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8 Tul•u4404.v April 16, 1'l( 3
The Big Store
Wants your Trade
Dry Goods, Millinery, Underwear, Men's and Boys'
And we mean to get it largo share of it. Wo mean to get it
by deserving it. We mean to make it pay you to buy at the
Big Store. iu buying our stocks of new Spring Goods we
have tried in every way possible to make it profitable for our
patrons. Every yard of fabric, every garment and every ar-
ticle that is offered here is thoroughly good and the best to
bo had anywhere for the price wo ask. Besides, if you ac-
cumulate your purchases with us we give you a very .desir-
able premium. Think it over and come in and look,Oveil our
stacks. Como in and see our big store.
The New Spring Millinery
Ahstx a fascinating 'u',je twI
the lubes, lax been Made ulnar• !Nl
through the efforts .1 our 'milliners
thi.+season. \Ve pride 4111relt'e4 par-
ticularly or the Illtt•11Us11• as well *stile
artistic value of the !fats w. sell,
Come and view the new styles.
New Spring Dress Goods
111 Big Store's stock is unusually
complete at the present t' •, all the
g(msl and fashionable fabrics being
well teprem entd. New Voiles, new
Canvas. Cloth, new Venetians, new
Crepe de ('hens, new Broadcloths,
new 111eviots, new Silks. l'., in
and wee Our .alum'.
A New Department
\%T4. have Added 10101 her liuc 4, our
stack that should inteteat the ladies
hereabout. Stamped Linens. Em-
broidery Silks, staau111e1 l'ilshinn Tops,
Idat4•nlerg Madre•,. and Tlirt outs. in f.ut
all the w-antd Tines of Fancy (lotus.
Conor to us for them. lines. If we have
• not just the thing you need we will
get it.
Dress Making
Will take your under and save you
lots of time 141141 touble, and make
you a good g.rin,•nt. Satisfat t
New Men's Furnishing
We want to Zell you of the improve-
ment in thin department. Formerly
we kept Clothing 11 ,stairs -a gold
stock, those who bought frau) us can
testify, but it was ineon44uirnt to get
at. Now our (lot hing and Men's
-F1n-ni.hings ore 11N•ated in the new
twart --a complete man's Attire, bright,
imely. x111 a coluph.tc st.c! of all
lints. Hata, Clothing, Shit,.:, Ties.
Underwear. Prices rig.t, goods the
)Nest that 111004•) can buy at the prices
offered. Give ns a trial.
New Wash Goods
Tali,. 1.4,44,44I4lor1144 5 (44 helargelya
whit• season, so the fiushion journals
5sy. We are well prepared to supply
the demand., with the new things in
\Vhitie Canvas ('loth,.• new Organdies.
new White F •v (loads, new Mus-
lims, new (iinghl►ns, new I)rlainettes.
Prins right, quality a lnsiderrt,
Ladies' Underwear
Is now (Wester( on the left, near the
door in the Dry (icssls 'section.
Never have we Mhown s,Mh good val-
ues. In whitrwtar every garment lues
Warp Carefully 5.1,•4(141 and 4o11 will
Hud the prices uuiki it worth
your while AM they wet ung)• x trifle
mar• than the material. (' and
Nee 1111' new things.
Remember we give you Handsome Premiums for ac-
cumulating your purchases here.
Smith Bros.
T1K$D.1Y, April 1Ith.
ANorrmKit PRIZE'..- We t coil•
gg1*tda4' Master \Villert Promote upon
being . of he siweem5ful a pet i tors
in the main c petition of the oat
class if the \l4d,nald seed grain
t1,m11•titilm for the Pros -Mee of
Ontario. Ieeeiling on April ha a
44144111e (or $15, being the fifth prise.
This was a three-year rnlnpetitinn
which Ieggan in 1931 and ended in 11142.
Master \Vil1N•tt has won in all, during
411 "tlget11iiin, $05. This is petty
gond for a Gol4.rkh towni4 ip (Noy.
Tl•I*.n.iv. April 70i.
l'It.M1)TI,N EX.AMIN.%TI(IN$. The
following is the result of the promo-
tion examination in M. S. No. :i, ('411-
loorne : SI . IV -Gordon Rutledge,
Gin) : Minna Robertson. 547: Effie Glen,
4Ki : Earl ('unninghlon. til) ; Willa
Kti,tughan, 410: 11)111* McPhee, 414
Gordon M4'Phee, 410 : En.* Young -
blot, :*42 ; MNI'v 144Wl4n', 352. Sr. 1i1,-
Rich. Levy. IA ; Minnie Menus., 4(15 :
Julia LawJnr, 411: Beteg.. McPhee,
405 ; F1,w,aic Hamby, 347 : Cm* \Vatah-
ington, 2111 ; John Glen, 270. Sr. M-
t/help. levy, 411 ; Vete Cunningham,
3115 ; Florence Young. ns; : Nera•)a-- -.
