HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-4-2, Page 8zi 2'''; TartMDAv, March 26, 1'Jf3 Millinery Opening! APRIL 2, 3 AND 4 Every woman should come 'and_ view the new Spring Styles. EXHIBITION AND ADVANCE SALE OF SIRING and 600DSsur1MER Not a day pause• that we do nut open new spring things for ladies, gentlemen, girls and boys. 'Doty - conleandgo. More things sold than over before, and, of course, more bought. Some of the new things opened this wot•k are :- Ladies' Black Silk Capes Handtonw at) 4. 41, the dM st tolfetll, applique, prices flout 6500 to $15.00. Ladies' Chiffon Ruffs and Pelerines The vcr, latest thing fur neck- wear, ,res -y, c,mfortable fled very rea•enside, prices 12.50 to $7.00 - Embrderies and Laces Never have we shown such a large variety of the 1 ew de•igns, and, as to price., we simply say they are away laiow• anything we have ever , fere.(. Dress Making Department Very busy, but we can book your ord.•r for later on. Conte and see our work. Styles on view in the store. I.ef us quote you a price for a manual complete" You will fin'' it pry )'ou. n,rm 4•mws the Spring. whoa yea will IWe, 1 44 mill dnlale. 'or which we've aortae! To bring you hen the best on earth (if prints and gingli,lnu beauties, weevil* )tush ue.r' Ilene ie ulo prim. 1 Ir ut hers ant. for g'Mrlr a. (41042. 1'4)11,es and linens Iherr''4 be, loo, And dainty 1•ambrica, sonioIhirg new, 04 uh prctly trimming edger very late. 1 ineir a olor cnmbdlwr :110 Up -10 date. Virilises muslues, silks awl Laws Things Mat will wash bks babies' faces. M:veryIhdog in wash goods that'. now and a ee, ',Nato v heli, sad how in poi 0. Al tend thin sale. Nom call nur(rr8" I tlir lie.• of goods. They will not last. Un Thur -nay you lieu can view 11 you d 11'1 4011149, allot we know you'll run it. New Dress Goods `lack/ and heaps of new spring goods ern w•aiti. g you hear, var- i.ty sufficient t1 ()lease every taste, prices to me'"t the ideasof the moat economical, NEW VOILRM, NEW CANVAS CLOTH, NEW VENETIANS, NEW, BROADCLOTHS, NEW SNOW FLAKE DESIGNS, Ni:W \VAiSI'iNO. Men's and Boys' Clothing You eau hay suitable, serviceable awl stylish clothing at our store all the y ear round, at oxcee'iigl• 'rimier de prices. The new spring goods are oast to hand, come and View them. Man's Waterproof Spring Overcoats, - Men's New Spring Suits ilnys Suit and S. pirate Pants Men's Shirts, Collars and Ties New Si r nt strc't to hand in all t hese Iia s, the very latest styles .nil paces, )ou will find right am,l low. Smith Bros. & NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. 1Fn.u, nor +.gains LEEBURN. '1't•e:so.''. March :1Ist. The Miss.'s \\'111114.11, of Mtrat f0141. :111 visiting their sister. Nies. Jas. Chisholm. Miss Eliot l 'his14olr11 has gone )44 Port Huron oti a visit to 'her .sister. Mrs. X. )faerr,h•t'. jr. \%'ill F'ulforl had a sawing bee on 'ruemlely of 111141 4'.4.1. for WI wing house 444,81. at 45411,11 his Isiellell ll' friend, were left behind L5 the merriest 1111.11. Will atU'ihtrtes their .(ler.•4.4 to the Girt (nal they have 10 114. :It it ev 4l•)• Ila)- 111111 1 1141440r Im4•. 11111' 111111'1' e•X- ie•rt 1 1110 the liachelurs. Quite a ',flak will be 1111/14', in 0111' ' Int b)' the r44 ' g dl•pat'toe of 111 oar young and pnog,l•11i(e yo4nlg .1'41ri1/'Is in 1110. p ermil1 of I1. A. Ihit- tln. who wilt spend the 'unr11.