Uy nult%,. lbaeequeiltly. auil- will' nu one to 1011) And non" to rit slotnw tie arrlvdsf at that Are of enretre hits, your )) tltkrner isle nn Indmerlbalblo yearning. losglug tvdno to the puhlIC. Md She itlanout i uiuitnhuou« conclusion In that as a .,,.I he i%Ing to {t.unge bit" n.!eeu- i family nivAicD,e tlw-re Ir nothing to I hour prow oven morn Into the un- I eom{arn with Doud'd Kidney x11110. """I water" of the we.t of oonnu-i ,tor a tonic it Iwo made a name for II'illy, .'_ 11,001, whlle Its corer lir All ■Tager 'For oum'ortin,t rte (ho velvety of K14'lney Disease from Bright's Ulm- ',): is of tin angel a pilin on tit" eone to Dirkriche might be tonmidlererd •er-racked biow ilu-1 ro-thing tim wlrarul.,u. if tiscir frequency slid not ti., wtrnlns of an aeuli in her when en waken tlw•w nhuorl common. ww. pt 'by tt.e fingerm of the night I Tile fulk,wing sto'y lu1J by Thw. srtn f n1•d dk• it aiw tGa r".1oly drops L. flotilla• a farmer In Indian Head w!.ictl•vhlt those one] hearer orf ourmI nouniuiµtlily, Ir one or the many that nu.! as sweet oil n scrnmrntwl N LIp tit I have givtm i odd's Kidney 11133, tht•ir dying Iles, It 1n when lirt•'r filful l repututlaun. • t,,.,,r In ebbing to Its elorc to pit,, i ••About one year ago." anys Mr. low orldm fishing IeMd ON sum•- fond I Hobbs, ,It was throOn from n tig-ml. w ill ly honors ural irri•athe hits life eltusing sono straln on mf Kidneys. �.vitly there- I trial srvcrul Mediciap*, Mit could '71h6 pet Won wow granted."- get nu rrLef till 1 -w" Induce, to try Il'arlhln Rtomn Star. lk•dd's Ki.k,wy (Milo. - - _ "Ile«kl'A Ki.funep• 1111m relieved me r-, almoint from tho «tart, and by the . tlm'• 1 lad flilikinel One Im,x my wisp were gone. T.lry have not come back either." __ vietures or wheat. �1 Gwr. 11 VIS11111w, uliltatgo, says: Do /►� Dot boy lilt, yltay %Taunt without atoll-hw.m near to purelaso price. It lw difficult to, fu!luw such a drtl, but It I. very prnfitablis when It awn be delle. W-11 .limy wlwxtl from thM prhw up a J�IrY anemic-, T-_* was a low -prise for May w• batt for A long t ltwN but s it wsl•1 ander that prico Inst mouth. If we, do out love morn of tilts yatr'a Cron, tha ii ilk, nveragss lo,o from other crop pro,tirmtm, and lone -{reit. 4 faro good fur A b'g crop of oath and !.i colon, b.r A.. to g..e u. low..r {ulw•m Miss Cannon,,.".. DCtr01t Ilse th(vin aural«, I Irrlleve July Amateur Art Association, tells he% t wit k.,k Itigh at 72e. Pro - awpectis Art, im,w.ni«rve the average for %dung women what to do to All thio to (4 -incl to ra«m. and as It a%oid pain and suffering caused fait.rI roll a mdxaciii to change one's mind, It bxrkv to nit, likegood bull[- by ietttale troubles. neom jitsigiiv,ot to operate on the i can con, ientiously rernmmeml htst«im istilt- iegilimato with " eye On lilt Ilt(•giU(teatte. J.ydia E. I'Inkharrl'w Vei:etable The G,.irmiw-nt report out yew t oni"und to. theme of my siaterm _maray--att..rf 4)4Nk tgi+tutg--rnndtttan r to r.ng with frmal,c weakness and M 07.1 indip ic% n crop of winter tgin• troubles which, no often befall illi list ,t4,(XX),0t10 brtush. An over - w -men. I auffered for m•,nths will% oat• wort of bili w•Iwat rut -anti a rrneral weakness and felt so weary total of LdOU,000,01)0 bwWn. twit I had hard work to keep up. I --- had shooting pains and was utterly n1w•ierd 0. HCx•man. Clnlengo, says: rui�rable. In my distress I was ad- wl,wn I turned lxill ole whrat two .full to use I,ydla F IHnkl►am'8 we k« nett at rile bottom. and, before Vegetable Compound. and it was the boyo Ihieh took pin6o thin a rid letter day to me when I, took the week were morn tndlnnird, I tnnocd flr,t ,low, for at that Ume my restora. ism tilt, ISS-1.0tlat I Ito deader decline Cots bwiran. In six weeks 1 was a ,,it May w•hdwl rine+ .lanuary lied' rhanzed woman, perfectly well in wxtrnik•d alxptit far enough, and al- rvery respect. I felt so elated and uo tlw►t «C pnaory. or glowing crop fix ,c that I want all women who proi.prctm had iN*en discounted In the ,,,;i n ell to�get well as I did."-M[ws low prion (under 701e), ruling for July Otn,A GllrwOn, 550 .cones tot, Detroit. 'whmt. I Am Weil aware that the ('orremponding Sec ;v Mich. Amateur "Mort Lnlp„ Sot, r«rw liy In the July, Art. Alaorfatitm.-jSdse%rhffl/n•'gema/eJ lar! Ixrunw• unwk v -dangerously atom letter mment rsm■damewcssmsl MMs/•eM, oro -And i Itl-Feve It I« Ill very large U, font, it IMslt.s AN 1r It has bewsh In- It is clearly ethown in this crevtsetl thin week. Outside of the buy- 77Aung lady's letter that ivydla F.. I'lilkhnm'sYc Ing• however, by tlm Arm(wnr con - etnbilintL Dunt. C P will murelycure, tile Fiat fort nfp[Ca of corn, tlw-rp was nothing Important In tho news this week different from women: anti when ono consider" MO :11188 0annon'm letter Is only the, pr•rt•rdhia weeks to warfant one then to tura bull mac of hundreds which we have, the who tuns hm, rlmli now. Itvirtne of Mrs. Pinkham's medi- , Line mast be admitted by all. rn� Qtly ('naroh. .