HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-4-16, Page 9clrrY (W sT, JOSEPH. Its Romantic Story Told in a Toronto Paper. Money Spent I. Co*.truc1Mr , Harbor' Wut- .d Th, Sig 440101 That Mat No 0..sts Msonsoout Operations Whlcn No 0... Can t+pain A Medern Paley Tale (suer /.,rnwpald..ce of The Tomato New.) St. Joseph. Ont., April 13. 11'.re the et4uy of the "city" of Mt. Jo eeph, with its mysterious palace hotel, Ita luyth- icxllactoriss, its 2,000 city building lute, its growing but still urbulous lutino, and its - Govrrnment_built liar. 1o,, printed in a magazine of rel stent fiction, it woukl he generally consider- ed a1' a ,lever and playful bit of fancy, well iuutginet by s( • ingenious lit•r*ry Munrhatmen. Ilul a1' an actual story arrant real life, happening 311 an age when wane b slitwo M men err not apt to indulge in murk ex{Irusiv,- quixotic echeu►r,1, and Whe,i Ouvrrn- menta are not *uppoote•d to threw away public money in abetting thrum, it would he laugher) at by all ae•u.iblr tern M* a pile -dream. Yet this n7.4to•t•- iouN fully of Hund, .• ty too no ph',uwnt tale of Heti . ft i. MAI. And the fast that it is rel f(rni"1ws rich material fair studente of parer plumes of 1 tau ►t►tum, and of the ridiculous in modern Canadian )M)litki, About thirty' toiler down the Whew of Lake Hurn, from (I.Kderich. and ten miles due west front the town of Hon - w411, there jat.eut fronts straight strip of uneemtetted, weep -beaten 1441.14. a forlorn Mt of rrih work, 1(144*.' twenty I'et hong. F'artier ant, and to net u1' .,, t0 the south. there are the ►e11tain4 ,if another- rrih, oyer which the waves .la.h. Strewn along the .Mote fur • • hundreds of )'ands the tiud...we, ..mer of which were. iv/tithed fnnu .mailer mite( by the untl)Ip oteel .aught of Hunan'e white -rappel r„lI- ro. *tad tethers p ..petrel for the , ,n- leimetioll of the week. Prime Wally flint is all that in left for the naked syr 1•. 01e• AM It ne*11t of et (11110. •Ill .',1"•INlitum of $10,0111 in a mail attempt to intik' a herlw)r when. Mature elte•ndiel M, harbor, *nd where the people of Hums *eked fin• nu harbor :old needed note, THst T('WN ue err. Jls(KI.11. On the bluff Above the nern,w .trip of .slat forming the beach, three lino the eluvet deewrteel and wonderfully rile(1lal. town, e1' city, of 4t. J.esrpll. .tt X*rent the city nmlpriM.. a [sale, .IntlrliMlyel 10I11r1 *1101111 the wise of the \\'*Ikrr Hearer, Toronto. a half-dozen a'wnt and partially Hnimhor! 4t..rwei, ..vessel rite -like n•wlb.nere, a poet enter, a bedding dignified by the name of an organ pipes factory, a mall flame hotel, together with 64'1141111g 'wiles for firtrrieen, metres and n•4j(l•sre14 out 1i *4(41411. A News rrprementalivr cisiln' thi. forlorn and alo..lt pwtheti, 4pM,l en f4a11unlay 1004, aril the tale that wit. * .hl hila h) Irsidrn*4 in 111. ni.inity beggar( -h that i. told by rue Berta rrmanr.•rw. - Fi]Tte, -rig lHu„.rry)( The d)rogu.•r of (hit. (hrlariu castle in Spent i. sue Mende -ter N. M. ('*ntin. 'J'bie. M.m.mieer (',ntin, ',rho i. NIiII a ruuy1erati4.•1'. )'.oIg 114.11.. was 140uet Frettehe.'etied pan patent. within *leout * quarter of A toile of the present city) of ML Jo.wph, then ktowu, and still For tering e)11 the tempi.. an J.,hrl..)s'l Mill.. At that t111N• the phut rr.11M1et4r1 of at post "fib ,• a1141 et 4*w- trill. Both sir still there. After he grew up e) 111.1ng ill*nhi.wl 1•antin became for a time a cattle dealer en A Nnlan /WA 10. and as nisch did Iwwitwas with a twit/la- boring well -tufo M/r)t•h farmer named Janie." Campbell. Nr • thee. after - weeds ('intln moved to leige.r teph.res of enterpriser. 11 e inter - embed capita/ha. n mud h)'r4psalrt of the r.alntry in a 44•hau,• fur melting n•nlpnt, arod the flnae1i.l returnee to himaplf were bead. 411 ,0 *weft year. ego he returned to his native pixie w• I t h (elnerlderahty to r)(/•r'detmM o?'seone' and how it w -s* to be mottle. Ile- 14 01- o0•11041 the idea of turning .1ohn44n's Mille into ce a fl,an•i4hiup( cit)-, with fa.1,.rips, 0tr4•t ear line,. and big dividends all e Mete. t.