The Signal, 1903-3-26, Page 3"A Free Sample Packet" of D14 ua " 3ALADA" Ceylon Tea (Black. Mised or Natural Green) will be sent to -any person filling in this coupon and sending it Ks as with a s -cent stamp for Writs Plainly and mention Black, Mixed postage. or Natural Green Nam .doit Addrwa SALADA" TBA CO., Toronto. THE RIGHT PAINT TO PAINT RIGHT Sixty one years ago we made the best paint we knew how -knowledge and experience have been adding value to it ever since -it's the best paint we knew how to make now. And just a little better than the best. W..i... aeotiomies this paper, ter bookie 440141 1114 how home basso.. tui assess c weird sea Ramsay . Paints. A UMW' 1 SON. Pale i. r.,.J 1441 Onlogs cones. The Idea of en oaken cure may fiot, st Ike the fancy of the aesthetic, tweeter, the exile rlince of them. ele. der's lit 'minoring 11 cohl•reacked sys- tem to OA normal state isgain,eays Kluneapolia There Theo, lire throw klude of doses In the coition cure, or three union as you may ehoosie to put It. 0.94- w itlet of °mono. TM, other ire . plaaners. Atiel the third ins o nion op up. It clalased by thoes who believe le the onion cure that batt cold *an be broken up if the patient will grey lie door. and feed on a liberal diet of onion.. It need not be en exe lesiva diet but ea liberal one. For Itetanoe, an ()Mon, cure break - three tablespoonfuls of fried ontine 1 f Doff L el eon of sandwiches, med. of Batton brown bread, buttered and fitted with fliie- will. malt and pepper, makes the escond Went on the @cheated() For sipper. the onion. may be fried us for brunkfaat. and eaten with le chop and a baked potato. The 'swinge efficacy of onions to well known to the eIngers of Itnly awl Spain, who eat them every ila.. to tmpro..e the quality of their voice, roe! keep them onnootti. Oni..n planter's ens properties! te break up heir,' coughe. They ate 'made of fried onions placed between ; wo pieces of old The pine - ter kept quite hot until the p4 - tient" la enugly in bed, when it le pieced oh the cheat. to etay Owe:* Onion syrup le a (lows that ren be bought of any druggist, end le titillate! by rotor to lie unequaled am a cure for a mid In the chest. All thief is probably quite true. tit 111. Colbe up with onion*, both he el le awl wit. wi Tell enough.eer- t 'tinier. to ohms oat any self-reopect- Ina cold. Probably teo beset issirestion In the agricultural impletneat noel I for Massey-Harr:a ?dotter Pitman. A roomy 011 chamber la plaopil In earn end of the Pion a 11. • 114t the na- tural action of the Pitman throwe ewe oil up through the oil hole awl Owe/ thorough nut remnant without wane° 1Ptie beet 'moire of the devIcee that thee n41 eha where are rixnuy and ono filling will lard for many lionne of elating Ma tin 'et slant Misery -Harris Com- pany if r4F4 making a great hilt with tithe 110141 feature,. and that It is fill- ing di 101.1g-hea WS nt. A King and a Bird. The Xing of Oreece is one of the , must courteous and kInd-hearted of , mon. Boma time ago whilet travel- ' ling In the train from Frankfort to Paris an old truly In the carrlage uext to that of Majesty hap- I p0114141 buie among her belonginge a canary in a cage. The train was a corridor ono, and Xing George, hearing loud erten front the carriage adjoining hie compartment, dim:m- orsel ota entering it (lust they pro - civil -xi from the old lady, whore canary hail enraped frotn thee cage neitl war sadly fluttering about the ("erring" ilist 11140 -sty ut once begun le cheer 11149 bird, who got under a goat lei his Little ELV44/11'.