HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1903-3-26, Page 44 Tilneen\v, March 2A, 1903
20th Century Brand Clothin
Is bound to win, can't help it, once p•ople know what the 20th Century
brand of clothing really is You can't comlptre it with the ontinary Ready -to -
Wear Clothin;, it's not in that cl UPI ; compxre it only with high class ordered
work. This nlaker'a goods are made front fins imported wowe'ed amt tweeds,
fieri -class Iiningeshre uswI, cut in the latest Amerman styles, the firm's guar.,'
tee goes with e'•ery garment. Prices for this high 'clap clothing range from
$10.00 to flfi:00.
Reside, keeping a stock of the above goods, apeci d order.' for this maker's
goods are taken, over 200 wimples of the latest goods to choose from.
We can fit you no lustier what' your shape
invrati;ate our claims to- TiI E 20th CENTURY BRAND.
Our Men's Working
As advertised in last =reek's Signal. have been selling well: peopl•1 who haver,
semi tMm„admit they are the heat for the money they bete eter seen. These
shirts aro all American mike, made of goo 1 itt•wig material, all seams double
stitch, some are (double front and hack, goad full eizes.
We want y3u to see these shirts: 1f you do we are sure to have
your future trade for WORKING MEN'S SHIRTS
can may be that a little over a century
Juni a half ago «nlallpolx was at terrible
and min enmity dreaded w• gr ; that
h leas tion a Century ago fate«
disfigured by it« hidetrus trace« weir
r(ommma,n ; that after the int t•Itlu •tion
of vet einetion the w'ourge ceased to lie
dt.,uJd, and people pitted with Ismail -
111.111111. rare. It is for medical
m irlee tit s,ty what haw been the came
of the i nlprett•rntent, Moon$ reason-
able and legitimate Mem ties i« not to
IN. eltsw,ll the propagation of a destiny
Pivot. Marchand ha« Iowa masking a
pr•hensit•r imvi'tigatiou of brain
weight« with tp,•ial reference to
differences between the sexes. He finds
the average weight (of the brain of a
nude child et birth is y) gra s
and ul a female child 3.13 gnutuue•s.
Althttugh he finds an 'main !ela-
tion let wat•11 solute and brain weight,
he cuurludrs that the 'ewer weight of
is woman's 11114111 is not al • depend-
ent on her windier sardine, as a c(omt-
peu•imm of hall sexes of the
statute show that t 114'1111111' (tl,a111 IN in-
variably the heavier. In it gntw•itig
child, until it leach,•' 11 Statile*" (of
1wt•uty centimetres, the brain weight
ineteamw prop al it ttttt tely with the
1 lowly length, hero pctiye of age or sex.
lifter that the nude brain begins to
.outstrip the feulale. The tui
blain Weight iN 11«11Nlly attained aiNntt
the twe•ntie•t1. year, when the pr's
average is about Lint gr •s. Thr
female ,'tax' is usually • reinnlied
atstut the meventeviith yew, when the
it\'elltge is 1.275 gra . Now, if the
I'r.rf4swor wnrlld only go ahead 1
discover that brains aie ns•ful in Imo-
rep rt ion tit their weight, his dwluctlimn
would hes calculated to Bite the ea=rn a
nice, c.mdlii'tahle sense of muperiurity.
'eta file tune:of the Pacific Railway w itnda
IIt c 1 dnN'tl. If The Spectator would jets
•' ��a pay s • attention to the miw'rrts o
ttt777 its owmptu•ty it might 1'x441 w ill
It i-rMLIMII Ya' H111.111r• (14 giNNI.
priDF:RII•11. TIII'RSD.ty. MLtltt't1 Pt Pen
Thr c 'oesiom appotiiitrd last Ot•
toter by 1'tes('t•nt Hteou•vrlt tit invis
---- ----- ligate the =anthracite 1.1t:t1 .rikehas
Tie 11m•the.1 of iuvlstigieling the
ebonies ',nought by the member fur
MNuitoulin against She Pt.tvfaiall
Secretary t•t' Inas been the wile snbjeet of
ohs•Il.slotl in the 1 t.gislatitt•i• dut'iug
the week, and 1 he end of the decade is
trot yet in sight. 'rhe lioverii lent
proposes that the impair)- shall le•
m,Ntie by a jtulMlat tribunal. amt. C'Immt-
celiac ty11 and Chief Jllotiee F'eleun-
brridgr, two judges of Iwai hahi•
eharaetet•, have (Nen ...levied a.. the
member's of the tribunal.
