HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-3-26, Page 5} Mg SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO T/oldID.Y, Match 26, 1903 W. Acheson &Son Carpets, Curtains and Linoleums Timely auggsanona for housekeepers who are giving thought to spring houseulsauiuq Thaw suggettions are fall of eoonomic buying and should prove aecsptable to every householder. Carpets and Rugs English. Bowels carpets 27 inches, a splendid range of high -clam designa in ertiatiu colorings of green., crimson •, browns, fawns. made and laid at peyr yard. sbc, 96u, $1.10 and . .. ................. .. .... .... ...... $ 1.20 Reversible Rugs mete ranted 101 pure w ol, and some flue uuinn, or with c (ton warp, 3X3 yards, 3X4, 34X4, am per equa e yard, 60c, bbc. 75c Curtains Our own importation of high -clans Si curtains m esyu.s.le now des!igns, 3. yards long and full width, at per pair $2.90. $3 60 $4 00 and is New Dress Goods These ere some of the dress' materials that tele to alaLe out stock w. pow] at thti season. English satin cleats, 42 anti 44 iuohea w de, ip all color", at per yard 60c and 75c Cream wool wash goods, ineluding ewrgee, unvaa .ilei, (awash' albatroe.e and Henrietta's, et' , 30c to $1.25 Fancy tl.+ks tweeds Nteehies iu two toned, dark amt medium colorings, 64 Inches wide, at per yard $ 1.25 Butterick'a Patterns all in for April. April fashion sheets tree. W. Acheson & Son. THE WEEK AT OTTAWA. W. F. Maclean's Attack Upon Lieuten- ant -Governor Mowat. ti.r W ilfr,d Relents the Remarks of the Member for East York Mr Tarte, Retirement from the Cabn.et Ra,lwav Commiwon Bell Mr Fielding and the Manufacl 1Front ewe On n 1'orre:mpnn.lcn1 1 Ottawa, Meech 21. -Thr wain feat - lanai of thlm week's petw•erdings were the OppMwition attacks on Mir Oliver Mowat, the 1'reinier's .tet iuent re- garding the retirement of Mr. Tarte from the ('*bine•t, and the Railway Connubial Hill. On Monday Afternoon, on the tion to adjourn, Mr. W. F. Mre•lewo got up and dragged the Garvey affair into the I)Hninion arena yin Mir Oliver Mowat., althi*igh perhaps his real purls*• wain 1.o (neat Hir Oliver via the (lanai charges in the Ontario LegiNlat)IIe. He was promptly reminded by the Speaker that he was out of order, as the tion tA, 4441,14 turn in not debatable, Mit Mr. Maclean pi -tended in an "aw- plraar-Irk- me -*peek, - I -have -a - glad - one-rn-the-fitital" *tyle, and he was al- Mwel b1ro eed. Be Maid Mir Oliver Mowat'm health was such that he could not fittingly dim•herg a the (hair. of his office, and in view of the imditiral erieis At Toninbi it needed Amt. in the full strength of action and able to show the "11111.141.1* hand " in the ad- ministration of the Ih„vine.•. The Pre ' •r t.aik the member f„r Fast York sharply to task for what he deet rihel we a grwtuitnw insult to the Irrntenant-(iuvernor. Mr. Borden ale. .wok a hand. not tit etr•nglhen Mr. 1 s' fr ,steno w.• '* r rx ontetlbt n IIt t I ( M 1 n his colleague from the reply of the Pi,• ' •r. Ne said he did not ler- stand Mr. Ma(•h•An'M remarks as n•- fle•ting Mont the integrity of Hie Honor, but as aingrh• drawing the at- tention of the 11..uw• to the fact that he did net eonsid.•r Sir Oliver Muw•at a tit state of health to (tilt , in office. Mr. Fitzpatrick ani. Mr. Leigh- tott\ Me(ar•thv dt•feue el the Pr'in.er a1111Bir Oliver Mowat. the latt•r may- ing tinZt within the patetwo days rela- Two Big Specils for Marc One in Whips. tiers of Mir Oliver heti tdd hila the latter was feeling better than usual and was writing lettere with his own hand. Thi /liaise then ailj.iurut.l. but Mr. Maclean was still sHiirtillg fnnu the vestigatiuu receival fnnu _ the Pre ' •r, and next /hay, un miotiun t, go into supply. rt-new•e,l his attae'k, quoting (roma Hanlianl the peition Mr." Laurier tok eight ylwi•s ago upon the extension of the berm of Idruteutnt-(iovrruutr without ale.1 n•- newing their t i*Mione. Mr. Mac- lean neiteI(Iel that the (i 4ye•1•illtll'lll elmld bring pn•MMure to bear 1118(n Mir Oliver Mowat et the 4'owent time to Rei the advantage of Mr. s at Tornito, 1M•ratlle• he watt liable, he Maid, to be to •ed from