The Signal, 1903-3-26, Page 22 TNresmir; March 26, 1913.
Granoethic Sidewalks
for Victoria and
Waterloo Streets.
Victoria Park to be Added to the T.wn's
Bresth•ng Spaces Council Touches oe *1,e
Pub1iS Behoot Question Usual Grant for
the Town Band Other Business.'
'Eh.• IY•gnbu ttup•tillg ,f the 'int.!'
e, •)1 ta'0 ,1'4.1,1 on Friday et ening.
Mayor Lewis Nae. in the chair HIlli ail
the councillor. wer•,pn4.t lit
Th.• 44lay4,r t`41M/111•41 11.41 ,hour..
Mite11e11, 1% hail Wit. the t1'+prrs•allitl i yt
of the Board (11 '.rule iu the Ieeeut
interview with the 11. T. It. author-
ities, had heel, delegated t.• Act also
its the'. repnw•utative )m the
.ilt:lt tel'.
Engines' Kelly .'rp'A't.d that •nn• of
the 101,1,'1. at t II.• IuuIItling stat i 111.
leaking. and the rh,11rttml of nater
and light Ina. ant lnuriud 1.' hate rr-
pails III:Ietl'.
A Tetter 11111,1 %1.. 11.41 .tared that
she ruttl•n1 (1:,1111 rinniug the late
(Patron rr•.i.Ieuee during the coming
season AMR !111tll1111.1' hotel in connection
Willi the SI. Lawrence and asked. iu
- .'lets ,f the large 1e.1'• 1/f people
this N'oukl bring to town. that slue
cohee..illl be ghillie" her in the
111/11 lei. of Nader and light 14114•..
1'4,u11rill41r Tholupawlu 11 Khl the
cnkmcil should not entertain Ilse pr•-
114Mit 11III. 44 i.11111. d.11lii1g 14. I ,N 11
1,,11(1 play their way. The I,•ttel' ti.
:44 pet it 11111. with is Large number ..f
.iknaturea. praying for the convel.ion
..f the old .how grounds to a punk w41.
.bmliltel and flied. 11 c •r bay -
lug ly dealt 44nith the nmHrr. •
Tilianps.m and Illmllee
swilanittill „ report of '4)1.• collfel.•.tee
al Clinton 1'ganbiugthe how,. ensign
of the county roads. Windt Ihty at-
t•11d,11 41. delegate. films the council.
Little nas11.111.except the. passing of
it re...Inti4111 elldul•.ing•Iile .1.111114• for
good round.. and Ialluthel•, faIn tin,.
that the delegates 1111411.1 to their v'I'-
1'rs1 440uue1l..111111 *11,• hatter '.n1a11i(
their vi•' . 4111 1111• • u 11 1'.t14011 1the
r.11ty clerk. to he plaint before hie.
• 1'
*amid,. r 'est al 11.• g .111 lie
sentinel. Is reply 4 11111,41.111.• 114.0.11114.0.11I 11 ,1•sl'
by w • of Inn• deboat1•., the intoa-
maliun Nits elicited front Ih
Preluvill Rola I' on•1'. 11 pe.
w•A. 1111,4.111. t hal although Be. 1.1111.
Mill nilblgl•.114.11141 1111y 11 11/111,,,11 i4,11
the 11111011111 44, 104. ...petit to the ...nutty
they would not meekv1• a .y 4Ining_from
the f 1 for the iulptnicenneul of their
own road.. The ....mord adopted the
report oil h41al ,any expression (5f "pin -
gin in 1111• mallet%
The public work. 1, auulilt.l• made
the following 1111» •111,11i,n.: That
the Ir•Ilue4t44,i MesstMrli4n and \Ir-
1.h,n.111 fur pe1111i.-ieli *4,J1•IIN IIY'Mine
M • their properties* 1.
'.. 11 Mlil 1 11
lu 1e . " t. 1• •
gtludwh the work n I 1
the .lI M•rvaun of the rhairtautn ;e1 the
e,mmltt.Y•: that the petition est Nellie
H. Smith and E. N. Ian'). fora gl•au-
li4hic sidewalk 4,11 the east .ide 41f
Nor'f. Ik .l i'."t• het 4Y•1. KNw.x 41111
11111) 14111 .1 114.141. 114• K1lallt41; 41111t
it g1l11NdIiIlk w11II. IN• put down on the
N'e't aide elf \'lel, ens street 2104n,•••I,
11 'Icon and Kingston stns•Is. the
walk to be six f11'4 Nide, the tuvg.'rty
1 Y•noflt.d *hereby t41 say nlxty per
cent. of III.. 41,1411 : 111111 4),,' 51111.1+ilk oil
1'114.11 .)eh• 01 East atte"t be extend...)
(ism, the ea.terIy 4.1111 In ihr Co. T. it.
aal1"11: trust 1hu•ims linden be en-
gaged 10 w„1'k nn th.• public 4trrels
when hi. aeraser. ate required. at the
regular N.,gl•.: suit 44\'IIIINI,t \Vail IM•
te-e•tlgaged abs .•Irrtaker nf- the --Writer..
and sot. al it salary o($*1per Month :
that \l'. ti,atenby to allowed *0, 'half
the s* of haying the sewer 4 A tlurINl•
.t net (111111 Ili.'Innen y t, We lesl•y
.4n.'t : t11.11 M • nee.WWlry repairs. to
the .Id••w,tlk 4111 %44'IBIA111 .tl'Y•1 111'
at 14.1111441 to I1v the ellnir,lxn : that
re Nlir. to the h41•INx .i.11•n'alk Mad
111.111.1 work at the harbor be attender
4.. by MI'. Johnston and the 41thl't'
1114.11 : 111111 the fen,' at t h4 old
shoat gr. 1. 1N' used in relnlddillg
the I11•N' m41110,1 fence: that the chail•-
111au and Mesar.. Brown and Elliott be
A 1.41lllll ale 411111411,111•11.,1 441 have
Vitoria Park put 111 proper slap.. at
Nm early A slate +a? I'i"ired : that St.
ihayid'4 street 1N• .1pe•1114.1 !hiring!' in
Maitland ,1a111 If ant isfpietory illrlang••-
lnenf. can IN• made : t haat the chairman.