This 1•41111,44. 4111•. 11111 Intel N'it h the
approval of the °voN'mito11. Whiter
holds that theinvrstigation of charges
effect ing theh,ono ridthe• Ha=te.• Nhottlhi
not IN• delegat.,l to any ont«ide
heat .should be by a .'Croo=n.'=• of the
House. This method would he the
prefet.ehlt one if the member. t,tuld
appra4•li the sulkiest e.ithwe111• degree
of yeti ss and impartiality. but the
violently tett-them attitude which Mr.
'Vhitmt•v Nod hi46 followers have taken
in tiiw•nssing the whole subject has
uuult• it sufficiently iently t•lt•ar that n com-
mittee of whish Opp whit meiiia•rs
would nesetmatily form a consich•reble
Jtt.op tl•t1, t11 IN relit 141 Ile t•IIt1.1111t491 with
the Miner refs -member .d- the fleeter
and a 1linimtit• of the lentil). Indeed.
if the public is Illtw inrlinwl to take 71
)14414 we'I1111N View a tt1Ile eltal•gem 111N1 ie ply
Mr. Money than when they wet.• pro-
jected i wit week'. ager, If t Imre is grow -
nu a ronrietinn that the Opposition' iM
mote anxious to make patty Capital
neat of the illeident than to hay,• the
nasty Minh. deans' up and the honor
Of the IA•gitlatiltr and the Pt.n'inee•
•e4 sols h•Mt•.
.• , the mow ash opted t
vindl Nt I
Whitney and his follu*ere in the
HtMIs• i. ahler.t solely the e4u1/11• tit
emelt al t•htthgi• of feeling.
'rhe charges shtiul(' he miffed titthe
bedtime. 111111 that as quickly its pimei-
ble, that the people,wh,r after all ere
the jn('ges, may le w47Ar! of the fads
in the case.
N', publish this week the pretest of
e 'lurieh !Jerald against any further
ex •nditute of pubtir• tummy ml Si.
,• t it . ti 111 • letintern. Jcwtq Th .art Iw s f u
prrtr'y II41u1 t waultl.n divi•Ision of
the I11111i f • I. are. tt-t' beliete•, only
Jet well d. •rve,I•iiii.I the ant hutlilies
Ht . thlaawa w 11111 de well tnheed 11111411.
We entered 11 (gine 1111w the enmity).
('an t.,wiy.• 71114 4111m• for the tnon•y
atil.•aliv extended here, end 111111i 111'1'
vote would simply ' '•t Mowing good
11lortey Nft.•r lad." NS • fiat•e not la•atui
N I.ilwtsl attempt to 'rgenii the St.
Jrmeph job: oro the 011ie bend i1 hew
ul•nithed till' 01/1w144ilfn11 'th n point
itl the indictment of the Go, .'minter it
for extravagance for which M algt-
p erteralutve 1111 11I1Mwel•.
It iM tt be 1111114,1 that. the Mini ter
of Piiiit Works wi11 give his pl.nn
attention to the pl. dir•tioit of the
public funds in this matter.
I The tit,1erith Signal. ler the nee
mnmlgi•teent. pt. •s tri io• ••it/1h•
pendently Liberal.- •nt11 this is !now it
does it :
No platter a lint • think of the lima«)
charms.. there boo doubt itial pnh11. «•nlho,.nt
drrllwetlr n .hang,• ter the M•1 t,r In pidIitenl
method,. In ttntmrlo. Nell her party i. In ,e
pn,dib it 1'' throw st at Menthe,.
It .,•int that When 1411 ••imlt•1a•nit'tit
IAIti'tni journal admit« wrongdoing
on the pert of its party, it else ludntits
that the other fctlo*e m.• j11.t 11. lad!
.--Hantitt.in Np,•ta ton..
