HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-4-16, Page 22 THURSDAY, April 11., 1903.
Ott% .14114411
1- V4411.11.111 "
tillllltlt't'11. TI1t Itsh.t\'.-.11'Itl1 LL Inn,
It (14 11041/Ming 141411i1111/11114. 141 1141411'
tate et mimbetry voting its a remedy
for the bribery and cornllit1 1011 Me
Iwlnying len contest:. The mesa
plausible alar( ant Avant ed i11 its
.fat' '1 IM 11at it would put a 11e11 t) lh.•
01011144' mullet inlet. *411111.41 by the
voter who IM willing to he bribed of
hni41iug DIT f1(4111 the poll , until MMI. -
011e 444'10 1 • 1411 inducement ft 41• 111s
ballot, or until he Hn410 out whit+
party will give him the better terms..
if a Ulan were 1•ollye11w1 las east his
ballot. tinder penalty u( .imp1*I(Hrn-
tio, for rho future if he Aller to ..4u.
sl. it i4)1114inlel that the plan of hold-
ing off for a tI11wide1-atmnl world Me
made ineffective: There is 01141 the
meth. xi of paying 111' doubt 1til 111a11 to
stay away f141111 the polls ; compulsory
voting w•puld perhaps put an 461111 to
this. But it is a very short-sighted
\'isio1 which 114441 1'1111111141 i•umg)11on
aIM111M111'1 11) 4.1) 411111114. a w'ay.
The ingetmitZl of the would -he +ribs•,••
and the w'oukl-I4)" bribee! would woo
work out some Dew met111141 4.1 41.1.1g-
ing the law, 1.11.1 then those who 1e-
Iie4.• that h )))•sti• can Ie ereatl'll by
net of Parliament would have las 1414.k
around for Mt ill 14uother Helliot)4. to
thwart the et 11 design,. of the cur-
. ruptioni141.
Then' are. 1..WeV •r, IM141114/• re11*4elr
agllim4t the adopt inn of ruulpulwR•y
voting. Hy what right way 1a Dura he
compelled to go ..111 lull• 4ote for 11111'
of 141" 111 he has any11 e?t 4. ►
spoil his )allot brut Hunt suggests 4111-
Hcultl•M in the 114 riling tett of the
lf the law. Exceptions would
llat'e t) be made 111 1.1iers of sickness,
*ntl for 1M•nM)NM w•1111 11118111 Ile twevl•nt-
w b• other vire so .-
1 ) (h1' a tul.t Er w vot-
ing, and thew exemptions wom141 open
th.• dlorliu diet .sty and Ilyp ori*v
nn the part of thF voter. and. what
would be worse still. to partisan 11111(1-
1(1411111(41114,1 the 41114'1. lists by 1le* e
in wh.,,..• rotar.-.I they would Ie.
Officiate wt.tild have tl be emus 1We re d
to decide whether a mate)) ex4'n40 /ml -
hie abeene' (nom the poll was 11 cnhd
oar or not. %Vhal ul1(pportunity thin
would be for the panne!' 11fHci*l to
(1ok the list. 1.• suit his own party !
How willingly he would listen 111 the
remelts allt'anced for not striking ft•e.0
the lint the" man atm usunll4 441(4.11
••'11 the right ride." fuel how whim
nntl h. the (menses put forth in be-
half of the aleent's w well, kum0'14
t/ 114 inclined to the 41gq.Mite faith !
t (ought and' exllwivatko, and 11110 t)
01101(1 1h1 N*• who WW1 et,h'eir country
well .11..111,1 give earnest heed.
Professor Short(, of Q1104'11'0 l'ni-
ersit y, a publicist whose viewNate al-
ways worthy 11candid hearing; Ad.
1• vas 11 plan which he 1M•lievis will
gun (11118 014 11114141114. 1111' 1401111i llll
1'auo1ha'N 111i1wm)• problem'. He 114)111114
out that. while the %Vest nerds ad1di-
1iona! facilities for the 1 rwu14porteliun
111 its melting tit the market is 141141 1114'
porta of the East. the railway
palsies hesitate (41 construct lines
through the uupntihelive region lying
between, 011 ace t of the enormo14.
expenditure for w•hieh there would be
little return. The (lover 1)t, then.
is-Ils.kwl to las .provide, by heavy
sul.lidies.'the 111141114. /1f bridging this
4'hesw : hut the people of l'alu1ln, as
P11414s011• Mhorl1 Mays. are "inclwas-
ingh- avenr•.to hnndingnver to private
eons sodium, large stibeidiem from the
mak 111141 t14•axun•, W1410101. i11- uluuey
ori 1 land. Al:the atone time no one
wishes the development of the Nest.
and hence the future p4m(writy of
Capsule 1a« a wllnle, to be stifled by ex -
41.4.14i41• freight rats. or intetletpwte
111(1114(1441'1 at 11111."