1111• Mayon.. 44b•MMI.. Marney and Reid
Ire a 4.,111-,•11Illnil tee to investigate into
the• ywer trouble and if 111.4••••4/4/1 t. en-
gage ,nn engineer to 14.54,4 them : that
a gran411il11).' Nidewalk he p1,,,,.) ,n
the east side of Wilt 1.1'1.141 ml rl•t ft11111
'V.'st St reel to Huila mtnla road. the
town to pay filly ler N.M. of the
cost. 711e• r 'Bee re ort1.1 that
they had advertised for 1411 Amide
tree.. 111 nnd sift maple. tty., Melte.
in diameter two feet floln the butt.
tenders 111 lee 111.1.111'41 1111 141 MA1111
:31 Mt : nl', 41114( th' ehlil'lllati hall given
bird 11. 1141 11. the ,'"Icer* 1141 the
sn11h nide "f Eldon street repaired
and the grading on Beech Mt1ee1 from
Eldon to Sandford mtarr4s dun'•.
The re4111 was taken up routs'. by
rbnls'. • 111111 n' 11 11104411.1111111. .hiffer•ure
0( ..pillion dl•y.11gMrl in ti•gnlrl to the
gr:anolit.hlr walks.
Comicitllit', flimob •t• f Tho11gi.4111
11101141. 1111 Mt l•ik0. nttl 1111110,4' 11ne1•, yr-
, lading to the n'nll,
on 44'irtnri,i m1,i','*
'Mr. Ilnnller said that is lien. of Hie
heavy Inndetln w111,•11 the town had to
car• • this year +.s tittle Mideivalk as
I'."''1''should IN• built Ili. 4..11414x,.
• 4'nmt1')114,r \Itnney moved )n amend-
ment that the owners pay for live feet
of I h.' width :41111 the town for ,ne
(.ot. '111.• 11111 i$ t" nnlf`n.1 11.11. 11"1
mer Ird, 411111 ,n 1 h taking .1f n 1414.
the ehu,., nits .t-uek OW. only \h•.
Elliott dissenting.
11 took a long t' • toe ' to a 41r-
e).)o11 reganlI1114 Ile• pll.INlslll 1,1711k 4,n
N'at•n11m1 at reel. 'M1). 14. designed to
glee Ion.,• N'h.. attend the 4 .lI.•gint'
Bea a good footing all tri.' way
from the pm.stofltee. and Ming in this
way t4, 44111e 4.%1 /lit a 11111/1)•• ,-.111 111-
'14'1111' it 1171s 11t14,1m.s.11 that the town
mho,l,I pan' 11 pat•* of the rout.
1'oltneill"1. Elliott and Brown
.11*hal the 11o1N•114-on '11e'1'.$51y
lhr N -11141e ri1M/. 111im WAS defeat.-,) ,11
11 t),' yot1: \'.•n 11 her, Elliott,
14mwn : 11445 Thnnp ami. Mnrneya
Mr. Brown asked if the tone load
yet received any return of the expend -
1011 gt'allloli114e N'Nlk., nnd 1111 r'-
((.1t'inKa!legal lrreply sl1dsl .1 hung
eh•mtld be 114me aimed it. n.4 th4t 1
WAX losing Si lot 4,4 iat'ymt. 1'h0.I
Mayor 405)1 Mi'. I'ampto•ll Iva, attend-
ing to the o,s4110111,•,lt.• 1,1171 he 1141141.
for this year.
Elliott a1,1 1 4.'
Memos.. hill 1 Mtiln y n1,c141
that walk. Ie,,n.tinct•d on Victoria'
etnY4, from 11 '1*ntl to Kingston. 1
nnd ,n Waterloo ntreef , east midi..
Weld to ilrifannis. five foo Nide. and
that the pt. 'purl •.ltel'111.1". 1141 the
whole rest.
An .lnend111511t twitisI by Mentos.
Httmlwl 1iid Th4,n111 l t0 pan' thl`
matte' over fest' two week. s1,. d••f•AI
set on the folhrovilg note: Vet
Humber, T*Nmgwon; nay Ke•id. Mur
ney, R1Hotf. Hnlwn.
The Elliott M,rnly motion wss
a41.11t11 on the supe 44(5(4' IV%ewl1.
111.. 1'o 41vv.. r•)wltl wee then
,/lowed ,e • ,unenl11d.
The special /'ulutitteeIrenulwlINI1'WS OF T111, UISTRIC .
the aptwmUment of Mayor !dew.. A? a a
ployi4Nauil director iit the 11,114111 & rhe \\'iugha'sI fill fall' will be held
thitrri.i Railway Company and, the
graut11154 of the us,lal .11111 W the
,• terms as
Society, 1.4.11111 1
\ 1 .'r 11 111
. 1 1 1 NI
hurt year'., fro,. c1111anc)Hee 1114.11 repott-
ed it 11•4Iart i011 1x1)14154 upon the
Ihmintiun (stayed' int to grant esus.•
lx nee to the beet sugar industry.
report 4:4. adopted.
ho flmn'sr0. r '1144.41rnntl11t'sdel
t 111' 141I111•11* oft lie following,tlruuuts:
IIwAke - ('•4.d 1'11„ 1171r2.4Mi: Packard
Elected• 1'o„ 11i1.147$.1r1: 4•alltetilul
li4•le'1-1I hael•Ii-l.' 1'41„ *12.12; N. -1).
It. owl Ye. *Ill, 411; Packard Elect rie Co.,
*N :11141 *,*4. 2: expenses ofdel.•gnt." to
good 1,4.111. meeting ul ('Hinton. *l.
1�61� colnu1i11.e also recommended the
printing o1' the a4l: llditereport for
this year on Thursday +old I. relay,
' t and• th.
September Ll h a
Exeter people ,111• 11dki1154 o1 the
}passibility of the establishment of a
beet sugar factory in their town.