-t-0-11 In tial h,rh of mountain Only a iAttlei Assistance i4"AWA. 4irx Awl on the atortim which abroad the Kansa. City.lnnrnsl. lionn'llew deep. Pia`t-Toll mr, frankly, what nr,• licism nature -e (;awl His awful vigll �tear nbjr•etla no to my poetry'! I'er- Isu i cart rtvnetjy the Iroulslr, keep_ 11. -re, in thin chnn•h, thirAigh raieel L'Itar (Dlarwlly)-Pdsrha{ml yon ran- i,v homan hamlet ;rrt'hnMl yon ena,. Well. my mala n1,- ThoO.th in tit,- traffic crowd -,1 atroct lar that It kir, dthe it wtnndla, t,,,rm that for mr, moll i'11 waive otbera lief" tl corm Ins met ; awl, while men Motheras'mold know khat wnl,l hrn.l work or alwT He wnkr,v, nml Itmtens to the hearts snd . tbrr d, -tint, skin dl-,,". whirls stta•k ridtdren n,ey low meed by wywrer'm Grote. that w0ep, I And In Him love Makes straight lif,'m If It s unrts, ri du It w•lih aw,-et oN ,?lard. itangled fitrslMe, -- New gr-llersuonal home and pays Not a Hare Criterion. away, 7they pour their angnlsh Into Go,l'm tirrx,klyn I,i(s. lrrkhiw, Jnn.,-Why don't yn buy kiwi ,ear, • . They gaineqr mately towards iilm tixlt Karan d*Hetlem. pop? lle's got a W4.1 fano: a fin'. pe,ugrwa And, compnemeI with His mentk's day h" k 1 nor, sore.-IMrtigree be got darn- by do y. ei 1 Tho quentlon IN, In lie woth nay- Tlmy StAnnl nn"brthen, while Illi, tolksg7 why• boy, tllren anwaiMy ,,,at cl1>lwnw twprs+ M the mummer ehrUlly aplrrim rtollw Uirnngh the dark infinity of LION lifelgreaa -_ Glance. --- _ _-- ---- - M_1 A Wireless Message On How to Save 40 p. c. of cost on your Fencing(, Will Ise sent you on receipt of your name and address. son 146 .y=%.IKietK TKNCn: !'0., tt•,.11a.,d. est. Stoat ornalgning Dynastlw. KingChrititi,ul 1X. of Dtittarkc,I-— Lra.tud hu a)tit bit lrkiy of L1'eduai- oxuy. Illy father 'Alto lire Duiw lir hcirlrtrwl/L - >uulsteli - rUSides burg - hlueckrburg, wed lilt, war him own tllloup to aa,;, Wilma he Wuraccept- tel by lire grout Powers .tt the Low don ctklfereuew am the heir-api.Arent to the Durnlali lhrunc. Oil tiledeulll or Frederick 1'11. hr jdl,l Ins beolin(le Kung, ru tllut Ile will ire ublo to cele - brute the fortieth wtulvenalry-of hill ucotwrloau to the throw neat Nuvcm- bor. Pre{uaratiww fur it solemn ulr- rorvu.tiuu of thin event are ulretuly Lal progrusr In Denmark. Ono of Uw pNuo.pal rettiious for the groin iulur'.uet taken ill King Clirlr- thus till over Europe, lei him relatluu- rllip through the [[aarriager of him ellildron to the prineilwl relgnlug dyiulxtfem. Willie tiw•re are two Euru- inuu, movereignr, the Pupa and Luke Adoli%b lir Luxembourg, who are him wailorr foal cwt ee 1 e 1 r tutu s tau amw them being 1 film own sun ' i 4f g .LDS liturge, I. of Greece, who have reigu- od longer, tliere Is Ito wwarch who e one buet of a larger progeny. At tho preewlt flake King Chrlmllan's fiuuily coroslwtm of rix Clldret, thirty-two gratuichildren and twen- ty -reveal gr utt-grarldahtkiren. 1ylo King's elil•rt sun, Gown Prince Pro,ieriuk, it uarrled to A Princess of Sweden, ilk, oldtugt duuglrter of the Late King Charles XT. One of Iris daughters In the Dowag.-r Empress of Rtcuria, Ute mother of the preront Czar. Another daughter lr (,ltwen Alezatrira of Engltukd. Ilia second moo, the Klug of (ireroe, to married to a cousin of Ule Czar, antl hid third alaughtm, lsrincuts Thyra, is the I)ucbtar of Cumberland. Ilia youngest sun's wife Am Princess Marie of Bour- boo-Orlea lw a daughter of Lire Duke of Chartres, who serv.el air an side. daoamp to tact. McClellan In the An- tletnm campaign. Of KIniF Chrlstlan's graumis'onm one has married Prinoesm Maul of Ear.1,ind, yowigest daughter of Klrtg Fahvard''VII., while another we, the Crown I or Greece, lou nutrrlai n .lotpu Katrer %Tlllielm,, II. The King's wl . (;peen Luulse. tiled In lar'+. One on tbb Is yer. A we uor 1i-ku u [inrriste roluter the following story with great gumto: Soluo tion ago ho Inul usider cross- examinuttou it btouth from the coun- try, who rejuieud in the name of Sanipmon, and who"+rpplle were {truvocutivu of roue laug I Sir In court. "And su," qw-atlotueti the r- rlrter, -you wish till, court to - L`eve that you are peacefully dtsepo and nu hwfrrp«eve person ?" "Yea' "And that you havo no dpwlro td follow in this step@ of your Illustrious unmematke nal missile lit•• 1'hiliwllnem T "No, I vo not," answered the witness. "And if I had the dewire I Ain't got tho power at prent-W." "Then you !honk you wgnld b+ qh!c to co{«• ruccoatiful-ly wlUn a thousaln.l cuemb•m, and utterly rout them with the, jtw- Won of all armitV "Well," nil«werel Ill-, ruffled filampson, "I might have it try when you are done with the weapon I" 8(•611' FOR TIRED MOTHERS. Ilya•, treloy babies Wake up just alumt the mothcr'r bodtfilra atilt brp tier homy for a gout fart or ,t•• wghl.. Tins saulher Sony- not non nn; t.tning appanmtly the mat- ter with lire child, but she may tie - IX -11-1 IIJw NI It that It"Iw:ll Isthy ins Pt"m fin[ mli.il m there• it some- thilKt Wrong, and elm• little ogle Ins talking the only 11w.