• heeds, anal knew. trying to make him captive the bird fluttered out mid winged his way to the ceiling. The elitist+ was. a long one, but at luta hltiJanfly btlileeffilet1 111 catching the ett 1141/fy end tortured It to the aufety tiie ..11 don't know win) 3051 ere, wr," lend the old lady, "but phi are a truly kimi-heitrted gentle - J entitle lire ironing. Mr. Wier-Jtetnny, can you tell me why the little lusnd tny, watch flirter limn the big one? Peon. fort It for the mime reseal Some bublev appear alwaya ugly teteeeral. It 04.111.1.. all origiteil sin Your balo le Lot it cruet baby for nothing. Ile Is crows becauee he Is uncomfortable. A difference like inertia la effectel by Baby's; Own Tablets. They d10 Ininiedlate and permanent goo!: the) cannot pOr- vpilling: no eilfliculty getting them Into baby'e mouth; for very young infant-. they can be eruntbled to a isteirder or elven in water. Ttey are meet and children like them. No matter hie ever uses, Baby's, Own 'athlete will (Jut hating that they do goof for children of ell age.. Me-. II *Vatter, ,lsheetiburo. atiye: "I have u 441 many haellicitiew for lit- tle ones but Laic never found any - r would nut bo without theta lit 'ow honer, an I strongly recoils - mead them to ail other mothere.- mieor ailments of lit tie ones. awl you have. n p.eithe guarantee that they cookie no opiate or karnaftddrug. vote by all druggleta or mailed port 1,1 I I at 25 cente a box by writing di- rect to OP Dr. Williatnie Broekville, Ont. BALD HEADS. The Pessimistic Ica. or SD Old Tonsorial Artist. The Old Barber was lit a gloomy mood. Ile wa. talking about ball Iseads. "Hair may alto- gether after a while." he ealtl. "and in Oust event Int rhere W111 have lee. to do Orin they have now. It will force Or. barbers out of Wel- newt Front th • way 1 took at 1 I. 1111P11 are largely reeponsible for be- ing bahlii They do not take proper care et th ir head covering. Lon4r hair be one of the worst fittest., In the world. ./Co tuau can keei. his wide tlioreughly clean •nvi wear time :kir. If the %calls 1101. kept clean the hair will be- come unhealthy. It will finally die Ileskiem, It require, 11/0111 nourleh- 4114 tit for a long bile than It &we for a short one. SHUBENACAIMIE'S FAMOUS CURE; STORY OF ALICE M. PARKER "my daughter had Bright's Dieseuse How Bright's Disease was In Its won't wtage. Two of tle. heat I doctor'. in this vielnitY _gave her tip to dlr. Doiltre Kidney Pills cur - Vanquished by Dodd s eit her." Asked to begin at theete- ginning. and tell tho complete Kidney Pills. Mother of the Girl Tells the Story in Full. Terrible Struggle With Most Deadly of Kidney Diseases Step by Step the Monster was Driven Back Till Medical Science Triumphed (From Stall an.I Empire). fAhubennetolbs. leant, Co.. Feb e e•apecitti)--TI.1. little town. which ttlust Into the broad glair, of pub- lic, notice by then almost narticialehus (sow, takes". Its new-fonfel fame W1111 sort of mild emrprisn. All 1,110 vil- ked knew.. Alter. OA Parker'. 1 , night that a few months nate elm, ‘‘.•. e sick beyond the hope of racier - in iti ohitehris. end num (het mon- itor fnateneal on Vieille the only release wrestle:1.th: and fill know to -deet 010 141 coutely maiden -""A.f oilmen, with health hemming from r•44ry tenter.. and apeeking 11. her every movement. tn.' ell linve ' cite esp. WAS hrtelght alone by that oid rodent/. Canadian relnrely, Doild'• Kidney Yet 11 wlth something ourprIon that they hear the noise the vitro leisi tuadri 11. the entillite world. The tot the world lint eome on them 4aY be day, in, gradually tl.at they DID tea grasp Its magnitude. Beyond All Doubt. Ant ne to the cert. Dwell'. Of that th,rri I 11 no poivivible /mild. The Imes are all easily °Melee,' and en 11 by sworn te, not only by fl.e. Parker family. but by ri hundred other tem- ple who watched the girl sinking into the Arnie, nd maw lwr ism tchowl from De iery It Wee lire. T. 0 Parkin that 7011r eorressworelect foetid n loony Tiett, IntellInent woman. 