The Signal, 1903-4-16, Page 7THF: SIGNAL: GODERICN ONTARIO , W. Acheson & Son wereto Govern -get value from the Govern- f MEN'S meat it they got It sawed off. • i 1 seeinMr. could, they thotight, assist thetu Wt -.. IM r atei e, hey rho tght 1 could do it A L K / N (i • House Furnishings for This Week. l'utlte up ti - 1'•ruud them turd its the greatest stock of yarpete and Curtains we ever gathered. Severed bargain prices at. ruling for this week iu the unset tecful lines. la elk over this list. tstt- 'repeat Carpet for .55e. Sul earls fide tap•etry carpet, 27 inches wide, a large range of patterns to select from, in colors crillnI111. Kreetla, browns and fawns, regular value 6bt-, .peM•lal oak• pure wool Carpet for 65c.-- 5.iO yards bast quality 2-pl?• morel carpet, :in inches wide, all gleet reversible plt•run in richeolur • bine Iiults,a)rmid selection of p ttc rns, i psi• al 65C dill► Curtain Puh•tt Mize 1 j toy 3 feet lung, aeatlrlcd wast], eak or cherry, complete with rings, brackets and ends, 19C special wile, each S5C Upholstery Materials. fill to fit incites wide itis')' up- hulut•riug neitetials, blue and Kohl, btownM, gttenN, in H01111 effete, anti milk] colors in (Tinton, or gold, epeeist value er, at per yard 83 ]then petite American lbrewta. - Finest (cutin straight flout 1•unetet, liter' tiller and newest C umeiel, 111 sixes 18 to dM, spMtial 59C at $1.111 NI /1 (urt*In.furSLIM. -- alt pubic' Nottingham lace t ur- Leine, gots! quality, 3} yards long. 50 invites wide` -in artistic patterns, tt regular' $1.g) cur- e 1 taaii. Mpeitd per pair •p ttJl ywrl% new ileo• 011 Clothe 111 111.M•k, the 111 sural ``tatters, in I, 1 j, 14. 2 and 24 yule. wide, Z5 at per skinner yard Milks Mpel•ial.- 8111 yawls 10 to JU inch heavy Japan wash alike, in .trip•% and handmaids 4)teelrn effects, all thin mvul.itt'i and in every desirable color, prises were I&•, 35 ulk• and 00c, all at one pati(' W. Acheson & Son. tided hie negotiations with Sullivan to Mr. ]IcQr•.gor of Gore Day, and later to Mr. C. C. Platt, and they decided that he should go un and see what the Government would do. He went from Sudbury to Arnprior, and ad Mr Stratton said he nigh• about the 25th of August left Arn- stake some appointments to satisfy prior for Toronto, where he met Sul- his friends Ile wait to sign a letter, livan and his son frequently agree,ag to suppfet the Government. Tare Agreements Draws Vp. lie did ,,o1 elm the letter then be - Mr. Gamey, resuming. said that on rause the money was not toady this t•ieit to Toronto in Cap. Sulci- That wan a Dart of the deal, that I van's room at the Walker house, the was to be raid. Captain. his son and myself drew up Ns argued the -Letter. an agreement. ment tnat would island. Mr. Ganey next told how the mat- ter of patroner. and the appoint- nt nt of • new license bond he thought nece.eery had been diicuss- • be made in the This agreement. the wit newt ex- ( He signed the letter in the after- platned, was destroyed a few days noon. 11• did not know who prepar- afterwards, uu the 26thior 26th ed it. Ile first naw 1t in Stratton's One was, signed by himself and the office He Was to be taken to a other by br Frank Sullivan.- I lawyer'e office when he signed it. a Mr. mey-One agreement was and so after dinner he went with that 1 should support the Govern- - Fran. Sullivan to Mr. AyP•wworth's aunt on -all votes of want of coati- I office, where Sullivan Introduced him Mr. Aylesworth said he "un- derstood I wanted him to act for me in the dismissal of a petition." That was the first done he heard the words.