•an■ he has of wiling It. Baby's Own Tabletewill ♦a -1w, k4m well and cheerful right away 11tere are no opiates In this us•licltw-they read Ixtby to sleep amply b -ca use they remove the mume of fits Weep'easnesm an,l make film feel go to l anti comfortable. The Tablets are good for childron craft Rees, ant they cure all the minor lrolrbles of children. If you known lrlghibor who Is using- the Tablets cur ,Iw•r children, link what she lhjtdq of trim, and we aro sure slhe will tell you they nre tie best mea- irine In the world for little ones. Mrs. James Levere, 6pencervllte, Ont., says; "I (pplleve Baby's Own T+Uilety waved my baby's Ilse, and 1 would Dot be without twin." thin•( t y druggists _at, 2;a centa__m h1m lox or et911 ' att post paid on re- ceipt df prioo by writing direct to tow Dr. Williams' !h«lcinol Co., Brockville, Ont. • A GOOD WORK. Distrlbulkyn of Choke Seeds for 'feet - Ing Throughout On.Ario. The members of the Qatnrio Agri culturnl and Exprrl uentul Unidn nrel pinnwerl to "tato that for 11/0:1 they are prepared to distrllmute Into overt' township of Ontario material for experiment" with folder crops, roota, grains. grashtw, clover« and fertll- izerm. lll,waar,lm of 1,400 tarleties of farm erupt havo been tert(d In the experimental d( pnrtment of lila On- tario Agricultural College, Guelph, for at host five years In rucemsion. There conmlmt of nearly all theCann- Man sorts, and several hundred new varieties, sown of which have done exceedingly well In the carefully con- ducted expo-Iments At the college, and tiro tow [icing distributed, free of chargo, for co-operative experl- monts throughout Ontario. The fol- lowing Is tho Ilrt of co-operative mrserimentm for 11103: No. Experlmentm. Plots t-Tceting three varieties of (pats ......... ........ ......... ............ 8 .:-Tomting three varieties of etx- rowrd barley ......... ............. .... ..... 8 a -Tenting two varieties of Hul• le*il larley ......... ......... ... I..... 4 -Testing Emmer (4WItl atnd two vnricttes of spring "hent ... 1 ,!-Testing two varieties of Iwrk- whent............... ............ ............ - S-Teating two varictloo of field press ft.r Northern Ontario... L 7 -W -sting two rarletlos of buR- proof fleltl peas ......... ... i..... 2 8-Teatillg Cow pons and two varieties of Soy, Bojet, or Jnpnneso limns .... ..... 1 0-T+emtlq( three varictlem of honking corn ...... ...... ... ...... 1 1.0-Tlesling three varieties of mnngold« ...... ...... ...... ......... 1 11-Tiesting two varieties or sug- nr beets for feeding pur. poa•M ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ii 121-WRting three, varletlem of >`w ((Ii,Ak turnip -4 ...... ...... ...... R lt-Witing p.trwnipa anti ter.)vA- tletlre of c:arrotm ...... ......... :1 15-Tratling ihrer varieties of focMnr or p.lingt+ corn .».. 8 16--TAoting t`irre varieties of millet ......... ......... ......... ...... 8 17-1k,ating tire• vnri•llea of morghum......... ......... ......... ....., 8i tt -Tacit ing groom peam and two varieties nr retches ............ 8 l9-TNrt t11R two yl►r lellM at rftpa 'r 311-71rating three varlelles of eltnrr .............................. . A _l-Itiegtlrtir anlnfoln, i,merne rill inrnd t ...... ............ ......... ...... 1 _'-'I'll•*ting nip varieties of aralamrm ......... ......... ...... i ltedtiglre lhpre, varieties of fit ll tMaintt _ .- .............", e Munyon's Remedies for I:hlldrsii. THE HORSE WORLD. As fur all Toeuwy waituuucer.