The board of l'Iinwu l'ollrgiatr In.
.4)t te•'is discussing the question of
organizing a eadt't corp`: in connection
11'itlt 11..' pe111a,I.
1•:111111 Itull 1111s stall his (11111 011 the
1st runcessiutp. 1.. It. M. 'Itilckl•n+ulilh,
In John Moflnt4, fx•
11K 141). The farm
''o111a1i11. 1115 ac11..
'rhe 11114.11a ion ycerll It' per(or114(Yl an
J. 1). Molter, 41f Zurich, 444 an successful
and the patient has leen pn.54r1•s i'tK
fatvorably ever.imce.
The JLaS,r allpe4't 1Y1 ill the situ of
`•»111 of the 11•sidemtaof Hitched arc'
*1.11114.11•] rm. Illrte•1. pun•11Ns4) f1ou1 again moving t, have the cows pn11-
th•• 14a5.kau,l hae'ttit. Light 1'11., hold- Whited Haan rumling at large on the
555gI lull it w„, 51555514r„1 if 1111 r it shuts of the 10%111. Mueresl tb thrid!
haul potter to tory 14 large »moult like 4411..J1/hu 444''441+ahin.a highly n.p eet-
this alit of 1114 t111•t• raked for current Irl resident of the third 1 VMS' of
••x)N•11,41j. IlN• three itl•11sefamounts 11,1y tuN'uship, diel 0m 414,rinrwlay,
due to this Company were left over to 0.111 ins*., in the seventy -lift 11 year of
MA! meeting and the resort was her age.
dopte4)aNitil Mild. .44..1. -'outlive 11,1.4. II1441 i(1i1M111th4l
'.Ir. Iiliutl Oa id that Ihr new ,.,'.'ietary of the lluln testine cheese
44.1/1.•14'-V /•Aylak•1' would Ile Iu.n'Iilg ,end 1111ttl• fu•tur', do .uec44.auu to
in 4,11 the Ia 111 .1 pi 111111111 • 1r•)a/in+' N•, S. I.awyn'e, 444)11 11111 aur1•p(el a
1t III- I14011n1. ''Y,HI.I IN' lll''er.Mr•t•. 't'III• !position at Ottawa.
. -' ' •-i- ' 'Her 1111*hurixerl-, Nils. 'Behar.' Pollard awl her father
to attend to this and other matters left \\''Itun 15151 week for (h4 North,
.11 111111141'110, 44 It It *Ill' LI•an.(.'r u( the 171:1. N -tele 441,'. Pollard is. \44•ill.
hat1.,• 111 4 111' 111444 1o'••1ywuC. • Pullanl also wt•nl, taking It 4111' of
James Mitc1111L 1x1 behalf of the .411e'5 rffe4•ls with hiss.
11..and of Trade. asked tha t, in vie44c of 4411.. Hroks left M:xetl 1`,11 week
Ill•' large expenditure involved ill the!,
proposed ,juin';.•. :it the cent 1111 school, 111' 4'hi1854o• where .hr will visit her
;1111441:1yor ''1111 .4 p,Wi•' uuetiug »t'd,ulght,•r. A prior to leaving for
ia1utoba. where .hr N ill join 111.1 MAl,
\\•III, nod 11akt Iter felony. hunt,•.
1 1 1 . who ha. spent the past
two yvltrw with his mother at Exeter
Mal usher fiends in that district, left
la.t week with Mrs. Jones 111141 111111•
.on for their holm in II; tnii45L•n, Man.
Ni 4'.ok, of 1lrmsd"• hail the
arnise irhun• It bi1•+1k his right :mint just
also... the wrist ' day hest week.
He had the 111111 raught,la•t.••Y•n a la•I(
and ,4 w1141•I While W11116111( in the mnill.
The hens in Hann county- hate
111,111. 1 ham gut 1t 1 p un daring the
warm sp.'lI of lhi. mouth. ('antelon
Bros.. 01 Clintonhave gathered
Yllipparl ,luring this time over 1.1101
41. 17.4'II? a /111y.
A. 11is14 /p, NI. 1'. P. fey East Huron,
a short time 19(411 11.1111111 `'kirk 4111 the
kite• (11 /111 • 41f his horse.. and he
had quite a perceptible limp when hr
left fur 7'45n,11(1r to A1*4.1111 441 hi. PNr-
I' •'story duties. -
Mort. Smith and 4444'. • .1. H,411ywy,
two residents of the vicinity of Wing -
ham. have decided to r•u111ye to Zi•141,
the city fumule.1 by tie. f:muu115 1h,wie
4111 the .lure of Lake Michigan, le-
tw4rn 1),i'ago and Milwaukee.
Adam •ti:aker, an "Wand well-known
.11 f• 4, I
n I ui f 11.11,1 n1ok, tabid Nature's.
to then• fret. 1111,1 g, .01 iii' tin. debt on Thursday. 12tll Inst. Hr was
they plot ed to 1... The dis,a41Vl4I 111 Iris eig(hh-4.14,,1(1 year. Jit.. Baker
tug•' they had to labor under wits and a family ofsone mei daughters Mit.
thi1 (heir 11axl1111' had INYm inc:inert vinThe int,rnl••nt w:1. 11.11d1• ,/t Sett -
by 4 whnlr her.I of pl1'Vi4n4 htnw.••t., forth.
,and the grits. that had iwl been ellen Harry 44111 of \fn.b9(•h
via. peel 4 V well trampled down. l ;lmplell, I.( Sexfot•I I1. diel 4111 thMm•-
l'hef intent lent/•r11 111 thetW1• .Lily, lith 11151., al hi, wsii5(I4iv in
•'f11.I1111, 11 Mr. 4411114 ,h,ii 11i'41emie Chicago), where he hal resided foo•
C1111111.1.11. Mtn 4,1 t le, tat,' Jlnlro11n m1•crnal Y1'N1.. 1b• N'x. Ala,iif• I1111•ty
1',1111 ('nm1,•IWI and 441', J•o'.1'h yearn of ag,•, and llt',,. a 4'ld,N and
I'.' IIII ,wu.y _ They ••341 g,1y4• n •child.
eltisfu•tory account of themselves, F. 15. krr h1s suet hi.11lLxrtl•
and their entrain, to the IA•gislatutr• (11111. 1,1 12.cen44WNi,n I. EnAt N'awn-
is 11 devilled gain. 1140%11. *e )'il)4qla• Ihit 1.•r, of 11,111441. for
NI I% 0.1111,'11.11 wan strung un 11114••- _my. Mtxlkll ha. .1114 put.
