The Signal, 1903-3-26, Page 88 THURSDAY, M.rch 96, 19( 3
Millinery Opening !
APRIL 2, 3 ANO 4
Every woman, should come and
Spring Styles.
View the new
Not a day passes that we do not
open new spring things for ladies,
gentlemen, girls and boys. They
come and go. More thing. *4144 than
ever before, and, of Nurse, more
bought. Som., of the 1)e •' things
opened this woek are : —
Ladies' Black Silk Capes
flaw:6014 , styl. s, aha 111 at tMffota
applique, prises from $5.•00 to
I', (Nj
Ladies' Chiffon Ruffs and
The or latest thing for neck-
wear, .ire's -y, e,;iifortable and
,•wry res,( mild°, prices (p2,5I 41)
Lmbroideries and Laces
Never lua%e we shown Such a
large variety y Or,
the d •l
and, ,as to prier.., we.iwply say
they are away 10 low anything
Ire have ever frerod
linking g Department
Very busy, but we can look your
order for Tater on. Uotue Hud
see our work. Styles on view in
the store. Let u, quote you a
price .for A costul8•, complr'te.
You will find it pay you.
S1l„l 3')4104 the Spring when you will
• need '
ites11 drea,le. '01 which we"ve avrt'e•11
"1'41 bring you bele the best oo earth
of prints awl gm/chains IWiatloN wort1,
%I11, 11 •core than is 001 price,
4Ir others Ink for goods a. Dict.,
Piques sea linens there'll be, 40,
And dainty ca,ulrics, something new.
a ill, pretty Irioluintredges lerylate.
f hsir color combines are up -to date.
1/anodic. mu•lll.a, iiI1.. and lace.
Things deal will wash lik- babies' faces.
Everything i11 (4
Atli( 114‘4,
yuabt' hgh, Awl
Atte).! this Sale.
1 his lille•of glswls.
On rhumba"- pat
If you d 11'4 .orlw
rite its
..II goals that's new
10w i11 psi e.
4\orle earl surpass
They hvill not last.
t nen can slew it.
then we know you'll
New Dress Goods.
Starlit and heaps of naw spring
goods are waiting Ton hem, var-
ix ty sufficient t•/ Wear evert
taste, pities to me t the ideas of
the most economical NEW
Men's and Boys' Clothing
You can buy suitable, serviceabh
and stylish clothing at our store
all the yea round, at exceelingl
nrorerite prices The new spring
goods aro iuwt to )land, come and
view them.
Men's Waterproof 8pring Overcoats
Men's New Spring„ Suits
Hoye' Suits b an
P tits
!'fen's Shirts, Collars and
New Si r n; s' ck to il*nd in at
4hese lins, the very latest styles
:4),d prices, you will fin.) right
and low.
Smith Bros. s: Co.
.1.1.1114 444,1 regul.ui t,.rn•.pan,l.•ul,.r
Ti rsm1V. March 211.11.
1I Eli..4%11'I'n1.11K. Mrs. S. Philips
and daughter. Miss 5b4r,•, 4.11 Monday
hast hall a (.1111.41114 visit With MI'.. 1i.
514N,•4iii Mrs. !hutch is having
her millinery opening -On Tuesday and
%)4 ,4lnewlity of nest week, t,, 4'hir•h :dl
the ladies a3'.• itil'itel.
'I'IIK \1'K.4TIII'l14 Sim•f• 0111• last the
Nether 111144 11.1.11 444011111111144 1111 44..11
that of the torrid itnel north temperate
z roes. \\"e premium Ilial the warm
wave ya1114' w,llle•4'Ilat 4,,,, early to 114•
of 1.11144 CtiM 4nn,114re•: 111 n1•el,•r.11n1.1un111-
111e11 nee .rllHkimg pee all;itions fol'
spring w''ling, (111 Fllridny of hast
week 4e were visile) with ill,• hea4i,xt
Ilr4'np,4)r 414 twill thus fair Ibis Season.
4,4,Was111jwltli'IIhj' light Mill
and 4hlplder claps.
Ho 1.1111 Illy N. \1.! F:)•.• mit. next
quite ,, number of the y'ISung /nen in
this vi1141444' and vicinity will he 1111
their jtwu-4)y 11, the Plairie 3'•1,111111 .
S4. • 1,4 them) i010141. should they like
the eistuil4l and its eivir. •ndri, to
locate their; others gl.otl)4 •t.4 IHke n
pismpw-ting tour in the 414est. Pin.;
Illilwtlt among those who are lent ing.