•I et 441 !Alford in the gardening lewdness, assisting his brother-in-law. (i. 11. Clinton.' H. A. 44111 be 'I• missed at the kirk, of w)1( 1, he was oin•of the elders and Sunday sclesel superin- tendent, and the Christian Endeavor 4 4,'iety, which was fnrini41 under the pastorate of the 1(1.5: NI. Maekay. will haw one of its most indomitable. „t'11•k.•t•s. I11 ...'1,11 circler, too. 411• Will he nmch nlisw4l. LANES. \I./Nt,'Y, March :eM14. 11. P'ar'iahs :\. Porn and (1. '1'ovnton intend lea%ing for the N. 4444'. i'. this • week. We, wish 111.'111 it ph m...10 j11un'ney. • 4444111. Resat, sr.. having sold, his dtnrr, tato* pntchaw4l from .1. Killult- t'il k a petit of )sna'nini• htanrhoe 1.. i.'ptiu•i• it. The tnw1Mhip of .\MI1tie141. we' are 111fortuwl. has invested itl, al now• road-nuu•hine. IoM sercder, will Is• wrleoii ll 4411 '4 (lI''(*1I i1l 11). A 11111.11.er 11f young, 1111.11 fr h1•t'.• have already visited the rte,k, +dung old 1fliron for the IIIIIr,w' of trapping Muekels. Very limited M11rees$ has as yet crowned their e4nrtM. 4411s. Lane. sr.. spent the greater pant of the winter 14) the bottle of het moll .lames. At 1111• age .11 eighty-eight she is l(i11 very- active', and let . . all her faculties 14111x".) ns brightly es in youth, The fields have 1111,',' 111nre' *MN11111141 ne4r ap(Mwrnnce. ''Ito' hand of Na. ti r hat (44110141 Itient. anti hl'll' and the 1 a very delicate shade of gown is 1 inning 111 show.. Ilett• end ((14'!,'. ,M e, .`at 11I4'M Ik•4t friend. t114' f:11111er, hail already 4441.1.11 11 rich. dusty Ina -n. with his plow. OODE'ICH TOWNSHIP. 4. T('l4Il414, N11.11•11 24. ! F.AHM Soil). haat excellent 441'417.•'. tag fergi. vansi.til of .eighty ,1411.14, and k 'n a. 1111 . 1, cnnr•es).inn l6, wean knock's] down to . ark 1' •II. 11f 111'11lt, for $3,$40) at t mile held in 4'lint.n1 nlently. ThiM 11111111 le; A' geld investment. (i1111a \V FST. .1,141,, Nr '114 , aha Gm liter 14411.411re ye ) been n resident of (4,,lerirtl tows ship, ha, 41er141e41 to go West and will it lee his home at Some.. Man.. 4')4411• t e of hit daughters and several other n 'daces 115,. For thirty-nine years Mr. Met 'art ney hie leen •onnect441 Willi the M,•Ihtslist church at Hohne's5f1b•. .f which he is • of the pillars. Next iA1 Mrw. I111Intes he is the oldest mem- ber. In .'hnr'h riri,s and ant of then, Mr. Met 'Art n.'y and his esteemed family will Ire mnell !Maned. I Ir1I11N let (iot'RH4MM.NT MT %flax. That the 414)blie dr alive to the la•nefltse ..f the (ioverneit'nt pwoult"y stenion at H.litiesIriIle end the .insert 'ties N afford. is evidenced by th"e ,lets for ITO that are rw•eired (rat add giarti•ts el the Pianism. The ntanagt•r. F. C. Oe 1:I(orl, recently receit'.'d an order from ,s gleet lemon du l'ort Elgin. 4 ho 41«41 •,cell All 1114 t of t him .)14) 1.11 111 The '1'nlonlo (11,41,eF:ve,y weeds dozens of unless hate In I,• refnmll 011 aye 4411tIt of the inability to 911 them. On one day alone or let's Were 114444'441 for twenty sett ings of eggs. '1111• eol'n•s- ponele.11re to e44111neet1111 with this es- (1hliMl11111'llt has g111wn l0 he 1111 m1111111 if 1.111. and NII% hafn111 is kept busy answering the -1111111y inquiries hr re- 1'1.iteNt 8 NILE. .I11Nto"t4, Man'h al. h:.ts'rEit EXAM. V clans: Gladys 14.1ItLu111, 4'eiil Echlin. Pr. (1141 from .1nn. 1\' to Sr. I \' : Elmo lin.