,I,- l., The OpgNsdl.n 1N41 tern eerie 1 \h.. 4444'. ,1. Taylor's :dl -acre
t!mon )ng pree4,)•'uts at the Coo ern- win. '4,t 44. 4"1c1'Ir.,41n :k Exst 44\'awn-
uu•4t t,•IlitiK it N lull Blake and ''art- nm.h, fm• which he (arid *'"74411•
wri54ht and 1111• Liberal conyl•ntion of
%11 hi,'h,;I:In1 4111.1 ...I 1111:III, might Ile
aid Ie1.11e 7111' pNlgde 1411 disru.mion.
'1'114 14,m111il i% a.. 11 fit ti.' ,•tory of
taking 11115 a. Hun. 'lad afte•1. •
diw'us.ion it ata. left to the Mayor to
de whal he .1411,1 in I he 1111(114 '.
The water and light c,N111111ttee 171.
alit teal -m.41 111 procure prices Ile road.
The f.11.. 11154 ,N•cuntll. Ivtall. .int tU
I hl` 11114111.4• 1' ' l,•.•: 11. 1'. M1111-
1111154., niteloN• :It market, etc.. *2.2*5:
I'ucklu.1 laeci. ' Light 1'e.. 54.
Cat hisri11es.a1lel•inglwo 111'• • 11:r2.50:
/i.Yblich Engine('..., c irk Irl' watel'-
w411•k. department. $.P'1.4N1i lint la
' •'c!tiddler 441(. ('o.. 't'ulo1,1...
I 1 haA
.I x t111•111:II1'. ,',alt., *2',..0.
1''111111'11 1 111.11 :111111111'11111.
N, Cameron's Maiden speech in theLesisla-
,lure an Able Effort.
.T,Nvnto Star. Marti.I•.i
For the Ila titin .i11...• the opening
of 1111 Ll•gi'11atere. the habitues of the
Mous,• yenter1ey found their attent ion
&Heeling (lett the things that well.
tieing said to the men that were
waving them. ..
rlbi• delete to 1111' Pre ' 'I's 1111.1 l"It
111 refer the Gainey charges to x 4.11411-
111).$)1/11 111.11e41g•. la/might four spM•ak-
tri enol nth41 Iwd wai41 aINAI* Rny,41 N'. (. 5,11111, has. "4,1.1:d5 -Nem
PilIi1NIIIrNINIY 4'• Ill,tlmssl.(4541 Amll farm. the west half o1 lot 17, tutu eon -
441r. l'nuu•ro❑ 4,ok (1111'11 the 141114' 41..1"11. McKillop, toaephel G,Nlkin
1111+lieinl Indite fest the othrl Nide. H,• for *3,1411. MI'."Mtlll4), retains lessees-
u4,4,d Mir Jedut YhoYln,1Nhl. 511' ,boli slot' of the homy. for his family for the
'h'he111 4.n ('
.., Mir Hailers Tupper, :mol 4.1L•v'1111.' l' 1;t111,14.'117.1.:.1((11d ••n-
rI'rn �11'. 11.11110.11, *" Sho4' that 1f'. K/aKm'sNIe• in , the tlau4hhiuK u
Whitney and his followers were
44\'111. Hulolz he sdd his farm on the
ing If 11 1111,14. 111111 they round not 1(4414.11 111:..1 141 Henry Forsyth, Hen-
lodsl.n' tip. He c dulled by lueking $111 1. 141r *44.1'NI. This in the ,,1,1 ,,
if 4411•. Whitney Nits 14 q.1tgw p. H.• M)rirrxl far111 : it contains 1111 ad•rw :old
f.11owisi this mp by ,asking if that hon. 11141 KINNI buildings. \f'. Ilulw.z in-
5t;{[C' ntle'nunl had any fedi,n of King to tends moving (4, 1111• 1),It•an.,' farm,
Ottawa to seek the leu11'I.hip of the whieh 111 puyha4Yl in 441,Killop sl
I).'ninion 1'onneryativc., and heave tine Ago.
him present 1(si(inn to the mem ler /in' \f.. 114 4141 114ty.1. ..f IA•11(Ilrury,
n11h1 Toronto, Whe11••I)M411 the lath- preen! away 1/11 7'hurielav, 12th inst.,
IN•r ha. S.lid h T411.1 1i, whin 1'. 4411'. after an illness of !everN1 week.. She
Whitney's Hist lieutenant. 11"'414"1 N':1.. the eldest 41N51ghte'r of Mr. and
nu »1's•rl4,HIS th,111'sMm:al. Mt.. Alex. H,sm and IVAy1'M 10 )Ilium
T11141 wont 11111g4•Illllp t hit 441,'. Cam- 111.1•. IN•.i.I,'s hen' aged parents and her
*Ism 1111 db11 to 441x. N hitney his ,a tau) lir, her!, and me.a hu4
imt, 1111441111 /111 and
.i 1, Inst its bark is worse than it. on,' M11,44111.1 six w.ekm "Id.
1111'. The word as. 1 a 54411.1111 ap- John Flannery has purchased trim
Oration111in the United -Mini" 1" i 481 pt• IA11') part of the "III 1 411/1/111 fartn,
when panne He IuhliranN split from ,1 Mill• and 15 half 4151 11f M,•wf,rth.
their party. Nod Ib•nl•y 1.1"801 B•r4h•'r' The farm contain. 7J 14411•. and the
among mthl•1.,.ok the Held /1S /1 111114- n'ice paid wuN *1,:,110. a goodm p (11 1/11011/... TiM" i, 11"1X1.1, .111'111 Nllll i144 wi.11 worth the rive. Mr.