32I1 : Harold (' inghaul, :i4.
E. M. P.t•rrInsoN. Teacher.
\\'Kn4KMr.t v, April 8th.
A large assembly Of (he•youth and
beauty of Ashfleld and Huron met at
the h • of Mem. K. ROM, 21111 emices-
lion 44f Halon. on Thut•whty, April
2n/1, 4., w•it11t•M5 the 111AITiagl• 113 their•
volaggeMt daughter. Effie, to Ibul(an
J. McLennsn, of loonier. At the hon'
11 7::11, to the ,.trainsMendelm5)h,,s
wlddin ii march phi Veil by the groom's
ei,.4.41, Miw. 11,115.1 SI-Iennnn, A. 1.. C.
M., .1 London, the gloNllll. NI1pp/I•t.rl
by him Nigher, Al,x., entered the
!milli followed by the bride. who ova..
given away by her Moth,•t•, .1. 11404,..
whit.. )till,. M. Hrnlers11r. 1411a14kn,w-,
1444-41 1)N Ii'idesn.a{(1. The erre nu,n)•
waif `e t-1orr1e11 by the liev. A. Miller. of
the AshfleM Pr'Nhylet•ia,t c•hnn•li. The
',ride was Petr)• charmingly mailed in a
;WWII of crepe 111• chcne mid cape iwl n
beautiful bouquet .t bridal ru4s, while
the hrideNln.id kinked 'cry chargling
in N)14er linen 11ve1• pale griefs taffeta
silk. After the rem n1Ony Mr. and
Mrs. Mclennan WPre the r eipi4uls of
many beautiful m iuI .lately proem.'
together with the rung(*tulatiolm of
the gla41ta. Thr groom's gifts to the
1,11414' MINI 144,I,-MIII1I.I 111•r' hemit ifld
Ise amt pills met with opals and p•NI•IN.
A 111/-4 1•Iljnyal ids modal (111/4 444.5
spent 1i11 the rarh• hours of •.
Tummy, Apr. 14th.
For the first Ural. in ternttyy years
Mrs. Jae. Jewel is having a 41.11 ?noun 1
her hrotJtrr-in-law, (441o. !omelet, from
Mit hi KMrl, .1)(d frons her brother, U,
Anht.m, from /tear AhutevaM, Huron
county. All three hors•sp.aw.yl the
t.hrr.• M.'oe And ten mark, but still
enjoy g1wll health, and are having a
good time talking over 44(11 days.
Ihn9ng last week Mtr1. Allen amp
Mrs. (te•1m. (4os'n, .If (Ieal,.•ich, went 1)4.
Semene141 towers' days arcing their
sister. Mrs. ('haw. Mason. Mr,,, MA440II
lerwent as severe and trying opera-
tion at the Clinton h.mpital at the le-
gioning of the year. Friends Aleut
here will be plealsr1 to learn that she
is now tulle is -covered and Able to
attend to her h,asrhold duties just N'
.4011•t7uU$ to her lung Illness. Later
during the 'she iM exp( -ted t1
visit relative•,. here AM well AN (limit
' Golrric h and in the township of (llde-
Tt'RADA Y, April 14th.
31iss Hlackfnnl• te.tcher of No. A, is
spending h(•1' hnlittaya with her parents
11(81 Mlvtfntth.
Mims Minnie Shaw And Mie. homle
Linklat•r, of the Gcslerirh Collegiatae,
are home for the Easter holiday..
Tritsn,ty, April 14th.
F'alul Maedel, Mr., spent Kanter in
Mr1. Wes. Mao.)•), of Gol.t•ich, is
visiting ft•iends in the neigh)oncoml,
':Hiss 13eckv Snyder is visiting her
M{Nter•. Mes..1, Tehhtttt, G0derieh town-
Harr)• I..mq of the 1.nndon Nouns(.
is spending MI Master vacation at
Arthur Morrish )pod wife are spend-
ing some weeks with the fo'Iner's
mother, Mtw, Row(lrb.
The Epworth l.e'ag.ws of the Zion
and Bethel rhur•hes v)tite(1 the Ben -
miller League last Thursday evening.