111.• : Adan l'h1,nq•+4irt., s.1) 4)4 our
veteran and respected hh4'kstllilh;
Maxw9tl \Nilson. It. Ih11'ilin and
other., \\"e wish them good .II$4'.s
in the 1ua'iri.• couni.). as they 81w,1h4•
right 4111.. of .,aril,. industrious
steady 'ming 1114.1.
SESSION 1,r ('41)'\111.. Ina plll.lallee
1,4 adjournment the muni4ipa11 father.
of \V41.t %Vanan4s11 met in the tow 11 -
ship hall 011 1Ve)ro•wl4)' 1,4 past week,
the IKIh in'. :\II t4,.• mewls's. wr11•
present. :4. bylaw fur- the appoint -
0,111t 44.
(4..444. 444.3'(•4.1, 1,0111141 keener/4
am! 4 at lituaster, was lead three 411114 4
anti premed. nrnl the--towitshitr..-eh err•.
of money gnailel lv the Dorm•Imm.111
111 each county and mmnieipalil•y for.
th.• intimwitte4, of public highway.,
t hn.nglumt t 114• Prov- Mee wgwdiw•nswd.
Neal sleeting of council nos fixed for
(he 1.41 h day of ,11411. to 3'41 'ml•.• al
o'el,w•k sharp in the afternoon.
lt'4:4:Ki.v Ex %sr.' The following
show. the result of bed week's wot'k of
the !Minot' school 0111.4111111.4. 4141441.,
the InMI mark possible Iwlllgg' :,111:
Benson rase. '.2!; Itronwrm
1:63; 11, swell lfufIleefnt1l. (17: 1(1, 114.
IMrliin, alp: 4.1)irette Roach, '11)1:
1104411 (+1,1,1114.444. :pal: James I\e•glet'.
316: Carl .1.i111e•. -1''. it 43'11.4 Little.
:$r: Mat ie "Rose, :{s!I : I h,llllal thee. 3111:
.t il14 S .t1111I, :412 massed d °111• subject 1:
Icily M'.\rih11,.:141: Cecil Ilya'''. :411;
Earl Snot tiers. :141: Edgar Hi.kle. :112:
%Varner I4.'gley, 211: )'has. Kilpatrick.
'_111: Etta Slolhes, 1:13. 11 will It.
notice, that some who 41.3'• not 4.44.11
I11(•nt 11,11411 111 last 1110411.1 110111 waist
positions 1,1 this anal s vi 114, 11.•14
44111 al p,siti/1aw- Imre 8111/j1)1.11 pre) t y
far down. T. O. .11.1.K\, 'Io4),-her.'
M''xi, v. )114)3'11 'rit11.
Early 1\"(41ne41a y ming. the 1441 11
ins).. after an illuess of very short
duration, Thl,s. Edward. the infant
sop of Mr. and Mrs. .\nWnl Fiulay.
joined the 1111,1144, Th.-
fnnl•ra took plar•r on Thrush) l4) the
Luck 1111W een•Irl•y. the Rev, '44,
(4ale11 llffieialt 11144. 1'444• pall -1N 1r•r's
were his three 111141,•., 11]1.14. E'isdaay.
Sam of E'irllay ,and ('31r1.Ai41ersion. and
11. HawkinsThe ileee4INd child
Wits in his stun) year and wits the
light of the 1 • in t%h44h he will 114•
Mt, 1111101 1414ri011. .111 That medical raid
41,11111 411, WAN d,'ne. I,111 to n,' an :ail.
and in the silent 4,drhlw of the nigh)
-he fell in his waist -like beauty asleep
by the grate. ''4 light.- 114• heartfelt
sy1npalhy 114114.1•ntits' rnmumnlit4. i.
e•xI/•111))111 141 ,111,• IN•11•:1t,11 parent. i11
the• i...414 their 41111y'-1,11.1.
Moxisty. dill'. •rind.
\li.. Sa11..•1.1 is visiting friends in
leis. 1 lis /inld1,li 444 all peS4.0l
A;ailing with fril•nl. 41) Luck .
.1, Smith Ins left fol' the \Vest.
A% here b.• intend.. Irl• 'Where. Io 41119111
then •4•,
Miss - Jlal lint het -buil, .,f t be
liowle•i,h Collegiate Institute. .IN•mt
,44)(44 alii''w7-111,443'. _ •...
Ihone f( ha. it that lone of our
6,4,nlg men 1. S1N141 11, 11.11%1' the rank.
1,f the INIeIII•I.,,.,..