III its hovel :ml/l original IIMI• meant a FI11n11,•ry IN N 141.441/1y. IndIl51.r111111.
4111ee4 el 1 /1' nelf-conn 1n,nt1111 )M•1.I in. yennK mail who will make farming
None Uf this did Mr. 4',muelotr explain tiny..
lyesterday. ass ' g that eve•1'p The I4e• Brothers, of illi lith
c11.4444 what 114 111441111 4y11en h,• a5ke1 r,nrr.5iun of 1'.,thol recently 41).
-41-41 t'. 4444'hi1ney was if 1111111. 1
lige ,1 ,
t ImN1•Au•
f Ill to I e
.Ir. 1'!11 1• I 5155„t5.51 �''
h. 1411 kw41
n u n n N Iltrid J
1•1111111.1., *IN1, g,'.'n ry t4, 1111' .I.iiglll of
IA11441,il1, 41 INA .51 f4111r•','a,'-,,1,I
him which hl'y
gilding,. fo
fallow 1.1101111.. -his 11'n5 aimed
ne4iy,11 the
the Hl.t break in the long line of Con- In,54nilicent pri44 of *,1111, They
s l %iItice eilatinn4. f,nm L)IM•1'id. and weighed about 3,(11N1 Its, mord N•••n• »
1,11441n11 eitnti11nn from 4'(1ns•rtvuliye,m. magnificent pair, 114 the prier n1-
WIten,thr West Hrtnm nnd Hlr•
r.kvi11, "'vat4', -
ens•N71m0.11)1. n4. n•i'4n1h' n4. i14N4, Mir Mrs. .1.laded. mfSeaf.rth.way. ealled
4414ilfl•id wai,1, Irfew'inK In (IM• Plan- *00 1444• b141lN1(11• of Ile• 1•111 her. tiro,
nliltee on i'rivile•ges nnd I':b Timis; 11111rIr11N111, ohm lax 111.11 54)44,•11 np by
••44v,. 11•fuy to yell IIlk ',AN, twit, to the .1,014,t- with that dreadfuldis•as•,
tent 1'11 tt•1` lm•1'llll M• (* i4. not right. 4.011.4111111111,n, Will i1.11 he contracted in
it is not fair, ,that the 11"11,4 the ri4.k111511N111.'t,help tofescue .1,whim
dlKnity. ;uud the• y:d ,1,, "urn in .1 1,1„ SA 11.1111111, wh, 41.45 1.111 4.11111041 in 1114
111111441. s1ea1141 In. played im the hands well fur four 1111Y" "" r. l'ennlann',
.'.hero :I coin'*. Il,M4•r 11,4. ,.irrurn- fu111, neat• Parity, in Jn"c h1.'.t.
mhln••4m II 1/.10,4,41 Mir e
1'hnrles'I'ip 1' N'inghamlit•N tl•hn depend on the
ltd said that he believed it right that innnuleswnt 1I(,*ric light) found
such ,a yue•4.ti,n mh"mld Ke )n jndKe"• thannselr4. in dxrknesa mi two nights
111 1111• ('al',11 ,'Nee, 11e11. Nis. Iiitennel n1.4'lltly. 11111• of 1114 d44•m1111(s IN'(•11111•
:41141 Ale Ir.%1ton McCarthy had con- over -heated nnd lemma' out. This is
denn1e.1 the l'11nnn.t144. on Privilege. the first rx(erien4.'• of this kind that
1111 haet*i.a1.. 111"1 4.0 4,n d"11'n thl' the Wingh4nl h,I('tric CO.Light 111104
11Pre."1" t im a two-elKwl 4."4,"11. hod 4.4111• the• light 0, w4.11. IIIM1411141 in
441 c. (.Amr11111 11 1111i stenking NU. 1 111. N')nKhnn 41 IMI' of ye r. ago.
A light. heavy black Inn 44Ve1144.(Ia1, 111th 111.1.. 1141111$4.111.,hair hang. 0%4.1 hiN fur•heu41, :and he
4.111141,''. I151 hang 44454,55o5.4.4 41114.11 111111g ht et 4,1 44rnite 4'11,4,, t1"[{hxn1.
'1114.111g{(,1 pm 11111 111111,'. He (1,1111'1 lllm Hldlett ,N'11s1111, ails N'I1t.1e41 411
v.htl' )Nsly 1,1t.. t)'. 44444,1114, ,111(1 foe• •1''.4ph Hand., 11.• )lnlN4M•n1110 „mg
most tranquil thing ,11.111 him i5 the 1.'1'1u0.9' "f'""' w • I,N•ush)( 1. The
crimen .lnmlthei that never leaves ''''n'nunn' 1"1"1""1w71"1"1""1by H.. , J.
his real h4ts•1, .M. IIMmijten, in the prie:we of the
14'1411 i%e44 nf f 114 pa i1.44
ORCHARD DEMONSTRATIONS. llll''ir'4.*''1• The 111•w144 wedded 11111'
expect t, Make their hunts' at of near
Ontar'o Fool Growers' Asegcyl.on 40 Hold l'"t1•ta'""•
Merman in This District. ,. About neven144'gmeNt. n$snl
•hlel nl
TI". Ontni.. 1'11111 laoweri ,44,1MN•jN1 th.' )esi(il•nc•• of Mr. and Mr., N'. 11uy,
t ion 1111'. m de• IITnn54erHent5 4.. 41"14 a Walton, (5n Tuesday afternoon 1,3 last
,44•111, 4,f Ine•tiegs )n thlir 4hmtriet at 11.14'k, *n wlhp•Y. the 114111554" of 4414)r
whirl, diacid oi.t1. will bit mn.1u('tf•ll in 5155550514,5.. MimN A t4, .1. 441'.
Ir•f1,•n• f 1, Berm of orchard Iran- 441,11•)4.111. The 44r•nl,ny was wn'-
ageinent. A 11•artieal drm"n4.tPet ion f.N'nlel by Rm.. 1. 11. 441 ride �id.