The phut, whirl. Prof. Mh rtt sug-
gests to 1111rt the difficulties the pre -
melted is that the (Government should
construct a great trunk- line between
'% 'leg and %MIItreal. to he owned
nod controlled by the -Government,
and to 141• pen -Idol with all the IIe4•t.•
sary beth( •1)t 111 a railway except
the lolling Mtck. Any 17at11114)' 11n111-
pany desilingr11mn.4•f 11111 Iwtw•1MN1 the
East a1)41 the Neat could run its urine
1141'1' thin Itue•. subject las here •ills lull
14'g111atinlw 114 M1141141 b • iu1(MNM41 by
the (lovermield. 11 is pointed /net
that (hos plan would prevent the tame-
less multiplying 1.1 e•xpeneiVI' 11M141-
w•ayM, for 4'1111.11 1111• 114'. 41r11• 141111111
lune in the end t1 lay : it would give
the temple of the, %Vest the t'allpor-
tation farilit ilea which they RSI urgent-
ly require. for the 111114 -1)y (longitudes
would build the necessary branch
lines Gin ugh Nienit411,11 and the Ter-
1141ei ' s t it would avoid the 111►
1111 :anti
1 i
jerliou*Mlle Myst1'm of has hag 1/141'tt•
publi.• rondo 111 private corporation14.
“Whet i11 brief the proposed pine
offer." Mays Pr/fr(}w'r Shunt. "is an
)1114111114' 111141 11'111111111.111 11)11 itilal
my$lrul of t1la4(oltali411 adeptivl las
.the peetiIIa1' gwoghlphll•al 41144111ms
of Venetia.' (1.1 mo -ides /1)r 1114) 1141 aid
1111 the Part of the Guyer ant. but
with permanent 1bwne•r)hi(4 and 11311.
end ly the Government 111 its own
r.lntribaltion. The aid is to be given
111 14111 11 44 wily thee while iwpMlttialh-
gl•*11141 t.l every railroad laking part
in 11e cental tuitional 1l1*mi. it will
11111 in the least interfere .4it•h the free
play 4,1 !triode and (•or1•1•1114' Mit,i-
(1riM•. In het. the (i,1ve•11 ant 441..1141
take the MUM* plate' in railroad tratlN-
tirialw w their remelt. 'there's uo
use trying to compromise with dema-
gogues of the Jus Martin strip...
The fecwry-ut•de editorials of the
Opposition organs 1)1' accusing Sir
Willh►m Mulock of ulisr•pr.'s•ut14ti41
In (lei ' ►ff a summa in the Plmtoffice
lkepartuewt. '('he late Conservative
lbw... tit did not have, 141 provide
the exp•1►Nivr- Nervier to the Yukon
which is now u*ceeta y, azul to maker
fair Inmgart*)1I of the results antler
the l'o►ww•vative and Liberal tytuliu-
isG•I9tioils Si %Vllllaw expleiely ex-
clude! the figures for the Yukon. The
charge of wisrepresentttJou lies
against the Opplrition 4111(0110. Tile
1411 (Tatum 11 the l'Iwtofllee
1)epartmrnl is one of the strongest
'Mints in the retort' of the tanner
Borer Hut. fuel the. Volutes iatiie
press shows Mighty little rens.• 111
cavilling about it.
The (Ltutey rhau'gea es 'enlarged
and improver*114 4111111e vol ' its,
11N1 the greet her of papers pro -
4111(.1.11 and the maser of detail i11 cou-
11w•t111(1 with the 1111)1' ate bewildering
to 1114• 4(4rlltife mauler. 1911' to
lu:•u,nrnta furniMhwl and the grater
the mass 11f 1.1'Wenn. t.lie more Iiiftlrult
it is to distinguish the• mol facts mf the
cane. An 01,1 friend. of mart. 11'1114 1111
111111 the iulltelem. had ,If evidence. and
dr(aih. re ' Is him of the story of the
Artist (') wl►11 event me4eal months in
reinstituting 011 a*utas the fur,u of a
favorite eat. At the end of that time
he c411w1 in a critic andsiinting
psntilly to the pu
ictle ,aid, "What do
4ou think of that portrait of my cat:
1 have (stinted in every identical hair
nn that cat's back." '1)iVe•11," said tilt.
.•rill., thoughtfully. ••b 4.10 14.0 At 11/1
of lurk thele. but I •t confess 1
can't diweru the piety."
The Electric Raawr is Coming.
lira -sea 1'.141.
A g'x*l ey14trui of idertric railway.'
illmug) t the country, rl(nneetulg
the principal tow'nw, would go R long
distance In sdctn the question of
,((MMi roads, and where fl•asible .plans
are exemplified the , ipaliti.•s to
lx. served 14ho1Hd not hesitate in assist-
ing 111*-rall' in their conNtructi.ln. 111
M4•ti11ns 41.11.1'1. 1•lel'lrle 14)414114 are ru:r
g e hug.. mite 4 11,111 of tlu•hnlinary
1 many travel is tie away •x11 1 w 1)l 1
\ a14 4.