Mel. (. Rutherford, 4 1hmg,unnu.
and his. win. Hose -ell, were in our
4111 5411.,4)+b1%.
(In So(unlay the Iwlyis of S. 5, No.
11 came to the vilblK a And pley,s1
44an11' of fool all wit 111he boys 1,4 4,111'
1 )111411, 4•.4414 being 1 to -II in favor ,'4
Die village school boys.
Last \\•ellOewlliy a very pleasing
event took '(11x1•/• al the h1,me 1,f 11r.
and 14its. It. Lockhart. when it *14•r
Buggies and Carriages
FOR 1903.
(':very Bugg) up-tll-114,,4. in ,tyle and Finial,
and well made—they are all warranted.
1S 'P11I: THE 1'I,Ar'F. to 41 1.:T THF;
\V* handle, Inc goods of the fnllo*14,44 well known maker.:
Ww. GaAs. Jr Point, Chatham ; Mr•i,tur;ii, In CAHRIA'.E: Co., (Mums ;
CARIDA CARRuOR CO., l{roekvillr: 1' •R Ilnllny Co, 0,41116:
Call at our Warerooms and see the large stock we have on hand.
Alga all kinds of FAI(M1N1i MACHINpt(Y and 1tK1'Ailt$.
of invilli1 guests gathered to celebrate
the Anthill ,4)lulvelxaly •1 the 441.11 -
ding of the also%,'-uu•141iu11e1 couple.
After ha% in44 8 yerypleuwult wN fol
time and having partaken 111 the 1411041,
11111/441 i nlvided. all repaired *14,4,
homes. lea% hag, n. a ,111441 of the high
4411.111 111 4'1111.11 MI'. a1141I NM. 1,,ick hart
+4)1' held, Many costly and beautiful
- 'frKans. v, Mar. 24t
Mot. Allen wish \\',u. OI&,zlor. jr.,
1 isit1v1 at Br4.1.illr., 1',ater's Hill,
Satlrhav last.
St. Patrick's )lay here 4.448 brig
:11111 fair,1 r
anniversary 4 u t Uuld
hwl*ud'and U1
patron saint made many an
1',1,1 hal, who el • from the Deism Isle,
think lie %vas 1444x111 in the dear 11(11.1 of
his youth.
Our p1 ulhu• friend '1'. :t. Haughton
14ft helve )Crich) of last 4',4k to w•e his
.on 4'h,u•Irs 81111 other Vela 4)4(8 near
I1u•rie and at other 1141411,.: ill Si114•Ile•
1,1111 1). Mr. Naught.4n 114.4114,1 w
� ears ago ill that 41 and while
1 here Irlll a large HOW' and Kris* 111
et•y sul4eawfnlly.
Edo 411 Morris, who 49(. 114)4'11 from
\usti11. 1114)1., for nearly two 11111114 hg.
reached his destination all right. 111 the
:(l'go that he took op ‘t as a live goat,
4 hick rn11lor says his fnlwutan, au 014
f luulop boy, will take after dat•k to a
lodge 111 the section to be used for
Initiation Cer•taonies. 11'hen leav-
ing E. M. 4(14. 44444.11 two bottles
of lbs b i --bund Dunlop rwllellies,
4'114)•11 .•i • int,, instant Ilse to iwttle
lvith'thl llh'aad44, w'hith 14M) 61111.4..4
„1)t �a111ong the chiildlet in the
11 'Ig111a11•It/SNI,
'I'rKr.D.l y, March 24111.
\Ir. and Mrs. Palmy Steuart, with
4 heir t %l'4 youngest daughters, l'1) j.,yel
a1 pleasant. visit 411 (:,.11.3'X11 this w11•k,
A hu•gr her of friends out here
N'.9Y• 'll pl. awed 11, see H. M(• Ma11u44
out and dlivin44 1,11111101 last week aft.'
his long illn.•,v. We are also pleases
to way that .11,1411 1.inklater's illness of
rh,•Itm,diwm is taking a favorable turn.
To the Dobale- 4as sae Lealdature was a Me•
table owe.