The Sp•ctiitet• is m, intensely partisan
that it could not It• exp•.•fetl til gppa.•.
elate a spirit of ,indepw'mletar,• and
fait•nist. Perhaps i1 w .1,1,1 ho-
lstein(' our limit' better if we put it
In this wey : 79e feet t.het mince the
haat general elect beim in thin Primitive
four (•nns•rvttitex and nnit 114e I.ilw•-
t'ei bite leen Int't11lid ley the resume
for ent'ritpt..praet.ieea should nM .xeua•
the Lilo•ral party for any tieglt,•t to
i•Iear itself entirely of the Mint of
diel tt• in election methods, Arid
if any eher)(t of to rongd.'tng Iwr
I,,,alght against a Lil trial Goo ern -
anent. ft tlewlld not be a "11flte kill /III
tweet• to initlt to the 'leek woos l of
the ('=esker votive party In power free
handed out its ('1,•isitius. The men
t ,'t'1•I
VI' a tell per lent. inoteas• ill
wager pearl ire Ily illi 1,tluld, and with
a•t:a•I'V increase tt( ten per Ieit. in the
prior ..f coal there will la• an mlotras'
of 011e pt•i• 1•ellt, in wages. The Inners of
engineer, and other classes of a -torte!.
are redttet,l, a1111 a board of e •ilial loll
it to he formed for the settlement of
rutin.. disputes. The union is not
reerogttltasl. but the awarrisgetiernHv
are in favor of the miners and are
taken Asa yimdirntun atf their iNueition
during the, strike. President John
Mitchell of the United Mine %Tuckers
has olechowel his satisfaction with the
findings of the(' 'scion. The petbli.
1'111 IN' pleased tot it tle result should
Ie an end of the •er•taiuty over the
fits.'supply. although higher prices for
coal will no dead rule file Some time.
The dirt we are getting ftro illi the
tale, thew•.laay's is rather moist.
We thought Old Probs. hada string
to the fine weather he was giving tem
Softie of us are p11rrl.441 to know
whether this man (:real. c is a hero ur
Ina( a smart- Ater*._
Tonmtt is tit hold a D,tininion ex-
hibition this year, and the Ottawa
(fever •ni iat pt ' ,1 a grant of
$7 l,1N111 to help it along.
('i Itla•I•t•etl t•t'M phot.' w N deans. foil' N
eIt,tl' investigation of the Gamey
ebonies. N'hv not rapt off the melees
delete in the IA•gi,lture Y
iter anybody I
u w•ndin
papers Lately to Conan Doyle? -The
Men ft.nn Manhole* weed(' make an
attractive title for av\t•w' detectk-i
Be•twi'.•tt seeing prnhildt,ien deputa-
tions and ',effendi* the MITI ist'n•iel
titntnghol11 from the gnerilll warfare
of the man from 3lienitemlim, the Hon.
W. Rooms trey lie amid to hey.• had
Inde 11 lively experience of "the
str•n11m114 life."
near (Mate pndalrly Vita the mark
when it tuiggesti that Mr. Whitney
lull hi. folberetswonld halve demanded
it n oval collllll lawo1111f 111'1111,1441 judges
if the li..vernntent hail de,i11t,1 upon
an invest g'ton be fore the ('o 't tee
on I'iitilt•gt's111111 khrtinns.
Peestideit1 'tomes elt im'Mhnwing the
eight tpit•11 itl Degan! 141 the itilialitlt-
ing (of 'exiles n11111144' in the United
States. He last t'i•-appointed lir. ('11m11,
a 1•olnted Atari eltileetur of -('(outtalk at
1'luu•iestnn, S. 5',, in spite of the 1111144t
vini,nt ,'cit ieis11111 of the pram et111 I14tI1-
tirinnm. Mote ;ower teTwllv's elbow
in this r.sItt•t !
The Opposition talwts ore hot be.
entire Dr. ltmtledge4wits e11uweol to
keep his seat in Karst Middlesex while
Mr. Mim,ttnplwll was ousted ,it Ma lilt
e,- Marie for what thiy runtidrt• m
iIYt•nee. 11101 they l• Ilttitof think of
ntiyt •ngladentwine' land safe enough I
to sett• beri4 the judges. N'hy don't
they tit w. • of their vitriol rpm
the lawyet :a A glen' pleader r hepiei'ti
ens. Meng N Ilderfnllt'._
TIIN NI•N' F.rw ttggtata, 11 Senatorship
fob• the bite 1/141110' •tel of THg Mats e.41..