Gartner. 411 off • tar re horses by
the 111 Ii*atiun of the 11ew' system. 'lite
express ('44)11 and the freight tales do a
Meg(' 11111144)1•(1 of 1111' .11w4404ll'y
o lurkl•t m11(, uft.•u obtaining the necess-
ity 4.1 laklug the telun 11(1 the farm for
thus.. 1't)w. %V1' have no hesitation in
pr.dieting that the next 14.14 vetur will
war gr'at'f.1rwar11 strides in this line of
d.•Vi'111pnieit alld 111111111 - 14( ty
pu•.•s•nte a wide Held for (spent
with itldll•a111"IM 111 r•nlanrrativr
sro. Ireland's Ascoalm.ndMiolle.
J'arr4 /40111 01 t.Mh star.
ling her Ilan M.1lillir1141dy. 44(1.4-
4(1..11414 g a quarter n( 0 114.111111•1• in 1 b
Net•1•ice 441 (1.aler(rh. 111N Mdlt .nit 1110
1l4e11'4t 111 The Signal anti is liol(ing
for jab. lit -other 1►an nettle The Sig-
nal and himself femme, by his pithy
and panted par:graphs and epigrams,
a11,1 ell his Inetel4. 11f the ('an*dian
11114$ 11.1p14e to 4.1. him inst011Pd tato a I'
,4. ..1 heeih where ho1,IMllltlel win haw• p
Inrgrr *411p4•. Tile Tutontulilobe' might
4111 4111tH' that offer Ilan the ianxge•-
uteut.11 that journal. 'Farlingg (hie we
trust the G. ant will make it place
on it«. staff big enrotgh for j . . Ile
w•onld 'mike a ,Iw'Id,MI hit in (hr i:ai-
grauPd.gwrtnuetlt. Meagre. Vanatter A
Robertson, the new publisher. of The
Goderich Signal. are 14mt' Mg the
bn)ino'wt at 1111' old stand and the patter
show,' that it iM being ke•tk up to its
high standard.
oaderich Harbor Should as ll./proe.d,
Toronto Mail owl Rewire. AprII 10.
If l'anull'm grain exports art (4) 1*'
forwarded In the .41 along (!anadian
mnteM, theme highways must he planet
et er,ry advantage. There is no lark
1'f arta fry on the) nttCii aur milia yes.
and our hike 4'aniere are doing all that
elm 1e feiri- expo ted to bring the
movement of the traffic along natimial
lines. But the public must do th.ir
Part. l'nlas. 1h.' Take ports offer all
the neeesaare rendition'. fru the e.1)n-
0n1(en1 transfer of the grain , from
vessel line to rail line, the tm)ixlrtilm
11f the prop defllwted w the iln1Tale
route will court' • to he large. Ati itn-
(44111ant gateway in the through tl'anNit
evotte111 of Canada is (ih.l'rir•h. 1,ike
Parry Shout. Midland and tither large
harlorot 1111 tills Nide of the aper 10k,41,
it 14. 0114' of the• pante fixed Ops by 114-
(111x1 m•Iw'tion for the trans -shipping
of the grain from the West. The
hphysical allvantatte* id the hamlet!.
ave IN4•tl turned Cil t►rrount by the
rorgr•sei%e Mpirit 4)f th" citizens, 1411(1
by the ent•17nrim• of gr ' Iher•hatite
and trainman -tat. t1lter•Rt. U.xlrrirrh
hag n fine. ►n,ubern (•I'vater of large
rapacity. which I4 an important o n
111 C7ie througgh tilfflt" Mystetn. it hall
large floor 1111 II, G1 whir•Ii 1* attached
another lag 4' erat)r, Threw are a
natural develo)p►ne'nt of, the to rn's,
sitnetion 1111 the single deep harlot nn
the 141 dreg of lake Htrm's e*Nt•rn
mast. That harlot' iM one 1)f the 1•rr)-
few nn 1h.•uppPinkwlfitted by net 111'..
for the ar'rsatuti Mlat' of the largest
claw of lake carr1PtaBut nature's
favors nerd to be itnpt'nved or 'nipple -
mewed by pithily works. Though on
rine side the harbor gives a channel of
eighorn 01' ' seen fret right 10 the
wharf, a depth of twenty-three feet
i* desired for the easy navigation of
name% having a quarter of a mlIliOn
bushels in their hold. On *nether
Ride the harbor r4p then dredging
to niftiest it way for veNs'bl of thir-
teen or fourteen feet draught. With
its harbor thus deepened. and-wi'th en
mit mid.. breakwater of Rome (IM► feet to
bn11(eel the shipping, (inllerir•h is
ound t0 IR' a 'tufty relay point in the
grant 'raffle. In the Inst seism of
(11111(111 R a m
navigation yearly Mt hPl f
l e' a I 1.
%iRllllnlm f(r•nin passed Ihrogh
(ilwli•rieh. totem. or five times that
quantity cmild en4ily' IRs 1nndlcl
here. and wnuld certainly he inter-
eepde) on its way to Buffett', if -the
facilities, the town W. alerting the
(bole ant to supply wen. provided.