- but he said he "supposed - something like that." Mr Ayles- worth said "I have the it•tter for You to sign,- and be took it out of his pnWket, and laid it on the table. The witness then signed it, and ad- dressed -'it to Premier Rohs as Mr. Aylesworth directed. He read "ft ov- er first. Mr. Avl.iworth said fie would keep the letter. but Frank old 't•tl that there waw NOnle question of stock consideration before it Wan given up Mr. Aylesworth said he knew noth- ing shout any stock propioIuI( ton whatever, but said be mull not Int (knee, and that 1 would not resign during this •eweion That watt prac- tically all there WIN in the agreement that 1 signed. In the agreement that Frank Sullivan signed they agreed to pay three thousand dollars In cash some tame between the 3rd and 5th, and $2,000 after the erasion. and he was to get me the patronage of the riding, the exp.mdttut,• of pub- lic money and the withdrawal of the protest against me in the courts They said they wanted the firm agree. moot so that Cap. Sullivan could go and dhow It to some .member of the Government I held he agreement signed by Frank. The other was returned to Mm before he left for Arnprtor on his was hack He did not seem to have an further use for it He said tits better out of his 1 u•talteion un- ite would tear it up. existence And not _� tTM ew_ -,_� yk want to have thetas In nebe7de eaid "No, i will -take the letter." 1 had shown it to come member of thatat knew he meant the payment of this G wee ,n a n. convinced d him $A,000 Was to be Made before he T waw .n enrn•nt, that 1 was going Parted with the letter. Ips wan to all right. Mr. 11:nttol was the law- '� yor looking after the Conservative J interests In the petitions, and had been acting for me in my cross -peti- tion. I met Capt. Sullivan at North ling, and told him 1 was coming to Toronto, with regard to rumors set aflout that 1 was going to support the (.uvernment 1 told him 1 thought he had been talking too much, and that I was going to vee Mr Stratton in regard to what might be done. I saw Mr. Stratton on the 23rd or 29th. Mr Stratton said he would see the Premier about publtehing it etu(ement contradicting It I4, did so, en he said, and they decided to let the thing go without any statement. Mr. Whitney's letter to witness re- gai d. ng the remote wain then filed Continuing, witness told about Mr. Stratron giving hint a second letter dated ahead to forward him from North tiny. announcing his Inten- tion of supporting the Government. My protest was being disposed of net October 25, and they wanted this signed a later date for the purpose of ',hoeing that there was no deal in regard to the protest. 'l'he original letter, and the later one In du,dh ute, excepting the date and the addition of a few words by the witness, were tileed The reply from M Stratton gran Ung - tt hie leiter and intimating that he had better see the manager of the railway about the passes mentioned in the letter, were next tiled. Mr. Gamey -The dismissal of my petition was done without instruc- tions from me A subsequent letter tit November to Mr. Stratton asking for a loon of $3,000 was produced. and witness said he wrote it twee st•, at the end of the session there was sup- posed posed to be due rue that amount. sslllrsas Were suspicion. Mr. Gamey -They wore ,usptctons of toy *(tering the Tetter addresstsl to the Premier and my going up to Perth. I saw Mr. Stratton about t• 13th Oct. i think 1 made tin •tment with Mr. Myers, by e. Mr. Stratton asked me w. as doing up at Perth, and why • 1 that letter to the Pre- mier. at they wanted any - 1, •(v 'n .• hem they - wanted theta when ti. doled them. not after, ••n ti. •,v had majority enough to •,ithout them. Ile then went on u:. that and discussed Manitoulin annus'. In answer to a telegram, from Frank Sullivan he said he had seen Mr. Stratton on the 21'th •lanuary, when he gave the signal interview to 'Tbe (]lobe reporter. 