The Senate is the date at Otltwe
where they bury w11 .rot 1111iti('18ns
111111 p,ipte of that tae , We don't.
know what .Mr. MrOi111 tddy thinkt,
eptmt it. Inst tit' imagine at, true
Irishman that he Is. he u4' it object
t being consf11entl (Mail hefote he
n•elh' teaches that stage. Rut
The New h'is's Maggestiore he 11 very
just 1Ile 111 the write t het. as edit lee'
,111,'1 sit II go, Mr, McGilliywhly
long ago earned the ,.nsidetetInrd eat
the party whose cl he has ads
t,wsteel by pen mead voice.
Replying to a correspondent who
**eked hi, spin itis nit 1,mtpntlw•ry yae
einntitin. 1)r.OnldwinMtnith gay. the
following terse statement/if his views
on the natter: "No on. ren he
opposed than the ifvslawdt•t• 1n otic
n'r.r,wm-y a pw11mie11 of any kind. All,
however, that Ike; not being an exile's,
An Example of V ipionraey.
•Turonlo `Wtmlay Night.
Three is a Nliglt vont nod, to say the
levast, between the British t ssiem-
er. ,tut the Alaska Ittundery trammel
and Iha apptintets of the I'nitrl
States (ittvrrlmhrmt. 164tn1 Altendomr,
Chief Justice. (of England. Mr. Justice•
Artnotir of the Supreme Court of len-
tula and Sir (Aims Jett•, Lieutenant -
Governor of Quebec. are this week aul-
tounerl to be the Hritbib tepm•setta-
tivrs. ('0111 Jest with Messrs, ROW.
IAtlg,• and Turner, these three gentle-
men /•ail certainly claim distinction its
•'jnritte of repute." such as the treaty
calls for --rtt,t mere INIht 11'*I j ping
jacks and weather -reeks. The 1'mitd
States (lover Mt has ('lime itself
little honor in the chau.te'ter of the
tepretilltatite•s it has selected to sit
on the Alaska t•ibu11nl. Hut the
Yankee app tintme'nts am ehalliete•ri14-
1ie of the diplomacy of that nation.
whi.b has always been !modelled lap -
illi the lines of horse -trading rather
than those of intermit i.mat) law-.
Or. Reales* Not Taken s.Nouslr at Hou..
w'i,il.or Itronl.
The Toronto. News refer„ to Dr.
Rea •'. statement in the Legislattar
that he was offered the spwake•tship to
detect his party as a ••m•t•iuus' tone.
The mtatrtltt'nt is lett taken eel -homely
up herr and we do tot believe that
Dr. He • himself takes th.' emitter
The story as told by Or.
ltwumte is such an Jtmunl one that we
ale surprised here that any sensible
perm a1 N•uuld give it a w•rittlp, thought.
I )t•. He • for spReaker• of the Lt'gisla-
t itis' 1. ti11 absurd for ?WHIMS i•nrlMltfet'-
atfon. Ih. Res ' has had no Iariie-
uht•ntiry ex erieiee, he hies never (Nen
in any legiwlet ive body and is Himont am,
well qualified for speaker of the IA•gi,-
ht.0 n• AM he would be (ow a n lush bishalp.
How he /-mill cis• in his ghee in the
iA•gisletute and tell this 1.o•kand ball
story without laughing outright
pewees our c prehension. If the
member lN
Ites r fo r North Faes•x r an he in-
11ucw1 Or l!mNhh,l on. which we doubt,
to tell about thim alleged offe=r. he
w•(ould run the risk of being laughed
out of the legislature. Mr. (iamey-
Ita.•t 11111IIe a s•t•Ititls charge against a
Minister of the ('rlWil, among other.,
lout the part lir. Resume has taken it
eah•Illateil to the( ow' t•idieule ups the
whole prwrwlingN,
Press Comments on the Change in the Proprie-
torship of The signal. -
t•hesley F:ntt•rprisl•.
1)x11. Meflilliruddy, whose fame to,
as itl'1iiN
I eat
I arra rot thK Ie t is kntiw•tt
this riigl 1 1'etla('a, 'itis 11114111111/14.1 eat
The (1.ilerielh Signet, of which by has
(meta prosprie•tor for twenty-two years,
" ilrghnn, Advance.
The fitmlrt•ieh Signal law changed
luands•4hr I
is•rs bei
lig Mr. Van-
atte•r, the former foreman, and Mr.
Hu1N•rtaum, rept rtes. The Ailvemee
wishes the\plow- pis oprietors aintndant
tueertt. '.