We hope-Ihr (itit•r•rnment will m1' it«
way 111 grant the ',kith's' for three
*Iteration, *Itoretionw which will be
(mond to 14• for the general go.aI of
('an11.114. They wlold benefit theconn-
try at largeby their effect is diverting
the (twin movement from Am riean
GI 1 An14di14n reilw•14y4, They wrn1M
further c induce to the general 14dvnn-
tuge• by giving large .lpptirtunities for
the d,.ing of a r.m't-t41-e,4114t trade of
144)4 "w1). thus (11(11 l( aur merchant
1)144.4)11' and ehl11ltrag(ng the building
of ship.. in Canada. n the third place,
they 11.111114 (1• of utility to all Canada
in Ne foie RR they wowkb snake (4,N't•rfeh
a better h,rIun' of refuge. We think
(he improvements R«ke41 11 II` "t' 4.141')) 14
..lar*etsl' a« 1h.- (*ove'rmn4nt'4. n4•ell l.-
1--11ppoint.d trnfMpwriat inn enilmhR-
1'r* would 14ppnlve.
We believe that net only w•.R1141
vo itedw,1•y voting 1e wlvng i11 prin-
ciple• but it would not bring about the
good n's1111« which *4,1111' of its mins
rates fondly claim would follow its
wlnpti1111 1111• ills which affect our
polities lie 4411 deep to be driven 1451*)•
by the ponos piaster applieatin11 41 a
perlinutentn•y enactment. Why du
men 14.11 their 4.,146,,:• IN it not I.•-
. MUM` 111.•)- 111144' nu iI1G•n•Nt in the
edntggle of the parti/w for pima. 1.14.1
power If they sir 11101 it is only a
'fight between 11 '•in ,111/1 114•
•414164," why sh.ndderrey lolbe•r I 11011
,.'1vey 111111111, the n•sul(' Is 11w idea
gob•'+, abroad that w,'*lthy 1111.11 114•
pinking n*4• ..1(11.11. friends in power
to get '•ll g1)..I 1hltlg," 4 II Hem.. 111
the per dual w -phi M''ka to get a lift h.
. brit oat of the fund in return for his
ynte ! But ver)' 14.w 41/14881 are 1h••
(nen who w•1(1111 Piste' 4beir fn.1ehiee
H they :awe ate npplrt 'ly •1)l .•xevl•
keg it for 1ht. 1141414ne•nl.•nl of it great
prineiirle. The patriotism 111441 11191 111
every 111141')' 111411.1. the 11)40 !1f jostle•
and (1111141 .1 wising -of which et
is lit mune d.•glw•,plsw•sw41, 11110y
is• nnntw141, (n 11,1' eadv.wlta•v 111 a gIs4,t
1.1111 gess! 1141141'. 111 1411 1111.1111 4i111111 11101
won1411ptiekly la•ing Ile hitIne-te in-
different 1,, their Art, and w•"old 1)111
to 11.111 the ta1tie11 111 Alm r•or-
Here. we INiienr, Hes N►r vienrdy.
it is. mnnetimes Ijifllrnit far ane who
keels. track of pnditint( evetite In der
ort navy material diffe'r•nc,• 1.4.1 W49.11
the p liehs of the owe parties 1411 they
01'• 1 ly 1• intw1, and 111.•
man who 4N 1)"t w, dw•pl int•nstel in
• public matters t s •11nl,•1 w41n•
der w•hnl all the IN•atiug of poiy
milli all t+.• Waving .1 party
flag.. is 11114,111. Is it net trite that. ,1)r
pr11A1/• 111011 are reNt'flll .4 faring gn'al
i1Mu,s, (4(111ul of ad41111,111g new ideas,
., afraid 1" oak.• a 41.•p f11t•w04111 les( their
opponent' m11411111) neap woe momen-
tary 111111)- advantage 1 la, they net
1/141 ,Uteri. 1/1414'1411 ,If a titivating 1.3 1111•
1.11111.11 g1', t lie 14.31w,t1 it till 1 he 14I1111eiellee
44 the 1111•111114., 1111141 ratho' 111 their
/elite. their prejlalire e. 11. 11i•ir 1111'/111-
nrawe, :' Lel nen' pnhlie men 11' 1 •41.
n • 1 "
1)t e1)h Wit h hit 01111111% but with
their 4'n11'i't141n.. let lh.1n oak.' fhe
elector,* into t neOlil.'n.'e old
1)t*k1' 111,•111 (14.1 that thiy have slues
Ynirr sill! infiltrate' In the 4'4o11ntry'a
affair.. lot tl,on 1101 1R• w, ',froth! of
IieI ig beaten. With floe average ;volt -
titian P 11'ril« f 111 o
tion th t q p1) pmit/lul
are hw141n(1 1114 its Ile 11tlMw•Pr to the
nitration, 'Ian we tarry it 1" p'h.'th-
'r it is tight Ile nest tate 1)i, lights• in
his c,drnlnf item. Th,• n)4•n w M1Rlimld
be leerier, amt ,Nhe•14trr of plbk•
opini"n an' w11Hng G' (w 11111/11 .4114
Nho4w1 11111hg, *IW1 the lolling •ami the
eh.%leg are ton nitikh left to the
tn41rl..yed Intonate which Mire ems.
p4'0ni1r)' end In vire, fit t!,,'ir 14'aww•I•
At41141 with the etetntry'') 1,111x,.
