HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-4-2, Page 6411 -14x -f)/17 LTSIT'S MARRIA6E464.444+++44.1.4* 111.11'11.1: L.1 %Viten the nuts tire turning Iso,.. In the wuu'I.+ of Uruwuneeu Ca:,t.• , 1111.1 lilt• spw'tewrn, will' duty (llkl guns, are pir44udlg• the Ir %booby' way 1114,tg11 the lunl.p field.: -cal' till, tittle the u1'1 se;lu1lal start» into new 1144, turd 111e county pupil., and 110 m, u-cuuuly p. upl.• tial u great 11x1 to say, ,041 all booklet. C'u,ou.•I Bry- an L• slaying ret DrIulue'i•1 t'.uUc Jnr a little ebouth►g. People must toll- about suute(ll]Ig, ,•r about *tutu -nuc ru%hero au I the beauthulh 11111.: looby Uerwut II. in etery tae's mouth. "Flow Injudicious of Sir Maurice le the Blau nlllwl ?" "! (llw;li t e unught a44c was fight;:;' 4441(1 1► buts - oriel r..l otlier ruttB'rell1clk•1'l4 fall glibly n'.'rn tWl4tutw 1113.'100000..1 to thrc44.4 Ater ueigttbt►r,;, mei Nall 444.,1 to 114•. mtcre•►tlilg process of di►eoleriu,l tauter 111 Hob* bruthrr. -4y ea. I( Ir k$uIwiny, a rola, uutumnrtl SUS -- .41y, with 0 faint br.•utll of fru.4t 11* Ole 441* not it Huwlder 'AO. flu lir, ground he, peeping tut Lf U4, t {rr:ck 1., ,yno.tng sheaths, sliming, gIO'l 7 4 h4elUn,ts. The reel Weir Ituk hovingly ono lull.tulgly 1.t them Or they lie • 4nblst the dal nig. r.e4dening 11a.o+; .,441 *beide) In 'their awn, m441.1r (Inti ..11 the' way' home from Church they. will Manage t.. transfer many ars tht•se tr•'asurrs to their pocket..- . Ting. Mug. ting gore the okl ovuil- t tt c ntrI I through' the Te, •.i' Mimeo. (;riullshaw, who sing In the ebur*, hasl.p hyo arrayed i1* summer .,r, sots tin:1 warm j;tCk(tk, and Ute? summer IN,iluet• itdoru the ea vomi- lumusces. They run hardly . Lr.rie themeti'es. to look at tilt Penile e.rrmg., oozing rwlaty uudrr torr P:0.34101 1 teem, for they' cannot help seeing that ('o:ohel ftryan 1• •there, talking to and smiling ret, f•ir MaUI'h»s's wife, oho, lookl.lg. fir too lovely for, her own moiety and the tonguili of her n*I:;hb(rs, ldticup- p..sltu to hint pad loth hllu talk to Igor. That she hes 4441 n new brown 'PI4et coat utl4 a brown bonnet ns plainly 4oablt' to the 11:ik,:J eye: 4111 the MI1•*44R Urlm44baw, who have ooa- -toat,d tit m■ lien wail their (rummer .IrpI44c 4. I..uk daggers at thee!:intily • nttlred little Tidy stepping out ui her earria,(". ''A beaus poplin fru laat••1..^'-gen err itaby Urinisltty, Wtaring at sir Maur - 1(.•, htlp-.n4 out lily wife. 4ilp.y P111i1144 her sweet, (rnt11'•II • sol:lle On they pass, 141.1 follows theta into the •hndow of the ehnr.'h. ' Throughout ,h•• ...r.l • • Ir old.. are ilia hi) ''' "41 that they cannot 5(44 511111 they l•huose t.4 eleadioitle 1.4 Olio moat outrageous fllrtatto:l, ,Ind they wonder at sir Muurl"t. To the ordinary rye all thatb{;1tp b,' of '•4( es 11 11111 ' 11111,1 ('1:411 In brown. siltuug . tory aconite. and (ple't at the top of 1114 pew, b,'sedo her, look- utst wilder 441'1 sterner than usual, t'.,IU)a'I ltry'nu: g1yd, at tin• end of 111.' greet, Sir Itrnurlt•u 1Mrin'a, .lceor- ussly (tri-nyc.1 In n fro.:k--oat, w'ltl, a flower 111 11144 Nit tonhol,, p;:.cel ti41•re by the h:t til of his wife Iu4l,t ly 1414 moruluf;_ n sirnu- ool' Itis Lice would appear to h:•ar t4( lo sup o1 perf.ot t'onleatutent ,in 1 Icyq,uu x44, 4414411 that -of e:lpry, w'haan mind strays, not 01104' car twice, t.ut 111111.4 tuinve, t.. 44(44 40(1, waren, rosy Ic1by. (tt h.1111'; coil she fork a 'great p•o:e:. In44d thnhk.uluehs for all the i gin s I1,0t044 lifts Elven fpr. .tri 1 yt1 their friends ray that Sir i1:au- rice Inoke most unhappy.' I'oor little t:ltery 144144 left her hymnt*lOk at home, 1' e,• * alta 1 Bryan proffers hid( 1 of 1fix and her cheek* grow 1u.lde'nly fleshed. Woo w•:Ir thinking 4.1 `'1'.,41, an 1 lett- ing even to hold evt:r So ly the look tlutt Ito is holding. • Threat Cie 1 Well :ul•1 her Cuufurion are (both oh - Si too: lw only too evident 1 and 1.0144 the colonel awl (tipsy are freely d1.. e e0s,.l 'rel %orl n's 1t1ie111'otl-lance 111144 Ftnrklay ns'rning. The Ik.waglr Leafy !Permit takes cp , I herself the :•sic or - dcl'Calely hinting 10 her sonthefolly he is eons- -milting In thruwlyg lila young •ifs 1nto thioetally and hourly c ,mp;4nii t4r side le (o11»lel Bryne. Tont oho .!nes with a toot. wµtal to the oecaelon Irl undeniable. ylir Mnuria. Ilrtrter like a man bo- oihlen'd, HMI th,'n laugh* a laugh t!tjit expresso.