1 Tintna News -Ibsen!.
The (itwl.•ritll Misti.i hns tlatereil
h Is, Mr. M/•(iillu•uddy'loving mold
tint 141 Mears. N'iti1N(t•r k Holwrtsm,
whir have her,' fol• ). • Y • ,•onnt•t.1-
etl with the paper. The NNwe.itei•on)
Mxt•nds the bend of kiloowsillip to the
IleW 1111b11si1,'t. 741111 Wim t•M thellt .tile-
ee VM.
Kln.ar,ltne Itevlet(
The tittheri,lh Signal hide, changed
ha tele. the nln•has•rm being' l•. Van -
Atter, the tiumier hir•nuttl, td Mr.
Roberta on. n'ptrtrt•. The t•i.•w
w•i,hl' alleeeNN la, both ggerntleMen.
Mr. Meliillienddv will to gnetttl•
mimed mi The Signal by his many a611,
Forest Free Irene,
i,, Meliilh'itl11t•, editor if The
(Mit-rich Signal for the Mast twenty-
two yewre, in last week t =rime att-
Imillllettd (him Ir•t itement from the Mini-
mae, caving add the. plant to iwu em-
ploy,• of the office, Siemens. Vanattet-
mei Robertseem. The Signal is nutrn-
le•nd g the feat of Ontaritia
wick 1 it's.
stratforst thwersn.
Mr. lien. McOillicudtly het (lissome')
of The Oielerirh Signal to Metopes. Van -
atter le Rolwrtw,n, who reve been em-
ployees of the oAlt'e for w•veral years.
Mr. M•(1illirnddy has Irndneted The
Signal for twenty-two years with
singular ability and ,Im•.•Pais, end hie
r•tu.•nlenti will h• s Isms t. Pn,vinritl
jiiiir IN=inial.
With standard.
The Otsderieh Signal has phangowl
hands, Mr. 11. Mi011licuddy 'riling it
to two of hit empleyem, Miw1tw. J. W.
Vanatte•r and W. Robertson. Am a
neighbor and friend, we are marry 1.'
lieu• Mr. Mt4iiilienddy. To Means.
t emetler & (tllwt'twnl we extend mo-
arIe•st whitlow and Cruet they will thea
with gee.l atrwva,
Townes tttat.
It is a natter for 'sweet. however.
Ihsl when he nn,e gess lenity hl the
dail • newspaper Re•hl, Admiral Thin.
McDillievielly will perform,. le room
pelted to hang up him poetic harp
The ow en t iw soccettttlllt' rtllti
vatted where thr fonenivm's hoarse
Shiest tear Copy is the. (only wound that
competes with the. roar of the printing
Kxeler Times.
Mr. D. Mi41illicudih of The (lode
ich Signal has disposed of his bumbles.
and plant to tussis. Vptatt.. A
Radel•telnl, who have• for ylatw been
and taithful employees of tial
office. The Times joins with their
legit n tit friend« in hest wishes for a
very genets otos Itat.mage f111111 the
Jpopple (of that town. 1Ve bespeak for
thrid gnat Nuetws in their new under
Hnt•kvlllc Itet.tnler.
Dan. JLOilliemddt haw mdd him pap-
er, The (hielet•itlt Migual. I)an. is it
hustling newspaper mall and The
Recorder wishes t ' succette wherever
he grow. Him succe,wluvt in The Signal
nue Memmts. Vanatt'r & Hoiict'tasnt,
a1111 they alwt have our lest wishes for
prttnp•1•Il y. Tests Slit N.tl. IN pule (of the
oldest weekly' Liberal papers in the
Pt wince itmf 11/414 always been one of
the best.
List! Reformer.
Mr. Dim Me•liillicuddy has diMptNietl
of 'I9t.• l;tole•ti1•h sigma) to .1Jaats.
Vomiter' k Helt•t•lattl, tyre 4 g
men N•hu have go'alt MI in the ttMee.
"thin" 11u« leen waving The Signal for
twenty -this years, and many people
doubt that it will waive just Ns effect-
ively without him. Mr. Viiiillit•uddy
has mot yet 411.•i11d NN to him future.
Whether lie will nlandun the sheats
for the sharvel remains to be awn.
\1 Ingham Time.