11e handfed the Interview out' after he had altered it, Mr. Stratton saying it was satisfac- tory. - Mr. Gamey centfnued: i 11i - van, after' we came out of Mr. Stratton's ol1'ie, told the if I would sign that Interview we would get $1.010 cash. Ile and 1 went up to the Public Works Department that afternoon, and 1 left him there some place, and I went into one or two ,fakes. Q. -When was it that day you had the promise of $1,000? A. -That wain niter we came out of Stratton's of - 40., Mr. Sullivan and I together, the that. alma 1 aaw Mr. Stratifies. and before I had gone over the intention and made the alterations, to support them. I get half of 11." It hail le.n agreed The Timber Deal. I that anything witness got in mines. Asked to give details of the tern- timber limits, eta., he was to share her demi, Mr Gainey said they arts ' up. to get vlcGregor island, or some I la Mr, wtrettea•s osak other lima, and a man waw to Ret I • The next day we went to Yr. the tnottey anti to pay the Govern- ment for the ambo, and then Frank Stratton's &Ik'e. lib was not in, so and the roan were to die (do the we walked around, and after a time money equally between thrillswl,es. he carne in. Sullivan and I were 10• and If more than E:.,fNNt was .reel,- get her, and he, spe•akung to us, said was to gel a share everything wait ready, and stented to •d, he, Gamey, be in a hurry for ine to get through. fie moa■ to get $5,0110 anyway .thet H said: "Now, Sullivan. go down titers was some A inion-vunnmt thin into the waiting -room, and this par - set '0 4 endoloominion on he limit, it, endnts rel will be brought down -the laid it as to the owner •hip of the limit, and on his desk} -and will be left in the that shut out the Welland man .•n- smoking -room for you. Anything you lag 'the Government WI'. tingtinderanA- i want in regard to appointments in tag that the tlinlvr mons tieing gays, , your riding, let ma know and drop for the purl h.' of buying me ! in and see me when you are down. Frank •it said hr went in lir Gibson, Sullivan and I went down to the who awed to re yet Slrettnn, and smoking -room (the letter wen left 011 we seamed to be ]'alar' pram -wally Mr. Stratton's tablet, we stood at wtth Mr Stratton neer since that the window, and. after a little while, It wain nrrnnued that I mons to got • party tame In and lake the parcel the money before Inc.obefore i lett I had seen in Mr. Stratton's office, Toronto on that occasion He pro or one like It, on the table. Runt - reined them Imo would see Mr. Smyth van went over, took it and put 1t in on his return, anti es. if 1' tinq his pocket. Vii *'eat to the wanh- aruld NI done with h+m 14• next room together. where Stdlivan open- s' k `+ itis', bets''', the 1st ed It took out the money and tore t O E S ea we (loud suliu wear and real com- fort in our Men's Heavy Street Shoes. All the best makes, in all shapes and sizes ; sy to get a fit ; easy Shoes to wear, and hard to ar out. \IIK 1 M'M Old Stant, J0rdtlu It1ock. TI UMMAY, April 16, 1903. 1"11131::"' ordan Mc K I M9SHericL.Gluck. 1 Another Skirt Wonder! This time • just 24 Dress Skirts, IIumespuns and Serges, some lined, some not. All made in up -to- date styles. We hcught them cheap so you can have a bar- gain., $3.00 and $:3,50 skirts for $2.25. $400 and $4.50 skirts for $3,00 to $3,50. J. A. KA VA NA GI -I GI°Yes• A jolt lot of kid Gloves to 'tear, email size. \\'e want just quarter price fill- this lot. *1.11) (:loves. Ss• Stop! • \\ ��: 11.1.1 .nl ! Uuu't IN• in , Imlay' The Ontario Fence Machine Is the greatest *outer of the lige. It build, 1 w o it t'i. h1. while others detail one. It mayo. t' It s:tvts 1011.01'. 1( alt's•- y, HE Sl'IRE YOU MEE IT HEFOIII•: PURCHASING. Paints. Oils, Dry Colors, White Lead handle nothing but fhr• plu•..t .Int 1..1 t iJule. of Paints. Oils. 1)t•v Cobol,. \\'bite Letup and Varnish'', and my.t,eek iv note el011iplet%, lie slue you get the IM•.t in Paints and Oil-. It t o -t - no more to put 1111 good I'tiult than it dee•s trash. and yon .14011'1 have to mit it tin so often, Ikeda •u,IN•r, my motto i.. --lit/NEST 1:001).1 AT Ili/NEST Plth'I:S." (iIVh M E A ( AI.1. I ('.1x PI.i: -ts-E 3'01'. GEO. L. ALLAN 'fur:LE:11)1N(: 11Ali1)\V.1ItE.