•. (41'A1A11('.'TH,N,, 1.4, 1*4 Now Jehr144)11'a M111.11/44 1' adq,en no qn*l(nretionm for any .10•11 41.,Itiny. 1t ham no natural harbor of any kind, it iM not the centre of any rich tor plopukn,s egric•ulturxl district, fuel it i. ten miler from the 'warted reilw*y line. Hut ('antin was a pod talker end hal min option/4M in nr4- je.•ting his meanie. lir algqNrni(•hef Camp's."' with him pp41.j,r't, lead hien lot fort t, he nude by the building lot. to he fetid. rt'. Aild, *ttange to my, thin hardheaded ole M.'44.-)4441en fell in with the meant*'. He hal elm - Henn. in (7entin and a.h*reel a few * honnat/dm. A r•i'il engine 't- and er•hit-et WAN engegvetl, The spry wag 44-eeryeed into building Tots, feetori,.s end residences and a pekoe hotel were build tom paper, Mild everythlrlg seam rmllpli•t4d but the menet building. A Mtre•t car line Was '1'n pictured on the plan with (l car earning plant the hetet entrance. Thr ,'Isrti.n of the hot•1 *1141 of a factory where hair rmt•lt.n, or sinlil*sly awful ,rtirlem were to be made was le•gnn. Things went *h 'ad with a great hurrah. Newspaper wt•ite-upm were meowed end the l,tlhiie her•arllp int4•nwtRd. But pr•Ne•nt.ty l'ampheII 4"t r'.tlem end frond. wen• not forth- lllll g Straightway new capitalists (4'••4 . ►*,night on the 444414' by CAntin dug 11) (Mtn rottenly kilo'am Where, batt prem. 4iw'ay)4 g11A14', 114•II-.ln4Mel 11111 "11111- IienAirrm. ('nmphiell, who hard al- ready stunk t.hinuatld, In the w henle, Wee peretl*(Iel that the pr)flt« veldt! el'enbunlly Is•gin t1' appy*►•. Hr 1•Is,ld have Ma money hark. of emitter, if he erAnt.r(1 iQ Ha he might as well stay in the when,.. and 'there the pr.flt« now. Mo he snipe) and xih-an(•el more 'money. Thu. the. city pro/premed by tint and etm'te. Various fat -tor - it's Rere projected fwd osr*siunally twtu*fly Marled operation., for ,t few (lava. A hammer 1*rteory Wile planned and tweeted. Holt the wall. of the building were, 441 relate( hem it, only 'iK ht inches tJliek. Fond before the thr•ehbing meellinery w&4 telt i0 N 'doing w 114)1 re elle alp fold Weir thee ti th.• hnillling, .1 wink V.l.'r A Mr. H.(•iquel, .4f Mandwi,h, 01 wine modem etudes, wee induced to entre t4) the nn,whroetrl eh y and *tar( the maniffa''tlre (4f 'einem, rnin.r*l w'at0,y, vin.•genm, tee. He iw there pet, em„ of the only two men who have 'tern" The. ether 1* Mr. Ifimignetee, wile is teras In1kMar (wren ppm en e "ands -i showed the News utast through t factory on Saturday. The wine v mutt mineral water app•►ratus are et1 there, a little dust covered, tett *Li uuwuru by me. "This Ir the fmctur parlor," he said pointing to dusty, luulllereetlefwn 010111. the shipping r*ioin ; this the o both, hale and unfinished as the two or three yeah( ago. "I hope t, start making wit fall. The pI*ee looks a little Ind but come and ewe us then," "Hut how will you get your !teed" 'Uh, we hope t) lusve• a Ilan then, and will Tiring thew ii by i oat r TUN PAi,.1/'K IUrl•KI,. But the. ri(iust tart of the story 1410 terns the hotel. It haw Igen helikling for six years, and ie et.ill unfinished The keeper of the key, a F'renchd'au adieu youth, unlocked the (hews to the writer and showel 1 ' thnngl the building. itis big ruough for any etenno M litau hotel. Thr gglass in the windows *tone ant $3,IMMI, and the whole building, uifni*11ad am It is, is said t, 1.411• cost ever $IMM1,IM01, The ►rte *rat the barl.y's shop are the only furnisheol Iroatt. *m yet. Moine time ago the while interior furnishings of the oh! 13x1 sal Hotel ill MOJtlrwl write bought orad ship eel herr, appal•-. rutty without regard t) the ,'.*t of freight, .u- whether the stuff mule be used or out. AN 4 matter of fowl, such of 1t was alrdutely broken dome and Idi11g", (idols and end o M f furniture in various state* eJ disrepair, and out worth half the rest of freight. A large tickt•t office. Nig((11, stating that ritllway anti .4e/unship taken. for New England and European points catdd be pulr•hmett there, is our wu(1ple of the amazing fully displayed in laying suedes" tra11M)44,1•tathlll. Thr hotel is titled with an Amide light plant, and When Hoists.) would pn,b- alAy 1411' arc latent fur :70, guests. '1711' rich ftahu44r•al lar fixings *n'tlletallel, and in *n aulj.ii,ing room ere Net up four liarber•s''1)411•* )11111 the 1)41141 fixtures, "'tut who* on earth are they going t, do with the place when it i" finish- • ?" wa a*kw1. 