office at any time if hie (-mire• diedeauel the (laver •nt. Sir Wilfrid pointed out Hest that on a e ution of this kind Mr. M+uban •• mhuuleilrwshow the et metes). of giving not i(e of the que•stiup, which, by the way. i* ease•thing the Premier never overlooks. Hr at •e disps..1 of Mr. Maeleen'e contention that the Glovermnent eHtld litter -fere, by quot- ing the H. N. A. Arlt, which says that the I.ieutenait-Governor shall remlaitl in office during the pleasure 44 the Oovrrnor-General, who ap18,inb.l hint and WAM not appointed for a Mp eeific term of vearm, me the nlellllwr for Erik York hail Maid. He was not surprimed, however, at the neophaiiit of Mr. Misdealt It was Holy a revival of the old (rye, ., Mowat must a,' which the n.untry had heart for the least twenty years. He pointed ..ut that the Con- ser%alive leap theitlmelve's would m- eted the removal of a man of such w tell tin and experience filen the helm et this juncture load replacing him. with • who could not understand the Millation s.1 well. Theme were the rrawl0M ogainat taking Mr. Ma*'lean's nolvie•, " which.- Mir Wilfrid energeti- cally concluded. •'w'1' shall not follow." THR (•HANe1ta In THE t'AHINRT. On Thuralap( kyr WiIfrki. int Mr. fLerlel' M rrrpmee.,Z Me Om lig... in the ('ih,nrt which tank phwe hast fall. Hr maid that while he watt in Europe he had received Iettera tA•Iling him that Mr. Tarte was (nerving (1n N high tariff campaign end wan c(111- tnitt ing the Oovet'n,iwnt tot hat Policy, which, he said, had net bee el by the fit .verninent, and this con- ititutirt a hn•arh of faith on the pari of the ex -Minister 4f Public \Yorks and a constitutional nlie denleenor. Mir Wilfrid, after r•affit ' g the principle that when it Government de- eides 1n the tvemeil chamber 1118(11 a certain line elf action it is the duty of all those w'hip chola*• to remain in the 5'*1130. t. t1 mum 'Il it in its entirety. concluded with the atatenle•nt that his ettheagle, Mr. Jas- Sutherland. then MiniMti•r of Marine and Fiehe•rie•s, heti been tr*naforeed to this Public \Vorks petifnlio, and Hon. Mr. Pr.•- fontaine•, member for MaiM*meln'r, hail Iwe'n celled to the ('steins•. *114111/4,1 Mince• 1814.11 con(1r1ru•l by his roflstltll- erate+ an Minister of Marine and Fimher- 1,.+, We are clearing out many lines of our Whips, and dur- ing the month of March are offering some rare prices in all lines of whips. Look at These Prices. $ 25, 30. 40 Whip" going for 20e . .60 Rawhide Whips going few . .. 40c .76 ltawhlde N h pm Going or ... 60c 1.00 Warranted14-hips going for tOc Another in - Tea and Coffee Pots. The ltochester Stamping Co.'ts genuine "Silver Nick - lo" Tea and ('oth-e Pots will not tarnish or turn color. They wear (tetter than the host of silver. During Marc clearing a numbe out at a discount per cent. we are f these f 20 (live sea all. rII M .y kit to Owe y$.. h%bling, speaking. for the Govern- ment, did not give the uiauufatetun•i. •h tl hole Ga'. He probably want- ed "notangling alliances" when the budget was est chew at hand. WILL LORI) 1111141818.41.1) II R'I'I 1t I,::' The rumor of Lord lhuulonahreearly Insall is dying out, and then• in -till every Iikelih+sel he will remain his full term, so far as his official c)une(tion IM eoutei•11e . although it is Amid there are let/metal matters at 1 • which demend his attt•ntiuu, and he may ge en 11 long flu'luugh.' His ieNiguittion. intwevt•r, is nal necessarily called fur. Mr. Tarte, who followed, tn.4l !ls (•alltin1181)' as did the i'reiiiiei•, a111I explained the mituat' as he Maw it. 4pert fnnu the Mnhjert Matter, Mr. tr'M speeches ars always interest mg: wetly because it it. haul work ter him ex beta. hilaM•1f fluently in Eng- lish: b t he iM Iecerihelms eloquent, his hand nd heed more than 'tanking up for him •k of fluency. The task he mldt•rto ,in replying to the Pun- ier was to just.ty iris attitude on timed Affairs: t1 gent reproach him chief and him colleagues n• not first telling hint he wee doing a mg ; and to re- view him reword as , inter of Pithily Works from July, 1 to October. 