The Signal, 1903-4-2, Page 44 TNI11111e,T, April 1, 1903. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO Improvement of Goderich Harbor an lJn- tlertaking of National Importance CAna(lian Trade Should Be Kept in C'ana(1i:u1 Chnnuels-Powerful ons for Favorable Consideration by the Government. Tire pt„Is•.:11.. fnr tit.' itupruv.•mu'nt of Goleti(h harbor whish were bast week placed beton. the 1)t .tiil ti it ti (ntv- ermmtent have bet•n Ntl ps mini by settee of the meet influential journals in Ontario, and within the last few d,iym the following relitttial reference. have lawn mewls to the project : Toronto 1 i lobe. It is comparatively easy tee make out a fair elute for imps eving the har- bor at G,derich. There are two int- pmtant consideretti„tis in favor of the contention put toward ley the delega- tion which reenth• interviewtil the Minister .f Public ‘Corks at Ottawa. Otte is that Ood,'i ich has had for year( a considerable grain trade from the Not•thwt•Nt and the N.nthwcatern States which might he indefinitely Increased ; the other in that (hitlerich is the natural ha rbeer tit refuge for vessels in elistlt•Ms through laving caught by the 't hwe tern storms that blow then' toward, it. \When the present teatime- was equipped with piers about a quarter of a century ago it was quite equal teethe task of asst luting the largest vt•ti:win sailing on the upper letke•s. The water was higher then in Lake (Buren than it is now, and v,-as•ls ate vee' much larger now then they w, -t.. then. The largest Canadian stet •rs are smaller than the largest Am.•licau vessels. but stent the fnrulcr have ceased to call at (iodi-tleh on &4•e,onnt of the difficulty and the danger of trying to make the entrance without the shelter afforlwl by et preop•r breakwater. Except O.Mlcricli, there is on the (:antulia.n side of the lake no harbor of refuge between Sarnia and the anchorage of Cove Island at the northern.xtnemlity of the Bruce pen- insula. The situation is hardly any better 1111 the Alllet'm'a 11 side, and large velewls of either cation when caught in storms from the newt hhave tee seek safety by running to Saunia or Port Huron. Stratford Herald. The Gown of 0ltderich is endl•avur- ing tee recur heeler iulpreev.Ments, and as the •ytly harbor on the ('aua- dian shore of Lake If linen where mfrs •rs of.lat•ge draft ran enter its claims are such as can hardly be disregarded. The prin.ilele of ('antula for t he- Canadians np ih1'M, fear the Iwttering of harls'r conditions th,-te is not of mere I.M'al importance. As a tow', (:olerich will eltmbtlems Is• glad of the extra trade: still that is but a natrttw %i,-%1/of the necessities of the aituntion. A trade which shadd IM•- 1ung to ('anatla 1r* at present g g by American v,•sw•M itt American psis. \'ith an improved hrim tent (beheld', grain from the Welt( %snail p.sM from their. by tail to l$utl'aln, and, what is ruor' Illlpil'tatil, Lu l'nuudi:u' ports. Toronto and 51(4tt-eat. The Stratton( city 141111161 at its ',Pent session authorized the signing by the Mayor and clerk of a Iwtit' which haslts•n foreparts! by Golrrich people, and which is being • largely signed by the repremetaattives of Wes- tern Ontario uuuiici a'litirs. This in to be prementeel to the Minister of Public \Yorks. It asks, in brief: (1.1 That the heeler lie deepened to 21 Gat on the. went h, attd ou the 11urth 11 to 15 feet. 12.1 Tbutt a breakwater tall fort long Ian built a tlntusand yards to the northwest of the harbor ent ratter. The e it has d • well to lender what ttasista4111.t- it may iu the develop- aneltof ttttde vin G«lerich. The inen•asesl velum• of shipping hum that place will nn•an tlrole trains running through Stratford and the employ- ment of'1o1.