+vl too Could lave gireu him auitwer rlgt{l away tar well all In ilk) full. lie had ' Frow time, Iwmemoriml the spwi lftrirlcouth Ifark, N. J. with Ill) thought tlw tnultasr all tw tong - ago null film yui 6 brain %elt of ' nod prowtwr of horses have afforded p 111118 up. pUtua for earryang furulion uow (flnitful lhrunw tare Uw Baron Muu- ;dist how preposterous Ir title IeR- und u -to-dato {ducat. Thur a end of the oldt Iwo English race hurtle o�atl of nmtrr,uw• in day^ odnauwe[,r of Chu wort! of r{urlr. I:x- n{peau Iruw tJw foot that If Kc- gooddruuwm of film, Inst, utter all, tlwrr(t ttggeratiou ret•tns W spring from ad- 11{tro oo-uld run a mile In a minute Sal - was ,tomelhlilg rutlud about thew wirutllrri, un.l tut t'io aulwul tx•rt txs- ho could go, eighty-five feet to Wal- uttio. I IovW by uwnkiud, the horse Ir Use 'Altor'l fve the, and In u cher of a KI) Ttuumy's uncle was A jox,d man, a eau wort rub rat to wine rereutn_ utile hwvr the mcrdrrn aitAm{rlrM very good mon. Indeed, but all the ! j P inure tlwul a thled of a wile behind worktjo did, no did In toe trout s av- tion. Mcn whale n+pututivar for film at the finish. hat "Train mothers to intelligently look Wl way hp kltww, not 1w'catINe ho truUl ami veracity lu the everyday I tale flluor are not lv i finertting new g 7 kr lu the tlwe of Eclipse t u hewn koro alter the health of their families and luvt«1 Kurd w but boeatura ho wur, ufUtlrr u( ►If- mooed not to Iwllcaehed pu the well -bei. of a nation is fdraid to do ht the a+asy way fur I Nu"mb"er uwltttlfy lh'+ good yualltl.s very little about tile, liolitat iollr of g assured" s{leed UI the race htroe. John Lt%s- -Mun on. fart it wouldn't turn out right. tie tit their fuwurltCr ,to Chu v1•rgo 01 y wilwicrtbW to all this beat arming I 410svia eight fuladitiod. 'I'lilr i+ oftali ronc e, one of the forrmomt English It hos assuredly been a labor of love paporm, and read tlk•uu frdxu cover I truo of vary otal►oury 1talgs, uiwl.wbeu %%titers of that period, rald In his for me to study the diseases of children to tower, advertimen,etltr and all, but It uumtvt It, u lutvoly thuruugl,bred orw"ork on "Tile Horns": with a view to their relief and cure. Ins of ni-ver profited by hie rwatrotter dlug. I1.I trottthat everybutly In randy to Tile racer's maximum of cop"eel has Many grown people will stubbornly cling mows tried a new plan, never tried aduilre there Id a proneneksm to throw Irvin equdetal to gtslned pLnvenu r conventionally to to the debilitating drugs and nostrums a new wacklllne, (never chaug-4 him i amide till rarlrault In extolling the Ito eyuhl to gulloping over a mil. that are a relic of burbuuem, but 1 hued jolgl1 a. evuu a little brit. I porroctiun of the animal. Ar a Itwal ist ground In x minute of time. Tito t Yew et Suite has en nru at SoAlit Sluttish Is annwt a crime to give them Ou lou utlknr luted, 'rummy mad , poet put It twnity yours ago fu emote be to mental at the risk of entedlal and vVliftaccom to an air 101-• timing meatal degenerauun. My remdW,es for the, pn{wur, got hie uncle to buy; verrtor which all New Turk hursemea twltit a clop watch lit LOtt,. 1'hls children's diseases are. effective and film tho book« he wow advartlsed, and . will retneuther : was performs l many year« mince by prompt, but they are entirely harmless wab mtg.-r to try %lot ucw (lone be. Whwr ditleaking of llw•!r flyers good 1=a retail, lead Pumpkin. ,lm the Every thoughtful mother should have a faro Ito had of half tfiruu h the Munyoa Family Medicine Chest, and g li meD aro often carr. superior speed of Flyiog ('blldere should never fail to k it sup tied with article be wails reading. tihosl stories told of private trlalr it tat Ecll Munyon'a Cold Curt. Cough cure. gore floor John Murrayas hrLtl In p pee remain tumunqueationalor.Aieed Throat C. Yever Cure. U. U. a L. Tab- down trouble oil h.twyown lu+ud. gIto canine by noted hornier mud by officer tw dotubt, It should ttwen s.n•Iu. mord lets, Croup Cun, Cholera Mefhaa Con i not so notal have frcgneUtly Cauwci le eustertalmal of the ability of bought every book Tommy aatked for Constipation CuFe, Worm Cure, Face and sionwations ntllowt all great ad those Shone, paragons to rim the mile In Skin Ointment, Munron's Balm and Mull- oil the princlpb Uwxt it wan far bet- I oCeawtonrsl ly real {rerformanees, atm! -u minute of time. yon's Plasters. This chest will prove an for fur Tommy to arrowl his time lave rometimer been received with The history of the Ilght harness unfailing Solent friend In the flour of refining than in piukiug up bad hall` I such w1i1rN mvaal credulityits to u1D horse of America Is honeycombed need. A few doors of the proper remedy Its. But If Tommv tadn't rood re,' 1 g y given at the right time will prevent lung a 1,14co for a time, In huPsc history• witts lcgemts itutte me alasurd as and dangerous spells of sickness, and much he wouldn't havo Gwn so anx- j For wore than hulf u contury the the story of O•Kelly's Eclipse rm- save many doctors• fees. lotus to bo A tarrttor. lir got It Into story paltmoli current uniting horst- nlqK a mile In a minute. One of the Q' loin hand that Chu farmer was oat- ,moo 11 