Hand r 9(
u 1111 44y14. 4•
� *h h•(0..
ha n•i it
111 1 Will IN• �t.'
I K KI n At e1411 meet -
in54 al All orchard 11Inch ham been set• While 11.4444. Hoy s,lgor'ted the groom.
w•1.11. Two ,n rut fnlil Kt...avers. Mt•. and Mr.. S1.41./.1.41111 Will ,' infinite
1. E. Mh.r'in54Mn, of Walkerton, And 40 (1.14 41e in ‘‘.„11,,,,,
.4. 4''n•y, of C11lmnng, ha Yr• F:. 11. Kidney net with 11 bad swel-
l'. gsg,rl he the 141,1444-1" 1e.pnMm••nt „f dent whip` ,11 work in the N'in54ham
Agri(•uhilre t, 'moist in the work, end chair f4,to'v. It was est 141.er15 on the
it in expwclel that then' tneefingn will Nhap■ld pine rd 11"4"1 114 w•"
he newt h.lpfnl hole a martini! i! stand- w•,r""1:_" "'id
with Rol (4)15411* in Matte we:"point. nnd him right hand ee1111' in (nntnet
1111111411in5.1 will 1m• held lfn/1„w„, with the knives. 1.419 o.1 the tw'o
\S'nikr•M,n. April t. Blyth. first fingers were taken .df nnd the
:Ns, Milrlmlly. •' *4 (Hntm/. undid, ,mid other two finger,. were
31, Tee.w44er. •' 7, (hwlerieh, *'Nelly 4111. '111 enriched will hay Mr.
1Aprril 1, Kincardine. K 11ens,11. Ka)!er ,A work Tor a number of
1 ., j leirknow. •• A, p,,,,,•t•r. wsilko.
X'{11• Th es 11, Ma
I died at his home
in \\'iughaml ma 7111 reiley, 12th inst..
aged tiny -four yeahs and ten th11.
Ile had been :Inkling ill \Viltllits•Kp( for
some four sir Hve years past Anil beleg
taken ill laud fall went to, the hospital
in that city, 11.11141111...1e rt
N'h 1'11.11141111...1 ILII iI
three weeks 154n, When he c • to his
home in N'iughaul. Ile wa. :at (1114•
time chief of the N'ingham HIw
brignlle• and -caretaker of the N•atec-
w.1rks px1111I*. lir leaves a widow alai)
several children.
A very pretty webbing took place
lin \Vetrn1's111y, 11141 i,.4., at the real -
demy .4 11 am J..hust, m, (411•y. N'he11
his yuuigemt daughter, \I,ut.1, Neu
united in nuu•ria54e to .bunts H. N'ill-
ialnslll, in the pl•1.11•nce of a
number 4.1 rebidiym mei 1,i.•uds.
The bride la 45111' of 1)11•y'4 handsomest
daughter.. The (w ens uv N'las j5.r-
f,i,i, rd by )1'y. A..%lD db. The young
eouple• N•l1I take up their residence is
(trey and a host of friends unite 111
wishing them x long, . po.rgl'111104 411141
happy life.
111. and M1,,.Jului \IcKiuicy. of
Egmundc)Ilr, veleb'.,1111 the Hflielh
'111111 t-rl•.a/l'y of their Ilal•1•iage on
Sl,11111Iay, March 1411.. '1'11.• lurmla•1.
4,1 the family were all p1r•)41v1t a'sd
1111.41 ad'7uttage of this 11pportun1ty 141
show their appreviat(io, of their 1511'-
4.1111 loud kindnesses by presenting
their mother With A dill nu1111 1111141411
111111 their farther with a gold -headed
rune. The family re -union WKS as Vert'
ha Pp' • and wits enjoyed by nil
plr•setlt- \11•.111111111.. Mtkinlev are
.(ill hale ,old' vigotr,u.., consideri11K
their advanced years.
A very unfortunate breakdown. tar.
corns! on Monday of hist week at the
sawmill ope.rated at 'Whitechurch by
Pottle le 5,I11. .111.1 before closing time
(11,' large flywheel of the engine bloke
into n nnlllber e1 piss 1's, whirl Hew in
all dinr•tiulu.. Mil great Was the stain
chit the lad of the engine 11'11s 1,111-
pre141y turn up. Mr. ('utter had an
a Ilia bpd ittirac.1lmm .•4.1•11IN•. AS the.
Inrgrst pore of the w h,1•I 41 out t hrough
the end of the mill at the very 1.1:Ive
where he had 1Y•.•,, adjusting a IN•II
11111 11111• 4 before. 'rile Iepsllrl
Which ,111• ne•1.1•ssary to put the engine
into r ' g shape again will require
the e•xI''Iditull• of s•yrr41 1 1 was
t44a•11 !tel 45'
I 1 45 1 the Mr41t Ito Engine
11"..1.1,..has decided o'r
I I I 1 1 111111 h busi-
ness 044'11' 111 a joie) ..4,5.41 tympany.
The Charter has 104.11 pllnunll 1111.1 the
Company temporarily formed. The
provisional direetut. 1411• H41114•11 Hell,
John H. Itrsulf.N.t, J. 1'. (ir•ig, Chas.
M,'Kny, \1.11., 44V,K. 14•x11•,', A.Yo1111g
and 11. Y. Mcl4•11u. til•aforlh, and
6.m11.g4 McKwcn,"NI. 1'.. Hensel'. 7111•
eapital-yt.N k ,1 the Clammily ily is to be
$2011.1111117. divided into four thousand
slows. of *.if11•,u•11. The obje4.1 ofdhis�
11111yn1114•1I is 4,1 e'sht1'Kr the works
aa to k•'.• , poet 11'ith the husiuess
offering. 11 is the intention to,uld tin
lite present, bussu,'?s the m1 facture
( larders l
/ 1 1
I 1111 Ihws '
hnrK uuu•hinr5, 4.1
that 1111 ('uti144' thn.hi1,54 tut Ht can he
furlllmllel f11'111 the ".1.bli'h11,ent.