1Yt. (14)11'* know; nobwly knows," 1'attlr the *ileum lepl). "The little hot4'11aereet4 the wan Memie•tinlr4doe•sn't take in a dollar et day. Hut they sty they are going nu with Lhi, 4411*', and w4• are waiting 111.11- for theft t, ('"114*' hack and start work a4raill." NO FAIRY T.41.K. I *4*.s 1)N• il�per•wlnluUN mooted• imagine that this is senwehing like it fait•yy tale that i* t4•ing told hint 1' %1'eit ! 'There W 111011. to a • )•rt, just A. a11ulzing *td jIINI *N trot, and the records then. - of are writ in theaurnuut. of tie De- partment 0f Public Werke of ( amul*. Thr ra1111fi*'sII of Mr. ('audit'., mehe4*e an. many. A ('hicrge brick naannfae•turer- waw brought in, induc- ed by l'atalill'. )M•r111a.it'r 5i4,Nert. He drq,pwel 10•4 era! lheamiele and then left in ditegu.t. .1 hell -built Ir•.id4 )14 14 111,. Inuuellllrnt he left (whin.' to eumnrullrrntr hi. f." liihn.•*e. Other 1•apitali4t. wet• .4)41ur.a(•Iwrl, inverotel MMINAll Allis omit. It enticing paper 1('heuNe., *mI were glad t4 get INIt- without further lodes. ('*u libell, after investing the lank ..f hi. fortune, vari- ously estimated at f)1)11 *MAT) to iliM1,1MM1, broke down in health and diel woe 111(4nt1I* age. .1 year or ell afire *'ran)Mny wait foamed by ('antic to car')' on the work. The inc1r• e. -- at.rr. were : Louis ale (i.uz clue flou- Oiler. M. 1)., 14 OUewa ; J,1.•epil 1'. Pendia e, nAtotin •tlrer, of (►(- tavea ; Tou"eiint (►Ideon l'eurw,lhs, tranalat4r of the De ' pun P.uire- 1NR►t : Jest -ph T. R. iaurenrfe au, In*tnlfeetiu,•r, of Montreal, end M. T. Jo ilber•t, rrlanllfsetnrer, of Montt -owl. The eemip4t11• N'NN incorporated l•1' the name of the Mt. Jees•ph Ieind Iur pronrnu•n( x011 Mauufxi Ulring (1(1n- pwny, with a r*pitel Mt4M•k of $%q,t11M1. They teetered * charter t, carry on the gen••ral bleariest. of building and (p er- atig a Pity, fent e• work on the. new• hostel, ..t)rs•M, etc„ whk•h hal keen interrupted Ire lack of fursl4, Wax s ialteminly retaliated. .1 leasee-Ireck was planned and so • of l he cit )' Into were ploughed up and prepared ler' the purrysle•. 1h. 'tot 111,1', 1 ' df. spent *evarx1 nuuttha, ill the p14ua4, "up erinteneling operations, THE (SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO he The not result of the work dune List ars year has already been told above. 'fu 1( the layman it would (went ea tlueigh 11 titairly every dollar spent has hetet y wastel• OUly the co ib nearest *hole a HMS is now lying in it„ origiu t' p0811iuu, "Phis in The one rid of that crib lies iti About filet"- I two feet of water. The lathe►• rod lies y weer high and dry on shone. Tho other tells built Mee•111 10 have either betel re next partly demtr)ye1 by the Nton•m" or else Hew, tht.y have been w:wheel ta)1Nee t•1)1)- Iderable di.tance away filen their grape. original positions, bine b I A )VI/TUK1 .4 l•1'Itul•IHATION, (Otte would think that untemitch wante of public iumr ' would be enough. Halt out w). In t1►r malachite. of ale - Public Work. I*•pertur•ut for this veeeu' there is mot/HT $. ,&3$) for Mt. : 1 JoMe•ph', harbor. New plans lune been MI'4T H.'1I.i .4 11.4111141H. Ilut-itl (rifer t• hart. a wt•II-.rp11) 4114) (it v. a harbor woe. n ....e ere. phi.. Marl iwe•n foteimen by (tantin, and two )'.ears ago 111• s111.1'edlrl ill getting an 4ppmpri*ti(4n .11 $.i.)NM* put in the .PP1ublie 1Voties estima(r•i fora wharf ''*1 St..1.wm•ph's har(N1r." The uiunr)• %vas rxpa•rtolet in getting ti4 tinllw•r•s for *1ecrib w(4wk. etc. NI/thing flir•tht.r was done that. m 1'r, and last "P4r *04,11• f Is ver,• aa..ki d fur to *'int' the work. Mr. Ter14• waw 01111141 to the site. and on)' 1144)' !est s •1• hr ntr)N•anrl ort Ilenall in him /trivet,ear. IIs w•aM driven ores to Mt., .1(414•Ph Anrl pn)pMM•I)' rtlt•rtaainel ever unfit. 