0"0 Wow. breve end !mead fie, lelle thnt she pallid act witekly in nn 41.1 arti Tian Hee farm tirletterol when "'Poker' ef ter daughter'. rellen:k- °Ulf she wake emphatiaalef. :tory of the case, ate (emptied t lingly. for Who felt. slit. maid, that . all the world should know how rowdily fatal Bright's Defense, anti tient Khe owed her P,44411 re to Doeleirs KkIney Dilly. anal to no other The Mother'o story. Itler•y so ft tImeliCsate Chill Irons her birth. When she wan twelve .sritr.i old etre woe not ant. Netter that' an ordinary child would be nt eight years old. Rut. like many delicate children, Aleet pulled along ; as delleate chiklren will. till July. 1900. She wee then thirteen yenrs 011 July 711i elte was taken oer- lousily III. tier eyellits swelled till 'dm eould hawile OPP. her lege swell -1 ed from her ankle'. to her I took her to ft dootor. anti fie eit',1 she had Plight's Dlivestae, Pe. could not live long . Th. dove's. 1,114441 Isar for about silt weeks, but [Iambi. , grew worse I stepped the (loctor anil tried different kintle of patent medicines. flit ell the time she inet got worm. arld worse. Iter stiffer-. Inge had by this tine, became 140 great 1111.1 I again turned to the doctors. Thin time I another one. Ile hod no heeitirttrffr117"pro7T- flouncing her disease Bright's Dia- ' ease of the Worst kind. !telt Measured 4111 buten "I3y this thne Alice was In a ter- rible state. lIer belt In health meet - mired twenty inolteiv When ithe was at her wood It was forty-eighti Locher.. 'llor (Welt wile hard AIM looked ready to buret The dueler, trite wart vcry nice man. could not do anything. It looked me if all that was lett for my daugh- ter wee to go 014 differing till death came to tier relief. "She was In thin terrible state When she chanced to rend some tem- ,ney MIN had done for cohere. She showed them to nie roil I grasped drowning marl grit odpn tit it raw Dow the 4'11re liefda '•9411e beget' Inking Doti'. Nidnee Pills Ncereeiber 27-9111, rind hefore Moo a elinnw for the better Uy December 191 11 there wan a marked Improvement In her ormletion, but there writ' it large gathering acrome the Pn1.11 I or her btu* and ready 10 lance. When It we.. opened it emit - test a quart of matter. benden blood and wetter Again we feared for her life, and orgrOn the doctor warn- ed thnt might tile et any ney hot grown. end nil through! thnt long wilder eln. took them re-! gularly, end tattier the rent men I by April her back .W1111 well. and thn • seventies. had all left ber, 'though her eeine when tested wan !Mike), tout et time. It wool( cur elle was •ftetly anpreved, and 1 1% fIN greatly eneneragel, and eon - tinned to &:440 her 1 Ile intl. till No- rember. when Ow Apemen,' to be W hoer remarkable recovery from Dimeasie lute set fill Canada t ik Lug. he use of Dotkrie he ilLsease 110.41 learevi out of the rotaki only he one remit prise, In Jenuary, 1901:, the 0...Welling came beck. take. She *topped -Jitney His before et1 thoroughly Mem., There 'The Bright's 1 its hold Mrs. Par - "Mika time, C...ungit, I knew whet to ito. I weal at once for six boxes of heida Kidney P11141. She began at once to take them, rost gradually the !read manatee. fell back before the great remedy. By the tine. site hail taken fair boxes the 'welling began to len•e. 'Rhin time I nettle nit mid take. I kept right on with the treat- ment till every veollge of the illsenee had illaappeared, till my daughter wan given bock to me. not as the puny, delleatiechild She tins twiner 111,r AkIrnenn, but an you see her now, a latg, 'fleeing, healthy girl of fifteen, of vim tied go, ready to hold her own In the titre/ales of life. lbedd's Kleine). Pals It "Arid all tide 1 charge to Inteltr• glitnee Inds, and to nothing else. The doctor?" told me my daughter vould not live. When they knewl I wna giv- ing her Inekla Kidney Pine they that If the,y cured her It vioukl lie one of the greuteet miraclea in the world. for the like !tad itever'ls•en lit 111ia 1,rovincift or anywhere Mgr. And gave her 70 boxes of them altoge- ther, but they gave her life In return. 