A very ...rem. anti painful ae•ideut
happened hl.l,lm Melhm,ld, "f Wal-
ton. while he N7n1 engaged in lowing
111 the mill at that phalli. A strip of
iko1111 w'111411 he was 114.11154 (0 ele•at'
away the bark and slivers livhich haul
4.45111•41411 4111 the Irtarhitn• 1•,11111 in con-
tact with the Ix) /idly-yy45l•ing saw
an I broke. part •,f it shriking Mr. iMr-
1h,11111 on the 'seek with such Nine
that he was lifted off his feet and 1r41
on his head on the Htot•. The b1,''
N1. sr s'Vl•re that he was t•e•mdenl)
m1rn11sti1111'4 and 1111(' of 1.11(4 arteries of
the ne•ek ty,am strew) and he y(1•it7•d
another cut ..n the cheek. [ketols
were hastily 11a1unn,IW*I to dress th
wounda and had M • difficulty is
?dipping the 1141W ,f lilies" from the
neck, but they were tit last snreessfnl
and the pplthnit is now doing well.
There pe gpas) Ieneelully' Away at her
home near 1'r rxnhn.,k on 1•1•idxv, lith
inst., ,lean Air1h, wife 41.101111 knight.
Mrs.. Knight was born in Aberdeen,
Scotland. in 111tt, and it1, Iftl1 came 14,
CAUA(la, her people settling in 1'slorite
(ow•nehip, two and a half utiles from
Exeter. She was united in marriage
to her now lwtr•ft partner on February
11th, 11141, lay 41 4,1 them weal` torn eight
children : Mt.. X1 -ill. Alderson. ('rnte-
hnok ; M1.. Wm. Hayman, 141101M :
,1 •s, M/Alth Afrir,a; Sh., Jas. ('nmlr-
ton. 4'i, iiIIYMlk : ',(Idol F., 44'icturia
('niversity, Toronto:N1rwJlur-
th•r. ('l-11t1nsik, and Min111. and
Arthur at home. In the year 111n the sed with her h11aIM1111 and young
fondly moved toGrey township and
mettle(' on lot 17. eot141•11ion 12, 1441jclin-
ing l'rahlrn?rk, 11141 11'111 on 111, won••
ht c„6drluonmly nit to the t' • of her
death. Among those who attended
the f 'n111 on M lay, 13th Inst..
were Mr.. ,des. Horthy. If (iode•ieh.
an, her son Henry, of hnnn
ungwn. •
well Known Ottawa Man Tons How nedd'e
Kidney Pills Cured Him N *tone in the Kidney.
Ottawa 44
111'11� K
I Ale.
f r.
-1 1
M. A. Cassidy. the genial phipprrltetrr 111
the Bijou Hotel. nn M••tslf street. In
om• of the Inst knout) and most popu-
lar men in the capital. A good Wold
from "Sam" goes 1a long way in this
city, cinosequently him experiepce with
'NOW. Kidney fill. ie well worth t1• -
"My friends all know," say. Mr.
Cassidy, "that 1 have -been A martyr
t, mt • in the kidney. They know
that though 1 refMult4nl the lest phy-
Mi(•ians in the city and tried 4441144
Medici/1r 1 think of, 1 was m1-
Ahle t', lel Iet!•t•. tk • t)1.14 1454(l•
friend told me that !hold's Kidney
Pills would cure me. Am a lANt resort
trier) them) and they have ('unrl 11e,"
14.9(111'.' Kidney Pills ('1111• all Idisesoe 4.
of the kidneys.
Colonist One Way Excursions.
!hiring 444:1„'), (4111) April. • way
excursion 1i, willtp.1111ardent yery
low 1141,44, 10 114 4uts )n M(mfytIA, Colo-
rado, 1't4t114 1V+whington, 4'Aliflrrniw,
liritimh 4'111mnlhi:4 And N11rth Pacific
('.MIM* to)ntm. THl• (hand Trunk hem
Nn excellent w•I'%ice from linArr)1'1t to
Chie,g,, * 111 ins leering At 7:111 A.M. x11(1
4:15 p.m. Fast tiro(', splrndi(InN141 hid
,and enrtdorti1111' r.l*.h(•e, Tickets,
folders. maps And All part.icutxre 111.111
F. F. I.Nwrence, town ticket a54rnt, or
from .1. 11. Meltonald, district pots -
Monger Agent, T,ren14I.
A Feminine Misunderstanding.
A story w'hieh II441V or 11111. 1111t iHlu-
Irate-11.1141i n 1eculiwriti1A,1 Whitt has
new And them leen veiled their
mind is told by The KwnlrCity Jour-
lull mi the Atllh,t•ity of The teedgw•i,'k
I'integraph. pew bey one of its
tintvery remote neighiwne. As the
tale Ails. two ylnmg women of
S.Ylgn'ick hired 14 livery horse with
a-hir'h t,, taken drier out into the
e"luttry. Before the !fart arm mad(`
the liveryman. in a,1.w1•r• 1,411!nni�
ingldri••! am 1.. the temper and' Monne-
Dion of the hut.,', amertsl then, that
he would he ,41. gentle ail a iambi( they
kept the rein away /emit his tail. while
there might he (mettle if they didn't.
The y"ung women returned in safety,
.111(1 when "kwl if the hover Md mtehe.
hayed one of them replied : "Oh, no,
There was one little shower, but we
tuul Nn ils,br•11N, (411(1 held it so that
not *.drop touched the horse's tail."