• train hatted'. More than that. there etre. Stratford turd, and Mitchell men too, who own Stack in the elevatmts Valuer Will Ian directly benefited. Even fttan a narnew municipal view - 'want, the pretjr.t is weedily of hearty cndnntatiem. but its intim s• is not confined to any municipality nr muni- cipalities. It aitits dite•tly at ('ana- dian centred of Canadian trade•, and that phase of the gitttion the Gov - eminent can hardly ltff.ottl tae disre- Karel. While attending the (went Siena of Trndc gathering at \(unbend, delegates (nein litany Western Ontario points incidentally voices) their ap- proval of the request which is (wing made of the Mnineteen, who will he doing a real service in granting the. prayer, of he etitione se. T lit Isom - try has realized at last that it has been negligent three preserving floe itself the 'se of the tentendente water power of Niatgattt. If a 4e4‘f car is tut•u.d ti the develeepteetlt (ef ('anet- dian ports, there is apt to be a rc- petation of history. The trade desired will have ler • firmly •stlliliMlltil in other chit Is, and "another impor- tunity Lott" will het'c too be reeserde j. But thele meeu.s little 4101114 that the Ooveimment will give thin mat ler their best etrumidet•Nt ion. teeet ,h enema. Geodetic)) wants' itr* harbor deepened d and A 111ttik wat.•1• el m1st111(•t-.l, ife'- Ni11(•e relt,•nt ((regi ng gg1t•Min vises -1st" tltl- lo+ul there, it breakwater wo11111 Ian a gn1t1. sn111•P of nitf,•ty, (i,wlit•ith is the only peed etr lake !heron'," cast side, a distend. of lel miles, and at present in a storm there in tin pled. fee a boat its tll:lttt•mM IAt glt 15 . -.-pt. to the othet side, where it is more (burger Dns. Every fall IMI•g.' A1111111.1111 'APR: s1121 Mte driven off the re est, hitt can- not enter this Mutsu., and frequently Law of life occurs. If N break water Wert. b(i)t their i1 %iotdd Mean that engine wo•ka and other industries would stats Hoeft•, outside of the. 1111e111 - tion 4.114%0 her of the grMin triode, With s Ihgofh in the h,u IM.r sf form• te'n to 1 wetit y -t hne• fret, (btltnith etnlld get the modem deep-.t:aft grain ♦noels n11 right, for they r t now b:• loaded fn)) and get tee Buffalo, Ma what ill known AS the Lime Kiln crows Mg in the. Detroit. Hived prevents them. 14,nude.1 hit, it boat el el .l1111)1 t1tI at (indet•ieh and her grain Ian Mt. Te rnto before thetame boat lendd be got through the sixty miles of lake Huron, •t y index of !liver St. ( Visit, lake St. Clair Med 1h•tnoe Itivrr, and trach the upper .nil of laky Erie, with still •Lill miles to Aso before eh(• reached Hifft1,t Then there are Monne which the !shit t clam' on encrmtnt•ring in lake Erie. while. there hi nothing tt'ln•vent a beet from ,-,. tering Gltdel ieh lumber except. w north- west wind. Thi. ran be t»nidiid Ity . b rakwrat.•t. Muynr I,Pwla ill *eking the AMmietanc.• of Use varieties Maeda (d Trade to "(main firm. heehaw inlpntve- mente ft.mn the Ihanlnkat Govern - 111eut. 11c 1.:1,.. that N great auwtutt hwest lein es a sou est prssible end allthe lAdvan- tage of ring It goes tee the. A'reri- dine. For ineteuce, the etttii.e►s of the bakes bring down through the gnat ch+tin th,ts• Millions of bushels of wheat and other grain that paha t trough Buffalo, making Buffalo one of the largest shipping pbacei in Amer- ica. Now, there ile no reason why a large pint of this should not go through Canada. F.eeti if sante of It st y1iash through Buffalo much time could be save.