{NDS;t't1vK 11.1'N Save your Debate Cheek.. •ton asked Gamey if the Sullivans were not friends of his. The witness said that they were acquaintances, and could not recall ever having dim - visaed • "Meal" with them before. With D. A. Jones, he had bad one Men's Shifts, .111 size., the kind you utr cod 111 pa)' itlgr,�llh• (u 771' 110 /. Our price ilk tie 1 wu fur 75e Millinery.. Now that Easter is aver we, have a few plats only ; a few at cut prices, Our new way of doing millinery makes it pet.able for us to have bargains even sir early in the-etMru, tie ' new goods in this 'week, 33't. can have new gltelt r•vel•y week li ,harm' we Ate not 1Nulr•11 up with a big autiquat- i1 tip. g .t,n'k. ' New Idea PatteWls,---A full stork. They aur the lest es -well as cult lees th1411 tuft* other. The ut•w-\Vater Waterproof ('tint fur w •n. This is wit! t doubt the hest of the kindtoil.imported from France or "Distingue," ituj' 111 btu• ple'. Mas. limes 31unre, an eetinmltle /itige•n .f Seafurlit. died onTeletela) of Lest we.•k at the age of forts -eight \'e:tt . Sloe leaves a fancily of eight, 11e:u•It' Al .f Whonc 1111• gr1Wn up. decal In mineral lands. 11e admitted having sold stock 1n the mine, but declared than,* was situp- H t v D MADE DAIRY ly on commission, and denied that property was worthless. Asked if he had ever ,tet any member of the government prior to last Sept- ember, witness replied Diet he had I. Davi■ at casually islet lion E. • Sudbury three years ago. ela tsowledgo of etrattea. Q --Davis was the man that yoI only knew. Stratton you didn't knee! or any one else to connection with them. And until the day that this man, according to your story, paid you $3,000 you never had met hint' A. --Yes. I had poet hilt the day trefnrrllnei. Q --taut until that occasion he was a Perfect stranger to you? A. prior to -eat! ;n Selrtenth•r- Q. ---:and . lar.. occasion, Ac- cording to • -'ory, you saw him in his ti was introducetl to him by 1 S llhan r A. -Yee, (i. --And •11 on the first occasion he was to , sy you money. ns you titidetit• nd' .1 --Yes, sir, ti -I t ,•1' .(rang re to each other, as far as yoti I n •w? A. -Except in this, that Sulbiean hail been err -ting- ing this. ' Q-.1...en not ing ter '.ranger- t emelt other. am far as vote .knew? • : this way, Plems' r ' 'ook at you, don't worry about ••t. \Ir .lohr • A man like you might n, arry about anything, I should jt dgr, Si. rennins, eett,ark. Altnwod. Claims esra$tss PeweWd Mosey. Q. -Did Mr. Stratton say anything to you about that rash payment? A. -Not the first time I saw him, in the afternoon, I don't think he did Ile did in the evening. the second time. Atter showing him the inter- view, and h• said be guessed that would do, and after telling me to take 1t out to the other once anti give It to The Globe reporter, he said: "The money question will be arranged. I will fix up .the money." 1_ I ehowest the altered interview to Mr, McGregor. When I was talking to The Globe reporter, Mr Frank Sullivan came into the outer office, and said: "I am ready to see you " I got up, and Mr. Sullivan went out into the hall ahead of • Jr Stratton and 1 spoke .. and he eel]: "I any fif(tee. to many ny tens. and so many - .,ng 51.000." Then 1 went o� oto the hall, and Frank Sulli- es. said: 11, they have a good deal o' money around." He said Mr. t a tton said "he had $750 of that own office, and ho got $250 out of the Attorney -General's De- partment." We walked down stairs, and at the west entrance of the Mr. BI- ke-i don't think lir John- ston has any. right to say anything like that - \(r. Johnston -I have a right. 