Nee h•l.taamd that Mr. 1). Mr
tiiiiit•11ddt, W1111 has foot it ite'i of
vearl been tdit,r nod 1111 erietut• of
the (hetet-kb Signal, hew t tis week
add his bmtiness to Messrs. ''matter
and ito enlmtn. The former gen Imago=
has had charge of the leech/ode I de-
partment of The Signal for it nu ober
of years and is a brother -in -la of
JJs'.. Peter and Th, W. livens of lis
town. Mr. Robertson has bee:1i: I
pirt'r on The Signal fur a ler u
years. 'rbc Timt•m wishes the new firm
ece•ry site..•,. in their tertaking.
Tonmlo lik'br
Dan Miliillicuddy has ehtpwiett of
'rht•I (iiilerich Signal to Messrs. Vati-
•attcr and Holwrtsem, and iuuountes
him intent him of taking it east for a
rear or so. find her 1)attiri's quill will
le i.tissrl atll4rng the exchanges. It
was feathered with that ouuuon
quality tef humor which is rot exielli•tt
a Sallee for good erns•. 'rht•n• iM 1111
letter known journalist iu the Prov-
ince than Ilan Metiilli('uddt, and it is
difficult to believe that while there is
sot much vitality of mind and body he
will t liungt-e•. me(,ant to te11la in rotate 1
f tac
To.onto New..
Feer twenty-iwu years Mr. 1►. Me.-
(iilli('u('dy ham edited The (btlerich
Signal, and hast leen a political and
journalistic force in Hurts .hearty;
m1 fact tht.atghont N'ast.•rn Ontario,
Fres neer striking personalities than
his .lilt he found in newspaper life.
The itemonmentt•nt that he haw add
The Signal and will sswm•ints. hitimelf
with independent jtiurnalieml ueanM
the Mss to the (Liberia laity of is zt•al-
ousally. Mr. Mt(1ilheuddv retired
this year from the presidency of the
('anililian Pres. Assoviaatio), and Ilam
* hied of friends in Canada whet wish
i well 111 him new spider•.
Stratton! tl.n'hl.
11 is urtdrtst,Nml that 991e (.iuitt•ich
Signal, whie•h haw been hamulus ate the
vehicle of the alwa) ti interest inn views
of .admiral Da• eGillicltddy. atter
this wield tl;pans 'into other tombs,
Mr. McOiilicudel havingwild The Sig-
nal VIP MtMiu. Vf 1'. H. Robertson and
J. N'. 1'and.te•r. Filth thes purchaser,i
will he regarded with local interest
herr, the former being M tots other of
Mr. H. S. Rolt•M.NIa1, INI.t•t•itt•r herr,
1111.1 the latter a win of Mr. ,Tihn Van -
natter, 1'hun•h-,t. Rooth haul• ieen co
Petrel with The Signal, Mr. 1tiTe•rl-
s111 71M aasui,itatlt t,lltn' and Mr. 'S an-
att.•r• as for•inan. The young nen are
of proved aptitude and ability and
MttM with excellent pnmpects. That
they Na
ll maintain
the ijuurnalfetic
eminence of The Signal tM til he ex-
Clinton New F: e.
The litih•rieh Sigukl h=am leen sold to
Mesats. Holt•rlattll k Vatnatt.•r, two
yoimg men who have iten connected
with it for suit,' tine• the former 1•s
aawittant t,litn•, and the latter as
mechanical tuptrint.•ndrnt. Httth ane
thoroughly t.enp•tent, energetic end
brainy- Young nen, who will keep The
Signal tip to it« old Mtasndanl of texcel-
Iemee : they have enough ••gti' in them=
to fairly make it h , and we wish
there all the morrow is ett4i hii. We un-
derstand that Mr. M,Oillii•nddy ham
been oite•nd the ,'lana tmlrtht of
g an
independent 1111iiy lapel. '('hat be is
one mf the mist 'entire% am well as tine•
of the. hest known and brightest mrwa-
gw•r 4.11 in the Province haw long
t,•n admitted, and with a wide! ie•lel
nn a daily hit influence will Ire all the
greater. He has levan a prominent
tiger• in the sant y for thug years, a
naau of Mt•rling ehanx.t•r, gi•Iu•t.nts
and kindly- diipmition, true as 'steel, as
able and witty on the plethora gat
with him pen, end will certainly be
greatly mussel: he ham hints of friends
all titer the count v who will regn•t hie
re -el, and itt the maim t' • wiah
1 'rot the largest ne•a«ure of prosperity.