( the Nhipjwltt by elevat- ing at Gotlet•ir•h, and sending by rail the test of the way. But, then, look at'theenorunros amount of grain that would never go ti Buffalo at all, but would find its outlet at Toronto and Montreal. In thio way, a traffic of this nature would clean a great deal to the wink of \Vested' Ontario. It is of vital importance to Canada, too, that we should get the bulk of our own canting Dade from the United States, which ata an international W Mart upon the ease. All this and other excuses are ably set forth iu a (irctdttr. Guelph is interested in floler•ich's Gns egret's, IM.•as• of the proposed u Guelph tee Golerich line, and the im- provement of that harbor brings the railway nearer. HURON UNDER REDISTR1- JTION. Forecast of the Arrangement of the Three Ridings of This County. 'Clinton New Kral Although the redistribution hill has not yet bail introduced into the Ronne of Commons, the following may ie 11/.1.0111..4.1111/.1.0111..4.11pl AN the oesible re -arrange- ment of the tidings : East ifuron--Blyth, Hntwtwls, Otey, Howit•k, Morrie Tllt•nittnry, \•inghait. Wroxeter end Katt \'awantrsh. Pop - 'flat' 19,187. South Huhn--BayHelel. Hwy, Hen - Nal 1, McKillop, Neatort h, Stanley,Steph- en, Ttackerttmith, Utlortie and Exeter. Population 22,881. 'Vest Humin-AMhHeld, Clinton, Col - 'kerne, (bele/rich, Oolerich township, 1Veset \'awatuMdl moil Hallett. Pop- ulat ion 111, 7122 From the. feregotnp( it will be sten 111111as\' it Et awan/oh . IN taken hum the west riding and added to the duet; Mullett is taken free the south end added to the west; while Stephen and Exeter, which are wt present in North Middlesex, and t'slon re, at prepared in !eolith Perth. all c • back into the senith riding. If this arrangement is ramie( nut it stei•ngthente all the ridings. from a Liberal standpoint, but still leaves the West Riding what It hes 'wen for the past twenty yea', the most difficult enc ea( the. the to carry. JOURNALIST AND POET. APRIL WEATHER. Prefas.or Hicks' Monthly Forecast of the Meteerolog•ul Conditions. Hicks did not strike it very will for Meech, but we'll Following 1 ' another chance for April. iN what he proguootieata for this month : April bet and 2nd ate reactionary ,tori' days, on and about which may 1w expected a decided rim• in temper- ature, falling barometer, high h id - it y and nun and th ler ettan•uls. Cloudy and unsettled weather, with allow tmpalls very probable in the th, will be very natural for severed days at this time. The 'loon at first quarter on the 4th, and in perigee on the 5th, will aid in prolonging these dieturlanctw. About the 7th it will (dueller to very wenn in western sediou.. *audio will shift to easterly and'southerly, the barometer will begin falling, and storms of rain, with st • active hail, thunder and wind. will pasts eastw•anl- ly over most`htrta of the country, froua the 8th to the Ilth inclusive. Look first for high temperature, low bar- ometer, rain, thunder end hail follow- ed later by westerly gales, rising barometer with fitful spalls of snow and soiree northward, and a very general and decided change to colder. Atter a few mornings of chill and frost, over all sections central and northward, change to wanner, with falling barometer and more April storms will centre abut the 13th and 14th. The transition state of the Sea- mon through the most part of April brings, as a rule, scattering "April shower" at almost any time. But this tendency to shower* and squalls becomes decided, general and often violent as we pass into the regular and reactionary storm periods. In the nature of things, hail storms are more numerous in April than in almost any other month in the year, dashes of hail being common from ahioet any Local and dense thuudet-cloud. A regular Mt4tt•ul period is central on the 9th. As we enter this period look for change to much warmer to set in from the west -,any about the 17th. The