111' sows sheen tIH' "harbor." Thr noels of Ile 414•w' rite and its wondoliul f111ure N'en• ex/tighter! to I ' . Ile left.. and shortly eft•rwanls week waw 11011111 1111 1111' pier that waste fore the harbor. Am ham nirerel)- 1N4•0 expInln- ed, there. he 41w4d(1t1'1)' no natural 4411. ort- for %('$Iw'I$ at that /obit. 1t i" )'itpslwll on three 41191114 to ,eller)• et(e4)) tilt blew". (1444' 41411 1414.1y11411(1 down th e...suet foe r:li 11'41 the water in s1Anow•, the• twearh war , end the r•ity to Is• e, -',.1 I))' the. arf "ten 111 (11.' )'l.H111s. 1'r• Wan Foam Ile - F I Ipnlxr d)'nlxnd for tree 44(4•*) wharf; nn pw•tition hal lw.n .ir- culat41 ).y the le"hlrnt« of 'Innen )'eurl- ty. In fact. (•very one that The. New' tweitementstiv.• talkeel to WAIN 4'ruptuttie In stating th•lt. a wharf t here well(' he stew* peal V 1144'IrmN, told the •1. "Fant otl it night joist as well Imo thrown in tile lake. Them ie not. et tit, ('')'*i n H"hl•rinn4'',. teed tit. stint 1.. 1144• 0 wher'f w1)e•n built.. ',ilwinls Anil ('onte•rvnti'/w Alike all thro*igh the comity sent, et 1111• 44•ht.rnl of n hor-Is,r• there, and dldt.nd it. Tlit.te• 1111.14 1101.041•111 to lie 1•1'P01 the e•xl•ii,• • might "xIw)'t. *e tint! fon. "111'11 an an•Allt'h-ter rxpw•ndi- tnn• of pt*)li' 11044)4)' --til wit., th.• slaking of cob•". Farr ill tht.,dimtrirt thst St..I.nwph N•rvet t.hl•sw,4uv 'only ell*net Mit French-( 'analiel 10**'te, and of th)'4(' all halt. ten 1'v flft4"•n Ale ot- iosely 1104011 11•11 Ns 1.ib•rNl 1(4001.4. 111 - ('Pel -it is slid Chet, t.4t.n in them m•tth•- nit•nt thero. i" n(4.1'nlnnd for a w•herf. Thr only Iw4Iplr'alto 14'•,ri to went 1t ere the )rmmnterr of the city Mt. .lenw'ph, arid to the' naked f•ye the! city hem nn future Ahead ref' it 4411)' (het it. might p '....holy Iw4c(o o• A somal "Illlltler 11".nrt, e11.1 in that. r'nme• the tsx)N4Ver oslm,ll) 'x1'4.1.' the pre/trio.- (tore (0 lover tau• t•x(w•n44• of buladirlg n wh*rt. /bit, dhspi.• all t11i4, *114• w•)'on1 apprlpri*t ton of $roll121 wit. 111ait•, god far twn or three months hart !emitter And fall 4')114• thirteen or• tlft4'n filen, under the dite•tion of )11'. ier'rl Belanger, cern at work lnlitding 'rib' *' der, &reseeding t(4 pawns t n•- hy it. weet.m*ntel pngineern. of k Wa" done Ity day Isla*, and tom' of the Werk a. it prig, ,." 1 tel) yon with A MAIN. heir, (h,.. oil the w.n'kmpn who -el smell w•. hill of ."and an,f '.tont. to *If,. f Int. wato•t• err) dHnlit 111' Leet. y to have the newt stA r•tn rend)'r rally ilwelp"e the work 'fettle. r. A 1,111 .217y wee test 1'l fee for th 1 4ern e end ince Misery pelt. in. A pined ''Attend of eumarte mel n rediae(' of The w ""Ras Were *ant to !fennel' and teemed mp eefe fn Nt..11lseph, 14(rtrlp deem later they e1 w it **Pr*. teamed hawk end we'll at lee. than w0(4 11 w'hol•wale priers. lair. fieri. nevi, who Islas,. Ike ie mid to hey*. wink *limoeleett*) in 6414' o .••hemp. Ir 4/111 d(4r)wrwtcl4' wait- in, nnl IN' and wntr'hlttg at fit. Joseph. Ne pram.; l111 rah•d. Instead of having slut s•twsen t111' rip((, .u'cunlitig (o urigirlal plans, it is now )fl'4 e i)uild a omit' cell -work a 111 alone expetteive ptee of w111•14. lunihbg t1 the 1.0•40,•ut plan*, wharf will be atil feet lung. An the elan of that .J(0) fleet there will he a depth of just ten feet of water 1 An- other 14) or 1101 f,'et will give a depth of eleven free. of water, Mr. ("rosy, of Tnrmt,, engineer of the Public \1'orkN 1)e•parttnent, whit has charge of the w,mk dote in West- ern Ontario, a.M•rl* tiu*t the thitherto &heady o11 the .p..t *•111 malice tocona- ph•t. the pier, and that the e*lliN waded 1111. of plate. can be towel back and properly 111.N1te1, 11.' believes that another Vele3) would nun eer• the wharf. Meed in the ueighINbrlemet of St. Jo.N• ,h doubt if three tilues (hat t will finish She work aspluln14). But. he that as it foxy, even after the J/11S,1*3* (alk,w'iug the knee.* estimate of'"44*) 1. NWM•tlt and the what( Hnishor then. will rtl11 Ile no Hurl* u'; no Vo•aw ran tie 111, in a stn•ii: it ih nut know u GAMEY IN VESTIGATION. 4('INII'Iudlrl f,vin µsgv S.) rlgrit to Amp it? A.