ere and in Ungland that a Cele- oast Interesting and extrava ant MUNYON'S REMEDIES. uro•r noblewaul. g Munyon's Medicine Cases, L'.W, M Tommy waw of the na-w school And lyrntoi .tear loud ouoe run a mile to e,4 tdiese tales rotates to the origin and Ito b(Aleved that the farm wan+ the, slno•e a minute oil a gra*v course at NCw- tf oke TipPws. A horse that has Cern Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu- 1 neurket "lilt IL'O poun4m; on fur buck. called the "llcrsenger of Canada" saonla, and breaks up a cold in a few for the brightest boy, while hie un- Tile horse credited with tills per- llif afro war Escape, and, a000M![t; hours. "cis rho. rlo was of the old school, and # forulauee, Wa1.r O'Kclly'm Eclipse, the to tradition, M took this name from Personal letters addressed to Prof. thought the bright boys should Iso, progimitor u, nearly till winners Dow n eireumstanim connected with film Munyon, Phlladel fila, U. Is. A., contain- made lawyer&. mialrterr or doctors, ,.act, lig lu Lai ilOnl. Ile lived Ili the importation luto America. Thewhip �d prom details afnsickness. t free adrta as tanswer- treat- and t11e duel Myo, who wa-tn not tit - early .Iayr oftileBrlti-I. turf, when I oil which he mailed encountered s went will M given. 12111 for anything Mteea were good enou It' gale, so the stor p g g !the -tribe lir tlwroughbreds war rt•vere y rain, and _ yutui!;, laving bawu fouled lu 1701 on the horse hnrf to be throwtl ovwr- 24-TowtIng tlnton varieties tit a day when titers wow a total eclipwe I can]. On tike ninth day afterward evveet corn .... ••••• 8 1N T HE SftilNl;. of Silo sun, from wlAch eircummtainco I h-• was icked ouund. kind and ..................... L'.3-Tiwting fertilisers wdth corn 8' -- lie. was named. IgmrktIa. eating rushes on a wind 26-Ttwting fortlllzers with Swed- I Nature Teaches A tavlwn% That Tlie.l That he wear a rtor'me of vast pow- , lair off the coast of Newfoundland. Inh turullml .............................. 6 Exhausted Men and women ore for Ids tlwo In uodloputed, as he ! Title tri iUtm was current In "T -Growler. potatoes on Uro levelShould Follow. , heat all conalwtltorm without Losing Rhode Island many years before It and aIt 11 .............................. 2 I a race and without meeting a horme, "o:imu to Iligtt 1e, Canauti, Reed was ':8-T.wtlag t.tu varlelles of pots- I Tl.o Spring In the henmen when nt- - that could live b► film side for the' t1wro conncettd with the oligin of loom ......... T .......................... 2 tura p viiia n rut mulaiu'r. All the, mrxten of fifty yards, it wam said. I tit-, for fanae•t Narragansett pacers. 2t1-1 flu rl a s n plantri r ifled will. Dew 'u o e it to have 'laD g tit polatops will.1 tr r u p t a e t Tltnt he N'afl cone«re, r l tit l,ewl i which e.otu h flourished as have awl which have not I auptu build olid b:acu tL,-ua up to tboroughbrexm of So -(toy Ir believed it hn•4,1 In the early part of the born coiled over with land witLslwul tlw coming hot wcahuu. 1 by le w•, if any, turfinen, yet no eighteenth century. The original ptawter................................... 2 will.out ecw chip 1n the mprlug A I horse has been ween in modern tube" pnor•r. It nam saki. was brought In- 30-Pla,otlug corn In rows e[wl In i plant woul.: wht.or anti the beneath deft could rent coca fair am tine cur- I to Narregamaett Bay when rescued squte.rrw (an excellent variety • tLo wi'lsuwmcr sun. It Is the ar1nW long at the rale of sisextl ascribed ,fan! the mawl liar orf the roast of of early corn will be umed) ... 2 wlrh men aad wocuen. All phyWei-tuft to Eclipse, and nom• has appeared Ndwfoundlngld-New York Herold. The size 'tit each plot in eatch of urn agreed th.tt e%C•ydxlf: ue0.14 a: tlat could cover a nilly in less time j thing ntwnit It, and nev r had any the first twenty -rix experiment@ In fr11ah Supply of new. blool Ill tile than 1.0.; 1 -2 -the record made by Idea of bidding for it, inosurr he to Isis two rots long by one rod wide ; e,pring. %,ithout tho new bloexl you : aaulvalor, on a stralglrt track at sloes not want 1t. and In No. 10, four ro(1e square -one- woul-1 W ra helpierl in the sun ttner i __ _ tenth of an acre. ' not it true without new rep. y'� Each person In Ontario who wishes wil•it you need at this s<awa lap t. wb�p�wb�.ng�s o join In the work may choose any tolo5o to glvu you tow bx(tod. And the (Ins of the rxperlmpntr for 1I►01, A 1 eery heel turbo m'ilirtl w•lencr has ly for Lite rams. The mntrli 1 ' dlecowrral ty P lir. Williams'1'lllk QUESTIONS Of ETIQUETTE. wl he furnished In the oilier 1 Plus. Ever ill m►kes new, rich, whi h the applications are received is] Wool, I.r heat