barometer will lwgin falling in the same section with the tieing tempera - titre, and fano abort Saturday the 18th to Tuesday the 214 very deeit stones will run their regular cou fano west to est &cress the country. Very warn(, humid weather with low lanuneter-things pitdable at this time -may well suggest storms of great energy, and cause that degree of watehfulneen and emit' on the ap- prach of stone clouds which the cit. ruttstances warrant. As in the other storm periods in April, look for high barometer, westerly galeee and very cool nights to follow ett the close• of this period --that is immediately be- hind or wast of the actual storut areas. The next period in which storm etonditioma will develop and run their courses front weelt to east will he central on the lith and 25th, The moon asses northward ater es the celestial equator on the 24th, and on and touching that date it series of highly electrical storms are almost certain to develop. Showery, stoney conditions will not peso off until after neve mown on the 27th, after which date will follow a Brief short change to much cooler and frosts northward. Summing tip the whole matter. we believe that April will he an average good th for all industries. The last half especially will be fine and pleasant. 9 owera must be exppeeccted, with an occasional hard storm, hut we do not predict an excess of general rains. but rather the other extreme. Verses Written by the Founder of The Signal, the Lab Thomas McQusen. The Stratford Beacon in reviewing its old files includes' the following in its nut•% on the issue of March 18, 1804: The late Thomas McQueen wan the editor and lFintprietter of The Huron Signal, published at GtMlerich, and fifty yearns ago w'as prnlably one of the best known men in the ()Id united e tier( of Heinen, Perth and Brice, GtMlerich " was the county town to these united comities and accordingly wits the meeting place not wily of the district council lnit of the various rousts, and a ilium, jurymen and litigants often had a gay time of it whsle 'sojourning in the Lake town. which it was jitkitgly Maid was sur - V11144 and the etre etc laid out after 'he. shape• ,and pattern of a cart wheel, as no Iran than eight of its principal streets heal tee the circular lot on which the court hens• be built_ Be- sidre tieing et vigoreMM writer on polit- ical stlrjie•t Mr. McQueen was a gifted poet, and in thin week's Beacon IM printed n very choke piece, never before published. It hi &a follow.: The pptea.ares of lite, once so flowery and fair, Are fading away Into .hadowy care And the soul. enle so lively, so cheerful eerful and sy. thew . lonely In gram that will neer pas. „say. That Ines,n.'. rosy light falls on landscape and lake, Anel bid. drt.wsy nature In gladness awake; Hut to my t1.tlew bo.,nn 0 rogues but to MY That the gloom on my spirit 11011 neer pas, away. The moonlight that gambols en woodland end when Hrings rest to the weary and • (rep to 18e Malec; 11111 Its slly Pry Moflness unheeded must play, For the gloom on my aplrlt will neer (tea away. %las. dearest friend, earth's ptou enres are fled. Life is lonely 14, nen µ 00,110111P of the dead ; No longer 1 dr.•ant of N happier der. For rhe Shrew on my Mpfrlt will neer Maw nanny. TNtoa, MrtivgiN. Mr. McQueen died at the age of tl.i years, MADE HIM BIT UP. Wm. Does'. Terrible Sufferings Permanently Cured by Dodd's Kidney PIU. Slitui rid gr,Ont.,March:in,-(Sp,t'ial.) 'fait yrtutt ago all Sandridge ming with the. we ttlderful rime if William IMw.g. For tont' yeah, he .suffered cemelep, pelt. Uold'm Kidney fills cued him anti • streeng and healthy he often resells thine days of Agony and eulo- gizi•s 1111• remotely that caused him cute, "The tremble et( ed in my leek," Mr. Deeds mays, "and so intense wets the pain that I could not 11.. down to talk(• M revel, 11111 had to mit night and day in a chair. Dlwttitt. 