-1 did keep It. (1• --Did you claim that you had the right to use it? A. -Yes. Q. -And you used It In your bust - mew? A. -Used it lit my buainees. Q• -And In eight days alter you got the money you had spent nearly the whole of it in your bustnees? A, -1 could tot say. Q. -You deposited on the 12th day of December fifteen hundred dollars at Sudbury? Yr. Ritchie -The 11th. Mr. John/atone-The llt>, here; the 12th at dudbury; is that right, A.. - Yoe. Q. --That is right? 44. -And oa the 18th of September 1'r.' nearly twelve hundred dollars was the 1 taken uut7 A -Might have been, I to Might have boon some drawn over to mei the (lore Bay Bank. A''- Q. -Using the money of the bribes Ole and the bribed in connection with 1 of your ordinary business transactl.net that fa the story that you•t.ell? A� Knowing that 1 could return it, Net Ze mgl to -Pas Cheek, Mr. Gamey when *sked why he did so, said he did not want to carry it in his pocket sto long. Mr. Johnston %IN Of'I Ori 4a'eJq 110 31,44 i>•'•t►ulie (lanky had only 1450 in the bank. Gamey identified a marked cheque for 41,800 he had signed for the pur- port of this Wel. 'l'o r44144• the moray to honor the cheque he admit- ted stockInhavingsold •Gross 81,500Piano Caen_ cent pony during the first week of Aprll to Mr, W. It. Smythe, M.P.P. for Al- goma. At 4 o'clock the Commission ad- journed, d- r O, P 1 o d. Mr. Johnston.' croeaez- aenlattlon net having beer) conclud- ed. that any crewel* wit/ want to tic up in any rase and no vessel drawing 111«41 ten feet of wafer ('wl uta 11 wluerf. 11'int is it e11 for :.'" The \ew-N 1-. )"•rt•r asked heft a 111,x1•)) e•i*izette 1 the neighbiiri 14 towns of ZIII44),, H.•I .4111 anal Clinton. le ACCIDENT TO SIR OLIVER MOWAT. • HLANK Poi itleIINIK$N. "Milady kuowm. F:Vlry1NNly think. it's blank foolishness, oral everybody vendee( at the unmitigated fully of the whult' thing," was in efle't the 10)- ,eliiloum triply. The only attenuated v.n►i1'atin ciente (041)1 x 111111 who wits iit.'rentrl in the St. J.wrph wheelie. Ilr.11ggawted half-heartedly that ves- sels ('.(1111 bring in void and Iluulwr fet- tle. or the dietri't, and No wive high railway freight rates. Even he (lid not ad - the idea that 4t. Joseph would ever r•4lire the hopes of int pn ter.. and dr 1'.l either into a tnanllfactine ing tool, ant) se 4 •4' resort. .144)4 t, tie cion that the .•IMI of teaming I0llt "r 4.401 f' Mt. .lo.wph to inland t '.vnN would be -h 111(441• than the di1elr•Ilc• in freight extras, lie hod no n•ply, -I wish you e(4uld talk to Mr. ('«olio." he mid. "He r.Add niake you sw• things in a different light." Hut Mr. ('antro'* prelim[ w atenit« Was unknown at. Mt. It was alio unknown when lin operations would l.• 1114nlrle'l h)• rho St. Jow•ph's land 1*npmV*'m*rit Arid Mennfa•turing 'mit/tatty. tty. They were to have Mtarteol the workmen Again (4n hearth pit, but no sign-. of erns ' g 44tivity an. yet visible. Meanwhile a neW contra/1Y. said to 1"• practically identical with th)'xbove envoi an)', i. applying for a (hnrt'r• at the p)1,elIt. 4riiion Sof - 1 *i4-tame•nt to finita rrf�TTrrir 4444(14' point on i,eke 111,11)11, prom unlabl)' Nt. J.ww•ph, to some point on leek.. Keir, plrmtimalo11 Port Stanley. The (14ti11met.•d 1".a of the canal is a trifle of $7*),1M01,IMyl, They te» many' funny stories in Mauer vomit.) of Caitlin and his schemes, him 4e0enim" flee-haJebel nem with lllOney, flim 44)4.1•la) train,' and his Iwrsua«lye pl.Nltene.. Col of urten•nting reading torr remold hE written of his brilliant (•((11(14 and hie amazing nerve. 1111* fit• the prt.ient ..Neagh 11x4 been said. TIr• ant opinion of the sitomtinn Thr t>Al•s reporter heard 44 he left fur Ton woe - feats . w ?,ttrno+ mane ••\1.1.11, if the (3.n'*rnmerit is going to throw- money away. I suppose they noight 4n well throw it 110111/1 Iter• 1114 0113-w•hen•, I hope th,•+v'II carry that %wharf• 1111( fee en/l(lgh, allyw-a y, 11) give 41' a plan to fish off enol sit 14)141 watch the ways r • ill. THOUGHT IT WAS ALL UP. Well Known Lindsey Man Almost m Despa'r Till H. Tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. Lindesty. (hit., .April 13 1M)seeial. ('has. Podgier i one . of the best knew)) Men In Lin! n . re1141r111*'nt ly nearly •-e•/') nae' i4.) . 