th • n.rveian I ovir- until the • supply to pxhnumteL It Wirl kill wi;ikne.r Leatilaehem, Imck- � '��,tJ•�>1tJl•g\1 ullghl be wp.11 for each nrpllci►nt to n I,.re, lulh<ettlot- long of nppt•tita, mato second chplce, fee fear the S+l- cruustlour ulrl other troubles mu I 1\'111 you kue!ly pnhhsh the doth w I It Willow, duos she retalJ cite mss Rrmt co Id not fix. granted. All me- coin on ill tp in,,. This Is nntstua of bort man at n we.klinb-•t 11'ho hr- Of Iver husband's aaats 4w her own I terinl wi be furnLh"d entirely free, It -1 u :11ct prevell Icy thousands Ia I ra -ew for the carne ell for the 1N' L. J. of charges n each njpliennt, and the evt:ry c a t if the world. j n' g A widow, retalm rho name of her pnxluce pH the plots will, of cuuree, M 111 brl.itatnattdw, said ly the besl�.1111 rr- lxecomp the op.•rty of the rreraon Mi+e T•ut,•tkt•y. Otdrlft. (lot., LuShcntid. 13hs b "Mrs. JnAcit Gir- roslelblo• fur the rwouth rugnuig of I r uys: . do holt know what world diner' Until ate malrri,r agate. Her who conduct the etp^riment. Lulu bot u - of me INUI it out b••en ; the ceremony T - �%�• otan saitw) in ural for ,lgnatures, C. A. Zavftz ufrectoR for lir, lilinmi Piuk lhlls, )I 1 The lxest wan In expected to Frkb I {nit all letters should lou tul(Iressoid Dutarlo Agri Itura! College, Mood Sze ,d to hare, turned to I matge of cite atetail« of the cels to Iver a1 though bar husband were Guelph, Mo ch 2.1, 190:1. coon,), such as me+t'iug that the car - wit ^r tin ( I wase Iroubinl writ,, • i.•I-' rl:tg,p are at hand for the brides- 1 ll'•lug. ---T-- rn•s,l;rad:1611 'nivinervouml,tu.,.r:a-) ualkr, ushers &lid for the bri,lal Never He of It. I t`,-...:-, I got e•A Wo Lk that i couki votil,le whets having the i•hurch nwl 1 K ill yew Isludly aawwer tt.e follow- \. Y. Au . , h trolly go tit,( `,and notwlth"tnn I also when leaving tlw• huu«e to start I Ing qu.•ationw on wokling Ott, uettes : Inn{« cm,e-Have y any ideR Ing that I W :, cgns(nntly doctoring, MI the j.rurnry. He >w to lutea the ru,i: I Wien hu.lvllrl ntkl wtfo aro �hvlted Ur.. tY Ili.ir s;co 1 Pinkt I I.i. Tav Con uOlog Paetly ltndt lu la, give, file owe to tile of n brNnt0l It hwsi siepa�stranger, n at the !iontse what wfunitol your fol avi wy say If I ask- , I Oil to mnrry yak.." \ y ministcr',.nnd to take chargo of the Mfrs ltocks(y-No, C,tdrge. Pap tit pa back filI till lily ol-lt1tlmond u t beat bvo 10 in an'; tile iitbridtgrto n r C1Ymot-tallmbQ Itxpecta! th which I b( o:tr-M Ill tI.o ?lIf you l do ng to wean lto &a -le . never uren that kind 0! fa map w 109renglh." tip be bothec"l. cent tt.e Invitation, when should - t%I.D. tthimmuyrtta Ifair dontribr >gt+nrj -- --- onrt�m bo sent i I! N. N TALKS TO THF: YHOYr) AI n Tu.,k„y. on ! lhomcends of others th A weirkling Invitation does not re-. _ y Khgfly, Inform ma of the proriwr witldu for you. Tilly will cook^yon course when receiving a number or quire, an nnirwor un%si "IL ri. V. P.;' BY C1'IW#4 NEWITT, FAKIR. I bil!tht, %Ixoroam nn 1 stlong. Gon't • frlrwim In the evening, fafpily coo- awning "an Arwwor Is requested," "Tom ll)::wrf'w gut a good-■ elle tole, A wbrt(tuW uor nay of `tyle, slating of mother end dktcghtvr. , le Pit ill rho If ft ltaalcorner of Invl. j,wt all goof nm" mrlLinca which Bhoul1 ono be on swcond flour til the tatlou. Car -in should lore, sant the apple orchard, just like hie br�ut - vocal" olmlerh push lieums, of a larger I lidl(vo' cloak room, and ono !n pridur ''lily of tike wedding to the parents or Bill's. They're bulk near each profit. laud tl.att the full ualne • 1)r to recelve not Introduce them 7 If no, I or 0.0 brtle and to the bride and Other on the same concession. Tho Willlamgr Piuki Pills for Pule People" I which, mother or dktughter? Are ' brktpgroom. Old mon gate lett to the boy" fount on ti.o wrapper around every • guemtm merely a.nnouncod as they en- I -- If ill doUbt fA1hdI dircot to the i ter or are they Intro.tuced to each , Wheat In the pro{,er atttrp. for a whoa they got married Guess D Wllller..: 'Mvt:clno Co., Broek-i guest? Green. tyrllelgroine at a quiet wc.lding, the there muw't be nigh on to 200 trees vlll Ont. a •11I.