10 say what w'i,nest, mays to me. The I:hun''llur- I don't think there should De any personal remark.. Q. -The nett occasion was the to', lowing day that you .net Mr. Strat- ton in his office -is that right? A. - Yes, sir. Q --Did you meet him on the 3rd day of that ,,erasion?. A. -I may hate met him prior to the 10th day of S. p•ettlhe•' 1 didn't swear poet- -1.1. iv, I. tIu'.R1.._.._..____....._._. 11.-1 tun not aw'iing you that, at all. 1 sin nuking yon if you knew of any tie-, 1 in: or' had any knowledge of titre, -en p,•rsena!ly prior 10 the titre etiv•n 1'rnn' Su11ieen. into•luc CO y011. t•i 'u .n-vT A. -"..I. 1{itness 1, .1 That so ,large a slam its ,'.asset had Inc IT reseed through his ten • aeiount. al 'Still - bitty prior to scot. 10. lits 'eh, lions With Vr1:r-gor were of hut•:i- nems, exn•••t those eri,ing rent of the f:u-t that he nus Secelit t of, the 4'onet r, 1l he Aino, iatlun of his r1d- in. ti -Then vier relations to your party reicutnd always the same. A. -Yee. Q. -No doubt about that? A. -No doubt About that. Q --Froin the time of your elec• Hon down to the present time -and I want yon to he quite clear --Your re- latioae with your part, always re- main■ Ill, sante? A. -Yea. Q, -True, loyal and ern? A. -In II1y-,Qwn opinion.- and pinion. ••w ran' a u. and (nth of Sept.vub.'r sewing him up the enyetloP" '''herr was $B4O00 building Sullivan took the envelope frequently doting that time. It was altogether, and hr (Gamey) took out of his pocket, tore it up, Count- orraneed that they nitwit,' go to Mr. 51,500 toed S,tlbean the balance. Hie ed the money. and gave in" half, he • St rata on, and dina•ss pnI ro•talr•'• money was in 40 $1,01 hills and 10 grace me Winn fifties, tan twcnti M, and the payment of the uu,ney. ) Ontario !lank bills. They i►iiit and two tens: the -nine fifties wake which, he ender -Mend to come from down to College street. and, after Merchants' hank bills. the twent i.•s Stratton. through Sullivan. '''hey dinner' ise went to the Traders' and the tens were Ontario bank bible. caw Mr Stratton nn the 10th, or Dank,just before It closed. atter fetter N Whitney. thereat outs. In hie office 'when showing It to Fdwarl Cro,wln. Hs Mr. St ratter fn hit•et . that 1 Frank Intrott'ie d hlm asked the bank to transfer the mon- whnuld wrier n letter ra Mr {\ti 4 Mr. Stratton said he nndermtont I ey to his etxount at Gore hay. •n,.v, Keying that tau .Whitney should wan going to sunt ort the Guyer,- On his return North he acquainted • n.'y. something wbonu 1 A trent, and that i wean to gel the pat- J. R. McGregor of what had taken knofetter sto lies Whitneygori thatit.night. wrote a ronnge. The election petition ahnuld place. Shortly after, about the liming him thrt 1 wooed take mon tol- 1," withdrawn. end he spike nlwut llith, he received a letter from Frank v iming dependent 'recd, palter nn 1 n•c.•tc- errlee ronebl• ret ton bort no n'e's Sullivan, dated the 16th, a copy of ed a reply from Mr. Whitney so- was menti ,entsl that day. lie ane which, unnignrsl, was producers. which Itnnwle my Mlir. not ready on the 11th to entry out the Lib.•ral cotton' pointed out, was /l _(dad you any conference or nny Lome arrangement he evoke of. and not "proven. As requested therein, he •no.r in en inelnirine wiry of who he wrote Frank et rho Walker Ifouse. interviews with Mr. Whitney up t., parcel. wondering a few days later. that date? A. --No, Mr, except. the Vo sit handle the a3' It nre was in the ,lays es h' Kien followed the letter of the req. in t diddyo i do with the tnon- r in regard to it would t a amort noon to handle the 10th from D. A Jones, expressing :,,nnev lir unrle•s(o.tl Vanes was a regret that he had not seen him ey?A.