'Will feel that I cannot ray enough for Dodd's Kidney Mlle." 711e 000000 leg I'p Tide le the story' of the famous nrIght'a Dlienee CurP,, as told by the mother of the differer hereelf. There (lam bei so doubt an to the truth of the Mory. Score* of pimple corrobor- ate It. The eite• way threottglilly ding - 110111W1 skilled phystelans, who imitseitallnstly pre' ttttt need It Bright'. Neither can there be any donbt to what canoed the Care. It was Dovirl's Kidney Pele. For after the doctors had giver' the patient up for loot, Dodide Kidney Pills ware the only misthelne nerd. Ilhe feet remain', th.nt Dotirl'a Kidney lid. have cured ney Pills can and do cure Brightle Di/tense. whirl' Is the worst 'nage of Kidney Ihdretee, how entre It meat be that thee etre /4014WPign remedy fer Howse "writer despot of Kidney Inn - en** front whielt Oa...RATON of the Canadian people are differing? perfeetly welt *nil wne growing! 1 faster then mho heel done In rare."' IAt thin Motet Mts. Perker nearly I to 04 Tt Ira WV ill Rill 1111111111111111.1111111 111111111111111111101111111 IIIMIMIIM HOW RA I -CA ICtILDS ur Specialty FROST Ornamental Gates Light to *relight Artistic ifs dosigra I .15 the clty rote:etcher, and be Itee•oarable 40 Pr100 1144 On 1 11A to hie little I 1140k$ 11 WIWI* u the thilig 1.<1 .1.11 yout I Tho, know 114 whlet!o, frum Char - The Frost Wire Fence Co. Ltd. Welland. Ont. Winnipeg, man. THE SIGNAL DO MIN WORK. le 411.11414 Terme. ter Fiebeerlitilteet Ina VIN11114 to Diehopsigu to 51 ethane. el. 1 ..... 11 et meant.. !P4140/011 41 !Ong .t 1141 laglIWIQ li sit t he I ,olty the nate/ of the reetiturante, III.. 1.1 e factories.. tlt:9 rats o; the eltops It kW. CU 1 *I away their mother., Their fathers Wive followe I it. Thetr loothene 811.1 *Oleos were enticed lo It. TI.elr WIVW4 no I their sweet - Ionia.. tool their eliddred cpleiel not Ito to Lilo breath of leatti, awl the wort I of natal who noon on lie. re - ION /e4 i Deem Into the gee.> I. hole... on tlit, embankment', W1144 IV 1 II, Ii14,4 C1:414!)1 Of Etll'Op 1 i•ater for diem. Iii. pipe. of the lewdness p'eteee of the (cam Is 41 W41.1. (1'41,1U 1 114.4 leteements of leo *hope lia the Strand. Illd whisitie l'.'l 14 1 (44,411 heart in everj court soil An 1 -he know.. their little tva3ss Tio)- clotted 111_444.1,P hint. lb! k1100,4 110W 40440 tile) bevee.L :1. litter of lite at throe. Iiimitikt 01 L A later of, sit: - teen tv 111'11 they 41 1'0 full grown, nwl 1 trelll fantiniei eight tinier /1 „$ err. hittro:nx on the food refuse of Lon- don. the) R (111 141 1W1.4..1 ill Imputation that would eat up the ell • were It cot for that terrible pic.e ei I his whistle. \ Ile rilltle.41 10 -night. lie knot, s at the little vide door -of a great need feenotti reediturant. It hi opened l- enity. :Oil flow hi. whietle idol find be sitepe noirelessly into the spa day... diuner. It isi pitch dark ; hut out of 011o of thee." e hite-coveriel loilikile4 lie pull.. di bull's-eye lant- ern, %Melt le. Naive.' to Itie belt, Then he ..litiii off the white elothe roll or m•tiloc. Acroda door., find iineeages lie pine 11ww. nets. and then, gazing about the room with the glar- eitt4 find tionieste with the white hazel rod dipped tiOwarck tlw fluor. liaris Whitt is that ? The patter of tiny feet at the tar en.I of the room. T 44 11 a little shrill squeak, followed 1 elicitor. For ten secoutir nothing ot as. Then the patter of feet begin.' again horny nt first, but tumbling. a 11 11 11114444$ 0 114 1 a jumping. uitli board.. creaking and furniture reeking, pot" jangling, awl pans tool ea muttering, a enapping anti yelping. ein.1 squeaking and shun k the room, KbeddIng it. ray. 1 in it Then the Index eye fliteihre4ound 111010i of struggling. wriggling sevet- tultare11.! Out of every corner eranny they ewarni noisily, henget! "Men starve their hi Ir to deutle. Eggs In Peppers. liaire must he fed und nouristed Remove yenta teem green peppers nth! fill with temente! oilseed cook- I tel Joke until Mumma ten- der, basting often , drop an egg 1,1 each tine; Dwell cooking; yerVe 011 like asy Mirk' part of the human There le a quantity of oll in a little bulb at tho root of each bale, and it Is upon tide miblitance that tits hair feeds. The oil OoLeti out loto the openiug tile hair. I wupposie the heat of the body forces thee oily