* only Wiper ntnuso- inerrt, "olio get u'jl n flirtation with Bryan:- What n ,n:w'nm' ! Why rho It tea quito angry at my asking Win - doesn't like- him at all an foot !" :1t title speech Ludy Dermot's. lip curl themselves curLouely into n thl 444411{9.. It 1r a bleiteing you nn' not' a Palmier husband," elm re'markrl dryly. "I ,not only jealous of the• baby " he nmswer17, Iaughhng, "t:Ip.y IW r:ipp,rl up in the yoln1Rstr'r." 114. haw never doubted *tipsy, never ran doubt her. when .he saki, with a, her really initiation, "Oh, please don't ask (`snood Bryan -1 don't Ilk, him 1" he only Inuglu•a at fpr ; awl Colonel ltrynn crime, and neither Sir Maurice VO PAiNT R16NT "Ala A1NTS have Mond the test- of rummer sun fon to veers. They stand for eeonomr amt dura- bility, will not crack blister or fall away. They preserve your boom and keep it benu- liful lhronahont the lifetime of pure paint. Reins made richt; they are easy to work, last looter; look better and at just the rirht price- Ask your lealer. Write ria for "itooklet R." Irco, .hr.'.. 'n how some bosses are painted w,' h Ramsay s Paints, NONE BETTER Tl1:1V TANKARD CREAM ISUOAR BEET). A Greet Crimper fine Shaped Rests - Easily Harvested. Of ,neeptional mine Ino fesd,ng to tit. OW. Horror, S4sep, Hage and Pecltry. Lletlnet from any ether root In esl4,va- doe, sf uniform Tankard shops. grows Comet in tlrs' l• not of round of tattoo c•laldf.e lb. see.. 1 Ib 30r. Pend ler. 4 Pounds 11.80. A(4 ?e p.rpe:rid ./venbe4 to mal i RL:".RII -'--H1(i111:.1 QUALITY. RENNIE'S PRIZE SWEDE. f1niA. rend4 444411 14 (Atli i'44) 1 GIANT GLOXINIAS. 1 h. ()rendes! of .11 !l•Jmmer• blooming n u 1 ba. 5 Cote. white. Bloc, scarlet. I Pink, Mauve, �c for (Any two for uo 1 20 Bulbs 23c 1 Prim. tt.gwnta, 1 Mont Olo.inl.. 1 'potted tbOn. 5 llyarin h.. : Report( Obelisk's, 1. Rare Stnnthntll.. 20 Bulb. for 2Sr. The Very Best Purple 1 op Swede. -Ths ro. .ltnllndlrl• 00. solo., len. Flesh sweet And r.eh II on of 1be hardiest, toowd prndertln and most nntrWnn.saris. 11ee In n.ltl•nenn 'tares, tomer. I ib. IN.. Pound 25e. 4 Pounds 80c. 4dJ w r•r ;mind if t. ted by .ed,l NEwa P°TATO-UARNEEKg (leads the mit Ina test of over .41 vwrlenec oe eanlcst anta- t0e. sad yield. Irene at ,he rate nr 461 bushel. per erre. t'neur Pawed In gn.11ty by any potato in rnrly 1(44(4/ of ',soh or norips condition. Coolie dry •rid mealy. 1,b. ere .3Ibe.55e., p PECK see.. BUSHEL $2.00. Amasser peps freleu .*grid. ANY 10 PACKETS 2 5 civ T.1141. YOUR CHOICE. BY Melt POSEPAID. n4 t4.m'f,■Lr.. Is. .r........ Min. '. Perak Is. Lop l is '41mh.,., rlr.4, eaa11....i',.., r �w.i r .• si-oo51, •.. 440.41wes, It w.ml rl l.pr'r.� ,.,. 14 oris, I ,,. an i.h, Loi. Mon. 1 14. 1ar e.4 e, Re.., t4Mr } a"". Ir :it, tr.. n le , ,• .4 unclog �Nrr. o 1. 1,"44 µ,..1r Ir e/M. Yat• nm 1,.1 la:: 1.b4 a,r1t4 un cl 4 Krhage. WIRwty f ."wow, 7M,,,w "1. ' rnlel bAwaMa M. Aii.4 Mlwr;rrll t.0 44,.,4., 4't gime.1l,. ra,,,,r 45 •n.1 we41 wen• 1 .,R �wrws. Prof 1.44 n mwl.r ilow'. ran: . fi,rw lg. YrdT Si a•.)%,..a b.rtrL T .w, :' 4.l „I..+. op 4444 cienieh rhe& 4 CM 1.44011. r..n n. nr 11 14 s�. r l'...•,.n n Tnrn,e, c.w.o.. a' . 4 ..wtauP. s 44wllllower. Mot N a on, nn1,,,, .' ' Ter.,.. 4u,.444; w lei Will. MOW. 14 .4.471.W 444h,. rut •p44 j►. ern .�'m o PrawaRa, 4t ��.t rha.1 (4 .ew. 04'.f II Iwo.... etr ' U 4 Low , e..45 AM1 r .4 'Low. R..rgnw 44 oar Ihr en4 11"•. ty A 31 ,. .. �411A .q•aaa. 4 we." p. P4444 1 a. u,Wnf.. 4. /■ 1,4' /1 9 .Lg w mger.p. a bt aug u .rwep.., 111.4•1 is MIR 14;44. Out SOLD ST LEADING MERCHANTS IN SEALED PACKAGES NEVER IN SULK. °ROM WM. RENNIE', Toronto. J ".E s eTt ND imimminimmormommi . ttwT say one dee ever dress* of the swore! that day turd Wald rests Milo n nightmare on Glpay' hurt. oung e e e s e• "Baby 1s 1111" 11'ttll eyes wide with fright tool citrate that pale w14feply, (tipsy 41(4(144145 +Ik)k:1,41 Lop 1,1 1le'r husbulkl, wldl+' 1► pang that only a mother's heart eau know striker quick and t:41.1. Tuey 44.4,11* Just (mule holuo from 11 limier party, wad are standing. In the 111,11, where the 4Uwe hag just rimelird thorn. "Hadn't w'P bolter keep the car- riage awl regal for the doctor'!" The ppractheal Iluggtwtlou C0111e11 from Lo4oiiul Bryan, anal 19 Immediately 'sorriest into effect. • The horse*' heads are turned from their 4tetbl..w, • alxl the) are rent spinning Liking the dark roads In .,'.