1 neaten nils for rhenntatinn) with no benefit end 1 Ness ahnoott in d('e)air when I started to nee ihaling Kidney Pill.. 1 son found they were doing t'ti• goon( and I kept on till 1 wee entirely rums(. And, letter than all, I have hnd no return of the trouble." Students' Easter Rates. 'rhe Grand Trunk will imMlt - to stnrlentee And teaihet5 of s•htolm and colleen, sr* Mtn11•nler (f standard ccrtitlr&te, signed Ity the prineipotl, return tickets at Mingle fare And one- third : going April ith tit Ilth, inclus- it•e: valid returning until April 21.t. 1115*, Fathererihelio tt, frotn F. F. lawtenci', (i. T. H. town ticket nMy-p. Why is the letter "11" like a sailor} It follows' the a trawl• We know era number elf esteem of 'nip - rooted comimntplion that have been died by Milli•r'mt' patnl emu Pille. For axle by JAR. Wilson. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Min Sproule In the Gams. For fifteen years the Ontario W. T. U. have been doing temperance work antongst the %nattered settlers, miner% and lumbermen on the frontier aweetione of the Province. For seven yearn two rnissiinariett have 1114.11 %up - ported, one laboring in Algona* and the other in Muskoka. Mr. Leckie, the Muskoka mission- ary, bas always done Gusset mini) work in the a than 0110 camps within this section. Miro Sproule, of Algomta, ham, until this year, confined her Inborn to thr',nettlers, except for the distribution of literature and com- fort bag" in the camps and a very tt ea% 1 visit to them. Hut mince November Miss Sproule ha% trade a radical departure. Her time ha% been given tip almost entin•Iy to the camps.' and with most encouraging ►e'ulte. The School Soy and the Cigarette. Dr. C. A. C li n G on, of the San Frandsen sen hoard of idncntion. has mule a Mpt•ial study of the effect of c'igaarette-m')ok- ing it g the public ochoil children of that city, and expresses himself in the following nnmistakable language : "A good " deal has been said about the i'vie of eiggarette-Rntoking, hat one-half the truth has never been told. I have watched this thing for a long time, and I say calmly and deliber- ately that i believe cigarette -amok - to he a'i\lady habit its opintu-smoking ing. 1 �ansdtalking now of Ioya, re- member. The effect upon yg1•own men is, of course, nut it) marked. "A cigarette fiend will lie and steal, Pint As a morphine fiend will lie and steal. ('lgarettt-nnuoking hluntw the whole tnnral nature. If first mtimu- iites and then mtipfles the. nerves. It sends boys into consumption. It givi'm them enlargement of the heart and sends then( to the insane my' nut. 1 ale physician Pe neveral.btys s'hlols, and i atn often called in to prescribe for palpitation of the heart. in nine ease% out of ten it is calmed by the cigarette habit, 1 have ern bright boys turned into denies' and atrttight- forwatd hemeuthogs made into miser- able lower& by cigatt•tte-anlnking i nm not exag et•ating. 1 ant ape eking the tenth. that every phytiPan and nearly every teacher known." Ex-crus-iatingly Funny, Ilnndnn Answer%) "What In this vessel Y' asked the visitor in mem+ h of infernett ion at the docket, indleating et magnificent ship clone hy, "A t•ntiser," was the reply n( the mined Ivey, "And where (nay it he going?" 'tOn it cntime, sir." "Whitt ',mites it. go?" "Its iiet w, mil'," "Who are on 'weird ?" "Its crew, nits" ek•1 mummer it'. kept. pretty deem,'s "Vim ; if it w,,.n'1 r11111,ith would ac- crue, sir." "When dee t try ,'lean that Ietuawerk with Y" "With Rtttw• flora a entire., mar." "•You're• s mined Ia.l. \'here do yrnt e (nem?" Feint' ('newt, sir." "'lien a little crude Wealth eteented in the lea's team, end Ms he departed he .1n•1 of "crew.