If hr neild to prevailed ups to /tempt
a M.matlnehip ear ern a other (invrt•n-
mtt•nt position, it would but he it fitting
recognition of years, of hand, faithful
and effective work rendered to '�he
Libels' party.
Then• was it 11i( fire at i eanlingttn
lass week fn which the gentlrtnrn'm
furnishing sten• of f1'. 1). ('ox, form-
erly of Onderich, suffered 'severely
fro an tn(p,4e. All tbs. part lea enni•e•rne,1
carried heavy insllrenee.
Phone 86
Spring Importations
Embroideries and Laces ,.
Oar stock of thea,' (mals is vary Will Pram 26,
peel.'. laces (.6ra Cue cent Op. In vols!! opals&
leanings and malaliotls in troth lace and
.m teideriea
Ready-to-wear Goods
New (tress soil tt Atkin/ Skirts in
black Iiavy and grey, latest designs,
tailor made, great value, 12 50 to K9(%
Under Skirts
A bag shipment in black Satanna
('tithe ranging in price from 79t to u 50.
T'lew are the bast value we ever offer
al, also reel 'nape every one of then.
Come in and see them
Black Satanna Waists
A 'ew still left at clearing prices, 791•
to 11.25, latent styles for
New, from 6i to 12Ao. Caiatloin and
English, as gams as can be found.
Truro'. world -famed Prints 121., over
150 pieces to select from. a 1 new.
O9wmttr yr, Linen, Toile, and (ping-
ltewa, in all the ieadita' makes and ou:-
Dress Goods
til the following new luskes 1u reek
and oo'ored :- themes Cloth. Twine
C Loth rigours, Mystals Bis its, libo-
IiiMw, 11 oasekings, Crepolieea, Veite-
Luu• and Coal •re Serges
Flannelettes from 6o to 14a
Table Linens from 260 to 11.60
Special limes in Rosi.ry. A 26,. eat
sits 8, 84 9 94, at 20c, a 1 wool.
Lace Curtains
And fiobilue to Curtain lAtee and Art
Muslin*, at all oonueirabls prices, eew
for this mason.
In Shirting', Denims, Uotttn Twewl,
Ducks Drilla and Cretonnes.
White Goods
All new this season, Clowns Skirts,
Drawers an.I Dorset Covers 7'he hest as-
sortment to be found anywhere.
120 pairs at about half price - SURE FIT - and the price is 31c.
C.enlopolitan 1'atterua from 10e to 15e. Fashion Sheet" to sive away.
One Wiled Aeon.' sow. M. J. Davis -
Appeal .f Mr. Mlseampbail.
Toronto, %larch 24. -As a result of
the meeting of North York Conserv-
Oven held at Newmarket on March
1 a protest against the election of
11 E. .1. Mavis was yesterday til-
ed Osgood@ 11a11 by • Christopher
Kenn e y and Uriah Marsh of Whit -
church and W. II. Proctor of King.
all fart • rs, on behalf of T. 11. Len-
nox. petition charges every Is.s-
aiiale kt• • of eles•tion wrongdoing,
but no clic personal charges
against the inister are yet anaemic -
ed, but bit 1 ,iquallOeation for the
space of eight veer •will be asked
for. The petiti is very glm•ral and
n ines or dates a . not givemt am yet,
but the particular- will be tiled short-
ly. James Baird h ed the petition.
..1dt see Ma Y.i111.a.
Bristol. Bayi . & A monr, acting
for Mr. Miscampbell, a plied to the
Court of Appeal for an l• hearing
of the petition against 1 untwisting
of Mr. Miscatuplell. Owing. however.
to the Moran of Judge 1 bertatn
and .fudge Luttnt. and t4t44 fa t that
tau of the Judge. will tar em eyed
un the commission for invewtig ing
the (:amley charges, the appeal - ,'-
nut be hoard until the regular a
ting 01 the Court of Appeal on Apr
e.rl.a. Rl.tlag .t P.rt .f Spada. Trinidad
-ml.eja. ►.t. Landed.
Kingston, rt 5 ,i lent March 24 -
A serious riot was in program at
2.30 o'clock. this afternoon in port
of Spain. Trinidad, according to •
despatch Juat received from that city.
A mob attempted to burn the (:ov-
erlent buildings there. and the p,t-
lioe had to tire on the rioters. killing
or wounding several among them
Th. British cruiser Pallas. at the
time the despatch was sent. was
landing blue jackets.