111trt. HI'It.41. MAI1. MCC1.IVR Y. Mr. JelwI Hghinw,n, M.1'. r the farmers, has a r uerdinn on the er piper asking if the (hive! • • d, tends int,ralnrinpg nasal mail delivct HO. session, and, if so, where and when. RAll.w'AY (,1MMIM$IUN RILL On Friday Hon. A. O. Blair. Minis- ter of Railways and Cartels, inti*laced the hong pl niudeed Railway Com- mission hall Rlcntientel in the Mttwrrh front the Throne. It is *linnet identi- cal with one introduced hist year but. withdrawn to let the country examine and rritieize it during the recess. It etnlewllea ell the Mast points of exist- ing railw,ly a '88i(1n14 in Orem Britain. Australla and the 1'hitd Hlati•s, still in framed largely 111w/t1 the report of Pi,d. M. .1. Melmeur, of To- ronto 1'niverMity, who wee cumrniM- ,i,nod to look into the matter with the view of establishing 8 r•ailw•*y (•ntn- n1iMMi4n in ('Nn,uM. For a fleet read- ing, the Hill hail N somewhat .sough 1 it faun the (► 1 wlwition side. it handling 1R 1 11 4 Intended o fe is not Inf n l rl t w perfect, and th Minister said h.• was ..beet to merges - Gone for improvements et the proper time, 14, make it am pre/diemhle int IM81ible. It 1185 4411'111y weather to e .minter. fiEO. L. ALLAN The Beading Harlwae.e Rtrre HONEST (400n9 AT RONRAT PRP INN SEIZED AS A PIRATE. Brill* er*4.r Pallas Has Takes the TNeaaelaa aestarrader. Port of Spain, Trinidad, March 24. -The Brutish cruieer Pallas hue seized the Venezuelan warship Heat- aurador on the ground that she is a pirate. The came agelnat the Itest- aurador cites that 11oo11 atter she was handed over to the Venezuelan aut.horttlee by the German commo- dore she began again acts of piracy and robbery on the high seas. It is charged that she seized the cargos and crews of vessels and then date mantled and abandoned the craft A l'ort of Spain newspaper says, ed- itorially of the Itestaurador's course. "Such piratical acts prove the un - wisdom of the generosity of the alli- ed powers. The paper expresses the hope that retributive Justice will he swifter and more effective than on the last oCCasion. SAN DOMINGO CAPTURED. Ova. Peas. C.mmaader et the Gev.ra- meat For..., 8411ed. San Iloinin$o, Santo Domingo, .larch 24. -Tie revolutionists are in full possession of the city of San Domingo They have taken charge of the cable office and of the Gov- ernment land lines. Foreign MiniB- ter Sanohez has sought refuge in the United Staten Consulate The fight- ing continues Assistant Governor Echenique and the commander of the Government forces. Gen. Pena, havo been killed. It 1s expected that the Government troops outside the city will, speck the revolutiunlsts, who are in San Domingo. Gen. Woe Oil has ateumed command of the revolu- tionary forces. The number of men killed or wounded is not known, but it is expected many have been kilted on both sides. /.Ness Stabbing la Tereats. Toronto, March 24. -At about 1.80 o'clock this m/rning Detectives Cud- dy and Forrest arrested Christopher McGraln on a charge of stabbing r;oorge Williams. Mc(Irala i■ a man tt% years of age. and lives at 2 Vir- gin's lane. There is ■light hope of the wounded man's recovery. Qaebee Lees. dwarf. Whin New York, March 24. -The noard Of C1atedfisation of the United States General Appraisers yesterday decided the Cenadian wood 1.0114 case. In the -ueb•c case, the collector was eld, but the revers.• was decided n the case from Ontario. • Wormed by Vpaettlag Lamp. Toronto, March 24 -Joseph Sam - me, 214 St Das Id street, was seri- ously burned last night by tire, re- melting from a lamp being tweet ile is in a critical retitle' . 