*1444 orf' the 4k1 doctor W1,0 her brought many [movie bolo the world, mud sent nuttily out of it, tau, they sty. Lapse, Wilk a (taco tis white es her satin drea't, hurrlttr part tier Maurice awl filo.. to the lur4erv. 11e follow* ut.rre siow'ly, looking upon title in- faltttiuer .Iisurtkr as only womrlhlug common to Lobito, 1/0 1140117 of !car nuking his !wart. "l)r:4't be Marmot]," Culotte' Bryan remark% quietly, alai mutter* SWUM- Lhtt4g about "teeth," as Gipsy (ashes past ; alai then he turns t':o aril nue mookilsg-room, it'un- deriug whether be will is, ekptettsl 14, ht:l7 up•ttll the doctor's %enact is pr.Rtou l.47..l. On the l.urnery wits t:lpey, her, lathy in her Arms, lieteldug with 444 oaten.: heart to his IJoaree. Walling try, las unlike the lowly roar. of the hope of 444,, 1)41rmt4s tie Itusdlil•. .11'il44 Ids luulls !widget his back, sir .4I,ur!c. taunt's gra4ely looklag down at Ia. elf., 441 44(4(4 funds co er t., Call. Icer own cheek prews+d to lila hut, Lumina' one, Ids 111111 1 etrayIna te. her ruck, and tin warm, 144'. erlfn Ilttlu flingen§ tangled 'in ber pe rl mlekl40e. 4hu Ir lu !ler white tis drl•ns SOU, a11.1 Itulds the buy, rup- p.rt 1n a warm shuw1, lighter total tighter tr. her W4 m 1kl4nio aft I; - btu, tillg !cart. "My baby, my detritus:, hid 1:+ turn --wether !vatmak., J %col .' sale %hobpers, in 11 oho ug twee. "alnur.ee. no it gettlug weak -oh, look et lila p;or ilttla ht ! Why, why elel I leave 1.1m?" l:tyilf ,hila buck for 1.. w.•ment. u1* lire hart 'Orin ttlE1 gaz- ing down Into flit* 440 , r.wtb'ws lit lb' foci,. "Jly baby, my a 4n 1" and 441):x4444 1411145 n !cavy te•u -do thu baby's C:Icck. Ste Utricle a the aura' iutcr- p,ra1[ rlmulttuleo y'. "U;ulu.g-Gip,. ', t'ou't 1 ' from IL., berthatal, retro, Ily, wail( eomethlu; of her terror feels lion. "Now. uty uly," from the intro.., •'.,utl't take e the 1 I• I n w. Why. Chit l only culla hie troth 1 Every baby get these ittle turtle." eithoeing 'U taw' 1 d atclo.h:•r of the youth/Al Ik}}mat, sat rubbing Ids rosy 11111 • frit in ter kande as site sp.nk4. ' I gave 1 m the hot lain .•Ir.ctly, try l,dy. Mi, ser, be, le letter not engem, Clivi•' :Im to Inn., ante! will w141k lam up 0114i dawn." ' •',I will carry 14m, nivel'," whispers G�' ►sy afrain to let the boy out of bier owrl arms for a second. / OaU,tt1Jg b4m up clow., to her own warm (eCk. Nle o0mmences to walk Op tied down 1.110 room, murmuring 101et (''01tn44 Iuusenoe suiLI4le fur tachy cars, Har Maurice wutehee her In tllenee as 4A10 m14ee,t0 and fro, her rin1niug dress rustling over - the polished laetrile, lite rod light from. the fire falling u1* the folds of the gloaming elute k, , . The ch,I.l'r head hue sunk upon her hboukIPT, the wailing cry 0444444(1.' alba (tipsy fancies foolishly that it !w because 1444'* arins aro round him. 111 nfter•(b►ys,'Bir'litnurlce will ahlak of this scene, of ,the 1.,ve and four In his wire s face, th•• cllaging, mother-tlzsp th tt wunld fain keep ,11l danger from her tiny turdrn 11" will think of It wltk anguish that he little dreams of now, and this scene in tiro tail -fashioned, warmly lit nursery, where ills own childhood Wan spent 0'411 CIIMO back to him ninny :t tilert and oft. ' It semi, it long time before the sled(* comes ; nn 1 Oil..)', Inhe'r utter Ignorlu.cl of oho 4vayr and habits of Mohler, •goes through agonies of npprehenslOn, will! the nurse, with a mnrv, Onrot :Ales want of tact, roules her mistress whit slo;L•s of cllidren ale hall seen die while elle was look- ing at ahem, of gh1,111y h,fnnt deaths frml cultulslonr nod Peery Inbuitilr milady who. ran think of. 41r Maurice has gone down to welt for the doctor: and pit +r G:psi, pelt :Ir ashen /1 