The rioting was dile to the refusal
on the part of the Government to
withdraw en ordinance concerning
the new waterworls The loot Act
was read and the police tired on the
Mob The r c itv is in
a state o/ great
e xcitement .
Teel. =sad Mr.. Quirk Net ararrl.d.
Toronto. March 24. -.lobo Toole of
Brantford r'liulstp a denial of the
report that he and Mrs .fames
(*dirk. widow of the hotel proprietor
of thut city, who erns tnurdere,l •
year ago, have been married. Toole
nava he has .not married the widow
of bit late partner, •nd does not
know how the report to that effect
was circulated.
Ae.ld..tal Death.
Toronto, March 24 - The Inquest
on the body of (:„irge• Vit'ian, this
printer, who wait found dead on Sun-
day morning. remelted in a verdict
that deceased cause to hit death by
.allocat ion. causcrs by his having
fallen with his mouth •nd nose In a
pile of ashes! while
In • helplessl asstot
of intoxication.
Ts.d.red tY. N.esl.atlw.
Whitby, Mareg 24. -Yesterday the
South Ontario Conserver ire Associa-
tion tendered Mr. It. L. Borden the
Conservative nomination of the rid-
ing. Mr. Borden, who was present,
said he would take the matter into
werlous t•onsideret inn. and then he
discussed public questions for an
appeletN a.glar.r.
Toronto, March 24-(9tas. R.
Grant, Deputy itegist.rar of the Court
of Apryeal, hem received from Chief
.luetic.' F'elconhridge notice of •p-
pointment as Registrar of "the Royal
commission to Inyeetigate the i.. rhargsat, in the event of these tie-
ing to such • tribunal.
Otlir Stock of
is large and w ell •Ulworteel, eomiating of
RLOk SUITES, in milk, rig and velour.
1)1 IN t , M TARi4i?M, in ritn, ash end oak,
th chalet in great variety.
MI ' ARDS in ell the leading designs.
RRDRt•` MUiTF.Ft in oak, ash and nlajuigany.
Night and I)Ny Calls it.nuiptljtj'.. *heeded to. Night Fiell et Stolle, Nest. Mide
Sup =ere. Phone M.
It's Strict 111.1- You Nod S'rin,t blithe!
Sassafras Bitters
Are the Best
No medicine ever offered the puirin- will oorrrct
the sbtmaelt liver end kidneys, purify the bloat and
brighten up the spirits u this will
!Sykes one feel as good as new.
Rom,'es b01111 pimples etc
Try a bottle or tee. It's guaranteed.
50e. 6 for $260
()ra•inateof'London, Frlg , .111 Ii
111 the office of this store en
MARCH 31st
Operations undertaken l,ls....
fitted gaol supplest
Make epprlutmeat. sheaf, ,1 .
tsnmtnt..t thin .'or.
W. C. GOODE, Chemist, -
a roe -ono
•LOCK. . .
It Pays
to Paint
There 1s nothing that adds to the selling value or
the renting value of • house like good palet -there
is nothing that makes home more borne -like than
good paint.
It pays to newts The better the paint, the better
it payee,
pays in the beginning because it goes so fir --pays id
the enol because it lasts so long, ..nd looks so well, as
long as it lasts. There is no paint like it for beauty
and durability, for economy and aatidaction•
For Sale by
if ready-made SUITS and OVER-
COATS, woollens.
All ordered work earefully attendees to
- THS Luoten -
' tires\ Dtrltttkort IattJt
teNan remnauty ateeaeN ie at all
hears, ■Ia►t .r day.
..••.e atrert.
T111 HIT
Soralitoll ilardHard iN THIL MAREZT
Al Una! weighed en aha Warhol Neap.
whore Fon 'ars WOO Iia. far a tea.
Orden left at L1s>d ► SWEANDIS
Stare promptly Weeded be.
ParneliDean's Bread
(fives strength to the weak and health
to the sick, and helps the healthy and
strong to retain their health and
All who eat our bread Tike it. They like it because It fes
tasty. They like it because it to never dry and chaffy. There
is a uniform goodness, a re ver -varying Itnwiity abet our bread
that it mot found to any other trawl that's rowan -not even rho
hread t hitt'. made at home by the heat home cooks.
This ruperiority is dun to a combination of circumstance's
governing the making end baking, chief of which are the 'killed
use of the Met matenal■ and our own process of mixing.
For Sale by