11101 hide hopes ts-latertelued for hie recuv- An Easy Task. Bob had been taught never to tell tales, and he meant to live up to kis teaching, but sometimes It.was hard work. "Bob," said his mother one day, "I left a dish of peppermints on my table this morning and there Isn't one there now. Have you and Carl eaten therm" "I haven't eaten one," said Bob stoutly, "but" -then he remembered he must not be a talebearer. "Well -per- haps, If -you'd better just smell ('arl, and I guess then you'll know all about itr' A delay Tarim,. One morning when the milkman came In the gate Polly was In the window and said to hum, "Get out of here:" The milkman. auppoelug It was one of the family, went away thinking we had a very Impolite way of letting hum know when we didn't wish milk. He did not get far when be heard, "Sweet corn, green peas, strawberries..!" and recog- oixfng Polly's voice he saw how he had been deceived and came back and gave as our milk. -Exchange. MANI'FA(TCHICRM (1RT 11II.I) ((IMFIIHT. A large delegst' reptreent(ntg the ('anadian Menufaetnn•re' Aawwat' waited upon the (ioverniIiont on Thnraday efternoMtn end ,asked for more protection. They'nought a iln•- iered aeheclitle, whirls. they amid, had 1irrii made en M 10 harmonize all in- ternam, and which wits endorsed by nine -tenths of the Inannfecturrra, and which they offered for the benefitof the Government " in rnnfldenee." Mr. Fielding at once objected 14, any dim- rnnsi(1n or nefiiduh•s which could not hear the light of day, end the schedules weer r(naepnrntly withheld. MI'. Certaae'. Reaaoa. Corinne had been to lunday school. And mho learned a verse to say. "Repeat It, dear," a lady urged. Who called to see mamma on. day. Corinne thought hard, than frowned a bit. "1 can't lug' mink today of that. 'Came" why" she hastily explained, "I haven't on my Sunday hat." DOMINOS AND GEOMETRY. Clever Melkod of Demonstrating • Pr.p..tlt.a Int aceeild. Here 1s a very rle\•er method of dem- onstrating a proposition In ttlathomat• ice which will Interest and at the same time Instruct our boys and girls and will give those who are not very far advaneed lu arithmetic a glimpse of the pleasures in store for thew whelk they enter upon the study of geometry: No proposition in mathematics has been the cause of more perplexity than No. 47 In the, first book of Euclid -- the square described on the hypote- puce of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares described on the other two sides. We know that the hypotenuse 11 less than the other two sides taken to- gether, and It seems reasonable to as- sume that the square described upon TES SQUARE 0* THS TRIANGLE. It should also be less. But we know It the sante time that the proposition may be readily demonstrated. Indeed many of us have demonstrated It time and again. Perhaps It may simplify the matter somewhat If we use dominos to show bow this demonstration may be made. and the accompanying Illustration hall been drawn for this purpose. , Each domino, as you know, is a rec- tangle composed of two squares. Hay - Ing drawn a right angled triangle, we proceed to construct a square upon the hypotenuse by weans of the domi- nos. We find that we may form a perfect square by placing twelve domi- nos as shown In the picture -that 1s to say, we have twenty-four squares, with an empty space In the center equal to one of the squares, or twenty - Ave equal squares in all. On the second side of the triangle we place four dominos, which, with the empty space in the center, gives us nine equal squares, and on the third side we place eight dominos, gtv- Ing us sixteen equal squares. This completes the demonstration, tor we have twenty -eve squares on the hypotenuse and sixteen plus nine, or twenty-five, squares on the other two sides. The Kitchen Table. in the mer with insect life kerosene Is a sure weapon of detente.. 15 the kitchen table 1s seized upon by roaches end used as a nest for their eggs, do not born It up after Ineffective scrub- bing and scaldings. Put It in the yard and soak 1t with kerosene. Not one egg will live. ie like wanner treat any in- sect Infected tht;niture. Whiles* Pleats. The most common mistake In win- dow culture of plants Is having toe many and not starting them in time so that they may develop into sightly plants. Better two or three or even ons well grown, generously foliaged plant than six or eight that are merely Jack Saw Mem. One day the primary teacher bad been talking about Jack and J111 and asked We little people to draw a pic- ture showing what she had told them. Wben the pictures were gathered, it was noticed that one little boy bad drawn several stars about Jack's bead. The teacher said: "Why, Freddie, why do you have those