- mit. BACK FROM WOMAN& 0 *soaker Crowd or C..i.asisry Some With sae. O.splatsta Halifax, N. S., March 80. -'three ocean steamers. the Dominion Liner Canada, and the Carthaginian, and the Bavarian of the Allan Line, land- ed a total of 8,98h passeugere here Saturday. This was the largest number ever kuowu to cone to this port In one day. The Carthaginian had among her ``passengers 89 retundng Canadians of the South African Constabulary. They tell the saute story as related by others recently arrived; of Cana- dian officers being removed and Brlt- Ish and Burgher ofticers being put in their places, and otherwiee disgusted with the manner in which affairs were being conducted. They had to pay their own way from South Africa to London. and Lord Strathcona, the Canadlun Conk- mjssioner, paid their way to Hali- fax. and they wore assisted from here to their homes. The returning soldiers are: John Lehrman, Calgary, N.W.T.; W. 0. Dlrney, Calgary, N tV.T ; W Thom- as, Calgary. N.W T.; W. MacUt'liv- ray, Calgary, N. W. T.; .1. Miller, Dunnville; F. Hodgson. Toronto: F. Hunter, Toronto. W. Barker, 'fore - to; J. Pierce, Toronto H. Mann, To- ronto; T. W. Iteynolds, Brandon, Man.: N. V. Johnson, St Cathar- ines; J. T. Ireland, Burlington: W. Plunatead, Beaverton; F. Iiazelett, Fredericton, N. B. W. Cooper, Mt John. N. B.; H. Robinson, St. John, N. D.: O. Birt, St. John, N. D.; J. A. Fraser, Lancaster; F. S. Reciter. Chatham. R. L Willis, Nelson. N. B.; R. II. McIntyre, Duluth, Minn ; R. Taylor, Prince Albert, N W. T. H. Cheney, Winnipeg; 11. D. Muir. Winnipeg; R. Ainslie, (:alt. 11. it. Bevan, Galt; C 1.. Yonug, Brant- ford: F. Beaman, ('h.•sley; J. Ilea - man. Chesley. Tire IYarsaee Rtatt.tles. Toronto, March 28 -The annual report of the Inspector for Insurance for Ontario, Dr. J. }toward Hunter, shows three joint +stork tire insurance companies In the province, with 14,- 019 policies in force and $12,N111,- 410 involved in risks. There are yea cash mutual companies, with 578 policies 1n force. on which isk' involved amounts to g102,- 841. 102;841,'7 8.43. Of purelys tual com- panies there lire 74, with 105.945 p.ollcics` in force. net amount of risk, SI. 911.396,49. The amount of Bre losses paid was 9208.4(72.04. The total mount of risk in the province on December 31. 1902, was reported as 9184,603.94. Platen This L the age of the piste. The old time dinner set for the people who make the slightest pretense of living fashionably or serving coarse dinners has passed Into innocuous desuetude. Very little if anything Is served at the table. My lady must have different style plates for every course, and these, It they are in fine cheat, will cost her anywhere from 912 to $300 or 9400 a loran. The blgher prices prevail if she Is a woman given to the dinner party bablt, and eke must change ber plates as she chemises her gowns, something new for every occasion. This means that et least once a year she hies her- self erself to the man of plates and spends anywhere from 9300 to =2,000. -New York Times. Martian's. Ome of the secreta of perfectly laun- dered garments is In the starching. AI - ways turn garments wrong side out be - tore putting them In the starch, rub and clap the starch well through, but do not let a bit of It run upon the right aide. Thin materials should not be starched at .11, but should be dipped Into gum water made of white gum arable. Especial care should be taken in sprinkling such garments, as they cannot stand the drenching which thicker materials are often treated to. Phone 86 J. It C�LBORN&1pr :... Spring Importations A COMPLETE NEW STOCK OF PERRIN'S KID GLOVES for Spring, in black, coleus( and white, 75c. 81.00, 81.26. Also white undressed. Embroideries and Laces Our stock of these lacer i. very .sten p ere. Luxe from aro cent up. iu va's, bead seep attd me)alions in both leo. and embroideries. Ready-to-wear Goods New Drees and rt alines Skirts in blank navy mid grey, latest design., Crum's world -famed Prints 124., over tailor tuade, greet value, 12 60 W *1.90. 