A good program Was prolidP41 by the
visiting I..•aa+ggues. All spe`t to swift!
and rn)oyal.1* evening.
Trttan.ty. April I tIti.
Ml's. 1'ennwon spent Faster Sunday
at her old hone near Illy, h.
Mho. Jam. ()Ivey returned yesterday
from visiting r•latices in Mt4ff.,
.1411)11 M,Gwe was hone• from Strat-
ford to "lend Easter holidays with his
Tonmrl,(a' evening the wedding
IN•Ils will ring( for a well-known couple
443 t him vicinity.
Mr, total M1r1. A. V. ('urtell and fam-
ily left putt w.vk for Toronto, where
they will ride in future.
Mts. (bay and her little daughter are
here airlifting
prior to their departure for the North-
Mr, Andetwell left for his home in
Ibillett pant Thuralay, !hiring hie
prindtay le will visit Tot'nntoand othelr
William Pellow, of (i/glerich ; Wal-
ter H. Hawkins, of Mafeking, and
Mtwara E. McMillan. Gree ('rawford
and M. Cunningham, of the Glwlerirh
Collegiate Institute, are among the
Reeder visitors in 01tr midst.
Most) v. April I3.
Wedding bells Nle again ringing.
R. Rehlin anentnnday with friends
In Beni((.,•.
Mr. Allan, of flot.rirh, *lily filled
tate popple here Sunday evening had.
Mea J. Ryan has tettrn,d from
spending a few uuniths in Baltiluuns..
Mr, Nwith, who has been on the sick
list for number of days, at Lime of
writing it much letter.
Mime Minnie Mc\'ittie, wtio is at-
tending the Conservatory of Musk in
Toronto, is 1 for her Easter holi-
Owing to the t1(45 weather of the
must week quite 1 number of the farm -
are well advanced m their spring
Having Mull their farm, Mr, apt)
Mrs, S. Echlin moved last week to A)1 -
burn, where they hltayui to raid.. in
the future.
Work will soon conitimUle on the
new church which the Methodist
congregation intend Iuildiug. 11141
estimated coot is nearly .3,5(4).
Wealmeslayy of last week Mien Sara
M"Ktii1pht left for Reston, MAnitola,
Where ghe intends teaching w•hnd for
4(11111' Lillie. She will be touch maimed
by the yuuug folks, with whoa she
was a grttet*1 favorite. We wish her
TUVALU V. April 14th,
('untu•H Norm. Divine service was
1 I In Ht. 1 '
als rho
x 1)h 41 n Gool K}•i-
,114y, and all business places were (•1111d
,in that day, it 11•ing obetrrvexd AS it
Mi ,-,-ieasyl•l. °PKK.tTIoN.-On Wed-
nesday, the t(th inst., John M.wu, who
haul leen suffering from cauver for
several tin', Mille fit Dr. Bice -'w
• ffice 111.41 had it eut out. The patient,
Alta gh in hit righty -fifth year, stood
the uleratiou Iwruarkably wr11. The
Dr. vimit•ed t ' me Saturday and re
ports the lip healing 11p o1) itel4' and the
old gent Milian in got 441 spirts.
P614144 IN.% L. tie..
\alter, of • •'
,and ('olvi1) \\'alker. 41f Ingersoll, and
50111. Jarle,, 4111114 Ou Thutrwbay 41 visit
thrix parents. Mr. and MIN. Jas. VVialk-
cr, Who are on the sick list. We are
pleased 41 be able to note that Mr.
\Volker is gradually reeovrrring, blot
regret that Mi,.. \t'alker F. not r,-
44/4ering..__. Mr, and Mrs. Rose And-
erson, l, who hates spend 1114 winter with
relative, iii South ('alifurnia, returneal
h44nit• last week Mr. Hend.*tram,
of Blyth, was here on Friday On lusi-
n'Me llr. Turllull and George
(i,*tail, of Uuderich, (vete in aur vil-
lage on F}•iamy ha.t... _ Master Floss_
1.41111 Rutherforl is spending 4he Etunet•
holiday with relatives at Kinlough.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Rim and son.
Victor, for,e•rly of llung;iumon. :uNl
now of Hensel!, are visiting rr•Iatives
herr Raster holidays are (wing
•h enjl))'w1 b4 the ja1pi1s of
public 5.11144,1. 'the mktistant teaelitle
as spending the holidays with relative.
at Meaforth Mr. and Mrs. B. J.
l'rawforl visit 1 relatives at Blyth 4111
M lay last.