ouhetance up through the 'hollow of the hair. very much like the heat of the at- mosphere fences the Iliad up In ea thermometer. At any rate. It b. forced up fled often otnee out the end of the hair. Barbers hove re- sorted to singeing lis entire to keen tirbi oil In the hair. SIngeitig01011e1 (110 hollow, reale it, Mid 114'1 011 111 aloe -abed by thl hair. 11 the hair •allonned to grow to any great length there is not encengh oil to properly feed kt. it become', dry feel finally tiles. It cracks open the split' in two iseparttle parts. This ee• linsii laid, often prematurely, and 111 11CSer kaufwa hurt how it all -There le another th,ng to be con- sidered In this connection. The ten - *II of Ilfe Is high now, and men are more reverts& than they toed to effect on a man'e hair, tending to deadest It. and le falls out. Be- tween these influence.. and others which might 1.10 enumerated. bald heads have been are -emulating at an begin to think wore of three tblegs Ilse comb and bruoh will not be needed In the average household. and Ove barber will Limply elose up lite elev. 114.1 1.11e time may not tie au far off elth•r. IL may not eons. In my time, of couree. butt I ant nal mistaken abeet the tenileecy. The nuanber of Willi heads already in ex- istence will bear me out in all 1 have said." -New Orleans De !nor reit. ROUND TRIP ItATEd to West and Northweset The UNION PACIFIC hate eetentied territory to which round trip Home - & eskers' Exterior' tickets will be &mkt ass follows : FROM MIBeOURI RIVER TERMINALS To warty pointo Kenai's. Nebraska To many points in Wyoming, Utah. Mentuna and Idaho. To roan) po.nts in Oregon and Wash - One fare West./ for the round trip Ticket^ on wile M "telt 17, April end 16, 1908 For full taformatt:on eall on or ail- Jil.11011 Beading, Toronto. Canada; F. &team, Detroit Mich WHY IT HAS THREE HANDLES Au Explanation of the Loving Cups' P. oultarity. editor of the Keystone, stoking how it happened that loviug cupr mostly. have three handler. It may be In - The home -seeker cannot afford to ignore climate. It lit an old .tory. pocket. As long ur froste nod (tooth' destroy herveets, and tor - alike, will men. look for a hind of refuge fur the unkinduees of na- thine e le conceraux1 with growth in California. Vou are not limited to twit of the yeac and compelletl to eat up in the winter what you uer. and stock final lush grass le the Debts till whiter. Then climate id concerned with a large rauge of growUr. California produce. ull thut New England and 'Wee% anti the couutrier of the Med- iterranean produce. '111141 ie gale. You do not pot all youti eggo 11150 to tura off. Marketts ere worie- wide. California ships to the Pain wbut the emit wants, to England many and Chinn and Japau the Otiose they leek. Profits are good. No farmers; iu th.9 wurid get larger lutereirt leAr invest meet's, For snaps, rte.. write F. B. Choate. lieneral 'Agent ti.tuthern Paetfre. Detroit. Mich. How 10 Repair taot Iron Kinks. liouse•tioiders aro often wielded LO their kitchen or object to the woodwork, etc, being disturbed In order to replace the Kink with a liew one, muff the Austri.ltan Hardwire - man. 'Plie plumber eau moet their weaken in three casee and repair crucked cast iron deka by adopt- ing tho following method; Apply a mixture of gticerlite and litharde, of the omelette:Icy of cream, to both sides of the epee heating up tho east Iron with a lamp until tho tith- er/0 has hardened. Duplicate this treatment. and a very effectual re- sult will follow. _ tar treated. tho slid: will etand the tied of hot and cold water fur many oars to come. MONO 0 It le a season Wben . oat People Feel Miserable, Estill Tired end • SPRING Ppriug reason affect. the health of Minuet everyon couree in different ways. With me It le a feeling of wearineete aft r alight exertion ; other. are afflic with pimples' and skin eruptions. \Fickle blood Is clogged with InusurIllee nil meet have atsistntwe to regain Ms Thle le the teabon above all others▪ ` when everyone -jesting and eld-need terestiug reading see how Oily hi a tonic to brace them up, and the explained: best tonic medical science haw MH- O. seem, that there te Rome doubt covered is Dr. Williams' Pink eille both as to the origin of the CUp Theme pills tone the nerves and 1111 and the raisin d'etre of the three Cho vehis with new, puree, rich, reel handles+. One surmise le that the blood. Thera why they give you a loving cup originated la Italy, where healthy appetite and cure all blood it happened not Infreiptently that rind nerve itimensie-anaentia, skin boats etabbed their guest. or eoi- theca's., erysipelas, rheumatism, neu- mimed them at frtendly banquet... raigin, palpitation of lba heart, and From this le evois ell a resume for a wore o! other troubles caused by the three bandies. The boat drank briel blood end bad blood alone. frem the cup first, tido act showing Dr. Williame l'Ink Nile will give you that the liquor In the Culp was not now blood, new Nei, mev energy - poisoned , theil, holding It by two of )o-.1 cannot do teeter than start the. handles, bee parsed It to bid friend taking them to -lite. 1,11 the, left. ills two hand., being Mr. Joe. Peltier, M. P. P., Grand occupied, he (meld not sta.b hie friend Anne, N. B., 'nye: " Both my wife anti fie hat friend took one handle Anil daughter hove been greatly 1.1 hie right hand he would have been benefited by Dr. Willinnof Pink put to inconeeetience to etrib him host My dnughtee wax in very poor health, with his left hand. polo, thin and apparently bloodievie, T/8 late Lord Lyons, Britifeh Am- but through the tine of the pille die baerador at Parts, used to relate ham regained tier liefilth and le again the following history of "The Three- able to enjoy . life. 1 thluk Dr. Wil - Handled Loving Cup": 'King Henry linmee Pink Pills is the beet medivine of Navarre (Henry IV. of France', when the Moo.] hi poor.- Paibetltiltes whit. hunting, became Separated from aro sometimer uf end, I ut they never hie companions, and, feeling thirsty. cure. If you can't get the genuine called at ea inn for a cup of pills from your dealer, send direct - wine. The alerting maid, handiog tho Dr. Willinmte Medicine Co., it to him as he sat on horseback, Brockville, Ont., and they will be neglected- to present the handle. melted at *50 centre a box or Mx Boma wine was epilt over, and ilia boxee for je.e0. Majeaty'e white irailiitlete Were Null- ed. While riding home he bethought him that a two-liendled cup would prevent a recurrence of title So His 1111 y IVO It WO -1111 11411F411 r111) made at, the royal potteries Nand sent it to the inn. On Ws next %lett he called again for wine, when, to hie aeton- ielnuent, the maid, having reeelv•ed Imeructione from her mistreat' to be very careful of the 'ICIng's cup," pre- The difficultiew that beset new senied It to him, holding it herself settler's In the Northwest Territor- by each of Its handlen. At once the happy idea street the King of a cup les In thre matter of adapting their with three handlee, which was acted mum to local agricultural condi- upon. As Hie Majesty quaintly er- tions will shortly be overeome bY Agricultural College for 5 the Northwest Territories marked: "Barely Wit of Ihreehatelles the establishment, at Regina. by I ishall he able to get one." A twentieth century reauson for the ferivate intervention, of an agri- third handle was given recently by cultural college awl rtperintent ela- n one of toil in tide city. Two Iriele thin. The neCessary funds 1171.Yr been men, while at work tn the eubway, provkled to erasure the work for a unearthed an old loving cop, and It collide of year'', and an efficient wan eerulihed out to serve as a beer4 stall beteg engaged to cover a resseptnele, known In the proletariat aeries of three months' course's In vernacular a "growler." One ilny the seven mein branchea of prac- at lunch time. Mike had en elabornte Host agriculture, under the man- thiret, and, putting the beer -laden