1* 1Nv1n1 of his relief 1.;. • t •.-tura. Ire rheuuwtimnl. Per 11 ,, he lay in IN•.1'utf.ring thos e tag lies only i•heulwdies knew' and experimented with sn-44411441 elm... Then he piloted yet a again that "when 1)1114,, Kidney fill. vino(' in at the door. l-h.'uuttthen 4/1.41)451 n1 the window." "Yens." he wayst, "it ,,.lainly gi11'N 1'n. 1141. pl141011 111 114•e'rnn*'ud 11111*) 41 Kidney Pills. 1 trier) 44) many different eines' for my rheumatism before r• f r 1 of Own' g � Inst 1 began to think it eau all up, lint three love( r of Bodin; Kidney 1 Ills rowed me e(4nl- plet•Iv." Hebert Alkrn*, an old and nesjxe•tnl resident of Winghallu, died en SaUur- day. Aril lith, at the age of sixty- NeVell years. Mr. Aiken, eaten. to ()Ilt«rne farm Nova )(1.1111!1 4)144)1)1 fifty years ago, settling in Wawano.h, where 111' resided for twenty y.•m•4 before removing to 1Vinghlim. He leave. a widow and famVily of four None Redd three daughters. 4 4 "In perfection of make up IRON -Ox TABLETS ARE ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE Pmm the first they have sold u readily u the oldest estab- lished remedies. My customers are de- lighted with them." -H. A. DUPBE, Druggist ::; Bridge- port, Conn. A TONIC LA*ATiVL Prue 23 Cows 1111.1.1...11111111.11.11110 Lle1,teaut-p ran. leo= a Chatr mime Hr.aks 111p Memo. 'Toronto, April 14. -At 9 o'clock ',fairly night Sir Oliver Mowat fell In his bed r00111 and tractored his tight thigh. Dr. Primrose, Dr. Ten - 1'L• ..nd Dr, Moir were at once sum - mole d, and tau fracture was reduc- ed Sir Oliver} here the operation exceedingly well, and rested quietly the whole night, sleeping most of the time. Thee morning the Lieuten- ant -Governor was resting quietly. Senator 0111ser's rad4ea Death. St. John, N.B., April 14.-A tele- gram from Mettawanakeg last night sent by Superintendent Osborne of the C.P H., who its co board the C. P It. ,.xprews for Montreal, tells of the sudden death of Senator A. 11 Cillu,or of St. George, N.B., who was a Passenger on his way Ot- tawa to take his seat in t ate of Canute. He died sud n his berth. l*art failure Ing the cause 11 rthur 11111 (:illmor was born at St. George, N.B., in 1824 MARKET REPORTS. 'lose x:,zelNmse.t les wheat at chimes mad It Closed Lewes-Mr4lah Market. Closed -The latest quotations. at4tlmh ae•ter4ay Keening. April 11. rk...t i.,,V In ■ud produce tuark••ts erre (711.:.a:o uurk1'tw w•ers affected by the gro .•rune•rd erxq, *port 04.J'.r. 3[a)' wheat 1'le•s.•d '..• b.lew Thursday; May cert closed le hatgoel and Slay 0441. useteseg-el frnru Ihsreday, • LEADING WI(EAT MARKET•. kollow-tug are the cletlug q.otatloai at Iw,.urlenl wheat cent►.., today : team. May. July. Beet. Yerk ..,... Cho" so 7.. T"l.•114 75 7711514 7 bulutit, No. 1 N7314 re 1 • T1/EONT0 Yr, I.AWRlrrteit MAAKLT. '4ala- Whrnt. rel lanai ,.•„OQ')T-far1-- %4'L.wt, ahl4r. bumf. 0 71 073 w res[. spnog. tomo 007271 7f tl hent. y; ..,., luta .Oeip •••• 13..0., flash .••. Pentam, nauu-plc '.«.-1110 P.rN, brat. BY.. bulb a *1 Hay and S1raw- Ita.. the. 11100 to 5140 rimer, per ton 800 000 Pinna, Ir'Ier, per tea,680 Strew, sheat -1 00 0 00 5'..)b and 44 "gsl.atelee..- 4PCI.e, stint bM to Si 25 t•4,mate»s, r- r nag.._'- 1 00 1 10 ) •abbege. per dot 040 060 onaon., lot log 075 000 Da err Pr Osice- , nutter 11.. rolls *0 20 to 30 25 Eggs, new -laid, dee0 b 0 14 MiUrr'r Orli) Powders cum, For wale by Jar. Wilson. l'llutn'r draw ggarrh•ner, J(w, All eh - run, delivered rhulweb to his etude I„ lent week. Afillrr'r Cou►poiind Iron Pills, old) 23 reins fur SO (lass, Fur sale by Jar, John Scanlan, of t'liutou, 1'e111114t 1,'utuved !ruin his rye• b 'Turnbull, of (3,*1,ri.h, a few day had x by Dr. w age. , The death of Thomas (3(• '11, one 01 1111' pi0l)(1'n4 of 'f u'krtw►t11t11, 1" - curld al his 114)111•' en the 23441 con•*'.- sio11 on Wednesday of hast week. Ile had leached the good age of eighty- three. )ears. Ile wean is waive of Scot - lend, and (4 • t., 1111'. country in loll:), settling o11 the farm on which he row tinurel to meld.. until his death. • 1le 11: xl uyilel by hie eget) wife and n faulily a144ms and d:ueght•rs. HEART DISEASE Tavw1Mr, ApriL 16, 1903. 