Miss Helen* E. ('fun, late of 'Wes-
ton, will take charge of the organ in
North-st. Metholist church next Sun-
On Koster Sunday evening the choir
of Victoria -et. Methodist church rend-
ered 441111.* special music of an appro-
priate nadir•, sad wets, assisted b) -
the NIisms. Jones. who sang tau 41111(5
with guitar accompaniment.
A class of thirty-seven (•amidst•t
is under instntn4ti(n At St. (jeurgt" s
church for the rite of (onfrrnatiun. It
is expected 111.. Lordship Bishop Bald-
win will viMit the parish the fine week
in May to aohninister the lite.
The Epworth 1.1•ague of Victoria
stet Methodist chew-,+ will Ike ail
dressed next Tlus.lay evening by Rev.
!H. Daniel on A 11115sion'try 4,pic, A
collect! will be taken in aid of the
miss' y tot Neale( einem.
H.•v, Father (imam, n (ieruan by
descent, will preach next Toe/slay and
%Vednrwhay evening at 7:3) P. M., at
St. I'eter's, The former evening his
subject will Io•. "The INvinity of
Christ," and the hatter evening, ”The
Sac•tel Heart, or the (.over .d Jesus for
1'N." Everyone will be insole welcome.
The musical m er4ice AL North -at.
\Iethali44t church Easter Monday rve-
• g was •h enjoyed. The choir
modelle' the anthem. "Awake, up my
6114v," Mies Eva Aehetem the sego
-0 Ih•v Those Team." Mr. Humber
the 51,10 ••The Garden of Life," and MI
Ilalaink(thwaite gams a cornet MOM,
"'rhe 1 alis."
A Ousting of the exw•utive of the
Huron County Sabbath Schott; and
Christian Endeavor Asp(s•iation was
held at Clinton on Gold Friday. J.
E. Toni, I. P. 5., wan in attendance
from Ouderirh. It was decided to
hold the annual convent' at Blyth
un June 18 and 1i), the first day to 1e
devoted to Sabbath school work. and
the m Gond to Christian Endeavor
The annual Kander vestry meeting of
St. (3eorge's church WAR held on Mon-
day evening in the school room. (lex).
Potter was reappointed rector's warden
and His Honor Judge Holt 1w -oldie's
wanlen. ('has. Whitler and W. I.
Eliot Were 41)1114.11 as the audit ors, +4.41(1
the Mxlaliem of churl officers were left
at Inst year's figures. The following
were .hos..n to set as aid(umen : F
\Vopl,o•k, W. D. Tye, F. F. Lawrence,
1)..1. Hartel, W. I. Eliot., Cl. Widder,
I( N. Lewis, F. Jordan, J. S. Platt and
G. Ho sken. The rector of the parish,
(tet•. M. Turnbull, gave x gtratifving
report on the church's work (luring the
year. end dean at No111P h-ngth with the
new initmionary wxi.ty of the chuch
in ('Anndat. The society wets to raise
873,11x) the present year, $550,000 for
mission work in the newer dio sows In
the ('analis,, Northwest and $25,000
for the foreign fleld. The prrywntlon
of this amount apportioned to Mt.
(ielrge's congregation is $135 in excess
of the t folrwerls- ospnin•d for
llnn'p)s•s oltaidc the pariah. Rev. Mr.
Tllrnlnilt Mtnn41unre4' that the al',tr•tary
of the moiety, Rev. N. Turk.r, would
Vro1' 1Ay visit the parish 5 • time
Moving the Mmunler. The ehu)ch-
Nnien nnan•isl report IM on the
w ;le• very wttiNfac•tory. nearly n11
the mases of tr•vPhiie showing suh-
Mtalllt I l ll(•leal•.*N (leer last year. 81(0
woo p id on the •fg.ge debt of the
chin during the yexr, and (luring
the peas five years the debt has been
decease. by about 1)I.U). Votes of
thanks w4rr palmed to the various
0rgatJyniaMatleand Individuals nr tnin-
PnPnt{ with pri ting the
Interpol« of t iP church. Judge Holt
and W.
I..P IIIL were /•
1 h.1wn lay
represents tiv,' 441 sync.( and A.
Rlsee ^Tl, an41 Gero. Potter we
madded a' 'alternates.
K.IMTICN .1)T Ire. 14 1:110141 WM.