aging -directorehip of W. 11. Coned. toting cup to hie mouth, pi -reseeded LL.D., of the Dominion Department to mention? the enntente, Pitt, who of Agriculture. Ted fee for the Med to his share. watched abort oourire will 11:, $10, and Dr. iehment, end ns the haat drop Moto- west on the 221.41 of March to "epy peered down Mike's capacious neemph- out the land" and arrange for the ague he. mei . • Oi know now why rommencement of active educe - that r hatalle. (tonal operations. Why r said Mike, catching hie The staff will comprise professore dairying. horticulture st lecturer of Dompetic Helene'. anti ant! Natural history and anatonty ; thirs▪ ts and big months In anelont cookery, and a bursar and filmse- t IMP41. Inn. Dr. Coned will hold the profetteror- A Word of Caution. 'tip of estrieniture anti the !Pettier.- ''Vem, doctor, I want to see you. ,,hie of entnirn„inay; and tio, name We about my vette. RIM'S ot some- of the other )r-44. iitliteilinegasInvoohe: AI sh rain sitpt wet htnut t 0 ultra( ink :nit; (p:orosn 41•1 virmitatnonoilshnooll,,taltn,riTnglip .1311r: mem coming over to see you heT- rehire will Mt leaned laetrile and the Pelf. And preen be very careful, wen t Overt couree will .ttiesent eirep- eons, nee well as new. /settlers. to rte Cleve• land Plain Dealer. prnetteal cfraracter. TIP,' college le (fond Von hiar a Hypnotist. petrenage, and, while not being In- mer.merlit's Wife -Carlos 1 nugurntes1 by either Federal or Nlearnerlst -Well, dee r 1 Provincial 1.egl.la t ii rem, Will re- Mestmerlatel WIre--1 meld' ymi wontl eel'', tam educational support of mom. here and 1.11 baby he Is asleep. l ilinftle t ttdtertlelite Hasten .1 114.111 10/4•41e1 1111011144. 4,1 r.1• nix limn. :111.1 under, 11 111/1..145e'111 111011,11. lArlder nth erthieliOnits In proportion. .11,1 1 11/4I 01' 1,11111011 WY. It. 1141. 14111.41.11,04.1 1411 ifor non, : 1111 11 wars,. 11,4.1,1 inoir.4 144444114m 1,114P 1 44.1 N.41 irer tor 4.101141•11er 4641 14 her religi.ffan • ire141.4rly 14.% Iwo 41 will confer is tntfir 117 no, j_fofint int; no of the hart 11 1 801 14/1/11y II .111 11. Mad 11%.44.q. 11141 1ido. id address hi deelred. tooth tIse ...1.1 eth• new address anent.' be rives. 1Pulbliehers" Notice 111111.114.1 loyal travelling iiirrsit for i.orri.- 1140 1.1111...411r11.1 111.149.1,14 11111.1.41.1-1111 Ian.. I.. All effeointinico. tam. ritual be addrerifed 5 AA 114:11 AS;11 1.4•14.1.114111.1 4..11 11:1 tisosterich. Ont. .41 '114.1 GUIDE mond i:1 wenn 1414'144 1iT preen. 2.n0 1,114. 114 44411144 44141m. e Ilse I 44 44.1 1111er. 1:4 4141 filth's. mount /41161 11r141411. w or% n LEGAL frAv Bettor, Notary, Ste. k1ngstori St. and Square, sir, Flo. - Ice roe t Har - ireAft. TULA., small reale. lean. rats, lora.way rata, Drown, rats, black rats, grey rats, trietny rata, Orave old plodder's, gay young frisk - Fathers, mother's, uncle., °mein., Cocking tail., mei prickling widekers, Fantille:. by ti us awl dozenc" sight. The ground heaves with them. Their panting breath fille the roona Sytivi a gasping, gurgling noises.. Their lin it Nickelling, stifling stencil. The'‘ beady eyee of this seteirming masts. of hairy -flesh gleam wildly, They re Marling._ All day long 11.•.. lint hidden In their hob a, 'Mat- ing With 11.. upaisite agony of hun- gry *Mile!! t ose luscious meats which go 10 fe•e.1 ee greedy human cret- tureet, who 1 titre them not to the freve. With palpitating - 'heart's [meowed lig:till the WillMeOttllig, 1 110 • Stile 110111O fragrant (collet, frivolous, dilly -denied nail I with good food white) tin tette .00111.1 have t eight them Wet to Pat. With gnawing etomitch wit th:.3• 1 44414 11 compelled to Iiiitete to OW goiodp of the day, the Tat et mierd et. final OM. e14.:1 r 1101111 11 the -e n hastiness eargalt. 