HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-3-26, Page 71 • • THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO HARDWARE i, WHAT M°KENZIE d HOWELL Sell, and lots of it, too. it was recently 'stated by one who should kuow that our firm paid the Brand Trunk Railway more cash iu freights hut year than gny other house in Go'lerich. !tut we can do more Ind are doiug'Ynore every won ;h. - Our facllitina for handling. our business are bettor than evtr. We hate In our employ a competent bookkeeper and sonographer, coupled with our oowph.te system of bookkeeping, in'siding accuracy iu running accounts with us. Of course we prefer cash and we give a liberal cash dieoount. We have been busy unpacking our Spring shipment of Ilollyroud paints. This paint is guaranteed for tiyo years. t. is the he.tvie.t paint all the market. Fencing has ■tert•d to move briskly with us, we sell the Ideal; American slid Frost. We like the Ideal hest. pensive, and very stong. Our wiled and barb wire is still $`. 75. Try ua on paint in fact everything. We sell right, and endeavor to always handle the best line of goods, and give satisfaction. It is all No. 'J herd ,tool wire, not too ex- McKENZIE ,S HOWELL OLD LAKE CAPTAIN DEAD. J. F. Foote, of Open Sound, Well-known Her. LIBERALS SLOGAN ! i n.1', Pa5M. Away. OW1.11 $t,uud, Ma•t•h 1)). Fri on the shipping in the harbor. r. and the pub- lic buildings, flags are floating at Mi f- Ilulst toaluy i❑ tribute ter the memory of Captain Jaut•s Ferguson Foote, of the most w itlety-knuwft Ilnial'l ilt•I*',11 the (11•eat bikes, Wh', 14u.scd away at 10:19 this liloruiug. Captain 1"ttito was lati-ti iu Fergus fifty-eight year's ago, and in l)ifzi he hustle his first trip fn nn Owe11 Mi 1 DOS little a('11(Nltaei' ,•omulutml*'dbyCaptain Ebenem-rMtt'w• 'suet, which was destined for Tir"ntu. 1 iitA 1tN14 hew•rvelin variirtts calatcitie up to cumivander un Amt'eieiul soiling V1'HNa•Is. hi the last-named year he re- ceived his first steamboat appointment, sailing the steamer %Villiaui Seymour, and later the stashes Miler Surety, from Owen Monitan. Ile then entered the service of the Georgian Bay Tran- sit 4'itngwttIv, which has been alrson•Is•d int', the Aurtheru N14vig4ti011 l'0u1- Iutny. His lam barge was the 'rlll•ret !'01111, which Me ruliuuamted Oust season. In I14N) Captain Foote as last evening. This sentiment, as sent to Great Britain hf the l'I.iggue the iggun of u party already syndicate to buy sty •1•s for "the freighted with achievement, of u Angola's l'eutl•al Mterrnshi1' l'otulat"' Utt%ernnlent which would nut shrink He WAN at member of the Masonic unlet• 1041 the A. O. C. N'. A wid',N•, from greeter respunslbllit les than it three 1010511111111110tlauglltel* survive. had overcome, rallied the enthusiasm PRESERVATION OFWILDFLOWERS. of a iberali t oughtgatherfng, Toronto and the Liberal thought of Toronto aud I •1'f the Province generally. • "Onward, Canada!" No Time to Halt by the Way. A (TREAT LIBERAL BANQUET SIr,Nulna.,, Muloek Cmphaslsu the Need ser Assl.11ug Rrliwute to Me•t the Deatund. of Increased '1 rums. Fol- lowing Inrreued Immlerrilou- Hou. Raymond 1'r,-lueitelne sod Mr. rattullo l•re.ent. Toronto. March 24. - "Onward, Canada." as the watchword of the Liberals, was the patriot lc battle cry put:for•th by SIr!1Williaut Mulock ut the joint banquet of the Young Liberal Club and the Laurier -Club ITonmtai Now..., 1 Mir liilliate, in hnpresa,vat sentenc- l',anadiiul larent.'shuuMimculraf•int ce, told of tow ".Yd in l'unadu of f"- theirehildrr•u it ordective fts'Iing lo- creamed*run*l.ortliou facilities, and • wards all the pilitnts and trees and , declared his belief that 0111 W0111411" 1.111W1.1.14 N•hieh 111111 ,old 1/100..1/100....41111.1 at this in,rennury Iwfor, capitalist• would iit.linestci'I for plaintiff ; J. P. Mabee. 