K4M4er M•rvi41w at N4.. (ieillrgg4'N Were
tte•a•I'r brighter I h,,n last - Inelay•s,
and although 1114tr• were not. m, many
flor•as un sine formei'•
Dreawd(w i the dee, ma t ions Nhnw•e(1
Mate in their arrangement. Th. m•,-
trema by the Tsetor, 1iev. M. Tnrnbsili.
were appropriate t., the featly/al, his
text in Use morning being •erilanks hs
to (loft which givetb us the vietnt•y
The singing was very good. Wks-t.ine
rndil. on 1Jwn4rtnewler tesla ransfuI
training, and Infkeel9al aaaintalN•P was
Iendwrwl by an urrhr,traa composed of
cohort, Jas. T)*,ihaa; violin. Frank
Doty ; Ante. Harold Illeekstone, and
clarinet, Harry ((,,uff. The order of
s.ervic.a was as foltows:
8 A. M. ---HOLY (4)MMUN/(N,
Hymn 817, verses 1 and IL
Oleuing l'i ken 134- "Jesus Christ is
t{isen Today" -
Kearter Anthems
Proper Nadal it Healey
Tr I)ruw..,.
Jubilate Deo
Anthea --"The Foe Behind" -H arnby
Kyrie Eleheuu Sullivan
Gloria 1118
Hy 136-." The Strife it
Wok'. (lora •ure M reliable. Duk a Wah
Central Drag More. Unit it Mon day, May 4th, will be
Halo Peg at It. R. Sines' photo Au,Audio.141..44 fags taw Gable, to ha, r their pk'tul4
Thar y (0 41,M•e coon. U.. 11. 1,1 peg'
e,f a g Inw1y of our leper* th..,. My.. hot
the Wet +Aryl tor a am"' W.tk ) ul
1,Ieuti•1 lad
rldhuaL tailoring.
N'e are tarry to low Mia. Tebhutt
Ntallivrr ((1141 town l,elj glad to hear sake 11411)
received a Hotta -bus penal in the
84111• of M11ULIIIUa)1 & Ingrain, Iundon.
Brown The Universityy ,.f Toronto Alumni
Must( 11
Sermon by the Rec•4w• • •
!titian 415) - "On the Resurrection
morning" --- Turpin
Sanctus Brown
Gloria in Kxcelais.... Blown
Sevenfold Amen...... Stainer
7,r, Is.--nvitsmO1(U.
ing Hymn 131 --••Jesus Christ is
{sru Toy"- \Vurgau
P4cces , : ....... Tattle
Proper Psalm exili... Batt ishiII
" ex iv ....Ancient British (•
., '• x4iii CrotchNagni4eat Tours
None Diwittis .Tours
Aitken( -”This is the Day" - Cooke
Hymn 138 -"Christ ig Risen"- 4ulli<vau
Merman by the Rertot•
81-"Savior,Agaiu to Thy Dear . . . .......... Dykt,
Sevenfokd AwMa.... ainer
Awa('' 41n of 61(aunty of Huron
y will Meet in the Collegiate Institute,
Clinton, on Satunlay next, at 8 o'clock
p. 111.
flick's Burdock and Mandrake
Hitters, hest and cheapest spring tonic,,
254, pkt. maker two pet«, ,
Large quantity 41elver and timothy
Seed still un hand : a ton of the choir.
est 5411 manggerrs, different varieties :
also weed lnlrkwhrat, feed and steed
barley, carrots, turnip, etc. The
[forgone Need stock west of Toronto. A.
J. Ilisot.tstt.
ie•e cream parlors. For true fruit
;Hikes and good pure J4rrey i(4. cream
go to the Victoria Restaurant, West.
44t1et. Best all it and every
requisite for th1'nlbliecoufort. Fruit,
('lmfectiunery, tolme o and cigars. C.
Ht..al'Krarvoft. proprietor.
"Resurrection" shows nam as God
made hiul and ass the world warps
1' ; it is an epic in prose on the
r)n$cienee of ran. It is the greatest
sermon on the evils of modern 'moiety
ever written : it is an appeal fur it
(rural resurrection such as tats nut
been 11114444' 14y the 4 bitter( effort of
all (he worker,. in the field during the
p11 s Ili decade. 1t is wo faithful n pic-
ture of the lionsun of prism life in
ituawia and Siberia that its publication
was forbi.ld.*n l.v the ('rate.
The (:olerich Bargain Store is the
spot for bargains. Sp 'ial cheap sale
this week. 'VI• will offer Another lot
of fine kid laps, Lawton and Oxford
shiers at 534 per pair : also jot' lot
of wen's fine kid Issas at $1 per pair.