stars in the picture? It was In the daytime when Jack and J111 went for the water." Freddie looked up as if surprised at the dullness of the teacher and sald: "Why, loss -, they are the stars that Jack saw when he fell down." Mae and Marbles. Each boy or girl receives three pins, which are stuck upright in the carpet. /derbies are then used to bowl over the pins. Naturally there must be a prearranged place for the pins to be stuck and for the bowler to stand in order that everybody shall have an equal chance. it more than one boy or girl should succeed In downing all three pins In the three bowls allowed by tho riles, the successful players can have "rubber" games together until one or the other becomes champion.- Wash- ington Star. /aMlllal. Pre • l.arterr. if you tied youraelt caught by the dark lu a situation where u lantern would he "grateful aunt comforting," you cum easily wake a e5ibrtllute 11 you have a caudle. light the caudle and draw over it a paper bag that you have blown up, just us you did years ago when you "popped" it to wake your mother jump. Guther the bag's open - kg around the lower end of the candle, and you will Cad that you cau carry this simply coustructcd torch with safe- ty and lumluous results. Lennie Deers. When doors do not close snugly, but leave cracks through which drafts ea- ter, the simplest remedy Is this: Place a strip of putty along the jambs, cover the edge of the door with .Valk and .but 1t. The putty will then till all spaces. The chalk rubbed on the edges prevents adhesion and the putty is left In place, where It soou dries and leaves a perfectly Ilttiug jamb. . TO ADVERTISERS. Notice: of commies must be !eft at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not it ter than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements at'oepted uo to noon Wednesday of each week BRIGHT'S. DISEASE Is the deadliest sod motel painful malady to widget mankind is subject. Dodd's Kidney Pills will cur* any case of Bright's Me..... They have uever failed le one single case. They are the only remedy that ever has cured It, and they are the only remedy that can. There are imitations of Dodd's Kidney Pills -phi bog and name -but imita- tions are dangerous. The original and only g+rair. cure for Bright's Dlalaar Ie ODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Dodd's Kidney Pills are I tufty cents a boa at all di 1 :ii11,. aff.......miw• as, HAND MADE DAIRY TINWARE IL11/lb I have the largest 11/1111b stock of hand madethtbth DairyTinware in 1t111/lb Godeich, all made bion/, 11111//11 from heavy English 111111111 tin: - 0)000i Also FA' avest rough - t1/11/t11 ing, Galvanized .110/111 Iron Work, Metal tblblb Ceilings, Roofings, .1111101 tei1111b and Sidings, Fur- ,laces and Plum1i- t11Ili 1b tiL t1/ tis ing. - Worse l l's - 11011MMININIMMINOMd The Nerves control the most important functions -of the human- sys- tem. Autong file sytnptolns of nervous ealiatLStion are' 'Brain Fag," Mental Depression, Ir- ritability, Insomnia, Pro'.tra tion, Hy:,tcria, Headache, Flushed Face, Cokl Hands and feet. A IRON -OX TABLETS ACT ASA TONIC Increasing nerve energy and force; they also supply nour- ishment to the nervous system. Fifty Tablets For 25 Cent• NEW SHOE STORE OPENING Jordan's, Block next door to McKim a on the lag uare .. WE HAVE.. • Opened out et the at.nvn stolid a new and lip-Gi-date o(. k 1,f ... BOOTS and SHOES .. . Lyles' and (:entIerne•n'e line goods a specialty H. have all oracles, suitable( for all perp oway and to fit all mos, We will be 'dewed to haw, the people of (I,wlertch and vicinity (all and inap*e'd, our goods. 1 hey are the haat that mna.y van bay. No trouble to show them J. P. KAVANbCH Jordan ]'1c KI m 9 S(oderich, Ont. WRAPPERS UNDERPRICED 22 only wrapper., made of good wrapperotte and print, fast colors, neat patterns, well made, value at $100 to $1.2•", all atone price each N9.'. White Quilts Another lot of those double bed site, fine crochet quilts, button- hole stitch ends, special at 85c. Black Underskirts Under- priced 1 doz. to Omer at $5c, matt of heavy back mercerized, with dust fill}, fall sweep, e•u•h 145e. Outer au l Ia'ttor at $1.00, *1.25 to.