%in. \\'illi, (411511,, Melvin tory. Celia Ncllw,ii, Harvey Pentland, Mos. Taylor. Sr. III i' .f11n. 1\': Eva NI'Nee, Nora tic Nee. 1'e Its Fe•hlin. Reginald Than. Jun. 111 to Sr. III : •leanest NIcllwai11. \\'illi,' 1\'ilm11. IA'oll:lnl NII'IIw',iIl. Mn'. II to .1111,. III : theleel \\'ilw.n, l'h,rlie Fowler. .1nn. II to Sr. IL \'bola \•,drag. •T.M.k 114'1.1• 1:1 11( total marks. Mewing E. Gil.%M. Ie. Pentland. C. Echlin: V. Yoting. M. Wilson, It. Echlble: Eva McNee, Neill N1.Nee. list chair 110ule by (i, ,'g.' Ryan. lust Mr 1,1;,441' by Roy Kerr. Hest kept desk. Peril Echlin. Best IN'have4l IM.v, Niel - sin feel.. Best 1141114v, -,I girlVera N4.Nee. that regular in attendance, NI. Cory and M. 4414'ilwnl. N IM's 4,n roll. 25: ,Average attendance. 'N.4 K.t N NI.I NTOM1I, Teacher. BLUEVALE. NIoNn.41, Mlall•h :1$h. Mr.' and Mts. .\die)', 01 \\•iugha11l, ed at Mfr. Brinker'* hint Mu1)dhv. Mr. and Nits. 1'ilt'llwnt. 44f Moles- worth, were visiting I'nte'r Fowler hest week. \\'ill and .tonnes Menzie, of M111eis- wot•t11, 5i.i1.41 al (den. 441,Iheoald'.141st Mnudnv. • Nliss Jessie l.ivingMt eif ['trustee's, is visiting Miss Annie Mi•Der't11111t this week. 1)45. 144'..1. West e•xr•hn11 gtd pulpits with Mr . i allantytle, .of Moleionnth. 1111 M 1a4. Nils. T. West and ehildre(L of (trend \'alley. Are visiting Mrs. \Vest's par- ents, N1r. and Mts. 14111N.1'1.1)wteam John Rla.•k is in London this week attending the Grand Council melting o1 the Canadian line' of l'homen Fr'ierthe. CARLOW. Thom a:, Manch :till,. Mir). 4441,8114. of the O. 1'. I•, vi,4(1ll friend). here Sun,1,1) Let. Miss Joliet Johnston i, visiting in 1lalllilt1111 for 11 few week... Mr. 11',11d.n, our village hlaek- Nmith, left for London 1111 %Aids y lest. .1. 44LIIIoeigh. of Dungannon. wean here helping to c Inca the. sale at Mrs. \44'. O. Joins:hist Werk. 1Villia11l `iall,,w•, and sister. Minn Maud, spent Sunday at Shrppnnitnl, time guest, of Mims 11,,ry Rewrote -pi Nits. l'a„oda)'. of i on.Ioii, is t'iesiting her Mitten. Mix. H. Mc1Iw'ein, of Nile, 14101 Mrs. U. F. *Thee, of loyal, this week. r44 bow of our young people are offering front a /seven. attack of la ipp e. N'.. hope to hear of a steely A t) 1w.1• of tnvitett guests; from Itopol*r*. Row wen• enteriwiptd by Mr. anti Mrs, John Voting, near Auburn', Tnewl*y a '1'ning last. Ma's. W. 1� .ltnea' sale, which Seek plata. on Tiim#*l ay last, was n grand ote(eur. The i'rowd wM very large and bidding h, Horan' sold at ,1ver $'Sal and 111. r art {clew )n-natht Kr WW1 11141144. Ale Young ae Ad a, clerk and Thos.. Gln t wielded the hatnnter In his [*141111 pi Ale. Yes. 11 THE SIGNAL : GODERICIi ONTARIO. Jones has tented her 12bacret- farm to mister rskling there. ifie will spend Jam. Kirkpatrick, of laehuru, who the coming 11tta11011 with Captain BEE - takes puestsriun i eliately. ,ter, of (luderich, and will he in the l engineer's department, which it in DUNGANNON. TL m.uaY, Manch 81st, NKw DHtyua.---Thu Signal a well in its new dress, Band with its nut 'r of presenting interesting news we predict for it increasing sucee1414. LAMB -LIKE I'.xIT. - Ere our next the month of Manch, which) came in 1' •like• and is taking its .exit lamb - like. will have. retired with its pre- decessors in Ohl Father Tiute's recon. NEW ILU/11WAKE MEltrIl1YT.- - Mr. Andcreeell, felltierly with B. Gerry, is with his family IIM•llled here. Having IMlllglit Mr. (ferry M,tAwk elf iarlwar• he has , .11,4141 business in the luwmim4es 1114.1104111 14)' Mt. Gays•)' and In alditioi to 111114 stock he has added a g.ssl supply of tip -Stoat• goods. Mr. .tlidesul e highly 1144 •11,14141 as a goal !ruins 111x11 and should twelve a share of patronage h1 his 1111,'. ENTHAN4•E WEEKLY EXAM, -Max- ilnuul marks, ' to show' fairly good' work, 2111. Versant ('itis•. (SII; \\ illte Smith. 3111: Bronson Mc- Nair, 3514; Rommel! Rutherford. 3.'4$ Laurette Roach, :4,' ' Donna Bier, :i#); Nl&tie Rose, :i:C4; Reset Goldberg, 816 liotdon Stollens, ?Xi; Earl Mtlthelw, 279; Edgar !fickle. 279; J es; Begley, 276: Warner Begley, 271 ; Charlie Kdlpmetrick, alit ; \Varner Little, 2tt. Ella Stothe.1s, 167; Maty Smith. 219 lout of 13111; /'ail Little 191 (out of t:711). ('-tl'TIoY.-- We would advisee the young men and isey'N who kit• some 1.54 gs iwtst have been behaving themselves nudely in rapping and 1hrow'i,Ig missile's at senor of our citizens' downs, and conducting them- selves in 4111 Illlrtliy Manner ten " the Main street, thereby disturbing the public peace, tee dos cent how, its such 4111141114.1 will nut 18• 11derated. Quite a number of t belle ewe known ,11111 will. if the conduct -is r•IM71t/d. he dealt with a,t'llrll lig tee 17144. .\ term 111 jail slight here a salutary effect. 144).trio 4'1•• I.T11. The tenni of health for \\'est N•iewaneish township, composed of the following gentlemen : T. P. ('ass. NI. D., medical health officer; Hte%4. N-. McQuillan, t1wn- shipcl.•rk W. M,l'nertie, Alex. Stuart. \\'m. Bailie and It. K. Munro, held a meeting in 111e t easur'er's 44 11er 4411 TulvwLay' 441 last week. 'rhe Heave laid clerk were appointed lhairo•an and m•cr•tary- respectively Of the heard. It win decided That each member shou141 ote•nx•e the ,Ii '. 1511111 i11 which he resides. Next meeting will he held at the cull of the clulir111:111. \\11.1. lir: NI et II Mlw.rn.- Our vale.1-grtie merchant. Charles Elliott. has ptirel1asw1 from .144141) (int' the prwunmsme the west, side of South- ampton sleet. 4411 4'141,11 are is 41w•eI- liug hold• 4111,1 a huge building which is 0144 iievl as a gerlerai Mt44te. Mr. (day. having invested in pn14N•11V in t),4' Northwest. will leave with his family probably next week. He has been in the N,.I•thwe1t for 1 w.' sea airs and is highly'plwlwd with the i'ratirie Country. 111• is well known in this section. having lN''h 11.4141441 here few many cam, and is Highly esteemed. lir toed: great interest in ,lurch and Solidity school. and was a consistent Ill.'1111M'!' ,,f the Methodist church. %V.', along with" his hereat o1 friends, wish him a1111 his family happiness. health and surras$ fur many years in t heir new local Piits,NAl.Nlersti.N. MI'. and Mrs. Paul Suu'l1yA.1'. •.1 Luck now. • day lest week visited their daughter and 4,440t1•i11-11444. Mr. 711141 MIs. 1). N1.Nevin. Joseph )ialekirk, who had been for 14101114*(11114. eftrit•nt manager ere in Mr. (ferry's hardware business hem hav- ing secured a position in Blyth• left last week. We wish 1111,1 I4UI.1•eNN Irl his new' Iis•ation. Whilst here he took great interest in church work. and made to himself many friends by his aradve. genial and kindly 41is- islM4tion, by 4110111 he will he 'h mi14144141 ....(i. Begley 411141 O. 44140the•r,, Luihl)Ilg ,unt.ra1•to1x hate taker a large her of 4,lnlnu•ts band will lie I IIIMIIy erllille eyedi this N.