'Amick resod leer 11 jam roll. And the the reldnitrant have lied to w it, hungry end tinentlefted, 441141t, the _ hot now, nh-the time ham coin". The refuse of the reetaurant still ttmellei motel, and 'though 1 h. •re le not ti.iditiccurstiohr.for till it 1. worth the fight - .A n.1 now le gine elicit a rusielem send suclr it letting WW1 semi 1 ehlog. :1 yelping mid equeakIng, that it might h hotly id' demiete, let Ione. r110115-3 w11.1, wallnir eidetic., foe punic cry. It to the rtil-enteher, awl the lit 11..• 1WOW11 tweet 94 are strnek with the panle . of death. Screeching and hart lrolt mr,alimt the ',twee fiettr,* Into whielt they head- long, enal I.' tO get out fign in. In tees POI end dozens anti tee rntsi deamper Into the trap. Ansi the; 111421 With the hazel wand. rmilderde .4 ririeg Irma 1.1,4 tit rtis retest the roem, whipping tho rata out of corner'. ant! from behind vote, fuel away front the wall., driving them tow:trite He nide, WW1 that shrill whistle, noel that strange, tenet -like ery. rer's) nein, nlene In the great, derk r00111, 11:11.11114 1:1,1 lantern !Other awl (hitter, emit. the aquenling. soitirie- ing vermin, Whipping then, with Lk milli r. wind, and leaping anti dodging Re If In none devil -deem., while fill the time his pro -piercing nfttf.,1 ring WIron the dawn home.", °nil the thin, binekornrbed man steps ont, with hilnking eyee, Into the grey light of thn otreeds, walk., no tomer plow. brit otrigrul.m tinder a heavy drat. For.tbeesereer beneath the white cloth are fille I with a writhing Mann rat. pile -.1 mem earl' other's %%eke and derftlnril for wile at fourponee apiece to the iingdnnelere of Shore- ditch, where th» city rat-cateher dlepoeire or the "hag' resulting from hle 'nightly lattiting.--Loviekin Mail. 140 1141. 010 I. ▪ deptimilthookor oolongs flerierntioue in th.. High otift Juotire. the Court of ton.usidly etern fed. Itelkleller nil., I' 41. 4.41• 11.4 11155 ANT) 17.41411'IcAtt41 Pc ,k&ONEY TO LF:ND-A 'tette eel of privat• funds for levee 0.t Wee and expe..iseou nrst-class .1144 to leek neon Ostrow. AMOUNT • Pair Wei tibia. Wife -How thonglitent of you. deer, te get yOur life Itemised In tny favor. Hoehn nel That'e all right hnt re- member if you delve mn to inielein, yen won't get tient.-Chleago News. 1 I II 14111 Ittii 411 reef to new other. ou South wIreet, where he *111 tound nt n11 timer! 11 lien 114.1 rry Ins retire. Terms reneolothir nod every rflort lined ts. give Arms onthstne- ine • had roffelderulde etpertenee In t 111144- 41. fneerlimit lriele. he ie in .1 v04.111011 to 41 14, Jena knot...Mint! nfort lounger. 114Alt 1411.44.11.: Ws.plike henrys That Killethe Hewer at First teinte. hat twist ver the tiontliwast, the tarantula. wiper bite certaiu ...eat to," beth 111111 11 and h.esset. has at b. I. found itie rienannim in tin, form it entail wasplike inetta•I that, tot quite nutte•ronitly in roues will ,!.. ting mews to all repi- derful na is no more (514111 1.111. )41414•14 4101141 1 Wit 11 Kittery wing., ilamereornionl he ill be known 1101 the tarantula killer soel will be j1105 irk).- it lookout from fear or oei 'tarantula, stings it miry, A% Welt prolutot it drunken ettiptfie awl then ,Ir:tins his Iltelee• vietint to it grate prei ediely prepare" to re - hint AL mod. he remembered that the trirantula not .9et dead, last deed drunk, het he coils itimaelf., int., 11 kind of knot, mid when stately Isionetion. the k•tini is a sorry ap- pearing aspect. wa,sp digs Another Mile amt. awake,. herself eel.„ horni• uhti1 eite ham laid her qiiivta rvg.4 on thee leady of the tarantula. Ili, warmth of the selves and then beetles to festet 041 the pruettrate of Mr. 'reran - tube The remains nru saffloleet to keep tee tourer WO/4911 in fool until thezy are large v./weigh to beetle for three/selves, at wiech time they malty other ternntialne awl make' homers for themeelies. Thin etatement termite from elope Owl) nettle on the !Bottler by it farmer menthe( firer ituthrie. who became intereeted In watching the move - mental of the weep end kept close we tch afterwewl, learn' ex there - fmm the facts above given. This should exempt the Mach wasp with nlivery wings from feether tie. at the hands at the hums