These two lots wall be placer' on the
tablet in the centre of the 1}tom. The
blalages of the millinery and fancy
g.NMIN stock will be offered et leas than
half price. R'.• want to cll..ajlout to
make roan for • thea stock Of boot'
and shoes which 5111 arrive next week
\\'e 1.411 cheap all the t 4, especially
this time. .1. \V. BRI)DRnlux.
MONA.r, April Dat -Axle of hon.ehold
furniture of Maw Levi ('ars at the n,.klence,
nett Thew N'eethee141, Card, ,•tied, corn
meneing at Y o'clock pm. Uteri. to he sold
without reamer. Jour K4ox, auctioneer.
Tmoltsnov, .taril d •4.wtinn sale s4( honer
Edd furniture and furnt5hin a at the redolence
oft he Wt- Irw I.•wb. &q., corner of Wellington
and 1.igt.tholw• At reef .., linderirhiCvery•
thing (neo be Moment' of. a. 111e premier. hate
been wild. Tenn* -altsums of $14/1)471,1 tinder
e.4.. to er Met emon,L 7 owlth.' credit will be
let rn on furnl.hing mat Infector) .+rarity: a
iw oanl
Mine ed for ,weh on (•154111 amount..
Mit. Lewis, pmpriotm•w Timmer (1, n.v.
TI'rnu4 v. April tit Auction wale of honer,
holdfurniture, furnishing•. etc. :.i w . lady's
wheel : at the eek1(•ro•4 of the Mare. k(.41(111
cuddy. (meter 111 Plain ate. 1's 4 Wellesley .L.
commencing Iat I o'clock. Thom. O1•44(at,
We have passed in-
to stock the whole of our
importations of Wall
Papers for this season.
They are entirely new in
design and coloring.
Owing to the great
rivalry in the manufac-
turing of Wall Papers
prices are extremely low.
We are showing new
Wall Pipers at :J c and
4c per roll, suitable fur
bedrooms, kitchens, small
halls, etc.
MOO rolls of two new
special lines, blue
cream shades, 5c per roll ;
ceilings to match, name
Higher grade Wall
P a per s for drawing
rooms, parlors, libraries
41111 halls.
The most famous
artists in the world
couldn't design any pret-
tier or more artistic Wall
Papers than our higher
priced ones. No matter
what you want you will
find it hero. The great-
est possible value for the
money. Prices from 10c
tio 50c per roll.
The trial of the mail Maxwell for
a'wault, at Seaforth, was set down for
last M lay beton. His Honor Judge
Doyle, but owing to the abortive of
Acting l'rown Attorney Lewis the
trial was postponed a week. The ease
will (ore up at 11 o'clock next Mon-
day morning.
No romance of modern tinges has
created such a sensation throughout
the entity world as Toltoi's "Resur-
rection." It is the great Russian
novelist's masterpiece, and in every
respect the greatest is el of the age
in which fee live. In drauatixatiuu
all sordid and objectionable fraturat
are eliminated and the beautiful
teachings an- brought 4o their fullest
1'ot 'Complete
Y new Spring Attire is not yet complete
if you have not fitted yourself with
Not only in the FINE LINEN Love we
Upas B ENT makes• ale) in h
The• goods ate all new and are unexcelled in
value. K+u h {{air brain the stamp of quality.
sistent with HIGH GRADE GOODS
Try apair ofour MEN'S RUBBER
KEEN BALM. fur every -day wear.
Thur shoes. are waterproof and don't get hand,
i . f2owning
Dramatic Sensation __
-Why ! Papa, ynu got UINt hat et
Mc1.F.AN BROM.' Its th,• Lind they
:01' all wearing this Pring. That,
the place when, you bought my are
clothes : and that new suit you its
the other day was made the( moa
\\'can't it, Papa T"
"Yes. Johnny, that's ju.t when
they all cam.* fr ow. That'. where I
get all illy clothing and ftilm,hin);..
They know their Imagines., :ust their
stock is tight up to the minute."
•'1t•1unr4•tioti" i. now being played
1a11.. Crowded hulls., in w)n
New York. I
Kn. Paris and Berlin.
PBIOE3 25c,, 35c and 50a
Open F)illay Morning.
special line 411 Austrian Collars. specially 111a4lc fur air ow.
trails and Mostar.) direct.
Newest Novelties in Easter Ties.
Sec the new Roxbury Tie.
NAThe Square, Goderich.