1111 tro•mbling with fear, • 1ts Willi t h • toy un her lap and gazes Info Ills half-chore1 eyes, with a lace and hanging in her glance that, If he lives to Innnlb,od and hits many loves, none will ever equal. s "la 111' asleep?' one asks anxious- ly, lookbng at tiro nurse an if 114110 held U1' keys of life and death. Tho nnatver IR n.R very reaseureng. '•It le lite sleep of fever, my Indy, WO 04111't say anything for certain till tli d,,tor Kees him." "1 lila!! lin w411146l (Omer" 1440/11445 Gilwry, '• Every moment we are i,, lag tomo when we might ho .loing ■onPthitt4,. My poor little child ! Atol to think 1 ova happy awl en- joying myself while 1144 Wall In pain!" A Jurkns e0ua1 of nppronohing wheels, thin carriage Ilasiles utelerl the nrthwity, acid the doctor has cam r. "Tut, tut, tut : Nothing to bo'al- nrmtrl at I Fe'eriwtt attack- puler uormni-temperature all right. Put oho chill into bei Nor promo loos the old doctor, look - log ret (fipa,y, nod taking (ho ntaley deliberately out of her arms ansi balling Mtn to h1e nurse. Ions aro quite .urs :" Rhe asks, with iloe mouth trembling and tears hanging thickly on her (ashes, " I nae ryit'ke surf'," he re- turn*, tenthly, "(lint yon have no right to he etanaing here 10 your hall dres4R, Lally Derma,. 'Ili, •don't you put on a 1.•x1:141 11101111.1 dr.sslnit-gown, nil!' no. risk ;'fur death cal cull ? Thn child 1e 4411 right. (lo to bed now *our- self, and I w111 have it look In In the 1lborning." 4 Rat 0ipry Is not convince,,. ' 1 nm g'(slug to sit rip with him," err• autos, tntk*1RIy. " i crnll.144 1 sloop, nod I would know In a "minute If hr war willow," ' Ont,. ye1t-7011 I:ave had noel* et- eerlence 1" return, the doctor, with far contempt. "My ,lent icily 1)'r- Itrst, your baby is is no danger. Ilon't yon think I would tees you if ho were P a Oh, Mit he honks' .0 very, very t"' urg». tit,. ;rune moth,,r, looking : k•• n child honed( In her anxiety nit I dl..lrrrns, ilnd gazing down Into 1111'• exem Nlte structure of {'Ink tilt nn I white lace which re{or'ent the hr,1, '4 lr^41, 11 ' 14 .1 •tpilli gni-.1,• omelet) (tow, I.I. dnrk, ihtwny hrrud lathed 1n tee Billow, and hie round, Cupid -like rheek, nrn Ira flndted. ITo be Conttaaed.) 1n Ael CPI 1iv, "W+ tl , i s Nome," hot exclaimed, Oa he looked nt the 'tattoo. "Well, If thole Venter, I don't min.! trevIt' Mirth Is n leap bettor nn.t more ustnfnl. ilGar1A's n hull woman, Rile 'R Them ain't no'thin' kkleein' from M111,. oldie. the, here Vetme- Ray: how d'yo tempos" SlIte timed wntih dk14ew with nut $r* !wag 14' Every farmer knows that some plants grow better than others. Soil may be the sante and seed may seen the same but some plants are weak and others strong., And that s the way with • children. They are like young plants. Same food, sae home, same care but some grow big and strong while others stay small and weak. Scott's Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty. Child weakness often means 1 starvation, not because .of lack of food, but because the food does not feed. Scott's Emulsion really feeds and gives the child growing strength. Whatever the cause of weak- ness and failure to grow - Scott's Emulsion seems to find - it and set the matter right. Send for free sam;2r emu a Dowse, Chemists, 'I canto, ttalards. Sac. sad 1, oo; all druggeds. 600000O1 OO000000000004*OO 0 a 0 O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 v 0 O Mind This. Honest no dltlerence whether it 1, chronic. acute or lyd.ameatont Rheumatism dthemimics aloots St.Jacobs 011 ares and ewes promptly. Putt. 26., and 60c. O O O O 0 a S O O O 0 O 0 O 0 After the Elopement. V. V. Pun. Ile -1 woe nfrall that after n11 you wouldn't be able to manage that rope ladder from your window. Mlle -1 wouldn't hate been able to If It hadn't been for papa. PAINKILLER --Ina rffe"t. are ..hnost In- st:.ret,, 'won . (lyres cute. horn 1111,1 hal New. T:.ken 141 T.., Ila,f *rami.*, .Ilsrrhn .t owl dysentery. 