-I kept ket until the that at of ey in my .r.mie !rel, though \ afire did not. -tell (Gamey) before he left Toronto, as pot him shat. it was generally known he had several matters in regard to the - t wthtese tis ointenSir. MakeMitchande he was a eroandrrl. and n rnnfiden- mining to speak to him about. hal plan of the (fovernment. To Mr. Dlak• witness Raid on et Garrey opened and produced there - ler. Gamey ranee to order. ,ul'ww'11eat visit 1 o 'Toronto, he maw from the 8500 in bills of the de - ,pone., but the .ohiert of their coo- nominations he haft stated in his Mr. Johnston -Does your Lodabip vermatlon was the securing of •vt- evidence. The money and envelope permit that evid.Ytre? deuce against Mr Miw'aulphelI and were handed into the Itogiatrar...,lot about his aupg ort.lq the tiovrrn- Rafe Ilpeping. Chancellor Boyd- No You are get- ting excited, Mr. commenced . went. ,loners wanted the witness to The Aft•raees Re.sfes. Thr witness commencedmrneed to speak ,,s \1r Smythe, and get hire to stip- The early part of the afternoon Chancellor Boyd Will ynu�eor one Ion the Government also. The reins session was spent In identifying cor- momeflt .top when 1 am spanking. nn h.. gave was that the Govern- ,'espnnrlenre. Ws ars not talking about any ru- anent wanted all the support it could Mr Gamey also Litt] of the tnter- mhi. gat iln spoke as If it would be w ORA between Frank and Wlt.nwr-H• asked mo If I knew prnft to him to wrrwngr It himself which took ;Awnin Sullivanthe pre - Mr Vance. e1 Dirt %WI Ao an(hing with Mr ,ones of rose nlr l witnesses to ware Cbanesllor Boyd -You (,ctrl have Smythe' A -I wrote to hint on tit•- rohma of ih,. 1'rvossin Plano <'nm- awtA that. you 11141 not, except by actio Int. ,any on fhr night of March 'Ian 10. The common rumor. Th•• commission olid not think it names of thew` night were W. ie wttnsha flue f e es thoroughly that nee•s try to go into Des, end Mr Pelee, Arthur refer and Percy W. II. vine«1 that he wee a mina of that Blake continued by at+klnR about the nev. Mr Gronevv recalled, so far_ as kind correspondence that pews! tetw.•• n he could, the conversation, a ay_ Chaseeak Bhyd--t I thud you too the witri triage end the Side, ens 'ter hepsls of which hasens tion, been EDI - fore, •Wt knowledge, what you know t lettere written by the witness in npublimhed. your a ai Itle ynot of what this connection wore produced. we said It 4 your evident.* that Tu saw OR • ►scales• co want, not the rumor of the TU CROSS-EXAMINATHIN em+nf.rydde. I saw Sullivan when 1 nrrlvM to Nr. Blakw-Q.--Then the nonunion Toronto on nrtnl.er :t or 4 'rhe Alm- it MR. JOHNSTON, K. G. was M to whether Mr Vetter, was cuasion with him w'1.. with rryturd to Chars and whether he wnnM he a sawing -on tit. Devitt petition SOW fined man to handle the petrel van had told me that lett is Was What fisrther ton% place? A Thera pxlnes fe have the, petition •aww41 was a dbatwloa ea to ww annotto(- 44. They iad ma to underet,id thee 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i TINWARE I have the largest :tock of haute ,hilt' Dairy- Tinware 111 (;odericb, all glade front heavy English tin. .11so , Eavestrough- 1 , v tT,t-,I Iron .Work, Metal Ceilings, Roofings, and Sidings, Fur- naces and Pluuil►- ing. -OPINMEMOUNIMMINFWCr,:•ave-. To Give Away. Nee hast• 11 special Illi.• of mod. 10 give Ailey. but 1,I our )a(tons only. \v.u't e. .t you 11 cent. sank :1ls10 it when in or better still. '41114• in npdNee. M'KIM'S BUSY STORE. --- mmtrmt mrmmnmmfmmrr4 The Arch Support of a F "DOROTHY DODD" BIND IT UP 'Evil. situ o• Itir•rl terrains weary •cul wo•aeu uluist•rr1 to 011.111. it has been the (ushlull to bind up any weak part .f the Itchy 141 the lest p so...Wive mid relief for fatigue. 1%1W 111,• "Ikrtvdhy 'Ik11,1•' Shoe ducts"in .moth to tnu 111We that it 1,1t1ds up the weak part of the ftxet, which et the ateh. It strt•ngthe•nt NMI susiains the ovet•workn1 errs thele which .itretch at every ate•p1. *1en 11111 it .su( lt....-11 yit• d ! Ex • a '•1h.tolhy lktld" idler two mon(h'.1 hard service and you Hnd the shank has lust u.ue of its ones•.•. Exautine any tither slew after only tau weeks and MY. 4111W 1.11• 1410 111 Ilaload its a(it?lttnw alld lends at each step. Ni M I1111/1't t. the arch there. And the result i,n that lung walking become+weari- They Cost $3.75. Wm. Sharman = Has Exclusive Sale. ?