160 pieces to select from, a'I flew. Corsets - From 2& to 9l 26, latest styles foe apnug. Prints New, from 6. to 124c. Canadtaa sad English. as good es eau he found. Under Skirts A big shipment iu Meek Sateen's) Cloths ranging in price from 79e to 12.60. Thew are the best . slue we ever offer ed, and real snaps every one of them. Come in and see them. Black Satanna Waists Chambr )•e, Linen, Tones and Oing- ' hams, Hi all Lite leading makes and 00. - ors. Dress Goods he We following new makes iu Week and oo'ored : - Granite Cloth Twice Goth, Vigour*, Mystals, Bu its, libo- to Aj•: 076w.sillleft at item -mg pnas c, 79e lines, H••pesokiugs, epob aes, mei .04 Cashmere Merges (h Vette- Flannelettes from do to 14.. fable Linens from 26. to 91.60 tripodal ham in Host ry. A 26e, in muse 8, 84, 9, 94, at 20e. ail wool. Lace Curtains And Bobbins to Curtain Lan. and Art Muslim, at all conceivable prime, new for this swoon. Domestics In Shirting', Denims, Loosen Tweed., lack. Drills and Cretonnes White Goods All new this season, Gowns Skirts, Drawers and Corset Coterie The beet se automat to be found anywhere A BIG DRIVE IN CORSETS no pairs at about half price- "Sure Flt" WATCH FOR TEEN IN THE R1NDOW. 1' vneopehlatn Pat tot us t. em 10c to lbc. :J. H. COLBORNE, Fashion Sheets to give away. COR. HAMILTON -ST. S -SQUARE- rafAaLtaaat taWM. Tie HURON as/ BIUCE Loan and Investment Co. GODERIQH, ONT• N11UAS •FFrts- MOM UTILkT. President Vice Presidents !.JORI)AN, W. PROUDFOOT. ICC , CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. Solicitor PROUDFOOT a HAYS. Savings Bank. Our Savings Bank is stow one of the permanent institutions of the Domimoo. It hu prospered from the start, nod will continue to give investors the hest posi- bk result , and borrowers the heat possi- ble terms. Dep"sitore have first lies on all easels of the Company. The Huron anti Bruce is alder Gov. ru- men control and rereives deposits from trustees, parents and children, to sums of from Fifty lents to Three 1 hoauand Ibl- I ., 'lowing compourai in steal, added every six months at rates as agreed upon Cheques are given depositors, .o that they nay draw up these deposits at any time Accorliug to amount and time left, interest is a lowed on deposits at 3 and 4 per cent The Company is directed and managed by men who are 1 horeaghly conversant wail the re•tutremente of the business, and t has etery facility for tra sating i a operations on safe and eoonom.cal Tines. An important feature is that 'awned women ant miuors can legal:), re ke de- posits o-posits and draw out mon y in their own news Loans. The oomp,ny m.ies loans on fine -elms farm property only, so that depnsiton have the strangest awl safest • curety for their investm son. Toren aro made to sot borrowers, the eonditiota Reins straight 'out. and simple interest 1)eptti s ran hu s of by mall at de risk of soder. You cannot make your investments weir ,renter advantage to yourself than beta W. L HORTON. Mast When Clearing Norse Don't forget CLIMAX FURNITURE POI.ISH make.' old furniture hook like n'ew. B. -foie putting the pipet' away coat theta with HKATEMA1.I. Prevent" est. This is the lest thing for iron f'e'ces. !alienor ttaile, etc., alms. A fine, shiny black. Ale, or -5 for 91.111. Ihtttd,et drains, sinks and foul places with CRUDE CARHOI.I(' \'e keep It put up with directions. If you haven't called for a bottle of ottr , SASSAFRAS BiOOi AND NTOMA('H BITTERS yet, dotl't delay. Attend to it. WHY DENY YOURSELF the health. life, cheerful- ness, herful- ness, and courage• whisk it give« by es -storing the lthad and digeetiun't 5tk• leer bottle, 8 for 92.30. (iARI)EN HEEDS; in peek ages. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, - IIIIDP'ORD (LOOK... It Pays to Paint. There is nothing that adds to the setting whine or the renting value of a house like good paint -there iim�QL that tasks. lams more home -like than good it paypays to F�� t the paint, the batter HE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PA/NT pays In the beginning because it goes an far -pays la the end because it lasts an long, and looks es well, as long as it lasts. There is no paint like it for beauty and durability, for economy and satisfaction. VHAT IS IT? The 20th Century Brand of Clothing ies CLO T 11 I N G strictly high clew' men's fine tailored gar- ments, made from geeml i4 tis wild import- ed tweet's. cheviots, merge* and worsteds, cut hy w nutter of exceptional ability and 'lade by expert tailors. Every garment is made in the tweet up-to-date %tyle and will retain its shape like ordered work. Prices range from *10.00 tt *16.011, Serial orders taken for the above Maker's goods. Over los) Maniples to i•hooe trout, , 4t Everyar ent iMggttuttanteetl hy the kers tt fit and give Rutinfaction. GIVE Till?. LtfrH CENTURY HRAND A TBiAI.. We are also woe agents for the SANFOR I) OAK HALL Ci.OTHiN(i for men, yontht and hogs, This fine it noted fano cast to went for good relisble clothing. We would call upr'iwl ett'ntiu11 in this issue to the rhildis•n's clothing. The tined pxopt.ar styles are the blouse and Norfolk Jacket suits. (hie range of theme is particularly handsnme. Out. price.% are fair and honest. Sidi OUR DISPLAY OF EASTER TIES, SHIRTS ANi) HATS. For Sale by N. D. ROUG V I E, GODERICH. W. C. PRIDITIArI Pe1•feet Fitting Clothing House. Men's Futninhet• and Hattie. Our Stock of FURNITURE for the SPRING TRADE is large and well outwitted, itmaisting of Eureka IS T-IIE FOU O F (tOOD FOR YOUNG Bread NIATION HEALTH - *-N-D O L D F: FRE K A H It E A U iM a 1 stnbinw- t', of the bent Ater and the beat of everything, mise(( and iRaketl in it true h • way. 1t is rich in nutrient properties. TheParnell-Dean Steam Baking Company. Limited halt s I, IS 1N Goon:Ri:91 BY W. P. W ESTO BY H a m i l t o n - Street ILL THE USEFUL BBIACHEN are taught in the l'ARIA)R SMITES, in milk,' nig Anil velour. 1)18180 ROOM TA HI,F:S, in rhe, ash and oak, with chairs in great vwrirty. SIDEROARUR in all the IraAling d,•signs. HEDR(N)M SUITES in oak, ash t.n(1 ittahltgauly, ODI) H(M'KKRtM, I'AHIA)i( T:%HI,ES, .1ARDiNIERR, COUCHF., SPIt!NOS, MATTRESSES, WINDOW RHADES, 1411.?M H0I.DKRs. ILAT HA('KS, tit' st.udente ate not gttarantw) nice j(tlwa, but atter w cnurwe ire thin college it Neill be no trouble for therm to hold w.ny p• nitlon. We aid them, if Iw.nstltl.•, lee obtain employment, but we AMt iepi41 t.ht•nt to maintaln the high reeputwH"n thin s•htol hue Acquired. J . WESTERVELT, Principal. Kills• Grip Pltwe•ra core.Fnr B E K E TT & S T A U N T O N male by Jam. % liana. Why im N eammitlee of inquiry like a rennet, 7 It maker. a retort, i UMOERTAKUtay AND EMBALMERS. What is the tined popular paper at Night and iMy (;alln promptly AttenBended to. Night meas.,dl at meas., West side t' N w ort 1 Fly paper.I*pww. Phone til►. Use Printed Stationery in your Business (o�Frrespundence. You get GOOD PRINTING ON GOOD PAPER at rnIB SIGNAL. C.111