44 old anhatllat„w. There la hitt nue " falai lller"-i.'crry h.tria', Appeeciat kin. 1 like 010 good, old German way Of drinking hofbrau from n soil, For when they nett, "Tiow many more," You modestly- reply. "Oh. nein:" Let the Children Wash. Theo , A' ,! . it e,t,.l4 and no., 8.;' teao with the New Century Ball Bearing Washing Machine. Fire minutes work wlil , !hot- oughly clean a tublit.'df clothes - no handling of the `,j'' ear4 or rubbing on the boupl ilkceasary. Your dealer can gat it for you or we will send you a booths fully , : tle.oribing. .1. T11E DOWSWELL HAMILTON: ORT, • Wouldn't Blame files. Chicago Poet. Clerk -1'm sorry, Kir, but I cannot nett you morphine. Homely lbstomrr-Why. (10 Ilook tlko n man ishu would k111 himself? C'lork-I don't know, but It I looked like you I Nhonld bo tempted. Beware of Olatments for Catarrh that Contains Mercury • am m. rrnry will .un•Iy deetrny the areae of smell and ,•oraplet.•ly derange the whole rye - tem w1..n1 t'ut0ri1411 It through the m fiction mrf„re.. wfir1. 1.rtlrl.. should never 4.0 tined except ,n,.ro.crl .Unna from rotatable h l - elan,. n' Owe dolling,• they w111 do la ton fold to the gond you ran pn.dbly dryly. from then.. 11.111'. rntnrrh ,'un., mu nufnrh,r•'tl by F..1, ,'hen.y E Co., Toledo, 0. contains nn ,ncrcnry, nod 1. tnkrn Internally, noting 4lrort ly upon the blu.,d find mtenu. .a rfac.. of the .y.trm. In bnying Hnli'. Palmer'. Euro be sire yen Kr). th"'il,•nnlu^. Il Is Olken lntrrnnlly and ,node In rol..lo, 4'4.1 ., by F. 1. ('henry E 1'0, 7Fettmnnlnl.. (rmw. gold by drugaias. ' Prior 714 (14•4 bottle, Hatl'e Family fills ore the Iced. !Thy Certain Men Marry. An editor tient out circular lettere to a toren nulnher of married men. and asked them' why they married darn are tome of the answers: 1 didn't Intend to do it. Horatio, T dl'l not have the experl- enee !have now. I married to gut even with her mother, but never Imre. That's whnt 1'rn been trying for t4even yearn to find out. i yarned for ('0mpany. Now we have It all the tint-. I thought It would b» cheaper than a breach of proud matt. Bemuse tiara)! 19141 ae Bye other men hn.l prtip,wel t0 her. That'. the• same fool quoitloa nay (rlende eek Ire. I wnntil a eompenton of the oppo-, site wee. N. B.--tehe In wtlll opposlte- + The old man w-nw goring to Ra7esm» i his foot, no I took hie datyghter'm 14.4441,1. Bs'ea"Re i ntik44d her to have nne. and tie meld rhe would : 1 think , the'. Rot ran. Recitese i thought she Was one slating n thonwrind . now i think s1..• Ie a thousand nmeng ern I Loam Innely nn.l mebnitholy not wanted Pomo ono In make m^ II%ety 'the woken ale tory 11trh. AaOd- as a *tory. 4ouunee Yaulua Kruger rent • Oonontellooer flow( to Foglea •1 to fiat out If thtuu were any Louie men loft tlr.'re. Tho etnuml'alun44' w11V41 front Loudon to too that then+ were 4,000,001e wen and wontkua'king about the town, thut t! re w'tr Mu excltl meat and that Loofa were bog. glug to bo .mut to fight the Boers. Kruger vital book. ' (.0 Not ill.' Tic' couluismluper found house If In N,•w-- Emelo et►dehtly, and w.riel (0 Kru- ger : "She teary wake, slop flu' w'r! Eutelsmd It brWµlta, up 141. 11 frutd hull, eight cat n tow;', In•e'tit'4'*, ' Ito hotel tout,* call mldo(."-N'ia'k- ingluu Thaws. Dour Herr, -Thiel Ir to eurtlfy that I 11('1) been troubled with it lame Irick for fifteen years. I Into meet three tattles of your 311\ U11)14 i.INIIIEVT loud um cow- pletely curet. It givew nae groat p,cneure to re- eommtwd 1t, atrl you 0442 at liberty to uro thio In lily way to further oho use of your 4ulual.le medicine. a1013411)T BOBS. Two Rivers. Not Quite All. Ibnn.ylrania Touch 1k,.I. "They tell w:•,',curet:nor. you have luaatered alt the oientern tongues 7•' 1V4411, yew. 44(11 bat Ivy wl1.'s 1111d her mother's." Mlnar'd a Ltntmeut for sale every- where. thud'Pray,r for Icing. Out of the most picturesque figures Ii London during t•uroaution week ward 1114' Kitty; of Uganda. ,1 uotu .10 pOtentato he is, nal he 1,41471,19 hlmetlf the most enlightener) In the world, beeaUdst he rides a bi- eyel". (u► -1. 4.119.11 tit tomo (lend in a two-story home., wldelt lr (urnlrhtvl with electric he'll*, (4 Kiryg Etlwnrd II.. he has a hig1, opinion. and while in LnrIlten he said: ''.