NV.. (111.11 114/1 Al.t•,II)It'I to rxhn1441
the 4 ,1,11.1.1 14.1)11 le Melo• 1111*141 : we
• here itele,"l Md tnit'hell 1lie fringe of
it. It 'a i.e. which will Item •h
lw,rtation. air the year round that it.
haw always held for 1a►i, .1 the year
tool)- in the wader transportation l y
114 system 111 11,•k4 and eittni1,4
1'Ie suggestion is timely. as the
1►"ilini4o (4.440• 1.111 has tweently
appointed a 1' '14th 111 examine
thoroughly into the tatele.rtttion
question, with It vi'w to the maugln'-
111bill of,l permanent national polite',
Another $5,4010 is dnwtl in the , t(-
nat• for Sl. Joseph 41414•k. hI our
1 bre 11)4►liorl 1hih i4 (he same (MAO
that -was -Itul-last. year wad het -re*
yet been expended. 'rhe Uo\•ernullmt
agn441 with the romgany-now 41W ' g
and Moroi, g SI. ,hsr'ph that if they
14111,11! spend ,a certain amount all
nplay printitn of >k,,(1Mlwin (' 1e. 1110111'.
.%1)41 it wax the 1.onpuly's nlon.'y that
w'1))' w1M11441 into the lake 1111d the
$,i,IMMl 1'nt1'I (him year 111 14111111• the
original amount. M far Its Mr. Mc-
Ewen int entllpetted, no member of
1'1)1114unenf is ever mlp insect tri 11(1(11414•
inn 11pp141pr(atinn 10 him 414.11 riding, -
11. -wall (►Imr•r.er.
Thi,, might he a very witi.4f114'wry ex-
planation wen• it not that the public
aclount« for 19(1'22 t.hnW un expenditure
by die. (bovereme,t of.$I,I1M,*1 at Mt.
.113w'ph. '11u• items hue : Chainmen
4111,1 14NI1nn•n, iO. t(( Oliver Ilims n-
n.t1e, timber, tiV11).1(1: Cleveland -
Sarnia NI10'11011 Co, timber, $2.1iti
44111.11nn Dredging Co:, use of tug, $15;
lotteries 111 Ottawa: 11190$; travel of
Ottawa officials, $111.&1- total, 111,-
The Tomnw Newe s few days ago
Ment a reporter Witt. Joseph W "write
Ilpi' the. "city." and we repohlIRh.hie
interesting tale In thin hoe. We be-
lieve the New* retia ter 114 *stray in
slating thatthe vote pr po*Md thix
m'wlInn will trudge $1/S,INN1 granted for
St. Jt aleph wharf. $11),teel is the (or-
nrt Hgtmr -lot that ix 11110,0110 Go
'II. '
Thy nyk11 front ManiGlulin 11014 Nettled
the (pipet ism. 111• told the judges on
M 111)' that Ids (lana' woo p'motmrwl
with 1i long "a" (lame -y. ,
The South ( African e An ieti
adopting a preferential tariff policy
n lldet• whi4•)1 i1I1p11ti (r1111 ('*111441(4*
will n'ehe 'specially fav111r111'- 11ea1-
n1«nt, 4411 n re111rt for'1'annrll'M pre-
ferential treatment of Month African
prowls. ('anada will tluix fume all atl-
vent.wgenv.•1 high -tariff imintri'w in
Heti-elle relations with the neW rn1•
The British ('ul Ma Ii'gielataue
dw•Iar'. Its. intention 41f n•-rnactlne
1 the legislatbm for the ('x(lalnn .4 the
1'hine,w'mod .1apemen. whieh has been
diealkrwed by the 111tewe mitheriH.s.
The TlntnlAMm (*over 111• Heing
that It rennnt NII 14'.- the demerit. of
1110 (1,111.14 1'nlatttble a'elu4Mni4(R.
slonld Mthlr44w the 1411 now hybris,
the Ottawa 11ouse imp wing an P11-
1,en/l• (ax .1 g:/MI 1111 the 1'hinos',
'I'het alight bring the %V, -,,tern poli -
Not Much Doing on Account of the
Easter Adjournment.
The Rush of Imm,gr.nt1 10 the Comedian West
The Treadgold C tn...nos Cana/hen
V..wlm.n Interview tM Government Mr.
Tarte', *deco.
IMptulal 14tis•eNp1nd1lav ul'9'ux !busot.l
Ottaawn, April 1). ('h* halls of
l'erliamwut were wenn deserted ted when
the aij(trutueu( belle rarer through-
out the building Wetintad«y after -
teem, ushering in the Easter '(sweat.