•A,N 411 S. 1':. Mur1drtw,ll had; •.,d into our 4llinge. \Ve• extend a hearty welcome. Mr. and Mrs. \Val. Smith. of the township of Horan. county of 111-m-4'. were the 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jets. Rose het `I. lay. DUNLOP. 'I'1•K.Mn.t Y, March 8144t. \Vith the exception of A heavy downpour of nein fill the 20th ,and the strong wind ens the 21th lost.. March of II0t1 heft n better 11111111 for tine weather than any of its pnvlec/•MworM of the 19th century that Anyone ran remember. her. Miss•. Manley, of lhingganion, 44041 Miss If. Devine and Mine Ella F'ritzley, of Sanford. were visitors in our Inn'g last week and on Friday rv.•ning IAst jeinwl in with m4111e of the young folkm here iu ,1 farewell party to 141(1114 g at his parents' re,idenre. 4)or '041,11 your�! friend Jas. Young. jr.r,d Loyal, is riff twain after n mast pleasant winter holiliay, eluting which Be Ilam ,1NMIM1A'l with his violist At. t,iArty pNart11•14. lie wean' (*111411111111441 1a few day'M m,nu•I• than )114 ex4N'•t14114, 1110111 hi. 5t•MMI•I ,at Chicago for a w•eonil sea - m111'14 Iwliling ire the,uppe•r lakes. IAlftU1l -(' ' g, who a114111t N th ago c pietAd him three years' t'•rm of enlistment at London in the (',Matin militia, left 1111 Saturday for (*Nettie) for a few dope' visit t4 his charge of Renk Nlchglson, funuerly well known in ' Dunlop. Before leav- ing here Lefts had a gay time seeing hie okl chums &mutat here and 111 Otelerich. Owing t1 the continued serious ill - news of John Shannon his suns, W. H., of l.011d'n, and H. N'., lir Rochester, N. Y., si1•rt Sunday tinder the 'talented roof 4411 ('alrbria nt41. Wall -Paper 1 and Border 1 Reductions Several hundre of rot's of Wall Paper, clear- ing at 3c per roll. Ceilings to match, tame price. Borden to match, lc rer yard. Hundreds and hundreds of rolls, imitable for be11- rooms, kitchens, halter, etc , clearing at 442 and 50 Far roll. • RANB TRUNK EASTER HOLIDAYS 1903 Retort" tickets will he issued between au stations in Canada at Single First-class Fare (doing THURSDAY, Agro 9th, to MONDAY. April 13th, inclusive. Valid retuniing unt�ITHURS- 1)AY. April lith, 19(11. School Vacations To students and leavings of echo° and colleges,on surrender of certificate signed 1414 'Priuclped, retinal tickets will he issued at Single Fare and One-third 4' ' g April 1th to April 11th indu- sive\'olid ret ire ng until Tuesday, April 21st, 11k 8. Tickets, folders, and all infonrutlon front Agents. F. F. LAWRENCE, :Town Ticket Agent, Ooierich. J. 11. Mt•I)ONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Your new Spring Attire is not yet complete if you have not fitted yourself. with A PAiR OF STYLISH SHOES FROM OUR WELL ASSORTED STOOK Not only in the FINE LINEN "have we the B E H T nukes, but also in the' DOLLAR-FIFFY, TWO DOLLAR AND TWO -FIFTY LINES The 'steels are all new and are unexcelled in value. F•at•h pair hears the *tamp of (ypolity. ' THE '.OWI' r POSSIBLE MR ICES coe- xistent with HiGH GRADE GOODS. Try a pair ofour MEN'S RUBBER R 1C IC N BA LS. for every -day wear. These shies are waterproof and don't get hand. R E I' A I R i N O NEATLY DONE SUPERBA CABLE Wire Beds Ceilings to we'd), same price Patented est May, !goo ARE GUARANTEED /O1 SALE MY J. BONEN f son, - 1000 rolls of bedroom Papers, pretty floral de signs (new this 'pries), usn+lly sold at 7c and Sc, on sale at Sc per roll. Dainty Dresden stripe., gc, lOc, 15c per roll. Most e1e,(.nt parlor, library, hall and