7 , NtttMlitttintritittlItttMMTTIMIMIt ESATURDAY ANI) I1ONDAY E April 120 WILL BE SPECIAL_ is a symptom of Kleine Disease. A well-known doctor has said, " 1 newer yet made* post-mortem es- aminntion in a camel death from heart Disease with- out eluding the kidneys cereal fault." Th. Kidney meth",..e which was first oet the market, most saoeaaa- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, meta moat widely Imitated le Dodd's Kidney Pills Opening Days AT McKENZIE & HOWELL'S \1'•.111• 1,10;1144 41 (o gine poet irelar attention le all r(14lol11rew .01)1 44)4r1,431y 1:, 101111.1, i1 hen you 1':(11 141011 114 W*' do int ark vont to buy, but es 110uw•-r144eluill 111111 here We would tike to have t Io• privilege of de /whiting beating dinar is the vaunt of our 11•g )l)i (-1 yell Hollywood Paints and 1 �-t•lexuing ruutl•riaLl, On theme two (Luys we N•i11 *4.11 a Isle till for like, and a Mc tan for Ijk W1' cannot *Howl to continue thi41, • lh*n one tin to a mdtnllt•r at them. prir4s,a Wer know when untie• tried you will continue to use it, uta HOLLYWOOD is the ttumet and hest -Houle paint to 111) had. a full stock of ings, (3111.,�IV*trushee., B1'iI,belwtter !foees,a(iaardel) RakNs,,V Poultry Netting, etc. y Wt. might here w,1)'ythat our moat. hots been remodelled and )saint..) fresh with Hullyw.N.I paint, (let • free hook on i P:tint ;mol 11.:11 to l'., It." ♦• CHANGE OF ; PROPRIETOR I 1 have purrhn.el tile restaurant staura nt i •and'runfe'rtiolu•r)- bumblers of 4'. J. Harper, earner of King't n St. x1141 the Square, and will carry it en at the wuue steal. • Re•fnshinent*, Fruit* and Prue' • f(•(•tionerips will he carried in owe - ;loon : everything fresh arid of tgu*ranteed quality, s t' Your custom is r•mpectfully Mia- • lu'itd. • t • T. PRINGLE, • t HESTAL'RATEI•H. 1'm. Kingston ,Mt. and Septets.. • • t•• ••4••••••••••••••••••••t CLEARING SALE AT COST AND UNDER L�� Fence Machines ('unu :11111 .4e 41111. 1\'1' hove the• hest outfit Made. W l•1' Ili *t'1 Weave. 111,111111111 4 1 1111IIMIPUIP NW SAP VIP IMP IMP IMP low vow low 11111P4111■P gal .11110.1.1111111111111M Wee Fencing Our Ideal Fencing i•• to banal 40111 lalgr holt,; have aln•tuly glome out. This (core is ail Nu. 0 lha►rd talion wire, 7'11114 is the fence the Brantford and Berlin Elee•trie Railway is l'11rttmg. They Ielluin. (11e• twat. Hunt you - The price it; right. We have Owl the Atneri"an Fence in stick. a 1 -� E (•asp mg. r 2)114* tar' Will sell It int• Iel..than any -+i . other', You will way MI W11011 yin) 44e y and tl1)111.4, U,y _U McKENZIE & HOWELL• The Goderich hardware Store. X111♦ 111111 til illtttiiitututij 1111111111111111Ua 4 GUNDRY BROS. Of ready made SUITS and OVEit • COATS, w0oll(•n.. All ordered work rerefully elle/Idea to . DUNLOP, ".; ,,T CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Vaebaeardi - taloa* 4moted Wheats at hw•, TORONTO LIVE STOCK. Friday being a holiday, the receipts of list. .tort at the cattle market were the stru;Ie,K of the year thes far, there being only 12 carloads all told delivered, com- peted of 106 cattle, :153 hop, as @peep sod antra and *boat 12 retsina. Eaport tattle --choke wad. of heavy shippers are worth $4.40 to ``4.86; common 11 t exporters, 04,30 to 54.50. Export Bulls --Choice heavy export teem meld et 31.76 to N; light export bulb, 53.50 Butchers' Cattle-rhole•e parked lots of tmtehen' cattle.. equal In uall ez ere 1 (1 ty to best . 1'SOtIW Ib.. esti, ers•worth to 60: leads n godiem b1,tsaere, �d6 to {�43 86; leads of g•sw but t .90 to 54.26; ronunon butchers cpp- te .f0. roogh, *2 ti. to 58; canners., j2.00 to i7.90 ShOrt•keep Feeders -Geed steer. 1100 b 1160 the, each, are worth 54 to 14.35 per e we of good quality, 000 tO ICOR lbs. Back, are worth 13.60 to $8.40 Per cwt. Stockers -One year to two-year-old Keine. 400 to 700 lbs. each, we worth $3.60 to 75 per cwt.; Off -colon and of poor breed- og gnallty of same weights are worth 52.75 to gal per cwt. isch Cew.