- noire will bo mill- Both mother mud ditimhter should hrbte being In mournlag, O o'clock In each of 'em, ; at1 it rocon ty a box or ml,L bo tee for be to the drawing room to receive lee Ilia morning? F. f3, "They both had dandy orolis last, ="roe their g11lvetP. nn -1 a maid shouldise In it thero W no reception to follow t the cloak room on thn srron,l floor. a werkiing, and the hour for the fail. To didn!t get noy ezlrahelP -`--` -____ It is not neepssn ry, link wm at a tot- cerr•rrdmty w 0 o'clock In the morn- �Aai piolc t4W apples. ----Hyl--'-7Cha�te s lis e!etwrtahnnwnf. !a eeneuoee +t- ---woeltF be proper for !be Murtaym n, It wexild hews spoiled' plants its they a -rater, im't it i■ much brl!egroxml to wear n frook cont, 1'oungator dial It between 'em. Cun- my slury, 'or th.ai Tummy would I morn courteous to Intr"lucim your . Iitlht trrwhera, whlto wnf.tectat Anil sequently It took 'em re, long that have treell :god to do filo+ father'+' rruestr to melt oth4-r, alihough It Ilk 1 four-in-hrtrml tie. If the bride And many of the aapplo , were blown off .bidding. In Tcs top to Tommy, I'1 say the fnwhlon In rmart soclely not to I tho brtdrgroom a,•e to wtnrt Im- ams brubwA • that lie would ,hiave obeyed bot un- Intr•aluce the y-ux,*tr, It being Wal►• I mlletely on a wedding trip, mind I-61% if hits unclelutd bid film go to pom1,rt that they ore acquainted with the brtlo N to wpnr her trnvellina " Guns Tom lost nearly a hun-mutt ool. Ire )turtles\t-o tlo uncle, I'll (melt other. gown. or if thyro V a reception is drat barrel* that tray- , may, he did not tlo it. bidding. - I follow the wolding ceremony:` a ",NOW Bill ahvn They were both of the Scottlsh race. If n Mrw. Jack Gardinor Lwcolnes dr.ns melt woukl be obit atom yak wall a onto 'un. g y. n Pommy tilt un•1�• t ttai chlor of rho flu ane.o't Sulo' to lake anyclances, t . To the uncle T my waw ills - but gat lu A e1ruplo of extra laths brother's won -him egomil, ills mer- fin irAs to. Wlp, you haven't osrl a simple. Tire elm Ir Chrimtlan le the to give lura n h trsL B,11 dkln't fisc , vaetr. �Tnot minute dressing.' true Christian. I M•IICTe In churches, moot' "applt.t, ami the help didn't It therefore become, uncleiposit him much. I Nrll.her Ins! hid! and I believe In forma. Bot they are "%1'hich aka* lite, wie(r T , ']lily to convince, Tommyt farm- Tommy put on his show while. hill not all; Tiny, they ara not a tit Ike ' Ing waw a drevy life, and -tmflt for .,ant went to the woodshed. 1 "Truth Is miWity, and It Niall pre - "Tom's kind et economy ain't nay last Uke Strictest dull and stn ld. Ori ' Why, there's a good tin on;' Ship. vall I" Prevail if preached from a economical, tw old I'm U1Lalley ureal tho other lewd, Tommy frit I� GIN awtlit. returning. "io Jim up?" Jim plilpit ily a prinnit In vemtmexatm; pre- tu may. ' duty to convince his uncle that one' avow 0n r, cf the hlrexl mon. I vall ll lived "Aftlue way. many a valuable bright, elvver, willing worker kn« I , ipy a4brlevrr to the in to: crops been spout, jumt becauxe the worth a half dozen ordinaryfarm I '1 didn't herr hem getting op, prrrvnll If moored of a mountain top buys d,rn-t get enough machines to 11arMm. Bat, an r old txefop, the; I Tommy. t by n "intoe gale pMva11 It fireaUirvl y Tom, ran along an(l get the cower' In the valley of the moat delicate mind handle Lt. were both Scotch, and therefore sed Ill■ aent. tiny will flower of the s{x1.g I "Bat. - "This ellmato'd too uncertain to mast dreadfully hard to rontlncr. `, "Why, they're juxt in this Mae. Neve In mu land ys trbtr111 t►s coeval'» trust to Jiving several weeks of I d!o nob care to dwell Lodi much on Tenth ! Truth 1 Truth I be matt! - dry. (i1►(S wt,"ths-r W get the *tuft theeunedPr wile of tiro atory, for I t aliu,t yarrAr w W(rdm. who speaks It or who ho N It ; no into btnrn. R>mitimes you do fool he aka i wrong, anyway. I prefer matter whether It M oetalmetl In get it. Intt, the thin,- thkLt You drinrt Tommy's l•Lle, for It Ins the bright Ah„no; religion la not church -go the elarfon tont Of eloquence or why- knaocks ell titp erv•ttm oft titI mist. wise. ilio illmy. i'll tell you a 1lltlo Ing, rlrtlanily Is not forth. The 1 WIa Silly - "There's many n farmer In lion AMut lbutmy, � � 7 Lmpered to • wsrtR place. It will wheat belt tlt.ttU gut ri ney lying Farmnrw Ile ab:d TCry Iatn BllndAy j i(ye of �f,rlst our Lord Is simplicity pre'raill I • 1 kilo In the Ixtnk "Crile he's wanting mornin,pe ht the tmmmer. Why, sem,, Itself• �ht-lieve And yn shall be blrklors to cut the wtroat. tans !air morning" they don't get ill)I w+tvrsl !" Wlntt eonbl be simpler ? Al- Perfumery that Comte a dolor a 'AnvIng your money" all right• till lout -part six! (Otlt(w n,orulrKm , uIMhty (;ol In troth, and truth Is bottle may not be worth a Cent. rays; lh•re•-m rx,thing more h"Ipful they get up at a quarter to five.) to a growing country, and i like Ti,futny watw,'t greet nor an early to we the lets (1 )ite' It. put It ain't rimer. I neTvr wi w a healthy boy yet atwisyw monsmy: who warn. nal thin Nnmkky morning 'The Imtereft you'd lose on the Tommy woke up all of Ilia own ac-Coughs, Cort oa M f gut extra of n -t rani