dining- roonl' pipers in a 1 the newest shades, prices rang - in; from 15c per r411 up. Window 1 Shades Four dozen Window Shade•,compl to with good spring rol'er, clearing at 2.)42, Geo. Porter West Huron LICENSE DISTRICT The Board of License CommiesionerM will Meet. at the Inspector's Office, Clinton, 41N - TIUIS$AY, Ann, M, 1913, AT 5 O'('Id)l:K P. M.. to ,'onrMer the application. for the Ilnenne year of to a111M. At1 petitions or applleati ons to be went to W. J. Paleley. In(le4tnr, ('lintel. The number of Ileennew for tie year 1414-1101 war Ya hotels and i 8M.pn• The number of nrplll'atlon.' for the year Naled544 M xi botch. and Y shops, New apnfeallierr s. Pike, Waverly Honer, Clinton : . (4. Hogg.. ('larlow, and Alex. Orr. Himnrwlek lion.., WInghant. No Heroin, granted to any hotel wind' loan any kind of riot machine on Ira premise►. t\•. J. PAISLEY. RA !mpe'4 or. (Tinton IT 'S ALL ,RIGHT I and student. mar enter L/STD many tree SPRING) TERM b'glns March 30th. Tw• cosmos, con - movie and *bookend. Seed for col. • lege journ I, ' C. A FLRII1NfI, A L. McINTYRK, LtaToWEt. WALL PAPER ..,,,New Patterns I- New Designs Hal lid -pained Florentine, rained \'elvet*, IAsthers, Satin, Milk and Decorative. Papers, Imitation Nat - oral \\'teed end i,nrhl• Papers. \Is. rill minds of pretty wn.l arc 1id( iv designs. From leo roll t/$3. / \t'.' are 111e tient to offer 11'1%11 'l'aiw•1' 111 ..mnhiteationte. \\•e decorate ?'nm• wh11i' roan. \4e am introduc- ing m •thing 414.5- ill .411'04 Phis AM - AMI Fabric Patterns, carefully shatter! Silk and 1'a • Velvet l'att•rne. Ihtr Florentines and Mtripes are marvels of beauty. Ohl Emhriiderice and antifire Textiles. 1411 at Very limo carat to y4nt. We reprew•tIt the Inset manufac- turers, anti if you intend to del any decorating a hark atour samples is all we ask 111 mail -Ince you that we halal the p ocestai(m this 10(111011. i,; The Division b.sw , gar la.d melte. reel Drug's and MedINn . 1. slra.1I r &8..d hep. 71r. lad '• ferant k ed are Neer entered ant resew' pa milled ta meas ales d ser stark. (alt foods .f sedate -ea Paris, ars eased w watowers. alar Meek • f Yreprl•saril . Madtelnes le tory lea a Moss .n Imo, KiDD It Co.; F. JORgDAN NW/K esderkti. Z So►uni►cg •alai Illememoie Have The Signal Mailed to your friends. They will get In))I home news in it than you would care to write. $/.00 to Any Place in North America. I/ el H O DO E N S BROS. I 1w1T0) Carpet Stock it ("0' A Big 99 Patterns on our Shelves • We are showing what is by long odds the biggest carpet stock that was ever inside the four walls of this store. By actual count we have ninety-nine" patterns in unions, wools, tapestry, Brus- sels and velvet carpets. There are patterns and colors to suit any room, and values are good enough to make it worth your while to do your carpet buying here. We know just how to cut, make -and lay car- pets as they should be done, and this knowledge is at your service. - i 39 Patterns in Tapestry Carpets Get a good tapestry carpet. and yogi get a carpet that will look well anti gives yon satisfactory wear. Thirty-nine patterns . in tapestry car- pets on our shelves, an41 thele is not !t bad one in the lot. The product of England's best makers are here, goods Chat sell the world over be- cause of their sterling wearingquali- • ties. The (lyes are good; that means colors that will stand. The yarns • are gond: that means a carpet that' will wear. Tapestry ,sweets at awe. Tapestry earpeta 111 vie. Tapestry carpets at 1114. Tapestry carpets at 6tk.