-4111th rows end /Wager, are worth 586 to Ido Pleb. entree -Calves *ski at 52 to 58 each, o* nom 34 to 58,60 per cwt. Pearling iambs -Iambs seed at *4.110 t. 50,60. ewe* .04 baaccksit2S85054 o 34 tae Hop --Beet select bacon host ant Ions than Ido lbs. nor more than 200 Itap. each Of ears, sod at M.12K parcwt. ; lights and fats at *4.6 t 0 56 pea tett end stags, lib Per est. *As? 402(A .° CATTLE MARKET. East Buffalo. April 11. -Cattle -Receipts, 15 toed; tarn. Welt-Reeelpts, 40 tread; 260 lower; tops, 37.76 to 57.60; common to good, *50 to $7.16. H -'R.(.,tpta, 5400 bead: row, 110 to 161' tower; heart. 57.60 to 67.75; aax.d, 45 to $j7.40; Yorkers. 57.30 40 $7.461 ate, 60 to .16 to $7 $; r»ng*R , Ra pe h 20; Wags, 5el Sheep and fwnlba--.Rerapta N2trl hoed: eVPedy; top native tom, 57.70 111 57.751 Mlle fn goad. 3450 to 57.115; 114404101 Iambs, 37.10 4o *74*6 yearlings, $7 to $7.26; nwaq 4* to 26 a1 tenS Mtn.50. .o' top rotted, n fro 114.50; eons d, SAto 36.15. BRITIIR CATTLE MARKET. l Loodo April 11. fere cattle. stead, at MMh,kop per !h. tee *nwdeen .t0.i Mewed weight; ('an.Nsn steers, 12e to 12%c pet ID.; refrigerator best, O)(1c to ler Ore IP. An Piffle 111 being made totworggn'v the Winghnl) lira.. hand. .1. (1. Mt•w art l f)4 field hi4 gender, huainese in Clinton to Harry ('sntel n. If the child h/ rend'.'* et night, ham coated tel�lg 11A *dhow rpll,plere*..n, A dome of '111 11 «',n 131•14 (1004' whet 111. 1441111.131; harnihrew. Foe *ale by J,4 Wilson.• . "I & SON - 7/1a 1.141,1.0 -- V 1►4t,eYt1\ U.‘rectorr' 0,1‘d Ya1MolNANic ltev.. Orden rare(ully a,tende4 4. ■) ■11 Swum angel tar dal'. Quebec 1, announce twat they have purchased from lir. 4. M. POLI.=? 11. -LIVE-RYi �•�/��+- • Business. and that they will be tbu• nd at thold stand on South with a good stock of ueetul Livery Horses. Street Well-appointed Hacks and reliable Drivers In charge of the 'Bowes, which will meet all tralne and steamboats. All cabs attended to promptly from hotel, and private houses T. GUNDRY TELEPHONE 50 W. H. GUNDRY IT'S ALL RIGHT I 4.4,41 !rodents may enter L/STOW 1/TL1TI..1j'S mnmmmmmrmrrmnrnrr BICYCLE and KINGSTON - STREET REPAIR Shop at my tame. SPRING TERM b gine Marsh 30th. Two onur.iee, c'om- mercia and shorthand. (Bend fur col lege jouru I, C. A FLF:MING, A. L. litINTYRE, mer$ wxl, C0 Duly cuts next winter's r.yl this month if 1ant Trish tl get it at Che lowest puce. ('4144* 41I'J'i%'i41g (*44*))'. WOOD A lu-g1• quantity of \\-.4N1 en hand 111141 caul fill 011I114. Il llllleeli4tt.11' fur Cord wesood .4*O1'eN4N41, at prieem defying (•0ng4•t.ition. Or- d.•rw left with Mr. Vote., i eedl ., ('slut 4'lerk'm 4)f - flee. \V.xt ...Met, will )t•- ...ive prompt ettention. 11' •1 B HOMES Nerd.: ' 144)N 4T1(10.:T \\'c belittle all kinds of new • high ,(rade nleeineee, among theta the CLEVELAND, E. epi D. and ANTELOPE. f1 our shop you will find nothing hut the hest, which is none too good for you. We cm fityour wheel• with a "New Departure," "Cinch," m1' e M grl»w' emitter e Make. They're all right. Try one. this $KUoNU-AANU WHEELS' are all thoroughly ovrrheu)el in an expert manner, and are sure to Rive good ottis- factio,l-oven at the low prices we bell at. Come and see ue if you want .tatiafaction at very reasonable prizes. We rent whe•ele.- -Bp all kinds of repairs - 'eerie mintli.iete- -Make "111 wheels ;to good a-' new, \V,' know hew to do it --Mat only /n mpe.t en"h terms, Oome nmrl teat how good the big repair *hop and livery can do for you, JN(). YULE, 11i1111111111111111u11111i11i1u11111111111441441444411**11111114 2 1 Bicycles, Repairs, Sundries, Livery. J kINOSTON STREET, NEXT OPERA HOUSE, GODERICH. ALL THE USEFUL BROCHI8 are taught 1n. the -4. Vire ts Patented toot May, tgoe • ANC GUARANTECD row state Ile 11. IDMET & SON, - lishrick flew . bult.nig e1'• not gtlarant4''1 nice jolts, !Nit after a entire!• in this ru)}e.'•goo. it Mill ike no ameba,• fur t,ht.rn t. M1h! any*N*itbee 'We tad theft), if p ossilde•, to 1)1N4itl Plll de114*191►s bat we first. erluip dm ieto maintain the high r•(n.t 1' tib w•h1N)I (its ecqui1r11. W J WESTRRVEI.T. Principals' Use Printed Stationery - In your'Business (;orrf±sponfience, You can got 000b PRINTING ON GOOD PAPER at r rHE SI NOL.