The 11401111wr for \Vest Huron nu
his IIo111Ir11 speech i44 the IA•gisl1ttl
1111 the Motion to refs• the (i
41411t•gr' to H judiriai eutuuiisrt0u. l
ull 1111114. it is r •eilt•d l4) hit%.' Ire
all ,alit,' 1.11413'1 :Ind Nr, Cameron Iola al
once Laken a place in the front la
of de•lu,t.•1w i41 the 11.411w•. Private
yicr. 61,4)1 11114410/4111 o,1111'e1. Stals• 11
the .)4411.44 was 444)1.,•.) of 411 the 1.41,1,
1l. t le twist of the session, and t
11eN•.1 taper comments, w • of whi
toe puhtish Iw10w, are highly a ph
4)r of 1111e ul,l1evir1ullw, 1041,1 a 4(114141 4044,,
,v. H11e111t, 6rtrehll 11e11i4ely, it, 1n feet,) fine
hi speaker, 4libsk. 4)u hiai fel ,4)u) eh•iv.•.
011 every au'44 •1)t home i11 1411 1(getnntb1,•
181)11 conyilleirig way. Ile ree1Yeat
491110 congratulations 4'114'11 he sat
dram lord ).CpnMllmf.
C4)n4111ag4m: thin the Ioxt 1/ilium', to
try CAM'S itffe•tlllg the 114)14,4• 4)4
members of Palrlial1Mllt wait A judicial
c •11si4)11 I9llher than a 4 ittee
of the II mete. \1, l `W11011111 is A Milli
ie s Ale. M. (1. (!null 11111Iof \t'e'st Huron b11.
4,,. 11111,1. his •'nmideuawls hits' inleee vlevl
411 in 4.114. Mort in placing hiwM•Ifin the
front raiiik 14 the House. He hint a
splendid opportunity to present the
1 .44x1 aulf cuustitut' 1 t•urretntaw of
1)1, the (iovernu4•ut'1. C 4140 111 founding
'd over the (is' they charges to a judicial
hr tribunal. And he made the most of it.
114 Ile IN certain 144 take a splendid pis.
Mon i4' Provinl'ial Il01iti4s.
4,r,u0, unase.
Mrl'a144•i„4)'s address was.force(
logical and explicit, and he ,o'et
e 441.'44'1) 141141 couulvle.tly all t
pertinent Ilguulent. ad4ancwl by t
Opposition against trial by u 4
shoo 1,f, judges. The partisan nature
of the ('omulittee 1413 1iirlieges and
Elections, AN shown in IIlode1.11 4'ar111•
114entary experience. was proved at
length toy Il citation of 11. divisions, its
finding., au.i its decisions as to the :41- '
11liws 1,1114.4' of rt•idenre.
K Ingot on Whig.
interest is deeply 441114/11 in puhl
eirelefi 1111 the new iiimidiers of a pdit
cal ehaullwr, and 4)n Tueslla), at T
rout°, theev. were much gratifi.d at tl
Ilalde•11 e•*ort of M. (1. (' •11111, 1
liawl•rieh: won of the late ,-rtes)) for
ticiau. M. t'. ('1411wr11n. Clearly he is
chip off the old ',hick, for he 1111uxhalh
his facts and made his points like•
yeterall. Being 1414144 also in debate
he will ire a mailed strength to theMinisterial l sen 4 h. •..
°- - - THREENI(iHT)1
\\'hen children ate, pale, peevish 1411,1
restless at 'tight thry re)ui11.•
• a tkw
or two of 1111e•r's 1utlu Powdt•r•s.
For sale by Jas.
. Chace Wc sLoa
I „11)11•:\.
Hrnck%ills Recorder.
Mr. (interne ('aIlrt11u, of West
Huron, son of the late •Hon. M. t'.
(')4414.11111. one of Ontario's brightest
)4444 ia4yrf14 f°Itu-114 . ,u;a
41144))1 111141.. H Wonderfully•444u311-w1 in1i ,r•e-
.4i4)n 4)h the House and 401 the gallery.
Ile deft nut all irrelevant matters and
I,w.k tip the tion mi its merits and
r at every torn he displayed the 04n.ww
41 a legal I. Ile coolly took 11
the 81.44 .tits .4 Mr. 1.144aas one at
time and dealt with them 0414ctively
4141111144 such H high 8uthurity a. 114141
Ihlff,rin 111 $1ggN.rl .4 his einttent' •
He prose) himself 44 worth)- won of all
111,11,,3'4 sire. His quoting .f th,• late
Sir John T1u411fwwm against Mr. Whit-
ney's psiti4)n w•as',mlItly' to the
4onsteruat1411 and i4p intent surprise
4)f the Oppsit' Illy is H vigorous
speaker, and made his points .le•lt•ly-.
and hitt N NYe' .
II was n
H 111 (nabs” u
1 t
dinette's*, iIrt and I III addition 1
tl h l II t1,r• - fa • l
mer precedents ( he quoted Mr.