$2 00. Cloth Skirts A few I ft yet, mostly black serge nr.J homesoun. well made and nicely trimmed, good value at$3.00 to $3.50, to clear at $2.50. Those $4.00 to $5.t 0, to clear at $3.00. Lace Curtains A job lot uj olid pairs, and odd cur- tains; some are damaged, others are soiled, and some are all right, but all at a price to clear out. We may have the piece you wadi and the price will suit. Embroideries Special st 5e A big assortment of these undarpricell embroideries left at 5c, 7c, 7/c, 8c an' 9c. Easily worth a quart. r to ons i,..lf more. Laces Valenciennes and Torchon tkrvalues we never before hall. Prices start at lc per yard; and some lines at 3, 31c, and 4c, we would have no trouble in selling at 5c Same values in the finer goods. New Idea Patterns are the best One only English broadcloth, regu patterns made, the easiest to under - lar $7.50, for $4.00. stand and the lowest priced. DRE8S (11 V)DS-Some very spoor' values in the new spring dress goods, we can't describe them as they doserve, and will ask yon to see them, the y do their own talking. y1110KIM'S BUSY STORE. As Builders Of 'hoes The makers of the shoes that we sell -are right in the lead. So are the shoes. They are first in looks. First in solidity. First iu durability. Let us show you how all these qualities look when combined. High class shoes for the ladies- _. High class shoes for everybody. We couldn't put the prices any lower. Wm. Sharman, Jr. SOLE AcF:N 1 Fmk Dorothy Dodd and Slater Shoes. N t/a.Nt/a.//t��N/e. fN.aa�f�f1N j�a/// seas Millinery Opening P1ISS DONOOH Announces her Miilinery Opening to take place SATITRDAY, APRIL 4th arid, having recently visited the leading pastern cities, is prepared to show 01umy novelties•, also a complete and up-to-date stock. iadie. cordially invited to attend the opening. MLSS IX)NOGH. tatom.tem!n!tt!tt¶! trMIIIII r!rrrtnmmrtm mmnt!t! The Popular Fence of the Days 15 THE ONE. BUILT BY The LONDON Fence Machine -set 1 Because it is the cheapest . .. AirS-Iatterel fence of No. N 111nd^n (441.41 spring so..d wife, w•en•t.n with No, 13 soft wine. will only cost you 12e when it ges- is c4ulplet((1 : or an R-btlteral fent,• of two ',o. 11 (top fuel loft 1 and six N(1. 12 (centre), all (1f 11mdoN �- •" 1' l spring steel wire, woven with N. 13 soft wire. will only cost you :i5x• pets real when it is completed. r Because .it ten fe•nee'Mal 'has pnlven its dirr'illrility by the way it hew Mt tel through he:CPy = -- weighi't of Same 11)141 other Nh11w•+ and M•vete t•Mts, it is a tenet. you ran build up hill ng down hill glad it is always even and regular. for ✓ BlEeause t.ht•simple•rel,.t, that your lillutt*l.:IISireMt1.1ehelfltwtandthewe•avingdontaferwerl14. de.- Because . e iti14 a tense you ,•an build yourself, ,and the •y yon sove over n woven fence ‚.1,' iR pay yore big wages for pear work. Money Keyed is money 11111111. f Because . , you keels your money for yourself instead of making the,stoekhohle•i•s (14 w, • factory 1 have mode ti(hnlgn e ttt with Menelv Wiii. Vil io e null .f. .I. Moore. • 4f lieniller, t0 handle the [Amami Fence Machine and I/melon I'oile.l Spring Steel Vim for me•. If you have only a few role to jnd tip thin year and WNW lo elltisfy ycalrself ,ter to whet the fence telly is. they will net. it up for you *t se-.Ihe above anent i •d prices : and next peal• when y411 are eatisfle) that the fence is all that we claim for it " yon will law a machine and pin on np yur nofence. 1 will have n ear (1f No. 11 11md(1n 1'oiled Spring Hleel.Wire in this week and will supply y411 et *2.76. \1y e pleti• nfld II l 5(1-(.11)• sts•k of HNldw'*n• has just (11rived and I Mallen y Oath.. which will Ehave e/11•14111sttentb01. If pin buy ,a i 11•(111 get 11 11411101. I hey,• f114111•41 to my stork A large quantity of lir. Heal Stock Food. .'all and try a wlunpl.• Mag and get one of him Isalks containing practical points E. Nlilllt h.rrneM, (little. 4119•p, h(rgs And poultry. CHAS. C. LEE a a Irl„(F �^ PLUMBING, HEATING i' NOl tit ` nee ANI) TINSMITHING . . t1u111Ii1111111�111111i1tt111111�1�I111U1111�111��1�1C