1-Pa)iug InTtment ; in Adrertis went in The MA
Those Blinds at
24 Cents Each
Those blinds we are selling at 24c each are a big bargain. We bought
them away below what we usually have to pay or we would have to
charge more for them. No person with any blinds to buy should let
this chance go by. Not nearly so many to sell now as there were a week
ago, but all colors are still in stock.
A Great Curtain Stock.
A great curtain stock has been gathered to-
gether for this season's selling. Gr'tat in variety
and great in value. Right past the middleman
direct to the maker we go for our curtain supplies.
No wholesaler's profit to be paid on the curtains
we sell. Just one profit, and that not a large one,
between you and the man who made them. The
season's newest patterns aro het a in Swiss, Not-
tingham and Bobinette, and of each kind a wide-
ness of choice greater than you will get in most
stores. .Just a few price hints this week. They
are a few of many.
Bobinette Curtains.
New Bolin1•tt• curtains,
plain 41r spotted net ter' 1
with insertion, frills and lore,
per pair.. . ..8.2.30 to *4.511.
Frilled Robinette hy the
yard with insertion and pare,
23, 30 and 36 rents,
RxtenMinn nad44 and poles
for Bohinet,te curtains, 11), 26
and :ing•.
Lace Curtains
at 50c.
Nottinghnnl lace curtains
with goad .tropg net, 2 1-2
yards long and gosh as-
sortment of patterns• per
pair Stk..
Lace Curtains
at 5E65.
We have A M((wwcia1 o nrbliu
at this price. They ore very
Ane quality in net, tlw new.
Pet designs, 441441(1 centre*,
kork stitcher( edge, soul full
A 1-2 yards long. Extra ggold
Value at per pair 11.03.
Lace Curtains
at 51.00.
Nottingham lace , urtains.
A lig range of hands.me
patterns Plat.* good qualities
full 3 1-2 yards long. Very
spr•i*l v1lu4 at per pair 81,00,
Lace Curtains
at 32.25.
Nottinghano lace curtains
tine strong net, beautiful
designs suitable for any room
A 1-2 yards long, pork,
wages, per pail' 8225.
Better Curtains.
Extra .
(m IIS II UIP. in
Nottinggham INe•P certain,,
beautiful des'1gn. (smatter, t.o
olneelven for i.hi. town. Cor -
Mine that. are good enough
for any rrpnn, full 3 1.2 yards
Inng, per (stir 8:i, *4 and 56.
SwIss Curtains.
'keveral growl designs in
Swine net etertains. Well
finished, strong, serviceable
net. Very handsome pat-
terns, per pair 81.30, *nand ff.
. Good
Tapestry Carpet
Will wear well. There is not
a hit of doubt about that.
Get a good one, a real English
tapestry made by a reliable
maker, and you get a carpet
that will be satisfactory in
every way. One, too, that yon
will be pleased with every
day in the year. Our tapestry
carpets are all imported from
England. They were made
by the best makers and wo
have a hig range of patterns
for you to select from.
Large and small designs and
good colorings, suitable for
any room. We cut, make anti
lay carpets if they are bought
31 patterns in English tap•.t re
carpets. Every One good. Nota talus
imp in the lot. Downright good v44l-
11411. Quslities that will give .atisfse-
tory wear. Many priers, ranging
28c to.90c a yard.
Every wanted shade
and all sizes in our fam-
ous kid gloves at one dol-
lar per pair.
Largest Clic
To Ban'
fano 11) aeree, neer (ie
1,('1)OT t A, Ba
.,,,uh *bop, K114r1011
e' ply w W. 1t. lt0LiKRT0.02
IIKID STABLE ON N I N,r 151)1: 411411))' .1)d
..sa.nable. dimly Lo MRS.
\rwgets street.
Por Sall
)) n.re ■ ..sesta. woo
11. ,-,.. apple. espw-Llly, of d
„1.1.h we *111 +511 at (Jae r
I. 1 hundred. tome early en
:11,at JOHN M•rk:
v 1;(lM FOR SALE.- 1
1 a that bey•_wo111n winter as
.r4.4 TTmeoughbred n
I; • k aim. for make. Mc per 1.1
t,r 11.2i. D. M
1' 1-(,A ari leo erre farm. Yi
h., 11n 1 ,N'koow rood • Iva(
*S II undentntned. goad berm
••••I .tate of .•,IIU,.at,nn.