Prince Edward Island 1lsettibe a got
poswiessi m of the floor and *11(141 their
annual tali. of woe. last year it was
the drlhtqueut telegraph srt•viee with
She 11anlIa1141, the Pnivinee (wing de-
prival of 14)1141* ' •ati for twelve
out of the twenty-four hunt's by the
1114•x1 Calle (soy, but Mr. Tarte
braced them upii'hde year the int
jail in the Norll bwrland Mtitits
wan their theme. To over ' it,
*1)11)4' migrated a tunnel nine Dotes
long, costing about f teen millions
of dolluirs. (he P. E. 1. utetnher
thought a sptteially designed boat w
er,mr the ice .and take to the water
ag ' would older, and the Minister
of Marine took his view and prominal
that the Ptovillee w1►dd 111,4 be de-
prived or continental and trans -con-
tinental matte for five weeks, 1114 W01
the carr this winter.
The remote JC*iit having recorded
its colplaints and recouunerela(koml,
the West followed suit the following
aftertitem before the 111414)4' took lip
supply. Nat. Boyd (Moeiu►uld, Mani
started the hall rolling, lir. Roche
(Mat•c uettek Mr. Me{'reary (Selkirk)
and Mr. Puttee (Winnipeg) following
in succeseleNl, They thought 111e
liovrt•tmen(, nwwled to be pinlddwl
*long In the matter of providing for
the ,i 'grants flecking into the
Weast. They described how the set -
item hall 14) deep on the door in sta-
t.ion%and the tmlkw fells (11 Winnipeg
became there was no 14(11e• ar(ontino-
dation fur them. They said the Gov-
ernment haul ample notice of the prod■
able ler comingg, in wn)e caws
twin years ago, act -orating (o the report
'1f iumnig11(tlln agents. Mr. M.{.rea-
ry showed that the people .of Winni-
peg ern' not alive even GI the Durrant
(1141)ie, and did not think the lioverti-
'tiellt reslonMible for everything. Five
41'*1r 114(11 111' (1111141 the tramp of the
e-esteinvasion x11(1 pr41t,ted (het
in fit-.• yenta the gnat' would
total '2511,INM1 n year. Ile re aflinuwI
his prophecy there.
Sir %Villiail Mulock. acting Minister
of the lulrrinr, replied for the(ioveri-
nlent, lie twitted the, Couservntive•t
about their barren pre lilt ion* nM far
lao•k as 1w1•nty year* ago. It was left
for the present enet•getic aeh11iui*tre-
tion to settle the %Volt MI rapidly au. is
the ease tit present. He thanked the
turn fmml the plains for the infonwa-
Gom they had given. said declared the
intention of the (hwenuurnt to time 1411
their resoureet (11 ficilitatittg the
htin(1ling of the hittiles ti the sat-
isfaction ,,f ail.
.label 11nbinwm 1 \VI'st F:Igitn1 thought
1111' ('u.4n...stye General 11i1d t/411 •14
111 his lands to look rafter two of the
most 14•'tive departments. He pet in
.4 hid for the Ontiwio farmers l.y say-
ing the Guv1'nIllIent should not for')(et
Gat the N.lrthwest 4441* Dol tile' oily
v,acult place 111 the world. Th usantls
.11 inert etaP find employment ami
4.nnf.r•la Ile 11011W8 1M the fermis r)(.
The limier spent the• evening Mete
.41 in supply. Messrs. Ingram, (lait-
y and 1anenster anderGMlk to heckle
Icon. Mr. Motherland n11 evening on
practically every item) whio•h•1fflw•t.d
territory a 1howeind mile-. fume their
own constituencies.
Hun. Jlr. Take fowlers valuable 11..-
'istane' Go his Mue•e8M)r in the Public
Werke Ihtlartullnt. and hr seems
often to forget that he is not in oilier.
He cannot remain idle. Hr is the
must active and rest lee and none the
1441,4 important member in the Hous•.
The Yukon ulineere are up in atone
against whet they call "theTtwodg.dd
ectopue." This eymliratr, it aei•nia,
has mecums', 1r i" metexouring G1 Me-
cum, a 111nmu(Noiy of the water supply,
leaving the pkuer'minerr, t. wh `1
iM indill1•nmable, emmlrtely at their
merry in the matter mf supply and
taat.s. What the ' 114 demand is
that the (invert ant undertake this
work fowl rharge only what the oper-
ations coat, If lin. Mr. Rome, the
Yukin M. I'., is •ing for all env -
respondence in thin matter to keep hie
skirt« clear. When he was (im•ernor
of the Yukon he recommender the
remelting 111 the ,onrw/rrlon*. Mr.
Bell IPi,w1►), preetimably in the in-
tenests of Mir Hibbert 'nipper. to also
hooking for laurels in that direction.