At the we. II.Irty time. Up he got. Colds worth a r(nv, of w'Itucka In oompar- fire -fol qul"fly And blipped out, to 101011 b> grAting your entlrO crop surprise him auntle by having the mately garneml• It ain't a quer- cowls In tho yard revldy for mfikhig; ' tion- of Ito ns , for motrt of you•vp ae 00on an she shoul I get up. When got plonty flit 'am. And It needn't Tommy got th^ cows home there wail tw a quertiou of help, for I see by still nd+ one up. lir woul.l go on with ane of the papers twat a Couple the mllk]ng : nyway. Two of the and\,,Asthma of girl" ran their father's Masopy- rows wrrr mllkr.i And no one up yet. fhnrrts hlrxlers out In the westand T•+mny elmeklm to h!mself And mllk- out his INtiole crop for him last al )it* very fa«tlest. it npp•Aroi to As Well as Croup, Bronchitis and Whooping Cough arm year• 11101 Just then that the '♦most dlcalr- "Ibat you 4Wt like to rimy (tilt able thing in the world was to be Quickly Cured by Oin' green to for iked is week pernbeforp i,i to get all u . rkivvm w got DR CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE bw•forr hlw Wool nt u p And ins+ It". going to fro uw•(1 n carpi all lit#( dr,Mlrr. He flnlmhel milking, car- 'AIMt I rlalit? Willy. of ar,nrae r'IrI nil the .milk down t( tlw' milk t am­ornu rigru. "Think ft over. I d4rn't Want you to do it jlr.t Iwroausp ; Nay no. But Pm rkglvt, j•«t a* "tire n« your Jersey lw•eM nellklna twice It days. . 'elYnen, loo. look at th#, worry you've got Rn pill, lip with when You're My of nutcchtned. Every night You're aoareit to go ,,to '-I for fear it'll rain, anal yon look at like sky and %hp. stare until YOU begin to think vrnt'rw a reguinr 'Ohaerv. Ily.' And you get eranky, n,l,l t watt puts, ill- women toyk , off their ta "F'nnny thlnK, 1-11f1w hero rreonl, an they call it, on thn phonograph. '11 only hard it c"tnin .1numnt of my talk. i'Ip xMIN' in know when It'w near out now. Rh,•'- j•"I ren molt ont i n if.. pn'l. \%'hoop' there mite gopm. N, I011K• " C VRTlltt N F;WLIT." - -- - --.- . -.. _... _ _......,.. __. .. . himmelf. Nn 0111, lip yet. Ho built it fI•( In the Cxokwlove In the slimmer kitchen And port on Slip tea-kettb'. TIw•al hp chucklr.tl mome more, and ellpp'I off film boots and left thea. In their aec(tatome,l it ct • an.l lm ­ it,,] np.+tol.•m Again. Ht• threw, hhn- w,lf On lite Iw• I to awalt the -11wri - pry. in a fevv minutest there! walk a Krmit 1:11-til,downwtairm• And Auntle's votes: w-nw ,he:Ir I In the ttnlrway "Tommy' Tommy ' flurry nip nrwl gel 1I,.- envf• . it's dren.lfni lalp'" Tommy heard. Imo t11,1n't hilmwer. II nslm't mmiwl for film to hear figs• fir.t cif, eo they said. whrn elle still aware the s Doul time hp. drawled tilt n illy .11.4-0.1 Am near the oorreot t6lafr as Ile eoulbt go( It, and 1'Min(Irvl king of lite flews. tonne ru,lo.1 Ahoat, o"wilog ,loors, to "Ir I hf` p11ew, fy')vrn r• -me Tiommy. "T int w (tri It.: ," mild him auni. '•1 I, kis to asp a Italy who rayl lolstle whole Tito virtue of thin great presorlp- hnahand Is nnrpwnter roe the I. C. 1t, tion of Dr. Clasre Is so well known ' wtaten: "For ypars I have used Dr. In Canaulinn h(mmm that It eiPnma Chawr'e Firrup of Linseed and Tor• Aselrmm to do more than remind you pristine for my ehildrwn whenever ' they tAke Cold. I timed It first with thrit It twin a larger sale and is ear- orws of my ohildrpn suffering with a Ing /norm prople titan ever before. ' mnvere form of Aintllma. It own" Nfr". i. W. I.Inyd, Alhion street, Ih•Ileville, Ont., srintpri: Aa ihongh the least exposure to cold "in the beginning of last winter I or dnmpnows would bring on an at - tAck of this dlsetee. I began using took a vent• nevrry cold, accompanled with it bed conaN. hill wan almost thin medleine, and toilet say that I told up for w close. I tried several round it mast exonllent. wo,hwvs fw.vpr trlmd anything in the way of a remedio-m, but with Indifferentre- rough medlelne wtt worked so t- Umla «illim. 014 like Adrleo of tripod i Sol, it "Ili- of Dr. Chnme'a Hyrnp of ItsfActorlly. it emptied to (to rtg1A tat the dhapased parts amid broug" Llnnerd and m Turtwtinp And found mpki relief." that It relirvrd the ootlgh at once. Do nclt be satleflwd with lin"atlone fly tine elm" i bid taken lhQ ose bolt le my e.d.l V% al, gn11e, 71 nit `1h OAT) or mnbathutes. The portrait and sigriaatnism (N Dr. A. w. Chase Ia ern t rill it(Illly rsYVwlrmpnl ll am A /Iplpn- t r,•ry bottle of the gwnolne, 25 emelt. did remedy for rvnlith.+ Awl roldm.' ; bottle, fancily mute (thin" tlmwm V Diem A A V.%shnmklrk, Robinsol 111110111 0) 60,lta, At all dealers, ell ttritsi MonOtnn. N. if-, and whose kMm&Dsta. Batts • Co., 7breste.