11111*' of the \slue• rt is 14 l'olnturtn / build a line •through one thousand Stretford, and K. M. (lays. Seaforlh, for defendant. Plaint ilf is lard waster ill y44-aftirtll and the defendant Mrs. Mary (lines ,ie 115710 land adji.iiiing and dis'Suyd by the youngsters. who Hon. Raymund I'refontaine, who, 'la- the IaadoMre. Defendant Jae. (Titles- etre crazy l" ,a,Nsrm. lin• ,.lift. Iluwlly 1claimed aa a man who had succeeded pie is 111.1' Ilulsialtnt. Action tl isnllssed Vegetable In+dot Vin's of the yollnR by his own powers, and' not on a ax 'wailed defendant Mary (iille•spie tlucklitK. fat ttit'y hat -t• n0 trs1ss-t wave of sectarianism, paid his first with, coats , I judgment entered for the tree which bears the c0cth,Yl against defendant .lits. (1illey�,i1' the tl'Ywui•e•, and 1h*'y dst1rp• rvt•u as ofl!dpl vbtt to Ontartn. ole .was having 1.111041.104.111W1111141.461. i)Nlllilge 1I1eY N'n11111 Possess. '1'11.• x.401.• miry `riven s moat hnspltable wolrou,c, ant I.-ing asked alt.i the Ia5' iutiltl'iniq ia• Nrll.l of the. wild 11 twt•1� which go,N' 1 on ei his battlesaddress drss0he find nf ruof the sin some damages the .Luuages were fixed in the y,'ostit,, surrounding q'ortmtl,. the sister Province, where, starting at 2.1 cents. Me, fel• Its Mary (Titles ,i1' Not tortoni with the bs l,Ntul,, tilt.g IN vines! IN+N'lYYl111K*. 40011 lhii•ty V* K tow.r•s•*'kt'I* pull up 1,y' the' with a contingent of less than a (lays. , Mine•btir v. \f,NeiI. This action was ix -sinned xt 3:14. Ili*. I,orlsilip de - 'ideal that in view of the form in which the net 1on war/fin nied a111Lt he 14 itWllrt• of patties he 1 ould a1.4 ubje.•t. After expiratirtu tf/twu nratthit tither tarty may appjv./to His 1ntrlship upon no- tit•t• for it dispirit of of the (afts. .Ills le,orlship ••Nerv.sl to himself the right to pntnot nee• ,at any time Nnth judg- ment as le• roily see fit. . Gimlet (h KleVetterr 4'll, V. 1).Nn1111on 7 KIe•v11t� r e'',. *'t al. All 114.6111 to rt.- ertrr 1111. pica of xlmeu•e' retained by plaintiff*. for defendants in the plain- tiffs' elevitt. Pr Iain- tifT '.Ievalnr at (i,Nlerirh and not taken by defendants. W. Praulfa.t, K. 1'., foe plaintiff ; C. A. M.awt for defenditilts. This action wax ( - "a•nc.11 on Wednesday aften•n,N,n and was out 11 tncludrtl till 1 Welt eek nm Friday. Jndgotent'ars'rverl. THE ASSIZES. Report of GMS Before' Moe. Mr. Justice Fer• swum Last weak. The'Court. opened .m Tuesday aft'r- n.s,r1 at. 1 u'cklek aud rorlehlele i its sittings on Friary. TUESDAY. Milephenam et ill. •v. Brown An act i in for recovery of damage.' for the false replr•tettation of a threshing engine. The plaintiffs, of Clinton, had purchased 11 t hrwhing .engine frn"t defendant. Nho lives in Peter - limo', giving in fwyrnent an nod .•n1cins and notes for the Imitative. The plain- tiff. cleintwi that the engine wits not as reptvte•tlttl. itllti earng1:ht to reeov •t• damages. 