(til. cur :4)d I l'u11M•rvat ire), now' j udge 1.f
the m t1 r
heti ,
p 1)l (curt : Mr. U'Alt.411 11.. -
Cattily, !lir \Vilfrid, Sir Charles.
T11pjw1'. and closeda magnificent
'p'1.11 by inviting the Opposition to
for late all the charges they denied
111141 they 1.1 -mild ire promptly and fully*
investigated -
Woodst.N-k Wenlinchlte'hew.
Mr. 4'ainerltll made his maiden
speech 111 the House let' circum
44tanees w hick at one.. put him on
triad. a4)111 Kafir him m great 1,p)o4-
fl nib'. lir pr,ol-.11 equal to the
Iwwa(81un. He 441(44 the hent rxp1144ition
1(1111 drf.•ne• of the (if v4Tn111ent's pm,
knot which has 41.4 INe.11 heard.
\Chen tie 4N 41)4')4, Liberals at least
felt that nothing father reed lin Mid
on the legit! 111111 runs! it 4)t lona] at$pe•ta
1,f the l'aw's Mr. 4'amens) traced the
history of royal c ',Satins and of
investigations Iwf ns 4 't twin un
elect" 8441 4})11'ilegeS 111)41 pn.lueel
rou4luwiee .•yidrm,r from the utter -
4n1114 of i.nri 1l,IRcrin. Sir John MAC-
aonadd. Sir John Thompson, WARM'
McCarthy. Sir (')aides Tupper. Sir
Wilfrid l 1ltrier, Justice Girona-ill
Ifrrrmerly an eminent 4'4111w•r-ati','
menthe,. of the l' and chair -
of the eonumittee which in1.wti-
gatid the ('anon charges), Sir Wilfrid
ir4(111)•1 and i,thees -all leading to one
Thursday of lust week 4'ouueillor
Nhowie3' had ,l visitor (not on township
business) 4'11,14141114' to remain for ,1
t inn.•. ,Il i. A daughta•r, 81111 the patents
114,1) •4)e reeiring minty 411144ratula-
tions from ,) large Merle of relations
,1)4 friends in this section.
Mit•h8r1 l's' ie • w,
rt ) Ne1,1II,1 hal'111N',11
n w • barley on . 1% 4111114/111a 11I4
IStIt 1,f March,.111Ci, only a IIA)' Iwh1,141
the (i,wle•i4I1 tow'nshil. twiner 4.111)
sowed 1,n St. Patrick. Ilan'Sod
doe' . Sl"
plowing Nm
91ri AIM. doe by Day.
srand 1,t hell doting Inst week.
In t hr second vote on t he ,•Irl rib 11a11-
4 any fur 1,11.1 4.114. the !amino -it ward
gat 11) (.1, 41),' tail49ay and 19 Against.
one voter showed the 4.11114' feather
114 .plili444 his Nah.t, marking it in
t','4) places. The scrutineers wets. \1.111.
liat•n,Ns. of She•pprlt.rll. 4.11„ 4tan1-
pi,.1)eI t he 1•nil '•, and .1111111.•s 11:11113/4 1,
'.0 the 114gitiv.•. 181414 ably filled their
audit.. with 1 fear 411' favor. The
blowy r•tmt•Ilimg 1,11ti0rr was S. 11.
Williams, And 14.111 clerk A. .1. Will-
iann.;%' •
M'lNw.%\', Mardi Zirl.
H.41.t. Hesetin, 1u104 pu11•llaw,1 14 1104
Mrs, \t'altel' \t'ed,, is Able' to be
1,'1411,1 4144,41,1. -
11. Il4ne•, 4)f Clinton. 1411411tl1(51 8,4.,
4111) in this Vivillity.
11.40. Elliott, of (il,teri.h, hail a
sawing bee in his w.:ode wH-the-{tat
cull. 1,11 Saturday,
\V4. :me plellsed l4) 1.111,W that. Gel.
4'11x. 443'., who 111(1. loon ill the last
week, Is regio ',•1'i1)g.
11r. 1111,1 Mrs. Jas. Wilson.' of Dude-
rXh. all. visiting 11t the home of the
lady's father. hunk Hillock.
Miss p Johnston spent pout
of last seek 14tip- gll••sl 1,f her friend.
.11iss Wit nie Sturdy, of 11nhu,w4il{e.
Miss Eelnl, ('4(11(4.11,11,.(414.' 1)111 Cull.,
twat.. the Kunst of her grandparents.
Mr. and Mts. Holl. Bette.4111, for afe4•
day's last At
\V.• 1.4,',1),1 ,4144..• that one 1,f one
p.rn.(111.1,11s (arlllet1111'N•11n• N w/Wn11 1,
itis it 141411.5 MI if he were Allan), to get
!tie 4114114. And the man to run the
11 11111rilroll,Le
In .firing Ile robin tuns his jo ,n. mac,In . ir141K the 411,4 dirk i. n , the wing.
In spring IIS' blat'khinl 'noir. a,Ml hi. throat,
11 1. in .pring the mind Imo,. +(ng.
Nat are Ilnl'1• rINOr b.4) doffed her winter. root
The gra., ,be grain. the little flower' waoo
"rbc +p .-klieg. l,i''kering water 1111. each bub-
bling 4)1,14,
444 +inK their grain. 11114441 and ()tar Anhflrkl.
'1'b,. 4 (be t„w'n.hlp where our heart doth
I14•,(.1e nhl I(',mn'• nnmu111ing lays,
Hn4d L,,kr! rear .\+1.14144, that we novo are
11 3'11!
Tw thee w e aim( 1 hl. humble +ong of pralsc,
IICre were we born• Ili) ben, -Ing breast•
in atno,ner boor. ,long thy bank. have
.\7Nt 1mm. fhj''itffbaT i-onnn$ tine at r3'.,.
otter bake. Cor 1,1,4,1.•.. eoor.e hay.
wa) .1.
11,11 et 3'•r where our atm. did ehanee to nem.
m'rr.unn, pinln, through flower. of ('nlnile..
Nei •on w, Aright 1,s shone o'er nbr dear home,
No flower 3'r sweet an by our lake that grew;
No *liter. half sir pules O. 11oron', wase,
Nn +kle. ser hlne an ats,re .l.hfl1M shlnr.
No men nrnre hrlanrable tonne tinily hen, e.
Than 1114w• beneath shy mon) hill. recline.
Thougl, haply none 114,4 e, "r huekle .s.nnl,,
They (tomtit an 1•111.11I- *Oh lanly arrr.Rth:
.l friendly enemy"hlspiring not by word..
Their 441 1x44 14,*' thin maple'. goodly length.
)(an) hate maw and left their 'unlnnlwt .411)4.
Their1 louyfr only tans. In yummier foetus we
Their noble Iowan taught in neer forged.
Ind 4,n revere then) an they might to he.
Vet an Allneng 411.1 A,hflekra winding dell..
.‘Mn ole Hd-
nron'. -stern and rnrkboun
4..' walnlor, !Ideates to the ,hnrrh hell',
, d are the hill, with ruts,)a all dott.0l o'er.
11ea,1 t 1 ght. are I..* It Yarning tle,4n•,
4'1.40 most the fol ore of nor .t.),fleld Ire t
Th,• 1 ,unullnn. Hritkrher, rrdngiing nmol 0111
1 el)4e.uinl and Catholic in Irefort tinily.
114,3' •heoM are fl11.d 141111 11ea11hy langhing
Amt ,,r •d.r.l snaMrn. mire let the bloc sky :
mingling ponies*, sharing e,eh other.404.
The. .p.wk Ihr ten' h. their ,An 1)e. cannot
nmr ehmn-h.+'14(4'11' large13 In their creed.
Yet all 1lgree the H.?; � el... lova died
it hesrt.nare haul,)'.kIntl host I'H.nd in'� of pride,
onn•.,unrll. hal by lb/)ton: tail tnd at tong.
w'mh *4114M)'. 8lnthen., KMkley and Neon
t r•.
Goad 14w. do make ; they "awn to do IM•
144 manly w.•11a an a11101) fine
To do the right alirl, y. w hater'. le1Me,
To w•r, a 14efr frllnw . w 1,k calm .01,444
ro.h*.•h, the weak. nor ser the t Net h to hide,
Toll v, a life of hone., Met V.
)?lr home., our rhnrehr.. 1,11,1 010. .3'h,..,), an•
toe Im 1• 1/111•1.11111,11 and 07111,1111.•11
Nn held. are fertile and nor lake1. clear.
141w1 a. a and nh1.M un from all petty hlwwl.!
4 ,4 as the irentl :Pring''onoe.
And add. its heavily In the b.kt and
we thank mar tend that life I. not In %Alt,
Each to IM• o(her hem a k(ndne...
So 1114/ ver.1111•111•1 1111111111 1 .rla%.
LOvtna !sett het
while we'R here,
LA VIS' WARI3f'OOMs, liamllton-st,
Wall -Paper
and Border
Several hundreds of
rolls of Wall Paper, clear-
ing at 3c per roll.
Ceilings to match, 1311110
iiorders to match, le Fer
Hundreds and hundreds
of rolls, suitable for bed
rooms, kitchens, halls ete ,
clearing at 4c and 5c per
Ceilings 41. march, sanlo
1000 rolls of bedroom
Papers, pretty tlor..I
signs (new this spring),
usually Sold at i c and Sc,
nn sale at 5,: per roll.
I dainty Dreed, n at ripv.,
Mc, 10c, 15c per ro'l.
11o.t 4.10{314, pArlor,
library, hall and dining -
room pipers in it 1 the
newest shades, prioe4 rang.
ink from 154 pir r 11 up.
Pour doren Window
Shades, complato with good
spring roller, clearing at
Geo. Porter
Monday, march 30th
1:L\y1" The Ligh s of Gotham
The Season's lhxulatic SI 4e•ss
,1.6(1A1, at('4NKHy N('t•KEn .l(TINO
•ns• Big 1Aw•k Keene
SEE pre (i•reat right
The Safe Bolllwrs.
The Newsboys' Pranks
(heat climaxes. Startling Situations
TUESDAY NIGHT : The Western 1
Drama, a, "In the Rockies." 41,1.4 I
hi NE:S l
t A1'
'1'113'R .1-
instate '
114 4. 4 y 1 -
i lulus. , The
A1.1. STAR CAS 7' - '
114)4' -- _
1 11
Se'44ts N I1 I . ),tor.
' ► rel Sc; Ciildres 15c
Fit and Wear
There are some things which can't be improved. One of these
things is the " Queen Quality " shoe for women.
You can slake it more elaborate, you can decorate it, eili
hellish it, use cozitly materials and all that ; BUT FOR $100
This means that mechanically it is perfect. As for its ap-
pearance, the fact that hundreds of thousrnds of women
c1)004e it instantly above all other .shoes would seem to in-
dicate that it is attractive.
Why don't you go so far as to try on a pair the next time
you come to the stare ? It costs nothing to see them tit
your foot.
BOOTS, $3.75. t OXFORDS, $3.00
FI4IOAy. March 31(l1.
ByLAw 4)K14.trxn.
-The vote taken
on \t'eluewlay loll the bylaw t..
:4lthurize lending John P. M,•h,N•11141415
$7,111111,, 111,1 114111 111 Ire -building his
Hour mill at Port Albert 1.1ultel'in
11fi s..4 .,. (wing polled for the bylaw
and 1H against. A y0te of two lhirls
of the qualified eleg4lx was required,
111,4•r4.r, And the *i'tlwl 401e was
some forty 4)r• fifty IN•low this, w, that
Mr. S,•hlw4h11s will probably Ire
unable to Isiah!. 1'113' mill is 1) n114•h-
need4'1 convenience in this 1N•ality
and it is a 11ultter for )eget that the
full vote r tpu`'twel wits'not Iet•unlef.
C LO .
Homo), March an•h IfNh.
'ollsn•ne 4/,1/41441 suet in the town-
ship hall. all the members. present.
Slinutem 1,f the• last unetiu44 err• renal
:a1111 oI a1 It.•.1.
The K
(4)114)4-i4) Ace. llllll 14
ern• Paul, iz.: I)ari(1 tVr114,11, shucel-
I11144 444.4', $13(l; Johli 54,114., sad
w.n•k, $1.110; JHn,.•N Adan', ',pairing
bridge, $1111: JAm,. Ad:un., painting
Post.. CAN): An/1y'•', Ih•noett. 101•411,
ing roads, $3.(II: The Signal, priming
audit.4•li 'report, Ill 4.00: Dr. Hunter,
professional lttendaucw un lien, Little,
$2.11) ; 3'x)N•tlwra of arbittttiu11 4,.
school Mrt),ii Nu. o, Colborne, 111)4
No. 11, ANhn.•Id.$11,141; J. Hrophe'
Son, f .is') expenses of (44.,,
*KM: 111. Taylor, professional :mem
danre 011 H. Million f "ly by order of
1Na114 of health, $1.11*; 'tile Star,
painting. $14.714. 11 •ijwal '.V1,1.4d,
Supplir1..$7.41); Jesse Gledhill. Iwlan4e
11 ace t for Inlildin44 abutments at
Hemiiiller 144•idg.•, $147.141; \1'4))4,4)❑
('ohlinw,u, 1.1)4)1 work. $1.111; JIM. A.
Fowler. 1'. E. uu•ssuriu44 111Ntttnetlt.,
fie Ile•r Midge, CAM; John Bark,.,,
road work. $'Lot); John Barker, stunt .
itK bridge. lKr
• agents
At }Ndling Suldit'Isluns, voting un 111.
1114, DOA). John Braker.* account (1)r
Doutti414 tile culvert at the top .,f
►unl•p hill w101 hn,taght up. Mot 4.I
Jewell,w1 .
. 41
nldb• d
by )14
u that
said (. l • u
111 r not paid. ('x)'3'44.). \\"1,,,
John Allen 4,as rr•.elil,d With *Gil.
overcharge rot. 1neaki1144motifs. (1,,0,,,•11
adj.n4nel to meet again April loth.
F. N'. Mi Ih,NA.1H, Clerk.
2.1 DOOR
THIS is a better carpet store today than it ever was before. Better
becat•se stocks are bigger, assortments larger. and values better
than they have ever been. Do not take our word for it alone,
come and see it yourself. We are willing to let you be the judge. We
think there is not a carpet store hereabouts, that can give you the
variety to select from that you will find here, and, quality for quality,
we are satisfied to have you match values with any you will get any-
where. For years we have made a study of the carpet business, under-
stand it thoroughly, and know how to cut, make and lay carpets prop-
erly. Dozens of patterns in each of the following makes.
kEMP CARPETS, 12jc, ISc, to 25c.
UNION CARPETS, 25c, 35c, and 50c.
PURE WOOL CARPETS, 75c, 85c, and $1.00.
TAPESTRY CARPETS, 28c, to 80c.
ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS, $1.00, $1.15, $1.25.
LINOLEUMS (All widths.) OILCLOTHS (All widths.)
Our Big 4 March Bargains.
25c Veilings 10c.
30c to 45c Cashmere Hose 25c.
25c Linen Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c.
Makers' Seconds in Linen Towelings.
We remind youagain of our four big March
Bargains. Each one is priced under value, and
special in the best and truest sense of the word.
Each line has sold and sold fast, but we laid in
enough of all to last us all month, and if you come
soon you will be able to get any of these.
Toweling Seconds.
These toweling, are make,,'
M'(1/1111., 1.11.1 wr.•k 4'1•
Mdd a big lot 4)f them, and
the 44'a)• Riley lire going this
week we will wee• flit. last
tot theta 14.11%,' the.rGrn•
Towel I.•ngth, enc"
T1,Nrl in•ngths Irk.
T41 tile 1,1 nen Vic.
Table Linen R3''. 1
\11 maker' Mr 11., anti ail
2Sc Veiling 10c.
:111* 4Heals plain anti fancy
Veilings, with 1)r withlnit
chenille spots, /•(11111. navy,
brown. white, hlar•k, ►1•gl,
Tic -
lar b finalities, 1411 1*'.
'•Hnw• ver lit night 1)4.1,4'
'•heap", our March prier 1A
net ' yArl . 111r.
Cashmere Hose 25c.
ask• to l:w• pet pair is whet 4.e
would have had to sell these
stockings fur if we had
IW,tight theca at 114.' regulnr
price. As 1t IS 'Lr 11 p111. 114
all 4-3' ask. Already we
have w.I,I hundreds of pairs•
still there 414 N 1(0144 i4s ott-
,Ilent 11•ft. AS/Witted r•ils,
811 w/o/1, Bingle Or 110411,.•
knee/4, 11ix(M 444 GI Y;, choice
Handkerchiefs 2 for
Thew• arc an odd lot we
41...tre l out (4111 a big im-
porter, are • Imes.
ladies' heal -stitched hand-
kct•ehiefs• 411.Mlrf44( {101.44•
Ont. qualities, wutth ,,p to
314e each, nor March prier.
2 for ,•
This week we Have
passed through the cus-
toms a big shipment of
ribbons, silks, laces,
dress goods, etc. They
are now .narked off and
into stock, and spring
stocks in these depart-
ments are about com-
Tour Easter
There are several go(„1
makes of French kid gloves.
There is only one "best,” ,hitt
is "Trefousae". We are sole
agents in Goderich for these
famous gloves. (lir spring
stock arrived this week, and
all the new colorings and
stitchings will be found in it.
Fn•n4h jiid Ulnl sea, sl.p). •
"r0)4h Kid (411,41'. (a 140ttei pool
413' 1, *4.25.
(' 4.0(14 Kid (clover 1.4(11 hefts., 1,
Black and poloist In the above makes,
and every pair guaranteed,.