%11111446441WW444/11144//1WtiUW41/N1/1/11111444444 a DOM STIC ECONOMY. Household economics has becomt•n scientific etady, and oneof its most important lemons is that the foods which enter the body should b.: the greatest purity and. b.et quality that is possible. For the preparation of these wholesome foo& care must be exer- cised in procuring figs' -class Oruceries, and it is in title branch of the houw•keeper's work that we believe we con help you. Onr . stock in gooli and fresh and extensive, and we fill all orders promp 9 nod carefelly give UN a trial. STv=7Y clt CO- - •KoCEHS, V. I':,1 oIid: ''I,i1'ARE Telephone No. Itmmmmmmmmnm1mmnntt1mmfnnnnmrnnnmm2 The Popular Fence of the Days ,,,y1IS;iTHE ON1.11BUILT BY The LONDON Fence I'lach i ne Plated the Patelet, Q -And as 1' say you were playing the patriot In your actlnne or at- tempting to ploy the part of the patriot In your actions which you have detailed to my learned friend, Mr, Make? A. -Call it what you like. Q, -Call It what you like. is that a correct way of putting It? A. -- That word will do as well as any Q. -And that hiving no, of course the fifteen hundred dollars you talk about and i want to deal with thLo before 1 dusil with the correspondence --the fifteen hundred drillers that you talk about was not your morn ey? A, -Yee, It was my money. 1 Gamey Esse the Bisset. Q. -And you claimed that ynit had the right to keep It? A, -I used 11 Just the, same a. Q, -You claimed that YOU had the a out Iud4.1 on rage 7.1 1t1 ,: !..+i, i iI 1en•r of Nu, 11 IF,utlon ('*kbit sw•in ae•I wire. -' Because it is the Cheapest . - K ._. ' w.t1•n vv i1 h No. IA wort wire, will only reset yes 1:'a• when it -� i. et.mplet,tl :.r Iln S-1/41(0110 fent, of twe NNo, 0 (lop avid belt unit tint tie No. 12 leentr•h all .1r•l,mllon ta tiler storing s1e•1 wit,. woven with N. 13 w.rt Wit•e. Will .ally NMI re,.1e• per rep when it -is e.n(gtetel, 3ieca(14eit is a fence that has pis weits durability by the way it ha. strew! through heavy a -tt.-ights.f snow• fuel other Aimee 111,1 ...Veil. t.•mis. ^' i3ecati a It 1s a retire you vim I.0i1,1 1141 hill and down hill and it is always e'en 111141 tt'gttlilr, fur '-Iht''.11111111' t'.'I,'.,nl that yh111' :111ernI.tite,-dit•1r•hed (it.1 :Intl the wetyiftpf11,'Ile afterwards. Because .. it i. tt (etlre yon rail (Mild vo0nelf. 1n1 the to t• you save OVIT at w.ven.fence will pkv a r.it hag w'ugt•s fur von• ti-ork. Money m11e1 is til.nly tot:0e. '. Because .. . you keep your tit uni•y (sir y.mns•lf instead of making the ettmkholdt•te of ,sine factory -.-__ Hell. . • e = 1 (Inv1 ntade'nrniltgem.•nt.. with 111•.,41... %VIII. �'tt '. OM. x11.1 .r, J. Miem•. of 1i.• ' '(ler, to handle the Ion filen Fe,ce1• Machilli'o arid !opinion 1'oi1e1 Mliring elte'1 Wive for Me. If yard' have only tl few' (.441.4 f. pnt 1111 (hit sear x1141 711'11111•11441.: ant 1. +.*t0s1'. vonaself :is to whnl I h.• feint a ,•ally 1•, f hey q•ill 1111 it 04. (1.1 7'.0 x4 Lite :liar',' no'di.tt..1 pear's : aOd nett )-stir When y..0 am' '*0iAth'.1 dual the f.•ni a 0:ill that we rlaint fur it yoi 1.111 Iety n tnnehine rand 4.111 11)1 vont• 0111 fe�trc•. f '*111 hat'r a enc o1 Nn. t) 1,.m,1.n 4 'tibol Spritig Steel 111.1 IV in this week end will supply vont at $2.75. My rumple(.. Ind op -to -gime ',ditch of II ,Aware hos Pot arrived and 1 solicit your trade, W'hyh will have r•nreful attention. If y.0 buy a pitiful yo(1 get a ppftul. 1 hos,• t1.LI1'1 to toy'.1'g'k :1 large quantity of Ilir, Ifess, Mbt'k M.twl. ('all and try :1 sample lag and get taw of his Ii,.ki 1•.ntalining practical points alwitut hut•wwt'stale, nh.'.•p, hugs anti p.nhry. - CHAS. C. LEE I'111►neSTI/1114.,No, !L 114(11:/(11, SO. 11:. PLIJi IBING, HEATING ANi) TINSMITHING . . u44u,414466141144614u�u�luu��uuiluu��uu�u