\11 1 hope le Ilajt•xty will Uert. bl' nTflibl wt --with beri-herr. A terrible .11o•are it 4N, Which kills YOU wlulo you are alert', Forty thousand of my suhJ: etr IIa41' alr(etdy been carried oft by It. I cannot wish grottier goal luck for King Edward Wail his hubjects than that they may ue4•'•r hr attnekc,i by burl-herl." Weenier Liniment Cures Dandruff. laplaininR n Mang I'hreae. 1'lllndieWliu Prow.. "What do the boyar mean when they yell e • Cheesese it'?" "1C weans that something luia- rhie4/wut has a cur,! :and (0.y wnat 1 . got a whey." The Dor'for Leads Him by the Nose Ninety-nine hearts out of a hundred are failing to too their work Thera may be no pain there, but it Is felt sores.Aere for some organ is robbed of its proper need of blood by this i^sidioes heart bihtte, and distress follows. Columns sense pays, cure where the trouble and pain begin Use DR. AUNEW'S HEART CURE, because it begins at the blood's distributing organ, healon` that rapidly and making it tront and able, quickly tends strength and health to every other organ, It is the only way that combines science and sense and `hares and cures. Orloff Mar, of Peterbero, Ont., writes : '1 Suffered with my heart, nerves and general 4.. b.lty, The bra doctors said I must die wlth.n month. On my w.fe's advice i tried D1 AOItSW'f EIAZT CURL Hellef from the first d'nr. f am fu:ly curedWeighed 128 pounds -now 1110 pounds. ria. annyw111441.. ram win 441rn.....r r.,,...n k•Irr.,, n aROho ,Meat Puma. '..• aWWIs e1.434,044bad 1d,.p1•+, tenor, tan rhea. ow. c.. 115r. r i'raet it -n1 Perlfet km. Oh. yes, in11.•ed! Vast tmprotement. There foul been soma Improvement 11 th • tools of the craft. "N hy" exclaimed the plumber, "if y1*. will bi'l10ro .ne, Our t0Olrr are Maw ran perfect that no matter how many Of than, w • lrlke with 4.4 t0 et. n job, It le nlwnys ii-ee•rnry to st:wp0wl work nnrl go bnek nftrr more,.. 0 NIJGHT 1 ISSUE NO. I4, 190: w1trsiow a1lasWbGAgee Queue seethes aeu. temmslns_ RLDVCSs Amid rhen *Lode farDrT;�and LXPLNSL t000Reward will b. paid by l Lever Brothers L' Iced, Toronto, to any parson who con prove that this soap contains any form of adulteration whatsoever, or Contains any injurious chemicals. Ask tar the .stager Nor, ■. That Was I11Qt'rent. N. Y. run. K441(ker-WIwat a tlorlous speech Jones made about nailing the flag to the masthead. Bockrr-Yes, that you should have Mesal the epreel1 he deliverer) when he withal lie carpet to the floor. New York and Merton t'Iil New lurk ('eatral. The numerouu trains, the excellent 'eryloe, the uniformity of Its trains, lox four trucks end the location of 1tx depots In Bunton mud New York, make the New York Central the fav- orite line to theme points. Any ticket agent will confirm the above. What She Forgot. Princeton Tbier. ( fire -year-old maiden ,,awed Clytle !!ire a statue of unto Aphrodite. you like It 1" wild 1. 'VW" ' th1. MINA mad( reply, "But I deal* *he'd fordotteu her nightie,"' healers' tovZ hales West. Vla Chicago and Yorthwosteru Ry., every tiny from February 1.31(4 to April 80th. Colonist ono way aloe- oud-clow tickutr at e.tremuly low rates from atatlooe In Ontario sal Quebec, to points In Colorado. Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Wallington and California; also to Victoria, 1'anoouTor, New Wratmlu- eter, Nelson, Roseland. !etc. lull particulars, rates and folders can be obtalnai from IL II. Bennett. General .!gent. 1 Euro King street. Toronto, Ont. An Foss Oar to Asawer, Rol t'Mors Herold. %%lieu Jack propowtel, I suppose You aukel him( if you acre the only girl 110 over loved 1' :udtetl Puny. "1 should not. Inquired f Baty l Iuirel I tib other 41'171. didn't represent rt pp.