"41111 that," cuuclud.N The Pantie
graph, "expiable tlu• daunt look the
liveryman be,. been wearing f111• the
Ir ,14' 'II
t o . 's ecdo e•.
ha t t If this au t
Imps it is , and then again 4411`rlw
it i.e11'1. a sophiulicahuu of the
Amel•ivan it sex is Iargl', AS a rule,
but on .the ether hand t h,'1,' areas-
tmlishing their /s•cas-
iun,tI simpIIi -it-.
ti 4
What Every-
body says is
good is worth
When every one says a good
word for a thing it is because
it is a- good thing. Try
" Abbey's" 'then say what
you think about it. -A tea
spoonful on retiring V1 ill
cleanse the system of impur-
ities- stimulate the liver --
quicken Ole circulation -quiet
the nerves -tone up the sto-
mach and digestive organs --
prevent indigestion and dys-
pepsia -put and keep the body
in good health -the tonic pro-
perties of •' Abbey's " work
All Druggists luggssis sell
The Divlsron
Iles,... M N l;.ad lad'
Drat• and 'Mrd einem
4 siren. Ir dells 11.. . '1'h•
forest ►•ad arc oe•., ,.•d1$r14
0( rot primitive to f.'m tart •( •.
stock. Only anode of BB 1 u'. •
tartly •n of•r-d t' cos, seer.
Ow elsak I
P, )1, •tory D:•1 o a •
Is ver) Wee. litotes are 'cw.
nnd ,sabot. mar ,'n1.•r
At any Li 4
b gni. March 30th. Tw moron, tom-
merria and shorthand. Men.' for col
lege journal,
Editorially Fearless
C)lslatert )y R4Dublloan.
hewn :rom all of tlla world -1t ell
written origi,, .(otic -Ammer,.
tn•glleriea.-Article. on Health.
the Hoar, New Hooke, an . m.
,t Mit Afloat the Farm and
The Weekly Inter Ocean
1 n member of the ialed Prete,
the (Ndv 1' e*tern Neeapaper recoil -
ing the entire telegraphic news eery-
-e of The New York Sun semi .p HAI
n le of 1 he New York •t oriel - daily
reta4-*o from over 'l 000 .perm enr-
I1+pmMldmaa thr,mgl.ont the lramtry.
)'a AH 0 N r DOLL.
eNlwerlbr no I he 111104111 ■41.1 14.•
W....11 17 hue, Areas *It* 1e.,he,e
eap»e. no *I M.
COPv4aHTs ac,
Anrnn• 00.111,1 a lawn', ere dinweentne ma
Vector nor pn,'4fl1lm -rem whwhln 14
Unna .t"n ly ennooeen14 e lel' 114MM.n41 \ nn Pumas
.•nl 4 rM. 4 140.1 ey er n1'.•r, tty potent.",
1•,t..Ne eaten •110' ', Onnn t (0mourn
*Mir., A',nut e\wrTw. In the
Scientific RmerieaM,
A aan"nm•.^ Illn4,-.4M e•ely. Mt
�•f r Mnnan 171411 Mp�ijajet a
-nor mane ha, 4.t. lad.l hr 1al
0hi•• A1,. W�e•h•IeaaN�R ,* 71.
D 0 in 91 order e your Spring Suit
or Overcoat until you sen the stock of Fine
('lathing (;tolls in the
I have leased the store in the "Bedford Block"
formerly occupied by Ithynaa A Connell, and am
now n ally for business with a choice selection of
Clothiug Materials and a stair of skilled workmen.
Orders will be executed in the latest and most
Apt raved style, with first-class material, aild at the
most reasonable rates.
Your patrol age is solicited, and I w111 guarantee
sntiataction to etery customer.
Give me a call. No trouble to show you my
Belford Block.
\I ercbant 'railer.
New Spring Millinery.
Having returned from %isiting the 1903 Spring Millim•ry
displays iu the II adieg markets of fashion, and 1.avi11g Ihade
Targe purchases in all the latest 11o444111ies, I w ill be trolly nest
week with a handsome display of both trimnurf and un
Limine 1 Millinery.
Ready-tc-wear Hats a Specialty.
Thanking you
for Your generouspatronage
seasons, i extend w hearty invitation to the ladies to call 111:,1
inspect this season's styles.
Hamilton Street MIS CAMERON
Sp g is coming
hunt out your Bic cle
If you haven't One, 1,11
rroued and we will sell y. u
"Bran' ford"
'C' eacent"
"Berlin" etc.
If you hxvo a Wheel and it needs repairt we have everything need)
ful in the way cf I ires, Pedals, Rims, Spokes, Saddles, Enamels.
1'a•. Our if -PAIN t)al•ART111wr is in charge of w Repairman who under
et olds and can make right any ill that a Wheel is heir to.
O,Ir Mini -NI instruments still Iesd.
' Dominion'. Pianos and Organ-.
"Wormwith" and "Berlin" Piano'.
Guitars, Violins, Harmonicas, \lartdnllnr, 4•rNlnoplionea
10,0101 sheets Music --Vocal and Instrum,'nlel
Write for • Catalogue.
joderich Feed and Seed Emporium.
In returning thanks to our numerous customers for their
liberal patronage in thepast, we would respectfully announce
that we have moved our seed and feed business from our old
stand on Hamilton street to our elevator, corner of Victoria
and Nelson son strce
is, where a full stock of carefully selected
FiELD and GARDEN SEEDS will lie kept.
We call special attention to our new varieties of Seel
Oxtr, which we are introducing for the first time, namely, the
Newmarket and the White Murray. Tho last-named) variety
comes from Fiontenac County, where it has been grown for
the past three seasons with splendid results and carried their
weight, 39 Ib., through the season.
Oil Cake, Linseed Meal, Herbageum and. all kinds of
Cattle Food, FLOUR and FEED constantly on hand.
Otve us a call.
Yours respectfully,
Highest prism patid for grain of all Kind•
Household economies 11.111 becomes scientific atsdy, and nnrof Iia
most important lessons in that the fonds which enter the body
elmu'd to the greatest purity and h'st (quality that in posai'•le.
For the preplration of thrall wholesome foods oafe most he miter
cued in prnvuring firs' rhes (iroc ries. and it is in this branch of
the housekeeper's worthat we believe we can help you. Oar
stock is and fresh gool f e h 111 1 extensive, m w
x 1'i, al 1 r fill all Dellen promptly
and carefully. (sive us a trial.
STVR73Y' co_
THE (.1tOCRRB, WEST 8ii)E SW/ ABF: Telephone No. :'1
Have The Signal
Mailed to your friends. They will get more
home news in it than you would care to write.
$l.A to Any Place in North Amerlca.