The repement11tiVe•)' of the Canadian
inerci .ult 'marine suet the (internment
on TuwMlay and asked for the
tint) n/ canal and harlwlr dues and the
waterways male free to the world,
(tainting that thnrngh the pm14Pnt 14yw
tent their tnuilwea, wan tieing nlineil
by United States veeerhm'n; Who, they
believed, were allowed letter footing
than thennailvra, . Mr. Rbilr thought
the railway vlrig11r had •anmething to
do with the divenwirnt of Canadian
trade w 1'. S. rhantels. Sir -Wilfrid
latitrilr mound thecal the Oovornment
appredated their nemesis, and would
Ne t11a1. ('atta inanm would not he
handicapped. Mr. Tarte. at their
meeting the previous day, stat 1 lits
views. He hinted that it )night he
samible that the amarine !lien were •
ittle lag in their ililiget a in the
proper pp, and couhl to adyantwge
apply themselves to the delnandit 141
the (mule. Ile said ,there was any
amount of Inaineee for them if they
were 1(1nea1t with the tines', The
Government should nit be expected
(4) home trade for thrid. He energeti-
cally' advocate) that mime attention
Ie paid t., 1.tteh Germinal ports los Owen
M.1um1, (:,wlet•ieh, Pot{ Colborne,
Montreal and Qtel14e. When th.'*
ithie a wen• properly equieop tl, they
would be overtaxed with MulnraM.
r tut
That he nwkl was the (i 1140 nent'N
duly w ('Anadian ma-igetion.
On WieltemlayMr.('harltrn'Mnmend-
ment to the ihnninion Elections Art.
came up for its third reeding*ml hetas Mr. ('harltm WAR speaking to the
ml,tilm that it. he paatted the Pretnlrr
Interrupted hint and Hated that Mr.
FIldding'R lutgge•MUnn last week of a
Dint c8 ittre• of the 11.111se to over-
haul the Alt end report their 4411111-
n1w41l*t ons G1 l'Aeli,,lnl•nt had leen
mp well received that he %%wild **k the
►reenter for NoT•th linrfnik to let his
1411 .tame. Mr. ('herllnn Neel he 01111111
be only M happy tel (114.", Ra it WAR 111
line with his wieh.4t and he had in.
10101041 making 111* 4111)e 411ggrodbm.
While ))e WAX eta his feet. however', he
wished to em leutize the pont pr.1-
videl in his hill. thst the briberibe
placed 1)t the mer'.''. of the bulged,
9'h*l, he was '1nv(n14' 1 wl)IM make
1 011100 /II a ,14411 enols booinesa. 11.'
then •nk,41 That the hill 14.• *11)44 -ed 111
In *nsw•rr Inn 1(1114ry by M?'. Bet/len.
Mir %Vilflid Limner make the members
' 1)t the tr*nMpoit*tion rvodni1111i11n had
out yet been a11s1111G4I, whereupon a'
Hero thrush the Oection•New Spring Millinery
1('a/ter'N uwstea.•hr w the direction /1f
Mr. 1'r•ufontaine, suggggertetl that "the' •
Dew \I tear" lie14d talked to lunch.
Jars ,Mutton wautel to awrertain
the a of ('enauli s apptel•iatiou of
1x11411 11 Mr. Paterson (old him
we 1114. at 7113,7(17 boodles, valued
at $7:41,
Mr. Blair gave outaoule interesting
sulslidy information. 1'11 p'altee
Scott he maid the total sum 111(41 by
(*,uida since Confederation in aid of
railway coust'Ietio1, nig grants
to the C. P. It., was 16152,IJG,ltl:i, or
ebo(t two-thinls o/ the a t of the
national debt. 11e Gold Mr. [(1.4.
Ifiesk*G•hewan) that no land grants
luta! (Mien 1)114114. t) raiiwnys since the Hamilton
took oflbc1' in (84(1,
NOT104 , I
7Le relistribut' bill 1.11111(14 up for
lite1(41)1(11 !eluting Tuewlay.
Hou. Mr. Fielding will deliver his
Midget 4pM'e•h on 'noonday.
A new telephone et uijwany is In em-
bryo. Soule Anterican telephone men
seek incorporation as the ('alwltian
Teleph • and 'telegraph Co. They
wry their,ml)(ial attention will be
given t1' rural telephone Service and
p1 '11' 111 cut the Hell nitre in two.
The Senate, whil•th'luljuurgrsi three
weeks ago, pulls itas•I1 together on
A huge ill ' toil photograph of
t'anada's commit' arch hangs be-
tty's -it the l'm►llm11m* and Senate stair-
ways and is att•acting considerable at-
tention. 1E W.
Having returned from visiting the 1903 Spring Millinery
displays in to heeling markets of fashion, and having mals
large purchases in all the latest novelties, I will be ready neat
week with • handsome display of both triwuw.d and ur,
trimmed Millinery.
Ready-to-wear Hata a Specialty.
The Mitl•hrll (415411 council haw
p NaxwYl ,t bylaw G1 prohibit 411141 111111,
e ' g et 'ewe, to take effect July
bit next.
Ju11athan Miller, formerly 11f I:tsle-
t•tch, LNowpruprlewr of the (trip Matt,Sesftirth, iaetUng the house with new
fun)iture and carpets.
Sour Stomach
-Bad Breath.
The body depends on the
bowels to carry off all waste
and poisonous matters from
the system -it Is Nature's
drainage. it the bowels don't
perform their ftmctlons proper-
ly and become clogged up.
the system gradually absorbs
this poison. 11 Is this which
causes sick headache, bilious-
ness, sour stomach, bad breath.