( 11* 110 pro:resdlon in his prevent ideal,' mill holly. Misard's Lblmeot R'liete. Neeral- gide Good at Iluteiplkuk+n. •- In one of th • public wchoole re- cently a nwulk'r of Ow email pu- pils, were busily engaged In work- ing problems in misttipllcation, 4rlth more or leen watirfactory re - mite. After Nome time. the lonelier not Iced ono little fellow who seemed mart unlapppy. His cheeks were llueleree !tie hair tumbled, and teats were tory near the surfaee. The tracber soli. in a kindly tole: Well. John, what Is the mat- ter ?" "Oh, .Isar. I w•Iish I was a rab- bit :" replied the 'boy, ".1 rabbit 4" eacialmesi the teach- er. in netoniahment. "Why en earth would you like to bra n rabbit?' •'Well, mxx papa ways they multi- ply 1,o fasfT•' -The Gentleman's Magazine. • The KI I Ne lingered ern they parted, 1 And boisought of her in load. Vile faltering replied, "Mind'dr, A ow -idiot' 'tits of this: "Wm11'I.yuu reverently Impress It, . On 1440 forehead, 'twrre'r0apect On oho hand It 14 for friendship: Dunt you think you'd first reflect 7 ' Oa the lips It might be either, Or perchance be booth, or mora" 1I" pawed in meditation, 1111 44ho thought him gnite it bore. I Then he looked : who stood before hien, Her little hart 1 .ped low, Her hands ('Irl.gw•d tight behlral her, Could h•• keep her otanding r9 7 Philo h'I,,I,i Ledger, on. A. W. CHA8E'$ CATARRH CURE ..; Is font direct to tie deemed parts ey .be Improved Blown, Ideals ee ulcer.. nears the sir passages, porn droppl In too throwand ppeerrmanna Gores C.orrh and Hay Pe. tower Lee All dealers, or Dr. A. W, Char Median* C.. TWINY 111111 adel• From the Uthtr 'P41111 of View, Levee' Y•Z (Nies Head 4 tieinfee:tent Soap Powder M a booat.to any home. It divin- bcta nod ed at the atme time. p Asps Why He Paid. A titillation Army lass had at length oorrnllod the millionaire In the outer.offloe. "It In our week of prayer trod seg-d.nint," .he said. "W0 are making wpi•clnl ,effort) to Inerp.ane our eh rlty fund ; may I ask n suhreriptlon from you 7" Tho great man replied. "It IR nlno' my work of WP1f-detilal, and I must deny my.olf the pleasure of giving,"' AR all the nfflro and the In Ns her- m(1f laughed ret Iiia Juke he eontrt- !cln1 htternlly. fool may bo Lanny; but that doeiol't Indicate that its le jtleeeees• rel nr 17.1. Down Sick with a Cold If Lor condi only ednvinee yet how ekdly you could cure • cough or • cold by using Gray'` Syrup of Red Spruce Gum there wmdd he Mas pnewrw.w+la end eow- •nmptlon, itwlllelte your mida.Qaick. 17 a lea caught n. Alt Droorts•, e5 mote. ('Meng(. Naos. "Tont certainly wouldn't marry W girl for her money, would you?" ]Le -Of courtie not. Neither would I hurt the heart to lot her become nn old maid merely 4/ecanee she had money. Stofflaoh Disorders 11 toil want to onJoy ono), meal to tho utnlo4t (•Runt and feel that your etomnoh le taking the good oat of the food you eat Ton should try Dr. Carson's Tonic Stomach and Constipation Bitters 1t will giro seat to your nppetlte. 1 pamphlet on the ono of tido minerh+r t'.nic. wont In etrhnn4e for your nnmo WW1 1,.1.1 n•A," nn 40144 en 4,1 Sur. Ler boot M at all drugglwl, or sent pre ',old nn nrrlpt of rrlo.•. Sample mat on rere4l f lif Gr a .41, nip, to eor•r Is• e. ifle GflRbOM MLDIGIME. GO 10RONT0 A Hirano Yarn. During blt tour of England Non wt, the, dined leader, Hoot a woman with a Llrgn reputntlim for worrying eel- .hritipq of all kir In t0 attend her dinners end "ret homer)." Hite sent him n prr.s.Ing invitation to nap at her house after the performance, but It got to lbnwe'. 1011'R that mho hail ir- oned Invitations to her neighhorn "to meet John Melba Molina.' The Inv -l01 - (lot' waw politely the 11nn1, fist the would -two entat'teiner, with a per- RtRt('fiey oharnetertgtl, of her elect. wrote bast to 1.Im with desewrate )4011111t1141oi "( amt terribly worry to 114474' your card 4.tylrlgg you cannot come, but I "till hope for the plea- sure of your company." To (lila Roe rieelved the following anu or : "Den r iniohi n, I have ghoul vnnr kind men - Rage to my company, Mot i regret , to ray that only fifty of therm will bre Whir' to nenept your Invitation, the rat( of them having Appointments to keep elsewhere. Yates trulyJohn ! l'hltlp Notal." i t •01411Th WAJYTKD wANTID-RKLIABI.B LADY AGLNT11 to solicit orders; handsome profit ..cured. Apply r1, nod tau lady (curet Co, 1 -endow, Out, 1'0I1 KALB - TWYNTY-Y1t'B 4tp 1' good farm laud sultabi. fur struwlox pears, plows or grapee, within PO rode „t •louts and 100 rode of N., ,-lretrlc boohoo Bus 45, BenmlrUle, LEARN A PROFESSION IN FIFTEEN DAYS by mall w you eon maks from rive to rich• 19441441141m a oar. For pertIruh,ra write A. HANSEL, M. H., west Hamilton. Ont. Butter, New Laid Eggs and Poultry Wanted consignments cat Bulbul, P,,.,II o11 I new bald Eggs solicited. Prieto/11m for ch„kr. mal Itlee. ('halve )uuag('hlrkens, dry Irled.c�eaq r•111ng 60 to Moe per pal*, t1 I11 I'wy 7444 l,er ib. for 111•:k4WA X, 4.41,0001 '1 moat" orrepondo,re a,dk•lfeel, J1OHN J. ► oem FEE 67 Front Ntr.et - _- --_-__ hest. Strawberry Plants, Etc,, For Sale I hose is choler. Int of Straub. rr, to oder for spring rt(Lta tint bre �1t(n,wu 0*4 gruuud rlrn•ullly prepare,!. , I,.