THnN51N, Oodeetok, or to
P tor. S, 1. TAI'IIE,
145. r1.11'11N,:0I1141144 351
.1)11 kind. of ')NMtacIns amt
1.4 oiler. 'lpM:lal attention gI
r'.)nl.1. by mall 111n1n IN 4) e
ware of Varner. stint my I•al•"
tr1)."Sind agent., *hetet er.
sathAsetMa guaranteed. Ile
114 H (('HMI )"il) NTR ICKT. '(5
Marriage Lia
T V . AOS hassles+• (Work
.11 1ien tn.L eolki'or, .sa
tont.Mn tlL, tLW 411wr 341.111y
HIATER,a olkttor. notary
11.give. to Marine four( r
fan. Once : No1rth, (44. and N
1130. A. J. FRAMER, I
'1 .dktter.eater In tis
Il ado with Philip Holt, K.
4'owrt Hoose square. Waal.•I
' l'AMPION, K.('., E
4. •otkit.o, notary. 4.. 1.
don 4kand ngtun•, next IOW
a,(. 0. JO/IN/MON,tWF
Wt. n
ll.rl.t, ..omlraoner.
Mon. .)alter, •.rner IlunHluu
Street.. G.drrieb, (Nn.
PRot; urocri' & HAG'
TRtt4. *44-41x., anterior
1n 185 Maritime toot. 4e.
nest clout signal Mlle.. Peds
at lowed rate. of (,,Weed- W,
IL C. 14.11'M.
111 1G1N14ON t GAS]
1.4 R14rrtK4,
oder4I. E. I. D1('K Nse
•oiMtnr, notary and eon
.. Hamilton rarert, opposite t)
41)1. Cla erklh. PH s eie fund.
=Heed 4 per rent. Interest.
JG. wan!). ('ON)
• .4,-. and en nmMsloner I
receiving recognizance. 1'A
1)r animations, depadtion. o1)•
4 oma in 1w rN44rrn1(4 any 44
, mtlnng in Lire High l out
( oat of Awned for (Ml*rlo.
.o INvhdaa_t hart All [rune,
tor' pnanetlY eyeret .1. Heal
e1.1 re.. liimigawnon.. ml.
Insnranoe, Loa
JOHN W. ('RAI(iiE,
rand accident (.reran. .•
mutual and 404 arae. te
Innes effected os beet plane
e am
1 all al naive, corner Wert St
or nddrom J. .', (' H A It; IE. o is
1IAM. E. SHAW(if
M l' H A N(' R aid real ...tel
r). dont Met 1)( PAL 4k.,.-riel
reline mutual Ore Ieerame
Ian. 4'•k .. ,.pan45..
llreentite and (nanafee•tnr
, •• °dee.,(•Mn at olllce.
W. .ANT wad iauraneeu
1)l• made up. Building.*
•n.'• 14(1. Fire (.Mayan. lu 1
.4',..omlaale•. (Epee- 1n P
1)a nrth !(L. Iluderleb.
J. T. NAFTKi, 01
i -I It.1N1'it and Real R.
1.4.- a..ideal and MeV Ola
f.' til no mutual of (web Alen
p.._.,I141e. hilt Rarest, aril 1'.
Ie. reprmenlad, 1 next el
& Garrow, Barristers, Hamilton.
analm141of pritele find
.1 Markt ratio and sums+ 1)l
gum.. Apply to Ut('KINMON
It' . JORDAN. W. 1'R(I
sone/tars :
I'itortir(ayr t N
total 4, JI
to q. PR1 oui.rta)T. M.
1i iri14novj,r *4.1
oalkilIKF' RKYMa
nnr last 1y.. •,• lk,,k la ownutrient faeptwtba. of )5. 1
premetwd Man Om start.
1•• gl1-n Inmates W kala
Istmw.M the beet
Ihr. awe 411-4, .41 a. a 1
Horn. .1)41 Kr 'pb 1
melt rentr'et. and mealy+
tnl.teea, rwreef. and •1.4'
(inn rine Cent. to Three 7
*15.41,1141 4 ,51f e.nA g1 ear$
month.. at tw as •,goj1 t1a-1
. he' 1)•w am elven assail
mat draw upon tkM Ne
1emoting tel 5
5 annw(MI ,w) .13
7Te "4"
men whn 1)Mleffnireateata
facility Mr
Mal e
An I
men a
and dnaetMime+
Tha (YswpaM7 Maio*, IIs
faun )arrrperlY cmlr, 51) the
I tr "Meg end 51354 re:
1'h Terme ere mei
the a md(t4rn' t'.Ing -
44 4. roma_
t. ran ha mind, by r
1)r a.4u.L .lake your
maks wive uses to rester