- Tale•stry carpels at entre. Tapestry carpets at 7:e•, Tapestry carpets at Rae. Tapestry exrnwta at SSW. At each price a good range of patterns antir downright ghat .alma. 23 Patterns in Srasssls and Velvet Carpets -No better carpet for a good room than a' Brussels or a 'genuine English velvet. Either one will stand any amount of hard wear, and still keep its fresh, bright appear - arae. Any quality we have in stock we scan recommend, Doth as to color and wearing qualities. " Brnws•Ia carpets (Pete at $1.69 tett )anis Brussels; carpets at 11,19 •• .• Iirwo...a eas•peta at $1.1:1 •• •' Brweeelie carpets at $1.225 " '• Patterns and color combinations that are new, and qualities that will stand hard wear. A' 26 Pate in all Wool Carpets No better wool carpets are made in Canada. The best mill in the makes them. The dyes are the best that money can buy, and are absolutely fast. The wools used are thoroughly cleaned ., and scoured. This mill buys the wool as it comes from the sheep's back, and cleans, • spins and dye's every pound they use themselves. Buy any of these and you' get pure wool, as clean as it can he made, and nothing else. all wee,tcarpets *t 'loo All. wo l carpets at fine. All wool carpets at IMOD. • Patterns suitable for any room and they will wear well. 12 Patterns in Union Carpetscountry Twelve good patterns in union - ca. pets to select from. The dye in these union carped is guaranteed fast, except of course from fading by the sun. If the carpet stets wet and the colors rue let us know about it and • *e will giveW you a llecarpet. M1 are a yard wie, with reversible patterns that turn well, 'e Union carpets is at 25e. ( • 'Union carpets at Bite, " 'Union carpets at 374e. Union earpA1ets at Union . I1,n' eilr4lrts at ilk. English and Canadian oilcloths, 18 inches to 4 yards wide. English and Scotch linbleums, all widths up to 2, 3 and 4 yards. Japanese mattings, new batterns, and a big range of prices. 1 = 7'; � t ' "/ - -� 6(1d the latest • gid 3lo7ea for Easter Ghee" '4 This is the kid glove store of the town. There isfi t a doubt abort it. We sell only qualities that are worthy and every i' ,1 pair that goes oyer our counters carries with it our guarantee. - a, Should there be any flaw or imperfection that in nny.way interferes with the wear, bring them back, and we wilt cheerfully replace '` them. Now gloves for the spring are here ; all the new shadings Pticilings. Our Gloves at one Dol- lar. I l.adi.ai French kid gMvea, trade frnl soft pli*Me alone, two I d.1ir f.v tenets, perfect fitting. every pair guarwntA14d, in browns, fawns, grays, navy-, black and white. Very ai eeial value, at per pair _.. $1.(E Our Gloves at One Twenty-five. 'Wien French kid glints, Blade, from Hotter aeleet skins and pli- able. 11. relelpMtYl Tn•f1e1Ma1 nuke, every pa(r guaranteed, fawns, M4,wfs, tans, gray., black., per lair $1.25 'Our Gloves at One Fifty. jMfmmrenxtra ehcrit•e$ak)t 411:131:: very line finalities. Olives that (R)'4pw n►n14' ixol»Ilar rvrry IIeA• Plwpplr hlrying chem once• win seldom take. an nthrr Stake. Black and colon per pair $1.30 W. S. Oorbets II'tve you trie ( th.) W. B. corsets yet ? If not, next time you are doing any corset buying, ask to see this celebrated Am"rican m%ke. HODOENS BRQJJS-. I/ el