1l. 1'ruulftad, K. l'., /ow plaint lift( : 1)rnniatumn.I Peck A Steven- son. PeterlWWIi , fur de(,•tl.lautt. ('ouu- s•I for defrtalant 41ttw•nting by tel. -grant. lits L.arlshii, admitted judgment to be entered for 7<!s) with- out mads and her delivery to plaintiff by defendant (if the motes given in satvtnrnt. Jewitt v. Jewett et al. An action to wet aside ala alleged fraudulent con- YeyNnee. VV. Pnstditad„ K. l'., for plaintiff : K. 1. 1)ickinsln fur defen- dants. The defendants, -.John and William Jewitt, butt been in partnership at Hayfield for :44.4.1. - rill yeahe in the last Imeinexs and also in the ,awutill INainess. The fatt- uerohip hat lawn dit.olveYt on the 17th of January, 111)1. the defendant %Villixnl taking over the business. The plaintiff, Mary Jewitt. was married to defendant John. but ah.• sight -ti See the "pussy -est willows, I miles of unoccupied territory to the sal (11551' t0 the heart of childhood. torn north of the great lakes. faun a young titre, which is tilatwl Another guest of the evening mus WHO'S BEEN STUFFING SENNETT? Member, for East Mmcw Tells r Obeid Story and her Itusluuul'had 'scoot* 1411 lo- to the House of Commons. gather /1 1111 he luul gime to the Mtat•s. The members at Ottawa N•er•treateY1 She entered the acti to wY•"tr• ani- ,n Thunslaty bud to a fairy tale by %V. mealy, but before the Court "Net she 11. 1i.• 1t, the representative of East withdt't•N it. The only quieell left Siut.,.-_ who is not it total soling. I in ftrt• the ('curt was itt'rest of clods this riding. Mr. !fe•nnelt askedi that to the defendant N Unfair. K. 1.. the Minister of .loathe explain why Ufrkfusm al'Kut'1 that he *.hound be Judge Hnit had ieee11 alt Nmntiall11 the giteen(lists: N'.I'rtudfad,K.l'.,ronta. colinty..f lign.n. Ht' tit( night it was His L.trlship dismiss•eI the. action hardly fair to the MinAtWr of .lustier, without roots. . who INos.a•tseYI n high atwtitii,,g at the Aa no 1,4 her rases could be brought lar. that party exigencies hal to be met on owing to lack of wit nesse*, and et her at every ps .Nall the .N'e•asiort. M. G. .atlas,.. the t'onti adjourned at 4:11 to 4'ainl.•teit wanted the 'Altered m naiva- meet at 11) o'clock 'Wednesday Itttwts- ti.en for the legieinturo. ant .Mr. frttt int;. also desired it. but. Mr. Ids •tt maid, N•E1'N Kent Y. Mr. ('an. -rel, who helped tee stifle. the Nluclah• \'. McN.•il. W. I'mndf.wtt. H. H. Cook investigation. load taken K. U., &nil (i. F. Hlxir, lilniss,•I., fin. the Hover •nt by the throat and plaintiff l J. P. Mete•.•• $tratf.n.l. and thr55tened, . unit•xs he received the V.M. N1nriNlr, itrumeei,, pot defendant. nomination. (t dis Its•• vermin infor- The plaintiff iu this' caw• IN N Married motion which was in his pi...s inion. wtyman living in (trey township, a He therefore r eei%*Yl the numbed' Neater of defendant and of John \1c- need Judge Holt was aplktititetI Gr the Neil. who diel infest ate. Letter., of 1a•44c4. administration of the deceased's pee. It. 11r1u,e,. West Huron. denied vernal estate weere taken out last eMplilticall• that there hall been any Ot'tolter by the def,ndnnt, mill a farm, lar•gein and ole in the nomination of .aid by plaintiff to Itching to the estate Mr. l'a"w•rm in We'd Huron...I' im the but el ' 41 ley the d.'fendtnt se. his ',metintntent elf Mr. Holt t. the Iw•tt,h, own property. haul hem' mortgaged. and suggested that if Mr. Idt•unett's The plaintiff sought to have the title other statements had no better found - of the fart 1 d,Y•Iarwl ns v.