Inactive Iver, lack of energy.
heartburn, etc,
Abbe:r'• Efferves-
cent Sett will cure you by
clearing assay the obstruction
and taosougble, cleansing the
bowels. IRAs brings healthy
action to all the organs of the
body and ries the system of
the cause of Einem.
In 1116 vqy Abbey •
Enerveeoe s• Salt per-
manently cram. A teaspoon-
ful In hell a glass of tepid
water every smoke.
. Nc Patterins
I -New Designs
Hand-paintr.l Flonentiue, raised
Veltete, Leather., Satin, Silk 1I1111
ih44native Papre, Imitation Nat-
ural Wood and Marble Pripet,.
Alcor all grades of pretty am' ar-
tiMli46 dr4igns. From 44' a 4111 G, Irk
We an• the Htrt G, erre.- Wall
Paper in r"nflri11ati"ni. %1'1' (lector -Me
your w114111. 11/11111. %t'l• .411' introduc-
ing something new• in effects thiM see -
t1(111 Fabric Pattertla, laterally shaded
Silk and Panne Velvet Patterns. -(her
Florentines and Strip** are marvel,, of
beauty. Old'E In b.r o i d r' ries and
antique Textiles. all at very' low cost
to y(nr.
We represent the hest rnanufa•-
ture17/, and if you intend to do any
ds.»tanning a It et our !templet, int all
we ask w c1nvin you Chet W1' lewd
the pmmwaaion this n.
Thanking you for you/ generous patronage during past
cations, 1 extend a !natty ilvitatlln to the ladies to call and
inspect this season's styles.
The Stylish
that wo aro turning out is evidence that we
can give you t ho l a t e s t and correct
Our garments are a pride to the wear-
er, and in tit, slake -ftp, style and goods we
are unequalled.
We have the goods and the prices to 1}uit
Buggies and Carriages
FOR 1903.
Every Buggy up-to-date in style and Finish,
and well niade-t )hey are all warrant e d .
We beeidle Ile goods of 111e folio* mg well-known maker :
-1Cif t ilAT7 Holl% Chathsssi 1dcLAvtmtui CAR01A1:0 Co., 0.1►•wa,
OAWADA CARRIAGR CO., Brookville: T DIIora BUGGY Co, Onllia.
Call at our Warerooms and see 111e large atook we have on hand.
A'i.o all kinds of FARMING MACHINEiRY and BREAMS.
LA VIS' WAREROOMS, Hamilton-st.
Spring is coming
Dunt out your Bicycle
If you haven't 000, cal
around and we will sell y• u
"Berlin" etc,
if you have a Wheel and it needs repairs wo have everything need-
ful in the way of Tires, Pedals, Rims, Spokes, Saddles, Enamels,
Pte. Our RRPAIR DRPARTMRRT is in charge of a Repair man who under -
steeds and can make right any ill that a Wheel is heir to.
Our Musical instruments still lead,
"Dominion" Pianos and Organs.
"Wornlwith" and "Berlin" Pianos.
Guitars, Violins, Harmonicas, Mandolins, Gramophone*.
10,000 sheets Music -Vocal and instrumental.
Write for • Catalogue.
Colonist Excursions
( n. way tick,•1N at low r*t•4. 1111 Male
until .hue 1(th, to points in Montana.
( %olored°, Utah, ()repot. Washington,
British Col bin and California.
Mt. Clemens Mineral Baths
•1 hmito.1nl, t i -it )it. Clemens f.%,•?)
year for treatment of rheumatism, di•
IVH troubles, 0011 ser- 411114 11(44111'
tett. Miteurh•d near 11.1„11, it i-
1(1iiekly and 1,.nlh.r•tabty ,'.. hod by
the (itrnd 'hunk.
The "St. Catharines Well"
Tho• wster411f this famous well are e
greet s1Mrifle for 1'h,• (i41,1. gout,
neun',lgul, nervous prostration. and
alio, nerve no a splendid 1.'tlir. Mltti•
x1,41 on direst line of the (*rand Tennk,
eleven miles from Niagara Falb..
Booklet« givingInfnl'Ination of elf her
of the above rsol•t« "n 4pplil•alinn to
F. F. I,A%VRINI'l:,
T11w1 Ticket Agent.. (hwl•rieh,
J. D. MI'(NiNAL,it,
Dlet•kl Pweenger Agent, Toronto.
Tlie Division-_
het *sea M 'od:sed Iadll►rreel
Drug's and Medtefnee
le i%ronely donee., hero 'rho ledif•
forest Mad are n.v.t ord.red sad
Boyer eornUIed to fern part of nor
stook. (101• "WWII of aadoon'.A
prier aro offered to evetnal,r.
Iter sten► 11
Proprietary Medielnle•
M eery taro.. Piles. ere low,
Scililtollard Coal
AI Ura( weighed 110 the reran( anal.*
whore pee**, /NO 1ho felt a neo.
Otters left al MBB 1kD,a
suet wow* wooded I••
Tell your Merchant
You se* his
Advertisement in