� ha la good fibrous moor, 1 hays born spraying w7 plant* rrrul.,rl, for past two sena.. heac.• Ih.y Loh ould Lnvs 11 r:1y fare of I.al blight or rapt, which In:, .,re Important matter In rtarting t. ;(taut:, tiuu. 1 hare a large supply of the % Illsuu lobo moat p1*`1,ulnr market berry to..i,yi 177,1« 5town, Yleha.l's Early, rte. Can tortilla ear of the leading varieties. Ary of tino ordinary rnnietire bunebed end packed F. to. It cat following l'rlems- Iu lots tae tbau 500, 1Se per bundrwl 1s lob of eau and anter 1e1u, 11tH per hundred 1. luta of UWO O and carer, $2.5i, p., lhou...ud A .44rnuut nu orders of carer la,u,no, 1 hast, ahem $u,twwl Black l.07 Plant. of loading vorhHh., to sell .1 {1.;17 per bundled or 010 per llimos tot Ita.pberry Pinola, nu,1 ('urrnnt., rid au.l hlark, tar tulle clwnp, I triter early. "First come lint arrrel " coo eddy 4f. T. U. or 1'. 1'. IL, Von/idiom or I/ominlou trprw. U.N.N' or 1 .4' k'Ieb,- grespb iuulreetbu. Hell trkph..... \o. I"l. Urtm.by, Adamson I'll *VbeI''r■ Fruit i'`\Hctflirwnl„Iib. ..10F110111,104#1,4111.41411* FOR SALE : ('reaneryand t'helve Ia,•turyfill • at Mulrkirk Station. OF Laud, 10htl indr, engines, holler it and .111 mnrldnery our hnitrr mot /A..414 11 .tuna. O 5'111 ..'II wbul• prupertjJ-.-„ro. Llr lm nr d.l nr hid -torr ebony h.. ra.b. Apply 1•, GEO. ROWLEY• is flux 855. 11. Thanes, t tut. 40101010400.. ups . 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE It Hae No Eq are Manufactured only hr THE CAMPBELL. MFC. CO, of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. fur sole by oil leading deafen. A Common Bred Cow When toned up by Dick's Blood Puri ber will give it, much and as r,"b milk asabig(: .• bred aristocra t t c Jersey cow g i v es upon or• d nary feed, and a jersey cow when given. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER will wonderfully increase Ler yield of milk. it moves feed ton, because a smaller amount of well digested food satisfies the deatande of the systems and every particle of 11011n- auahment sticks. 50 cents • package. Leentag, Mlles R Co., Arent,. NONTRieAL- "What Luck!" LIBBY LUNCId4tONS made ready in ■ few lrursats. The Wafer asked Smoked Bed, Pnrk and Beans, Veal Loaf. fatted Clacks. and 'Moot abed (blase to eat. Are U.S. Gsv,rsmeat Ieseeetod Wimp In the hest.. 1,w mmerr4ecioe-ler .upper., for oandwk)ra - for any tier when y.1,• w404 anmofhin g gond and want It Quick. ,1 0 aimplyotarn a key and trio can is nr 'n. An apPotlrinr larch le ready in an in•.Iant. Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago, 111.• U.S. A. Writs for nor fro..lwr•kl.t "How to Mats Cord 'runes fagot'. C all'. and glv.s unh•.rsnl .atl.factlnn. It pprr'eemrpptlr and r•fmanentlY corm all forma of Nervous 4eaano.44, r-ml..lnna, Spermatrr- Mee. Tmpnteney, Ind .11 •Reel* of Alum* or F.eeenw.., the tee'Mlve olio of Tobacco. nplur re Rtlmulsntr; 31.1100 and Roman Worry, all of whirl% lead to In- nrmlty. Tneenity, C,mnimptlon and an eerie grave. Petee n twlr 44.454.0, or air for N. One wm plan.; are .111 mea. galled Montle on reeelpt ret peke. send rix pamphlet -trim toss, a/14r.sa The Wand f nwNw7, tlVtad.or, 0.4., 7aaadn. Attef, Wood's Phospbodine Tka Orest EaglIsb Remedy L in old, well eutahllshM and ro- Ilabl. ',operation. Ham Men Orr, scribed and o4.•d nrrr 40 >'..,w. An dreggtot. In 144e Dominion of e'ana- dw sell and r.,'.'mm.n.1 u 44.10a Ina only medicine of 114 land that rur.1 Trenlntent of }'Mend.. Not Waat•d. Miss Iloilo -Wont In the beat way IO retain one friends? tt'hatN9.r of good old tlm9. had Mr. R.�gr Don't give 'em away Remain* to make our own the. ---. - - _ -- glat. YIt•anl's I,Initnwnt Ceres Bursa -People's Rims. rte. 1