•Nting in theNtioh than this they were not worthy ....taw anti to have the whole estate 111 serious conaidenttion. Mi. t' •tam :ultnlniat•»Yl. ('.anise' rliseiewstl the wits Ito light out nt one of the largest. f.trtn of action' and the alrw•n(e of 1.ita•tal conventions ever lu•I,i in the htt'..wary pit'tie'. till 11:111). when the riding. et whirl' Mr. Holt'm name wa.. ''.tea• waw IN 1x1 am. -it far x few ham.. 11r.t even Iatelltitittest. berates, It Was 1)ickwot V. Gillespie An setion for w•.•It kill/Will that he lied pr•t'Ionsly an- ttrNjrttp,. to lard.'in the town n( Men- 1101111(1.1I that he would not under any forth. Wm. Pt'.nmH.a.t. K. ('.. alnd' F. vire tatters 1w• a ritndirbtte. If Mr. t 't111.•Ir ttt Was bitN..sw•xtlon I If 110.11.1111- - aging facts which Mr. Hennett slid he NN44, N'lly.INt I1o1 t1aNt.�Ke.Iltir111Nn's(',tit- set•i-atit*' friends bring theta Salt when Mr. Cameron wear Ia•flir them under oath in the 4'oark investigation? ll 1114111:14 taxa. Tie HURON aad BRUCE Loan and Investment C GODERICH, ONT 11141. of VII %Rail Orli. a t. num- roots the rlauat. which they ev,•ntually dozen In 1867. the party now num- 1411uw tit . b.' „n th*' ptrY Tacna of the . tiered fifty-nine out of sixty-five iiar•kyanL • members in the Ilouse of Comtnons. Ap eeciatinn of flowers homily eau That required work, and education 10.1111111i ruusist*'tit with the whole- to the principles of freedom and sale slnutght•i' which goes on spring liberty. After spring iu t lie envie' ins of 'F(1111 III ' Mr. Geo. D. Grant, M.P., was en - '11141 public nut.he allies: have managed, thusiastlenity hatted as the y',ung after year* of radials 1 anxiety, to Davin who slew the great Goliath in in*.111 intotht• ' Is of the upgn.w•ing North Ontario. population n that theuprooting111 The Ontario Legislature was retire. plArking of flowers in utir public merited by Mr. Andrew I'attull',, gardens lax Ilniwlt•,ltt-it10t* whirl' merits who, as usual, delivered an address pnnishiimitt. T,Nhty. thanks to ell WV of polished eloqueence. attention On the lard of the Policy. our, Sir William Mulock, who spoke to Kaden*. turd squabs ptl•MM•nt a 10•i111ti- the toast of "Canada and the Em - fel sight when the tulips and spring pire," made a very important refer - 31.1' ill hlisnu. '1lti,. shtrwa lhNt ence to the live transportation ques- .Ylneation can du something' for the lion in Canada. Luring the course of preservation of trees anti plants,' and his great spegch Sir William dealt the thonslnds of 1oi'at• pints "f very fully with this question. worms' in fr.nt.*4 traidenees are to -i Sir William quoted the pominfoii day uupndeettYI by any fon"'u1' ['Statistician as follows as to the barrier. population of Man itobu and the But the work of pmterling the Territories: "F.stoldish ing the pope- hd:A1"1utts rt(1 flnwel* 111 aur ".""ds ''art I lotion of Munftobu abet Ilse Korth- arlly he put into the hands of puldi.• went at t84,10in l:nr_, and ac - officers. iutd 11' delnrytds els," the ceptieg the increase 111 iuunigration t.•ae•hing of the home and s•hes,lrs"n in 1902 over nowt, , u h. st erstanl individual child, and we regret to way "f future Vrurs the populate... mould to incident. a spirit ..f pri .iertiuu iu the it isnot a1 spirit c to this age. toe 1.,•s),INNI in l: